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Making a 3D modeler in C in a week

61 replies

I agree entirely with the author on the limitations of Raylib. I'm currently working on a tower-defense style game that I started in Raylib, but I'm running into many of the same limitations (and more). Things such as toggling fullscreen not working consistently across platforms, not being able to enumerate screen modes, toggling rendering features at runtime, saving compiled shaders etc., etc. Having said that, I appreciate Ray's work on this library and will continue to sponsor him. Raylib is great for quickly banging out a prototype, but not much beyond that unless you're okay with living with severe limitations.

Lesson learned, for sure, but I'm too far into the development to swap all of the Raylib stuff out for SDL (or something else) now.

13 replies

Raylib has a lot of issues that are never going to be fixed, but I wouldn't blame fullscreen on it. Fullscreen is just absolutely unusably FUBARed on windows and has been for decades. It's probably the same for other platforms. The modern strategy is to just do borderless windowed and pretend true fullscreen doesn't exist.

4 replies

I have no knowledge about such things but…

The modern strategy is to just do borderless windowed and pretend true fullscreen doesn't exist.

This explains a lot as to why I experienced some interesting inconsistency going full screen in different applications in Windows ;)

3 replies

In Linux/Wayland, Windows-style fullscreen does not exist and has no reason to exist either.

In a composited environment, fullscreen windows are just maximized windows without a border, which triggers some heuristic to unredirect windows (i.e. does not have to pay the price of compositing) when they are the sole thing that is drawn on the screen.

So, on Linux, fullscreen and maximized borderless are the same. Given that Windows is a fully compositing desktop as well, I wonder why the difference still exists.

1 replies

But what does "Windows-style fullscreen" actually do? It feels like it switches into a different video mode (even if the resolution is the same), and back when my monitor was a CRT, I could even hear a faint click inside it whenever a game entered/exited the full-screen mode. So there was definitely something special going on, but what?

0 replies

Windows style fullscreen made it so that the game controlled the resolution being sent "over the wire" to the display, and as I understand it, basically gave exclusive display access to the game. This had the interesting effect of delegating all resolution scaling to the display, which was great for CRTs and often very bad on digital displays which (usually) do very muddy bilinear scaling even if being sent a resolution that was an exact integer division of the total display resolution.

The current day approach is to instead do the "large borderless window" and then do software scaling of the image in order to match the display resolution. One cool result of this is you can get much better scaling than your display would do naively. Low-res games really benefit from software integer scaling instead of "whatever scaling the display firmware does, usually making all the edges blurry".

Rescaling in software is so fast now that some graphically intense games can do per-frame scaling in order to keep per-frame latencies below a particular goal threshold, at the cost of your game losing fidelity (getting blurier). It's so common that most big-name titles now do this.

0 replies

I wonder why the difference still exists.

Some legacy apps (that is, games) react very badly when they're not in full control of their window sizing, priority, input and device polling, ecc.

2 replies

At least on Xorg it isn't an issue, but to ensure cross-compatibility your solution trumps all. I cannot comment on other platforms.

1 replies

In Xorg it is definitely an issue. Virtually all games use a borderless window because actual X11 fullscreen is awful: it captures all input events and changes the system's screen resolution to whatever the application is running at.

0 replies

There is no all-encompassing "actual X11 fullscreen", X11 does not have an API for applications to have control over the entire screen like you'd find in, e.g, DirectX 9 (what most people think of with "real fullscreen" in Windows). What games (and SDL1) ages ago did was to use APIs that changed the video mode and APIs that captured input, both of which are completely separate (they're even from different sources: the video mode API is from an extension, the capture API is from the core protocol) - and then created a borderless window the normal way.

There are three different aspects here, each one can be done differently and all can be (and have been) mixed or ignored:

1. Set the video mode. You can either do that or not and use whatever the desktop is running at. You may want to change the video mode not just for resolution but for using a different refresh rate. Both native games (like, e.g. Quake source ports using SDL2) and Wine still do that (you can disable the modesetting in Wine via the registry so that games only see the desktop resolution as the only available one).

2. Create a fullscreen window. There are two ways to do that: either create a window that bypasses redirection ("redirection" here means that the window manager wont manage it, it has nothing to do with compositing - if a compositor is used - though some compositors also use it as a hint for that) and have it cover the entire desktop area (you may want to use randr to figure out the monitor area for multiple monitors) or alternatively use the fullscreen hint on the window and let the window manager handle this. Note that some window managers may not support this or have bugs with it.

