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My daughter (7 years old) used HTML to make a website

33 replies

   <img src="catcute.jpg" width="500px" height="400px" ></img>
Width and height must be specified without units (although looks like browsers accept it, probably by ignoring the unit). IMG tags are self-closing, so you can omit </img>

   <img src="wool.jpg" width="500px" height="400px" ></img>
The dog picture has wrong aspect ratio. The dog is squeezed! It should be 620 × 349 or, if 500 width or 400 height is needed, there's a good mathematical task to calculate the size of the other side.

No need for / in HTML.

Page for cats is named unicorn.html! and for computers it's unicorncopy!!!

PS I don't like that CloudFlare Pages strips .html. Too magical.

12 replies

Is this code review of HTML written by a 7 year old too hackernews, or just hackernews enough? Who can tell!

6 replies

When the Trump assassination attempt happened last week and every single post on here was still about computers that's when I realized this place is different

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That's why I come here instead of other places.

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I wouldn't mind reading about it here in like 2 weeks to a month tbh, but clearly I don't come here to read 'worldly news'.

0 replies

It’s not a secret HN is not a site for general news. That’s the first item in the guidelines:

What to Submit


Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, or celebrities, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. If they'd cover it on TV news, it's probably off-topic.

It is because you’d hear about that anywhere and everywhere else that it doesn’t belong here. Would you complain that a forum about cooking or sharing wallpapers didn’t cover the news as well?

Though it was submitted and discussed anyway, which always happens. That can be confirmed with your own keywords.

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We need our safe space.

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Isn’t that kind of on purpose though? I think you will get flagged if you just post general news articles. It looks like political posts are only accepted if they have some relation to technology.

3 replies

Don’t 7 year olds deserve to learn how to improve too? The comment doesn’t appear to be done aggressively or in bad faith, so what’s the issue? Presumably it will be the parent who’ll read the comment, and they can pass it on or not depending on what they think the kid would prefer and/or would let them grow.

Ironically, I find the most HN comments of all to be the ones who complain about something being too HN.

Which is not to say your comment wasn’t humorous, but let’s not be too quick to cast stones.

2 replies

Unsolicited critique is almost always unwelcome critique, in my experience. Especially where someone else's 7 year old is concerned.

1 replies

Respectfully, if you see the comment as critique, that’s on you. It could just as easily be described as “unsolicited advice” or “unsolicited tips”.

The communicator does have responsibility on how their message comes across, thought not all of it. It’s on the receiver to also make an effort to understand what was meant and not take unnecessary offence. The comment reads pretty much neutral, apart from a post scriptum which is explicitly about the author’s preference. It’s up to you to inject the writer’s feelings as either “this code sucks, here’s how you do it” or “congratulations on making something cool, here are a few suggestions”.

My experience is that life is much better if you take the latter approach. Default to empathy.

Consider listening to “This is Water” from David From Wallace.

0 replies

Let's agree to disagree. I most certainly didn't take offense. I just disagreed (and continue to disagree) with the (your) comment that I responded to. I'm sure the parent of the 7 year old in question was aware of the shortcomings of the code. The fact that a (presumed) grown-up read the post/thread and their reaction was to provide a code review is odd to me and more than a little hackernews-ish which the poster you responded to poked fun at and which you seemed to take exception to.

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10 replies

No need for / in HTML

I personally prefer having the /> even though it's not necessary, so that I can tell at-a-glance whether a tag is self-closing or not. It doesn't hurt, does it?

(plus I'm just used to it because the book I learned HTML from was confident that XHTML was the future)

6 replies

I strongly believe that the harm we experienced from XHTML should not be passed down to future generations.

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You didn't love the strict and unhelpful generic XML exception you got when you accidentally forgot to close a tag?

2 replies

I thought the whole point of XML tags coming in named pairs was so you could be helpfully told which tag wasn't closed?

1 replies

XHTML was a move by Big CMS to make edit-and-FTP error prone. Before that you rarely had to care whether the tag was closed.

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Is this a joke? I genuinely can't tell.

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Don't blame bad tools on the language.

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I've always been completely baffled by the rejection of xhtml. It gave a way to extend html with new elements and a simple, powerful client side templating language with xslt. The "reason" for which I remember it being rejected was that allegedly web devs couldn't wrap their heads around closing tags and explicit attribute values, which seems crazy to me. Then a few years later typescript took off (which is way more complicated) and react gave a pretend way to write xml except now you need a compiler/build pipeline, and everyone loved it.

xhtml still works in modern browsers btw. It's still probably the easiest way to do page templates. XSLT shows its age without the ability to modify the page after load (unless you run it via javascript), but we could've just added that and it'd be almost perfect.

2 replies

I reckon it does hurt, beyond the negligible cost of the extra transferred and parsed bytes: it teaches something that’s simply incorrect, and doesn’t do what people often think it does.

① The trailing slash doesn’t make a tag self-closing. All it does is get ignored, emitting a parse error (which in common compiler terms is just a warning) if you use it on a non-void tag.

You can’t use <div/>. You can’t use <custom-tag/>. The only tags you’re allowed to use the trailing slash on are the defined void tags like <img> and <br>.

It’s not “not necessary”, it’s “completely useless, by definition”.

I’ve seen people presume they can close tags this way. JSX probably helps cause this, because you can there. But because self-closing tags aren’t a thing in HTML syntax, I think it’s harmful to use the spelling at all in HTML syntax.

② I wouldn’t mind so much if people used it consistently, and I wouldn’t mind at all if it was being used to support both HTML and XML syntax, but if you see sites that use trailing slashes on void tags in their head, practically every time there will be at least one tag that isn’t using it:

  <link … />
  <meta … />
  <link …>
  <link … />
③ I also dislike it because it’s fairly common for syntax highlighters or other casual parsers to get it wrong. Most commonly, I’ve seen tools misinterpret an unquoted last attribute, treating <a href=/example/> as <a href="/example" /> rather than <a href="/example/"> before. (Same with the likes of <img src=/example/>, but anchor hrefs are more commonly going to look like that.)

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IIRC, that's not necessarily true, some parsers "upgrade" html to xhtml and then process the xhtml since its more regular. html in general is a mess due to backwards compatibility requirements so trying to follow these kind of definitions imo is kinda pointless. you can optimize for size if you want but the decrease from these kind of optimizations with modern speeds is rather minimal

0 replies

some parsers "upgrade" html to xhtml and then process the xhtml since its more regular.

I have never heard of anything even vaguely matching your description, and it would be wildly wrong. HTML parsing is exhaustively defined, and the only way of correctly parsing HTML is to use the defined HTML parser.

