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A Revolution in Biology?

48 replies

The most interesting for me is the offspring, reproducing a different structure with the same genes. I think mathematically this could be the missing link in evolution, where random gene modifications are just not probable enough to drive evolution. 3 billion DNA pairs cannot evolve randomly, there is not enough time and matter in the universe to randomly try successful generations of life forms. However, bioelectric might be a much much more straightforward and fast way of driving evolution instead of randomly mutating DNA.

18 replies

3 billion DNA pairs cannot evolve randomly, there is not enough time and matter in the universe to randomly try successful generations of life forms

the objection to the process described here is reasonable. thankfully this isn't how it works.

17 replies

thankfully this isn't how it works.

Care to elaborate what lowers this probability down to "computable within adolescent age" levels?

9 replies

I offer paid tuition. For £50/h, I will learn stuff for you and then teach you. Prep time is typically ~3h for each hour I teach you. Minimum 1h lessons.

8 replies

I will pay you £50,000/h if you could give me a convincing answer like "the computational complexity of a beached fish to invent and grow a leg is O(n^2 log n) hours where n is the number of neural spikes in frontal cortex".

4 replies

where n is the number of neural spikes in frontal cortex

If neural spikes had anything to do with it, if any of this worked like that, bacteria wouldn't develop resistance to antibiotics (they can), and I would be able to shapeshift (I can't).

So that question is like asking for a route finding algorithm that's O(n) where n is the number of letters in the destination.

3 replies

The point was to give me a correct estimate based on some measure of time. Pick whatever works for you and give me a formula one can use.

2 replies

And my point is the the question suggests a worldview so incorrect that the question is meaningless.

If you seek understanding, you must decide upon a specific better question of your choice; if you leave it up to us to devise the question, we can do that, but it's overwhelming unlikely that our free choice will connect with whatever it is that led you to ask the question in the first place.

For example, I could ask you to consider a model of a fish where each bone length is controlled by some gene, and then evolution converting fins to legs is some function of the magnitude of reproduction selection pressure on those changes over multiple individuals and generations… and nothing at all to do with one individual's brain.

Or were you thinking of a specific fish species which develops legs when it reaches adulthood?

1 replies

You were giving examples of local adaptations (bacteria building resistance) instead of paradigm shifts (beached fish growing legs). The science behind the former is established (mutations favored by environment); the science behind the latter is not. You are mixing the two together and complaining the second one is non-sense, but is it? Somehow fish had to learn to walk ("evolution from one organism to another") in a limited time including complex mechanics that our computers can't solve exactly; I am waiting for any computational biologist to give us some mechanism behind it that is realistic, i.e. computable. So far nothing and people keep mentioning local adaptations only.

0 replies

The science behind the former is established (mutations favored by environment); the science behind the latter is not.

That's not even an example of a paradigm shift. Continuous transformation trivially gets us between superficial differences like mere body shape, there are many examples of us applying selection pressure to other species to make that category of thing happen, including our crops, livestock, and pets — no more than 10k years separated Chihuahuas and Corgis from Newfoundlands and Afghan Hounds. Likewise even more extreme changes between crops and their wild relatives, the wild versions are almost unrecognisable except to experts.

You are mixing the two together and complaining the second one is non-sense, but is it?

What I'm calling nonsensical is your description. You're calling for the time complexity for a brain to invent changes that aren't caused directly by brains.

Somehow fish had to learn to walk ("evolution from one organism to another") in a limited time including complex mechanics that our computers can't solve exactly

1) Exact solutions aren't necessary; 2) computers have solved walking; 3) the boundary between walking and floundering is an arbitrary one. And #4 after the next quote…

I am waiting for any computational biologist to give us some mechanism behind it that is realistic,

4) One of the ways computers solve problems like this is simulated evolution.

If you don't consider the working demonstrations to be realistic, that's a "you" problem, not something the rest of us care to waste time on.

So far nothing and people keep mentioning local adaptations only.

Do you also insist nobody has ever climbed Mount Everest on the grounds that nobody has legs long enough to do it in one step?

Or that motion pictures are impossible because each frame is stationary?

2 replies

a beached fish doesn't grow legs. the problem isn't what you're willing to pay here, the problem is what you are willing to learn.

my fees are not conditional on you liking the lessons. they are to be paid upfront. i accept the higher offer though.

1 replies

a beached fish doesn't grow legs

Can you prove it? Show me some sort of an environment where a water-based complex organism is able to survive and thrive in dry environment prompting it to grow a new movement organ useless in the water but needed on surface and give me some less-than-exponential algorithmic complexity bound for it. If you can't do it, you don't offer valuable lessons.

0 replies

i told you something that you claim to be true isn't what is claimed to happen by the theory of evolution by natural selection, and you want me to provide proof that it does in fact happen? have you taken leave entirely of your senses?

edit: sorry dang, I fell for it again, didn't I?

edit 2: actually treprinum, I have a sensible answer here, although you're not going to like it. if you were smart enough to understand what you are asking, you really wouldn't have picked body plan as your "gotcha". you would have picked something truly wonderful like the genetic code, or the ribosome, or mechanisms of gene regulation, or embryology, or eukaryotic cells.

the evolution of new body plans is very well understood. i won't explain it to you though, until and unless I get paid. I believe we agreed £50,000/h for an hour minimum lesson which is three hours of prep - so £200,000 total for the first paid lesson? this one here is free.

6 replies

You want people to explain natural selection and evolution to you?

5 replies

No, I want the computational feasibility explanation with some nice O(function) on biological processes. To the best of my knowledge, we still have no idea.

Something like "the computational complexity of a beached fish to invent and grow a leg is O(n^2 log n) hours where n is the number of neural spikes in frontal cortex" or similar.

2 replies

Fish aren't the only things that live in water. There are other marine organisms, some of which have leg-like things. What if one of those organisms, already equipped with legs, evolved to survive on the surface?

1 replies

That would be fine; but we have some lineages coming from fish living on the surface. Those are the interesting ones.

0 replies

While metabolic advantage is a thing, I'm not sure if organisms are expected to carry minimum amount of genetic code that they actually use; in what little I know about developmental biology, I recall there's a high-level structure to the genetic code - some genes are doing more of flow control than encoding actual proteins. It's conceivable that the fish which walked on Earth was the one that managed to accumulate inactive adaptations for walking and switched them on.

