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What UI density means and how to design for it

41 replies

Almost everything wrong with modern web UIs is arguably down to the contradiction of designing for both web and mobile at the same time. These two paradigms are not compatible. If you try to build a responsive UI that caters to both, you'll throw one or more of the groups under the bus. If you want to do both paradigms justice, you need two separate designs altogether.

Low density UIs specifically happen when you attempt to present the amount of information a 7" screen can display onto a 27" screen.

9 replies

More and more I find myself wondering about the use cases companies imagine when developing websites and apps. My bank is trying to implement a new UI for their online banking and they are trying to mimic the UI of their mobile app.

The issue I have is that the mobile app is already so dumbed down that it's pointless and I don't use it. When you have limited screen space you need to decide what to show first. For my bank it's the status of a MasterCard credit card I don't own on the first screen of the mobile app. Next is some pointless overview of my accounts. I say pointless, because all context has been removed, in favor of massive amounts of white space.

Now they want to replicate this interface, but for larger screens. Most of the screen is white space and you have to click on everything to get details, details that would fit perfectly well, even on a small laptop screen. Also nothing is obviously click-able, because why would you add visual clues that just taints their beautiful white space.

For the most part I think that companies would love to ignore desktops and large screens. In some sense they may also be afraid of presenting users with details overviews, either is to make everything seem more friendly, or to discourage usage.

5 replies

For the vast majority of people, the mobile bank app is far more useful than a desktop oriented web bank. Many (maybe most by now) don't even own a computer.

3 replies

I do think you're right. I know a number of people that doesn't own computers anymore and even more who are just doing everything on their phone.

One interesting usage I've seen is especially younger people, who have a debit card which doesn't allow an overdraft. They then keep their account at or around zero and only transfer the amount they need to the card account before every purchase. That usage is supported way better than my attempts at managing saving, paying large bills or keeping track subscriptions and other spending for the past week.

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From where do they transfer the money if their account is around zero?

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One of their other accounts. I don't know how it works else where, but it's not uncommon to have two, three, four or more. I think my dad at one point used 10 to segment his finances. Accounts normally don't cost anything, or very little.

Most people have at least two. One of their incoming paycheck and one for their debit card. Most have more.

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I have a non-card account I get my salary deposited into.

I also have a separate savings account, and one for my cottage, both which get scheduled transfers from my "main" account.

When my debit account is low I transfer $100 or so. Allows me to have a sense of spending that cash gave me.

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Why do we need one or the other?

There's an accessibility element here as well. It's not possible for everyone to use a touch screen.

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Are they trying to mimic the mobile app, or is the web-based online banking app just the mobile app with a slightly different skin? For my bank, it's the latter.

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to expand on this for anyone that isn't aware; most front-end teams are rapidly converging on using systems like React-Native / Flutter / Ionic; which allow you to "write once, deploy anywhere" e.g. mobile web, mobile app, desktop web, embedded / PoS, and sometimes tablet and watch.

This is possible by abstracting the layout engine (generally to match a web browser) and having UI control running in transpiled JavaScript.

In more practical terms, this means its easier to have one team managing your website and mobile app, reducing the number of specialist roles and minimising feature disparity. Generally it saves on duplicate work as well and makes timelines easier to manage.

For banks specifically there are a bunch of wins with respect to only having to ensure legal compliance of one application; this applies to banking laws - where certain information must be communicated at certain points, and to public accessibility laws. Most of these frameworks have a lot of tooling around language support and accessibility integrations.

So even if these experiences are inferior, it is very much worth it to the providers.

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The time where an application is perfectly tailored to the machine you're using and everything is near perfect happened, but I think that ship has sailed.

That was the brief moment when the iPhone was the only smartphone to target and was 320x640. Or when the majority computer screens where 1080p at most and the browser would be on more than half the screen estate.

But for your bank for instance, if their UI is optimized for a 6" diagonal window, they'd probably expect you to adjust for that instead of them trying to be perfect on every screen combination that could happen on earth.

That's also how I see many support chat apps' choices of spawning a popup when running on a desktop, to reset any browser size the user was trying to use in the first place (users are still free to do whatever they want with the popup, but it's a good indication of what size it's supposed to be)

4 replies

You have a good point, though I'd say at the heart of it the issue is that design is just complex and there's no one true way to do it.

You point out web vs mobile, but of course as you probably use "web" as a shortcut for "PC", web also applies to mobile. Then on a 27" screen you might have one window full screen or 20 windows overlapping and an actual 7" browser to display the site. And others will be on PC, but with a 13" touch screen. And others on a 10" phone but split in half.

Then some people will increase text size and your design will need to deal with it.

Before you realize it you have dozens of constraints and requirements to think about, start dropping some to satisfy others, and inevitably people will be pissed at the result.

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And miraculously base html/css already solved that. There’s a reason desktop UI don’t work on small screens and that’s the same reason you don’t do magazine layout on small books. Html is reflowable because that’s the only way it can work across different screen sizes. But designers like to think their canvas sizes is the norm and do layouts that shouldn’t be done.

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I'm with you on the size issues, though I don't see html/css as solving it completely.

At the end of the day people want magazine layouts, newspaper splash styles, postcard type areas etc. I think even novel writers/editors have a "best viewed at" size and layout in mind that gives a perfect pace to their story.

Html/css gives the tool to switch layouts and potentially adjust to make the best of the area offered, but it will probably always be a compromise in the eyes of the more opiniated designers, and auto-reflowing content would be more of a necessary evil.

Even in our field we have traces of that with our recommended line length, method length, bracket styles etc.

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The biggest problem isn't sizing or font sizes, most designs stretch and scale and deal fairly well with that like even if you kick it old-school and use tables.