2 replies

The concept of "Connection Before Correction" emphasizes creating a positive relationship and safe learning environment before addressing mistakes.

0 replies

Connection and Correction - pair programming

Connection before Correction - code review

0 replies

The concept of "Connection Before Correction"

Oh hey, I learnt a new thing today!

It always felt apt to offer a few words of praise for the things that are good, or to establish common ground in code review before offering constructive critique.

Wouldn’t call it a must, but makes putting one’s own ego aside when receiving critique that much easier and lets me focus on improvement, I try to do that for others as well now!

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The dog is squeezed!

We talked about that, and she thought it looked better that way.

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I agree.

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And still with all of that it completely serves its purpose

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The dog page should be banned in the EU because it doesn’t disclose that the picture has been digitally altered, promoting impossible beauty standards for pets.

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  the dog is squeezed!
Her page, her squeezed dog !

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Is this code review indicating a 7 year old will be put on a PIP?

While most of th 7 year olds contemporaries are busy consuming content instead of creating it like this?

29 replies

Wow, great stuff. Tell her she did a fantastic job!


By necessity, kids these days don't even need to learn what a file is. Videos are "on youtube". Documents are stored "in ms word".

The median developer even seems to have a very shallow understanding of how a computer actually works. And why would they, if they can just glue some Lambdas together to earn a buck?


Praise those that look a bit deeper and really want to know how a thing works, how you can create something truly original with a tool, instead of simply using it along the happy path.

13 replies

Files are an abstraction that was very useful in the last several decades, but that just isn't as relevant in the current world. Those videos and documents you mentioned are likely managed via object storage in a distributed database, itself possibly using block storage directly, with no actual "file" in an old-school filesystem anywhere in sight.

I still personally cling to files personally, but I have no real reason to believe that they are a fundamental abstraction that is more true than cloud lambdas.

8 replies

Until you try creating one of those videos, and now you need .movs and .mp3s and .pngs and a place to store the render output.

Files have a way to go yet.

4 replies

You’d be surprised! With many apps on the iPhone you can get by

Edit a video? Built in app, or your social media app is already loaded with that and you can save state instead of posting

Reverse a video? There’s an app for that which just goes back into your Photos app to let you tried that content

and so on

people dont need to have that mental model until something breaks

3 replies

Right, but those videos are amateur and get 200 views on TikTok.

You want to produce a video of any quality at all? You're using files.

2 replies

source quality and editing prowess doesnt matters at all for views

and you can edit in high quality on an iphone, higher than what’s necessary to view on an iphone

so, two premises that arent substantiated

1 replies

Show me a million-view TikToker that does it unedited with no files.

They might exist. I don’t watch TT, I’m happy to be wrong.

But MKBHD, Justine, Mr. Beast, CGP Grey — you name ‘em, they use files to edit a production.

0 replies

That’s such a random bar with such random outliers

Someone that doesn’t watch tiktok thinks a millions views is a lot there

Stick with YouTube your worldview isn’t relevant this decade

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Also, replying to myself, have you ever had a job? At a place? Where the primary function isn't coding?

Files are everywhere. They are every-thing. Except now, thanks to the disaster that is SharePoint, nobody has a fucking idea where they are any more. Because they've been abstracted away by some genius on the Teams team.

So nobody can find what they were just working on. Or they have no idea if the thing they find is the right version. It's a total shambles.

A hierarchical file system was boring, but it worked. And it still does.

Disclosure: I'm Johnny.Decimal and my business depends on files still being a thing.

1 replies

I can't believe I'm seriously reading a discussion around the existence of files, what is this, an SNL sketch?

This very site is being served from a file system.

0 replies

I don't think the comment was about the "file system", more like about the "humans" that dump every file they have to whichever folder they find available, and in the end of the day/week/month/year nobody knows where that file is.

And then the person leaves the company/org and this file will float in space (SharePoint) forever, never to be recalled again, never to be read again, alone, in a cold world (computer room).

Speaking about SNL sketch.. it reminded me James Cameron's reaction on the Papyrus sketch -->

3 replies

Sure, call them byte streams or blobs, that's fine too. I'm not disagreeing, but the point I wanted to make was that recently, people seem to have gotten the idea that their objects are semi-magical things locked into some app or some cloud service. Which is fine by the SaaS providers, or course. But it doesn't really foster understanding of the world around you.

Like kids thinking corn comes from the corn factory.

2 replies

When I was a kid I used to think that pasta came from a pasta factory.

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By necessity, kids these days don't even need to learn what a file is. Videos are "on youtube". Documents are stored "in ms word".

Coincidentally, I've been thinking about that recently. My conclusion was that this couldn't be true, as it didn't make any sense.

I mean, even when using a phone or a tablet, the pictures they take or the videos they make end up somewhere. And that somewhere must be found, to be able to upload their take to the app or the website of their choice, or to be edited in an app before uploading.

So by extension, as that medium is "somewhere" on their device, they must be able, intuitively, to deduce the concept of a file?

And the take on the median developer frightens me even more. Somehow it feels akin to giving a soldier a firearm and letting him off to go and fight. Surely that's going to end in disaster?

    Praise those that look a bit deeper and really want to know how a thing works
Are people really that hermetic to understanding how the items and tool they use actually work?

3 replies

I'm 22, and most of my "not tech savvy" peers and anyone I've met under 20 have zero concept of how most tech actually works.

The pictures taken on your phone are not "stored somewhere", they are stored "in Google" or "in iCloud" or "in the photos app". Documents are similarily "in Google" or "in Word". There's no intuitive relation between photos and documents being the same thing on the filesystem, nor is there a concept of the filesystem at all. Generally, things jusr "work" (until they don't) and nobody asks any questions.

Now, I would like to clarify that this isn't a "darn kids these days" tangent, in fact, it's the opposite: darn adults these days won't teach their kids how to use the computer!

I would expect/really hope that when my generation starts having kids, computer literacy will start going up again. But for now, it's totally in the drain.

With respect to developers... Most of them know a lot less than they should. This is also an education/incentives problem.

2 replies

darn adults these days won't teach their kids how to use the computer!

I would bet most of the greyhaired people on here as well as those who were born at the time of the personal computer revolution didn't have parents who were proficient in a technology that was literally just made available to consumers yet those kids learn to use a computer on their own at a time where there was no internet available to check.

Why do kids suddenly need to be taught personally when they are the first generation to have the greatest amount of resources to learn how to use a computer available for free, in multiple teaching styles, multiple formats, at different levels of detail?

