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The "email is authentication" pattern

187 replies

Email accounts are the highest common denominator in online authentication. Phones are competitive, but people lose phones. Phone numbers are more common and durable, but the security of phone numbers is leagues below that of a flagship provider email account. It makes sense that so many authentication flows work this way.

When designing a "fantasy football" alternate authentication system for the Internet, start with account recovery: what happens when a user loses your fancy authenticator? If the answer is "they just don't get access anymore" or "a panel of their peers attests to them", your fantasy authentication system also needs a fantasy species of sentient beings to serve as users, because it won't work for humans.

74 replies

If the answer is "they just don't get access anymore" or "a panel of their peers attests to them", your fantasy authentication system also needs a fantasy species of sentient beings to serve as users, because it won't work for humans.

This has been my single biggest argument against blockchain/cryptocurrency stuff for years: the "lose your key, lose your wallet" thing is fundamentally incompatible with real users.

Humans need to be able to recover from their mistakes.

24 replies

I don't know, we carried physical money for millenia. Humans managed that.

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Physical money is physically recoverable after lost

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No it isn’t. No more than a wallet key.

If I lose $1 note. It’s gone. If I recover it, then it’s no longer lost.

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A $1 note being a macro scale physical object enjoys a variety of benefits such as object permanence which provide a baseline level of recoverability. Whereas a wallet key l, being a number, enjoys no such protections.

Of course you may choose to encode your wallet key on paper, metal, or stone granting it properties not unlike a note. However you have now compromised the security of your wallet as well it becomes no mere $1 note, rather it is a note that represents all or a significant fraction of your net worth.

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You can encode your bitcoin in wallets of predetermined size, spreading your risk.

But you’re reinventing money with extra steps.

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But you’re reinventing money with extra steps.

But you gain some desirable properties over traditional money.

Without crypto, you don't have frictionless and permissionless transfers of arbitrary value across international borders.

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There's no fundamental property of the monetary system that prevents transfers of arbitrary value across international borders. There's just a large number of financial regulators, border guards, etc. who will throw you in jail if you carry a big block of gold across the border or accept a large wire transfer without filling out the necessary forms. In many countries, the laws governing those forms don't yet apply to cryptocurrencies, but I'm skeptical it will remain that way forever.

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For the system yes, a dropped coin eventually reenters the market and a burned bill can be reprinted again. Can't say the same about a crypto wallet. For an individual though, in both cases, a lost wallet is a lost wallet.

While an interesting difference to study, the average person is not going to care about the former case. They just don't want to keep their life savings in an asset as easy to loose as their pocket money.

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If you drop your wallet in a bar, there's a chance you can recover it by returning to the bar and searching for it, by the bartender or a patron returning it to you based on the address or a number in your wallet, etc. Physical money really is not the same, even for the individual.

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Money occupies physical space, so for most of history there was a pretty low cap on how much you could bring with you at once, which placed a cap on how much a single mistake could cost you.

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That cap has always and still does exceed the median worth.

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cap on how much you could bring

Bring to where ? Are you mapping the crypto wallet concept to the physical wallet concept as a mobile storage concept ?

All your money is the limit, however you store it.

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Currency was traditionally made of precious metals which often gave them a rather high starting point of value. It also made them inflation resistant meaning the real value only grew over time. For instance in the Roman Empire an aureus [1] was worth 25 denarii (prior to inflation) and was about 2cm in size, so roughly the same size as a dime, made of pure gold. And a denarius was worth about a day's wages. So you could comfortably hold decades of wages in a small coin purse. And as inflation ravaged the Empire a single aureus gradually came to be worth thousands of denarii.

[1] -

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This is what transit payment cards in Japan at least do, you can tap to pay most places but there’s a cap of 20k yen you can add to your card, so there’s a cap to how much you can lose.

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there was a pretty low cap on how much you could bring with you at once,

you didnt need to bring a case of cash to buy anything before the 20th century

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You didn't lose your entire savings if you lost your wallet, usually.

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Perhaps micro wallets should be a thing where your wealth is distributed across many keys mitigating some loss.

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At which point I gained the problem of having to keep track of all of my microwallets securely, hopefully in a way that survives my phone being lost, a house fire, or my untimely death, leaving the wealth to inheritors. All while, at the same time, not ending up behind a single key that has access to all the information to those micro wallets.

Quickly you end up in a situation that either starts to look like how financial companies keep their most high risk keys, or end up outsourcing the whole thing to something that quickly starts to resemble your bank.

So ultimately it's just like cash: Fine for small amounts. Risky, but maybe livable for somewhat larger accounts, or a giant headache that will probably bite you when you start looking at lifetime savings.

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If I’m having trouble juggling a single ball, why would it help to add more balls into the mix?

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Banks have been a thing almost as long as money.

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And the notion of credit has been a thing even longer than both money and banks. You don't need to carry money around for every little transaction if people know you're good for it someday in the the future.

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Yeah and it sucked which is why we invented better solutions.

What most bitcoin fans seem not to understand is that for the vast majority of people, transactions being reversible by authority figures is desirable.

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I don't know, we carried physical money for millenia. Humans managed that.

Yeah, but if I lose the physical 100$ I am carrying, that doesn't prevent me from accessing the rest of my cash stored elsewhere.

I've never lost access to the rest of my cash stored elsewhere.

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Yes, by evolving banks to solve some of the problems of lugging around lots of cash and/or stuffing it in a trunk in your house. And assuming you are known at your bank and/or can (eventually) prove your identity there, you don't have the same "lost wallet" problem being discussed here.

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Yes and people quickly realized that there is an amount they don’t want to carry around. No one carries their life savings and few would even keep it in a safe in their house.

19 replies

the "lose your key, lose your wallet" thing is fundamentally incompatible with real users.

You're allowed to store your key at the bank if this is an issue for you. It's less secure than memorizing it, but obviously equally as secure as your bank account is.

15 replies

It is not equally secure, if bank loses you money you have recourse, if bank loses your key (a fire, a flood) it's gone.

7 replies

You can store it in two or N places. Or bank can do this for you.

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More places is more opportunities for the baddies to get it.

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Shamir it.

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I don't understand why this was downvoted. In case it's not clear: (S)he's saying to split the key into multiple shares that can be used to reconstruct the key if you have a large enough quorum. Then store each share in a different place. As long as you don't lose too many of the shares, you'll be fine. And one baddie is NOT enough to get the key.

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Either shuffling those keys stored in N different deposit boxes is overly complicated for a normal person, or it is not overly complicated for a moderately dedicated baddie either

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Unless the "baddie" in this case is the government, why would it be easy for anyone to obtain access to multiple secrets stored in multiple boxes/banks?

Multisig is a pretty common setup for crypto and there is software that makes it easier.

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please wrap the whole thing as a trustworthy product

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"Mom, I already told you: you have to generate a key pair, split the private key into three parts using Shamir' secret sharing algorithm, then give each part to three banks. Whenever you want to use it, you have to go collect it from each of those banks---but DON'T write it down anywhere---and perform your transaction"

And to think the conversation started with an observation that people can't even remember one password.

6 replies

I stay away from everything crypto but I don't see the difference. In both cases if they didn't make it right you'd go to the courts and make your case that they are at fault and owe you compensation.

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In the first case, bank deposits are insured. In the second case, safe deposit boxes are not insured.

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They're just different things. The FDIC insurance is for if the bank itself goes insolvent and they literally don't have enough money to cover their depositors' balances anymore. There's no reason a safe deposit box would be affected.

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A fire, a flood, a robbery...

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Is a bank deposit box not insured against those things? I've never really thought about it but always assumed they would be

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Yes, they are different things. A safe deposit box wouldn't be affected by the banks insolvency.

A safe deposit box may be affected by other things and if those things happen they don't have to "make it right", if you go to the courts and make your case you may find that they are not at fault and you are not owed any compensation.

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The history of crypto says, "Good luck!"

There is a long history here of once trusted institutions turning out to be fraudulent.

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I might be mistaken, but are not several "traditional" banks offering crypto wallets for customers? Is there a realistic chance this kind of bank is going to steal their customers' crypto and going (at least, next to criminal investigations) bankrupt over it?

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Sure, they could. Would that be any different from how a bank could steal funds from a traditional deposit account?

By making a bank the custodian of your crypto wallet, you're placing your trust in them and should have similar legal recourse you would have had with a fiat deposit.

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I am not sure if you are objecting. Definitely you need to trust your bank if you are going store your crypto with them. I just do not see any large traditional bank stealing their customers' crypto and hoping to get away with it.

As far as I know all the cases of stolen crypto have been newly founded companies with their only business being your crypto. That is quite unlike the other kind of bank.

10 replies

Maybe instead of a crypto brokerage holding your wallet, there can be a "key bank" which uses those more expensive methods of attestation and you can use it for recovery if you lose your key up to once per year or something. It would be like having your key written down in a safety deposit box at a local or regional bank.

7 replies

This is the same problem that you run into with secret zero and commonly discussed in context of HashiCorp Vault. At some point you need to store the unlock keys then you need another repository under RBAC to protect that repository. They say to print out the keys and store them offline on paper but how many own a Class 5 safe ?

6 replies

How many own a lot of books? Just... pick one.

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Not following? Do you know what I meant by a Class 5 safe?

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I don't. And frankly I don't think a safe is a good place to store secrets. It is too conspicuous.

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These safes are certified for all kinds of sensitive (GSA recommends them for Classified use from what I have read) use and they are safe.

Ideally, you connect Vault to a HSM if you need that kind of security that’s being described. HSMs are electronic safes

2 replies

These safes are certified for classified use and they are safe.

The website says "10 minutes against forced entry". That's not safe.

No safe is safe against a state level actor. No safe is safe against "hit you with a crowbar until you open the safe".

Whatever secrets you have, it's better to hide them than to put them in such a conspicuous place. The only reason one should use a safe is as a plausible decoy...

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This isn’t the safe to rule all safes. You have other mitigating factors like access control.

If you have state level actors physically breaking into your facilities then we might be at war

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If you have enough books (which doesn't even have to be that many), it's much better to store your secrets in one or more of the books.

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Collaborative custody multisig providers have been in business for years. Recently even Block (CashApp etc) has introduced a product with this feature.

By geographically distributing your signing devices you improve both security and reliability. One of those keys can be hosted by a third party to be used for recovery, without providing them any ability to touch your funds without your involvement.

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Maybe the key bank could hold your digital money as well. Then we wouldn’t need a blockchain and your transactions could be instant, free, private and reversible.

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This has been my single biggest argument against blockchain/cryptocurrency stuff for years: the "lose your key, lose your wallet" thing is fundamentally incompatible with real users.

This would make currency fundamentally incompatible with real users. Reality says otherwise.

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Currency in the real world has many, many backups. For example, if I forgot the PIN number to a very old bank account that I later find a long lost relative recently put hundreds of thousands of dollars into when they passed away, I have other avenues to recover access. They might be annoying or require work (getting an affidavit, multiple forms of ID, etc) but it's not irrevocable in the way that a strict definition of bitcoin is.

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A bank account is not currency. Cash is. You can still put cryptocurrency in a bank if you so choose.

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It's a lot harder for the average person to lose 1 million dollars in cash than in Bitcoin because humans naturally understand the exchange of physical objects.

