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Getting 50% (SoTA) on Arc-AGI with GPT-4o

37 replies

(ARC Prize co-founder here).

Ryan's work is legitimately interesting and novel "LLM reasoning" research! The core idea:

get GPT-4o to generate around 8,000 python programs which attempt to implement the transformation, select a program which is right on all the examples (usually there are 3 examples), and then submit the output this function produces when applied to the additional test input(s)

Roughly, he's implemented an outer loop and using 4o to sample reasoning traces/programs from training data and test. Hybrid DL + program synthesis approaches are solutions we'd love to see more of.

A couple important notes:

1. this result is on the public eval set vs private set (ARC Prize $).

2. the current private set SOTA ~35% solution also performed ~50% on the public set. so this new result might be SOTA but hasn't been validated or scrutinized yet.

All said, I do expect verified public set results to flow down to the private set over time. We'll be publishing all the SOTA scores and open source reproductions here once available:

EDIT: also, congrats and kudos to Ryan for achieving this and putting the effort in to document and share his approach. we hope to inspire more frontier AI research sharing like this

12 replies

Also worth nothing that Ryan mentions

In addition to iterating on the training set, I also did a small amount of iteration on a 100 problem subset of the public test set


it's unfortunate that these sets aren’t IID: it makes iteration harder and more confusing

It’s not unfortunate: generalizing beyond the training distribution is a crucial part of intelligence that ARC is trying to measure! Among other reasons, developing with test-set data is a bad practice in ML because it hides the difficulty this challenge. Even worse, writing about a bunch of tricks that help results on this subset is extending the test-set leakage the blog post's readers. This is why I'm glad the ARC Prize has a truly hidden test set

11 replies

... and we know that if we really want to nail it we'd better just pay someone else to create 1,000,000 more harder problems for training (without looking at any in test set, of course). i.e. make the training set distribution similar to test set again.

Because the thing we have now is data-hungry. Your brain is pre-trained on other similar challenges as well. What's the point of requiring it to "generalize beyond the training distribution" with so few samples?

Really, I thought LLMs ended this "can we pretrain on in-house prepared private data for ILSVRC" flame war already.

5 replies

The problem with that it is we know approaches that can generalise very well from very few examples, even one example, without any kind of pretraining, That requires a good background theory of the target domain (a "world model" in more modern parlance), and we don't know how to automatically generate that kind of theory; only human minds can do it, for now. But given such a theory the number of examples needed can be as few as 1. Clearly, if you can learn from one example, but find yourself using thousands, you've taken a wrong turn somewhere.

The concern with the data-hungry approach to machine learning, that at least some of us have, is that it has given up on the effort to figure out how to learn good background theories and turned instead to getting the best performance possible in the dumbest possible way, relying on the largest available amount of examples and compute. That's a trend against everything else in computer science (and even animal intelligence) where the effort is to make everything smaller, cheaper, faster, smarter: it's putting all the eggs in the basket of making it big, slow and dumb, and hoping that this will somehow solve... intelligence. A very obvious contradiction.

Suppose we lived in a world that didn't have a theory of computational complexity and didn't know that some programs are more expensive to run than others. Would it be the case in that world, that computer scientists competed in solving ever larger instances of the Traveling Salesperson Problem, using ever larger computers, without even trying to find good heuristics exploiting the structure of the problem and simply trying to out-brute-force each other? That world would look a lot like where we are now with statistical machine learning: a pell-mell approach to throwing all resources at a problem that we just don't know how to solve, and don't even know if we can solve.

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The formalism that data-driven machine learning leans on is empirical tuning of stochastic search to drive approximation of functions, and despite what Silicon Valley would have you believe, most of the significant advances have been in creating useful meta-structures for modeling certain kinds of problems (e.g. convolution for efficiently processing transformations that care about local structure across dimensions of data, or qkv attention for keeping throughlines of non-local correspondences intact through a long sequence). Neural networks as a flavor of empirical function approximation happened to scale well, and then a bunch of people who saw how much this scale improved the models' capabilities but couldn't be bothered to understand the structural component concluded that scale somehow magically gets you to every unsolved problem being solved. It's also convenient for business types that if you buy this premise, any unicorn they want to promise is just a matter of throwing obscene amounts of resources at the problem (through their company of course)

I think probably the general idea of dynamic structures that are versatile in their ability to approximate functional models is at least a solid hypothesis for how some biological intelligence works at some level (I think maybe the "fluid/crystallized" intelligence distinction some psychology uses is informative here - a strong world model probably informs a lot of quick acquisition of relationships, but most intelligent systems clearly posess strong feedback mechanisms for capturing new models), though I definitely agree that a focus on how best to throw a ton of scale at these models doesn't seem like a fruitful path for actionably learning how to build or analyze intelligent systems in the way we usually think about, nor is it, well, sustainable. Moore's law appeals to business people because buying more computronium feels more like a predictable input-output relationship to put capital into, but even if we're just talking about raw computation speed advances in algorithms tend to dwarf advances in computing power in the long run. I think the same will hold true in AGI

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Yeah, very good points. To be fair there are people who have argued the big data side who have clearly solid knowledge of AI and are not just SV suits, for example I remember Yann LeCun in a debate with Christopher Manning, where Manning was arguing for the importance of "structure" and LeCun was arguing against it. Or see the "Bitter Lesson", mentioned in a parent comment. That may have become a total shibboleth of the Silicon bros but Rich Sutton, who wrote the eponymous article, is the guy who wrote the book on Reinforcement Learning (literally). And then Rodney Brooks' replied with his "Better Lesson" ( So there's a lot of debate in this and I don't reckon we'll have a consensus soon. It should be clear which side I'm on- I work with firmly model-based AI ("planning is the model-based approach to autonomous behaviour" has become my shibboleth - see Bonnet and Geffner's book on planning: so maybe it's a deformation professionelle. And even LCun's recent plans for JEPA are very consciously model-based, except he wants to learn his models from data; which is not a bad idea I suppose.

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I've commented here before that I find myself really conflicted on LeCunn's public statements. I think it's really hard to reconcile the fact that he's undeniably a world-leading expert with the fact that he does work for and represent a tech company in a big way, which means that it's both hard to tell when what he says, especially publicly, is filtered through that lens, either explicitly or just via cultural osmosis. I know some people still in academia (e.g. "Bitter Lesson") are following suit but given how much of this field has been scooped up by large tech firms, this necessarily means that what we get out of research from those firms is partially filtered through them. Like it sounds like you're in CS/AI academia so I'm sure you're familiar with the distorting effect this brain drain has had on the field. Research out of places like FAIR or deepmind or OpenAI (arguably they were different until about 2019 or so? Hard to say how much of that was ever true unfortunately) are being done and published by world-leading experts hired by these companies and obviously this research has continued to be crucial to the field, but the fact that it's in industry means there's obviously controls on what they can publish, and the culture of an institution like Facebook is definitely going to have some different effects on priorities than that of most universities, and so while we can all collectively try to take it all with a grain of salt in some way, there is no way to be careful enough to avoid tribal knowledge in the field being heavily influenced by the cultures and priorities of these organizations.

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Sadly, right now the "throw lots of compute at it in the dumbest possible way" models work, and the "learn good background theories" approaches have gone nowhere. It's Rich Sutton's Bitter Lesson and a lot of us aren't ready to accept it.

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that ``brute force" search may have won this time, but it was not a general strategy, and anyway it was not how people played chess. These researchers wanted methods based on human input to win and were disappointed when they did not.

Mostly tangential to the article but I never really like this argument. Like you're playing a game a specific way and somebody else comes in with a new approach and mops the floor with you and you're going to tell me "they played wrong"? Like no, you were playing wrong the whole time.

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You seem to misunderstand why generalization is important for making claims about intelligent systems. To illustrate this, we could really easily design a system that encodes all the test set questions and their answers, puts them in an enormous hash table, and looks up the correct answer to each challenge when presented with it. This could probably score 100% on ARC if given the entire test set. Would you call this AGI? What if I put it through a transformer as a hashing function?

The mainstream attention LLMs have garnered has added a bunch of noise to the way we talk about machine learning systems, and unfortunately the companies releasing them are partially to blame for this. That doesn't mean we should change the definition of success for various benchmarks to better suit lay misunderstandings of how this all works

3 replies

First, LLMs are not AGI. Never will be. Can we talk now?

if given the entire test set.

I don't want the entire test set. Or any single one in the test set.