I feel this is related to the helicopter parent mentality that replaced parenting styles from earlier periods

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It ain't that deep. Back then, you had to understand the lower level concepts in order to use the computer... Nowadays, you don't. It's that simple.

0 replies

Still an abstraction if you don't understand how each of the parts of the computer work. And that level of detail goes all the way down to the actual implementation of the logic gates. One who could also include how your monitor display work and the keyboard.

Lower is not lowest.

1 replies

Are people really that hermetic to understanding how the items and tool they use actually work?

From what I've seen in some of our new recruits, yes. And those are technically educated people.

In general public, I've noticed that if stuff is working well, people don't tend to take a deep look into how it works.

I guess that's how different minds work right ? For example a curious mind wants to know how a thing behaves and how it works etc, whereas a visual mind would look for how it looks.

0 replies

From what I've seen in some of our new recruits, yes. And those are technically educated people.

That's really the part I can't wrap my head around.. The first thing I tend to do when I encounter something new -a new phone, a new bike, new tools, etc- is to understand how it works, to see what I can do with it, what its limits are, and most importantly, if I can bend those limits to suit my needs..

Accepting something at face value is really not an option. Partly because, more often than not, that would also mean settling for mediocrity as "quality" seems to be a secondary target nowadays. Thing will not work how you want, things will break and will need to be repaired, some artificial constraints might be need to be circumvented. And on the other hand, there is always something interesting that can be learned by being curious.

We are not all wired the same. But if the "technically educated" people are no longer "technical" than at least I shouldn't fear about future employability.

5 replies

Abstractions will start coming and they don't stop coming.

People in the late 90s/early 2000s probably complained about people like me who learned about HTML but only had a shallow understanding of how laying out a GUI and text rendering works. Which why would we, when we could just glue some HTML together to make a Chrono Trigger fan site?

3 replies

Abstractions are fine. Everything we do is a dozen layers of abstraction on top of the metal anyway.

It just happens that people who know how the bits actually move underneath the abstractions tend to be better at solving problems related to those abstractions, than those who don't.

2 replies

There are problems where understanding one level below the abstractions indeed leads to better solutions. However, I would argue that for a large set of problems, this is not the case. I think being aware of the abstraction (at multiple levels) would lead you to choose the right abstraction level for solving the problem. Of course, apart from school assignments, these abstraction levels are never given with a certain problem, so the more you know, the better you'll be able to see it.

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To be honest, being able to think about things in multiple levels of abstraction is an advantage no matter what level you are (writing assembly or writing react)

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It's because abstractions always leak. You are never completely insulated from the levels above or below you, nor sideways from the other components you interact with.

0 replies

Exactly. I said a variation of this and some user flagged my comment.

1 replies

I am the last generation that helped my parents with technical setup and support, and my children with technical setup and support.

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For the childrens' sake I hope so. Parental accumulated tech debt from not keeping up with developments is stressful to deal with!

Looking around though I think it's going to depend on what industry parents are in. There's still a lot of cluelessness around even among people who have grown up in an era of computers.

26 replies

    <body background="animals.jpg">
Exactly as I would do it if I were a 7yo. Speak what you will about the virtues of CSS and semantic markup, these things get in the way of having fun. And can be learned later.

14 replies

Totally agree with you. Not a front end dev myself, and I have multiple variations of "how do i center a div" in my search history, haha. With varying degrees of angry expletives added to the query.

12 replies

Kids these days don’t know how easy they have it with flexbox!

7 replies

Who needs Flexbox's inscrutable 1-dimension language when you can use ASCII diagrams in CSS Grid for clever 2D things easily? CSS Grid Kids are truly spoiled.

6 replies

Flexbox, grid. You're all forgetting the best way to build layouts: ol' reliable, <table>.

3 replies

It is almost a shame modern browsers no longer support all the fun layout patterns of ol' FRAMESET. There was a layout tool to cut your teeth on (possibly literally the way it was made out of browser chrome).

2 replies

Not that I necessarily advocate for frameset insanity, but you know what? That is a shame. My controversial (?) opinion is that browsers should literally never break anything that was once a part of the web platform unless there's simply no other choice. If the size of it is getting too big... first, stop adding more shit. (And then maybe, implement some old features in terms of some newer ones. Not really "web platform" but I am a huge proponent of what Ruffle is doing for the web.)

1 replies

I’ll go a step farther: improved frames and datasource-aware tables and lists with a few very basic features found in almost any other UI kit out of the box would have given us 99% of the actually-beneficial stuff AJAX did, but better.

The Web is a ton worse because we decided to build apps on it but never built the tools to do it right, even though the building blocks were right there.

0 replies

IMO the biggest problem with the way frames works is that it doesn't work well with navigation. I think unfortunately that this is just a design flaw with frames and it needed breaking changes to mitigate.

I think I would've rather seen it go that direction, but it's hard to say. Without a crystal ball, we can't really compare the outcomes, and it's hard to imagine what would've happened in this hypothetical. I mean, I don't think in 2004 I would've been able to guess (or stomach) what the web was going to become 20 years down the road.

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As used on HN. It just works, even today.

0 replies

Although there is some degree of silliness to suggesting table layouts in 2024, it frankly really is not that bad. To me personally, the era of float: left and clearfix and 10 layers of wrapper divs was significantly more of a mess. "Oh look, I got my layout working on IE6! Oops, it's now broken in Opera..." Anyone remember using invalid CSS to write browser-dependent styles? How about using Microsoft's proprietary DirectX filters to make PNG transparency work? In the era of taking crummy PSDs full of graphics and chopping them up into images for an HTML template, these were the tools of the trade.

Not that tables were perfectly standardized or anything, because I do remember Netscape and IE not totally agreeing on how to handle column widths, but they sure were, well, simpler.

2 replies

I know you're not entirely serious, but we really had it good and largely figured out with tables. It's probably because using tables for layouts was my native language, but I still sometimes have to mentally translate divs into a table in my mind to picture what is happening, and when default types are change (like block to inline, etc) it sometimes breaks my brain and I have to fallback to experimentation to get what I want. Slight disclaimer though: I'm a backend/infra guy so don't do frontend very often.

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Tables aren't even deprecated. IMO you're better off keeping the tables than transforming it into <div> soup. 20 years ago you'd hear it shouted from the rooftops: "Tables for layout are not semantic!". Guess what? <div>s are never semantic. Just use tables if it suits you.

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I still sometimes have to mentally translate divs into a table in my mind to picture what is happening

I still use tables (seriously).

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So that’s why some devs can somehow still manage to make flexbox layouts difficult :D

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If nobody’s gonna see it to complain that I’m “doing it wrong” I’ll still just throw a center tag in from time to time.

