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Arrest of Pavel Durov, Telegram CEO, charges of terrorism, fraud, child porn

223 replies

This seems like the Kim Dotcom situation again.

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do? Specifically, these service providers? Because Google, Discord, Reddit, etc. all contain some amount of CSAM (and other illegal content), yet I don't see Pichai, Citron, or Huffman getting indicted for anything.

Hell, then there's the actual infrastructure providers too. This seems like a slippery slope with no defined boundaries where the government can just arbitrary use to pin the blame on the people they don't like. Because ultimately, almost every platform with user-provided content will have some quantity of illegal material.

But maybe I'm just being naive?

78 replies

Because those providers cooperate with authorities and moderate their content to a fairly large degree?

27 replies

How does Meta cooperate with the authorities? Isn't Whatsapp supposed to be end-to-end encrypted?

6 replies

Telegram is for the most part not end-to-end encrypted, one to one chats can be but aren't by default, and groups/channels are never E2EE. That means Telegram is privy to a large amount of the criminal activity happening on their platform but allegedly chooses to turn a blind eye to it, unlike Signal or WhatsApp, who can't see what their users are doing by design.

Not to say that deliberately making yourself blind to what's happening on your platform will always be a bulletproof way to avoid liability, but it's a much more defensible position than being able to see the illegal activity on your platform and not doing anything about it. Especially in the case of seriously serious crimes like CSAM, terrorism, etc.

2 replies

If law enforcement asked them nicely for access I bet they wouldn't refuse. Why take responsibility for something if you can just offload it to law enforcement?

The issue is law enforcement doesn't want that kind of access. Because they have no manpower to go after criminals. This would increase their caseload hundredfold within a month. So they prefer to punish the entity that created this honeypot. So it goes away and along with it the crime will go back underground where police can pretend it doesn't happen.

Telegram is basically punished for existing and not doing law enforcement job for them.

1 replies

I bet they wouldn't refuse

Apparently, they have. Sorry for your bet.

0 replies

Maybe they didn't ask nicely. Or they asked for something else. There's literally zero drawback for service provider to provide secret access to the raw data that they hold to law enforcement. You'd be criminally dumb if you didn't do it. Literally criminally.

I bet that if they really asked, they pretty much asked Telegram to build them one click creator that would print them court ready documents about criminals on their platform so that law enforcement can just click a button and yell "we got one!" to the judge.

2 replies

if its not not end-to-end encrypted, what does that mean? whats the method that govts access these messages?

0 replies

You can simply join those channels. Getting an invite is not hard, or even unnecessary, from what I hear.

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End-to-end encrypted means that the server doesn’t have access to the keys. When server does have access, they could read messages to filter them or give law enforcement access.

2 replies

Isn't Whatsapp supposed to be end-to-end encrypted?

It is supposedly end-to-end encrypted. And in a shallow way. Also the app is closed source and you can't develop your own.

It's basically end-to-end-trust-me-bro-level encrypted.

1 replies

I'm more disturbed by the fact that on HN we have 0 devs confirming or denying this thing about FBs internals wrt encryption. We know there are many devs that work there that are also HN users. But I've yet to see one of them chime in on this discussion.

That should scare a lot of us.

0 replies

I find it pretty ridiculous to assume that any dev would comment on the inner workings of their employers software in any way beyond what is publicly available anyway. I certainly wouldn't.

2 replies

I find it funny that they claim to be “end-to-end” at least once they have censored one of my messages.

1 replies

The receiving end shared your message with the administrators? E2e doesn't mean you aren't allowed to do what you want with the messages you receive, they are yours.

0 replies

Nope, it didn't even arrive on their end, it prevented me from sending the message and said I wasn't allowed to send that. So they are pre screening your messages before you send them.

2 replies

Read the founder exit letter. whatsapp is definitely not e2e encrypted for all features.

You leak basic metadata (who talked to who at what time).

You leak 100% of messages with "business account", which are another way to say "e2e you->meta and then meta relays the message e2e to N reciptients handling that business account".

Then there's the all the links and images which are sent to e2e you->meta, meta stores the image/link once, sends you back a hash, you send that hash e2e to your contact.

there's so many leaks it's not even fun to poke fun at them.

And I pity anyone who is fool enough to think meta products are e2e anything.

0 replies

Exactly. Another case of a business hijacking a term and abusing it to describe something else.

0 replies

with "business account", which are another way to say "e2e you->meta and then meta relays

actually its a nominated end point, and then from there its up to the business. It works out better for meta, because they aren't liable for the content if something goes wrong. (ie a secret is leaked, or PII gets out.) Great for GDPR because as they aren't acting as processor of PII they are less likley to be taken to court.

Whatsapp has about the same level of practical "privacy" (encryption is a loaded word here) as iMessage. The difference is, there are many more easy ways to report nasty content in whatsapp, which reported ~1 million cases of CSAM a year vs apples' 267. (not 200k, just 267. Thats the whole of apple.

Getting the content of normal messages is pretty hard, getting the content of a link, much easier.

Its not signal, but then its never meant to be.

1 replies

isn't meta only end to end encrypted in the most original definition in so much that it is encrypted to each hop. but it's not end to end encrypted like signal.. ie meta can snoop all day

0 replies

If a service provider can see plain text for a messaging app between the END users, that is NOT end-to-end encryption, by any valid definition. Service providers do not get to be one of the ends in E2EE, no matter what 2019 Zoom was claiming in their marketing. That's just lying.

0 replies

Meta seems to shy away from saying they don't look at the content in some fashion. Eg they might scan it with some filters, they just don't send plaintext around.

0 replies

Answering law enforcement letters, even if it's just to say that data cannot be provided, is some 80% of cooperation needed.

Meta can provide conversation and account metadata (Twitter does the same - or used to do at least), or suspend accounts

0 replies

don’t you have an answer now?

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You can report people and have their messages sent to Meta for review.

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Supporting E2EE doesn’t imply a failure to cooperate. This is not the issue here.

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In a number of ways, and probably all the ways that are required by law in your jurisdiction.

Learn more:

Yes, WA messages are supposed to be e2e encrypted. Unless end-to-end encryption is prohibited by law in your jurisdiction, I don't see how that question is relevant in this context.

0 replies

Probably government portals that Meta provides

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The chats are encrypted but the backup saved in the cloud isn't. So if someone gets access to your Google Drive he can read your WhatsApp chats. You can opt-in to encrypt the backup but it doesn't work well.

0 replies

What has E2EE got to do with it? If you catch someone who sent CP you can open their phone and read their messages. Then you can tell Meta which ones to delete and they can do it from the metadata alone.

22 replies

This distinction gets lost in these discussions all of the time. A company that makes an effort to comply with laws is in a completely different category than a company that makes the fact that they’ll look the other way one of their core selling points.

Years ago there was a case where someone built a business out of making hidden compartments in cars. He did an amazing job of making James Bond style hidden compartments that perfectly blended into the interior. He was later arrested because drug dealers used his hidden compartment business to help their drug trade.

There was an uproar about the fact that he wasn’t doing the drug crimes himself. He was only making hidden compartments which could be used for anything. How was he supposed to know that the hidden compartments were being used for illegal activities rather than keeping people’s valuables safe during a break-in?

Yet when the details of the case came out, IIRC, it was clear that he was leaning into the illegal trades and marketing his services to those people. He lost his plausible deniability after even a cursory look at how he was operating.

I don’t know what, if any, parts of that case apply to Pavel Durov. I do like to share it as an example of how intent matters and how one can become complicit in other crimes by operating in a manner where one of your selling points is that you’ll help anyone out even when their intent is to break the law. It’s also why smart corporate criminals will shut down and walk away when it becomes too obvious that they’re losing plausible deniability in a criminal enterprise.

16 replies

Is it illegal to offer legal services to undesirables and/or criminals?

6 replies


If you are directly aiding and abetting without any plausible attempt to minimize bad actors from using your services then absolutely.

For example, CP absolutely exists on platforms like FB or IG, but Meta will absolutely try to moderate it away to the best of their ability and cooperate with law enforcement when it is brought to their attention.

And like I have mentioned a couple times before, Telegram was only allowed to exist because the UAE allowed them to, and both the UAE and Russia gained ownership stakes in Telegram by 2021. Also, messaging apps can only legally operate in the UAE if they provide decryption keys to the UAE govt because all instant messaging apps are treated as VoIP under their Telco regulation laws.

There have been plenty of cases where anti-Russian govt content was moderated away during the 2021 protests -

5 replies

If you are directly aiding and abetting without any plausible attempt to minimize bad actors from using your service

isn't this the definition of "criminal lawyer"?

3 replies

If you are a criminal lawyer who is providing defense, that is acceptable because everyone is entitled to to a fair trial and defense.

If you are a criminal lawyer who is directly abetting in criminal behavior (eg. a Saul Goodman type) you absolutely will lose your Bar License and open yourself up to criminal penalties.

If you are a criminal lawyer who is in a situation where your client wants you to abet their criminal behavior, then you are expected to drop the client and potentially notify law enforcement.

1 replies

If you are a criminal lawyer who is directly abetting in criminal behavior

Not a lawyer myself but I believe this is not a correct representation of the issue.

A lawyer abetting in criminal behaviour is committing a crime, but the crime is not offering his services to criminals, which is completely legal.

When offering their services to criminals law firm or individual lawyers in most cases are not required to report crimes they have been made aware of under the attorney-client privilege and are not required to ask to minimize bad actors from using their services.

In short: unless they are committing crimes themselves, criminal lawyers are not required to stay clear from criminals, actually, usually the opposite is true.

Again, presumption of innocence do exists.

0 replies

Yep. Your explaination is basically what I was getting at

In this case, Telegram showed bad faith moderation. They are not a lawyer, and don't operate with the same constraints.

0 replies

There was a recent gang related case in Georgia where several defense lawyers were charged for being a little too involved.

0 replies

TV drama tends to give people the wrong idea. Your lawyers aren't allowed to aid you with doing any crimes, they're just advocates.

4 replies

In most jurisdictions yes AFAIK, if those services directly help an illegal activity, and you knew about the illegal activity.

3 replies

Ok, like selling gasoline to the getaway car driver?

0 replies

Working as a car driver isn’t illegal. Working as a getaway car driver is.

You’re making the opposite point of what you intended.

0 replies

and you knew about the illegal behavior

Your analogy is terrible and doesn’t make sense.

If you provide a service that is used for illegal behavior AND you know it’s being used that way AND you explicitly market your services to users behaving illegally AND the majority of your product is used for illegal deeds THEN you’re gonna have a bad time.

If one out of ten thousand people use your product for illegal deeds you’re fine. If it’s 9 out of 10 you probably aren’t.

2 replies

If you know your services are going to be used to commit a crime, then yes, that makes you an accessory and basically all jurisdictions (I know basically nothing about French criminal law) can prosecute you for that. Crime is, y'know, illegal.

0 replies

I'm appalled that you would argue in good faith that a tool for communicating in secret can be reasonably described as a service used to commit a crime.

Why aren't all gun manufacturers in jail then? They must know a percentage of their products are going to be used to commit crimes. A much larger percentage than those using Telegram to commit one.

0 replies

Shouldn't gmail be closing as they know a percentage will be used for crime?

0 replies

Try to deposit 10k to your bank account and then, when they call you and ask the obvious question, answer that you sold some meth or robbed someone. They will totally be fine with this answer, as they are just a platform for providing money services and well, you can always just pay for everything in cash.

2 replies

operating in a manner where one of your selling points is that you’ll help anyone out even when their intent is to break the law

is it what happened here?

in my view Durov is the owner renting his apartment and not caring what people do inside it, which is not illegal, someone could go as fare as say that it is morally reprensible, but it's not illegal in any way.

It would be different if Durov knew but did not report it.

Which, again, doesn't seem what happened here and it must be proven in a court anyway, I believe everyone in our western legal systems still has the right to the presumption of innocence.

Telegram not spying on its users is the same thing as Mullvad not spying on its users and not saving the logs. I consider it a feature not a bug, for sure not complicity in any crime whatsoever.

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the owner renting his apartment and not caring what people do inside it, which is not illegal

Problem is if you know what these people do inside it and you don't do anything about it.

0 replies

Which is something that should be proven in court.

Problem is if the police arrests the owner of the apartment but not those doing something illegal inside it.

Out of metaphor: Durov has been arrested because he's Russian and the west is retaliating as hard as they can.

Under the same assumptions Durov has been arrested for, Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey should be in jail too. [1]


1 replies

What do you mean "look the other way?" Does the phone company "look the other way" when they don't listen in to your calls? Does the post office "look the other way" when they don't read your mail?

That guy who built the hidden compartments should absolutely not have gone to jail. The government needs to be put in check. This has gotten ridiculous.

0 replies

If the police tell them illegal activity is happening and give them a warrant to wiretap and they are capable of doing so but refuse then yeah they’re looking the other way. That’s not even getting into things like PRISM.

13 replies

Reddit moderates itself so well that even half the legitimate posts get immediately removed by mods or downvoted by users to oblivion

12 replies

I've actually given up trying to post on Reddit for this reason. Whenever I've tried to join in on a discussion in some subreddit that's relevant(eg r/chess) my post has been autoremoved by a bot because my karma is too low or my account is "too new". Well how can I get any karma if all my posts are deleted?

