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Thread: Tech we can’t use or teach?

28 replies

if you’re a hobbyist without access to some serious throwaway money to join the Thread Group, there is no way to use Thread legally

Is this really true? I assume the licensing legalese means patents, and patents don't apply to private tinkering unless there's commerce involved.

More generally aside from hobby scope - The absurdity of the monopolies granted by the current patent regime are made obvious by this arrangement: Big companies that have patent portfolios to countersue with can use OpenThread freely, small businesses and startups can't.

(Obviously it still sucks and is a major chilling effect)

22 replies

The quoted part above is about shipping products too, so I don't understand why they are using that as an example about not being able to play around with something or write blog posts. Here's the FAQ question

What Would Prevent A Company From Shipping A Product Based On OpenThread Without Joining The Thread Group?
14 replies

Answer, also quotes in the post:

If developers choose not to join Thread Group and ship products using Thread technology, they are not conferred the IP rights required to practice and ship Thread technology, and may subject themselves to legal action, including but not limited to licensing fees.

It feels like even sharing my designs run a major risk of landing me in trouble. This sounds catastrophically hostile to open source in general.

If I ever want to make use of what I've built in any even remotely commercial setting, everything I've built feels liable to be infected & polluted with this copyright. I could rip out Threads & still not feel safe. I definitely can't sell a couple copies of this cool thing to other hobbyists on indiegogo.

The terms of use essentially outlaw community. Yes, maybe hobbyists can play with this, but they cannot form communities, they cannot share wisdom, they can't sell boards to each other, they can't even talk about the protocol or spec on detail.

So yeah, hobbyists arent expressly forbidden. But having any community of hobbyists seems fraught with difficulties. You can only hobbyist by yourself, discussing with no one.

Fuck Threads.

10 replies

Hang on that's a huge leap.

Yes, maybe hobbyists can play with this, but they cannot form communities, they cannot share wisdom, they can't sell boards to each other, they can't even talk about the protocol or spec on detail.

But it just says you can't ship products and talking isn't shipping a product. The only part I see there is what if you sell things built on it.

Like sure it could be more open and sure having some small business exemption would be good but that's not the same as not being allowed to just make some stuff and talk about it.

3 replies

You're talking to the question, but the answer is even more conservative & scary than the question posed,

are not conferred the IP rights required to practice and ship Thread technology,

Under this, it sounds like one isn't even allowed to dabble with Thread without $7.5k/year membership. You aren't allowed to practice is the words they respond with, which seems far more constraining than shipping.

Re-quoting the licensing agreement requires to download the spec,

view, download, save, reproduce and use the Specification solely for your own internal purposes

are not conferred the IP rights required to practice and ship Thread technology,

Membership in Thread Group is necessary to implement, practice, and ship Thread technology and Thread Group specifications.

So yeah, actually it seems like even doing hobbyist things by yourself & telling no one is still far more than Thread group allows.

Fuck Thread! It's just so unbelievably shitty having the connected device technologies of our world be un-practiceable by mere mortals.

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and ship.

0 replies

As a software engineer, our confidence that and means "both of these things" is high. I feel like you're taking quite a gamble doing that in law.

Anyone posting to a blog might also be regarded as shipping.

You're also focusing on one gotcha while ignoring the other terrifying clauses here. Are you still using the spec for internal purposes if you are talking about it?

IANAL but I strongly recommend any hobbyists or open source people steer the hell clear. These are terms for no engagement other than those willing to pay the anual fee.

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Not conferred the rights to practice and ship, but if there's something which doesn't require such rights (such are private home tinkering) then not having rights conferred isn't an issue.

Not saying that forgives this abysmal licensing regime of course.

2 replies

What do you think they mean by this:

Membership in Thread Group is necessary to implement, practice, and ship Thread technology and Thread Group specifications.
1 replies

That if you are a corporation that wants to use this tech in your products (devices) you are advised to join Thread Group as soon as possible because you'll be required to do that when you ship stuff anyways. Possibly compelled by court if you resist.

They probably didn't expect interest from singular hobbyists, let alone hobbyists reading what they put out in the most uncharitable fashion. They have some clarifying to do if they decide that they care.

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You are ignoring "practice", which in this context means any kind of operational use, including things like research (they also specify "implementation" separately, to explicitly cover development of products).

