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Passkeys: A Shattered Dream

74 replies

The biggest issue with passkeys is that I just can't trust the companies offering them. They are locked into the platform for reasons that are ostensibly security but often indistinguishable from platform lock-in. If you make a passkey on an Apple device as far as I can tell it will never leave that device, ever, and there is no way to change this. Of course this means you can never be phished for your credentials but if Apple decides to delete your key or you want to leave your iPhone behind, what are you supposed to do?

22 replies

Bitwarden (& vaultwarden) also offer passkey which seem to work pretty well.

I've not had a problem registering both this and my phone on any site.

20 replies

If you've already got a password manager, what benefit do you get from passkeys?

Avoiding the risks of short, weak passwords? The risks of reusing passwords across sites? The inconvenience of remembering loads of passwords? The frustration of having to type passwords manually? The risk of getting phished or typing one site's password into a different site? Remembering and typing usernames? The password manager takes care of all that for you already.

And if your objective is to have a second factor just in case your password manager gets compromised? A physical button just in case someone takes over your mouse and keyboard? Or a credential stored in a secure element that's (somewhat) protected even if you use it on a compromised machine? Putting it in a password manager (or OS keyring) removes those advantages.

10 replies

Passkeys can’t be phished, or shoulder peeped, or entered on a malicious domain. And for the layman, it means they can’t forget their password.

Technically the place where you store your passkeys can be hacked into, but there is no technology that protects against that. You could give a tech layman 5FA and he’ll give all 5 factors to the nice man on the phone call.

9 replies

Passkeys can’t be phished, or shoulder peeped, or entered on a malicious domain. And for the layman, it means they can’t forget their password.

Neither can passwords if you’re using a password manager to handle them.

So again, if you’ve already got a password manager, and would put your passkeys in a password manager, what is the benefit of passkeys?

6 replies

You're wrong, with password managers you can definitely be phished. Unless it's literally impossible to extract the password to enter it manually, but I don't think password managers make that impossible (and if it's possible, users will do it).

With passkeys it's literally impossible.

3 replies

Could you expand on how to trick a password manager to enter the password on a fake domain ?

I'd see having the user add the domain themselves, or get the user to copy/past the password themselves on some other form. But the phishing is not happening on the password manager side, and these use cases still exist even after you chose passkeys (i.e. I'd still need to somewhat log into Google's auth from my Nest hub for instance to have it show the calendar)

2 replies

It happens to me very regularly that a password in my password manager is needed on a different domain. Maybe the logon process is at and password is pinned to, or maybe the password was created at and so it doesn't pop up on, or you have to log in to a hotel's site with the password from their reward scheme (different domain), etc...

In any case users are trained by the internet to need to search for the right password outside the pinned domains. Most of the time I guarantee people don't add the extra domains to the password records. So when a phishing site pops up they'll do the same: search for the site name/domain that they think they're logging into and go from there.

Password managers solve password reuse, weak passwords, etc. but IMO do not solve phishing, especially not for the kind of user who's most susceptible t it (little technical understand, hates this stuff, just wants to follow instructions and not deal with it), but passkeys might.

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At least on Bitwarden you can just edit the domain if that comes up a lot for you (or even add multiple domains to a password). I'd rather do that than copy/paste on a regular basis. Honestly I can't say I ever copy/paste.

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I'm totally with you.

These issues won't be solved unless passkeys work absolutely everywhere the user has to authenticate. Logon required or weird and funky domains is currently due to service providers being a mess themselves (I'm looking at you, Microsoft). So should we expect them to miraculously get their act together and have each of these system flawlessly work with their passkey auth. from now on ?

That's where I think we're stuck with that class of issue for as long as there are multiple auth systems, passkeys or not.

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With passkeys it's literally impossible.

I dunno about you. But I like being able to get my passwords out of the password manager. How is not being able to do so a feature?

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Because that opens you up for being phished.

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It cuts out the necessity for a password manager browser extension to handle stuff like autofill, password generation, etc. Those extensions have had fairly significant vulnerabilities in the past. So you're reducing the attack surface, as well as getting a cryptographic guarantee against phishing (the signature the client returns include the domain that sent the challenge).

Edit: The other great part is that the server just stores your public key, so it's idiot proof on their end. It makes a breach effectively useless, since offline cracking is impossible.

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> Passkeys can’t be phished, ..., or entered on a malicious domain. > Neither can passwords if you're using a password manager to handle them.

This is absolutely not true, it depends heavily on usage patterns of the password manager and its features. Not all are browser extensions that autofill, and even if they did, sites change their domains for auth occasionally that break this functionality (or more often, signup is on a different domain from auth) meaning you must manually copy-paste your password somewhat often if you don't meticulously, and manually, maintain your domain list for a credential. The average person is *not* going to do that, they're going to go "huh, it broke again" and copy paste their randomly generated password.

Please, do not give security advice you are not equipped to handle.

On the other hand, Passkeys have no easy way to extract the private key and do not request to enter the private key to authenticate. The authentication model is objectively better than passwords because you have to try very, very hard to extract the private key, to the level of compromising the device it's stored on or digging through hard to understand keychain exports if you store them in your password manager. Even outside of the storage model, they're better because you don't just send the thing that can be compromised over the wire to authenticate.