Also, there's horizontal gene transfer to account for. It further complicates the picture.

1 replies

Have you ever tried genetic algorithms?

0 replies

Those are great models for local adaptations. They won't grow a leg with extricate mechanical properties we have trouble modeling in state-of-art robotics/mechanics.

11 replies

where random gene modifications are just not probable enough to drive evolution. 3 billion DNA pairs cannot evolve randomly, there is not enough time and matter in the universe to randomly try successful generations of life forms.

As a biologist, I don't think this really follows. From my perspective of studying life, 3 billion DNA pairs can definitely evolve randomly - it's not even really that hard. Eukaryotic life just happened to get that because the fitness deficit from the retrotransposons weren't too bad. On the contrary, I can't actually see how bioelectric could drive evolution - only the creation of more complex structures

10 replies

As a biologist, how do you account for the existence of life?

9 replies

There was an RNA molecule or molecules that could make more of themselves (probably really poorly, at first)

8 replies

Have you read a book called The Stairway to Life: An Origin-of-Life Reality Check by Tan & Stadler? You can find it on Amazon. It's pretty short and will get you thinking rigorously about the problem.

4 replies

No. But I feel like it is unlikely I'll find much value in it. Part 1 being on the Venter work does NOT inspire confidence at all. Not to dismiss them - they're great I've worked with them on a couple projects - but it frankly doesn't have anything to do with abiogenesis. The other fact that lots of creationists like it doesn't bode well either.

Like, of COURSE the Venter cell looks too complicated to originate from raw chemicals! The lineage it evolved from was far more complex, and Mycoplasma underwent minimization. Minimal life also does not equal simple life, or life that was most probable to arise from chemicals. Just a stupid premise, really.

3 replies

There's no point engaging in good faith, or at all, with creationists. "You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into."

2 replies

In fact exactly the opposite is the situation. I knew ahead of time that this guy wouldn’t read a short book, but I posted it for the sake of people who are interested in empiricism and evidence-based thinking.

1 replies

It’s hard to see how it would be evidence based if the evidence’s premise is fundamentally flawed - just in such a niche way that people not in my field wouldn’t be able to see it. They’re kinda preying on the fact that people like you can’t see it, and that’s sad.

0 replies

Just read the book. If it is so terrible then you can write a review demolishing it.

2 replies

Also searchable by its other title "God of the Gaps Volume 6,000 - Forget the Other 5999, This Time We're Really Sure, Can You Stop Doing Research Now Please"

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Yes, I bite the bullet on the god of the gaps when it comes to the origin of life.

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And I'm not opposed to doing research, of course (hard to believe I have to clarify this)

In fact I want people to research the question of the origin of life as rigorously and exhaustively as possible because it is just going to make it that much more obvious that life was designed by God.

I have absolutely no fear that this "gap" is going to do anything but widen.

7 replies

I think mathematically this could be the missing link in evolution, where random gene modifications are just not probable enough to drive evolution. 3 billion DNA pairs cannot evolve randomly, there is not enough time and matter in the universe to randomly try successful generations of life forms

This suggests you have not tried writing a simulated evolution based optimiser.

They're quite easy to write, the hard part is what you mean by a "fitness function" (which doesn't matter for nature, it just is whatever it is).

Such algorithms are also more than fast enough — remember that for the first 3 billion years we only had single-celled life, and that can reproduce in 20 minutes, so we had potentially 79 trillion generations (edit because "78.84 trillion" would be overselling the precision) before the first multicellular life. You get good results faster than that.

The number of base pairs is also just a misleading statistic. For example: each of XXX, XXY, XYY, and Downs are found in around 0.1 of human births, each of which gets an extra copy of a chromosome. These specific changes may not be too good for us, but this kind of sudden massive increase is also found in some plants without negative repercussions.

However, bioelectric might be a much much more straightforward and fast way of driving evolution instead of randomly mutating DNA.

I have no reason to expect bioelectric processes described in this article to be able to direct useful effects on the genome, for the same reasons I think it unlikely your own brain could by sheer willpower turn you into a werewolf.

Wrong layer of abstraction.

5 replies

I learnt that evolution is random mutations of genes + natural selection (selecting the successful random trials). If you have 10^14 generations on 3 billion years, always use up the mass of the Earth, 10^28g, that is 10^40 cells, so you have 10^54 cells randomly trying the best permutation of DNA, that's suprisingly few to balance the vast amount of possible permutations. 4^100000 being 10^60205

4 replies

Evolution doesn't find "best", it finds "slightly better" and "not disastrously worse" repeatedly.

3 replies

Sure, but my question is what does evolution try? If it is full random, then it will TRY much better and much worse mutations as well, so will go back and forth, and will take a lot of time. If it is not fully random, e.g. it is not not able to try big changes, then what is the thing that actually determines what is "feasible", BEFORE trying it out.

0 replies

Full random. Something like 50% of human babies have random mutations which make them unable to develop past the stage of being invisible to the naked eye. Such miscarriages seem like normal menstruation.

There's a knack to optimizing the mutation rate. If you mutate too much, 99.9999% of offspring can't develop and in the end there's too little reproduction. If you don't mutate enough, you don't evolve. Evolution has already optimized this hyperparameter.

0 replies

IIRC, the rate is somewhat dynamic.

That said, my experiments in silico say that what matters most is the pressure from the utility function, more so than the rate of mutation.

So if some organism is in an environment where only a few mutations help, then evolution progresses slowly; and when most possible changes are improvements, then evolution progresses faster.

Both environments can happen even without any dynamic change to the rate of mutations themselves.

0 replies

Environment. You seem to be missing the "natural selection" part of evolution. The optimization process works like this:

- Life reproduces; between imperfections in reproduction and environmental mutagenic factors, there is a certain amount of random mutations;

- The churn happens. Organisms compete for resources; winners reproduce, losers starve. Environment throws curveballs - spills, seasons, volcanos, radiation, oxygen, and a million different things. A lot of organisms are killed, some survive and reproduce. Now, mutations can make organisms better or worse at surviving the challenges. This is the asymmetry you're looking for, the driver of evolution. Helpful mutations propagate, unhelpful mutations die. Where "helpful" means, of course, "helpful locally, at a given moment".

Rinse and repeat. The randomness isn't the driver - it's just jitter preventing evolution from getting stuck in a local minimum. The life cycle of birth and death is what drives evolution, specifically because it depends on both how the organism is built, and on the environment.