3. Handle input. X11 provides an API to capture mouse and/or keyboard input, though strictly speaking this is not really required and TBH i do not see why games ever did that (i can only think of conflicts with other programs but i'd expect this to be something for the user to deal with). In any case, it is rare for games to do that these days. You can just handle input "normally" like any other program. You can provide a (by default disabled) option if you really want to though as the API for capturing is trivial.

For my last game engine i did #1 (with an option to use whatever the desktop resolution is) and #2 (using the fullscreen flag by default with the redirect flag as an alternative for window managers that had issues with the fullscreen flag) but i didn't bother with #3.

2 replies

I do the same, I do wonder however, if there are performance issue at the OS level, from running (on a 4K screen) 4K borderless vs. 4K fullscreen.

Like, the whole giving the application maximum priority would work the same?

1 replies

Whether there's a performance detriment from borderless-fullscreen vs exclusive-fullscreen depends on how a program presents its frames (and on the OS, of course).

On Windows, under ideal circumstances borderless-fullscreen performs identically to exclusive-fullscreen as Windows will let the program skip the compositor and present its frames more-or-less directly to the display. (Under really ideal circumstances the same applies to bordered non-fullscreen windows.)

If the compositor can't be skipped, borderless-fullscreen can be a bit brutal on performance: on a 4K 160Hz screen I've experienced an additional 40-milliseconds+ of frame-latency purely from borderless-fullscreen being used.

The Special K wiki has some pages that go into more detail about the situation on Windows:,

0 replies

This is absolutely bonkers.

0 replies

just do borderless windowed and pretend true fullscreen doesn't exist.

Hah, good to know I am not the only one.

0 replies

True, it’s just one of the many issues that came to mind while writing this.

My solution to the issue is also full screen borderless combined with resolution scaling.

11 replies

I agree entirely with the author on the limitations of Raylib.

Wow this is kind of insane. About this

Raylib doesn’t do basic parameter validation, by design. This function segfaults when dataSize is null: (...)

The developer answered this

For most of the raylib functions is up to the user to validate the inputs, if raylib should consider all possible bad-use scenarios it would require reviewing most of the library functions and it will increase source-code complexity.
6 replies

in c and c++ this is not just normal but almost unavoidable. if your function takes a t* and someone casts a random int to a t* and pass it in, it is gonna segfault. no possible way to validate it, though in theory you could open /proc/self/maps and iterate through it to catch the segfault cases, or install a segfault handler

5 replies

if your function takes a t* and someone casts a random int to a t* and pass it in, it is gonna segfault.

True, that is not something a function ought to defend against.

However, the complaint was not about that, though, it was about not checking if the dataSize parameter is NULL.

I don't really have a problem with functions that segfault when given NULL pointer parameters as long as this is clearly documented!

Sometime, however, you just need to be familiar with enough projects in C that common-sense gets built. In the specified example:

     unsigned char *LoadFileData(const char *fileName, int *dataSize);
I expected that a function that returns an array needs to tell the caller how large that array is. This specific function is not one I would complain about.

These things are usually documented in the headers. In this case it says:

      // Load file data as byte array (read)
So, yeah, it's pretty clear to me that the number of bytes has to be returned somewhere, and there's only one parameter called `dataSize`, so this isn't something I consider to be a valid complaint.

[EDIT: Escaped pointers, and added last paragraph]

1 replies

Sometime, however, you just need to be familiar with enough projects in C that common-sense gets built.

And if every C project takes this same philosophy to poor documentation, how exactly is a new person learning C supposed to build that common sense? Brushing off poor documentation with "you just need more experience" is not a valid response. The documentation for that function could be much more clearer without being much longer.

0 replies

My point is not that it was good or acceptable, my point is that, while not perfect, it isn't bad enough to warrant the moniker of `insane`.

1 replies

unsigned char

WARNING unpaired | unescaped *'s !! :-)

grrr, markup

0 replies

Thanks, fixed.

0 replies

yeah. unlike an arbitrary garbage pointer, a null pointer is something the callee could detect. but on linux or windows the operating system will reliably detect it for you, and in a way that makes it a lot easier to debug: it segfaults, making it obvious that there's a bug, and your debugger will show you the stack trace leading up to the LoadFileData call with the null pointer parameter. and, as you point out in your other comment, in the very next line after your call to LoadFileData, you need the data size, and if you passed in a statically null pointer, you don't have it, so you realize you're going to need to pass in a pointer to an actual int

so, while the documentation could and should be more explicit than the single telegraphic line you quote, the function's behavior is fine, and detecting and trying to handle the null pointer would make its behavior worse and harder to debug (except on like an arduino or ms-dos or something)

not every c api description needs to be an introductory tutorial for c

3 replies

I think the word 'insane' is going to far to describe the behaviour of the specified function.