6 replies

The risk of your password getting stolen in between your browser and whatever hash algorithm the service you're authenticating with puts your password through before storing/verifying it.

That's the benefit you get from passkeys that no password manager will otherwise be able to give you.

2 replies

If your TLS connection has been MITM’d, you have much bigger problems than your unique randomly generated password being sniffed out.

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It is not required that your connection has been MITM'd. The service you are authenticating can accidentally log the plaintext password, they can store it with an insufficiently secure hash function or not salt it. A malicious browser extension can scrape it directly from the input form. Etc, etc, etc.

Passwords are reasonably secure since we've been using them for a long time but there is in fact a huge chain of trust required to keep them secure and links in that chain frequently break.

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It's very easy to fall prey to an Evilginx or similar AITM phishing attack. Passkeys or TLS client certificates are the only guaranteed defense. Relying on the user noticing the different domain or the lack of autofill by the password manager, not so much.

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If they control the information flow can't they simply steal the passkey too?

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No, because they never see anything that needs to be kept secret.

Passwords are based on symmetric cryptography. When you log in to a site using a password you give the site your password in plain text, hopefully over an encrypted communication channel such as HTTPS so that no one between you and the site can see the password.

The site then takes that plain text password and decides if it matches the plain text password you gave them when you created the account or most recently changed your password. If the site is following good security practices they aren't actually storing a copy of the password in plain text. They will store a hash of it and compare a hash of the password you just send to see if the hashes match.

Passkeys are based on asymmetric cryptography, also known as public-key cryptography. When you set up an account at a site to use passkeys your device generates a public key and a matching private key. The site is given the public key and your device keeps the private key.

When you want to log in later the site sends your device some data, your device does a computation on that data that involves the private key and sends the result to the site. The site can recognize that whatever did that computation had access to the private key that corresponds to the public key the site has on file.

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Passkeys use public-key authentication wherein the server only stores the public half of a keypair and the client authenticates by correctly signing a challenge sent by the server, which the server then verifies using the public key.

At no point is the private key ever sent over the network or otherwise exposed to any infrastructure or code controlled by the server.

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Password managers should be the default authentication method, and the current hack of having it type text into a password field is both unwieldy and completely avoidable.

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Very easy to put the a password into the wrong place when doing it manually.

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I've found the Bitwarden to be hit and miss. Some sites work fine with it, others don't work. I haven't debugged it enough to work out whether the problem is on the Bitwarden end or the website end or something else altogether. Given I'm wary of the benefits (or lack of) of passkeys I haven't really looked into it in depth as I have other 2FAs I can use instead.

10 replies

This is why services need to support multiple passkeys per user just like they should support multiple 2FA methods...

5 replies

Big problem with this is that enrolling the secondary passkey requires the authenticator to be present. This is super inconvenient and risky as it always requires both authenticators to be present at the same machine/physical location, exposing both to local, physical threats (faulty USB ports on your machine frying anything you plug in? Congrats, you've now fried your main and any backup authenticators before you realized what was happening).

Ideally, you should be able to get an authenticator's public key and be able to enroll one without presenting the authenticator itself, allowing you to keep it in a safe/etc.

This would enable an easy workflow - enroll main authenticator as normal, then enroll your safely-stored backup by pasting its public key. If you lose your main, go to your safe, get your backup and "promote" it to primary and enroll a new backup one which goes in the safe.

2 replies

This is why you need to enrol the secondary passkey at the same time you enrol the first one, not later when you might not have the authenticator present.

In reality websites should not allow setting up a single passkey.

0 replies

Problem remains when you lose one, and need to block and enroll a new backup?

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Enrolling both at the same time still requires both authenticators to be present at the same machine/physical location.

1 replies

It always struck me that 2FA is a corporate suicide pact. Some percentage of users are going to lose their keys per year so your user base is going to decay like a radioactive element.

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That’s why most 2FA’s are 1.5FA by default where you can recover via SMS, delayed e-mail, etc, and you can (sometimes) only disable this by clicking through three scary screens and saving your 10 backup codes.

1 replies

Do they typically not? My only contact with passkeys has been the 2FA service (Duo) at my place of work, and I've got a passkey on my phone and laptop, as well as OTP push notifications, OTP SMS, or recovery code from IT. It's particularly handy with the Chromeboxes hooked into the big presentation displays since I can scan a QR code with my phone to use the passkey stashed inside it.

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Slightly poor wording from me maybe. There have been cases where for example only one hardware key could be set up but other methods were available at the same time.

I remember AWS having some weird choices at some point too, not sure how they are currently.

But yeah, typically I think most services have had multiple choises available at the same time.

1 replies

The services that I use passkeys for (MS, AWS) do. I have separate passkeys for 2 browsers and on my phone.

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The trouble is if it is on the service to do the support, they can revoke support at any time. They could use start tightening the screws on device attestation tomorrow for business reasons and drop support for your browser or phone.

