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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (May 2024)

17 replies

Autotab (YC S23) | Founding Engineer | NYC | 6 days a week in the office

If AGI is going to 100x GDP, it will need to be able to use a computer.

Autotab is the first digital robot that controls a computer like a human. It excels at the highly repetitive tasks that make up the worst parts of modern knowledge work. If we succeed, we will provide the platform that unlocks the next 100x productivity increase, and frees humans from trillions of hours of soul-crushing work.

We are second time founders backed by OpenAI and YCombinator. We are live in production and are working with some of the biggest companies you use every day to handle critical tasks that humans used to do. We’re rapidly scaling up to meet demand, and building a 5-person founding team where everyone builds product and talks to users.

If you are technical and have founded or want to start a company we should talk!

More info:

14 replies

6 days a week in the office

Is that accurate?

11 replies

If you just want a job that pays the bills, I respect your decision, but you should not apply.

The hardest and most important problems won't be solved working 9-5, 5 days a week.

Nobody feels like they "have to" come in on Saturdays - we find purpose in our work, and see it as the main way we can have a meaningful impact. We enjoy working, learning and spending time together.

We would much rather spend 70 hours a week doing great work than clocking in for 40 hours a week.

Plus we do take Sundays off.

2 replies

Respectfully, I disagree with just about every assertion you make here.

Nobody feels like they "have to" come in on Saturdays

If you list it upfront in your job postings like you're doing here, people will feel like they have to work on Saturdays. Though it looks like maybe your company is just you and a co-founder at this point. If that's correct, it's a little misleading to say that "nobody" feels this way, when the only two employees of the company are the two cofounders that have the most skin in the game.

By setting this policy, you are filtering out a wide-ranging group of senior engineers with families, side projects, and other commitments (such as myself) who will read this and move on immediately (or comment "lol" like another reply below).

I'm not necessarily just "looking for a job that pays the bills," either; I advised, and then directly worked full-time for, a startup that grew from 2 cofounders in the late aughts to IPOing on the NASDAQ about 5 years ago.

Obviously, it's your company, and if it works for you, then great. However if I were an investor in your company I'd have serious qualms with it.

1 replies

I meant that nobody feels like they "have to" come in in the sense that everybody wants to come in on Saturdays.

I don't feel like I "have to" work 6 days a week - I do it because I want to. You may say that this is just because I'm a cofounder, but that's not true - I did the same thing at past startups where I was an early hire, but not a cofounder. Because I enjoyed the work, found it meaningful and loved learning. This is the kind of person we're looking for.

0 replies

Thank you, I understood what you meant, but I'm taking issue with your requiring that level of commitment from others, when there are absolutely people out there who would bring a ton of experience to the table for whom your requirements are complete non-starters.

Maybe you don't need highly experienced senior people at the stage you're at now, but you will at some point, and by setting this expectation now you're setting yourself up for failure in the future, IMHO (which is why I'd be questioning you heavily if I were an investor).

2 replies

Have you tried being more efficient? more hours worked =/= more work done

0 replies

Totally, working hard is necessary but not sufficient to being extraordinarily productive.

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Agree 100% with this. I have found over the years (even when I was younger) that crunching or putting in a lot of extra hours generally results in subpar work.

1 replies

hilarious. I wish you well on your journey and will discourage anyone I know/respect from applying

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Honestly, the fact that YC backed this company is driving my (admittedly already low) opinion of YC even lower.

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"No one feels like they 'have to' come in on Saturdays" yet that's literally in the job description.

"Plus we do take Sundays off."

Wow. That's very generous.

0 replies

Nobody feels like they "have to" come in on Saturdays

Then why list it? I regularly work on Saturdays because I have an interesting problem I want to solve, but i'd never apply to a listing like this because it reads like the company is cosplaying as a high performing startup.

I peeked at your resume, and it doesn't seem like you've worked with top tier software teams previously. You may want to hire some outside help to cultivate an actual high performance culture.

Notice OpenAI and Anthropic aren't making statements like "six days a week in office"...

0 replies

The hardest and most important problems won't be solved working 9-5, 5 days a week.

[Citation Needed]

1 replies

The linked job posting says:

We think the most exciting thing you can do is build a great company tackling an important problem, and we work 6 days / week together in person doing that.

So it's probably accurate. Never seen that before, but it's an interesting tactic to encourage certain potential hires to self-select out of the process (for example, I would never apply to a job listing with this language). My gut reaction is that they're shooting themselves in the foot by doing this, but I have no data to back that up, and maybe the company has data indicating otherwise.

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There's a certain 'techbio' startup that also has this same requirement. Judging by how long their positions tend to be open for, I would anecdotally say it's not a winning strategy.

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Jonas, you and your team need to go get a life! 6 days a week.

0 replies

Well, they could start with getting a life for at least two days a week...

16 replies

I thought California required job listings to provide pay ranges.

3) An employer with 15 or more employees shall include the pay scale for a position in any job posting.

5) An employer with 15 or more employees that engages a third party to announce, post, publish, or otherwise make known a job posting shall provide the pay scale to the third party. The third party shall include the pay scale in the job posting.

Edit: wow, so many California/New York City/Washington/Colorado job listings that are omitting the legally required pay ranges

Edit 2: Also see #29 and #34 below:

7 replies

what’s the point, most companies just give a broad range like 200k-600k which makes the whole exercise pointless.

4 replies

The bottom of the range, and the movement of the bottom of the range, provides necessary information to shed light on the movement of supply and demand.

3 replies

You’re far better off just using which is pretty accurate for big companies like Apple. According to levels ICT4 varies from 260k to 440k which I’m willing to bet is a narrower band than anything Apple will provide.

2 replies

Information from the business itself is more reliable than information from a third party website. It is also more useful to the business’s existing employees.

Also, the third party website can use the information from official job listings to provide the most accurate and sourced data.

1 replies

If used info from job listings, it would end up completely useless like the pay ranges companies post.

The whole reason it works, is because it does not use “official data.”

0 replies

It’s possible to track two different things.

Movement of the bottom of the range and movement of the reported prices of cleared transactions.

The former information is credible and useful for looking at long term supply and demand trends.

The latter information is useful for negotiating individual compensation.

1 replies

I don't think that's pointless at all, there are plenty of companies that have a high range lower than what I want. At least with a high range I know if I do well enough, I have a shot at getting something around there.

0 replies

Hard disagree, if Apple posts something like 200-600k for an ICT4 role, you virtually have no shot of getting 600k.

But if you just check you will find out that you might have a shot for 440k, which is not info Apple provides.

4 replies

wdym? i doubt this qualifies as a job posting

3 replies

What’s missing that would qualify this as a job posting?

It has a detailed description of the position they’re hiring for, and an email address. Sure seems like it’s a California company posting about a job opening.

2 replies

I get what you're saying, but this is an HN thread. I see people from companies I use to work at post in these threads sometimes.

It's less a formal post and more like "Hey I'm on a team hiring, here's what the job entails, email me (or recruiter) if interested!"

Yes it might technically amount to a job posting, but being pedantic and making this forum a hellish place probably isn't a good idea :)

1 replies

This is not an informal discussion though. This is a monthly thread, posted by one of the administrators of the site, with the express purpose of matching job seekers with job providers. The top level post includes everything a normal job posting does, and is phrased in the style of a job posting. It would be hard to argue in a court of law that it is not, unless the OP doesn't have permission from Apple to advertise a job opening.

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They will probably send you a link to formally apply on the Apple site once you send the email. I’m guessing that site will have the comp range.

Not a lawyer, but I’m guessing the comp range inclusion needs to be advertised before you formally apply for the position. I doubt the email here is that.

1 replies

Nice callout. Love that these posts have comments enabled. I hope that never changes.

0 replies

Comments are enabled so people can ask relevant questions and occasionally exchange information, but unfortunately there's also a strong tendency to go off topic.

13 replies

Automattic | Remote | Full-time | Multiple roles | $110-$210k+

We're looking for great engineers to help us build, grow, and maintain products used by over a billion people each month across, WooCommerce, WordPress VIP, Jetpack, Tumblr, Beeper &, Day One, Pocket Casts, and many more.

If you love the open web, open source, radical problem ownership, and simple over pure solutions, Automattic is probably the place for you.

Exceptional Generalist

  * solves problems across any level of the stack, in any codebase
  * endlessly curious about how things work – infrastructure, language and libraries, product and business
  * comfortable with using mostly PHP and JavaScript, no need to have serious experience with them
  * apply at
Systems Engineer

  * removes friction between developers and shipping software
  * owns availability, performance, and security
  * shares code, experience, and knowledge both internally and externally
  * apply at
Staff+ Data Scientist

  * *HN exclusive* – not announced publicly anywhere else!
  * partners with business and product teams to help them make better decisions or attribute impact of product changes
  * drives foundational data science projects across the organization
  * has experience in a similar role in an organization at a similar scale
  * ping ines@ for more info
…or find something else on

4 replies

Exceptional Generalist

is such an interesting job title.

3 replies

Isn't it just a euphemism for eating shit?

0 replies

Dunno about the exceptional modifier but I've always thought a rotating generalist role at a company would be cool. Unblock detail xyz on project abc, then move on, repeat.

0 replies

Could be, but that's a niche some people like. I'd rather work 60 hours on stuff that matters than 10 on stuff that doesn't.

0 replies

10x > 100x > Exceptional > supernova

2 replies

Automattic has an outstanding interviewing process. Fully recommend!

1 replies

Could you share more about it?

0 replies

It's mostly explained on their hiring page [1]. It's a Slack interview, a take-home code test, followed by a paid trial. I've found all stages to be very humane compared to the ice-cold leet code style interviews.


1 replies

I had no idea the same people behind Wordpress were behind WooCommerce and Jetpack AND Tumblr. What a wild amount of productivity in one place! Keep up the excellent work.

0 replies

well, those were acquisitions. but yes, automattic is a great company

0 replies

Just passing by to thank you guys for all the hard work towards one of the web pillars of the past 20 years. It is truly remarkable and inspiring.

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I'm interested in the data scientist position, what's the next step?

0 replies

Are previous applications for other roles considered or should I submit again?

12 replies

PostHog | Full-Time | product engineers and ex technical founder engineers | REMOTE (all remote) | Hiring GMT-8 to GMT+1

PostHog helps engineers build better products by combining product analytics, feature flags, session replay.

* open source, building a dev tool. We have a public handbook ( if you want to learn how we work, pay and more in complete detail.

* we are a real business... at $10M ARR / profitability in sight / lots of capital / grew revenue 4x last year

* we are growing through more autonomy and transparency not through process.

* we have a ton of scale and a bunch of super interesting technical problems to solve

* we're building 20 more products over the next couple of years, so you could end up building one of those

* we need: product engineers and ex technical founders to build products, engineers with clickhouse experience

4 replies

One of the most beautifully designed websites I have ever seen. I applied!

0 replies

Do you mean the careers page or the main home page?

0 replies

That is a very nice website. Very easy on the eyes. Props to their designers, that is really well done.

0 replies

Made me look…. lol. While virtually over the top I do like the site.

0 replies

Yeah, this is wild. Is this in house?

1 replies

Post hog sounds like bad advice

1 replies

I'm not really interested in any job offers now, but I think one thing needs clarification. Does GMT-8 to GMT+1 mean that you are okay with active hours being pretty much standard of these timezones, or that you literally require that applicants' place of residence would be considered in one of these timezones? This can make a huge difference for people who prefer at least slightly unusual circadian rhythms (night owls and similar ; I definitely have history of such preference). And I'm mostly thinking about borderline cases like people in GMT+2 to GMT+4.

FWIW however, coincidentally I'm in GMT+1 right now.

0 replies

Also GMT+12 to GMT+14 is practically pretty close to GMT-8. (too late to edit)

1 replies

Judging from your name you guys are exactly up my alley. What kind of comp are we looking at?

Do I need to post hog as part of the interview process?

0 replies

Wish I was qualified for the data warehouse role, I'm still in university but I can't wait to apply next summer if you guys have any internships I'd be thrilled to work with you guys.

9 replies

Houston Astros|Houston,Texas| Baseball Research Analyst|Full-Time|ONSITE

The Astros are looking for a new analyst to join our R&D team. We deal with every aspect of the game, from supporting coaches developing minor league players to determining where a left fielder should stand given a certain batter/pitcher matchup. We have mountains of data, and we have an organization that is willing to listen to the analysts and try things out. If you're interested in feeding terabytes of data into powerful machines and leveraging your considerable cleverness, education, and domain knowledge to make a 3" ball go faster- we want to hear from you.

We're a generally Bayesian group, and so we're looking for someone who has experience with some Bayesian tools. On the python side we use quite a bit of numpyro (and we love JAX) and there are some RStan models floating around too. Really we want someone who thinks it's fun to stay at the cutting edge. We have a ton of data, we care about out of sample prediction, and I haven’t seen a p-value since I started working here (which is a good thing).

I found this job on a HackerNews Who’s Hiring post 8 seasons ago and I have really loved it ever since. There is freedom here to explore new ideas and technology. There is organizational buy in- If you can make a case for a course of action, you might see the team try it out on TV that night. I have 2 World Series rings with my name on them and my kids love coming to work (if I stuff them full of cotton candy). You don't have any game time duties, but you do get free tickets.

Knowing about and loving baseball is not a requirement, but it would be a plus. Don't let that keep you from reaching out. If you want to apply or just ask any questions, feel free to shoot me an email (rferguson at astros dotcom)

6 replies

Please provide a salary range for the benefit of all interested.

A few years ago I presented a paper at an analytics conference and immediately had about 10 teams reach out to schedule interviews, but all discussion ended when it came time to talk money. I could never figure out what the teams were expecting to pay, but from all appearances it was "comically low" - something that made very little sense given how much teams are willing to pay for a player with a tiny WAR.

2 replies

I think it really depends on the qualifications of the individual applicant. I've been here a while and I'm senior level but I make more than I would as a professor somewhere and more than I would at the lab I used to work at. If you're interested shoot me an email and we can talk about it there, but I'm not the King of Hiring so I'm not going to throw something out there.

0 replies

The reason that pay transparency laws (which probably don't apply to this position, but exist in other states) require salary ranges and not a specific number is precisely to account for the fact that different applicants with different levels of qualification may merit different compensation in the same role based on the impact they can have. So "depends on the qualifications of the individual applicant" is kind of besides the point; a wide range can account for that.

"I'm not the King of Hiring" is fair though, if you're in a jurisdiction where there is no transparency law and you're not setting policy for your company, you may well be required not to provide this information publicly and that's just how it is.

0 replies

I think it really depends on the qualifications of the individual.

You have me curious because I have never even attempted to apply for one of these upper tier jobs I see on HN. Don't companies typically know what they are willing to pay a new hire for any position? I would assume they like to figure that out ahead of time for budgeting reasons, but I don't know.

1 replies

I know people who do/did work for a professional team. The justification is there is a huge line of people who want to “work in sports” so they can underpay the front office staff, and it is true. I knew a few people who stayed interns for multiple years in the hope that they would get converted into full time roles at some point.

0 replies

yep - professional sports teams expect to underpay market rates for technical talent b/c they assume they'll always find people to fill the roles. They're expecting charity. If you like sports / tech / math - just do it as a hobby and get paid what you're worth at your day job.

0 replies

*negative WAR

1 replies

Always looking for an advantage, those Astros. Trash-can banging experience a plus.

0 replies

I’m an absolute baseball nut and would absolutely love to work for an MLB team, can’t do it for the ‘stros.

6 replies

MONUMENTAL | | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Full Time | Onsite

We're building autonomous on-site construction robots at Monumental, starting with bricklaying.

I'm part of the software team, but this week I have been on-site in Amsterdam building the walls of a new canal. Does that sound exciting to you? You should apply!

We have built a product and technology that works, deployed it in real-life construction sites with excited pilot customers, and raised funding from some of the best in the world. We're still a small and nimble team of ~20 and are hiring mechanical engineers and multiple software engineering roles (product, controls, and machine vision).

Our stack includes: Rust, TypeScript, Nix/NixOS, Python. or email us at

1 replies

Do you guys help with visas/residence permits? I'm on a Highly Skilled Migrant visa.

Seems like a cool company!

0 replies

Yes, that shouldn't be an issue for software/meche positions.

1 replies

I thought about applying when I saw this post last month. Cool product and interesting stack. But few things were a deal-breaker for me:

- no ability to work less than 40 hours

- very little room to work remotely

Overall the vibe of your FAQ page was a bit off-putting to me. Giving this as honest feedback, if you continue to struggle to fill this position, those are things you might want to have a second look at.

0 replies

Thanks for the feedback.

Speaking from my personal perspective here: I find it very useful to have quick feedback cycles. I can quickly hack something together, walk downstairs and immediately run it on a real robot. Totally appreciate that on-site isn't for everyone, but I don't think we could build what we are building while remote.

1 replies

Which canal? :)

0 replies

It's in Houthavens. You should be able to spot us if you cycle through the bit that's still under construction!

6 replies

ReadMe | SDK Engineer | Full-time | Remote (or SF or NYC)

We’re looking for a polyglot who loves all languages (almost) equally! We have a few public SDKs (both for ReadMe itself, and SDK generation for other APIs) that need someone to write, manage and own them. If you love building in the open and taking on new languages, I'd love for you to apply!

5 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

4 replies

You've posted that seven times in this thread already; can you please stop? I realize it's an important question but avoiding repetition is the cardinal principle here.

1 replies

Ok, my bad. I just found it important for me and other possible applicants.

0 replies


1 replies

If you're so hot for enforcing your guidelines, then why don't you post those comments on the posts that skip "...include REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA..."? Then others wouldn't have to break other guidelines.

It certainly doesn't feel reasonable that "avoiding repetition" should be more of a "cardinal" principle than clarity on rather vital information in a job posting.

0 replies

There are way too many of those for us to reply to them all, or even see them all.

Avoiding repetition is pretty much the optimizing principle of HN. I usually describe it as "optimizing for intellectual curiosity"* but those are almost the same thing.


6 replies

Arcadia | Senior + Staff Software Engineers, Staff SRE | US REMOTE | Full-time | $150-220k |

Arcadia is the technology company empowering energy innovators and consumers to fight the climate crisis. Our software and APIs are revolutionizing an industry held back by outdated systems and institutions by creating unprecedented access to the data and clean energy needed to make a decarbonized energy grid possible.

Senior Software Engineer - this role is on our energy analytics team which builds industry-leading data modeling products to predict energy costs and calculate the benefits of DER interventions such as adding solar or battery storage.

Staff Software Engineer - this role is on our team responsible for the critical infrastructure which forms the foundation that our utility data platform runs on. This team is distributed between the US and India, so candidates who apply would need to be okay with daily morning meetings at 9am ET.

Staff SRE - this role is for our site reliability engineering team, which builds and supports platforms and tooling for cloud infrastructure and software delivery that Arcadia product squads use.

5 replies

This post says remote, but none of the listings on your website appear to be remote.

3 replies

Yup! All of our engineering teams are fully remote and any candidate based in the US can apply! In some hub cities (e.g. New York, Washington DC) there are some employees who meet up at WeWork offices a couple of days a week but the majority of employees work from home all the time.

1 replies

Is remote from India a possibility?

0 replies

No, unfortunately remote from India is not an option for these roles.

However we do have Engineering Manager and Software Engineer II roles open to India based engineers. They're also listed here:

0 replies

Perhaps consider changing the text to “US REMOTE” for clarity?

5 replies

Railway | Full-stack Engineering (Product), Platform Engineering (Infra) | REMOTE (International) |

Tired of trying to beat kube into shape? Does writing YAML to ship code fill you with utter dread? Dream of a future where deploying software is simple, and you don't need an army of infrastructure engineers to build that perfect janky bash script™ to make life easy?

We're Railway, and we think infrastructure can be better. So far we've built out a platform loved by hundreds of thousands of users who simply tell us "Give me Postgres", "Deploy this repo", and we make it happen

Fair warning! The problems are complex: home-rolled hypervisors, cut-above container orchestration, over/under/whateverlay networks, virtio device drivers, edge proxies, IAM that doesn't suck, kitchen sinks - we need to build it and we're looking for likeminded individuals who think this stuff is fun.

If that sounds like you, please apply at We have a number of roles, but are prioritizing the following two roles:

+Full-stack Engineer (Product): -Apply here: ( -Blog post about the team: (

+Infrastructure Engineer: -Apply here:( -Blog post about the team: (

See you soon, and happy shipping.

4 replies

I applied last month for the infrastructure engineer positive as it sounds really exciting but haven't heard anything back yet.

3 replies

Access the "comments" section on their profile. They've been posting this same comment on HN jobs since January and there are lots of people there replying they didn't get any response.[1]

Their posts are bot-generated and the jobs are fake.


2 replies

Founder here. Could you point us to an application where we didn't respond? You can DM me an email on and I'm happy to check what happened

Ian is our recruiter, I checked AshBy, and basically everyone's getting at least a "Sorry you're not a fit" email (save for people spamming the inbox multiple times)

As for why we've posted the same job many times. We're an early stage infrastructure company, and it's surprisingly hard to find people who go really deep (Example: We've built our own orchestrator, so we're looking for people who would build kubernetes instead of use it)

0 replies

Those people are indeed hard to find. Individuals that write operators and/or know the internals vs just using kubectl and helm.

0 replies

In that case I'm assuming something went wrong when I sent the application as I never got anything back from you. I just sent it again so hopefully this time it'll be different :)

4 replies

Up&Up | Software Engineer | New York City, ONSITE | Full Time | $80k - $120k

Up&Up is a Series B real estate tech startup backed by Founders Fund and Khosla Ventures. Our program helps tenants build wealth while they rent with us, by allowing them to share in their home’s rental profits and price appreciation. You can read more about us at

Software engineers at Up&Up own problems from end to end - all the way from product ideation to technical implementation. We are looking for a new hire who wants to grow quickly and help us drive critical parts of the business forward with technology, acting as their own product manager, designer, and engineer.

We are targeting entry-level folks (0 - 2 year of professional experience), but welcome any applicants who are interested in working at a startup and having full ownership over business processes. Send your resume to to get started!

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept applicants who need visa sponsorship.

1 replies

What kind of knowledge or skillset are you looking for in hires?

0 replies

Thanks for asking!

Our entire stack is written in JS/TS, so we are looking for some amount of coding experience in a language like TypeScript/Python. We believe that a self-starter can get up-to-speed on our specific technologies (GCP, React, Next.js, Node.js, Prisma, Hasura, PostgreSQL) relatively quickly.

However, we're indexing a lot more on potential than experience, as we are targeting entry level, so anyone that demonstrates a pattern of taking ownership, good product intuition, or passion for building would stand out to us :)

1 replies

maybe this is just an issue on my end, but I tried applying with the suggested email, but I was notified that the contact may not exist.

0 replies

Sorry about that! You can also reach us at (I've edited the main post to reference this email)

4 replies

Chainlink Labs | Multiple Roles | Remote | Full-time |

All roles with Chainlink Labs are globally remote based. We encourage you to apply regardless of your location.

Over 30+ roles available including:

Product Manager ⬢ Engineering Manager ⬢ Technical Program Manager ⬢ Full Stack Engineer ⬢ SRE ⬢ DevOps Engineer ⬢ Release Engineer

If you are interested, please fill out this brief form here:

Our Principles

At Chainlink Labs, we’re committed to the key operating principles of ownership, focus, and open dialogue. We practice complete ownership, where everyone goes the extra mile to own outcomes into success. We understand that unflinching focus is a superpower and is how we channel our activity into technological achievements for the benefit of our entire ecosystem. We embrace open dialogue and critical feedback to arrive at an accurate and truthful picture of reality that promotes both personal and organizational growth.

These roles are location agnostic anywhere in the world, but we ask that you overlap some working hours with Eastern Standard Time (EST).

We are a fully distributed team and have the tools and benefits to support you in your remote work environment.

3 replies

What are you currently doing for such need? If you can be more specific beyond the information publicly available.

2 replies

Quote from their site: "Our global and fully remote team is pioneering how the world connects to blockchains. We come from a wide range of backgrounds, from capital markets and Web2 to Web3, all with the shared purpose of building a world powered by cryptographic truth."

Crypto. They do crypto

1 replies

I know what they do, thanks, but what is the plan? The content was there for long time. Does the thesis change? Does something change?

0 replies

It's Crypto all the way down!

0 replies

I really wish companies like you or mozilla, with righteous missions, had opportunities for people below senior level occasionally

0 replies

Hello! Love the Internet Archive (use it daily - thank you public web infrastructure!) and this would be a genuine dream job.

Can build web crawlers in my sleep. Last job was a founding engineer that led to a Director of Data position.

0 replies

That's so cool. Good luck finding who you need. Love the archives work.

0 replies

this website is sick

4 replies

Streak | Remote Only | Staff UI Engineer |

Streak ( is a CRM built on Gmail. We’re a remote-first team of 35 people across North America. We’re growing and very profitable, and we have customers that love our product. We’re currently in the goldilocks zone of having product market fit with real revenue but also a really flat hierarchy where you can ship fast.

We want to accelerate product delivery (there’s so much to build!) so we’re looking to bring on high agency and experienced frontend engineers to work on high impact product features / frontend infrastructure. We’re building a small, focused, high performing frontend engineering team that works directly with the CEO leading the product. To help build this great team, we offer incredibly competitive compensation (based on Bay Area bands) and some interesting benefits( We want you to do the best work of your career here, so you should expect high autonomy and ownership.

Lastly, we believe the traditional interview process isn’t well correlated with an engineers’ ability to ship product. Instead, our interview process mimics what it’s actually like to work here. It’s highly asynchronous, favors writing and involves building something useful. We think this will give you a really good insight into our team and company and of course lets us assess if you’ll thrive here.

3 replies

FWIW, the blog is broken in Safari Desktop and Mobile.

34 times (until all the pagination options are loaded), the page flickers and looses the scroll position. That's because each `appendPaginatedData` call triggers `reinitializeWebflow` which redraws the page.

1 replies

Sounds like you will be a good fit.

0 replies


0 replies

we'll get that fixed up, thanks for the heads up.

4 replies
1d3h | Amsterdam, Netherlands | Full-time | Hybrid/ONSITE | | climate tech

I'm head of Software at Quatt, a quickly growing startup/scaleup building (hybrid) heatpumps to help fix climate change. Heating and cooling is 50% of all energy used in the EU. Heat pumps save 10 times more CO2 for each Euro spent on them compared to electric cars. We're building the most accessible and smartest heatpump on the market. Our product is live, we have thousands of customers, tons of data, and I really like the impact we're having. I'm currently looking for a few roles for my department, as we believe having the best software will allow us to have the best product. Our backend and frontend is Typescript.

  * Cloud engineer, focussed on AWS infra
  * Backend developer (Typescript) senior 
  * Senior/medior QA / test engineer
  * Senior app developer (React native)
  * Full-stack developer
  * Systems administrator 
Now is a great time to join, as the software team is still small but growing quickly. These and other vacancies are on our careers page: Email me directly ( ) for questions or apply via the career page. Unfortunately, at this time, you have to be allowed to work in the EU: we're not able to sponsor Visa

3 replies

Hi, are applicants from elsewhere in the EU considered?

2 replies

Certainly! We have quite a few nationalities in the company, I think over 20. However, for these roles we look for hybrid people, so working part of the week from our (Amsterdam) office.

1 replies

Sorry, should have been more clear, I meant other EU citizens working exclusively remotely.

0 replies

Nope, sorry, not for now. That's the hybrid/onsite part...

3 replies

I found the openings via LinkedIn and applied some time ago. Never got the reply, not even a rejection email. I am not sure what's the purpose of posting it on various platforms but never updating the candidates who applied about their candidature status.

1 replies

Thank you for applying! That should not happen, we usually get back to everyone either way. If you can send me your email or full name, me and the recruiter can search for your application on the HR database and correct the error going forward.

Reach out to and I can help you.

0 replies

My name is Pramod Yadav and I applied for the Staff Software Engineer (Mobile) at Bengaluru, India.

3 replies

Stealth startup | ML Engineer (edge inferencing) | Bay Area or LA (hybrid) | Full-time

We're a stealth startup building something unbelievably ambitious in the AI space that blends AI and gaming tech - co-founders are Andy Gavin [1] (co-founder of video game developer Naughty Dog) and myself (VP @ Microsoft, Credit Karma, previously Google and Naughty Dog). Venture-backed by top investors including First Round Capital and Battery. Get in on the ground floor and work directly alongside a living legend and a dream team of world-class talent.

We're looking for someone who has deep experience with CoreML and optimizing model inferencing for mobile usage (e.g. ANE on iOS).

If interested, reach out to me at:

[1] Andy Gavin on the Making of Crash Bandicoot:

0 replies

I always skim these for the true gems... powerful team, gl

0 replies

I'm a big fan of Scott + Andy, exceptional technologists + humans ..

0 replies

Full disclosure: I worked with Andy on Crash and am an angel investor. If you’re interested in AI and gaming I recommend you reach out. This is an extraordinary team and opportunity.

3 replies

Subnero | Singapore | Full-time | Systems Software Engineer | embedded / Linux + C, Julia, Rust

Subnero ( is a Singapore-based company creating in-water wireless networks. We create innovative products (hardware and software) at the cutting edge of underwater communications and networking. Our products are used in environmental monitoring, offshore oil and gas, and defense industries.

We're looking to hire a Systems Software Engineer to join our team. Our devices run embedded Linux and our software stack interfaces deeply with hardware. We're looking for someone to join the team in maintaining and improving the embedded side of our software stack. We're looking for someone comfortable working with Linux, device drivers, and hardware APIs. Experience with Julia and Rust would be a plus.

More information:

1 replies

It seems that the linked MyCareerFuture page only accepts Singapore residents. Are you only hiring those?

0 replies

Yea. It's Singapore's form of protectionism, if we want to hire foreigners we need to first post it on MyCareerFuture and show that we tried to hire locally before we looked at around the world. Anyway, just email and I'll make sure it reaches the right person.

0 replies

Are you hiring for remote roles or only for Singapore?

3 replies

Overleaf | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Full-time | REMOTE | UK, Germany, Spain, Romania

Overleaf ( builds modern collaborative authoring tools for scientists — like Google Docs for Science. We have over 16 million registered users from around the world. Our primary product is an online, real-time collaborative editor for papers, theses, technical reports and other documents written in the LaTeX markup language. It’s used by around 600,000 people each day and hosts over 100 million projects.

We’re looking for Senior Full-Stack JS Engineers who are comfortable with backend and a bit of frontend, frontend and a bit of backend, or a balance of both.

Some reasons you’d enjoy working with us:

- You’ll be working alongside a cross-functional team, including designers, product managers and developers, to help Overleaf become the go-to place for scientific writing.

- Much of our code is open source, so you’ll often be working on open source.

- Remote is a first class citizen; all staff work remotely. We get everyone together 2–3 times each year for valuable face-to-face time.

- Working hours can be flexible to your needs. Core hours are 1400-1700 UK time.

Application Link:

2 replies

Those are some really bad core hours - what gives? Having to mandatory work until 18 (in Germany) or 19 (Romania) sounds like a nightmare in terms of work life balance/family life.

1 replies

Fair point - perhaps we differ in our definition of "core hours". For us, core hours are a reserved period for our global team where people should be available for meetings and any important team discussions. This isn't a commitment to being at your desk and working those hours every day. We have many team members across Central and Eastern Europe who we trust to balance their work and life in a way that works for everyone.

0 replies

I'm with kioleanu on this.

Before covid and being in office - "core hours" meant you needed to physically be in office during those hours on almost all days - basically all work days except occasional doctor/dentist/signing-contract-to-buy-house/sick type of situations. And had flexibility to come in earlier or stay later.

In your case it seems to be the same definition of core hours.

Or this "trust to balance their work and life" means it would really be OK for someone to say something like "I'm regularly pick up kids from school/daycare during those last 2 core hours"?

3 replies

Rollbar | | Remote US, Remote Europe, Budapest | Engineering, Technical Solutions

About Rollbar:

* We're a ~30-person team (SF, Budapest, remote US and Europe) with a mission to help developers build software quickly and painlessly

* We help tens of thousands of developers find and fix errors faster.