4 replies

Comment in subreddits without those restrictions for a bit. E.g. this list:

I can see how it's frustrating, but the communities you're trying to post in are essentially offloading their moderation burden onto the big popular subreddits with low requirements -- if you can prove you're capable of posting there without getting downvoted into oblivion, you're probably going to be less hassle for the smaller moderator teams.

3 replies

That's silly. I gotta go shitpost in subreddits I have no interest in as some sort of bizarre rite of passage? I'd rather just not use the site at that point.

2 replies

Yet here you are posting on HN which does the exact same thing.

1 replies

Actually, HN has a much better system. Comments from new accounts, like your throwaway, are dead by default, but any user can opt in to seeing dead posts, and any user with a small amount of karma can vouch those posts, reviving them. Like I just did to your post.

0 replies

New account comments are not dead by default, they just render the author name in green.

3 replies

You ask for the post to get approved. You probably can't imagine the amount of spam subreddits suffer under.

1 replies

In the cases I remember there was no such recourse. It was just autodeleted by a bot.

0 replies

You have to send the moderators a message manually. They can unhide comments held by AutoMod.

0 replies

Mods simply ignore any such messages, especially from new or low karma accounts. Entreaties into the void.

2 replies

Even those who farm accounts know the simple answer to your question. You have to spend a little time being civil in other subreddits before you reveal the real you. Just takes a few weeks.

1 replies

The comments I made were quite serious and civil. Not sure what you mean. They were autodeleted by a bot. I wasn't trolling or anything.

I'm not particularly interested in spending a lot of time posting on reddit. But very occasionally I'll come across a thread I can contribute meaningfully to and want to comment. Even if allowed I'd probably just make a couple comments a year or something. But I guess the site isn't set up for that, so fuck it.

0 replies

Sounds like you glossed over the phrase “in other subreddits”, which is the secret sauce. The point of my phrasing was not to suggest that you aim to be uncivil, but to highlight that the above works even for those who do aim to. So, surely, it should work for you, too.

6 replies

Why don’t they arrest telecom CEOs for allowing terrorists to have uncensored phone calls with each other?

5 replies

You do realize the police wiretap and get metadata from phone companies all the time, right? Not event counting Five Eyes stuff.

4 replies

But why don’t they arrest them for allowing it to happen? Phone calls should be actively moderated to block customers who speak about terrorist activity.

1 replies

You really should Google Snowden and PRISM at some point.

0 replies

Phone calls are transcribed and stored forever.

1 replies

Because the telcos _cooperate_ with law enforcement.

It's not whether the platform is being used for illegal activity (all platforms are to some extent, as your facile comment shows). It's whether the operator of a platform actively avoids cooperating with LE to stop that activity once found.

0 replies

I know. That’s obviously true, but I hate that it happens and it makes no sense to me why more people aren’t upset by it. What I’m trying to get at is that complying with rules that are stupid, ineffective, and unfair is not a good thing and anyone who thinks these goals are reasonable should apply them to equivalent services to realize they’re bad. Cooperation with law enforcement is morally neutral and not important.

The real goal is hurting anyone that’s not aligned with people in power regardless of who is getting helped or harmed. Everyone knows this but so many people in this thread are lying about it.

2 replies

There is a simpler explanation, those providers are controlled by Western governments (read US)

1 replies

There's a simpler explanation. Those providers make an earnest attempt to obey western law.

0 replies

It's simpler, the US wants to control the narrative everywhere and in everything, just like in the 90s and 00s. Things like Telegram and Tiktok and to some extent RT, stand in the way of that.

0 replies

In other words, they give the government a cut of the power.

0 replies

For Reddit it is a bit documented how some power-mods used to flood subreddits with child porn to get them taken down. It was seemingly done with the administration's best wishes. Not sure if it still going on, but some of these people are certainly around, in the same positions.

0 replies

As far as I can see. CP is probably the fastest way to get a channel and related account wiped on telegram in a very short time. As a telegram group manager. I often see automated purge of CP related ad/contents, or auto lockout for managers to clear up the channel/group. Saying telegram isn't managing CP problems is just absurd. I really feel like they just created the reason for other purpose.

24 replies

The difference is telegram wasn't cooperating with authorities in the jurisdictions in which it was operating; be that moderation, interception, etc.

23 replies

It's incorrect to say that they weren't cooperating with authorities at all.

In the EU, Telegram blocked access to certain channels that the EU deemed to be Russian disinformation, for example.

20 replies

Really? That’s a really disappointing example of censorship. The state has no business judging the truth.

16 replies

One of those was @rtnews which is definitely state-sponsored propaganda and remains inaccessible to this day.

They cooperated to some degree, but I'll go out on a limb to say that the authorities wanted Telegram to be fully subservient to western government interests.

6 replies

i should be allowed to watch whatever state propaganda i want, i'm a big boy

15 years ago in the US this would have been uncontroversial

1 replies

15 years ago watching too much Taliban propaganda would have put you in Guantanamo pretty fast

0 replies

you earnestly think that is true of an american citizen in 2009?

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I'm sure the US government would have been real keen on you reading Kremlin news source 40 year ago...

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there were multiple Kremlin propaganda outlets you could read in the US 40 years ago, although it is true that (IIRC) there were restrictions on broadcast television

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Don't get me wrong, if you really want to watch it, I think you should be allowed to.

Personally I'm undecided about whether these channels should be publicly available on e.g. free TV channels, but that's getting off topic.

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It's still uncontroversial in the US, where RT remains widely available, although their local TV operations folded after a boycott by cable providers.

4 replies

Eliminating child pornography and organised crime is a societal rather than 'government' interest. And rightly.

2 replies

Eliminating child pornography and organised crime is a societal rather than 'government' interest.

Empirically speaking, governments have had absolutely zero success at this, but their attempts to do so have gotten them the kind of legal power over your life that organised crime could only dream about.

1 replies

Huh? The traditional mafia is almost non-existent in the US today. RICO and its application has been highly successful at taking down the mafia.

You could certainly argue that RICO was too powerful and is often misapplied, but I've never before seen anyone argue that it has been ineffective.

0 replies

Are you implying that after the Italian mafia there were no more organised crime gangs in the US? There's a huge number of organised crime gangs nowadays; who do you think is distributing the drugs responsible for America's massive drug problem? . A policy isn't a success if it kills one crime group only for it to be replaced with more, and the overall drug consumption/distribution rate doesn't decrease. More people are using illicit drugs than ever before:

0 replies

think there is a societal interest in unsnoopable messaging.

there are other low-hanging fruit EU governments could do to address crime, NL has basically become a narcostate and they are just sitting by and watching - Telegram is not the problem.

3 replies

So what if it is state sponsored propaganda? Most media is biased in some way. It shouldn’t be censored. I want to hear their side of the story too.

1 replies

In this instance (RT being banned), it's Russia's quite candid strategy to undermine social cohesion in their enemies' societies, using disinformation. Margarita Simonyan and Vladislav Surkov have each bragged about its success. So yes, for social cohesion, when there's a malign external actor poisoning public discourse with the intention of splitting societies, a responsible government ought to tackle it.

0 replies

The old "enemy of the people" argument.

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I think your subtle arguments are wasted on EU's decision to stop the spread of misinformation and manipulation. It's that simple for them. Black and white. Us vs them. Don't think too much, you are taken care of by your "representatives" ...

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How do you propose jurisdiction to work without judging the truth?

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It is government's role to protect speech, not to censor.

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It’s also the government’s role to take measures against harmful actions. Personal rights end where they start to harm others, or harm society in general. They are not an absolute, and always have to be balanced against other concerns.

However, my GP comment was against the claim that “The state has no business judging the truth”. That claim as stated is absurd, because judging what is true is necessary for a state being able to function in the interest of its people. The commenter likely didn’t mean what they wrote.

One can argue what is harmful and what isn’t, and I certainly don’t agree with many things that are being over-moderated. But please discuss things on that level, and don’t absolutize “free speech”, or argue that authorities shouldn’t care about what is true or not.

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As far as I've heard, they did that only under threat of getting kicked out of the Apple and Google app stores. Supposedly, the non-app-store versions don't have these blocks.

In other words, Apple and Google are the only authorities they recognize (see also [1]). I'm not surprised this doesn't sit well with many governments.


0 replies

I don't think you can pick and choose what you comply with.

21 replies

Because those services don't get shown reports of CSAM and then turn a blind eye to it and do nothing about it.

A person witnessing a crime by itself is not a crime. However, a person witnessing a crime and choosing not to report it is a crime.

16 replies

I don't think it's a crime not to report a crime, at least not where I live. But facilitating a crime, which is something you could accuse telegram of is.

10 replies

You're technically right (I think). However, I believe if you witness a murder and know the murderer and the police asks you: "Do you know anything about X murder?" Then I think you're legally required to tell the truth here.

2 replies

That only applies if you're the defendant.

If you're the witness to a murder and you're subpoena'd to court and refuse to testify then you are committing contempt of court. There was a guy in Illinois who got 20 years (reduced to 6 on appeal) for refusing to testify in a murder.

Contempt of court usually has no boundaries on the punishment, nor any jury trials. A judge can just order you to be executed on the spot if you say, fall asleep in his courtroom. Sheriffs in Illinois have the same unbridled power over jail detainees.

0 replies

i think in actual practice you will rarely get contempt for refusing to testify or taking the fifth for questions that could only tenuously implicate yourself in practice.

0 replies

That guy needed a better lawyer. He could just have said "I don't remember. Can't say for sure" repeatedly

0 replies

I don't think it's necessarily self-incrimination to report a crime you witnessed, though I think it's dependent based on the time from when it occurred to the time of reporting.

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Such laws exist in most countries. I'm not aware of any that provide such a right to business entities though.

2 replies

I think in most modern democracies you aren’t legally required to tell the police anything. Courts are a different case though.

1 replies

As a suspect. At least in court, as a completely non-involved bystander you have no right of refusal to testify in most jurisdictions.

Not sure whether that extends to police questioning though.

0 replies

It doesn’t extend to police questioning, i also pointed out it’s a different thing when you are in a court. For the police an innocent bystander can turn into a suspect real fast.

0 replies

If someone says I need a cab for after I rob a bank and you give them a ride after waiting then you’re almost certainly an accessory. If they flag a random cab off the street then not.

2 replies

Generally, there is no general legal obligation for bystanders or witnesses to report a crime, but there are exceptions.

1 replies

To what jurisdiction are you referring?

0 replies

As far as I know all western judicial systems, both civil and common law. But as I said, there are exceptions for certain professions, and situations.

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CSAM is different - in the US, as well as france, the law designates the service provider as a mandatory reporter. If you find CSAM and don't report the user who posted it to authorities (and Telegram have phone numbers of users) then they are breaking the law.

0 replies

I don't think it's a crime not to report a crime

That heavily depends on the jurisdiction. It's explicitly a crime in Germany, for example:

On top of that, if you can be shown to benefit from the crime (e.g. by knowingly taking payment for providing services to those that commit it), that presumably makes you more than just a bystander in most jurisdictions anyway.

0 replies

I have my dead creepy uncle's phone in my drawer right now, and can give you soft core child porn from his instagram. His algorithm was even tuned to keep giving endless supply of children dancing in lingerie, naked women breastfeeding children while said children play with her private part, prostitutes of unknown age sharing their number on the screen, and porn frames hidden in videos.

Nobody's arresting Zuckerberg for that.

0 replies

YouTube ignored reports for CSAM links in comments of "family videos" of children bathing for years until a channel that made a large report on it went viral.

Who you are definitely determines how the law handles you. If you're Google execs, you don't have to worry about the courts of the peasantry.

0 replies

A person witnessing a crime by itself is not a crime. However, a person witnessing a crime and choosing not to report it is a crime.

That’s generally not true, at least in the Anglo legal system.

0 replies

get shown reports of CSAM and then turn a blind eye to it and do nothing about it.

How do you know this is the case?

16 replies

  Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do
  maybe I'm just being naive?
In this case, the comment does strike me as naive.

Back in the 1990s the tech community convinced itself (myself included) that Napster had zero ethical responsibility for the mass piracy it enabled. In reality, law in a society is supposed to serve that society. The tech community talked itself into believing that the only valid arguments were for Napster. In hindsight, it's less cut-and-dry.

I have never believed E2EE to be viable, in the real world, without a back-door. It makes several horrendous kinds of crime too difficult to combat. It also has some upsides, but including a back-door, in practice, won't erase the upsides for most users.

It is naive to think people (and government) will ignore E2EE; a feature that facilitates child porn, human trafficking, organized crime, murder-for-hire, foreign spying, etc etc. The decision about whether the good attributes justify the bad ones is too impactful on society to defer to chat app CEOs.

6 replies

you comment strikes me as naive in the same lines as "i have nothing to hide"

4 replies

It's worse than this. The author argues that backdoors are necessary rather than simply being willing to share his/her data for inspection.

