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Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team

168 replies

I worked on Mono a lot back in the early 2000s (back in the SVN days before it moved to Git, even). This move makes a lot of sense. Things evolved a lot over the years. Mono's legacy goals, which are to be a portable CLR (.NET) runtime for platforms that Microsoft didn't care about, don't make much sense today.

Mono made a lot of sense for running places where full .NET didn't, like in full AOT environments like on the iPhone where you can't JIT, or for random architectures that don't matter anymore but once did for Linux (Alpha, Itanium, PPC, MIPs, etc.). When Microsoft bought Xamarin (which itself was born out of the ashes of the Novell shutdown of the Mono effort) and started the DotNET Core efforts to make .NET more portable itself and less a system-provided framework and merge in a lot of the stuff Mono did a single more focused project made more sense.

Mono was still left out there to support the edge cases where DotNET Core didn't make sense, which was mostly things like being a backend for Wine stuff in some cases, some GNOME Desktop stuff (via GTK#, which is pretty dead now), and older niche use cases (second life and Unity still embed mono as a runtime for their systems). The project was limping, though, and sharing a standard library but different runtimes after much merging. Mono's runtime was always a little more portable (C instead of C++) and more accessible to experiment with, but we need that less and less, but it's still perfect for Wine. So, having it live on in Wine makes sense. It's a natural fit.

131 replies

Is there somewhere where someone new to the ecosystem can get a simple introduction to all of these different terms and which ones are still relevant today? I looked into .NET somewhat recently and came away with the apparently mistaken impression that Mono was how .NET did cross-platform. I guess I must have been reading old docs, but I'm pretty sure they were at least semi-official.

Is there good documentation somewhere for getting set up to develop with modern .NET on Linux?

35 replies

Mono implemented the GUI stuff like Windows Forms, do the latest windows cross platform stuff support that? Can you run .Net GUI windows program on linux without Mono but using the latest .Net thing ? I know it was not possible in the past.

17 replies

Sure, nobody wants to write Winforms new applications today

My point is about running existing applications on Linux, there are still issues with running .Net GUI stuff under wine and Mono was not a perfect implementation.

I read in other comments that the newer .Net cross platform stuff is not a replacement for Mono for running this old applications. (nobody will rewrite them to use the current GUI stuff from MS since are old apps)

12 replies

No, Microsoft's .NET only supports WinForms on Windows. They do have an official cross platform GUI toolkit in MAUI, but it strangely does not support Linux.

4 replies

Last I knew it is also considered pretty lackluster. Every time I read up on it it feels like, even beyond the lack of Linux support people just don't care for it.

If I was building a cross platform native app with .NET I'd probably use Avalonia right now.

3 replies

Yeah, the took an age delivering it, then it came out and most of the early reports were “It’s still not ready.” and then I think Microsoft just gave up.

I think not supporting Linux was a tactical error, though. Some people will put up with a lot for Linux GUI support, and some of those people are the types who can resolve problems with your half-baked GUzi framework.

2 replies

Oh yeah I agree lack of Linux support is a major issue. Just even without it there are so many other issues I dunno that Linux support helps much.

1 replies

Does it really need help? I struggle to imagine a scenario where one would consider MAUI not supporting Linux to be an issue (if we discard superficial bad faith concern) when Avalonia, Uno or, if you care about Linux as the main target, Gir.Core exist.

And, at the end of the day, you have a tool with an extremely rich FFI capability so whatever is available from C you can use as well.

0 replies

Sorry I clearly was not clear enough. I mean specifically an issue with MAUI itself. I agree dotnet/c# have some solid UI options cross platform at this point. MAUI however seems to be at best a mess and at worst dead in the water.

3 replies

Windows: it's cross platform! Looks inside "Except for Linux"


2 replies

Contribute to the Maui backend for GTK and/or Qt, nothing is stopping you

Alternatively, just because you're on .NET doesn't mean you need to use Microsoft sanctioned UI toolkits, just as C++ has no "official" UI toolkit. You're free to pick up some GTK or Qt bindings if you want a native feeling and your application is already architectures correctly. Alternatively, throw Imgui at it if you just need dev tooling, or maybe try other cross platform toolkits in the ecosystem like Avalonia or Uno

1 replies

I don't think it's very productive to contribute to projects that are the victim of strategic sabotage.

2 replies

but it strangely does not support Linux.

Support reasons. Still isn't the year of Linux Desktop.

0 replies

"The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed."

Were I live and work (IT and consulting in central south-east Norway) it has been the year of the Linux Desktop on and off since 2009.

That was the first time I worked full time at a place that deployed Linux for everyone and everything that didn't have a verified reason for needing Windows.

I think we had one 3rd party trading software running on a Windows machine and maybe the CEO and someone in accounting got Windows.

Everyone else was upgraded to Linux and it worked beatifully. It was my job to support the sales department with desktop related issues and it was absolutely no problem to do it while also being a productive developer.

Since then I have not worked on a place that required Linux, but I think most of the places I have worked on since has had Linux as an option as long as you supported it yourself, and some places also have been very active writing how-tos and working with me to troubleshoot issues that were related to Linux, since many of them were also Linux users.

At the moment I use Mac, but at my current job I'm also allowed to use Linux.

0 replies

Open Source Support reasons. If Linux developers want better MAUI support there is a "Community Repo" to contribute to and help move things further along. The impression is that if things were further along it might get formally "adopted" (by the Dotnet Foundation) for "official" out-of-the-box "support", but it isn't far enough along and doesn't seem to have enough contributors with enough momentum. It currently seems that the Venn Diagram of "Developers that say they want MAUI support for Linux" and "Developers that would contribute to Linux support for MAUI" has too small of an intersection.

Sure, Microsoft could pay more employees to work on it faster, but Linux loves and prefers open source from Linux devs "untainted by Microsoft", right?

1 replies

I've had pretty good success running WinForms apps in wine, and just straight up installing latest version of dotnet in wine.

Works better in proton from my experience though, but I think that is due to making unity games run better

0 replies

It is not perfect, there are issue depending if you need 32 or64 bits or if you need .net4 or greater. Games work but I have issues running tools like mod managers, game save cleners that are made with .net . In my case Sims3 works fine but not the Sims3 Launcher(this tools has more features then just launching the game like importing custom content/mods )

Sadly some Java tools stopped working if you run latest Java runtime because for some reason some crap was removed from Java and nobody made some easy way to add them back with soem package install.

0 replies

For this, having wine in charge makes sense - though, as with many things wine you could be waiting a while.

0 replies

With commercial applications that want to just take their existing code and have it run on Linux with only a couple lines changed, Avalonia XPF will do that

3 replies

The whole point of .NET-Core was to remove all the (largely desktop-oriented) platform-specific dependencies that tied it to Windows, so you could run server-oriented .net programs on Linux. So no, afaik you can't simply run GUI apps built with .Net on Linux desktops - that's the reason Mono wasn't simply killed, because it covers that niche (which wouldn't even exist, were it not for Mono/Xamarin's efforts back then. But I digress...). Nowadays there are a few other attempts at providing that UI layer.

2 replies

.net Core still has Windows Forms thoguh? At least I (for kicks) migrated one of my old .net 4.something projects to .net core and it still works and shows the classic Windows Forms GUI.

It's (of course) not portable

1 replies

.Net Core on Windows has support for loading assemblies that reference COM interfaces and the win32 API, along with other things that aren’t supported elsewhere like C++/CLI.

That’s why loading System.Windows.Forms still works, it’s not part of .Net 5+, but it can still load the assemblies on Windows (they still use GDI, etc under the hood).

0 replies

System.Windows.Forms _is_ part of .NET 5+ — but only available on Windows.

3 replies

I think this is what you need now...

"Build native, cross-platform desktop and mobile apps all in one framework."

I know my buddy uses it to write Android apps on his Mac that interface to an ASP.NET Core web site.

1 replies

I don't think that supports Linux tho

0 replies

I had to check; you're right, no official support for Linux. Windows, macOS, iOS, Android. You can kludge Linux in with hacks.

0 replies

Isn't it just another Xamarin rebrand?

3 replies

No, they pretty much gave up on winforms when .net core morphed into "the" .net that is cross platform. There are some nice crossplatform gui libs now though.

1 replies

Not really. Winforms have been updated to .net core. And a bunch of handy features to modernize it have been added.

I'd say it's the simplest and quickest way to go if you need to bang out a quickie app for Windows only.

0 replies

If true this would be huge. I got burned on the whole silverlight, Universal Windows Platform, WPF etc. All these new and improved solutions had all sorts of issues, no designer, no or weaker accessibility stories, bloated, slow etc etc. C# + Winforms would be appealing. Some of the performance with larger datasets in the new solutions (tables etc) was just surprising. I really feel like Microsoft got so distracted chasing phones, tables, touch etc they forget just basic line of business application development which they could and should have owned.

0 replies

What are the ones to use in 2024? I used to code informs, it was a great improvement on its successors.

1 replies

You are expected to use Avalonia or Uno for multi-platform targeting or Gir.Core (GTK4) or one of the many other binding libraries for Linux-specific GUI.

Also very easy to throw something together on top of SDL2 with Silk.NET.

Practically speaking it is in a much better place than many languages considered by parts of Linux community to be more """linux-oriented""".

0 replies

My personal use case is running old GUI apps, I am not planning on writing GUI apps with .Net , MS had the opportunity to open source .Net/Silverlight and make money from tools but they bet on Windows and today most apps are node and javascript, a much inferior platform but MS open things up too late.

1 replies

.net Core doesn't supply WinForms, but WPF is the far more common paradigm for Windows apps now. WPF is supported by projects like Avalonia on Linux. There are also a few other major alternative UI toolkits, more commonly used by cross-platform (vs Windows-exclusive) developers.

0 replies

.NET Core does support Windows Forms just fine, but it’s only available on Windows.

28 replies

For historical context: this was before the conclusion of the antitrust case that led Microsoft to start softening its stance toward open source.

This was the same year Antitrust came out:

Any support for open source or cross-platform stuff was a bulwark against claims of monopoly abuse, but none of it worked well enough to be a true replacement. Mono worked for some purposes, but it was far from the first party support cross-platform .NET gets today. Nowadays it sounds like .NET Core + third-party GUI libraries is the way to go.

22 replies

Nowadays it sounds like .NET Core + third-party GUI libraries is the way to go.

For reference for those unfamiliar with the terms:

.NET Core was the name given to the cross-platform fork of the .NET runtime.

It was forked out of .NET 4.x and dropped support for a lot of things in the first versions.

It ran on various distributions of Linux and MacOS.

At the same time there were forks of other libraries/frameworks in the .NET ecosystem to have 'Core' variants. Often these were dropping support for legacy parts of their code so that they could run on Core.

Later versions of .NET Core brought over support for a many of the things that had been dropped.

.NET Core and .NET had stand-alone versions until .NET Core was renamed to . NET and became .NET 5.

So, if you want to do the most modern cross-platform C# you would use .NET 9.

9 replies

Good write up that wonderfully encapsulates how stupid Microsoft’s naming is - you didn’t even mention .NET standard.

I love .NET. It’s a great stack, especially for backend web apps. Blazor is a great SPA framework too. But I loathe how Microsoft continue to handle just about everything that isn’t the framework and C# / F#. It’s laughable.

8 replies

Well, to be fair .NET Standard wasn't a framework, it was a standards/compatibility label and compilation target.

.NET Standard includes various versions of things that MS doesn't even touch.

I stopped doing .NET stuff before .NET 5 so I'm not hugely up to date with the latest shenanigans.

6 replies

But….net is everything! And also nothing ! It’s a product? It’s a suite! It’s a system !

Visual Basic .net ! What ?

1 replies

It's the Microsoft way to apply the same name to bunch of unrelated products.

everything is .net, azure, 365, now also copilot.

0 replies

Branding be branding, yo.

1 replies

The ".NET" label was applied to a bunch of things at Microsoft. It was also an early name given to their social networking / IM things.

But for the last 20-ish years it's really only been applied to things related to the .NET Framework.

So, yes - Visual Basic.NET is a language - it's the language that replaced Visual Basic 6. It compiles to the Intermediate Language (IL) that the Common Language Runtime (CLR) executes. There are other languages that compile to IL, too like C#, F#.

The .NET Framework is really a bunch of libraries and tools that are packaged together.

