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Is My Blue Your Blue?

121 replies

I suspect it tests your monitor and monitor calibration as much as your color perception. In particular, sRGB displays have a pretty severely limited green gamut. If you have a wide-gamut display, the test is probably gonna appear different.

But another problem is with displaying the colors essentially full-window, which is going to be nearly-full-screen for many users. When we're staring at a screen with a particular tint, our eyes quickly do "auto white balance" that skews the results. It's the mechanism behind a bunch of optical illusions.

To address that last problem, I think the color display area should be much smaller, or you should be shown all hues at once and asked to position a cut-off point.

75 replies

Author here, yes, it tests a mix of your monitor calibration and colour naming. The two types of inferences you can make with this are:

1. If two people take the test with the same device, in the same lighting (e.g. in the same room), their relative thresholds should be fairly stable. 2. If you average over large populations, you can estimate population thresholds, marginalizing over monitor calibrations.

The most interesting thing for me is that while cyan (#00ffff) is nominally halfway between blue and green, most people's thresholds, averaged over monitor calibrations, imply that cyan is classified as blue. I was not expecting that the median threshold (hue 174) would be so deep into the greens.

38 replies

I got hue 174 as my threshold and really I just wanted to say "neither, this is turquoise/teal" for most of the questions. But blue/green was the only option.

17 replies

Me too, but I liked the conclusion ("to you, turquoise is blue/green")

13 replies

That must be the perfect result. I also got 174 but it said "For you, turquoise is green."

9 replies

But it isn't. Turquoise is turquoise, and since that wasn't an option, I picked one at random.

8 replies

The whole point is demarcating the line between where colors seem more-blue-than-green, and more-green-than-blue.

6 replies

That wasn't clearly part of the test. To be ultra-pedantic (this is HN after all), the user's choices don't say "This is more-blue-than-green" and "This is more-green-than-blue". The choices are only "This is green" and "This is blue" forcing you to just pick one, where there is no clearly correct choice. When the color on the screen is neither green nor blue, many people will just pick a random answer.

I bet if the choices actually said "This is more green than blue" the results would be different.

5 replies

When the color on the screen is neither green nor blue, many people will just pick a random answer.

Or people will naturally intuit that they should choose whichever answer they think is closer to true.

2 replies

On such a random internet doodad most users will pick a random answer period. To see what this thingy tries to do without wasting any time on it. I hope it doesn't try to do gather any meaningful data.

Personally I "tried" to answer truthfully at first and then went absolutely "ok f u, don't care no more" when it showed turquoise :D

1 replies

most users will pick a random answer period.

Taking how you behave, and extrapolating that it to everyone, (and furthermore being unable to accept that other people might behave differently), is not a winning strategy for life.

0 replies

There is no winning in life. And I'm doing fine tyvm ;)

0 replies

Turquoise is blue with green , so if it asked me to pick I’d pick green. Because if they have eggs then pickup a dozen milks HN pedant here

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Or most likely people will come out with a severe feeling of dissatisfaction with the results.

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Turqoise doesn't feel either more-green-than-blue or more-blue-than-green. It feels neither blue nor green, and I don't see any way to compare it to either.

It's clearly more turqoise than blue. Or green.

Turqoise on a computer monitor is always missing part of itself, so maybe I should've answered based on that, but I don't think the computer monitor was the point.

2 replies

176 for me its blue

1 replies

180 and blue and I suspect that language also plays a part (I was brought up in an environment where the word turquoise starts with green, but now live in a turquoise-producing state where the finished product look far blue-r.)

0 replies

i mean i always saw turquoise as a greenish light blue, so it kinda makes sense

1 replies

I actually disliked the conclusion, because it forced me to classify turquoise as either blue or green. When it's a mix more than anything.

It lacks the "can't classify" to make it a better tool.

0 replies

yeah kind of a waste of time, what is this 50% mixture of green and blue? pick one - Blue or Green

answer it should have: Its both

0 replies

To be honest, when I got turquoise and had to choose blue or green, I just thought "oh whatever" and picked one randomly.

11 replies

Same, my answer was “neither” after the third color so I just alternated between blue and green until it stopped.

9 replies

"Neither" is the coward's choice.

8 replies

Is a crab a mammal or a reptile?

4 replies

Is a hot dog a sandwich?

1 replies

Is a burrito a sandwich?

(Yes in New York and Indiana, no in Massachusetts, and the law is silent elsewhere. Personally I believe that because the torta exists, the burrito may have some characteristics of a sandwich but should be considered a wrap)

1 replies

Of course. It's a bologna sandwich in log form.

0 replies

It's a bologna sandwich in log form.

Finally someone else realizes that hotdogs are basically just bologna.

1 replies

It's an insect. 6 legs, exoskeleton, etc.

0 replies

I know you're making a joke about classification, but crabs have 10 legs, not 6.

0 replies

I'm not gonna fight you on that.

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Try looking away between tests.

I tried twice and got 182, then 184. Which I suppose it more or less consistent.

3 replies

Fun, I got 174 and when I saw the results my reaction was "but that is not turquoise!" which I suppose means I either don't know what turquoise is, or my screen has bad calibration/gamut.

1 replies

I got 174 as well.

0 replies

Me too... Apple Silicon era MBA, with Samsung 4K display with corresponding U28D590 driver...

0 replies

Nobody knows what turquoise is

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The point is to determine whether turquoise to you is more green, or more blue.

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Here is a chart of HN reader results, based on two pages of comments:

Mean is 176 Median is 175 Mode is 174

0 replies

it looks like my default is if there is 40% green in that it is green. Thus it told me that turquoise for me is green. Which if I look at Turquoise the RGB color, that is green. If I look at Turquoise the mineral about half the time it is green and half the time blue.

0 replies

Same thinking here, though I got 184

8 replies

I'd love a last step in the test where you're presented with the gradient, but before showing the distribution and the user's score. Allow the user to select where they consider their threshold, then display the final results.

5 replies

That's fun! I bet people would tend to nudge the threshold toward the middle of the scale. Or you could do a sorting interface, etc.

4 replies

A sorting interface would be another neat step! And yeah, I think most would gravitate toward the middle. Seeing how "far off" you are would be fun :)

Ooh maybe have the user slide a gradient left and right inside a window, aligning the center of the window with where they think the line is between blue and green (i.e., instruct the user to fill the window with equal amounts of green and blue).

1 replies

It tells me to rotate my device, implying it should work on my phone, but I can't figure out how to move the colors. Holding and sliding doesn't work. Tapping doesn't seem to do anything.

Does it not actually work on mobile?

0 replies

Works on my android fine.

0 replies

Ilovehue and ilovehue 2 are excellent mobile games around this sorting idea, they're quite zen and for all ages, highly recommendend!

0 replies

I really wanted to be able to drag my vertical bar on the distribution to the right just a bit. :)

When I could see the entire gradient, I actually thought green continued to the right a bit more than where my line was.

0 replies

Thats genius

4 replies

I refuse to call cyan either blue or green. It’s clearly in between.

Just like I would never call orange yellow or red.

2 replies

primary: yellow, red, blue

secondary: green, orange

cyan: not primary nor secondary.

i hope that helps.

1 replies

cyan: not primary nor secondary.

That's incorrect.

The 3 primary colors of light are red green blue. The 3 secondary colors are yellow, cyan, and magenta.

The 3 primary colors used in printing are cyan, magenta, and yellow (why it's called CMYK where K is black).

Cyan is primary or secondary in both of the major color models.

0 replies

CMY and RYB are both valid primary color sets.

RYB, being taught in grade school, has a lot of influence on how people perceive and name colors, which is what this conversation is about.

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I refuse to call cyan cyan. I just call it blue-green

3 replies

while cyan (#00ffff) is nominally halfway between blue and green, most people's thresholds, averaged over monitor calibrations, imply that cyan is classified as blue

Yes, because (at least for me) the thought went "well that's cyan, it's not really blue but if forced to pick, cyan is more like blue so I'll click that". It's like rounding up at 0.5.

2 replies

For me it was like "if forced to pick, cyan is more like green". So I kept clicking green and got 184.

1 replies

For me, if forced to pick between two choices that were not correct, I'd just pick one randomly. I think this is a wording problem more than anything.

0 replies

For me, if forced to pick between two choices that were not correct, I'd just pick one randomly. I think this is a wording problem more than anything.

That's what I'd do if I were being paid to take the survey. Instead I just closed the window as soon as it popped up cyan and only gave me blue and green as options.

2 replies

This test is useless or of very limited value.

I kept pressing green until the end because you had no 'cyan' button to press when clearly many colors were actually cyan. Cyan is not blue.

Incidentally, my color vision is perfect on all Ishihara tests.

1 replies

Blue and Green and primary and secondary colors.

Cyan is not. The author decided to cut off the colors list at secondary colors. There is nothing wrong with that.

0 replies

Not to be mean, but I think every assertion in your comment is wrong.

Blue and Green are English words which sometimes describe primary or secondary colors additive colors. Cyan is (an English word that describes) a primary subtractive color.

Colors are not English words. They're physical reactions inside our eye-brain systems, affected by varying wavelengths of light. (Actually that's not the most accurate description of color either, but it's a more useful model.)

1 replies

Not that surprising. To most people, pure RGB-blue looks a bit violet. People are used to ink (subtractive) blue more than light (additive) blue. People call the sky blue and water blue; both are closer to cyan. Most people think of a neutral blue as something like #0080ff.

0 replies

To most people, pure RGB-blue looks a bit violet.

And then our mothers and teachers mock us :-(

Is this color bias the same across genders?

1 replies

I was not expecting that the median threshold (hue 174) would be so deep into the greens.

You're not asking gender of the test taker. Your results will be skewed because you're probably getting more men than women. Women in general have more ability to detect green vs blue.

0 replies

Even more fundamentally, red-green colorblindness is a recessive trait on the X chromosome, thereby affecting biological males in far greater number than females.

It could be a high enough percentage to make the results from this site noticeably different between the sexes.

0 replies

I'd check whether there are biases depending on which color you start with / which colors you present when.

0 replies

Wouldn’t this then be best for calibrating VR headsets most?