It returns an array of bytes. If you, the programmer, wrote a line that called that function, on the very next line you are going to try to use the array, realise that you don't know the length, and realise that the `NULL` that passed in on the line above is probably the output for the length!

In order to actually write a call with `NULL` for the dataSize argument, the programmer needs to be clueless about how to write a for loop.

So, no, I can't easily see a situation where a programmer accidentally uses a `dataSize` parameter of `NULL`, because that would mean they don't know that arrays in C have no length information, which is C 101.

2 replies

Arrays in C have length information. Pointers do not.

0 replies

Arrays in C have length information. Pointers do not.

Sure, but they don't carry that length information when being returned from a function.

0 replies

Arrays in C have length information.

Not in any sense that is actually useful to the programmer, at runtime at least. You cannot ask an array how big it is.

Pointers actually do have length information as well, otherwise free() would not work. But its the same deal with arrays - there is no way to access it outside of compile time constants, if those are even present.

6 replies

How do you know Ray was not named after ray-tracing?

5 replies

The author's name is the first hint, and the lack of ray tracing the second

3 replies

You missed the joke, so let me ruin it by explaining it:

What if Ray the person was named after ray-tracing by his parents?

1 replies

Plot twist: Ray Tracing was the name of a person that was very important to both of them and unfortunately passed away, so they named their son Ray as a tribute.

0 replies

Ah shit, I was That Guy on the internet, sorry. I guess it happens to everyone eventually.

0 replies

I choose to interpret it as: How do you know that *the author* was not named after ray-tracing?

Which is amusing :)

2 replies

Such a good list.. worth a submission of its own IMHO

0 replies

I wish they'd add French drains.

9 replies

This made me want to look at raylib. It comes with some cute examples that run using WebAssembly:

One thing that's always bothered me about Wasm and browser 3d/2d graphics is that I often find minor issues such as scrolling. Look at the example called "Background scrolling & parallax" here:

I've tested on several devices and it's definitely not smooth scrolling, unless there's something wrong with my eyes.

How can 2D smooth scrolling not be a solved problem in 2024?

5 replies

In that sample the foreground scrolls perfectly smoothly for me, but the background looks jittery. This indicates to me that it's not a platform issue at all. That sample is just doing something weird with the background.

2 replies

Yes, the background is odd but the foreground is definitely not smooth. I see small little jitters occasionally. At one point I had to wait 15 seconds for it to jitter, though.

1 replies

Yes the back and foreground is quite jittery for me on Firefox, and I'm almost certain its the browsers own requestAnimationFrame that's the problem.

Update: Although, having a closer look at the scene, I see its pixel art, so I bet the author is snapping floating point positions to a pixel point to prevent sub pixel blurring.

Another small update: I was sure requestAnimationFrame was locked to 60fps, but I noticed on Chrome the other day it was 144hz, the full speed of my monitor.

1 replies

This jitteryness is because the sample doesn't have antialiasing enabled (since it's pixel art) and the background scrolling is 0.1pixels per frame, which means every 10 frames it snaps 1 pixel. The scrolling is also updating on fixed amount per frame instead of looking at deltaTime, so if there are lags or small differences in frame time this might look choppy.

But I think it's more meant to demonstrate drawing parallax layers rather than subpixel scrolling.

0 replies

So by modifying it to look at delta time it would be smooth?

1 replies

Because it's a surprisingly tricky topic on modern operating systems [1], and even trickier in web browsers (smooth scrolling was actually much easier to achieve on hard-realtime systems like the 8- and 16-bit home computers of the 80's and early 90s).

TL;DR: if you base your animation- or scroll-speed on the 'raw' measured time between two frames, you'll get micro-stutter because it's pretty much impossible to obtain a non-jittery frame duration on modern operating systems or web browsers, all you can do is try to remove the noise via filtering, or 'align' your measured frame duration with the display refresh interval, which on some platforms cannot be queried.

In web browsers the most important problem is that you can't measure the exact frame duration (which is fallout from Spectre/Meltdown), or obtain a precise 'presentation timestamp', or even query the display refresh frequency.