1 replies

Yes, that is my position. E2EE back-doors might not affect my communications or yours, but have serious and undesirable repercussions for some journalists and whistleblowers. The thing is, regular people aren't going to tolerate a sustained parade of news stories in which E2EE helps the world's worst people to evade justice.

0 replies

Like, say, whistle blowers, and journalists who speak out and reveal evidence of government crimes? Like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden?

1 replies

That's how most law works. I have to give up my right to murder someone in order to enjoy a society where it's illegal for everyone.

If you believe privacy not inspectable by law enforcement is wrong the prerequisite is saying that you're willing to have the the law apply to you as well.

0 replies

I believe that privacy not inspectable by law enforcement is a fundamental right. I'm willing to accept that aids some crimes but also willing to change my mind if the latter becomes too much of a problem. It doesn't seem to be the case at all ATM.

0 replies

Think of my comment as a prediction, rather than a value judgement.

4 replies

Napster had zero ethical responsibility for the mass piracy it enabled

How could they have any moral responsibility for ethically neutral thing other people were doing?

1 replies

Not much has changed, I see.

0 replies

Nothing. In other news, murder still immoral as always.

1 replies

Even if you think they had no moral responsibility, it's clear they had legal responsibility.

0 replies

What's legal is very malleable with the use of money. Which copyright holders weren't shy about spending.

1 replies

This should be obvious to everyone here, but it's pretty much inevitable that if a backdoor exists, criminals will eventually find their way through it. Not to mention the "legitimate" access by corrupt and oppressive governments that can put people in mortal danger for daring to disagree.

0 replies

No doubt that is true, and presumably Cory Doctorow has written some article making that seem like the only concern. The alternative makes it difficult to enforce all kinds of laws, though.

0 replies

This comment can itself be said to take for granted the naive view of what law it exposes.

Law is a way to enforce a policy on massive scale, sure. But there is no guarantee that it enforces things that are aiming the best equilibrium of everyone flourishing in society. And even when it does, laws are done by humans, so unless they results from a highly dynamic process that gather feedback from those on which it applies and strive to improve over time, there is almost no chance laws can meet such an ambitious goal.

What if Napster was a symptom, but not of ill behavior? Supposing that unconditional sharing cultural heritage is basically the sane way to go can be backed on solid anthropological evidences, over several hundred millennia.

What if information monopolies is the massive ethical atrocity, enforced by corrupted governments which were hijacked by various sociopaths whose chief goal is to parasite as much as possible resources from societies?

Horrendous crimes, yes there are many out there, often commissioned by governments who will shamelessly throw outrageous lies at there citizens to transform them into cannon fodders and other atrocities.

Regarding fair retribution of most artists out there, we would certainly be better served with universal unconditional net revenue for everyone. The current fame lottery is just as fair as a national bingo as a way to make a decent career.

0 replies

You can go ahead and encrypt messages yourself, without explicit E2E support on the platform. In fact, choosing your own secure channel for communicating the key would probably be more secure than anything in-band.

16 replies

Dotcom got extradited (which was declared legal much later). Durov landed in a country that had an arrest warrant out for him.

I hope his situation isn't similar to Dotcom's, as Dotcom was shown to be complicit in the crimes he was being persecuted for. Convicting the megaupload people would've been a LOT harder if they hadn't been uploading and curating illegal content on their platform themselves.

As a service provider, you're not responsible for what your users post as long as you take appropriate action after being informed of illegal content. That's where they're trying to get Telegram, because Telegram is known to ignore law enforcement as much as possible (to the point of doing so illegally and getting fined for it).

13 replies

From my understanding the arrest warrant only was created while he was en route; sneaky sneaky..

5 replies

That’s really dark and dystopian

4 replies

really? we seal warrants in the US all the time - we don't want people who we are trying to apprehend to always know ahead of time we are trying to apprehend them

2 replies

The US is on it’s way to becoming a dystopia so not the best argument…

1 replies

maybe, but i don't think sealed warrants are the reason

0 replies

There purpose is to hide charges as longas possible to deceive or trick which is against a fully transparent process

3 replies

your understanding is based on what? i would assume this is just standard unsealed warrant like they have in the US

2 replies

I found this article that explains that the arrest warrant was only to be activated if Pavel was on the French territory.


It could have been a warrant that was not communicated to Durov himself. This would have helped to catch him by surprise.

0 replies

yeah so sounds like (what in the US we call) a sealed warrant, not that it was literally issued while he was in the air

0 replies

The Sud-Ouest article must have been updated because the version currently online does not mention that at all. Quite the opposite, the article quotes an official that was surprised that Durov would come to Paris anyway even though he knew he was under an arrest warrant in France, and another source says that he might have decided to come in France anyway because he believed he'll never be held accountable.

1 replies

Fuck around and find out. If he legitimately ignored legal French documents forcing him to share information, as the French have declared, he's got got.

You don't step foot on a country with an extradition treaty, even less so the country itself, where you're flouting their warrants for your company's data.

0 replies

so which country doesnt dubai and uae extradite to?

0 replies

According to the more detailed news sources I can find about this, it seems he knew the French were looking for him. I don't know if he knew about the contents of the warrant, but it does seem he knew the authorities were planning to arrest him.

From what I can tell the warrant has been out for longer, but he was arrested when the airport police noticed his name was on a list. There's not a lot of information out there, with neither the French authorities nor Telegram providing any official statements to the media.

0 replies

> the operators of the messenger app Telegram have released user data to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in several cases. According to SPIEGEL information, this was data from suspects in the areas of child abuse and terrorism. In the case of violations of other criminal offenses, it is still difficult for German investigators to obtain information from Telegram, according to security circles.

> two popular chat services have accused each other of having undisclosed government ties. According to Signal president Meredith Whittaker, Telegram is not only “notoriously insecure” but also “routinely cooperates with governments behind the scenes.” Telegram founder Pavel Durov, on the other hand, claims that “the US government spent $3 million to build Signal’s encryption” and Signal’s current leaders are “activists used by the US state department for regime change abroad.”

0 replies

Durov landed in a country that had an arrest warrant out for him.

And of which he’s a citizen, fwiw

14 replies

Watch his interview with Tucker Carlson and you’ll see. He doesn’t acquiesce to government requests for moderation control, censorship, and sharing private user data so they target him. He refuses to implement backdoors as well. In stark contrast to western social media companies.

12 replies

He refuses to implement backdoors as well.

We have no way to know this, and (unlike Signal), Telegram doesn't give us best-effort assurances by doing things like open-sourcing its code.

6 replies

What? Literally all Telegram clients are open source.

5 replies

What about the server? Telegram is not strictly e2e.

2 replies

An "open source server"... are you trolling?

1 replies

Show me an example of an "open source server".

XMPP and Matrix services run open source software such as ejabberd

0 replies

Running open source software != "Open source server"

1 replies

Huh, I was going to point out that the Signal server isn't Free Software either, since for a while it wasn't being published, but it seems they have gotten back into publishing it.

0 replies

while it's amazing for them to keep maintaining it, as the person mentioned down the thread, it's hard to know what they are actually running, right? and it's not a lot of work to patch this or clone/branch as necessary before deploying. Oh well, i already resigned that a part of my life will be run by someone else by now.

2 replies

We have no way to know this

Well, other than his arrest ;-)

0 replies

The arrest tells us that he said no to one country, it doesn't say much about all the others.

0 replies

What exactly do you think this tells you?

1 replies

Open source is irrelevant as the protocol is plain text.

0 replies

Wait... you're saying if the protocol is binary, that's different somehow?

Either way, you're saying the MTProto is binary? How do you mean that?

13 replies

You really ask why? This isn't about serving justice - it's statuary example for anyone trying to run an unmoderated platform.

10 replies

IANAL and not that familiar with the legal situation, but if we assume that running a platform of this type requires you, by law, to moderate such a platform and he fails to do that, idk what we are talking about. Yes, he would clearly be breaking the law. Why would that not get prosecuted in the completely normal, boring way that I would hope all law breaking will eventually be prosecuted?

If you are alleging that there's comparable, specific and actual legal infringements on the part of meta/google, that somehow go uninvestigated and unpunished, free free to point to that.

9 replies

i don't think that platform providers of encrypted messaging should be required to ensure that none of the images being sent contain CP.

7 replies

You're missing the key part: Telegram doesn’t have E2EE enabled by default. Group chats and channels aren’t encrypted at all.

The only E2EE in Telegram is called "secret chats" and they're 1-on-1.

6 replies

frankly, even with unencrypted chats, any law/precedent requiring that platform providers have to scale moderation linearly with the number of users (which is effectively what this is saying) sounds like really bad policy (and probably further prevents the EU from building actual competitors to American tech companies)

4 replies

Seems like other platforms without E2EE are managing to do that without any issues whatsoever (e.g. Discord)

3 replies

discord has hundreds of content moderators, telegram is made by a team of 30 people

i don’t think messaging startups should be required to employ hundreds of people to read messages

0 replies

Telegram started 11 years ago. I know the term has been diluted for ages, but it still rubs me the wrong way to use the word startup for decade old businesses.

0 replies

A startup wouldn't need hundreds of people, they don't have millions of daily messages yet. Only successful businesses like Telegram would.

0 replies

Isn't this a consequence of Telegram's actions?

It was their decision to become something bigger than a simple messaging app by adding channels and group chats with tons of participants. It was also their decision to understaff content moderation team.

Sometimes the consequence is a legal action, like the one we're seeing right now. All this could have been easily avoided if they had E2EE or enough people to review reported content and remove it when necessary.

0 replies

A straightforward legal responsibility should be shirked because scaling moderation is hard? How many other difficult things do you propose moving outside the law?

0 replies

That's not the case here though. Most of the communication on Telegram is not E2E Encrypted.

Even E2EE messaging service providers have to cooperate in terms of providing communication metadata and responding to takedown requests. Ignoring law enforcement lands you in a lot of shit everywhere, in Russia you'll just be landing out of a window.

These laws have applied for decades in some shape or form in pretty much all countries, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

0 replies

Where are "moderated" and "platform" defined in the relevant legislation?

0 replies

Have you used Telegram before making this comment? It is moderated. You really think this is about the company, the platform, not about politics? Well you should think again.

3 replies

Isn't this what Section 230 was supposed to protect against?

0 replies

Please explain how a US law affects an arrest in France.

0 replies

Yes, but that’s an American law

0 replies

Section 230 does not apply as law in France.

2 replies

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do? Specifically, these service providers? Because Google, Discord, Reddit, etc. all contain some amount of CSAM (and other illegal content), yet I don't see Pichai, Citron, or Huffman getting indicted for anything.

WORSE, you get banned for reporting CSAM to Discord, and I guarantee if you report it to the proper authorities (FBI) they tell them to bug off and get a warrant. Can we please be consistent? If we're going to hold these companies liable for anything, let's be much more consistent. Worse yet, Discord doesnt even have End to End encryption, and the number of child abuse scandals on that platform are insane. People build up communities, where the admins (users, not Discord employees) have perceived power, users (children) want to partake in such things. Its essentially the Roblox issue all over again, devs taking advantage of easily impressionable minors.

1 replies

Yep. At this point, it's clear to me that Discord is acting with malice. On top of banning people for reporting abuse on their platform, which is by itself insanity, they changed their report system [0] so it's longer possible to report servers/channel/users at all, only specific messages, with no way to report messages in bulk being provided.

Reddit isn't much better. [1]



0 replies

They had a scandal where they allowed the furry equivalent of child porn, and quietly banned that type of porn from the platform later on. I assume due to legal requirements.


I think the lack of bulk reporting is a pain too. They used to ask for more context. One time I reported a literal nazi admin (swastika posting, racial slurs, and what have you), but the post was "months old" and they told me essentially to "go screw myself" they basically asked why I was in the server.

2 replies

Specifically, these service providers

I’m not a fan of this arrest and I don’t believe service providers have a duty to contravene their security promises so as to monitor their users.

But it seems pretty obvious that governments find the monitoring that Google / Reddit / etc do acceptable, and do not find operation of unmonitorable services acceptable.

1 replies

All right, what about logless VPN providers like Mullvad?

do not find operation of unmonitorable services acceptable.

Sounds like something straight out of a dystopian surveillance state novel, very bad outlook if true.

0 replies

VPNs don't pose an obstacle to monitoring any specific activity, and as many VPN-using criminals have found, even their ability to stop law enforcement from identifying you is limited. So they've been less of an issue. Having said that, I would note that Mullavad was forced to remove port forwarding in response to law enforcement interest, and I don't think it would be too surprising (or too dystopian) if in the future "connection laundering" is a crime just like money laundering.

2 replies

I strongly suspect there's more to it than just running a chat system used by criminals. If that were the issue then tons of services would be under indictment.

We'll have to wait and see, but I suspect some kind of more direct participation or explicit provable look-the-other-way at CSAM etc.

1 replies

Or its just intimidation like FBI raid on Scott Ritter.

0 replies

Usually as part of a plea agreement the criminal is required to let law enforcement search them without a warrant.

1 replies

Because these countries are hypocrites. Because politics, because these guys are from Russia, China. You can so obviously see there's discrimination against companies from those countries. Can you imagine France do this if it's a US company?

0 replies

Because these countries are hypocrites.