The problem here is ARC challenge deliberately give a training set with different distribution than both the public and the private test set. It's like having only 1+1=2, 3+5=8, 9+9=18 in training set and then 1+9=10, 5*5=25, 16/2=8, (0!+0!+0!+0!)!=24 in test set.

I can see the argument of "giving the easy problems as demonstration of rules and then with 'intelligence' [1] you should be able to get harder ones (i.e. a different distribution)", but I don't believe it's a good way to benchmark current methods, mainly because there are shortcuts. Like I can teach my kids how factorial works and ! means factorial, instead of teaching them how addition works only and make them figure out how multiplication, division and factorial works and what's the notation.

[1] Whatever that means.

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The problem is there is no way to infer the right answer to 0! given the training. You need more context to learn it. Humans need more context. If you put that at the end of every grade 1 math test no student would get it right unless they had some context.

Do grade 1 kids have AGI? (Haha)

But seriously, all professions need to train in context to solve complex problems. You can train in adjacent realms and reason about problems but to truly perform, you need more training.

A general surgeon might be better than an electrician as a vet, but that I’d rather have a veterinary surgeon operate on my dog.

So some things are “AGI” able and other things need specific training.

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First, LLMs are not AGI.

It's the most generic thing we have right now, right?

Never will be.

If there is no other breakthrough anytime soon we can engineer AGI-like things around LLMs. I mean LLM trained to use different attachments. Which can be other models and algorithms. Examples will be image recognition models and databases for algorithms. Even now ChatGPT can use Bing search and Python interpreter. First steps done, others will follow. The result will be not a true AGI, but still a very capable system. And there is another factor. Next models can be trained on high quality data generated by current models. Instead of internet random garbage. This should improve their spacial and logical abilities.

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Okay I admit I'm confused and think I probably missed a crucial thing here. You're saying the publicly available problem set isn't indicative of the distribution of the test set? If so, I can see why you object to that. Still, it's potentially possible that the test's intention is to demonstrate something like progressive integration of compositionality given an abstract model. A lot of machine learning systems can do well as long as they've seen an example similar to the problem they've been presented, but can't do things like respond to a situation that presents them with a novel composition of two abstractions they seem to have already learned in the way a human can trivially.

Like only having [1+1=2, 4+5=9, 2+10=12] in the training set and [2*5=10, 3/4=.75, 2^8=256] in the test set would be bad, but something like [1+1=2, 3+42=11, 5*3=15, 2*7=14, 1+3/5=1.8, 3^3=27] vs [2+4*3=14, 3+3^2+4=16, 2*3/4+2^3/2^4=2] might not be, depending on what they're trying to test

Compositionality of information, especially of abstractions (like rules or models of a phenomenon), is a key criterion in a lot of people's attempts to operationally define "intelligence" (which I agree is overall a nebulous and overloaded concept, but if we're going to make claims about it we need at least a working definition for any particular test we're doing) I could see that meaning that the test set problems need to be "harder" in the sense that presenting compositions of rules in training doesn't preclude memorizing the combinations. But this is just a guess, I'm not involved in ARC and don't know, obviously

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Maybe I am missing something, but to me this looks like "Let's brute-force on the training data".

I mean, generating tens of thousands of possible solutions, to find one that works does not, to me, signify AGI.

After all, the human solving these problem doesn't make 10k attempts before getting a solution, do they?

The approach here, due to brute force, can't really scale: if a random solution to a very simple problem has a 1/10k chance of being right, you can't scale this up to non-trivial problems without exponentially increasing the computational power used. Hence, I feel this is brute-force.

9 replies

10000 samples are nothing compared to 2^100 possible outputs. It is absolutely, definitely not a "brute search". Testing a small fraction of possibilities (e.g. 0.000001%) is called heuristics, and that's what people use too.

Please learn a bit of combinatorics.

After all, the human solving these problem doesn't make 10k attempts before getting a solution, do they?

No. People have much better "early rejection", also human brain has massive parallel compute capacity.

It's ridiculous to demand GPT-4 performs as good as a human. Obviously its vision is much worse and it doesn't have 'video' and physics priors people have, so it has to guess more times.

8 replies

10000 samples are nothing compared to 2^100 possible outputs. It is absolutely, definitely not a "brute search". Testing a small fraction of possibilities (e.g. 0.000001%) is called heuristics, and that's what people use too.

Brute searching literally means generating solutions until one works. Which is exactly what is being done here.

Please learn a bit of combinatorics.

Don't be condescending - I understand the problem space just fine. Fine enough to realise that the problem was constructed specifically to ensure that "solutions" such as this just won't work.

Which is why this "solution" is straight-up broken (doesn't meet the target, exceeds the computationally bounds, etc).

It's ridiculous to demand GPT-4 performs as good as a human.

Wasn't the whole point of this prize to spur interest in a new approach to learning? What does GPT-[1234] have to do with the contest rules? Especially since this solution broke those rules anyway?

Obviously its vision is much worse and it doesn't have 'video' and physics priors people have, so it has to guess more times.

That's precisely my point - it has to guess. Humans aren't guessing for those types of problems (not for the few that I saw anyway).

4 replies

I was a member of national ACM ICPC team, I studied algorithms for years. Brute force, heuristics, etc.

You're 100% WRONG on everything you wrote. You don't get change established terminology just to denigrate the approach you don't like.

It seems you are just biased against LLMs. But this test is as much a test for limits of LLM abilities as it is a quest for a new approach. It's open ended.

And it's not like the author of the article claims he has AGI - he just shows the limits of LLM-based solutions.

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I studied algorithms for years.

Who hasn't?

You're 100% WRONG on everything you wrote.

Maybe you should update the wikipedia page, then all the other textbooks, that uses a definition of brute-force that matches my understanding of it.


Therefore, brute-force search is typically used when the problem size is limited, or when there are problem-specific heuristics that can be used to reduce the set of candidate solutions to a manageable size.

Further, in the same page

One way to speed up a brute-force algorithm is to reduce the search space, that is, the set of candidate solutions, by using heuristics specific to the problem class.

I mean, the approach under discussion is literally exactly this.

Now, Mr "ACM ICPC, studied algorithms for years", where's your reference that reducing the solution space using heuristics results in a non-brute-force algorithm?

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This was extremely cringe worthy to read. You are confidently wrong about this. You are trying to redefine well established terminology. I don't care about whatever random wiki page you might find to "support your claims". Anybody who has worked a lot on algorithms (including myself) knows what brute force means and this is not it.

Also: lol at your "who hasn't" comment. Because you clearly haven't.

1 replies

You are trying to redefine well established terminology.

Reference? Link, even?

don't care about whatever random wiki page you might find to "support your claims".

That isn't some "random wiki" page; that's the wikipedia page for this specific term.

I'm not claiming to have defined this term, I'm literally saying I only agree with the sources for this term.

Also: lol at your "who hasn't" comment. Because you clearly haven't.

Talk about cringe-worthy.

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Reference? Link, even?

Sure, here's definition for "brute force" from university textbook material written by pllk, who has taught algorithms for 20 years and holds a 2400 rating on Codeforces:

"Yleispätevä tapa ratkaista hakuongelmia on toteuttaa raakaan voimaan (brute force) perustuva haku, joka käy läpi kaikki ratkaisut yksi kerrallaan."


Here's an English language book written by the same author, though the English source does not precisely define the term:

In chapter 5:

"Complete search is a general method that can be used to solve almost any algorithm problem. The idea is to generate all possible solutions to the problem using brute force ..."

And a bit further down chapter 5:

"We can often optimize backtracking by pruning the search tree. The idea is to add ”intelligence” to the algorithm so that it will notice as soon as possible if a partial solution cannot be extended to a complete solution. Such optimizations can have a tremendous effect on the efficiency of the search."

Your mistake is that you for some reason believe that any search over solution space is a brute force solution. But there are many ways to search over a solution space. A "dumb search" over solution space is generally considered to be brute force, whereas a "smart search" is generally not considered to be brute force.

Here's the Codeforces profile of the author:

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I think to be clear, brute force generally means an iterative search of a solution space. I don't think that's what this system is doing, and it's not like it's following some search path and returning as early as possible.

It's similar that a lot of wrong answers are being thrown up, but I think this is more like a probabilistic system which is being pruned than a walk of the solution space. It's much smarter, but not as smart as we would like.

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I think to be clear, brute force generally means an iterative search of a solution space.

Sure, but not an exhaustive one - you stop when you get a solution[1]. Brute force does not require an exhaustive search in order to be called brute-force.