0 replies

For example: each of XXX, XXY, XYY, and Downs are found in around 0.1 of human births, each of which gets an extra copy of a chromosome. These specific changes may not be too good for us, but this kind of sudden massive increase is also found in some plants without negative repercussions.

A couple notes:

Downs is unlike the other defects you mentioned in that it severely impairs the patient while the various extra-sex-chromosome disorders vary from sterility through minor impairment to what basically amounts to behavioral differences.

Downs is unusual, though, in that most extra chromosomes make the fetus nonviable. As far as trisomy disorders go in general, Downs is unusually benign.

Plants are better known for increasing their -ploidy (number of sets of chromosomes) than the count of an individual chromosome. A triploid human, with three copies of every chromosome, would be hopelessly nonviable. Plants are different. Really different.

3 replies

Indeed, they do not evolve randomly. There’s this thing called natural selection that is relatively crucial.

Your interpretation of bioelectric effects as summarized in this article seems to have missed something. The bioelectric network is itself an expression of the genes involved in development. It’s not a separate magical force.

1 replies

>The bioelectric network is itself an expression of the genes involved in development.

Yes, you may need genes to express the proteins of ion channels and gap junctions, but there is no anatomy coded by genes, no genes code for how many limbs will a biosystem have (as reiterated by Levin). And it is this level of resolution that actually mattered for years before the launch of molecular biology and medicine.

>It’s not a separate magical force.

Indeed, it sort of (suppose - by up to 70%) is. If the fine structure constant, which defines the strength of the interaction between a charge and an electric field, were 4% less or more than its current value, the current world and biosphere wouldn't exist. So far physics can't explain why the fine structure constant has this exact value (~1/137, which is also unique that it is a dimenionless constant). (I'm not inferring anything, just presenting raw data).

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but there is no anatomy coded by genes, no genes code for how many limbs will a biosystem have (as reiterated by Levin)

What's this supposed to mean? We are already able to develop bugs with missing or additional limbs by modifying their genes.

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It's not any different from the nervous system, really, it's just that we're now recognizing that those fields are involved in things other than sensation, perception, etc..

2 replies

As I understand, the worm cells act differently because the worm is placed in a solution which interferes with their electrical messaging, so it makes sense that the offspring growing up in the same solution would grow with the same defects as the parents. I think that's all there is to it.

1 replies

The referenced paper ( specifically states that it continues after the solution is changed to plain water.

Two-headed worms made this way reveal a permanent revision of the target morphology: subsequent rounds of regeneration in plain water, long after the reagent is gone from the tissue, continue to make two-headed worms.
0 replies

Ok wow that's pretty strange.

1 replies

reproducing a different structure with the same genes

This a-ha moment for me with respect to this is that some biological processes are of the type [random process -> selection -> stable result]. This means that the genetics actually _don't_ store the information for what is ultimately produced, only the information necessary to trigger a random exploratory process and to stabilize that process when it reaches a suitable target. This is one reason why animals can flexibly adapt their development to different conditions as described in the above article.

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For example, human genetics encode how to make a big ball of neurons that can learn by themselves.

38 replies

It's incredible that the information necessary to create a human is just about 750 MB uncompressed. For example the very specific shape of the scapula bone or fear of spiders...

13 replies

It's really not. If nothing else, conditions in the uterus, especially in the first few months, are extremely crucial. Take 10 identical fertilized eggs and put them in 10 different people and you'll get 10 different humans, not 10 clones as people generally assume. And this is not just genetics of the mother, differences in diet and lifestyle will also significantly (not to mention history) impact the development of the fetus, especially in the early months.

6 replies

The design of the uterus was also included in that 750MB.

Which means this ability to usefully vary the final product is also included in the 750MB! If anything that makes it even more astonishing, not less.

2 replies

Biological systems don't work this way. You need a fully living organism + DNA to produce a new organism. You can't "bootstrap" just from the DNA. DNA is not a blueprint: it is more like a recipe that assumes an intricate set of tools already exist. If you only had the DNA and not the "tools" (a living, healthy enough mother), you wouldn't get more than a few cells from it.

1 replies

That's not what I said. The "tools" were also created from DNA, i.e. the mother.

Or are you saying that there's essentially undocumented-code that exists inside a living organisim and is transmitted mother to daughter, by virtue of being gestated, but is not in DNA?

0 replies

I'm sort of saying that, yes.

Some of this is actually very well known - at the cellular level, when a cell divides, the nuclear DNA doesn't uniquely determine every aspect of the new cells, certain organelles divide separately and by their own mechanisms. So, it's trivial to observe that you can't recreate a cell fully knowing just its DNA, you also need the mitochondrial DNA but also other bits.

But there is even more than that. Imagine you had a program that explained exactly how to build a PC that can run this same program, starting from raw sand and ending up with a fully powered PC. So, if you boot a PC and give it access to a smart factory, this program will create a new smart factory from scratch that is a near perfect copy of the original smart factory. The question is: if you don't have a smart factory at all, you just found this program on printed paper, would you be able to use it to build a smart factory?

Most likely, no, because the program can easily depend on certain details of the original smart factory that it was used to copy. Let's say, it could have instructions like "measure the length of original.robot_arm_7 and cut this piece of metal to the same length", or, "combine the liquid in original.vat3 with two parts "water" and 1 part liquid from original.vat7, and pour the result in copy.vat3". This is how life works: it uses DNA to build copies of itself, but DNA can't help you build the original base cell, that was arrived at by an entirely different process.

Edit: for another simple example, consider that, if some ultra-advanced alien species found a population of living mammals, but they were all female, they would be fully able to create more females of the same species. But, it would be completely impossible for them to create a male of the original species, because there is no DNA whatsoever in a female mammal that explains how to build a testicle or a sperm cell. They could build artificial males, but they couldn't ever know if those males resemble the originals or not. So again, the DNA of an organism doesn't encode all the information necessary to create the species, that is transmitted through a more complex mechanism.

0 replies

People think DNA is the source code. It’s more like an API response. DNA is sufficient to pass traits down to the next generation. It is not sufficient to bootstrap life from nothing. It has to be interpreted by a very specific system.

0 replies

No, because each baby comes from a uterus, there is a second possible information transmission mechanism at play. Until we see a baby formed outside of a uterus that has a functioning uterus itself, you can’t be certain that the DNA has the requisite data.