The .NET Standard is a standard that allows you to build a library to a known set of supported libraries and IL / CLR features.

So, yes, depending on which specific part you're referring to - it's all of those.

0 replies

This was probably copying Sun's "we put the dot in .COM" advertising. Yes, this is stupid.

0 replies


I’m just sad the video is not readily available because the facial expressions enhance the spot-on vocal inflections.

We do have the vocal inflections:

0 replies

Oh don’t get me wrong - I wasn’t criticising your write up. It was concise and still relevant.

It’s just funny for newcomers to peel back the onion more. Writing a source generator? Target .NET standard 2.0 (not even 2.1) for a whole host of reasons.

6 replies

Okay, this helps a lot! So .NET Core is now out of date, and any version of .NET >= 5 is cross-platform and has no Core variant?

4 replies

More or less. any version of .NET >= 5 is cross-platform and is a direct descendant of the "Core" side of the fork, and so has no "full framework, windows only" variant.

It is "Core" in a lineage sense, but there's no need to make that distinction any more. The term "Core" is out of date, because the experimental "Core" fork succeeded, and became the mainstream.

3 replies

I've been a long way from Windows development for a while, so missed that shift. I knew it was coming since moving functionality to the open source thing seemed to be Microsoft's target (with some skeptics doubting it, understandably). I didn't know it already happened.

2 replies

The shift is slow, but it has been ongoing for years, and is pretty much wrapping up now. .NET 5 was released in November, 2020 and that was the "beginning of the end" of the shift over.

For what I do, it's not really "Windows development" in any meaningful way. It is business functionality with HTTP, message queues etc, developed on mostly Windows laptops, and deployed to mostly Linux instances on the cloud. Not that the host OS is something that we have to think about often.

For this, .NET 3.x "the full framework windows only version" services are regarded as very much legacy, and I wouldn't go near one without a plan to migrate to a modern .NET version.

However, YMMV and people are also making windows desktop apps and everything else.

1 replies

It sounds like .NET is on the way toward becoming the Java competitor it set out to be.

0 replies

It has always been, but for 20 years Microsoft used it as a way to maintain lock-in at the OS level.

They've now abandoned that strategy, and instead they use it as a way to maintain lock-in at the IAAS/PAAS level (Azure).

0 replies

That's correct

2 replies

Minor nit: from what I understand dot net (core) is not a fork but rather a reimplementation / rewrite as far as I understand

It was forked out of .NET 4.x and dropped support for a lot of things in the first versions.
0 replies

It's a fork with a lot of modifications (mostly removing deprecated stuff and making it cross-platform). You can still see a lot of ancient stuff in the sources such as referring to the base Object class as "COM+ object" (.NET was originally envisioned as a successor to COM).

An early name for the .NET platform, back when it was envisioned as a successor to the COM platform (hence, "COM+"). Used in various places in the CLR infrastructure, most prominently as a common prefix for the names of internal configuration settings. Note that this is different from the product that eventually ended up being named COM+.

For example, see the top comment in

0 replies

Correct, the bytecode wasn't even 1:1 compatible. They then brought over missing pieces, and consolidated .NET Framework features into .NET Core, thus becoming just .NET to end the dumb naming war, since everyone calls it .NET anyway...

0 replies

Among the other small nits in your otherwise concise post... the windows only versions of .NET (1-4) were known as .NET Framework. So, Framework is the only windows only version, followed by Core being a limited feature set but cross platform and then .NET 5 (no suffix) being a full featured version that is cross platform.

0 replies

So, if you want to do the most modern cross-platform C# you would use .NET 9.

The current release is .NET 8

.NET 9 is about 3 months away from the usual November release.

4 replies

I'd argue that the dominance of Linux on cloud and Azure growing business is what's causing Microsoft to have an ongoing interest in linux support.

A factoid that's shared sometimes (no idea if true) is that Microsoft now employs more Linux kernel engineers than Windows kernel engineers due to Azure.

2 replies

That came after. Linux wasn't even on 2.6 with its famous stability yet when this kicked off. What you see now is a result. They softened on open source as they realized it actually has some benefits for a company like Microsoft.

The Microsoft of the Halloween Documents[0] is a different Microsoft from the one we see today that understands open source as something good rather than as a threat, and it started with Microsoft being forced to play nice.

"The cloud" as we understand it didn't exist yet.


1 replies

After having gouged Red Hat and Suse for years with their bogus Linux patent racket and bankrolling the infamous SCO Unix lawsuit. Make no mistake M$ coming over all We Love Linux was like Donald Trump turning up at the DNC.

0 replies

I do remain skeptical that the node on the Microsoft org chart that usually strangles anything good the companies does is waiting to strike. It used to be Windows node, but now it seems like the ad node comes in for the kill most of the time. The company is slowly morphing into Google as Google morphs into Amazon, while Amazon is morphing into UPS.

Strange times.

0 replies

Off-topic but to join in the general good vibes this announcement emanates: i have to say that my experience using Azure cloud has been stellar. Their co-pilot integration works well, IME. Azure shell is simple and good. Dashboard UI is always good.

Bona fides: I have used GCP for 3 years, AWS for 3 years, and Azure for ~ 1 year. As well as the more "bare-metal" types of cloud providers like Linode/Akamai, and Vultr -- all the latter of which are great for self managing your infra.

I also really find the ability to spin up Windows Server and Windows 10/11 etc super useful for builds, testing, Hyper-V.

I really like Azure for huge projects with many moving parts.

18 replies

Is there a way to build a GUI app with .NET on Linux?

Will it be cross-platform?

4 replies

There was also a GTK package for Xamarin Forms which I've used

BUT That's now officially unsupported as all of Xamarin Forms is no longer supported and the MAUI replacement doesn't cover Linux nor does that look likely (MAUI is mired deep in problems due over-ambition, failure to resource and it seems a significant push in MS to use MAUI Hybrid aka web UIs within native apps).

3 replies

I really don't get the push of Blazor everywhere instead of its original WebAssembly target.

It is like the Web folks, that don't get anything else, are now pushing where .NET goes, mostly since .NET is now under Azure org chart.

I have done Web and native since "forever", not everything has to be for everything.

2 replies

Yes, .net is for azure cloud webapps, that's how modern software is made. Then wrap them in electron to make them native.

0 replies

I can't tell if this is sarcasm. I really hope it is

3 replies

Create an ASP.NET Core web server embedded in a binary bundled with Electron and a React frontend. (jk)

2 replies

That is how electron.NET basically works

1 replies

Kind of suspected people might actually be doing that. “You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”

0 replies

To be honest, if you use AOT you can get the .net component under 100mb with trimming so it isn’t that bad…

If you cared about disk or memory usage you wouldn’t use electron, anyway.

2 replies


The UI isn't native, is a Skia canvass with drawn controls. But it'll work on basically every OS and it's pretty good.

Also, you're not writing JavaScript, so that's a win any day in my book.

1 replies

Sounds like Flutter?

0 replies

No it's way better than Flutter. Avalonia really works on desktop.. :). Also the model is WPF so whoever know a little bit of legacy .NET framework will be able to write Avalonia apps in no-time

0 replies

Yes. There are multiple UI projects that build on the WinUI 3 components in the Win App SDK.

There's the first party MAUI which is an updated version of Xamarin Forms. The two best-known third-party implementations are AvaloniaUI and Uno. I prefer Uno, it has more cross-platform targets.

0 replies

  - OS X: MonoMac or net6.0-
  - Linux: GTK+ 
  - Windows: Windows Forms (using GDI or Direct2D) or WPF

  - Gtk3:
  - Gtk4:

0 replies

There's this:

Which lets you run Blazor (web framework) like a desktop UI across all major desktop platforms. Microsoft has MAUI/Blazor as a thing, but only targets Mac and Windows ATM, so Photino bridges the gap for Linux.

Photino lets you use anything other than just .NET but has pretty decent .NET support.

0 replies

(i hardly know what i'm talking about so somebody else may have a better idea, but i'm here now so)

mingw is a GNU's header/library environment (tools too maybe?) to create windows compatible applications. So I'd look into searching mingw .net and/or mingw mono.

also, ask your favorite AI, they're good at this type of question so long as it's not up to the minute news

0 replies

Is there a way to build a GUI app with .NET on Linux?


4 replies

Is .NET open-source? Will I find it in an open-source repository?

0 replies

This is the "virtual monorepo", if you want to clone one repo and build the entire SDK product then this is the correct thing to checkout - but development work right now still happens in the separate project repos, of which there are ~20

26 replies

For modern .NET, you don't need to know anything about the legacy terms of Mono, .NET Core, .NET Framework, .NET Standard, etc. All you need is .NET 8 SDK. It's fully-cross platform and installs support for both C# and F#.

For example, just download .NET 8 SDK on whatever platform, which is usually very easy on most platforms, and then run `dotnet fsi` to get into an F# REPL.

13 replies

It's fully-cross platform

To a point. Making cross platform native desktop apps is still in the hands of 3rd party vendors such as Avalonia and Uno. MAUI was supposed to fix that oversight to a less than stellar results.

12 replies

That is like saying C is not cross platform because there is not a library for making desktop apps that use native components on all those platforms.

8 replies

.NET/C#'s competitor JVM/Kotlin does provide a UI framework (Jetbrains Compose) that runs on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, and the web.

That's what you have to compare against, and .NET/C# falls flat.

3 replies

No and it's not even close. Kotlin only has a single Jetbrains Compose (I presume Kotlin Multiplatform is the same thing). It is also subject to the quirks and specifics of JVM implementations, build-systems and package management. Kotlin native partially bypasses this, but its performance is a factor of 0.1-0.01x vs OpenJDK (if there is new data - please let me know). This is very unlike NativeAOT which is on average within 90% of CoreCLR JIT but is also a performance improvement in variety of scenarios.

C# and F# get to enjoy the integration that is "much closer to the metal" as well as much richer cross-platform GUI frameworks ecosystem with longer history.

2 replies

Which rich cross-platform GUI frameworks are you talking about?

Win32? Silverlight/Blend? XAML? MAUI? They're all windows only.

Gtk? Qt? Sure, they exist, but they're ancient and limited to long outdated paradigms.

I don't know if you can get QtQuick with KDE Kirigami to work on .NET, otherwise that might be one option.

Kotlin Multiplatform is btw a solution for building the same code for kotlin native, JVM and web to target all the OSes at the same time.

While Jetpack Compose is the Android Version of Compose, Compose Multiplatform is Compose for Kotlin Multiplatform.

subject to the quirks and specifics of JVM implementations, build-systems and package management

That's a massive advantage over the arcane package management and build systems of .NET

Very few languages ever achieve a build and package management system as mature and usable as the Java ecosystem.

I've been waiting for 12 years for .NET to match Java's ecosystem, and it's still not there yet.

0 replies

There are more than 10 sibling and gp comments that exhaustively address the GUI and other questions :)

That's a massive advantage over the arcane package management and build systems of .NET. Very few languages ever achieve a build and package management system as mature and usable as the Java ecosystem. I've been waiting for 12 years for .NET to match Java's ecosystem, and it's still not there yet.

If you want to sell me on "advantages" of invoking Gradle or Maven over

    dotnet new web
    dotnet run
    curl localhost:port

    dotnet new console --aot
    echo 'Console.WriteLine($"Right now is {DateTime.Now}");' > Program.cs
    dotnet publish -o {here goes the executable}

    dotnet add package {my favourite package}
I suppose you would actually need 12 years of improvements given how slow if ever these things get resolved in Java land.

Also, what's up with Oracle suing companies for using incorrect JDK distribution that happens to come with hidden license strings attached?

0 replies

Which rich cross-platform GUI frameworks are you talking about? > Win32? Silverlight/Blend? XAML? MAUI? They're all windows only.

MAUI is not windows only. I have a MAUI app on my android phone. Cross-platform? yes. Rich? Now, I wouldn't call it that.

2 replies

Jetbrains is a third party vendor here, too.

1 replies

A third party vendor for the Kotlin language? Kotlin has replaced Java as C#'s largest competitor, so that's what we should be comparing against.

0 replies

> Kotlin has replaced Java as C#'s largest competitor

Er, I don't think this assertion is backed by data. See for example

Is Kotlin the most "active", "hot", or "up-and-coming" competitor? Possibly. But the "largest"? Its deployed footprint and popularity are nowhere close to Java's at this point in time.

