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Our audit of Homebrew

28 replies

With so many other package managers available, I often wish something else was the de facto package manager on macOS. Something like pkgsrc, which follows conventions much better and is thereby much easier to manage.

16 replies

I've been using MacPorts for as long as I've wanted a macOS package manager, and it's been working very well for me.

12 replies

Anyone know why Homebrew overtook MacPorts? I only have a vague recollection of a Rails colleague pushing me to switch circa 2013 or so and haven't given it much thought since, but it (MacPorts) seemed to be similarly ubiquitous prior.

2 replies

When I started using a Mac in 2009, MacPorts, Fink (and I think there was another I can't recall the name) simply wouldn't work for me. They would take very long to build what I wanted, there weren't nearly as many packages as was in Debian/Ubuntu, and many were old versions. Worse, many build attempts would just fail.

In that scenario, brew worked like a charm. It was quick, had most or even more packages than Debian/Ubuntu and they were newer. Failure to install was rare.

Then, Apple started yearly release of OS X, and that both broke brew and my system hard, so I started investigating and found out about the many "shortcuts" that brew took and how it violated systems components. I was dismayed, and abandoned brew for good.

So, I stood a period where I would use many of my tools inside a Ubuntu VM, until probably 2013-2014, when for some reason I tried again MacPorts, and I don't know why, but that time it was much more reliable, and because of Apple's insane atm SSDs with 2 GB/s bandwidth, install became quick enough. Packages were still somewhat lagging behind in available versions, but the variety of them kinda reached the levels of what was in Debian/Ubuntu, so it was good enough for me.

Then, the killer feature, I found out about macports variants and selectors, which I find the most awesome thing to this date in package managers (I haven't tried nix, still, it might be magnitude better in that regard). No needing to use rvm, pyenv, custom installs of gcc messing with make/autotools, and the only sane way of compiling various Haskell projects (before haskell-stack).

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I don't know when they introduced it, but I believe MacPorts will build the common variants of the more-used packages. So, if you install a package with the default variants, you'll get a binary download instead of building from source.

But indeed; fast SSDs, parallel compilation, and modern CPUs really help!

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I think MacPorts builds basically everything and offers it as a binary if they think they can distribute it legally

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MacPorts was slower (bringing in its own dependencies for everything meant longer build steps) and required sudo more. There were some annoying fiddly parts that made it seem like the homebrew users around you were having more fun exploring packages.

It was also exciting how many packages and casks were in homebrew and it was easy to make your own.

Also, back then there were lots of people experiencing package managers for the first time and they took to homebrew easily.

Then so many projects started to publish brew install links as a way to get started; homebrew felt like a default.

Now, with our faster computers, more space, and more packages installed, and macports shipping more binaries and using its own normal user, macports' duplication of dependencies looks more like an advantage than a disadvantage. And because homebrew taught so many people how to use package managers, macports is not their first so easier to start using.

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Also, back then there were lots of people experiencing package managers for the first time and they took to homebrew easily.

I suppose it was almost 15 years ago now but this is what I recall. Homebrew was easier, snappier, and the general friction coefficient felt smaller.

It's a little funny reading this and then wonder... Why did I leave MacPorts behind? I don't think I put much thought into it at the time and rather went by feel. I was still somewhat new to this stuff having started my career more in design than development.

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I’d push back slightly on the “more space” claim due to Apple’s notorious stinginess for SSD & RAM.

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People like beer but also Homebrew had a cute site and made ports simpler than MacPorts. Turns out complexity was maybe not unwarranted. I was among first adopters of brew but now I port for years

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I guess MacPorts was (and is) geared more towards users with some proper UNIX or BSD background, e.g. people coming from FreeBSD.

Whereas Homebrew targets the typical Mac user who might need a CLI application occasionally, i.e. someone looking for simplicity, without being too technically savvy.

The latter group certainly makes up a much bigger share of users on macOS, especially nowadays.

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Here's my guess.