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I did this test with tinted sunglasses, could be another factor (boundary at hue 172)

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2. If you average over large populations, you can estimate population thresholds, marginalizing over monitor calibrations.

This might be one case where it might make sense to cluster between the reported operating system. At the moment I only have a family of Macs to test, but I can imagine that Windows users with their different default gamma get back different results.

0 replies


Primary Additive Colors: Red, Green, Blue

Primary Subtractive Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow

But, before digital color displays became popular, the average person had, by far, mostly exposure to subtractive (paint) colors.

US school children are taught from birth that the primary subtractive colors are red, yellow, and blue, simply because those words are easier to pronounce, and so magenta is a weird "red" and cyan is a weird "blue" , until the children discover on their own, or in specialized print/paint schools, red and blue are not primary subtractive colors.

Humans are terrible at naming things.

And to bring it back to Current Thing: Google AI cites this source for its red/yellow/blue claim, even though explicitly this source says that Google gives the wrong answer.

Will GenAI's aggressive ignorance kill sarcasm and nuance in writing? Or will people learn to ignore AI input like they ignore banner ads?

0 replies

Another variable is the name of the website. If the page were called "is my green your green" perhaps you'd get the opposite result...

0 replies

I checked in at hue 174, the median, which is interesting to me as I know that my wife will test to a very different hue as we have occasional disagreements on whether something is 'blue' or 'green' :)

0 replies

The most interesting thing for me is that while cyan (#00ffff) is nominally halfway between blue and green, most people's thresholds, averaged over monitor calibrations, imply that cyan is classified as blue.

Perceptually (that is, in CIE-LCh color space, for example), the hue component of #00ffff is a lot cloer to #00ff00 than it is to #0000ff. But the website doesn't ask which color is closer, it asks if it's "green" or "blue". And how we use those words has more to do with culture than with perception. We also call the color of a clear afternoon sky "blue", even though that is perceptually extremely far away from #0000ff.

0 replies

OP have you considered doing a version for this to test contemporary Greek native speakers, vs others ("control" group),

for differentiation of blues?

I remember reading that modern Greek has two color-names for sky- and dark- blue (not sure what the prototypes are for each nor if they have hue components, maybe the "sky" blue is green-shifted?)... always been fascinated by the discussion of "weak Sapir-Whorf" around this and would be quite interested to see if there are any differences in discrimination...

The classic cognitive/perceptual psyche data to gather would be time-to-discriminate, with the prediction being that Greek speakers make faster judgement because they have higher/faster discrimination, than others.

Not sure how you'd pose the question to non-Greek speakers tho :)

0 replies

most people's thresholds, averaged over monitor calibrations, imply that cyan is classified as blue.

I think that's just to your test forcing people to pick either blue or green even though cyan is both, they are just going to pick blue because it's the first option and more likely to be picked randomly.

0 replies

I classified cyan as green because, well, it's greener than pure blue, and it's also the most greener you can get than blue, in RGB space, without losing any blue :)

17 replies

Ambient light will also affect the result.

Not necessarily because the ambient light would affect the screen shows (it's emissive, not reflective) but because the brain also does "auto white/colour balance".

For a fun experiment, get your hand on some heavily yellow-tinted party glasses, go outside on a clear day with a bright blue sky.

When you put them on everything will be stark yellow tinged (and the blue sky will be completely off, like green or pink, can't recall which) but after a little while going on your business, perception adjusts and only a much less dramatic yellowish veil is in effect. You'd look at the sky and see almost-blue.

The kicker is when you remove the glasses: the sky will suddenly be of a glorious pink! (or green, can't recall) Only moments later it'll adjust back to be blue.

A certain wavelength may be absolute blue of a certain kind, but the perceptual system is all relative: "wait, I know this sky should be blue because that's what I've always seen, so let's compensate".

The same kind of effect - although less dramatic - can be achieved with lights that can be adjusted from say 2400K to 6500K and having as reference an object that is known "pure white", like a A4/letter sheet of paper.

This effect, in turn, adjusts how "absolutely displayed" colours are identified by way of biasing the whole perceptive system. AIUI that's the rationale behind Apple's True Tone thingy, aiming to compensate for that.

So the result of this test should be somewhat different depending on ambient lighting temperature.

7 replies

AIUI that's the rationale behind Apple's True Tone thingy, aiming to compensate for that.

No idea what "AUIU" is, but yes, generally displays should do automatic white balance like iPhones do. I don't know why most Android phones don't seem to do it (pretty sure mine doesn't), and generally TVs/monitors also don't do it. (The required color temperature sensor can't be that expensive?)

4 replies

AIUI as I understand it

3 replies

Yeah I don't know what that is

1 replies

TYDUI (IMTOU) - Then You Don't Understand It (I Made That One Up) ;-)

It's an abbreviation, and you're one of today's lucky 10000 - for an explanation of the 10000 phrase.

0 replies

At least I know that cartoon. But generally people strongly overestimate how many people know various abbreviations. For years I didn't care to look up what "IANAL" means. I since have forgotten it again.

0 replies

[A]s [I] [U]nderstand [I]t

Take the bracketed letters:


1 replies

I don't know why most Android phones don't seem to do it (pretty sure mine doesn't), and generally TVs/monitors also don't do it.

The rageguy one would say either patents or "whoa the colors really pop I want that shut up here's my $$$" uncancellable LOOKATMEIAMTHESHINY mall mode, but via Occam'r razor I think mostly because they (manufacturers) simply don't care (about consumers, or about making a good product at all)

TVs/monitors (or laptops even, and more phones that you'd believe) with just a simple auto-brightness are stupendously rare even though Apple does it since forever and a half ago.

0 replies

Yeah, laptops and TVs not even doing automatic brightness is even more absurd. Though Android phones have automatic brightness since forever, so why do many not have automatic color temperature (white balance)? The color temperature sensor can't be much more expensive than a brightness sensor. It's logically just an RGB brightness sensor.

Android does have a night mode which changes the white balance of the screen at sunset and sunrise, but this is just a binary thing and doesn't respond to actual ambient light.

5 replies

  > Ambient light will also affect the result.
Also deliberate software blue light filters. Mine is always on, both on the desktop and on the phone. Many people may forget that they are even using one.

4 replies

Also my glasses filter blue light.

3 replies

Fancy way of saying they have a yellow tint (:

2 replies

they're more like green-ish but yeah

1 replies

Then they filter also some red light...

0 replies

That might explain one of my neighbors' driving at a nearby intersection.

2 replies

Digital cameras also do automatic white balance (between yellow and blue) to mimic the automatic white balance of our eye/brain. If cameras didn't do white balance, outdoor photos with sunlight during noon would look extremely blueish, or indoor photos with artificial light would look extremely yellowish.

I like this illustration of how strong our natural white balance is:

1 replies

During some heavy dust clouds from nearby wildfires, the sky was a deep and unsettling yellow. However, I couldn’t get a picture of it, because the automatic color balance removed the yellow overcast altogether.

0 replies

The same problem occurs with photographing the yellow sky when dust from a Sahara sandstorm (presumably coming across the strait of Gibraltar) blows over Europe every few years. But you can set the white balance manually in the camera.

13 replies

I mean, it really just tests arbitrary word usage. I have no fucking clue if turquoise is supposed to be "green" or "blue", it's turquoise!

4 replies

Nah turquoise is green.

1 replies

No turquoise is blue.

0 replies

Within the ISCC–NBS System of Color Designation Turqoise (#40E0D0) is classified as a brilliant bluish green. Turquoise blue (#00FFEF) is close to turquoise on the color wheel, but slightly more blue.

More metrics, including sRGB, can be found on

1 replies

Apparently I thought so as well. Then again, my display is in night mode...

0 replies

Oh shit. Turned off night mode and switched sides!

3 replies

A bit like "is this hotdog overpriced" amd trying to binary search the exact cent where it became overpriced.

2 replies

That’s easy, any hot dog that is more than $1.50 USD is overpriced.

1 replies

But you get the price in another currency, and don’t know the exact exchange rate (in place of monitor calibration).

0 replies

Parent was a joke about the Costco fixed price hotdog.

UK Costco hotdogs are £1.50, which is not equal to $1.50, reflecting both its arbitrary nature and that UK purchasing power is weaker than the exchange rate would appear. (Computer books are a frequent offender here of having the same $ and £ prices)

0 replies

That might be a language issue. In Danish it's common to use "turkis blå", i.e. turquoise blue. Then again, you can also use "turkis grøn", turquoise green.

0 replies

But with green/blue there is certain opinion that I have at least.

0 replies

Turquoise is dark cyan, no? So equal parts green and blue.

0 replies

the real question is whether orange is red or yellow

2 replies

These sorts of tests also need to be done in controlled background lighting. Whether people are doing this in a dark room, in a sunny kitchen, or under green led lighting would be a greater factor than anything being tested.

0 replies

> These sorts of tests also need to be done in controlled background lighting. Whether people are doing this in a dark room, in a sunny kitchen, or under green led lighting would be a greater factor than anything being tested.

Whether its a dark room or sunny kitchen, i'm not sure whether Turquoise is ever going to be blue or green. The entire question seems more like wordplay.

0 replies

I don't think that's necessary for an informal test. Human color perception is extremely good at compensating for that and modern screens are relatively uniform and uniform besides. Cultural differences like the person downthread saying they consider anything with the slightest hint of green to be "green" seem far more impactful.

1 replies

Very good point. I just realized I did this with my monitor on low-blue-light-mode.

0 replies

I only realized after seeing your comment. As usual, when I turned it off to compare, the hue it shifted to looked super unnatural and I had to re-enable it.

I always forget how much white-balancing my vision does.

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If sRGB has severly limited green, what would you say about CMYK?

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CMYK is generally even more limited in the colorness to the end of gamut.

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I tried it twice, once on each of my two different monitors (a Dell S2817Q and Dell S2409W) made a few years apart and with completely different settings; and I got 175 on one and 174 on the other. So pretty close even given the difference.

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I did it on IPS laptop display and got 175. On my OLED phone I got 179. I am more in agreement with the phone results, but the turquoise on the phone looked even greener to me.

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I was looking it and thinking that's turquoise. Is it closer to blue or green? Meh, it's close to the middle.