0 replies

That's also not part of the JVM or the Java language.

1 replies

back when .NET was first launched it was advertised as the new way of making desktop applications on Windows. Visual C# made it very easy to design GUI interfaces.

So this "it's all for backend now" notion is surprising.

0 replies

Same with java - designed for embedded set top devices, pivoted to backend services.

0 replies

If there were an old version of C that only worked on one platform but had a graphical toolkit in its standard library, and a new version of C that is cross platform but that graphical toolkit is now ambiguously still sort-of part of the standard library but still not cross platform (and there was no realistic alternative)... Then yes it would be valid to object C is not really cross platform.

8 replies

This is wild, apparently this stuff is in the Debian repos now? So you can just apt install dotnet-sdk-8.0.

This must be the most unfriendly Linux install documentation I've ever seen though, it was not easy to find the names of those packages.

5 replies

This is wild, apparently this stuff is in the Debian repos now?

It's not. Microsoft provides its own apt repository you need to add first.

1 replies

Huh, why isn't it in?

Does it not meet the DFSG?

0 replies

Some distributions have it in the standard apt repo, like Ubuntu.

0 replies

This is from Mint 22. MS does have its own PPA though.

$ apt search dotnet

p dotnet-apphost-pack-6.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-apphost-pack-7.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-apphost-pack-8.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-host - dotNET host command line p dotnet-host-7.0 - dotNET host command line p dotnet-host-8.0 - .NET host command line p dotnet-hostfxr-6.0 - dotNET host resolver p dotnet-hostfxr-7.0 - dotNET host resolver p dotnet-hostfxr-8.0 - .NET host resolver p dotnet-runtime-6.0 - dotNET runtime p dotnet-runtime-7.0 - dotNET runtime p dotnet-runtime-8.0 - .NET runtime p dotnet-runtime-dbg-8.0 - .NET Runtime debug symbols. p dotnet-sdk-6.0 - dotNET 6.0 Software Development Kit p dotnet-sdk-6.0-source-built-arti - Internal package for building dotNet 6.0 So p dotnet-sdk-7.0 - dotNET 7.0 Software Development Kit p dotnet-sdk-7.0-source-built-arti - Internal package for building dotNet 7.0 So p dotnet-sdk-8.0 - .NET 8.0 Software Development Kit p dotnet-sdk-8.0-source-built-arti - Internal package for building the .NET 8.0 p dotnet-sdk-dbg-8.0 - .NET SDK debug symbols. p dotnet-targeting-pack-6.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-targeting-pack-7.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-targeting-pack-8.0 - Internal - targeting pack for Microsoft.NET p dotnet-templates-6.0 - dotNET 6.0 templates p dotnet-templates-7.0 - dotNET 7.0 templates p dotnet-templates-8.0 - .NET 8.0 templates p dotnet6 - dotNET CLI tools and runtime p dotnet7 - dotNET CLI tools and runtime p dotnet8 - .NET CLI tools and runtime p libgtk-dotnet3.0-cil - GTK.NET library p libgtk-dotnet3.0-cil-dev - GTK.NET library - development files

1 replies

This is wild, apparently this stuff is in the Debian repos now?

It's been there for several years now, hasn't it?

0 replies

Not Debian, but some Debian-based distros

1 replies

Oh my god I forgot about .NET Standard. What were they thinking…

0 replies

While I don't have much direct experience with it, as it was easy to migrate my personal projects, it seemed the idea was sound. It seemed like it was a way to encourage people to write libraries against the new .NET Core (at the time) but still allow those libraries to be used in .NET Framework as a sort of bridge for people stuck on .NET Framework.

0 replies

If only. Class libraries still have to worry about this.

4 replies

You’re not alone.

I would say I’m not ‘new’ and even developed .net 4.5 for a number of years. I’m just as stumped by the naming mess that Microsoft made across the board in that space.

Edit: I say 4.5 because I mean the original thick .net which is not dotnet core, which I think is the way to differentiate between versions, but also all the sub libraries like the orm were iirc named the same but did different things.

They should have rebadged everything with a new name that didn’t involve a word that is fairly painful to google (‘core’) can be used in development as well as the name of a framework.

1 replies

I think Microsoft is completely allergic to naming anything with a unique name or term; in fact, it's almost like they pick names that will be hardest to find with a google search.

0 replies

This is compounded by their propensity to rename everything at periodic intervals.

1 replies

It's even worse, since they dropped the core now and just call it .NET. So searching has become even more of a pain. It's also pretty much a mess, because many things were different between the versions.

So let's say you google how to do something and the result could be:

  - .NET Framework
  - .NET core 1
  - .NET core 2
  - .NET core 2.1
  - .NET core 3
  - .NET 5+
Many times there will be no clear indication what version the result was built on.

On stackoverflow, answers sometimes include all versions varieties.

0 replies

Given current naming scheme, what do you propose?

2 replies

As the OP notes, MS use their own fork of Mono for the .NET Core runtime these days. So you're not wrong but they are different codebases these days.

1 replies

The .NET Core runtime was never a fork of Mono, it’s always been a separate code base.

0 replies
22h44m is the official starting point. It'll point you to getting setup with .NET dev on Linux. You can either use VSCode or Intellij Rider.

0 replies

If you just want to get into .NET (C# or F#) on non-Windows platforms, the latest .NET release (at the time of writing, 8.0) is what you want. The development experience is good these days.

For a historic summary of why it used to be a confusing situation (up until maybe 2020), see

That also has some background on why the Mono project found itself in a weird spot.

0 replies

Is there somewhere where someone new to the ecosystem can get a simple introduction to all of these different terms and which ones are still relevant today?

Not really. It's legacy cruft all the way down.

But the good news is that if you stay on the beaten path, using the latest SDK and targeting the latest Runtime, everything Just WorksTM.

0 replies

I looked into .NET somewhat recently and came away with the apparently mistaken impression that Mono was how .NET did cross-platform. I guess I must have been reading old docs,

History here

.NET Core 1.0 (2016) was the first cross platform prototype. It got good in a release in 2018 or 2019, I even forgot which now. And took over steadily after that.

We don't even think about it any more. "which OS is the prod env on" isn't a factor that causes any support worries at all.

Getting set up would start at

And the download page, which should show you content for your current OS

But also other targets are here

You'll want the latest SDK 8.0.x

0 replies

Aside from following the default 'start here' documentation, there are various timelines made for fun and profit that visualize the full history, for example:

This is quite overwhelming, but it can still be useful when reading an article about .NET that is either older or refers to history as you can quickly see where in time it is located.

28 replies

i want to love dotnet-core, especially since godot switched from mono in godot 3 to dotnet-core in godot 4, but so far i haven't been able to

currently debian has a mono package but no dotnet-core package. i'm not sure why this is; usually when debian lacks a popular nominally open-source package like this, it's either because it fails to build from source, or because it has some kind of tricky licensing pitfall that most people haven't noticed, but diligent debian developers have

does anyone know why this problem exists for dotnet-core?

also, does dotnet-core have a reasonable aot story for things like esp32 and ch32v003?

9 replies

.NET Core is available for Debian, you just have to add Microsoft's APT source [1].

Fedora [2], Ubuntu [3], and FreeBSD [4] build .NET from source themselves. A lot of work has been done to make it possible to build .NET from source [5] without closed source components, so it might just be a matter of someone being motivated to create the package for Debian.






6 replies

yes, i know about the microsoft apt source

as for building from source, i see, thanks! or maybe it's unresolved legal concerns? nobody so far in this thread has known of any, though

2 replies

I doubt it is due to legal concerns if Ubuntu, Fedora, and FreeBSD are all distributing their own builds.

0 replies

you could easily imagine fedora distributing their own build of software whose licensing fails to comply with the debian free software guidelines; bundling proprietary software used to be common in linux distributions in fact

0 replies

"legal concerns" is not the same as philosophy differences.

0 replies

Notably in that bug report the reporter says they cannot maintain it (not that I blame them, not a small work)

1 replies

When using Microsoft repositories you need to explicitly opt out on telemetry collection.

I think telemetry collection alone should be a good reason for Debian to consider repackaging it. I don’t want telemetry to be collected on my GNU/Linux machine, thanks Microsoft, but you already have so much telemetry from my Windows machine, please leave my other machines alone.

0 replies

I hate to defend telemetry of all things but in this particular case the criticism is unfounded and lacks context:

In any case, Debian would use and dotnet/dotnet, and could easily include the argument or a patch for this. It’s unlikely to be an issue. My bet it was not in Debian because there was no one to take initiative yet or there was but that person has faced a backlash by people in Debian who are similar to vocal minority here that posts FUD because of their little personal crusade.

8 replies

You can add add Microsoft's repo to install it on Debian:

Does Debian require packages to work on all of its architectures? If so, that could be the issue. .NET Core only supports x86, x64, and Arm64 (I think Arm32 has been discontinued and RISC-V is experimental at this point).

It's possible that they object to .NET Core having certain license restrictions on the Windows port ( .NET Core is mostly MIT or Apache licensed, but the Windows SDK has some additional terms. Skimming the third party licenses, that doesn't seem like an issue (mostly MIT/BSD/Apache or similar).

I think the licensing situation is an interesting question: if you have software that's 100% open source when compiled for your OS, but requires non-free stuff to run on Windows, is it ok to include in Debian? It looks like none of the non-free stuff (like WPF) gets distributed with the non-Windows SDK builds. Binaries created from your code only depend on MIT-licensed stuff on macOS and Linux, but might depend on something closed-source when targeting Windows - though it looks like almost all of that stuff is either WPF (so you wouldn't be able to develop on Linux/Mac anyway since those libraries wouldn't be in the SDK on those platforms) or were removed as a runtime dependency in .NET 7. It looks like `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` might be the only thing left. Maybe that's what is holding it back?

also, does dotnet-core have a reasonable aot story for things like esp32 and ch32v003?

"Reasonable" can be a lot of things to a lot of different people. People have been working on RISC-V support. Samsung seems interested in it. But I probably wouldn't recommend it at the moment - and Mono doesn't really have RISC-V support either.

5 replies

I would say it is .Net Foundation job to prepare and submit the package not Debian maintainers.

2 replies

if you want your package to be in debian, you are going to have to find a debian developer who is willing to take responsibility for maintaining it. microsoft is already providing .deb packages on their website, at least binaries

1 replies

But it is not Microsoft like I mentioned but .Net Foundation.

They could get one of their people to become Debian maintainer.

0 replies

getting one of your people to become a debian developer is similar in difficulty to getting one of your people to become a senator or a citizen of switzerland

1 replies

That's not how Linux distros work. The OS maintainers make their own packages.

0 replies

It sure wouldn't hurt if they hired a Debian Developer to do it right, or maybe work through the process of turning an employee into a Debian Developer.

0 replies

to be clear, my question about debian is not about whether i can install dotnet-core in debian; it's about why it isn't in debian's repositories rather than microsoft's. microsoft, to understate the case somewhat, doesn't provide the stringent protections for users that debian does

debian doesn't require packages to work on all of its architectures. luajit, for example, has not been ported to riscv64, mips64el, or ppc64el, though lua5.1 is what the debian policy manual says about architecture-specific packages seems to be

Specifying a specific list of architectures indicates that the source will build an architecture-dependent package only on architectures included in the list. Specifying a list of architecture wildcards indicates that the source will build an architecture-dependent package on only those architectures that match any of the specified architecture wildcards. Specifying a list of architectures or architecture wildcards other than any is for the minority of cases where a program is not portable or is not useful on some architectures. Where possible, the program should be made portable instead.

i don't think the license you link to would be a problem in itself, because it only applies to certain files which are not useful for running dotnet-core on debian anyway. debian has lots of packages from which non-free-software files have been removed. i don't know anything about diasymreader?

with respect to esp32 and ch32v003, what i meant to point to was not the risc-v architecture (some esp32s are tensilica!) but the limited memory space; jit compilation is not a good fit for 2 kibibytes of ram or even 520 kilobytes of ram

0 replies

Arm32 has been discontinued

.NET 9.0 preview still includes ARMv7 builds for Linux: one based on glibc library, another one for Alpine.

7 replies

Even with AOT compilation, as someone who loves C# and also does embedded development in C I would personally say a garbage collected language like C# has no place there.