If I have a duffel bag of money, it is obvious that physical possession of the bills means I can access its value. Anything negating that possession would cost me my money. I should probably keep it away from open flames and water; but it's not going to spontaneously combust. A thief would need to physically take the money in the duffel bag for me to lose the value.

Meanwhile if I store Bitcoin on a USB drive the drive might randomly fail and I lose all my money (because I'm actually storing a key to access it) even though I still have the USB stick. The solution is to back up my key in multiple places simultaneously, which doesn't make sense to most people (how can money be in two places at once?)

If I plug the USB stick into the wrong computer, someone can steal all my money (because they can find out what the key is) without me ever losing the USB stick.

Virtually every human on Earth understands the notions of object permanence and that objects can be exchanged for other objects. This is intuitive from evolution and actual monkeys can comprehend physical currency.[1] I don't see how cryptocurrency can be on that level.


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The concept that this file is the password to the money isn't too complicated. The money isn't in two places at once, the file's the password to it.

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Except reality isn't so ... digital.

In reality I've found a lost wallet and helped return it to its owner. At least twice, actually. Both times because there was an identifying name in the wallet.

Then there's the time as a kid when we found $60 on the floor at a department store, and turned it over to lost&found. I remember it because the store had a policy that if cash hadn't been claimed for a month, then the person who turned it in got it. Which we did.

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If you accidentally burn cash you cannot recover it. The paper in your hand isn't replicated in another place.

Humans have been unable to recover from mistakes since day zero

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That is a funny example to use because the US Government has a service specifically designed to help you in that situation:

Yes obviously if your money is completely burned then it's gone, but that is generally pretty unlikely to happen. Losing your digital key is many orders of magnitude more likely to happen in my opinion. And there is - by design - absolutely no way to get it back. That makes using blockchain for anything serious completely untenable in my opinion.

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It doesn't need to be completely burned to be gone:

"No redemption will be made when (...) Fragments and remnants presented which represent 50% or less of a note are identifiable as United States currency but the method of destruction and supporting evidence do not satisfy the Treasury that the missing portion has been totally destroyed"

Not that unlikely, in my opinion.

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If you accidentally burn cash you cannot recover it. The paper in your hand isn't replicated in another place.

Which is (one reason) why most people use a bank account and don't hide their money in big bundle of cash under their pillow?

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Accidentally burning money is a very low probably event. Forgetting passwords or any type of memorized secret is the most likely default outcome, and chance only increases with time passing.

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For at least 12,000 years, humans have been getting very good at holding on to physical things.

Digital things, not so much. I'm a professional in the field, yet I've lost digital data in the past few years. Normal users who work in other fields? Lost cause.

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I've heard that a lot about cryptocurrency, but aren't there plenty of cryptocurrency users who have never lost their wallet and have good personal opsec?

Maybe the issue is trying to force one solution for everyone.

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The issue in not trying to force one solution for everyone becomes a blocker when you intend on making some technology useful and essential to everyone, hence, no one seriously gives a damn about crypto anymore.

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Even Bitcoin core developers, which should be well above average in understanding crypto and good opsec, have had their Bitcoin stolen.

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The claim that most humans are prone to losing keys isn't negated by the existence of some humans that have (so far) been able to keep their keys.

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[...] the "lose your key, lose your wallet" thing is fundamentally incompatible with real users. Humans need to be able to recover from their mistakes.

Maybe it's my memory playing tricks, or I've only seen the good articles, but I believe nearly every single article about setting up a self-managed crypto wallet had stressed out the importance of having a backup. Serious ones had even explained the 3-2-1 rule. Then the hype came, with it came scams and pumps-and-dumps and NFTs and whatever, and crypto became a clusterfuck that a lot of people didn't want to touch. Yuck.

That's probably the one thing cryptocurrency communities undeniably got right. Quite unlike the Passkeys, where I've yet to see any official or semi-official demo site that even has a flow for adding a second token (some actual sites do, but not the demos).

We should start teaching basic backup strategies in schools. It's not some advanced rocket science, and it's a knowledge that's useful to anyone who deals with information (that is, literally anyone participating in the modern society).

Also, this user unfriendliness is extremely temporary, because computers and Internet are new (at the scale of societies), and there are plenty of folks who had only started to use them later in their lives. After you lose some file or account (ideally, as a kid, so it's not something serious) you start to understand the old adage about those whose do backups and those who don't do them _yet_.

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> If the answer is "they just don't get access anymore" or "a panel of their peers attests to them", your fantasy authentication system also needs a fantasy species of sentient beings to serve as users, because it won't work for humans.

This has been my single biggest argument against fiat currency stuff for years: the "lose your money, lose your money" thing is fundamentally incompatible with real users. Humans need to be able to recover from their mistakes.

And yet, for the very longest time, it was the default position for humans.

72 replies

Government provided digital IDs would solve a lot of this. Yes, they may have their own problems, but outsourcing the action of identifying individuals to the government seems valuable and less prone to "lock outs" like Google and friends.

26 replies

I think I've said it before, but I want USPS-provided email. To set one up you'd go to a post office, verify your identity in some way, and set up an email. If you forget your password and want to recover it, you'd have to go back into a post office and verify your identity again.

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To get a RealID drivers license in the US, which will be required to board a plane soon, requires all of the above and more.

It’s a government in-person KYC.

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The irony with that is that if someone undocumented wanted to leave the country, this requirement could potentially hinder that.

I also don't really want to have to carry my green card around everywhere. Just one more thing that can be lost.

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How would it?

To travel internationally, a passport is required (not drivers licenses).

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I might have been being more simplistic than I needed to be, because there are other travel methods, but I was more meaning, "Not everyone lives next door to an international hub" (so might need a connecting domestic flight).

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Everyone should experience this at least once - it’s eye opening.

I did it involuntarily because I forgot my wallet once, and decided “well, I’ll either get through and in my way, or I’m too late to drive home anyway and will miss” - and it worked fine.

Even crossed back into the USA without my passport a few times. Just additional screening and bitching is all (at least if you’re a US citizen; membership in the Empire has its perks!).

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which will be required to board a plane soon

Assuming that this time the deadline doesn't get pushed back at the last minute again like has kept happening so far.

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RealID requirement for domestic flights (still) isn't happening, just like it hasn't happened since it was first announced for requirement in 2008.

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Passport will also work

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Germany has PostIdent: you are issued a code, take it to the closest post office, hand them the code (originally this involved printouts) and your ID card and they scan your ID card and enter it into their system where the issuer of the code can then request that info to verify your identity.

This has largely been replaced by videochat for ID card verification where some underpaid person walks you through holding your ID card in front of your smartphone cameras to verify that it's real, not CG, not tampered with and matches your claimed identity.

The critical aspect here is that you don't have to hand your ID card (or a picture of it) to the company that wants to know your identity. The post office or the videochat provider serves as a trusted source of truth.

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Initially when I moved to Germany I thought it was a bit of a hassle to have to go to the post office for PostIdent; now I actually miss the elegance and privacy of that system in other countries.

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The french postal services does that and includes a digital wallet and cloud repository.for instance, my paycheck certificates are delivered on this wallet.

Besides, the french administration is providing its own global scheme for online authentication.

Right now it works for all public services, but it is also open to all willing businesses.

It makes it also very easy to control tightly what kind of information is distributed to various services and businesses.

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What are the names of these services, to see how they work, their recovery process and abuse prevention?

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No, thank you. I don't want anybody with a fake ID of me to be able to take control of my email. I want to use my password, I want it strongly encrypted at rest, and I want to be able to reset it remotely any time of day, without waiting for the USPS office to open.

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Is a fake ID going to fly at the post office, where they can scan them? Also, I was imagining they'd want more than just an ID.

edit: Also also, they have to go into a physical post office and be observed trying to steal your account. Given how it's quite possible to steal accounts via social engineering, this seems like an improvement in security, not a reduction.

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I don't want a government entity, or really any entity I'm not paying directly for their services, to be the gatekeeper between me and my accounts.

The social engineering attack surface of my account currently consists of a handful of support contacts at my ISP, who have been trained to deal with computer security. If you allow any USPS employee to access your account, you've suddenly increased the potential attack surface by several orders of magnitude.

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Now you lock out the rest of the world until they can implement this and federate identities between countries.

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That's not a problem. Many systems and services have launched geolocked to certain countries before later expanding (Google Voice, for one).

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I don't want a semi-gov't authorized service like this. Because its existence means services would want to mandate it (even if they don't truly need it), and force users to identify themselves directly - may be even across services (by matching their email address, which now must be unique as it is identity-linked).

I personally sign up to all online services with a different email each. I would like to be sure that my identity is hidden behind an alias for all services, so that they cannot be linked together. And if i want multiple accounts (for better or worse), i should be able to achieve that end.

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Australia is working on zero knowledge proof. The end service only knows that you are legit/of age/etc (only what it needs) because gov service confirmed it, but does not know who you are

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That takes mail spamming to the next level. (I'll show myself out...)

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Stuff like national ID, banks, ISP, job search websites, doctor appointments, etc, require[1] having an email address, and it feels wrong using gmail and similar providers for these use cases that are already tied to you having a physical presence in that location anyway.

Could be provided by any local company, really, but postal services are not going to disappear anytime soon and they already have a second way of getting in contact with you if there's any issue (registered mail[2]).

Debit cards are already delivered through postal mail anyway, and there's not many things that are more sensitive than that.

[1]: Well, maybe doctor appointments don't require and only strongly encourage, but that doesn't affect the point too much.


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I’m not sure I trust USPS to get all of the ins/outs of email spam/security/ux right. Google has spent a lot of resources to get Gmail to where it is today, starting from scratch (or OSS) seems like a big ask.

Maybe we just ask for an open authentication system instead? Leave the email part to someone else… and maybe the open authentication can plug a crypto app/email/phone backend for recovery once it is setup. Heck, given that’s it’s the USPS, they will probably offer a snail-mail recovery option (for better or worse.)

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I haven't heard a compelling argument that anything needs to be fixed with email-based auth patterns. It is imperfect but not bad, and every proposed alternative seems to be worse.

The article seems to lean into security and usability concerns.

On the security front: the weak-point is still the human. If you hand over your credentials to someone nefarious, well.. you handed over your credentials to someone nefarious.

Usability isn't convincing me either. One of the great things about email is that it really is the lowest-common denominator, as another commenter mentioned above. (Almost) everyone, from kids to the most tech-inept luddite have some sort of email.

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One flaw is I'm pretty sure a lot gmail account is lost forever. Contacting Google to retrieve access would not go well. Related is that if you try to self host email your messages are unlikely to reach anyone.

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Self-hosting outbound email is hard.

Self-hosting inbound email is trivial. Anybody will send email to any random domain, they're just not willing to accept it from random sources.

And the latter is what is relevant for password recovery.

I self-host inbound but use established servers for outbound through my ISP and have had no trouble with that setup for a while. Forwarding to people through my domain has gotten a bit more challenging lately but I've got it working well enough to satisfy gmail so far. (The advantage with forwarding is you only have to convince one server to accept it, not everyone in the world, and there's some crypto stuff involved now that involves trusting some keys, not just a domain or IP, which also helps a lot.)

2 replies

Self-hosting inbound email is trivial. Anybody will send email to any random domain, they're just not willing to accept it from random sources.

In terms of authentication, this is not entirely true. It's less common these days, but I used to have a lot of trouble with sites rejecting my attempts to create accounts with e-mail addresses from my disposable-e-mail-generator of choice.