GP was using the argument that because it is not exhaustive, it cannot be brute-force. That's the wrong argument. Brute-force doesn't have to be exhaustive to be brute-force.

[1] Or a good enough solution.

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A brute force search can be expected to find a solution after a more thorough search of the space of possibilities. If it really is only searching 0.000001% of that space before finding solutions, then some structure of the problem is guiding the search and it's no longer brute force.

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Ah, give it a rest. That's not "frontier AI research", neither is it any kind of reasoning. It's the dumbest of the dumb possible generate-and-test approach that spams a fire hose of Python programs until it hits one that works. And still it gets only 50% on the public eval.

How many thousands of Python programs does a human need to solve a single ARC task? That's what you get with reasoning: you don't need oodles of compute and boodles of sampling.

And I'm sorry to be so mean, but ARC is a farce. It's supposed to be a test for AGI but its only defense from a big data approach (what Francois calls "memorisation") is that there are few examples provided. That doesn't make the tasks hard to solve with memorisation it just makes it hard for a human researcher to find enough examples to solve with memorisation. Like almost every other AI-IQ test before it, ARC is testing for the wrong thing, with the wrong assumptions. See the Winograd Schema Challenge (but not yet the Bongard problems).

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Do you have any suggestions for a better approach of testing artificial intelligence? I mean, in a way that allows comparing different approaches and being a reasonable metric of progress.

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I don't. I'm guessing -and it's nothing but a guess- that for every problem that can be solved with intelligence there exists a solution that does not require intelligence. I'm guessing in other words that intelligence is the ability to come up with solutions to arbitrary problems. If that's true then there's no way to test for intelligence by looking at the performance of a system at any particular task, or any finite set of tasks, and so there's no way to create a "test for intelligence".

My guess is supported by the experience that, in AI research, every time someone came up with a plausible test for intelligence, an AI system eventually passed the test only to make it clear that the test was not really testing intelligence after all (edit: I don't just mean formal tests; e.g. see how chess used to "require intelligence" right up until Deep Blue vs Kasparov).

Some people see that as "moving the goalposts" and it's certainly frustrating but the point is that we don't know what intelligence is, exactly, so it's very hard to test for its existence or not, or to measure it.

My preference would be for everyone in AI research to either stop what they're doing and try to understand what the hell intelligence is in the first place, to create a theory of intelligence so that AI can be a scientific subject again, or to at least admit they're not interested in creating artificial intelligence. I, for example, am not, but all my background is in subjects that are traditionally labelled "AI" so I have to suck it up, I guess.

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Do you have any perspectives to share on Ryan's observation of a potential scaling law for these tasks and his comment that "ARC-AGI will be one benchmark among many that just gets solved by scale"?

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ARC isn't perfect and I hope ARC is not the last AGI benchmark. I've spoken with a few other benchmark creators looking to emulate ARC's novelty in other domains, so I think we'll see more. The evolution of AGI benchmarks likely needs to evolve alongside the tech -- humans have to design these tasks today to ensure novelty but should expect that to shift.

One core idea we've been advocating with ARC is that pure LLM scaling (parameters...) is insufficient to achieve AGI. Something new is needed. And OPs approach using a novel outer loop is one cool demonstration of this.

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Reminds me a bit of Genetic Programming as proposed by John Holland, John Koza, etc. Ever since GPT came out, I've been thinking of ways to combine that original idea with LLMs in some way that would accelerate the process with a more "intelligent" selection.

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I’d love to hear more about this!

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Part of the challenge I understood to be learning priors from the training set that can then be applied to an extended private test set. This approach doesn't seem to do any such "learning" on the go. So, supposing it accomplished 85% on the private test set, would it be construed to have won the prize with "we have AGI" being trumpeted out?

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Do you accept such solutions as legit? It’s obviously is easier to generate program that to make prompt that will solve it

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Reminds me of the AlphaCode approach.

Why do you say it's sampling programs from "training data"? With that choice of words, you're rhetorically assuming the conclusion.

If he only sampled 20 programs, instead of 8000, will we still say the programs came from "training data", or will we say it's genuine OOD generalization? At what point do we attribute the intelligence to the LLM itself instead of the outer loop?

This isn't meant to be facetious. Because clearly, if the N programs sampled is very large, it's easy to get the right solution with little intelligence by relying on luck. But as N gets small the LLM has to be intelligent and capable of OOD generalization, assuming the benchmark is good.

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There are similarities to the approach in this paper (though they trained a model from scratch):

How well would an LLM trained with a huge number of examples do on this test? Essentially with enough attention, Goodhart's law will take over.

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It's not that novel. Others have implemented this approach , in the context of mathematics.

Already the 2021 paper Drori (and many papers since) did similar things.

It's a common idea in this space...

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Ah that's an important detail about public v private. Makes it a nice result but nearly as impressive as initially stated.

28 replies

The Arc stuff just felt intuitively wrong as soon as I heard it. I don't find any of Chollet's critiques of LLMs to be convincing. It's almost as if he's being overly negative about them to make a point or something to push back against all the unbridled optimism. The problem is, the optimism really seems to be justified, and the rate of improvement of LLMs in the past 12 months has been nothing short of astonishing.

So it's not at all surprising to me to see Arc already being mostly solved using existing models, just with different prompting techniques and some tool usage. At some point, the naysayers about LLMs are going to have to confront the problem that, if they are right about LLMs not really thinking/understanding/being sentient, then a very large percentage of people living today are also not thinking/understanding/sentient!

11 replies

I don't find any of Chollet's critiques of LLMs to be convincing. It's almost as if he's being overly negative about them to make a point or something to push back against all the unbridled optimism.

Chollet published his paper On the measure of intelligence in 2019. In Internet time that is a lifetime before the LLM hype started.

8 replies

Einstein, infamously, couldn't really make much progress with quantum physics, even though he invented the precursors (ex. Brownian motion). Your world model is hard to update.

6 replies

A bit of a stretch given that Chollet is a researcher in deep learning and transformers and his criticism is that memorization (training LLMs on lots and lots of problems) doesn't equate to AGI.

5 replies

A bit of a stretch

Is that true?

C.f. what we're discussing

He's actively encouraging using LLMs to solve his benchmark, called ARC AGI.

8 hours ago, from Chollet, re: TFA

"The best solution to fight combinatorial explosion is to leverage intuition over the structure of program space, provided by a deep learning model. For instance, you can use a LLM to sample a program..."


4 replies

The stretch was in reference to comparing Chollet to Einstein. Chollet clearly understands LLMs (and transformers and deep learning), he simply doesn't believe they are sufficient for AGI.

3 replies

I don't know what you mean, it's a straightforward analogy, but yes, that's right, except for the part where he's heralding this news by telling people the LLM is an underexplored solution space for a possible solution to his AGI benchmark he made to disprove LLMs are AGI.

I don't mean to offend, but to be really straightforward: he's the one saying it's possible they might be AGI now. I'm as flummoxed as you, but I think its hiding the ball to file it under "he doesn't mean what he's saying, because he doesn't believe LLMs can ever be AGI." The only steelman for that is playing at: AGI-my-benchmark, which I say is for AGI, is not the AGI I mean

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You're reading a whole lot into a tweet, in his interview with Dwarkesh Patel he says, about 20 different times, that scaling LLMs (as they are currently conceived) won't lead to AGI.

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You keep changing topics so I don't get it either, I can attest it's not a fringe view that the situation is interesting, seen it discussed several times today by unrelated people.

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He's said it pretty clearly, an LLM could be part of the solution in combination with program synthesis, but an LLM alone won't achieve AGI.

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But it's his EPR paper inspired the Bell's inequality and pushed the field further. Yes he was wrong about how reality works, but still he asked the right question.

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From Chollet's perspective, the LLM hype started well before, with at least GPT-2 half a year before his paper, and he spent plenty of time mocking GPT-2 on Twitter before he came up with ARC as a rebuttal.

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It's a very convincing rebuttal considering that GPT-3 and GPT-4 came out after ARC but made no significant progress on it. He seemingly had the single most accurate and verifiable prediction of anyone in the world (in 2019) about exactly what type of tasks scaled LLMs would be bad at.

2 replies

a) 50% result is not solving the problem. Especially when the implementation is brute forcing the problem and is against the spirit of ARC.

b) He is not being overly negative of LLMs. In fact he believes they will play a role in any AGI system.

c) OpenAI CTO has publicly said that ChatGPT 5 will not be significantly better than existing models. So the rate of improvements you believe in simply doesn't match reality.