* Our backend handles billions of errors with low latency and high reliability

* Our front-end allows developers to discover and drill down across millions of errors in real-time

* Our customers are some of the best engineering teams in the world, including Twilio and Shipt

* Our values are honesty, transparency, pragmatism, and dependability

* Our Tech stack includes Python, Node.js, TypeScript, and React; MySQL, Kafka, Clickhouse, Elasticsearch, and Redis; Kubernetes, Terraform, and Google Cloud Platform.

We're currently hiring for:

- Senior Software Engineer, Full-stack (Europe)

- Senior Software Engineer, Front-end (US)

- Product Solutions Architect (US)

Please apply via:

1 replies

Other websites are working but and is not.

0 replies

Apologies. It's working now. PEBCAK.

0 replies

Sounds interesting. Fly-by typo report:

Browser our current open positions
2 replies

Body Rocket | Brighton, UK | Full-time

Got an interest in cycling, handy with linux, python, C, electronics and know your way around a circuit diagram? We're a start-up that's changing the game in cycling performance by precision measurement of cycling aerodynamics (check out who we're working with, and our tech). You need to be UK-based, remote ok but need to spend some time with the team in Brighton and potentially where we're doing overseas testing and events ($SUNNY_PLACES). Small enough to still be doing informal initial chats so feel free to engage and see if there's a fit.

1 replies

Interesting. I found a contact form, but it would be nice to put an email address here to help people get a conversation going.

2 replies
1d3h is hiring a Senior Frontend Software Engineer with a core focus on 3D web application performance.

Zoo's mission is to revolutionize the CAD industry by developing the world's most advanced hardware design infrastructure and tools. Mechanical CAD is in the dark ages, and hardware demands have outpaced today’s hardware design infrastructure. The industry is due for a refresh, and we're laying the foundation for a modern hardware design toolkit so that you can create new design tools never before possible. We were founded and incubated by Embedded Ventures in 2021, and we're a fully remote team.

This person will play a crucial role in the development and enhancement of our novel open-source CAD modeling app, a next-gen hardware design application that allows users with advanced modeling capability. This is a "back of the frontend" role to ensure the performance and optimization of the app as we scale (tech stack: React, Typescript, Wasm, CodeMirror, XState).

Job Description:

1 replies

As someone who fiddles with CAD in his free time this sounds fascinating.

a next-gen hardware design application that allows users with advanced modeling capability

But what does this mean?

0 replies

Probably meant "provides" in stead of "allows". At a guess.

2 replies
23h52m | C / C++, or Web (Deno, Full Stack) | Full time | Freelancing | Lisbon hybrid remote

We do audiovideo software (video editing, visual effects) and work remotely. We always need more engineers to expand our products and create new ones. I'm the CEO interviewing and I'm especially looking for self motivated individuals, who are good at remote text communication and able to organize and manage the work themselves.

Send me an email, the first part of the email is "contact" and after the @ it's the domain name. Tell me your story, what you're looking for in your life now, previous bad work experiences you'd like to void and good work experiences that inspire you for the future ! Thanks for reading me

1 replies

Are you open to candidates located outside of Lisbon/Europe?

0 replies

Yes !

2 replies

RINSE | REMOTE or San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, New York, New Jersey, Seattle, Austin, Dallas, or Washington DC | Software Engineers | Full-Time |

Rinse provides dry cleaning and laundry delivery services to customers in nine metropolitan areas in the US. We have sophisticated logistics optimization software, a polished consumer product, and firm business fundamentals. We're now almost a decade old - this is a stable, yet consistently growing and innovating, company.

Our engineering team is distributed across the United States and internationally, and has been entirely remote for years now, but a desk can be provided in the above cities if you'd prefer.

We're open to both newly-graduated engineers or more senior engineers, provided they meet our bar. We're particularly looking for mobile app developers with experience building in React Native.

Search term bingo: Logistics, Django, Python, Optimization, React, React Native, Postgres, Mobile Engineer

Interested? Email us as, or my first name at

1 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

0 replies

Yes, we do. We currently have team members in the Philippines, Spain, and Argentina, as well as team members across the U.S.

2 replies

Hey! I see that you posted last month about the same role, however there was no reply back even after sending an email.

0 replies

Apologies for that. Let me check with the team and see what happened

2 replies

Microsoft | Principal Applied Scientist Manager and Principal Applied Scientist | Redmond, WA or Mountain View, CA; NYC possible | ONSITE, REMOTE possible |

At Microsoft AI's Ad Engineering Team, we're growing rapidly and seeking talented individuals who are passionate about AI and advertising technology. My group currently has open positions for two roles:

1. *Principal Applied Scientist Manager* [Apply here](

2. *Principal Applied Scientist* [Apply here](

Though the roles are based in Redmond, WA, and Mountain View, CA, candidates from NYC are also encouraged to apply as remote work is an option. The roles involve leading developments that drive innovations across our advertising technology stack, leveraging large-scale machine learning algorithms, deep learning, NLP, and computer vision to enhance both user and advertiser experience.

We offer competitive salaries (see job descriptions for ranges and geo-based adjustments) and comprehensive benefits.

If you're interested in using recent advances in cloud computing and large language models to make impactful changes in the ad industry, apply with the above links and optionally DM me on linkedin ( to make sure your resume gets seen.

Microsoft is committed to empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Join us!

Applications close on May 14, 2024.

0 replies

Your group looking for any other position types besides Applied Scientists?

0 replies

Microsoft | Data Scientist II | Redmond, WA | ONSITE 50%

We're the Video Experience (VX) team, part of the Microsoft AI organization. Our goal is to make consumer video experience awesome across Microsoft products. The product includes both web and mobile camera SDKs as well as the playback experience.

We work with partners across Microsoft with a focus on a consumer grade experience.

Application closes on May 10th

2 replies

AuxHealth | and | USA | REMOTE | No Visa

We want every patient to have a doctor best friend: who tells them what their symptoms mean and where to go, who listens in on their critical appointments and explains the meaning of notes, and who gathers support from the community.

An end-to-end generative AI solution allows us to do that. As the first step, we have recently launched an LLM-powered symptom checker, MDandMe ( In about three months, more than 30 thousand people used MDandMe to get help with their medical problems. Their feedback has been outstanding and you can read more in our blog:

We are looking for a backend+infra SWE to help us scale our application layer as well as improve our devops.

Our backend stack: fastapi/python, redis, postgres, azure, a little gcp

Read more here:

If interested, email me at

1 replies

AuxHealth API looks interesting. Do you have a pricing structure for the API? If so, can you share it please ?

0 replies

Depends on use case, we generally do “per encounter” rather than api call, but we are early and can be flexible. Email me

2 replies
1d1h | Remote-first with PST overlap | Engineering & Growth | $75-150k base & 200k+ equity |

Hi all, I’m Yuriy, founder of Previously worked as software engineer & developer advocate at Cloudant (YC S08, Acq. by IBM), Meteor (YC S11), Parse (YC S11, Acq. by Meta), and explored Ai/ML (computer vision for self-driving cars) before diving deep into crypto.

Puma Browser is focused on making LLMs easy to use on your mobile phone. Private by design. is an infrastructure layer focused on creating open LLMs by rewarding contributions of compute, feedback (RLHF) and data.

We’ve raised Angel and Pre-Seed Rounds from some of the best builders in crypto and Ai: Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol), Sridhar Ramaswamy (Snowflake CEO, Neeva, Greylock), Jason Warner (ex-GitHub CTO), Chris Larsen (founder of Ripple), Don Ho (Orange DAO, Quantstamp), Protocol Labs, Shima, SBI, Fenbushi, HashKey and more.

- We value Optimism, Kindness, Curiosity, Speed and Grit.

- Only two recurring weekly meetings to maximize state of flow: Monday all-hands, Friday Demos.

- Careful with growth and never had to do layoffs.

- Capital efficient with 3+ years of runway.

Open Roles: Eng (iOS, Android, Ai/ML, Browser Extensions), Head of Memes & Growth; Internships: Eng, Design, Growth

How to Apply: visit or email careers+hn [at] with your GitHub, a note on what you're most proud of building and what you'd like to build next.

Thank you!

1 replies

Head of memes? ಠ_ಠ

0 replies

and growth (/◔ ◡ ◔)/

2 replies

Aldi Sued / Global retailer / Hybrid (0.5 to 1 day/week in office) (Germany, Mülheim) (VISA), Data Engineer,

hi everyone, I’m Felix, and we are looking for data engineers who are familiar with MS Azure tools, like Data Factory and Databricks and Python

If you have you questions or are interested please send me a message to felix_offermann(at)gmx(dot)deülheim-an-der-Ruhr-Da...

0 replies

Hi Felix, is entry-level possible or? Thanks!

0 replies

You may get more interest (on HN at least) if the position was open to starting in Batavia/Aurora USA and then a transfer to Germany after 6-12 months. I know people that have started at Aldi in Batavia and then transferred to Hong Kong and Germany, so it is something that does happen.

PS - the German government sponsors German language instruction in Chicago (and other US cities), making it even easier to do a transfer.

2 replies

Pretty sure these guys are not really hiring, they just make you go through the process (tests, interviews) and build a pool of potential candidates.

0 replies

Can you send me a direct email julien at

I’ll check on the status of your application.

Buy nah, we are actively hiring and don’t have a pool nor the interest maintaining one. Usually, when we don’t give you a proper rejection email after doing a round of interviews and a code challenge, something must have gone very wrong.

0 replies

Please don't break the rules at the top of the thread.

I realize many companies don't handle hiring processes in the best way, but there is also the potential for much misunderstanding, and Who Is Hiring threads aren't a place to hash all that out.

We detached this subthread from

2 replies

Enveritas (YC S18, Non-Profit) | Data Scientist | Remote / Global |

Enveritas is a 501(c)3 non-profit working on sustainability issues facing coffee farmers around the globe. We provide sustainability assurance for the coffee industry. We visit smallholder coffee farms around the world to understand their social, economic, and environmental practices. In 2024, we will visit over 70,000 farms across more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We work with leading coffee roasters to understand the sustainability issues in their supply chain based on our sustainability standards.

* Backend Software Engineer - $130-$150k — (worldwide remote)

* Data Scientist, Statistics — $110-$130k — (worldwide remote)

1 replies

I forwarded this on to someone I know who would be perfect for the DS role; on a separate note, it is _very_ cool to see the amount of effort you put into the landing page for that role. A veritable diamond in the rough of all these copy-pasted wasteland job reqs. Here's to you finding the perfect fit!

0 replies

Thank you!

2 replies

Dirac - Forklifts and Postgres! - Full-time in person - £100-150k base + £100k share options - software engineer - London

The company:

We're an export company, a mix of a tech stack and actual warehouse. We match demand from suppliers over Europe and ship profitable opportunities inernationally.

We did $300k in revenue in March 2024. 5x a year ago. We're looking to hit $1m+ in monthly sales by December 2024.

We've just closed a £2m seed round (about a week ago!) and are aggressively investing in the growth of our software team and are very ambitious for our overall scale of the company. We want to fix the global (mis-)allocation of consumer goods.

The job:

-£100-150k salary plus 100k of stock options vesting under the company's EMI options scheme

Looking for first two software engineering hires to write code alongside myself (one of the two co-founders)

What we're looking for

Ambitious and earnest coders with a practical bent!

Other perks

-Learning to drive a forklift with David, our warehouse manager

Please email (no recruiters!)

1 replies

You might want to be aware that your email domain name appears to be forwarding to a restricted-access site at present. Worst case scenario is that you have a DNS hijacker, but perhaps you just have a different website?

0 replies

The website is not in use - we started out life building a b2b saas product in e-commerce and several pivots later found ourselves in the warehouse. Cheers for heads-up though!

2 replies
22h28m | Hiring Sr. Backend LLM Engineer | West Coast USA, Remote

- We're building the future of human-to-human conversation

- We're well funded and have strong traction

- More details here:

0 replies


2 replies
1d2h | Founding Software Engineer, Infrastructure | Full-time | REMOTE | New York, NY USA

Beam is building a cloud runtime for running remote containers on GPUs. We’re used by thousands of developers for powering their generative AI apps, including companies like Coca-Cola, and we’re backed by great investors like YC and Tiger.

We’re building gnarly low-level distributed systems. You’ll have a major impact on the product and ship features directly to users. If working on a new Pythonic cloud runtime sound exciting, you might really like it here.

Apply here ->

1 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

0 replies

Yes we are hiring internationally

1 replies

Obsidian Security | Principal Backend Engineer | Philadelphia, Newport Beach, Palo Alto | REMOTE | Full-Time

Obsidian Security is at the forefront of SaaS security, dedicated to detecting and mitigating threats effectively.

With our advanced threat detection solution, we visualize user activity, identify employee compromise, and mitigate insider threats, ensuring data security before a material breach occurs.


  - Python (specifically experience with asyncio)
  - SQL
  - Rust a plus 
  - SQLAlchemy 
  - Fastapi 
  - Scylla DB a plus 
  - Go
Principal Backend Engineer:

0 replies

Do you consider only US-based candidates?

1 replies

Distill | Software Engineer | Remote (PST Overlap) | Full time | $120k-220k USD + equity

Distill builds high quality profiles of people and companies using AI. If:

- you think scraping, knowledge graphs, and wrestling with LLMs sounds like fun

- you don't mind working in typescript

- you have solid overlap with PST

- and you love writing elegant code at high speeds

Then come and see what we're building. tim (a)

We're multi-time founders, ex-YC, VC-backed, pre-launch, and a tiny team. Most of us are parents of young kids.

0 replies

Hello Tim,

This sounds fun to build. I have dropped you an email with my profile. Cheers!

1 replies

which earned us a lot of attention and criticism

Because it's dumb.

0 replies

Pre-pandemic, I did a 6 month contract at Built. It's one of the few engagements I've had over the years where I felt I learned a lot in a short time. The onboarding process was good, the team was supportive, the pace was fast but not frenetic. If you're in that area and field, you could certainly do worse than to reach out to the Built team.

1 replies

MixRank (YC S11) | Software Engineers | 100% REMOTE (Global) | Full-Time

MixRank processes petabytes of data every month from web crawling. We have hundreds of customers using our data products including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, and Adobe, across industries Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Security.

Team is 41 full-time, full-remote from 20+ countries. We're growing, profitable, employee-owned, no dependence on outside funding. Applicants from all geographies and backgrounds are welcome.

We are looking for passionate individuals for whom programming is not just a job but it’s something they love to do. We're obsessed with computers, programming, big data, databases, compilers, hardware, math, data science, and the internet. Does this sound like you? Please apply to join our team.

Our code base is very friendly to new contributors. You'll have a fully-functional development environment within hours (fully automated) and be pushing commits on your first day. Deployments to production happen multiple times per day and finish in less than 2 minutes. Effectively all of our codebase is written in Python, Rust, SQL, Javascript/TypeScript, and Nix. The core technologies you'll need familiarity with to be productive are Python, PostgreSQL, Linux, and Git.

We operate at a larger scale than typical startups. We operate two datacenters with high performance servers we've built that are capable of dealing with the volumes of data we process. We've implemented our own distributed file system. We do full-scale web crawls. We download and perform static analysis on the entire universe of Android APKs and iOS IPAs that are published. Unlike a typical startup where you'll spend half of your time in meetings, and the other half fixing bugs from Jira tickets— at MixRank you'll get to challenge yourself with difficult technical problems that will help you to grow as an individual.


Junior Software Engineer - Remote (Global), Full-Time

We're looking for remote junior engineers that have 0-3 years of professional experience in software, and 5+ years of curiosity exploring computers, programming, and technical hobby projects. This is an open-ended entry role with mentorship and diverse opportunities to work on all areas of our product: databases, distributed systems, infrastructure and tooling, data analysis, machine learning, frontend/backend web development, APIs, data mining, data modeling, and more. To stand out, please highlight what makes you unique: passion for computing, curiosity and side projects, work ethic, niche research, etc.

Ideally you've already graduated, but if you still have one or more years left of school, please feel free to apply anyway, and if you're the right fit for the team we'll figure out a way to accommodate your schedule.


Software Engineer - Remote (Global), Full-Time

We're hiring generalist software engineers to work on web applications, data mining, machine learning/data science, data transformation/ETL, data modeling, database scaling, infrastructure, devops, and more. We'll cater the role to whatever subset of these areas match your interests.

Beneficial experience includes PostgreSQL, Python, Rust, Linux, TypeScript, Nix, frontend/backend web development, and data mining.


I'm Scott, Founder/CEO/CTO. Please apply here:

0 replies

I applied once and never got any response.

I also noticed you've been posting this very same comment for months and that 4 other people also complained before of not getting any response [1].

Are you seriously considering hiring?


1 replies

Meta Reality Labs - Conversational AI | | Research Engineer | Machine Learning Engineer | Redmond, WA; Menlo Park, CA | Full-time | ONSITE

I'm hiring Research Engineers and Machine Learning Engineers to bring Meta AI to Reality Labs devices, including RayBan Meta Smart Glasses. Build rich multi-modal experiences fully unlocking both the power of mixed-reality devices and Facebook personalization.

Research Engineers will push the boundaries of how to train and deploy Meta AI LLMs. Publish your work, and be a leader in industry best practices.

Machine Learning Engineers will help bring emerging technologies onto the next generations of Reality Labs hardware devices. Build systems to ensure Meta AI performance in constrained environments.

Smart Glasses Press Release:

0 replies

This is a really cool position since Meta is leading high performing open AI trough llama.

Should be lots of fun to play with Meta Smart Glasses + AI.

1 replies

I put in an application a a week or two back but haven't heard from you folks.

Do you typically respond to candidates with an "interested or not interested" email?

1 replies

Brightbook | | Full-time | Bruges, Belgium | Software Engineer | onsite/remote

* Who are we? *

Brightbook is a publishing platform for educational content, consisting of an in-house editor and interactive learning environment. It caters to schools as well as universities and learning and development professionals. It is built in the historic city of Bruges by a small and dedicated team that aims to provide both instructors and students with better tools and ways to experience their course material.For our engineering team we are looking to hire one or more software engineers, both junior and senior, to help develop the software side of our platform. We are growing at an ever increasing speed which provides us with numerous interesting challenges to tackle and opportunities to make a meaningful difference.

* What are we looking for? *

We are looking for talented developers who have at least some experience with React and its ecosystem (Typescript, Plate, Vite, …) but are not afraid to do some work in the backend as well (Ruby/Rails in our case). As a rule, we put more value in mindset and attitude than experience with a specific stack. So if you have worked with other web technologies, such as Svelte or Vue, we’d still love to talk. It is important to note, however, that, since we are working in the Flemish educational market, we do expect you to speak Dutch or are in the process of learning Dutch. Beyond that, we’d just love to have a chat to paint a broader picture and listen to what you can bring to the table!

* What do we offer? *

It goes without saying that you’d receive a competitive salary and all the social benefits you’d expect from a developer position. Beyond that, we offer a mix of remote work and working from our office in the city center of Bruges. We will also supply you with any development material you may need (Macbook, software, …). If you have any strong desires, we’d love to hear them as well. We really are invested in finding the right fit and making sure you enjoy working for our company for a long while!

* Interested? *

Email us at

0 replies

hi, this email address says not found, is there an alternate email to send application?

1 replies

Hey Will! I see that you posted last month about the same role, however there was no reply back even after sending an email.

1 replies

FYI, they never reply

1 replies

PostEra | Lead Software Engineer, Platform | Remote (US) | Full-time | 180k-200k + equity My team at PostEra is looking for a Lead Software Engineer, Platform, to help us scale ML-powered drug discovery! We're a team of scientists, ML researchers, and engineers who apply ML models and techniques to find new, more effective therapies for patients. We're looking for a hands-on engineering lead to foster and grow our engineering culture, while also building and scaling our platform and microservices. We expect this role's responsibilities to straddle ML, engineering, and infrastructure. We're 100% remote and meet up ~3 times a year for face-to-face work.

Stack: Python, (a bit of) Rust, TypeScript (React), Terraform, AWS

More details available in the job posting:

0 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

1 replies

Apple | Cupertino, California or London, UK | Full-time | Hybrid work (3 days in office) | Rust + Distributed Systems

We are a small international team, with team members in Cupertino, CA, and London, UK. We are looking for senior software engineers to join our team. The role involves a large amount of individual responsibility and influence over the direction of a core service.

We believe in small agile teams and their ability to deliver high-quality, high-impact software. We share code ownership and knowledge through the Agile technique of pair-programming. Our codebase is written entirely in modern Rust using the latest technologies and coding practices.

The core work includes:

    * Designing, implementing, and supporting highly scalable applications and web services
    * Working in Rust (e.g., asynchronous (async/await), sharing models (Sync/Send), etc.)
    * Concurrent programming (e.g., locking, memory synchronization, atomic operations, etc.)
    * Distributed system concepts (e.g., distributed consensus, replication, failure detection, etc.)

This role requires working with pair programming (remote and if possible in-person) and may require occasional international travel/transatlantic travel.

You can reach us by emailing your resume to `a_rust_team \at`

0 replies

Apple is still one of the companies I hope to work for in my life time. That said I’m no rust dev but I did want to say how cool it is to see you all recruiting here on HN!

Best of luck!

1 replies

Nooks ( | Software Engineers (full-stack & backend/applied ML) | Full-time | Onsite in SF (hybrid)

Hi, I’m one of the founders of Nooks — we’re trying to re-invent how sales teams work with real-time collaboration and AI.

Nooks is: - A virtual office: you can work from anywhere in the world, but still work with your team and get feedback and coaching like you’re sitting side-by-side. - and an AI co-pilot. We learn how your team works, identify “winning” strategies behaviors, then share them with the whole team during and after calls!

We’re working on fun engineering challenges including complex distributed systems, low-latency algorithms & infrastructure, and modeling sales calls with large language models. You'll also have the chance to make a huge impact on our customers (sales reps who spend 80% of their work day on Nooks.)

Right now we’re a relatively small team (~40 ppl) growing super quickly - doubling revenue every quarter, and recently hit $3.5M ARR!

Looking for experienced engineers who love tackling difficult product questions and working closely with customers. Excitement about language models, few-shot learning and other recent AI advances is also a plus :)

I’d love to chat: reach me at nikhil [at] or apply at the link below:

0 replies

Nooks is: - A virtual office: you can work from anywhere in the world, but still work with your team and get feedback and coaching like you’re sitting side-by-side...

And yet you don't hire remote? ;-)

1 replies
1d | Software Engineers, Eng Managers, SRE | $170k+ | is a developer observability tool used and beloved by millions of developers worldwide.

We have a few roles open, but here are some highlights within my org:

* Lead Engineer on our Billing team: help us launch new products and run the business! * Sr Engineer on our ecosystem team: inject debugging context into developer workflows whether they're in github, jira, or slack, etc

Apply through our careers page!

0 replies

Are you or your org considering remote workers? There is locations listed for the roles but nothing stating on-site only or remote.

1 replies
20h29m | Senior Product Engineer | Remote (European Timezone) | Full-time

Hey there! Meet Modash

Our goal?

To help brands and creators create awesome connections with their target audiences using data-driven influencer marketing magic . With our tech and savvy data analysis, we're giving our clients the insights and tools they need to knock their marketing campaigns out of the park!

Who are we looking for?

We're on the hunt for passionate Senior Product Engineers who love working with AWS, Vue, NodeJS, Typescript and a passion for product. If you're all about remote work, and can't wait to make a real impact, we'd love to chat!

Interview Process?

Say goodbye to pineapple tree sorting and Leetcode-style tasks! Our interviews are all about practical challenges and real-world scenarios, so you can show off your skills in the most relevant way possible.

More details here:

How do I apply?

Ready to join the adventure? Shoot an email to and tell us all about your experience. We can't wait to meet you!

Curious about the salary and job details?

0 replies

Love Modash. We also empower creators to build community sites, and I see a great opportunity for a strategic collaboration between and Modash. Down to talk?

1 replies
23h29m | Senior Backend | London, UK (3+ days ONSITE) | Full-time


- WHY: Hard problems are worth solving.

- WHAT: — A scheduler for supercomputers.

- HOW: Go, full details here:

- WHERE: To birth a great company, you need to be in-person. We have a lovely office on Chancery Lane — Remote will happen, but not for a while.

- WHO: Small team of senior engineers, ex- Ravelin, Google DeepMind, Thought Machine, and who care about developer experience.


To apply, please submit this google form with a link to your github, linkedin, website etc.

0 replies

Are you trying to replace SLURM?

1 replies

ML6 | Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer | Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, GCP, AWS, Azure | Full-time | Amsterdam, Berlin, Ghent (EU) On-site/hybrid

We are a Machine Learning consulting company that builds end-to-end Machine Learning solutions. By applying the latest AI research, we keep our clients at the forefront of innovation.

If you are interested check out: and

Work on innovative projects for the biggest clients across Europe such as Randstad, ASML, FUNKE, and many more! Whether it’s about leveraging LLMs to improve customer support, building data lakes on cloud platforms to improve storage or implementing models using sensor data for quality control. You can find it all at ML6.

You will mostly work with Python and a range of ML frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or HuggingFace Transformers to solve hard Machine Learning tasks and help bring these application into production by building data pipelines and cloud infrastructure on all of the major cloud providers (GCP, AWS, Azure).

We are looking for:

• (Senior) Data Engineer

• (Senior) Software Engineer

• (Senior) Machine Learning Engineer

• Alliance Manager – Azure

• AI Team Lead

• AI Client Executive

• AI Client Partner

• AI Project Manager

• Talent Partner

Apply at:

0 replies

Could you mention here or DM a rough range for compensation?

1 replies

OpenPipe | Bellevue, WA | ONSITE | Full Time | Founding Engineer

Hey HN! I'm the founder of OpenPipe, the easiest way to deploy fine-tuned models to production.

We're looking for a founding engineer who is comfortable wearing many hats and shipping product fast. If you're interested in getting into LLMs at one level deeper than calling the OpenAI API, this might be the opportunity for you.

Here are some HN threads from the last few months discussing our product:

- How we built Mistral 7B Fine-Tune Optimized (

- Is AI the next crypto? Insights from HN comments (

- Fine-tune your own Llama 2 to replace GPT-3.5/4 (

You can read more about the company and role here:

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to email me directly with something cool you've built and why you're a good fit!

0 replies

Onsite in the city that made WSDOT raise the max HOV lane toll to $15 because of all the car traffic in the morning? Are you mad?

1 replies

These positions have been open for half a year at least right? Definitely ghost postings.

1 replies

Never got any responses from this team after a few tries, personally I'd recommend skipping.

1 replies

Have emailed 3x and never heard back anything, FYI, to anyone applying.

1 replies

Out of curiosity, why pay so much less for Canadian talent?

1 replies

Spare | Senior Product Designer | Remote in Canada | Full-time |

Spare makes tools for transit agencies to run on-demand and accessible transit services.

We're looking for a senior-level designer to help build the core tools transit agencies use - interfaces for scheduling rides, managing digital wallets, reporting on service data, and much more. You’ll also get to work on totally new AI products - so far, we’ve launched AI Voice to help riders book more easily over the phone, AI Scan to automate data entry, and AI-powered natural language search.

Apply here:

0 replies

Hi Jason, I have a friend that is perfect for this job. Is there a way for her to contact you?

1 replies

TileDB, Inc. | Full-Time | REMOTE | USA, Greece/EU |

TileDB has recently announced a $34 million Series B fund-raise and is actively hiring for engineers across a range of roles (SRE, backend/distributed systems, database internals, and more). You will have the opportunity to work on innovative technology that creates impact for challenging problems in genomics, geospatial, machine learning, distributed systems, and many other areas.

TileDB Cloud is the modern database, allowing developers and scientists to capture, analyze, and share any data with any tool. We build on a broad foundation of open source, maintaining the TileDB storage engine, libraries for genomics (single-cell and population), geospatial (raster, point clouds, and more), a TileDB visualization engine extending Babylon.js, and much more ([](

With TileDB, all data — tables, genomics, images, videos, location, time-series — is captured as multi-dimensional arrays. To supercharge this data, TileDB Cloud implements a serverless infrastructure delivering query execution, access control, data and code sharing, and distributed computing at global scale — eliminating cluster management, minimizing TCO, and promoting scientific collaboration and reproducibility.

Website: | GitHub: | Blog:

We are actively hiring for several roles including:

- Site Reliability Engineer (k8s, Terraform, automation, Prometheus, CloudWatch, GitOps; Golang, Python)

- Senior+ Software Engineer: Backend and distributed systems (Golang, CGo, k8s, Terraform, MySQL/MariaDB)

- Senior+ Software Engineer: Database internals (parsing, query planning, execution, distributed execution; Rust or C++ experience strongly preferred, other systems languages if paired with exceptional expertise)

- Front-end/UI developer: Typescript, React; ideally some additional mix of AWS/Azure/GCS platform experience, Golang, Docker, or other relevant skills.

Apply today at or reach out directly (email in profile).

0 replies

In the site you linked to, I'm not seeing all of the positions you listed above. E.g., the two "Senior+ Software Engineer" positions.

Is the site just out of date?

1 replies

ABN AMRO | Amsterdam, Netherlands | AI Developer | HYBRID | Full Time | Python

We're looking for experienced people who want to help with our GenAI program. Roles range from project management to engineering to data heavy work, although there is less hard data science where LLMs are involved. We’re part of Strategy & Innovation and we work on new products and new technology roll-outs across the bank. GenAI roll-out is one of our primary responsibilities.

We’re looking for people with a few years of work experience. This may also be in a different field, entrepreneurship or for example consulting. If you’d be comfortable taking 1-2 juniors under your wing you’re in the right ballpark.

Please note that we're not sponsoring visa's for applicants outside of the EU.

Mention HN when reaching out. My email is in my profile.

0 replies

Could you mention here or DM the rough range for compensation?

1 replies

krea ai | in-person only in san francisco, ca | full-time |

i'm diego, cofounder and cto at krea.

we are building a professional tool that lets creatives use ai.

we are hiring exceptional software engineers who also have taste and an appreciation for beauty. we're focusing on building a delightful interface for creative ai and that's why we need you. our team is tiny (7 incl. founders), but we work tirelessly; we are all programming most of the time.

no ai experience required—since we already have folks who know their NNs—but it's a nice bonus.

happy to share more financial details, but pls first send a high-quality application to my email: d at krea dot ai.

0 replies

damn nice website!

1 replies

Stile Education | Melbourne, Australia | Hybrid/Onsite | Full-Time

We're a small, high-performing, diverse, tight-knit team with a mission to radically improve mainstream science education at schools. By creating the best science lessons in the world, coupled with intuitive tools that allow teachers to take advantage of the latest pedagogies, we’ve already helped millions of students in Australia get excited about science.

45% of Australian science students in years 7-10 (and an increasing number of US students) use Stile; come and help us grow our impact even further!

We're looking for a bunch of new roles right now:

  - Head of Product Engineering
  - Product Engineering Team Lead
  - Head of IT
  - Full Stack Senior/Staff Engineer

0 replies

is it only open for people within Australia or with work permit? i'll require visa sponsorship.

1 replies

MLSE (Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd)

Toronto, ON, Canada | Remote | Contract Role (3-12 Months)

We're looking for a Computer Vision Engineer to help our Sport Performance Lab improve our various in-house Pose Estimation models. Open to consulting groups.

Reach out to me at Devin dot Pleuler at MLSE dot com with inquiries.

0 replies

Does everyone get vacations between April and October or is that just the hockey division?

1 replies

Medallion | Remote | Full-time | | Healthcare tech | Senior Software Engineers | Staff Product Manager

Medallion is the first solution to automate provider network operations. In just over four years, our platform has become an industry standard powering hundreds of healthcare companies to reduce administrative burden for tens of thousands of providers across the country. Medallion has raised $85M from Sequoia Capital, Elad Gil, Daniel Gross & Nat Friedman, Google Ventures, Spark Capital etc.

Join our pursuit of transforming provider operations and providing the tools needed to offer patients more accessible and affordable care. Learn more about our values, culture, benefits, and opportunities on our career’s site:

0 replies

Are these roles open to candidates oustide the US?

1 replies

OpenRent | London, UK | Full-Time | ONSITE+PART REMOTE |

What sucked the last time you rented a house or flat? Come and fix it.

OpenRent is a force for good in an industry tarnished by rip-off agencies. Enabled by an unrelenting focus on technology, we now let more properties than any agency in the UK. In the last 12m we let over £50 billion worth of property, to over 6 million registered users, without ever charging any admin fees.