The big problem is catering to different input methods. A mouse has far greater accuracy than a touch display. You can put two links mere pixels apart on a desktop interface and that is fine because a mouse is more than accurate enough. The smallest interactive element a keyboard-and-mouse user can hit is probably about the size of a single period in a font. There are other issues with doing that, I'm trying to highlight the sort of accuracy you have with a mouse. A mobile user could never hit such a small target.

On PC, you can enter text and show the full content of the website at the same time. You can search in the page with a keypress. You can open multiple web pages at the same time. That is not possible on mobile.

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Yes, although clicking links on a page with mere pixels between them is still a PITA for many users. I was reminded of this using the super cheap mouse and acquaintance was using on a dinning table, and getting precision was possible but really frustrating. And they didn't like trackpads.

As more and more countries have aging population I'd expect these kind of accessibility issues to be more prominent. Sometimes I feel like using modes (vim style) could help, with the user getting different tradeoffs when "reading" and "manipulating", if there was an easy enough way to switch between one mode and the other.

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If you want to do both paradigms justice, you need two separate designs altogether.

How do you reconcile this with the fact that you need almost double the effort for 2 separate designs? I'd say you need at least 2x of Designer work and at least 1.5x of front-end Dev work to achieve this.

Where will additional resources to support this come from?

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You're meeting your users where they're at. If half your visitors are using mobile and half are on desktop, then having two designs isn't 2x the work, it IS the work. Having only one means you're abandoning half your visitors and not doing your job fully.

And having both is not really 1.5x to 2x the work, in my experience. Maybe more like 25% to 30%. A lot of components and widgets can be reused, the typography and colors can be similar, and certain screens can keep their layout with just small tweaks.

Sure, maybe the initial design takes a bit longer since each screen needs several breakpoints. But that's only a small part of the overall design work anyway. Then on an ongoing basis, your previously established patterns (and components in code) can largely be reused with small tweaks, easily done with modern toolkits like Tailwind or MUI.

I don't think it's that big a deal. Web devs have been doing mobile designs for more than a decade now, and the tools have gotten better and better. Honestly, it's way less wasteful than Agile ceremonies or endless meetings. If you want to stay lean and cut cruft, take it from places that don't directly affect the user, not the one place where they actually use your product all day.

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I'd say you need at least 2x of Designer work and at least 1.5x of front-end Dev work to achieve this.

That's what you tell your customers at least :)

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Maybe the execs get paid less, what about that.

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Design becomes quite a lot easier when it doesn't need to cater to multiple platforms and input paradigms. Testing is easier, there's much less need to make concessions and tradeoffs.

If anything, having two designs that look and function well is less work than having one design that looks and functions well on two disparate platforms with completely different affordances.

3 replies

Except that studies show that users expect both similar content and experiences regardless of device. Responsive web design, with progressive enhancement, is the foundational bridge to make this experience work well.

Just because someone experiences a less than ideal experience of RWD in one or more places doesn't mean to group all RWD UI experiences together as bad.

It's more practical spend less time developing and testing one global component than more than one.

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I think there's a "theory" of rotating UX (same features in one way when in one space, another way in another space). But I can't find writings on this.

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Browser spec creators and browser vendors have been implementing touch and non-touch UI differences in common primitive features since the 2010s. Example, if you use at a <select> element on desktop browsers and mobile browsers, I would say it falls into a similar idea as rotating UX. There are countless other examples, too.

Could there be improvements? Absolutely, and that's where we get to have a voice.

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That's at the widget level, fair point though, but I was thinking about larger components.

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I prefer to think that responsive design is still in its relative infancy and as an industry we simply have not completed the shift in mindset that is necessary. When we work stakeholders who are not technical it's clear that they're 1,000 miles away from the mindset, and the average designer is still somewhere from 10-999 miles away. Fluid design is a big step forward and while we still don't have anything near a bible these are some example principles:

* Size elements relative to the size of the viewport, some things should be smaller on little viewports, some things should be a little bigger, the CSS units for this are still just coming together. Use formulas and percentages, not pixels.

* Think about the correct layout direction for everything on a portrait vs landscape orientation, should those items be in a row or a column? This often requires only one CSS property to change

* Hide information density behind an accordion or modal if you need to on small viewports, don't just remove the functionality for all versions of the application. When people strip away functionality, I find design is rarely the true justification -- more commonly they no longer want to pay the maintenance cost of the feature and are using a redesign as an excuse.

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> I prefer to think that responsive design is still in its relative infancy and as an industry we simply have not completed the shift in mindset that is necessary.

Absolutely. We finally just got container queries! Responsive design using screen width was always a sham. A stop gap to all the work the browser devs and standards bodies had to do to figure out what worked.

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You are correct, but I think we're lacking in things even more basic than that.

Pretty much every single responsive design I ever worked had either the mobile or desktop version as an afterthought. The mobile was just a "scaled down" version that was done last-minute, or vice versa.

Is there a sidebar? Hamburger menu it is. Is there a list? Well just put every row on top of each other.

Sure, this makes things easier for the both the designer and the developers, but putting just a bit more effort in the "secondary" version would be enough to make both versions better.

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A stop gap to all the work the browser devs and standards bodies had to do to figure out what worked.

We now exactly what works. UI didn't suddenly appear in 2024 out of nowhere.

What you need are actual tools to build UIs, and not a hodge-podge of hacks thrown in together with no long-term planning, and aimed at displaying only text and a couple of images.

Just giving the ability to get an element's size without causing a full-page re-flow and re-layout would give much more power to UIs than any number of relative sizes and container queries.

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Low density UIs were a scourge before mobile. There has always been a kind of designer who privileges "negative space" over everything else and can't imagine any greater luxury than having a 27" screen and devoting 26" of it to whitespace.