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For the record, a lot of problems might turn out to be like this, where we figure out a brute force approach that stands in for human creativity.

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Skeptical about (c), source please. She did say they don't have anything much better than GPT-4o currently, but GPT-5 likely only started training recently.

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It's almost as if he's being overly negative about them to make a point or something to push back against all the unbridled optimism.

I don't think it is like that but rather Chollet wants to see stronger neuroplasticity in these models. I think there is a divide between the effectiveness of existing AI models versus their ability to be autonomous, robust and consistently learn from unanticipated problems.

My guess is Chollet wants to see something more similar to biological organisms especially mammals or birds in their level of autonomous nature. I think people underestimate the degree of novel problems birds and mammals alone face in just simply navigating their environment and it is the comparison here that LLMs, for now at least, seem lacking.

So when he says LLMs are not sentient, he's asking to consider the novel problems animals let alone humans have to face in navigating their environment. This is especially apparent in young children but declines as we age and gain experience/lose a sense of novelty.

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Agree. When I first saw ARC, my reaction was this could possibly be the kind of problem that gives us evolutionary pressure.

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I am a chatGPT fan boy and have been quite impressed by 4o but I will really be impressed when it stops inventing aspects of python libraries that don't exists and instead just tells me it doesn't exist.

It literally just did this for me 15 minutes ago. You can't talk about AGI when it is this easy to push it over the edge into something it doesn't know.

Paper references have got better the last 12 months but just this week it made up both a book and paper for me that do not exist. The authors exist and they did not write what it said they did.

It is very interesting if you ask "do you understand your responses?" sometimes it will say yes and sometimes it will so no not like a human understands.

We should forget about AGI until it can at least say it doesn't know something. It is hardly a sign of intelligence in humans to make up answers to questions you don't know.

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Every time you’re wrong and you disagree with someone who is right you are inventing things that don’t exist.

Unless you’re saying you have never held on to a wrong opinion that was at some point proven to be wrong?

1 replies

I don't see how the point about the typical human is relevant. Either you can reason or you can't, the ARC test is supposed to be an objective way to measure this. Clearly a vanilla LLM currently cannot do this, and somehow an expert crafting a super-specific prompt is supposed to be impressive.

0 replies

The point is that if you have some test of whether an AI is intelligent that the vast majority of living humans would fail or do worse on than gpt4-o (let alone future LLMs) then it’s not a very persuasive argument.

1 replies

Actually the solution being discussed here is the one that Chollet mentioned in his interview with Dwarkesh, and only bolsters his case.

The LLM isn't doing the reasoning here, it's just pattern matching the before/after diff and generating thousands of Python programs. The actual reasoning is done by an agentic like loop wrapped around the LLM, as described in the linked blog.

0 replies

When you peer into the soul of the machine it delicately resolves to `while(1){...}`. All Hail The REPL.

0 replies

Yeah I agree. We have reached the end of LLMs. LLMs are infallible and require no further improvement. Anyone who points out shortcomings of current architectures and training approaches should be ignored as a naysayer. Anyone who proposes a solution to perceived flaws is a crank trying to fix something that was never broken. Everyone knows humans are incapable of internal monologues or visualization and vocalisation. Humans don't actually move their lips to speak to produce a sound that can be interpreted by a speaker of the same language, they produce universally understood tokens encoding objective reality and the fact that they use the local language is merely a habit that is hard to break out of.

0 replies

Did you listen to what Chollet said? How much of LLM improvements are due to enlarging the training sets to cover more problems and how much is due to any emergent properties?

0 replies

I don't think he's as critical as you say. He just views LLMs as the product of intelligence rather than intelligence itself. LLM fans will say this is a false distinction, I guess.

His definition of intelligence is interesting: something that can quickly achieve tasks with few priors or experience. I also think the idea of using human "Core Knowledge" priors is a clever way to make a test.

0 replies

a very large percentage of people living today are also not thinking/understanding/sentient

This isn't that big a bullet to bite ( comes from well before ChatGPT's launch), and I myself am inclined to bite it. System 1 alone does not a general intelligence make, although the article is extremely interesting in asking the question "is System 1 plus Python enough for a general intelligence?". But it's not a very relevant philosophical point, because Chollet's position is consistent with humans being obsoleted and/or driven extinct whether or not the LLMs are "general intelligences".

His position is that training LLMs results in an ever-larger number of learned algorithms and no ability to construct new algorithms. This is consistent with the possibility that, after some threshold of size and training, the LLM has learned every algorithm it needs to supplant humans in (say) 99.9% of cases. (It would definitely be going out with a whimper rather than a bang, on that hypothesis, to be out-competed by something that _really is_ just a gigantic lookup table!)

0 replies

That's a big jump in generalization that bruteforcing 4 colors in 9x9 grids with 8000 programs has anything near to what sentient human can do.

Back in the days similar generalization was used for Deep Blue chess computer. Computer won in 1997, but the AGI abyss is still as big.

26 replies

I'll say what a lot of people seem to be denying. GPT-4 is an AGI, just a very bad one. Even GPT-1 was an AGI. There isn't a hard boundary between non AGI and AGI. A lot of people wish there was so they imagine absolutes regarding LLM's like "they cannot create anything new" or something like that. Just think: we consider humans a general intelligence, but obviously wouldn't consider an embryo or infant a general intelligence. So at what point does a human go from not generally intelligent to generally intelligent? And I don't mean an age or brain size, I mean suite of testable abilities.

Intelligence is an ability that is naturally gradual and emerges over many domains. It is a collection of tools via which general abstractive principles can be applied, not a singular universally applicable ability to think in abstractions. GPT-4, compared to a human, is a very very small brain trained for the single purpose of textual thinking with some image capabilities. Claiming that ARC is the absolute market of general intelligence fails to account for the big picture of what intelligence is.

11 replies

GPT-4 is an AGI, just a very bad one.

Then stop selling it as a tool to replace humans. A fast moving car breaking through a barrier and flying off the cliff could be called "an airborne means of transportation, just a very bad one" yet nobody is suggesting it should replace school busses if only we could add longer wings to it. What the LLM community refuses to see is that there is a limit to the patience and the financing the rest of the world will grant you before you're told, "it doesn't work mate."

So at what point does a human go from not generally intelligent to generally intelligent?

Developmental psychology would be a good place to start looking for answers to this question. Also, forgetting scientific approach and going with common sense, we do not allow young humans to operate complex machinery, decide who is allowed to become a doctor, or go to jail. Intelligence is something that is not equally distributed across the human population and some of us never have much of it, yet we function and have a role in society. Our behaviour, choices, preferences, opinions are not just based on our intelligence, but often on our past experiences and circumstances. It is also not the sole quality we use to compare ourselves against each other. A not very intelligent person is capable of making the right choices (an otherwise obedient soldier refusing to press the button and blow up a building full of children); similarly, a highly intelligent person can become a hard-to-find serial criminal (a gynecologist impregnating his patients).

What intelligent and creative people hold against LLMs is not that they replace them, but that they replace them with a shit version of them relegating thousands of years of human progress and creativity to the dustbin of the models and layers of tweaks to the output that still produce unreliable crap. I think the person who wrote this sign summed it up best

7 replies

In response to the sign: then learn to code or make art that is better than AI art.

It's an existential complaint. "Why won't the nerds make something for meeeee." Do it yourself. Make that robot.

Sucks to think that you're not that special. Most art isn't. Most music isn't. Any honest artist will agree. Most professional artists are graphic designers, not brilliant once in a generation visionaries. It's the new excuse for starving artists. AI or no, they'd still be unsuccessful. That's the way it's always been.

5 replies

While that is 100% true, the real problem is that the risk of finding out whether you can make special art has significantly increased. Previously if you didn’t make it as an artist, you could still earn money with other art related tasks - in graphics, many became illustrators. In music, people made music for ads.

That plan B is now going away, and a music career will be much more like a sports career: either you make it in football, or you need to find another career where your football skills won’t be very useful.

That is obviously scary for many.

4 replies

Artists who make it usually have a legend, a story to tell or be told by their friends, associates, agents, publishers, gallerists, etc. That story has a human dimension that touches the rest of us and we somehow connect to it. Van Gogh cut of his ear, we still keep talking about it and wondering why? There is nothing AI can tell us about itself, its "art". The artistic struggle with AI is not about expressing your vision on a canvas in a way that makes others feel what you want them to feel but about forcing it to generate something it is incapable of generating or programmed not to generate. We got to the point where we are given crayons programmed to not draw the things others do not want them to draw or to draw HR-approved version of what the artist wants to draw. The future is now and it's shit.