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alternatively putting the color in a white box should provide enough context

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I suspect it tests your monitor and monitor calibration as much as your color perception. In particular, sRGB displays have a pretty severely limited green gamut. If you have a wide-gamut display, the test is probably gonna appear different.

Also browser choice:

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This is pretty much the same way that a calibrator works (if you have ever watched a color calibrator running, you know what I mean), but a calibrator doesn't get biased, like the human eye.

In order for it to be a true "neutral" test, each test would need to be preceded by a "palate-cleanser" gray screen, or something, and there would probably need to be a neutral border.

> you should be shown all hues at once and asked to position a cut-off point.

This is actually the way I have seen this stuff tested, before.

57 replies

I think this is flawed. You quickly end up on a color that's clearly not "blue" or "green" and you're unlikely to keep hitting "this is green" several times in a row, conceding that ok, fine, maybe this is blue, whatever. You're basically measuring how many times people are willing to click the same button in a row.

Edit: Possible improvements: changing the wording to "this is MORE green" and "this is MORE blue" and randomizing the order in which they are shown, somehow. I realize you're just doing some kind of binary search, narrowing the color range.

This is not to mention color calibration of your monitor, or your eyes adjusting / fatiguing to the bold color over time...

28 replies

I'd prefer blue/green/neither.

With the third colour, I just thought "no, that's teal", and my decision was (as you suggested) semi-arbitrary.

18 replies

but is the teal more green or blue. You should be able to answer that

15 replies

Is zero more positive or negative? You should be able to answer that.

9 replies

But teal isn't a single point, it's a range. You can have teals that are more blue or more green than each other; they can't all be zero. Whichever one you choose to be the true transition point between blue and green, there will be teals that are more blue or green than that one.

8 replies

Sure, but there's also a subrange at the (subjective) centre of that range that will not be perceived as either more blue or more green.

And the teal that I referenced in my earlier comment was (for me) such a colour.

3 replies

I think the main point of this test was to determine the position of teal in your case, as your definition of teal is the midpoint(-ish range) between blue and green. (For me it's more blue though.)

2 replies

Then call it something else. But the point stands that there's a point at and around which the colours are neither blue nor green.

1 replies

I mean, a good test would be able to detect that neither-blue-nor-green range and approximate midpoint as well, and it should be fair to say the midpoint is indeed the threshold between blue and green. (I don't think the current version of test can do this, though.)

0 replies

I actually checked that at the end of the test (when it shows the gradient image with the response overlay).

There were two distinct points, one for blue and one for green, where my mind would place the transition to the colour in between.

(And yes, on one end it's bluer and on the other end greener, but (much like a shade of orange is neither red nor yellow) the colours are still not either green or blue.)

2 replies

Saying it’s a subrange implies you can perceive differences in tone within it. In which case, reframe the question as “is this shade of teal closer to the blue or green end of the subrange” if you like.

0 replies

No it absolutely doesn't.

It's a well know fact that people are unable to distinguish colours that are too close together.

You could even have a smooth gradient from colour 'a' through colour 'b' to colour 'c', where it's possible to distinguish 'a' from 'c' but not to distinguish 'b' from either 'a' or 'c'.

0 replies

That's not how it works.

Maybe if I'm given two colors inside that range, I can say which is bluer and which is greener. Given just one color, I simply cannot say that it's green or blue, or even if it's more green than blue or vice versa.

I stopped at the 3rd or 4th come because I couldn't give a honest answer. That makes the test useless. I can't complete it with correct answers, and if I give incorrect answers, the conclusion is useless.

0 replies

Then by that framing, the test is asking you to decide what hue value is the "zero" between the positive/negative blue/green. Is the wording imperfect? Sure, but the intent was still entirely clear.

3 replies

More positive. -0 is more negative.

2 replies

It's neutral (-1 * 0 ≡ +1 * 0); don't confuse it for an infinitesimal (which can be positive or negative).

0 replies

Nah, zero definitely feels a bit more positive to me.

0 replies

True zero is very rare. So you are saying that teal just happens to be the true zero?

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Nope. On RGB, they are equal parts blue/green.

Since most people are viewing this on a monitor, the question is pointless.

0 replies

It's more teal.

7 replies

It is common practice in psychometrics to use two levels in a forced choice and model responses as a logistic regression, which is what's done here. Adding an N/A option turns the thing into an ordered logistic regression with unknown levels, which is tricky to fit, but it's possible. Having done a lot of psychophysics, having more options generally doesn't make the task easier.

3 replies

The way that XKCD did it is the best, you ask people to give a name to each color then the responses are entirely natural and unprompted.

I don’t think that forced choice can give accurate results if a substantial number of people perceive green and blue as being non-adjacent - i.e. there exists a color between green and blue (turquoise/cyan/teal).

Otherwise it’s like asking people whether a color is red or yellow, when it’s clearly a shade of orange.

1 replies

Some shades of orange are closer to red and some are closer to yellow.

0 replies

Yes but saying that a shade of orange is closer to yellow is different from saying that it is yellow.

Orange is closer to green than blue but I wouldn’t say that it’s a shade of green. It’s just orange.

0 replies

Otherwise it’s like asking people whether a color is red or yellow, when it’s clearly a shade of orange.

No it's like asking people whether a color is red or green, when it's clearly a shade of yellow.

0 replies

Are you sure that it is common practice for a problem that has three valid answers A, B and C, to only allow people to answer A or C?

Your website is not talking about "levels" of colour.

It's asking "is this blue or green", not "is this closer to blue or closer to green".

The question (1) "is this blue or green" has three valid answers: blue, green or neither.

The question (2) "is this closer to blue or green" only has two valid answers.

I would assume that with these types of surveys, the first thing to do is to qualify the proper categorization of the question.

Sorry to say, but to me it seems that almost all of the confusion in the discussion here is because you're asking question (1) (which has three valid answers) but expecting an answer from (2) (which indeed has two valid answers).

0 replies

Sounds like psychometrics is unsuitable for modeling this problem, according to what you're saying. When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail.

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That’s why I took the test 5 times, and my scores varied between 63% and 69% “green” so I took the average at 66.4

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But this choice has very limited impact; as you are already in a very narrow window of color

9 replies

I think this is flawed. You quickly end up on a color that's clearly not "blue" or "green" and you're unlikely to keep hitting "this is green" several times in a row, conceding that ok, fine, maybe this is blue, whatever.

I agree with you, the whole thing is flawed when it could be better. When you ask the question "is my blue your blue?", you are evoking the old philosophical question, and it's a question about color perception, not words. This test did not test color perception, it tested "what word do you use?"

I think of blue as a pure color, and green as a wide range of colors all the way to yellow, to me another pure color. so if there's any green at all in it, I'm going to call it green. (maybe it's left over from kindergarten blending "primary colors". also, while I like green grass, I don't like green as a color, so any green I see is a likely to make me think, ew, green) But in terms of what I see, I can only assume I'm seeing the same thing as everybody else is because the test is not testing it. Just because I call something green doesn't mean I don't see all the blue in it.

Edit: Possible improvements: changing the wording to "this is MORE green" and "this is MORE blue" and randomizing the order in which they are shown, somehow. I realize you're just doing some kind of binary search, narrowing the color range.

yes, the test should show you pure blue, then a turquoise mix, then pure green, and a ... etc. It should also retest you on things you already answered to measure where you are consistent.

8 replies

I do think that the philosophical question could potentially be approachable in a modern context;

Show people a colour and map their brain activity - the level of similarity between two people's colour perceptions should be reflected by similarities in the activity.

5 replies

Why do you think that would be the case?

One persons ‘blue’ activity could be different than another’s while still being the same wavelength of light and general perception.

4 replies

The philosophical question is not dealing with the objective external reality;

It's a question of subjective experience - and that experience should be reflected in electrical activity.

Given the fact that the broad structure of the brain is largely shared across members of the species, similar stimulation should trigger similar activity in the same regions of the brain.

If the same colour triggers markedly different activities, it would not be unreasonable to conclude that the subjective experiences are not the same.

2 replies

Except that’s literally not how humans are wired or develop - even nerve paths and other fine grained details in our bodies show significant divergence, and there are major macro level differences readily apparent even based on gender, color blindness, etc.

Honestly, it would be shocking if it were even a little true beyond ‘frontal cortex’ levels of granularity. And even then, Phineas Gage type situations make it clear that may not actually be required either.

And that means completely different individual activity can trigger similar subjective experiences as much as similar activity can trigger different subjective experiences, no?

1 replies

If that were the case then there's no way that they'd be able to extract images from people's neural activity, and yet they've started doing that very thing.

0 replies

Occasionally, after training on specific individuals, for those specific individuals.

0 replies

It sounds like you're in possession of a solution to the hard problem of consciousness, you should alert your nearest philosophy department.

1 replies

People have done this. See, e.g. Brouwer and Heeger (2009), Decoding and Reconstructing Color from Responses in Human Visual Cortex.

5 replies

The order is randomized. Hit reset and you'll get a different sequence. The sequence is also adaptive (not a binary search---it's hitting specific points of the tail of a sigmoid in a logistic regression it's building as you go along). Try it a few times and you'll see how reproducible it is for you.

It of course depends on the calibration of your monitor. One of the reasons I did this project is I wanted to see if there were systematic differences in color names and balance in the wild, for example, by device type (desktop vs. Android vs. iPhone), time of day (night mode), country (Sapir-Whorf), etc.

3 replies

The sequence itself should be converging however, right? I feel that there should be some random jumps outside of the current confidence interval so that contextual aspects can be filtered out or at least recognized.

2 replies

Yes, exactly this. Because it seems to be converging right now, I quickly get the feeling that there's no meaningful choice, after the first three prompts you end up with something that's neither green nor blue. Re-taking the test gave me a very different score.

It might work better for me to do some contrastive questioning: show a definite green followed by an intermediary color, then a definite blue followed by an intermediate color.

1 replies

The whole point of asserting where your border between green and blue is, is to ask about colors that are in between the two. It doesn't make sense to ask is RGB(0,0,255) blue to you? Well, unless you are color blind it is.