Homebrew had at least these things going for it:

  - it has always had a strong emphasis on presenting a simple, clean, pleasant, pretty, playful UI and executed that well
  - when it came out, source-based package managers for macOS generally didn't have any binary caching mechanisms, so compile time mattered
    - Homebrew's embrace of the base system as opposed to bringing its own dependencies bought it greater reuse at the cost of robustness, driving down total time to install many packages
  - the language that `brew` and its packages were written in was trendy at thw time as well as pre-installed on macOS, which made them instantly accessible to huge numbers of web developers
    - the older macOS package managers generally drew on traditions and tooling from the Linux world (e.g., Fink, with Debian tooling) or the wider Unix world (e.g., MacPorts and various *BSD ports systems and packages written in some Tcl IIRC).

The type of person with the experience that would lead them to prefer tools and conventions like one sees in Fink, MacPorts, and Pkgsrc, or to contribute to those projects, has likely always been dismayed, if not repulsed, by a number of Homebrewisms. I think we can therefore conclude that Homebrew didn't win the package availability race by converting MacPorts contributors— Homebrew succeeded in attracting a largely untapped pool of new contributors. Eventually there followed the majority of non-contributor users who just want to use whatever already offers the software they want to run.

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Here’s why I switched early on in homebrew’s life from ports

- brew had and has many more packages available

- brew updates versions more quickly

- brew uses much more simple paths that fit my brain better

- brew has a pleasing simplicity

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At the point I switched from MacPorts to Homebrew, homebrew just worked more reliably in my experience. It installed things quicker and with fewer build/install failures. i don't know enough about what was going on under the hood to have any theory as to why this was my experience; I don't want to know what's going on under the hood, I just want to type `install whatever`, and have it work.

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this was a while back, in the Gentoo Linux heyday, so it was popular to compile things, except that this was when computers were slow, so that meant waiting for compiles. the problem with macports was that (iirc, it's been a while) it compiled its own version of Python instead of just using the system python, which also broke sometimes. and then you had to compile all that shit again. brew won out because it was faster, and didn't duplicate redundant shit for no perceived reasom.

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Yeah, I switched from Homebrew to MacPorts a few years ago and couldn't be happier.

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Same here.

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MacPorts is awesome. The PortGroups also make it super easy to make new packages.

4 replies

When I've had to use a Mac, I've used nix to good success. I'm actually surprised how well it worked; I was able to basically just use the same config I use on Linux, removing just the few Linux-specific packages.

3 replies

Do you not use many packages and only strictly use FOSS tooling? I have a large and growing list of packages that have to be managed in Homebrew still because the package is one of the following:

1. Not available at all in nixpkgs (e.g. Docker Desktop, BetterTouchTool, etc)

2. In nixpkgs, but completely broken or missing some architecture support (e.g. Firefox)

3. Actually available and somewhat functional in nixpkgs, but some significant features don't work because of code signing requirements and needing to be managed in the Applications folder (e.g. 1Password)

Quite a few tools do in fact work well with nix on Mac. Especially if it's FOSS and/or a cli-only based tool. And for FOSS tooling such as Firefox, there is often a convoluted workaround (I'm currently using `github:bandithedoge/nixpkgs-firefox-darwin`). And of course you can always package it yourself by doing things The Hard Way.

But the platform is still quite a ways away from being able to be used as a daily driver on Mac without Homebrew.

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I recently tried out mac-app-util¹, which fixes some of the usual pain with GUI apps. In conjunction with brew-nix², it looks like it might be most of what I'll need to move away from having Nix manage Homebrew for me.

I don't use very many GUI apps so now that the installation piece is taken care of, I can just package everything I use if it really comes down to it. That'd be worth it for me just to get rid of the painfully slow `brew` invocations that lurk in my activation scripts.




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Huh, interesting. I did primarily use FOSS and CLI applications. It's been a couple years, so I don't remember what exactly I used it for. I probably installed Docker Desktop via whatever method docker recommends, and I'm not sure about Firefox.

For alacrity, I remember it being annoying to integrate into Mac's launcher, but it otherwise worked.

Pretty much everything else was programming-related and just worked.

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If you want graphical apps to be handled by nix on macos, you might be interested in <>. nixpkgs does not package macos sandboxed apps AFAIK, that means typically only cli utilities, libraries and development tools only work.