5 replies

I think it is true that you can's export passkeys stored in Apple Keychain. However, the statement is false in two ways:

- Apple's iCloud Keychain syncs across devices

- Apple has APIs that allow third party apps to create and offer passkeys, presented as a first-class option in Apple's authentication system. I use this to sync my passkeys between my Mac, Windows PC, and iPhone.

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How do you sync it to your Windows PC? Is it native Apple-Microsoft sync or does it require e.g. installing an Apple application?

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I would also like to know how this is achieved.

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Apple’s iCloud for Windows includes an iCloud Password app which allows accessing and managing your keychain stored passwords on Windows. They also have a browser extension for Chrome and Edge which does autofilling in those browsers on Windows. I haven’t used them in a long time so I don’t know if they have added passkey support to them yet.

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I had to turn off apple passwords/credit card autofill because it clashes with 1password - how donI enable the 1st class integration?

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- Apple's iCloud Keychain syncs across devices long as you always keep buying apple.

4 replies

I agree. So far I think KeePassXC is the only one that allows you to export your Passkeys. I believe Bitwarden are working on it as well. That said, it's unclear whether this will provide any portability of passkeys between providers.

1 replies

Once you export your passkeys, is there anything that can import them?

0 replies

I assume each provider will have the ability to import as well as export. The question is whether you can do that across providers. That's not too different from the status quo for passwords and other fields though.

0 replies

untrue, 1Password stores the private key just like any other key material, and one can export it or get the private key from the bamboo menu

    "passkey": {
      "type": "webauthn",
      "createdAt": 1696352105,
      "privateKey": "eyJrdHkiOiJ...",
      "userHandle": "cafebabeDeadBeef..."

3 replies

You can always use passkeys like Yubikey or others which are much more multi-platform.

2 replies

This isn't a viable option in practice, because Passkeys use "Resident Keys". This means the credential needs to be stored on the Yubikey - which has a limited number of key slots. Need to log in to more than 25 (I believe) websites? Tough luck!

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You could use YubiKey to unlock Bitwarden that can practically store unlimited keys

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I thought passkeys were shared across Apple keychain (like passwords?) so you make a passkey on iPhone your iPad can use it.

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Yes, that's correct, they're stored in Keychain and shared using iCloud.

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Ah, yes, poor choice of words on my part. They are in iCloud Keychain (I think this is required?). But if you only have one device it's basically the same thing, or if you're trying to leave the ecosystem.

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Are they not private keys that shouldn't be synced across devices? I thought icloud facilitated automatic creation of passkeys for each device, not actually sharing the same passkey across devices?

2 replies

This is why I’m not interested in passkeys unless I can use it with my password manager (which I probably can at this point). It would also be nice to see the spec for these specifically address lock-in and provide anti-lock-in measures.

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Not sure what your password manager is, but 1Password supports them and its a pretty smooth experience.

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KeePassXC has support for passkeys now. However I've only managed to make it work with GitHub. Bitwarden does not work for now (although their passkey implementation for log-in is reportedly in beta).

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Store your passkeys in BitWarden.

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I love Bitwarden but they still don’t support that on mobile phones.

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I think it's very close to landing into the release version. I've seen people discuss it working in the testflight/beta release on iOS

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Use a different factor of authentication and setup a new passkey?

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Do you have to do this for every account? Like changing my password on every account?

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yeah, I agree this is not a good experience

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KeepassXC says that it is adding (has added) passkey support. I haven't tested this yet, but if it works, that would avoid platform lock-in. Assuming, of course, that the platforms don't somehow intercept the passkey requests and refuse to allow KeepassXC to do its job.

The big tech companies (Google, Apple, MS) have all become evil.

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I've tried it and it works on GitHub. Sites seem to be hit-or-miss for now. Tip if you want to use it with the browser add-on, it needs to be manually enabled and you also need to remove any YubiKeys from the system because it will prioritize them over KeePassXC

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Assuming, of course, that the platforms don't somehow intercept the passkey requests and refuse to allow KeepassXC to do its job.

My understanding is the ability to do that is built directly into the spec with the attestation feature. The only thing that might slow it down is Apple choosing to not implement it and zero out their device string. Others can piggy back on that to protect themselves behind Apple's skirt, at least until Apple changes their stance anyway.

Platforms of course could just not allow Apple passkeys and only allow Apple users to use other 2FA options as well. Rest assured that small players like KeepassXC will be the first ones to have their passkeys blocked or not supported.

The whole thing is a trap IMO.

1 replies

The platform lock in attempt is wild, my initial experiences with Passkeys were great on iOS and Safari, either getting pushed to touch-id or scanning a QR with my phone. But then in Chrome I couldn't get into GitHub because chrome would only push me to use their manager and wouldn't offer a QR code.

Seeing this more and more with Chrome, like Credit Card numbers used to just save and autocomplete in browser but then they had some popup that was worded in a weird way that tricked me into saying it into Google Pay. Then I had to like type in the CCV to retrieve the card but then it also charged my bank account 1c for the privilege of autocompleting the card each time. Took me good 20 minutes to delete my card, get it saved back in the free local auto completely and shut down my Google Pay account I never knew I had.

0 replies

and shut down my Google Pay account I never knew I had

Google loves that nonsense, don't they? It's as though they think so highly of themselves that they cannot imagine they might not be strictly doing us all a favor by signing us up for their services.