Even in the native OS APIs that provide a presentation timestamp (like DXGI on Windows or CVDisplayLink on macOS) that timestamp has considerable jitter and has not much to do with the actual presentation time when the frame becomes visible to the user.

And as soon as you base your animation timings on such a jittery timestamp you'll get micro-stutter (the easiest way to get smooth animation is actually to assume a fixed frame duration, but then your animation speed will be tied to the display refresh rate).

It's often possible to eliminate the timing jitter with 'noise removal' filters or just tracking an average over the last couple dozen frames, but those then may behave funny in situations where the frame duration changes drastically (such as moving a window between displays with different refresh rate, or when rendering stops and then resumes because the window or browser tab is fully obscured and then becomes visible again).

PS: Raylib's frame pacing code on the web is also a bit on the crude side [2].

...e.g. it just sleeps for 16 milliseconds, and relies on ASYNCIFY to enable a traditional render loop in browsers. It would actually be better to use a frame callback via requestAnimationFrame (or the Emscripten wrapper function emscripten_request_animation_frame), but this means giving up the cross-platform 'own the game loop' application model. Not that requestAnimationFrame alone solves any of the above mentioned time jitter problems though.



0 replies

Thanks for this comment, this thing you mentioned "micro stutter" is something that has had me really scratching my head in my game engine project!

Do you have any comment whether frame blending (actually using a mix of two frame states to produce the rendering) would be a workable solution?

0 replies

the answer to your last question is "inner platform effect" and "second system effect".

3 replies

Raylib is easy to get started but once the project gets a little complex it bites back. SDL on the other hand takes more time to setup everything but scales extremely well as the project gets bigger and bigger. Also, SDL is exceptionally well written code.

2 replies

And an exceptionally well written documentation, too! One of the first big-ish projects of mine was a raytracer I wrote in C with SDL.

1 replies

Got a link to that raytracer?

0 replies

It would be like a regular raytracer, but instead of writing pixels to a file, you write them to your buffer/texture.

3 replies

I switched from raylib to Sokol some time ago and it's the best. Super simple and single header C code, no dependencies, cross platform code and shaders, etc etc. I've shipped a steam game and I plan to continue using Sokol in the future.

2 replies

Do you mind sharing a link or game name? Despite all the advice out there picking up a game engine, I too am pursuing a goal of making a game from scratch using simple parts of C++ and SFML for now, but was also looking at SDL and Sokol. What was your experience? Are you a solo dev? Was it worth it?

1 replies

Not the parent, but I also use sokol as the base for my engine. I've shipped 3 3d web games with it, and honestly it was the best technical decision I ever made! There's just so much to be said for owning all your dependencies (as far as possible, sokol is still a dependency but it's way more manageable than a 3rd party game engine)

0 replies

Do you mind to share your games details? No judging, I promise :) I just need examples from people like me and not AAA studios for motivation sake. I literally was called an idiot for not choosing Unity or Unreal, and was turned down for collaboration with non-tech people just for that. Game dev landscape is crazy these days.

3 replies

Kind of share the same feeling, started a project about 2 months ago and chose to use Raylib, and while the basic stuff is really simple to get going, the more you use it, the more random minor inconveniences you run into, but at this point I've invested too much into this project to back out of using Raylib. My biggest issue with it right now is the font handling and text rendering, I think I'll have to switch from TTF fonts to pre-baked bitmap fonts for it (which will suck for localization later). The biggest two features I'm missing after switching from Love2D is being able to render multi-color text (with Raylib, you have to manually split up the text into chunks based on color markup, then apply width offset, then call the draw function for each chunk, while also taking into account things like linebreaks and such), not to mention that it seems to tank the FPS a lot when you try to draw a lot of text on the screen (perhaps the draw call batching is broken for text?) and being able to easily chop up textures and make them wrap or tile, Raylib used to have tiled texture draw function in the past but for some reason they removed it.

1 replies

Why did you switch from Love2D?

0 replies

I need multithreading, async TCP, and have to implement systems that benefit from type safety. Though, I do still use Lua (using sol2), for interface modules, but I miss the features that Love2D provided on the framework level.

0 replies

I'm the organizer for the conference [0] mentioned in TFA.

We had a professional UI/UX designer react to ShapeUp [1], and one of the things she commented on was the font being hard to visually parse.

I laughed a little when the author yelled "raylib!" to make sure blame was assigned appropriately XD. I'm currently the top GitHub sponsor for raylib, so there's no hate, but I wish he changed some of his defaults.


