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Fixing a bug in Google Chrome as a first-time contributor

18 replies

Not that I really see away around it, given the size and feature set of Chrome, but those build requirements are just crazy. It kinda throws the open source and "everyone can contribute" model out the window, if you can't afford a pretty insane workstation then you're going to have a bad time.

I doubt that Firefox is better, I seem to remember that building Firefox and the VIA C3 processor years back as around half a day of compiling, but was also an extremely poorly choose CPU for the task.

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My solution for a few "bugs considered features" in huge open-source software like Firefox was to just patch the binary. Much easier than figuring out how to build it, and with only the change I wanted.

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Do you have experience in disassembling binaries? How do you find the relevant part of the executable, and what tools are you using for this?

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The big tools in this space are IDA Pro, Ghidra, and you can cross-reference that with the source code to get what you want.

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I doubt that Firefox is better

Firefox builds are seemingly more modular. I was hacking on the Firefox devtools a while back, which from source involved downloading a pre-build main brower binary and building just devtools from your source. This made it significantly faster due to not having to build the rest of Firefox from source. Of course, this will all depend on which part of the source code you're changing.

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Firefox isn’t very modular. There’s just a C++ part and a JS part and they can be built independently. My understanding is that new developers are encouraged to focus on the JS. The devtools team is entirely JS, with some fancy modern affordances (TypeScript type definitions!) that teams working on the older parts of the JS codebase don’t have.

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The build process for the rest of Firefox could be as modular as devtools. When I was involved with Mozilla (and for a while after), it was a frequent criticism of mine that no one was prioritizing making the contribution process as easy as possible for people who didn't have an email address ending in

Zotero has (had?) a really cool build system. Zotero is written on an Electron-like architecture, except it uses a Gecko-based runtime instead of Blink. (Firefox is the same way and has always been this way, and this predates not just Electron, but Chrome/Chromium, too.) Similar to the way that Electron apps' build scripts generally work by downloading a prebuilt Electron (rather than requiring developers build it from source), Zotero works by downloading a release build of Firefox, unarchiving everything, sweeping away all the XHTML/XUL/CSS/JS that comprises the Firefox UI and application logic, and then swapping in the components that make up Zotero. (In other words, just how it should work 90+% of contributors who want to submit patches against Firefox nightlies, too.)

2 replies

It kinda throws the how open source and "everyone can contribute" model out the window, if you can't afford a pretty insane workstation then you're going to have a bad time.

That, it also means you are going to spend a lot of time on it before you can even attempt to do anything.

Overall, there can be a pretty substantial amount of effort involved before you are even ready to make a PR of any kind. Then it remains to be seen if it is well received by the people who can approve it.

You mention Firefox, my dealings with various contributors and people at Mozilla over the years would make me very hesitant to even consider diving into the deep end. To be fair, I have had good interactions with various people as well. But a lot of communication also has been just outright difficult.

All of this also throws out the "if you don't like it, you can just fork it" mindset.

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That little snippet doesn't quite provide enough historical context for me to agree or disagree with it.

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I doubt that Firefox is better

For a long time I would build Firefox from source every morning, and I don't have the build logs anymore but I would guess it was in the range of 60 to 75 minutes. Comparing building anything on a VIA C3 is not serious, nor is using some 5400rpm disk for the same task

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I can make a clean build of Firefox in less than 15 minutes on my MacBook Air M2, C++, Rust, and all. If you’re working on a frontend feature that only needs to modify Firefox’s frontend JS code, you can use “artifact builds” (prebuilt object files) so you don’t need to recompile the native code.

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The onerous requirements are just for a first build, though?

I used to leave things like that running overnight in the old days.

All subsequent builds are just going to be compiling the one or two files you changed and then linking in the other 99.9%, which isn't going to take very long.

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Open source doesn't imply "everyone can contribute" at all. The most famous example is perhaps SQLite, which is fully open source (even in the public domain) but contributions are not welcome.

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At which point was Chromium even attempting a "everyone can contribute" model of opensource? Like most corporate OSS projects, community contributions aren't something they rely on.