3 replies

Using van Gogh as an example of “artists who make it” is insane.

Which I guess is appropriate, because he was literally crazy. He suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions and died from suicide, depressed and in poverty.

That’s the opposite of “making it”. It’s zero consolation that people like his work now, he never even knew.

2 replies

Using van Gogh as an example of “artists who make it” is insane.

So is building a tool that will only generate "approved" art. We need to be able to express our idea, feelings, our perception of the world in ways that do not fit corporate standards of text, audio, or visual communication. It's part of being human.

0 replies

So is building a tool that will only generate "approved" art.

And so is eating ice cream with your forehead. Are we just doing non sequiturs now? I didn’t defend image generation tools in the slightest.

We need to be able to express our idea, feelings, our perception of the world in ways that do not fit corporate standards of text, audio, or visual communication.

I agree. My point started and ended with “van Gogh in an awful example when talking about artist who ‘made it’”. That’s it. There is nothing in there to be extrapolated to AI or any other subject.

0 replies

So don't use the tool or make your own. You don't get to tell people what to use or like.

0 replies

The sign reads (paraphrased): “I want AI to do my dishes so I can do art. Not do art so I can do my dishes”

Your response is “learn to art” “The nerds dont owe you anything.” “Most of You would be unsuccessful anyway”

You brought in absolutely unrelated items.

1) Learn art - that is baked into what the Sign is saying. There is no Terminal Point for being an artist.

2) Nerds dont… - Where nerds come in as a class for this conversation?

2.1) if you can speak for all nerds, please note that I sure as heck dont want Warhammer 40k, I want Star Trek.

3) Most would be unsuccessful - so what?

Are they happy practicing their craft? Do they have the choice to spend their time on those pursuits and enrich their lives, and share their joys with others around them?

1 replies

Then stop selling it as a tool to replace humans

I don't understand why people assume that the purpose of any tool is to "replace humans". Automation doesn't replace humans and never has and never will. It simply does certain tasks that humans used to do, freeing people up to do different tasks. There is not a limited amount of work that can be done, there isn't a limited amount of _creative_ work that can be done. Even if AIs were good enough to do every creative task done by humans today (and they aren't and won't be any time soon), that doesn't mean that humans will have nothing of value to produce, or that humans will have been "replaced". There is always going to be work for humans to do, even in a universe where AI have super human capabilities at all tasks.

In particular, human beings strongly value the opinions and creative output of _human beings_ simply for the reason that they are human and similar to them. That will never change, no matter how intelligent that AIs get.

0 replies

What the LLM community refuses to see is that there is a limit to the patience and the financing the rest of the world will grant you before you're told, "it doesn't work mate."

The point about LLM's is they may have a lot of drawbacks right now but they're improving at a rapid pace. They already are very useful. There are hundreds of stories coming out of companies effectively leveraging them to replace workers in many natural-language related tasks. They're far more useful than a car that goes off a cliff.

Nobody more useful than an LLM is being effectively replaced by an LLM. Those few companies that jump the gun too early are suffering for it.

That sign

We already have dishwashers and washing machines. Companies are working on making humanoid robots that can do those things, it's just that it's harder to develop a fully-fledged embodied humanoid than it is to create the diffusion models and LLM's being used today. It's not some conspiracy to let AI do all the fun stuff first.

Nobody is preventing anyone from making art or writing poetry. If someone finds value in AI art or writing, either you have to accept that they weren't the audience member you wanted, or you have to accept that your ability to be creative is a learnable algorithm same as anything else.

5 replies

The "general" part of AGI implies it should be capable across all types of different tasks. I would definitely call it real Artificial Intelligence, but it's not general by any means.

4 replies

It's capable of attempting all types of different tasks. That is a novel capability on its own. We're used to GPT's amusing failures at this point, so we forget that there is absolutely no input you could hand to a chess program that would get it to try and play checkers.

Not so with GPT. It will try, and fail, but that it tries at all was unimaginable five years ago.

3 replies

Its amusing to me how the very language used to describe GPT anthropomorphizes it. GPT wont “attempt” or “try” anything on its own without a human telling it what to try, it has no agenda, no will, no agency, no self-reflection, no initiative, no fear, and no desire. It’s all A and no I.

1 replies

That's not an interesting argument, all you're doing is staking out words that are reserved for beings with souls or something. It's like saying submarines can't swim. It's an argument about linguistics, not capabilities.

0 replies

Disagree. The ability to “try” is a capability, and GPT doesn’t have it.

0 replies

Do you agree that "there is absolutely no input you could hand to a chess program that would get it to try and play checkers", but there is an input you can hand to GPT-3+ that will get it to try and play pretty much any game imaginable, so long as you agree that its attempt will be very poor?

I don't want to get into the weeds on what intelligence is or what "attempt" means or "try" means (you can probably guess I disagree with your position), but do you have a disagreement on pure input/output behavior? Do you disagree that if I put adequate words in, words will come out that will resemble an attempt to do the task, for nearly any task that exists?

1 replies

This seems to be so broad a definition as to no longer mean anything useful.

People in general are interested in capabilities or economic impact, and GPT-2 cleared no notable thresholds in those regards.

I prefer the exact opposite approach: let’s use a strict definition, and have levels to make it really explicit what we are talking about.

Here is a good one:

“Levels of AGI for Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI”

0 replies

People will never agree on this. We've known about the concept of intelligence for much, much longer than computers have been around and we still don't have a common definition or set of rules to check. That also makes things like consciousness and death pretty hard to define in medicine, leading to inconsistent rules across jurisdictions. For AGI in particular, I guarantee you that no matter which test gets beaten, the majority of humanity will always just move the goalpost and claim it's not "real" AGI because "reasons." Because the opposite would mean they have to admit that they are now the lesser intelligence on the planet.

1 replies

"A car is a plane, just a very bad one. It can do the cruising down the runway part, only the flying part is missing".

0 replies

Someone could say that, but we know and we can prove that a car is not a plane. An example of a bad plane would be the Wright Flyer.

1 replies

The definition of AGI that i am familiar with is that it can do all (digital) tasks a human can do at the level of an average human.

As long as this level hasn't been achieved in all domains, it isn't AGI.

0 replies

This seems like a problematic standard. For one, it's very fuzzy. A human who is top 51% and one who's top 49% are very similar to each other and could probably swap places depending on how they're feeling that day; there's nothing fundamentally different going on in their heads. Even at the further ends of the scale, humans have essentially the same kind of brains and minds as each other, some more capable than others but still all belonging to the same category of thinking things. Your AGI definition bifurcates the human population into those that possess general intelligence and those who don't, but this seems hard to justify. At least, hard to justify when drawn there. If you put the line at profound mental retardation where a person can no longer function in society, that would make more sense. A slightly below average human may not be exceptional in any regard but I think they still possess what must be regarded as general intelligence.

Furthermore, you're counting cases where humans do things the computer cannot but ignoring cases where the computer does things humans cannot. For instance, I doubt any human alive, let alone average humans can give reasonable explanations for short snippets of computer code in as many languages as GPT-4o, or formulate poetry in as many styles on arbitrary topics, or rattle off esoteric trivia and opinions about obscure historic topics, .... I think you get the point. It has already surpassed average human abilities in many categories of intellectually challenging tasks, but with your definition if it fails at even one task an average human can do, then it lacks "general intelligence."

I suggest that your definition is one for "AHI" (Average Human Intelligence), not one for "AGI" (Artificial General Intelligence.)

0 replies

Yes. GPT-3 was a clear AGI signal: "language models are few-shot learners". I.e. they can figure a pattern from few examples to apply it to something useful. That's general intelligence.

But people choose to be in denial.

23 replies

Having tons of people employ human ingenuity to manipulate existing LLMs into passing this one benchmark kind of defeats the purpose of testing for "AGI". The author points this out as it's more of a pattern matching test.

Though on the other hand figuring out which manipulations are effective does teach us something. And I think most problems boil down to pattern matching, creating a true, easily testable AGI test may be tough.

13 replies

Let me play devil's advocate for a second. Let's suppose that with LLMs, we've actually invented an AGI machine that also happens to produce useful textual responses to a prompt.