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Famously derided in the seminal work "The visual display of quantitative information". There they give the thought experiment: weigh the ink on your page devoted to data points, compare it to the entire rest of the ink. You want the largest ratio possible.

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Wouldn't a low-density UI yield an infinitely large ratio?

   Not Much Ink / Nothing else.

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I think about this every time I browse a web site, and the text is this tiny, 5" wide strip down the center, leaving 10" of empty, useless whitespace on both sides. Thanks, designer. I'm glad I bought a 27" monitor for this shit.

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I have a 38" curved wide screen with 1600 vertical pixels. It represents the peak of all the monitors I have bought over the last 25 years.

Me in the year 2000 with a 1024x768 17" CRT would be flabbergasted at the amount of wasted/underutilized space that exists today.

Vertical space is precious, and it's why I paid more to have those 1600 pixels. And then Microsoft decides to not only enlarge the taskbar, but to not provide an option to turn it back to normal. I have to resort to hacks to wrangle MS Windows (primarily a Desktop OS the last time I looked) back down to size and reclaim my vertical space.

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You need to rotate your display to portrait mode. ;-P

Serious point: a secondary 1080P display in portrait orientation is actually quite fabulous. Documentation gets parked on the secondary display. Line lengths remain readable, and you get lots of vertical space.

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Although to be fair, "having to hack Windows to get the UI to be what you want" has been a staple of being a Windows power user pretty much since XP.

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Somehow mobile-first became mobile-only.

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My large company just launched a project to encourage previous employees to come back and apply to jobs again.

Business decided it would be mobile only, web support is 2 years away at least.

There's been a lot of issues because, A, nobody wants to install their previous employeer's spyware app, B, nobody wants to do job applications on a tiny screen, and C, a lot of the step up authentication requires the web browser, but is explicitly disabled for these folks meaning lots of them can't complete login.

It's completely bonkers.

The worst part of it all is the mobile app requires authentication for everything, including resolving tracking links and shortened urls. These people HAVE to go to the webpage to sign up and get the mobile app, but then can never visit the webpage again.

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I actually support responsive UIs that work for small and large screen sizes - however, in past ~10 years this has been in vogue, I've rarely seen UX, product, or devs who really "get it". I.e. columns that wrap or resize, buttons that have labels and icons on desktop, etc.

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I think it’s actually that designers as a group feel like they should not have to understand the product they are designing. This is why the modern uis are so minimal and lacking in features for people who actually use the product in a way that is deeper than trivial.

Imagine a current era designer trying to design Photoshop without just copying an existing system. It would be useless.

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What happens nowadays is that the big screens suffer and get a design made for mobile phones, with giant buttons and a lot of empty space.

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Even the web was already taking a bad direction, too much interactive magazine instead of function/tool paradigm.

21 replies

I have 1 rule:

If you're building an app that people use for work and open every day, you should make it dense. People want to get work done, fast. They don't care about how pretty it is.

Otherwise, you should make it sparse.

8 replies

This is the reason I don't envy the UI designers on products like MS Office. There are professionals who use products in the MS Office suite every day, but there are other users who only need to create the occasional spreadsheet or powerpoint. Even if you think Microsoft has done a poor job with the UI, one can't deny that reconciling the differences between casual and power users is a difficult job.

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They could just have a “quick edit” mode, a “read” mode and a “power user mode”.

But that means not having your intern pump out that single electron design so it’ll never happen

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They could just have a “quick edit” mode, a “read” mode and a “power user mode”.

Would the density of these interfaces increase or decrease? An actual power-user would master all the shortcuts and would prefer a zen experience where only the document is visible, with no widgets whatsoever.

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Only if they're keyboard-focused. There are power-users who still prefer mouse.

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They sort of do. Hide the ribbon and most users still have all the features they need.

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I understand why that seems like an appealing solution, but there are some pitfalls with creating multiple distinct UIs:

The most obvious pitfall is that more UIs = more work. There's the initial development, but it also increases the work every time you need to add something to the UI, and increases the likelihood of bugs. Microsoft could afford this increased cost, but it's not clear if it would be worth it.

Secondly, having multiple distinct UIs makes it difficult for someone to transition from a "casual user" to a "power user". If someone who has only used the "simple" UI switches to the "power" UI, they have to re-learn everything from scratch. Additionally, if there are any features limited to the "power" UI, it's extremely difficult for a "simple" UI user to discover those features even exist.

That doesn't mean that creating multiple UIs isn't ultimately the right solution for MS Office. It might be! But doing that comes with downsides, and I can understand why Microsoft doesn't want to go in that direction.

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This is why Microsoft used to have multiple office suites, there was microsoft office which was everything and the kitchen sink, then you had Microsoft Works which was a stripped down simpler office suite, then you had wordpad for when you need something more than note pad but not a full office suite.

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Wordpad was good. I don’t remember the full feature suite, but Microsoft could have expanded on it to have something like Google Docs, but native.

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The answer is to just put in multiple levels of menus with seemingly-random redundancy! oh wait, they did that.

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Two basic strategies: Design for the median user or the least common denominator. At web scale we are often driven to least common denominator out of self defense, because lower power users squawk more about confusion than median power users do about efficiency.

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I think about this quite often when creating new applications.

Four hypotheses why standard users are often the primary target of design:

(1) Power Users are louder but mostly ignored due statistically being not relevant.

(2) During design sessions the teams empathize with a standard user, not the power user. I've seen this pattern over and over again.

(3) Current web technology makes it difficult to build high density UIs that work well.

(4) Mobile UI first. If it works on mobile, we can just use the same UI for the web.

All this leads to another problem: Your standard users never become high power users on your platform. In the end platforms become interchangeable.

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I think its all about new user acquisition.