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Just yesterday I tried to register for a service using one of my own domain names with self hosted email. The confirmation mail arrived, but as soon as I clickes the link I was told that my email address wasn't allowed.....

Not sure what kind of crap some folks are smoking, really.

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from my disposable-e-mail-generator

Well, I suspect those are more specifically blacklisted.

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Self-hosting inbound email is trivial. Anybody will send email to any random domain, they're just not willing to accept it from random sources.

That is simply not true. I have self-hosted email service and starting about 1.5 yr ago some big email services don't deliver emails to my server anymore. And there are many similar cases reported...

So one can say that even if an independent email service is willing to accept email traffic from any sender it does not guarantee that customers of all other services can have delivered their emails to addresses at the service.

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That seems a great compromise. I hadn't registered the distinction in direction. Even without organising the forwarding part there are plenty of organisations that email me password resets that I don't need to send email out to.

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I'm not saying there aren't flaws, I'm saying none of them happen at a rate significant enough to be worth switching to another system (with an entirely new set of flaws).

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Government provided digital IDs

Oh man, that sounds like a terrible idea privacy wise. Every website would make use of it to track it's user.

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The german gov ids actually have a way to issue pseudonymous tokens where websites can only see that you are the same person as last time. You can't make 2 accounts on the same site if sich things are unwanted. You can't link accounts across providers.

How it works under the hood? No specific idea. I wonder if its sound.

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The problem is the government can then definitively associate all your accounts with your real identity

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How does the government know which token a ID card generated? The ID card itself generates (for each service a different one) and encrypts it. Not even the card reader can read it. It is a encrypted channel between the card and the ID-server for the site/service. The pseudonym function does not identify a person but a card.

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If it identifies the card and the govt can identify you by your card then isn't it by definition identifying the person?

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The government doesn't know which card a token from a "pseudonym function" belongs to. The government can identify a person when the ID function was used, of course.

Again, it is a random token the card generates internally for each service. It is non transferable! If you get a new ID card, you can't use it login to whatever you used your old card for. (You would need something else... say an email :-) to tie the knot back to the old identity or whatever.) Which makes this function, the pseudonym function, very bad for random accounts (Edit: meaning longer lasting online identities like forums or whatever). I guess eaglemfo didn't knew.

It's more for like "yes, yes, I'm an adult, now give me this pr0n movie which I pay for with my anonym prepaid card" kind of deals.

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I read this as tongue-in-cheek at first (since most web sites do their darnedest to track their users, and having a log-on kind of requires this anyway).

A centralized authentication system like this wouldn't need to be a single consistent UUID per person which was then passed around. Presumably you'd have a central login to authenticate you to the system, and then the system could create separate 'id' tokens per web site or whatever that the user logs in to.

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I think it makes sense as the master recovery account. Then you use a secondary account for everything else.

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How about a bank-provided digital id that you get when opening an account by walking into a physical bank location and providing your photo ID? It would tick the "less prone to lock out" problem without placing even more power in government hands.

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We have this in Belgium and it’s really not that good. It created a pattern of companies relying on people having an account at certain banks; which when you’re either immigrant or unbanked is unlikely and shuts you out of certain businesses.

It’s been phased out for the government provided login system which is much better but not exactly simple for laypeople to set up. On top of this, integrating with it requires an extensive certification process, it’s not just an open API.

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Banking credentials are used a lot in Finland to sign into other services. This means you get phishing emails saying "your medical test results are available" or "you're getting a tax return" where the actual goal is to get into your bank account.

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Bank provided causes problems with people who don't have bank accounts. Here in Sweden most people use bank-provided electronic ID called "BankID".

Quoting "Foreign citizens in Sweden blocked from BankID after several banks roll out new rules"

“We have been working systematically for six months to get residence permit cards, then a personal number, then a Skatteverket national ID card, and finally bank accounts. To our shock, we were just told by ICA Banken that the Skatteverket National ID – the only one available to non-citizens – is not a valid source of identification for BankID.”

BankID causes problems because it isn't designed for the interests of the whole population. For example, it requires proprietary software which only runs on Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android, with hardware verification and Google services.

This makes it unacceptable to free software advocates, and to privacy advocates, and to national data sovereignty advocates .. the total population of which is so small as to not affect the banks' commercial interests.

One thing I learned recently is how the US can, with its control over the SWIFT banking network, tell banks in other countries to shut down the account for a local citizen who the US has designated a terrorist. At least that's what I gather from the news I read after two leaders of the biggest neo-nazi group here in Sweden were designated as terrorists by the US.

If the goal is to keep power out of government hands, don't look to highly-regulated banks which are subject to the whims of multiple governments.

2 replies

It exists for US citizens at least: (

It has it's pros and cons, maybe more pros if you factor in that the biggest issue isn't authentication really, it's the fact that all of these private companies accrue everyone's sensitive info, which can be abused by any actor, private or public. If data were kept on the client side, and synced to other machines through P2P like WebRTC, then maybe this wouldn't be such a big deal.

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Unfortunately is only available for use by companies doing business with the US government.

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Also isn't a government issued digital ID. It's just a centralised authentication platform for government use, much like using google or apple for authentication.

It supports the usual options for multifactor (TOTP, text, yubikey/other hardware auth/PIV cards) but for most users it probably ends up being SMS. At best TOTP.

2 replies

It certainly is an alternative we can at least think about.

On one hand, the certs you'd use to login to websites wouldn't even need to include any personal info at all, just a valid signature from a CA that the website knows how to verify. And the certificate wouldn't need to be the same for every website, it could be one you generate for a specific website.

On the other hand, a lot of thought would need to be put into how expiration/renewal and revocation would play into this.

Of course there should be an evaluation of the ways this could go wrong if someone from the gov misuses this CA, and how that compares to someone from your current email provider misusing their permissions.

But if nothing else, something I really want is to just be able to have an email address like `random_id@my_country.my_country_tld`, to at least have an email address where I don't have to worry about being locked out, so that I can give freely to ISP, bank, grocery delivery websites, other local companies, etc. Most of this stuff I wouldn't even mind receiving as postal mail anyway. And if shit hits the fan, I can recover access to this email account by walking to an office and identifying myself.

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Having only a single such address also means you can be blacklisted forever, in addition to being tracked across services.

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What I had in mind was more like randomly generated addresses as needed, all of them linked to your (one) mailbox. Like Apple's "Hide My Email", but without needing a "main"/"canonical" email address because it would be unnecessary anyway (because you would be logging in to your mailbox with your own certificate).

But even if that single-address limitation were the case, the kind of places I would give it to already require knowing my national ID number anyway, so the two particular things you mention are already the status quo.

In other words, stuff that is already tied to having a verifiable citizenship.

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My wife works in a city clerk's office. They provide (among other things) vital records services for the city. Like getting birth certificates.

To get a birth certificate, you must provide government photo ID with a name matching that of one of the names on the certificate you're trying to get. So you can get your own, or your child's, but not some random other person's.

Lots of people were born before RealID driver's licenses. Some of them went by names other than the names on their birth certificates, and thus are unable to get new copies of their birth certificates using the government-issued photo ID they currently have. E.g. I've got a grandfather who went by Sam his entire life but was apparently named Harold. His driver's license had Sam as his first name. If he had lost his birth certificate, he would not have been able to obtain a new copy legally using that driver's license! This still happens to people. Also sometimes house fires or similar disasters happen, and people lack the ID needed to get new government-issued ID.

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These things can be solved too, but in a more complicated process. Typically some lawyers and a judge need to get involved, get some people to testify that you are this same person, and you will be issued new ID.

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How did he get a driver's licence with the name "Sam"? Don't you need some form of judicial process to change your name on this kind of thing?

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19h0m kinda already does this. They integrate with IRS, SSA and bunch of local government stuff

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18h54m is the US Government’s homegrown solution, which also does it. It’s not one account <-> one citizen though, which you’d probably want in a real government id system.

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Clear in the US can do that:

It's not exactly a government service, but Clear is trusted by the government enough to allow their customers to bypass the airport screenings.

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Screw Clear and screw the US government for allowing more privatization of public infrastructure.

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Government provided digital IDs would solve a lot of this

A lot of what? It seems like the worst of all worlds, given that ID would not only unlock some highly sensitive things, but also be difficult to change and tremendously revealing.

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Nah the government could just give a website a unique id per real user per website, without revealing who the user is. Merely verifying that they are the same person as last time.

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identification is different from authentication. But authentication at least as a backstop, can generally be decently outsourced to government.

Not so much in the US though. They have no national registry of what citizens actually exist.

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Yes. I would very much like to tie certain accounts to my government issued digital identity and allow that as the only recovery method.

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Estonia has this: <>

Finland tried to copy it, but the Finnish card (while based on the same technology) is used very little. Finnish banks already had their own OTP solutions, which they started offering for authentication on other web sites, so no-one wanted an extra authenticator on top of that. This of course means that you get phishing emails pretending to be from all sorts of government services, where the goal is to get your banking credentials and take your money.

Since then, mobile phone operators added their own authentication system based on credentials residing on your SIM card <>. You prove your identity when getting a mobile phone contract and can then use that to log into many sites.

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I'm not so sure how many ppl would leave a key to their house, or a pin to their bank account with the government. Or a bank.

Identity is relatively solved, there are just lots of sacrifices made in security in the name of convenience.

Fingerprints as consent to login, Facial recognition as consent to login... seems more like a username, than a password, or a username+password.

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Wasn't there a recent sidechannel attack on Infineon cryptography chips? The EU passports likely use the Infineon chips.

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It does solve a lot of this. Some have gov’t issued IDs, others have a hybrid public/private system where banks issue the ids. But yes, a de facto standard electronic ID is almost unthinkable to not have. How else do you interact with authorities or healthcare? I used e-ID since long before smartphones, I can barely picture what it would be like to log in to handle taxes, benefits medicine recipes or doctors appointments if it worked any other way.

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Government provided digital IDs would solve a lot of this.

Over here in EU, we have something like it - you get an ID card that has two PIN codes that you can use with a card reader and some software to digitally sign documents and such: (of course, there's also a mobile version)

In addition, there now are services where you can log in to your bank account, confirm payments, or just log in to your government portal account with a two factor app, the account on which is based on your identity:

So if I make a payment online with my card, I'll have to authenticate through either a code calculator (physical piece of hardware) or the phone app with codes that I've chosen, to confirm it. Same for logging into various sites, for example, for paying my utilities.

Works pretty well and if I lose my ID card, then I can get a new one, issue new certificates for the apps and continue where I left off (with the old ones being revoked). I might need a backup phone too, though, since not being able to confirm my payments if my phone breaks is pretty stupid (though I guess Revolut/PayPal/whatever still work as expected, unless I only have my OTP codes for those on said phone).

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Government provided digital IDs would solve a lot of this. Yes, they may have their own problems, but outsourcing the action of identifying individuals to the government seems valuable and less prone to "lock outs" like Google and friends.

Sadly, the US government goes the other way and contracts out verification (to government websites!) to an invasive private company.

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Humans understanding the basic concept of public/private keys,

wanting a Yubikey or similar,

and/or being able to use basic tools to make a key,

would also help.

But I'll take the government-led method as a Plan B, if it works.