This would sound more far-fetched if we knew exactly how they work, bit-by-bit. We've been training them statistically, via the data-for-code tradeoff. The question is not yet satisfactorily answered.

In this hypothetical, for every accusation that an LLM passes a test because it's been coached to do so, there's a counter that it was designed for "excessively human" AGI to begin with, maybe even that it was designed for the unconscious purpose of having humans pass it preferentially. The attorney for the hypothetical AGI in the LLM would argue that there are tons of "LLM AGI" problems it can solve that a human would struggle with.

Fundamentally, the tests are only useful insofar as they let us improve AI. The evaluation of novel approaches to pass them like this one should err in the approaches' favor, IMO. A 'gotcha' test is the least-useful kind.

12 replies

There’s every reason to believe that AGI is meaningfully different from LLMs because humans do not take anywhere near this amount of training data to create inferences (that and executive planning and creative problem solving are clear weak spots in LLMs)

5 replies

There’s every reason to believe that AGI is meaningfully different from LLMs because humans do not take anywhere near this amount of training data to create inferences

The human brain is millions of years of brute force evolution in the making. Comparing it to a transformer or any other ANN really which essentially start from scratch relatively speaking doesn't mean much.

4 replies

Plus it's unclear if the amount of data used to "train" a human brain is really less than what GPT4 used. Imagine all the inputs from all the senses of a human over a lifetime: the sound, light, touches, interactions with peers, etc.

2 replies

But that is of little help when you want to train an LLM to do the job at your company. A human requires just a little bit of tutorials and help, an LLM still require an unknown amount of data to get up to speed since we haven't reached that level yet.

1 replies

Yeah humans can generalize much faster than LLM with far fewer "examples" running on sandwiches and coffee.

0 replies

Yeah humans can generalize much faster than LLM with far fewer "examples" running on sandwiches and coffee.

This isn't really true. If you give an LLM a large prompt detailing a new spoken language, programming language or logical framework with a couple examples, and ask it to do something with it, it'll probably do a lot better at it than if you just let an average human read the same prompt and do the same task.

0 replies

Don’t forget all the lifetimes of all ancestors as well. A lot of our intelligence is something we are born with and a result of many millions of years of evolution.

4 replies

How many attempts have there been for humans to solve math or science outstanding problems? We're also kind of spamming with ideas until one works out

3 replies

I’ll give you as much time as you want with an LLM and am 100% sure that it won’t solve a single outstanding complex math problem.

1 replies

I can say the same about myself, and I would probably consider myself generally intelligent.

0 replies

There’s a meaningful difference between a silicon intelligence and an organic one. Every silicon intelligence is closer to an equally smart clone whereas organic ones have much more variance (not to mention different training).

Anyway, my point was that humans butter direct their energy than randomly spamming ideas, at least with the innovation of the scientific method. But an LLM struggles deeply to perform reasoning.

0 replies

I’ll give you as much time as you want with an LLM

With infinite amount of time you can LLM brute force whole search space. Infinite monkeys with typewriters.

0 replies

Our compute architecture has been brute forced via an revolutionary algorithm over a billion years. An LLM approaching our capabilities in like a year is pretty fucking good.

4 replies

Wouldn’t the real AGI test be that an AI would be able to do what the author did here and write this blog post?

2 replies

Yep, but a float is more useful than a bool for tracking progress, especially if you want to answer questions like "how soon can we expect (drivers/customer support staff/programmers) to lose their jobs?"

Hard to find the right float but worth trying I think.

1 replies

I agree, but it does seem a bit strange that you are allowed to "custom-fit" an AI program to solve a specific benchmark. Shouldn't there be some sort of rule that for something to be AGI it should work as "off-the-shelf" as possible?

0 replies

If OpenAI had an embedded python interpreter or for that matter an interpreter for lambda calculus or some other equally universal Turing machine then this approach would work but there are no LLMs with embedded symbolic interpreters. LLMs currently are essentially probability distributions based on a training corpus and do not have any symbolic reasoning capabilities. There is no backtracking, for example, like in Prolog.

0 replies

I won't be surprised if GPT-5 would be able to do it: it knows that it's LLM, so it knows its limitations. It can write code to pre-process input in a format which is better understood, etc.

GPT-4 created a plan very similar to the article, i.e. it also suggested using Python to pre-process data. It also suggested using program synthesis. So I'd say it's already 90% there.

"Execute the synthesized program on the test inputs."

"Verify the outputs against the expected results. If the results are incorrect, iteratively refine the hypotheses and rules."

So people saying that it's ad-hoc are wrong. LLMs know how to solve these tasks, they are just not very good at coding, and iterative refinement tooling is in infancy.

1 replies

Perhaps if we don’t know how to create an evaluation that can’t be “gamed” it tells us something about how special our intelligence really is?

0 replies

I don't know how to create a liver, or test one, so what does that say about my liver? Pretty much nothing.

0 replies

its LLM grade school. let them cook, train these things to match utility in our world. I'm not married to the "AGI" goal if there is other utility along the way.

0 replies

Show me a test and I’ll show you a neural network that passes it… used to be an saying.

18 replies

Very cool. When GPT-4 first came out I tried some very naive approaches using JSON representations on the puzzles [0], [1]. GPT-4 did "okay", but in some cases it felt like it was falling for the classic LLM issue of saying all the right things but then then failing to grasp some critical bit of logic and missing the solution entirely.

At the time I noticed that many of the ARC problems rely on visual-spatial priors that are "obvious" when viewing the grids, but become less so when transmuted to some other representation. Many of them rely on some kind of symmetry, counting, or the very human bias to assume a velocity or continued movement when seeing particular patterns.

I had always thought maybe multimodality was key: the model needs to have similar priors around grounded physical spaces and movement to be able to do well. I'm not sure the OP really fleshes this line of thinking out, brute forcing python solutions is a very "non human" approach.



14 replies

brute forcing python solutions is a very "non human" approach.

ARC-AGI has odd features that leave me flummoxed by the naming and the attendant prize money and hype.

It is one singular task and frankly I strongly suspect someone could beat it within 30 days[1], in an unsatisfying way, as you note.

There's so much alpha that can be pieced together from here, ex. the last couple Google papers use the 1M context to do *500-shot*, i.e. 500 question answer examples. IIRC most recent showed raising travelling-salesman problem solve rate from 3 to 35%.

[1] I pre-registered this via a Twitter post, about 48 hours ago, i.e. before this result was announced.

7 replies

I don't think this is "non-satisfying" at all.

Program synthesis has been mentioned as a promising approach by François Chollet, and that's exactly what this is.

The place I find slightly unsatisfying is this:

Sample vast, vast numbers of completions (~5,000 per problem) from GPT-4o.

Take the most promising 12 completions for each problem, and then try to fix each by showing GPT-4o what this program actually outputs on the examples, and then asking GPT-4o to revise the code to make it correct. We sample ~3,000 completions that attempt to fix per problem in total across these 12 starting implementations.

I'd been tossing around a MCTS idea similar to AlphaGo, based on the idea that the end transformation is a series of sub-transformations. I feel like this could work well alongside the GPT-4o completion catalog. (This isn't an original observation or anything)

3 replies

Classic, I've been doing the same, writing an alphazero for the transformation part. What seems _much_ harder is picking a decent set of transformations/concepts to work with, or more generally automating that process. Maybe you're right that LLMs could help there!

0 replies

Great link, thanks.

0 replies

Very nice! Thanks for the link, that's great inspiration.

2 replies

> Program synthesis has been mentioned as a promising approach by François Chollet, and that's exactly what this is.

To be precise, "this" -a bog-standard generate-and-test approach- is the dumbest possible way to do program synthesis. It's like sorting lists with bogosort and a very big computer.

It's exactly like bogosort: generate permutations and test. Except of course the system that generates permutations costs a few millions(?).

1 replies

Bogosort is driven by 0 heuristics - just shuffle and play. Using an LLM as a high-level prior over your search is very different, and the author had to do a lot of problem-specific tuning to make it work well.

0 replies

But he tuned the "test" side of the generate-and-test loop, not the "generate" side. The "generate" side remains a big permutation generator that is also very hard to control. The current highest-ranked system on the private test set of the ARC-AGI (at 34%) is another LLM fine-tuned on manually created examples of ARC tasks, so that would indeed be messing with the generator part of the loop. I'm guessing performance will jump when someone puts the two together.

A heuristic btw, is something completely different than fine tuning, or filtering. Heuristic search is the closest thing we have to an approximation of the kind of goal-driven behaviour we see in animal intelligence.