If your design is very dense, then a new user will be scared away. If you NEED growth, you can't afford to scare away users. You need to cater to them as much as possible. You need them to tell their friends "yes its very easy to get started with".

It leaves no room for a learning curve.

And this is also something we have come to expect. So anything with a learning curve feels like a massive investment, and we feel dumb whilst using it and not knowing how, because everything else is so dumbed down that it is instantly intuitive. This has made computers and software very popular and widely used. And I am happy for my (grand) parents that they can use these things now.

But it has come at a great cost of productivity for everyone. Because even the designs where we would have invested the learning time to get faster, can't invest that time, because the interface is so simple it becomes limiting.

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Your standard users never become high power users on your platform

This is considered good, because if they become power users and get their stuff done faster they'll "engage" less and we can't have that.

Remember that today's career incentives in tech companies means tech is primarily there to drive "engagement" and is not there to solve the user's problem.

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Design for the median user or the least common denominator.

Design for the least, compare against average, and don't cap the best, use those agents as immediate beta-user -> quality/dev feedbook loop, dog-fooding user requirements as a fundamental base, and don't let perfection impede progress.

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My last gig I built a campaign management interface. The designer kept coming back with something that showed 10 lines per "screen". I kept showing them the excel spreadsheet we were replacing that had been configured with 8pt fonts so it showed dozens per screen. It's really hard to switch design patterns from consumer/prosumer to professional.

Knowledge workers who "live" in the tool want as much data as possible, as quickly as possible.

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Yep. I really can't stand tools made for professionals that paginate lists to 10 items at once. Even my invoicing software does this. I have 200 invoices in the system and can only see 10 at once? Maddening.

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These days, only torrent sites (private) seem to have good UIs.

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Dense every time! Youtube and Twitter’s UI’s are so sparse they display the same amount of information on my phone (6.1”) and my desktop (24”). And they waste vertical space like their designer only use square/vertical monitors. I’m clicking with a mouse, I’m not touching the screen with a brick.

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Yeah, some tools are built for complex, niche workflows and as a result need to have information and control density. You can't design away the learning curve in these cases and probably shouldn't try to or you'll harm the pro-end of the userbase's UX, meaning someone can't do their job quickly/efficiently enough.

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I'm 100% with you. I ran an Enterprise Apps org within corporate IT for about 15 years and the #1 rule is that the tools must be functional.

Unfortunately, this frequently results in technical debt because "functional" often means "complies with whatever business logic the current sponsoring org (Finance, HR, Supply Chain/Procurement, Ops, etc) wants that week, and the result of that is that many internal enterprise apps get wholesale rewrites every 4-5 years because it's easier than refactoring.

This set of phenomena is completely foreign to SWEs and PMs who have only ever worked in big tech, on consumer products especially, and the reality is that while some engineering teams in some companies are sometimes doing hard and creative work, the majority of big tech SWEs "moving protobufs" is much easier and less complicated than the kind of crap faced by enterprise IT.

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Generally that's my experience as well.

Business apps that my customers want, crazy dense. Some of these I look at and I'm "man this is a lot of stuff" but ... then you get used to it and it works.

10 replies

Related to UI but not exactly on density. Even Refilling a prescriptions from Wallgreen's seems to have become impossible from a smaller phone such mine - IPhone SE2020 - since the control to choose the pharmacy or add a zip code for searching one is not actionable, the interface automatically scrolls down and when I drag the page I can see that it's there but there's no way to access it. It appears to be some kind of React garbage optimized for larger screens but completely and utterly broken on slightly smaller ones. It's not that I have anything against the technology itself but it broke basic functionality of yesteryear that just worked. And to what avail? All seems broken and ugly these days. And this isn't even about looking under the hood and analyzing the waste this wave of technology has brought. Where are we heading to? Is everything about to get worse and worse? Who is benefitting from all this because the user isn't...

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I'm sorry, but what does poorly implemented responsive design have to with React? I agree with you that most websites are very poorly made, but that's not React's fault (as much as it is being constantly shitted on here on HN, which I really don't like), only developers' (and their managers'). Please stop blaming frameworks.

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I don't blame React per say. But with the proliferation of this technology I've noticed lots of things broken (links, history navigation, layout) that render a lot of things unusable to me and unfortunately I see very few upsides. I'm even willing to admit that React and SPAs are a great technology that enables some (few) use cases that were cumbersome before. But, it clearly seems rushed and applied everywhere with no discernable thought.

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React was created because we wanted to have more complex web apps. That brings more complexity in development. Empirically, clearly we now see everywhere that most companies don't want to pay for the best version of their websites they can have.

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It's true that React almost certainly wouldn't be responsible for what sounds like a blatant layout bug on a narrow smartphone viewport. React has almost no opinions on things like web page layout or touch interactions. I have to imagine the commenter invoked "React" as a sort of scapegoat for the prevalence of low-quality web pages.

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Maybe not React itself, but the UI frameworks that draw devs to the frameworks, yes. Frameworks like that offer the promise of responsive design to developers without actually helping them understanding how it works, and as a result often fail to deliver on that promise. Splitting everything into 12 grid columns often just hides the actual work that needs to be done. Plain HTML is fully responsive by default, almost all framework components are less-so.

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I've seen a lot of React interfaces that don't scale well - and even worse don't allow you to scroll to the bit you can't see!

As I assume it's possible to have scalable interfaces in React - what's the common mistake people are doing?

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As I assume it's possible to have scalable interfaces in React

React has almost no opinions on web page layouts or anything related to styling. The only type of web page problem I can think of that's specific to React would be hydration errors, and this doesn't sound like that.

The reason that a lot of React interfaces don't scale well is that the vast majority of web pages are very low quality, and React is a popular way to build web pages.

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I'm glad you said this.