Practice here is as in "practice medicine", not "practice for tryouts".

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Lawyers have little issue defining blogs like mine as "with commercial interest". I have a side-business, so lawyers could make the argument that I use my blog as advertising. I have a Ko-Fi link in the bottom of one specific site, that's a commercial interest, too.

Unless your blog is "I'm sharing holiday photos and nothing else", there's a lot of instances where it could be define as an outlet with commercial interests.

And, ultimately, I have no desire to spend any time and money on fighting even completely invalid claims. I'd rather spend my time watching cat videos on YouTube instead.

1 replies

But their licensing doesn't care about commercial interests or lack of there of.

It only reserves right to charge you if you ship a product. And by product they most obviously mean a device and by ship they obviously mean sell (or gift, or possibly rent) to some customers.

All of this sounds like a thunderstorm in a glass of water by people who read too many software licenses.

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This is not what the license says.

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Then don't use this or teach it. Don't build for it. Isolate it. Let it die. Cut off its supply. Make it irrelevant. Exclude it from connectivity options by default, out of caution. It seems pointless to complain that you can't have a bite of the poison fruit.

But also make sure others know. Actively warn and discourage other developers away from that technology. Make "Threads" regret their lack of openness.

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The problem is that individuals cannot cut it out, because big tech firms use it pretty widely. It's basically a moat that allows companies to ship products using a shared standard, but makes it impossible for individual developers to (especially ones who aren't actively trying to start a business, but even then, $7500 a year is a lot for a garage-level startup for a technical standard).

Imagine how much less innovation there would be if it cost $7,500 a year to write anything that uses the Internet Protocol suite of standards.

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hobbyists aren't expressly forbidden.

Also, I don't think it helps to use this word "hobbyists".

The entire world runs on free open source software written by unpaid volunteers who are poorly supported, isolated, and exploited by mega tech corporations that are parasitical on their work.

"hobbyists" sounds demeaning, It makes it sound like the great under-structure of common coding is somehow less-than-serious, somehow outside some commercial ecosystem rather than the very soil and food that sustains it.

This (self) perception needs to change. Big Tech would die tomorrow without the "hobbyists" it depends on.

6 replies

so I don't understand why they are using that as an example about not being able to play around with something or write blog posts.

It's seems pretty clear-cut to me:

Q: What Would Prevent A Company From Shipping A Product Based On OpenThread Without Joining The Thread Group?

A: (roughly) You will be sued

Now, what does the word "product" in "Shipping a product based on OpenThread" mean?

A product is any (or some combination of) the following:

1. A devkit

2. A book

3. A blog post

4. Any hardware that uses Thread

So, yeah, you can't write a tutorial for using Thread, or make a doorbell for your mum's house, or tell your friend how to read the protocol, or start up a /r/thread community to help each other use it.

Looks pretty damned locked down to me, without at least the FRAND loopholes.

3 replies

Where is that definition of product from? Is that in their license agreement?

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What is your definition of a product based on (from their license) "Thread technology and Thread Group specifications"?

Why would a book, or tutorial, or blog post be excluded from the clause "Thread technology and Thread Group specifications"?

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Obviously a device because when hardware peopl say product they don't mean book or youtube video.

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These aren't "hardware people" writing the licenses, they're "legal people", i.e. lawyers.

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Obviously only 1 and 4. Neither book or post uses tech. It can talk about tech, describe it, but never use it in any manner.

Mum's doorbell might be gray area as you can easily say that it's still your doorbel, you just chose to install it wherever you chose to install it.

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There's no way that a book or blog post breaches any patents.

4 replies

patents don't apply to private tinkering unless there's commerce involved.

While you’re unlikely to be sued for something you do in your basement that has no broader commercial or cultural impact, it’s not impossible. There is no private use exemption to patents.

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This isn't 100% true, it's closer to 90% true.

There is a narrowly-tailored "research exemption" to patents:

So "private tinkering" where you implement something patented in order to perform research is permitted, but not for one's own benefit, even privately. For the example we're discussing, implementing Thread on some IoT device in order to benchmark it in various ways is in-bounds, but you can't use that device to your own benefit, even privately in your own home.