12 replies

Can you expand what you mean when you say the security of phone numbers is leagues below email? If someone can gain access to someone's phone, it seems like they would gain access to their email as well.

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Phone number, not phone.

4 replies

How does an attacker gain access to a phone number without having the phone? Like physically stealing the sim card or something else?

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As others have mentioned, SIM Swap attacks are very common where the attacker impersonates the victim and convinces the mobile operator to transfer the victim’s phone number (known as MSISDN in telecom parlance) to the attacker’s SIM. If you Google SIM Swap, you will find many instances of it.

From that moment onwards, all the 2nd factor SMS OTP go to the attacker.

There are APIs that are provided by mobile operators via aggregators such as Telesign, Prove, Vonage, Twilio etc. that can be used to check if a SIM Swap has happened recently on that phone number. That API is used by fintech companies and others e.g. when they want to check if a fund transfer is to be allowed or flagged up.

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bribe, coerce, and social engineer a phone company employee into transferring the victims phone number to you, or a technical attack to get the system to send the sms messages to a device you control, without ever touching the victim.

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The attacker just needs to convince/compromise a single carrier employee to get a new SIM for your number.

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Sim swap via pretending to be a clueless customer who lost their physical phone, banking on lax checks at customer service.

2 replies

Mobile phones identify themselves to the mobile network through a number called the IMEI. IMEI cloning is not particularly difficult nor does it require exotic equipment. This means that it is relatively easy for an attacker to be able to spoof your phone to a mobile network, for example, to receive SMS messages with one time passwords.

Cloning your IMEI has nothing to do with the data that is on your phone, so if someone clones your IMEI it does not mean that they have access to any of the apps or data that is on your phone.

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Thanks for the clarification!

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IMEI or IMSI? I think it is the subscriber identity that is on the SIM that needs to be cloned, not the hardware identifier of the device (ie its the IMSI that matters, not the IMEI).

SIMs and SIM burners can be purchased trivially on the open market, and cloned without too much difficulty. Although, a social engineering attack on the employee at the cellphone store is a superior method since it automatically gives you a "known good" SIM with the operator's keys, etc.

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SMS codes for anything are not secure. Convenience over security, maybe.

SMS are as secure as a letter compared to a postcard.

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And they're rather irritating to boot. TOTP authentication in something like keypass or 1password is very low friction, working automatically in ideal circumstances. Sms based ones are kludgy

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Phone companied have customer support. This is a weak point, because attacker can use social engineering to gain access to your number.

8 replies

It's an interesting design problem to have panel of peers attest an individual's identity. It could be made fairly seamless if there was a common system in which a suitably distributed authentication secret could be recombined under instruction from the relevant party. Can it be made to work for normal humans? I daresay we have the ingenuity to design something...

3 replies

The Decentralized Recovery (DeRec) Alliance has recently launched to solve this very problem. Dr. Leemon Baird gave a talk last year on how this works at a higher level [0]. The alliance is comprised of members from the Algorand, Hedera, Ripple crypto communities but the application of proper DeRec would be certainly applicable anywhere you have any type of secret; in fact I believe you can be a DeRec 'helper' right now. There's a robust primer on the protocol published as well [1], here's a pull-quote:

Decentralized recovery is a method of safeguarding a user's secret by distributing shares of that secret among multiple helpers, who store their individual share on their local device in order to help the user recover that secret in future. The shares are constructed under a threshold secret-sharing scheme (e.g. Shamir's secret sharing scheme), with a chosen threshold (defaults to half) -- at least three helpers must be present in order to use the protocol. Should the user lose access to their device, they can recover their secret data by retrieving the previously-distributed shares from at least half of their helpers. For successful recovery, the user only needs to recall the identities of half of their helpers and authenticate with them in-person.



1 replies

Some day someone is going to produce a fantastic heist movie about breaking this kind of scheme - five different characters, each of which need to be scammed in different ways to obtain their piece of a shared secret.

Sadly it's quite possible this will be a dramatized version of a real-world event. We've already seen quite a few messed up crimes to steal keys to steal crypto. Secret sharing just means you need to kidnap a few extra people.

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But in fact, in order to kidnap these people you'd also need to know these people, and know they are assigned to be part of the derec network. With DeRec all the helpers don't need to know about each other at all. And you may not know how many helpers a given helper has behind them. It's actually much much more difficult to do the heist-and-interrogate-with-a-pipe-wrench approach if you don't know who to beat up, nor how many of them need to authenticate.

Edit: OT but while I have a glimpse of your attention, kudos in order!! I love datasette and basically everything you write is highly useful to me!

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I came up with a similar general approach about 10 years ago, but lacked the time or inclination (and probably knowledge, frankly) so I'm very pleased this is being pursued.

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except that those instructions will be handed out by phishers

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Of course it works. I was aware of such mechanisms appearing in the Chinese social media app WeChat years ago. In fact I would say it's a great fit for any kind of social media app that involves interacting with peers.

However the utility is probably nil if there're no social features to begin with.

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Apple’s Recovery Contacts are a similar idea. The main difference is that just one can help you recover your account, but it doesn’t seem too hard from a UX perspective to make 3/5 recovery contacts required to unlock an account.

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We could also leverage trusted third parties for this purpose, for example, banks or DMV or Walmart.

However, there needs to be a fiduciary interest by the third-party (eg liability for identity theft, etc) in order to incentivize them to avoid fraud. It is not clear that there would be enough profit involved to offset the liability.

8 replies

Auth apps are crap - each one pretends to be unique and authoritative.

TOTP secrets are a string, not just a QR code that can only be seen once and never again - the QR code merely encodes that string! That string can be used in multiple places to generate codes. KeepassXC can do it and that can be shared. I've seen loads of organisations and sites with an elderly mobile phone that has the TOTP auth app on it. Normally MS Authenticator.

To add insult to injury, MS Auth can only have one account per email address (id@realm/whatever you want to call it).

PrivacyIdea can do email based TOTP with a PIN. That works well but does involve a two stage login with an email delivery in the middle.

I totally agree with you: the only useful delivery mechanism available is email. PGP was a nice idea and authenticator apps need to have their owner's heads bashed together to get proper interoperability sorted out. Trying to silo people in your "cloud" without interoperability with others is so sad and needy. If you don't have absolute confidence in your offering then you are shit!

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I'm increasingly coming around to the idea that in reality, there's only one factor, at least as far as the Internet is concerned: Something you know. There's different ways of knowing it and various difficulties involved in knowing it, but "something you are" is only every a fancy way of presenting something you know (because if you know it, you can generally forge it with reasonable effort) and "something you have", over the Internet, is just "something you know but is pretty difficult to directly extract".

TOTP was what really kicked me into thinking this way. They tried to make it "something you have". They tried to lock it behind apps and pretended really hard that it wasn't just a particular shared secret... but it is. It's just something you know.

The rule is, if it could be stuck in your password manager, it's a thing you know. That includes even things like Yubikeys, which are things that can be cloned and stuck in a password manager. They're just really, really hard to clone, and that's a valid step up from "a password". I'm not saying that the differences between all these "things you know" are irrelevant; they matter a lot. Having a password + a TOTP is a legitimate step up from having just either one alone. I'm just saying that analyzing things in terms of the other two factors isn't particularly relevant.

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Yes, if you don't control the hardware at the user's end, the only factor you can get is "something you know".

All the things around improving web authentication are just about people not having to memorize that something you know and protecting it against eavesdroppers.

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The way I see it, the main security benefit of TOTP is it's a very long, high-entropy password that is guaranteed to never be re-used.

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I don't think this is right. If there's a shared secret like a TOTP seed, that's in theory a "something you know", but if I don't know it, then who does? The point of "something you have" is that you own a device that "knows" it for you, and you never even need to see or expose the underlying secret, you just copy a token proving that the device you have knows the secret. I think that does count as an additional factor.

Of course if someone is memorizing the TOTP seed and generating the proof on the fly every time, then there's no shift in factor, but no one is doing that. And if they're saving the password on the same device that stores the TOTP code, then we're back to one factor, but now it's just 2x "something you have" at that point.

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A little off-topic from the matter of adoption and usability by the greater masses, but I personally prefer these RFC 6238 TOTPs that I have the choice to take into my own hands, as opposed to internet-required, server-side based like my banking app and Okta.

I have a copy of all my TOTP generators (minus my dev Okta account) in a common authenticator app and an offline copy stored in an offline password manager, further replicated with an encrypted backup service.

I was able to create my offline copy in the first place thanks to a rooted phone to export what I already had up to that point out of the authenticator app.

Of course, the discussion starts to morph when we bring in the "un-phishable" software passkeys.

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I agree, for personal use cases, RFC standard TOTP that can be backed up and managed by the user is the ideal balance of security and availability.

Enterprise TOTP apps like Okta and MS Authenticator have some enhancements. Push notifications are convenient when you have to access things many times a day. More importantly, push notifications with a number-matching confirmation reduces the chance of TOTP poaching, since the user themselves are interacting with the service requiring auth.

In enterprise environments, there should be a restore process for a lost phone or authenticator. Some kind of backup code with voice/manager approval, or coming into a physical office to reset credentials. This isn't available for regular people/regular retail services except maybe banks, but banks can't even do regular TOTP correctly.

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I thought the Authenticator apps were great until I upgraded my iPhone and the apps lost all of my Authenticator setups. Good thing it wasn’t super critical.

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To add insult to injury, MS Auth can only have one account per email address (id@realm/whatever you want to call it)

When this was discussed [1] on HN a few weeks ago, I don't recall anyone reporting reproducing it. Several people, including me, reported having many accounts in MS Authenticator that have the same email address with no problem.

The otpauth URI that is encoded in a TOTP QR code looks like this:


The LABEL is supposed to serve as a unique identifier for the account. It has the format "Issuer:Account". The "Account" part is required. The "Issuer" is optional (and the ":" omitted if the issuer is not present).

The parameter list is an & separated list of name=value pairs. It includes the "secret" parameter which gives the TOTP secret. An optional parameter is "issuer", which should match the "issuer" part of the label if that is present.

It sounds like what is happening is that there are some sites who do not include the "issuer" part the the label, and they let the user use a user provided email address as the account name.

If a given user uses two such sites and provides the same email address to both, then there will be a collision. If they also do not include an issuer parameter an authenticator app has no way to know just from the data in the codes that they are from different sites.


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  If the answer is "they just don't get access anymore" or "a panel of their peers attests to them", your fantasy authentication system also needs a fantasy species of sentient beings to serve as users, because it won't work for humans.
It won't work for 99.99% of services, but it can work if your service is huge. WeChat uses a mechanism like this, and it works well.

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I'm not familiar, which part of the comment does WeChat implement?

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A panel of peers.

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Maybe we should support logging in with an OTP to email for many more systems than we do currently? Combined with conditional access and MFA its actually not bad.

No password to remember and supports this "pattern"

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Passwords are consent, clicking on a link in an email account that might be open... not always.

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Unfortunately, "they just don't get access anymore" is the usual pattern with major email providers like Google, as many people who have had a phone lost or stolen and then been locked out of their accounts forever can attest to.

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Phone numbers are more common and durable, but the security of phone numbers is leagues below that of a flagship provider email account.

With the - "we banned your account for no reason, and you have no way to appeal and we don't even tell you why we banned you" flagship provider email account caveat.

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This is my gripe with 2 factor authentication: it increases security and as a second factor also increases the risk of you losing your account.

