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Tony Hawk's Pro Strcpy

36 replies

- "If I was lucky it would be strcpy (opposed to something like strncpy)"

it really ought to have been strncpy, I'm sure Tony Hawk who's lauded for his advocacy of safety gear would prefer to be associated with safer string copying

29 replies

strncpy is definitely not safer; it produces unterminated strings when it hits n

basically you should almost never use strncpy; it's specifically for fixed-size fields like this:

    struct dirent { unsigned short inode; char name[14]; };
and in those cases more often than not the pad byte should be a space rather than a nul

strncpy should never have been added to the standard library

27 replies

What is the preferred solution here? I usually just use "memset" to zeroize the whole destination string, then tell "strncpy" that my destination is 1 byte shorter than what it really is.

The real issue I've ran into is that "strncpy" assumes the source is null-terminated.

8 replies

strlcpy() is my favourite, alas the GNU folks stubbornly refuse to embrace it, last I checked.

5 replies

strlcpy is still braindamaged. The need to return the length of the source string for compatibility with old code means it suffers from the some of the same issues strncpy did.

4 replies

Sure, but strlcpy is better than strcpy and strncpy (for strings). I almost never see code that uses the return value of any of them.

It is a simple refactoring to change strcpy/strncpy to strlcpy and, though it doesn't solve truncation issues, it's a solid improvement by eliminating memory overruns and lack of null termination.

It was added to OpenBSD in 1998 and then in FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris, IRIX, etc. but its adoption was hampered by glibc stubbornly refusing to add it (until 2023 apparently).

3 replies

It is frustrating because while it is better, it is still flawed in an easily fixed way.

What I wish the standard library had:

    ssize_t strscpy(char* dst, const char* src, ssize_t dsize);
Copies src into dst, stopping when it either reaches a \0 byte in src or on copying dsize - 1 bytes, whichever happens first. dst is then null terminated.

If the copy is not truncated the strscpy returns the number of bytes copied. If the copy is truncated dsize is returned.

Returns a negative value and sets errno if either dst or src is NULL or dsize is < 1.

2 replies

the strlcpy paper explains why strlcpy isn't designed the way you suggest:

they actually started out with your design and then fixed it:

The return values started out as the number of characters copied, since this was trivial to get as a side effect of the copy or concatenation. We soon decided that a return value with the same semantics as snprintf()’s was a better choice since it gives the programmer the most flexibility with respect to truncation detection and recovery.

basically they wanted to treat string truncation due to insufficient space as an error condition, so they designed the interface to make it easy to check (code from the paper, with syntax corrections):

    len = strlcpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path));
    if (len >= sizeof(path)) return (ENAMETOOLONG);
    len = strlcat(path, "/", sizeof(path));
    if (len >= sizeof(path)) return (ENAMETOOLONG);
your proposal does permit such simple error checking for strscpy, although it is marginally less efficient:

    len = strscpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path));
    if (len <= strlen(homedir)) return (ENAMETOOLONG);
but i can't think of anything your corresponding strscat could return to permit a similarly simple check. is there anything?

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As discussed a few weeks ago, strlen() + memcpy() is faster than strlcpy() on superscalar platforms with branch prediction. Iterating over the string twice is not a penalty if the alternative hobbles the hardware with more complex code.

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Basically, it seems like they wanted to facilitate the use case of "if the string is truncated, then realloc() the buffer to make it fit using the value convienently returned from strlcpy()".

(note: the following code is probably buggy with off by one errors and doesn't check return value properly)

   copied_bytes = strlcpy(dst, src, size);
   if ( copied_bytes >= size )
       realloc(dst, copied_bytes);
       size = strlcat(dst, src + size, copied_bytes);
I can appreciate that sentiment, but I think it was a mistake. That behavior is still possible where it makes sense by using strlen() first, but I'd argue that in most cases if this is possible then strdup() was the better solution all along. Basically they made a tradeoff that makes one relatively uncommon use case easier at the expense of making the function explode in other cases.

You don't need strlen() to check for truncation:

   if ( strscpy(path, homedir, sizeof(path) == sizeof(path) ) return (ENAMETOOLONG);
strscat() would have a similar syntax. Return values would be the same, including returning the size parameter in the case of truncation, making it easy to check.

   if ( strscat(path, "/", sizeof(path) == sizeof(path) ) return (ENAMETOOLONG);
On a side note I always cringe when I see people using sizeof() on strings in C. I left them in here to make the comparison easier, but I wouldn't normally do it this way. That's a gun pointed directly at your foot when this bit of code gets refactored out to a function and that string degrades to a pointer.