Rhetorical question: for what reason should a country be anything other than a hypocrite when it comes to situations such as this? Nations prioritize their own self-interests and that of their allies, even if that makes them appear hypocritical from an outside, or indeed, even an inside perspective. But that doesn't mean there's no legitimacy to what they do.

0 replies

I believe both cases come down to how much effort the leaders put into identifying and purging the bad activities on their platforms.

One would hope that there is clear evidence to support a claim that they’re well aware what they’re profiting off and aren’t aggressively shutting it down.

To use Reddit as an example: in the early days it was the Wild West, and there were some absolutely legally gray subreddits. They eventually booted those, and more recently even seem to ban subreddits just because The Verge wrote an article about how people say bad things there.

0 replies

It seems there has been a misunderstanding; laws for service providers never exempted them from having to cooperate and provide data available to them when ordered.

0 replies

US has section 230, other countries don't.

0 replies

pour encourager les autres

0 replies

It's like mafia. If you cooperate, you're safe. If not, mafia destroys you

0 replies

This seems like the Kim Dotcom situation again.

I'm not sure where this myth originated—perhaps from Kim Dotcom's Twitter account? I clearly remember the Megaupload case. They knew they were hosting pirated content, didn't delete it after requests[1], and shared money with the people who uploaded it because that was their business model.


0 replies

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do ?

Because they crossed the line from common carrier to editor - an entirely different set of obligations.

Also, even such common carrier as telcos must abide to state injunctions against their users.

0 replies

Intent matters.

0 replies

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do?

There is a legal distinction here between what happens on your platform despite your best efforts (what you might call "incidental" use) vs what your platform is designed specifically to do or enable.

Megaupload is a perfect example. It was used to pirate movies. Everyone knew it. The founders knew it. You can't really argue it's incidental or unintended or simply that small amount that gets past moderation.

Telegram, the authorities will argue, fails to moderate CSAM and other illegal activity to the point that it enables it and profits from it, which is legally indistinguishable from specifically designing your platfrom for it.

Many tech people fall into a binary mode of thinking because that's how tech usually works. Either your code works or it doesn't. You see it when arguments about people pirating IP being traced to a customer. Tech people will argue "you can't prove it's me". While technically true, that's not the legal standard.

Legal standards relay on tests. In the ISP case, authorities will look at what was pirated, was it found on your hard drive, was the activity done when you were home or not and so on to establish a balance of probabilities. Is it more likely that all this evidence adds up to your guilt or that an increasingly unlikely set of circumstances explains it where you're innocent?

In the early days of Bitcoin I stayed away (to my detriment) because I coudl see the obvious use case of it being used for illegal stuff, whichh it is. The authorities don't currently care. Bitcoin however is the means that enables ransomware. When someone decides this is a national security issue, Bitcoin is in for a bad time.

Telegram had (for the French at least) risen to the point where they considered it a serious enough issue to warrant their attention and the full force of the government may be brought to bear on it.

0 replies

the warrant was issued because of his alleged failure to cooperate with the French authorities.

That would seem to be the key bit. Makes one wonder what level of cooperation is required to not be charged with a slew of the worst crimes imaginable. Is there a French law requiring that messaging providers give up encryption keys that he is known to be in violation of?

0 replies

Those platforms are more cooperative with authorities.

0 replies

Given how it's all plaintext on their servers, telegram is essentially also a storage for those criminal data.

0 replies

It's better not the Kim Dotcom situation, that would mean Durov encouraged the illegal use of Telegram like Megaupload rewarded file uploads which generated heavy download traffic.

If that would be the case he would be at least a accomplice if not even the Initiator of criminal activities.

Otherwise it would be just an abuse of his service by criminals.

0 replies

The difference is that this is not an isolated case on telegram(you said it yourself: "some amount", which implies "limited"). At the same time, you can literally open up the app and with 0 effort find everything they are accusing them of - drugs, terrorist organizations, public decapitations, you name it. They also provide the ability to search for people and groups around you, and I am literally seeing a channel where people are buying and selling groups "800 meters away" from me and another one for prostitution, which is also illegal in my country. Meanwhile, see their TOS[1]. They have not complied with any of the reports or requests from users (and governments by the looks of it) to crack down on them. While 1:1 chats are theoretically private and encrypted(full disclosure, I do not trust Telegram or any of the people behind it), telegram's security for public channels and groups is absolutely appalling and they are well aware of it - they just chose to look the other way and hope they'd get away with it. You could have given them the benefit of the doubt if those are isolated("some") instances, sure. But just as in the case of Kim Dot-I-support-genocide-com, those are not isolated cases and saying that they had no idea is an obvious lie.

2000/31/EC[2], states that providers are generally not liable for the content they host IF they do not have actual knowledge of illegal activity or content AND upon obtaining such knowledge, they take action and remove and disable access to that content(telegram has been ignoring those). Service providers have no general obligation to monitor but they need to provide notice and take down mechanisms. Assuming that their statement are correct, and they had no idea, they should be in the clear. Telegram provides a notice and take down mechanism. But saying that there are channels with +500k subscribers filled with people celebrating a 4 year old girl with a blown off leg in Ukraine and no one has reported it in 2 and a half years after it was created is indeed naive.



0 replies

Everyone knows why and you’re not being naive

0 replies

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do?

Because they let their users do it and benefited from it. Try doing the same thing as a bank :) Or a newspaper :)

Internet cannot be anarchy forever. Every anarchy ends up as oligarchy. It needs regulation and fast.

0 replies

Why are these service providers being punished for what their users do?

I think this is simplified. Certainly yes, if "all" Telegram was doing was operating a neutral/unmoderated anonymized chat service, then it's hard to see criminal culpability for the reasons you list.

But as people are pointing out, that doesn't seem to be technically correct. Telegram isn't completely anonymous, does have access to important customer data, and is widely suspected of complying with third party requests for that data for law enforcement and regulatory reasons.

So... IF they are doing that, and they're doing it in a non-neutral/non-anonymized way, then they're very plausibly subject to prosectution. Say, if you get a report of terrorist activity and provide data on the terrorists, then a month later get notified that your service is being used to distribute CSAM, and you refuse to cooperate, then it's not that far a reach to label you an accessory to the crime.

0 replies

It's called selective enforcement.

0 replies

Let’s just say I encrypt illegal.content prior to uploading it to Platform A. And share the public key separately via Platform B. Maybe even refer Platform A users to a private forum on Platform B to obtain the keys. Are both platforms now on the wrong side of the law?

45 replies

• 5 hours ago

Pavel Durov, Telegram founder, arrested by France following warrant - The Jerusalem Post

The alleged offenses include: terrorism, narcotic supply, fraud, money laundering and receiving stolen goods.

For those unaware, all channel on telegram are NOT ENCRYPTED. They are stored in plaintext on telegram servers. All chats that are not 'secret chat' mode (single device to single device) are NOT ENCRYPTED (stored in plaintext on server).

This is not about encryption, it is about the plaintext data and the organized crime happening in these channels.

Signal group chats ARE ENCRYPTED by default. It is actually not possible to send an unencrypted message on signal. This will not pivot into an E2E issue, and will not affect signal which has set itself up to not store unencrypted content on it's servers.

EDIT: Also possibly this may be a factor in the decision to arrest:

• 2 weeks ago

Telegram adds new ways for creators to earn money on its platform

Today's announcement comes as Telegram reached 950 million active users last month, and aims to cross the 1 billion mark this year. Earlier this year, Telegram founder Pavel Durov said the company expects to hit profitability next year and is considering going public.
18 replies

This is misinformation that Telegram stores chat data in plaintext on their servers.

It stores it encrypted with encryption keys split across the globe.

Not perfect, but multiple legal jurisdictions would have to be subpoenad for Telegram to read your non-secret chats.

13 replies

This is effectively plaintext, in that one entity has all of those secrets for everyone. That's one entity to subpoena.

If that entity doesn't comply, governments will get upset and charge your executives with crimes if they get the chance.

Different jurisdictions makes it harder to kick down the doors and get the keys, but it doesn't change the fundamental problem.

"Nuh-uh, I put all those records in a box in Switzerland, you can't have them" does not work well for US citizens, unless the government fails to even notice the box.

9 replies

This is effectively plaintext

Everything's effectively plaintext then.

Plaintext: refers to data that is transmitted or stored unencrypted. None of which Telegram does.

7 replies

Data that is transmitted or stored along with the keys is effectively plaintext, which Telegram does. The data is effectively plaintext on my device, at Telegram, and on the group members' devices, even if it is not plaintext in-between.

Data I send to a website over TLS is effectively plaintext on my computer and on the other side; in transit, it is not.

It all comes down to your threat model. Encryption does not protect information from entities who hold the keys to decrypt that information.

6 replies

stored along with the keys

It's not. They use a split-key encryption system so it's not exactly the same as storing the keys where the data is.

It all comes down to your threat model. Encryption does not protect information from entities who hold the keys to decrypt that information.

I agree, which is why I'll say that the bottom line is:

Are auditable E2EE algorithms stronger in security than cloud encryption? Yes. Is MTProto 2.0 Cloud Encryption plaintext? No.

5 replies

It's not. They use a split-key encryption system so it's not exactly the same as storing the keys where the data is.

Yes, again, it all comes down to your threat model. No one can kick down the door and get to the keys.

But Telegram can get to all the keys, and thus can be legally expected to. The data is effectively plaintext to Telegram.

Is MTProto 2.0 Cloud Encryption plaintext? No.

Just to note: "effectively plaintext" has been in use for a couple of decades as a term of art. We don't say it's plaintext, because it's not. It means there's effectively no security properties lent by the encryption.

For example, my web browser encrypts a few passwords for me and stores them on disk, but doesn't need a cryptographic secret from me to decrypt them; they're effectively plaintext, because no one has to break any encryption to read them.

Indeed, here's a thread on HN from 2013, where Durov is participating, where people are using "effectively plaintext" in exactly this way to describe exactly what we're talking about:

2 replies

Yeah, I don't doubt that it can be improved. I hope it does because Telegram is not a fringe messenger anymore. There can be improvements made to the infrastructure, so that they don't keep facing these issues again and again.

1 replies

Yeah, I don't doubt that it can be improved.

There was no discussion of whether it can be improved. I was just telling you that it meets the established understanding of the term "effectively plaintext," which you were seeming to disagree with.

Have a good rest of your day.

0 replies

which you were seeming to disagree with.

Yeah, I would still disagree because everything is effectively plaintext in the end. The only difference is how you derive the key. There are levels of encryption, that is true but I think calling an actual encryption as 'effectively plaintext' is wrong.

Have a good rest of your day.

Thank you! You too :D

1 replies

Browsers should be interacting with the OS to require something (like your system password, Touch ID, etc.) to have unlocked the vault before being allowed to auto complete.

0 replies

Yup, in the best case you have a truly secure container of keys somewhere. That takes things away from being effectively plaintext.

0 replies

No, end-to-end encrypted systems are not effectively plaintext. That's a distinction anyone familiar with cryptography is well aware of, but Telegram has been gaslighting their user/fanbase and many journalists about it for years.

2 replies

This is such an ignorant comment I am really disappointed at reading this here.

Besides the protocol used by Telegram being publicly available so you can easily confirm in 5 minutes that what you're saying is completely wrong, but you're also saying that law enforcement can totally see all those plain text messages hosted by Telegram, yet they choose to be really upset about it anyway despite it being, according to you, the best possible honeypot ever created with all criminal activity readily available for their peruse. Why, I ask you, would law enforcement want to stop such an app??? They would be completely silent about it and enjoy catching all criminals in it who are "ignorantly" thinking their messages are safe, wouldn't they??

Given the amount of baseless comments like yours on this topic, I can only imagine there's a concerted effort here to misinform everyone to make Telegram look bad so actual criminals move away from it to some more law enforcement-friendly platform. I have conflicting feelings about that, as perhaps the intention is noble, but I can never agree with misleading people by spreading misinformation and plain lies.

0 replies

Yes, the data is encrypted in transit. But Telegram can decrypt the data.

We can see that's true, because when I add a new device I can get into all my group chats.

Only if I explicitly "Start secret chat" does something else happen.

Telegram is sitting on a lot of group chats where a lot of horrible things are happening that governments want to see... and gets upset when Telegram doesn't use this access to share that information in response to lawful orders.

I can only imagine there's a concerted effort here to misinform everyone

Assume good faith-- it's in the guidelines. I have been here just as long as you. I am not part of some shadowy conspiracy to make people think that Telegram security is bad.

I feel like people just don't understand the term of art "effectively plaintext".

Alternatively, if you thought I was talking about secret chats in general-- note that we are in a subthread talking explicitly about channels and non-secret chats:

"For those unaware, all channel on telegram are NOT ENCRYPTED. They are stored in plaintext on telegram servers. All chats that are not 'secret chat' mode (single device to single device) are NOT ENCRYPTED (stored in plaintext on server)."

0 replies

Law enforcement totally could see all those plaintext messages, if Telegram would honor their requests. But they don't, hence their CEO is being detained.