[1] (timestamped)

1 replies

IIRC it defines some common words too like all the color names and uses a lot of names that should be prefixed. Good otherwise.

0 replies

At least they're all-caps, but as somebody that writes C++ and uses Raylib, I just wrapped it in a namespace in my project that I include, like so (note that cstdio must be included before raylib if you're using it from C++):

    #pragma once

    #include <cstdio>

    namespace raylib {
        #include <raylib.h>

11 replies

Just started using Raylib, bummed to hear about the limitations!

As a novice C programmer, the simplicity and immediacy of results opened my eyes to how C can feel as productive as higher level languages with robust standard libs.

10 replies

As a novice C programmer, the simplicity and immediacy of results opened my eyes to how C can feel as productive as higher level languages with robust standard libs.

TBH, once you have halfway-good libraries for dealing with `char *` strings as-is, dynamic arrays and hashmaps, you are not going to be much slowed-down using C than using a higher-level language.

You even get much stronger isolation guarantees than most other high-level languages, while getting much more compatibility[1] with any other language you may wish to interface to:

[1] I did a little Go project, and it annoyed me slightly when I wanted to do performant FFI. For Go, I think the situation has improved since I last checked, though.

8 replies

TBH, once you have halfway-good libraries for dealing with `char *` strings as-is, dynamic arrays and hashmaps, you are not going to be much slowed-down using C than using a higher-level language.

That can't possibly be true. Not having to even think about object lifecycles and ownership because all memory is GC'd saves a lot of time all by itself, not even getting into debugging issues when you get it wrong.

5 replies

It's definitely true.

Memory allocation takes a very small percentage of my time. I'd guess < 1%. Debugging memory issues used to take me more time, but these days it's basically inconsequential, too.

Having written interpreted languages previously to jumping to C & C++ (>10y programming exp), there's a massive cost to using interpreted and/or GCd languages that comments like this one never seem to acknowledge. Random package bit-rot, high-difficulty memory leaks, high-difficulty AND high consequence manual memory management (to avoid the GC), poor performance tooling, nearly completely opaque performance characteristics, inability to optimize performance past a surface level... etc.

If you're building anything more complex than simple web apps, this shit all adds up to a lot. I've worked at a couple shops that these issues hit like a ton of bricks.

2 replies

What kind of GC-based languages were the source of issues for these use cases? Was C# among them (in any recent time)?

1 replies

I've not used C# in recent years.

While I actually liked the language, it's complexity is increasing with diminishing returns.

There's no point in getting to a complexity level of, for example, C++ for any language - people who want such levels of complexity will be happy to use C++.

0 replies

While it certainly will eventually die C++'s death (can't remove language features, only add), it's luckily far from that predicament today.

I don't think you could reasonably compare the two in amount of tacit knowledge one has to posses to avoid all kinds of footguns and get best results. The rule of thumb today for C# is to go with simplest way to do something and don't ignore IDE/analyzers' suggestions or warnings. A lot of focus has been put on terseness and simplicity.

1 replies

Literally all of the costs you list apply to C/C++ as well, except you have the additional hazards of having to worry about memory safety and leaks all of the time rather than only once every 5 years. Sorry, I don't find your claims plausible at all. It's just too easy to forget what you actually spend your time on.

Edit: and the most significant evidence for this is in comparing all the CVEs for C/C++ vs. memory safe languages like C#/Java.

I've worked at a couple shops that these issues hit like a ton of bricks.

What you're missing is that 99% those shops wouldn't have existed at all if they had tried to go the C/C++ route because their products just wouldn't have gotten to a viable state. What your experience shows is that working in memory safe languages is so much easier that even average or mediocre programmers can get a viable product.

0 replies

Literally all of the costs you list apply to C/C++ as well,

But we aren't talking about C/C++.

At least, we weren't, but your comments make a lot more sense in the context of C++.

Edit: and the most significant evidence for this is in comparing all the CVEs for C/C++ vs. memory safe languages like C#/Java.

Wasn't the most expensive RCE the world has ever seen written in Java?

1 replies

That can't possibly be true. Not having to even think about object lifecycles and ownership because all memory is GC'd saves a lot of time all by itself, not even getting into debugging issues when you get it wrong.

I think perhaps the context may make it clearer: it was about simplicity.

>> the simplicity and immediacy of results opened my eyes to how C can feel as productive as higher level languages with robust standard libs.

So, sure, no one is saying that you'll be faster in C, but with such a small cognitive footprint, you can be faster than you'd think.