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Aye. And, as the sibling post points out, demonstrating that your benchmarking project qualifies for a Research Exemption could devolve into a lawyer-up situation.

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Something surprising that a couple lawyers have drilled into me: you can be sued for anything, regardless of whether it's illegal or not. The lawsuit is the discovery & decision process by which the courts decide whether your personal circumstances make it illegal. If the law is blatantly on your side you can get the lawsuit thrown out, but you still have to defend yourself, which includes the expense of hiring a lawyer.

A corollary (and probably what the lawyers were getting at): not making yourself a target is more valuable than actually following the law. If you have money, keep it to yourself - some more unscrupulous actors will find some legal grey area you're operating in and sue you for it simply so they can force a settlement and get some of it. If you're doing something interesting (whether it's legal or not), keep it to yourself. If your interests are not aligned with someone else, gosh darnit, don't tell them or otherwise bring yourself to their attention. There is probably some lawsuit they can bring that would at least force an expensive court case and legal defense and make you want to settle to make it all go away.

And once you are a target anyway, follow the law scrupulously. This is why big corporations invest billions in legal & compliance departments.

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As always with laws this is very location specific. In germany there is a very clear clause about patents not applying to "Actions carried out in the private sphere for non-commercial purposes" (§11 PatG, own translation)

16 replies

Just be thankful they did this upfront, instead of at the tail end of a painful evolution from an open-source effort to closed-source commercial product, complete with a fig-leaf GitHub with all the interesting bits removed, and a graveyard of abandoned forks. They saved you all that disappointment.

15 replies

Absolutely, sometimes I feel the mid 2020's will be known as the era of enshittification.

7 replies

Let’s hope the result is that the 2030s are known as the decade when consumers, users of apps, figured out it was worth paying for software from honest developers or companies, rather than getting it for free temporarily and then getting their data used in unexpected ways, enshittification, etc.

3 replies

That is completely irrelevant.

A large fraction, if not most, of potential users of software in the world can simply not afford paying any non-trivial amounts of money (by US/European figuring) for software of any kind; they simply don't have such money to spare. Look at median incomes in different countries:

2 replies

Country-specific pricing is not a new thing, though. After all, if someone in a developing country paid for a smartphone they might be able to also pay for some apps.

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Also, you don’t make any money advertising to poor people in poor countries. I imagine if they don’t have money in their wallets, their data isn't worth much either. (Well, except to OpenAI).

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So all the existing advertising in developing countries is not profitable? I wonder why anyone is doing it, then. ;)

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What about when the consumers pay for software and still get their data harvested and the product enshittified?

0 replies

Microsoft Windows has entered the chat. Apparently the next insiders version has even more ads in the start menu.

This stuff is so horrific.

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Hi, I'm a time traveller from the 2030s and chuckled a little at the prediction that people would still by writing apps by then.

4 replies

It merited "word of the year" last year, could happen.

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The Italian word for it, “Merdocene”, sounds even pithier.

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Merdocene sounds like geological epoch. Pleistocene, Holocene, etc.


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Can we just call it "the scene"?

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The D in "Système D" (economic concept, not to be confused with the controversial init system) stands for démerder which means "to deshittify".

We're gonna see a lot more Système D applied in the future...

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Such an overused word and in this context it's not even relevant.

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It is kind of relevant, we have zigbee. Which is a bit quirky, along comes Thread that promises to make it more open, better compatibility between vendors and more modern. If it turns out that big companies use Thread in a way to oppose those goals then I feel that is an attempt to enshittify the entire home-automation ecosystem.

Which must be the holy grail of enshittification, I mean it is one thing to make your own product/service worse. But to make everyones products worse? Jackpot!

12 replies

Do these license terms apply if you use OpenThread directly without ever agreeing to the license on the Thread specification? I don’t see how you could be sued if you never agreed to anything except the BSD license lol

8 replies

The BSD license just selectively releases the copyright on the openthread code. It doesn’t affect other legal constructs, like patents or copyrights outside the repo.

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What are “copyrights outside the repo”? The BSD license doesn’t grant any patent or trademark rights. But how would copyright cause problems?

5 replies

OpenThread is by Google, and not the thread group. Google has released their copyright claims with the BSD license, but the thread group could still C&D you for copyright issues I.e., that your project that includes openthread code violates their spec’s copyright.