5 replies

not everything running on a 20-mips 32-bit microcontroller with 2 kibibytes of sram needs to be hard real time and failure-free, and of course the esp32 has hundreds of kibibytes

and, correct me if i'm wrong here, but doesn't c# allow you to statically allocate structs just as much as c does? i'd think you'd be able to avoid garbage collection about as much as you want, but i've never written much beyond 'hello, world' in c#

4 replies

c# has the concept of value types (which structs are), which are stack allocated. Generics have seen more and more instance of getting a Value type like Value Task for stack allocated async objects. But if you add a class as a member of the struct that is going straight to the heap with all the GC stuff that entails

3 replies

what about global or static variables of value types? i mean in theory you could stack-allocate whatever you want in your main() method and pass pointers to everything, but that sounds unusably clumsy. but with global variables and/or class variables there would be no problem except for things that inherently require heap allocation by the nature of the problem

1 replies

Static fields may be placed on Frozen Object Heap. The values of static readonly fields may not exist at all if the ILC's static constructor interpreter can pre-initialize it at compile-time and bake the value into binary or codegen. Tiered Compilation does a similar optimization but for all cases. This is with JIT though which is not usable in such environment.

Otherwise, statics are placed in a static values array "rooted" by a respective assembly. I believe each value will be contained by a respective box if it's not an object. This will be usually located in Gen2 GC heap. My memory is a bit hazy on this specific part.

There is no concept of globals in .NET the way you describe it - you simply access static properties and fields.

In practice, you will not be running .NET on microcontrollers with existing mainline runtime flavours - very different tradeoffs, much like no-std in Rust. As mentioned, there is NanoFramework. Another one is Meadow: which my friend is using for an automated lab for his PhD thesis.

Last mention goes to which supports a few interesting targets like UEFI. From the same author there's an example of completely runtime-less C# as well: It remains a usable language because C# has a large subset of C and features for manual memory management so writing code that completely bypasses allocations is very doable, unlike with other GC-based alternatives.

0 replies

i see, thanks! that's exactly the information i was looking for

0 replies

there are ways (byref I think?) to pass references to stack variables around. And Statics depends. Static const even with stuff like strings would just compile directly into the binary, regular static still has to end up on the Heap.

0 replies

GC is fine for many (most?) applications there. For example sensor stuff, display, networking, turning your lights on and off, etc.

0 replies

I believe that you would use dotnet nano for something like that. I used it (or some previous version of it) once many years ago and was very impressed with the productivity and ease of use it offered. Ultimately the lack of community surrounding it drove me to other technologies. Might have changed since then though, who knows!

0 replies

Mono also had (limited?) support for ASP.NET non-Core. I wonder how many companies actually used that.

0 replies

Hi, what does wine use mono for? Is it to support full fat .Net? Interesting post btw, thanks :)

0 replies

In many ways, .NET today finally fulfills the original Mono goals, and does so in a very performant manner.

0 replies

Trip down memory lane touching several points in my career. Rip /.

0 replies

Was their Version Control a Monorepo

0 replies

It's a natural fit.

Does the wine project have the resources and knowledge to maintain it?

Or is it just so that microsoft can say they aren't the ones discontinuing it?

0 replies

Interesting. Perfect fit for Wine!

47 replies

I always assumed Microsoft did not condone Wine or other re-implementations of their APIs (like ReactOS), but that they were protected by DMCA reverse engineering provisions and anyway too insignificant to send the legal team after.

Wikipedia says,

Until 2020, Microsoft had not made any public statements about Wine. ... On 16 February 2005, Ivan Leo Puoti discovered that Microsoft had started checking the Windows Registry for the Wine configuration key and would block the Windows Update for any component. As Puoti noted: "It's also the first time Microsoft acknowledges the existence of Wine."

In January 2020, Microsoft cited Wine as a positive consequence of being able to reimplement APIs, in its amicus curiae brief for Google LLC v. Oracle America, Inc.
24 replies

I think Microsoft has finally realized that its animus toward projects like Wine and pre-acquisition Mono was ultimately unproductive, and a net negative for Microsoft itself.

I still don't trust MS's motives in general, but I think they at least recognize that Wine/Proton helps make the Win32 and DirectX APIs a sort of de-facto cross-platform standard when it comes to things like desktop gaming, and that this is a good thing for them.

On the server side, MS knows that Linux is by far the most popular server OS, and official support for running .NET backend apps on Linux from MS themselves is a win for them as well.

4 replies

Microsoft as a company is extremely myopic. Budgets are scrutinized down to the penny every few months at very senior levels. This drives a culture of immediacy. Wine was a threat until Microsoft realized everyone in tech had moved to service based business models (aka "cloud"). Only afterwards, did they "realize" Linux as a threat to their long term viability no longer mattered.

1 replies

They finally started to admit where they're losers and stop trying to fight those battles.

Dumping endless piles of cash into projects nobody cares about and pretending like you're the dominant player when you control some dwindling 2% of the market is stupid and more companies should learn that lesson

0 replies

I think it's more because individual pc instances literally doesn't matter anymore. Operating systems and programming languages which lock you into them are irrelevant from a revenue standpoint.

1 replies

And that's why they have a $3.08 trillion market cap

0 replies

The aircraft carrier will hit the shallows, but that massive inertia can "carry" it for decades without any new thrust.

Remember when Microsoft was able to fight off the Web with piss-poor Internet Explorer? Until it didn't.

4 replies

Wine/Proton helps make the Win32 and DirectX APIs a sort of de-facto cross-platform standar

There are perfectly fine _actual_ cross-platform standards like Vulcan and OpenGL. If your goal is cross-platform, making a Windows app that you hope will be converted well enough is a strange way to approach it.

2 replies

And yet, the win32 is the only one that is confirmed to work. Example: Game Neo Scavenger is available for linux with binaries for them. They dont work in any modern linux because (I believe) they were compiled for a 32bits version of linux.

Do you know how you can play the game on linux? Yes, using the windows version with lutris, which is 32bits too.

0 replies

That doesn't help, most Linux distributions do not maintain ABI (library-program linkage) compatibility between major releases, and in the case of rolling distros half the system has to be recompiled when things such as libcurl, openssl, libc etc change. If these change, it's possible that anything compiled agaisnt the system version of it will no longer work without being recompiled

Windows goes back and beyond for compatibility with existing compiled software and Wine inherits that, is partially why Windows versions under Wine often have a higher chance of running than the native versions (ARK is a great example)

Projects like Flatpak attempt to solve this by the use of runtimes.

0 replies

And yet, Linux gaming is largely dxvk and proton.

3 replies

that Wine/Proton helps make the Win32 and DirectX APIs a sort of de-facto cross-platform standard when it comes to things like desktop gaming, and that this is a good thing for them.

I'm not sure if it benefits microsoft in the long term, because the "backwards compatibility" features of Wine need to be implemented in Windows already as a part of the system. So in the long run wine/proton/mono will implement windows features on linux in an optional/replaceable/modular way in user-space while keeping backwards compatibility for older windows software, while windows is forced to implement (and distribute these features) with their OS and has to sacrifice backwards compatibility if they want to simply their OS.

I would say that the adoption of wine/proton helps the linux ecosystem a lot more because there wasn't a standard executable format for linux beforehand (static? tarball of program and dynamic libraries? .deb file? AppImage? Flatpak? Higher-level language like java?). How do you reliably link to libraries like mesa or even glibc? Now there is a solution: just distribute a windows program and test it to confirm it works in wine/proton. Perhaps it is better for DirectX adoption, but it seems like Vulkan/OpenGL/WebGPU are still superior in terms of cross-compatibility, regardless if you use wine or not.

0 replies

there wasn't a standard executable format for linux beforehand (static? tarball of program and dynamic libraries? .deb file? AppImage? Flatpak? Higher-level language like java?).

By this logic there wasn't a standard executable format for Windows, either (static? zip archive of program and dynamic libraries? .msi file? installer program? UWP? higher-level language like C#?).

0 replies

Windows NT (2000, XP, etc) used to include an emulator allowing to run DOS apps and win16 apps. I don't see why running older / obsoleted win32 APIs through an emulation layer won't be a good approach. Maybe even by adopting and running Wine.

0 replies

I'm not sure if it benefits microsoft in the long term, because the "backwards compatibility" features of Wine need to be implemented in Windows already as a part of the system.

Sometimes running old software atop Wine on Windows is the easiest - or even only - option to have said old software work on new Windows.

3 replies

I disagree. MS was completely succesfull in their goals. They kept a ton of developers busy learing useless Xamarin, thus keeping them from developing products that can actually compete with Microsoft products.

Next they killed of an open source competitor (Mono) of their product, stole the usefull bits to put it in .Net, and now they dump the leftover project (that's not competing with them anymore) back into the OS world.

How is that not a smart way of doing business?

0 replies

stole the usefull bits to put it in .Net

a nitpick, they acquired Xamarin for half a billion dollars, that's not really stealing is it.

0 replies

kept a ton of developers busy learing useless Xamarin...

What kind of moustache-twirly stupidity is this? Yeah, Microsoft maintained a shitty cross-platform SDK so that developers would make worse software, because that's somehow helping any of their main product verticals. By the way, those are (broadly speaking) cloud, client software, and games.

Do you have any evidence to suggest that there was a Xamarin-based application that would have directly competed with Office? How about Fallout? Now, do you have any evidence that Microsoft tried to make Xamarin worse at doing the thing that application was trying to do?

Next they killed of an open source competitor (Mono) of their product

Microsoft's implementation is also open source, and has been for almost a decade:

that's not competing with them anymore

Sure. Mono is only useful for legacy purposes. Microsoft's own design was always the reference implementation of .NET, regardless of whether it was open-source. Mono existed for the sole purpose of being an open, cross-platform reimplementation. Now that the reference design is itself open-source and cross-platform, Mono is mostly redundant.

0 replies

I don't think Microsoft viewed Mono as a competitor. Even before Microsoft acquired Xamarin for hundreds of millions of dollars, they already had a history of collaboration on .NET, including sharing test cases in order to help with compatibility, and co-developing integrations into Microsoft products such as Azure and Office 365.

The "keeping [developers] from developing products that can actually compete" assertion is frankly absurd. .NET's real competitor is and has always been Java. Java, possibly the world's most-used platform that isn't JavaScript, has always had heaps more people working on it than .NET's entire ecosystem, let alone just the Mono project.

1 replies

I think it's just such a clear business-razor because of the cloud: can I take my app and spin up a bajillion cheapo servers with no licensing costs using that stack?

If the answer for .Net was 'no' then there are meaningful domains where people would just jump ship in a second. Research, academia, teaching, and certain government areas pop to mind. Keeping Linux support, because of that server dominance, is a core concern for them.

0 replies

Presumably being able to make money spinning up cheapo servers, via Azure, just reinforces that decision.

0 replies

If MS was smart, they would try to get the devs working on Xbox projects to use their coding platforms for other type of development.

0 replies

anthropomorphizing complex social institutions such as corporations is ultimately unproductive and a net negative for clear thinking

0 replies

I still don't trust MS's motives in general

I think it's the same for any global enterprise: profit.

In that regard, "trusting" something like MS is like evaluating their stock: what do they make money off, what is a threat to that. Which makes it rather easy to "trust" them: if they can make money off SomeOpenSourceProject they'll help it along, if it doesn't help, nor threat, they'll ignore it. If it's a threat, they'll put (some) money towards fighting it.

For me the difficult part, and why I still don't fully trust MS, even with Github or VScode lies in their internal competition: MS has projects that directly compete eachother. Business-wise it makes no sense to me (and is the primary reason I'll stay away from investing in MSFT). But also their internal competion between profit now and delayed profit. MS has often done things (or not done things) that increase the bottom line this quarter, but harm them over years. In that regard too, MS makes no sense to me Business-wise. I guess having a cash-cow-"monopoly" for decades kinda absolves them of the responsibility to run the entire company in a way that makes sense business-wise.

0 replies

Maybe they feel the same about Wine as I do about WSL.

You can argue that the my-thing-wrapped-inside-your-thing increases exposure to my-thing and that's a net good outweighing any other factors, but you can just as validly argue it helps divert from actual adoption of my-thing and facilitates never moving from your-thing, since no one has any actual empirical study, it's all just feelings and beliefs.