You'll be working on solving every aspect of the rental journey, from machine learning models to predict the right price of a property, to building the future of property management, all to help tenants find their dream home, and landlords their ideal tenant.

We're VC backed, profitable, and have plenty of ambition to maintain our fast growth in this absolutely massive market.

Roles currently available:

- Customer Experience and Product Development | Equity | £30k + quarterly bonus

All roles visible here:

0 replies

Used you chaps for my previous rent, honestly very good service but does depend on having a good relationship with the landlord.

1 replies

Continua |

Stack: Python | GCloud | HuggingFace

Locations: NYC | SEA | SFO

Roles: Systems Engineer | ML Engineer | Frontend Engineer

Continua was founded in April 2023 by a Distinguished Engineer from Google Research to give everyone in the world an agent that uses their real-time context and personal memory to deliver actionable and timely assistance.

Our MVP is currently in limited alpha testing, and we’re immensely excited by the feedback we’re getting from early users - they’re finding that the Continua agent helps them in all manner of surprisingly useful ways.

This is an opportunity to be a part of setting the product and technical direction of this early stage company! ML engineers at Continua work on new approaches for knowledge representation, multimodality, and personalization under computational resource constraints. Systems engineers at Continua work on a wide variety of secure and reliable backend services and data pipelines to power our products. We’re backed by tier-1 VCs, and we’ve already assembled a team of seven engineers with backgrounds at Google, Slack, CourseHero, Stash, and Amazon. We have a limited number of additional spots available on the team for engineers who are excited about building innovative products that leverage the latest advances in ML, including Transformers / Mamba, RLHF, LoRA/QLoRA, at-edge (on-device) training and inference, privacy-first ML, and more.

If you are passionate about building innovative new products, and you’re eager to work in a dynamic startup environment, we would love to hear from you. Please apply via, and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

1 replies

Felt | Product Marketing Manager (and Sales Engineers) | Oakland, CA or REMOTE (US timezones) | Full Time |

Felt is the best way to make maps and work with geospatial data on the internet. It's surprisingly hard to make a map today, and people in 15+ industries rely on them to do their jobs. We are taking on an industry that's been stagnant for more than 30 years, but is essential to the workings of practically every company.

Felt is the first easy-to-use collaborative mapping software, founded by a team of technologists with a proven track-record. My co-founder and CEO, Sam, is a former YC founder who sold his previous company [1] and I'm an early Uber engineer.

We are looking for a product marketing manager who will put our platform in the front the eyes of the right people. The ideal PMM will have worked for a technical product and knows how to talk about it, have worked on launches (we do a lot! [2]]) and is comfortable in a start-up environment.

We are well-funded and organized. You can read more about it our funding here [3], and our announcement here [4]. Our terms are employee-friendly terms such as early exercise, a 10-year exercise window and even a matching 401(k).[5]

If you are an experienced PMM or a Sales Engineer, please reach out via and mention HN.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

0 replies

Cartography. The mapping of uncharted territories.

1 replies

Apiture | Platform Engineer | Full-time | Remote | Wilmington, NC + Austin, TX

Apiture is a fintech that runs consumer-facing banking for client banks and credit unions. Web banking, mobile banking, etc. We've existed since 2018, with a component added later that has existed since the late 90s.

I run one of the platform engineering teams. We're working on the usual devops suspects, but also a new internal developer platform and developer experience. The platform engineering department has become the unofficial developer experience champion, and we have a reputation for innovation and leadership within Apiture.

We need someone who can handle supporting stable legacy systems alongside modernizing others. We write Go, Node.js, and Python code to automate things, and use Terraform and a bit of Cloudformation for infrastructure code. We're an AWS shop, with a healthy mix of EC2 servers, SaaS components, and Docker/K8s.

EDIT: Sorry about the broken link; this posting hasn't been made live yet. You can still contact me directly about it, though. My work email is:

0 replies

Not in a convenient place to take a closer look, but that link looks like it won’t work unless you already have a Greenhouse account. Is there a public version?

Update: I suspect the correct link will be once the posting is live.

1 replies

DuckDuckGo | Multiple Roles | Remote | Full-time | $176k-242k USD + equity

We are looking for candidates that are excited to join us on a mission to raise the standard of trust online. All of our roles are fully-remote, except where specific locations are noted.

Remote Open Roles at DuckDuckGo: Engineering Director, Desktop Apps - $242k + equity

Senior Android Engineer - $176k + equity

Senior Software Engineer, Windows Desktop App - $176k + equity

Principal Site Reliability Engineer - $220-242k + equity

Staff Site Reliability Engineer - $220k + equity

Senior Backend Engineer - $176k + equity

0 replies

Hi Bill, out of curiosity: what exactly is the windows app you are working on? Is that your browser or a completely new app?

1 replies

Fractional AI | Founding Engineer | San Francisco | Onsite | Full-time

Who: We're Fractional AI -- the dev shop for difficult enterprise applications of genAI.

Looking for: You! Full-stack founding engineers (5+ years of experience, 150k-210k cash, meaningful equity, 99% healthcare premium coverage )

How: apply or reach out to me (annie@

Why we may be a great fit:

-High impact AI projects - we work on companies' hardest problems to get genAI into production (in the same quarter you might build an AI phone agent for one customer and automate a complex workflow for another customer)

-Culture of a startup but substantive problems to solve that impact millions of users

- Curious, humble, banter-y in-person team comprised of multi-time founders

Why we may not be the best fit:

-Excellence isn't really really important to you (this is less of a 'move fast and break things' role, though we respect that ethos!)

-Predictability is important to you - we work across customers, tech stacks, industries etc

-Interacting with customers isn't your thing

0 replies

Hey, looks interesting. Any consulting positions?

ps typo "Excellence isn't really really important to you"

1 replies

Surge AI ( | Software Engineers (full-stack, backend / infra) and Strategic Project Lead ( | Full-time | SF or Remote

Our mission at Surge is to build the human infrastructure behind the next wave of AI and LLMs. We’re building a data platform that powers AI teams at OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, Google, and more. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback is the critical technique behind the new generation of AI assistants, and that human feedback comes from us. Our product has been a game-changer for the top AI teams in the world. Here are some examples of our past work:

- Creating the GSM8K dataset:

- Collecting RLHF data for Anthropic's Claude:

You’d be joining a small, rapidly growing team of former engineering and ML leaders from Google, Meta, Twitter, and Airbnb. We work in small groups, ship quickly, and value autonomy and ownership. No previous AI experience is required, if you have the engineering skills you can learn what you need on the job.

We're looking for engineers with a few years of experience and you can work out of our office in SF or remotely. Please reach out to us at with a resume and 2-3 sentences describing your interest. Excited to hear from you!

0 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

1 replies

Autotab (YC S23) | | Founding Engineer | NYC

If AGI is going to 100x GDP, it will need to be able to use a computer.

Autotab is the first digital robot that controls a computer like a human. It excels at the highly repetitive tasks that make up the worst parts of modern knowledge work. If we succeed, we will provide the platform that unlocks the next 100x productivity increase, and frees humans from trillions of hours of soul-crushing work.

We are second time founders backed by OpenAI and YCombinator. We are live in production and are working with some of the biggest companies you use every day to handle critical tasks that humans used to do. We’re rapidly scaling up to meet demand, and building a 5-person founding team where everyone builds product and talks to users.

If you are technical and have founded or want to start a company we should talk!

More info:

apply: email

0 replies

Note that this is a duplicate of a listing a different founder of this company posted here, except it omits the “6 days a week in the office” language. Applicants beware!

1 replies
23h33m | NYC role | Senior Backend Engineer | $150-$200K base + equity + healthcare + benefits

Chariot is building fintech tools for nonprofits - think Visa for $500B nonprofit space.

We just raised an A, are currently 10 on the team, and are hiring for Senior Backend Engineer.

0 replies

Do you sponsor visas?

1 replies

Headsup: Seems like this one has a "take home assignment that shouldn't take more than a day" as part of its interview process.

1 replies

Temporal Technologies | Multiple positions in United States - WORK FROM HOME | FULL-TIME |

Temporal offers an entirely new way to build scalable and reliable applications. Temporal enables developers to focus on writing important business logic, and not on managing state or worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Sequoia Capital led our last round of funding and our team has experience from start-ups and larger companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Uber, and more.

Temporal Investors Expand Funding:

Temporal in 7 minutes:

We're looking for senior level engineers for multiple roles - see here -


Senior Developer Success Engineer →

Staff Product Manager - Governance & Security →

Senior Staff Software Design Engineer (IAM, AUTH) →

Senior Software Design Engineer →

Staff Software Design Engineer →

US benefits include: Unlimited PTO, 12 Holidays + 2 Floating Holidays, 100% Premiums Coverage for Medical, Dental, and Vision, AD&D, LT & ST Disability and Life Insurance , Empower 401K Plan, Additional Perks for Learning & Development, Lifestyle Spending, In-Home Office Setup, Professional Memberships, WFH Meals, Internet Stipend and more! Benefits outside the United States vary by country.

Apply here

0 replies

Do you consider non-US applicants?

1 replies

Qventus | REMOTE (USA, INDIA) | Engineering / Product |

Qventus provides a real-time decision-making platform for hospital operations. Our mission is to simplify how healthcare operates so that hospitals can focus on delivering the best possible care to patients. We use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create products and solutions that help nurses, doctors, and hospital staff anticipate issues and make operational decisions proactively. We work with leading public, academic, and community hospitals across the United States.

We are actively hiring for the following positions:

*Remote US:

Innovation Engineer (Generative AI) - Software engineering generalist with experience building products powered by AI models

Sr. Data Platform Engineer - 5+ yrs working with Python, SQL, AWS, Snowflake, Databricks, DBT

Data Engineer II - 3+ yrs working with Python, SQL, AWS, Snowflake, Databricks, DBT

Senior Data Scientist - 5+ yrs working with Sagemaker, Tensorflow, NLP, explainable ML


Analytics Engineer - Data Modeling and transformation, SQL, Looker, Electronic Health Records

Data Engineer - Python, SQL, AWS, Snowflake, DBT

UI/UX Designer - 4+ yrs UI/UX design, Figma, Zeplin, Photoshop

Useful experience: Previous Healthcare/ Health tech experience

To see a full list of openings and to apply, follow our Join Us page:

0 replies

Would you consider non-US applicants for the US positions?

1 replies

Swizzl AI | Remote within SF or LA | Founding Engineer | Full-Time

We are building an AI buying concierge that sits on an ecomm or b2b site that helps customers buy confusing or complex items. In turn, companies increase their qualified leads & conversion rates and lower returns. It's ecommerce and lead generation reimagined in an AI world. We are Jobs to be Done experts (see and we are employing our deep expertise in the field to productize what we already know works.

We are looking for a seasoned full stack engineer who leans back end.

This is going to be the craziest ride of your life. We are swinging for the fences here trying to build a generational company. We're a group of seasoned brillant weirdos. We work fast but smart and we have a lot of fun.

Interested? Fill out this form:

p.s. We want missionaries, not mercenaries so big equity is in, big cash is out.

0 replies

An Airtable account is required to view or submit the form. Perhaps that's intended?

0 replies

Annex Risk | Product Engineer | Bay Area | Full-time

The cost of homeowners insurance, especially in natural catastrophe heavy areas, has skyrocketed in recent years. Annex Risk is solving this problem with better digital infrastructure for executing the transaction. Our platform enables insurance agents to quote and bind policies within 90 seconds vs. the current multi-day phone/email/fax-based transaction that is the status quo.

We recently closed our seed round, are growing 30-100% month over month, and we're looking for a full-stack product engineer to be our first engineering hire. The ideal candidate has experience designing and shipping product features end-to-end in a fast-paced environment.

What will you get to build? - Extensions to our core platform to integrate with additional carrier partners - Improvements to our agent portal and API infrastructure - A consumer portal to allow insureds to access their docs, make payments, and request policy changes

Our tech stack is primarily Scala (Finatra + Finagle!), Javascript (React + Retool), and Temporal.

If interested, email zach at annexrisk dot com

0 replies

Electric Twin | Software Engineer | London, UK Onsite and Full-time.

We're building a sandbox for predicting human behaviour so that companies and governments can test their products and policies in real-time.

We're looking for an energetic software engineers to help us build out the app!

Apply at

0 replies

Let's normalize Four Day Work Week. Could the author of `whoishiring` also include the 4DWW label as an optional tag that people can include (and search for).

0 replies

Doublepoint | Helsinki / Remote | Machine Learning Lead | Full-time

We're creating cutting edge gesture detection algorithms for smartwatches and have recently started looking for an experienced ML Engineer to lead our ML team.

We currently have a tap model (think Apple double tap) that is world-class, will be distributing our pinch-and-hold model later this year, and want someone who will lead the development of these models.

Our team moves fast and this role will be quite dynamic. You will lead but also be hands-on.

The ideal person will have worked with signal processing, and more specifically live time series classification from an embedded sensor stream.

For a demo of a bit of our tech, check out WowMouse[1], an app for smartwatches that lets you control devices like computers and tablets with your hand rather than a mouse (over Bluetooth). It shows only a subset of what we can do but already has tens of thousands of users.

Apply at


0 replies

Tome | SF (US) | Onsite or Remote |

Tome revolutionizes contract understanding using LLMs fine-tuned on contract domain knowledge. For users, we decode complex contracts into simple reports, so everyone can understand their rights and make informed decisions. We are a team of 8, with a 4.5 person engineering team, backed by top VC firms, and we're poised to transform the $400B legal industry.

Join us as a Senior Full Stack Engineer to build out our core product UI, our AI backend, and our RLHF internal tooling. We have tons of legal problems (the good kind), tons of AI problems (also the good kind), and most interesting, the intersection between the two. We're working on graph visualizations of legal information - come help!

Ideal candidate: has worked in a startup, or independently led projects; 5+ years of frontend development experience; Experience with complex data visualizations; and bonus points if you like writing full end-to-end tests, improving CI pipelines, or implementing pretty color gradients.

Tech Stack:

- Next.js (all-in on the Vercel ecosystem), Python, Postgres, AWS

Benefits: early-stage startup growth opportunities; competitive pay and comprehensive benefits; use of a collection of 10,000,000 board games; home office stipend; use of the company jet* (*when acquired)

We are committed to diversity and encourage applications from underrepresented groups.

Reach out to me: and mention HN!

0 replies

Protect AI | Product Designers, Software Engineers & Solution Architects | Seattle, Washington | Full Time | $140-$200k approx |

Protect AI is shaping, defining, and innovating a new category within cybersecurity around the risk and security of AI/ML. Our ML Security Platform enables customers to see, know, and manage security risks to defend against unique AI security threats, and embrace MLSecOps for a safer AI-powered world. This includes a broad set of capabilities including AI supply chain security, Auditable Bill of Materials for AI, ML model scanning, signing, attestation and LLM Security. We are expanding our team in Seattle and have a number of senior roles open:

* Senior Product Designer

* Senior Product Manager

* Senior Software Engineer: Backend

* Senior Software Engineer: Frontend

* Senior Software Engineer: Infrastructure

* Senior Solutions Architect: AI/ML

* Senior Solutions Architect: Infrastructure

Feel free to send me your resume - chris (at) - or you can apply directly here:

0 replies

Valuecase | Senior Full Stack Software Engineer JavaScript (all genders) | ONSITE Hybrid Work Setup - Offices in Berlin and Hamburg, Germany, EU |

We are looking for a software engineer to work in close collaboration with our tech lead. With your dev team colleagues and product design team you will build a B2B SaaS product defining an entire new product category within the space for sales software: giving complex B2B buying processes the look & feel of simplicity.

We use TypeScript, NestJS, and React.

Interview process: initial video call, "take-home" exercise, follow up tech discussion, in-person meeting interview, and offer.

Valuecase is driven by our vision to build a software platform that redefines how millions of B2B sellers and buyers across the globe interact and close deals. We aspire to transform the B2B sales tech market as companies such as Salesforce and HubSpot have done so over the past 20 years.

Please apply at or send an email to me (see profile).

0 replies

We are wikimove, a startup focused on changing how mobility is implemented in cities around the world. We build a MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service) platform which enables cities to take control over urban mobility. Come work with us to help reduce climate change through technology and help make the world better today and for future generations. Our existing customers range from cities to large transportation associations within Germany. Our next step is to expand into other European countries.

Please find the full role descriptions and the application email at

We are hiring for the following roles:

+Senior Backend Engineer (Spring, WebFlux, RxJava, Kafka, Kubernetes)

+Senior Frontend Engineer (React, Redux)

0 replies

LocalStack | Multiple Roles | REMOTE | Full-Time

LocalStack (52k+ Github stars, 220M+ Docker pulls, growing global customer base) is on a mission to build the world's leading dev platform for local cloud development, team collaboration, and CI analytics. We are looking for top-notch engineers, GTM leaders, and cloud/DevOps enthusiasts to get on board and join us in this exciting journey!

Tech stack is (mainly): Python, Docker, React.js, Unix/system engineering, Cloud APIs (AWS/Azure/Snowflake). Occasionally some Java/Node.js/Go. Security expertise is a plus.

As we're entering our next growth phase, we're currently hiring for various roles, including:

* Lead Product Manager (Cloud Dev Tooling): build out our product management, conduct research and market analysis, perform technical spikes to evaluate new features, and help shape the future product roadmap based on systematic user feedback

* DevRel Lead: spearheading our DevRel efforts and managing our top-notch team, building great content, community programs, and partnerships; US-based candidates preferred, strong experience in cloud dev tooling required

* Senior/Lead Software Engineer (Python): extending, polishing, and optimizing the LocalStack core emulation layer, building advanced product features and integrations (in our AWS flagship product, and our new Azure/Snowflake emulators)

* Senior/Staff Full-Stack Engineer (SaaS/Platform): implement cutting-edge new features in the LocalStack Cloud platform, lead projects from conception to delivery, co-own and drive the product roadmap

* Technical Account Manager (US/Canada based): Foster strong technical relationships with our top customers, identify new use cases and expansion opportunities, and support the successful implementation of our platform

* Technical Support Engineer (L1/L2): Work with our growing community of users, triage and reproduce customer issues, play a crucial role in troubleshooting and resolving complex technical issues

The project is partially open-source, so you'll receive high visibility and maintainer status.

Come join us! You'll be a core part of a growing team in a VC-backed startup, on an exciting mission to shape and redefine the space of cloud developer tooling.

Details here: - we look forward to receiving your CV/portfolio/Github profile!

0 replies

Paxos | SecOps | USA+Canada | Full-time | Fully remote |

Paxos is building a fully-regulated, foundational blockchain infrastructure platform to enable the instant movement of any asset, at any time, in a trustworthy manner. Our customers include some of the world’s leading financial institutions, like PayPal, Venmo, Mastercard, and Interactive Brokers.

We are fully-remote, and compensation is not location-adjusted.

We're currently looking for:

- Staff SecOps Security Engineer ->

0 replies

Replit | Hybrid - Foster City, CA | Full-Time

Current hiring priorities include:

* Head of Product Engineering

* AI Data Engineer

* Product Engineer, Growth

* Infra Engineer, Cloud Services

* Product Designer

* Product Designer, Growth

* AI Engineer

See these opportunities and more below:

0 replies
9h23m | Full stack, Backend, Frontend, Compiler | REMOTE or ONSITE | Paris, France | Full-time | Lokad is a bootstrapped profitable software company - 60 employees and growing fast - that specializes on predictive supply chain optimization. We are based in France, but the majority of our clients are outside France.

Supply chains remain wasteful and poorly resilient to tail risks (as demonstrated by present day situation). We’re talking about roughly 15% of the worldwide economy: supply chains are vast, and double-digit improvements remain possible. We want to put supply chains on AI autopilot, and deliver above-human performance while doing so.

Technologies used: C#, F#, Typescript, .NET Core, Linux

Find out more:

0 replies

Vannevar Labs | REMOTE-FIRST | FULL-TIME | Offices in DC and NYC

Vannevar Labs builds next generation defense software for the public servants keeping our country safe. As a team, we exist because we believe in public service, and we think that our democracy and government improve only if we put serious, collective effort into improving them, including the technology our government uses. We build software to help the the US deter and deescalate conflict. We are a profitable growth startup with some of the best defense investors in the world, including General Catalyst, DFJ Growth, Point72, and enterprise tech investors Costanoa and Felicis.

We're looking for engineers to lead the build out of our core data platform, amongst other roles. We're especially interested in engineers that have a TS/SCI clearance within the past 3 years. Apply on our website:

0 replies

Hudson River Trading | NY, Chicago, London | Full Stack Dev

At HRT we are mathematicians, computer scientists, statisticians, physicists and engineers. We research and develop automated trading algorithms using advanced mathematical techniques.

0 replies

AlixPartners | Global Consulting Firm | Remote and 25 global offices | We help the largest organizations in the world achieve better results using small, experienced teams of experts in their field. For over 40 years, we have helped companies and their stakeholders around the world harness opportunity, overcome challenges, and achieve outsized outcomes.

Our firm typically looks for experienced professionals, but we do have some new grad opportunities as well!

185 jobs available right now across various disciplines, including but not limited to AI, Digital Transformation, Digital Forensics and eDiscovery, Risk Advisory, Turnaround and Restructuring, Disputes and Investigations, Performance and Technology, and many IT related roles.

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more or get referred to skip the queue: @unstatusthequo on

0 replies

Range | Software Engineers (Mid, Senior) | Tysons Corner, VA / NYC / Seattle / Fully Remote |

Range is a Series A wealth management start-up looking to level-up the financial services industry.

It's currently a small-but-mighty team of 10 engineers, ~40 people company-wide. Our tech stack is modern. You'll learn TypeScript, GraphQL, React, AWS and have opportunities to bring in new-to-the-company technologies / open source projects / SaaS offerings.

There is SO much work to do. Every hour you put in contributes to the goal of building the future of wealth management. (You also get a free Range membership for life!)

Range HQ is in Tyson Corners, VA. We support fully remote for senior level positions.

If you have any questions, I'm be happy to set up 30 minutes to chat. (Current Range SWE, ex-Amazon, ex-Coupang, ex-Convoy).

More info on career benefits:

Apply for SWE role here:

0 replies

Jaunt Labs | Full-Time | Full-stack engineer | REMOTE

Jaunt Labs is in the process of disrupting the professional content sharing landscape, focusing on documents, presentations, and more. Currently in our alpha launch phase, our momentum is building rapidly. Plus, our founders come with a track record, having successfully built and sold a startup in a similar domain. We aspire to become the platform which democratises knowledge and discussions around it.

We're actively seeking full-stack engineers to join our distributed team. With Django at our core, we're building scalable apps that can handle the demands of our network. On the frontend, it's all about ES6, no frameworks required.

Here's the structure: while autonomy is key, we touch base a few times weekly, typically around 9AM PST. You'll need at least an hour or two of overlap during these meetings.

Why consider us? Beyond the exciting work we're doing, you'll be part of a cohesive team, tackling challenges collaboratively and driving real change.

Interested in being part of our journey? Drop us a line about why you would like to join us at troy [at] or reach out directly to our founder at jon [at] Let's build something remarkable together.

0 replies

Tracebit | London, UK | Full-Time | ONSITE

Founding Engineer | £70-100k + equity

Tracebit is on a mission to reduce the global mean time to detect and contain security incidents from months to minutes. The two founders are building on their experience at Tessian to vastly improve an organisation’s cloud security (and beyond). On the back of a successful seed fundraise, we are looking to hire the first 5 engineers to join our founding team.

You'll be responsible for:

  * Working across the entire tech stack (C#, .NET Core 8, Terraform, HTMX)
  * Contributing to a scalable and secure architecture
  * Working closely with the CTO and a team of exceptional engineers
You're a great fit if you:

  * Have experience shipping software at scale
  * Enjoy working in a fast-paced, early-stage startup environment
  * A love of getting things done and having fun
Bonus points for:

  * Experience in cloud security, ideally at a Product focused company and/or working with at least 1 of the public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)
On-site role (5 days a week) in Central London Learn more and apply:\

0 replies
1d2h | | Austin TX, Flex | Everything

We are a small team building an AI QA Agent for GitHub - on a mission to eliminate repetitive work from developers. Our v2 agent (released this week) is the best desktop automation agent on the market today.

We're a very early stage startup seeking incredibly motivated engineers, sales, and customer success to join our team.

We work from home in Austin TX and meet in person 2x a week.

Email to get in touch.

0 replies

we are building out small team for

Looking for an intern right now to help with simulation building using three.js graphics. Experience with LLMs is a plus. You must have experience with three.js or other javascript libraries. You can submit resumes to contact AT

0 replies

Interactive Brokers | Senior Python Developer | Mumbai/Hyderabad India | Hybrid You want to break into the finance industry? You want to learn about trading and investing? Are you tired of endless meetings and just want to code? If you love designing greenfield projects in Python, this is the job for you. I am the hiring manager for the team. We are a small technology team in a fast growing, multi-billion dollar company. Many of our larger clients are multi-national banks that you have heard of. We are seeking a self-starter that enjoys the craft of coding and developing innovative solutions. The ideal candidate is someone who can communicate well and design libraries and systems in Python from scratch. Experience with Object oriented design, design patterns, building systems, and SQL a plus. Positions are a hybrid model 3 days in office 2 days remote. IB has grown through tough economic times. We have continued to hire while others have cut staff. If you are looking for a great place to innovate, apply today. We have one positions open in our India offices. Apply Online here:

0 replies

Radar Labs | Software Engineers (backend, full-stack, mobile) | ONSITE in New York City | Full Time | Radar Labs is location infrastructure as a SaaS platform. Over the past year Radar has been used from 100M+ devices doing 10,000 qps. We are are a small but mighty engineering team (13 engineers!). We're based in NYC with our HQ in Union Square. There's a ton of opportunity to make an impact and work on a variety of things, as we're a pretty fluid team: Backend (Our Rust geocoder and other high-throughput data infra), Mobile (e.g. open-source mobile infrastructure, building a control system that automatically configures optimizing battery-life and location accuracy for different use-cases over time), Full-Stack (e.g. build tools to visualize and debug location data at scale)

What you'll do:

- Work on core Radar infrastructure (mobile, backend, or full-stack)

- Embody our "Walk a mile" value by walking around to QA and debug the Radar SDK

- Have your work run on 100's of millions of devices

- Talk to Radar customers and prospects, hear their feedback, incorporate it into your work and make them successful

Check out our jobs page here:

If you have any questions, feel free to reply here or you can e-mail me at

0 replies

Sunnyside | | SF or Remote within US (core collaboration hours 9am-2pm PT) | Full-time | Senior Software Engineer

I am looking for a Senior Software Engineer to join our team here at Sunnyside to help us craft an exceptional product experience for our growing community of mindful drinkers. Unlike virtually every other service in the alcohol health space, we focus on moderation and mindfulness rather than all-or-nothing sobriety. We help our customers improve their overall health and wellness without having to give up alcohol entirely.

Our ideal candidate is a backend-leaning full stack engineer who would be excited to own and deliver features end-to-end. TypeScript or JavaScript experience strongly preferred. NestJS on the server and React / React Native for web and mobile clients. We are remote friendly, and those of us in the Bay Area work together in-person in SF a few days each week.

Apply here or email me directly steve [at] sunnyside [dot] co

0 replies

PartsCloud | Full-Time | Full-stack engineer | REMOTE (Europe) |

PartsCloud connects industrial machine manufacturers with a global network of specialized logistics service providers and enables spare parts to be sent to customers worldwide within hours. This is a game changer for industrial SMEs that got stuck in the last century with their after-sales business.

We are looking for a full-stack engineer to focus on developing the customer and internal web apps (Django, server-side/HTMX heavy, some JavaScript), and work together with the data team on the core platform. You should have experience with developing and running web applications in production.

Please apply with a brief cover letter mentioning you are coming from HN or feel free to message me directly with any questions.

0 replies
18h36m | Vienna, VA, USA | Onsite | Full-Time | No visa, sorry

Antithesis is a completely new approach to testing and debugging. Our platform continuously searches your software for problems, within a simulated environment where every problem can be perfectly reproduced, enabling efficient debugging of the most complex issues.

This year is very exciting as we are actively productizing some unpolished areas and releasing new features every month. Please apply here!

- Senior Frontend Engineer (Product/UX/UI). ← I read all applications for this – Senior Software Engineer – Lead Machine Learning Engineer - Senior Consultant

0 replies

Livv Health | Remote | Europe timezone | Full stack engineer | Typescript, React Native, React

We're building a global AI-driven health record. The premise is straightforward: the future of healthcare depends on continuous, data-informed care, with patient-owned health records at its core. It's a significant shift, aiming to empower individuals over their health data.

The app works by letting you scan, upload, email health records to us and we analyse, and organise it and help you share it with your doctor. We help doctors work efficiently with the data.

We are a passionate team and we are looking for people who have a personal interest in patient owned health data. Startup experience a plus.

Send email to jobs[at]

0 replies

LiveEO | Berlin, Germany | Hybrid or REMOTE in EU | Full-time

Hiring Manager here, we're building e2e applications using ML/AI and satellite imagery to identify deforestation in EU supply chains - and more.

We need people that know how to build efficient and performant data and ML pipelines for our data scientists (experience with any sort of data cubes beneficial, doesn't need to be satellite imagery), engineers that implement complex supply chain business logic using nestjs, engineers that build wonderful user interfaces in react and data scientists that solve really hard problems in satellite imagery classification:

- Senior Data Engineer (looking for data engineers and MLOps people):

- Full Stack Engineers (not yet online, please send me an email, see below)

- Mid-level Backend Engineers (not yet online, please send me an email, see below)

- Staff/Senior Data Scientists with experience in time-series image classification/data hypercubes (not yet online, please send me an email, see below)

Please reach out to me with your CVs and questions: sven dot mesecke @ company domain

0 replies

Val Town | Founding Engineers | ONSITE (Brooklyn) | Full-time | $150k & 0.5-2% equity

We believe everybody should be able to code. Our product is as if Github Gists could run or AWS Lambda were fun. On Val Town, you can write, collaborate, and deploy code. Users make websites, HTTP endoints, crons, and email handlers. Our userbase is small but passionate, and growing quickly.

We just raised $5.5m from Accel, Tom Preston-Werner, Guillermo Rauch, and a bunch of other amazing angels. The dream is to hire 2-3 incredibly talented senior folks here in Brooklyn over the next 6 months. We have hard and interesting engineering, design and infra challenges to solve. We are a small team (currently 4) that take pride in our craft, think deeply, and ship often.


Funding announcement:

Job postings:

0 replies

Paddle | Series D | London/UK | Full-time | Remote/Hybrid | | Payments

Paddle helps digital product companies worldwide to operate and grow, automatically with our all-in-one payments infrastructure.

Instead of assembling and maintaining a complex stack of payments-related apps and services, we’re a Merchant of Record for our customers. That means we take away 100% of the pain of payment fragmentation. It’s faster, safer, cheaper, and, above all, way better!

We currently have opportunities available in a couple of our teams for Go Engineers to join us:

Senior Go Software Engineer -

Go Software Engineer -

If you are passionate about building great products and enjoy working on high-scale, distributed systems in Go, then we’d love to hear from you! Please note, we can only consider UK based candidates for these positions.

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August Health | Software Engineers (backend, frontend) | Remote, USA | Full Time |

We're a growth-stage (Series A in 2022) company that builds technology to enhance the quality of care for vulnerable older adults. Our product is guiding the transition from complex, paper-based practices in the long-term care industry to a digital platform solution that unlocks the power of personalized care, predictive analytics, and value-based contracting.

Technologically, the frontend is TypeScript & React. Our frontend is a major differentiator - our users tend to be less tech-inclined, so ease of use is a business imperative. We also have a service-worker powered offline web app and plan to build another in short order.

The backend is in Scala & Play, Postgres, RabbitMQ, &c.

Please reach out to me (Sid / Dir. Eng.) at sid [at]

0 replies

Riffusion - Generative AI for Music | Research Scientist, Research Engineer | San Francisco | Full-time Riffusion is a small team training foundation models for music generation and building products that create more musicians in the world. We strive to create and deploy models that are expressive, fast, controllable, and inspiring at scale.

We’re establishing our founding research team and looking for individuals who love music and are excited to build a more creative future with us. Experience with large scale generative model training and diffusion architectures is preferred. Very strong software engineering and computer science fundamentals required. We’re backed by top investors and have substantial compute at the ready.