Look, it works and lets me move on to stuff that matters.

4 replies

On the contrary, CSS is where the fun starts.

2 replies

Funny how?

0 replies

Fun as in being a creative pleasure to use.

0 replies

funny != fun

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I remember getting confused/disgusted looks at my first front-end job when I said I loved CSS and would be happy to work on styling...

Later I learned that having 3 or more different ways to get an identical result is... time-consuming, at best. When they all might work slightly differently depending on several layers of context (or just not work), you realize CSS is ripe for massive pain points to spring up, and they can happen unexpectedly. I understood why everyone else hated CSS - under time pressure, it's just not worth dealing with 99.9% of the complexities for immeasurably small + abstract returns.

Eventually, I determined that I both love and despise CSS in different aspects. It's complex enough to hold both attitudes. And I'm very, very satisfied that Tailwind came along and (nearly) perfected what Bootstrap et al were figuring out before it.

1 replies

The issue with this is that it lacks the semantic - styling separation of proper modern HTML with CSS.

Like compare that mess to the elegant semantic structure of a state of the art webpage like

    <div class="gb_Ld"><div class="gb_Xc"><div class="gb_k gb_Fd gb_z" data-ogsr-fb="true" data-ogsr-alt="" id="gbwa"><div class="gb_f">

0 replies

Beautiful in it's simplicity. I also admire how much JavaScript modern websites can stuff down my throat without the mereist whiff of necessity.

0 replies

I agree with you, but for shits and giggles, to modify this to be evangelist compliant, you could write this instead:

    <body style="background: url('animals.jpg')">
        <div style="text-align: center">
Which isn't much more complicated, and makes it clearer what's going on. I wonder if there is a transpiler like Elm that could take a single file written in a simplified language and gave you an HTML5 compliant webpage? You could argue that all the XML-but-not-actually-XML crap in HTML (angle brackets, closing tags, escaping special characters with HTML entities...) is also an impediment to beginners.

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I wish it played a midi when I opened the page.

0 replies

I was really happy this still works. It's how I learned.

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Back in the day it would have been animals.bmp, drawn on Paint

6 replies

Not a bad looking website. I like it better than most of that responsive CSS/JS bloated nightmares out there. I wish more websites were faster loading like this one.

4 replies

try searching with ...

Just type in some word like "cat" and click on the links. They are kinda all like that.

1 replies

This is a fantastic website. Thanks for the link!

0 replies

The web is a lot like music and movies. There's the mainstream pop stuff and then there's the other 99.99% which is easy to forget unless you are intentional about engaging it

1 replies

I entered "mercedes w204" and found bloated stuff

0 replies

I think the true filter, in practice, is to filter out sites with spyware or adware.

This tends towards cleaner sites and really it's the only stable fix for SEO spam

0 replies

Steady on. In what conceivable way is a few lines of CSS comparable to a ream of JS?

6 replies


it's good to see a little person having fun with all this technocrap that us grognards have gotten so bitter about over the years/decades. :) i hope she continues to have a blast!

(from the dedication page in SICP:)

“I think that it’s extraordinarily important that we in computer science keep fun in computing. When it started out, it was an awful lot of fun. Of course, the paying customers got shafted every now and then, and after a while we began to take their complaints seriously. We began to feel as if we really were responsible for the successful, error-free perfect use of these machines. I don’t think we are. I think we’re responsible for stretching them, setting them off in new directions, and keeping fun in the house. I hope the field of computer science never loses its sense of fun. Above all, I hope we don’t become missionaries. Don’t feel as if you’re Bible salesmen. The world has too many of those already. What you know about computing other people will learn. Don’t feel as if the key to successful computing is only in your hands. What’s in your hands, I think and hope, is intelligence: the ability to see the machine as more than when you were first led up to it, that you can make it more.” ~Alan J. Perlis (April 1, 1922 – February 7, 1990)

4 replies

Kind of reminds me of the quote from the Steve Jobs movie:

"The most efficient animal on the planet is a condor. The most inefficient animals on the planet are humans. But a human with a bicycle becomes the most efficient animal. And the right computer -- a friendly, easy computer that isn’t an eyesore but rather sits on your desk with the beauty of a tensor lamp -- the right computer will be a bicycle for the mind. A beautiful object -- perfect geometry, perfect finish, something you want to look at and have in your home. Flawless. And then a personal computer becomes an interpersonal computer. And what if instead of it being in the right hands, it was in everyone’s hands?"

1 replies

I’ve never seen the full quote, and I really love that last sentence.

Reminds me of Ratatouille: “Anyone can cook.”

We make software so that someone else can do something new with it that we ourselves never imagined.

So important to remember that someone could be… anyone!

0 replies

Yup! Not everyone can be a great artist, but a great artist CAN come from anywhere

0 replies

I haven't see the movie (only a few clips), but I enjoyed hearing this analogy from Steve Jobs himself in many of his interviews [0].

Just checked the part [1] of the movie where Michael Fassbender talks about the bicycle of the mind. He is a very good actor but it's hard to match the energy and the electric focus of Steve Jobs.



0 replies

Dude really hit it out of the park with the "bicycle for the mind".

0 replies

Nice quote. Lost it now but I used to have a desktop wallpaper with the old Kraftwerk cover with "ITS MORE FUN TO COMPUTE". We need regular reminders. FWIW my little one is mastering the command line after a year of having to type to get things. Even if she turns out not into computers I won't grieve because if nothing else she learned to type, which is a useful skill itself.

6 replies

Very cute!

I did something similar with my dad when I was a kid. First basic HTML then Dreamweaver.

A couple years down the road and I’m working at a SaaS company.


1 replies

I just had a visceral reaction to reading Dreamweaver... god those were not the days haha

0 replies

Oh yea in hindsight it would have been better to just stay in the editor and write HTML - but I was a kid and Dreamweaver was pretty easy to use. Although I did hit its limits pretty soon and tried to mess around with the code.

1 replies

Me too. First framesets, handcrafted. Then Dreamweaver and Photoshop slicing (forgot what this monstrosity was called). Via PHP portals, CMSes (Drupal!).

Decades later I'm tuning YAML files that trigger ansible runs on CIs that compile docker images in which we embed hundreds of npm packages that get transpiled from typescript. Which gets released to cloud serverless edge thingies that store stuff in a database and on some block storage. All to serve a page that's similar in information and feature-density to what I handcrafted back in 1999 in notepad.exe. Yet hundreds of times the size, thousands of times more complex and much, much slower to run and load.