0 replies

Cool, didn't know, thanks for sharing. Well, literally 25 years after OpenBSD added strlcpy, but better late than never I guess.

4 replies

for general-purpose string handling in software where failure is an option, i like the qmail stralloc approach

    if (!addrparse(arg)) { err_syntax(); return; }
    flagbarf = bmfcheck();
    seenmail = 1;
    if (!stralloc_copys(&rcptto,"")) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_copys(&mailfrom,addr.s)) die_nomem();
    if (!stralloc_0(&mailfrom)) die_nomem();
    out("250 ok\r\n");
basically you have a struct with buffer-pointer, length, and capacity fields, like a golang slice, and you modify it with a small number of functions which reallocate the buffer if it isn't big enough. the ones you see here are stralloc_copys, which sets the buffer contents to the contents of a nul-terminated string, and stralloc_0, which appends a nul to the buffer. there are also functions for appending an arbitrary byte, for copying one stralloc to another, for copying counted strings into strallocs, and for concatenation, for determining whether one is a prefix of another, etc., but depending on the application, you may or may not need to implement these

the whole stralloc library is 97 lines of k&r c, so reimplementing the part you need for a given program is pretty trivial. it's in the public domain

for most programs, a disadvantage of the particular way that stralloc is implemented in qmail is that you have to check every single copy or concatenation operation for an out-of-memory error, as you see above. this makes your code a lot longer. many applications are better off just aborting inside the memory allocation function if they run out of memory; getting out-of-memory handling correct is very difficult, especially if you don't devote a massive amount of effort to testing out-of-memory conditions (because they won't occur often enough just by chance to test your error-handling path)

(another disadvantage of the way stralloc is implemented is that you probably don't really want to use unsigned int for the two length fields on lp64 platforms)

for some applications you might prefer just using strdup() (or xstrdup()) or non-owning string-view types (a pointer and a length, perhaps into an input file you've mapped into memory), or lisp-style symbol interning (plus some kind of buffer management probably). arena allocation, if you can afford it, makes dynamic memory allocation for strings a much more reasonable thing to do: no risk of a memory leak, fast allocation, instant deallocation. but again some applications do poorly with arena allocation

but please don't fill your program with fifty zillion string buffers of arbitrarily chosen sizes and then try to separately pass the right size in seventy zillion string-processing function calls. your code will be hard to read, buggy, and probably insecure. factor string buffer length handling into a small part of your program so that most of your code never has to think about string buffer lengths

3 replies

for most programs, a disadvantage of the particular way that stralloc is implemented in qmail is that you have to check every single copy or concatenation operation for an out-of-memory error, as you see above. this makes your code a lot longer. many applications are better off just aborting inside the memory allocation function if they run out of memory; getting out-of-memory handling correct is very difficult, especially if you don't devote a massive amount of effort to testing out-of-memory conditions (because they won't occur often enough just by chance to test your error-handling path)

You could do that. Or you could put a field in the struct that stores an error flag. If flag is set, all `stralloc` functions return immediately. When they fail, they set the flag and then return.

This lets you do:


    if (stralloc_error(rcptto) || stralloc_error(mailfrom)) {
I'd go one further and make the error checker function take variable arguments, so that the last line looks like this:

    if (stralloc_error (rcptto, mailfrom, NULL)) {
IME, forgetting to terminate the parameter list with a NULL almost always causes the program to blow up on the very first execution.

but please don't fill your program with fifty zillion string buffers of arbitrarily chosen sizes and then try to separately pass the right size in seventy zillion string-processing function calls. your code will be hard to read, buggy, and probably insecure. factor string buffer length handling into a small part of your program so that most of your code never has to think about string buffer lengths

I agree, but after years and years of looking at and writing idiomatic safe C code, I am now of the opinion that a string library is, while a better approach to slinging around raw strings, still very much the wrong approach.

Nothing stops the developer from doing Parse, Don't Validate! in C, and this means that seeing C strings being used anywhere other than at the boundaries to the system evokes my code-smell senses.