You can make music with us and reach me at { seth at riffusion dot com }.

0 replies

IheartMedia | | Senior SRE | Remote US | 136-170K

The Senior Site Reliability Engineer will be responsible for leading a talented team of SREs/DevOps Engineers across a wide variety of Cloud Services. He/She will be our leader as we move toward a platform / systems architecture and infrastructure that is highly automated, fully instrumented, self-scaling, self-healing and loosely coupled. Must be a go-getter with efficient multi-tasking abilities along with efficient people management skills.

The infrastructure is entirely hosted on AWS, utilizing a variety of services. Core functionalities leverage AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and IoT Core for serverless computing, API management, and IoT device connectivity, respectively. The environment also incorporates multiple Kubernetes clusters, managed through both Amazon EKS and Kops. Infra is provisioned with CDK (typescript) so experience on it is highly desirable.

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Y Combinator | | Full-time | San Francisco (In person only) |

Why would you want to work at YC? Well, the short of it is that you’d get unprecedented insight into how companies are started – with access to all the talks, constantly being around founders, and working directly with YC Group Partners. Our GPs are possibly the 12 most knowledgeable people in the world about starting companies. You’d be hard pressed to work here and NOT learn something new about startups every day – which might be helpful if you’re interested in starting a company yourself.

Software also touches everything YC does. When I went through YC in 2013, the core pieces of the YC batch were a dinner each week, a 1-1 with your group partner, and an end-of-batch Demo Day event to raise money. Today, YC offers so many software tools to help founders build their companies, including:

Demo Day website, which has helped founders raise $3B+ over the last 3 years Work at a Startup, where 1000s of companies have hired from a pool of 1M+ job seekers Bookface, a tool for YC founders to support and help each other build their companies

YC software runs kind of like a startup: we have a small engineering team (15 people) full of full-stack software developers (Rails, React, Postgres) who talk to our users, ship fast and iterate often. YC’s great for people who like to move fast and learn quickly. As a member of our team, you’d work with and learn from some pretty experienced people who were early at Facebook, Carta, Salesforce, Twilio and other top companies.

Many of us have also been founders, and seven former employees have gone on to start startups that were funded by YC. If you want to start a startup but don’t have a great idea yet, we welcome you to spend a couple years here to learn, and then launch your own. On the flip side, if you can see yourself writing code indefinitely, we’d love to keep you happy here at YC for a long time. Either one works for us.

Building software at YC isn’t for everyone – YC’s real product is the Batch program and the Group Partners’ advice and help for the life of your startup. Our software team is often in the background, helping scale YC’s ability to help more companies, and in a way that means more 1-1 attention and support for each founder. What keeps me motivated is continuing to scale and improve YC through software, and getting to work with some of the most kind and talented people of my 20+ year career.

If you have questions, I would love to answer them here. (It would help me understand how I can make our role & work more clear!) And if this resonates with you, shoot me an email with what you’d most be excited to work on (job descriptions below) –

Y Combinator, Product Engineer on Bookface -

Y Combinator, Product Engineer on Work at a Startup -

Y Combinator, Product Engineer on Internal Tools -

0 replies

Chorus One | | Platforms Engineer | REMOTE (Switzerland ± 6 hours)

Chorus One operates validators on many proof-of-stake blockchains (the ones where security is based on a Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus algorithm rather than wasting energy). We are hiring for several roles, but the one I will highlight is what we call the Platforms Engineer. Some companies call this Site Reliability Engineering or Devops.

The main thing we do is take upstream software, build it, run it on our infrastructure, and then monitor it and optimize that setup. Some things that make this interesting are:

* Building automation that enables us to do this for many networks (50+ currently). * Doing this with high uptime, building automation for failover, etc. * Working with software that is on the one hand cutting-edge and doing interesting things (consensus algorithms, distributed systems, cryptography), but on the other hand that means it’s immature and often not easy to operate and monitor. Often we have to build custom tools, and dive into the source code of the project. We contribute patches upstream when it makes sense. * Some of these projects are exercising the limits of what a machine can do, we have to do some low-level investigation that requires understanding of what the Linux kernel and network hardware are doing to properly identify what’s going on.

We do have a small cloud footprint but run primarily on bare metal. We are looking for people who can not just configure services offered by the public clouds, but who deeply understand what lies below; people who could build their own cloud. (That sounds a bit pretentious and it’s not exactly what we do, but it does involve many of the same aspects.) If this sounds interesting to you, check out

0 replies

Zep AI (YC W24) | Developer Advocate | | Full-time | SF Bay / Remote US-only

Apply at:

Zep is building the long-term memory layer for the LLM application stack. With a fast growing open source community and recently launched cloud service, we're seeking a developer relations engineer to accelerate adoption among developers and help shape our roadmap.

In this highly visible role, you'll engage with the developer community across multiple channels - writing technical content, delivering presentations, creating sample apps/demos, and fielding inquiries. Working directly with our founder + engineering team, you'll help steer our product strategy.

Zep is funded by Y Combinator, Engineering Capital, and angels such as Guillermo Rauch (Vercel).

0 replies

Upwave (YC S12) | VP of Engineering | US Remote | Full-time

Upwave is a YC/venture-funded startup that helps large enterprises plan, measure, and optimize brand advertising campaigns. We offer a comprehensive set of tools that help our Fortune 500 clients understand and improve how they’re perceived in the marketplace, how aware consumers are of the value they provide, and how much consumers trust them to provide the value they promise. We enable marketers to optimize hundreds of millions in ad spend through automated insights on audience reach, brand lift and campaign performance.

As VP of Engineering, you will lead our software team, partner with our CTO to define and deliver the technical roadmap, drive engineering excellence, and act as a cultural steward.

We're looking for a seasoned engineering leader with experience managing high-performing teams to deliver production-grade enterprise SaaS at scale. You should be a curious technologist, systems thinker, excellent communicator, and humble leader excited about a fast-paced startup environment.

Tech stack includes React, JVM languages, Python for AI/ML, cloud data pipelines, and causal ML.

Our team emphasizes high-quality, high-velocity, sustainable software development in a collaborative and inclusive team environment.

If interested, email

0 replies

Zabit | Staff software engineer | Full-time | Remote (Hungary or California)

Zabit is a small startup building messaging applications that pair human workers with AI to enable affordable and accessible behavioral health outcomes, such as habit formation and cessation.

Looking to bring on a staff-level, full-stack-but-backend-leaning software engineer who loves Postgres, Kubernetes and node, but is able to pitch in on frontend (React / React Native) too.

Please send your resume and github to

0 replies

Caladan Bio | ONSITE in New York, NY | Frontend Developer | full-time | | $130-$180k |

I'm Rob, cofounder & cto at Caladan. We're building 250ml modular bioreactors for synthetic biology scale-up. I'm looking for a frontend engineer to help build the application used to run the actual reactors. Heavy timeseries and analytic interfaces, experiment design, and visualization of bioengineering systems. Building with React & TypeScript on the frontend, Django on the backend with a lot of other embedded systems in the mix.

Benefits, equity. We just closed a seed round and will be launching with customers later this year and early next year. Working from Brooklyn and would prefer someone who can come into the lab and get a bit of hands-on experience with the hardware while we're building out the software.

Email a blurb and a resume to if you're interested!

0 replies

Fulcrum | Software Engineer | London or New York | ONSITE | Full-Time

Fulcrum is building next generation storage platform for diverse data of the future. We believe users will need to process non tabular and tabular data together and we need to develop new methods to support them.

We develop Vortex (our core storage primitive) in the open and currently are looking to hire more people to our 5 person team to help build our product.

Tech: Rust, Python, Zig

Reach out to me at hn[at]fulcrum[dot]so

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DFINITY | US, Remote, Zurich |

Our mission is to develop technology that supports the Internet Computer network and ecosystem. The Internet Computer is a general purpose blockchain that can replace traditional IT and host a new generation of applications and services that can run 100% on-chain without the need for traditional IT. The DFINITY Foundation was founded in 2016, has raised over $150mm from top-tier institutions including Polychain Capital and Andreessen Horowitz and has attracted over 200 of the top computer scientists, researchers, engineers and operators in the world.

If you’re interested in joining one of the most ambitious projects in tech today, you can find our openings in US and Zurich here:

Some select roles:

Developer Relations Engineer (Zurich) -

Front End Software Engineer (Zurich) -

Software Engineer, Low-Level Systems (Zurich) -

Software Engineer, Low-Level Systems (US, Remote) -

AI Lead Engineer (Zurich) -

0 replies

COMPANY: polars

TYPE: full-time

LOCATION: Amsterdam

REMOTE: Currently only hiring in the Netherlands


DESCRIPTION: Polars is the company founded from the Polars OSS project. The company wants to build a managed query engine that can run the full polars API with different scaling strategies. Summarized Polars is a query engine focussing on DataFrame use cases.

COMPENSATION: Competive salary and Stock option package


0 replies

Electric Hydrogen | | Staff Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, Staff Data Engineer, Senior Data Engineer, Data Engineer | San Carlos, CA; Natick, MA; or Hybrid Remote | Full-time | Visa

Electric Hydrogen builds the world's most powerful electrolyzer at 100MW using modular & integrated design to radically lower the cost of green hydrogen production and increase global adoption. We just raised $380M in Series C financing, claiming the title of the first $1B green hydrogen start-up as recently covered by WSJ and TechCrunch.

The digital team works on everything from R&D to manufacturing and field services. Our 100MW plant has thousands of sensors sampling at 1hz - 5khz or more, requiring robust data processing, visualization, analytics & data science infrastructure. We deploy to some of the most remote regions on the planet with a product that needs to work reliably for decades, creating a unique challenge for networking, data ingestion & software development. Moreover, our Gigafactory and R&D labs are constantly collecting data for continuous improvements & scientific discoveries, all requiring different features & architecture to support and scale.

Benefits include competitive salary, ISO, 401K with match, and more.

- Staff/Senior Software Engineer - Infrastructure:

- Staff/Senior/Junior Data Engineer:

We have offices in Natick/Boston, Devens, MA, San Carlos & San Jose and support hybrid remote & relocation. If interested, please reach out to me: rzhang at

0 replies

Notable Health is Hiring forward Deployed engineers.

We're on a mission to simplify and optimize healthcare for humanity. Most of healthcare is digitized, but it hasn't really changed. Humans still toil away at mundane, administrative tasks. Therefore, we're turning manual work queues into fully automated workflows. We integrate into the EHR systems (something we've grown to be quite good at) using technologies across the spectrum (LLMs, OCR, Basic Models, and of course good 'ol logic).

Apply Here

0 replies

AE Studio | LA Office | Multiple Roles | Full-Time | Remote |

We are a development, data science and design studio that works closely with founders and executives to create custom software and machine learning solutions. We are hiring top notch professionals passionate about software development, data science, design or product management to work with our amazing team creating human agency increasing software!

Full descriptions:

0 replies

Stainless | Generalist Engineers, First AE | NYC ONSITE | Full-time

(We were on hn recently:

Stainless is building the platform for high-quality, easy-to-use APIs. Our first product is SDKs as a service. When you `npm install openai` or `pip install openai`, for example, you’re downloading code that we generated. (I built the codegen system at Stripe for their SDKs, and am now building a better version for everyone.)

Next, we want to make it easy to build amazing REST APIs. REST is simple and ubiquitous, but right now it’s also messy, chaotic, and hard to get right. We’re going to build great open-source standards and tooling that bring the benefits of GraphQL (types, field selection/expansion, standards) and gRPC (types, speed, versioning) to REST.

We’re ~2y old, ~10 people, have strong revenue (could choose to be profitable), and great customers (including OpenAI, Anthropic, and Cloudflare). We’re backed by Sequoia.

As one of our first ten engineers, you’ll get autonomy to build great products, skilled peers, opportunity for tremendous impact, competitive salary, and a very competitive ownership stake.

We’re looking for exceptionally productive, thoughtful, tasteful, and kind people with a passion for making software development better for everyone.

Want to build the future of API tooling? Say hi: alex at

0 replies

Procore Technologies | Engineering Roles | Austin, Bengaluru, Cairo, Prague, Pune, Remote | Full-time

We are really looking for folks with strong Ruby/Rails experience. We have one of the largest rails codebase in the world.

We are also hiring on several other areas (Kafka, mobile, react, etc).

Feel free to DM me or ask questions here about my experience working here.

Procore is on a mission to revolutionize construction management. Our software seamlessly connects every project contributor to solutions that build on robust construction data to manage risk and build quality projects—safely, on time, and within budget. We're expanding globally and seeking talented engineers to join our team.

Open Positions:

Engineering Managers (Multiple Levels) | Austin, Bengaluru, Cairo

Staff Engineers (Data, Mobile, Backend (Ruby), ML, Full-Stack) | Austin, Bengaluru, Pune, Remote

Senior Engineers (Backend (Ruby), QA Automation, Mobile, ML, iOS, Android) | Austin, Bengaluru, Cairo, Remote

Principal Engineers (Backend, Frontend, Data) | Bengaluru

If interested in shaping the future of construction technology, visit .

Procore Technologies - Building the software that builds the world.

0 replies

Reef Technologies | Senior Python Backend Engineer | REMOTE | Full-time Salary: 45-70 USD per hour, or 7560-11760 USD a month (assuming 40 hours per week). Hourly rates typically adjusted annually.

We’re all about the backend! As a fully remote Python software house, we comprise a small, agile team of senior engineers, each with at least five years of experience. We're known for delivering stable solutions and always accounting for edge cases, minimizing the need for urgent fixes.

- Full Remote Flexibility: Work from anywhere.

- Flexible Hours: Pick your own hours, with only ~2 calls per week.

- Dynamic Projects: Work with startups globally on projects of your choice.

- Influence: Contribute to decisions and influence how we operate.

- Project Selection: Only accept projects you're interested in.

- No managers; thanks to the Sociocracy 3.0 framework, everyone's opinion is valued.

- Personal assistant for your non-work tasks.

- Multicultural environment with a voice for everyone.

Who Are We Looking For? Experienced Python engineer with at least 5 years of programming (not necessarily professional), including at least a year with Python. Must have a deep love for Python and the ability to come up with Pythonic solutions to problems.

How to Apply: Just go to and see what we’re all about! Do not send us CVs.

Contact: Email: Company Website:

0 replies

Friendly Captcha | Infrastructure Engineer | REMOTE within EU | PART-TIME or FULL-TIME | Office in Munich, Germany |

At Friendly Captcha we do one thing and we do it well: we protect websites from malicious actors and bots.

We provide privacy-friendly and accessible anti-bot solutions that don’t annoy users with tasks like clicking fire hydrants. We make the internet a bit better every day by winning over customers currently using Google reCAPTCHA.

We’re a fast-growing, profitable, fully bootstrapped company. Our revenue mostly comes from medium to large European enterprise and governments.

A great fit would be someone pragmatic, who prefers to keep things simple (perhaps boring is the right word?). Good knowledge of modern DevOps/SRE practices is expected (IaC, GitOps, etc...), and you should already be productive in Go.

Our engineering team is fully remote across Europe, we meet up once per quarter or so. You can work either 4 or 5 days per week, fully remote or (partially) from our Munich office. Please note that we ONLY consider candidates located within the EU.

Stack: Golang | Clickhouse | Postgres | Redis | Terraform | Packer | Linux | OpenTelemetry | HAProxy

Infrastructure Engineer:

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21h26m | Platform Engineers | Northern Germany (Hamburg or Bremen) | Full-time | ONSITE (or hybrid) |

We are building an integrated MLOps platform based on Kubernetes, Kubeflow, MLflow and many more best-of-breed Open Source solutions, running anywhere our customers need it to (on-premises, in the cloud, or in a corporate data center, possibly air-gapped). We are looking for engineers who are interested in LLMOps, MLOps and DevOps and have some interest in AI; ideally, you have some exposure to the k8s ecosystem already. If you're not well-versed in some areas but are eager to learn, we'd still love to hear from you. Motivation is much more important than experience to us. was founded in January out of Just Add AI. We have offices in Bremen and Hamburg.

We offer flexibility with location & hours (but fulltime remote is not an option for us) and, if you are interested, the opportunity to contribute to open source.

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Stealth | Sr AI Engineer | REMOTE or SF | Full-Time

Hey all - we're a stealth startup founded by a serial entrepreneur with a successful exit & raised a seed round from top Silicon Valley VCs. We're on a mission to fix healthcare staffing shortages with AI.

We're looking for an AI superbuilder who's comfortable getting things done across the whole tech stack, with emphasis on backend. Practical experience with developing AI native apps leveraging ChatGPT, Claude or other LLMs is a must.

We're open to bringing on a founding engineer, offering significant equity.

We use Python, NestJS, React, NextJS, Typescript, Kubernetes, Airflow and advanced machine learning systems.

Apply: send email to

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AICrete | Richmond, CA | Hybrid / Remote (North America) | Full-time | Frontend / Backend / Fullstack Engineer

At AICrete, we are committed to revolutionizing the global concrete and construction industry. Leveraging AI, machine learning, computer vision, and sophisticated automation, AICreteOS is our innovative solution designed to enhance sustainability, profitability, efficiency, and productivity in real-time. Proudly standing as the first company in the world to introduce AI to the concrete materials industry, we are at the forefront of technological advancement, setting new standards and pioneering changes that drive real impact.

We're a small team of 10-15 and we're looking for great engineers to help us build, grow, and maintain products used some of the largest concrete customers across the US (and soon abroad), as well as those interested in working at the intersection of sustainability, green tech and AI.

For more roles, see us at: or DM me for any further questions.

0 replies

Plotly | | Senior Software Engineers, Full Stack, App Studio, Engineering Manager, QA, Platform, Product Designer, | Canada |Remote, Full-Time

As a company with roots in the open-source community, Plotly introduced web-based data visualization to Python. Today, the company offers Dash Enterprise, which provides the best software tools and platform to enable every enterprise in the world to build and scale data applications quickly and easily.

We are growing our team and hiring for the following roles:

Engineering Manager, App Studio (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

Engineering Manager - Platform, Dash Enterprise (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

Engineering Manager - QA (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

Senior Software Developer in Test (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack, App Studio (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

Software Engineer, Libraries (Python/JS/React) (Full-Time, Remote in Canada)

If interested, apply here -

0 replies
6h29m | Senior Product Engineer | Remote | Full-time | Europe

Hey there!

Meet! We’re a fun and dynamic startup shaking up the influencer marketing industry. Our goal? To help brands and creators create awesome connections with their target audiences using data-driven influencer marketing magic. With our super cool tech and savvy data analysis, we’re giving our clients the insights and tools they need to knock their marketing campaigns out of the park!

Who are we looking for? We’re on the hunt for passionate Senior Product Engineers who love working with AWS, Vue, NodeJS, Typescript and a passion for product. If you’re all about remote work, and can’t wait to make a real impact, we’d love to chat!

Interview Process? Say goodbye to pineapple tree sorting and Leetcode-style tasks! Our interviews are all about practical challenges and real-world scenarios, so you can show off your skills in the most relevant way possible.

What’s the salary range and how can I apply? Curious about the salary and job details? You can find all the info including the application link right here: **

Come join the family and let’s revolutionize the influencer marketing industry together!

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SpotHero | ONSITE (Hybrid-schedule) in Chicago or Toronto | Full Time

SpotHero is the leading marketplace for parking reservations. We help drivers easily reserve parking for commuting, events, or any reason they are out and about.

We have multiple open roles!

We're hiring for:

- Multiple backend engineering roles in Python/Django/Postgres and/or JVM language/Postgres

- A Data Engineering role - data modeling / pipelines / infrastructure

- And (about to be posted) Senior Machine Learning Engineer

We prefer to hire in our hub cities for locality but our approach to onsite is flexibility first and most of our time is WFH. Feel free to apply online or reach out to me at tom dot janofsky at spothero dot com.

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National Security Agency | | High Performance Computing | Maryland (ONSITE) | full-time

We are seeking C++ developers with HPC experience. You'd collaborate with a team of Physicists, Computer Scientists, Mathematicians, and Engineers who investigate advanced computing technologies related to National Security. We rely on Linux and open source software.

Research Scientist / Computer Systems Researcher |

Design Engineer for High Performance Computing |

Computer Systems Architect |

Software Engineer |

Applying for a security clearance is part of our hiring process, so applicants must be US citizens. (Dual citizens may be accepted, based on the country.)

NSA offers a healthy work-life balance -- work less than 40 hours per week, and you can't take your work home with you.

NSA reimburses your relocation costs to Maryland. Flexible hours, paid vacation, paid sick leave, federal holidays off, health insurance, and many other benefits included.

For additional questions email If you're not sure whether NSA would be a good fit, recruiters at that email address can connect you with technical staff to discuss what the work environment is like.

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Spider Strategies | Senior Java/Web Developer | REMOTE (USA) | Full-time, 4-day work week (8-hour days) |

Spider Strategies is seeking passionate full stack engineers to join our rapidly growing team. We’re the creators of Spider Impact, the leading Balanced Scorecard software in the market. As we expand into the broader business intelligence market and AI, we're looking for talented individuals to help take our company to the next level.

We believe in the importance of work-life balance, which is why we offer a 4-day work week with 8-hour days. This encourages our developers to enjoy full lives outside of work, and allows them to tackle challenging problems with clear heads when they’re on the clock.

Requirements: Java and/or Kotlin (3+ years), JavaScript (3+ years), Test-driven development, SQL, HTML

Our Tech Stack: Our application uses Java and Kotlin to connect a relational database backend to a modern web frontend. We're looking for a full stack developer who can code a complete feature spanning the entire application stack. Don't worry if CSS isn't your strong suit - we have some CSS experts in-house who've got you covered.

Code Quality and Developer Productivity: With 20 years of experience developing our flagship software, we understand the importance of writing code that stands the test of time. We place a big emphasis on code quality, developer productivity, and test-driven development. This includes writing simple software that is easy to understand and maintain. By focusing on simplicity, we ensure that our codebase is more reliable, easier to debug, and can be efficiently extended and adapted as our business grows. You'll be expected to be familiar with industry best practices and participate in code reviews to maintain our high standards of code quality.

To help you stay productive, we provide top-of-the-line equipment, minimize unnecessary meetings and ceremonies, and allow you to work without interruption from the comfort of your home.

You can find more details and apply for the job at

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UW Laboratory Medicine | ONSITE (Seattle, WA) or REMOTE (US-based only) | Full-Time |

Our department maintains all clinical testing and laboratory operations at the UW Medical Center, from sample collection to analysis and final reporting. We employ over 1200 people and handle 30 million tests each year. In parallel, we research, develop and operationalize novel diagnostics in genomics, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry and automated imaging.

Currently recruiting for:

* Bioinformatics developer * within our NGS analytics team and laboratory. We're looking for someone to develop and operationalize our NGS data processing pipelines, build out our operational tools/databases/systems, as well as investigate new opportunities in a translational in long-read sequencing and cell-free DNA sequencing. Experience with bioinformatics tools, annotation databases, common bioinformatics file formats highly valued. You will be working in a team of 5+ bioinformatics developers, and interacting closely with a full-stack engineering team, laboratory staff and directors.

If this sounds interesting please reach out at nkrumm@gmail with a resume. I will do my best to get back to you.

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20h8m | Software & Data Engineering | Hybrid (Boston/Somerville MA)

At Matterworks we are building AI tools to extract insights from the ever-growing corpora of biological data and to unlock opportunities in therapeutic discovery, development, and manufacturing. We are building large-scale deep learning models of biological data to predict the phenotype and behavior of biological systems.

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack -

Senior Data Engineer -

0 replies

MAAT | Full-Time | Product Design/UX Research | Remote (EU only)

We are building the biggest and more connected space for sports communities online starting from the BJJ community. We list more then 25k members as of today and we are growing very fast!

We are looking for a person that can help us design the best experience for our customers and that is willing to challenge the status quo on gym management softwares while also have a good understanding of gamificaton and community building practices to skyrocket the B2C side of our business!

Reach me out at and we can have a chat!

Human check: Tell me a fun fact about you in your intro email and never ever call me "Hiring Manager" it's just lame

0 replies
1d1h || Founding Software Engineer || In-Office (London) || Full-time || 60k - 90k GBP

Full job description available here:

Hi! I'm Boris, technical co-founder at

We're building an AI recruiter, that helps companies automate the repetitive parts of recruitment, and helps candidates with the repetitive parts of applying for a job.

As a founding engineer, you’re a key member of the founding team.

Your main responsibility is building a great product experience for our customers, pushing the bleeding edge of agent-based LLM applications.

Your work will involve mostly full-stack (web) work and anything related to LLMs: prompt-engineering, vector databases etc.


- 4-6y experience as a full stack developer at a tech company - Recent experience at an early or growth stage startup - You have experience with React / Next, NodeJS and SQL (Postgres) - You’re end-to-end, e.g. have experience with building features spanning the frontend, backend and infrastructure - You have a track record that shows ambition and excellence. You’ve worked on hard problems successfully. - Your work is very important to you. You’re willing to work hard and are looking to be part of a team of top performers with the same attitude. - You’re proud to share cool side project(s)


Please apply through this url:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to

0 replies
1d1h | Remote (NYC/Riyadh/Global) | Full-time / Part-time | Fullstack Engineer is building fintech tools for Saudi Arabia / GCC. We are building a suite of products to make credit providers, investors and fintechs as efficient as possible.

We are early and a small team but are growing rapidly. Even if you are not ready to jump into a new role we are always happy to chat. Tech in KSA is growing rapidly and we feel like we are on the cusp of hypergrowth in an extremely exciting market.

Please reach out at:

nasr [AT]

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22h39m | Vancouver Canada or SF | Full-time | ONSITE | Founding Frontend/UX Engineer

AgentHub's a platform for automating complex tasks with AI via a drag and drop interface.

We're a team of 2 founders currently and just finished the YC W24 batch. We've grown from 0 to 10s of thousands in monthly revenue in the past 4 months and want someone to join us and help lead frontend dev/help improve overall platform UX.

Job posting:

We think we can raise a series A and seriously scale with a small handful of people, just looking for the right ones!

Techstack for frontend: React, Typescript, Tailwindcss, Redux

Email us at or apply via that job posting link.

0 replies

Seen Finance | | Multiple Roles | Full time | Berlin | Hybrid on-site

At Seen, we believe that everyone deserves a fair opportunity to (re)build their credit. We understand how tough it can be to qualify for a credit card when your credit score isn't where you want it to be.

Seen is a new fintech company, started in 2023 following the acquisition of Sable (YC S19) by Snap Finance. We've recently launched a credit card in the US for people with less than ideal credit. We plan to offer other exciting credit products in the future.

It's a great time to join as the team is small (10 engineers) and we're growing fast. We're a startup but we're also lucky to have the financial support and customer base from our parent company.

We're hiring in Berlin for:

* VP of Analytics

* Senior Software Engineer

* Staff Software Engineer

Our software is written in Typescript. We use React and React Native. Our data stack uses dbt, Python and BigQuery.

Salary range: €80K - €140K

If you're interested, just email us your resume or LinkedIn page:

0 replies

E2B | | Multiple roles | San Francisco, CA | Full-time | In-person

E2B is building a secure open-source runtime that will power next billion of AI apps & agents.

We found an early traction with making it easy for developers to add [code interpreting]( to their AI apps with our SDK built on top of our [agentic runtime]( We have paying customers from seed to enterprise companies.

We're hiring:

- Frontend/Product Engineer

- Infrastructure Engineer

Check the roles here

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Intrinsic | ONSITE - San Francisco | Full Time | Backend Engineer

Intrinsic is building AI-powered safety tools for Trust & Safety teams to protect users across the internet.

We are seeking backend engineers that have an interest in solving solving highly adversarial problems with real-time systems and data, as we blend AI agents with the data they need to keep online platforms safe.

You'll be responsible for:

* Building core API infrastructure for interfacing with AI systems

* Working across our entire tech stack from our backend services to frontend

* Managing and scaling real-time Infrastructure that currently warehouses of events and signals

* Work on our backtesting and simulation infrastructure to re-play historical attacks and abuse patterns

Apply here:

0 replies

Senior ML Engineer | Ping Data Intelligence | ONSITE (Miami) or REMOTE | Full-Time |

Ping Data Intelligence is a dynamic, three-year-old startup in Miami, FL, revolutionizing the property insurance sector with advanced machine learning technologies. Despite rapid growth, we retain the stability of a self-funded, profitable company.

Role Overview:

As a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Ping, you will enhance and develop the core ML systems that handle data extraction from noisy, semi-structured documents. You will work with extensive datasets and have the freedom to acquire additional data or annotations. This position empowers you to influence the future of our ML operations.


Lead the creation and optimization of ML systems for extracting data from multimodal documents. Oversee projects from inception through deployment, including identifying opportunities, gathering data, conducting experiments, and managing production rollouts. You'll have the flexibility to select the most effective tools, whether they are large language models or classical data processing methods.


Minimum 2 years of experience in machine learning, with a track record of deploying ML models to production. Advanced degree in a related field such as computer science or machine learning, or equivalent practical experience.

Tech Stack: Pytorch, Transformers, Label Studio, Terraform/AWS, Python/Django/DRF, React/Redux/Typescript, Kubernetes/ECS, Redis, PostgreSQL.

Why Join Ping:

Be among the first to influence the ML team's direction and the broader engineering culture at Ping. Work with a top-tier team of insurance and tech veterans in a market where Ping is poised for significant impact. Please apply at

0 replies

Hypertune ( | ONSITE (London) | Senior Full Stack Engineer

We're building the most flexible and developer-friendly platform for feature flags, A/B testing, analytics and app configuration. See for more details.

At the core of Hypertune is a visual, functional, statically-typed programming language with first-class citizens for analytics, A/B testing and machine learning “loops”.

Our UI lets users define their configuration logic in this language and our SDKs act as interpreters, evaluating the logic locally with zero network latency.

As a senior full stack engineer, you'll work mainly in TypeScript and React.

If you're interested, please email miraan at hypertune dot com with your LinkedIn, CV or a link to a project you've built!

0 replies

Discord | Remote (US) | Senior Software Engineer, Persistence Infrastructure | Full-time

The Persistence Infrastructure team develops and operates Discord’s real-time datastore systems that serve the data of Discord's 150M+ monthly active users—including over a trillion messages! We work across multiple systems areas: databases, disk storage and Rust-based data access services. We're a small team whose work has a huge impact on our organization's success and ability to grow.

Apply here:

0 replies

Superhuman | React.js, Node.js, Electron, Swift, Kotlin, Golang, GCP | Fully remote, Full-time | US, Canada, Mexico

We’re building the fastest experience in the world for work email, team communication, and productivity platform of the future. (

We’ve built the fastest email experience in the world, and soon-to-be team communication and collaboration so professionals end each day feeling happier, more productive, and closer to achieving their potential. There are estimated to be a billion professionals that spend 2-3 hours a day in email and they deserve superpowers. Teams have adopted us at Spotify, Netflix, Airbnb, Notion, Dropbox etc.

Hiring for:

Senior Software Engineer

Product Marketing Manager

Apply at:

0 replies

Fabric Health - recently landed our Series A ($60M) - multiple years of financial runway

Site Reliability Engineers (Remote US) - Kubernetes / Terraform, building secure and scalable infra and tooling | Ideally Computer Science track, not IT/SysAd track

Staff Backend/Fullstack (Hybrid NYC) strong Python or Node required | Must have at least 7 years of software engineering experience| MongoDB is a plus

Rather than Patients and Providers struggling with fragmented experiences and antiquated tech/processes, Fabric delivers a seamless approach to care delivery through a hybrid end-to-end experience (from onset across navigation, intake, triage, treatment, and workflow automation and beyond). We are already live with ~70 healthcare systems and growing a ton!

Fabric offers competitive base / bonus / equity, excellent benefits as well Fabric has at least 3-4 years of financial runway (just received a $60M Series A led by General Catalyst / Google Ventures / Thrive Capital) *Fabric has an excellent engineering-first culture and is led by a team of medical experts leaning on great software engineering practices to build the best systems for everyone touching healthcare systems

About Us:

If Interested, please email mike (dot) hauschild (at) and you can apply as well (but email is preferred so I can flag who comes from this site as a source)

0 replies

Tulip | | Boston, MA, Munich, Germany, and Budapest, Hungary | Full time | Onsite

Tulip is transforming manufacturing. Our customers use Tulip to create apps without code and to connect their apps to machines, sensors and smart tools. Each process is different, and every shop floor is filled with exciting challenges, technological and otherwise. Tulip’s no-code app editor lets customers build custom apps to their specific use case. You’ll contribute to software used to make gigantic CNC mills, high-end pharmaceuticals, jewelry, PCBs, and more.