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Note that Pkgsrc is a NetBSD-derived project.


The Joyent folks leveraged it to allow their customers, who were perhaps not as familiar with Solaris/SmartOS, a larger pool of packages. Pkgsrc was running on Solaris before Joyent, Joyent built on top of it.

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It'd be nice if brew was a little more apt-y, and all the beer nomenclature is a bit silly

My first exposure to Mac package stuff was fink in the early aughts - compiling everything on a Pismo G3 was pretty slow going

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Switch to MacPorts. It supports precompiled packages, doesn’t take over the world and force anything on you the same way Homebrew does.

I’m really disappointed in how Homebrew took a lot of attention away from the existing package managers, made a bunch of terrible decisions related to packaging and flexibility and genera Unix philosophy, and then ate the world.

: shakes fist at clouds, get off my lawn

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For people who don't know, pkgsrc works fine on macOS, the complaint was well made: its not the default.

I use brew, and have used pkgsrc in the past. I could go back for low pain.

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Just use pkgsrc or macports. IMO way easier and less intrusive than homebrew.

15 replies

There's a bunch of TOB-BREW-n listed - are those like CVE numbers just for this project?

Edit: Oh, it's "Trail Of Bits - homeBREW". But probably still yes.

14 replies

Yep. We use the TOB-$PRODUCT-$XXXX convention for our audit findings, where $PRODUCT is the target under audit and $XXXX is a unique incrementing counter for each finding.

(As far as I know, a lot of audit firms do similar things.)

11 replies

I cannot reply to your top comment for some reason, so asking here:

What is your personal recommendation for Mac users? Would you suggest a different package manager and, if so, which?

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Given that I did the audit, I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to offer an endorsement (or a negative endorsement) in this context. What I’ll say is this: the findings on Homebrew were not inconsistent with what I’d expect to find on any similarly sized userspace package manager that serves its own binary builds.

5 replies

My dumb brain had to read it 3 times before realizing that by saying "the findings were not inconsistent with what I'd expect" you meant "the findings _were_ consistent with what I'd expect"

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One should try to avoid using double negatives in both speech and programming to make intent more obvious ;-)

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Except the ambiguity was the intent.

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Human language is not math.

It needs to convey concepts that are infinitely variable rather than binary.

When a poet or novelist says something in an unusual way, they are being more accurate not less accurate. If there is ambiguity, it is because the concept or observation they mean to express has some ambiguous element.

Trying to avoid that is just downsampling analog color reality to a 200ppi 1bpp fax.

A related concept that even the most aspbergers STEM head should be able to understand, is how a scientist almost never asserts anything unequivocally. Almost every statement is qualified with whatever is appropriate to the context. Even the most fundamental constants of the universe like the speed of light are famously relative. Are those scientists being more or less ambiguous when they decline to say something simple and direct?

Everything they don't say is deliberate and carefully crafted to be as correct as possible, not some sloppy ommission.

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That’s not necessarily what was meant though.

“Not inconsistent” is more cautious and less assertive. It allows for some ambiguity rather than claiming perfect consistency.

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"not inconsistent" is a common phrase and is used for a reason. It's a subtle difference but "not inconsistent" is not exactly the same as "is consistent".

3 replies

I use nix on both mac and linux, also on CI where homebrew is especially brittle

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Don’t you have to disable SIP to use nix on macOS?

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No. Even though SIP is slightly annoying because you can't have strace equivalent with it.

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First time seeing TOB being used honestly, it would’ve helped saying something along the lines of ”Trait of Bits (TOB from now on)”

15 replies

MacPorts is always waiting for you with more packages, a better design, and Jordan Hubbard’s history with BSD/Apple :)

9 replies

so many projects release only formulas for homebrew. I keep both and try to use McPorts first.

8 replies

Most homebrew users started in macports, or fink. Very few I talk to (admittedly not many and curmugeons) want to go back.

4 replies

Key difference is Mac ports keeps its tree separate in /opt. This means things take longer initially to install because it can’t just leverage system stuff already there. Upside is greater reliability because it doesn’t have to worry about a system update changing its dependencies.