I think you could argue that gradient optimisation or any kind of optimisation of some kind of objective function is the same (Rich Sutton has a paper titled "Reward is all you need"). I'm not sure where I stand with that.

5 replies

The private test set has been available to crack for almost four years now. There was also a monetary prize competition run last year.

In your opinion, what has changed that would accelerate a solution to the next 30 days?

4 replies

Prize money meant people would more cleverly strain the rule that "the private test set stays private, no GPT4o, Claude etc.", as shown by the TFA.

This sort of idea would then be shared openly on new sites, creating more attempts. Fallout I did not anticipate was getting widespread attentional on general tech news sites, and then getting public comment from a prize co-founder confirming it was acceptable.

3 replies

It seems like you don’t understand the rules of the competition. Entries don’t have access to the internet. The OP acknowledges in their post that this is not eligible for the prize. The HN comment from the prize co-founder specifically says the OP’s claims haven’t been scrutinized. (implicit: they won’t be for the prize set unless the OP submits with an open LLM implementation)

There is a plan for a “public” leaderboard, but it currently has no entries, so we don’t actually know what the SOTA for the unrestrained version is. [1]

The general idea - test time augmentation - is what the current private set SOTA uses. [2] Generating more examples via transforming the samples is not a new idea.

Really, it seems like all the publicity has just gotten a bunch of armchair software architects coming up with 1-4 year-old ideas thinking they are geniuses.



1 replies

It seems like you don’t understand the rules of the competition.

I don't think you "don't understand" anything :) I'd ask you, politely, to consider that when you're replying to other people in the future.

Better to bring to interactions the prior that your interlocutor is a presumably intelligent individual who can have a different interpretation of the same facts, than decide they just don't get it. The second is a quite lonely path.

Entries don’t have access to the internet.

Correct. Per TFA, cofounder, Chollet, then me: this is an offline solution: the solution is the Python program found by an LLM.

The HN comment from the prize co-founder specifically says the OP’s claims haven’t been scrutinized.

Objection: relevancy? Is your claim here that it might be false so we shouldn't be discussing it at all?

(implicit: they won’t be for the prize set unless the OP submits with an open LLM implementation)

I don't know what this means, "open LLM implementation" is either a term of art I don't recognize, or a misunderstanding of the situation.

I do assume you read the article, so I'm not trying to talk down to you, but to clarify:

The solution is the Python program, not the LLM prompts that iterated on a Python program. A common thread that would describe the confusing experience of reading your comment phrased aggressively and disputing everything up until you agree with me: your observations assume I assume the solution requires a cloud-based LLM to run. As noted above, it doesn't, which is also the thrust of my comment: they found a way to skirt what I thought the rules are, and the co-founder and Chollett have embraced it, publicly.

There is a plan for a “public” leaderboard, but it currently has no entries, so we don’t actually know what the SOTA for the unrestrained version is. [1]

This was false before you posted, when I checked this morning, and it was false as early as 4 days ago, June 14th, we can confirm via (prefix the URL you provided with to check for yourself)

The general idea - test time augmentation - is what the current private set SOTA uses. [2] Generating more examples via transforming the samples is not a new idea.

Did anyone claim it was?

Really, it seems like all the publicity has just gotten a bunch of armchair software architects coming up with 1-4 year-old ideas thinking they are geniuses.

I don't know what this means other than you're upset, but yes, sounds like both you and I agree that having an LLM generate Python programs isn't quite what we'd thought would be an AGI solution in the eyes of Chollet.

Alas, here we are.

0 replies

(Not the OP)

> (implicit: they won’t be for the prize set unless the OP submits with an open LLM implementation)

The solution is the Python program, not the LLM prompts that iterated on a Python program. A common thread that would describe the confusing experience of reading your comment phrased aggressively and disputing everything up until you agree with me: your observations assume I assume the solution requires a cloud-based LLM to run. As noted above, it doesn't, which is also the thrust of my comment: they found a way to skirt what I thought the rules are, and the co-founder and Chollett have embraced it, publicly.

I think the implication is that solutions that use an LLM via an API won't be eligible (the "no internet" rule).

This seems obvious to solve: can use GPT4 to generate catalogs in advance and a lesser, local LLM with good code abilities to select them.

I don't see why this skirts any rules you think were implied and I'm puzzled why you think it does.

sounds like both you and I agree that having an LLM generate Python programs isn't quite what we'd thought would be an AGI solution in the eyes of Chollet.

Alas, here we are.

Chollet noted that program synthesis was a promising approach, so it's not surprising to me that a program synthesis approach that also uses an LLM is effective.

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I wish this comment was less confrontational because there's useful information in it and several points I agree with.

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> GPT-4 did "okay", but in some cases it felt like it was falling for the classic LLM issue of saying all the right things but then then failing to grasp some critical bit of logic and missing the solution entirely.

It still is. It misses the solution so comprehensively that it needs an outer loop to figure out which one is the solution out of 8k programs GPT-4o generates.

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We don't really know what GPT-4 "is". I remember reading a number of relatively well-informed suggestions that there are a number of a models inside there, and the API being interacted with is some form of outer-loop around them.

I don't think the location of the outer-loop or the design of it really makes much difference. There is no flock of birds without the individuals, the flock itself doesn't really exist as a tangible thing, but what arises out of the collective adjustments between all these individuals gives rise to a flock. Similarly, we may find groups of LLMs and various outer control loops give rise to an emergent phenomena much greater than the sum of their parts.

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> We don't really know what GPT-4 "is".

Yes, we do. It's a language model.

8 replies

The article jumps to the conclusion that "Given that current LLMs can perform decently well on ARC-AGI" after having used multiple hand-crafted tricks to get to these results, including "I also did a small amount of iteration on a 100 problem subset of the public test set" which is hidden in the middle of the article and not mentioned in the bullet list at the top.

Adding the close-to ad-hominem attack on Francois Chollet with the comics at the beginning (Francois never claimed to be a neuro-symbolic believer), this work does a significant disservice to the community.

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Francois never claimed to be a neuro-symbolic believer

His response:

"This has been the most promising branch of approaches so far -- leveraging a LLM to help with discrete program search, by using the LLM as a way to sample programs or branching decisions. This is exactly what neurosymbolic AI is, for the record..."

"Deep learning-guided discrete search over program space is the approach I've been advocating, yes... there are many different flavors it could take though. This is one of them (perhaps the simplest one)."

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Indeed. Francois Chollet himself said during his interview with Dwarkesh that he is not against LLMs and in fact believes that the long-term solution mixes LLMs with something else which has not been discovered yet (his bet is on discrete program search but is open to anything else).

Pitching him against LLMs in such a binary fashion is deceiving and unfair.

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That kind of neuro-symbolic AI is a bit like British cuisine: place two different things next to each other in the same plate, like bangers and mash, and call it "a dish".

Nope. This is neurosymbolic AI:

Abductive Knowledge Induction From Raw Data

That's a symbolic learning engine trained in tandem with a neural net. The symbolic engine is learning to label examples for the neural net that learns to label examples for the symbolic engine. I call that cooking!

(Full disclosure: the authors of the paper are my thesis advisor and a dear colleague).

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I think this work is great.

A lot of top researchers claim that obvious deficiencies in LLM training are fundamental flaws in transformer architecture, as they are interested in doing some new research.

This work show that temporary issues are temporary. E.g. LLM is not trained on grid inputs, but can figure things out after preprocessing.

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My claim is _not_ that this work is not useful. But however "great" your work is, misleading on the steps you took during your experiments and overselling your results is never a valid approach in research.

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This is a blog post, sir. All details are written down. He's very clear about methods, it seems you're 1) biased; 2) have too high standards for blog posts.

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The comic at the beginning paints the "stack more layers" LLM people as clowns, not neurosymbolic people or by proxy Chollet. Yes, it suggests the "stack more layers" approach works anyway, but in a self-deprecating way...

If this article wanted to attack Chollet, it could have made more hay out of another thing that's "hidden in the middle of the article", the note that the solution actually gets 72% on the subset of problems on which humans get ~85%. The fact that the claimed human baseline for ARC-AGI as a whole is based on an easy subset is pretty suspect.

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50% accuracy on the public test set for ARC-AGI by having GPT-4o

Isn't the public test set public on github and therefore GPT-4o trained on it?

4 replies

I keep seeing this comment all over the place. Just because something exists 1 time in the training data doesn't mean it can just regurgitate that. That's not how training works. An LLM is not a knowledge database.