That's a position he knowingly and willingly maneuvered himself into. Compare that with e.g. the way Signal answers subpoenas:

Besides the protocol used by Telegram being publicly available so you can easily confirm in 5 minutes that what you're saying is completely wrong

There's absolutely no need to analyzse the protocol, since you can just perform a high-level mud puddle test [1], and Telegram fails it. I've tried this myself.


1 replies

It could be worth a try to extract the keys of one server with a liquid nitrogen can and a cold boot attack. Or something more advanced that isn’t documented on Wikipedia.

0 replies

That is so 2009.

RAM can be XOR'd with little latency with hardware acceleration with a key in a slightly - separated secure enclave that will degrade if upset too rapidly, similar to a virtual da Vinci cryptex.

radio/bluetooth/em/sensitive/proximity warning switches to unmount virtualized volumes all in a quasi-state-sanctioned-"contact center" in middle Ukraine.

They are trying their best to prevent the inevitable; the ungovernable, untaxable, uncensorable, un-surveillable commerce and communication platform that will eventually arise from the amalgamation of human's pesky technology and its crossroads with the human condition.

The hate for all things labeled "crypto" (convenient poising the well/doublespeak) was a (partially) government sigh op astro-fabri-exagerated to sway public opinion against anything "crypto" so that an ungovernable, decentralized, general trust-less computation protocol/escrow/rep using zkp+ and hormophic encryption was not able to be realized before the alfabit bois got a chance to mole into the development pipeline and backdoor the inevitable Merchanti Ultimatum; anything less would be a massive national security threat globally.

0 replies

It stores it encrypted with encryption keys split across the globe.

The physical storage location is completely irrelevant. What matters is access, and they have that.

Telegram has full operational control over these keys, as demonstrated by the fact that anyone that can perform SMS verification is able to access past messages on an account, and SMS-OTP can in principle not involve any cryptographic operation, as there is absolutely no user input.

0 replies

Not perfect, but multiple legal jurisdictions would have to be subpoenad for Telegram to read your non-secret chats.

Thats not how legal works.

for example if I am an EU based judge and I issue a warrant for getting data from a company in a case related to something important (your values may vary, but lets say its not about parking fines) then if your company wants to continue to operate in the EU, you need to pony up the data, or tell them why your can't comply, rather than won't

Having your data stored with keys that you control isn't an excuse.

16 replies

They are stored in plaintext on telegram servers

FYI, this is a totally misleading and false claim.

Telegram uses the MTProto 2.0 Cloud algorithm for non-secret chats[1][2].

In fact, it uses a split-key encryption system and the servers are all stored in multiple jurisdictions. So even Telegram employees can't decrypt the chats, because you'd need to compromise all the servers at the same time.

Telegram's algorithm has been independently audited multiple times. Compared to other apps like WhatsApp with claims of E2EE and no body of verification and validation.[3]

[1]: [2]: [3]:

6 replies

Compared to other apps like WhatsApp with claims of E2EE and no body of verification and validation.

We do have at least some empirical evidence that WhatsApp is properly encrypted. WhatsApp's cryptography has made judges in my country foam at the mouth with rage so hard they ordered retaliatory nation wide blocks of the service at least twice.

People are right to distrust Meta but I for one am glad that everyone I know is using WhatsApp. I also have Signal and Matrix but a grand total of zero people message me through those.

2 replies

We do have at least some empirical evidence that WhatsApp is properly encrypted

so do we. Telegram's MTProto 2.0 has been audited multiple times by independent researchers, compared to WhatsApp's closed-source claims of E2EE.

I'd rather trust a company with a proven track record of no security incidents and fight for user privacy than a corporation which lies through its teeth time and again.

0 replies

What is stopping Telegram from signing in as you and reading all of your past messages by changing how the authentication logic is handled for specific targeted users? Not saying they have done this, but they obviously could.

0 replies

We can agree on the statement "Telegram does not cooperate with law enforcement authorities".

This is however something completely different from and largely orthogonal to "Telegram does not have access to their users' message contents".

The fact that they are consistently claiming the former and the latter makes them seem extremely untrustworthy to me.

Gaining my trust requires truthfulness and transparencies about the capabilities and limits of a service provider's technology (but of course is in no way sufficient).

1 replies

basing your assurance that whatsapp is secure because meta didn't care about a Brazilian judge misconstrued wiretap request is wild.

0 replies

It's not really an "assurance". I don't fully trust them. I do trust them a lot more than others that haven't been put on trial.

The point is moot anyway. Everyone in Brazil uses WhatsApp. They will not use anything else. I'd be ostracized if I refused to use it.

0 replies

WhatsApp's cryptography has made judges in my country foam at the mouth with rage

Oh wow, they need to get that checked, could be pulmonary edema.

2 replies

So even Telegram employees can't decrypt the chats

I very much doubt that. If Durov wanted to, they could decrypt all of those messages.

That fancy encryption system is worthless when someone can hijack the session of any of the users in a chosen group. This is a risk in many crypto messengers, but those usually come with optional key verification whereas Telegram doesn't have that outside of encrypted one-on-one chats.

1 replies

Because of the nature of the encryption, it allows more convenience compared to WhatsApp and Signal. For example, on Telegram you can (and we do) have a million people in a group without exposing their phone numbers. This has proven itself to be extremely useful to protestors. Signal failed massively, you couldn't add too many people and you always had the risk of exposing the phone numbers.

Along with that, you can use Telegram on as many devices as you want. The chats instantly appear after login. WhatsApp and Signal both are lacking here.

So there are always tradeoffs when it comes to encryption and convenience.

Telegram's focus has been on the convenience side and providing assurance using a clean record of protecting user-data from governments, which is why Telegram was created in the first place.

Can the encryption be improved? Of course yes! I'd love to! but I think much of the criticism by the WhatsApp loving crowd is not only disingenuous, but also harmful.

0 replies

"The chats instantly appear after login. "

I agree, that is very convenient. Also for the secret police officer..

I use telegram as social media, but I really would not use it to organize protest somewhere. Then the whole safety depends on whether Durov made a deal with the secret police, or them infiltrating the servers to know everything about anyone involved. What they liked at what time, what pictures they shared, etc.

2 replies

Unless I’m missing something, your mproto link only covers transport level encryption not storage.

It doesn’t include E2E encryption in the scheme only client to server.

Whether the server stores it as plaintext or not, is moot to the point of having telegram itself be able to see the chats because they hold the encryption keys of the server and therefore can be made to comply with legal requests.

The person you replied to may be incorrect on the aspect of plain text but imho they’re right that it’s not really relevant in this context.

Encrypted storage would be relevant for the case where a server is compromised by a hacker.

1 replies

I can't open the links, blocked at work :/

But the Arxiv paper says:

"We stress that peer clients never communicate directly: messages always go through a server, where they are stored to permit later retrieval by the recipient. Cloud chat messages are kept in clear text, while secret chat messages are encrypted with the peers’ session key, which should be unknown to the server."

So it doesn't appear to be encrypted-at-rest, but without reading the telegram documentation I can't verify that.

0 replies

Yeah that feels pretty cut and dry. But even if it was encrypted at rest, it sounds like the server has the key to everything anyway so it’s not E2E.

0 replies

FYI, this is a totally misleading and false claim.

No, you seem to have have in fact fallen for Telegram's continuous intentional misinformation.

The only thing that matters for whether we can call something "encrypted" or "plaintext" (or more precisely, "end-to-end encrypted" vs. "storage encrypted at rest" or "encrypted in transit" etc.) is whether they, the service providers, can access it themselves.

Would you argue they can't? And if so, how come can I log in to my Telegram account using only SMS verification and access my old messages?

0 replies

FYI, this is a totally misleading and false claim.

Telegram uses the MTProto 2.0 Cloud algorithm for non-secret chats[1][2].

FYI you don't understand encryption and are spewing pristine BS.

Only p2p secret chats use e2e encryption and are invisible to Telegram employees.

Everything else is stored in plain text on Telegram servers.

The OP was correct and your counter argument is void and null.

0 replies

This rebuttalakes no sense to me. What you cite is about about transport encryption. App -> Server. The end of the process is that the receiver (Telegram servers) receives a decrypted (plaintext) message, just as kelsey98765431 is saying.

4 replies

Yeah. I have no idea how Telegram got this reputation for privacy.

I'd like to point out WhatsApp chats are also end-to-end encrypted, just like in Signal. People aren't wrong to distrust Meta but I'd like to point out that WhatsApp encryption often makes judges here seethe to the point they order nation wide blocks of WhatsApp out of spite. The fact everyone I know uses something this secure makes me very happy. It's not perfect but since network effects makes alternatives unusable I'll take what I can get.

3 replies

See my comment above about the unencrypted backup.

It's basically a UX tradeoff: You can not promote default E2E + no autobackups -- people in mass are not ready to lose their data when losing the device. Nor they are ready to store the key separately in a confidential manner. Nor they are ready to manually transfer the key among different devices.

All this UX situation is defined by Moxie (the author of Signal and Whatsapp encryption) in his blog post about PGP/WoT concept meeting the reality

So in fact as the average user you have either: 1) E2E + unenctypted autobackup (Whatsapp) or 2) no e2e by default and separate e2e secret chats (Telegram) that are available only on a specific device.

In the first scenario all your chats inclusing the most sensitive are available by the law enforcement by issuing a warrant to your file storage provider. In the second scenario you potentially can spill some sensitive information in default non-encrypted chats.

What is worse? I don't know. But I use both Telegram and Whatsapp with backups turned off. So I'm losing all the Whatsapp chat history when using a new device while losing only secret chats In Telegram (not a problem for me since I delete them often manually or set a self-destruct timer anyway)

2 replies

Backups are encrypted now. Looks like they improved it.

I get it. I'm a privacy and free and open source software enthusiast. It's not perfect. It certainly is better than alternatives though. We know for a fact that it pisses off judges and authorities. That's a major sign that its working. You should be concerned when they stop complaining about it, it means they got in.

0 replies

Judges and authorities complaining is not a proof that encryption is good. Not cooperating with court will have the same effect, which is exactly what Durov is allegedly accused of.

0 replies

But this very same situation with Pavel's arrest aligns with your criteria of "authority-pissing" tech.

Have you checked the source of Telegram?

2 replies

This Signal you trust?

Anyway, while it's possible to activate a Telegram account without a physical phone (using some temporary number services) or using an (relatively) anonymous SIM card 99% of users use it via Android or iOS and that's means there is no need to grab data from Telegram, USA gov. as well as Apple or Alphabet could simply milk them from their OSes, virtual keyboards and so on.

It's really cloying how many do focus on the service instead of weighting the ecosystem...

1 replies

It's Kit Klarenberg of Grayzone. If he claims X, you should believe the opposite with much better than even odds. It could have been a hint to you when the news source of your choice attributes everything in the world to the CIA.

0 replies

And non E2E chats by default is an intentional design desision. Pavel previously gave comments about these tradeoffs: In some sense it is better design than Whatsapp's e2e by default BUT 99%+ users have an automated backup to an un-e2encrypted storage such as Google Drive.

35 replies

Telegram is genuinely the best general communication platform I have ever used, by far. I really hope he has a good lawyer and this doesn't end up getting essentially murdered for creating it. When you create something that is objectively great, everyone will use it - including bad actors.

20 replies

I use telegram for some group chats, but I'm not sure why tech-savvy people would like it so much – messages are not end-to-end encrypted which makes it an inferior choice compared to even whatsapp

7 replies

I prefer Signal and it provides encryption.

6 replies

Signal has the better protocol and the better organisation behind it, but inferior apps and UX. It's unfortunate, really.

5 replies

Apps? I just use it for messaging.

I haven’t noticed any major UX issues but I use it for one thing only

1 replies

Yes, the messaging apps. They suck big-time. By far the worst communication app I’ve ever used. So many bugs…

Telegram is indeed the best like others are saying, and WhatsApp is a distant second.

0 replies

Can you give an example?

Never had any problem with Signal.

1 replies

Signal for mobile and Signal for desktop are different apps with different code bases. Neither is as good as Telegram's, in my opinion.

Signal is fine for messaging. Not bad, not amazing. I'd have a much easier time convincing people to switch to Signal if it would've had a client as good as Telegram's, especially for the desktop application.

That said, Telegram has been adding more and more annoying premium features that distract and annoy.

0 replies

Thanks I only use mobile so now I understand

0 replies

On my Signal app screen, I have Chats, Calls and Stories. I could probably do without Stories. Periodically it prompts me for my PIN.

Other than that it just works

4 replies

For one, it's the only major messenger that has an actually lightweight, well-written and full-featured desktop client rather than yet another boxed-up web browser. I might be more enthusiastic about using the alternatives if I could use the Telegram client.

1 replies

It's very bizarre to see all these comments downplaying this, or implying the lack of E2EE by default somehow makes it less attractive to the average user than something like Signal.

Most people care about usability and interconnectivity first and foremost because the majority of their messaging activities are not so sensitive that they feel the need to sacrifice those things for mandatory E2EE. Call that shortsighted if you like, but it's far more common than this "encryption or bust" mindset around here.

If signal or some messaging platform could find a way to be E2EE capable all the time, with all the same usability and design as telegram, without unnecessary restrictions on users, and without it being a completely walled off garden from which your data can never be self-extracted, it would win this argument.