0 replies

Of course, that's clear as day; the idea is to reset your presumptions from the previous trial and sample the ambiguous colors in a more consistent way, by priming you from the extreme ends of the green/blue scale.

See it as a way to avoid perceptual hysteresis.

0 replies

These results would be interesting

2 replies

One issue with it: I did it 3 times and got 3 very different results.

0 replies

Same. Some of them are neither obviously blue nor obviously green, so what the test was measuring for me was what I was thinking about at the time, the decision I'd previously made, whether my mouse was currently hovering over "blue" or "green", etc.

0 replies

Likewise. I think for me there's quite a wide band of colours in the middle that I consider to be "neither/either", so I'm basically just picking a random answer for those.

A modified version of the test that finds two boundaries (green/neither/blue) could be interesting.

Or maybe it just needs to take more samples, in a more random order.

1 replies

VFX engineer here. Yes we used to cailbrate monitors and work in the dark.

However one of the key people that built our colour pipeline was also colour blind, so its not actually a requirement, so long as you use the right tools.

Most people aren't that sensitive to colour, especially if its out of context. a minority of people aren't that good at relative chromaticity as well (as in is this colour bluer/greener/redder than that one) But a lot of people are.

Language affects how you perceive colour as well.

But to say the experiment is flawed I think misses the nuance, which is capturing how people see colour _in the real world_. Sure some people will have truetone on, or some other daily colour balance fiddling. But thats still how people see the world as it is, rather than in isolation.

0 replies

I once worked for a company that had a designer who was color blind. He would always show up wearing the exact same outfit every day: turns out that he was REALLY color blind, and so he just gave up and bought 7 long sleeved shirts and 7 pants, all black. Didn't work out so well for him in the designs... most companies don't want monochrome websites.

0 replies

Agreed. It would be more accurate to show the final gradient (without the curve) and let people choose where is the boundary. It wasn't even clear what the actual task is

0 replies

and you're unlikely to keep hitting "this is green" several times in a row

I did. Because it was green!

0 replies

I am unable to answer many of them. I see mostly turquoise, not blue or green.

0 replies

Exactly my thoughts! Thanks for putting it so clearly.

0 replies

Yeah, it felt like a trick question to me.

Because the second color I saw was somewhat like turquoise and the site is called 'Is My Blue Your Blue,' I decided that everything that you say yes to colors would be blue and everything else would be green. I never saw a green until the result was displayed :D

0 replies

Yup, but at that level, you are not affecting the results very much. So it all works out

0 replies

I definitely have the bias you mention. In my case I don't think it's mainly due to not wanting to push the same button many times in a row, but because I compare with the previous color, so if previously I was already somewhat unsure but I chose green and now it became slightly bluer, it "must" be blue, right?

I think I can get over it, but it requires conscious effort and even then, who knows. Bias is often unconscious.

Another possible improvement would be to alternate the binary search colors with some randomly-generated hues. Even if those answers are outright ignored, and the process becomes longer, I think they would help to alleviate that bias. At least you wouldn't be directly comparing to the previous color.

17 replies

I got "Your boundary is at hue 167, greener than 86% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue". I think I consider darker and yellower colours as green - for instance tennis balls are firmly green to me, but a lot of people say they're yellow.

I wonder if this has anything to do with your upbringing. I grew up on a farm in a dry part of Australia, where the grass didn't often get very green. Most of the year it was yellow. If you associate green with grass and the grass is yellow, maybe you associate green with a yellower colour?

9 replies

It's very cultural. For example, Japan used the same word for green and blue, so their green light on traffic lights is as blue as possible while conforming to international standards for the light to be "green".

Also, there is a pretty well done video by Vox on how color names are influenced by culture

4 replies

Thank gods at least red is red.

In all rulebooks, lights are red-yellow-green, but in many places, I can see red-amber-turquoise. Now a sure way to get a traffic police officer livid is to call the yellow light “amber” or “orange”…

1 replies

My friend got a "Running an Amber" ticket when we were teens outside metro Detroit, MI. I had never heard it called that color before but that small memory is always on my mind when the light changes as I'm crossing.

0 replies

In the UK, the yellow light is officially an "amber" light in terms of driver regulations and statutes, such that some anally retentive type is always bound to correct anyone who dares say "yellow".

1 replies

It's orange in french

0 replies

In Greek too.

0 replies

This has begun to happen in the UK as well, and I'm struggling to get anyone else to see it. Traffic lights installed in the past couple of years seem to use a new style of LED that emits a turquoise light instead of green. I took a picture and looked at the RGB value and the G/B were equal. Everyone else I ask says they still look green. Here's an example:

0 replies

I think this might be a bit overblown. "why do we call it blue signal?" is a common 3-5 years old question in Japan.

Old Japanese traffic signals had blue tinted lenses, like ultramarine blue. Those lenses were used in conjunction with warm yellow incandescent lamps, technology available at the time. Deep blue + warm yellow = green.

Over time the green color must have normalized, without laws and slogans not reflecting that. And nowadays they're green LEDs.

0 replies

The blue-green distinction is something that tends to come late in most or maybe all language families. Ancient Greek also used the same word for blue and green. As I recall, the first color words a language gains are black and white, followed by red. Blue-green is one of the last distinctions made.

0 replies

Not just Japanese - many languages use the same word for "green" and "blue". Linguists call it "grue".

E.g. the Vietnamese word xanh means "grue", and to distinguish between green and blue you say "sky xanh" or "leaf xany".

2 replies

It can be cultural. Turquoise is often called bleu turquoise in french. So it's more of a blue to me.

1 replies

Yes, and I'd like to see a breakdown of the answers per country.

I'm French and my boundary is at 167 apparently (though I have a poor screen and depending on where I look, I could say that even further towards the green side is still blue). But a regular occurrence at home is my wife (who speaks a different language, we don't live in France) talking about « the green table » while I'm trying hard to find any green table around us, until I realize she's talking about that turquoise table that I call the blue table. Also happens on the red/pink and pink/purple boundaries.

0 replies

Agree. If the author collects the IP address of the response, maybe countries can be mapped retrospectively.

1 replies

Got “Your boundary is at hue 175, bluer than 65% of the population”

0 replies

got the exact same

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I got a very high "green" threshold too - 95% averaged across three runs, since my first result seemed surprisingly high.

It's funny though - I feel like I'm less likely to go green on the other direction too. I'd probably say a tennis ball is right on the line, and seems more yellow than green to me too.

Maybe I'm some sort of green gatekeeper, and I don't want to dilute my personal definition with lesser greens. Green is my favorite color, I'd say, so maybe that's something to do with it.

0 replies

My boundary was at 89%

14 replies

Am I missing something? The ambiguous ones are neither blue nor green, they're just cyan.

5 replies

If you had to say that cyan was more blue or green, which would you pick?

1 replies

I'd pick... u wot m8.

0 replies

Sorry not sure I understand. Yes, with each color that appears the I (or any user) has to pick which color they see more of, blue or green. Since every color shown unless presumably exactly 50% between green and blue, will either be more blue or more green. So you/I/users have to pick if they see more green or blue. The person next to you might see a hint of blue and you may see a hint of green for the same color since our eyes all work differently. UPDATE-Oh you may have been asking that of the person I was replying to initially.

0 replies

If I had to say zero is more positive or negative, I'd probably say positive. But in reality it's neither.

0 replies

Cyan is literally an even mix of blue and green.

0 replies

Sorry do you mean in general, if I went to a paint store and they showed me a cyan patch? It would depend on that particular shade of cyan if it was more green or blue, and then on top of that my eyes bias towards green/blue. Or are you asking for the results of my own test here which show my particular bias of turquoise (as the author refers to or cyan as you refer to)? Took the test a couple types and varies but for me say I see turquoise as green (though close to 50%, so if took a few more times imagine may land blue sometimes and/or depend on if I'm viewing in a dark room or light room.

2 replies

Cyan is just another shade of blue to me. The colour you get when you google image search "cyan" is definitely more blue than green to my eyes.

0 replies

That's partially a cultural effect of many peers calling cyan blue.

Same as chartreuse and turquoise just getting called a weird shade of green, names affect perception.

Worse, if you call cyan blue, turquoise may become a weird shade of blue too, even though it's not even close.

0 replies

Open up any digital drawing program. Adjust the color. Max out green and blue. That's cyan. Equal parts both.

2 replies

Yes, that's the point of the test, to see how you perceive the ambiguous ones. That is, at the end it shows the chart with the left 50% is green and right 50% is blue. The turquoise in the middle is what is hard to tell if green (aka on the left 50% or blue aka on the right 50%). For many the result line isn't down the middle but more to the left or right, and thus shows if you see turquoise (the ambiguous colors) more as blue or green. The text at the bottom of the test should put the answer in words/numbers.

1 replies

It sounds like he or she perceived the color in question as cyan, which isn't an option.

0 replies

Since cyan means 50% green and 50% blue, other than exactly in the middle of the chart, all the colors shown are either to the left of cyan(the middle), or to the right. So all the colors are either slightly to a lot blue or slightly to a lot green. This test is testing where everyone middle essentially is. If there were as cyan/turqouise option, that would be a very different test, I imagine essentially testing to lines, where the line between blue and cyan/ambiguity begins and the line between green and cyan/ambiguity begins requiring I imagine several more questions to get that answer and would only then be showing two lines on the graph, vs this test which is able to say if you lean more to the right or left of the middle of blue to green.

0 replies

I think the whole point is that the blue/green distinction is very subjective and may be culturally influenced for certain populations:

The example we see every day in traffic lights. In most parts of the world we’d unambiguously call it a “green” light, despite the fact they’re almost always cyan, with the blue component (apparently) helping drivers with red/green color-blindness.

0 replies

That's the fun part, where do you draw the line in comparison to other people?

12 replies

I'm red/green colourblind, so this was interesting to compare my green against my blue.

The thing I find being colourblind is that I value colour less than shade. Colour signals, even when I can tell them apart, are just less important to me than to non-colourblind people.

I most recently noticed this playing Valheim with my wife. There are red mushrooms in the game, surrounded by green foliage. I noticed that I have trouble spotting them, even though I have no problem seeing that they are red and the foliage is green. To her, the mushrooms stand out as being very visually different from the background and immediately noticeable. To me, they just aren't that distinct and get quite hard to spot.