As someone that has written his fair share of raw html, php and js, it's a bit misleading to associate react and these issues. I'm writing in nextjs / react these days, and it's amazing...but like everything out there, if used poorly, you get poor results.

Designing for reactive UI's and accessibility is a feature. Sometimes features get cut, even when they shouldnt.

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It appears to be associated with the use of react based visual components - particularly model type dialogs which when they appear allow enabling scrolling but that can appear partially offscreen.

Obviously it's a developer competence issue, but I wondered if there was a React specific trick here - or as you say it's just that popular tech has by definition numerically more low quality/inexperienced developers.

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I'm with you... I use a 5.9" phone, but have accessibility/font settings maxed out. There are a lot of sites with limited or broken functionality. Modal dialogs are the absolute worst... they should be configured to just take over the screen on smaller displays, with the region as scrollable. It's easy enough to do, and has been my approach for menus and modals for a long while now.

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The vanguard (UK) control panel is a hot mess too. I don't find it intuitive at all. I never know where to find important information.

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59m's a feature.

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Yeah, but it's beautiful. I guess that's the main goal of a page like this.

IMO, that's a huge red flag. If the sales information puts beauty before functionality, that's an insurmountably amount of contempt they are showing for you before you even become a customer.

On an investment company it's even worse, because contempt is less likely than they just wanting to actively select dumb customers. That's a very strong indication they'll try to steal my money (I have no idea what this one site is tough, it's not my opinion on them, it's what their design choice makes me think).

But hey, it's very beautiful!

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Beautiful to who?

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At the other end of the spectrum, I've always appreciated the density of FINVIZ:

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Font Size vs Density

There's a trend of using larger fonts sizes due to Accessibility, but it comes at the cost of reducing density.

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And a particularly buggy sticky nav there

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Wow, the headline is so large, I'm having trouble reading it.

Then there's the sticky header, on my screen it takes up 1/5th of the available space. Or the headings, subheadings and tabs that float away (proximity principle from the blog post) and the column of text, that becomes hard to read because of small line length.

It clearly looks designed, but they should take a look at this post.

7 replies

This trend seems to be a western trend. Here is somewhere where I think we could learn from the apps in Japan and especially China.

I frequently feel for any app that I use frequently, i would prefer for it to have many options that I could use to customize its behavior. For instance, Uber

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As someone who reads Japanese passably well and uses a handful of Japanese apps and websites, I don't actually agree with this. Japanese apps certainly look more crowded than western ones, but it's mostly with irrelevant garbage, I don't think the density of useful info is actually all that much higher.

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I mostly was thinking of chinese apps, I’m not very familiar with japanese ones but saw others mentioning it so I put it here.

In Chinese apps, I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same app

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In Chinese apps, I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same app

I don't see how this statement says anything about UI information density.

This is just a super app with monopoly over the market. Last I checked (and it's been a while if I'm being honest) WeChat just looked like a custom launcher for other views/apps that all happen to be hosted and controlled by the one company. That's like saying "Android is super dense. I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same device"

Pretty sure Facebook or Google would love to be that super app for US/Europe/rest of the world. However, you'd probably shout "monopoly, lock-in, anti-trust, market manipulation" if any single vendor actually tried and succeeded in that. For good reasons too.

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In Chinese apps, I can post photos, message my friends, order food, call an uber, pay transactions, all from the same app

That seems tangential to UI density. You could do all that in a single app and it could still have an extremely sparse UI.

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Chinese is a much more dense language than English, so you need less space for labels.

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for any app that I use frequently, i would prefer for it to have many options that I could use to customize its behavior. For instance, Uber

The problem is that the era of zero interest rates and (mostly unprofitable) advertising-based business models means the tech industry shifted from making tools to benefit the user to "tools" that waste the user's time. Company targets are often measured in "engagement" such as screen time, DAU/MAU or pointless metrics about how many times some button was clicked.

The zero interest rate era is mostly behind us, but the mentality remains and company targets are still often based on that, so employees are not incentivized to make products more efficient for the user since doing so will reduce the DAU/MAU or whatever metric they're judged on.

7 replies

This article is invaluable.

We've done the trick of "short animations for delays <1sec", and "indeterminate loader for under 10sec", but one thing that's not mention is that the "determinate loader for waits between 10sec and 1min" is a huge marketing opportunity.

This is where you get to show the value of the product by listing "how much work" is getting done. Similar to how travel sites will tell you, while you're waiting for results, how many airlines they're comparing on your behalf.

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while you're waiting for results, how many airlines they're comparing on your behalf.

Of course as someone in computers I know that the computer can do all of the actually work faster than my screen can refresh. Even accounting for network latency, all the work is done in less than 1 second - everything else is either inefficient code, or intentional delays to make the problem seem harder than it really is. Both of them are things that anyone with computer training should object to.

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Aha, yes of course I'm only talking about cases where the actual processing time is over 1 second and you can't help but make the user wait (or do something else in app in the meanwhile)...

Delaying a 1 sec process to show me 10 sec of ads is one of the many definitions of evil

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Sometimes the ads are subtle. Tax software isn't showing ads directly - they are just trying to give the idea that taxes are hard and so you should be glad to pay a lot of money for it - even though all the calculations are a few ms for any modern computer once it has the data. However if you think taxes are easy the whole industry goes away.

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Another thing not mentioned in the article is for delays >10s, a loading bar that fills slower at the beginning and faster towards the end feels faster than one filling linearly or accurately reflecting progression.

Using load times to convey something while users wait is fair however I would bet shorter loads times always beats however good a filler, unless your business is to trap users in load times to feed them more ads of course, in which case that's a whole other problem.

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That actually makes a lot of sense, because "filling slower at the beginning" provides a worst-case estimation of total completion time. So users are a lot less likely to be negatively surprised by a random, unexpected delay.