0 replies

Remember "Reflections on Trusting Trust"[0]? This is biology in a nutshell: the "source code" may be 750MB, but since every organism has been built by another organism, there's $deity knows how much information accumulated in, and copied by, the reproduction mechanism itself, without ever being present in the "source code".


[0] -

4 replies

Take 10 identical fertilized eggs and put them in 10 different people and you'll get 10 different humans

Well, some would say if you took 10 identical fertilised eggs and put them in the same human in serial you'd get 10 different humans. Some would say there's no such thing as 10 identical fertilised eggs, or 10 identical anything.

The question is how different? 10 identical eggs in 10 well-nourished, healthy people and the results should be pretty similar, no?

2 replies

Some would say there's no such thing as 10 identical fertilised eggs, or 10 identical anything.

Sure, "identical" is a strong word for anything biological.

The question is how different? 10 identical eggs in 10 well-nourished, healthy people and the results should be pretty similar, no?

My understanding is that they would be less similar than "identical" twins, more similar than regular siblings.

1 replies

But wouldn't "surrogate clones" as the category be closer to twins than siblings? They would be closer to twins than fraternal twins.

0 replies

Honestly I don't think it's very clear. The practicalities of cloning processes make it so that we are very far from exploring what's in principle possible. All of the cloned mammals so far have died pretty young even when the original organism lived a long and healthy life, so in that sense they are technically way more different than even siblings. Of course, this is almost certainly just a limitation of our currently imperfect cloning technology, so it's hard to judge what a perfected cloning tech would do.

Of course, certain aspects of appearance are known to be almost exclusively genetically determined, such as eye, hair, and skin color. Some fine details are known from identical twin studies to not be fully determined, such as fingerprints (twins have slightly different fingerprints). For the majority of other fine details, it's actually pretty unclear.

0 replies

Lots of red flags here.

To start, in the 99% of the times this question can be answered with: no.

I bet that the man being promoted here as the best thing since the invention of Banjo, didn't discovered the effect of chemical gradients in Embryology. (I don't know everything, and I could be wrong. I'm open to discuss his published scientific articles in the field).

That the same process that makes your arm will be repeated later to build each one of your fingers is known since many decades ago (count the number of articulations, is always car, car plus a cdr). See the video of U2 "Even better than the real thing" for a graphic representation of the idea. Yes, this is how it works basically.

Take 10 identical fertilized eggs and put them in 10 different people and you'll get 10 different humans

You can bet it. This big claims always worry me. They either reveal a basic lack of understanding about biology, or are predatory and directed to select people that don't understand even the most basic concepts on Biology.

An spermatozoa can be used just one or zero times. Period.

There is not such thing as "10 identically fertilized eggs put in the same woman will get exactly the same human ten times", because is impossible to find 10 genetically identical spermatozoans and 10 genetically identical ovules to match them. Each time meiosis happens what you have is a similar but genetically different cell

0 replies

A lossy compression

7 replies

To be fair that’s just the size of the installer

5 replies

That's a good comeback, especially if you can say something about the site where the rest of the info is pulled from ;-)

1 replies

I know you were joking, but what I was thinking of was that our DNA creates cells, but I don’t think that we would grow into proper humans without interacting with the rest of the earths environment. And there’s a lot more than 750 MB of information out there

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I was thinking only of the hardware - call it a feral human, as in raised by wolves - of course otherwise you get the "it takes a village" line.

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DNA has been in development hell for billions of years, and yet compile/install times still vary widely between platforms and is not ABI compatible cross-platform.

Don’t get me started on the unauthorized use of proprietary code!

We keep getting asked about “checksums” and “reproducible builds” and if the BDFL is going to implement them, to which they say: “already landed in upstream,” “works on my machine,” “notabug,” and/or “wontfix” sometimes in the same reply.

0 replies

about the site where the rest of the info is pulled from

That's what Dualism posits: The rest of the info is elsewhere, and joins with the physical body. Dualism is usually discussed in regards to sapience, but it doesn't have to, it can also include the behavior of animals.

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Well, the egg’s cytoplasm contains quite a few of the frameworks

0 replies

but if i pirate it, i have a full copy

5 replies

Well until they succeed in creating artificial wombs it's technically a much larger amount of information (e.g. the cellular composition of the womb, how many and what kinds of nutrients that flow through, etc). We are still scratching the surface of epigenetics too.

4 replies

Well until they succeed in creating artificial wombs it's technically a much larger amount of information (e.g. the cellular composition of the womb, how many and what kinds of nutrients that flow through, etc).

You might note that this information is also contained in the same notional 750MB bundle.

Imagine a piece of software that works poorly the first time you run it, but modifies its environment so that it will work better in future runs.

There was an experiment in birds related to this. Someone had the question of whether birdsong was genetically or culturally determined.

The cultural side noted that, for whatever species of bird was under investigation, birds raised without parents produced abnormal song.

But upon continuing the experiment, the genetic side noted that the children of those birds, exposed only to the abnormal song of their parents, produced normal song.

Raising one bird in isolation isn't enough to express the information contained in that species' DNA, but the information is there anyway.

1 replies

You might note that this information is also contained in the same notional 750MB bundle.

Not necessarily, that's the point. It's uncertain if you can recreate a human being from genome alone even with perfect technology. Some crucial information could be passed from one female to another without being present in the genome at all.

There was an experiment in birds related to this.

I suspect none of these birds were rebuilt in a laboratory from their genome alone. The experiment proves that information is passed inside the egg but it doesn't specify via which medium.

0 replies

Some crucial information could be passed from one female to another without being present in the genome at all.

Hard to know, but two interesting corner cases: (but they have their own DNA...) (but it looks like they can grow again "However, [...] cells whose centrioles have been removed via laser ablation [...] centrioles can be synthesized later in a de novo fashion."

0 replies

In general, the instructions for creating a copy of an object can be very different from instructions for creating an original from scratch, because instructions for copying can use information already in instance A. And DNA is certainly instructions for copying, not for building from scratch.

How far you'd get using DNA to create some organism from scratch is unclear, but it's certainly not very far at all. You certainly can't create a whole eukaryotic cell just from DNA, even with all put current knowledge of organic chemistry plus our ability to study how current cells actually work (no one has come even slightly close to building a self-replicating prokaryotic cell).