Same goes for things like Tutanota and a lot of these other data prisons that are cropping up which create privacy through taking away user agency.

Until then users will pick what they want for their own needs. Telegram met those needs for many.

0 replies

> the same usability and design as telegram

From the recent Tucker Carlson interview of Pavel Durov, Telegram has:

  - 1 PM (Durov)
  - 1 owner (Durov)
  - 30 developers
  - 0 HR, they hire winners

1 replies

Line has a fully featured desktop client that's even more lightweight than Telegram. They also have a white paper that explains their encryption which is decent enough

You do need to turn off "display stickers suggestion" before the app becomes nice.

0 replies

Does Line offer server based/cross-platform messaging with a similar upload allowance? I’m curious to find telegram alternatives.

2 replies

which makes it an inferior choice compared to even whatsapp

I'd rather have a good privacy policy with a good enough server-side encryption than some closed-source implementation of E2EE, that we can never audit.

WhatsApp actually disallows you from reverse-engineering the app and looking into the algorithm. That begs the question, what percentage of E2EE is it really? 20%? 50%? 100%? Because there's still no way to confirm their claims of E2EE. All we have is a company with a really good track record in lying publicly, telling you that it's safe.

Looking at WhatsApp's privacy policy, I really wonder why people even support it compared to Telegram:

1 replies

This is no longer true, whatsapp have taken steps [0] to make their e2ee auditable and honestly I disagree with the idea that no e2ee is better than closed source e2ee. I'm not sure why you would trust a privacy policy more than you would trust encryption, with a court order Telegram would provide your chats to law enforcement, while Whatsapp would not be able to.


0 replies

to make their e2ee auditable

This is not the algorithm being audited, it's the key. Telegram's complete algorithm is auditable, including the open source client apps. Server code is always unverifiable, so let's not bring that up.

Secondly, WhatsApp channels and large groups (copied from Telegram) are not encrypted in any way (cmiw), as opposed to Telegram's MTProto 2.0 Cloud encryption. The app is completely closed-source even with all their claims of privacy and its TnC even discourages you from reverse-engineering it.

0 replies

because telegram just works really well tbh.

it is lightweight, pretty much never goes down, has reasonable features.

0 replies

Why are you assuming tech savy people care primarily about end-to-end encryption?

0 replies

Same reson people choose macbooks for work over running Linux, it's just a nicer product

0 replies

I think it is because Telegram is a communications platform, not just another chat app. For example, it has good APIs to build apps on top of it.

4 replies

You like it better than Signal? The only thing I know Telegram for is several of my girlfriend’s relatives being exposed to crazy scams and right-wing conspiracy theories and misinformation on it.

1 replies

This is exactly my experience as well. I have never actually used telegram as I was early a signal user and never needed it but my ex used it. All she ever used it for was conspiracy garbage she would follow. Anti covid vaccine doctors and groups mainly. The amount of misinformation she tried to show me and every time I would show her how it was fake she still would not believe me. Then she was even scammed out of $10k from telegram when she fell for a romance crypto scam. The conspiracy stuff is a main reason we broke up it was every single one from flat earth to fake moon landing to all the covid world economic forum world take over and on and on. Most of these came from telegram.

0 replies

The reason you consider all that misinformation is because it's politically sensitive information and every single other social media company and the vast majority of western-aligned media censor it, so the only place you come across such information is in the uncensored Telegram platform, and assume it must be false because all the other media you consume tells you so.

0 replies

frankly signal is a lot buggier than telegram and people like having their chat history.

0 replies

Signal has better governance, plus e2ee mandatory, while on Telegram is optional and rarely used. Telegram also has a “social media” aspect with huge groups and channels, which attracts many people, but is a depart from the whole secure chat messaging it’s still known for.

IMHO, Signal is way better.

2 replies

Video and Audio calls are hit and miss. The history and search are not reliable. The interface is not really suited for big group chats... I could go on and on.

0 replies

i find history and search very reliable in my experience but agree about the calls compared to e.g. messenger

0 replies

How big is a "big group chat" in your definition?

It's perfectly fine for a few thousand people

0 replies

And tactics exist outside of control of communications, to capture these bad actors, to infiltrate their ranks; why are these alternatives to fighting the production of child exploitation and abuse content not brought up in conversation ever?

0 replies

It's also the least private one (compared to whatsapp and signal.)

0 replies

Signal is much better, even if the UX is not quite as good as telegram's.

0 replies

i gotta agree, i basically live out of telegram.

even with the recent trend towards adding incremental bloat to the client, it’s managed to stay a simple, straightforward tool for communicating with minimal advertising and enough of the features that i need front and center.

0 replies

I actually despise it. I'm not sure if this has changed, but after being forced to make an account under my phone number, it proceeded to send a message that I had joined to everyone who had my number in their contacts and was foolish enough to share them with Telegram. This included a rather vile woman whose number I apparently inherited from a deceased relative some years before. She didn't understand this and accused me of stealing his identity. While it was simple enough for me to brush it off, I couldn't believe they would allow and even encourage such a thing, so I almost immediately deleted my account and instead tried out one that wasn't so eager to lap up my personal details.

0 replies

The fact bad actors are also using it is not the problem. His unwillingness to moderate content and cooperate with authorities is. Great UX doesn’t suddenly put you above the law.

17 replies

France is arresting people for providing end-to-end encrypted communications?

What could possibly go wrong!

13 replies

Telegram doesn't have much to do with E2EE.

8 replies

Can you, please, elaborate? Wasn't it their main feature and the selling point?

4 replies

E2EE is optional. Telegram does have it, but you don't need to use it.

3 replies

Telegram also only supports E2EE in one-to-one chats, so any bad guys operating out of group chats / channels are definitely doing so in the clear.

2 replies

What are the downsides to telegram providing default E2EE? Seems like a no brainer to have it as a default feature for the product.

0 replies

Their focus is on UX more than security. The app is super snappy and supports group chats with hundreds of thousands of participants.

0 replies

I think they don't support cross-device syncing or automatic backups of E2EE chats, so it's about minimising friction by default. Telegrams main focus is UX, unlike Signal which prioritizes security at the expense of UX.

0 replies

Telegram's E2EE isn't available for group chats. It's not on by default for other chats, so most or all of your chats are probably just transport encrypted. Further, they rolled their own crypto (bad), MTProto2, which has a number of problems (but is not necessarily broken)

This places Telegram's security stance below that of even Instagram or Facebook (which also has optional E2EE chats, but uses the Signal protocol, which is considered better than MTProto2.)

0 replies

E2EE is optional on Telegram and not really convenient. You can create a private chat which will be E2E encrypted but this takes a few taps and pins to device. Most of the users don't bother. And the main target is not personal chats but channels which can be easily discovered and followed.

This is not an e2e battle, this is the hunt for channel owners. Frankly it is too easy to make a "local chat" and sell stuff. Durov has the data and this is his weakness and strength. Platform is viral but there are too much for one hands.

3 replies

French authorities believe that Telegram, under Durov’s leadership, became a major platform for organised crime due to its encrypted messaging services, which allegedly facilitated illegal activities

Sounds like it was because of E2EE.

0 replies

Nope. It's because of the large telegram group chats for the most part and those aren't E2EE. The only chats that can be E2EE on telegram are one to one DMs and that's only if you manually enable it.

i.e. They refused to turn over chat records that they have server side access to.

It's worth noting that they could do E2EE here for group chats but they don't. Signal does it but telegram wholesale refused to.

0 replies

Encrypted doesn't necessarily mean e2ee.

0 replies

It doesn't do E2EE by default, you need to select it when messaging someone.

2 replies

I don't why you were downvoted. Because that is exactly what is going on. EU is generally on a open-encryption-by-warrant path and this is a great example of applying some pressuring.

Should we enable the Iranian polotical refugee to communicate in secret with her family ?

Should we by warrant enable the possibility to open up messages when pedofiles sell or buy children for sex ?

Nasty questions.

1 replies

Aren’t you advocating for a Big Brother-style system?

0 replies

Not at all. I wish the iranian political refugee can communicate with her family without the state to intervene. That's great.

But at the same time I wish a court order can open up encryption when it's needed.

But the balance is difficult. As we see all the time.

14 replies

I'm genuinely curious to what would happen with Signal if the same bad actors moved to their platform. Would France also be arresting its creators for not properly moderating and giving backdoors?

5 replies

They are certainly already on Signal, but Signal has end-to-end encryption so cannot supply information other than meta information to authorities.

4 replies

This would imply that just E2EEing everything would give you a free pass not to moderate anything, which seems very naive. I doubt the judges would care about their self-imposed technological limitations.

1 replies

I agree with you, but also sympathize with the technical issues of moderating encrypted information. Thinking a bit about it, there would need to be a global man in the middle or a requirement for all applications to decrypt/re-encrypt centrally for moderation.

0 replies

Such global man in the middle could be abused by bad parties.

That's why the authorities ask for the squaring of the circle.

Don't break encryption but make it readable.

That's "Let's make PI = 3" level of ignorance

0 replies

But that would mean killing E2EE completely.

There's a difference between breaking the encryption of a single target after a warrant or handing over previous data which would need some kind of backdoor in the encryption.

0 replies

If I sell shovels, it's not a self-imposed techical limitation that I don't have a way to detect and prevent anyone from doing something illegal with a shovel. Even after the technological means exist to include an intetnet connected spy device in every shovel.

Secure message passing is no different. The "shovel", the thing one might sell, is just the application of some math which does something and not any of the infinite other things.

3 replies

Signal always sounded like they have better lawyers and are not as antagonistic. Police work is not only about encryption. But a lot of it involves metadata. And you know, just booting bad actors from the platform.

They also don't have public groups with questionable material, as far as I know

1 replies

If I were Moxie Marlinspike I would not be traveling to Europe any time soon....

0 replies

He isn’t Signal’s CEO anymore.

0 replies

Signal is also a lot smaller. Telegram has over 1B users, while Signal has 40M. These optics could just be a product of the size of the user base.

0 replies

Signal doesn’t have public groups/channels. Moderation obligations only apply to public dissemination. If I send an email to a private mailing list, the involved email providers have no obligation to moderate its contents.

0 replies

Telegram does store chats and channels on servers. Signal doesn't. I wonder Durov managed to stay between Scylla and Charybdis that long.

0 replies

I think the difference is that Signal can't provide the data but Telegram could but didn't want to.

14 replies

A lot of really terrible takes in this comment section. Telegram didn't have encrypted groups by default, and telegram possessed a lot of content on their servers that they had been made aware was illegal and didn't cooperate. Nothing more, nothing less.

The comparisons to other providers is off base because either other providers are cooperating more when they possess actionable, unencrypted information and taking steps to detect or prevent such recurrences or they are like Signal and do not have access to the underlying material in the first place or store it for very long anyway.

One cannot legally run a hosted, unmoderated content platform in the developed world, one will always be required to remove illegal materials and turn over materials in cooperation with law enforcement.

3 replies

ultimately this fight against unmonitored messaging is going to be a lost one for the developed world. people who want encrypted group chats will get them

2 replies

As I hinted at earlier Signal does not have this issue because generally they are not aware of the underlying content. Even if Signal becomes aware of said content, it likely isn't hosted on their servers anymore as their store and forward system is highly transient. The most signal could do is be compelled to block specific users and maybe shutdown certain groups (not sure on that last one, would have to review the group architecture)

1 replies

Precisely my point - moderated messaging in the modern era will ultimately be unenforceable.

Which is why I don’t see why certain services should be legally penalized just because they don’t happen to be E2E encrypted. Like if Telegram was instead e2e encrypted, why should that be legal if what they were previously doing wasn’t?

0 replies

I think there are two parts to this:

1) On the technical side, Telegram groups operate more like a bulletin board, content is posted and can be fetched over and over again, a bulletin board owner can be compelled to remove material and if non-cooperating considered to be facilitating. Signal is more like a conversation in the town-square or a letter box of sealed envelopes. Once the content is fetched, it's gone. If signal is made aware that certain envelopes contain material that needs to be removed, I'm sure they would do so provided they still possess them.

2) On the non-technical side, many countries have crimes that are all about who knew what and when did they know it and could that have acted (or did they have a duty to do so). Facilitating, accessory, accessory after the fact call it what you will but that's more of a legal / philosophical argument to be had about the legal system in general rather than telegram specifically. A situation were telegram was made aware of illegal activity and was hosting said content in the clear and did nothing is manifestly different from a case where those facts did not exist, in most legal systems.

3 replies

Nothing more, nothing less.

A lot more and a lot less than that. Arresting this CEO in France is largely a political decision, not a politically neutral enforcement action against the Telegram platform.

They don’t perform the same enforcement against other entities they could go after.

0 replies

He appears to be a French citizen, so who else should be doing the arresting?

0 replies

He holds French citizenship, apparently broke French laws, and got arrested on French soil. How is that a political decision?

0 replies

How is it not just a neutral enforcement action against the Telegram platform? The Telegram platform knowingly hosts illegal content in unencrypted format and does little to moderate that, which is illegal in many countries. The CEO is accountable for how the company operates and what happens on the platform.