Maybe one logical argument that might have some meat is maybe WSL/Wine just means that the exposure vs crutch aspects cancel each other out (for every user who is exposed to foreign-thing and maybe decides to adopt it, there is another user who thanks to the swallowed version does not ever have to to move), and if that's true, then any imbalance in effects comes down to the the innate virtues of the two things. Both groups of people are equally exposed to both platforms and have equally good-enough use of both platforms, and neither has to actually change to get the benefits of the other, and so the user will choose whichever actually seems to serve their needs the best as their native platform.

I wonder if it's possible to make a desktop backed by WSL that would be a better experience than the current ad/spying-riddled Windows native desktop? Then MS would be forced to try to enshittify WSL so that it doesn't provide an escape and superior experience from the current Windows experience. Is WSL a good thing THEN?

At least for now, WSL has absolute crap access to hardware, not even just like gpus for gaming but even simple things like access to a usb-serial adapter. So, it's probably not possible to make a functional WSL desktop yet. Maybe such things will intentionally never be fixed in WSL just for this reason, so you can only ever use it for pure web app development no different from a cloud instance.

12 replies

Microsoft in 2024 feels like a different beast. All the MS devs I know seem fully on board with totally cross-platform support. Half of them are coding on MacBooks and I would hazard a guess that a good proportion of .NET web sites being built are being deployed onto Linux boxen.

8 replies

.Net SRE here, all our .Net REST APIs are deployed on Kubernetes. Devs are still mostly on Windows because Visual Studio.

I've worked with Azure team, all greenfield they do for Azure goes on Linux as well. Windows Server is pretty much dead to Microsoft though it will be continue to be supported and released because $$$.

7 replies

It's been very hard to explain to my organisation that Windows Server is dead. We haven't deployed a system to it in two years, everything is some kind of dockerised linux thing but the "we're a Microsoft shop" idea prevails.

In the end we decided to just let the management think what they want. I've been more of a Unix person for 40 years but I kind of miss the "good" versions of Microsoft Server - in the 1990s / early 2000s it was a real contender. If they hadn't doubled down on weird things like Powershell it might still be a contender.

5 replies

I’m a Unix person and I know nothing about Windows Server. How has PowerShell made it less competitive?

2 replies

It hasn't. Powershell is probably one of great things to come out of Windows Server. I still use it with *nix machines and it powers some sidecars at work. If you are stuck with Windows Server, it's only thing that gives you a fighting chance of being able to do anything NotClickOps (tm)

Sure, it's got some unique characteristic that more traditional shell users dislike but that's just a matter of taste.

1 replies

It irks me that the default for servers still seems to be 5.1 which is anemic and seems to have really weird quirks and syntax differences from later versions. As if the default silent jsondepth thing was not enough converfrom-json hash tables have case insensitive keys. Really?

Someone wrote some automation code that handles json payloads using powershell. When we tried to migrate to azure functions which uses 7.x by default things broke because users never cared to check sensitivity of key names.

It’s also slow even for interpreted language standards.

I’ll seriously never use powershell for anything serious ever again even though I admit syntax and design feels kinda nice.

0 replies

Because backwards compatibility. I've run into stuff that doesn't working in 7.x without a rewrite.

It's just best to think about Powershell 5.1 and Powershell Core 7.x like Py2 -> Py3. Most of code works as is, some doesn't, and you should use latest when you can.

Someone wrote some automation code that handles json payloads using powershell. When we tried to migrate to azure functions which uses 7.x by default things broke because users never cared to check sensitivity of key names.

Azure Functions are nightmare in its own. Not sure how much of that is Powershell fault vs Azure Functions.

It’s also slow even for interpreted language standards.

Actually, it's blown Python out of the water at work. It's startup time can be painful as it's interpreting everything but once it gets going, it really moves. We use it to churn through 4GB CSV at work replacing a Python script, it's much much faster.

I’ll seriously never use powershell for anything serious ever again even though I admit syntax and design feels kinda nice.

Your loss. Despite the few problems I run into, I really like it and wish more *nix people gave it a try. It's much better then bash nightmares I've seen.

1 replies

Priorities could have been better spent on bringing headless, WSL, ssh, and Terminal up to speed twenty years earlier.

0 replies

You needed Powershell for Headless, SSH and Terminal to make sense. WSL required mindset shift at Microsoft.

0 replies

Not sure what you've used it for but Powershell is about the best thing to come out of Microsoft in the last decade. Very useful and extendable - useful anywhere bash is. It's also the scripting engine of choice for Azure and Entra ID too which is far from Windows Server Land.

0 replies

Few work on Macbooks, it is more about using WSL on the dev machines or even using DevBox instances.

0 replies

Our .NET teams are increasingly choosing MacBooks with Jetbrains Rider.

0 replies

I imagine very few of the MS devs are using BeOS.

1 replies

If Windows Update replaced components of Wine, that would (a) break people's Wine installs, and (b) give those users a way to legally get Microsoft's versions of those components for use outside of Windows.

0 replies

Microsoft’s EULA would still apply to (b).

It’s the exact same situation as downloading a Windows ISO from Microsoft’s website and running it with an activator.

1 replies

So, would these provisions protect a reverse engineering of CUDA?

It's hazy to me when reverse engineering of APIs is and isn't allowed.

0 replies

You are not alone. It’s not a well defined problem, hence lawsuits. API is also such a broad term, it’s hard to establish borders.

1 replies

AWS Supports one of the tools for porting out of AWS. Supporting something that looks like an escape valve (whether it works or not) keeps the antitrust people off your neck.

0 replies

What tool is that?

0 replies

Even if Wine had become drop in replacement for modern Windows distribution, I doubt it would hurt much. Business would likely still buy Windows, because of support and security patches. Consumers would get their Windows preinstalled. Some manufacturers would probably do Wine installations - but then it would depend on support. Don't want to sell machines to people who are not tech savvy, that are not getting updates. That is a potential for returns and massive cost and headache.

0 replies

I mean, if wine is a problem they did basically the same thing with the WSL, especially version 1 (version 2 is just a VM, but the concept of running unmodified Linux binaries on Windows like they are native application is the same).

I think that they don't care about going against the open soruce community, given that Microsoft uses a lot of open source software in their products (also, probably violates the terms of the GPL license of such software).

0 replies

Life hack! Freeze your Windows from further unwanted updates by just fabricating some wine registry entries!

37 replies

I feel like I’m missing some context here. Is this a “free as in take this puppy” situation? How do the wine developers benefit from this?

23 replies

How has ’free as in puppies’ not reached its rightful place on the podium?

14 replies

I'm not a dog person: a puppy would be a burden (financially and time-wise) and provide me barely any fun.

9 replies

That's what ’free as in puppies’ mean.

Free software is typically described as "free as in freedom" or "free as in free beer". (This is probably a limitation of English tho, my language has 2 different words for permissions and costlessness.) GP above proposes the "free as in puppy" variant, which means that it is a burden of maintenance. I can't recall any real examples for this.

7 replies

If you want to be pedantic, English does have distinct words for the two connotations of free--"liberal" and "gratuitous". Although it should also be immediately obvious why those words aren't preferred either: "liberal" also has several other connotations (to the point that a "Liberal Party" could be almost anywhere on the political spectrum), while "gratuitous" tends to lean more towards "unnecessary" than "free of charge" in common parlance.

6 replies

English does have distinct words for the two connotations of free--"liberal" and "gratuitous".

Sorry but no it doesn’t. These words have the other meanings you mentioned, but they don’t include either of the meanings of “free”.

If you said you were giving away “gratuitous software”, native English speakers wouldn’t know what you were talking about. The only way to understand it would be to realize that those words are etymologically cognate to words in European languages that do have those meanings.

3 replies

"Gratuitous software" would be excessive and unnecessary software. Which I think a lot of commercial (particularly "news") websites qualify for, and "modern" websites in general. NPM makes it easy to just install something, which requires all kinds of other things, which duplicate each other, etc.

Strangely enough, I think the LaTex distribution qualifies, too. I tried to install it recently, and it wanted 1 GB of disk space! That's multiple times the size of the entire system disk when LaTeX was created...

Sooner or later a lot of the web is going to run on WASM, at which point we'll have a virtual machine running in a user program running on an OS which incompletely virtualizes the bare machine (hence why we've ended up with WASM). Extra gratuitousity if the browser is an Intel binary being run on an M* processor via Rosetta translation... Maybe eventually we'll realize that the OS needs to provide a full virtual machine, complete with window to draw in, filesystem isolation like Plan 9, etc. But, inertia will probably make it take while.

1 replies

Strangely enough, I think the LaTex distribution qualifies, too. I tried to install it recently, and it wanted 1 GB of disk space! That's multiple times the size of the entire system disk when LaTeX was created...

There is the TinyTeX distribution, which is smaller. (Despite its name, it isn't tiny, or small, or medium in size, but it is also large. But smaller than the default LaTeX distribution with all the possible packages, source code and documents.)

0 replies

My impression is that TinyTeX downloads required packages on the fly and can be quite tiny if you don’t use many packages.

0 replies

Matryoshka virtualization

1 replies

The word "liberal" definitely has the same definition of "libre"--ever hear of the term "liberal democracy"? That's exactly the same kind free they're talking about.

"Gratuitous" also has that definition, though it's far less common in use. See the dictionary definition, e.g., here:

2. given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; free; complimentary.

It's more of a stretch there, because the primary definition of gratuitous has a connotation of unnecessary, even undesirable. If you didn't have at least some hint of disapproval of a service, you'd reach for the word "free" long before "gratuitous".

0 replies

The “liberal” in “liberal democracy” doesn’t mean the same thing as the “free” in “free software”. It’s the license that is liberal, not the software itself, so at most I’d admit that “liberally licensed software” means the same thing.

Similarly you would say someone who’s gotten out of prison is now “free” (or libre in French or Spanish) but you wouldn’t say they’re “liberal”.

0 replies

Free software releases often include the "free as in puppy" implication as a disclaimer of responsibility for the effort you may need to expend to make use of it - "if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces".

1 replies

To be fair, "free as in beer" doesn't work for a lot of people who don't drink (or do drink, but don't like beer). I don't think we're going to come up with a one-size-fits-all slogan...

0 replies

Free food? Organic vegetable stew?

0 replies

I think that's the intended implication - that it's "free to a good home" - meaning any new owner takes on a lot of responsibility.

0 replies

What's your point? Don't take the puppy if you don't want it.. not everyone has a use for this software either.

2 replies

Please tell me there is a separate French word for free (as in puppies).

1 replies

gratuit (free as in free puppy) libre (free as in free software)

0 replies

But gratuit doesn’t capture the negative implications of a free puppy.

1 replies

Because nobody wanted to maintain it.

0 replies

i’d upvote this twice if i could…

0 replies

I guess this is in the context of "free as in beer" and "free as in speech".

0 replies

White elephant has usually been the go to animal for this kind of idiom

0 replies

I love this. Definitely using this next time someone tries to guilt me into becoming maintainer of some abandonware foss project.

10 replies

Microsoft's own FOSS multiplatform implementation of the .NET runtime is now much more performant and feature complete than Mono.

However Mono is easier to embed into other applications and easier to port to new platforms. That is for example why it's used for the .NET/Blazor WebAssembly stuff. Microsoft still maintains their own fork of Mono for this specific use case.

Mono also implements some of the legacy Windows Desktop GUI frameworks like WinForms and WPF that Microsoft never bothered to port to their new .NET runtime. This is probably why the Wine developers might be interested in Mono.

6 replies

Winforms and WPF are both very maintained and supported for .NET 8 on Windows, to clarify. Good cross platform desktop frameworks include Avalonia.

3 replies

I think MS wants you to use this?

I was pleased to see WinForms got some updates in .NET9. I really thought they'd left it. I still use it every day when I need to spin up a new tool to do some little task that needs a GUI.

1 replies

Good, I use MVC and it sucks.

0 replies

MVC is something entirely else?

1 replies

Are those frameworks available in .NET 8 on non-Windows platforms, though? If not, I think that's what the GP was getting at.

0 replies

Not by Microsoft, but Avalonia has a commercial fork of WPF which runs on Linux and macOS:

1 replies

Mono also supports winforms. I don't think they're supported in dotnet (but there's libraries for Gtk, although you could also use Vala with a bit extra effort).

0 replies

Yeah I think it also supports WPF. Can't remember where I read that.