Fifteen years later, I still have friends occasionally sending messages to a GMail address I never asked for, never used, and didn't even know about for most of a year while it was virally spreading through people's address books, silently diverting mail away from my actual address. The only time I used this account, after I discovered that it existed, was to delete it - but GMail apparently still suggests it when people type my name, because I get an "oops, sent this to the wrong address" forward every few months.

No I will not be knowingly using any Google passkey service, but perhaps I will someday find that they have signed me up for it anyway.

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Honestly platform-locking has so frequently and consistently been the intent of security-washing rhetoric and major breaches have become so commonplace that I now view "security" in the press to be a euphemism for lock-in first and foremost, with other usages being anachronistic or niche

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Dont forget the euphemism "For your security" == "surveillance" -> EDR

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I've had a link to OnlyKey's user guide bookmarked for about a year[1]. They're an open hardware company that offers a key. Despite that I still can't be bothered to go through with it. The article we're talking about includes many of the reasons.

I feel bad for the author. They put a lot of their heart into something that could have been awesome.


0 replies

The biggest issue with passkeys is that I just can't trust the companies offering them. They are locked into the platform for reasons that are ostensibly security but often indistinguishable from platform lock-in.

On MacOS you cannot enable passkeys (or using TouchID with them?) without enabling iCloud Keychain.

I'm fine with iCloud Keychain. But to enable it, you have to enable "autofill form password" which enables it in Safari. Disabling it in Safari disables the global setting and disables iCloud Keychain.


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This is alone a big enough reason that there never has been any reason to be hyped about passkeys. The hype train on passkeys has been insane.

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If you make a passkey on an Apple device as far as I can tell it will never leave that device, ever, and there is no way to change this.

That's not true. Passkeys actually require iCloud Keychain, which is obnoxious, because you can't use the OS passkey support without using iCloud. And you can't even manually export passkeys from iCloud Keychain, which is totally opaque.

So it is still platform lock-in, just not in the way you described.

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Enroll another passkey. Password manager can also do that (Bitwarden, for example), so I really don‘t see a reason for all the agitation.

71 replies

I’ve avoided passkeys so far because I just don’t have a good mental model of them. All my passwords are randomly generate and stored in a password manager so I really haven’t felt the need to switch or felt constrained by my existing set up.

I fully understand username/email + password and remembering the pain of things like “app specific passwords” makes me worry that some tools (open source, cli, etc) might not integrate well with password less so it’s best to stay where I am until things settle out better.

16 replies

The mental model is very simple. If you use things like Yubikey, it is exactly like a key you use to start your car. A single password protected key maybe. In essence, it is your password manager but something that everyone can use. And something that doesn't need to be on the cloud.

6 replies

Well that doesn't help understand: How passkeys can be backed up? Where/how they are stored? What if I loose my phone, computer? How can I login to some app using pc/mobile?

I haven't been into passkeys as you see, but some easy login like that leaves me with a lot of questions.

4 replies

The TL;DR version in my opinion is that passkeys are quite similar to a SSH key pair, like one you'd use on GitHub. Basically you generate a key pair, the server stores the public key, and the client stores the private key. When you want to authenticate, the server sends a challenge, you sign it with your private key, and send it back. The main debate is over how to manage those keys after generation.

- Backups: It depends. It seems like the big players (Google, Apple) are pushing an implementation where your passkeys are backed up either in the Google Password Manager or iCloud keychain. That way if you lose your device, you can recover your passkeys the same way you recover your other phone data.

- Storage: It depends. Google and Apple are pushing phone implementations where passkeys are protected by a hardware security module of some sort, either the iOS keychain or Android Keystore. The private keys can't actually be stored in the HSM though, because you need to be able to back them up. So the passkeys are stored encrypted on disk, and the decryption key is stored in the keychain/keystore. Other options include passkeys actually stored in hardware (eg. Yubikeys, but then you can't back them up) or 3rd party password managers.

- Login: It's pretty seamless, just click "login with passkey". The browser handles finding the right passkey, and part of the signed challenge includes the domain the passkey is for, preventing MITM-style attacks. There's also a whole separate thing for authenticating a session on a different device via scanning a QR code or Bluetooth.

Here's a good fairly high-level breakdown of how it all works, if you want some additional detail:

2 replies

The big problem is that most passkey providers do not support actually giving users their passkeys.

As the article stated: "I want you to remember this quote and it's implications. Users should be able to use any device they choose without penalty."

As you've pointed out:

> Backups: It depends. It seems like the big players (Google, Apple) are pushing an implementation where your passkeys are backed up either in the Google Password Manager or iCloud keychain. That way if you lose your device, you can recover your passkeys the same way you recover your other phone data.

and again:

> Storage: It depends. Google and Apple are pushing phone implementations where passkeys are protected by a hardware security module of some sort, either the iOS keychain or Android Keystore. The private keys can't actually be stored in the HSM though, because you need to be able to back them up.

How can I get my passkeys and back them up on my own storage media? (e.g. USB drive, encrypted cloud storage, burn to a disc, etc.)