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Cpp compile times are shame as hell

This shit shouldnt need this many resources for debug builds

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I doubt that Firefox is better, I seem to remember that building Firefox and the VIA C3 processor years back as around half a day of compiling, but was also an extremely poorly choose CPU for the task.

Around 6-7 years back, I was able to make a change & build Firefox from source on a mid-range gaming laptop without much fiddling. I think the build took may be around an hour or more and it was not too long to stand out.

I haven't tried building chromium to compare but from my past experience, Firefox's build was not too challenging for first time contributors.

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A browser is as complex (more) as an operating system. Building and working on one is just going to require beefy build servers or workstations.

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Depends on how much you really have hyped yourself on the task :-P.

Back in early 2000s a friend of mine was mentioning on IRC how middle clicking on a scrollbar in Mozilla under X11 didn't jump to the clicked point like in other X11 GUI programs. I was full into the Mozilla hype back then (the project was basically at its apex of coolness :-P) and wanted to get people into it, so i thought "this is opensource, right? I can do it myself and convince people how great Mozilla is".

Problem being, i had a Pentium MMX @ 200MHz with 128MB of RAM. It took at least six hours to do a build (most likely more, i felt asleep at some point during the night, then woke up ~5-6h later, was still compiling and i left to go out with a friend and was done when i came back some time later). Even if i didn't make a change and tried to recompile it took half an hour.

Fortunately i had already done some GUI programs by that point (and even tried to make my own GUI systems and toolkits) so i had a rough idea where to look and it didn't took too long to figure out the CPP file where scrollbar behavior was implemented (though it did take some extra hours).

I did submit it and remember being impressed by the process of having my patch to be "reviewed" and then "super reviewed", thinking that it now makes sense how Mozilla is of high quality (remember, i was a teenager big into the hype, everything was filtered through the most positive lens). FWIW i was asked to make a couple of minor changes but it was merged in.

I don't think i'd have as much patience these days, the last time i tried to build some relatively complex piece of software so i can contribute to it was with Krita, but that took only about an hour (including getting everything needed to build) - and it didn't work at the end (it built but crashed at startup) so i decided to try some other time as i had lost interest by that point to debug why it didn't work :-P.

13 replies

Although the worklet was running on a worker thread, it didn't have a WorkerGlobalScope - it had a WorkletGlobalScope.

It took me a while to see these were different, I thought it was a wrong copy-paste.

Naming things is hard, but this is a bad convention. Always put the changing bits at the beginning preferably, or the end otherwise, but never in the middle, especially when it's subtle in a rather verbose name.

10 replies

The changing bit is at the beginning, unless I misunderstand you.

Worker and Worklet are primitives, you can't really split them up. You can't have a LetWorkGlobalScope and an ErWorkGlobalScope, so WorkerGlobalScope and WorkletGlobalScope is the best you can do.

That said, I usually prefer the changing bit at the end. So something like GlobalScopeForWorker, GlobalScopeForWorklet. But then that's clunky, so we're back at WorkerGlobalScope and WorkletGlobalScope again.

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I think subconsciously I look to the end to find differences too. So maybe I'd prefer er/let to come last

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When I joined my current team, I was surprised when I realized all of my co-workers were using the end of strings to verify their identity, when I was looking at the beginning of them. It was confusing: I'd be reading off random characters, and they'd be reading them aloud at the same time, and we'd all be saying different things.

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I've run into this with GUID/UUID strings. Some apps truncate them while appending an ellipses to the end, so that the last bits of characters are not even visible by default. It's a mixed bag to be sure

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I think they mean that the change is at the end of the first word in the Variable. i.e, Worker vs. Worklet instead of Worker vs. TinyWorker?

Doesn't make too much sense to me, but I think that's what they are saying.

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That seems reasonable. I understand Worker and Worklet are established concepts in the domain, though, so better to use those names than invent new terminology.

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That said, I usually prefer the changing bit at the end. So something like GlobalScopeForWorker, GlobalScopeForWorklet. But then that's clunky, so we're back at WorkerGlobalScope and WorkletGlobalScope again.