So while I got the green/blue distinction to within 80% of the population, despite my shitty colour perception, it just didn't matter. At some point in the process I got to "I really don't care. I would ignore the signal that any further difference in colour is sending".

As you can guess, I have fascinating talks with designers and artists, to whom the differences really matter. I understand that colour is really important to them. I just don't see it.

7 replies

I have normal color vision, and color just doesn’t matter to me (I can never remember the colors of things, and distinction by color doesn’t help me much). I’m not discounting your theory, but I think there must be a little more to it.

6 replies

Not the person you're responding to, but also colorblind and I strongly relate to what they're expressing. It's different than not being able to remember colors. I can see (most) differences, but I need to actively focus on seeing to do it. For example, one CI system uses red/green stoplight emojis for test status. A given run might have 50-100 of them. Trying to see which ones are red means actively looking at each individual status and thinking "what color is that?" because my brain simply doesn't register reds as "jumping out" in the sea of green.

4 replies

Yes! I've had some lengthy discussions with UI designers trying to get them to understand this exact point. I can see that they're red and green, I just don't notice that they're red and green.

2 replies

Interesting, does playing a lot of games with a toddler asking them to distinguish between colors reduces the chance that they have your type of colourblindness? Since you can see the individual colors but need to concentrate on them, I wonder if playing such games make the child learn to notice the colors?

0 replies

Mine is genetic, inherited from my maternal grandfather.

My mother was an artist, spent ages testing my colour range with a set of Pantone colour swatches, just out of curiosity rather than as an attempt to cure it. That's how I know I see shade better than colour - she would show me two swatches that differed slightly in colour and then two that differed only in shade (or shade/tone/tint to be accurate). I could tell the shade differences apart better than the colour differences.

So I'm not sure that early training would help. But it couldn't hurt

0 replies

Like the other person said, most forms of colorblindness is caused by genetics--specifically, recessive traits. So, it's the sort of trait that will run in the family.

To help explain our experience, it's like trying to distinguish between two similar shades of yellow. It'll be clear and obvious that both are the color yellow. When there's only one example of each standing next to each other, it'll be easy to tell which shade is the lighter one, even if it's only slightly different. But if you had a sea of examples and are asked to pick out which yellows are slightly lighter than the other ones, then it might cause you to stop and study them for awhile to figure it out.

It's just like that for the common forms of colorblindness (where the color cones in the eyes are bent, but not missing), but instead of this metaphorical "yellow" it's this special "red-and-green" color that we see that's different from what everyone else sees. It's like trying to distinguish between two different shades of the same color, where it's obvious which is which when there's only two examples to compare to but not so much when your entire field of vision has bits of one hidden amongst a sea of the other. It's like red and green are a spectrum of the same color rather than being two separate ones.

0 replies

Reminds them that colors and shapes must be different in a UI. They’re supposed to learn that super early in their career.

0 replies

For example, one CI system uses red/green stoplight emojis for test status. A given run might have 50-100 of them. Trying to see which ones are red means actively looking at each individual status and thinking "what color is that?" because my brain simply doesn't register reds as "jumping out" in the sea of green.

Fellow CVD person here, I have that same problem at work. That and when there are up/down arrows and whether up or down is good changes based on the metric and they use color to let you know. They all look samey unless I actually stare at them for a while and the color difference sorta bubbles up.

It's so annoying too because it'd be trivial to use different signals instead of color, but no one cares about the 1/12 of us that are colorblind. It's crazy that the ADA doesn't recognize CVD as needing accommodation when it's far more common than most other disabilities.

1 replies

I am also red/green colorblind and so I cannot tell if graphs using colours in many articles (more than not) is so shitty for everyone else or not, but choosing no distinct colours (that I have no trouble differentiating) on thin lines is defying the purpose (understanding) I believe. Even if I had no trouble with colours (being close to darker shades of brown) I would perhaps use thicker lines and variate the style of the lines. So the information screams out. Putting similar shade colours on graph with colour legend in the corner telling which thin line means what is just something I throw away mentally being so difficult to navigate.

0 replies

I've got normal color vision, and it's bad for me too. If there's more than about a half dozen lines on a graph, chances are two of them are going to be so close together that it's a pain to figure out which is which. Visually distinguishing information in graphs can be a very tricky problem, but at the same time, people could easily do a much better job at it if they tried.

0 replies

Interesting. Red next to green creates a different kind of contrast. It looks like its glowing (vibrant border), the same way our eyes perceive something very close compared to something far away. That is just my observation, I'm not sure If there is some scientific evidence for that.

0 replies

I got 174 ('true neutral') by choosing 'blue' or 'not blue'. The 'green' here looks to me like a light yellowy-orange. The color that I have learned to associate with unripe bananas.

8 replies

It is a pity that the website does not collect information about whether the participant is color-blind or not.

2 replies

What makes you think it’s collecting any information at all?

1 replies

From the about:

"What happens when I hit submit?

When you hit submit, we store your responses anonymously so we can aggregate them later and measure aggregate naming curves. We don't store any information that would identify you personally. "

0 replies

Didn’t notice that option. The website has neither an ‘about’ nor a ‘submit’ button until you have completed the activity.

1 replies

To be relevant to blue/green wouldn't they need to not just collect a boolean but collect the type of colorblindness?

0 replies

It gets complicated if the goal is perfect accuracy. Cone sensitivity also varies on an individual basis even for color-normal people. Worse, the transfer function of the eyeball also varies with age as your lens yellows and internal fluid clouds a bit. Even holding those constant, brains do a lot of processing that maps what your eyes can physically capture into perceived colors, which are significantly influenced by upbringing.

Plus, screens and ambient lighting. It's a lot of variables.

1 replies

I'm red-green colorblind but I surprisingly got a perfectly median result. I'm usually horrible at determining what is green but I think the blue/green distinction is less prone to issues with red-green colorblind people.

0 replies

There's a few 'kinds' of red-green colorblind as I understand it. It has to do with whether you're missing a type of cone, or whether the frequency response of a cone type is shifted. I knew someone who had never experienced what others call "green" - all things supposed to be green are brown. I on the other hand see some green things, but a lot of things other people call green are brown, maroon or even purple. Pastels are the worst.

0 replies

I'm deuteroanomalous, and I got 165 - greener than 94%. Turquoise is blue (well yeah, it always has been!). People often tell me things are green that clearly are not, so I'm wondering what this means. Does the "165, which is greener..." thing mean that I only say it's green when other people would say "very green"?

7 replies

I stopped at the first one I could not call blue or green.

If I were to call it blue or green, it would not only not be reflecting what I think, but I could not guarantee that if I'm show the exact same color again, that I will go the same way. So I felt there was no point in continuing.

This is a problem in the method; there needs to be a third choice, so that the user can always answer (at least if the test color is always in the blue-green gamut).

It could work with two choices if the user were instructed to randomly choose in the event of indecision. I mean, truly randomly, like by means of a fair coin toss. But that could just be implemented for them by a third button. That button could then just record their indecision rather than randomly choose between blue and green, so you have better data.

Without a third choice, or properly randomized behavior, you have bias problems. For instance, a certain user who likes the blue color might always say blue when not able to decide. Another one might always go for green. Yet, those two users might exactly coincide in what they unmistakably call blue, green and what triggers hesitation/indecision.

(I realize that no matter how many bins we have, there are boundary indecisions, like not being able to decide between green and blue-green. What range constitutes indecision is also subjective.)

5 replies

That exactly is the point of the test though. Not to test whether most people call 100% blue blue, or 100% green green. It is to test at which point of the "inbetween" colors people switch from blue to green or vice versa. It forces you to decide whether the color you see is "more blue" or "more green", since after all they're all just a mix of blue and green.

2 replies

Well for me, personally, blue and green are simply not adjacent, so there's no point where green turns to blue without going through an intermediate color. This might well be due to my extreme exposure to computer colors, where the in-between color is usually called cyan, or sometimes teal or aqua. When I see cyan, I cannot sincerely say that it looks “more blue” or “more green” to me, any more than an orange tastes “more apple” or “more banana”.

1 replies

Light can absolutely be more blue or more green in an objective sense. Either it is closer to blue on the spectrum or it's closer to green. It doesn't matter if you have intermediate categories in between.

To poke a whole in your analogy, a more apt comparison would be to a gradient of sweetness, where one can indeed describe a flavor as "more sweet" or "less sweet" relative to apples and bananas.

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0 replies

You can estimate that if you can determine at which point the color becomes too ambiguous to call blue on one side, or green on the other. Different people will have a different range. If you want to identify a threshold, you can take the midpoint of the range.

0 replies

In my case, and it seems OP's as well, it forced me to stop the test instead of picking one of the two.

0 replies

Totally agree, I stopped at the second one because it was neither green nor blue

6 replies

Great site.

I wish they had a Turquoise option.

5 replies

I assume that would defeat the purpose, since turquoise is blue and green. And while for most the more initial more obvious blue or greens are easier, when close to the middle of in between blue and green (aka turquoise), that's where it can get confusing, and this test helps to show if your perception leans more towards blue or green and by how much.

4 replies

Then maybe allow non binary choice. Like 0.7 green / 0.3 blue. Becase when I see a mix of blue and green and there is only two buttons, I choose green. Or maybe I should treat the buttons as "> 0.5 green" and "> 0.5 blue".

Imho violet vs purple are difficult to distinguis (classify), maybe they can add a page for that too. These two colors are not spectral neighbors, so may be more interesting.

One more note - modern RGB displays do not produce real turquoise, just combinations of G and B. Are RGB(0,1,10) and RGB(0,10,100) on the same position of the scale between green and blue? On the final diagram, how is the horisontal axis computed?

1 replies

It really would be helpful to have the x and y axes labelled.

0 replies


The horizontal axis is Hue of the HSL color model, as I learned from the About section (the middle button after the test completes).

0 replies

Then maybe allow non binary choice. Like 0.7 green / 0.3 blue. Becase when I see a mix of blue and green and there is only two buttons, I choose green.

And (as far as I understand), this bias is what the test is supposed to detect.