How can I import passkeys generated elsewhere?

If you cannot backup or import the passkeys, then you do not control them. They are not your passkeys--they belong to Google or Apple, etc.

And as the article states, in most cases these passkey providers do a piss poor job of managing their passkeys that they claim belong to you.

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Agreed, they unfortunately seem to have gone the vendor lock-in route. The big players don't have export utilities for passkeys, despite it being technically feasible and pretty straightforward to implement. That's a pretty major gap in the spec, there should be a standard export/import format, and vendors should be required to implement it in order to be compliant.

It's probably possible to extract passkeys from a rooted Android device, but it would definitely be out of the grasp of 99% of users. I have not looked into it in detail, but I'd expect a Frida script hooking the keystore decryption function would get the raw data, then it would be a question of interpreting whatever proprietary format Google is using for their password manager.

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This has always been my objection to them, as a user, as they have been presented. As an employee, I don't care. Businesses have sufficient relationships and mechanisms to self-serve any issues that come up, like lost keys. But as a user, I do not. It is a drop-dead requirement for me for any authentication material that I have some way of backing it up and modifying it in case of compromise.

Besides, give the Silicon Valley venture capitalists and Harvard MBA bros a whiff of the possibility of full control over something as important as your primary authentication material and before you can whisper Richard Stallman they're out having a happy Bacchanalia toasting the name of Portunus [1], whom I will now resurrect out of our ancient past to name him the God of Platform Lockin, and us users aren't going to get a word in edgewise over the debauchery and slides projecting Total Addressable Markets.

Fortunately it seems they all got a little too drunk with power this time, but honestly it's only a matter of time before they arrange another Portunus summoning lock-in party again. This target is irresistible and the annoyance people have with passwords is too good an angle to pass up.

[1]: And yes, I am aware of the stream-crossing between Bacchus and another god here. But who knows what a Portunalia even is any more?

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The private keys can't actually be stored in the HSM though, because you need to be able to back them up.

Every actual HSM I've ever used allows some sort of encrypted export. But actual HSMs are expensive and PKCS#11 is a terrible API so they suck to use.

3 replies

I reread your analogy a few times, and while I think it's probably accurate, there is absolutely nothing simple in it. It reminds me of the "It's like Uber, but for mortgage insurances" kind of startup pitch. It perfectly encapsulates the concept, but the concept itself is just crazy niche.

To note: the key to start a car is provided with the car with no specific operation, is locked to no other device, doesn't care about who's handling it, can be duplicated and passed around. It would be closer to the traditional password system in all of its aspects IMHO.

1 replies

I understand passkeys as authentication through a private/public key generated by the client when creating the credential, with the private key staying client side and the public key kept server side, with some more details around it to make the whole thing discoverable/automatable.

To me the best explanation was just to go to the site, the subject is complicated enough that analogies tend to introduce a lot of cognitive noise IMHO.

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Good idea. I didn't know of that site.

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It is like a key to start your car, except you can register it with multiple cars. And it has 25 or so "slots" for car registrations. If you lose the key, you cannot order a copy from the car manufacturer. You also cannot make a copy yourself. But you can (usually) register multiple keys with the same car. You do this by plugging two keys into the same car, and the car learns both keys belong to the same owner. You just have to be careful and keep track of which car is registered with which key, and vice-versa. Sometimes the key will not work with a particular car. Also, after you plug in the key, the car will not start right away. It will first ask you to select which key to use. If you use Bitwarden, it may hijack the key insertion interaction and will offer to use its soft-key instead. So, some small differences ;-)

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That is how you add new keys to my car, have 2 existing keys present to add a third

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What happens if you lose one and buy another?

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Apologies I dont mean to be rude, but this does not help me conceptualise passkeys in the slightest.

12 replies

You can store passkeys in a password manager as well:

The super simple explanation is: SSH keys for websites.

You have a unique private key for each website account stored on your device, in a local password manager, or in a cloud synced password manager (iCloud account, Google account, 1Password, etc).

The website only gets the public key, so unlike password auth your secret is never given to the website.

When accessing that website, the website can send a challenge which your browser answers using your private key associated with that specific domain.

(I'm not a passkey expert and there are a lot more technical details to this, but this is my 10,000ft mental model of what's going on)

9 replies

It's still not a great multi-platform/multi-device story. I use multiple machines regularly (and I've migrated away from 1Password to the KeePass ecosystem, by the way) so syncing passkeys from my Mac(s) to my iPad, to my Fedora machines and my Windows working environment is simply not happening any way I look at it.

Passkeys are great for consumers who use one or two devices (or browsers - I also switch browsers frequently). For anyone with more than one platform or one device in their lives they suddenly become added complexity, because even though you _can_ have more than one passkey per account per service, in practice there are all sorts of weird edge cases.

They're just not mature yet, period.

8 replies

You shouldn't ~~necessarily~~ need to "sync" your passkeys across all your devices; each device should have its own passkey. Then if you lose a device (or that one device gets compromised), you revoke the one key and everything else is fine.

Similar to SSH keys. No reason to use the same key on all your machines, use a different key from different places.