45 replies

At this point why not just pass a one-time url link to your email address, and have it be a single click to login? Have it expire within 10 mins if not used, and be one-time use disposable. Still, anyone who has the link initially should be able to login with your account - but it's only accessible from your email.

Obliterates all sense of security beyond the email account itself, but that's where we're at anyway. Do the same pattern with a message to your phone "click to authenticate login:" and you've got 2FA without any dumb "enter this code".

10 replies

I do this for many of my web apps, it's confusing to users ("why do I already have an account here? I never signed up!"), expensive (email sending isn't free) and slow (sometimes the emails go to spam, sometimes they get greylisted and people can't log in for hours, sometimes it takes a minute to arrive and that's way too long to wait), etc. I don't know if I'd recommend it.

8 replies

Can you elaborate on „email sending isn’t free“? What are you using to host the webapp? Can’t you just set up your own mail server and send whatever you want?

5 replies

Generally, no, unless you don’t care whether it’s delivered or not

Too many people and companies abused this to the point that running your own mail server means much of the generic mail you send will end up in junk/spam folders.

2 replies

It won’t even be delivered in most cases.

1 replies

What would prevent delivery? I do some work for a small organization and we send out registration confirmations with a self-hosted webserver. I am not aware of any delivery problems there. Thats why I was surprised. Are we just lucky?

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You are just lucky. You can contact me if you want to discuss further, I would strongly recommend you don't do it here.

1 replies

For a login link, I wouldnt really care if its in the spam folder. The person is actively looking for the mail, surely they will find it? It's different for marketing or similar content, but for expected mail, I wouldn't care.

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You'd be surprised at how many messages I've gotten about expected emails not arriving, only for them to say "oh yeah, it was in spam, thanks!".

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I worked on email delivery systems. Your comment makes me realize that something that was free and trivial in the 90s is now painfully complex and expensive, because of monopolistic practices and spammers. We ruined something great.

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A lot of email reputation at this point, in fact I'd say most of it, is FUD. Here is a current example I am a hostage of:

Sys4 (an ESP) uses Abusix as a reputation service. Because this is poorly thought out (I've been a member of the mailing list for many years) I can't unsubscribe from the postfix-users@ mailing list (can't post either). Ok that's weird and funny in a way. We could talk about Sys4's procedural failures which go into it but we would be here all day.

I did Abusix's PYLM and they unblocked me, only to eventually block me again; that's when I found out I couldn't unsubscribe. I could PYLM again but I don't care. But that gave them an email address in the domain that they block. Do you see where this is going yet? I promise you there will be a twist at the end!

Funny thing is, I can send email to support@. Well, ok, so I think it's probably good that they don't subject their support channel to their dog food, because third parties reporting vulnerabilities is a trope in cybersecurity.

Aaand, here we go. So last week they sent UCE to that email address. That's right: they sent a marketing email to a domain that they block. I did not check any boxes "please, I'm a hostage, send me your marketing info and saaaave meeeee!" when I was talking to their support about what I could provide to my ISP. No boxes are checked now either, I verified this.

So, I responded to that email and said I'd be delighted to learn more about their product, please have Sales contact me. The marketing SPAM came from support@, the reply from Sales came from a person's email. Now we're no longer talking about that hypothetically exempt support@ channel, we're talking about corporate infrastructure. If their dog food is so good:

* Why is corp accepting email from a domain they block?

* Why is Sales sending email to a domain they block?

Here's the twist I promised you:

Do a DNS lookup for their MX: it's Google! They don't eat their own dog food, at all! Google has no problem with my domain; that's a general observation. If Google doesn't use their reputation service, why should you?

For the skeptical:

My call with their Sales department is tomorrow morning; should be good times.

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I hate when services only use SMS for 2FA. Sometimes I have to stare at my messages for a few dozen seconds to get the code, but with standard 2FA it takes me half a dozen seconds to unlock my phone and get the code.

9 replies

I use a web service which does this. It's mildly annoying having to switch apps/tabs just to login, but hey at least it's not another password to remember.

8 replies

Remembering passwords is easy this is just just convoluted and stupid.

7 replies

Since you wouldn't want to reuse passwords how is it to remember them?

4 replies

Base password plus company name or initials. One password mutated into infinite variations that are easy to remember. This has been working fine for me for at least 15 years.

3 replies

What do you use for the base password? The website name?

So if someone finds out your password for a certain site is `Facebook1234ABCD` they have a fair guess at every other password?

Same applies for `MyPasswordFB` using the reverse method.

2 replies

My base password is secret but it is an alpha numeric string with mixed caps. An example would be “p45Sw0rD-Apple+” something in that vain.

So in the end the password contains numbers, letters both capped and lower case and special characters.

1 replies

I think their point is that no matter how secure your base password is, once one site leaks it, the bad guy basically knows your password to every site.

0 replies

I have been using the internet since the 90s, my Hotmail account is 23 years old and I have never lost any of my accounts. I think it’s working quite well in my experience.

0 replies

You'll be surprised how many diceware passwords you're able to remember.

It can go two ways depending on your preferences: use a shorter passphrase generated from a large dictionary; a good one can be obtained from 1password:

or a longer passphrase from a short dictionary including only the most common words, like the EFF one:

I don't use either generator, preferring a local command:

  $ shuf --random-source /dev/urandom --head-count 5 ~/.local/share/words |
    paste --serial --delimiters -
wrapped in a small helper script with desktop notifications and copy-to-clipboard.

0 replies

Let the machine do the work, sit back, and relax You have to remember 0 passwords and can still have a unique one for every account

5 replies

I'm coding up a webapp with this exact login process - the issue I've found is on mobile phones - apps like gmail won't let you copy the link into a browser without a preview. The preview consumes the link. (next.js auth)

It's a bit annoying, since I don't want to login into the gmail in-app browser, I want to login on my regular browser.

0 replies

A work around could be: login link token is good for 24hours unused, or 5mins after the first use. That way you don’t leave the user in a loop or risk them not clicking the link within a short amount of time. The token still expires after a reasonable duration too.

0 replies

Yes easy mistake to make. But this goes back to HTTP basics: a GET request shouldn’t mutate state. Either don’t consume the link (ie allow reuse), have a user confirm action with POST, send a code instead. There are many alternatives.

Personal favorite? Send a 6-digit code with ~1h expiry, exchange for a refresh token and keep the session for a long time. If you have really high value irreversible actions then you can just confirm with a new code.

Also works if mail client is on a different device.

0 replies

I will be sure not never use your webapp just because of the email login system.

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Don’t forget some people have antivirus scanners that will load up every link when the email is opened, so you can’t have the link expire after 1 visit.

This is I think why unsubscribe links now have a single button saying “Unsubscribe” or similar when you press them. Likewise anything interesting should require a 2nd user action after loading the page.

0 replies

Pleas don’t force this login method. It is extremely annoying for anyone with a non-standard email setup (often for security reasons), and is slow as all hell.

Why make things worse for your users?

2 replies

A pattern to make signups faster doesn't make them secure.

Magic links can be more like convenience links, not secure, or security.

1 replies

I'd argue at this point that magic links are more secure:

1. Nearly every online service needs some sort of "forgot password" flow, and often times that flows boils down to what is essentially a magic link like TFA is about.

2. The vast majority of users these days use either personal email accounts from one of the big providers (Google, Yahoo, MS), or they use corporate accounts often through a hosted solution. 9 times out of 10 I'd bet the email provider has better security than whatever rinky dink website you may be creating an account on.

Emailing magic links is essentially "poor man's SSO". It makes much more sense IMO to have super secure email accounts (e.g. ideally with passkeys) and then just use magic links for everything else.

0 replies

Learning how to password effectively is something that comes up in B2B in many non trivial software.

Magic link is effectively passwordless login, behind a facade outsourced to a third party provider.

Passwords are much more actual consent, than clicking on a link in an email account that might be open on a screen or device... not always.

SSO is technically easier than poor man's sso, it's just one click once logged in. Magic links make me switch a screen to make it easier for the developers of Magic Link to not implement SSO.

Fingerprints are a username, not a username+password. It's super convenient, but well established not secure.

Face-ID logins are more a username, should not be a username+password - selling it as secure is not ideal, but it is super convenient.

SMS verifications too, are a little weak, since SMS' generally are like post cards. But they are very convenient. Until someone does something to get malware into your phone, or your phone number itself which seems to happen so often.

Now, magic links are very convenient. And definitely can remove friction to you know, get a user onboarding to the point of adoption.

1 replies

A lot of sites do this, annoyingly. I hate when my internet experience is degraded because the bottom pentile of users can't figure out how to do something.

0 replies

Yes, why must the majority suffer because a few dumb dumbs can’t remember their passwords? We need to subsidizing stupidity or else we will get more stupidity.

1 replies

I hate this with a passion and many sites use it like anthropic and clipdrop, I stopped buying credits on Clipdrop because logging in was so annoying. My email is on my phone and I want to access the site on my laptop. This adds so much friction and turns a 5 second task with one to two clicks into a longer than a minute task with many clicks. I emailed anthropic about this and they did added a login with google option but just let us use an email and password please.

0 replies

Christ, login with Google? I don’t have a Google account either. Why can’t they just have a username/password like the rest of the world?

1 replies

I don’t have access to my email on the computer in which I am trying to login to your web service.

0 replies

Why not?

1 replies

Some sites do that, like Netdata.

But it's slow compared to my PW manager just autofilling a user/PW combo, since I have to wait for the email and go click the link.

0 replies

Yep, I really hate when I have to go to email to get a verification code or click link to verify. I have a password keeper and 2fa for a reason. I hate the wait.

0 replies

I love when sites do only that and then fail to deliver an email within 30 seconds.

a message to your phone "click to authenticate login

Should be both code and a link (enter 1234 or click <url>), because it’s not always the phone you’re loggin in on.

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I agree this is a great way but don’t forget not everyone is signed into email on their device.

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I despise magic links. The rare few times I have to log back into Notion or Slack, I want to rip my hair out because of how annoying of a system it is.

Please, for the love of god, just let me use my username/email and password. Have the magic link for the dummies that don't use a password manager if you have to, just let me do the username + password way.

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Because it’s still quicker or more convenient to use a password if you remember it or use a password manager.

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There are a number of sites that do exactly that.

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Have it expire within 10 mins if not used

Please never do this short amount of time. Email isn't reliable time-wise for delivery. You have systems like Postgrey (one of the basic spam protections for email servers) and deliberately pretends the email server is offline for emails from new servers until they server retries a set number of times.

Not to mention if your email ends up in a corporate quarantine until you can request it released.

0 replies

At that point you might as well go all in on single sign on. 95% of all users are going to be on gmail, outlook or apple anyway. Better to have a "sign in with google" button rather than "send a link to your (g)mail". They can track you either way.

18 replies

I’ll be hyperbolic and say the login flow is identical.

A) Go to website, click through a password manager to copy and paste an arbitrary string of characters, receive TOTP request sent to your email to confirm your identity.


B) Go to website, click forgot my password. Receive link to login. Enter an arbitrary string of characters.

In many instances, login flow B is actually quicker and seldom slower.

Clicking the “remember me” checkbox has no effect.

9 replies

Who copy and pastes from a password manager?

Here’s my workflow, and I consider it superior to both of the above.