4 replies

OpenThread is by Google, and not the thread group.

Wow. So Google is in the Thread Group, and so is licensed to practice and ship the technology; which they do, in the form of OpenThread, under a permissive licence.

BUT anyone that uses OpenThread for anything at all is exposed to legal action unless they cough up the fees. Is that right?

So this is hard for me to understand: Google's OpenThread code is open to be inspected, and you can contribute to it, under a BSD-like licence; but Thread Group holds the IP, and reserves the right to sue. As always, the patents covering it are not listed, and some of them might be submarines. I don't see why it's called "Open" Thread, if you probably can't even use the library without a Thread Group licence.

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I'm sure Thread Group would love to stop Google making OpenThread available, but unless they want to tee-off against Google's legal team over patent infringement, the easier route for them is just threatening everyone else out of using it.

All the combined wealth of every individual who has ever wanted to tinker with Thread is a fraction of Google's warchest.

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I'm sure Thread Group would love to stop Google making OpenThread available

Google is a founding member of the Thread Group. OpenThread exists publicly because it's the only widely available implementation that's shipped in a lot of places. Nordic's SDK, for example, uses OpenThread.

OpenThread is built by and for members of the Thread Group, and used by them. It's fairly clear that Google doesn't care much about anyone else.

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OpenThread code is open to be inspected, and you can contribute to it, under a BSD-like licence; but Thread Group holds the IP, and reserves the right to sue. As always, the patents covering it are not listed, and some of them might be submarines

Sounds like they are trying to have their cake and eat it? Release code on a copy left license to try and gain open source contributions, but also force people to pay if they want to use it by crippling it with patents and some weird licensing BS.

Except no one outside of large corporations already paying for it are going to ever contribute code... how could they, you can't contribute code in a vacuum.

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The 3-Clause BSD doesn't NOT release copyright. The copyright holder extends you a perpetual license to redistribute and modify the copyrighted work, provided you adhere to the license. They still hold the copyright. Without them holding the copyright, the 3 clauses would be meaningless, since they'd have no way to enforce them.

Releasing the license is commonly refereed to as "public domain", but it's not actually possible to relinquish the copyright in all territories, and therefore people generally prefer some kind of license.

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They likely have patents, which restrict use even to people who have not agreed to a license.

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Which patents cover implementing Thread if it’s just IPv6 on Zigbee?

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Similar to how you have to join certain patent pools even if you have otherwise an open license to the code.

9 replies

I wonder if this rant would've not existed if the Thread website said 'costs 7500$/yr to use' on the front page.

To me, the issue isn't that someone wants people to pay to use their products, it's that they make you work to find out.

There really ought to be price transparency for everything, mandated by governments. I'm a dreamer, maaan.

3 replies

Given how much R&D expense Thread Group members have invested over the years developing its IP and the commercial value developers get from building on it, compared to, say, Apple's iOS APIs that developers can build on, it's interesting to consider the proportionality of Thread's annual licensing (USD 7500) being 75x Apple's dev license (USD 100).

Either one of these is expensive or one of these is cheap.

1 replies

Well, Apple’s R&D expenses are amortised over a lot more developers paying their Apple tax.

Most specialist stuff is like this. For example, Braille displays and equipment for blind people is outrageously expensive compared to most consumer electronics. But the price tag makes sense because of how few units they sell. So it takes a higher markup on each unit to make money. Solidworks is simpler and more expensive than Windows because it has orders of magnitude fewer users.

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Yes, in cost plus instead of value pricing.

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the solution to your false dilemma is that they are both unconscionably high, and additionally they are both unconscionable because you are at the mercy of the vendor

1 replies

At least we have wikipedia.

Thread is an IPv6-based, low-power mesh networking technology for Internet of things (IoT) products.[1] The Thread protocol specification is available at no cost; however, this requires agreement and continued adherence to an End-User License Agreement (EULA), which states that "Membership in Thread Group is necessary to implement, practice, and ship Thread technology and Thread Group specifications."[2]
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It's missing the most important part - the sticker price to shock you away from it

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Price transparency aside, do we really know if it’s a lot of work to ask them to waive the annual fee, or to provide a no-cost hobbies license? Why do we all assume that they intend to screw the little guy, and aren’t just a small under-resourced group who either hasn’t gotten around to hobby licenses, or hasn’t even realized it’s a thing that people want?