The passkeys on my laptop are different from the passkeys on my desktop which are different from the passkeys on my phone which are different from the passkeys on my main yubikey which are different from the passkeys on my backup yubikey.

Edited due to acknowledging people may choose a variety of alternative workflows.

3 replies

Great in theory, but in practice there are still a frustrating amount of websites and services that put a low upper limit (usually just one or two) of the number of keys you can enroll.

This effectively makes it impossible to do what you’re saying for these websites. And it’s sort of an all-or-nothing thing: even if just one service is like this, then I either can’t use passkeys for it, or I have to find a way to sync across device. It sucks.

2 replies

I hear this a lot but it hasn't generally been my experience. The only site I've personally come across that supports webauthn/passkeys but doesn't support multiple is the AWS management page. Which I essentially bypass by just configuring SSO and using an IdP which does support it.

Every other site I've come across that supports these things supports multiple. What common sites support only one or two?

1 replies

AWS now supports multiple MFA devices per account.

0 replies

That's awesome to hear, thanks for sharing!

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Actually, I much prefer to use the same SSH key for deployments from any of my machines, so that example doesn't really work for me (I do have multiple keys).

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How do I then get the passkey for my second device accepted by the service? Do I mail the public part to myself and insert it from my first device?

0 replies

You shouldn't necessarily "sync" your passkeys across all your devices; each device should have its own passkey. Then if you lose a device (or that one device gets compromised), you revoke the one key and everything else is fine.

If he's storing his passkey in his password manager, it wouldn't matter that he lost the device. They can't get to it, it's AES-somebigassnumber-ed up the wazoo. If the passkey is cached outside of the password manager, then passkeys are a horrible idea, where you have to "go home and call the 800 numbers to cancel the credit cards", and worse still, people with few devices might end up in circumstances where they have no valid devices left to bootstrap access.

I am resigned to the fact that I will die with humanity never having solved the problem of passwords adequately, but being that I will live another two decades minimum, I will get to see two more of the stupidest possible non-solutions.

0 replies

I use far more sites than I ssh into servers, which makes this much more of a pain. Like, every time I sign up to a site I need to grab all 5+ devices I might ever use and add them to every site, or I can't e.g. log into my D&D game while travelling because I forgot to generate a key on the work laptop? If all my devices are destroyed in a house fire again, I'm locked out of everything? These have been my big concerns.

0 replies

How do the private keys get synced across my devices? What's the default in the Apple, Google and Microsoft ecosystems? Devices get lost after all.

0 replies

I currently use the 1Password passkeys, and when they work, it's pretty good. I get all the fun of showing up on a website, and with three clicks, I'm in. But I've used them on just a few websites (email and GitHub), and they work correctly maybe 10% of the time.

First, I had to figure out how to get the website to request the passkey. Then I had to figure out that I didn't want to use the browser's passkey but 1Password's, which is different on different browsers and platforms. And good luck if I'm on mobile, I don't think it's ever worked.

At this point I'm taking a break from signing up new passkeys. I'll stick to UN+PW+(TOTP|Yubikeys).

PS: Why is it that no financial institution lets you use anything more than a SMS U2F?

8 replies

> I’ve avoided passkeys so far because I just don’t have a good mental model of them.

OK, so the simplest way to understand is to first know about the previous generation.

U2F keys are designed to be used alongside a username and password, as a more secure replacement for phone apps showing 6-digit codes.

In U2F the key has a hardware 'secure element' where secrets can't be extracted, even if you plug it into a compromised machine. You get a separate public/private key pair for every account and website (so it can't be used to track you between websites) and that key pair can be used to authenticate with the website. A physical button has to be pressed to authenticate, keeping it secure even if an attacker has control over your keyboard and mouse. The browser integration takes care of letting the USB key know which website is asking to authenticate. U2F keys have to be used alongside a username and password.

For a variety of reasons U2F keys never really took off. Partly cost, partly the 'what if I lose it' issue, partly lack of uptake by websites, partly difficulty using them on mobile, partly competition from 'log in with google' type systems.

So the trade group behind U2F said "Hey, maybe we could just emulate the hardware secure element in the smartphone's OS? And while we're at it, we could save the username, and use fingerprint/faceid instead of a password, eliminate that tedious button press, and automatically back up the public/private keypairs to the cloud". They kept a USB option about for the sake of tradition, but it's on life support.

So that's the mental model of a Passkey: It's like an impossible-to-clone USB hardware secure element that does challenge-response authentication to websites. Except it's emulated in OS software, and is no longer impossible to clone.

Another way of thinking of it is: It's very similar to using the 'Log in with Google' / 'Log in with Apple ID' buttons you see on many websites, you're authenticating to a service by proving you have access to a cloud account. The implementation details in the background are very different, but the result is broadly the same.

6 replies

"and use fingerprint/faceid instead of a password"

This is the part that makes absolutely no sense to me. An essential aspect of passwords is that they can be changed. If someone manages to fake the digital representation of my fingerprints or face, what now? Security guru Bruce Schneier has written about this w/ much more eloquence and authority.

2 replies

The unstated value of a USB key is the functional similarity to metal keys for ordinary people.

1 replies

This is exactly how I describe them to many as well. I just wish there was a USB key with the durability of a metal key.