I wouldn't necessarily call "GlobalScopeForWorker" more clunky than "WorkerGlobalScope", just a bit longer, but also more descriptive.

Using the languages namespacing features might also make it more obvious, e.g. "Worker::GlobalScope" and "Worklet::GlobalScope" or the inverted version "GlobalScope::{Worker,Worklet}".

Looking at it from a functional programming perspective, I also like approaches of the form "GlobalScopeFor({Worker,Worklet})", i.e. a function returning the respective thing.

Naming things is hard, but the possibilities are endless...

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„Of” is underused in programming. It’s short, can appear standalone, as prefix, infix and suffix and it’s generic enough that it works in most contexts for types, type functions, functions, constructors, mappings etc.

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That said, I usually prefer the changing bit at the end. So something like GlobalScopeForWorker, GlobalScopeForWorklet. But then that's clunky, so we're back at WorkerGlobalScope and WorkletGlobalScope again.

I've done this and it's always ended up biting me in the ass when I want to auto-complete and have 9 million "GlobalScope..." to chose from. Which is where "Work..." becomes handy.

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Depending on your IDE and/or plugin used for autocomplete, you can usually type "worklet" and the symbols containing that substring will still be included in that list, even if it's at the end.

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It seems to me that the problem was naming something Worklet when another thing called Worker already exists. I personally strive for unique class names when possible.

But that decision was made long before OP started contributing to this project.

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This is no name confusion bug, the bug is whoever wrote the code simply didn’t consider enabling the functionality for worklets (maybe worklets weren’t even a thing when that particular piece of code came into existence), and the fix is to change WorkerGlobalScope to WorkerOrWorkletGlobalScope.

I don’t write code so that drive-by internet commenters looking at a random snippet always find it unmistakably clear in ten seconds, and I don’t expect anyone else to adhere to that standard.

10 replies

Congratulations! And thank you for the great write-up. I work with the Chromium code base a lot, and it can indeed be daunting. I use Sublime Text, which treats the code as plain text, apart from syntax highlighting. But it's also possible with at least VS Code to get some more intelligence, such as going to the definition or declaration of a function, etc.

People who have now become interested in creating their own Chromium-based browser may want to take a look at my article: It gives a high-level view of what goes into maintaining a Chromium fork.

6 replies

From your post

you will (...) want to change the name of your browser [to] "Browser of Bliss" instead of as "Chromium". You will find that this is already hard to do. The browser name is hard-coded in many places in the millions of lines of Chromium source code. (...) Viasat are offering a (...) fork called Rebel that makes this easier

I am surprised that kind of change has not been upstreamed, or is Google actively working against forks?

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It’s just the kind of thing that happens in a huge, production codebase.

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of Google, but some strings in multiple places isn’t a good reason to be skeptical of the Chromium maintainers.

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I know it's naturally happening in a large codebase, I'm asking why they specifically maintain a fork just for that instead of trying to push what are probably easy (but tedious) upstream fixes.

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Purely guessing: abstracting a browser name is yet another abstraction layer. A later that is not needed by chromium. Maintainers of chromium primarily care about maintainability of chromium, not other forks.

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It depends on the individual part of Chromium. Some teams seem to be much more open to contributions than others. (I believe to recall that this is also what someone at Viasat told me at some point, but I'm not sure).

Also, for example the browser name appears in a lot of places. It is very hard to fully extract it into a single configurable option.

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I'd also be surprised if that browser name is "Chromium", given that Google Chrome doesn't brand itself as such. (And vice versa.)

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is Google actively working against forks

They could not accept those changes without being actively against forks. It would just mean they aren't actively supporting forks, which is a different thing.

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I haven’t looked too closely at Chrome’s build process but there might be a way to get LSP or something set up for it?

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So how much does it cost to maintain a Chromium fork? >It obviously depends on the number of customizations your browser has, and on how quickly you want to incorporate security fixes from upstream. Chromium is one of the world's most complex pieces of software, and you need very capable engineers and powerful hardware to match this. It is going to be expensive. And not just once, but also on an ongoing basis.