If Telegram breaks the law - which it does - it’s completely logical that the CEO is held accountable for that and is arrested

1 replies

One cannot legally run a hosted, unmoderated content platform in the developed world, one will always be required to remove illegal materials and turn over materials in cooperation with law enforcement.

Just would like to clarify, Telegram does take down channels/bots in some cases including copyright infringement. The only bots I’ve dealt with were music downloaders so I don’t know much about other kinds of takedowns, but it’s wrong to say that telegram doesn’t/didn’t take down material. Perhaps not enough or frequently enough, and I certainly don’t condone immoral activities- but they do do it sometimes.

0 replies

They do it whenever the risk of Apple or Google kicking them out of their respective app stores becomes too great. That's presumably the only entities they take content moderation input from.

0 replies

Terrible takes notwithstanding, of which there are many, the issue I see with such arguments is that it's always possible to find legal violations that technically justify prosecution or imprisonment. However, the legal system only functions effectively if we trust that those handling the gray areas are motivated by the common good, rather than serving the interests of a select few or protecting an elite minority. Simply focusing on the arrest and comparing it to the alleged criminal activities on Telegram, along with the supposed lack of enforcement by the company, seems like turning a blind eye. It ignores the more likely reality that this is part of a broader effort to establish a censorship regime, with platforms like TikTok, X, Telegram, and Rumble already targeted. Accepting the official narrative and pretext at face value feels, frankly, a bit naive.

0 replies

  Nothing more, nothing less
Telegram has been operating for years and did not change recently to justify such an action yesterday. There's something more certainly. Maybe they did not comply with requests related to recent war in Ukraine or genocide in Palestine ?

0 replies

I posted this else ITT, but whats your opinion on the following (I have NO opinion - as I cant verify any facts about anything - so I am just an Observer of the events and what people are saying:)


This reminds me of the entire plot to the last of the Bourne movies, Jason Bourne, where there is a scene of the head of some intel agency (Tommy Lee Jones) propositioned a social media founder to give them backdoor access or he would be killed. Great movie.

Fun Thread:

0 replies

A sane comment in the slew of conspiracy theories, "service provider" apologists and misdirection of encryption being the issue.

8 replies

If people were using my backyard to sell drugs or CSAM, I knew it, and did nothing about it, I would absolutely be guilty of facilitating these crimes. I fail to see how the situation is different for Pasha.

7 replies

if i put up a random E2E encrypted messaging side project i made on github and then people started using it for CSAM?

People use government built sidewalks to sell drugs, does that mean I can sue the govt for the drug trade?

4 replies

Telegram is not E2E encrypted.

3 replies

so i should be liable if it is a plain text messaging github side project?

1 replies

do you really feel this is a good faith analogy? how is a side project in any way similar to a company with billions of users?

0 replies

i think it is an analogy that is useful in elucidating what people view as the morally relevant aspect.

i don’t think it makes a ton of sense to me that the encryption or lack thereof is the relevant factor - if we think that proprietors of unencrypted messaging should be required to turn over chat logs, then encrypted messaging should probably be illegal or we have left a massive loophole in.

the scale being the relevant issue is another thing as well. i worry that if you somehow create a protocol for dencentralized messaging, you somehow then become liable for misuse of what could have been an academic project, etc.

0 replies

You mean if you’re also running servers for it that store all the data in a format you can read and refuse law enforcement requests in your jurisdiction.

1 replies

The original comment had two prerequisites:

1. If drug dealers used my backyard. 2. If I knew about it and did absolutely nothing about it.

And yes, if the government knows about someone selling drugs and does nothing about it, you can sue the government.

At least in theory, in countries not ridden with corruption (which probably aren't that many).

0 replies

if the government knows about someone selling drugs and does nothing about it, you can sue the government.

at least in the US, there are only a few limited times the government is open to civil litigation - and nonenforcement of the law is not usually one of them

8 replies

I really hope this doesn't become an "encryption bad" cudgel.

The main accusation by EU authorities concerns Telegram’s encrypted messaging services, which were allegedly used to facilitate organised crime. One investigator stated that ‘Telegram has become the number one platform for organised crime over the years’, underlining the perceived link between the platform’s privacy features and criminal activities.

It's unclear to me how much this "perceived link" is on behalf of the author of the article, as opposed to the prosecutors themselves.

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For centuries snail mail was used to facilitate organized crime, yet nobody prosecutes post offices.

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because they were state run and had well practised interception systems.

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Telegram doesn’t have mandatory e2ee, which puts it in this kind of situation. Having data on crime committing and denying access to it from authorities is a crime itself in most countries.

0 replies

Right, I think that's an important distinction to make, but it's not really one that's explored in the article.

The article doesn't say anything about E2EE specifically, but I think it would be understandable to "read between the lines" and assume that Telegram is in trouble for offering E2EE - but I think/hope that assumption would be incorrect.

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I’m not sure I understand. Doesn’t the fact that the prosecutors had him arrested directly imply they perceive a link?

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Accusing someone of facilitating crime is different to accusing someone of using cryptography to preserve privacy.

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Why would the concern not be the crime rather than the tool used in carrying out the crime?

7 replies

Why did he enter a country with an arrest warrant on his name? I don't understand it

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He did not. He stopped his jet to refuel in France, and they issued it in the mean time

1 replies

Do you have any reference for this?

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it was issued while he was en route

0 replies

you have a source for this?

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Is that information even possible to know? I believe in the US arrest warrants are generally sealed before an arrest is made.

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Was it public knowledge prior to it's execution?

7 replies

What is the difference between telegram and cell phone providers other than encryption in relation to these charges?

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Cell phones are encrypted over the air, but they aren't end to end encrypted, and it's safe to assume that a provider will wiretap the plaintext passing through their backend if the authorities ask for it.

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Telegram is not end-to-end encrypted in the way other messaging services are (whatsapp, signal), it is encrypted but Telegram holds the keys and are able to decrypt any messages not sent on a "secret chat" which is not the default, or any messages on a group chat

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Telegram not being fully encrypted and seeing the content of most messages on its servers but not cooperating with the police?

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The cell phone providers aren't likely refusing to cooperate with the authorities in whose jurisdiction they operate.

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If a warrant exists they hand over all your data and even wiretap you.

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The article is very poor mixing the actual charges with unrelated European Union concerns. The charges are not linked to encryption. Most of Telegram is unencrypted anyway.

The issue is with Telegram non cooperation and lack of moderation of publicly available content.

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Your cell phone provider will cooperate with the authorities immediately and without question.

7 replies

Whoa, it's absurd if true... I fail to see how being responsible for not cooperating with authorities can be turned into being accused of these crimes. And I don't care for the legal gymnastics which makes this possible - the law exists to serve the public interest and is of no inherent value.

2 replies

By knowingly facilitating criminal activities, you become complicit.

1 replies

The Silk Road was designed and marketed explicitly towards criminals to facilitate crime and AFAIK had practically no other uses. So, it's not a reasonable comparison.

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I think you replied to the wrong comment.

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the government needs to enforce its laws. telegram is accused of getting in the way of enforcing laws. that seems like a reasonable accusation.

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In every country I know of, the freedom to not be responsible for what your user's do on a platform includes certain requirements. Removing illegal content is the very least a platform must do.

Every country has their own definition of "illegal" content, but things like CSAM are illegal everywhere, and that's one area where Telegram never really bothered to take action.

The arrest warrant has been out for a while, so I doubt Durov got himself arrested by accident. He probably has a plan, or at least good lawyers.

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Wasn't the Silk Road founder jailed for something similar?

He provided the platform.

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So if I own and operate a hardware store (or any other storefront) and do nothing about people who are clearly using it to deal fentanyl, I'm absolved of all wrong doing?

4 replies

My opinion would be extremely unpopular, but:

1) The guy was marketing an open-text messenger as an e2ee messenger

2) Because of (1) he was able to moderate it and help law enforcement with locating criminals but he was not cooperating

3) He was extremely cooperative with Russian "law enforcement", as multiple deanonymised activists with leaked chats, contact lists and location history found out

So, a hypocrite got what he deserved.

The overall trend of EU attacks on privacy is very concerning, but Tg is not a private messenger, it just was marketed as one.

1 replies

1) The guy was marketing an open-text messenger as an e2ee messenger

Citations needed.

0 replies

Telegram within Russia and outside Russia are two completely different apps with completely different featureset and visible channels.

The only "anti-war" sentiment on Russian Telegram is ultra-nationalistic whining about the warfare not being efficient and brutal enough.

But outside Russia there are even pro-Ukrainian Russian-language Telegram channels.

0 replies


If we feed all the comments say to chatgpt and ask it (or just count by hand pro/against tg posts) what result do you expect?

4 replies

I can only once again quote this section of Telegram's privacy policy verbatim:

8.3. Law Enforcement Authorities

If Telegram receives a court order that confirms you're a terror suspect, we may disclose your IP address and phone number to the relevant authorities. So far, this has never happened. When it does, we will include it in a semiannual transparency report published at:


And interacting with their "Transparency Report" bot yields this:

[...] Note: for a court decision to be relevant, it must come from a country with a high enough democracy index to be considered a democracy. Only the IP address and the phone number may be shared.

In other words, they are cherry-picking the jurisdictions they are even choosing to recognize, and within those they are again cherry-picking "terror suspicions" as the only class of law enforcement requests they will honor.

If I were the CEO of a company maintaining such a position, I'd be a bit more careful on where to refuel my jet.

2 replies

This seems to be a blatant lie. In russia telegram is wdidely used to prosecute people and crack down on descent. KGB (today know as FSB) seem to have free access to anything not encrypted on the platform.

1 replies

I have no reason to doubt that, and evidence supports that statement (i.e. the fact that it got unblocked in Russia, after previously having been blocked).

They could in any case very well be selectively applying that policy. But if they were fully cooperating with French authorities, why would there be a warrant?

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Why would KGB would share their toys with western powers? They have their ring of dictatorships to use it as one of most potent propaganda and tracking tools.

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Telegram also doesn't consider Sweden and Germany to be democracies for some reason and refuse to collaborate with either.

4 replies

France was the country of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and now you have an autocracy in a semi-democratic vest:

- All protests in support of Palestine banned

- Head coverings banned

- Run a messaging app but the French state finds stuff on it that it disapproves of? You are a Terrorist

It's sad to see this backsliding in Europe.

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Rights don't give you super power to ignore laws. He failed to follow judicial orders. If he doesn't want to follow French justice orders, then leave France for good.

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France has never really been as liberal as people seem to think it is. The colonial history runs deep.

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Head coverings are not banned. Anyone who's ever been to Paris or any french cities in the past few years can confirm.

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The ban against protests was stated by the courts to have to be done case by case.

The headscarf ban is part of all religious symbols in public areas like schools and hospitals.

4 replies

Many defend Telegram by likening it to a neutral platform, akin to TCP, claiming it merely provides a service without responsibility for the content. However, this comparison fails because TCP is a simple protocol with no ability to control or monitor content, whereas Telegram holds keys for most data and is capable of content moderation. Unlike E2EE platforms like Signal, which cannot comply with requests without breaking encryption protocols, and whose jurisdictions often prohibit forced backdoors, Telegram's refusal to cooperate, despite having the ability, shifts it from being unable to act to willfully aiding or sheltering criminal activity.

In this context, Durov's arrest isn't unjust - Telegram knowingly allowed illegal content to thrive while ignoring legal obligations to assist law enforcement. Refusing to provide data when you can, under lawful requests, is tantamount to facilitating or even protecting criminal activity. This dismisses the complexities of cross-jurisdictional law enforcement, but the general concept remains valid.

By the way, I’m not a fan of censorship, but I do believe that a platform’s baseline for moderation should be compliance with the current laws in each jurisdiction, rather than the founder’s personal moral judgment.

1 replies

FWIW this post is ChatGPT generated at least partially.

0 replies

"Lol, are we just calling everything ChatGPT now whenever something is remotely coherent? Unless you're sitting on some actual proof, that claim feels like a lazy handwave. Like, maybe it's just... a person? Not everything well-written is AI-generated, you know"


Write a witty, hackernews comment responding to this post from a user:

"FWIW this post is ChatGPT generated at least partially."

Avoid using all language choices characteristic of text which was generated by ChatGPT. Call the user out for having no evidence. Add a few spelling errors characteristic of folks typing on their phone

0 replies

TCP is a simple protocol with no ability to control or monitor content, whereas Telegram holds keys for most data and is capable of content moderation.


And how do governments of the world block websites, services or the entire external web (as in China)?

Telegram knowingly allowed illegal content to thrive while ignoring legal obligations to assist law enforcement

What? You think Telegram must read and have the means to know the contents of all chats on its platforms?

What an atrocious take.

0 replies

Forcing people to de anonymize speech and enforce state censorship (“moderation”) is not an appropriate baseline and says more about the corruption of France than about Telegram. At this point how are they any different than the CCP? Each wants to paint their censorship and authoritarian tactics as moral and legal and justified.

