Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Work”
October 6, 2021
I recently witnessed an unreal case of over convoluting while tackling an issue. We had this project where the solution adopted was excessively complicated. In retrospect, this solution might have been chosen precisely because it was complicated, thus building a complex process made us feel smart even though it did not help to efficiently tackle the initial issue. Needless to say we were not as clever as we thought we were, many unpredicted edge cases appeared and we had to make efforts to fix these unexpected issues.
December 10, 2020
My future
Nothing has ever interested in any way. It’s true that I’ve never tried anything outside of my comfort zone (at least that’s what I deduced from reading memes on internet forums). All the activities that I do nowadays are basically activities that I’ve been doing back when I was a teenager. Nothing ever really changes, now that I am 20 years old, I still spend most of my free time watching series.