2 replies

these are very good ideas; thank you! by coincidence yesterday i was looking at some code i wrote in golang six years ago which uses this same approach to error handling for i/o errors. i wonder if you might be better off putting the error flag in the allocator rather than the individual string objects?

i do think parse, don't validate is much more difficult in c; c's type system is not strong enough to give you the kinds of soundness guarantees you get from ocaml or haskell. if you forget a type case in a switch, there's not a whole lot you can do to get the compiler to complain about it

the code i quoted above is from qmail-smtpd.c, which is 373 lines of code like the above and contains all of qmail's smtp input logic except for ip_scanbracket, which parses strings like [] and is shared with dns.c. it's not clear to me that a parse, don't validate approach would consist of much more than just the parser

maybe using a parser generator for all your input and output handling would help? i'm still skeptical that something like a text editor or a macro processor is going to have a large body of code that is free of string handling

1 replies

i do think parse, don't validate is much more difficult in c; c's type system is not strong enough to give you the kinds of soundness guarantees you get from ocaml or haskell. if you forget a type case in a switch, there's not a whole lot you can do to get the compiler to complain about it

Sure, I agree, but we're talking about strings here. Instead of a function taking or returning an email address in a generic string type, it can take or return an email address type.

For example, construction of a value of type `email_t` can take a parameter of raw string. Then any function in the rest of the code that receives an email would receive an `email_t`, not a `char ` or some other generic string type.

it's not clear to me that a parse, don't validate approach would consist of much more than just the parser

It might often be nothing

but* a parser, such as `email_t`, but it means that no `str()` function would then be used by the caller - any operation on the `email_t`, if `email_t` is an opaque pointer, would used the `email_type_()` functions, because the users of any `email_t` value cannot access, or even see, the fields inside an `email_t` value.

This means that passing an email to a function expecting a name would cause a compiler error.

For the IP address example you mention, that definitely should be parsed only once into the quad-byte or quad-quad integer fields.

I mean, I'm looking over my previous projects: every single instance of a string I am using is actually not just "generic string"; there's an associated type with it (name, description, comment, whatever). Making those into different types with their own operations means that the compiler will generate errors if I try to use a `description_t` where a `name_t` is expected.

0 replies

possibly you need to \ your *s

indeed it is the case in qmail that ip_scanbracket populates a struct ip_address. but rcptto, where the destination email address goes, is just a byte buffer in a very simple ad-hoc format which, if i understand correctly, gets written to a pipe; qmail's privilege separation design, which its author to a significant extent came to regret, adds some extra difficulties here by requiring things to run in separate processes

what you read from or write to a pipe is, at that point, necessarily just a generic string. you could write some kind of generic serialization layer, but doing that in c requires a preprocessor, and unmarshaling things in a statically type-safe way really requires compiler support for sum types, which c doesn't have

aside from that, i think it's pretty likely that trying to parse the email address in the qmail-smtpd process would have made the code more bug-prone rather than less so

3 replies

C11 adds `strcpy_s` which takes (dest, destsz, src) and returns an errno_t which will report an error if the src string is longer than destsz, as silent truncation is often not a desirable behavior. It also assigns dest[0]='\0' on error so you don't get an unterminated garbage string.

2 replies

Only msvc provides strcpy_s and they don’t conform to the standard. Other libcs don’t provide it. Ignore everything from Annex K and write your own wrappers around memcpy. You should always know the size of your buffers.

1 replies

Ah that sucks. Guess C is just stuck like this for the long term. Writing your own functions is still the best advice :'(

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on the plus side, c is good at writing your own functions

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The sanest solution is, surprisingly, snprintf(dst, sizeof(dst), "%s", src).

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please don't fill your program with fifty zillion string buffers of arbitrarily chosen sizes and then try to separately pass the right size in seventy zillion string-processing function calls. your code will be hard to read, buggy, and probably insecure

1 replies

I agree with that statement, but it has nothing to do with snprintf() versus e.g. strcpy_s(), where you have exactly the same requirement to pass the right size.

(Separately, there's a discussion about how many bytes you are allowed to read from the _source_, but to fix that, you need something like the Linux kernel's strscpy(), which isn't really widely supported in userspace.)

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i agree

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Use memcpy and do the size check yourself beforehand (taking the appropriate action if it doesn’t fit). Avoid any function starting with str except for strlen. Prefer pointer+length instead of relying on nul-terminated strings.

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You mean strnlen.

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memccpy, then use the return value to terminate.

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Use a proper C string library like SDS.