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Meh. This is a prescient vision of websites that deliberately take as long as a YouTube video to load because of an ad.

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I find those sorts of fake delays to be infuriating. Depending on my mood, and where else I think I can get equivalent information, there is a pretty decent chance that about halfway through the BS progress sequence I'm going to navigate to a different site.

At best it makes me think the site was designed an implemented by incompetent people. Not a great look.

6 replies

Slightly OT: seeing those screenshots of Bloomberg Terminal makes me wonder why they haven't picked a better (more readable) monospace font.

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I'm not even sure if it's just how that font/typeface looks like, or the whole image is stretched horizontally.

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Agreed. Squash the image back to 4:3 aspect ratio and it looks completely normal.

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The Bloomberg Terminal has evolved from an 80x25 hardware terminal where the application layout was done remotely in our data centers. (Note, users and insiders refer to these as "functions" instead of "apps", but I'll use "app" throughout as it's likely more familiar to the HN audience).

When we ported it to a Win32/GDI program, the client was kept intentionally "dumb" and so resizing the window led to distorted text rendering. This was necessary to keep the 80x25 cells aligned, as the layout was meaningful.

Fast forward to the 2010s and we started offering our app developers a way to implement "more content" when resizing rather than just stretching it. Note also that there are plenty of "form"-style or "calculator"-style apps where there is no more content to show; in those cases resizing just adds more negative space around the UI. Now we are in the 2020s, and most of the apps have adapted to either "more content" or "more negative space" as needed.

There are ~1000 apps on the terminal and they all have their own roadmaps and business deliverables, so UI upkeep cannot always be a priority.

Opinions my own, etc.

EDIT: the above information is still correct, even if the <img> tag in the OP article is distorted.

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Super informative, thanks.

Question: you response implies that changing the font would break things (maybe I'm reading too much into your reply).

Since monospace fonts are fixed width, wouldn't swapping out 1 monospace font for another monospace font (that's more readable) be seamless?

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Their users would revolt, it's a point of pride for B-unit holders to show off how well they can use seemingly inscrutable UIs.

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They contort themselves to redefine the word density, when what they should have said is that a good interface for humans maximizes information without losing visual salience ( That is, local density BUT ALSO clear-to-the-human-eye boundaries between information sets.

See the famous (still? hopefully?) Kadir&Brady paper "Saliency, Scale and Image Description" from 2000 for an explanation of how encapsulating information in something visibly distinct, like whitespace, increases the visual saliency of that information:

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You can also encapsulate information with e. g. frames which is what UIs used to do in the 90s. This provides both higher density and saliency.

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Frames are out, whitespace is in. I wonder if the 30-year fashion cycle applies and it will be cool/retro to have compact, discoverable UIs in the 2030s.

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The type of visually dense user interface is still around where it’s unavoidable due to the complexity of the data model, e.g. DAWs, game engines and photo editing software.

But for simple consumer facing apps or websites, I don’t see it making a comeback, as it is more aesthetically pleasing and more usable to have simpler / sparser user interfaces for less tech savvy people.

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I think the best infographics are kinda like that indeed.

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And even then it's user/domain specific. What is salient for a user who's an occasional user of your software vs someone who uses your software professionally every day is very different. You stop having to tune for a visual language that's universal-ish and instead have the ability to build-out a denser set of metaphors.

The "design needs to be understandable by the person writing the check who will never use it" problem is all over enterprise sales leading to software that doesn't need to look like $trendy_consumer_app but has to anyway to get the sale.

4 replies

This explains exactly why physical restaurant menus are so much better vs mobile site menus. If I'm viewing the menu of a restaurant on my phone, I always look in Google Maps for someone who took a picture of the menu, because it's a dense UI. Every "mobile friendly" menu site is able to show maybe 5 items on the page at once, so it takes many pages of scrolling to see everything.

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I love how "mobile friendly" seems to just mean it will waste some space your phone screen can't afford.

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Plus, if there is wasted space, you can jam an ad in there.

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Yea I still don't get how little the mobile web takes advantage of pinch to zoom.

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Definitely understand the tradeoffs here but you could set your default text size in your OS settings to be smaller to get more volume on your screen.

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Our "oldschool" Windows B2B application is quite UI dense. Without looking overly busy, we've got information that can be viewed at a glance that other web-based systems use 6+ pages to contain.

I've seen users struggle to flip between many views in some SPA to figure out if things are right or not in their other system, then come to our system to correlate and looking at one or two windows they see all the same data.

I guess it's just the designers, though it seems CSS and HTML lends itself very well to information-sparse pages.

As we're transitioning to the web, due to customer demand, this is one aspect which I very strongly want to keep. We'll see how it goes.

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You can be every bit as dense in a web based application... you can make it look the same pixel perfect if you want to go that far.

I've never been a fan over overly dense applications, unless they are purpose built tools. There's a big difference between PhotoShop and Grubhub. Likewise there should be differences depending on display size and UX... If you're going to have users with finger/touch input, then you don't want things too close.. if it's mostly Desktop/Laptop, you can go much more dense with less issues.

Do keep accessibility in mind, some of us zoom up a couple steps on many sites.

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I've never been a fan over overly dense applications, unless they are purpose built tools.

Thing is it doesn't look super-dense. It's just space efficient let's say. Our UI components, based on Win32, makes it quite easy to have relatively dense UIs that's don't look cluttered or busy.

Like I said I'm sure you can do it using HTML and CSS, it just seems not to be done often.

That said it's absolutely a specialized application. At least 99% of our windows/views would make zero sense on a mobile or tablet.

Do keep accessibility in mind, some of us zoom up a couple steps on many sites.

Yeah we had to manually implement font scaling, before Microsoft added it to Windows. Certainly something we will support going to the web.