Our team prizes intellectual generosity, collaboration, and deep ownership. We appreciate teammates from different backgrounds and experiences, and in particular we are looking to bring folks in on:

Head of Product Management: lead the Tulip Product Management team and work across product and engineering to identify areas of growth and scale for our existing products and beyond

Analytics, Team Lead: lead and grow a team owning the interface used to collect, analyze and build data dashboards with high fidelity and contextualization

Build, UI Lead: translate design systems to code, partnering with both sides of the product-engineering coin to steer our frontend guild

DevX, Engineer: make it easier for developers to write better code faster, by creating the tooling they wish they had time to write

Apply at or email us at “jobs [at] tulip [dot] co” if you want to learn more

0 replies

Taxdoo | Staff Software Engineer & Staff Cloud Platform Engineer | Hamburg, Germany (or remote EU) | Full Time

We at Taxdoo build the gold standard of automated VAT and accounting for online merchants. Taxes you say? I know, sounds boring, but think again! How about this:

An almost entirely AWS Serverless-based (=no on-call) application, React-based frontend of course, tons of data and number crunching, a highly complex problem domain that by nature changes every couple of years (well, that's the law for you) and always keeps us on our toes, high need for producing rock solid, secure software (we're working with money here!), and much more …

On top of that a great team (engineering alone is 35+ people) and culture, a company that is well established on the market but still feels like a nimble startup, lots of possibilities, and all the toys you need to produce amazing software: MacBooks, GitLab, Jira, IntelliJ, AWS, GraphQL, Go / Java / NodeJS, 10% innovation time, …

Do check us out:

0 replies

CrazyGames | | REMOTE | Full-time | Senior Frontend Engineer

With recent technologies such as WebGPU and WebAssembly, the browser is quickly becoming a powerful gaming platform. High-quality 3D graphics and near-native level performance are becoming possible without the need for downloads, apps, or platform-specific development. Our browser games platform is already reaching more than 30 million people per month. We are self-funded, profitable, remote-first, and fast-growing. We are currently looking for a Senior Frontend Engineer to build our product together with a small elite engineering team and a world-class designer:


0 replies

Madwell | NYC (Brooklyn) | Hybrid (3 days onsite) | Elixir Developer | $130k - $200k

We're building a new ad agency reporting platform and we need someone to lead development of this project. You will make pivotal decisions about backend systems, such as authentication, search relevance, personalization, and API design.

Email is in my bio for any questions.

0 replies

Rectangle | Software engineer | Full-time | Chicago USA | Onsite |

The global supply chain has a collaboration problem. It's a mess of TMSs, ERPs, WhatsApp, emails, and spreadsheets. For the last 50 years, it's been solved with brittle EDI integrations to bridge walled gardens. We're taking a different approach. We aim to reshape how the supply chain collaborates and as a result redefine how trillions of dollars of goods get moved around the world.

If you're interested in learning more, send us an email at

0 replies

Akkio | Fully Remote | Full-time | Senior Backend Engineers | $150k-$200k + equity Use Akkio to build and deploy AutoML pipelines, using Generative AI for your data exploration and cleansing.

We're looking for solid and enthusiastic backend engineers to help us build and scale our data platform. Python, Pandas, PyTorch, Celery, Spark, AWS & GCP.

Must be a US citizen.

Apply here for levels 5+ years:

0 replies

Keeper (YC W19) | Full Stack Engineer | | Full-time | REMOTE

I'm Matt, CTO at Keeper. I'm hiring mission-driven product engineers who want to help freelancers with their taxes.

Taxes are a perennial, stressful problem. The IRS treats freelancers as businesses, meaning there is a lot of opportunity for business deductions, but also a lot of complexity that would normally be handled by an accountant. Our mission is to provide a human-in-the-loop AI system that provides the quality of an accountant at the cost of self-serve software.

Apply at:

0 replies

Materialize Labs ( | Product Manager | Remote | Full-time | $100-130k USD

At Materialize, we craft bespoke digital products, from UI/UX design to technical development. We're on the hunt for a Product Manager to oversee product development for our variety of clients, spanning web, mobile, and AI application development.

Ideal candidates have managed software products at fast-paced environments such as software development firms or startups. Ability to manage multiple projects at a time, utilize Jira, work directly with clients, scope new projects, oversee offshore engineers and QA testers, and manage resources responsibly are the core principles of the role.

With a global, remote team, you'll have flexible hours and the chance to make a significant impact. Send your application to

0 replies

Happy Scribe | Engineer, Designer, ML | Onsite & Hybrid (Barcelona, Spain) | Full-time

Hi there, Happy Scribe founder here. At Happy Scribe we think audio & video should be universally accessible. Today’s state of the art is agencies doing everything manually. We want to scale high-quality subtitles & dubbing with a multi-player editing experience that combines sota ai with a global marketplace of proofreaders. Being product-led we have the datasets needed to get there. It’s the Tesla autopilot play in the language service industry. If we succeed we’ll live in a world where everyone can consume any content in their native language without quality loss.

A team of 5 engineers and 0$ vc money built the product, used by +350k/mo people with high 7-digit revenue. We inhabit a beautiful 4-story designer office in the Gràcia neighbourhood.

Here is our careers page We sponsor visas.

We hire only builders and kind people :)

Email me directly at “”


0 replies

Eight Sleep | REMOTE (US time zones) | ML Data Engineer | Full-time | $140-160k

We're hiring a ML Data Engineer on Eight Sleep's machine learning team! The Eight Sleep Pod is an incredibly cool product to work on if you're interested in health sensors and physiological signals. It's like a wearable health trackers but without the power, bandwidth, and adherence constraints. We have over 10 PB of longitudinal physiological data - come help us use this dataset to build machine learning systems that improve sleep fitness and detect latent health issues!

If you're interested and want more details, please get in touch, or apply directly here:

0 replies

Akvelon | | Senior C Software Development Engineer (Linux Kernel) | Remote | Preferred from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Poland, Serbia, India (can be considered)

Requirements: – Extensive experience with C programming language – At least 3 years of VMware ESXi, Linux, or BSD kernel development experience – Experience in developing Kernel network device driver on VMware ESXi with NDDK – Knowledge of the internal structure of the Linux Kernel – Knowledge of VMware ESXi environment and device driver certification experience – Experience in debugging the kernel crashes using kernel debugger and/or other methods – Fluent in oral and written English

Please feel free to reach me via Linkedin ( or email (

We also provide bonuses for recommendations, just fill in the form

0 replies

Rune Labs | REMOTE - US, Canada | iOS Engineer | Full-time

We're building a platform to help people with Parkinson's and their clinicians better manage their disease (the buzzword is "Precision Neurology"). We're hiring for our Patient-facing iOS app.

Our tech stack: React web apps; Python / Golang backend; Swift / SwiftUI on mobile

Our workplace: Pay transparency; Work-life balance; Remote with a small office in SF (though most of the dev team is outside of SF).


* iOS Engineer

- Mid-level: $150,000 - $165,000 (US); CAN$140,000 - CAN$160,000 (CA)

- Senior: $175,000 - $185,000 (US); CAN$175,000 - CAN$195,000 (CA)

Apply here: Learn more here:

Keywords: Healthtech, Healthcare, Medtech, Neurology, Neuroscience, Biotech

0 replies

SRLabs | Security Engineer | Berlin, DE | Full Time

Our security team is growing across offices, and we are looking for Security Engineers that are knowledgeable in blockchain security, application security, and vulnerabilities.

Here are a few things that you will be doing:

- Review systems to secure digital assets (e.g. cryptocurrency) from attackers

- Analyze and present results to team member and clients

- Work closely with security engineers and development teams in IT security projects

- Participate in hacking exercises, and conduct developer trainings

- Code review of blockchain implementations

Take a look at the job description:

Take a look at our research blog:

0 replies

Graphistry / Louie.AI | MULTIPLE: Principal Security Researcher / Senior Security Sales Engineer | US+REMOTE | FULL-TIME + CONTRACT |

Graphistry is a Gartner-awarded visual graph AI startup used by enterprise, tech, & government teams around the world for data-intensive investigations into digital attacks, fraud, supply chains, misinformation, and more. Originally spinning out of UC Berkeley, we are known for large-scale visualizations that connect GPUs in the cloud to GPUs in the browsers, and helped start the popular data science technologies of what is now Apache Arrow and Nvidia RAPIDS. The last few years have marked year-over-year revenue multiples & team growth entirely on customer revenue growth, no VC needed. We're still small and launching Louie.AI, so it's an exciting & impactful time!

We recently launched our genAI-first rethinking of the data-intensive investigation experience. Our analytics environment spans genAI notebooks, AI dashboarding, automation, & APIs, and help analysts work individually and in teams in a highly interactive, collaborative, and continuously improving system of intelligence. Louie helps teams generate and manage queries, GPU visual analytics, cases, knowledge, & data science flows. As Louie learns from the interactions, Louie grows from being the helpful copilot for investigations to being the intelligent pipelines powering their automations.

OPPORTUNITY: Cybersecurity (US, Full-time): Principal researcher / architect / senior SE to work with our community and top customers like top gov agencies, banks, etc in bringing generative AI to their investigation practices. You'll partner directly with our CEO, head of AI, head of technical sales, partners like Nvidia & Amazon, and our community to make this happen. Hands-on field-facing, doing special projects and supporting pre/post sales. This role can go in multiple directions, such as starting & leading multimillion dollar security AI projects, going deeper into broader intelligence & crime areas, focusing on areas like Splunk integrations, and devrel/community. Due to government interest, S/TS clearance is helpful, as is experience in FYES, and DC-based or able to travel -- we can assist here. We welcome alternative backgrounds, such as coming out of a SOC at Tier 2 / 3 levels, and being engaged in blue team community & OSS. You should be excited by ideas like genAI, graphs, GPUs, and understand needs around areas like security data lakes, EDR, SOAR, and case management.

For info and how to contact, see

0 replies

Vivodyne | Senior Software Engineer (Front-End) | Remote U.S.

Vivodyne is a pre-series-A startup spun off from U. Penn. You'll be working on the web interface that scientists use to define studies that our robots will then perform by culturing, treating, and imaging human organoid tissues.

0 replies

Alembic | San Francisco, United States | Full-time | In-Office/Hybrid

Alembic applies cutting-edge algorithms and composite AI solutions to provide a new approach for marketing data analytics. Unlike tools that only provide correlation, only Alembic provides true causation, giving organizations across sector and industry the ability to quantify the value of every marketing activity and maximize future marketing investments. We’re backed by leading tech luminaries and innovators including WndrCo, founded by DreamWorks founder Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jensen Huang, Joe Montana, and many more.

Alembic is hiring engineers across the team - Backend, Devops, AI Science, Applied AI, Full Stack.

Job postings >

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Lanai | Founding Engineers (Backend, Full-stack, Data/Machine Learning)| Full-time | San Francisco Bay Area (2 days in-office) | AI has the potential to change how we do our work forever - but with anything new comes unforeseen challenges. Our goal at Lanai (“Lean into AI”) is to ensure that every company is protected against AI risks as they take advantage of new technology to reach their full potential. Lanai surfaces usage of Generative AI by employees, identifies the best apps and models for each use case, and protects against sensitive data loss. As AI grows, so will we - we’re just getting started.

Lanai was founded in early 2023 by Steve Herrod (former CTO of VMware) and the talented team at Juxtapose. We’ve raised significant capital (more to share soon!) and are officially hiring for our engineering team. We’re an AI-first company, and are looking for team members who are excited to harness the best of AI to help us build a product and culture where our team and customers can work on the leading edge. We’re leveraging the most modern development tools and practices to ensure a productive and fun environment where everyone is inspired to do their best work. We are working with a modern, cloud-native stack with a focus on AWS, EKS, ReactJS, NestJS, GraphQL, Postgres, Hashicorp Vault, Python, Golang, and AWS Sagemaker.

Apply now:

0 replies
1d | San Francisco, Ca, USA | Hybrid/Onsite | Full Time

About Cambly: Our mission is to bring high-quality English education to every English learner in the world. We're working on giving talented English tutors AI superpowers to change the lives of their learners. Come help us build the world's best English language school.

We are hiring: Sr. Frontend Engineer Engineering Manager Staff Platform Engineer Staff Backend Engineer Staff Android Engineer Sr. iOS

Life @ Cambly includes:

-Hybrid First Company (M, T, Th)

-Catered Lunches

-100% of Medical, Dental, and Vision paid along with matching 401k

-Maternity and Paternity Paid Leave

-20 days of true, unbothered PTO

-End-of-year shutdown

-Family-friendly environment with amazing WLB and Culture

-Helping others around the world unlock economic opportunities by learning English

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1d | 100% Remote | Full-time & Part-time Cultivating bootstrapped, non-corporate environment

We are the company famous for "requesting" a desktop screenshot when applying for a job, which earned us a lot of attention and criticism, even though the input field for the unimaginable sinful experiment was never a required one.

We are also known that we hire slow, especially since we look for a unique blend of multiple tech such as Rust, Go, Elixir (not necessarily exactly all in one), that caused some of the more suspicious members to think we are a recruiting agency looking for American talent to bring them to Europe. Which of course is not the case, and we deeply apologize to anyone who might find such slow and broad hiring offensive.

Another observation they will often do to derive certain assumptions that do not match the established way of "silicon valley" prescription is they will go on Linkedin to check for everyone who works for the company without knowing that there also exist people who don't really take Linkedin seriously, and don't have the need to update it in the first day they start working at Google.

Nevertheless, we appreciate the readers who undertake the efforts here and appreciate when people do something "outside of the established book of prescription", so we would like to preserve this culture in our humble organization.

Nightwatch is helping companies understand their visibility on search engines and within LLM models.

We value freedom, autonomy, ownership, the attitude.

Product Manager

Engineering Lead

Head of Marketing

Back-end Developer (Go, Elixir) * we removed rust from the list

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Canvas (The Spatial Computing Company) | Engineering | Full-Time | Remote

Apply Here >>>

At Canvas, we’re working on spatial computing - using computer vision to 3D reconstruct and understand your surroundings so that software can operate over real-world spaces. We believe it will power the next generation of augmented reality and some of the key parts of virtual reality as well.

   * Senior Web Backend Engineer (Python) - Remote Europe
   * Web Backend Engineer (Python) - Remote Europe
[Keywords: 3D, computer vision, CV, photogrammetry, geomatics, SLAM, Python, full-time, remote]

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1d1h | Senior Product / Backend Engineer | Full-time | EU | Remote

We're building the best professional web design platform and are solving lots of interesting engineering problems:

- Freeform collaborative dom based canvas

- Direct manipulation tools and responsive layout features

- PWA building and SSR generation for sub second deployments based on React and ESModules

- World class global hosting platform with ddos protection

- Advanced website optimizations that leverage canvas to delivery

- CMS, Analytics, translation, accessibility and other marketing features

We're a small talented team that's focused on shipping and we're growing very quickly.


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BillionToOne | Menlo Park, CA; hybrid or remote (US only) | Full-time

BillionToOne (YC S17) is ranked at the top 5% of Y Combinator companies with $300M+ in funding from top VC firms. We have developed a DNA molecular counter that increases cfDNA diagnostic resolution by over 1,000x. Our first product, Unity, is the first and only non-invasive prenatal test that can directly screen an unborn baby and assess its risk for: common and severe recessive gene disorders; chromosomal abnormalities; fetal sex; and fetal antigens from a single tube of blood from the pregnant mother. This greatly improves the quality of care and is on its path to becoming the next standard-of-care.

Our software stack includes Python/Django, React/Typescript, Terraform, AWS, and many other standard tools. We're a small, but nimble software team that prioritizes rapid iteration and continuous feedback to evolve our product. As a biotech company, we inherently need to always work cross functionally. If you enjoy this style of work, please reach out!

We're hiring software engineers, a director of bioinformatics, and many other roles. You can email me directly at with your resume or apply through the links below.

- Senior Software Engineer, Digital Experiences:

- Director of Bioinformatics, Prenatal:

- Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, Prenatal:

You can view all open roles on our careers page:

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Kensho Technologies | Engineers across the stack | Full-time/Hybrid| (Cambridge/Boston)/NYC

At Kensho, we leverage S&P Global’s world-class data to research, develop, and implement leading AI and machine learning capabilities that drive fact-based, objective decision making. From deep learning speech recognition and transcription to advanced visualizations, entity recognition, state-of-the-art search, and an AI-driven research platform, the Kensho team brings actionable insight and order to complex data. Our products power S&P Global and deliver innovative solutions and capabilities to their clients.

Founded in 2013, Kensho is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts with an office in New York City. In 2018, S&P Global acquired Kensho for $550M, the largest AI acquisition in history to date.

We are currently looking for a • Senior Backend Software Engineer • ML Engineer • Senior ML Engineer and more!

To see all open positions visit

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Collaborative Drug Discovery | Engineering | Remote | Full-time

We provide a hosted scientific data management system that helps researchers organize, collaborate, and make discoveries faster. Our customers include pharmas, biotechs, and academic labs. We are profitable, loved by our customers[1], and growing.

Experience in biology or chemistry is a plus but by no means required. Our team is small enough that you will have a big impact, but established enough to foster strong engineering practices. We are hiring remote candidates from the US and Canada.


Software Engineer: DevOps/Platform Engineer:

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Labviva is looking to add to our engineering team....

Labviva is building a AI-powered digital purchasing platform for the Life Science industry; helping to accelerate the pace of life science research.

-Boston Based company, Hybrid workplace

Engineering Manager :

Staff/Senior Fullstack engineer :

reach out to kbishop[at]labviva[dot]com

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Espresso AI | | Founding Engineer | NYC Onsite| Full-Time Espresso AI is hiring founding engineers to automate performance engineering, starting with Snowflake data warehouses. Our team worked on ML and performance engineering in Google Search and Google Cloud, and we're applying our expertise to build the world's first neural optimizer.

We're well-funded with paying users, but early enough for you to have significant ownership and impact. Reach out to me directly:

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Imbue | Machine Learning Engineer | Remote or San Francisco | Full-time

Imbue builds AI systems that reason and code, enabling AI agents to accomplish larger goals and safely work in the real world. We train our own foundation models optimized for reasoning and prototype agents on top of these models. By using these agents extensively, we gain insights into improving both the capabilities of the underlying models and the interaction design for agents.

We aim to rekindle the dream of the personal computer, where computers become truly intelligent tools that empower us, giving us freedom, dignity, and agency to pursue the things we love.

For more example projects and benefits, see the full job description:

Please apply through the website above. All submissions are reviewed by a real person!

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Kanary | Seattle, WA | Onsite or remote (US-Only) | Senior full-stack or backend engineer | Contract or full-time | Python, JS, Go

Help people protect their safety and privacy. Build automations and train LLMs to respond to threats and proactively secure personal information online.

We are…

* Scaling up in response to the increasing number of doxxing and harassment incidents on and off social media platforms.

* A team of 5. We have a culture of radical ownership, zoom show & tells, and quarterly in-person off-sites.

* Building new products so that Kanary is fully automated and right at your finger tips.

* Profitable and growing fast. Proud to be backed by YC and, and now funded by our customers.


Contact me: rachel[at]kanary[dot]com (I’m the founder)

P.S. I’d love to hear from designers, front end devs, and marketers who are passionate about our mission. If that’s you or someone you admire, reach out.

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Rescale Supply || Software Engineer || REMOTE (USA only) || Full-time || ~$140k

The world of CPG and food manufacturing is both fascinating and complex. Today, when a new food brand starts to take off (think “startup” but for something like a hot sauce), they spend 12-18 months establishing a partnership with a manufacturer to produce their product at scale. The pain point is so high, they typically pay consultants $60k to solve the problem. Our cofounder (former Dir of Ops @ Trader Joes) did this as a consultant and now we are turning her expertise into software. We are building a mix of a marketplace + Turbotax style functionality to bring automation and scalability to the industry. With great traction and paying customers, we just closed a $2M seed round.

We are now ready and excited to bring on our first engineer. As part of an early-stage company, you’ll have real and tangible impact on the business and our users. Along with our CTO, you will write code and ship product to a growing number of paying customers. We prioritize a developer-friendly environment by being remote first, having low infrastructure/configuration overhead, autonomy in your work, and getting rid of webpack. As with any startup, product requirements and direction can change. And we strive to always provide clarity around “what did we learn” + “how that changes our thinking”. We feel the added transparency and sense of ownership results in keeping us closer to our customers and delivers a better end product.


Ideal requirements

  * A love for Ruby on Rails
  * Rspec or Minitest
  * View Components
  * Tailwind
  * Hotwire (Turbo & Stimulus)
  * Postgres
  * Bonus: payments integration experience (like Stripe), accounting systems integration (like Quickbooks), or fintech experience (like lending)
We have a fully remote team and culture, including: home office setup stipend and optional bi-weekly in-person (Boston area) working days for local candidates.

Working at Rescale will just be a job, but we want it to be the best job you ever have. If you are excited to make real impact on a growing business, we’d love to chat with you.


Apply here ( Email in profile if you have any questions.

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Aha! ( | Rails / React / Devops | REMOTE

Aha! is the #1 tool for product managers to plan strategy and roadmaps. We serve more than a million users worldwide. We are looking for:

* Javascript and geometry expert? Help us build our HTML canvas based whiteboard & mockup tool.

* Experienced full-stack, front end and platform engineers to work on the Aha! product. Our application is built in Ruby on Rails, with React on the frontend for rich client-side experiences.

* Devops engineers with Ruby experience. We focus on the "dev" and all of our operations driven by code.

Aha! is profitable, you can work from anywhere in North or South America, and we offer excellent benefits. We use our own product to manage our work (which is especially rewarding) and we deploy continuously.

Our entire team has always been 100% remote - in North American timezones so we can collaborate during the work day.

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SmarterDx | 150-230k + equity + benefits | Remote (US only) | Multiple roles |

We are an early stage health tech company using AI to improve hospital revenue cycle (making healthcare costs lower and allowing doctors to focus on patient care). The team is small but high functioning (MD + data scientist combos, former ASF board member, Google and Amazon engineers, Stanford LLM researchers, etc.) and initially scaled the company to $1MM+ in contracted revenue without raising capital.

We have been backed by top investors including Floodgate (Lyft, Twitch, Twitter), Bessemer, and are currently on pace to 30X in revenue over a two-year time period.

We are looking for:

- Staff SWE

- Solutions Engineers

- Marketing (Digital and Content)

- Sales

- IT Support/Ops

We have PMF, and it's time to scale! For more, see

You can also email us at hiring at smarterdx dot com

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Charge Robotics | Senior Mechanical Engineer | Full-time | Onsite | SF Bay Area

Hi HN! We’re a YC-backed startup building robots that build large-scale solar farms. We just got back from the first commercial deployment of our system on a real-world solar construction site.

Check out a video of our system here!

It turns out that construction companies literally can't build solar fast enough, so what we're doing is a crucial part of switching the grid over to renewable generation. We're looking to bring another talented mechanical engineer onto our small team.

You’ll be a key contributor, helping bring our next generation of mobile solar factory to life.

Come work with us if you love:

* Fast-paced prototype development with software and hardware components

* Making a positive climate impact through your work

* Hacking on massive construction equipment!

Apply here:

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Better Stack | | /^(Full-?stack|Frontend) Engineer$/i | EU or remote in UTC ± 3h

We are software builders at :heart:

CEO is a software engineer, COO is a software engineer and you guessed it; CTO is an engineer, too. We're helping developers in building a better internet. If you love building amazing software, you're at the right address.

How we operate:

apply at

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Hightouch |Remote (North America)|Full-time | Backend Engineers

Some background on Hightouch - our mission is to help companies leverage their customer data to grow. We started with the problem of “Reverse ETL” or helping companies sync data from their data warehouse (e.g. Snowflake, Databricks, etc.) to 200+ SaaS tools (Salesforce, Marketo, Facebook Ads, etc.) without coding. Since then, we’ve evolved into a suite of tools around the warehouse (identity resolution, data enrichment, event streaming, etc.). We’ve raised a Series B and scaled to $20m+ ARR in 3 years with 600+ customers including Fortune 500 co’s like Spotify, the NBA, PetSmart, etc.

We are hiring for:

Software Engineer, Backend (Customer Studio):

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Touchpoint | Senior Typescript/PHP | Full-time | Remote USA

Touchpoint is transforming the restaurant industry for brands, staff, and guests. WIth a single platform approach (in contrast to the never-ending integration hamster-wheel of the incumbents) Touchpoint delivers value at every interaction. Included natively in our platform are an in-store POS, mobile ordering app, gift card and payment processing, the most successful loyalty system in the industry, direct marketing, data analytics, and business intelligence.

Our backend primarily utilizes PHP, complemented by C and Python, and operates on FreeBSD, although some ETL servers are containerized on Linux. Our frontend clients, compatible across platforms, are developed in TypeScript with the Quasar/Vue framework. We leverage cutting-edge technologies including ClickHouse, AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, SQS, most of which is deployed/orchestrated by SST/CDK. We’re on the lookout for detail-oriented developers eager to join our team as we continue to grow through innovation and maturation of our platform, services, and products. Our streamlined company structure ensures every team member's work directly influences our platform, underscoring the importance of each contribution. We value individuals who can quickly acclimate and start making substantial contributions in no time.

Interested in learning more about Touchpoint? Send your CV to

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Spruce | | Full Stack Developer | London/Bristol based | Hybrid (UK only) | Full Time

We’re on the hunt for a phenomenal Full Stack Developer who’s pumped to help drive the transition away from fossil fuel heating in homes.

We need to replace every gas and oil boiler with a heat pump if we’re to reach Net Zero by 2050. But the current installation process is slow, manual, and inefficient; creating a shortage of installers, driving up costs, and frustrating homeowners.

We're fixing this. We’re building an operating system for heat pump installers, helping to speed up their inefficient processes, boosting their profitability, and ultimately attracting new installers to the market.

We’re currently a team of 6, split between London and Bristol. We like to spend at least 1 day each week working together in-person.

We’ve made exceptionally quick progress over the past few months, but we’re only just scratching the surface of the opportunity ahead.

Interested? You can see more about the role here:

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Sensei Ag | | Software Engineer | Remote within US (Minneapolis, Denver, Boston preferred) | Full-time

Are you ready to harness technology for a profound environmental impact? Be a part of a pioneering movement in food production as a Software Engineer at Sensei Ag, a leader in indoor farming technology co-founded by visionaries Larry Ellison and Dr. David Agus. Our mission is not just to transform farming but to do so sustainably—optimizing indoor spaces to yield fresher, more sustainable produce year-round.

As a Software Engineer at Sensei Ag, you'll have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge projects that are changing the face of agriculture. You'll collaborate with a talented team to design and develop software solutions that optimize indoor farming practices, improve crop yields, and reduce environmental impact. With a focus on data-driven farm management, you'll be working on the forefront of innovation in sustainable farming.

If you're passionate about using technology to make a difference, and you're excited about the prospect of working on projects that are shaping the future of food production, we'd love to hear from you.

Apply now to join our team and be part of the revolution in sustainable farming:

0 replies

Gruntwork | Remote (US/Canada/Mexico/South America) | Full-time | Product Marketing Manager, Solutions Engineer, Sales Egnineer

We're on a mission to transform the way DevOps is done. The status quo for creating and managing infrastructure is still a terrible experience for most organizations, and we'd like to change that by creating a next-generation DevOps platform.

Gruntwork is globally recognized both for our open source tools (Terragrunt, Terratest, Cloud Nuke) and our thought leadership (, books). Now we're looking for the following Grunts:

- Senior Product Marketing Manager. Lead all marketing at Gruntwork, mostly product marketing and some demand generation.

- Senior DevOps Solutions Engineer. Lead customer success at Gruntwork. Activate our customers, and help support them.

- Senior Sales Engineer. Be the technical advisor to prospective customers as they evaluate Gruntwork.

More info:

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I’m the head of devrel at Trunk. We make dev tools to check your code, smooth your merges, and speed up your dev pipeline. We have several engineering roles open. Based on SF. Remote friendly. Can be outside the US but we can’t sponsor a visa.

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Stream | Multiple Positions | Amsterdam, NL and Boulder, US | Remote possible | Full Time | Visa Sponsorship

Stream powers APIs for Chat Messaging, Activity Feeds, Auto Moderation, Video & Audio that are used by over a billion end-users, and are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.

We reached a new industry benchmark for scaling real-time chat as-a-service, with 5 million concurrent connections supported in a single chat channel. We’re currently one of the fastest growing startups in Europe and Colorado on our Series B round of $38 mln:

We’re hiring for the following positions:

* Senior Backend Developer (Go) (Netherlands/EU Remote)

* React Native SDK Engineer (Netherlands/Macedonia)

As a part of Stream, you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world (over 35 countries aboard).

If you are interested in becoming a part of what we do, apply now!

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Gamma | AI, Frontend and Backend Engineers | San Francisco, CA | Hybrid (3days / week)

Gamma is inventing a new way to present ideas, powered by AI. We're building at the forefront of generative AI to automate all the hard parts of designing a beautiful presentation and developing a stunning website. We help millions of people express themselves, making content creation feel effortless.

A bit more about us:

- Over 10 million users, all driven by word-of-mouth

- Profitable - and we've also raised $10M+, led by Accel

- 16 team members - we're a lean team that ships constantly

- San Francisco based - most of us are in office ~3 days a week


AI Engineer -

Staff Backend Engineer -

Staff Frontend Engineer -

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What's the logic behind being based in SF as a team / company and specifying India as the location for this position?

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Looks like the range is 100-150k looking on Wellfound. Not including it in here is breaking California law.

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ManageXR [] | Software Engineers | Full Time (San Francisco)

tl;dr - Help deploy VR + AR devices at scale. Learn a lot, work on interesting problems with us as we grow. If you want to chat, email john (at) managexr

At ManageXR, we're building the core infrastructure that enables organizations to benefit from VR and AR technology. As more enterprises use XR to train employees, doctors use XR to treat patients, and schools use XR to teach students, organizations face significant hurdles expanding their operations from early-stage pilots to organization-wide solutions. With ManageXR, our customers can effectively use XR at scale.

Full job description:

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Assembled ( | San Francisco, CA | Software engineer -- AI & New Products, Product Manager -- AI & New Products

We're hiring a frontend focused engineer and a product manager to join our New Products Team. We work with some of the top brands in the world in customer support (Stripe, Etsy, Robinhood, DoorDash, etc.) and we're launching a new AI product to streamline support workflows.

You'd be one of early people on our AI product and you'd work directly with me (CTO & Co-founder) to shape the early stages of development on the product. Read more about how our team operates here:

Apply here: or email me at john (at)

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Agentio | Senior Software Engineer | Full time | New York - NYC (5 days in office)

Agentio is the first ad platform for creator content, starting with YouTube. We make it as easy and efficient for brands to buy creator led ad reads as they can buy ads on Meta or Google. For creators, we enable monetization of up to 100% of their content with brands they love enabling them to 2x-5x their earnings. This enables smaller creators to work on their content full time and larger creators to expand their team and invest more in their content.

Join our early engineering team to help build the next great marketing channel and help creators live off and fund their work.

Job posting: Website:

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Jito Labs | Sr. Software Engineer -- Low-Latency Systems | Remote (US) | Full-time | | $200-$240k approx

Jito Labs is seeking a senior engineer to build the future of MEV and block building on Solana. We are looking for a creative and motivated engineer that can effectively wrangle problems with large design spaces and come up with simple and elegant solutions.