Or move up from the 1970's Bell Labs, adopt C++ with the respective compiler switches to have bounds checking enabled for operator[]().

Better yet, use something else instead of one of those two, pick whatver is your fancy.

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strncpy is fine as long as it's not used in isolation. My preferred pattern (when I want the truncation) is to use it, and then unconditionally set the last byte of the buffer to null. This will always result in a valid C string.

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I read that he used to drive around and when he saw a skateboarder, he'd yell "do an ollie" and then give them a new helmet.

1 replies

"Do a kick-flip"

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The correct thing to do is to use memcpy and to know the size of both the destination buffer and the source buffer. If the source buffer won’t fit, then you need to take an application-specific action (is truncation ok? do you have to abort the whole operation? Do you re-alloc the destination buffer? etc.) strncpy almost always does the wrong thing.

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Agree with the general principle of knowing your buffer sizes, but the issue with memcpy (evidenced over many years with various CVEs) is that someone invariably takes a string length and forgets to plus one, leading to non-null-terminated strings.

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If you are doing Windows C/C++ development, you can use the strsafe.h functions ( When I wrote C/C++, I found them easier to use than the standard C functions because they handled all of the usual failure cases (buffer too small, integer overflow, etc.). It was also easy to check if there was a failure because all of the functions returned a failure code if something went wrong.

In this case, StringCchCopyW(), or StringCbCopyW() would be a better choice than strcpy.

15 replies

This seems like a great example of having the wrong security mindset in console development. "We're the only thing that can write this saved data, so we only have to parse what we wrote" is a very common console mindset, and fundamentally wrong when people can prepare artificially constructed saved data.

(Completely separate from that, consoles shouldn't be treating users as the adversary, but given that they do, games are failing to have a security mindset consistent with that stance.)

12 replies

consoles shouldn't be treating users as the adversary

I would 100% agree with this when talking about a normal computer, but I kind of feel differently about consoles. How do you prevent cheating in online games if you don't restrict what users can do?

10 replies

1) Play with people you know, or

2) Group players by apparent capability and observed behavior, such that cheaters end up only playing with other cheaters.

8 replies

1. makes matchmaking impossible, which is how 99% of people want to play.

2. is a research project that will probably never pan out.

7 replies

Multiple games have done 2 in production with great success.

6 replies

No they haven't. Maybe they have caught cheaters with _intrusive_ software. But that's not "observed behavior and apparent capability".

5 replies

Rootkits and other mechanisms are not the only way to catch cheating players. You can also rely on player reports of other players, as well as anomaly detection, and based on those reports, observe player actions to detect obvious cheating. You don't have to be perfect, just catch enough people to make it not worth the risk. Use the results to either pair suspected cheaters with other suspected cheaters, or just ban people if you don't mind risking that they'll hide themselves better and come back.

This is not a hypothetical or a research project; some games do exactly this.

4 replies

This is just ideological gobbledygook. No concrete examples of this working in practice.

0 replies

The text for the anomaly link basically just says it's infeasible for a number of reasons, but it would sure be nice from a privacy standpoint.

The banning section mentions companies that employ very invasive software to find and ban cheaters. Read up on how the following softwares actually work:

There are many facets of cheating in online games which make the creation of a system to stop cheating very difficult; however, game developers and third-party software developers have created or are developing[22][23] technologies that attempt to prevent cheating. Such countermeasures are commonly used in video games, with notable anti-cheat software being BattlEye, GameGuard, PunkBuster, Valve Anti-Cheat (specifically used on games on the Steam platform),[citation needed] and EasyAntiCheat.
0 replies

Those games that shadowban also use anti-cheat software to identify the people they need to shadowban.

0 replies

The problem with what you are saying, is that the industry involved is shrouded in secrecy and full of smoke and mirrors.

Because the only sources you have provided are anecdotal, its entirely possible you are falling for the illusion.

To use your phrases, 'certain games companies' are known to totally lie about their anti cheat techniques and methods to throw people off the scent of the real methods.

Therefore without actually decompiling something to prove whats going on, you have no real idea what techniques are being used at all.

0 replies

By that point the player base can already be devastated, and it can kill the game. Cycle: Frontiers was an extraction shooter, and the immediate cheating was rampant; the game's design meant dying to hackers was devastating -- imagine a hacker forcing you to lose not just this game, but retroactively making you lose the prior 5 games too. This absolutely destroys player morale, near instantly. Even if you ban that hacker instantly, there's an extremely high chance those players will never return. Because the rampant cheating went on for so long, the game's reputation never recovered. Within a year of release the servers were shut down.