I prefer the greater reliability of macports.

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Key difference is Mac ports keeps its tree separate in /opt

What do you mean by this? brew has been linking from /opt/homebrew for years now.

1 replies

I did not know about the new directory practice, thanks.

From what their site says it looks like it was done this way to keep ARM native stuff separate from old intel code which can still work under Rosetta. But I don't see any indication homebrew stopped linking system libraries as a matter of course (correct me if I'm wrong).

MacPorts makes a point of not doing this. /opt/local is its own universe and dependencies can be upgraded more or less aggressively than Apple's.

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I much rather them use system libraries than build parallel libs that don’t go through Apple’s vetting / changes. This has worked well for me in practice. I’ve actually never run into an issue where the system library got updated and that broke homebrew’s apps.

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The person you're responding to may have been using homebrew on Intel. It's been in /opt on ARM since inception on ARM.

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That was probably true in homebrew’s first year. At this point I would be shocked if more than a fraction of a percent of homebrew users have ever even heard of macports or fink.

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On reflection I think you are very probably right. I should have thought more about my origin story before posting.

Once, long ago...

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On an old Macbook I keep around for various rare offline tasks, I actually did go back to MacPorts from Homebrew. Chief reason being: Homebrew doesn't support old versions of the OS so I was SOL trying to install a new package on it. The backwards compatibility is a nice feature!

My current machine is also not on the latest so I wonder if an attempt to brew update would nag me now...

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It's also a worse design in some aspects, so not a clear winner

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For example?

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- too much sudo friction

- homebrew's design of having a single app's folder is better, e.g., can use your basic file manager to see the total size

- updates requiring manual inervention

- fewer/less updated packages (mabye due to the previous deficiency?)

- large duplicate database wasting space (and think it's even uncompressed) (brew got better when it moved to it API)

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I was wondering recently if there are any downsides of using MacPorts and homebrew for different packages on the same system. Homebrew excels at keeping all my single binary CLI tools up to date, but I don't particularly like how it forces me to upgrade more complex software packages like MySQL or FFmpeg constantly.

There is also the issue, that my iMac is stuck on Ventura, and soon won't be supported by homebrew anymore.

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The approach of Mac ports and Homebrew have been the complete opposite when Homebrew came into existence. Mac ports tried to make packages compatible with whatever Apple shipped, aka their own twists on Perl, python, OpenSSL etc. While Homebrew tried to make macOS compatible with whatever existed out there. As a developer Homebrew gave you a more up to date and fully functional experience. Can’t tell you how it is today since Apple removed all interpreters and such from macOS.

14 replies

Apple should have been the one funding the audit.

13 replies

Apple should have written it themselves. It's embarrassing that they didn't. Nonprofit Linux distros with one-millionth the resources manage to write package managers and run repos, and then with MacOS, Apple gives you diddly-squat.

4 replies

Apple would certainly favor macports over that rubbish ruby thing. Ports are from FreeBSD, MacOS is from FreeBSD.

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Then why did Apple hire the creator of Homebrew to work on the package manager for Swift?

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That is provably false from so many angles.

* Apple has no aversion to Ruby, and on the contrary has multiple developers pushing for it. They themselves had MacRuby, a project that allowed one to create Mac OS X (at the time) applications with Ruby.¹

* The reason there’s even an Xcode command line tools package available officially from Apple is because of Homebrew. A third-party made it first by extracting the necessary bits and then Apple officially supported it.²

* There’s a liaison between Homebrew and Apple, who helped during the Intel to Apple Silicon transition.³


² I know this from a reliable source and it is public information, but it was so long ago it’s hard to find.

³ The official Homebrew Twitter account tweeted about this at the time. I no longer have a Twitter account so can’t dig it up.

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No need to call someone’s free open source project “rubbish”.

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IMO, it's just counter to what Apple aspires MacOS to be.

If they would do it all over again, I would bet that they would have wanted to make MacOS be like iOS.

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I’m not sure.

Back in the day Apple marketed macOS as a serious Unix system for scientists and engineers boasting about NASA’s use of it.