(I'm not exaggerating, but I did pick the worst example. Most of my work is building backend stuff in rust, simple static sites in hugo or jekyll and occasionally sime JS or TS to spice these static sites up with client-side features)

0 replies

All to serve a page that's similar in information and feature-density to what I handcrafted back in 1999 in notepad.exe. Yet hundreds of times the size, thousands of times more complex and much, much slower to run and load.

Seriously, I think about this quite often. I recently found some old code that I wrote in the early 00s and it was wonderfully simple, and aside from a few visual trends that have changed, it looks pretty damn good. Straightforward layout, good information density, and very clean. The best part is the code is vastly simpler than anything I've seen/built in the last couple of decades (especially since CSS, packers/transpilers, etc started arriving). I grant that there are some good reasons to introduce CSS and divs and all that, and that once we've done that it is inconsistent to have some things done in html and others in css, but sometimes philosophically better isn't better in practice. Sometimes.

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I remember as a kid (like at 13 or 14) using BBEdit then Adobe PageMill

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There was something special about being a kid and pushing an update to your site via SFTP on the sidebar in Dreamweaver, then calling or hitting up your friends on AIM/MSN messenger to check it out.

5 replies

7 years old? Don't force kids If you need your kid to be kid. Hand coding HTML is just trash than collecting leaves & beautify the kindergarden book.

I've no memory for last 10+ years other than computer and programming. All I've pretty beautiful memory from childhood.

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I have great memories of using computers as a little child, including tinkering with html and beginner css. I would never trade them for collecting leaves.

Your feelings are not universal.

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Maybe the kid likes to learn about computers and there’s enough time to do both.

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HTML is fine to lean to code by hand.

Tags can provide clear starts and ends for beginners, as well as concepts of nesting.

Folks who learned to code HTML using a wysiwyg html editor may be able to describe how it helped them learn.

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What makes you think they were forced? Or doesn't spend the rest of their time collecting leaves? You know nothing of this family.

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I've no memory for last 10+ years other than computer and programming.

If you are saying this in a negative light, you should really work on changing that. Try finding things local to you that you can participate in.

4 replies

This is adorable and made me feel good! I learned something about cats too. Thank you for sharing.

2 replies

As the father of a six year-old girl, the cheetahs page made total sense to me. My daughter likes to play "Name this animal" with me, where she describes the animal and I have to guess what it is. Why are six and seven year-old girls obsessed with cheetahs?, I ask myself. My guess is that it's because they are the fastest animals.

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Yet despite their ferocity still cute, they purr rather than roar!

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I had the opportunity to pet a cheetah last year, and I think that is one of those things that will stay with me for the rest of my life even if I never get another chance. The cheek rubs, the purrs, just like my cats would do. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Yes, I went straight to the cheetah page too. They're awesome! I never much thought about them until that day, but now it's a fascination.

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I would like to subscribe for more cat facts.

4 replies

Some issues she can improve on:

    - H1 content is too long, it should be less than 60 characters, use <p> for the rest of secondary content
    - There should be only exactly 1 H1 per page

3 replies

I hope the “/s” was implied.

I thought about making a similar post, in the true spirit of a “Show HN”, but would have included the “/s”.

1 replies

Same here, but I figured nobody would get the joke. From his downvote count, it looks like I was right.

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Even if not, why would it be so bad to give advices to a young girl?

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Obviously, but it still hurts me to see multiple H1 in a page

3 replies

Now this is the real internet. Real people writing about things they're interested in, and not with the intention of turning it into a content farm. Of course at 7 years old we cannot expect a deep, fleshed out site like in the Geocities golden age, but I wish older kids and adults would continue this practice of authoring their own pages, and manually linking them together. CMSes are incredibly limiting by design, every template forces you into the default of "blog post writing mode" when HTML offers so much more flexibility.

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Whats wrong with using a CMS? A lot of them offer html content elements if you wish to express yourself more freely

I don't miss the days of framesets and including the header, footer and menu over and over again

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Agreed. I think it more has become a race to the bottom in terms of content quality/sameness due to it really being a race to make some level of profit. The whole side Hussle culture, and hyper capitalization of all things is quite prevalent throughout society. So of course it influences us to view things with the lens of "is this worth my time if I can't make $x/hr doing it?"

Also, as a nondeveloper i think there is room for a centralized hub for decentralized geocities-esc websites. Especially with the degradation of google search over the years, and the potential for a race to a deeper bottom than before due to AI generated content

3 replies

A dog that my aunt has uses a button to tell her if she's hungry or tired.

I‘m intrigued! We also have two dogs and the more I know them, the more I‘m fascinated by their ability to tell us exactly what they feel. I didn’t know they can learn to use buttons to do this.

1 replies

Holy fuck that's incredibly interesting! The dog knows it's own name, composes multi word sentences... that's consciousness and volition on par with humans.

2 replies

I learned quite a lot by viewing the source of this delightfully clean and spartan website.

You don't need a DOCTYPE tag?

You don't need a head tag?

You don't need to declare the charset?

The body tag has a "background" attribute?

The HTML "center" tag still works?

0 replies

Browsers are very lenient when it comes to HTML parsing. In fact, one of the reasons why HTML sanitization libraries like DOMPurify are so complex is because browsers will tolerate all sorts of twisted broken markup.

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You don't need a DOCTYPE tag? > You don't need a head tag? > You don't need to declare the charset?

True, there are many things you don't need for a page to be rendered in a typical browser, but that doesn't make them useless. For example, DOCTYPE has exactly one purpose: tell the browser not to treat your page like it was designed for ancient versions of Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, with all the "quirks" of their pre-standardization rendering engines.

2 replies

When I started using the web, this is what all pages looked like and tons and tons of people had personal ones just like this. It was so great. I used to love touring all the self expression.

Not quite the first, but this is how mine looked in '98:

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One of my favorite aspects of the early web was the focus on customization. Your Myspace page was literally 'your space' and you were free to customize it with CSS as you pleased. There's a whole generation of developers and designers that started this way. You still see remnants of this philosophy in the contemporary web (e.g. moderators on Reddit can customize their subreddits), but that philosophy is nowhere near as ubiquitous as it was in the Geocities era.

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cats uri: /unicorn !

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and computer page is unicorncopy

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She's already learned to copy and build off of old code. That's how software gets made too.

2 replies

Love it! Well done Naya, the information on the page is excellent!

By any chance was this made on a tablet? I see it mentions “tablet… make a website”. Perhaps if children grow up having accessing to tablets over computers, making websites on them won’t seem as foreign compared to a computer.

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She made it on a macbook using textedit and the finder, but day to day, she tends to use a tablet.