Go to site, Safari offers to autofill, give TouchID/FaceID, get asked for a 2 factor code.

Sent via SMS/email? Safari offers to autofill for me. TOTP style? Safari offers to autofill for me.

Easy peasy.

Passkeys are even easier as there is no second step and waiting for SMS/email.

2 replies

Who copy and pastes from a password manager?

Me. I don't know of any other LAN-only method that works consistently across my various desktop and mobile devices.

1 replies

okay, but you're using xclip/pbpaste/equivalent, yeah?

0 replies

Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V work consistently on Windows + Linux. For Android, almost same experience with KeePassDroid that shows notifications to Ctrl-C the user and the password.

2 replies

Who copy and pastes from a password manager?

I do! And way more than I would like, because for some reason it's "modern" to have a login flow that first requests your email, and then you have to click next for it to request your password...

Not even gonna go into detail about all the other cases like websites that have such bad field identification that the password manager has no clue where to put the username/email or 99% of sites that don't have autocomplete="one-time-code" on the 2FA field so now you have to copy paste the 2fa.

Plus all the android buggyness where the auto-complete from the password manager just doesn't show up at all so you have to switch apps and copy/paste the credentials manually... when it works (and doesn't clear the fields as you swap between apps... I swear built-in chrome windows is a mistake).

0 replies

And way more than I would like, because for some reason it's "modern" to have a login flow that first requests your email, and then you have to click next for it to request your password...

There's a reason for that, and it's not because of 'trendy', it's because the backend will examine the email address and decide which password authentication mechanism the user chose: FB/Google/etc, or authenticator app, or plain old password, or some third-party SSO provider, etc.

0 replies

Keepassxc's desktop browser extension allows you to specify the username and password boxes. Even if they are on separate pages. It's really a painless 15 second process.

I have to do it on my bank's website every few months.

1 replies

Who copy and pastes from a password manager?

People who don't use something which integrates with the browser. People who run into the (uncommon but noticeable) edge cases where the password manager decides to not auto fill the password.

0 replies

When it doesn’t work I get. I run into that from time to time.

But I don’t think normal users want ones that don’t sync or integrate with the browser. I believe you can turn both off for Safari but that defeats the whole purpose in my mind.

0 replies

Yes, that is a nice solution.

I suppose the reason is because the Bitwarden option is cross platform and I don't want to sync two password managers.

However when using Bitwarden the recent guidance is to turn off autofill[1] but even with it enabled it sometimes breaks hence my “seldom” caveat.

I am heavily biased to prefer passkeys but as with magiclinks before them saw the rollout was badly botched. Specifically with regards to supporting multiple keys and revocation[2][3]. The standard supports correct implementation but don't require it; meaning most current rollouts are half baked and will remain that way.


[2] ie:


2 replies

Doesn't your browser remember your passwords?

1 replies

my wife chooses not to let chrome remember her passwords because she thinks it's lazy and insecure: everyone uses chrome, how will chrome know not to give her password to someone else?

0 replies

But she is right, unlike your password manager the browser has to store it unencrypted because nobody bothers with setting the master password.

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TOTP is not really something that would be sent to your email. The entire point of TOTP is that you can generate the auth code yourself, from the current time and a pre-shared secret.

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I think the OP meant OTP. The general concept of one time passcodes, not TOTP as per RFC 6238

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With greylisting, the flow B could take like 10 minutes.

0 replies

This flow is made shorter if you have the TOTP stored and filled out by the password manager.

0 replies

B) Go to website, click forgot my password. Receive link to login. Enter an arbitrary string of characters.

In many instances, login flow B is actually quicker and seldom slower.

And B) can be accessed whereever I have email and doesn't need either an app or my phone which may or may not be on my person.

15 replies

I’ve seen sites that cut out the forgotten password step, or passwords entirely… email is the authentication.

1. Type in email address

2. Get sent and email with code

3. Enter code to login

While I can understand why someone might do this, as someone with multiple emails I kind of hate it. I had to add it to my password manager with the email and a note, so I remember which one to use and it’s not missing a password.

4 replies

Or maybe password managers need to catch up with this newly forming flow

1 replies

Perhaps, a password manager managed email address used solely for these stupid links and codes.

Why email then? Why not some other, better protocol?

Why not just use a TOTP at that point?

0 replies

Why not just use a TOTP at that point?

Friction. When the username is an email address, 100% of people logging in have an email address. Telling someone they need to setup TOTP, especially if they have never done so before, is going to be a bridge too far for something they may only use once or twice.

One site I remember using this email code login was a small online store. If I was prompted to setup TOTP to buy something, I would have probably not bought anything. If my mom was prompted for that, she’d end up calling me, and I’d have to try to walk her through the whole thing… then I’d keep getting calls the next 5 times she’s had to login.

If the site gives directions on what to do, they will probably only be written targeting a single authenticator app. For people who don’t yet know that the apps are generic (in most cases), this can lead to a user having 3 sites setup in 3 different apps. It can become a mess very quickly.

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Or this stupid flow needs to die.

0 replies

Keepassxc (and its browser extension) can do this easily. You just have to one time define that the website only takes a username field. After that it will autofill the correct email in the field.

2 replies

I have stopped giving websites money because the friction of using magic links was too much and I found alternatives that didn’t involve such a dumb login system.

My theory is if you can’t make a proper login system you’re skills probably aren’t good enough to deliver on what you’re promising. Magic links have turned from an annoyance to a filter for me.

1 replies

"My theory is if you can’t make a proper login system you’re skills probably aren’t good enough to deliver on what you’re promising."

Using that logic, I wouldn't trust most websites I visit. Even FAANG companies with their billions can't do certain things properly. Even something reallly basic like focus the 2FA box when you ask for the code, don't make me have to click on it! Don't stop people pasting passwords, don't limit how long the password can be (within reason) don't say they can't use arbitrary characters like a - because "SQL Injection" and don't invent riduculous hurdles like adding random digits from a secret word as well as your password. If you are going to do that, just ask for two passwords or tell people if you choose stupid passwords, you will be hacked!

I like the password strength meter that doesn't block passwords that it has mistakenly decided are weak (20 random alpnanumerics) but instead estimates how quickly it could be hacked. People don't understand entropy but might understand "hacked in 5 minutes", they also don't want to be told that your password has to be at least 100 characters long with uppers, lowers, numbers, specials, klingon etc. If your system is that susceptible you are doing it wrong.

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Don’t look at FAANG as examples, they are usually the leaders in modern day bad UX.

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It means the site doesn't store your password, so you have less to worry about.

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That’s the reason I can understand why they do it. It’s less information they are holding on to, and they effectively outsource authentication to the email provider.

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I get this a lot because I use Mullvad 99%of the time. I hate it, but I put up with it because I don’t have much choice. I guess they’re flagging the “popular” ip address that I’m using.

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If it’s only doing it because of your VPN, I think I’m talking about something else.

This isn’t where you put in a username and password, then get an email code prompt because something looks off.

In the case I’m talking about, the user has no password. This is just the way it is, VPN or not.

0 replies

I’ve seen sites that cut out the forgotten password step, or passwords entirely… email is the authentication.

I do this with a B2B SaaS: an individual user would log in maybe once of twice every six months. Have passwordless logins means:

1. No added pressure on the user to remember a password for a service they use rarely.

2. Easier onboarding for companies, as they upload a CSV of all their users and their users can get to work immediately without being prompted to create a password, double-check it, confirm it, adhere to the rules, etc.

I don't like using links in emails, as they get 'clicked' by many phone apps when previewing, by corporate virus scanners, etc.

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We offered it on a site with a "guest login" where people redeem vouchers but might not want to make an account. So I think that's one valid use case. We need to associate the voucher with the email, so we need to ensure they own it by clicking the link, in case of support hassles down the line for lost vouchers. And if they make the account later they can see their old ones from before.

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I would say a huge proportion of non-technical consumers do not use a password manager. By only offering password signup and not magic links/codes, I am probably making life harder for the vast majority of consumers.

Even if I offer both options, I would guess that I’d see more drop off during my signup flow by asking for a password as well as verifying their email. Not to mention the code is way simpler without dealing with passwords and multiple login flows for email.

9 replies

We run a pretty unserious business. That is, our users use our accounts only out of convenience. The system we've settled on is this:

1. User enters email

2. We send a verification code to their email

3. User enters code, is signed in "indefinitely" (very, very long cookie)

Whether or not they had an account before hand is irrelevant, we just register a new account if the email is new. The occasional user has multiple emails and sometimes creates a new account accidentally. This is an acceptable disadvantage as we've observed dramatic improvements in registration and sign in conversions.

There is some risk analysis to do here on the code lifetime and cardinality (better yet, use a lockout mechanism.) If your service isn't particularly important, I recommend this strategy.

Mail on iOS now supports this type of mechanism too (same as the Messages one-time code functionality) so it can be quite painless for some users as well.

3 replies

I run a small B2C app. Users sign up with their email address only, a password field isn't even present. This creates the account and logs in the user "indefinitely" on this device. If they ever need to login on another device, they can request a new password. This way, this removes a) signup friction und b) weak passwords, because most people never need to login on another device anyways.

2 replies

I like the concept but at the same time I hate having to open my email to login to a site.

I already have a password manager. I rather just generate a password on one go.

0 replies

I agree it's inferior to a password manager but I think passkeys will usurp the role of password managers in the long term, and for everyone else who won't use either, a simple email is an easy ask -- better than having them go through password reset every time they use the site.

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It's "temporary". You can set a password later and use it to login with email + password and store it in your password manager. Only the initial signup and the first login on a new device will require the "reset password" workflow. Imho, that's the best of both worlds.

2 replies

This is also (from the data that I have seen) by far the best approach to maximise ecommerce revenue.

Don't force buyers into an account, just ask their details (the browser will autocomplete anyway). Send an email afterwards with a link to check their order status. Next order, ask for their email again.

Any extra friction costs more in lost revenue than the benefits of having "signed up" users.

1 replies

Wouldn't the best approach be not to ask for an email at all (or only optionally for receipt)?

0 replies

I would imagine that plenty of users these days wouldn't bother to save their order details on the grounds that "oh, I'll get a notification with those".

Personally, I appreciate getting an email with details and a link for tracking. It does get annoying when it turns into low-grade spam, though.

0 replies

Second this, used this approach on a tiny CRUD app that was essentially a single form. The amount of support requests (approx. zero) throughout the campaign was absolutely worth it.

0 replies

How do you do very long cookie? I thought safari deletes them anyway after a certain time.

7 replies

People have already been building auth flows that take this password amnesia into consideration. Look at Anthropic. It's just one way of doing auth and I personally hate it.

4 replies

I use a password manager. I don't like flipping back to my email, I already have a secure password.

2 replies

The most secure password is no password

1 replies

Totally agreed. The account though, that's another question. Would you mind sharing the username of your favorite passwordless account?

0 replies

Personally, I don’t care to share the username to any account, password protected or not. On a related note I think it is terrible security to have display name be the same as user login name.

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Same here! But for most apps we are probably in the 0,1% or so.

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Anthropic and others do this to inconvenience account sharing. It’s not really about auth, it’s about licenses…

0 replies

There are much smarter ways of doing this.

5 replies

The idea that someone is going to invent and remember a password for every dumb service is not real, and when you build another password based authentication system, you are doing a kind of LARP.