- Dive deep into the world of MEV and on-chain trading, understanding the end-to-end flow of transactions through the Solana network

- Collaborate with the team and customers to build higher performance, cutting edge features

- Comfortably deep dive into performance bottlenecks and debug problems across the entire stack


- 5+ years of systems programming experience writing code in Rust, C, or C++

- Familiar with low latency, high performance and high reliability programming

- Excited to dive into tricky problems and using tools like valgrind and gdb to debug software problems

- Ability to balance the engineering-time tradeoff between perfect and good enough

- Worked at a <50 person startup, have an entrepreneurial mindset

Nice to have:

- Familiar with running blockchain infrastructure

- Experience building or running MEV bots or trading bots on EVM, SVM, or CEXs

- HFT experience

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Roblox | Onsite (San Mateo, CA) | Principal Full-Stack Engineer

Technical lead for the Knowledge engineering team, leading efforts such as AI tutors, personalized Learning, automated documentation pipelines, and social learning

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Sphinx Defense | Engineering, DevOps, & Product | Remote (US Only), DC, Colorado Springs, LA |

Sphinx Defense builds software to solve complex national security problems for America and its allies. Founded by engineers and technologists with deep experience across commercial and defense technology, we’re building a vehicle-agnostic communication infrastructure to enable satellite operators to securely utilize antenna networks and maneuver satellites in real-time. We're bootstrapped, profitable, and growing aggressively.

To learn more about who we are, our engineering culture, and whether this is the right place for you, read our Key Values profile:

If you have specific questions, or are interested and don't see a role that looks like a good fit, email me directly at hunter (at)

Check out our open roles:

Tech Stack: Programming: Python, Flask, pipenv, JSON Data: PostgreSQL, Vault, ActiveMQ Infrastructure: Docker, Terraform, Ansible, AWS, Linux

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Uncountable | SF & Munich (In-Person) | Full-Stack Engineering

Uncountable accelerates R&D for industrial scientists across leading materials, chemicals, and life sciences organizations. With our SaaS solution, our customers get better products to the market in half the time. Uncountable was founded by MIT and Stanford engineers and has been profitable since 2016. Our team has grown from 20 to 50 over the last two years.

Full-Stack Engineers | $120k - $220k + Equity

---> Uncountable is looking for engineers who can spearhead the development of the Uncountable Web Platform. The position is heavily product-driven and comes with challenges across the stack.

--> Summer internships and working student positions are also available.

Implementations Engineering | $90k - $140k + Equity

---> Uncountable is looking for chemists and material scientists to create custom demos and sell complex enterprise engagements.

Learn more:

Uncountable has offices in San Francisco, New York City or Munich.

Contact our CTO directly at

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1d2h | Senior / Staff Full Stack Engineer | REMOTE (USA only) | Full-time | $190-250k + early equity, FTE #15 - 20

We are a small Health Tech / AI automation start-up growing 3x YoY (we just raised our Series A round!) and looking to expand our platform team.

Our core platform consists of a front-end app, back-end API, SDK, and some DevEx tooling. The tech stack consists of AWS, Typescript, NextJS, React, Python, and the Serverless Framework.

Your voice and expertise will significantly impact our platform’s strategic direction and development.

If that sounds exciting to you, apply on our website (we review every submission):

I'm the HM for this role. If you want to learn a bit more about me, you can go to

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ChatGPT Writer | React Developer | Remote / India | India Timezone |

# Hiring a React Developer for my AI-based SaaS tool, ChatGPT Writer.

ChatGPT Writer ( is a small, fast-growing, remote-first AI startup. Our product is an all-in-one Chrome extension that helps people draft emails and messages, fix grammar mistakes, rephrase text, summarize articles, and much more using ChatGPT AI. It is 5-star rated with 700,000+ downloads.

### Tech Stack

- Chrome Extension: Plasmo framework, React, Typescript, Tailwind.

- Web App: Next.js, Typescript, Tailwind

- Database: PostgreSQL (via Supabase).

- Hosting: Vercel, Supabase, Firebase.

- Logging & Analytics: Mixpanel, Axiom, Cloudflare Web Analytics

- Misc: OpenAI APIs, Stripe, Firebase Auth.

### Tools We Use

- Coding: VSCode, Github.

- Design: Figma.

- Notion for team wiki, docs, and project management.

- Communication: Slack, Google Meet.

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Contextual AI | Mountain View, CA | Onsite/Hybrid | Full-time

We're hiring for multiple roles including:

- Applied ML Engineer:

- MTS, Retrieval:

- Product Engineer:

Please feel free to check out our career page for all open roles:

If you're interested in what we're building at Contextual AI but don't see a role that's a perfect fit, please reach out to us at, we'd love to chat!

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LottieFiles | | Full-time | Remote

We are looking for 1) a highly skilled Graphics Engineer with a strong foundation in web-based graphics technologies such as Three.js, WebGL, and Canvas API, and 2) Senior Front-end Engineers skilled at building high performance web applications. Come work with us on the LottieFiles Creator, the web-based animation tool aimed at taking full advantage of the features of Lottie animation format.

We also have a few Senior Fullstack Engineer roles open!

Apply here:

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Sudowrite | REMOTE | Full-Time | Competitive Salary + Equity | Hiring: AI Engineer + Full-Stack Engineer

- We believe the future of writing is AI & human collaboration. Sudowrite is the best AI for creative writers.

- We are profitable with a rapidly growing paying user base.

- We've been featured in The New York Times, New Yorker, Verge, etc.

- We believe new tools will enable a renaissance in art & creativity and we want to help the next generation of storytellers tell better stories.

- We’re 100% remote and support work-life balance. We meet up in person a few times of year, last time in Portland. We encourage diverse candidates from all over the world to apply.

- Details: AI - | Full-Stack -

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76 Software Engineering Group | Oklahoma City, OK | FULL-TIME | ONSITE | U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED

76 SWEG is a civilian software engineering organization operating under the United States Air Force. We are hundreds of (civilian) scientists and engineers that provide software, hardware, and engineering support solutions to a variety of Air Force and military platforms. We are located on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK. We often operate like a contractor to other parts of the military and federal government by providing independent engineering services without seeking a profit. We have dozens of active projects using C, C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, LabVIEW, Visual Basic, Assembly, Ada, Fortran, and other more esoteric languages. We have immediate opportunities available to hire candidates with degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or closely-related fields.

If you are interested in learning more, please e-mail and tell them Jake sent you.

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AuthZed (W21) | SRE, Customer Success Engineer, Technical Writer | Remote (US, EU) | Full-time

AuthZed is changing the way top tier companies add rich permissions experiences to their applications. Modeled after Google's Zanzibar, AuthZed offers a low-latency, high-scale permissions system, that scales to millions of QPS with milliseconds of latency.

Apply using

If the roles above aren't for you, we're adding new roles regularly so keep your eye on our work at a startup page!

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Juniper (YC W21) | Senior Software Engineer | Full-time | NYC |

Juniper operates at the messy financial infrastructure for US Healthcare. We've built an automated end-to-end insurance billing system for recurring care, starting with Autism clinics.

At Juniper, we’ve built an end-to-end billing system. We’ve built something really good, something that clinicians really need and love. We automate and abstract the tedious, manual, repetitive work that goes into the administrative duties of running a clinic, so that clinicians can do what they do best — providing high quality care. It starts with ingesting clinic data, and then create, validates, and submits claims to insurance providers across the country. If claims need corrections or appeals, most of the time we can handle those automatically or our CX and Operations team use our in-house internal tools. We also handle patient invoicing for co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles (we never send anything to collections).

We are a team of 27 with strong product market fit — in Q4 last year we’ve had to push out onboarding because engineering can’t build quickly enough, something we’ve scaled out of and will hopefully not bottleneck growth again. You’ll be working with an engineering leadership team from AWS and Stripe to get doctors and clinicians back to work helping kids.

Email me directly at!

0 replies

Coder|Remote first - US/Canada | Full-time Software Engineer - Open Source | $140K to $180K DOE and location

We keep developers in flow. Coder has created a devtool that offloads development from local workstations to your on-prem and public cloud infrastructure. Target customer is engineering orgs at some of the world’s largest and cutting-edge companies. Our tech stack is TypeScript, React, Golang, Terraform, Linux.

Check us out: Apply online:

0 replies

1/1 Studio | | Full Stack Shopify Developer | Remote or Hybrid | Auckland, New Zealand

Are you a web developer that takes joy in delivering high-end visual and functional execution?

We are a small design + dev driven team producing highly customised headless ecom solutions, w e pride ourselves on creating exceptional digital experiences for our clients.

We are seeking a talented Frontend Developer to join our team. In this role, you will be initially responsible for maintaining, upgrading, and building new features. The ideal candidate should have experience with Next.js, React, TypeScript, and Shopify.

If this sounds like you or you have any questions email us at office at 1of1studio dot com or contact us through our website.

0 replies

Ideal Medtech | | Senior Systems Engineer | Senior Software Engineer | Asheville, NC | Full-time | ONSITE preferred, FULLY REMOTE with the right skill set (USA only)

Ideal Medtech is a clinical stage medical device startup looking to control every feasible physiological parameter in the hospital -- starting with glucose. This technology has the potential to save tens of thousands of lives a year, billions of healthcare dollars, and thousands of nursing hours.

We're looking to hire a senior engineer with experience developing medical devices in the US or European Union. You'd be working directly with me, the technical founder, owning product development and documentation required for three Class II 510(k) submissions (pumps, control software, and maybe helping a strategic as needed with sensors). Some (but not all) standards you should be familiar with: 60601, 62304, FHIR

You would be working directly with a team at a contract manufacturer (CM), and would be involved in high-level technical decision making, software development, and helping the CM with documentation.

As an early hire, you'd have the option to take equity as part of your payment.

If any of the following skills describe you, feel free to send me an email (see profile):

- Medical Device Cybersecurity

- Firmware Development

- Formal Verification

- Physiological Closed-Loop Control

- Knowledge-Based Systems

- Reinforcement Learning

Please include your CV, salary expectations, timeline for hiring, and any open-source code you're proud of and would want to talk about!

0 replies

Integral Neurotechnologies | In Office/ Onsite (South San Francisco) | Multiple Roles (ASIC, Mechanical, Electrical & Systems Engineers)

Job Board Here:

Who we are: Integral builds brain interfaces to understand and treat psychiatric disorders.

Our first product is an ultra-miniaturized, fully implanted, deep-brain interface for closed-loop neuromodulation via electrical recording and stimulation.

We prioritize ambitious engineering, speed, and meticulous attention to what patients and caregivers actually want.

0 replies

iCapital | NYC, Greenwich, Princeton, Lisbon | Full-time | Hybrid (3 days/week in the office) |

iCapital is powering the world’s alternative investment marketplace. Our financial technology platform has transformed how advisors, wealth management firms, asset managers, and banks evaluate and recommend bespoke public and private market strategies for their high-net-worth clients. iCapital services approximately $176 billion in global client assets invested in 1,433 funds, as of December 2023.

iCapital has been named to the Forbes Fintech 50 for six consecutive years (2018-2023); a three-time selection by Forbes to its list of Best Startup Employers (2021-2023); and a three-time winner of MMI/Barron’s Solutions Provider award.

Data & Analytics

- Business Intelligence

- Analytics

- Data Engineers

- Data Governance

- Salesforce Data Engineer

Software Engineering, IT, InfoSec, and Infrastructure roles open too.

Apply here:

0 replies

Hudson River Trading | Hybrid | Full-time

We’re a quantitative trading firm based in NYC that trades hundreds of millions of shares each day on over 200 markets worldwide. We use math and technology in everything we do; our talented developers, engineers, and programmers build complex models and systems that allow us to make automated trading decisions on global markets.

We’re looking for:

Full Stack Developer | London |

Solutions Architect | London |

HPC Network Engineer (Senior and non-senior) | New York, Chicago |

Senior Windows Platform Engineer | New York, London |

Low Level Software Engineer (C++) | Singapore |

And more! For more information about our benefits, check out Life at HRT:

0 replies

ROCKSTAR GAMES | NYC-San Diego-New England| FULL-TIME | .NET SOFTWARE ENGINEERS | Existing Visa Transfers Welcome

A career at Rockstar Games is about being part of a team working on some of the most creatively rewarding and ambitious projects to be found in any entertainment medium. You would be welcomed to a dedicated and inclusive environment where you can learn, and collaborate with some of the most talented people in the industry.


Develop highly scalable server-side features for our online game console clients using object-oriented development in C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server.

Develop back-end services and APIs. Actively practice Test Driven Development (TDD) while developing new features and refactoring existing code.

Work in an AWS cloud-based, event-driven microservice architecture with a high priority on web performance optimization.

Collaborate with other Rockstar technology teams across our worldwide studios.

New York:

San Diego:

New England:

You can see our other openings here:

0 replies

Mercury | Multiple Engineering Roles | Full Time | Remote

Mercury is a fintech company focused on reimagining the banking* experience for startups. We have multiple roles available within engineering with more coming soon - both IC and Manager positions. A couple of current openings highlighted below, but all can be found and applied to at

Senior Full-Stack Engineer, Security | Engineering Manager, Dashboard Experience | Senior Database Reliability Engineer | Senior Software Engineer, Product Teams (multiple)

Our team works in Haskell, Yesod, and Persistent on the backend and React, Redux, and Typescript on the frontend. While we are remote first, we also have awesome offices in SF, Portland and NYC.

More about Mercury: *Mercury is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Choice Financial Group and Evolve Bank & Trust®; Members FDIC.

0 replies

Kong | Bengaluru, India | Onsite/Hybrid | Full-time

We recently opened an office in Church Street in Bengaluru and are expanding rapidly. We are looking for Software, SRE/DevOps, and Frontend engineers. A few exciting roles:

- Run tens of thousands of Kong gateway clusters for our customers:

- Build the platform that powers our Konnect, our SaaS cloud:

- Work on state-of-the-art frontend powered by Vue and Nuxt:

Please reach out via email to harry at domain of my company for any further questions.

0 replies

SerpApi | | Junior-to-Senior Fullstack Engineer | Customer Success Engineer | Based in Austin, TX but remote-first structure | Full-time | ONSITE or FULLY REMOTE | $150K - 180K a year 1099 for US or local avg + 20% for outside the US

SerpApi is the leading API to scrape and parse search engine results. We deeply support Google, Google Maps, Google Images, Bing, Baidu, and a lot more.

Our current stack is Ruby, Rails, MongoDB, and React.JS. We are looking for more Junior and Senior FullStack Engineers.

We have an awesome work environment: We are a remote first company (before Covid!). We do continuous integration, continuous deployments, code reviews, code pairings, profit sharing, and most of communication is async via GitHub.

We value super strongly transparency, do open books, have a public roadmap, and contribute to the EFF.

Apply at:

0 replies

Invisible | Remote (EST +/- 6) | Full Time | Invisible builds a platform for Operations to run Business Processes. We stand at the intersection of humans and machines building scalable, repeatable processes for business using a combination of automation and humans in the loop. We've built an in house platform that handles the execution of these processes (think Zapier or IFFT that combines automations and human agents) and are solving interesting problems on teams ranging from Infra (Kubernetes, GCP) to UI (Python, Django, Typescript, React, Next.js). We're currently hiring across multiple teams from Junior to Principle level and including Engineering Managers and Directors.

0 replies

BHS Technologies | | Full-Time | ONSITE | Innsbruck, Austria

We develop the RoboticScope a robotically, digital surgical microscope. We are searching for a software developer for the RoboticScope. You would be responsible for developing new features for the device including image processing on GPUs (Vulkan, Cuda, Wayland + KMS/DRM), control of the robotic system, user interfaces (Qt + skia) and for everything that supports running the software on the device (Ubuntu, NixOS, deployment system). We work on Linux and use C++, Rust and Python.

If you are interested in high-performance, low-level native development, contact me:

0 replies

Arbolus | Backend (C#) | Barcelona | Full-Time | Hybrid | Barcelona Spain |

Arbolus is the first platform that helps businesses build and work with networks of experts, advisors and freelance consultants. Our product has been a big hit with global consulting firms (e.g. the big four) and Fortune 500 companies who use third parties to inform their business strategy. Based in London, we are a venture-backed scale-up with offices in Barcelona (our largest) and New York.

We're currently looking for:

- Senior Backend engineer - C# ->

0 replies

OddsJam | Remote | Growth Product Manager & Product Designer

I'm Garrett, Head of Product at OddsJam, a leading sports betting startup dedicated to enhancing profitability for our users.

We are expanding our product team with two high-impact positions. If you know someone who would be a great fit, I would greatly appreciate your introduction via Thank you!

Senior Product Designer

Senior Product Manager, Growth

0 replies

CodeStory (YC S23) | Founding Engineer | London, United Kingdom | Onsite |

We're building Aide, an AI-native, privacy-first IDE. With the advent of AI, we believe there is an opportunity and necessity to re-imagine the IDE to be a place where developers and AI are both first-class citizens, and AI can pair-program as well as complete tasks independently.

We're still a team of 2, and are looking for a founding engineer with hands-on experience working with LLMs beyond basic prompting. ML background is not required, as long as you have understood LLMs deeply. We're not looking to train our own models, except fine-tuning when required for special use-cases. So someone who can understand and get into the internals of LLMs, hosting models, optimising model inference for our use case, setup evals, and (this may not be a skill you already have) can power the backend for streaming requirements needed to build agents in the next few years.

If this sounds interesting, apply at, and we'll get back to you shortly!

0 replies
19h26m | FullStack Engineer | Seattle, WA (US-remote ok) | is an early stage startup that is building the first AI-Powered Buyer Copilot. This represents a transformative approach to buyer enablement that helps people understand complex software purchases without having to talk to salespeople. For companies, this helps scale out their sales and marketing efforts and to gain unique insights about potential customers and the market. From an engineering perspective, this means leveraging LLMs in conjunction with a unique set of content to create the closest thing to a live demo of a product without a human on the other side!

The current stack is Typescript, React, Apollo/GraphQL, and Nest.js. Everything is built on top of AWS using modern tooling and automation (e.g. pushing a commit will trigger a deployment). This is a great opportunity for a hungry engineer to learn the latest AI technologies and work alongside a team of experienced founders and engineers. Our small team is primarily based out of Seattle, WA, but we work from home 4 out of 5 days and are open to remote team members.

Email us at apply at!

0 replies

bloop (YC S21) | AI/ML Engineer, Compiler Engineer | Full-time | London (UK) | Visa Sponsor

At bloop ( we modernise legacy code, translating old languages to new(er) ones. Existing translators produce code that is unreadable, and the alternative of rewriting an old system from scratch in a new language is unfeasibly expensive for many projects. We're developing a new approach that uses LLMs to automatically generate readable, maintainable code.

We're working to modernise code for a cohort of enterprise customers. You'll join a small group of compiler and ML engineers who are obsessed with the technical challenges posed by code translation.

We love:

* LLM pipelines

* Static analysis (Tree-sitter)

* Rust

Apply here: or directly to

0 replies

Conduit Tech | Senior Software Engineer (Full Stack) | Remote (U.S.-based) | Full-Time

We're an early-stage ClimateTech startup backed by Breakthrough Energy and Emerson Collective. Roughly 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions are due to residential HVAC. We're developing software that helps contractors to design, sell, and install high-efficiency HVAC systems.

Our fully-remote team is looking for product engineers with native iOS development experience who can own projects from end-to-end.

Apply directly at or email my first name at

0 replies

Tether Data | Rust Engineer | Remote | Full-time

Tether Data ( is a no-code data movement / ETL platform built for operations leaders in Go-To-Market orgs (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, etc).

We are looking for a skilled Rust engineer to join our team. Our entire platform is built on a service-oriented architecture (in Rust), but we are looking for someone with the following experience:

- Non-US preferred (ideally Central or South America, but US, EU & Asia is okay)

- ~5+ years of experience (ideally can share examples of Rust projects)

- Comfortable working with a fully distributed team (we're all over North & South America)

- Experience with any sort of ETL/Data products or GTM applications is preferred, but not required

email me directly for more info: gary at tetherdata dot io

or connect with me via LinkedIn:

0 replies

Explo | | NYC or SF | Full-time | Senior Software Engineer

Explo builds customer-facing dashboards and analytics. We are a Series A company backed by Craft, Felicis, and YC. We are growing quickly and looking to bring on strong leaders to our team!

Please email recruiting[at]explo[dot]co if you are interested and mention you found us through HackerNews.

0 replies

Klara Systems | Technical Project Manager | US Remote | Full-time | $90k - $170k We are a bootstrapped, high growth company looking for a Technical Project Manager to help us scale more efficiently.

About us: We focus on software development services for open source and community-driven software. We are a dynamic, high growth startup with marquee customers whose names you will recognize. Customers look to us because of our intense focus on innovation and collaboration on open-source technologies.

You will be excited by the chance to build structure and define process to facilitate our growth.

Job details and applications:

0 replies

REMATIQ | Founding Engineer Product (Typescript, React) | In-Person (Berlin) | Full-time |

We are REMATIQ, an autoamtion platform for regulatory compliance in Life Science (Medtech & Pharma). We're hiring our second founding engineer on the product side to join us in our mission to enable more medical innovation.

If you are looking for a very entrepreneurial role, with above-market real equity, and broad ownership, drop me an e-mail at

in-person only!

0 replies
1d2h | London, UK | On Site, Full Time |

We're looking for an experienced Senior Software Engineer with interest and familiarity in Large Language Models, architectures and prompting techniques.

Our first product, Neo, helps every member of a software team in the complex process that is product engineering. This is not just code generation, but a much broader, turn-key product for teams to efficiently work with generative AI end-to-end throughout the entire life of the product.

We're early stage with pre-seed funding, competitive pay, good benefits, energy of working together in person.

More details and apply:

0 replies

The Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, University of Oxford | Hybrid or Fully Remote, UK only | Full-time | Multiple Roles

We are the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science, at the University of Oxford, led by Professor Ben Goldacre (of “Bad Science” fame). We built OpenSAFELY, a revolutionary open source platform for secure clinical research. Conceived at the start of the COVID-19 crisis, it is used to produce ground-breaking research using a huge corpus of patient data which is not available anywhere else in the world.

We’re hiring for software developers at all levels, as well as tech lead and product management roles.

Tools we use include Python (and Django), Javascript (and React), Docker, Postgres, SQLite and HTMX. Our entire platform is open-source:

For details of the specific roles and how to apply see:

0 replies

Honda R&D Europe (UK) | Research Software Engineer | UK | Full Time - Hybrid

At Emerging Technology Lab (ETL) that is a part of Honda R&D Europe (UK), we have nurtured a culture of collaborative innovation rooted in creativity, kindness, mutual trust, and respect. Our primary mission revolves around applied research in multi-domain software technology.

We are looking to hire generalist software engineer possessing a robust understanding of mathematics, algorithms and a curious mindset. The role involves applied research on decentralised technologies, data privacy, Web3, Metaverse, Mixed Reality, and Artificial Intelligence.

Apply here:

0 replies

Aleph | REMOTE PT - ET Hours | Software Engineer, Eng Manager, AE |

Aleph is redefining the world of Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A). We operate in a well-defined software category with a multi-billion TAM yet a lack of a clear winner. We’re here to change that, and our early results speak for themselves.

We’re backed by top VCs (Bain Capital Ventures, Khosla Ventures, YC, Picus Capital), and work with customers like Webflow, Turo, Notion, Zapier, and others.

What we’ve built so far is the most seamless way to centralize all of a company's financial data – think expenses from Quickbooks or Netsuite, pipeline forecasts from Salesforce – and bring it into the tools finance teams are already using. But the vision goes way beyond that. We’re building the source of truth for a business’ data, and ultimately the platform businesses use to make better decisions.

We’re way ahead of schedule due to our unique approach, with pretty much no churn, and rapid growth despite no marketing spend to date.

See more details and apply via

0 replies

Company: OrangeQC

Job: Senior Android and iOS Engineers

Location: USA (Remote)

Allows remote: Yes

We're a 15-year old janitorial inspection software platform with local-first mobile apps.

We're looking a senior developer to lead each of our iOS and Android app development efforts.

We've recently completed a proof of concept for a green android field app using fully native Kotlin / jetpack tech to upgrade the user experience and potentially even overshoot the performance of our iOS app.

We're also experimenting with an updated architecture on iOS that takes our user experience to the next level.

JDs here:



Please email me with a resume:

0 replies
5h25m | Full-stack Typescript Developer | Full-time | Brussels, Belgium | Hybrid on-site | is a rapidly growing startup with a small but dedicated team of 9 people. We proudly serve over 5,000 companies around the world. Our headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, our team operates mostly remotely.

Our mission is simple: we want a bug-free internet. At, we've seen first-hand how the traditional feedback process fails. PowerPoint slides, chaotic notes, and constant "quick calls" that take forever to solve. We set out to solve this.

We're looking for a passionate Full-stack Typescript developer to join our team. Help us serve enterprise customers by adding new features or scaling existing features.

Our app is written in JavaScript, Vue3, Tailwind, Typescript, Node.js, MongoDB.

If you're interested, apply here or email at

0 replies

Nuna ( | San Francisco & Remote friendly (US only)| Full-time | Visa Transfer In the US, we spend an average of over $12,500 per person each year on healthcare -- that’s almost twice what other developed countries spend. Healthcare in the US costs a staggering $4 trillion dollars per year, almost 1/5 of our Nation’s entire economy. Yet with all this resource, our healthcare outcomes are poorer than other countries, people still can’t afford their healthcare, and our healthcare providers are burnt out.

Moreover, our healthcare is systemically unequal. People of color, lower income, and LGBTQ+ have demonstrably worse healthcare outcomes, a disparity grimly highlighted by the pandemic we’re living through now where people of color are three-times more likely to die from COVID-19.

How can this be, and how can we change it?

Nuna is tackling one of the most hardest problems in healthcare underlying the negative outcomes and disparities we see: how healthcare gets paid.

Today, hospitals only get paid when they do more-- more visits, more tests, more meds, more surgeries. Hopefully this helps patients get better, but regardless, the system gets paid. In fact, doing more is the only way to stay afloat.

But -- is this really the right set of incentives? Shouldn’t everyone get rewarded not just by doing more, but by when patients actually get better? Shouldn’t everyone have access to affordable, high quality care, and shouldn’t hospitals be rewarded when they deliver this care? And shouldn’t insurance companies get rewarded when they help ALL their patients get better?

Absolutely, yes. This concept is called Value-Based Care. In fact, healthcare as a whole has been trying to move in this direction for years, but making it all reality is deeply complex -- it is after all our healthcare. Nuna’s technology platform, our software apps, our vision, and our exceptionally talented team are collectively accelerating the healthcare system’s ability to make value-based care available to everyone.

In 2022, Nuna will power over $70B of healthcare payments for over 6.5M patients. We also leverage our data science and platform to direct patients to the best, culturally-matched, and accessible care providers for them. Additionally, we make it transparent and easy for both hospitals and insurers to see how they are performing in value-based care by spotlighting the patients or areas where they need to pay extra attention so that they can provide good care to all their patients and get rewarded.

Nuna is unique - we have brought together an exceptional team of over 200 people. We are the industry’s best in healthcare data, analytics, engineering, clinicians, and value based healthcare experts. We have joined forces to create a more equitable health system for everyone.

Our dreams and ambitions to change healthcare as we know it are big. If yours are too, we want to work with you.

Open positions include:

* Senior Data Scientist, Algorithm Development

* Sr Backend Software Engineer, Rewards

* Senior Data Scientist, LLM

* Senior Software Engineer, AI/ML Productionization Engineer (LLM/RAG)

* Senior Flutter Mobile Software Engineer, Rewards

Jobs Board:

Frontend: React, Typescript, Flutter (Android and iOS)

Backend: Django, Python, Kotlin, Scala

Cloud: AWS

Questions? Email:

0 replies

LeagueApps | Office in NYC, or Remote almost anywhere in US | Full-time |

LeagueApps is a youth sports management SaaS. We help youth sports organizers run their business, providing the tools they need to manage registration, scheduling, payments, and more. We believe that every kid should have the opportunity to play, and we provide 1% of our revenue to youth sports accessibility.

We're hiring:

- Senior Android Engineer

- Senior Fullstack Engineer

- Business Development Representative (New York Only)

Find other roles on our Job Board:

You can also use this link to join our talent community, and our recruiters will reach out when new positions become available:

These links are all referral links, but you can also apply via

0 replies

Oxidian | | Remote (UK/EEA)

We build software for governments. We're doing to government software services what challenger banks did to banking.

Our clients are mainly governmental research institutions - we're building tools for scientists to process & visualise data, HPC data processing libraries, plus web apps to make people's working lives easier.

Currently hiring Python devs, Typescript/React devs, and a freelance user researcher.

0 replies

Smartleaf | Boston, MA, USA | Full-time | most REMOTE but all USA, some HYBRID

Smartleaf runs a SaaS which does financial portfolio analysis. Our customers are mostly banks and investment advisors. You should be competent, clever and kind. Currently open positions and unofficial capsule descriptions:

  * Systems Engineer: jack of all trades Linux sysadmin. Reports to me. Email in my profile. No Microsoft servers or clients.

  * Application Support Engineer: Postgresql, Ruby, Linux, being nice to clients (who are generally nice professionals). 

  * Junior Financial Engineer: C++ and R or Python, stats, math. 
If you have basic questions: read the webpage. More questions about the company or my open position: email me. I've been at Smartleaf for 20 years. Apply? cover + PDF resume to the email address listed. No ATS, an actual human will read it.

0 replies

Hashboard ( | New York (NYC) | Senior/Staff Full-Stack Engineer, Lead Frontend Engineer, Product Evangelist | Onsite

Hashboard is a business intelligence and analytics platform that bridges self-service data exploration with modern development workflows.

We are a well-funded, ambitious seed-stage New York City startup backed by top-tier product and data investors. Our team has experience as early employees of successful startups and in big tech. We have early product-market fit and a growing list of paying customers, and we’re looking to build a diverse and thriving team. And we might be a great fit for the next step in your career if you’re excited about having a lot of ownership over your work, learning from early-stage customers and investors, building a world-class engineering culture, and holding a lot of equity in a fast-growing startup.

We're especially on the lookout for product-oriented engineers with strong React skills and experience with data tooling.

Apply here: or email me directly at dan (at)

0 replies

InfoSum | London, UK | Full-time | Hybrid

InfoSum is building data collaboration tools for the modern enterprise. This is a privacy-friendly way to power identity on the internet, otherwise known as Data Clean Rooms. Currently we're working in adtech.

Available roles: - Enterprise Sales Director - London - Customer Success Associate (Italian-speaking) - London

Apply here, and mention Doug Weltman:

0 replies

Olo | Remote (US) (HQ in NYC) | Full-Time |

Olo is a leading on-demand commerce platform powering the restaurant industry’s digital transformation. Our customers include many of the largest restaurant brands in the US, and we have a lot of exciting projects in the works.

We're hiring for multiple remote (US-based) roles in engineering and other departments. Engineering roles include Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, Security Engineer, Database Reliability Engineer, and Senior Pen Tester.

Salary info included on all job listings and great benefits!

0 replies

Sourcegraph | REMOTE | Full-Time | Full-stack Engineer, Support Engineer, Enterprise Product Manager, Demand Generation Manager, Digital Growth Marketing Manager |

Sourcegraph is a code intelligence platform that makes it easy to read, write, and fix code–even in big, complex codebases.

We are building Cody, an AI coding assistant that uses code search and code intelligence to help devs quickly understand what's happening in code and generate new code that matches the best practices in your codebase. Cody supports AI-enabled autocompletion, fixing bugs, refactoring, test generation, code explanation, and answering high-level questions. You can read Steve Yegge's post on why Cody's code context engine differentiates it from the fast-moving field of AI dev tools:

Apply here:

0 replies

Datadog | Software Engineers | ONSITE (Boston, Lisbon, Madrid, NYC, Paris, Tel Aviv) | Full-time

Datadog is a monitoring, tracing, logs system, and more, for your infrastructure and services. We build our own tsdb, event store [1][2], distributed tracing tools, cutting edge visualizations, and more. We love shipping great experiences for customers just like us and are growing fast! We write a lot of Go, Java, Python, Typescript (with React), and a bit of other languages. We run on k8s, and are multi-region and multi-cloud.

We're looking for people who can build systems at scale as we process trillions of events per day. Let us know if that's you!



0 replies

Viator | Software Engineer and Manager all levels | Full time | Remote & Hybrid On-site | Poland, Portugal, UK

Viator connects suppliers to travelers, creating the world's largest platform for travel experiences.

We are growing fast and have many positions to fill in Poland, Portugal and the UK. We are looking for managers and engineers at all levels (including interns) for full-stack, backend, SRE and data teams. Roles can be remote or in the office. For the remote roles you still need to be based somewhere in Poland, Portugal or the UK. We can't offer remote working from other countries right now.