This confirms my thoughts after I tried messing with chromium's and brave's code bases.

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Reminds me of my early experience with larger-scale JS development (early single page apps or whatever they're called now); there were no good IDEs yet, no module / require system, no types or whatever. Sublime Text and fast global search were my go-to tools, and it gave me a newfound appreciation of consistent naming schemes and structures.

Not so much nowadays though, most of the time I use IDEA with Typescript and the like. And yet, I still feel like I lost something moving away from sublime. I've reinstalled and am trying it again lately.

9 replies

Have you got paid for this?

The reason I am asking is that I see volunteering time for extremely wealthy big corporations as foolish.

At very least developers should get together and lobby that if big corporations use open source software, they should be paying royalties to contributors.

That said, if you look at volunteering time, it is much better to do it for charities that often struggle getting competent IT people, but of course it is not as glamourous.

4 replies

Consider this, the thing they fixed is something they depend on for their daily programming needs relatively often. By fixing it themselves instead of waiting for who knows how long, they are saving a lot of future time and frustration. They don't to work around the issue anymore and can simply focus on what they want.

Which is also worth something.

3 replies

But that will make these companies lazy.

Chromium is open source, in my opinion, because Google can brag about open source, it has all the right buzzwords. But also gives them free R&D and labour.

I think given the size and wealth of Google, this is entirely inappropriate and people shouldn't be contributing to it, because it will only encourage this parasitic and exploitative behaviour.

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There is a entire ecosystem because of Chromium.

I'd argue it's one of the least "parasitic" corporate OSS project.

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I think given the size and wealth of Google, this is entirely inappropriate and people shouldn't be contributing to it, because it will only encourage this parasitic and exploitative behaviour.

So you would rather have chromium be closed source, or for people to fix the bug but hoard the patches? Do you hate the idea of google benefiting from your work so much that you're willing screw over yourself (in the form of having to maintain the bugfixes yourself) and others (because they don't get the bugfixes) in the process? Are you also against contributing improvements to other OSS projects (eg. linux kernel) because corporations might benefit from it and "gives them free R&D and labour"?

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The majority of work on Chromium is done by engineers on Google's payroll.

There certainly are OSS projects out there where the majority of work is done by volunteers and where companies profit from their labor. This isn't really one of them, at least not in the way you are describing it.

Applying one "truth" to the entire world generally means that you're simplifying things to such a degree that they become meaningless or even ridiculous parodies of themselves.

I feel like that this might be what you are doing here.

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You're such a good man, you don't need to use such hash language.

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This is fair, and is my general philosophy. But if you're running into the bug first hand and its costing you otherwise, it may be the most pragmatic thing to just fix the bug yourself and contribute it back.

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sadly bounties only barely work in a security setting and I've never seen it work for other things. Too much noise vs value.

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One of my Google interviewers leaned back in his Eames lounge chair and stated that he got his start there by contributing optimizations to Chromium. I think it worked out well for him.

6 replies

There's this one Chrome (?) bug I've been experiencing for a long time on Linux.

Every once in a while, the browser detects I'm typing "±±±±±±+..." and writes that to any selected text input. It stops when I type anything, but sometimes comes back rather quickly.

I thought it was a keyboard issue, but it doesn't affect Firefox or other applications, only Chrome based ones like Spotify and VSCode.

I've found no other mention of this on the internet and I'd love to to hunt this down and fix it but have no clue where to start. I guess the first step would be to consistently reproduce the bug...

If you're interested, I screen recorded it happening once. Mind there's music playing:

3 replies

Every once in a while, the browser detects I'm typing "±±±±±±+..."

Interesting bug! Not exactly following on what triggers the bug. Do you have a ± key on your keyboard (some international one)? Or does it occur after e.g. pressing "+", then "-"? Do you use compose keys? Does it do this randomly?

2 replies

I don't have a ± key. I'm using swaywm which seems to have no compose key set by default, I've tried all the common ones and they don't act as such.