Edit: Kudos to the author for actually reaching out to them. I do wonder what he means by “ask for clarification”… This sounds like the kind of email I dread receiving… vague, open ended, gotta call the lawyer? Did he just ask if they could waive the fee?

I contacted the Thread Group’s support email address on 2024-04-19 to request clarification on non-commercial Thread use.
0 replies

Here are the full texts of both emails I sent them:

The second one to their press team sounds super presumptuous, sorry for that, but I found that you kinda have to talk to press teams in that way if you want to get /any/ response at al.

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It’s only $20/mo. Just don’t ask for how long.

6 replies

Will we have to wait for a regulation body to come and force it open as soon as it becomes the de facto standard of home communication?

I won't make a bet on which one, because I don't want to nag, but we all know which one it will be.

4 replies

Well, Google lost against Oracle too, so it appears a mere API specification can be closed down arbitrarily; than is the world we live in. Unless the US gets a lot more tech literate and open minded judges and officials, I doubt that will change for the better. And, looking at their presidential candidates… well.

3 replies

I thought Google mostly won against Oracle and the court decided just APIs aren't copyrightable...

1 replies

The court decided the opposite--that APIs are copyrightable. However, the Supreme Court ruled that Google's usage was fair use, so I would agree that Google mostly won. The Supreme Court didn't consider whether APIs are copyrightable (the lower court ruled that) because Google would win regardless because it was fair use.

So I'm not sure it matters much whether APIs are copyrightable when what Google did was ruled fair use. I'd prefer if the courts ruled APIs weren't copyrightable, but I think it was still a good result because doing what Google did probably covers about any use case anyway.

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I wonder if making a device which uses Threads could be considered fair use in the same way, because implementing threads is required for interoperability with many devices.

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The Federal Court took up the appeal from Alsup case, accepted Oracles arguments that copying headers & using then same variable makes made the Java reimplementation a copyright violation (incompetent losers), sent the question of fair use back to a jury trial, the jury decided yeah it was fair use, the Federal Court ignored the jury and decided to ignore everyone hollering at them that they were being idiots & ruled for Oracle anyways.

Then the Supreme Court ignored the copyrightability aspects & ruled for a Google on some fair use grounds.

I've skimmed the write up from the ever excellent always recommendable Mark Lemley, Interfaces and Interoperability After Google v. Oracle, and really hope I can go a bit deeper into the history & trial at some point. Section 2 The Long Saga of Google v. Oracle starts on page 27 of the inner pdf.

It's been incredibly disappointing watching courts like the Federal Circuit be so unable to handle even basic technical matters with even an iota of comprehension, having them bungle up things so badly in the face of so much easy to rely on precedent. Being sweet talked by Oracle's lawyers into believing a header file is anything greater than interface definiton is either incompetence, or some really vicious pro-business hellworld shit.

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Governments have no problem allowing de facto specifications to be closed. 5G is heavily patent protected, for example. MPEG is heavily patent protected.

Typically patents "essential" for a standard are licensed on "fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory" (FRAND) terms. But you do still have to go and pay for the license (sometimes from all the individual companies that have patents, sometimes from a consortium that represents the entire patent pool for a standard).

2 replies

I have not read the fine print of all of this so my idea here may be dead in the water but...

What if we (the community) were to establish an entity that would pay the licensing for whatever required level and pitch in a small amount each towards the fees and we could all then be legal?

Essentially the new entity would be licensed and we all would be licensed unter the entity. Fractionating the larger dollar figure across us all.

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Besides what Terretta wrote... why would we? This seems like such a hostile approach to releasing a protocol that I wouldn't want to support them financially.

Especially when our use cases are something like "make a home-made coffee bean counter last 90 days on battery power instead of 55".

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I have not read the fine print of all of this so my idea here may be dead in the water...