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And yet it doesn't rule out that it can't. See new york times lawsuit

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From old pieces of articles that are quoted all over the internet? That's not surprising.

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That's still sufficient for both The Times and for it to be a potential problem in this case.

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It could exist many times. People can fork and clone the repo. People are likely to copy the examples and share them online.

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In this case I don't think having seen the Arc set would help much in writing and selecting python scripts to solve the test cases. (Unless someone else has tried this approach before and _their_ results are in the training data.)

It will be good to see the private set results though.

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Public discussions of solutions to the public test set will presumably have somewhat similar analogies and/or embeddings to aspects of the python programs that solve them.

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I looked at the website and have no idea how Arc is supposed to be AGI.

Can someone explain?

6 replies

It is necessary but not sufficient.

If you can't do ARC, you aren't general enough. But even if you can do ARC, you still might not be general enough.

5 replies

It's also possible that you are an AGI and simply cannot pass ARC.

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How so? If there is a task that humans can do but the AI cannot, I would not call it AGI. But that's just my definition.

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Yeah but if my brother can't pass it, that doesn't mean he is NOT human.

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Isn't chatGPT already proven to be smarter than many of us in many ways?

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I said AGI. I did not say human.

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Could he pass it if he was educated to do the task from birth? Human level intelligence includes being able to be educated, the ML models we have done so far can't be educated so have to match the level of educated humans to compare.

General intelligence as we know it requires ability to receive education.

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Its not a test of AGI. It tests whether you possess innate human capacities: rudimentary arithmetic & geometry, etc. Most of the problems were created manually. The original paper states that they limited the test to innate human priors to make the scope well-defined.

4 replies

When we talk about system 2; is it possible that [generating large number of programs; evaluating them of the task; choosing top K outcomes; feeding it back to Neural net] can act as system 2 for a AGI? Isn't that how we think intelligently as well- by making lot of hypothesis internally and evaluating them - and updating our model?

1 replies


I think we need those pieces, and also a piece for determining hypotheses in an efficient manner. Monte Carlo Tree Search could be that piece. Probabilistically choose a node to search, and then backpropagate the probabilities back to the root node.

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Intuitively I feel efficiency is the outcome of existing world model.. approach can look like yours - I don't see why there has not been efforts on scaling monte carlo tree search for extending the existing world model via tree search. My guess is that it would diverge to hallucinations too fast because it doesn't have a strong logical building block already

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I think it's more like humans are a chaotic choir of subsystems all doing their thing and tossing up their directives until some sort of "win" happens or the volume is loud enough in some direction that it then gets reverse engineered into a "thought". But yes.

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like darwin selection between the subsystem approaches? Put in a lot of different kind of LLMs and let them play the same game inside with each other.. whosoever wins the simulation is allowed to externally present the approach... something like that?

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You know you’re approaching AGI when creating benchmarks gets difficult. This is only just beginning

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Alternatively, society has no common understanding of what AGI means.

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Which is why the first "artificial" sentient beings will likely go through the wringer that humanity historically put other "sub-human" beings through.

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Benchmarks being difficult to create has no connection to something being agi.

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Can we be sure GPT-4o hasn’t been trained on the public test set?

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It has been trained on public test set as it’s on github

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This isn't necessarily true, OpenAI isn't open about how their data cleaning process works.

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François Chollet says LLMs do not learn in-context. But Geoff Hinton says LLMs' few-shot learning compares quite favorably with people!

The truth is in the middle, I think. They learn in-context, but not as well as humans.

The approach in the article hides the unreliability of current LLMs by generating thousands of programs, and still the results aren't human-level. (This is impressive work though -- I'm not criticizing it.)

0 replies

I'm not sure how to quantify how quickly or well humans learn in-context (if you know of any work on this I'd love to read it!)

In general, there is too much fluff and confusion floating around about what these models are and are not capable of (regardless of the training mechanism.) I think more people need to read Song Mei's lovely slides[1] and related work by others. These slides are the best exposition I've found of neat ideas around ICL that researchers have been aware of for a while.


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We don't actually know if it is SOTA, the previous SOTA solution also got around the same on the evaluation set.

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Yeah and GPT4o was potentially trained on this test set and if the tried to hold it out it was still likely trained on discussions of the problems.

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Amazing work, prompt engineering at its finest. One future direction for Arc AGI could be to use not Python, but a much more concise programming language that is more suited for brute-force methods like genetic mutations. The problem would be of course to train an LLM that is proficient enough in such a language. I am thinking about stack based languages. For this competition I would develop a careful bit-level encoding of a variant of the 'Joy' programming language. ( It would be a considerable effort though which I don't have time for, hence I post this idea publicly. A promising direction is a mix of things in my opinion: Special stack-based concise language, consulting LLMs like the OP did, and genetic algorithms combined.

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S expressions are great for making valid syntax more likely - an old trick from Genetic Programming.

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Isn't 50% kind of a failing grade?

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It's only been a week since the million dollar prize was offered. Let's see what the SOTA is in a month.

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"Vision is an especially large weakness."

But you can have GPT write code to reliably convert the image grid into a textual representation, right? And code to convert back to image and auto-verify.

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GPT-4o might not have been trained on a sufficiently large amount of visual data to develop advanced spatial intelligence. Perhaps it needs to see a lot more images, or perhaps it needs to be trained differently (e.g. predict the next frame in a video). I suspect SORA has more spatial intelligence internally than 4o.

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Arc agi is a small stepping stone to agi but is not agi.

Program search mimics what humans do to a certain extent but not in entirety.

A more general world model and reference will be required for agi.

0 replies

You can have a go at the problems here:

None of them are terribly hard but some aren't trivial either, a couple took me a bit of thinking to work out. By far the most tedious part is inputting the result (I didn't bother after the first) which is definitely something AI is better at!

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FWIW GPT-4 is able to generate a plan very similar to one in the article: also involves feature extraction, program synthesis, iterative refinement.

So it's pretty close to being able to plan solution completely on its own. It's just rather bad at coding and visual inputs, so it doesn't know what it doesn't know.

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The expectation is that you'll have to have dynamically generated benchmarks with better eval at some point given the potential for brute forcing the private validation set.

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I'm glad someone else finally said it, those born blind cannot possibly have AGI!

/sarcasm :D

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LOL i looked at that first complex test sample and closed the page, it made my brain hurt.

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Seems that Arc-AGI is more flawed rather than GPT-4o is more AGI.

Maybe a AI version of Hanlons Razor. Never attribute to AGI what could be easily explained by being in the training set.

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> Claim 1 seems likely true to me for a reasonable notion of “learning”. I think François Chollet agrees here. Most of my doubts about this claim are concerns that you can basically brute force ARC-AGI without interestingly doing learning (e.g. brute-force search over some sort of DSL or training on a huge array of very similar problems). These concerns apply much less to the kind of approach I used

The approach described in the article is exactly "brute-force search over some sort of DSL". The "DSL" is a model of Python syntax that GPT-4o has learned after training on the entire internet. This "DSL" is locked up in the black box of GPT-4o's weights, but just because no-one can see it, it doesn't mean it's not there; and we can see GPT-4o generating Python programs, so we know it is there, even if we don't know what it looks like.

That DSL may not be "domain specific" in the sense of being specifically tailored to solve ARC-AGI tasks, or any other particular task, but it is "domain specific" in the sense of generating Python programs for some subset of all possible Python programs that includes programs that can solve some ARC-AGI tasks. That's a very broad category, but that's why it over-generates so much: it needs to draw 8k samples total until one works for just 50% of the public eval set.

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To me the big take-aways here are:

1) Most of the heavy lifting is being done by search. We're talking about having the LLM generate thousands of candidate solutions, and they're mostly bad enough that "just pick the ones that get kinda close on the examples" is a meaningful operation.

2) More samples improves performance despite the fact that GPT-4o's vision is not capable of parsing the inputs. I'm curious how much performance would degrade if you shuffled the images passed to the model (but used the correct images when evaluating which candidates to keep).

3) It's definitely true that the LLM has to be giving you something more than random programs. At the very least, the LLM knows how to craft parsimonious programs that are more likely to be the solution. It may be that it's providing more than that, but it's not clear to me exactly how much information on the correct search space is coming from the hand-crafted examples in the prompt.

Overall, the work to get this far is very impressive, but it doesn't really move the needle for me on whether GPT-4 can do ARC puzzles. It does, however, show me that search is surprisingly powerful on this task.