0 replies

A shoutout goes to a project that aims to simplify CoreCLR embedding UX to prevent the issues stemming from embedding legacy Mono:

0 replies

Wine has (or used to have anyway, not sure if it still does) a version of Mono it used to run .NET stuff within Wine; I'd assume this has to do with that, that they were relatively alone in having a continuing interest in the Mono codebase vs. the dotnet core stuff.

0 replies

I think it's just hurting someone at Microsoft less if they give it a home that isn't /dev/null.

Edit: quick hat tip to Mono.Cecil which I've used a couple of times to crack .Net components to bypass licensing code. It's not that we didn't pay for them but we couldn't be bothered to deal with license deployment and maintenance.

28 replies

I'm genuinely curious, for someone who develops web application backends and larger distributed systems & infrastructure, predominantly using Go and Python, exclusively targeting Linux, is there anything in the .NET ecosystem that anyone would recommend I take a look at? Many thanks.

6 replies

You may want to look at F#. Because it's .NET you have a large list of libraries you can use

5 replies

For a beginner, high school but zero experience in programming, which one easier to learn, C# or F#?

1 replies


0 replies


0 replies

Definitely C#. You’ll find tons more resources. F# is fantastic, but it’s not a good *first* programming language.

A lot of what you’ll learn when you first learn programming is going to be applicable in any language though. Once you’re comfortable with C#, and can understand the difference between imperative, object-oriented, and functional programming, you’ll be in a good place to check out F# (or any other language, really).

Good luck with your learning!

0 replies

Honestly this is such an interesting question. Conventional wisdom would definitely say C#, but I’ve always wondered if that’s because imperative programming is easier than functional for a beginner, or because basically everyone starts with imperative. I’d be curious to see what would happen if someone started functional first.

All that said, probably C#.

0 replies

It doesn't matter, if you want to "actually" use .Net you have to at least be able to read C#. And I guess some files still - as it was 3 years ago - need to be C#, for example in mobile apps.

5 replies

The feature I always suggest as uniquely C# flavoured is LINQ.

Although the SQL-like form isn't always favoured, and quite a lot of the time I use the plain OO one.

Oh yes, extension methods: do you want object X to support method Y, but can't change object X? Well, provided you don't need access to anything private, you can just add a method and do X.Y()

4 replies

I last touched LINQ in college in 2016 - isn't it basically an ORM for C#? Not super unique but I assume very relevant to use when working with C#.

1 replies

EF ("entity framework") is the ORM. LINQ lets you write queries against any collection, such as a Dictionary or a List. So I write lots of "listOfFoo.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray()" style code with it, which compiles down efficiently.

0 replies

These days "pipeline oriented programming" (which is what LINQ is) is seeping into many modern programming languages like Rust, although array programming languages are still (unreadable) kings at it.

1 replies

LINQ is just the way .NET calls iterator expressions that are a staple in any language that claims to be good and modern.

There are two main interfaces in .NET that have different behavior:

IEnumerable<T> which a sequence monad, much like Seq types in FP languages or IntoIterator and Iter (IEnumerator<T>) in Rust. This is what you use with whenever you 'var odd = nums.Where(n => n % 2 is 0);`.

IQueryable<T> which is what EF Core uses for SQL query compilations looks the same as the first one, and has the same methods, but is based on something called "Expression Trees" that allow runtime introspection, modification and compilation of the AST of the expressions passed to Select, Where, etc. This existed in .NET for ages and really was ahead of the time when it was introduced. You can write a handler for such expression trees to use LINQ as sorts of DSL for an arbitrary back-end, which is how EF and now EF Core work. You can also compile expression trees back to IL which is what historically some of the libraries that offer fast reflection relied on. Of course this needs JIT capabilities and runtime reflection, which makes it AOT-incompatible - calling .Compile() on such query in a JIT-less application will be a no-op and it will be executed in an interpreter mode. It is also difficult for the linker to see the exact types that are reflected on which means you have to annotate the types you want to keep and AOT compile code for. Which is why this mechanism is largely replaced by source-generation instead, closer to how it happens in C++, Rust, etc. An example of this is Dapper AOT.

0 replies

Just realized it should have been

    var even = nums.Where(n => n % 2 is 0);
I'm so sorry

5 replies

C# is IMHO still better language than Go.

Refactoring tooling is unmatched.

4 replies

If with C# you can create a fully static binary which runs on an empty scratch docker, I will properly consider your opinion. Until then: Go à gogo!

0 replies

The "fully static binary" only works because Go ships cryptography and most other usually host-provided features that other languages rely on host's libc instead, at the cost of performance, limited feature support and requirement to recompile everything in order to ship (inevitable) security fixes, which did happen in the past.

.NET native compilation toolchain supports this mode but it's not a default for a reason (causes binary size bloat too, musl is rather small, but ICU is very much not).

(just to be accurate - all C# and runtime code becomes a single static executable, but cross-compilation is possible between CPU architectures within OS only, with additional options enabled by 'PublishAotCross' nuget package that switches to Zig toolchain's linker so you can AOT compile for Linux targets under Windows, for "self-contained trimmed JIT executables" you can target any OS/ISA regardless of what you use)


    dotnet new console --aot #or 'grpc --aot', or 'webapiaot'
    dotnet publish -o .
Notes: gRPC tooling is a bit heavy, webapiaot template could be improved in my opinion

As of today, ILC has become better at binary size baseline and scalability due to more advanced trimming (tree-shaking) analysis, metadata compression and pointer-rich binary section dehydration (you don't need to pay for embedding full-sized pointers if you can hydrate them at startup from small offsets). You can additionally verify this by referencing more dependencies, observing binary size change and then maybe looking at disassembly with Ghidra.

Also better capability for true static linking - you can make .NET NativeAOT toolchain produce static libraries with C exports that you link into C/C++/Rust compilations, or you can link static libraries produced by the latter in NAOT-compiled executables[0][1]. It is a niche and advanced scenario that implies understanding of native linkers but it is something you can do if you need to.

Binaries compiled in such a way will have its interop become plain direct calls into another section in it (like in C). There will be a helper call or a flag check to cooperate with GC but it's practically free. Costs about 0.5-2ns.



0 replies

Sibling comments talk about self-contained. I'll just be pedantic and say that this has nothing to do with the language itself.

0 replies

You can. It'll probably be bigger than the Go binary but you can.

0 replies

You mean `dotnet publish -r linux-x64 --self-contained` ? This will embed the runtime in the executable. You can also do trimming so it removes anything that's not used. Also, there's AOT but it's got a ways to go.

2 replies

It’s great for web application backends. Switched to it after 10+ years of Python. Couldn’t be happier.

Binaries will be huge tho compared to Go. I’ve a few CLIs that I that I my customers need to use, I’m planning to rewrite them in Go for this reason.

1 replies

Is AOT compiling your binaries [1] an option for you? The starting size of AOT compiled C# can beat Go in size [2] and from there it really depends on what you do and how you do it. Some simple ASP.NET server with https and routing can comfortably fit under 10 MB and there are compilation options that can help optimize further [3].

[1] [2] [3]

0 replies

I looked into it but some libraries I've been using wasn't compatible with AOT. I'll check it again when I have more time. Thanks.

2 replies

Modern .net on Linux is lovely, you can initialize a project, pull in the S3 client and write a 1-3 line C# program that AOT compiles to a single binary with none of the perf issues or GIL hand-wringing that plagues life in Python.

Given modern Python means type annotations everywhere, the convenience edge between it and modern C# (which dispenses with much of the javaesque boilerplate) is surprisingly thin, and the capabilities of the .net runtime far superior in many ways, making it quite an appealing alternative especially for perf sensitive stuff.

1 replies

Do your civic duty and disable telemetry everywhere you go. :)


0 replies

I don't understand. How does that help cross platform?

All I see is a manager saying, "the data shows no one uses it"

0 replies

.NET Core is my favorite way to quickly implement an app to run on a Raspberry Pi. Just basically copy & paste into a folder, chmod the executable and off you go.

I have a number of these devices running in the house doing various things.

0 replies

As someone in same spot I'll say that .NET looks more than interesting after so many years using 6-8 languages daily. And I'm more "make it works, not shine" type.

Why .NET > Go in my opinion? - performance-wise the gap is not big and probably even .NET can be quicker - development time can be reduced, tooling is great for .NET and even funny-not-funny error handling is cleaner - still much easier to find people in .NET than Go where I live and work

Now it's time to verify those assumptions - I'm going to implement next real project in .NET and see how it went. Hobby or "trials" in .NET resulted in fun and speed, but it often happens on first date :)

0 replies

for someone who develops web application backends and larger distributed systems

Blazor: It's Microsoft's way of doing in-browser C#. It can do quick-and-dirty server-side HTML, and professional-grade, in-browser WASM.

Why is this useful "for someone who develops web application backends"?

The nice thing about server-side Blazor is that you can make a management console, or otherwise port ops scripts, into a self-service page. Because you can choose to render on the server, you don't have to write an API, serialize your response, ect. You can do a SQL-ish query (with LINQ and Entity Framework) in the middle of HTML.

(Granted, for production-grade pages Blazor can run in the browser as WASM and use industrial-strength APIs.)

18 replies

I have only used mono a couple times, but I am a bit confused by the wording here and it is likely because I don't know the full story of Mono.


Microsoft maintains a modern fork of Mono runtime in the dotnet/runtime repo and has been progressively moving workloads to that fork.

Does that mean that this mono project and its associated repo and what is within the dotnet repo are not the same and could (if they have not already) diverge?

15 replies

Mono was the .net implementation for Linux (and others ?) years ago while microsoft published the windows .net runtime

Since then, microsoft supports, which is MIT licensed

Mono has no reason to live anymore, hence the lack of commits and contributions

It is a dead project, I wonder what winehq has in mind here

edit: as pointed by the comments, mono supports .net runtime before the newer ".net core" (which is not compatible). Because wine wants to be able to run older windows code, they probably still use this.

4 replies

I know little of dotnet beyond trying various semirandom things to make some .net apps work on linux. With that out of the way, my understanding is that

- Originally there was .Net Framework, by microsoft, for windows only. Versions 1.0 -> 4.8 were released.

- Then mono came along as a somewhat clean-room reimplementation of .Net framework, focusing on making it run on Linux. Though mono does not implement windows gui widgets, so for that there's stuff like Gtk#. And you cannot run windows GUI applications on mono for this reason, even though the core parts might be portable. Eventually Microsoft acquihired the Mono team.

- Later on Microsoft made the core of .net open source and portable, creating .Net Core. Or .Net Runtime, linked above, which is apparently the same thing (not sure when they dropped the "Core" part of the name). Applications written for .Net Framework can't just be recompiled for .Net Core/Runtime, there is porting work that needs to be done. And similarly as for .Net framework, even though the core is portable and open source, the windows gui libraries are not. So again windows GUI applications written using .Net Runtime cannot run on Linux. Not sure if there exists anything like Gtk# for .Net Runtime, allowing creating native Linux GUI applications with .Net Runtime?

- Finally, we have wine which is an implementation of the Windows API on Linux. And in a wine environment you can install e.g. .Net Framework including GUI libraries, so you can run .Net GUI applications that way.

1 replies

They dropped the "Core" suffix with v5 in 2020, since at that point there was no longer naming confusion.

While Microsoft doesn't have their own framework supporting Linux GUI apps on the modern .NET runtime (MAUI does Mac/iOS/Android but not Linux), there are third-party ones like Avalonia.

0 replies

Dropping the "Core" suffix introduced more naming confusion. Before that, ".NET" was often used as a shorthand for the (now legacy) .NET Framework. Which makes googling for Core-specific things much harder than it needs to be.

0 replies

not sure when they dropped the "Core" part of the name

It was called .NET Core until they officially retired the .NET Framework (ie v4) by releasing .NET 5.

0 replies


It is harmful to write new code that targets .NET Framework and existing actively maintained applications all have migrated to .NET. The ones that did not either have poor maintenance or authors that lack time as they don't owe extra effort unless they want to do that (or sometimes it is a skill issue, unfortunately).

4 replies

Mono has no reason to live anymore

This isn't really true. Mono functions as a complete replacement for the ".NET Framework" - something that can be used to run any .NET app, including "legacy" apps targeting old ".NET Framework" versions, on any supported platform, even when the app was built to target Windows.

dotnet/runtime is intended to run more modern applications that target ".NET Core" - basically, stuff that's cross-platform on purpose.