I think if Apple aspired to lockdown general purpose computing they would push the ipad pro range with more models and slowly kill off the Mac but they’re not doing that.

0 replies

Back in the day Apple marketed macOS as a serious Unix system for scientists and engineers boasting about NASA’s use of it.

They still jump through the necessary hoops to be certified as UNIX® with each macOS release:


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IMO, it's just counter to what Apple aspires MacOS to be.

Every OS wants to be attractive to developers. Apple has a long history of underdelivering this core proposition. To me it's an odd situation to reason about - look at Apple's dev conferences and then look at what it's like on the ground in dev's reality.

1 replies

Apple should have written it themselves.

Please don't. It would be a resource hog SwiftUI monstrosity like the new Settings app. And while they are at it, they would probably introduce the 46353th bespoke feature into the Swift language too, because why not?

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It would be (or at least have) a command-line utility like rpm, npm, apt, or pacman. That's necessary for it to integrate well with various installation scripts. So you wouldn't have to use a UI at all, especially if it's bad.

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What a nonsensical conclusion. Homebrew existing is no reason for Apple to do replicate that trainwreck.

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I thought it was clear from my comment that I was suggesting Apple would do it better. Think of how useful something like apt, npm, or pip is, and then realize that MacOS has no in-house equivalent.

7 replies

I’m still good on MacPorts. Seems I’m alone these days. Works fine for me.

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There are dozens of us!

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I mostly just use Nix, but I also have pkgsrc, MacPorts, and (kinda) Homebrew installed on my Mac.

The only ones with any CLI tools installed, though, are Nix and pkgsrc.

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I keep ports around for things like lilypond (which I use for quasi-professional score engraving) and some other packages that homebrew is weird on. The removal of options a few years back still stinks for be

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I got sick of Homebrew after a while and tried switching to MacPorts, but it feels like an endless uphill battle when so many packages only offer source and Homebrew distributions.

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honebrew works too :)

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You are not. I've been using MacPorts for 15+ years at this point. Started with fink and then made the switch around the days of Snow Leopard. I'm also a BSD user, so no surprise there. I enjoy being able to compile ports with non-standard variants (e.g., non-free codecs in ffmpeg, removing un-needed interpreters from packages, etc.)

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Nah I’ve been on macports for years now. No problems; the community is very active, just follow the mailing lists etc

6 replies

A while back I was trying to understand why Homebrew requires pre-built executables to be installed into /home/linuxbrew. I asked about it here[0]. This requirement basically makes it impossible to use homebrew to quickly install programs on systems where you don't have root, or at least have homebrew already configured (not sure if that would solve it but I assume so).

They pointed me to an example program that would break if not run this way: Facebook's Watchman[1].

It bizarrely (to me) has hard coded paths compiled into it, which force you to run it from specific directories.

Would love to understand what's going on here and why you would ever make software work this way. I feel I'm missing a fairly obvious Chesterton's Fence.



4 replies

In the case of Watchman, I have to assume that internal use is the most supported use case, and uniformity of deployment is desirable across the fleet there, and so, configurability wasn't as big of a concern?

1 replies

My short experience with Watchman (a few years ago) indicates this. It’s pretty clearly only technically open-source, without much regard at all paid to third parties actually using it.

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I’ve had a few build pipelines break over the years because of a watchman dependency. IIRC it was usually an issue with an npm library depending on watchman but downloading a binary that was incompatible with the architecture or implemented the wrong syscalls for the operating system.

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That makes sense. The weird part to me is that Homebrew would limit their approach and eliminate an entire class of use cases to accommodate programs that work this way. There has to be more to it.

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I don't think that's accurate—homebrew specifically says that it only uses the .linuxbrew directory when a formula contains a hardcoded path (which it scans for), and only if you choose not to install it from source.

So, based on the responses from the maintainers, for the .linuxbrew directory to be used, you have to satisfy 2 conditions:

1. you have to be installing one of the ~10% of formula that isn't trivially relocatable.