A single cheater can often ruin games for hundreds or even thousands of players very easily. For experienced players, seeing a single flying aimbot shithead in your lobby just means there are 10 other cheaters in the lobby too -- ones using subtle ESP/wallhacks that can be extremely difficult to detect, by design. Shady websites like G2A or GMG that sell keys (which are almost 100% hot keys, to really make it all come full circle) mean that even if you get banned, buying new keys for a new copy of the game is extremely cheap, especially when many of these games have items that can be sold for IRL cash in various ways, games like Rust. For many parts of the world, selling/trading rare items to players can net you plenty of actual income -- and getting banned means nothing as a result. Instant banning cheaters the second they are confirmed leaks information to the cheater and cheat creator, today most games like Warzone or Destiny have to play psyops and shroud their exact detection techniques in part by doing "ban waves" only when they accumulate a mass amount of confirmed cheaters. The cheater that ruined your top score may, necessarily and by design, be allowed to run free for a while.

The net result of all this is that designers and -- importantly, even though people on Hacker News don't want to hear it -- PLAYERS tend to overwhelmingly prefer prevention instead of reaction. They are both needed. Players are not morons who love installing rootkits. But on the whole, preventative measures tend to be more valuable to players and creators than reactionary ones, even if they are all ultimately imperfect.

In a funny twist, games like Tarkov and Rust do have a gameplay mechanic that reduces the long-term psychological devastation of cheaters and is not invasive at all: they reset all content in the game to "neutral" every once in a while, so basically all your stuff gets deleted, and everyone starts over again. (This non-permanence is probably one of the reasons players stick with the game, despite cheaters, which are incredibly infuriating.)

Can I ask if you seriously play any online competitive games, at a high level or otherwise? Because I do, and I'll be honest: I've been hearing it all for 20 years. These types of approaches have had success (CS's player review system, certain shadowban systems, "trip wires" that trigger on impossible game behavior), but there is no single approach that has proven itself to be the ultimate universal solution. There is no universal, wibbly wobbly bullshit stats algorithm you run on your servers to "solve" this. These problems are not solved. I don't like it. I don't run certain games with certain forms of anticheat. But it is what it is.

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I think public matchmaking and local play are different. I can mostly get behind anti-cheat for public play. But for local and optionally for friend games it should be possible to extract, edit and play with your saves.

1 replies

It is kind of coming true now, since all current consoles both encrypt and sign savegames to lock them to your account, and most (don't know about xbox) don't even let you copy your saves anywhere but the console and paid cloud storage.

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Sad. Today's children will never learn how to generate a valid CRC for a hex-edited save file.

8 replies

This is awesome!

I've been doing some PSX decompiling and there are lots of similar things there as well. Interestingly, something like `memmove` is linked in using an SDK library[0], but `strcpy` is a function provided by the BIOS. Later version of the SDK could patch that out for a library version, but as late as 1997 it hadn't been.

0 -

7 replies

I'd love a reimplemeantion in C+SDL2 (and OpenGL 2.1) of the former console games.

Now there are the N64 games being ported to PC with decompilers, I can only hope. Inb4 "there are native PC versions of these, you know"... most recompiled N64 games with the FX's being 'deshaderized' to pure textures (or simpler FX's) can be run in toasters such as cheap netbooks from 2009 and nearly anywhere.

They even ported Super Mario 64 to the 3DFX API. I know, the most complex games accesing the N64 framebuffer with complex FX will require OpenGL 3.3 to mimic that microcode; but, as I said before, when the engines run uber-fast on anything post Pentium III, is not something difficult to 'mimic' these in software while the rest it's running GL 2.1 accelerated.

4 replies

They even ported Super Mario 64 to the 3DFX API.

That's... not surprising. UltraHLE ran SM64 like a dream, and the HLE bit referred to the fact that the emulator translated 3D calls to the Glide API rather than attempting to emulate the 3D hardware directly.

3 replies

Yeah, I knew about that, so this it's just transcribing instead of translating. But I'd guess SGI machines (IRIX) being OpenGL bound (they invented it) the N64 would map the microcode to GL funcs much better.