Many commercial software patent licensing agreements for at least the last twenty years (the timeframe I've noticed contracts tend to have realized open source and networks are a thing) have clauses that specifically prevent or limit this, called "preemptive sublicensing restrictions":

In the "fine print" of the Thread agreements including IP agreement -- reading not very closely and while commenting here -- they ensure this a little obliquely:

In the various agreements they've defined Implementor as what you need to, well, implement it, and it does allow sublicensing to affiliates, but separates out Participants and Associates from Affiliates, and puts a high bar on what can be an Affiliate.

Based on the provided definition of "Affiliate" in the context of the Thread Group, Inc. Implementer Participation Agreement, an Implementer cannot simply sign agreements with third parties to make them "Affiliates" in order to sublicense the Implementer's license. According to the definition, an "Affiliate" must be a corporation, company, or other entity that either owns or controls the Implementer, is owned or controlled by the Implementer, or is under common control with the Implementer, with a significant threshold of more than fifty percent ownership or control.

This means that the relationship defining an entity as an Affiliate is based on substantial ownership or control rather than merely contractual agreements. An Implementer would need to have a majority ownership or control over another entity for that entity to qualify as an Affiliate and thereby enjoy the rights and privileges, including any sublicensing rights, granted under the Implementer's license. This ensures that Affiliates are closely tied to the primary Participant, maintaining a direct and substantial connection rather than a loose contractual relationship.

// IANAL, YMMV, ask your attorney, standard disclaimers apply

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if you’re a hobbyist without access to some serious throwaway money to join > the Thread Group, there is no way to use Thread legally - the license does > not include an exception for non-commercial uses.

Well, in this situation, and assuming Thread is technically worthwhile - perhaps people would start using it "illegally" (with or without quotes). If such use is wide enough, it might get effectively legalized, albeit gradually.

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Don't worry, the protocol is explicitly designed to prevent it from interacting with "fake" devices. Your device needs to present a special cryptographic certificate in order to work properly.

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Pirate adoption just helps cement thread as the winner in the IoT space. Which forces organizations in the IoT space to use thread. And they are afraid of being sued, so will follow Thread rules.

So tactically I think this actually plays against making it effectively legalized.

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One of the reasons my city decided to go with LoRawan is exactly because it’s less complicated from the legal side of things. It’s much more complicated to work with, however, and because of Danish telecom laws any such tech comes with ridiculous restrictions that give telecom a sort of monopoly on high speed “internet”. This would also apply to threads though.

Anyway, one of the advantages a city gets is that it has a lot of locations to set up antennas. A public school, a library and so on, are all good locations that local citizens wouldn’t have access to. So the trick is to get your city to open up their LoRawan equivalent to the public. At least if you want to deploy things all over the city. Luckily mine does. It also gives you free access to power supplies if your project is benefiting the city (and open), and they are often interested in supporting you financially as well.

But as a whole, just don’t use threads.

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Threads would never scale to that anyway? Isn't it a completely different usecase than what Threads was made for?

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The Matter specification has a similar touch. The devil is in the details and due clever marketing people don't understand what they are praising.

The real problem here is people who invest money in this anyway.

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Didn't it go even further by requiring device attestation certificates signed by a licensed PKI provider?

I noped out of even considering it as a hobbyist as soon as i noticed that part.

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Correct, and the intent is for genuine devices to refuse to work with "fake" ones. All certificates are registered on a blockchain for validation, of course.

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“you’re a hobbyist without access to some serious throwaway money to join the Thread Group, there is no way to use Thread legally”

Well, there’s no way to know until someone finds out if they have relevant patent covers.

We need Compaq to clean room copy the stuff and then take the hit if there truly are valid patents…

1 replies

A cleanroom process is evidence that you reimplemented without copying, but that's not enough to avoid infringing a patent. You need to redesign to avoid doing anything they claimed, convince the patent office that they made a mistake in granting some or all of the claims, hold a war chest of patents you could counter-sue with, or YOLO:

0 replies

Yes. What I meant about valid patents is that you can’t really know what a patent is worth until you challenge it. There are SO MANY filed patents which are basically just crap, nothing more than camouflage and bluster.

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If you’re like me and want to write a series of blog posts about how Thread works, there’s also no legal way.

I feel like their conditions are refering to manufacturing and delivering products that use Thread tecg to some third party (selling, gifting, possibly renting). Not about teaching, publishing or experimenting. As long as you don't transfer what you've built to another person you should be fine.

Am I misreading?