0 replies

Somewhat personal ancedote, but I've had pretty good experiences with Yubikeys. I've had one on my daily keychain for over a decade now. Its been run through clothes washing machines too many times to count, I've left it out in rainstorms, its been baked in the sun on hot summer days multiple times, its been dropped in pools, its been run over by a car, I've dropped it some pretty significant heights while hiking. It is still working just fine. That and a PNY 16GB metal keychain flash drive have taken a ton of abuse and are still working just fine. Other than a higher melting point or ability to take high energy RF I don't imagine there is much more abuse a traditional metal key would have compared to what I've done to my Yubikey.

0 replies

The fingerprint/faceid is just a local proof to unlock the actual asymmetric encryption key. It is not your actual identifier to the remote server. So if you need to redo your auth, you just rekey and stash the new key in your authenticator (or have your authenticator originate the key material and never expose it to main memory at all).

Think an SSH key protected by a passphrase. Your passphrase isn't the thing that actually logs you into the server, its just what you use to unlock your actual key material you use in your SSH handshake. Your fingerprint/face identity is just your local unlock of the actual key material stored in some other secure enclave.

0 replies

Your fingerprint/faceid/whatever is used to access the passkey. It is not the passkey. To that end, yes, if you are worried about clandestine access to your phone (if that is your passkey), then you probably don't want to allow access using fingerprint/faceid. And if someone can copy your passkey off of your phone, you are again compromised.

0 replies

The biometric stuff is simply allowing access to the keys. It’s not being used for anything else.

Your face or fingerprint being out there isn’t a concern because that’s not, ultimately, the thing being used to generate the keys or anything.

It’s an ease of use function.

On iOS for instance, as I understand it, these are being stored in iCloud Keychain. Which has a password. The derived key for iCloud Keychain is stored in such a way that the system has access if you allow biometrics to be used.

Biometrics then simply allow access, in essence, not part of the encryption process. The password for iCloud Keychain is necessary to add those items on a new device. Your biometrics aren’t stored by Apple anywhere other than in the device.

Honestly I am blown away how few people on this site understand how this stuff works. It’s fascinating and I’m surprised more people aren’t interested in understanding it. But so many people assume the biometrics are being used in the encryption process and that if your face is somehow stolen your whole life is doomed. These features have been on Apple devices for what.. a decade almost at this point? More? The process for Face ID is the same as Touch ID. Developers make zero distinction between the two in code, as that whole process is passed off to the system and effectively results in a bool value (or access to the secure item requested). At no point does a developer ever get your biometrics data.

I don’t know how Android or Windows do it but it is similar enough I suspect.

The FUD around passkeys feels like some sort of propaganda campaign to discredit it.

0 replies

This sounds, to me, like a really bad and convoluted way of storing pub/priv in a password manager, and hoping the software implementation gets it right when it's trying to manage these things for me because I'm too dumb to manage passwords and too hobbled by bad IT policies that want to change my passwords every 4 weeks.

8 replies

Nice phrasing, I lack that mental model as well. Anyone here willing to distill down the whole thing to a few sentences? Who stores what kind of secret, and is there some kind of challenge/response at auth time?

3 replies

A physical device which is not your computer stores some secret information which can authenticate you. This can be passwords, passkeys, GPG keys, your retina etc.

The physical device can be password protected. So you have two step authentication: 1. your physical device 2. your password to that device

Phones are currently being promoted for various reasons, but I believe something like Yubikeys or other FIDO2 fobs will be a better device. You can have multiple of them, you can store one of them in your bank safe. Someone stealing it of you is proper theft which can be traced in a usual manner by police. Stealing is not enough because you still need the password. The difficulty of asking you for password remains equal to difficulty of hitting you with a wrench. You don't need to remember stuff anymore, because you can just use your physical keys. You will need to travel with those keys, but its just same as your house keys. It is probably an extra key in your key fob.

To add to it, the U2F/FIDO2 standard will make it vendor independent, and so no lock-in.

1 replies

Safari on macOS uses passkeys without phone. So unless you consider security chip inside macbook a separate device, that's not true, that's just one of modes.

0 replies

Security chip inside macbook is a separate device for authentication purposes if it needs to be unlocked and cannot be bypassed by the OS.

0 replies

What I find rather confusing is what happens on each device. There appear to be multiple places where passkeys can get stored (iCloud Keychain, Google account, Chrome profile, Bitwarden, ...?) and depending on where it's stored it may or may not get synced to various other devices, browsers and apps.

So my problem is that I keep forgetting which device, browser or app I used when I created a particular passkey. I'm never asked where I want to store a particular passkey and where I want it to be available. This is all an implicit function of a combination of factors apparently.

It's like misplacing my keys has been taken to a whole new level of abstraction :-)

2 replies

Most important feature imo: The effective "password" being sent over the wire is essentially some hash(secret, uri). Think about the consequences for phishing!

1 replies

Not true.

0 replies

The signed assertion includes the clientDataJSON, which contains the origin of the relying party. Assuming the server properly validates that assertion, it should prevent the use of a phished assertion by a third party.