2. you have to be using a precompiled binary (which it seems like homebrew is smart enough to not do if condition #1 fails and you're not using sudo)

0 replies

The short (but possibly not satisfying) answer is that Homebrew's relocation of packages (including binary relocation) is best effort, in part because of the myriad ways in which packages can embed absolute (or incorrect relative) paths and other state in their build products. macOS bottles are generally more relocatable (in part because of a lot of scar tissue around binary relocation), but it's a general problem with build system quality, build complexities, and - reasonably - disinterested upstreams.

4 replies

Before moving to Nix, I was using MacPorts since Homebrew had some...eccentric behavior at the time (didn't work with multi-user setups, owned your /usr/local, lots of "works on my machine" problems from auto-updating and lack of version control, ...). One thing that has always felt insecure about Homebrew to me was the ability to use GitHub (not Git) URLs as ad-hoc packages. I wonder if that is how TOB-BREW-13 worked? That feature of Homebrew has always sounded like a security incident waiting to happen.

In any case, I'd be interested in seeing an audit of Nix on Mac OS. Especially if there is a flaw in how `nix develop` and related commands work.

2 replies

Nix also allows github.

1 replies

Sure, Nix is extremely flexible in input definition, but it's different in the sense that Homebrew exposes a single command to e.g. install a cask from a user-inputted GitHub repository. So all an attacker needs to do is typo squat or take control of the GitHub repository that people are using to install a certain cask.

In Nix, flakes are pure functions and run in pure evaluation mode. One needs to consciously add a Git repository (URL + commit hash, branch, or tag) and then make use of something malicious exported by the input. But to find out what the flake exposes at all, reading the flake (or its documentation) is pretty much necessary.

0 replies

All the Nix commands that take an 'installable' can take GitHub URLs. For instance:

    $ nix run github:NixOS/nixpkgs#hello
    Hello world!
That command will download nixpkgs from GitHub, evaluate the `hello` flake attribute, build it (or download it from a cache), and run it.

But to find out what the flake exposes at all, reading the flake (or its documentation) is pretty much necessary.

If the flake exposes default packages or apps, then you do not need to provide a flake attribute:

    $ nix run github:NixOS/nixpkgs
    error: flake 'github:NixOS/nixpkgs' does not provide attribute 'apps.aarch64-darwin.default', 'defaultApp.aarch64-darwin', 'packages.aarch64-darwin.default' or 'defaultPackage.aarch64-darwin'
So you can run e.g. Alejandra [1], a Nix formatter, like so:

    $ nix run github:kamadorueda/alejandra

EDIT: For what it's worth, I think this feature can be useful sometimes, but it does also suffer from the same typosquatting problems as we see in other ecosystems.

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Funny that you mention it, I also went Homebrew -> MacPorts -> Nix. Homebrew had analytics and broke versions too often. MacPorts is way more stable, but some niche packages would not build well, and I had terminfo issues with tmux.

Nix allows me to override most of that, and I can share home manager config with my Debian workstation.

4 replies

If macs supported PKGBUILDs like Pacman with a similar level of performance and there were correctly maintained packages for core programs I'd feel like using a mac would have a lot less compromises for convenience.

Homebrew is great and the formulae are maintained really well but the simplicity of PKGBUILDS, the fast syncing, and lack of cognitive burden of recalling multiple arguments/flags for package managers make me wish pacman just worked on macs.

1 replies

Is MacPorts not the same? Genuinely asking.

0 replies

The concept is the same (given a definition file, build a package from a central repo, aka ports-like), but one of the features of PKGBUILD has is that it's easy to build an ad-hoc package outside the main tree. For example, you can download a bundle of PKGBUILD and `makepkg` in any directory to build a package.

In other ports-like build systems, this can be a bit more complicated. For example, MacPorts allows you to use a local repository, but it requires configuring that local repository in `/opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf` and `portindex` it beforehand before MacPorts could pick it up. Some others don't support building out of the main tree at all.

Personally, out of all ports-like building systems, I like MacPorts' Portfile the most. It's similar to FreeBSD Ports' BSD Makefile (MacPorts was created by Jordan Hubbard who also co-created FreeBSD Ports) but using DSL via Tcl interp instead of being a shell script (POSIX shell in the case of Alpine's APKBUILD, bash in the case of others). From my experience, the syntax is very nice to work with, though you need to know a bit of Tcl for a non-trivial package.