There are tons of subtle differences relating to these goals but also some glaringly obvious ones, like mono having an implementation of Windows.Forms.

hence the lack of commits and contributions

Microsoft have been actively forcing contributors out of mono/mono and into the dotnet/runtime repo for several years now, while Wine kept a weird halfway fork at . Formally transferring `mono/mono` and the Mono name over to Wine will in theory allow `mono` to more effectively accept code which works to improve legacy .NET Framework support for compatibility reasons, while dotnet/runtime can continue to evolve as the way to run intentionally targeted .NET Core code.

3 replies

Won't most apps use way more .net stuff than core? Mono was a way to run dotnet apps on Linux, killing it meant killing cross platform support for modern dotnet desktop apps?

1 replies

Not really. Best to think of .net “core” as just .net.

Anything that was in the old .net that isn’t in core today won’t ever be.

Then there’s stuff that was missing in the earlier versions of core that existed in old dotnet. Some of it they later realised was useful for newer apps or apps migrated to core. These pieces were ported over by Microsoft or replaced by 3rd party implementations (e.g. avalonia for xplat ui).

(.net core is actually officially just .net, they dropped the core from the name)

0 replies

Thanks, now it make sense why they dropped the "core" in the name its confusing I thought that meant only the fundamentals

0 replies

This is Hackernews.

What are those Desktop apps you speak of?

Clearly, everything is a command-line backend pipeline in container with a web UI.

And everything that isn't can be easily deprecated. /s

1 replies

Mono has support for app domains (and is in general closer to .NET Framework), a more powerful C API and runs on more architectures.

0 replies

This must be the reason. Wine seeks to be compatible with a bunch of legacy software, some of which will want to use the equivalent of .NET 1, 2, 3, and 4.x Framework and not just "dotnet core". (Or whatever the new thing is called in Microsoftese this week.)

Edit: maybe this means WPF can be the best way to write Linux applications. After all, Win32 is the stable Linux API... nudge nudge, wink wink. :-D

0 replies

Winehq is probably the only org who might have needs to add something in there. So why not have a control of it, even if the contributions are rare.

Edit: To add, isn’t the above about ASP .NET Core? Mono is mostly about the time before Core, and it is not the same.

0 replies

So if I am understand correctly, what I mentioned is correct?

On the website (where my quote comes from) it links to which is a mono within what you linked too.

So this is a case of 2 different mono's?

Sorry just trying to make sure I am understanding what is happening here properly given the exact same name in 2 places...

0 replies

Mono has no reason to live anymore

More targets, much leaner (< 10 MB clr + mscorlib), less than factor two performance difference to current CoreCLR, written in C, easier to compile than CoreCLR, etc.

0 replies

The thing the .NET team maintains is (a fork of) the Mono Runtime/JIT. Mono's implementation of the .NET Framework BCL (= stdlib) isn't part of modern .NET.

0 replies

Does that mean that this mono project and its associated repo and what is within the dotnet repo are not the same and could (if they have not already) diverge?

Yes, they have diverged. Just as Microsoft forked the CLR to create CoreCLR, so too has mono been forked. Features like multiple AppDomains have been removed from this fork. Here is an example pull request:

9 replies

.NET now runs on Linux and other platforms, so what is the purpose of maintaining Mono separately at this point?

7 replies

Mono can run old .NET framework applications directly.

6 replies

OK, but that doesn't require any further changes to Mono. It should essentially be a read-only project going forward.

3 replies

Is there anything to suggest that there will be further changes? I mean, other than bug fixes.

2 replies

I’m surprised that such an old product would even get bug fixes. It’s not like Microsoft is fixing bugs in .NET Framework anymore.

1 replies

.NET Framework isn't EOL and is probably going to be supported forever pretty much. There are still regular updates to .NET Framework distributed through Windows Update.

0 replies

"Supported"... Kind of. Showstopper stuff is fixed. Other stuff is not. My last company had two open bugs with .Net Framework on more recent versions of Windows Server that were year and half old.

.Net Framework will be supported as long as Windows Servers OSes it runs on support it. If Windows Server team ever casts it out, it will die.

1 replies

It won't get new features, but will likely require maintenance to keep it running as new versions of operating systems are released.

0 replies

This is the thing about software: even if you aren't looking to improve it, the world around it will subtly shift so it'll need to be updated or it'll stop working.

For example, Windows XP can't access the modern internet because it doesn't support TLS 1.2 or 1.3 and most of the web is now secure. The software still exists, but the world around it has shifted so it doesn't really work. If 95% of people end up owning electric cars, gas stations are going to become scarce. Maybe there will be workarounds, but the world will have shifted around the product. Let's say that all gas pumps were changed to wider-nozzle pumps. Sure, you could make an adapter, but that's the point: changes in the world around you end up necessitating changes, workarounds, etc.

It might be mostly read-only, but there's always little possible things that come up requiring work to be done on it.

0 replies

wine-mono for one. It's also used for some desktop apps, crucially for those built with the WinForms framework, since the newer, .NET Core versions of that are Windows-only.

9 replies

"Donates"? A code base is a maintenance burden.

4 replies

That’s the old code base which has been in maintenance mode for 5 years and which Microsoft doesn’t want to maintain anymore. New development still happen in a fork which remains under the stewardship of Microsoft.

Second paragraph of the article by the way, just saying.

3 replies

So Microsoft gave the Wine project the software equivalent of a stained mattress?

0 replies

Pretty much, by the look of it. But we still don’t know everything or what exactly the Wine project has on its metaphorical mind.

0 replies

The Wine project apparently decided they wanted to keep alive an old version of a piece of software Microsoft has no interest in and Microsoft gave them the official repo instead of throwing it out.

Mostly interesting in that it is a token of goodwill from Microsoft to Wine something which is in line with the current Microsoft view of the OS market but would have been very surprising not that long ago.

0 replies

It's not like Microsoft can force Wine to take the codebase. In order for this to be donated, the Wine project needed to accept it.

2 replies

Yeah if this doesn't come with a substantial endowment it's not a donation.

1 replies

So ...throwing it over the fence into the neighbor's yard, then?

0 replies

More like going to the local library with a bunch of old books. It might be worth keeping them, but someone has to sort them out.

0 replies

Feel free to donate me a 90s Honda Civic

8 replies

For everyone who is confused by what is going on, here's the explanation:

Today, there are 2.5 Mono's:

Mono that lives in This is the original Mono codebase that was written back then and was the .NET Framework for Linux, with corresponding compat. and such, pioneered by Miguel De Icaza, who now seems to be happier in Swift land. At the present day, it was receiving very little maintenance and I don't believe was actively used. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Mono that lives in This is the Mono that got merged into .NET, becoming the building block for multiple components and one of the official runtime flavours. It is actively maintained and is at relative feature parity with CoreCLR, predominantly serving mobile targets (iOS, Android) and WASM as well as exotic or legacy targets like ARMv6, LA64, s390x(?), ppc64. It is also useful for initial stages of new platform bring-up process. Note that you are not expected to use it for targets that support CoreCLR due to a massive rift in performance between the two. When you are using it, you do so as a part of standard .NET toolchain - it is picked automatically for appropriate targets, or can be opted into with some configuration.

Mono that lives in which is a Mono fork actively maintained by Wine for its own usage. Going forward, any possible ambiguities regarding ownership and stewardship are considered resolved and the ownership of mono/mono and everything related to it is transferred to WineHQ.

Honorable mention also goes to private Mono fork used by Unity which they are (painfully) trying to migrate from.

7 replies

due to a massive rift in performance between the two

Not that massive; factor 1.8 as we found out recently.

5 replies

This is not an accurate assessment, I'm afraid.

The comparison we discussed was for unrepresentative code that used none of the features that make .NET fast (generics, SIMD, expected forms of inheritance and abstraction and devirtualization they enable, CoreLib APIs). The closest case in there was JSON serialization which CoreCLR was 385% faster at. It is unfortunate that you feel a need to say this, knowing that it doesn't even show a tip of the iceberg.

Please do not mislead casual readers here with such comments.

They will have a bad time running basic programs - the original Mono is outdated and cannot execute assemblies that target non-legacy versions, and the Mono that lives in dotnet/runtime (which you have to go out of your way to use on CoreCLR platforms) tends to have all kinds of regressions on user-provided code that is not as robust on runtime checks to ensure that Mono does not accidentally go onto the path that that it has especially bad regression on. Even CoreLib code nowadays uses more and more struct generics assuming monomorhpization which performs poorly on Mono. There is very little work done to improve performance on Mono with effort invested mostly in WASM area and to ensure it does not regress further. Major platforms like Android and iOS are in the slow but steady progress to migrate to CoreCLR/NativeAOT (there are other reasons not in the least much smaller binary size). And for WASM there is NativeAOT-LLVM experiment that is likely to make Mono obsolete for that target too.

The workloads that matter and are representative are the ones produced by C#, F# and VB.NET compilers as well as projects that care about exercising the standard library and/or produce recommended CIL forms (like

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So we have to restart from scratch?

What you say contradicts with the measurements, even the ones you made yourself (

I don't know what your motivation is to give Mono a bad reputation. I assume you're paid by Microsoft or one of its affiliates, are you?

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I'm simply trying to caution against openly bad advice.

People here are likely to run C# and F#, not Oberon+ that compiles to (terrible) CIL.

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Oberon+ that compiles to (terrible) CIL

Why so arrogant? The CIL is good enough. It's a promise of the ECMA-335 to cope even with unoptimized CIL, and Mono indeed includes many optimization steps. Your arguments - especially concerning SIMD and other features supported by CoreCLR - are absolutely not relevant in this context. CIL is always the same (regardless whether the CIL was generated by your big C# or my small Oberon compiler), and if I feed unoptimized CIL to CoreCLR, it still has the opportunity to make use of the SIMD features of the given CPU if need be. As already discussed it's even more interesting to base the performance comparison on unoptimized CIL, because by the end of the day we all want to know how good the optimizers of Mono or CoreCLR are.

And you didn't answer my question, so I assume you're working for Microsoft or some of their affiliates, and your claims are obviously biased by this.

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The CIL is good enough.

Comparison against Oberon+ string primitives allocates a new char array every time. Other operations allocated it to just null-terminate it (string constants are null-terminated already for example, or can be done so explicitly by compiler instead, in any case this is an incorrect design). Somehow, it failed the basic task of modeling C behaviors on the one and only high-level bytecode target that comes to modeling C the closest. This was the very first thing I saw when I opened the compilation artifacts with ILSpy.

In any case, my goal was to post a disclaimer and it is fulfilled.

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string primitives allocates a new char array every time.

So what? What do you think do the dotnet string or marshalling classes internally? And how should that affect the performance comparison if we feed the same CIL to both - Mono and CoreCLR?

But we can leave it at this; people can read the arguments at the given link, we don't have to repeat everything again.

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If we compare the last major release of Mono back in 2019, where there was a real improvement to the CLR (not just bug and security fixes), with the CoreCLR versions at that time, the factor is rather 1.1 (see e.g.

7 replies

Yet another piece of Xamarin/Mono that falls down.

No wonder Miguel de Icaza is now focused on Swift, Godot and Apple's ecosystem, all the promises done at Xamarin acquisition time are gone now.

Mono Develop killed, after being renamed into VS4Mac, gone through a rewrite, only to be killed shortly after the rewrite reached 1.0.

Xamarin.Forms rewriten into MAUI, with incompatible APIs.

MSIL Linker had a better chance as a critical piece of Blazor WebAssembly and Native AOT.

The whole dotnet reload drama.

Now Mono donation, and then .NET team is surprised .NET uptake on UNIX shops isn't as they expect.

In alternative universe when the Xamarin acquisition didn't happen, where would we be now?

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Based on how Xamarin performed prior to the MS acquisition, I'd guess dead.

The license cost was high, and the MS acquisition came right around the time React Native and Flutter started to enter v1. I think they'd of been blown out of the water pretty quickly. At least Microsoft allowed Xamarin to get into enterprise .NET shops pretty quickly. There's a lot of B2B form based apps written in Xamarin. I worked on a pretty big one that made (and continues to make) a lot of money.

I've long assumed the point of the acquisition was because Xamarin did basically all the hard work of allowing .NET to be cross platform.

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Where is this feedback you’re referring to?