Passwords are used in one of two ways:

1. a password manager guarded by a single actual password

2. the same password repeated between services

Practically every service offers e-mail recovery, so, in practice, your e-mail is your authentication.

Personal e-mail accounts are rarely replaced, not shared, and aren't reused. You've probably had your personal e-mail longer than your phone number. I've had at least five phone numbers in the life time of my current e-mail address. Other people now have those numbers.

3 replies

Apple has made the incredibly annoying “you can’t just enter your 1Password/keychain password, you have to dick around with email” process much nicer; at least when it can recognize the email/text and enter the code for you.

2 replies

Apple is the worst about this. The only option is that they send a message to an Apple device. I only have an iPad and not an iPhone or Macbook, so I often simply cannot log into my Apple account because they refuse to do anything else besides send it to an Apple device.

1 replies

Not true, you can use FIDO2 keys. You can even use SMS (but you shouldn't).

0 replies

Yes, it is true. There are indeed cases where you are not presented with SMS options.

And I'm not going to purchase and carry around a hardware key just for the privilege of periodically logging into my Apple accounts.

Maybe Apple shouldn't force you to own an Apple device to login to your accounts? They've been sued about this before and lost. If Microsoft did this, people would lose their minds.

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There are also derived passwords, which are kind of a hybrid. Either as a pattern the human remembers or a manager that does the calculation per domain.

I'd also add that forgot password features at least notify the address owner of every attempt. Password based logins don't always email on every login from a new location.

2 replies

With email being the source of identity on the internet, it's really unfortunate that the standards have largely lagged heavily behind when it comes to stronger authentication algorithms. Why is SMTP still plaintext on port 25 for MTA<->MTA? Why is STARTTLS really the best we can do? Why do we not support 2FA or mTLS or passkeys or any one of the other modern authentication mechanisms or IMAP4, SMTP, etc.. ProtonMail is ok but the hoops they have to jump through to get their stuff working is obnoxious.

0 replies

And why, in 2024, is requiring any encryption at all a violation of RFC 5321, thus making any MITM literally a trivial and impossible to defeat downgrade attack?

0 replies

Worth looking at MTA-STS. I think DANE is on the way out, but it looked promising for a while.

2 replies

I am one of those people who always clicks "forgot password", and sorry but it's actually fine. I type a long, completely nonsense sequence of words and characters for my new password, then ctrl-c to copy, then log in with that password, and then promptly forget it.

It cannot be more secure to store it in a password manager than not to store it at all. The email recovery path exists in either case, so that part is a wash.

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you may lose the email

0 replies

I only do this on websites where I don't care if I lose the account. I use a password manager for anything that is critical.

2 replies

I hadn't realised until reading this, that I use this exact method for Best Buy.

Not intentionally though - I have my password stored in 1Password, so I know it's correct, yet every time I try to purchase something through I trip some sort of ATO protection that falsely claims my password is invalid.

I'm entirely willing to believe it's something on my side (ad blocker, local DNS blacklisting, etc.) but after a certain number of occurrances, you get bored trying to debug the problem and just follow the path of least resistance.

1 replies

Not intentionally though - I have my password stored in 1Password, so I know it's correct, yet every time I try to purchase something through I trip some sort of ATO protection that falsely claims my password is invalid.

Are you sure it's not a maxlength mismatch? It is very common to have the "change password" field to have a different (or no) maxlength and then have the login page have a different maxlength. So you change your password to some 60 character password, then you log in where the maxlength is only 40 characters... wrong password! I actually have a policy now of having the maxlength stored in application config so it propagates to all password fields in my apps.

Edit: Just checked and yes there is a length mismatch (form to set password has maxlength of 54, but login page has no maxlength set). So if your password length is > 54 and 1Password doesn't automatically cut the password it stores to 54 characters or fewer, you won't be able to log in.

0 replies

I know a few sites, one of them being Spotify, that will lock your account based on "suspicious activity", lie that your password is invalid, and force you to reset your password.

2 replies

Some apps enforce this flow, e.g. there is no way to log in with a password. I hate this.

Because of the developers of these apps assuming that E-mail guarantees instant delivery (it doesn't), I can't use greylisting, which reduced spam very significantly.

0 replies

Your greylist setup really should learn good senders quicker; this shouldn't be an ongoing problem.

0 replies

Amen, yes. Greylister here too, and password reset/magic links sometimes end up being painfully slow.

2 replies

I never thought of using password reset as a permanent authentication method. Ingenious!

Except when the service throws you back to the login page to authenticate with a fresh password you just typed in the reset form.

1 replies

Plenty of services do this already, right? It's called "Magic link" login. Am I missing a subtlety?

0 replies

In my recent experience it's 50/50.

2 replies

The second component of this, for people that doesn’t care to do good track of their passwords, is that their email passwords are usually memorable in the wrong way. So both your mail and all the dependent services are all held together with the same weak clip.

Double factor improved a bit this, or at least made it harder to break into this to some of the players, and simplified the process for some others.

0 replies

The second component of this, for people that doesn’t care to do good track of their passwords, is that their email passwords are usually memorable in the wrong way. So both your mail and all the dependent services are all held together with the same weak clip.

The point is that they are already tied together because most sites allow password reset (or account recovery) via email.

It doesn't matter how securely your sign-on is designed, what identification token you are using (username, biometrics), what authentication mechanism is in place (passwords, MFA, yubikey, etc) if all an attacker has to do is type in the targets email and click 'forgot password'.

If your site allows password resets or account recovery via email, then the users account is still only as secure as their email password anyway. Adding yubikeys, MFA, authenticator apps, etc into the mix doesn't move the security needle a single bit at all.

0 replies

Email passwords is interesting one. As my feeling with something like gmail is that you insert it approximately once or twice per device... Which leads to weird dynamic that you have to recall it way too rarely for actually to remember it properly...

1 replies

When I ask people why they do this, they either don’t have an answer, or respond with “huh, I never thought about why”. And that’s interesting to me.

Is that a storytelling touch? Users aren’t dumb or unreflective, they know that they have nowhere to store their passwords, that’s why. Even if they aware of password managers, they can work on a shared cloud pc, so switching PM accounts would be a bigger hassle.

How do you decide that using “I forgot my password” as authentication makes sense to you?

A “trash caregory” site that didn’t bother to tag its username/password/etc elements as password-saveable, thus my PM didn’t ask to save the password. That is usually enough to not give af about saving it. Happens more often than you might think.

0 replies

work on a shared cloud pc

That sounds insane, is that actually happening in practice? What is the point?

1 replies

When I ask people why they do this, they either don’t have an answer, or respond with “huh, I never thought about why”. And that’s interesting to me.

I do this because I don't care enough about the particular account or use it frequently enough to manage put more effort into it.

0 replies

Exactly, that should be obvious but it's just that they don't care enough.

My mother used to do that, until I teach her about bitwarden and it has completely changed her thought process. It's just that having to remember every password is impossible and they don't know about password manager.

1 replies

Their motivation is immediately clear to me. If you use "I forgot my password" you don't have to remember a password. And it doesn't even make your account less secure, since that pathway was going to be available to attackers regardless. I've seen websites that make that their default flow, arguing (implicitly) that having passwords at all is pointless when you can just email someone a login button, skipping a step.

Personally, I hate it. I don't trust my email, hate that it's a single point of failure for dozens of accounts (it's not "2FA" if the second factor is the only one I need), and I'd prefer to log in with a password without any option to reset it. But alas.

0 replies

it's not "2FA" if the second factor is the only one I need

It will be 2FA again if you protect your email with 2FA

1 replies

Disclaimer: I loathe this pattern & hope something like WebAuthn prevails instead.

That said, if folks are going to adopt this as a primary flow, perhaps email clients need to build in support. For OS providers like Apple, maybe this means less emphasis on the easy Passkey method and more on fixing the finicky email login flow that sites use instead?

What would a good email login flow look like? What is the "password manager" equivalent in a magic link world? On something like iOS or MacOS with Safari, could the browser/app & email client communicate to make the login seamless (after the email delay)?

Are new OS-level APIs needed for native apps such that they don't require switching apps to login? (This is a truly awful workflow.)

Should sites stop making people register with passwords at all? What is the point of passwords when auth is primarily handled through magic links?

0 replies

A good email login flow is where I put my email and then my password then click login. Anything else is pure wankery

1 replies

“It offers a guaranteed, repeatable, low-effort solution”

Doesn’t this answer the question? I would have preferred to read and discuss what they believe to be better alternatives.

0 replies

whether we can take advantage of people’s tendencies towards learned behaviour like this

See, thoughts like that turn into billion dollar valuations at Series B for, among other things, a login button that emails you a login link, taking advantage of people's tendencies towards behavior like this:

(Or maybe turn into Tell HN posts on common SaaS vulns, like, but point is lots of companies offer this including most SaaS-y IdPs, search: passwordless email magic link, it's not new: ...)

1 replies

Well, yeah, “magic link” is a thing and one of the easiest form of authentication supported by many providers, like Supabase, Vercel and libraries like Next Auth.

Another great side effect is that your backend doesn’t have to store user passwords which means removal of a lot of compliance headaches.

0 replies

You should never store passwords in any case. Hash + Salt.

1 replies

I'm surprised we don't have a standardized, cross-browser, simple, email-based authentication system.

Basically something like this:

1. Website generates random string as challenge, sends to Browser, invokes API via JS on the client side.

2. Browser asks user to select the email to use, allows adding a new one.

3. Browser sends its auth token and challenge string to Browser Maker, Browser Maker verifies that the auth string is valid, signs email address and challenge with its public key, transmits signature back to Browser.

4. Browser sends data back to Website, Website verifies that the signature matches and that Vendor is trusted, lets user in.

As an extra precaution against Vendor being hacked, Email providers could implement support for the system. Compliant providers would handle the email verification flow themselves, informing Browser maker when done and sending an extra certificate. Websites would then refuse to accept any logins where Email Provider indicated support (via DNS records) but its certificate wasn't included.

This would also make the system usable in small (and therefore untrusted) browsers, as long as the email provider implemented support.

It would even improve privacy, Browser Maker and Email Provider would only ever see the random challenge string, which would make it impossible to track the websites you visit.

THe idea isn't hard to implement, we've had the tech to do it since the 90's (US restrictions on crypto notwithstanding). What we have instead is a mess of passwords that nobody can remember and proprietary authentication flows with horrible developer experience, terrible privacy issues and spotty website support.

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Well you kinda reinvented passkeys.

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I swear the McDonald’s app for the U.S. works like this on purpose. I’m prompted for my email then thus send me a link. They never ask me to set up a password.

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I don’t see any business who wants to stay in business blocking gmail or or yahoo or proton mail

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As long as the email account is secure, and the throw-away one-time passwords are good, you have the frequent-rotation passwords security advocates dream about. Indeed, hand them a secure password they have to use (and forget).

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I just made it an option in the "I don't have a password" form that instead of setting a password it just logs them in. So they don't even see / have a password to remember.

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why they do this

There is always a simple answer to such question, and it's usually about some inconvenience the service provider decided to set-up for the user. In this particular case I think the answer is obvious: email provider usually have a session which never really ends, and just sits there logged in unless the browser cache is wiped.

Make your service auth token to live for the same time as Gmail's, and as an alternative give users an ability to just login with OTP every time, but stop these unholy 12 hrs time-to-live auth token practices - your users will never log-in via password restore again.