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There have been a few attempts at this. I think some of them may even be working.

3 replies

I ditched `brew` for `nix` a while back and while the TUI could be more end-user-friendly (to the point that I wrote a wrapper called "ixnay" just so I could do "ixnay install <packagename>" as easily as with brew,, the overall guarantees make it worth it.

1 replies

I also find the nix command line annoying. I'll give this a try. I like the embedded `#help` documentation!

0 replies

So do I ;)

I've had some form of `grep '^#h ' $0` in most of my scripts forever.

This one is a purity stunt and doesn't use grep, or anything else:

(the script itself is of no use to you since it only talks to a piece of hardware)

The command dispatcher case statement and all the embedded help is in do_cmd() at 2857, and the help reader is help() at 425

I like their explicit #args vs #help

One jank in mine is I have a verbosity level setting which affects most messages, and help() uses it to filter some of the help. Normal verbosity shows only the normal help for the normal commands. If verbosity is set higher, then help() shows more commands.

The way that's implimented in help() is extra comments that change the behavior of help() as it's scanning the file from top to bottom.

When it hits a '#v 2' it starts only displaying the help if the user has currently set verbosity>=2 until further notice. Later down the file it hits a '#v 1' and starts displaying help again...

It works but it feels kind of 70's or assembly.

  #v 1
  #h normal help for mortals
  #h ...
  #v 2
  #h don't confuse the simple folk with this dangerous powerful stuff...
  #h ...
  #v 1
  #h a few more normal commands
  #h ...
  #v 0
  #h display this even the user has set verbosity to 0 to request silence
  #h ...

0 replies

I wish I had known about ixnay earlier! I also got annoyed of the user experience, to the point where I also wrote my own tool, hdn:

I added a mention of ixnay to its readme :)

2 replies

As someone unfamiliar with Nix, how is this better than Homebrew?

1 replies

For me, the key push towards using it as a Homebrew replacement was the fact that I already used Devbox to create isolated dev environments for individual projects I work on.

Now I have one tool to manage all dependencies.

Other than that, it likely comes down to personal preference.

One neat thing is `devbox global push/pull <repo>` to persist my config in a repo.

0 replies

Oh this looks pretty cool. I started using Docker a while ago for dev projects to avoid package/language version hell, but sometimes its a bit overkill

3 replies

Excellent work - a methodical review like this is exactly what I’ve been looking for in these sorts of open source solutions.

I know it’s not the focus of a code review like this, but I’m interested to hear your views on the general supply chain lifecycle problems inherent to open-source package management platforms. Principally, are vetting processes appropriate to ensure that new formulas refer to the correct source? How does the user gain confidence that their brew update is still referencing a trusted source? What happens when a domain is taken over? How quickly can the team respond to untrusted sources from formulas?

I know these aren’t all Homebrew problems to solve, but they’re important ecosystem considerations.

(These problems also exist in the winget and choco platforms, but less so in commercially supported repos like apt and yum. For me, and many other admins, they are a major concern when it comes to the Windows Store.)

Edit: lastly, in case the homebrew team are watching: an npm-style vulnerability notice would be awesome

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I can't emphasize enough how much of a genuine issue this is, especially where package managers are being used on production environments or within CI/CD pipelines. There's enough publicized cases of Chinese CCP operatives gaining pull request access to key packages, and I'm sure many more get discovered that are covered up/not made public. Even just turn over of package ownership from reputable entities to lesser known individuals is of course worrying.

As a SWE/EngMgr turned VC, I'm curious if there's startups or commercial companies providing some kind of assurance here (but also worried the $ TAM for solving this problem probably isn't enough to make it a standalone business).

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enough publicized cases of Chinese CCP operatives gaining

Like? not doubting you, just not aware of multiple cases beyond the big near-miss earlier this year

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Also for that case, I don't think we have any clue who the guy is. Name just not meaning anything. Or anyone has any link to a formal trace to the origin?