I haven't been able to detect any pattern to what triggers this, at all. It is always "±".

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You could probably set up some keylogging to see if anything special is happening before it, it'd also let you know for sure if it's a keyboard issue or not.

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Maybe there's buggy malware involved?

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I vaguely recall experiencing this on my gaming pc (windows). Although with a diff character (W?)

Seems like a race condition, and exacerbated by whatever kb you are using. Are you using a Corsair or Razer kb by any chance? And is it wireless or wired?

I know you suspected it may be a kb issue but have you tried swapping kb to make sure? I junked my old corsair kb because I thought it was just stuck keys after too many “kb smash” events. Don’t recall it happening again after swapping to diff manufacturer (Wooten, wired).

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That's... horrible.

5 replies

Because of this huge codebase size, I wasn't able to get VS Code's C++ extension to work very well with the project. Features like go-to definition (which I usually rely on heavily when navigating codebases) and find references didn't work well or at all, and one of my CPU cores would stay stuck at 100% permanently while the project was open.

Chromium Code Search [1] tool is very helpful with that and I believe there are some extensions that integrate with it.


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First, thank you for sharing this helpful link, but LOL at needing to use a third party server to search plain text data that could fit in RAM (at least on this developer's machine). JavaScript- and JSON-based developer tooling is a terrible idea.

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It's not searching plaintext though.

VSCode itself can deal with big text data being thrown at it, this will be some of the language server stuff

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I'm sure it can do a plaintext search just fine. What the author is talking about is language-aware features like "go to definition". Holding all of a whole web browser's C++ parsing tree in memory is a lot bigger ask than just its plain text.

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I've been working on an extension for instant search results in gigantic repos like this one because it's a recurring pattern that bothers me. And eventually I'd like it to use its index to provide full go-to, autocomplete etc. on a pure plain text basis, because why not? I don't get the obsession with full-fledged language integration when plain text-based search results can get you all the way 9 out of 10 times, whereas a typical language plugin will constantly suffer from brokenness, performance problems and general annoyance, unless maybe you're working in pure JS/TS. And while LSP is great, you still have to fight this battle separately for every language you use. And regular "search" features are dreadful too.

It's one of these things that Jetbrains products are vastly superior in. It's fast, always works, falls back to text matching and also natively allows multiple languages per source file.

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It's also possible to get go-to-definition etc working in VSCode locally. You need to switch from Microsoft's C++ extension to the clangd extension. Clangd scales better and is more accurate for projects using clang like Chromium. Instructions here:

The Chromium code search site is still very useful too.

4 replies

Interesting to read all of this. Bugs in more obscure areas being open for years is something I am pretty familiar with, although then on the Firefox side of things.

I personally never have been able to muster up the courage or energy to try and dive into the code base there, though. Part of that is simply because such a huge code base is daunting to delve into. But an even bigger stumbling block was always the prospect of having to deal with the entire process of submitting the fix and getting it approved. Certainly with Mozilla the interactions I have had on Bugzilla with various people there as well as in other places simply made me decide to work around the issues.

I am honestly surprised how relatively smooth the process seems to have been for the author, dealing with Chromium developers.

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> Certainly with Mozilla the interactions I have had on Bugzilla with various people there as well as in other places simply made me decide to work around the issues.

Can you elaborate on your experience?

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Sure. I should point out though that I also had many positive individual experiences with people from Mozilla. Interesting conversations and insights in various things. It is just that overall I had a few too many interactions, which would make hesitate trying to invest a lot of time in things like PRs.

What it mostly comes down to is that communication several times seemingly seemed a one way street. Where I provided information (often explicitly asked for) only to be effectively ghosted. Not in the sense that I was dealing with busy people where it just took time for them to get back to it again. But really getting no response at all. Often when I then did follow up on it (several months later) I would see the bugzilla ticket change a tag or some other meta attribute but nothing more.

To be clear, this isn't even unique to Mozilla/Firefox. I had similar experiences on other open source projects, although it differs really per project. It is more that with something as big as a browser, where setting up the development environment can already take up the better part of a day, it becomes an extra barrier for even trying.