0 replies

Becase when I see a mix of blue and green and there is only two buttons, I choose green. If you choose green, because you see a slight more tint of green than blue, yes, that's what you should do for this particular test. Just as you should choose blue if you see slightly more blue. For many when close to the middle hard to tell since have to go with your eyes and gut. But if anytime you are unsure if blue or green, if you always choose green regardless, then the test presumably wouldn't provide accurate results. > Or maybe I should treat the buttons as "> 0.5 green" and "> 0.5 blue". Yes, with each color they show, it's asking you if you see green (aka more green than blue) or blue (aka more blue than green). With the test starting off easier and then shades much closer to the middle (either left or right of the middle) where much harder to tell without a color picker, and everyone's eyes will be different and close to the middle you will probably see most as either blue or green.
5 replies

Author here. I added fields so you can specify your first language (relevant link: and colorblindness.


* I can't know your monitor's calibration, your ambient light, or your phone's brightness. Obviously, this will affect the results. However, I am tracking local time of day and device type, from which we should be able to infer whether night mode and default calibration has any aggregate effects. Anecdotally, thus far, I haven't found any effects of Android vs. iPhone (N=34,000).

* The order is randomized. Where you start from can influence the outcome, but methodologically it's better to randomize so the aggregate results average over starting point. You can run the test several times to see how reliable this is for you.

* It's common practice in psychophysics to use two alternatives rather than three (e.g. blue, green, something in the middle). It would be a fun extension, which you can handle with an ordered logistic regression. The code is open if you want to take a shot at it:

* I will release aggregate results on my blog,

* I am aware of most of the limitations of this test. I have run psychophysics experiments in a lab on calibrated CRTs during my PhD in visual neuroscience. *This is just entertainment*. I did this project to see if I could make a fun webapp in Vue.js using Claude Sonnet, and later cursor, given that I am not highly proficient in modern webdev. A secondary point was to engage people in vision science and get them to talk and think about perception and language. I think it worked!

2 replies

It was fun but I messed up the statistics! I had Redshift running, which (maybe you know) makes the colors more reddish. And I got a bluer than 98% of the population result. Turning off Redshift ... makes me instead greener than bluer.

1 replies

I wouldn't worry about one datapoint out of 35,000 messing up the stats.

0 replies

That's a lot! Now I noticed: "I am tracking local time of day[...] infer whether night mode [...] any aggregate effects."

So you've thought about that already :- ) (it's evening here)

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My partner and I regularly disagree on blue vs green as the colours become more of a gray colour - might be interesting to randomise the brightness of the colours being displayed then seeing if the skew towards people perceiving blue Vs green changes as the colours become closer to gray.

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some of your blue are actually azure to me

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Surely this should be using a perceptually uniform color space like OKLab rather than HSL!

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While that would change the distribution of threshold hues (partly due to the non-linear mix of blue and green, as sRGB transfer function wasn't inverted), it shouldn't change the conclusion itself. Also it would be hard to constantly change the lightness in such systems, as the #0000ff green would have a much larger lightness than the #00ff00 blue and there are some gaps outside of the common sRGB or even P3 color space.

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Pure RGB primaries gives an easy target for “red” and “green” endpoints but that’s about it. Ideally the test should consider two endpoints with uniform lightness and chroma, and just shift the hue to form in-betweens. The transition from blue to green in RGB (or HSL) is not linear in these attributes.

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That is what I believe the original comment meant to say: convert to some color space where linear interpolation for non-hue axes would be meaningful. In my knowledge, such linear interpolation will require the tone mapping due to out-of-gamut colors, and the tone mapping itself is fairly subjective.

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Not quite—you can choose a ramp that will remain in-gamut for sRGB, eg try shifting hue here:,0.121,240.19,100

Even if you were to use a more saturated ramp, I suspect that discontinuities due to gamut mapping with a good algorithm[1] should be less than the discontinuities due to lightness and chroma shifts in HSL, but I could be wrong.


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Ah yeah, I only checked the path between sRGB #0000ff = oklch(45.2% 0.3131 264.05) and sRGB #00ff00 = oklch(86.64% 0.2948 142.50) which surely needs out-of-gamut colors. And as you have noticed from the post, there are many algorithms to handle them with different attributes of colors to preserve. CSS even has its own algorithm [1] that primarily keeps hue and lightness but allows slight alternations to avoid excessive reduction on edge cases. For the purpose of this test though, hues should be probably preserved at any cost.

While lower saturation may solve this problem, some colors do greatly depend on saturation to be correctly perceived, like brown, so I don't think it is not ideal to change that either.


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You and I have the same name for things that are blue (mostly). That's what this test examines. But what if what I see as blue is actually your red?

Is this even knowable? Like if you were to see through my eyes and you looked at the sky would it be what you called red?

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I think most people have this realization and question, probably as children.

It's probably impossible to know for sure. But I largely think we see them similarly, mainly because of favorite colors. Few people like orange, brown, tan, pea green, etc.

If we all saw colors differently, I feel like there'd be greater variety in favorites.

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That's a very plausible theory

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Would we pick the same tomatoes from my garden? or would you see a ripe tomato where I saw an unripe one, and vice versa?

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You both call the same tomato ripe. But if you were to switch eyes maybe you would be shocked that what the other person called a ripe tomato was actually your green

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We can agree on wavelength but not qualia, the philosophers say.

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Surprisingly in some languages such as in my mother tongue "Pastho" : we have the same one single word for Blue and Green. let's call it blue.

So we say "Blue like the sky? or blue like the grass"

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Someone forgot to check a physics textbook before sewing a flag, which isn’t exactly a shocker.

Why does the author find it necessary to mock "scientific accuracy at Gay Pride parades"? Especially when the point of the article is that 7 is no more "scientifically accurate" than the gay 6?

I think it's in very poor taste to suggest that to be gay is to be scientifically inaccurate.

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Surprisingly in some languages such as in my mother tongue "Pastho" : we have the same one single word for Blue and Green. let's call it blue.

The history of language is like that, early on a population would have one word for both and then eventually distinguish a line between blue and green and then later start getting more specific shades from there.

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It felt really odd for me to have to choose one or the other because my language has a name for that intermediate color between blue and green (also applies to any light blue, like that of the sky) but English doesn't.

edit: actually, English does have a name for it, cyan

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I thought it turquoise...

Which is a constant battle with me and my wife: she has her blue-range shifted A LOT into my green-range.

And this is precisely a tool where we could attempt to measure that. Thanks OP!

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I think that is kind of the point of this test. if you have to chose between blue and green when you see cyan, which one do you chose?

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We call it appelblauwzeegroen (apple blue sea green)

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It was fun! If you are on a Mac / iPhone / iPad:

- Remember to disable Night Shift (went from 86% to 94% by disabling it)

- Use the Apple Display (not external one unless you know it's calibrated and good)

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Yep, disabled Night Shift, but forgot True Tone is still a thing, and I have a warm light on. Result say my green is turquoise.

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Having True Tone on should really make your results more accurate. (Ideally you'd be in a room lit with D65, though)

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Yeah, not an expert on True Tone but I'd leave it enabled. I agree it should help if it does what I guess it should.

That being said I haven't read about it in a long time nor tested without it.

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I read somewhere that cultures that have more words for shades of blues and greens, have brains that are objectively better at identifying minute differences in the shades.

I've never said 'teal' out loud in my life and I'm useless at it, but greeks get top marks for eg

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Yep, like some cultures have 10+ words for different types snow while people in warmer climate will bundle them all under "snow"

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Isn’t it largely a myth? I’ve heard this story for Inuit people but if you dig a bit you realize they just have a couple words for it.

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English itself has dozens of words for snow, so I wouldn't be surprised if Inuit languages did too. In fact I'd be shocked if they didn't have complex ways of describing something so important.

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A related quiz that might be interesting: fill the screen with random grid of colors, all close to BLUE and tell user to pick "blue". See how close people recognize 0x0000FF.

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Try I love hue [1] which is a game that works almost like that.


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Or let you keep going after narrowing down blue with other pairs of colours.

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The author of the site says that he made it using claude. It would be interesting to find out what, exactly, Claude generated.