Edit: imagine source code for a compiler that is allowed to strcpy() bits of the currently running compiler. It's a legitimate way to create a running compiler, but it's not what we'd normally consider "source code".

0 replies

Or the bird's DNA contained some objective function, and the song gradually converged to maximize that function? :-)

2 replies

It's incredible that the information necessary to create a human is just about 750 MB uncompressed

Hold up, isn't the point of this article that genes do not have all the information?

The, er, bootup environment of a freshly-fertilized human egg normally provides a lot more than merely protection and raw materials for nine months. Likely a lot of required parameters, and definitely a lot of important tuning optimizations.

For example the very specific shape of the scapula bone or fear of spiders...

There were some studies a decade back about mice inheriting fears of certain smells from the father, I wonder if anyone discovered the mechanism (or disproved the effect) by now.

0 replies

Hold up, isn't the point of this article that genes do not have all the information?

Yeah it is. The informational aspect (and the precision level) Levin and his friends are looking for is the main factor here. Cells are not just tissue building blocks, they're agents, limited but still, themselves with a lot more capabilities than we generally assume.

I believe multiple fields are mature enough (biology, computational biology, optics) to care and analyse this and make a new step in our understanding of complex organisms.

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To a programmer it's reminiscent of a self-hosting compiler that comes with working source and binary, but not the sequence of bootstraps. "Trusting trust" makes a nice example of the hastiness in taking the source to be all you really need to know. Similarly, metacircular interpreters that leave evaluation order ambiguous.

Should be very interesting to quantify what's needed for a "clean bootstrap" of a minimal model organism that can reproduce.

1 replies

In compression contests you count the size of both the compressed data (DNA) and the decompressor binary (egg cell).

We don't know how much data is required to fully describe a living cell, but it's not just the DNA since you can't turn that into a cell without using an existing cell

0 replies

It could be argued that the "decompressor binary" is actually a female human, which sounds a bit like the old "store large parts of the compressed data in the decoder to get a smaller file size" trick. :-) Maybe the sperm / egg are deltas? I wonder if there has been any research done with parental similarity with gestation using surrogacy vs. natural mother.

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I guess that's without considering epigenetics which have some heritable marks. We are very far from knowing how much epigenetics contribute to the making of an organism and as a whole it is controversial. But one of the great lessons of the human genome project is that DNA coding does not account for all of the biologic information and that epigenetics may have a bigger part to play than what was previously thought. If we were somehow able to model every epigenetic marker the uncompressed information would be quite heavier

0 replies

It's incredible that the information necessary to create a human is just about 750 MB

Have you not been playing with LLM's in the last year or so ?

They seem to compress a sizable chunk of human knowledge in about 7 Gig

And, when they find a gap, they lie through their teeth to provide a reasonable answer.

I wonder if there's some sort of similar process (hallucination) going on when the final human is rebuilt from the 750MB.

0 replies

It's the initial state for a self-replicating hardware procedural generator.

0 replies

create a human *body*
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DNA is just a "program", and a living cell is basically an advanced programmable nanorobot. When cells divide or reproduce, the whole nanorobot is cloned with some modifications. The DNA tells how to modify the cloned nanorobot, and it is also possible to reprogram any cell back to the original state. Nobody knows how to make a cell i.e the nanorobot from stratch. The information is not in the DNA, like a computer program doesn't contain the instructions to build a computer.

11 replies

I'm about 55 now, and if I was high school or college age again, this is what I'd study. There is huge potential in future biological developments.

10 replies

What if you were 33? Asking for a, huh, friend.

6 replies

I'd get ready for the mid-life crisis.

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3 replies

I think what I’ll do is get a hobby that is not too expensive. Like, you have to buy something overpriced to satisfy a midlife crisis, but at least I will try to get some nice headphones (not harmful at least, and with nice headphones you can play your music quieter, save your hearing) or a good bicycle (healthy!) out of it.

Anything but a sports car, really. Driving around in a sports car is just advanced sitting, which I already do to much of, and they are very expensive.

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Continuing with the dev bio theme, I'd suggest kicking off a mid-life crisis with a decent microscope, petri dishes, and maybe some planeria or something else to study.

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Sports car does not need to be expensive. I think it's more about having a purpose and being useful rather than anything else. I saw it in me and other people I know that went through that period. The greater the thing you're working on the less you'll feel any change.

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Huh. So that must subconciously be why I got into birdwatching at age 35 and am now slowly leveling up the purchase price of the binoculars…

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I believe the traditional approach is a Corvette you can't afford and a new partner that violates the half plus seven rule.

0 replies

I find the probability of someone on the internet being able to give you sound advice, without knowing your situation and personality extremely small.

For me personally it is most of the time about the balance between what you can afford, what would you think you would like to achieve and what you miss would. Reasonably, most of the people can't "have it all" (family, money, peace of mind, results, etc.).

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Well it’s not lucrative in the tech company sense but it is interesting science. It keeps the brain engaged. So less competition but a harder space if that makes sense.

The larger breakthroughs will be driven by AI and new instruments. Biological understanding has always been about developing the right tool/instrument to answer a question.

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By all means go back to university, even do a PhD, if you find a subject you’re passionate about (and have the beans to finance it). That’s what I did and it was great!

8 replies

The language in the article is a bit overhyped. There are multiple examples of gradients being involved in pattern formation. It's just that electrical potentials are a bit of a newer area of study.

There's the chemical gradient based on WNT signaling in fruitfly development, the SHH (sonic hedgehog) chemical gradient in limb pattern formation and body planning asymmetry. There's even auxin signaling in plant development.

Heck, one of Alan Turing's (yes, THAT Turing) most famous papers from the 50s described reaction-diffusion mechanisms for pattern formation.

Basically for evolution to invent some kind of reproducible pattern of something, you need to start with a gradient of something and tie that to gene transcription.

In the fruit fly example it's a chemical trigger that reaches the nucleus via wnt signaling. In the flatworm example, it's a membrane polarization gradient that drives the gradient rather than a chemical one.

I'd imagine the patterns you can create from electrical depolarization are simpler than the ones you can get from chemicals interacting as you lose many of the interesting interactions you get from reaction-diffusion

5 replies

Yes, I believe that the linked article oversimplifies when talking about a "bioelectric" state, perhaps because this sounds more appealing to those familiar with electrical and electronic technologies.

The actual state that is described is determined by the chemical concentrations of various kinds of ions and molecules along and across the body of an animal.