When programming in C, I don't spend much time thinking about the language, I think about the problem more than the language. I don't think about complex relationships between language features; about what might happen if I use a reference in a lambda. I don't need to remember what the `this` keyword refers to depending on how the function was created. I don't need to puzzle my way out of a painted corner due to colored functions.

It's the simplicity that I was responding to. You go faster than you would expect.

As far as object lifecycles go, there's a small number of idiomatic ways to mitigate the problems. Not foolproof, but with such a simple language, whatever valgrind reports can be quickly fixed.

Regarding ownership: I'm not really aware of how GC languages, by way of being GC, helps there. I'm pretty certain it doesn't. If you pass an object to a method in Java, C#, whatever, and that method starts a new thread with it, you're still going to be boned if the callee starts modifying it at the same time.

Whatever ownership issues you have in C, you'll have in most other GC languages as well.

0 replies

So, sure, no one is saying that you'll be faster in C, but with such a small cognitive footprint, you can be faster than you'd think.

I would agree that you can be faster than you'd think on problems that C is reasonably good for. This is a fairly small subset of problems though, where your original comment was phrased like a general statement for any sort of problem / general purpose programming. That's what I take issue with.

If you're going to do any kind of programming that depends on interfacing with the world, UTF, protobufs, even rendering to a screen as with this article, you're going to be pulling in those same sorts of dependencies that you denounce from all of those other languages.

Whatever ownership issues you have in C, you'll have in most other GC languages as well.

I agree you have similar thread safety issues, the ownership issues I was referring to was for managing lifetimes leading to double-frees or leaks. Yes there are some idioms that almost work, but "almost work" is exactly the point, in GC'd languages they actually do just work.

I understand the appeal behind the economy of C but we just shouldn't pretend it's something that it's not.

0 replies

You can trivially replace Go with C# in order to get almost zero-cost FFI (you can make it fully zero-cost with additional effort but even the baseline is better than the alternatives, hell you can statically link other .lib/.a's into AOT compiled .NET binaries).

10 replies

I hope somebody will continue this project. It's a few months away to be a serious alternative to Blender / FreeCAD for certain use cases, with a much softer learning curve.

3 replies

Blender maybe, but not CAD work unfortunately.

2 replies

Not even Blender. Not even close.

No disrespect to the author, it's impressive, but Blender gives you extreme control over mesh topology and this doesn't.

0 replies

Meshes in Blender have finite resolution, SDFs do not. They can scale to an extent that simply isn't possible with meshes.

0 replies

Sometimes that’s what you want though. This is good for “digital clay modeling.”

1 replies

EDIT aha, the program already supports exporting to a mesh via marching cubes; see the youtube video on the site. I hadn't realized that (:


Be aware that since it fundamentally works with SDFs, it is a somewhat different modeling experience (and stores different data) than traditional meshes with triangles, verts, etc.

Transforming it from SDFs into meshes could be done with marching cubes or similar, but you'd likely need to "clean up" such data afterwards in a Blender-style app anyway.

SDFs are great though, if your renderer is SDF-based, too (most are not).

[sorry if you knew this already, wasn't sure]

0 replies

Yep the export is already done! I used TinkerCAD a ton for things ways more complex than it should be used to, so even when I use more advanced CADs at this point I tend to think in SDF terms. For many things it's faster and more natural than extruding, rotating, ... But the fact is, the engine behind TinkerCAD is quite good, but there is little interest for AutoDesk to compete with its own Fusion360, so TinkerCAD is left forever as a children / beginners tool, without the more advanced stuff that could implement.

0 replies

There's also as an SDF modeler

0 replies

Check out Dune3D and Salome-Platform

0 replies

If you like SDF:s Womp is pretty nice for starting out. Tinkercad is another pretty good beginner “cad”.

7 replies

The project is 2024 lines of C

got to appreciate the effort to make the irony possible : )

6 replies

As someone who has difficulty in detecting irony, could you explain the irony in this statement?

4 replies

2024 is the current year and it's the same as the number of lines of code. I don't think describing it as ironic is correct though.

1 replies

It's about ironic as rain on your wedding day.

0 replies

It's about ironic as rain on your wedding day.

Ah!!! It's the Alanis Morrisette meaning of irony, not the dictionary one!

0 replies

That certainly is gregarious!

0 replies

Never get that. Bad in literature. Thanks.