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Glide was modelled after OpenGL, so I'm guessing the mapping was not that much of a stretch anyway.

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and then you had to use an extra DLL that was essentially translating 3dfx calls to DirectX

0 replies

That was later. NGlide for sure.

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The N64 used a different texture interpolation method than anything else ever has (IIRC three-point instead of four-point) so if you do the equivalent of HLE like that, it'll look bad and blurry. Of course, official rereleases of N64 games haven't emulated it properly either.

0 replies

Not an issue at 640x480 and higher resolutions.

Once your run the games at 1024x768 and up that doesn't matter at all:

sm64ex, perfectdark, zeldaoot for PC...

6 replies

The more interesting thing about the habibi key is that the public key modulus only has a 4 byte difference compared to the Microsoft RSA public key. For reference the MS key is a 2048 bit RSA key. I’ve asked a few people how this might be possible and the answer I got is “if you change the exponent to something small like 3 you easily factor out a similar key”. This should require that the exponent of the public key is also patched to “3”. However, none of the shell code payloads that use the habibi key ever change the exponent used by the RSA signature verification routine. Presumably it’s still performing the validation using the exponent 65537 so I’m not entirely sure how this works. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable could shed some light on it.

A random 2048-bit integer has a moderate chance of being trivially factorizeable (I don't know the precise odds but we can infer that it's roughly on the order of 2^-32 (for some definition of trivial) without doing any real math). Presumably, they wrote code that did something like this:

    while true:
        randomly tweak/increment 4 bytes of the public modulus 
        spend 1 millisecond trying to factor it
        did it work? if yes, we're done here.
        else, try again.
The resulting public modulus likely has lots of smaller factors (it should be possible to verify this, if anyone knows where I can find the "habibi public key"?). Although an RSA modulus normally has exactly 2 prime factors, the math still works out if you have more (as long as e is coprime).

1 replies

chinese remainder theorem implementations fail if there are duplicate factors

0 replies

CRT can only be used for private key ops e.g. signing. The verification side (i.e. the logic that runs on the console) can't use CRT.

1 replies

Let me try to explain that. You start with a random 2048-bit integer. You then change the lower bytes to make it divisible by 3. This is easy because you're only working on the public key. Now that the public key is divisible by 3, you use Fermat's little theorem which tells you that the private key must be divisible by 3 and have a sum of digits that is divisible by 3. This lets you skip most possible private keys, thereby reducing the compute needed to factorize it by a few orders of magnitude. And maybe you get lucky and they use that RSA implementation which uses exactly 2 prime factors, because then you already know that one of them is 3 and you just divide the public key by 3 to get the other prime factor.

EDIT: Wikipedia says "The structure of the RSA public key requires that N be a large semiprime (i.e., a product of two large prime numbers), that 2 < e < N, that e be coprime to φ(N), and that 0 ≤ C < N." and later "the same algorithm allows anyone who factors N to obtain the private key."

which in the contest of the Xbox hack means that if you force N to be divisible by the prime 3, then the other prime which is used for generating the private key has to be N/3 => You have successfully factored it.

EDIT2: Here's code for signing with the Habibi key:

As you can see, it'll replace the last 4 bytes with 0x89, 0x9c, 0x90, 0x6b and then start by dividing it by 3 and using that to generate a suitable private key.

0 replies

I don't know the precise odds but we can infer that it's roughly on the order of 2^-32 (for some definition of trivial)

The chance is way, way, WAY larger than 2*-32. Consider the following code:

    primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, ..., 499]
    def miller_rabin(n, k): ...  # your fast primarity test of choice
    def is_prime_trivial(n):
        for p in primes:
            while n % p == 0:
                n //= p
            if n == 1:
                return True
        return miller_rabin(n, 20)
It fully factors a random 2048bit integer in around 100 tries, for me.

0 replies

A paper I co wrote deals with this problem: can we generate a private key for a corrupted real public key (also 2048 bjt as it happens)? The application is corrupting a public key with rowhammer and then using the factorization to generate a new corresponding private key. This worked for ssh and gpg keys (with some assumptions for practical purposes, eg knowing the contents of the page containing the key). There is an empirically derived success rate as a function of available compute time in Figure 7, and an analytical treatment in section 3. (Explanation of practical method in section 4.4.)

4 replies

This gives me an opportunity to clarify a myth from my childhood. Was Tony Hawk the first ever to hit a 720?