The full list of open roles is here:

0 replies

Canopy Connect | $100-205k | Full-time | Remote | US & Canada only | Product Engineer

Canopy Connect is single-click insurance data sharing (like "Plaid for insurance").

We serve over 3,500 companies (and growing rapidly!) including insurance agencies, lenders, insurtechs, fintechs, and insurance carriers to streamline acquiring verified insurance data from consumers and businesses.

We're hiring Product Engineers. We're a small, fully remote team based in the US and Canada. We present the best of both worlds - a nimble startup and small team (low strike price on equity and more ownership/impact), yet derisked because of our capital efficiency.

More information and apply here:

0 replies

Layer | San Francisco Bay Area | Full-Time In-Office | Founding engineer

We’re building SMB accounting software API-first so that it can be integrated directly into software platforms where business owners already work. Our customers are vertical software platforms in the vein of Toast, MindBody or Housecall Pro that help small business owners start, run and scale their business with workflows and financial products. We help them serve their customers who are stuck exporting all their data out of these systems into CSVs and importing it back into other accounting software.

Integrating with our accounting APIs gives business owners automation & accounting workflows directly within their core software while the software platforms get to solve one their customers’ biggest pain points: worrying about bookkeeping & finances.

We’re looking for a founding engineer who is excited about building a company and team as well as building better software for SMBs. We are well funded by top tier investors and are live with hundreds of small businesses.

Tech: Kotlin (KTor) / Docker / Postgres / AWS (ECS, RDS, ALB)

If you’re passionate about building software that real small businesses use every day, get in touch with me at daniel [at]

More about the role and team here:

0 replies

REMOTE (US, preferably ET time zone) | Full Time | Data Scientist (>2 yrs exp)

Tetricus was founded in 2022 to leverage breakthroughs in neuroscience & machine learning to revolutionize the patient journey from diagnosis to treatment and recovery.

Tetricus’ software platform supports leading psychiatric hospitals and providers to comprehensively assess incoming referrals, match patients with the right type and level of treatment, and monitor patient outcomes to refine and optimize care over time.

To Apply:

0 replies

Aurora Energy Research | Lead/Senior Software Engineer | Oxford UK, Gurugram India | Full-time | Hybrid Onsite |

We have openings for Software Engineers in Oxford and Gurugram. Our tech Stack is mainly Python, Typescript, MySQL. Details of the openings and links to apply are:

* Senior Software Engineer - Oxford

* Software Engineer - Oxford

* Technical lead - Gurugram

For more information about our benefits, check out Life at Aurora checkout

0 replies

FUTO | Austin, TX | On-site / Hybrid / Remote | Full Time | iOS / SwiftUI / Javascript

FUTO is an organization dedicated to developing, both through in-house engineering and investment, technologies that frustrate centralization and industry consolidation. Through a combination of in-house engineering projects, targeted investments, generous grants, and multi-media public education efforts, we will free technology from the control of the few and recreate the spirit of freedom, innovation, and self-reliance that underpinned the American tech industry only a few decades ago.

We are hiring a Swift/iOS software engineer to work on Circles, our end-to-end encrypted social network app for families and friends.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the development and improvement of Circles’ desktop and mobile applications on Apple platforms. You will be involved in development of unified codebase that runs across iOS, iPad, and Mac, ensuring the application is robust, user-friendly, and high-performing. For more information see

To apply, send your resume and cover letter to jobs at futo dot org with the subject "Software Engineer Circles".


Update: FUTO is also hiring for hourly engineering roles on the revolutionary cross-platform video streaming app Grayjay

These roles include:

* Plugin Developer - We seek to create plugins for the Grayjay app, targeting platforms such as Twitter, Spotify, Bilibili, Dailymotion, among others. This role demands profound expertise in reverse engineering and JavaScript development.

* Recommendation Engine Developer - Grayjay aims to introduce a feature that recommends creators/videos to users based on their interests. The initial task involves developing an algorithm to tag channels in a way that correlates them with similar channels.

* FCast Developer - We seek to create an open source casting protocol for wide adoption. Some work has already been done (see You can help bring FCast to a wide developer audience by making libraries for multiple languages and are interested in bringing FCast to new platforms (Roku, AppleTV, TizenOS, WebOS, …).

0 replies

Spacelift | Remote | Europe | Full-time | Senior Software Engineer | $80k-$120k

We're a VC-funded startup building an automation platform for Infrastructure-as-Code, adding a Policy-as-Code layer above it, in order to make IaC usable in bigger companies, where you have to take care of state consistency, selective permissions, a usable git flow, etc.

On the backend we're using 100% Go with AWS primitives. We're looking for backend developers who like doing DevOps'y stuff sometimes (because in a way it's the spirit of our company), or have experience with the cloud native ecosystem. Ideally you'd have experience working with an IaC tool, i.e. Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, or SaltStack.

Overall we have a deeply technical product, trying to build something customers love to use, and already have a lot of happy and satisfied customers. We promise interesting work, the ability to open source parts of the project which don't give us a business advantage, as well as healthy working hours. We've also got investment days on Fridays, when you can work on anything you want, as long as it could possibly benefit Spacelift in some way.

If that sounds like fun to you, please apply at

You can find out more about the product we're building at and also see our engineering blog for a few technical blog posts of ours:

0 replies

Crusoe | Onsite/Hybrid – San Francisco | Climate Tech, Cloud Compute, Distributed Systems, Crypto |

Crusoe is on a mission to align the future of computing with the future of the climate.

Data centers consume more than 2% of the world's electricity. We power data centers with stranded energy such as gas flares and underloaded renewables , so for every GPU hour you use on Crusoe Cloud, you're offsetting 0.5kg of CO2e, or approximately 4.4 metric tons over an entire year. The more compute you use, the more CO2 and other greenhouse gasses you offset.

Crusoe Cloud ( offers the cleanest and lowest-cost GPU cloud computing solution in the world for workloads including graphical rendering, artificial intelligence research, machine learning, computational biology, therapeutic drug discovery, simulation and more.

Here's a quick video so you can see what the systems look like in action, flames and everything:

High Priority Open Roles:

- Senior/Staff Site Reliability Engineer - Running kubernetes at scale in production

- Senior/Staff Infrastructure Engineer - Work in on prem environments, bare metal provisioning, and automation

- Staff Network Engineer - Cloud Networking, Backbone Networking, Edge Networking, Network Protocols

- Senior Staff/Principal Software Engineer - Deep experience building Cloud core services and features

- Senior/Staff Software Engineer - Cloud core services and features, managed k8s services experience

- Staff Security Engineer - Infrastructure/Cloud Security, Product/AppSec, Security Tooling & Automation

- Engineering Managers - Player-coach who can manage team and get in trenches and write code

View full list of roles and apply here: Questions? Email:

0 replies

Basis AI | Full-Time | Full-Stack, Backend and Frontend Engineers | NYC

What is Basis

Basis is an AI platform for accounting firms, providing accountants with a team of AI assistants. Accounting teams integrate Basis as part of their team, delegating core workflows and automating time-consuming, manual work.

Our goal is to become the core accounting intelligence powering accountants of all types - empowering skilled accountants to automate workflows and 10x the quality and efficiency of their work.

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ParaFi Technologies | Blockchain Infrastructure Engineer | US Remote (+San Diego based) | Full-time |

We're a small team of engineers running some of the highest-performing blockchain validators and node infrastructure. Looking for a passionate engineer with ~2-6 YoE who wants to both develop software + infrastructure (Python, Go, Terraform, Docker...), and participate in other parts of the business, from financial modeling to talking with customers. Get the fun of a startup with the stability of an established investment firm!

For more info, email [my username with a dot before p]

0 replies

Tenable Network Security | Full-Time | Senior Research Engineer | Hybrid | Dublin, Ireland

Tenable is the Exposure Management company. 44,000 organizations around the globe rely on Tenable to understand and reduce cyber risk. Our global employees support 65 percent of the Fortune 500, 45 percent of the Global 2000, and large government agencies. Come be part of our journey!

Tenable is looking for a Senior Research Engineer to join our security research team. This position will involve researching existing vulnerabilities, looking for new vulnerabilities, and developing checks/plugins to detect these vulnerabilities using our products.

Interested in joining Tenable? Apply at:

0 replies

Scientific American | | Full-Time | NYC or DC, "flexible hybrid"

Scientific American, yes, the legendary science magazine, is looking for its next Director of DevOps. We’re in the midst of a huge renovation job—we spent the last year replacing the entire failing legacy tech stack and building out the team. Next up: transforming the business into a modern digital media company with a big focus on audience growth and engagement. This person will also work closely with the data team on a variety of greenfield efforts that at least I think are pretty cool.

This is a hands-on leadership role. Brand new stack is AWS ECS GHA Fastly Postgres Redis and BigQuery. The main apps are a monorepo of Django and Node/Express, and there’s some Lambdas on the side.

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Looking Glass | Full stack engineer + misc other roles | Full-time | NYC / remote |

Looking Glass makes 3D spatial displays that don't require head gear or eye tracking. We are a small startup (~40 staff total) but we design, engineer, and manufacturing our own line of 3D display products including 3rd party software integrations, drivers, firmware, SDKs, and misc tooling.

0 replies

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Principal Software Engineer, Rust Genomics Infrastructure | Memphis, TN | ONSITE or REMOTE |

The St. Jude Cloud ( project is hiring Rust software engineers to rebuild the genomics ecosystem in Rust. We work on the forefront of computational genomics by applying advanced computational techniques to analyzing genomics data then sharing that data with the world. Come work with the individuals that wrote the Rust-based bioinformatics library, noodles (, as well as many other projects (

NOTE that prior experience in bioinformatics or biology is NOT required for any of the positions below. You must be interested in learning though! If you'd like to get a sense of what you'd be learning, check out the guide we wrote to teach software engineers about genomics here:

* Principal Software Engineer:

0 replies

Monad Labs | NYC Preferred & Remote

Monad Labs raised $225M last month in series A funding to scale our team in bringing the Monad blockchain to production this year.

Founded by Jump Trading alums, Monad Labs is a 30-person tech startup using low-latency programming, compiler optimization, and multithreaded computing to build an ultra-high-performance smart contract platform. The work entails building an optimal stack-based VM that supports multithreaded computation, as well as developing and implementing an efficient Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithm enabling a network of nodes to come to consensus.

We are hiring for the following roles, blockchain experience not required:

System engineering backgrounds, especially in Rust, C++, C and/or Golang:



Compiler engineer:

0 replies

Tufts CTSI | Full-time | Remote, U.S. | Junior Research Software Engineer

Tufts CTSI ( is one of 60 NIH CTSA awardees. We are seeking a clinical data analyst / RSE to support our investigators with cohort discoveries, chart abstractions, data modeling, visualizations, and other data analysis needed for the preparation and performance of medical research grants. You would also help us grow our OHDSI ( based research data warehouse (ETL from Epic EHR), work with RedCAP instruments, and automate operational processes. This role requires outstanding verbal and written literacy, a love of healthcare data, coupled with technical competence. We use Julia (esp. for our database query work. This job is mostly researcher support and improving our ETLs; software we build/use is open source.

This job requires you reside in the U.S. without additional work permits. This is a junior position. This job advertisement is open but not yet posted. You could email me, to apply. Thank you so much.

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Scribd | Remote | US or Canada | Full-time | Senior Manager, Quality Engineering

We are looking for an experienced engineering leader to lead QE at Scribd. The Quality Engineering team is part of our larger Developer Platform group. Together we focus on building & supporting a world-class development experience for developers through every stage of the software development lifecycle - from ideation to production.

We are emphasizing developer speed and autonomy while upholding a high bar for quality. We are investing in our evolution away from a traditional manual testing approach to one that invests in world-class automation and developer tooling in order to drive a modern quality practices. This extends beyond just typical testing & product quality focus - to areas of process quality, code quality, and more.

This is a new role and a unique opportunity to shape and implement a new strategy for quality at Scribd - driving an impact on Scribd Engineering (150+ developers).

To see what a career at Scribd looks like see And to see more about the opportunity and apply directly:

Or feel free to reach out via email - cktaylor at scribd dot com

0 replies

Justwatch | Golang eng | Berlin (min 2days in office) | full time

Hi. I am Guillermo, backend developer of StreamingGuide. We try to make the best streaming guide worldwide.

We predominantly utilize Golang and Kubernetes, interfacing with GRPC APIs from teams such as Content (housing "the" database) and Martech (for ad display). Additionally, we work with databases like Scylla and Elasticsearch, ensuring seamless operation even under high loads exceeding 5k requests per second.

We're tackling challenges like integrating video ads, fortifying against scraping, enhancing response times, and optimizing the click-through rate for our recommender engine.

If you in, write me ( or visit:

0 replies

WebAI | Software Engineers, Systems Engineers, ML/AI Engineers | Austin, TX (US), Grand Rapids, MI (US), or Remote (Anywhere) | REMOTE or ONSITE | Full-time or Contract | $150k-$250k base + equity |

WebAI is building the future of Human-AI interaction and we’re a community committed to building the future of decentralized artificial intelligence. We believe that democratizing AI is key to unlocking its full potential and creating a better world for all. Our new product Navigator enables users to create custom AI models to meet their needs, while our WebAI Intelligence Network is critical infrastructure required for a decentralized AI future.

Senior and Staff roles available.

Desirable experience for our various roles:

  - Full-stack Python, Go or Rust

  - iOS (Swift)

  - P2P, encryption, or cryptography

  - Managing multi-cloud and/or on-prem infrastructure

  - Distributed training

  - Custom DNN architectures (pytorch/tensorflow/mxnet/burn)

  - Optimization via quantization/compression techniques
Apply here: (company name change in progress from Iris to WebAI)

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Pepsico eCommerce | NYC Hybrid or US remote | Senior Elixir Developer | $100k - $182.5k Base

We’re taking on bigger and more ambitious projects this year and our team is looking for a highly motivated self-starter to help us achieve an ambitious set of goals. This is a cross functional role where you will work with business stakeholders, coach junior developers, take on difficult technical tasks, and collaborate with product and design.

We're working with Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Postgres, Snowflake, Apache Druid, and some related technologies.

Feel free to reach out to me here or at chase[dot]gilliam[at]

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Common Crawl Foundation | REMOTE | Full and part-time | | web datasets

I'm the CTO at the Common Crawl Foundation, which has a 17 year old, 8 petabyte crawl & archive of the web. Our open dataset has been cited in nearly 10,000 research papers, and is the most-used dataset in the AWS Open Data program. Our organization is also very active in the open source community.

We are expanding our engineering team. We're looking for someone who is:

* Excited about our non-profit, open data mission

* Proficient with Python, and hopefully also some Java

* Proficient at cloud systems such as Spark/PySpark

* Willing to learn the rest: crawling parsing indexing etc.

Contact me at jobs zat commoncrawl zot org.

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PathAI | Boston | Onsite/Remote(US or willing to relocate) | Senior Software Eng | Full Time At PathAI, we're dedicated to improving patient outcomes with reliable AI-Powered technology and meaningful collaboration with biopharma, laboratories, and clinicians — aiming to provide patients with access to accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Openings include:

- Senior Software Engineer, Full-stack:

See for the complete listing.

I'm a Sr Staff SE - happy to answer questions via email or put you in touch with the right person if I can't. My email address is in my HN profile. No recruiters or agencies, please.

0 replies

Alchemy | | Multiple roles across SF & NYC | Full-Time | Hybrid office policy

Alchemy is the leading developer platform for web3. Hiring a lot of positions right now, including multiple software engineer roles across various teams, as well as a handful of operations and marketing roles.

Great team and company culture, and lots of opportunity in this batch of roles to make meaningful contributions to new product areas that are moving fast within the company.

0 replies

Y Combinator | Software Engineer | San Francisco, CA | ONSITE | Full-time

You're reading HN, why not come build software at Y Combinator itself! We are a small independent team of experienced engineers who try to make being funded by YC a great experience for founders. If the idea of designing software to help startups and the YC group partners sounds interesting to you, please reach out!

We work in Ruby on Rails, with a React/Typescript frontend. We move quickly and autonomously, and while we're not exactly doing rocket science (although we fund it), we're always experimenting with ways to make the YC batch better.

YC has excellent compensation and benefits (see more in the formal job description below). The team and the work life balance are great. About half of us are former founders and many of us are parents. And if you’re curious about startups (and possibly starting one someday), this job gives you amazing access to interact with YC’s programs, partners, and founders.

Please drop me a line if you're interested:


0 replies

All in Bits – Lead Blockchain Engineer – CA(preferred) or US Remote – Full-Time

All in Bits aims to create a more transparent and accountable world through open-source software that enables permissionless innovation and borderless transactions. Our technology empowers builders to launch sovereign blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps) that are secure, scalable, and interoperable. AiB is a longstanding contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem. In 2014, our CEO, Jae Kwon, was the first to introduce a solution to the Proof-of-Stake distributed consensus problem, building the core infrastructure that powers Cosmos today, including Tendermint Core and Cosmos SDK.

We are looking for a new lead Blockchain engineer who will be responsible for architecting, implementing, and maintaining robust and scalable blockchain systems, protocols, and consensus mechanisms.

Interview process: initial video call, HM screen, Team interview, CEO interview.


GO and Blockchain experience.

More info at this link:

If interested please email me at carlo.pezzuto(at)allinbits(dot)com


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Spill ( | Fullstack Engineer (£65-80k) | London, UK (HQ) | ONSITE | Full-time

Our aim is to make counselling and therapy free at the point of use for as many people as possible. We do this by selling a mental health support product to businesses.

We're hiring a Mid-Level Fullstack Engineer into our product and engineering team of 8.

We're a small product-focused company, we don't employ any salespeople, and we are cashflow positive.

email calvin[at]spill[dot]chat for a more thorough job spec

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IVPN | Senior Infrastructure Engineer | Remote (UTC-1 to UTC+3) | Full-time |

IVPN is a privacy-focused VPN service in operation since 2010. We have high ethical standards, regular security audits and a stellar reputation among security and privacy analysts.

We are looking for a Senior Infrastructure Engineer to help maintain our existing + implement a new server architecture for our VPN gateways that we have been working on for the past year that is open, immutable, diskless, secure and built on leased bare-metal servers. The position is fully remote with high level of autonomy.

Requirements are deep experience with: - infosec, specifically with regards to cryptographic controls used on servers e.g. Public key crypto, reproducible builds, TPM - TCP/IP, UDP, SSL/TLS and other related Internet protocols - configuration management tools e.g. Ansible, Puppet, Salt - managing Linux servers, including bare-metal - Python, Go or other scripting languages

You can email me if you have any questions about the role: viktor at

If you are ready, it's better to apply here:

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Silkline | Founding Engineer | On-Site, Chicago | Full-time |

Procurement is broken - Silkine is building the platform to fix it. Executing, tracking, and managing large purchases today is a Sisyphean task. A never-ending spiral of spreadsheets, manual PDF munging, and supplier wrangling. We know that we can do better. Come help our team (ex-Palantir/Pave, ex-Deloitte/Lockheed Martin) build a more transparent and reliable global supply chain.

We are looking for an ambitious, full-stack engineer who wants an impactful role with a TON of product ownership. The opportunity is massive, and we are just at the beginning.

Tech stack:

- App: Typescript, Next, Vercel, GraphQL, Hasura, Postgres (Aurora), OpenAI

- Integration/Infra: Python, Dagster, Airbyte, Pulumi

Apply here:

0 replies

Pivot Health, a Company | Remote, USA | Full-time | Software Engineering Manager - Insurtech Platform Team

Pivot Health is seeking an experienced Software Engineering Manager to lead our Insurtech Platform Team. At Pivot Health, we work with partners across the healthcare and insurance industries to craft products for people who don’t fit in a box. Through our network of agents and our direct-to-consumer website, we sell specialized individual health insurance plans and other products for people who are not a good fit for traditional employer-sponsored group plans or government-sponsored plans.

As the manager of the Insurtech Platform Team, you will lead a remote, multi-national team of software engineers to develop a new platform that will serve as the foundation of Pivot Health’s digital distribution in the future. Reporting to Pivot Health’s Vice President of Technology, you will work with engineering leadership at Pivot and to shape the company’s technology strategy and create a culture of high quality, high performance, and high expectations. You will be accountable for the successful delivery of your team’s commitments and will work closely with stakeholders to keep them apprised of progress and risks.

You will be managing a team working on greenfield projects using a modern tech stack that includes React, Next.js, GraphQL, Hasura, Spring Boot, and Kubernetes. This is a new but already high-performing team in a fast-paced, results-oriented culture.

Apply using the link below. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at

0 replies

Census | Software Engineers | SF, NYC, Denver, or REMOTE | Full-time

Census invented Reverse ETL and we're now bringing it to development teams everywhere via our Embedded product. We need you to help us deliver intuitive, fast, and rock-solid APIs that allow teams to integrate their data with dozens of warehouses and hundreds of SaaS applications.

Read more about embedded here:

Job listing isn't up yet so if you're interested you can reach out to me directly:

0 replies

Chameleon | Fullstack Engineer (Ruby) | Remote before it was cool | $120k - $180k | Full-time | Remember those modals, tooltips and checklists you have built but never really wanted to?! with Chameleon, the Product team can WYSIWYG those into your application with just a few clicks.

We're a great, growing team looking to hire a Frontend and Fullstack Engineer to complement our existing expertise. If you're in the Americas, take a look at the role description and see if you'd be a good fit


0 replies

OneText | | San Fransisco CA | Lead UX Engineer | US (In person or remote) | Full time

Apply at:

We're OneText (Y Combinator W23), and we're trying to let anyone pay and make purchases with a single text message.

We need someone with killer UX skills to own and redefine our user experiences, including our checkout flow and our merchant dashboard.

0 replies

NexHealth | REMOTE ok, SF preferred | Full Stack Software Engineer |

We’re on a mission to accelerate innovation in healthcare. We’re doing this by connecting patients, doctors, and developers. We’re the first to fully automate the integration with health record systems, paving the way for a new generation of disruptive healthtech companies.

We’re looking to add a full stack software engineer to our SaaS team. You’d be joining a critical team to the company success that is building never seen before payments capabilities for our customers. We live and breath by our operating principles: you will own and drive your projects working with cross-functional stakeholders to deliver world-class software.

Reach out to the email on my profile if: - You are motivated by solving hard problems in a complex industry - You have been part of a team / company building great software

0 replies

Attention AI | Senior Full Stack Engineers (TypeScript, Go, Postgres, GraphQL) | Remote (LATAM) | Full-Time |

Attention is building the ideal AI-assisted copilot for sales teams. Our platform helps salespeople close deals faster and with less hassle at every step of the way: it provides real time coaching, eliminates busywork, and analyzes conversations to deliver insights they can't get otherwise. We're growing like crazy and we're looking to hire our next backend engineer to join our distributed team in Latam (Remote).

We're a tight-knit team of senior developers who like to ship quality code, and our users love our product.

If you want to work with an amazing team on some cool problems, I'd love to hear from you, apply here:

0 replies

40GRID - Full-time Remote | Senior Angular Frontend | Data Migrations Engineer

Our mission is to empower field-service companies to grow by modernizing and automating their business operations. Every company we work with has unrealized potentials — our task is to build the platform that empowers growth and helps them unlock opportunities.

Email: jobs [at] (no recruiters or agencies, thank you).

Tech: Django / Python | Angular | Data Migrations

Reach out with any question -- thanks!

0 replies

Numeric | Software engineer (4+ YOE) | ONSITE in San Francisco, CA or NYC, NY |

We're building the platform to automate accounting and tackle the underlying data issues which plague accounting and finance departments. Customers like Wealthfront, AngelList, Mercury, and more depend on Numeric to automate their work, to collaborate, and to monitor, analyze, and share insights on their financial data.

We're a product-first company with technical founders and an engineering team whose past experiences include Brex, Segment, Carta, and more. This will be a fit if you're excited to understand your users and the domain, as well as to have substantial responsibility and impact. We work in person in our SF & NYC offices, and prioritize speed and ownership. We're growing rapidly, we're well-funded, and building out our team to continue investing in ambitious product goals.

Product-oriented engineers appreciated, bonus points for startup experience and/or full-stack experience with Typescript. 4+ YOE.

Apply: Email (mention hackernews in subject)

0 replies

hacker/engineer | ONSITE Redwood City, CA | full-time |

we are building modern, software engineering heavy, approach to lab automation to accelerate wetlab R&D to develop drugs across 5 of Retro's scientific programs

this is a fast paced job that requires a highly self-motivated individual. Retro is highly collaborative and low bureaucracy. you will have access to whatever resources and scientific expertise you need to build tooling that will shift the trajectory of scientific progress.

check out our JD here:

0 replies

Costa Security | Lead / Senior Engineer | Chicago / Bay Area Preference (Open to Remote) | Full Time

Hi everyone. We are Costa, and we are building the next generation of network security.

> who we are

At Costa, we believe in a world where it is easy to share information with good actors, and easy to protect it from bad ones. And we need help from great people to get there.

Our founding team has gone from garage to IPO before. We have experience at big companies (Amazon/Meta) and small. We are remote today, but have a preference for people near us (Bay Area/Chicago). We may not be fully remote in the future. We are early in our journey. We are backed by some great VCs. Now is an exciting time to join.

> what we do

We are building an infrastructure as code network security platform that runs everywhere. We help our customers easily move their compute between clouds, data centers, the edge by making networking and security understandable, repeatable and seamless.

Our first product gives network and security teams a single, seamless interface to deploy, configure and manage complex hybrid overlay networks and security services running within those networks.

> seeking great people

We are hiring our first product engineers. We are built on a modern stack: Ruby/Rails + StimulusJS, Golang, Python, Docker, Terraform, Packer and Wireguard. We are looking for backend, frontend and SRE/Devops engineers. Ideally people are familiar with networking and security concepts. Help build our engineering culture, one that embraces mutual respect, shared responsibility and continuous curiosity, and prizes an intellectual honesty that fosters both confidence and humility.

- Lead Platform Engineer - Design and build the Costa Platform Control Plane (Rails+). The Control Plane is responsible for deploying, scaling and managing a distributed mesh of software defined networking (SDN) controllers

- Product Engineer - focus on dev & client tools - build out our CLI in Golang, API SDKs etc.

- Devops Engineer - Build out our infra deployment automation and work with the lead platform engineer for the deployment functionality of our control plane

If you are interested in protecting information and want to be part of a dynamic team that enjoys working together to build something great, we invite you to apply.

Careers Link:

Costa Updates:

0 replies

TeamSnap | Multiple Roles | Remote (US Only) | Full-time |

TeamSnap is hiring for multiple positions to join our remote-first team. We work every day to simplify the lives of players, coaches, parents, and sports organizations by taking the headache out of organizing sports.

Engineers at TeamSnap are critical to our technical and product innovation. We build applications and services with Ruby, Elixir, React, TypeSript, Go[lang], Swift, Kotlin, MySQL, RabbitMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, Firebase, and Google Cloud. On the Full Stack side, “T-shaped” developers are encouraged.

Open technical roles:

- Principal Engineer

- SecOps Engineer

- Senior Data Engineer

- Senior iOS Engineer

- Senior Software Development Engineer in Test

- Senior Software Engineer (BE/Fullstack)

- Software Development Engineer in Test

- Software Engineer

We also have a number of non-technical roles available as well!

View all roles here:

0 replies

Beacon AI uses advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence to enhance flight safety and efficiency. Our platform provides AI-driven assistance to pilots, supported by industry leaders like Sam Altman and JetBlue Technology Ventures. Learn more at

Join Us Now: We are poised to raise additional capital quite soon, enabling significant growth and development. By joining now, you'll play a foundational role in shaping the future of aviation technology!

Explore Our Job Openings:

Cloud Infrastructure Lead: Lead in cloud solutions to transform flight safety. Experience with streaming data and cloud technologies is crucial. Apply at

Full Stack Web Developer: Develop web applications using 3D visualization tools like Cesium or Mapbox and ReactJS. Proficiency in AWS and API development required. Apply at

Cloud Data Engineer: Enhance operational insights using cloud data and build robust data pipelines for real-time analysis. Apply at

Technical Recruiter: Shape the future workforce as a strategic thinker in a high-tech environment. Apply at

For questions, contact us at

0 replies

Intertie | Lead Full-Stack Software Engineer | Hybrid (SF Bay Area) | Full-time

We're a clean tech startup working with solar/storage systems, backed by top tier VCs including True Ventures. We've developed an AI driven energy management system along with our own UL certified battery based energy storage systems for commercial properties. We also have ancillary products (EV charging, sales tools, etc) to make building and operating clean energy systems easier. We're running a number of live sites, have a good pipeline, and just finished raising our Series A.

We believe great software is the core of great products, especially when working with hardware. We're looking for a strong senior full stack software engineer to anchor our software team as we grow.

Lead Full-stack Software Engineer - Go/Golang, Python - Javascript, Devops, energy domain experience a plus

Reach out to me (BC, CTO) at jobs+hn [at] to make a difference in the world and help build a great company (no recruiters please).

0 replies

** Trunk Tools | Engineers | Full-Time | US REMOTE or ONSITE NYC **

Trunk Tools creates software to make construction more efficient and cost effective, we have significant revenue and are growing extremely quickly! We're a team with prior experience at SpaceX, PlanGrid, Carta, LinkedIn, Uber, etc.

We spent the last few years building the brain behind construction. Now we are deploying workflows/ agents, starting with Q&A document chatbot, to be ingrained in construction teams’ workflows, ultimately to automate construction. Given our immense traction with several Fortune 500 construction companies, we are doubling our team in order to deploy several more agents this year. You will have an opportunity to drive the transformation of a multi-trillion-dollar industry full of waste, risks and inefficiencies.

We're looking for:

  * Director of AI (NYC or Remote US)  [1]

  * Full Stack / Implementation Engineer (NYC or Remote US) [2]

  * Machine Learning Engineer - Data Extraction (NYC or Remote US) [3]

  * Senior Machine Learning Engineer (NYC or Remote US) [4]

  * Full Stack Engineer (Frontend Architect) (NYC or Remote US) [5]
Examples of relevant experience for some of these roles would include semantic and lexical search, RAG, knowledge graphs, fine-tuning models, prompt engineering, MLOps, parsing unstructured data, enterprise search, node.js, typescript, react, python. A great candidate would have experience with many of these, not just one.

Feel free to email your resume and a note over to






0 replies

Lumin | Melbourne Australia | ONSITE | Senior full-stack or frontend engineer | contract or full-time | Ruby on Rails, React, React Native

Hi, senior full stack software engineer from Lumin ( here. We have hardware+software solutions for elderly people.

Please check out full description of available roles here:

- Senior Full Stack (Ruby on Rails / React / ReactNative) Engineer:

- Senior React Native / ReactJS developer (full-time or contract):

0 replies

Narrative (YC W23) | Remote | Full Time | Full Stack Engineer (Backend)

Narrative is making AI powered data tools for logistics (and other industries soon!). We standardize and find errors in shipping invoice data for large companies.

Our stack is Python, Django, React, Typescript, Dagster, Postgres & Clickhouse

We're looking for remote full stack engineers (focusing on backend):

Apply here:

0 replies

Artisan Insight | Senior Electrical Engineer & Senior Mechanical/Manufacturing Engineer | San Francisco, CA| ONSITE|

Artisan Insight is commercializing a deep tech innovation to fundamentally change the electronics industry. We are a team of experienced co-founders who have worked at companies like Flex, Uber, Verkada, Heptio, and Bridgewater. We have shipped code that runs on Mars, scaled the largest web services, and changed the way people get around cities. We are backed by exceptional investors who are committed to creating the next category defining company. We are hiring the first engineers who will work directly with the co-founders to define how we work and what we build. We are a small team with an ambitious vision and exciting technical challenges.



DM me or email for more info

0 replies

Auros Global | Multiple roles | Remote | Full Time |

Auros is a leading cryptocurrency market making and high-frequency trading firm operating across all major venues and instruments. A 24/7/365 business, it possesses a world-class team of trading and engineering talent across 15 geographies globally, combining remote work and physical offices in Hong Kong and New York.

Please check the below links for more detail about what each role involves.