0 replies

The section of the license agreement excerpted:

Thread Group, Inc. […] hereby grants you a […] license […] to view, download, save, reproduce and use the Specification solely for your own internal purposes

uses the term "internal purposes" which doesn't seem to include writing a blog post for the external world to see.

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I'm not super familiar with licensing at this kind of level - how does the licensing for Thread compare to e.g. Bluetooth, which also requires payment to integrate into products?

(I've also been playing around with Thread this week, as it happens. Surprised how easy it was to flash the example project to an ESP32 and start pinging it from my laptop)

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I'm also not familiar with this legalese stuff, however in the case of Bluetooth, it has been "illegally" implemented in many (mostly imported from far east) devices that use it but don't show its complete name. If you encounter a Bluetooth device that claims "BT version x" compatibility and not Bluetooth version X, then it might be one of them.

This makes me think that should Thread gain some traction among users, cheap clones implementing it under a similar name, yet without any licensing, would appear shortly on sale at the usual vendors.

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I'm a little confused, I thought Thread was exclusively based on open standards, like 6LowPAN, that already existed before Thread. How can a licence be required for those? I understand the application layer Matter is new (although also using open standards like CoAP) and might not be that open.

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Thread adds mesh networking on top of 6LowPAN. Thread, and Zigbee and ZWave, don’t have range to cover whole house so need relays and added mesh.

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Does it touch on the legal issue this post is about at all?

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This tickles my spidey sense. Real tech is what we can't use or teach, that Neo lived for in the Matrix, stuff like: Tor Browser, BitTorrent, pre-Microsoft Skype, WebRTC, Bitcoin, etc etc etc. It's anything that lets the mind seek the truth uninhibited to get closer to the divine.

The tech purgatory we live in today between utopia and dystopia is mostly walled gardens and surveillance capitalism. We pay a fortune for 5G and streaming services that technically have no reason to exist. It would be borderline trivial to develop real p2p networking for smartphones that self-organizes with others near them to share some fraction of their bandwidth and create a darknet. Like BitTorrent, performance would increase with the number of peers, so it would run faster at a festival for example, not slower. Which means that a gigabit radio would fully saturate and we'd be enjoying internet speeds perhaps 10-1000 times faster than we have now, even millions of times faster when the protocol runs on wired networks. Maybe something like Thread would facilitate the creation of a p2p network running on and alongside existing infrastructure.

I believe that this free p2p network should have been developed around 2007 when the iPhone and Facebook exploded, but greed took us into this alternate timeline where expenses rise faster than wages so we never have the time, money or resources to escape the rat race long enough to get the real work done that gets us closer to a Star Trek UBI economy and self-actualization. Meanwhile there are countless Mark Zuckerbergs, 1000 billionaires and millions of tech influencers who have won the internet lottery but don't pursue the goals that I'm talking about here. They just seem to build out ever more infrastructure to expand their wealth, creating a black hole that shrinks the wealth of the working class. I can only think of a handful of benefactors like MacKenzie Scott who might do it in reverse and seek out eager minds to offer them what they need to work at the pace they're capable of outside the status quo.

Which brings me to my point: the legalese obfuscating the Thread protocol isn't to protect their working group, but to prevent the disruption of the status quo in order to protect the fortunes of the biggest tech companies.

The thing is, we're crossing thresholds now where I don't think a lot of people under 50 expect the future to get better. They're waiting to have children because they don't have enough money. Children are dying in proxy wars and we can't even call out the political party responsible because the other one is scarier. We're facing enormous geopolitical threats like the rise of authoritarianism and we can't even call it out because we depend on products made by child labor in those same countries, created using minerals and fossil fuels which only exist there. I mean this is like, really serious stuff. If we want to actually invent the real innovation that heals the world and improves the quality of life for everyone, it starts with the most fundamental disruptive tech like this.

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And Apple and Google signed up for this.

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Yup. Just use zigbee. 3.x is open and well specified. And dongle-bridges for HomeAssistant are cheap

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I wouldn't mind if developing for it as a hobbyist was so difficult if it had some quality products and user interfaces.

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Prediction: the world will move on and probably choose something less wrapped up in a legal Trojan. Although not IP based, LoRa is pretty neat. Slow, but so easy to play around with