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Search his tweeter feed or Mastodon for anything MAUI.

1 replies

Links are a thing :)

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I’m a big fan of Miguel’s work. His comments have been pretty interesting. You also don’t have to read between the lines much to know how he feels about what’s happened to his tech.

I assume he’s got fuck you money now though. I’m very excited to see what he does with Swift and Godot, Swift is a great language for gamedev.

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Never miss a good tax write-off.

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I dont think this makes sense. What value would even be written off here?

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A value you come up with hoping the IRS will not one day disagree.

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This gives me strong vibes.

I dont think this is how it works in the real world.

Even if it did, giving it away would be equally a write off as just shutting it down.

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Is the correct interpretation, reading between the lines that the original Mono project is being retired, and basically put on life support?

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I think this has already been the case for years? Mono didn't really have much of a point after MS opensource .NET and ported it to other platforms.

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And Wine will probably not do much more than maintenance so applications targeting .net 1-4 work on Wine.

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Mono is still really the only way to run older .NET (pre FOSS runtime/Core .NET) on non-Windows platforms.

So Wine has historically kept a fork of mono for use within Wine for supporting .NET apps.

Modern .NET can be built for Linux, etc so this is less relevant now but there are still a lot of apps that depend on old .NET and Wine still gets value out of that.

There are a bunch of downstreams that get used for various purposes (Microsoft uses mono for webasm embedded .NET for example) so it makes sense to give over ownership of Mono to the Wine community as they are best aligned with the original upstream's intended use case (as a full replacement for .NET).

So yes it's on life support but arguably more in the sense that it has since specialized into a bunch of downstream projects. The upstream will probably mainly be used for coordinating common improvements that all of the downstream forks care about (which are mainly Wine and Microsoft).

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Look at the release history and you'll see it was already on life support. MS stopped adding new features to .NET Framework with 4.8 but Mono has yet to reach parity with that.

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What is Miguel de Icaza up to these days? I saw on Wikipedia that he left MS in 2022 to take some time off, but surely he's working on something now?

(if you respond, please, lets not get into his politics; HN is not the right place to have that kind of discussion)

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He is making terminal emulators for iOS, iPadOS, and VisionOS and loving Swift these days.

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And Godot!

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Specifically, he has a port of the Godot editor for the iPad in the works.

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Fun fact: Second Life, the virtual world, has an in-world scripting language called LSL, and it gets compiled to bytecode that gets run on a virtual machine. Initially, it got compiled to bytecode that ran on an in-house virtual machine, but in 2008, they switched over to compiling LSL to Mono bytecode to run on the Mono virtual machine. I wonder if that's still how it works. (I haven't been involved with SL for a long time.)

1 replies

It does indeed still work that way! We even still support the old, in-house VM, known as LSO2:

We're hard at work adding Luau ( as a supported language for both in-world scripting as well as client/viewer-side scripting. As a handy byproduct of that, LSL will also gain the ability to be compiled to Luau bytecode, allowing us to eventually (someday, at least) shed any need for our custom-patched version of Mono 2.6. More juicy details here:

Source: I work at Linden Lab. If these sorts of things excite anyone, we're hiring!

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Always nice to see that SL is still going. I'll probably never remember my login to my old 2006 era account but the years of weird virtual world memories remain.

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Thank you, that explains the Mono in SL.

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I'm not a gamer so forgive me if I see connections that aren't there. Does this in any way impact game emulation? Isn't wine part of proton or stream attempts to run windows games on Linux? I suppose .net and clr play some time in win32, how is that usually emulated?

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Via wine-mono

Games themselves typically aren't .NET but ancillary components, like launchers or map editors, are.

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You are probably mix up .NET and C# somewhat.

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Wine Is Not an Emulator

but it is indeed the basis for Proton

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A bit off-topic, but this makes me wonder about the relationship between Microsoft and Wine. Do they consider it a threat? An ally? Both?

This is my first time seeing Microsoft acknowledge Wine's existence, and in this case, it was at least in a friendly manner? Or could there be bad faith behind this 'donation'?

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Another poster quoted Wikipedia somewhere here; MS implicitly acknowledged Wine's existence back in 2005 when they added a check for some of Wine's registry keys which would disable Windows Update if it found them. And in 2020 MS filed an Amicus brief in that Google/Oracle lawsuit in support of free re-implementations of APIs, citing Wine as a positive example.

While I am still wary of Microsoft after their previous anti-competitive behaviors, I think they've taken a more pragmatic view of late, and realize that projects like Wine are actually good for their platform as a whole. I expect if Wine/Proton did not exist, we'd see more (for example) Windows-only games ported to macOS or Linux. With Wine/Proton, those ports are mostly not necessary, and Microsoft gets to say that Win32/DirectX is something of a cross-platform gaming "standard".

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The best Wine environment is still a Windows install. You need a lot of things to do to run some of the mill Win32 app, so Wine is not a direct threat for MS in any foreseeable future.

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What could WINE possibly do to them? Rob them of all kinds of enterprise and cloud business? WINE is a single LED on a nuclear powerplant control panel.

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We want to recognize that the Mono Project was the first .NET implementation on Android, iOS, Linux, and other operating systems.

Is this true? The pre-releases and version 1 of .Net came with the source for a reference implementation of the CLR that ran on Linux or BSD. I can't remember what license it had and I thought Mono was a separate project, but maybe Mono was based on it. Not that it matters now.

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You are thinking of Rotor. FWIW, I also feel as if Portable.NET--which was rebranded at some point to DotGNU when I think it was even donated to the FSF--had predated Mono in functioning?

The Mono website has an archive of an old mailing list post which at the time talks about even-older origin of the project. It is (of course) heavily biased for Mono, and hilariously gives me an awkward shout out ;P.

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Thank you!

So it ran on Windows, FreeBSD and Mac OS X making it the first non-Windows implementation of .Net, but it didn't run on Linux. It also had a fairly useless licence, so Mono was separate.

Edited to add: and thanks for the link. Only three developers and there's already drama! :-)

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.Net Core 1.0 released in 2016 supports Linux yes.

Lagacy .Net never supported OSes other than Windows. Mono, released in 2004, was the first attempt to bring it to other OSes.

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This makes me curious. Could MS secretly be using wine for some of their Azure services?

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Why would they use Wine when they have free and unlimited access to the real deal?

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Well, let's say they wanted to use Linux, but run their windows software on it.

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Why would they want to use Linux though?

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What is the mono logo? a gorilla with a hat? or a pile of poop? serious question.

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A portrayal of someone's attempt at giving a "thumbs up" with a broken thumb, obviously.

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It's a Monkey's head. Mono is Monkey in Spanish. The original author, Miguel de Icaza, is Mexican-American.

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Another perfect execution of embrace(Microsoft became the steward of the Mono Project when it acquired Xamarin), extend(Microsoft maintains a modern fork of Mono runtime in the dotnet/runtime repo and has been progressively moving workloads to that fork), extinguish(we recommend that active Mono users and maintainers of Mono-based app frameworks migrate to .NET) for anyone who thought MS had actually changed since the bad old days.

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That's not what EEE is. For starters, the term applies to standards, not to implementations. The standard here is .NET, which Microsoft controlled from the start.

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Only wrinkle is that Mono was originally a .NET runtime for Linux. So they weren't embracing an external standard but a knock-off of their own. But I still agree with elements of your statement in principle. However, giving Mono back to open source is an interesting development and I don't know how it fits in your narrative.

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This will sound pretty dumb, but with all the amazing cross platform games written in Unity - which I thought was Mono or some form of cross platform library with .NET as one of the primary languages, I always wondered why there was not a more 'business app version' of this. After using Xamarin, Appcelerator, and dozens of other 'cross platform tools', with to be let down from ALL of them in the end and/or support dropped.... Having to support multiple platforms, esp. IOS vs. Android still seems to be stuck in the stone ages, esp. for small dev teams that can't allocate massive resources to multi-platform...

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If you want a consistent UI (non-native look), your best bet may be Blazor Hybrid currently. Yes, it's web technology (with the overhead that comes with that), but at least it uses the native browser components, so it's not nearly as "heavyweight" as something like Electron. My main concern has always been the lack of Linux support, but maybe that's not an issue for you.

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Mostly because business apps have to appear similar to the platform UI. Games do not, they have to look the same regardless of the platform in use.

And making a cross platform app framework which looks like native UI is much harder.

In contrast, Unity's UI systems are all terrible and looking native isn't even one of their goals.

2 replies

i think this is related to Xbox soon launching a handheld gaming device like the switch/steam deck. anything that directly refutes this hunch?

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Me. I directly refute this hunch. Nothing to do with xbox ever entered the discussion.

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I kept thinking Microsoft needs to port a windows version for their handheld, doesn't want to use steamos, but also needs to work with 'interesting' hardware. Their answer would be a linux port imo, but having too much there could annoy trust regulators so they divested from mono. but I had zero proof for any of these hunches.

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Thank you, I’ve been looking for an explanation of this. So Mono is useful to Wine because its users care more about licensing and running legacy software: Mono is free software and an acceptable runtime for pre-.NET 5.0 stuff.

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Wine is becoming like, but for win32 runtimes.

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What does 'donate' mean? Does it essentially mean that they're abandoning it and pull all resources, while the Wine team is welcome to continue maintaining it if they want to?

Also, I'm not sure how relevant Mono is in the context of Wine. .NET Core is no longer an OS component, but just a runtime that ships with software. Imo their focus should be on getting said runtime working, rather than maintaining a .NET fork.

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The .NET Core Runtime works great on Linux, but it can't run .NET Framework apps, hence wine-mono.

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Can anybody speak to the accounting implications of "donating" software to a foundation/501(c)3? Can there be any kind of tax write-off? (It looks like this might already have been owned by a foundation, but I'm still generally curious)

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At best you would be limited to the value lost which is essentially zero, so no.

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Mono was very useful in university. Must have been 2005 when I got asked if I wanted to use Java or C# for the programming course. Being bored with Java I picked C#. We were a very small group of two students.

But as I just had a Powerbook I used Mono to run it on OS X. At the end of the course someone from Microsoft came to the university to answer any of our question about upcoming features in .NET and C#. And as we were a small group I set directly in front of him with the shiny apple point at him.

Very interesting language at that time. .NET not so much. Also still remember that we were tasked to implement 3 sort algorithms of our choice. One of mine was bogosort and with Mono on PPC it could sort up to 7 elements, before becoming really slow.

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8! is 40320. Even if it took 10 times as many iterations to find the correct order, it would still only be less than 4 million swaps. Just how slow was that computer?

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I know it's a long-standing empirical truth that anyone involved with Mono is required to prefer doing just about anything besides thinking about or touching what's on the Mono project website, but this announcement really deserves to be put on page unto itself with a URL all its own, rather than shoehorned into an anonymous div on the Mono landing page and at the top of /news.

See <>.

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It seems like the link we got ( might be the URL for the announcement - that's to say, this is the last update on that website, and will stay there indefinitely.

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They could also donate comparability with modern MsOffice.

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*compatibility :D

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Is this a "dropped on community" project like Borg/Kubernetes fiasco with most PRs ending up in the following, and just corpo-sponsored changes and patches getting through?

The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough active contributors to adequately respond to all issues.
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reminds me of classic mitch-hedberg quip “here, you throw this away”, when some hands you a flyer on the street.

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I think it makes sense. Considering that they are two competing technologies which more or less try to accomplish the same thing - make Microsoft technologies compatible with other platforms.

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"Free as in beer" just became "free as in pony?"

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I wonder what kind of a tax write off this can turn into

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We are happy to announce that the WineHQ organization will be taking over as the stewards of the Mono Project

I'm a little out-of-the-loop here.

Does this announcement mean that Microsoft used to fund developers to work on this project, and now will cut that funding?

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I like the strategic approach. Pay attention software publishers, and hardware manufacturers! You can gain some significant public accolades.

When a publisher or manufacturer wants to end a product line, instead of shutting it down, spin it out as F/LOSS, and give it some seed money. If the thing is good, people will pick it up and it will survive. If not, the company still gains public appreciation.

This dovetails well as a potential solution into the problem we are discussing in the Smart TV, smart home, smart vehicle articles.

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That's a funny way to spell "fobs off".

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How is .Net/Mono connected to Wine?

Or is this more of a steward role rather than technical connection