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Author here, it started out with:

``` Can you help me make a website called is my blue your blue? I want to make a website that is in vue.js that allows one to determine the boundary between their perception of blue vs. green. It should use a golden ratio search to find the midpoint between blue and green. It should have the color be the color of the background, and it should have two buttons, blue and green. If they pick green, you should show something bluer, and vice versa. ```

It offered a starter with vue and tailwind, then I asked to add a supabase backend. I took maybe 5 hours to get the original version, which I tweaked until I got about 800 initial responses so I could show a population curve. Later I modded it with cursor to add an about section, fit a proper GLM rather than a simple golden ratio estimation method, and the d3 animation at the end.

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It's probably simpler to ask what claude didn't make at this point.

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I would love a version of this based on orange. I've always felt my perception of orange is different from others.

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That was such a rewarding read! LOL thanks for sharing

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Omg! A perfect time to share my story from before[1], where I lost a notebook at a big box store, and I had early on lumped the notebook in with greens, and thus described it as a "green notebook".

But some people, including the store employee that took my call, strongly felt it was clearly on the blue side and claimed not to have anything matching that description I only ever recovered it by going there in person and asking to see it.

(Fortunately, it had my name in it as a second check.)

Look for yourself:


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It's turquoise.

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if we're sticking with this binary thing then you get another vote for green

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What function is being used to interpolate between green and blue?

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oof, I guess that explains why the transition looks so non-linear to me

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Does it depend on the monitor's color setting?

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I mean, it obviously does, to some extent. I can certainly manipulate my settings to make colors very different than the "default."

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I clicked "This is blue" whenever a green came up and "This is green" whenever it showed me a blue. Interestingly it didn't bother with any turquoises or cyans when I did this, it only showed me unambiguous blues and greens.

At the end it told me "Your boundary is at hue 180, bluer than 85% of the population. For you, turquoise is green." Which I would've thought was impossible to discern from my choices.

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Furthermore, there's some randomness to this. If I click only "This is blue" the hue boundary is different each time, in the end result. The lowest I got was "hue 134, greener than 100% of the population".

Same for clicking only "This is green", with the highest observed boundary as "hue 226, bluer than 100% of the population".

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It is also possible that I say something is blue because rest of society says so. My blue can only be known to me

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Yeah me too, apples look blue to me but I know how to answer this website like a regular person

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I had this result:

Your boundary is at hue 171, greener than 72% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.

Of course there is a monitor and eyes component/biais tonthe measurement, but I also think this reveals something cultural. In France we call this color "bleu turquoise" so "turquoise" is not a color per se but a qualifier for the color blue.

Interestingly, at some point in the test I really had a hard time choosing between green and blue and precisely thought "it's a perfect turquoise so just between the two, how to choose?" so I closed my eyes and looked at it again and decided… green for this one! I wouldn't have expected the final result it gave me!

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I just found this in the "about" section of the website:

In early experiments, we found that people's responses cluster around 175, which coincidentally is the same as the named HTML color turquoise. This is interesting, because the nominal boundary between blue and green is at 180, the named HTML color cyan. That means most people's boundaries are shifted toward saying that cyan is blue.

That last sentence surprises me. At least in French, cyan is also considered a shade of blue. For turquoise I can understand that people would call turquoise green, but isn't cyan blue for everyone?

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If you do this for green and yellow we can solve the "what colour are tennis balls" debacle once and for all.

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This is a classic problem of trying to choose a single label for anything.

There are very few absolutes… maybe none.

I like this test applied to an apple. . With no bites taken, is it an apple? (Of course) Now take a bite. Still an apple? (Most would say yes). Keep taking bites until it is just a core, or an even just a seed. Then?

Maybe my favorite is just the boundary of one of us humans. Where is the boundary between me and not me? Obviously it’s on the outer edge of my skin. But zoom in a lot, and you have this blue/green binary fit problem.

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Fundamentally, reality is a continuum of variation, and the categories and ontologies we define are just models that are useful for reconcile reality to our own cognitive capacities, rather than anything objectively true of the external world.

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Can we get this for yellow and green?

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This is good too, particularly as it also shows this same issue with other colours.

I'd like to see a combination website where it gives the answers at the end.

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At the end, with the vertical bar, I felt that it was quite a bit left than than where it should be, it needed to be further into the green.

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Same here, which is interesting when you see it next to more blue-blue. Maybe it's the relative effect.

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Watch the results getting skewed in real time as night falls across the Americas and more people’s phone enter the mode with more yellow for low light conditions…

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The site records local time of day when you hit submit so I can track whether this has any effect. I have 7,000 answers thus far, I should have enough by tomorrow to determine whether there are any systematic effects.

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I'm actually of the opinion, that blue-green colors like teal or turquoise are both green and blue at the same time. Basically a mixture.

Having to pick just exclusively one - blue OR green - for such colors just feels, wrong and arbitrary?

You could also make a website that shows various shades of purple - and ask people is it blue or red? Well, both! Purple is a mixture of both blue and red. Why treat teal differently than purple?

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This was my opinion. Saying it's either blue or green when it looks to be a bit of both didn't sit well with me.

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I like that the test refresh your eyes with a random noise. But I think it should be a bit longer. My eyes still have a bit residue from previous color.

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The mask is 200 ms long, which is a bit on the long side compared to most psychophysics experiments. I can try to crank it up to 300 ms, but beyond that I think it'll start feeling slow.

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Teal is my favorite color and I felt attacked..

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better do a protec

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What does it mean when I get better and better at picking blues/greens on second or third attempts? Does it mean my ability to pick colors can be somehow influenced or improved?

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Yes, you can absolutely get better at discriminating different colors, orientations, etc. though unfortunately improvements tend to be highly specific to the stimulus. There's a great book by Barbara Dosher called Perceptual Learning that extensively overviews the literature.

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Your boundary is at hue 189, bluer than 98% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

That is interesting, I usually address my monitor to make it look darker and more lean toward warm color, guess this will affect the result

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I was at 192. My Mac monitor's fairly bright and I don't have Night Shift enabled.

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Today I learned that English doesn’t have an equivalent to the French world "bleu-vert" literally "blue-green" and meaning a colour in between blue and green so that it can’t be easily classed in either one (that’s not exactly like cyan which exists in French but is a precise color). Sixty percents of the time I was thinking "in between".

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Commonly, Teal or Turquoise.

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I used to have a lot of anxiety wondering if what my brain perceived as "Blue" was the same shade of "Blue" to other people. Like, sure, the sky is blue and a similar color to water for everyone.... but what if what I see as blue is actually red for other people and there is just no way to confirm because that is how our brain processes that frequency of light? I'm sure it isn't actually possible to confirm... but I was always interested in it.

Late addition to comment:

I just found this article that explains it well and has some theories on it:

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Ultimately it doesn't matter. Your "blue" is just a translation of that frequency to some distinguishable impression to allow you to see. But it's a good bet that the same wiring that went into your brain making that translation also went into other brains.

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Why in the world is .blue a TLD?

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This explanation is trying too hard to affirm people’s vision capabilities and just say their monitor and naming schemes are different

Blue part of the color spectrum is the hardest for both our eyes and monitors to perceive, it extends the easiest out of the display range of both.

It is very valid to talk about our eyes, genetics, sex in this conversation too.

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I sent this to two friends and we got 163, 164 and 165. We are all maniacs in the +90% percentile I suppose xD.

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Your boundary is at hue 187, bluer than 98% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

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"For you turquoise is blue". Sure, it's even called in French "bleu turquoise", never "vert turquoise".

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This very quickly got to what I'd call "turquoise", and neither green or blue so I got a bit stuck

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Lol, I have protanomaly. The second color they show is one that I perceive as light gray, and my only options are saying that it looks blue, that it looks green, or to reset. I reset. Now it lets me see three colors I can distinguish until I get a series of greys (I'm just clicking to see it through to the end).

"For you, turquoise is green."

It very much is not, sir.

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You have a meta header that sets a strong blue theme-color on the top of the browser. I feel like this might be biasing the results on iOS Safari because, compared to this blue, turquoise appears comparatively green.

Edit: it looks like the theme-color is meant to stay stuck as whatever the initial green/blue colour was. But for me, it shows as white if the initial choice is green.

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My threshold was at 176.

I believe that an interval as threshold would be more interesting than a single value threshold. Perhaps if the user is shown N blocks from green to blue and then asked to drag&drop them to three buckets: green, not certain, blue?

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I really like the way this shows the final result. Thank you!

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I quit on the second one; it's a blue-green. Binary categorization is not sufficient.

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One thing that's really cool is how this differs by culture. Ask a Russian, and you'll get an answer that may diverge from an American.

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You might ask, "What makes an artist an artist?"

It's the seeing. Artists see differently (and there are some skills too of course).

Meditation, drugs and some other stuff change the way you see too. So perception is definitely a variable and not a constant.

So ya, the seeing of blue varies.

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I did this test multiple times and I get a mix of both extreme results. I think my vote of green or blue on the current color largely depends on the previously displayed color. E.g. If the previous color was a strong green, I’m more inclined to see a color between green and blue, bluer than it actually is.

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Is 175 the average score, or 1 std dev more blue than average?

We may never know.

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I remember being in school and thinking that "what if my (color) is your (other color)" was a cool question, and then later I think I reasoned out that color is measurable so the actual color is objective, and the differences between different people is just like... rods and cones that are somehow different between people aka partial colorblindness.

So I don't know what this is.

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I expected this to be about qualia. It's not. What I percieve to be red might be what you perceive to be blue, but we have no way to know this, because we will both call it by the same name. We have almost no insight into the qualia of others. Colorblindness is a chink in this armor. Not that I consider this a novel insight, it's something I thought of while a 10th grader back in 1984, and subsequently read about in books predating my own thoughts, such as Douglas Hofstadter's Metamagical Themas or Godel, Escher, Bach, or some other book I can't recall, though it seems quite obvious in any case.

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Zima Blue ♥

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At 0% brightness, my hue is 167, bluer than 85% of the population.

And at 100% brightness, my hue is 176, bluer than 69% of the population.

This means that turquoise is green in sunlight and blue otherwise.

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I'm green red colorblind my result is "Your boundary is at hue 197, bluer than 99% of the population. For you, turquoise is green". I suppose that's because my cones don't detect green fully (without getting into the anatomic details of colorblindness). You should consider colorblind people aswell, this will make the results more interesting.

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I think this website is broken. at the end it said that my blue threshold is way higher than all of the colors it showed me which I said were blue.

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On my phone, turquoise is green for me, but on my laptop it's blue. I guess that's why it's called turquoise. The same thing happens with the purple spectrum. There's an unlimited amount of purple hues, ranging from red purple to blue purple. That's why there's pink.

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If you do this in a fullscreen browser on a widescreen monitor, your peripheral vision will also come into play. You'll be able to see that the edges of the monitor are slightly different color than the center, because peripheral vision is less good at seeing color.

When I shrunk the monitor down to a narrower window, I was getting more consistent results than otherwise.

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The About pages notes that this was built with Claude Sonnet 3.5. Nice to see these real-world LLM uses where people who aren't front-end developers can share cool things.

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Nice. would've been cool if I could easily share my result similar to speedtest (as an example).