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My negative experience with Firefox was with this 6 year old feature request relating to container colors. [0] They have hardcoded some colors & icons (6 or 8 I think?) as possible options. The problem is: If you have more than half a dozen of Gmail accounts that you want to containerize (e.g. for client work), it is really hard to keep them apart at first glance. Compare this to Google Chrome, where you can choose the browser color for each associated Gmail account individually.

I tried to manually extend & build it for myself, but the codebase relating to that was just a mindfuck to work on...


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Yeah, pretty much my experience with any large open source project - I find that if its a solo activity or a small focused group my bugs might get any attention, but after there's more than 10 or so contributors I politely move on by.

Too many times submitting a feature request or reproducible bug report in github that's "ranked by thumbs up" and then having that closed as wont fix.

3 replies

Chromium's codebase isn't so bad for a first timer. Years ago our product had a bug on Windows where if you paste an image from the clipboard, the image had garbage in it (something to do with alpha channels). I realized Chrome has no such bug so they probably had a workaround. It took me like 30 minutes of lurking around in the codebase for the first time to find their workaround and apply it to our code.

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Chromium's codebase isn't so bad for a first timer.


It took me like 30 minutes

I can tell you didn't need to build it ;)

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Why build it if you are just reading? I find wonderful. With things like go-to-definition and find-all-overridden-functions working wonderfully well.

I find this to be ideal when working with a large codebase. I don't even need an editor with fancy intelligence features and LSP integration; a bare bones vim or emacs paired with a website with all the intelligence already there.

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One thing Chromium does really well is hooking up cross references in the code search tool ( This makes it easy to browse, see where things are called from, subclassed, etc. Github feels far behind on this.

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I'll unashamedly admit that I made liberal use of printf debugging while trying to make my way through these code paths

Nothing to be ashamed of, imo; printf debugging works incredibly well!

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Yep. Debuggers are more powerful, they can do everything `printf` debugging can do + more, but take more work to set up. For interpreted languages, they often take more work to use than just adding a print statement & rerunning, for compiled languages the reverse is more likely.

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There are cases where printf helps but debugging doesn't. Multithreaded code is one of such cases.

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This is great! You should consider fixing the Chromium bugs you run into! Chrome releases relatively quickly, so in 4-6 weeks you can have a bug fixed forever for all of your users on Chrome.

I used to work on Chrome and WebKit and I still have committer status. I've often wondered if there are people out there who would be willing to pay a contributor to get their bug fixed, but don't know who to contact. Feel free to email me :)

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There is an annoying bug in Chrome DevTools that people who want to impede debugging of their JS files exploit. I think it's probably related to making the regex engine use excess memory and crashing the tab.

Anyway, just mentioning it to see if someone here knows if it's a well known and difficult to fix bug, or if it's just a bit obscure to have had any fixes for.

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I haven't seen that one. I'd start by searching Then, the first step to a fix is always to find a reproducible example of the bug. In this case that would probably be finding an example in the wild and trying to save it locally in a way that still reproduces the bug. If you can get those files attached to the bug report there's a good chance it can be fixed. When I was fixing Chromium bugs, repro cases were worth their weight in gold.

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On a similar note, i always wanted to contribute to Firefox, but every time i looked at how to compile it i noped the fuck out of it. It's probably is doable on linux but it's sounds like a nightmare on windows.

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It's probably is doable on linux

Yep. The way you do it on Linux is to grab your distro's package build script and use that. It will specify all of the build- and run-time dependencies (which you use your standard package manager to resolve), and contain whatever commands are required to build it. Usually you just install dependencies and run one command, and you've got a package you can install like any other.

Here, for example, is the script for Arch Linux's Firefox package:

Just install the dependencies listed there, run "makepkg", and boom, Firefox pops out the other end. If you're doing active development, you can probably figure out a quicker change/build/test loop, but that'll get you started.

but it's sounds like a nightmare on windows.

I wouldn't wish the hell of software development on Windows upon my worst enemy :)

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A fun project would be to implement a cross platform compatible web browser in rust. Chromium just has so much baggage with it on top of years of Google junk.