The distribution of electric potential that appears as a consequence of the chemical concentration variations, due to the fact that the atomic ions and also many of the molecules involved are electrically charged, is just a coupling mechanism between those chemical concentrations, so that when one of them is changed that tends to also change the concentrations of other atomic or molecular ions.

The same "bioelectric" state (i.e. electric potential distribution) could appear as a consequence of distinct distributions of the ions and most certainly those seemingly identical "bioelectric" states would behave quite differently.

This is similar with what happens in semiconductors, whose behavior cannot be simulated based on just the distribution of electric charge, but one must account separately the concentrations of all kinds of charge carriers, e.g. electrons, holes, fixed crystal defects etc.

3 replies

I think I want to clamp down on the hyperbole a bit here, and I think its obvious the author is targeting the software engineer folks who might not be familiar with developmental biology or evolution.

The planaria has evolved a mechanism by which its body plan can be recapitulated from the distribution of electric potential.

When it gets cut in half, the electric potential changes, but this is still enough information for the vivisected halves to redifferentiate. The trade off is, of course, there is only so much information in an electric potential with regard to the patterning of a complex organism, so its hard to imagine a cheetah or a pig pulling off this same kind of trick.

The idea of some subdivision of an animal having its own prerogatives is not some sort of new idea. It goes all the way back to Richard Dawkin's 1970s book "The Selfish Gene" which lays out exactly where the "incentives" are for cells, genes/cistrons, cancer, transposons, etc...

Just because there's some example now of something vaguely reminiscent of semiconductors (which is cool for sure!) does not mean we're gonna start rethinking everything in biology.

2 replies

When it gets cut in half, the electric potential changes, but this is still enough information

None of the linked articles contains any evidence about some direct influence of the electric potential, but only about the influence on differentiation of the variable concentration of ions.

They did not manipulate the planaria with electrodes, but with a drug that has manipulated the concentration of ions, by blocking some of the paths through which some ions are transported through membranes.

All the talk about "bioelectricity" appears superfluous. The variable electric potential is just a side effect of the variable ion concentrations, which complicates their behavior by introducing a coupling between the movements of different kinds of ions.

1 replies

That kind of sounds like saying that talking about "electricity" is superfluous when describing how chemical batteries work, because it's all about ions.

Yeah, sure... but both are totally relevant?

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Given a state described by the distributions in space of the various kinds of ions, you can compute the distribution in space of the electric potential. Therefore including the electric potential in the state is superfluous.

Given the distribution in space of the electric potential, you cannot compute the entire state, which includes the distributions in space of many kinds of ions, simply because there are many kinds of ions. Only when there had been a single kind of ions, it would have been possible to describe the state using the electric potential.

All the ions move continuously through very complex circuits comprising a network of pores through the cellular membranes. Through some of the pores the movement is "passive" i.e. for each kind of ion that may pass through a given kind of pore the ionic current is determined by both the local gradient of the concentration of that kind of ion and the local gradient of the electric potential. This is the only place where the electric potential matters. Through other kinds of pores, the ion transport is "active", i.e. the so-called ionic pumps move certain kinds of ions regardless of the gradients of the ionic concentrations and of the electric potential (within certain limits, too large gradients can block an ionic pump).

If you want to simulate the ionic current network of an entire organism, you must compute the electric potential inside the simulation. When you observe a living organism, measuring the electric potential is much easier than measuring directly any kind of ion concentration and in many cases one can estimate the ionic concentrations of interest from the measured electric potential and from additional information.

While accounting for the electric interactions inside an organism is essential, talking about a "bioelectric" state of an organism that would determine its development is just meaningless pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo. "Bioelectricity" is an appropriate term when discussing the electric sense organs or the electric weapons of various animals, where the side-effect of the generation of electric potential differences by differences in ion concentrations is exploited in such a way that the effect is cumulative over large ensembles of cells.

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This makes a lot more sense. I had a hard time visualizing the existence of a biological voltmeter measuring electric potentials and using that to somehow change development of the organism. Seems like another case of "correlation does not equal causation" based on your comment.

1 replies

Your response has fascinated me. Listening to podcasts, I have always so dearly wanted to know what Michael or others meant specifically by "Voltage gradient". These have given me great topics to further conduct research into, with my currently fundamental neuroscience knowledge rooted in understanding of memory, learning and Action Potentials.

I have tried to further this understanding with LLMs but am ofcourse not sure if what they are saying is correct (given the understudied and sparse nature of this research).

If you had a moment to help me understand what exactly these voltage gradients are, how they differ from action potentials, and to tie these to the processes at the cellular level to the larger system, I would be so grateful (for example, is SSH used in limb regeneratio nas well as pattern formation? How? Is it dormant in normal limbs? Which cells, in the limb or in the brain? Which research articles found this? I am fascinated!).

In the meantime, here is what Claude told me. I am not sure if it is accurate, I get a sense of "sweeping under the rug":

"Specific ion channels and gradients:

During limb regeneration in amphibians like salamanders, one of the key ion channels involved is the V-gated proton channel (Hv1). The wound epidermis cells at the amputation site become depolarized due to the influx of protons (H+) through the Hv1 channels, creating a localized region of elevated intracellular pH. This pH gradient, or proton gradient, is believed to be a crucial signal that initiates and guides the regenerative process. Other ion gradients, such as calcium (Ca2+) and sodium (Na+), have also been implicated in regulating various stages of limb regeneration, but the proton gradient is particularly well-studied.

Reaching and influencing cells:

The voltage gradients or ion gradients can propagate through tissues and reach distant cells due to a phenomenon called bioelectric signal propagation. Cells are electrically coupled through gap junctions, which allow for the passive spread of ions and small molecules between cells. This electrical coupling enables the voltage or ion gradients to be transmitted from the source cells (e.g., wound epidermis) to the target cells (e.g., blastema) over long distances. The gradients can influence gene expression, cell proliferation, and cell migration in the target cells, guiding the regenerative process.

Pattern effects and limb regeneration processes:

The specific patterns of voltage or ion gradients are crucial for determining the outcomes of regeneration, such as the completeness and proper patterning of the regenerated limb. For example, manipulating the proton gradient can lead to the formation of supernumerary (extra) limbs or alteration of the limb pattern. The voltage gradients are involved in various stages of limb regeneration, including wound healing, blastema formation, patterning, and differentiation of cells into specific tissue types (e.g., bone, muscle, nerves).