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Interesting. Does anyone else see a band of green in their blue? My boundary is at 170. Greener than 85% of the population. This point looks like the transition between blue and green to me, to the right I can see the gradient go to blue then to green again, then back to blue. So there's a green band in the middle of my screen.

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Why has this been upvoted so much? It's a completely useless test where it seems we all agree there are a bunch of turquoises.

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Remember turning off your "eye protection" setting in android or you'll go left

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If you guess the obvious wrong answer the choices between green and blue become more and more obvious. If you continue to guess wrong you end up with a boundary hue of 179 or 180 (bluer than 85% of the population). How is this possible? I'd suspect someone making the choices here would be colorblind and well into the 99.9th percentile.

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where is the "its teal" button?

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I'm reminded of xkcd's color survey map[1] and fun visualizations[2]. And a similar paper[3] with an interactive[4]. Note the variation between linguistic groups, and high variance among individuals. Might be interesting to compare the results of TFA. There's work on using google image search to learn color from names.[5] I was sketching a kids app for "use phone camera to name and collect colors".

[1] map from [2] [3] short paper with pretty pictures [4] [5]

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I know my blue isn't the same as it was before Cataract surgery. The world was a lot more yellow then. The benefit of not doing both eyes the same days in terms of complications and going blind is obvious. It gave me an A/B test as well to actually see the difference myself.

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Hey I got 179, which the site says is 1 away from exactly halfway.

Being good at the difference between green and blue is normal to want and possible to achieve!

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The websites shows a slope from green to blue across turquoise, but al most of this is almost certainly calibration error, and people being forced to say blue or green when they want to say turquoise.

The true graph is most probably a very small slope on the green and blue ends, and rectangle of measurement error in the middle. The "you are 70% greener" conclusion is a textbook example of false precision that ruins the science.

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If the test is designed to select for non-blues in the HSL range of 150 and 210, how is it assigning boundary hues in a higher range?

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At 192, I apparently have high standards for blue

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recommend the game 'i love hue' for realizing one's boundaries as a happy fun surprise

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I've taken the test multiple times, and ended up with my boundary being both greener than >70% of the population and bluer than >70% of the population in separate attempts. And I know my color perception to be good at distinguishing hue - it's just that I don't have strong opinions about categorizing it in this space.

I'm pretty sure there's some hysteresis going on - if we randomly end up in the ambiguous zone on the bluer side, we'll be pressing "blue" every time a small change happens, because it's basically the same color. Until the changes add up so much that we're out of the ambiguous zone on the green side - and now our "border" is far on the green side. But if we started on the other side, entering the ambiguous zone from the green side, it'd take a big cumulative change before we press "blue".

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This is great and surprisingly consistent. Apparently I’m in the 98th percentile of how blue my cutoff is. I wonder if this is related to my favorite color being green (I’m perceiving more things as green because I like the color)

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Where is the Hatsune Miku's hair option?

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I think it's quite close-minded to call cyan green or blue.

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I'm curious how the aggregate results from this test would compare to the exact same test named "Is my green your green?"

I could see the title influencing some of the more nuanced decisions in the middle.

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But... this reminds me of an issue many years ago when i worked in a design agency. A client's marketing manager had been sent printed samples with spot colours for sign off. She was complaining about the colours not being correct...

It turns out that someone in her team had taken photos of the printed items and emailed them to her because she was on the move. The correctly printed items were photographed in bad light with a camera phone, maybe it was an iPhone 3G around that time... which were then compressed and sent on email, and she was then comparing them on a poor quality PC laptop display...

Sadly she wasn't the only one to raise a similar issue. Another guy was notorious for zooming in on 72dpi low quality images and complaining that the logo wasn't legible or sharp enough :D

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Ohhhh this is soo cool! I always wondered if my color perception is normal because sometimes i have the feeling that i do not have that much of saturation.

Still failed to find such a test but this goes into this direction. Maybe this comment can help me with this search.

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Neat website, and lovely to use. I wonder if the test needs to be slightly more sophisticated?

My results seem to depend on whether the starting colour is blue or green. If it starts with blue I will categorise more of the turquoise as blue, and if it starts as green I will categorise more of it as green.

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I got this: Your boundary is at hue 173, greener than 57% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue.

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A lot of teal aand turquoise. Only saw blue at the start and green once.

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"Your boundary is at hue 172, greener than 63% of the population. For you, turquoise is blue"

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for a lot of them it was neither, it was turquoise or other colors, but thats not an option. I ended up at 68% because well that's what I was forced into. Like any survey that doesn't allow N/A.

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Who wants the bet we'll see Is My Yellow Your Yellow on the front page tomorrow? Yellow and orange is another contentious issue.

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There's a color called turquoise.

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I was repeatedly asked to categorize a colour that I can only honestly describe as turquoise, as either green or blue. At the end of this process, I was told that I had failed to recognize turquoise. How silly.

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I feel like I achieved something by doing this. Thank you for sharing.

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The universe is all about various spectrum and waves like sin. It's donuts and toroids all the way up and down, left and right.

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Maybe that's because of much I learned about about color, but I very quickly get to a point where the correct answer can only be 50% blue, 50% green. Answering either blue or green feels wrong to me.

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Is this test based on web rgb? I suggest use larger color space.

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Love it, this is my result:

Your boundary is at hue 174, bluer than 59% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

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It seems like the test is starts with a clear green or clear blue and then devolves into cyan and asks if you think it's blue or green. I think it's blue or green hinted cyan.

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I like the simplicity of this. There was a related game called Specimen that’s worth checking out.

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Actually that is a test only , we agree both to testing my monitor only, and experiencing what is cyber space.. atleast soon I am ready it could be happen...

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So at the end, I'm shown a full-screen gradient from green to blue, with a line showing where my personal boundary between green and blue lies.

Except that when I look at that gradient, it seems to me that the actual transition lies much further to the left, roughly in the middle of the screen: i.e., I'm being told that I consider a significant range of colours to be green that, on this final page, appear to me to be quite clearly blue.

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That's definitely cyan, why did me have to pick a wrong color?

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I think the end result phrase is wrong.

My line is on the greener side and it says im "bluer".

The semantics are at best unclear on this last sentence

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There's an issue of language here. For me, an Italian, blue is dark and "azzurro" is light. I played the game assuming that "azzurro"=Blue but I guess that sensitivity is skewed by semantics here. You can try to capture mother language too and see how it affects the statistics

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Tested on full screen (24" display), got 175. Tested in small window, got 180.

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This proves it, cyan is blue.

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If you want to have fun, try printing a logo with nuances of green on your CYMK printer. Nuances on the screen become a flat blob.

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"For you Turquoise is green" isn't an interesting result. There is a line at which a color isn't one of two options, it is another well-defined color.

It is a neat site, but I guess I don't understand the point of this is.

Another version with vehicles could say "To you a Van is a Truck", and you would get some results on how many people classify a Van as a Car or a Truck... but the question is flawed to begin with, and thus so are the "results".

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I wonder how different the answers would be if simply the title was "is your green my green"

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I got this :)

Your boundary is at hue 177, bluer than 75% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

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My partner and I argue about gray vs green all of the time. Id love this test adapted to color vs gray too!

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As an anomalous trichromat I would love to see this for red and green as well!

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When you show the distribution at the end, it'd be cool to be able to select my own threshold not based on the test results but my reaction in the moment to the color palette. I found that the distribution did not line up with where I'd draw the line.

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I have a colour calibrated monitor, and landed at hue 181 which is almost dead centre.

Fascinating... so I then tried on my mobile device and skewed to the left at 171.

Retried the monitor, dead centre again. Retried the mobile device, back to the left.

What device you use, the brightness, capabilities, calibration, environment... will all change the outcome.

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I take my green seriously.

Says my blue is 57% more blue than average. I'm all right with that. For me green is more exceptional than blue because the sky and large bodies of waters are blue.

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This is like when you're at the optometrist and they keep flipping the lenses saying "better or worse?" and I'm like "better... no, worse. Hmm... well..."

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Read the About section before commenting (The middle button after the test finishes).

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First run

Your boundary is at hue 174, just like the population median. You're a true neutral.

Second run

Your boundary is at hue 174, bluer than 59% of the population. For you, turquoise is green.

Third run

Your boundary is at hue 174, just like the population median. You're a true neutral.

Now I have to try on another screen.

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Fantastic, we always had disagreements about colours with my wife - now i know why.

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Depends on the angle I'm looking at the screen. The top edge is visibly green while the bottom is clearly blue.

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I'm doing it over and over again and getting different results each time, though the results seem to cluster around 174. I think part of the problem is that the response is primed by whatever you responded most recently, which means the final answer will tend toward (or away from?) whichever colour was shown first. (Might just be a me problem.)

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For me, the results weren't even stable, but varied from run to run according to what colors were shown.

And the first time, it randomly showed me a bunch of blues and I thought it was broken. It told me my perception was bluer than 99% of the population.

But all the subsequent runs were very different, and not stable.

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I don't know what is this.

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I don't see the point in this is blue/green, when most languages have a name for the color that is between them. Pretending that teal, aka blue-green, aka cyan, etc, isn't a thing doesn't seem that useful if you are trying for a consensus. They should be asking, is this more green than blue or neither.

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Cool. I got "Your boundary is at hue 174, just like the population median. You're a true neutral." with a MacBook Pro miniLED display.

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Since the first color was right between blue and green, I refused to choose one or the other. I'm not gonna play that game.

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I think it would be better to show a bunch of colors randomly and let you pick your blueness / greenness from that, instead of slowly converging to an answer with extremely similar choices near the end.

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Is the data collected by this open? Would absolutely love to take a peek/contribute to analyzing it

(I'm trying to do similar experiments like this myself and I think it would be great if the data is published and we can like, reproduce each other's work/explore variants etc)

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I did it twice and landed on exactly 168 each time. Can’t wait to show this to friends and argue.

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Interesting. My wife and I both took this. We used the same laptop at the same screen settings. I'm slightly more bluer than she is, but we are both pretty squarely less green.

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This is a interesting website and I finished the test. But when I am in testing I relized that I am a daltonism and most of color that between green and blue is gray in my world :D (it just as same as my browser title bar)

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This is like showing a yellow screen and asking you if it's red or green.

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For you, turquoise is blue.

I mean, turquoise is more like cyan, but it asked me to rate this color that's in-between green and blue as either blue or green so what can I do. It's like asking if orange is yellow or red.

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By chance, I was reading earlier today about the dilemma of recreating 'Tyrian purple', aka 'Royal purple', since knowledge of making (something like) it from sea snails was lost long ago (long before it was 'created in the lab' by Perkin in 1850s, igniting the German aniline industry). And the old faded art works (back when it was high fashion) are not so reliable either.

The Wiki sez [0] that in 1998 the process was thought to have been discovered (who can be sure?) "True Tyrian purple, like most high-chroma pigments, cannot be accurately rendered on a standard RGB computer monitor" and shows 2 quite different swatches.


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You: Is this blue or green? Me: Yes.

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Did it several times, I'm pretty consistently 178 with one outlier at 180.

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turquoise is green and i'll die on this hill