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The main attack vector IMHO is the simple fact that one can sneak in new packages with malicious intent by simply contributing a new formula. The team of maintainers is too small to audit all of the newly contributed formulae. I'm suprised that this attack vector wasn't part of the audit.

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I don’t think the current Homebrew core formulae reviewers consider their team too small to sufficiently review all new incoming formula requests. But even if it was: this is one of the vagaries of packaging that’s explicitly called out in the post: the boundary between first- and third-party execution is inherently murky, and there’s IMO relatively more security “value” in determining where third-party execution can surprisingly happen than pointing out all of the unsurprising things that happen when you intentionally run third-party code.

(With that being said, I think packagaging ecosystems in general should be reviewed for those kinds of acceptance processes. But that would be closer to a “red team” style audit than a software audit, since it’s about human processes.)

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They noted that and just assume formulae are trustworthy.

... These avenues do not necessarily violate Homebrew’s core security assumptions (which assume trustworthy formulae),...
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I peeked at the sandbox escape bug and its associated fix: Is this…correct? Like, this is to prevent it from being interpolated into a sandbox profile and messing things up. How confident are we about this list of characters?

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The commit message could have answered that question, but instead, it only repeats what the diff already tells us: "Don't allow special characters in sandbox rule paths". It doesn't explain why, or what's special about the particular characters that it disallows. A better message would have said something like "Prevent certain characters in the path because otherwise ... We need to worry about these specific characters but not others because..."

Even if I wrote this code and knew what it did today, if I come across this it a year from now, I'm left scratching my head: why did I make this change?

A real world example of a good commit message:

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Surprised too, if that is the fix. Wouldnt a whitelist be better than a blacklist?

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I’m a bit puzzled by the wording of this blog post, because it says you’ve worked with Homebrew to do this audit, but your name sounds familiar to me, and indeed if we check Homebrew’s README [1]:

Homebrew's maintainers are […long list of names…] William Woodruff […]


Is there any reason this is not mentioned in the blog post? I don’t think it would make a difference, but just to clarify things.

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I wasn’t a maintainer at the time I did the audit :-). I’ve been a non-maintaining “member” of the project for a long time, which is the pseudo-emeritus position we give to previous maintainers who want to continue participating in internal conversations and governance. I was then offered membership again, months after the audit, due to some unrelated work on Homebrew that didn’t exist and wasn’t planned before the audit was planned.

This was all disclosed as part of a conflict-of-interest disclosure I did, both with my company and with the Homebrew maintainers, but I agree that the blog post could also say that explicitly. I’ll try and get it added today.

TL;DR: I was not a maintainer at the time the audit was performed, but I was previously (years before) and am currently a maintainer. The audit was performed by myself and my colleagues in our professional capacities.

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Thank you!

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Were the reported issues all addressed by the Homebrew maintainers or are any still unmitigated?

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Any idea how much impact the audit has and/or applies to Workbrew[0], their new business-oriented MDM-manageable package tool?


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Workbrew wraps a vanilla, unmodified Homebrew on Macs running it under a ‘workbrew’ user for user privilege separation and better multi-user support.

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I'm the author of this post and one of the people behind the audit; happy to answer questions about it.

If you're having trouble finding the audit itself (it's linked indirectly), I'm linking a copy here as well[1].


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Great that there are people looking into this. I wonder if there would be similar findings were they to perform an audit on MacPorts or the Nix package manager.

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Well done! And thank you to the Open Tech Fund for sponsoring work to protect everyone who uses Homebrew.

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The amount of value returned to the Apple ecosystem through brew is remarkable and while this post makes me even more in awe of the care that goes towards the community, I'm sad that one of the richest companies in the world isn't giving more back.

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Not surprised to see some problems. Still sad to see security take a backseat as opposed to convenience.

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  > Since 2012, Trail of Bits has helped secure some of the world’s most targeted organizations and products. We combine high-­end security research with a real­ world attacker mentality to reduce risk and fortify code.
It's interesting that I don't see any analysis referencing OpenBSD (either as a product or as an alternative to something else they have done research on).