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There's a big difference between PhotoShop and Grubhub.

Others in this thread have already pointed out the massive difference in information density of a printed menu over most menus rendered on a mobile device.

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Keep in mind if you're selling to new customers, they may find your web app "dated". The new customers likely won't compare the web app to your desktop app, but to other competitors web apps. And these days the expectation for better or worse is that web apps look and feel a certain way (favor whitespace). I'm sure a dense UI can still look clean and modern, but it will take more effort.

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I hate it if I need to scroll horizontally just because the content only occupies a third of the page in the middle with great white spaces to the left and to the right of it.

I have a wide display for a reason.

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Just because you have a wide display doesn't mean that all of it can or should be used. For example, lines of text not taking up the whole width is a good thing - if you have to turn your head to read across the screen, it's more straining and takes more time. It's the same reason why newspapers are printed in columns and not across the page.

Now, depending on what kind of content you deliver, that empty edge space can be filled with something else (like what Wikipedia does) or just be blank if there's nothing useful you can put there.

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It's the same reason why newspapers are printed in columns and not across the page.

In fact, arguably the point of a wide display is to create your own columns i.e. putting more windows on the screen, or more panels within a single window in an application like a code editor. What's the point of the real estate if you just put one browser window on there? I only go fullscreen to watch movies or play games, which is somewhat analogous to full-page media spreads in newspapers.

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If I have to horizontally scroll forth and back line by line to read the whole text I'm a lot slower.

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In general, I agree, but there are some things that should be allowed to go wider when the space is present. In particular, horizontal scrolling is evil. Sometimes it is a necessary evil, but forcing it because the wide content doesn't fit in the width that you are using for reflowable text is bad.

4 replies

Surely some of the reasons for more sparse interfaces is that on mobile:

- Peoples fingers are relatively fat and inaccurate.

- They are slower that desktop - so you'd break the load into parts

- The vertical scroll form factor and screen size limits what you can do.

- Things which are massively useful on desktop - like searching in a page or visually scanning a large doc are much harder on mobile.

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Peoples fingers are relatively fat and inaccurate.

They're accurate enough to tap on a single OSK key and get it right most of the time. Regardless, tap targets are only a very limited factor in UX design, so there should be plenty of scope for enhancing information density after accounting for that.

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It's important to note though that the _actual_ touch targets for keys are influenced by what you've already written. You can miss the key from a visual perspective but still end up with the right letter as a result.

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...relatively fat and inaccurate.

A succinct summary of my high school coach's review of me.

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Things which are massively useful on desktop - like searching in a page or visually scanning a large doc are much harder on mobile

Interesting, am I the only one who almost always uses "search on page" and glimpses/scrolls over the entire page before reading both on mobile and desktop? Especially if I just came from a search engine, I search for the "highlighted" phrase.

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This is a great article.

Presenting information is an art form. A lot of it depends on what the information is, and also, who the information is for.

One of my basic philosophies, is that the UI needs to get out of the way. This means not always using sexy little animations, everywhere (but still using them, if they also work as useful indicators of state transitions), proper contrast, minimizing overhead, like frames and controls, etc. Also, not crowding the display too much.

That said, sometimes, we need a dense display, if we have been trained for it. That Bloomberg terminal is probably fine, for many folks, because they have been trained for it, and it's a daily tool. A lot of Tufte's designs need to be presented to experienced users.

I remember the first time I looked at the train maps in the Shinagawa Station, in Tokyo. They were confusing AF. After just a couple of days, however, I had them down, and appreciated all that information.

I tried using a fancy paid Git client, once, because it was just so pretty.

After just a few minutes, though, I nuked it, wrote off the purchase, and went back to ugly old SourceTree.

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I remember the first time I looked at the train maps in the Shinagawa Station, in Tokyo.

For an example like that, were they confusing because the complexity of all the train routes were inherently confusing to a newcomer, or because it was a poor visualization?

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The former.

When I get back to my desktop, I’ll see if I can scare up an image.

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There's also a huge difference between "presenting information" and "presenting actionable information". If a display is required to complete a task it doesn't really matter what it [aesthetically] looks like.

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The UI was much less visually dense, but more value-dense by orders of magnitude. The results speak for themselves: Google went from a $23B valuation in 2004 to being worth over $2T today — closing in on a 100x increase. Yahoo went from being worth $125B in 2000 to being sold for $4.8B — less than 3% of its peak value.

Wait what??? THAT'S how you explain the differences in how their businesses fared - by the density of their UI?

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Yeah it's such a dumb way to end the article. Google in 2004 was a search company. Google in 2024 is an advertising company.

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Google in 2004 was also an advertising company - it's not like there was a point where you paid for searching directly. 2024 Google is more of an everything company that's primarily funded by advertising - they tap into search and every kind of content imaginable, make hardware, do research. It's about the number of services - in 2004, Google had barely launched Gmail yet.

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If all you've got is a high density hammer, everything looks like a low density nail

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Tufte's examples of graphics with a low data-ink ratio (left) and a high one (right).

Isn't it the other way around? High on the left and low on the right?

EDIT: Based on the alt text both images should be swapped.

2 replies

oh, you're totally right. good catch! i'll fix it in a minute.

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Thank you for the write-up! I also caught a small typo:

You can form an opinion about the density of these websites simply by looking at an image for a franction of a second.
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fixed that one too! thanks!

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I really like the distinction of "density in time".

JIRA is a really visually dense application, but it's speed, as well as the number of different screens you normally need to click on makes it feel really sparse despite the dense visuals.

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Call it what it is: slow. Slow software is bad software.

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It's not just performance, it's also that the number of clicks to perform common actions is way too high because of feature bloat, extreme levels of customizability, and just plain bad design.