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Mine prefers tablet mostly, but every now and then she will ask to use the PC for some Roblox thing that only works on PC and I give her no end of grief for that :-)

2 replies

Wonder why for such a cute and clean website, uMatrix is showing blocked? On the off chance that a 7 year old isn't interested in website traffic analytics, is it Cloudflare injecting their shit?

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Websites hosted on Cloudflare Pages include Cloudflare's own analytics iirc.

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I suggest you back up the HTML files as a record of her work when she was still a child, it will be a family treasure in the future :) You can even add it under your family's domain for safekeeping.

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I would love having a backup of my websites from ~1995.

But maybe my memories are more exciting than the plain truth.

0 replies

One of mine was caught by the wayback-machine, unfortunately before I ever got to add any of the menu or content functionality.

I started when I was 9, using Word as the editor. This was 5 years later and I was 14 at the time), I both wish and am ok with the content no longer being there. At least I can go back humor myself on what I put in the side-navigation.

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It's a very good website. Fast, simple UX, no JavaScript and focused on content.

0 replies

Easily beats the performance and accessibility of most of the "professionally developed" web, supported by entire teams.

Naya needs to take over as VP of Engineering at Reddit. The site would actually improve using her approach.

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Far more size efficient than anything my Frontend dev team writes. A Docker image to build a React app we have was 6GB. (“Its not our fault its NPM”)

And the content is informative too!

2 replies

Without computers used have to use tablets. Tablets aren't very useful.

That's the spirit!

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Until you get to the tablet page, at which point it's useful indeed!

0 replies

I feel bad for all the kids whose parents think giving them a tablet or smart phone is the same as having a real computer. They're depriving their children of something really magical by leaving them with devices built primarily for personal data collection and content consumption instead of a tool for creation.

2 replies

  <!-- Cloudflare Pages Analytics --><script defer src='' data-cf-beacon='{"token": "cf82897298e84b9eb36d9490803c2538"}'></script>
Ah, kids these days!

0 replies

Cloudflare automatically insert that snippet in your proxied pages. I don't know if you can opt out, but certainly is not an opt-in feature AFAIK.

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When I was a child all we had was funky site counters. Kids these days! I wonder if she deployed this using kubernetes or what.

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smh, wheres the responsive react frontend and the database and nodejs backend? /s :P

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...and the websockets!?

1 replies

Oh my god I did almost the same thing when I was 9, I think I lost the website though. I took excerpts from an encyclopedia on animals and made small blog style pages very similar to this . It was so fun!

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I was 10 or 11 and I was typing a pocket dictionary to become first online dictionary. Guess I got as far as "abdicate". If I had succeeded, I would have used a free website generator which we call static hosts today.

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This should not be on HN, esp not front page.

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We took a vote and decided it should be at the front.

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Love it! The background is awesome! The 90s / early 2000s vibes this gives! Looks straight out of geocities and I love it. Great work Naya!

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She picked the image from a search and download it, then I had her open it up in Preview and set the transparency. Worked out well.

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This looks like a solid first step. I am also teaching my 8yo a bit of coding, starting with HTML but he complains about a lot of typing, he is slow in typing so it becomes painful for him.

Did your daughter face this problem?

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We have her setup with iMessage (with screen time to limit who she's talking with), so she chats with the family pretty often. I think that may have helped with typing speed.

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Ok but did you make sure she used Kubernetes to deploy? :) Seriously her web page made me smile. Well done!

0 replies

Hahaha this thread made me buy my daughter a domain and start to teach her too as she's been interested about what I do, and I was just getting things setup and yes, her site will be deployed via kubernetes because it's easy as apart of my infra already.

1 replies

Great job Naya :)

For other parents here, if your kids are interested in learning HTML and CSS with the help of cute aliens, my son (who was 11 at the time) and I built HTML Planet for Kids [0]. The course uses a visual editor for manipulating HTML, so that there is less typing and frustrating syntax mistakes, while still exposing the code directly without any added abstractions.


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It's nice that you advertise your business here but for a passionate child this is boring. Double-clicking a box and changing text teaches them nothing, instead of paying $9/mo I can pay $0/mo and have them utilize free courses, YouTube, and teach them how to read documentation like MDN which will benefit them way more than simply teaching them how to use your website.

1 replies

HTML is such a great abstraction and syntax. I wonder if the same 7 year old would be able to (or have the attention) to learn something like React? Probably not.

Maybe we should be testing our interfaces and API's with 7 year olds from now on. If they can't or won't use it, its probably a good signal the design is wrong.

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Beginners, especially younger ones, crave for guidance. But what they get is often loud marketing and cargo cult behavior. Now it seems to be even worse than when I was starting out. For example YT feeds get spammed with fearmongering and clickbait thumbnails. Apparently the attention of beginners is very valuable.

Don't other crafts and professions have a stronger focus on understanding fundamentals?

There's also much more useful information today than 20y ago though. Even though the signal to noise ratio seemingly gets smaller.

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Is it her true name?

I've been trying to get mine to use an alias but so far is one per service and loses a bit of magic.

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It is! I got lucky with the domain.

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computers are a very important form of technology. Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin.

Don't you love the way children see things? So cute.

0 replies

this line had me rolling. Love it!

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This is so cool. The site loads fast, is responsive and will work on all browsers.

My very first website on Geocities looked pretty much like this.

Joy of creation.

Good job.

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Bookmarked and going in the webring

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More soul than 98% of the current internet out there

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Great website, and very informative! Hope she keeps it up!

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Did you know that a dog puts its tail between its legs when it's sad.

Can you spot the mistake?

Neither can I. :-)

Well done.

0 replies

I was 7 years old when I made my first website too.

Back then, i remember my dad was having trouble using Dreamweaver. I went to try and help him, and found that using Dreamweaver was more fun to me than playing with my XBOX or PS1

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This makes me so happy to see.

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I actually learned something about cats from her page. Thanks!

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It's amazing to see a 7 year old putting it all together. Incredible beautiful!

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Wow, that computer page comes with a serious color shock, but I guess kids like squeaky saturated colors :D

Having fun is the most important thing, everything else follows that.

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I love, how the path for the computer page is "/unicorncopy". Already thinks like a real pro!

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Tell her she chose a fantastic background image :) Also cheetahs are beautiful felines and instead of roaring, they chirp like birds

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Way to go, Naya! You taught me something new about cats, and I'm probably older than your dad!

Keep it up, you're doing great! :)

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More correct html than a senior react dev.

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This really takes me back to high school when everyone was writing websites like this... it was such a fun and pure time.

Well done Naya!

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Wow. This is so much better than what I created as my first website in 1997 when I was 19 years old.

I am deeply impressed.