Gradient vs. specific voltage measurement:

The term "voltage gradient" or "bioelectric field" refers to a spatial pattern of voltage differences, rather than a singular voltage measurement at a specific point. It's similar to a topographic map, where the voltage (or ion concentration) varies across different regions, creating a gradient or slope. In contrast, an action potential or membrane potential refers to a specific voltage difference across the cell membrane at a given point in time. The voltage gradient is a long-range signal that provides positional information and guides cellular behaviors during regeneration, while action potentials are localized electrical signals involved in neuronal communication and muscle contraction.

The voltage gradient, or bioelectric field, is a spatially distributed pattern of voltage differences that serves as a long-range instructive signal for coordinating cellular activities during regeneration. It is distinct from a singular voltage measurement or an action potential, as it represents a gradient or slope of voltage across different regions, providing positional cues and guiding the regenerative process."

0 replies

Hey, not OP, but maybe I can help a bit.

Per what Claude is say, yes, generally true-ish.

Honestly, if you want to dive in more, you'll need to read . Textbooks tend to be gold standards still. You can also look up review articles for the specific thing you want to know more about. Simple googling at google scholar should get you to a good review article in <15 minutes.

I want to caution that in general, DevBio is still an active field. Things are moving and grooving, so you'll need to check back in about every 5 years or so.

In general, DevBio works off of a gradient of some sort (we think). A new daughter cell looks at the gradients that she is in, then uses the genome to figure out what to do next. What to do next and the gradient are both hyper complicated. Think, like, 50+ co-interacting variables for gradient, with functional race conditions then set on the genome. It's rough for us humans to figure it all out, we largely think we haven't a real clue yet.

When we say voltage gradient, think the traditional ions and the like. But also think of the voltage gradient that a protein can have too, with binding pockets and stuff. Think voltage gradients that are held in place by lipid rafts on the membrane too. Think also the osmotic potential that ion concentration will have, not just the raw total voltage of a voltmeter. There are a lot of components, and therefore gradients, that make up the voltage potential.

Also, yes, you're right to think of the action potential. That's a voltage gradient across a membrane. In DevBio though, it's not just the voltage gradient across the membrane, but along the cells and among them too. The pancreas has a lot of this kind of stuff happening, from what I remember of my MolBio classes.

Let me know what other question you have and I'll try to get to them today.

3 replies

It's surprising that the main thrust of this is surprising. Do biologists not tend to think about electromagnetic force and it's implications?

1 replies

When in 18xx FDA or its precursor was being formed, its goal was to confine various "bioelectrical woo" present in medicine and biology at that time. And back then there was Rife's microscope, for example, which was able to accurately image living cells. Yet no-one tried to account for the cumulative damage/adverse effects done by FDA approved treatments in comparison with a potential or actual damage done by such "woo".

0 replies

Interesting. Thanks for the insight.

3 replies

Related. Others?

Computational Boundary of a Self: Bioelectricity and Scale-Free Cognition (2019) - - Feb 2024 (1 comment)

Brains are not required to think or solve problems – simple cells can do it - - Jan 2024 (396 comments)

Bioelectricity, Biobots, and the Future of Biology [video] - - Nov 2023 (1 comment)

How bioelectricity could regrow limbs and organs - - Oct 2023 (100 comments)

M. Levin – Bioelectrical signals reveal, induce, and normalize cancer [video] - - Aug 2023 (1 comment) (July 2023)

Aging as a morphostasis defect: a developmental bioelectricity perspective - - June 2023 (1 comment)

Bioelectric networks: cognitive evolutionary scaling from physiology to mind - - May 2023 (1 comment)

Bioelectric networks: from body intelligence to regenerative medicine - - April 2023 (1 comment)

Non-neural, developmental bioelectricity as a precursor for cognition - - Dec 2022 (1 comment)

Michael Levin: Intelligence Beyond the Brain (networked daptive morphogenesis~) - - Oct 2022 (1 comment)

Plasticity without genetic change – Michael Levin [video] - - July 2022 (1 comment)

Mike Levin on using bioelectricity to study how cells form (2019) - - July 2021 (21 comments)

Persuading the Body to Regenerate Its Limbs - - May 2021 (69 comments)

The Link Between Bioelectricity and Consciousness - - March 2021 (1 comment)

Growing Neural Cellular Automata: A Differentiable Model of Morphogenesis - - Feb 2020 (46 comments)

What Bodies Think About: Bioelectric Computation Outside the Nervous System - - Dec 2018 (16 comments)

Brainless Embryos Suggest Bioelectricity Guides Growth - - March 2018 (35 comments)

Memory in the Flesh: Can memories survive outside the brain? - - March 2015 (12 comments)

0 replies

Added above. Thanks!

0 replies

Holy ... he's been features on HN since that long ago ?? I only heard of him from a random partial misclick on a funny youtube thumbnail less than two years ago.

thanks for the background

2 replies

Michael Levin is coming close to the positions of both Humberto Maturana (autopoiesis) and of Nick Lane (proton pumping).

Autopoiesis is not an easy set of concepts but one of the ideas is that details of structure are much less important that preservation of relationships that allow an entity to replenish its own constituents. Planarian are damn adaptable, but this is hardly news.

Nick Lane emphasizes that DNA is subsidiary to bioenergetics and “proton pumping” across membranes. His recent book “Transformer” focuses on the Kreb’s cycle and mitochondria as the crux of life (and autopoiesis, although he does not use this term).

Lane is extremely readable. Maturana is almost inscrutable.

I enjoined the target article, but am not comfortable boiling down development to “bioelectrics”. A complementary perspective but I do not think this will get us farther than good old developmental molecular biology.

0 replies

I disagree. An electromagnetic paradigm of cell life is critical to understanding predictive molecular dynamics, particularly where cellular neural recruitment is concerned. Moving passed mass and unto the mathematical perfection of electromagnetic radiation - as idealized as realized in the electrical engineering sciences - demonstrates its exaltedness in theoretical application.

0 replies

Lane has spoiled essay for me. I've read all his books and he's in the right place on the readability-complexity spectrum for my case.

I can't find any other author, on any other field, I can learn so much from without being actual work.

1 replies

I have created a simulation of how a tree can be grown from a programmable cellular automata. Each cell executes some operations, including replication, based on the surrounding conditions and its age/iteration. More complex organisms can be grown with this technique.