3 replies
23h36m says "The 720, two full mid-air rotations, is one of the rarest tricks in skateboarding. It was first done by Tony Hawk in 1985, and it wasn't something he planned to do."

(Which is presumably "the first recorded" but I'm guessing if someone had done it, they'd have been shouting about it and -probably- the only kind of person who could pull it off would be a pro skater anyway?)

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He worked much longer for the 900 but more importantly - he repeated the 900 at the age of 48[0]!


0 replies

Even more impressive: a 9-year-old did three consecutive 900s in front of Tony Hawk[1].

Arguably, this feat is easier for a small child, but still... insane talent at a young age.


0 replies

At that time only a few pro vert skaters would have had the ability to throw 720s, yeah. Nowadays a good number of ams can too.

The rarity of seeing a 720 or above has as much to do with the fact that most skaters don’t skate vert - instead skating street or smaller transition - as the trick’s difficulty. Outsiders tend to imagine large spins are the holy grail of skate moves but almost all skaters aren’t interested in them for aesthetic reasons among others.

2 replies

Imagine a VSCode plugin that made up trick names and gave you a combo points score at the bottom for your continuous keystrokes. Tony Hawk's Pro-grammer

0 replies

I think this would be more fun for VIM keybindings, where there is a higher skill level (to get cooler combos of course).

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FYI, what looks like a section header icon followed by the text "So what's the habibi key?" is actually a clickable expanding segment (html details). You should click it if you're interested!

A question I have is where/when/how the corresponding private habibi key was released/leaked, if the story about it being used exclusively by the linux console group to prevent pirated content from being used is true. OP clearly was able to patch the four byte difference between the MS key and the habibi key to then run "unsigned" (but, actually, signed with the habibi private key) executables, so they clearly got their hands on it.

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The Habibi key is generated by patching the Microsoft key to be divisible by 3, making it quite easy to factor indeed. The private key can be trivially recovered from the public key, and there was nothing really to release or leak. It was basically a little crypto CTF buried in the original 007: Agent Under Fire savegame hack, which was basically a CTF in and of itself (it was reasonably heavily obfuscated, I think both as a middle finger to pirates and as a challenge to other reverse engineers).

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Thanks, that makes perfect sense.

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I have a dumb question. Once you soft mod a game console, what type of stuff can you do?

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Back in the day we mostly did it to cheat in Halo 2 online multiplayer. I remember being 13 and would stick a butter knife into my Xbox DVD drive so the "old maps" (on the disc) would fail to load, forcing the game to load a "new map" on the hard drive which I patched via soft modding the console allowing FTP to edit the maps on the hard drive.

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A bit of a shame about the exploit applying to THUG PRO. The mod is played to this day, since the more competitive side of the Tony Hawk franchise has been dead for almost twenty years (with the exception of the THPS1+2 remake, which was but a blip in the scene).

The mod itself is over 10 years old now, and I think the original developers are gone, explaining why no one was interested in fixing it when Ryan reported it. But this means that now the mod is unusable, no one is going to want to risk a full privilege exploit taking over their PC.

Hopefully this article reaches someone who's a bit more interested in patching the mod.

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I wish I had the time, because it would be fun. Back when I DID have time, I actually got that thug1 source code almost playable on Windows. That source code was only for the console versions, and the code assumed if it was compiling for windows (and not Xbox windows..) it was only for tools, so a lot of pieces worked completely differently.

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Thanks for sharing, the other articles on this blog are equally fascinating

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"Running Halo 2 in true HD" was a really, really good read.

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Very good article.

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at that point I would rather re-make the game in Godot

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I was hoping that the exploit would only execute if he stuck the landing across the gap

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I've read so many flavors of this sort of exploit analysis over the years, and if I get to read 100 more I'll be all the happier for it.

Great article!

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In Tony Hawk’s defence, he’s a pro skater, not a security analyst. Limited time behind the keyboard in the late 90s/early 2000s grinding on his soon-to-be iconic game series would have been spent making sure 900 McTwists felt really natural, not auditing code for buffer overruns!

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It may not be possible for me to articulate how fucking insane of an accomplishment this is.

Xbox 360...._softmod_.... via the park name on a Tony Hawk game.

24 segment ROP chain :')

His rightful lamentation for the hypervisor, concise functional write up, and immediate thoughts of an x360 botnet make this the greatest xbox 360 nostalgia gut-punch of all time.