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she's done an amazing job! More motivation to teach my 6.5 year old something about HTML

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That's awesome!

I love that such a simple page taught her how to make a completely functional website. Links, images, styling, and even an external script inclusion.

Way to go Naya.

0 replies

it's so cute, I love everything about it

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Cute page but what's the cloudflare analytics for

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Love this! What a wonderful idea. I hope to encourage my daughters to do similarly as they learn about computers.

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Great job, and I didn't know cats had such a wide field of vision they could see behind them!

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Pretty darn good - looking forward to updates!

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Well done.

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I wish all websites looked like this again. Great job!

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It works! More than can be said for many things I have made. Congrats, Naya!

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does she feel like dropping a frontend framework soon? modern webdev needs that sort of simplicity and focus on content.

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Awesome! I love seeing kids play around with code. Curiosity is very important at any age.

That’s how I started too. Back in the days of Internet Explorer, I used to click View -> Source and mess around with the HTML in Notepad. I’d change the content, blocks, colors...

About 25 years later, I’m still coding, but right now I’m deploying the data transformation pipeline (T in the ELT) on production server to calculate business KPIs.

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Great work! Back in the day (when I was about 9 years old) I did something similar but for my poetry and dinosaur related interests, and that kicked off my still ongoing multi-decade journey in web development.

Ah the good old days :')

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I love this so much. From 1992-1996 I was in a band in the SF Bay Area. I played the congas, but really I think they just let me do that because I also took on the band's webpage.

It was dozens and dozens of pages of hand-coded HTML, updated nearly daily, with lots of easter eggs, etc. I had programmed a ton (I was a C/C++ developer at the time), but never in HTML. I learned everything by "viewing source" (at the time, most of the web was hand-written HTML).

We hosted it at The Well, which even then had a little bit of cachet in the community.

One of my great regrets was that we didn't keep a copy of the site -- and we "retired" and took down the site early enough that the Wayback Machine doesn't have a copy.

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This is really cool! Well done!

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Tablets aren't very useful. Well to do stuff Computers can anyway.
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Sometimes they can sleep up to like 18 or 12 hours a day. That is a lot of sleeping for a cat.

Can we just put the author of these pages in charge of the whole Internet please?

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I notice it did not go down despite the HN hug of death !

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I was talking to my parents the other day and surprised myself getting pretty chocked up remembering how my dad had shown me how to program an ascii animation on his 386, and how the wonder I felt at that in many ways led me to where I am today, so many years later. These things matter.

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Very nice! And I actually learned something about cats. Never knew they can see a little bit behind them ;-)

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strange. still not indexed by google

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Beautiful ♥

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there aren't many tasks adults can do that cannot be taught to children. what are examples of ones that can't?

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That's pretty much how I make websites up to this day.

Later, if it grows, I usually add a stylesheet file to separate content and layout.

Then I sometimes add some JavaScript.

Then I sometimes add some backend storage and processing.

Then I need a certificate for https.

Then if it gets a lot of traffic, I put a CDN in front of it.

And that's it.

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Surprisingly similar to our own web page made ~20 years ago as kids. Repeating and animated background, some theme pages with a few words about some hobby or things we liked, and then shit loads of marquee tags, heh.

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I love it. Keep it simple, Naya.

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Aww, <3 I love this. Keep up the great work, naya!!

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200+ comments about a 7 years old website = :-)

Great job, Naya.

0 replies

"computers are a very important form of technology. Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin."


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You better believe I went straight for the cheetah page. No, I didn’t know they’re about 59 inches long! I learned something new today!

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What's her hourly rate?

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excellent read. my favourite webpage now!

0 replies

Tablets aren't very useful. Well to do stuff Computers can anyway.

Naya gets it!

0 replies

Reminds me of my first website, back in 1994/95. I used yellow text on bright blue backgroud and wrote about music I liked. Only I was 10 years older.

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Heck yeah this is exactly how I started when I was 6. HTML books at the library and websites exactly like this.

Love this OP, thank you for sharing.

0 replies

"Did you know that a cat can fall from a 32 story building and survive!"

I love how this ends on an exclamation mark and not a question mark. Obvious in hindsight.

0 replies

This is the way.

0 replies

computers are a very important form of technology. Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin. Without computers used have to use tablets. Tablets aren't very useful. Well to do stuff Computers can anyway.

Come on, Apple. A seven year-old gets it, why can't you? Let iPads run MacOS.

0 replies

cmd + option + U


satisfied smile

0 replies

This is the way.

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This is great, it looks nice, works exactly as one would expect it to (very links, no clickbait), cats (the internet was made for cats after all) and loads instantly.

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computers are a very important form of technology. Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin.

Oh yes indeed.

0 replies

I think I was 8 or 9 when I started building my first website as well, and it looked remarkably similar to this. :) I think the only difference really is that all guides used uppercase for html tags back then. Happy that went out of style.

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Lovely! My first website was when I was 9 years old, and I used Netscape Composer to create it. My content was also centered in the screen :)

0 replies

wow, Congrats her to dev community.

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Anyone else wanting to see the original content of /unicorn? Cats are great and all, but we want unicorns!!

<3 wonderful project. Brings back memories of excitedly writing HTML in my drawing notebook and daydreaming what the pages would look like

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I got started with Netscape Composer around this age, as you could easily switch between the HTML view and the WYSIWYG view and see what everything does. Seamonkey is a still maintained version of the old Netscape/Mozilla suite which has Composer.

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I wish I still had my websites from when I was around 9 or 10. Alas they were stored on a Seagate Quantum Bigfoot (a 5.25" hard disk which we our family PC had for some reason), and it failed at some point.

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Cute. I'd like to see a pony page please.

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Let her play like other kids.

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Seriously, thank you so much for sharing this! It brought a much needed smile to my face this morning.

Please tell your daughter that Ben really liked it and his favorite page was the dogs page. Question for her: Is that a picture of your dog? Does the dog have a name?

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I love this so much! Great work, Naya!

Incidentally, I was creating an image for a slide for a talk a few weeks ago, showing off HTML circa 1996 and decided to do it in Windows 95 (which is what I used to write my first web pages when I was 12) and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be (mostly because the intricacies of what HTML versions were supported in the included browser versions of the Electron emulator I was using), to recall what tags did and didn't work.

But I credit HTML with everything for me, as far as computer programming is concerned. Having a way to express markup in a text editor and see the results on a web page was life-changing.

Love to see first graders doing this now!

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I like it. This fondly, yet somewhat bitterly, recalls memories of my 25-year-old self creating his first HTML page in 1995, or even my 10-year-old self writing his first BASIC program in 1980.