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This is a really good discussion of density in different forms. I’ve always thought mobile UIs could have a density renaissance, would love to see folks questioning some assumptions of these devices - especially when the trend with LLMs is “wait a long time for a potentially incredibly wrong output” it feels like we’re going the wrong way.

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When we first released our Chat+RAG feature, users had to wait up to 20 seconds for the response to show. (with only a loading animation).

And then we fake-streamed the response (so you're still, technically, waiting 20 seconds for first token, but now you're also waiting maybe 10 additional seconds for the stream of text to be "typed")...

And, to my enormous surprise, it felt faster to users.

(Of course after several iterations, it's actually much faster now, but the effect still applies: streaming feels faster than getting results right away)

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Mobile apps are constrained by accessibility (touch target minimum size), so you probably won't see the density renaissance you're hoping for.

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A rather disappointing read. I was expecting an analysis explaining why there is this trend towards very sparse interfaces, or practical ways of designing interfaces that are denser in the face of design trends that are pushing all product teams to do ever more spacing out.

Instead, what I found was a reminder of the ‘laws of design’, which are certainly interesting, but which are only tangentially linked to this drift (in my opinion); and to take the most extreme example of sparse interfaces (the Bloomberg Terminal), without really any concrete elements that could help bring a little density back to our user interfaces.

...not to mention what ends the article, a lunar explanation along the lines of ‘Google's very high stock market valuation compared to Yahoo can be explained by the lack of density of its home page interface’ - really? Come on.

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Agreed. Seems like a long winded lead up to what reads to me like a mildly condescending Gestalt 101, followed with the same examples I've seen in countless other blog posts over the last 15 years and very little in terms of actually discussing design trends.

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The UI was much less visually dense, but more value-dense by orders of magnitude. The results speak for themselves: Google went from a $23B valuation in 2004 to being worth over $2T today — closing in on a 100x increase. Yahoo went from being worth $125B in 2000 to being sold for $4.8B — less than 3% of its peak value.

I liked the rest of the article until this nonsense statement.

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Missed opportunity to use hacker news as an example

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Looks like the author draws a lot from Edward Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - I would recommend it to anyone interested in design, it's a very interesting read with a lot of neat visuals. Some complain that it might be a bit heavy on map related examples, but I say that's no problem since maps have pretty much the same goals as effective UX, that being organizing and presenting information to the user accessibly.

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There’s an upper limit to information density, which means you can subtract too much ink, or add too much information. The audience matters, too: A bond trader at their 4-monitor desk will have a pretty high threshold; a 2nd grader reading a textbook will have a low one.

I think this is the most important line: when taken with the axiom “design for your lowest common denominator” and the general advice given to lawyers in a jury trial “speak, explain at a 3rd grade level”

The upper limit for information density has lowered significantly for the vast majority of general users, so unless you can fix that we’re not gonna get our high density UIs back. At least not for general purpose widely distributed applications.

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100ms is much too long to feel instantaneous. Open a low latency terminal such as xterm (ideally also with a high refresh rate gaming monitor and gaming keyboard), and compare "sleep 0" with "sleep 0.05".

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user-density x ui-density = constant

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You might also want to discuss Fitt’s law. Difference between a diagram (Tufte) and a GUI is that we only look at a diagram, but a GUI we interact with, which means we need to ensure people can actually click/tap/select the element of interest. Higher density makes that harder.

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The example of low and high data-ink (from Tufte) is switched. I wrote the author to suggest it be fixed

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Actions less than 100 milliseconds apart will feel simultaneous

This is not true for some things and people. I would not call those simultaneous, rather bearable. Most users wouldn't mind it.

Input delay though is very noticeable. If keyboard or mouse have 100ms delay the user might consider that their device is doing something heavy.

And people who got used to fast software, e.g. optimized code editors or games, are even harder to please.

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I like the term value density in this context.

Continuing on from the Google/Yahoo example, I would be interested in the author's analysis of not just the landing page, but also the results pages. The search "value density" on google, bing, youtube, hn, etc. are quite different these days.

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So is dense information good or bad? I can't work out what the conclusion is from the article, is it a case of context? I don't understand :(

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This is a good article. I always try and articulate these point by talking about how useful and quick and dense phone books where when they existed. And as for fast load times. Might I say that server side rendering may just have a reason to exist again!

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I'm dealing with this now on an accounting app I'm building that runs on both mobile and desktop. I've come to the conclusion that the mobile app and desktop app will need two very different designs. I want the mobile app to be useful for quickly checking a dashboard view and to easily enter transactions while the desktop app needs to be very dense with the choice of a compact view to reduce padding ala Gmail.

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In addition to varying over time, UI density also varies across cultures. Currently, East Asian websites tend to have higher UI density than Western websites. See, for example, Rakuten’s home page in Japan vs. its home page in the US:

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Set your browser to open every page in reader view by default and you never have to mind this crap again. Nor ads, nor cookie banners, nor auto-playing video, nor AI chatbot, nor newsletter popups.

Hint: You can also force reader mode by pressing CMD+Shift+R

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That Yahoo screenshot really took me back.

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A good read; it captures a lot of the key points. I'd like to mention consistency -- especially for complex UIs. An expert user who has taken the time to learn the ins and outs of menus and keyboard shortcuts will RESENT you for making what seem like (and often are) superfluous changes to their workflows.

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theres so much i dont know

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High or low density, what matters to me most is how easy is for me to gather all the information I need and how fast I can act on it.

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I love dense UIs, but in my experience they're very hard to design. You can easily make an OK design if you add a lot of space and padding, but to make a dense UI look good you need custom borders and textures, and you need a permanent vision so you can add more widgets later that won't look weird. It's sadly not a paradigm that works in many scenarios.