You can play too with it here:

0 replies

Very very cool, bookmarked!

1 replies

This “Fractal Intelligence” stuff feels super Wolfram-like. Just as Wolfram argues that simple rules in cellular automata can create complex, intelligent patterns, Levin’s bioelectric networks show how cells and organs have their own built-in smarts and adaptability. Both are about how simple, foundational principles lead to sophisticated behaviour, challenging the old deterministic ways of thinking. It’s basically a fresh take on how complexity and intelligence arise, and could really shake up how we understand biology and systems in general.

0 replies

That doesn't inspire confidence in Levin's research, if it were true. Wolfram's quixotic quest for a theory of everything is something basically only he believes in, with very little shot at doing anything worthwhile, at least for physics. I hope that Levin's notions are more likely to bear some fruit.

1 replies

Hidden in footnote 5 is a significant fact about the two-headed planaria (flatworms) that produce two-headed offspring: they reproduce not by laying eggs, but by fission. In other words, this physiological trait is not passed through the genes (if it were, that would be a rather astounding Lamarckian fact).

Planaria in general reproduce sexually (with eggs and sperm) and asexually (by splitting).

0 replies

Isn't that Lamarckian either way?

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The first observation is that DNA, on its own, is useless. It has no causal power. It doesn't generate or explain life or cells. You need an existing cell, an existing organism, to make use of the DNA, as it were. Of course, without DNA, the cell cannot proceed. So this mutual dependence tells you that they're a package deal, and neither can be reduced to the other.

The second is that you really cannot get away from telos. The ostensible banishment of telos is not a scientific conclusion, but a metaphysical choice, and one that is incoherent. Telos isn't will or desire or planning or intent per se, though these are examples. Telos is what explains why an effect follows from a cause, and does so with regularity. That striking a match (efficient cause) results in fire (effect) is a question of telos, of the match being ordered toward the effect of fire, effected and actualized by striking. The match obviously is not planning to produce fire, it doesn't will it or want it. But it is causally ordered toward that end or effect. Otherwise, you could not explain why striking it actualizes this potential for fire. You could not make sense of any phenomena, why striking a match results in fire instead of, say, nothing or the appearance of an elephant or whatever.

Biology is no different, but here we can speak of higher order telos. And as biology progresses, the more difficult it is to maintain the crude mechanistic view of life reaching back to the 17th century, that is, one modeled on the machine metaphor. Living things, strictly speaking, are not machines. They're integral wholes, not accidental arrangements.

1 replies

As an aside

His work has been featured everywhere from Scientific American to the Lex Fridman podcast and The New Yorker.

This is a weird way to posit someone's scientific achievements. Had they said eg Lancet, Nature and Science -- ok, clearly someone publishing in those venues is a scientific heavyweight. But being featured in pop-science, a famous podcast and a general audience magazine only tells me how well someone can explain/sell their research, but doesn't actually say anything about the strength of that research.

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Maybe because the target is the general audience.

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They’ve done things like getting frogs to develop extra limbs, and getting them to develop an eye in their gut, or an eye in their tail that they can actually see out of.

I have two contradictory reactions to this. 1. "Isn't science amazing!" 2. "Poor froggy, how horrible."

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Eye tails sound pretty awesome if you’re a frog tho.

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With such apparent speed and quality of research thought we will never have anatomical compiler, let alone electroceutocals and anthrobots, on a routine basis at least in the next couple of hundreds of years.

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studying cancer as a “dissociative identity disorder” of cell groups,

finding that ant colonies succumb to “visual illusions”

had created biobots from frog skin cells

and then created human biobots from lung tissue that can heal damaged neurons.

Oh man, the entire article is a train wreck. Theranos level. I don't even know how to start.

I wouldn't advise to put your money on this. Not without a lot of safety measures.

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wearing a tail?

0 replies

website blocked in my country :(

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the impact of Levin’s work is a shift away from genes as the only determinant of structure

Nobody was making the claim that genes are the only determinant of structure though. A trivial example is the mother's hormones affecting her child's development in utero. To cause a shift away from genes would require showing that the bioelectric network is not itself caused by genetic factors. Otherwise while it may be useful as a tool to develop treatments for developmental diseases it does not change that genes are the ultimate cause of the bioelectric network itself (except as when directly manipulated by scientists).

Quoting Levin himself:

Evolution was using bioelectric signaling long before neurons and muscles appeared, to solve the problem of creating and repairing complex bodies.[0]

It sounds like to me from this quote that bioelectric networks are not something outside of genetics but just another important biological system.

It's hard to pin down what the author is really getting at in the first place. For example these two lines:

genes are great, and they do contain much of the necessary information for building our bodies. But they don’t contain all of it >[...] >Levin’s point is that genes are like machine code, and modern-day programmers never think about machine code—they think about higher-level software constructs like objects, modules, and applications.

Yet machine code really is what is being executed by the computer. Nobody would say that the computer is really running c++, for example, or that c++ is a new "determinant of structure" of the program. It is completely subsumed by machine code.

The author is the entire time equating a set of instructions (the genome) to a biological system (the "bioelectric network"). However it does not make sense to equate these things in the way the author has done it (at least not without a lot more elaboration). The genes do not really do anything except get copied and transcribed into mRNA while the bioelectric network clearly is doing something. So it really seems more like the author should be comparing proteins with the bioelectric network. But I think here the problem becomes much more obvious – there is no other way besides proteins for biological organisms to do work. So it is obvious that the bioelectric network is somehow formed by the work of proteins, and the proteins are themselves caused by genes. The human body has within it many systems: the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the muscular system etc. These all exist at "higher levels of abstraction" than genes and some of them, like the endocrine system, play a role in development. But it wouldn't make sense to say that these system are "in competition" with the genome. Even though we can use the circulatory system to transport a drug to the body that changes the structure of the body.

Another major difference is that genetics are continually showing their influence because the body is continually creating proteins from the genome. It sounds from the article that this bioelectric network is really only relevant at the developmental stage (if I am wrong here then I feel the article should have made that more explicit).

Ultimately I feel the article is arguing a bit against a strawman of "genes as the only determinant of structure" and is also making too vague of a claim about genes having a new competitor, so to speak.


0 replies

Really bad title. Here is a better one:

Bioelectric Signals Guide Body Development and Regeneration