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no roblox studio, no nothin
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Recently I see more and more articles and social media posts surprised about the current youth’s lack of a mental model how computers actually work. I assume this is due to smartphones and tablets not letting them experiment. Laptop hardware is also usually not made to tinker with.

OP, I think you’re doing your daughter a great service with building an attitude that computers are just machines that can be learned about and understood. I started with HTML at 10 years old, and it gave me a lasting passion about the internet and connecting the world, leading to peace among distant people. Nowadays as an adult I’m unfortunately disillusioned due to negative aspects of social media, dating apps, and fake news, but alas..

Maybe in the future you can show her light javascript, the WAMP stack to make a guestbook (beware of spam nowadays), a cat image gallery with upload function (and a password). The latter features requiring something like PHP or perhaps python nowadays, and some database (I used mysql 25 years ago, perhaps sqlite or postgres nowadays?)

0 replies

Excellent website! Thanks for sharing, I learned something: the scientific name of a cheetah.

Tell your daughter to keep making things that she likes to make!

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I love this. Her little site really takes me back to the age of the internet I often miss.

Back in the 90s, fresh out of art school I knew I needed to create a portfolio website of some sort. I went to a Borders Books and got a book about 4 or 5 inches think about HTML and how to craft a site using a tool built into Netscape Navigator. Over the course of a week or so I created a site very similar in function to the one in the OP. The main difference was the content.

On my homepage I featured one of my drawings - a color pencil rendering of a very large/wide man in a jock strap looking at the viewer with a cunning smile. Yes, I was very mature. You had click on his belly to enter the site. This was where I learned to make an image map for the first time. When you clicked it he said, "Ooh, that tickles" and then you were in where the portfolio and navigation was presented.

It was all HTML 4, no javascript, no cookies or forms - all very basic stuff.

And that site got me my first real job in the design world (at an Adobe competitor called Micrografx, which later imploded). The rest is history! Thanks, Netscape.

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This is absolutely delightful. Perhaps my favorite line:

"Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin."

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She really nailed page load speed and to a large degree UX (links are clearly links, navigation just works).

Many large companies have wasted lots of money on performance and UX while still being worse than this!

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If she has those concepts about html, she will learn more about html and then css very quickly with the help of AI.

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Fantastic! Only comment I could possibly have is that the cats page needs more pics of cats.

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it's so refreshing not to get popups and cookie gdpr nice!

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Now tell her to deploy it on Kubernetes.

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:3 so cute it made my day a bit happier thanks for posting

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I showed my kid (also around that age) how you could have fun with PRINT statements in C64 BASIC. He really enjoyed it and just the idea alone that you could control the computer instead of it being a black box.

Perhaps a website could be fun too. But HTML 3.2 was much more friendly to beginners than everything that is out there now.

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The page is not responsive... /s

Jokes aside, impressive for a 7 years old!

0 replies

The cat page is my favorite

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Cool! I made my first HTML website in 2001, when I was 10. The ISP allowed you FTP some HTML and image files into a folder, and you got a little website.

Figuring out HTML was not too hard for me as a kid. Things enclosing other things is not a hard to grasp concept. I didn't use CSS and back then you had <center> and stuff; nowadays it's frowned upon as mixing up semantics and presentation, but back then it made sense to me.

But doing any sort of programming (like at least writing batch files that had ifs and loops) was way harder and it took me several years to figure out.

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This looks like the pages I made when I was 14-ish (45yo here) on a modem.

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Kids should be outside playing with other kids.

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No darkmode, literally unusable

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I love the Geocities-era Web 1.0 energy this has. Your daughter is avery creative person.

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Cloudflare Page Analytics Beacon without asking for my consent first.

Hopefully she has a heavy piggybank for my incoming GDPR lawsuit /s

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Great job!

I was significantly older when I built my first website (19, in 1996) but I'm so glad I had a space to pretty easily put up basic HTML (Geocities, though there were similar options). No WYSIWYG, no build steps, just the basic text-only HTML which created a foundation to build on. It's unfortunate there aren't really good options for that for today's younger creators. (is there?)

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computers are a very important form of technology. Without it no websites, no Roblox studio, and no nothin.

Well put, Naya!

0 replies

This is the best thing I've seen on the internet in a long time. I'm going to bookmark it and check back for more informative content.

I hope you tell Naya how much HN is loving it!

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This looks like my first website that I made for the game Freelancer around 2003, which was essentially just a short description of the game and a bunch of screenshots I made during gameplay.

It's nice that kids these days don't skip the basics.

Please, please, don't ever tell her about Javascript.

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No pop ups No cookies Loads quickly. Only thing is the cloudflare pages analytics js. Frontend masterpiece lol

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Not very different than what I did when I started, with XHTML et al. She did a great job.

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Good for the kid getting her hands dirty! I was learning C by the time I was 9, but if HTML and the public Internet had been around when I was that age, I may have went that way instead!

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Q: When's the best time to take your kids to dinner?

A: When the graduate from medical school!

—Dave Barry

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This is actually better than 90% of websites today: loads fast, no nav bars, no position: sticky, no cookie popups, no ads. The content is informative and straight to the point. A website worthy to be the inverse of the much ignored related guideline:

Please don't complain about tangential annoyances—e.g. article or website formats, name collisions, or back-button breakage. They're too common to be interesting.
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Love the 90s look. Well done!

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I love this domain name so much. <3 Great job to your daughter.

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That's cool. I remember myself around that age. Before I learned about HTML, I used to draw web sites in MS Paint. And these both activities were so much fun.

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She centered the page like a pro. Also, It gave me nostalgia watching how fast the page loads.

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Fantastic! Are you going to teach her JavaScript as well ?

0 replies

Wow, this is so cool! Your website is clear and easy to read. It's super easy to find everything, and it works really fast too. Awesome job, keep it up!

0 replies

I often hear about the simplicity form factors of the internet in a bygone era, before my time, in the mid to late 90's. Now, from all the stories I've heard and the visuals I've seen, someone that's a third of my age now seems to be delivering that spirit of simplicity back :)

0 replies

This is absolutely adorable :) Well done Naya!

0 replies

Mój syn w wieku 17 lat użył broni pneumatycznej do nagotowania urojonego przez siebie sąsiada. Nieważne czy to z htm czy to jest broń ważne jest cel aspekt, afekt. To my decydujemy z jakiej broni i do kogo będziemy celować.

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[big smile]

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"Cats are about 2 feet that means six times there height would be about 12 feet."


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I enjoyed the website.

It just needed a marquee, blink, visit counter, guestbook, under construction disclaimer, some pixelated 256 color palette animated gif, and you would become one of us.