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I think this is closer to hinting at the truth. GMail and Cloudflare (and many other "high security orgs) have very long auth sessions. Why? Because the chance of somebody getting onto the PC of someone who uses these systems and hasn't logged out is actually really low. Most hacks are remote and based on weak passwords.

Unfortunately, we lack the consistent language to measure risk and decide "do I really need 2FA on this site?" "Is 30 minutes a reasonable session time?". I think as long as someone has an up-to-date virus checker, most would rather stay logged in to stuff. Anyone ever been asked to delete all cookies to fix a problem on a site? My answer is always to "go fish".

I remember somebody saying before, "it's your account, if you want to stay logged in and risk a hack, it's your risk not the company running the service". I believe that more and more. If your laptop is logged in and someone deletes all your EC2 instances, that's on you, not AWS for not logging you out sooner. They could but why should they? Piss off 1M users to try and protect 1 person who is too careless?

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For most people, doing stuff on computers is a matter of brute forcing it until kinda does what it's supposed to. Software is made by people who have an intricate understanding of how the underlying system works, but it's made for people who don't. When users get to a pattern that works, they stick with it. It's becoming even more common now that many schools are using tablets for education - they don't get a good feel for how a computer works. Most people don't think about it. It's just there, and they're used to things being broken, so what's a few extra clicks?

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Software is made by people who have an intricate understanding of how the underlying system works

Maybe 10% of software developers actually have an intricate understanding of what they do, in fact it is because developers don’t really understand what they are doing is why regular people brute force horrible software.

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Because websites used emails as an identity, strictly in order to stop malicious use.

An email ties a user to a domain, the domain issues a user for them. If too many users from a domain are malicious, the website can block the domain.

It's a matter of identity and accountability.

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Too many don't actually verify the identity. I often get emails lying in the footer with something like "you are receiving these emails because you signed up" - no I didn't, someone else did, and you didn't check. But fast onboarding is king, right?

And then the unsubscribe, close account, or basic support is all locked behind the login, or it's an international phone call. As far as I know, even if it's my email it's not legally my account so signing in would be illegal.

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When you sign in at Home Depot, it defaults to sending you an email that you can click to sign in. And I absolutely hate it.

There is a tiny link at the bottom that allows you to sign with a password, which I prefer.

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17h18m too... I hate it

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Interestingly enough, that is the login flow Figma is using with my account. I provide my email address, and get an email that contains a linkt to log me in.

I remember having seen this idea at other places before. I don't really like it, because for me, using a password manager makes everything already quite convenient.

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I don't really like it, because for me, using a password manager makes everything already quite convenient.

How many people do you think use password managers? 1 in a 100? 1 in a thousand? Looking at the user counts for all the major password managers combined, the number looks more like 1 in a few dozen million.

We're a demographic that is smaller than the demographic of blind users. As a group, we're not even a rounding error. It makes no sense to optimise our group's workflow when the resources could be diverted towards making a better product.

After all, it's not like they lock out password-manager users completely.

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I use this for webpages that have weird requirements for passwords. I can never remember what I enter on those so …

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What are the other potential problems of the "email is authentication" pattern, under the following prescribed conditions? Maybe just these two?

(Prescribed Conditions)

- "Credential Recovery" complies with OWASP ASVS and is "adequately secure".

- "Credential Recovery" is the "weakest link" of authentication. (Other authentication methods require TOTP, etc.)

(Potential Problems)

- The financial cost of sending emails.

  - my guess is that, since I could not find of news of this issue,
    these users are only a small percentage (hopeful not yet)
- End-to-end response time for the "Credential Recovery" authentication process

  - my guess is that users who choose "Credential Recovery"
    authentication over other "happy-path" authentication are willing
    to wait, or are use to waiting.

- If the above conditions are specified, authentication security is not compromised.


- "Credential Recovery" as in OWASP ASVS V2.5 Credential Recovery, or "Self-service password reset" as in Wikipedia, or "forgot password" flow.

- "adequately secure" as in NIST SP 800-160 Vol. 1 Rev. 1, 3. System Security Concepts, 3.2. The Concept of an Adequately Secure System.

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The most common login process in China:

1. Enter phone number to received a six digits code 2. Enter the code

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It’s because password sucks.

You’re supposed to not reuse passwords, but then you don’t remember passwords.

So you use a password manager. Until more recently when phones and computers came with built-in password managers, no normal person was going to download a password manager.

But even when you use a password manager, sometimes it doesn’t recognize the form fields. Or it doesn’t show it because the domain is different. Sometimes it doesn’t save a new login. The website has no direct awareness of the password manager so it’s hit and miss.

So we created passkeys. Except it’s also hit and miss. Some sites only sometimes ask for them. No site explains what they are. Some sites ask for you to login with a passkey, which you wouldn’t have yet, but then don’t ask you to setup the passkey after logging in with a password, so you never set up a passkey.

Overall authentication is a disaster and my very fiery take is overly technical people who are out of touch with normal people design authentication.

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you could make a password optional and just login from email.

I will share this great innovation of mine:

The location.hash is not send to the server. You can javascript it into a POST rather than a GET.

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at least for my privacy conscious web apps I don't even expect email for login, just a username and password.

And if people really want to enable password recovery then they add their email into their profile and that data point is only used for that.

It might bother some, but I don't really want to require emails for privacy related services. My two cents.

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At this point, wouldn't "email authentication" simply be OpenID?

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The problem is just that despite all the advantages it would bring, people won't pay for auth as a service, where your identity is tied to accounts outside of an email address, and you (say) get a browser/phone notification to log in when you log in with MyAuthProvider and it's quick. They'd rather go through the email route, which is the same thing but slower and goes via Google.

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And then you are blocked by google.

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This is why I've been relying on magic links via email as a sign-in/up method for my applications. Users will either default to oAuth OR they will use some generic email/password combo. The magic-link works for both sets of users and ensures that they always have instant access without having to manage yet another password.

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A few services are just bypassing passwords and emailing you one time codes these days and it isnt the worst idea for exactly this reason.

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I used to follow this process for many of my logins (the less critical ones) before password managers were mainstream, and it was a conscious decision to do so.

It’s more secure than a) reusing an existing password everywhere and b) setting a trivial password that _just_ passes the site’s password requirements.

You can’t expect me to memorize all passwords for all different logins, especially the ones for less important sites, and especially if these sites impose their ridiculous password restrictions on me.

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This is essentially the same as "sign in with Google / Facebook / etc." with added pain for the user.

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A lot of sites are moving to OTP instead of passwords now.

Make Auth Gmail’s problem.

It’s not a horrible idea in theory.

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If passwordless sign in is good enough for, it’s certainly good enough for any app that I ship.

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A physical key you have put in your computer and store on your keychain.

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I think people can’t answer why they do this because it’s not a concious decision

It's because that's simply the most convenient way of accessing the service. There are tens of services people use these days and passwords are seen as a nuisance. If there's an easier way of logging in, people will use it - no matter the security implications.

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Sometimes email is the best way. Like if you are constantly posting files to third-party file hosting services (Box, Dropbox, etc.) that are not tied to AD of the recipient you have to have a way to ensure that only people currently working at the company can access the content. SMS and TOTP do not solve this problem in the same way that email does.

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For seldom used (or cared about) accounts, this is pretty low friction, and most of those will keep you logged in for an extended period of time.

From a perspective of one of these people, why even bother with trying to remembering a login or dealing with tools you don't have, like if you don't even have a password manager or know that they exist.

From a systems and security perspective, it could be worse. They could be reusing passwords.

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Identity is tricky. Proving who you are depends on a certain level of trust. Whether it's through email, devices, phones, or, in more advanced settings, some sort of digital certificate; you won't have much options.

Unless you're in Germany using a service provided by the Vogons, you might end up getting a letter containing an activation PIN via snail mail or worst having to visit the post office to show your passport.

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I wish sites would acknowledge the need for a nerd mode that gets rid of all the stuff that annoys nerds and is essentially password or lockout, no resets. Enable reset methods or 2fa at your own whim.

For the rest you can do weird stuff that doesn't work on nerds.

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not sure i get what this article's point is

its the go to pattern because its the most resilient and intuitive

we've been using emails for a long time and it makes sense that it became the go to authentication method

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and whether we can take advantage of people’s tendencies towards learned behaviour like this.

Isn't that what some services are doing already? There is no password in Notion, you just enter your email and the password is sent to your email address.

Login with Email is like a primitive "Login with Google" where the user himself transfer the authentication token. It's still better in one area: no lockdown to a particular cloud provider. However, it doesn't address security, it just concentrate it in one place. Lose your email and now you have a much bigger problem.

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I think it should be entirely oauth. no password needed

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The thing is, the moment some service allows you to recover your password through email, this becomes a legitimate pattern. As long as the throwaway password is reasonably complex, the service becomes as secure as email can be (which is, imperfect)

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In general, I really am disturbed that so many websites use my email and phone number for authentication. I use authenticator and password manager apps for a reason. Using my email and phone number is both unsafe and was never approved by me. They just started doing it. Further, there's no way to turn it off.

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How do you deal with the situation that you lost access to an email address (e.g. change of employer) and years later you want access to an account that turns out to be tied to that email address?

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Wow, that's awful. So they abuse "forgot your password" as a login method, with the added obstacle of having to come up with a random password every time. And they don't see any problem with it. My hunch is that all these people are very non-technical users.

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If I launched a startup I would absolutely use magic links for auth. Minimum friction for users.

As a user, I hate it.

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This one is easy:

First of all, 'real' people do not use password managers, and they feel a slight suspicion towards the browser 'remember password' dialog so rhey decline.

They also have some boomer uncle that told them 'never to write down passwords' for the days where people post-it them to the monitor in shared office spaces.

They also know 'not to reuse passwords' because if one site gets powned your password for everything is out there.

So they develop a heuristic for mutating their 'master' password depending on the site or app, only to get thwarted by insane (not an exaggeration) password requirement rules.

So they have to deviate from their heuristic, and will not remember the password they had to make up on the spot next time around, so a reset password email it is.

Bonus: they make up a new password, omly to be informed they can not reuse a previously used password. XD

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Any strong 2 factor authentication without the kind of high touch processes that a bank can afford is a corporate suicide pact. 10% or so of your users will be permanently locked out each year and once you get past the early explosive early growth phase that turns into a near steady state instead you get radioactive decay.

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You posit a good question but it would be interesting to take a step further and discuss some potential alternatives, or expand on why "email is authentication" is/isn't the best option there is.

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Login and authentication are a really big deal, and represent some of the most complex code, in one of my apps.

In fact, I just made a release last night, to try ensuring that we reduce the number of bad emails (I thought I could get away with eschewing the traditional “confirm email” thing —I was wrong. There’s a reason the classics are popular).

Since it is an iOS app, I can implement Sign in/up with Apple, which helps a lot.

It’s still a work in progress, though. I use the Keychain to store login info, with Face/Touch ID, to smooth the login process. Works fairly well.

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User researchers are great at making these kinds of discoveries. The basic idea is that you've got to actually watch a user when they use your site, ask some questions about what they are seeing and thinking.

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This is actually a really good use-case for PGP. Opt-in use to upload the pubkey and, if provided, encrypt automated e-mails like auth links and password reset.

Facebook supported this for years, not sure why they recently deprecated it.