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I'm generally very pro EU, but this anti-encryption stuff they try to pull these last couple of years needs to stop. If it's proven that Pavel Durov is facilitating bad actors with purpose, that's a different story, but creating a secure messaging platform by itself should not constitute a crime.

3 replies

Telegram is not a secure messaging platform. By default Telegram is not encrypted at all. Only "secret chats" in Telegram are encrypted. Telegram groups are not - and those can be made public and basically are just Telegram hosting content on their servers for you.

2 replies

That's a popular lie, Telegram uses the MTProto 2.0 Cloud algorithm for non-secret chats, which is audited and verified by multiple independent parties. For example WhatsApp claims it uses EE2E encrypted chats, how ever these claims are unverified and not audited. Also their chief executives are not in jail, coincidentally.

You can consult these links if you want to read more about it:

1 replies

This is a Ukraine channel. You can preview it in a web browser. If Telegram can enable that functionality, then it means they have the complete capability to serve the content of the channel. Same story if they can scroll back an existing channel to new users.

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Channels were meant to be public. No-one ever claimed encryption for channels since it is nonsense.

You claim that only secret chats are encrypted in telegram, which is straight not true. You can pull up a link to public channel and everyone can preview the posts, that's obvious. You cannot do the same trick with group chats because they are private and encrypted using MTProto

3 replies

I was fully expecting him to be arrested by a third world dictatorship somewhere but, no it's my home country, France. I'm ashamed of my country.

Most of the traffic on Telegram is not even encrypted...

EDIT: Yes, reading more about it, nothing to see here, it's not about encryption...

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This is not about encryption, it’s about lack of cooperation with the authorities, and breaking French law as a French citizen.

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It's at least https encrypted and stored encrypted on multiple telegram servers.

So technically telegram could provide that data.

I guess that's the angle.

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Why? He seems to be happily providing information to KGB (sorry, FSB), russian security service or ignoring backdoors they already have. In fact, telegram is one of the most powerful disinformation tool employed by russia. None of sane and savvy person who stands up to autority would use telegram.

3 replies

So let's say I open up a night club. I have to abide the laws and regulations, and make sure things like the following: Minors aren't getting in or being served alcohol, that people aren't selling drugs there, that prostitutes aren't doing business there.

If undercover agents come by, and discover that minors are purchasing alcohol - the business will get fined, and likely banned from selling alcohol for some time.

If I, the owner, continue to ignore authorities and flat out refuse to cooperate, and there are new busts - I would expect to face charges. The joint would likely get shut down, and I could be liable. If things are severe enough, I'll likely be investigated for running a criminal enterprise there.

Obviously there are differences in how things are regulated in the different countries - but in countries where the CEO assumes total responsibility, and the buck stops there - it would make sense that the CEO will get charged with those sort of things, if the company has not done enough to cooperate or moderate their product and users.

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Lets say I open up a grocery store. Criminals start buying their food and bookkeeping supplies there. The police discover this. Should I be held liable for fueling and enabling these criminals?

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the crux of the problem here is that the french police asked for their purchase history, and you said "sorry, i already gave them to the Russian fsb" ;)

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So free speech should be regulated like alcohol sales?

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By all accounts, this looks to me like it's nothing else but a politically motivated decision - and it gives ever more credence to my take that there is no freedom of speech in Europe

As a side note, this is somewhat reminiscent of how the Catholic Church operated at the height of its power - do what we say or burn at the stake. We should then not be surprised that no longer does technological innovation happen in Europe - at least one that's actually important or has the potential to be

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this is somewhat reminiscent of how the Catholic Church operated at the height of its power

I think the most surprising thing I've realized as I've gotten older is the way in which these cultural and legalistic norms, even 100 years+ bygone, still have considerable influence on modern cultures.

Europe, and particularly France, is very Catholic, ex-Holy Roman brained. US is very protestant brained. China cribs tons of stuff from their old imperial system.

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It is unrelated to technological innovation (in the short run). I expect the same result in US. Europe is not united enough to have a separate from US opinion.

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Telegram is not just a messaging platform.

Telegram is one of the few places where you can see uncensored material about what Putin is doing to Ukraine. When that war got hot again in 2022, you could still see some of that on places like youtube, but they rapidly changed their censorship regime, to the extent that many channels were demonetized or only keep a token presence on the platform to point at telegram. Any survivors severely self censor to maintain a presence.

They're arresting this guy because they believe telegram should have a moderation system that they control.

The social media platforms that enabled the Arab Spring, are now being used to ensure that such a thing never happens again.

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TL;DR - The bad guys are winning?

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TL;DR yes, and Moldbug explained all of this in like 2009

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It's interesting that he chose to fly to France knowing fully well that he will be arrested. It is also not surprising, because he has French citizenship and France does not extradite its citizens. Looks like a tactical move on his part when his legal team told him he ran out of options and he much preferred to spend time in a French prison than in a Federal prison in the US.

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didn't france put out the arrest warrant right before he got there to trap him?

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I haven't got access to the timelines, but I'd be surprised if his arrest wasn't negotiated with his lawyers. He had no reason to go there, but chose to do so.

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He very likely refused to play ball with NATO, and the software is working as intended, meaning no backdoors.

I think we should have and open and decentralized version of this kind of "criminal" communication system.

We should show them what Streisand effect really means.

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We do have Signal. People prefer not encrypted Telegram to it.

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Very peculiar coincidence

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I was talking with someone VC-ish, about my frustration with all the endpoint hardware and communication software being hopelessly insecure for various real threat models.

But that, even if I somehow managed to pull off a successful superior solution, as a startup or an open source/hardware project, I didn't want to see all the worst criminals flock to my service.

Also, I didn't want to be in an adversarial relationship with my own government at times, nor to secretly compromise the solution.

(Probably the compromise-compromise I'd choose would be proactive: I'd have to backdoor for my government from the start, and publicly disclose that there's a backdoor, so I'm not misrepresenting to my users. Which would mean dramatically less adoption, a lot of privacy&secury people cursing it/me, and eventually the backdoor would also be exploited by parties other than the intended.)

And also, I don't have the stomach for adversaries that would include foreign state dirty-tricks agencies.

Most ostensible security solutions on the market are obviously weak, or just plain BS. The ones that might not be, I don't see how they don't run into the same barriers.

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News flash: they do. They just see their users as $$$ or don't give a damn. And their users don't care/don't know because they just want piece of mind or legal risk transferrance.

Legally speaking, if you get right down to it, privacy is de facto illegalized, and the old aphorism about "if you make a country where witchhunts are illegal, the population will be 3 civilly minded libertarians, and the rest witches" applies.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here; or just realize your dream is effectively only realizable for the exact type of people you don't trust to have it. Then find another line of work.

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In the meantime French government is promoting Olvid that claims “Your exchanges leave no digital trace. No one will ever know who you’ve discussed with.” How does it make any sense?

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keys, backdoors, lies (e.g., in the past, people were kill based on metadata alone--technically, no actual conversations' content is necessary).

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To be fair, it seems typical ceo behavior (gates, jobs, bezos) -- you don't become a billionaire by being nice.

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Bullish situation, Durov is being targeted mainly because it's not explicitly and collaboratively affiliated with the NATO block.

Terrorism, fraud and child porn are as present on Whatsapp, Facebook and other platforms, Facebook even instrumental in the Myanmar genocide (2017) and yet I haven't seen Zuck ever being detained anywhere at any time.

As a Telegram user, however, Telegram is just great as a chat app. It's lightyears ahead of everything else.

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A friend was just dragged of the plane and arrested in Paris recently for “money laundering”. It was completely baseless using falsified evidence. They wanted information but didn’t want to obtain a warrant or subpoena to get it. Eventually they let them go. Sad because this person was a total Francophile. Not any more. Sad state of affairs over there really.

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Law enforcement is so ill equipped in this digital age. It’s embarrassing. Instead of evolving, they are punishing the people creating services that benefit everybody.

Reminds me of the Tornado Cash service. Used by normal citizens to anonymize transactions on the blockchain; and used by a smaller percentage of criminals. Law enforcement is inept in this digital age. So instead of catching the actual criminals they pursue the people making the service.

It’s all for nothing of course. People were apparently brought up on charges. None of them actual criminals as I recall. Just got thrown the book at them. US government even issued “sanctions”, but they were useless.

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What I genuinely don't understand is that Pavel Durov didn't see it coming.

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Meanwhile Jihadists roam the streets stabbing people in the neck let in by Politicians the West needs people because of Demographics etc. Should those Politicians be held responsible for the actions of people they let in? Equal standards should apply should they not?

0 replies

Boy is the comment section ever glowing.

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There is so much oddness surrounding this.. First, I don't really see how you can prosecute ideas, because as much as authorities will try and narrowly-define this case as being about moderation (of a platform), and cooperation with authorities, ultimately this is really an attempt to prosecute the idea/concept of publicly available 'e2e' encrypted communications. Second though... How does that list of charges only amount to a maximum of 20 years ? lol

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French lawyer here, it's difficult to know anything as of now given that's all the information is covered by secrecy as long as he's in preliminary custody.

Neither him nor his lawyers have access to the procedure yet.

This will last for 48 hours from his arrest - it can be 96 hours if they decide his suspected crimes are about drugs or prostitution, and even 144 hours if it's about terrorism.

So we'll probably need to wait for a few days before understanding what this is really about.

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I think we need a constitutional right to immoral speech. This madness and the mob that supports it has to stop

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I find it ironic. As a kid growing up with the start of the internet, many Europeans and Australians implied the US would soon be an authoritarian surveillance state. I even deleted all my comments and accounts because I believed it (as a kid). Now, about 20 years later, I would wager Europe/Australia will reach that point first.

I sometimes wish I could bring a crystal ball back in time and see how people would react to the future... I think they would be horrified at how far we've let corporations and governments into our lives.

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The link is blocked in it? Tata Play is the ISP

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Country Blocked


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“ French authorities believe that Telegram, under Durov’s leadership, became a major platform for organised crime due to its encrypted messaging services, which allegedly facilitated illegal activities. ” One could replace Telegram with any other products and find abuse by users of the products to concoct a reason to arrest anyone. This is what an authoritarian regime would do. It’s shocking to see it becomes part of the playbook of the French government.

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EU is becoming more clearily authoritarian with cases we only used to hear about in Russia, China and Iran

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I'd gladly donate to his legal campaign, as long as he makes his statements public.

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I don't know anything about this guy or the basis of these charges but if he is only "guilty" of operating a messaging platform with the option of end-to-end encryption, thus can't let law enforcement tap into private communications when customer's enable that option, how can he be held responsible for the criminal actions of those customers when he isn't even aware of the actions and physically cannot tap into them himself?

This seems like some heavy-handed government coercion.

0 replies

Awesome. Now do Musk and Zuck.

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other countries do this and wonder why they aren't centers of technical innovation. why would anyone working on a privacy-centric tool, after seeing this, base themselves in .fr?

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Really embarrassing being European nowadays.

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good on France.

more billionaire CEOs should be arrested.

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Kim Dotcom being extradited and this one now coming out of left field...Shit just got real.

I suspect this is just the beginning. Western governments are losing control of their "narratives" and no one is buying the propaganda. This is deeply unsettling for those in authority, so it is only logical that they would go after social media that they cannot directly coerce/control for their agenda. But not just the companies, their owners in particular.

Also likely this is a message for Elon and others - comply or go to jail.

Its hard to argue this is tinfoil nonsense when Meta has been accused of child exploitation [1] yet Zuckerberg never went to jail - bc he complied. [2]

Its time to get our collective heads out of the sand and acknowledge that governments are NOT democratic anymore - they serve only to preserve themselves, not us!



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Telegram has always been just one slip away from this kind of stuffs because it's a centralized service. Depending on how laws are read, it could be seen as complicit in various crimes, and it's politicians who decide how to read those laws, not tech people. It might be the end of those good days where things were so simple and easy.

0 replies

Totally irresponsible to cut off the next part of the headline that makes clear he is accused of not cooperating with the authorities on these things. He’s not accused of doing them himself.

If you’re going to edit the headline you’re taking a responsibility. Words and sentences and paragraphs can’t just be cut in arbitrary places any more than code can.

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Some time ago many people in Russia wished that Russia will become a normal European country. I guess the wishes were granted, but not in a way we wanted.

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It's so beyond my mind that people are finding reasons and excuses for the authority to justify the arrest. Let it be crystal clear that this is purely politics motivated. There's probably 20 other ways to address the concern of the platform. Let me ask you this, will France do the same if it's a US company or the founder is a US citizen?

0 replies

This is how censorship works in developed democracies. Telegram was the last platform where point of views different from sanctioned by the powers that be could be expressed (to a limit--it is still in app store after all). You've done nothing for dissidents until you are charged with CP.

0 replies

So money laundering, drugs, terrorism and child porn plus some others for good measure. Were they deliberately trying to invoke all four horsemen of the infocalypse, or is that a side effect?

Had they sticked with just one I may have been less likely to view it this as an authoritarian attack on privacy and freedom of speech.

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European authoritarianism is an embarrassment and a betrayal of their claimed values of freedom and democracy.

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Is "" really a reliable source?

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Terrorism and child porn? Seems a little on the nose.

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This is what happens when you refuse to hand over the keys.