0 replies

The other response is correct that this is not ironic. Roughly speaking, irony is when something happens that is the opposite of what you'd expect. A firefighter's home burning down is ironic. Sometimes irony is related to unfortunate or funny coincidences/timing, and it's easy to confuse the two. Alanis's song Ironic famously has a lot of examples of this. Rain on your wedding day--is that ironic? Maybe? You certainly hope there is no rain on your wedding day, but I don't think there's an expectation that there won't be rain. Now if your parents decided to get a divorce on your wedding day, I think that's ironic.

But the parent commenter dilutes the definition further. A project with 2024 lines of code in 2024 is just an amusing coincidence. There's no reason why you'd expect a project in 2024 to not have 2024 lines of code.

6 replies

What is a stablished 3d modeler that uses the same kind of modeling as this one?

0 replies

Plasticity ( is a new-ish one that looks neat, but I wish it offered a lower-price entry point.

0 replies

Adobe/Substance3D Modeler

0 replies

Blender Geometry nodes supports SDF modelling. It's just not a widely known or used technique. But it's super powerful.

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The two best SDF modelers in existence are MagicaCSG[1] and Adobe Substance Modeler[2]. There are also a few others, like Womp, but those two are the most feature-complete. Blender is also adding them as part of geometry nodes, and there is also an add-on that is working on adding SDF for hard-surface.

[1] &


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Many 3D content creation tools such as Blender [0] have SDF [1] (e.g. metaballs in Blender) and CSG [2] (e.g. boolean modifier in Blender) features. But these are rarely used as they can only define volumes, not surfaces. And we are usually interested in surfaces for assigning textures and materials. Thus, polygons / meshes and curves / splines dominate the industry.

[0]: [1]: [2]:

5 replies

is the source code available? I looked through the blog post and linked videos but could not find a github repo or anything similar

1 replies

How did you create / obtain the example shapes? Is there a standard format your code parses?

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the example files in the repo were made using the macos build of shapeUp and saved (the web build doesn't have saving)

1 replies

Or just being able to save/load creations would be nice :)

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yeah I never implemented saving/loading for the web. Thats one example of how raylib doesn't totally abstract the underlying platform for you.

4 replies

You could certainly make it harder on yourself by malloc-ing each Shape individually and storing those pointers in a dynamic array. Using a language like C# ... would force that allocation structure.

What's stopping you from using a fixed array of structs in C#, just as the author has done in C?

3 replies

Nothing. In C# it's not unusual to use struct arrays in this way.

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Probably confusing it with Java, where the only value types are the basic ones (unless you store each individual coord in a different array).

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Still you could in Java avoid the (under the hood) memory allocation and garbage collection by reusing the same objects. If you wanted to, of course, it probably takes a bit more effort / caution at the developer's side but may provide some improvements in performance in very specific cases/situations.

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The primary concern with this isn't necessarily the extra allocation and GC (though that plays a part too), it's the fact that you're chasing a pointer for every object. That's murder for the cache. MUCH faster to just have the data in-line in hot loops like this.

4 replies

I really love the live demonstrations in the video. Forget building the app, I couldn't even produce that video in a week if I tried.

3 replies

The video took me longer to make than the app! I don't know how youtubers do it so regularly.

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They have a team :)

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Not all of us do. If you can get to an average of 300k+ view per video then you can hire an editor and maybe someone else on a contract basis to assist. Must of don't have a team though.

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Yeah sometimes they eventually hire an editor but I think channels like Cutting Edge Engineering it's a fulltime job for one of the two people to do the filming and editing.

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Glad to see for the first time a WebAssembly interface where the text does not look blurry. I repeat, it is the first time.

Extending this to programs and some operating systems (such as Windows), in the past few years, there has been a pervasive issue with the text rasterization methods that have become a common trend and default setting.

Unfortunately, users often do not have the option of turning off anti-aliasing to get sharp text, and in the rare cases where this option is available, the interface (menus, etc.) still uses anti-aliasing.

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The crisp text is unimpressive. The typeface has no curves and there is no smoothing. That text will be crisp and blocky at any resolution.

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The crisp text is unimpressive.

Not if you actually tried to achieve that in practice across all browsers and display configurations ;)

For instance Safari had for the longest time a hardwired (e.g. not fixable via CSS) linear filter applied when a WebGL canvas had to be upscaled. It's only been fixed last year or so.

Also unfiltered upscaling done breaks down when fractional scaling outside the browser happens, the result will generally look horrible and there is no good way to fix it. The only workaround is to make hide the scaling artifacts behind a filter, which then makes everything look blurry.