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That sounds like Servo?

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Excellent. One small question If anyone can answer. When an outside contributor is submitting a fix like these, do open source software maintainers ask for test also to be written? Fix itself is worth acceptance. What if contributor don't have any more time/interest beyond submitting the fix.

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yes if the standard practice on the codebase is to include tests, the maintainers will ask for tests

if the author doesn't want to do it, the PR will likely remain abandoned unless an external contributor comes along to finish it, or a maintainer takes over.

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but a clean build still takes something like 45 minutes to finish

I had a similar experience when building Firefox from source >.<

though I recall I had more trouble when pulling the codes as I was naive and pulled all the history

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In 2013 I also worked as first time contributor on a bug that affected the linux version of Firefox.

Firefox took 2 hours to compile in my pentium dual-core Intel laptop, it was in August so warm inside the house, the 2 hours compiling at closer 100% cpu made the laptop halt due to excessive temperature before finishing. I also recall the build failed because of out-of-memory error (ram exhausted) I had 2GB and had to expand to 4 GB or something like that.

After overcoming the struggles I was finally happy as the fix was committed.

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That was a really good read, thank you!

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I started my debugging by finding where the network request for the worklet script was initiated and tracing it down as far as necessary until the request was actually made - or retrieved from the cache. The call tree looked something like this:

It completely escapes me how you can find that in such a codebase.

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I'm coming out of reading this a bit dismayed as I really thought that the `if let` (to use the swift conventions) pattern would finally be a good and reliable solution for these silent errors.

And at the same time, reading the code in question and putting myself into the position of a person writing the code, I would totally have thought that I'm handling the "is there a global scope" case, totally forgetting that the same check is also checking the "is the global scope a `WorkerGlobalScope`" condition but mixing both checks into a single return value.

And here we are with the code happily chugging along and (for all intents and purposes) causing data corruption (by causing network requests to not be logged and not respect policy).

And here I was thinking that `if let` is fixing exactly this problem while also providing the best ergonomics.

So here we are back to the drawing board, ready for the next pattern which will compromise on ergonomics in some as-yet unknown way in the future.

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regarding the comments about the "build time" of firefox/chromium - a couple of weeks ago i installed gentoo 686 on an old netbook, including a DE/WM and firefox. I also told it to completely recompile everything that comes "preinstalled" in the stage3 gzip (that's prior to installing the WM and ff).

llvm took forever to compile, and then for some reason i needed to have two versions of llvm - i don't recall why offhand. So i have a devuan VM on my desktop here, i set up a gentoo chroot, updated it and installed distcc, installed distcc on the netbook - just like i've always done in these circumstances. Believe me when i say: it's still like magic, even if "distcc-pump" no longer works.

total time to get the netbook to a stable, running as i want it, useful machine - ~1 week. Results? It's actually useable - more usable than it was with windows 7 on it when it was new, and much more usable than whatever ubuntu i had installed on there 7 years ago or whatever.

I did, however, make a mistake. I didn't need to use i686 (32 bit) - the atom is a dualcore and on ark it shows that CPU is 64 bit. So i'll probably do all this again (after a reboot onto gentoo boot media and 'dd'ing /dev/sda2 to a network location, just in case). I may even see if it's possible to resurrect pump, because that will speed things up even more. If pump is working, the only thing that sucks about "emerge" on gentoo on a slow machine is waiting for the spinner at the beginning and the "installing <pkg> ..." parts of the flow, due to memory and CPU contstraints. I'm using an SSD in there so at least i got that going.

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This post is really great! My biggest piece of advice to someone attempting to do the same is to browse the code via the online code browser, which has working cross referencing. (The codebase is so large it is not the sort of index you can reliably build locally...) is the easy URL to remember ("cs" for "code search")

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one thing that I was completely unsure about was how to add tests for this fix.

Similar to blaming the file for maintainers, the diff of those commits can direct you to their tests. The full patches that those commits belong to can also be useful for finding undocumented habits that have lead to approval.