Strategy Developer (Options):

Core Systems Developer:

Exchange Connectivity Developer:

Senior DevOps Engineer:

0 replies

Astranis (YC W16) | San Francisco, CA | Full-Time | Interns | On-site | US Citizen or Green Card

Astranis is on a mission to bridge the digital divide by connecting the four billion people worldwide who currently lack internet access. We're doing this by building the next generation of smaller, more cost-effective spacecraft to bring the world online.

As a team, we’ve launched two satellites into orbit, signed ten commercial deals worth over $1 billion in revenue, raised over $500 million from top global investors, and recruited a team of over 300 world-class engineers.

Our satellites, which operate from geostationary orbit (GEO), weigh only 400 kg and utilize a proprietary software-defined radio payload. Each satellite can connect over two million people, and we’re very excited for the impact we’ll soon have in the Philippines, Peru, Mexico, and more!

Backed by substantial funding and a passionate, collaborative team, we offer a rewarding work environment where you'll learn and make a significant impact, no matter where you are in your career.


Check out our postings here --


Roles we’re hiring for include: Electrical, Software, Mechanical, Integration & Test, Quality, Finance, Marketing, People Ops, Supply Chain, and IT/Security.

We look forward to connecting with you!

0 replies

Privy | Onsite NYC (Preferred) or Remote (US/Canada) | Hybrid Product/Eng, Frontend, Fullstack, Backend Roles | Full-Time |

Hi, I'm Asta, CTO at the digital identity startup Privy. We build an authentication and cryptographic key management SDK that hundreds of companies integrate in order to onboard users (5M+ in the last 8 months alone) onto products built with blockchain infra and distributed systems.

We believe that when users own cryptographic keys, we shift the status quo so that users control more of their data and assets online. Privacy is fundamentally about ownership and revocation. User experience is our North Star, because users won't compromise on UX.

We're a small, high-ownership team building a product with real usage (>2M MAUs, massive transaction volume) that developers love. We've raised $26M from Sequoia & Paradigm. We ship constantly - multiple production releases per week.

Reach out at join [at] - these emails go to me.

0 replies

Jito Labs is seeking an experienced DevRel wizard who can effectively communicate technical details and act as a liaison between customers and the Jito team.

Responsibilities: -Create, modify, and maintain new libraries across a variety of languages for interfacing with Jito Labs products and APIs -Keep documentation up to date with evolving products and customer questions across MEV, validators, and other involved parties -Serve as a technical expert in MEV, Solana, and Jito Labs systems -Build demo applications leveraging Jito Labs MEV infrastructure -Summarize and triage customer issues and challenges to help enhance Jito’s product offerings -Dive deep into the world of Solana MEV to write blog posts and thought pieces

Requirements: -Familiar with Git, Rust, Python, Typescript/Javascript, and other modern languages -Concise communication between customers, the Jito Labs engineering team, and leadership -Hungry to learn and comfortable working in fast paced environments -Flexible and capable of prioritizing many tasks with competing priorities

Benefits: -Above market compensation, health benefits and multiple forms of equity -Salary: $120-$140k (approximate) -All-expenses-paid team retreats and conferences -Unlimited PTO -Weekly meal voucher

We’re a fast moving and ambitious team building infrastructure to increase the performance of Solana and maximize rewards for stakers and validators. We're well-capitalized and have experienced massive growth across multiple products in 2023, gaining market share faster than our competitors. Jito-Solana, our MEV validator client for Solana, has gained more than 70% of stake on Solana. Come join our rockstar team of twelve to accelerate our growth!

0 replies

Eleventh Hour Games | Remote (US Timezones) | Full-time | Multiple roles

We're a growing company working on Last Epoch, a cool new action-RPG! We have a number of open positions including a Gameplay Engineer, Senior UI Engineer, Client Optimization Engineer, Backend Engineer, Technical Art Director, and Technical Director!

0 replies

Topologic | Senior/Staff/Principal Frontend Engineer; multiple roles | On-site; remote | Full-time | Boston, MA, US; Paris, FR; remote |

Over one third of apparel produced is never sold: Topologic’s mission is to eliminate this disastrous overproduction and waste by producing exactly to demand. To do this, we’re reinventing apparel manufacturing, from CAD/CAM software to novel intelligent machines. We are attacking a massive $2T industry, are already generating B2B revenue, and are backed with $10m from leading VCs and CAD insiders. We remain in relative stealth.

We are hiring passionate senior/staff/principal frontend software engineers, especially with interest and experience in design tools, computer graphics, and CAD, as well as web development. Our FE tech stack is TypeScript, React 18 (soon to be 19), Redux, and WebGL 2. We also use Rust via Web Assembly.

We are also hiring senior/staff/principal mechanical engineers as well as a machinist to work on our novel hardware projects. We build up deep domain knowledge about our industry and partners and have representative stakeholders in-house who we collaborate with on a daily basis.

We prioritize diversity and inclusion of all varieties. We appreciate our colleagues as unique individuals who all bring valuable perspectives to our work.

More details and application here:

0 replies

Lovable (, creators of GPT Engineer ( | ONSITE+HYBRID | London / Stockholm | Full-Time | Founding Engineers

We're a small team of serial (ex-YC) founders, CTOs, designers & IOI gold medalists set on being the first to make autonomous code generation work.

Our CLI tool has 50k GitHub stars ( and our SaaS product is in closed beta with 25k on the waitlist. You'd be one of the first employees and have a big impact in shaping our product and company.

Building an AI Software Engineer is a hard problem. We believe that hiring the brightest and most ambitious minds in Europe is the way we make this work. We care deeply about building a great product. We want to work with people who are as ambitious and motivated about shipping fast as we are.

In particular, we're looking for:

- Product engineers: Product-minded full stack engineers to work on our core product.

- Generalists: Creative/algorithmic minds with a track record of solving difficult problems (in physics, computer science, mathematics).

Our stack: FastAPI backend, Next.js (subscribed to edit events in application DB), Cloud Run,, Supabase.

Read more and apply at:

0 replies

Nomic | Onsite NYC | Fulltime

- VP Sales & Partnerships

- Customer Success Engineer

- Developer Advocate

- Front End Engineer

Join us and help build the future of how people work with massive amounts of unstructured information.

What do you get to do?

- Help ship billions of embeddings daily to web browsers around the world

- Work closely with a small team of ex-PhD's; professors; world experts in design, web and distributed systems engineering.

- Listen as H100s go brrr training foundational embedding models

- Solve data problems faced by real customers building AI systems

0 replies

Andrew McWatters & Co. | Software Agency Sales Representative | Remote, Phoenix, AZ | Full-time

We are a small software firm located in the Phoenix metro. You will be part of a highly skilled, kind team of engineers and sales staff who serve Fortune 500s, start-ups, large non-profits, and small businesses in custom software projects.

We are a stress-free, easy going company who values professionals with extensive experience. Because we know what we’re doing, we don’t have to hard-sell to clients or our own candidates.

Internally, we innovate at comfortable speeds. Our agency work subsidizes research and development in the areas of fintech and self-driving cars.

We are looking for sales staff who can assist us with maintaining revenue and modest growth. We pay competitively based on experience and with commission.

Please contact us at We look forward to hearing from you.

0 replies

Foxglove | Remote (must be located in US time zone) | Full Time or Contract |

Foxglove is the leading observability platform for robotics developers. We help robotics and autonomous vehicle companies log, ingest, organize, and visualize multimodal data. We're well funded (Series A, ~20 people), with an experienced and fast-moving team. Seeking like-minded people to join us!

- Senior / Staff Backend Engineer (TypeScript, Node.js, bonus if you have experience with Rust, Go, C++, Python)

0 replies

Hi everyone! Allisyn with Proof of Play back again with more job listings.

For those who haven't heard, Proof of Play makes player-focused games on the blockchain. We have open opportunities throughout our entire tech stack, including:

Senior Blockchain Engineer:

Senior Fullstack Engineer:

Senior Tools/Engine Programmer:

Senior Unity (Gameplay) Engineer:

Questions? Feel free to hit us up at

Thanks y'all!

0 replies
1d3h | Chief of Staff - First Employee | Remote - east coast hours | $60-$80k | 45 days vacation/year

Bellsong is an early stage business exploring opportunities related to therapy. This is an opportunity to join early, work alongside an experienced founder (that’s me!) and grow with the organization.

We’re motivated by a few key questions:

* Is there an alternative to the high-growth startup model that centers customers and employees rather than outside stakeholders?

* Therapy changes lives. How do we honor and promote this practice?

* Therapists are superheroes. How can we support and uplift them?

We’re looking for a generalist. Your work will span three major areas:

* Operations: you’ll keep projects organized and on-track. In a chaotic startup, you’ll be a force for order.

* Writing: from emails and blog posts, to therapist profiles—you will use language to tell stories and convince others.

* Grit: this is a role where you’ll take out the proverbial trash. You will own all of the sometimes tedious administrative work.

Learn more here:

Keywords if you're searching: Product, Operations, Marketing, Growth, Early-stage, Generalist

0 replies

adMarketplace | Many roles - Sr. Java / Data / AI/ML / React | Full-time | ONSITE | New York, NY USA

We are disrupting Google's monopoly on search advertising by focusing on privacy and transparency. Private, founder-owned, profitable and stable business - but at the same time, fast-growing and innovative.

Many open roles on Engineering - all Senior or Senior+ roles: Java (low latency distributed systems), front end (React), data (Python/streaming/Databricks), AI/ML.

Apply here:

0 replies

Countfire | Senior Fullstack Developers | Remote (but must based in UK) |

Countfire makes software for the construction industry. Our software is well loved because we try to design solutions that are a magnitude more efficient than existing tools.

We use all sorts of tech, but mostly MobX, React, Typescript, Python, Hasura, Postgres, Terraform, and AWS.

We have a great loyal customer base and lots of exciting ideas that need bringing to life.

Previously based in London, now seeking remote devs across the UK.

More info here

Feel free to contact me directly

Note, applicants must be resident in the UK. No recruiters.

0 replies

Afero | Sr. Cloud QA Engineer | Sr. Mobile Applications Engineer | DevOps Manager | Los Altos, CA | Hybrid | Full-time

Afero enables connected devices to be smart and secure. Afero's IoT Platform as a Service prioritizes security, data privacy, simplicity, and ease of use throughout the end user experience. These key elements are integral to the solution and not bolted on after the fact, enabling manufacturers and brands to secure their supply chain. Afero technology powers millions of devices across 150 product categories from 50+ manufacturers, including from well known brands like Defiant, Hampton Bay and EcoSmart. Afero has assembled world-class mobile, hardware, security, and cloud veterans from Google, Apple, Nest, Danger, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter, and Netflix, Roku. To learn more about Afero, please visit

Here is more about the roles we are currently hiring for:

0 replies

BCC | Platform Systems Engineer | DataOps Engineer | Bethesda MD | ONSITE or REMOTE, VISA | Competitive compensation! | Black Canyon Consulting (BCC) is searching for Platform Systems/DevOps/DataOps Engineers to support our work for the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), an institute of the National Institutes of Health. This opportunity is full time and onsite/remote at the NIH in Bethesda, MD.

Help an amazingly important public resource!

Platform Engineer -

DataOps Engineer -

0 replies
1d3h | Remote | Full-time’s mission is to help local business owners survive by leveling the playing field – by giving them an all-in-one solution to take back control of their business and truly own their online presence. The Owner platform powers everything from their SEO-optimized website to their online ordering system, while providing powerful email marketing and loyalty programs, reputation management, recruiting solutions, and more.

- Senior Software Engineer:

- Senior Product Manager:

0 replies

VIZIT | Python + AI/Data Science Roles | Full-time | Remote (US)

I'm the CTO @ VIZIT. We're an AI company helping Fortune 100 companies predictively develop the best visuals to sell their products to their specific consumers. We're actively hiring for a Senior Python Engineer role focused on data architecture and ETL. We're also hiring a for a Senior AI Scientist for work on video analysis and an Ecomm Data Scientist. You can find the details at

0 replies

Hatchet ( | New York City (IN-PERSON) | Full-time

We're hiring a founding engineer to help us with development on our open-source, distributed task queue:

We recently launched on HN, you can check out our launch here: We're two second-time YC founders in this for the long haul and we are just wrapping up the YC W24 batch.

As a founding engineer, you'll be responsible for contributing across the entire codebase. We'll compensate accordingly and with high equity. It's currently just the two founders + a part-time contractor. We're all technical and contribute code.

Stack: Typescript/React, Go and PostgreSQL.

To apply, email alexander [at] hatchet [dot] run, and include the following:

1. Tell us about something impressive you've built.

2. Ask a question or write a comment about the state of the project. For example: a file that stood out to you in the codebase, a Github issue or discussion that piqued your interest, a general comment on distributed systems/task queues, or why our code is bad and how you could improve it.

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Column ( | Software Eng (Product), Software Eng (Infrastructure), Software Eng (Internal Tools) | San Francisco, CA | Full Time

Column is the first nationally chartered bank built from the ground up for developers. We provide an API first, modern banking experience for our customers, replacing the bloated middleware and legacy software that currently powers most financial companies.

Started by the co-founder of Plaid, Column has a team of 8 experienced engineers and is currently processing hundreds of billions in payments annually, supporting some of the largest and most sophisticated fintech companies. We are currently hiring our first full-stack product engineer (React, Go) to build delightful banking UX. We are also hiring an experienced infra engineer (Go, Kubernetes, AWS) to help scale our systems. Finally, we have a new role open for a junior engineer to work on full-stack internal tooling (JS, Go) with lots of opportunities for growth. We all work on high impact, independently driven projects - writing code for regulated financial infrastructure at scale.

Apply here: or read more about our hiring philosophy here:

Feel free to email me with any questions: praful@

0 replies

Two Six Technologies | Reverse Engineer/Vulnerability Researcher | Arlington, VA or Dayton, Ohio | ONSITE | Full Time | Two Six Technologies is seeking Reverse Engineers & Vulnerability Researchers to perform in-depth reverse engineering and exploit development to transition those findings into capabilities. We are looking to hire a number of Security Researchers with experience in the following categories: firmware reverse engineering, hardware reverse engineering, and Linux/UNIX kernel development. Additional opportunities are available for embedded software engineers, RF electronic design engineers, FPGA/ASIC design engineers, hardware reverse engineers, firmware reverse engineers, and low-level developers looking to enter the security field. If you work in the embedded security domain, we would love to hear from you. Preference is for applicants who hold a TS clearance at the minimum with the ability to obtain SCI. If interested, please reach out to our team @

0 replies

Faktory | Full Time | Remote/On-site (New York, US) | Faktory is building the worlds biggest, smartest and most reliable AI workforce. Your objective is to help make sure our ai agents become ever smarter, more reliable an and that new ones can be created via our Agent Studio platform.

Our aspirations are high, so your obsession with everything AI and agents will will have to bee too :)

Here are a few of the roles we want to hire for:

* Senior Developer * We are currently looking for a developer who live and breath AI/LLM/Python

* Prompt Engineer * Are you AI whisperer of prompting? Then we most definitely would want you. You need to have some basic technical understand if you are a developer it's a plus.

* Frontend Developer * You are king of vanilla javascript and kind of don't like framework but understand react.

Please write us at

0 replies

HelloBonnie | Germany (Remote) | Founding Frontend Developer

At HelloBonnie, we believe that employee happiness is the driving force behind each company's success. Every employee is unique and requires individual appreciation to boost their engagement. That's why we are building HelloBonnie: The employee happiness platform for New Work, where personalized benefits and employee engagement converge.

We are looking for our first developer with a hands on mentality that enjoys working in a startup environment. Please see the job description for more details and also use it to apply:

0 replies

SpaceX | Onsite | Full Time

Los Angeles / Hawthorne, CA Seattle / Redmond, WA Washington D.C.

Rockets, spaceships & satellites! Updates:

Eligible for all 3 SpaceX locations


Principal Software Eng:

Sr. Software Eng:

Sr. Security Analyst:

Eligible for Seattle & LA


Principal Security Software:

Sr. Security Software:

Sr. Software Eng:

Sr. Network Security Eng:

SpaceX follows ITAR:

0 replies

Solution Street | Remote - US Candidates only|

We are a software consulting company based in Northern Virginia. Here is our website to learn more:

Current Opportunities:

- Azure API Management Technical Architect

- Enterprise Application Security Architect (C# & .NET, Angular, Azure)

- Senior Full Stack .NET/Angular Developer

Apply by sending your resume to Cristina on the recruiting team via email at: . It would be great to meet with you, be sure to mention you saw our post on Hacker News!

0 replies

Solar Monkey | Frontend Engineer | Remote or On-site | The Netherlands - The Hague | Full-time |

At Solar Monkey (, our goal is to enable solar to be the world’s leading power supply, and we accomplish that with software that makes solar power systems more affordable, secure and reliable. We do so in a very open and warm environment, where everybody can have his or her say on company values, structure, and policies.

We are well funded and expanding, and currently looking for a full time front-end-focused developer to boost our team. While we're versatile in full-stack, we're on the lookout for someone who's all about frontend finesse.

Our front end is written in React & Redux, so hopefully, that excites you! However, our application isn’t too straightforward. It includes an advanced solar panel editor, built with HTML5 Canvas and overlayed on a Leaflet map that shows high-resolution aerial photographs. We even correct for view angle distortions in those photos!

Interested? Here’s the job link:

0 replies

Blissbook | Full Stack Product Engineer | Remote (USA) | Full-time

Our mission is to enable creativity and allow people to express themselves, particularly in situations where it’s difficult to do so.

This mission has driven us to create Blissbook, a content management system for employee handbooks and top-down communication (policies, standard operating procedures, etc.). We help HR teams deliver premium employee handbook & policy experiences.

We’re a bootstrapped, growing team of 10, working fully remote. For more, read our about page or Employee Flight Manual. We strive to live our PEACH-E values in all we do: Plucky, Empathetic, Authentic, Curious, Huggable, Exceptional

Job posting:

0 replies

Vivint | Home Automation - IoT, making cool stuff | Boston, MA | onsite

At our Boston Innovation Center, we're delivering an integrated platform, award-winning products and the industry's first artificial intelligence for the smart home. Check out our openings and join the #SmartHomeRevolution

We are looking for designers and engineers across multiple functions, but here are just a few:

- Scala principal and staff engineers

- Product Managers

- Mobile UX designer

Check out all of our openings here:

Technologies we touch: kotlin, swift, golang, python, scala

Please email

0 replies

PlantingSpace | Full-time | Remote (EU time zone) with quarterly gatherings |

We are building an AI system that can accurately represent knowledge and handle uncertainty, to enable the discovery of insights and solve problems based on explainable reasoning. Our technology is not based on a GPT framework but on a novel approach to structured knowledge representation. We envision applications to automate analysis and speed up research in domains such as Finance, Strategy Consulting, Engineering, Material Sciences, and more.

We are continuously looking for strong software engineers who are up for a challenge and a steep learning curve. You’ll be exposed to cutting edge research in Bayesian statistics, dynamical systems, information theory, symbolic computing, and more.

Current openings at PlantingSpace:

- Senior UX Designer: create captivating user interface designs that showcase our product's capabilities.

- Knowledge Representation Category Theorist: research category theoretic representations of real world phenomena to inspire our development.

- Senior NLP Engineer: build bridges between neural and symbolic representations within our system.

- Head of Talent Acquisition: establish our vision and roadmap for talent acquisition and employer branding, and prepare our recruitment operations for growth.

To see a full list of openings, and to apply, check out our Join Us page:

We’re excited to also share some example tasks that will give you a taste of the work we do here:

0 replies

StarTree | | Mountain View, CA; Bangalore, India; Remote | Full-Time | 16 positions in Eng / Sales

StarTree is a cloud-based software company that enables business customers to derive advanced insights from real-time and historical data. StarTree was founded by the core software engineering team and inventors of Apache Pinot, which currently powers hundreds of user-facing applications at companies across industries, including LinkedIn, Uber, Target, 7-Eleven, Etsy, Walmart, WePay, Factual, Weibo, and more. StarTree Cloud has enabled even more companies to deploy and operate real-time analytics at scale, including Stripe, Sovrn, Roadie, Just Eat, Dialpad, Guitar Center, Blinkit, and more.

StarTree recently announced our Series B Funding with investment from GGV Capital, Sapphire Ventures, Bain Capital Ventures, and CRV. We have been named one of The Information's 50 Most Promising Startups and one of CRN's 10 Coolest Cloud Computing Startup Companies of 2022!

Apply Online:


• Engineering Director, Reliability - Mountain View, CA, USA

• Senior Software Engineer, Cloud Platform - India - Remote

• Senior Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure - Bangalore

• Senior Software Engineer, Frontend - India

• Site Reliability Engineer - India - Remote

• Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Manager, India - Bangalore / Hybrid

• Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure - India - Remote

• Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure - Mountain View, CA

• Software Engineer, Platform - US - Remote

• Software Engineer, Platform - India - Remote

• Staff Site Reliability Engineer - India - Remote

• Staff Software Engineer, Backend - India - Remote

• Staff Software Engineer, Cloud Platform (India) - India - Remote

• Staff Software Engineer, Data Infrastructure - India, Bangalore

• Staff Software Engineer, Frontend - Apps - India - Remote


• Enterprise Architect - India

0 replies

Codeium ( | Software Engineer | Mountain View, CA | Full-time | Onsite

We're working on AI tools for developers (autocomplete, chat, and more unannounced things). We train our own LLMs from scratch and have over 1M downloads across our surfaces. We have many paying enterprise customers and have raised a total of $93M from Kleiner Perkins, Greenoaks, and Founders Fund. We've recently earned a spot of Forbes' AI 50 list, feel free check it out here:

We have a lot of openings at Codeium, but we are prioritizing our software engineering generalist role right now.

If you're interested in learning more, feel free to email me at or connect with me on LinkedIn @

It would be super helpful if you mentioned that you found me from this thread. Looking forward to connecting!

0 replies

Pickleball Vision AI | Senior Python Engineer | REMOTE | Full-time |

PB Vision is transforming how players hone their pickleball skills. Utilizing state-of-the-art computer vision models, we convert video into precise 3D data models, offering insights to players, coaches, and fans. Our mission is to help players unleash their potential.

We are seeking a Senior Python Engineer who is skilled in building robust backend systems. If you’re ready to tackle challenges using and data engineering—like teasing insights out of dense low-level data our AI observes in recordings of pickleball games—we’d love to hear from you. This is your chance to contribute to a revolutionary product and make a significant impact on the sport of pickleball. Responsibilities include:

- Develop and implement data extraction and manipulation pipelines to process frame-by-frame computer vision output.

- Create advanced algorithms for data categorization, abstraction, and transformation

- Solve complex problems related to imprecise data, including developing techniques for estimating ball positions, trajectories, and game logic.

- Iterate on 3D equations of motion, incorporating factors like air resistance and the Magnus effect.

- Design algorithms for game analysis, highlight extraction, shot quality assessment, and player rating systems.

- Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate analytics into user-facing applications.

Shoot me an email hckr[at] with your resume and let me know why you'd be a good fit!

0 replies

We are hiring again!

If you’re a seasoned pro who loves to add some creativity into your marketing campaigns while championing the cause of #diversity, #equity and #inclusion, we want you on our team!

We’re looking for a Marketing Lead based in the UK/Europe or anywhere in the US, to work with our team to create programs that effectively communicate the benefits of Serein’s #diversityandinclusion product and other work culture based solutions. If you’ve got what it takes, write to us at

0 replies

BreezeRFP | Founding Engineer (Full Stack) | $175-250k + 1-3% Equity | Remote (US) or Hybrid (DC) | Full-Time

TL;DR - We're an AI startup democratizing access to government contracts by making it easier for small businesses to find and respond to soul-crushingly complex RFPs and paperwork. - We just raised $3m (April 2024) and have strong GTM traction. - We're looking for a founding engineer to join our 4-person team. Long hours at the keyboard, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return unknown. Honor, recognition, and enormous riches in case of success.

Full Job Posting:

Current Tech Stack: Python/Django | JavaScript/Vue.js (React experience is acceptable too!) | Postgres/Relational DB

If you’re a hungry, talented full-stack engineer that thrives in small companies, wants to solve interesting problems with the latest AI tools, and views a culture of hard work as a feature, not a bug, shoot us a note! Team AT

0 replies

Reffie | | Summer Intern | Remote

Reffie is an early-stage startup building the next-generation workflow and data analytics platform for residential real estate owners, operators, and property managers. We are venture-backed with support from firms like Haystack, Trust, a16z and others.

We are looking for enthusiastic students interested in pursuing a career as an ML engineer or data scientist to work on our hardest problems! You’ll be involved in projects end to end, from ideation through production. You will touch every aspect of the pipeline, starting from data analysis and pre-processing pipelines through iterative development and testing, and into introducing your solution into our production platform.

0 replies

Accounting Manipulation & Impact Washing Detection AI – CTO Co-Founder

I’m currently building an accounting manipulation and impact washing detection AI platform. This will be used by investors (banks and asset managers), auditors, legal advisors and corporates to support them with their analysis and abilities to manage risk and generate alpha.

We are searching for a co-founder to join us as a Chief Technology Officer. Ideally he/she would be familiar with machine learning algorithms and data handling techniques, as well as having programming and NLP skills and software engineering principles.

Our Chief Product Officer is a veteran in the forensic accounting and finance world, and I have built and exited financial services businesses in the past.

If you’d be interested in joining us or know anyone else that may be interested please let me know.

Reach out at: Gaurav[at]esgsights[dot]com /

0 replies

Kerith | Senior Full Stack Developer | Remote within Germany (quarterly in-person gatherings) | Full Time

Kerith is a software company on a mission to decarbonize the manufacturing sector, starting with giants like BMW. Our platform has already proven capable of guiding significant energy savings decisions, securing 3-digit million savings for large-scale manufacturing companies. After long-term planning, we now aim to deliver even more value through real-time optimizations. This involves ongoing decisions for machine operation and energy storage management within set constraints.

We're looking for people to help take our product with real-time optimization features to the next level while improving on existing features. This work includes enhancing our existing web application [1] and improving our optimization algorithms [2]. Join us to make a meaningful impact on the climate, contribute to a cutting-edge software product & shape the future of our company.

[1] Full Stack Software Engineer: (Javascript / Vue / PostgreSQL / CI-CD)

[2] Backend Algorithms & Optimization Engineer(Julia or Python / Optimization / Energy / CI-CD):

Apply directly via the links or send your CV with subject ‘HN application’ to our founder!

0 replies

Houston Astros | Senior Engineer, Performance Science | Full Time | ONSITE

The Houston Astros are looking for someone to take 3D time series pose estimation data and derive meaningful insights to help player performance and evaluation. Ideal candidates would have strong backgrounds in Python, Physics/Geometry/Algebra.

If curious about more job details, you can find them at

0 replies

Cloudflare | Software Engineer, Web Frameworks | Austin, Lisbon, London, remote

We are looking for JavaScript/TypeScript/Web experts interested in evolving the state of web development via infra/platform level work across the OSS developer ecosystem, with particular focus on full-stack JavaScript frameworks, JS build systems & tooling, and JS/Web API standards.

0 replies

Arro | Senior Backend Engineer | LA OR Remote | Full Time

Join Arro as we revolutionize access to credit for millions. As part of our engineering team, you'll contribute to a platform that combines financial education with innovative lending solutions. Enjoy a competitive salary, equity, remote work flexibility, and a culture focused on learning and growth. Apply now and make a real difference.

Arro is looking for a Senior Backend Engineer with 7+ years of experience, proficient in Node, Typescript, JavaScript, and AWS. Ideal candidates are problem solvers with strong CS fundamentals, eager to mentor, and skilled in agile environments. Join us in building fair access to credit. Benefits include competitive salary, equity, and more. No LeetCode at the interview, just a cool set of coding challenges!

Email for resumes:

0 replies

Founded in 2020, Writer ( is the full-stack generative AI platform for enterprises. We empower entire organizations to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and ensure compliance. We're revenue-positive, and our customers include world-class companies such as L’Oreal, Vanguard, Accenture, and Johson & Johnson.

We are hiring for a Windows app dev with 5+ years of experience in building desktop apps with C#, WPF, and .NET. If you're interested in this role, feel free to email me directly at This is US-remote.

We're also hiring for roles like Frontend eng (US-remote) and a Technical lead manager (Bay Area). For those, you can see more here (and also feel free to email me):

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Smappen | Toulouse, France | Remote | Full-Time | Full-Stack Engineer

I'm Dan, the founder of Smappen, a bootstrap location intelligence company. We assist hundreds of businesses in finding optimal locations for their operations.

We are looking to expand our engineering team, which currently consists of 6 engineers. Your role will involve helping us to scale our platform!

Tech Stack: - Vue 3 - NestJS - TypeScript - Kubernetes

Remote Work Policy: - You must be located within a 4-hour train ride from Toulouse and be available to work from our Toulouse office 3 days per month.

Contact me at

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Stanford University IT | Stanford, CA (next to Palo Alto) or Redwood City, CA | Full-time | Three positions | ONSITE (2 positions) or HYBRID/REMOTE (1 position)

Stanford University IT ( provides a large number of IT-related services. We provide contract desktop support for labs and departments. We run the campus' academic/administrative, residential, research, and related networks. We provide Stanford's analog and VoIP telephone service, along with related services (operator services, code calls, IR menus, call recording). We provide Stanford Login (SAML/OIDC), the Stanford Directory (LDAP), Active Directory, RADIUS, O365 & Google & Zoom integration, email routing (SMTP/Proofpoint), Kerberos, cloud integration, and more.

Here are 3 positions to consider:

• DevOps Engineer: This is a HYBRID or REMOTE position. If you choose to be HYBRID, you'll be based in our Redwood City campus. You'll be part of the Authentication and Collaboration (ACS) group: From the list of services I mentioned at the top, the ACS group handles everything from "Stanford Login" to "and more". You'll find a good amount of Perl (our preferred language from back in the day), but also a lot of Python and k8s (either on-prem k8s or GKE, with a bit of EKS). More info:

• Data Center Engineer (2 positions): You'll either be based at our primary research data center in Menlo Park (on the SLAC campus), or our enterprise data center (on the Stanford campus). The Menlo Park position only focuses on our research data center, but has broader responsibilities: It includes everything from racking and cabling to maintaining and troubleshooting power distribution (415v Starline bus), UPS (spinning-mass), generators, VFDs, air handlers, chillers, PLCs, and the like. The Stanford position focuses just on facilities (not racking/cabling), but has a more facilities to care for on campus. More info: (Menlo Park) and (Stanford)

If you don't already live in the Bay Area, we provide a relocation incentive. Depending on where you live, we provide free transit passes. Unfortunately, if you don't commute, you will have to pay for parking for the days you're on-site (except in Menlo Park). There is some on-call around the holidays. We get a 403(b) match, good healthcare, and 30+ days off per year (holidays + vacation). All Benefits are all publicly documented at

If you have questions, feel free to reply here or email me (the info is in my profile)!

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Mixpeek | Infra/Full Stack/Founding Engineer | NYC, Onsite | $100k - $150k & .25% - 1% equity

problem: to build a RAG app, you first construct a data pipeline then evolve it for every ai advancement.

solution: configurable data replication pipelines, BYO containers and storage. we handle replication, inference, durability and consistency.

never think about vectors again.

If interested, email

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Property Meld | Senior Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote (US & Canada) or Rapid City, SD

Looking for something more meaningful? How about the opportunity to have a direct impact on the property maintenance experience for hundreds of thousands of residents?

Welcome to the future of property maintenance. Property Meld’s vision is to radically improve how the property management industry handles property maintenance. If you’ve ever had a maintenance issue at your housing rental, you know how much of a pain it can be to get it fixed quickly and reliably. It doesn't have to be this way. We're rethinking the entire property maintenance experience from the ground up with two things in mind - first, driving the cost of doing maintenance to the absolute minimum, and second, providing an experience to residents and property owners that makes them want to stay with their property manager. If you are excited about turning something that has historically been a negative experience (maintenance) into a positive experience, we'd love to talk with you.

Stack: Python, Django, Typescript, React, PostgreSQL

Senior Software Engineer:

If you are interested or have any questions email us at ` at` or apply via the above links.

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Kombo (YC S22) | Berlin | Full-time | Default in-office | Early-stage startyo

We are a small (~18), fast-growing team building an unified API for HR data and our mission is to build the infrastructure on which the global HR economy runs.

We are hiring for (product-minded) engineers of all experience levels at the moment! Jobs are here:

Feel free to contact me at