Browsers running on top of Wayland most likely still have all those issues.

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The crisp text maybe it is unimpressive in the sense that is being used an graphic library targeted to games, so is using an homologous to pixel fonts. But it is not the norm.

I'm simply increasing awareness among the development community about the problems with text rasterization in applications and OS interfaces. I'm glad not to see blurry text.

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Why is there a link between WebAssembly and rasterization? Genuinely curious, it seems interesting

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The Shapes are kept in a statically allocated array [...] Can’t fail to allocate, can’t be leaked, no fluff. Lovely. The 100 shape limit wasn’t limiting in practice. With very little time to optimize the renderer, the framerate would drop before you even got to 100 shapes.

That's the best example of avoiding premature optimization I've seen in a while.

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I think this is the opposite. It's avoiding premature abstraction/generalization.

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But finding abstractions and generalizations optimizes scratching that itch inside our heads

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Best example of those who do vs. those who sit around bickering over HOW to do.

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I sometimes think, that c is all we need

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I write C all day and enjoy every second of it. I assume there are many like myself. There's just nothing new to make noise about, and that's a good thing, other than small quality-of-life improvements in the standard.

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you dont need that comma fyi

While I fully support liking one language, it wouldnt feel right for me to not mention the benefits other languages bring, such as GC for large dev teams of lower skilled devs, languages with builtin unit tests, languages with templating or less bad macros, etc.

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I wish he had tried instead to do the faster subset of typescript, that is a pet peeve of mine and I've love to see how it would be done!

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1 replies

This looks like such a fun jam - wish I'd have known about it!

When's the next one?

0 replies

The next Wheel Reinvention Jam will be in September! We're just finalizing our plans for that jam and our smaller Visibility Jam in July. If you're interested in participating, then join the Handmade Network Discord server (link on our home page at

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Super impresssive for getting this done in a week. Being able to make pretty demo models definitely helps too! :)

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Impossible! Wow! This is absolutely mind blowing.

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That's some impressive development speed. Really enjoyed the explainer video too!

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Super interesting post, and appreciate him talking about the various decisions like his handling of memory (and the issues he ran into with raylib). As someone who's finally diving into part 2 of crafting interpreters (and using it to refresh myself on C) being reminded of what C does well is great.

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Good stuff! As a c/c++ coder maintaining his game engine (for commercial and hobby purposes), this is always good to see!

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There's something really powerful about taking the tools that you know very well and just making something cool with them. Really enjoyed this writeup, thanks.

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Really agreed with his assertion of c. More to his “ Its syntax doesn’t hide complex operations. It’s simple enough that I don’t have to constantly look things up”, and further if you need to look up something about c, it is very easy and very informative. Simple and old lang has its benefits.

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"Using a language like C#, Javascript, or Python would force that allocation structure."

No. C# structs are C structs. Shape[], Span<Shape> or Shape* would not be an array of pointers. Any of the following would work:

    var fromHeap = new Shape[100];
    var fromStack = (stackalloc Shape[100]);
    var fromPool = ArrayPool<Shape>.Shared.Rent(100);
    var fromMalloc = (Shape*)NativeMemory.Alloc(sizeof(Shape) * 100);

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Nice, I was considering a project like this myself. Signed distance fields are awesome. Everyone into modelling should check out ImplicitCAD based on SDFs.

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I really like this kind of projects. I still like the low level of C. Now I work with rust a lot and elixir/erlang but I often miss the simplicity and explicitness of C. For this, I use zig a lot too. It is a very nice improvement over C while keeping a lot of its philosophy.

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This looks cool, after 3 years in financial technology industry working on c/c++ projects I’m in process of revisiting textbooks and relearning computer science fundamentals! Added raylib to my ‘explore’ list

I love this idea of reinventing wheel with such explicit goal (even if it sounds counterintuitive to some), we can rethink initial assumptions, best case scenario we come out with better implementations and paradigms than existing standards, worst case scenario you learn internals of tools and techniques you use daily!

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Thanks for the share!

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Can I compile it with GNUStep?

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Amazing write up, thanks! Really enjoyed it, miss working on C/C++ apps from scratch and having full control

0 replies

Really cool and the video was great too. Indie devs should probably consider doing this sort of thing more often, building these simple tools in service of a game rather than just using the industry standard tool. It can be a great way to add artistic character as well as rigorously enforce some limitations if that's what you're after.

0 replies

This is really great! Nice work, and thanks for sharing.