0 replies

Back when I implemented webauthn for the first time I remember the interactive tutorial provided by Auth0 was very helpful in wrapping my head around the process.

6 replies

All my passwords are randomly generate and stored in a password manager so I really haven’t felt the need to switch or felt constrained by my existing set up.

The basic logic here is pretty clear imo. Passwords are still symmetric factors, and they're also completely unstandardized. So you still have to do a significant amount of manual management crap that should not exist, deal with UI that should not exist, and you still have to do some stuff if the other side (service provider) gets hacked. If we used bog standard pub/priv keys instead, then everything could become universally better. There'd be no need to worry about password policies, whether there is a character limit or not, how well and consistently individuals handle it, or anything like that ever again. Nor care if a site is breached, literally no action required because the site would only have the public key, they could publish it in clear text and it still wouldn't help attackers authenticate a single iota. Plus things like phishing and so on go away, because same thing, if the user has their agent browser to a malicious link or the like, and then it presents their pubkey, it still wouldn't do anything and the agent can't be fooled by similar looking to humans domains or anything. The agent would expect the service to present the proper signed request and anything else wouldn't work. Conceptually everything could be automated and standard without any sort of silo, all software could speak the same standard simple key format and everyone could back that up and sync it any way they wanted.

Unfortunately as is so often the case these days there's a lot of perverse incentives and players who can't resist the urge to try to add extra functionality in on top rather then just going for the low hanging fruit in a solid way first. So we've seen a confusing muddle, of existing players with financial interests who make money by helping lower the pain of the garbage that is password based mutal auth, those who see new chances to try to silo, those who want to shove in attestation and differences in password backing for good and bad reasons, mixing in concepts of hardware backing that are unnecessary, etc. I'm still hopeful something will come out of it in the end but it's been a real bummer to see how it's played out.

4 replies

Yes but what I'm still confused about is that: 1) Is one/some of your public key reused on different services 2) Or is there a different public key for each service

1) In the first case what will prevent different services to track users by comparing public key... and if so I would be more at ease with a site specific randomly generated password

2) In the second case when one service is breached you'd still have to manage rotation of public key somehow, how trivially is that done with current implementation ?

1 replies

2) In the second case when one service is breached you'd still have to manage rotation of public key somehow

Why would you need to rotate your keys? If they're storing passwords/hashes it makes sense to rotate because they might be able to brute force the hashes on a GPU cluster, but you're not going to be able to brute force a randomly generated public key.

0 replies

If I have any fear that the associated private key have leaked. For instance if my off-site encrypted backup is stolen. I sure would want to rotate my private key because my secret would be only as safe as the encryption method at the time the backup was stolen. I'm still not entirely sold on the "quantum will break any current crypto" but better safe than sorry.

0 replies

Not reused, each service has a different key

To rotate, you go to the key management page of the service and delete/add a new key.

0 replies

The whole point of a public key is that it is not secret. A breach where a service leaks the public keys of its users does not harm your security posture at all.

0 replies

Thank you for that description. I do understand at a high level that it’s similar to SSH keys with the pub/private aspect.

I think I really need to implement it myself at least once to really grasp it. Maybe that’s stupid/slow of me but that’s how I learn best.

6 replies

People keep trying to answer this question, so I'll try, too, but I'm going to do a better job than anyone else. ;-)

Passkeys are randomly generated passwords that are required to be managed by a password manager. All the major password managers support them, including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, and 1Password.

By requiring the passkey to be managed by a password manager, you get some anti-phishing protection. A passkey includes metadata, including the website domain that created it, and the password managers simply won't provide the passkey to the wrong domain. They provide no way for you to copy and paste the passkey into a website, as you can with a password; there's no social-engineering technique someone can use to get you to copy and paste your passkey to an enemy.

A passkey manager is morally required to do an extra factor of authentication (e.g. fingerprint, Face ID, hardware keys, etc.) when you login to a website, but the website has no way of knowing/proving whether that happened; they just get the password.

You reset your passkey the same way you reset your password, because passkeys are just passwords that have to be managed with a password manager. Some sites make it easy to reset your password, some make it hard. You know the drill; there's nothing new or different there.

If you're happy with your password manager, there's no real need to switch, but even very "sophisticated" password users have been known to fall prey to social-engineered phishing attacks.

Are you sure you're never going to copy-and-paste your password into the wrong hands? I don't trust myself that much.

Passkeys can make it harder to switch password managers because the password managers are designed not to let you copy-and-paste a passkey, including from Google's Password Manager to Apple's Password Manager. I think all the password managers kinda like that, and there's something good and bad about it.

1 replies

So passkeys are essentially like SSH keys but for web/app logins

0 replies

... with some of the functionality of SSH keys removed, like being able to use one key for many accounts, or many keys (on many machines) all for the same account.

At least that's how I understand it.

0 replies

I'm assuming tech people would also like to know that a passkey is not just "a really long password" but also one that's never sent to the server directly - instead it's used in a challenge/response protocol (like SSH keys). Which requires software, either the browser or an external password manager, to run.

I think that's what you're getting at in paragraph 3?

There's no reason you couldn't have an open source passkey manager that allows you to backup and view the key if you really want to. SSH works just fine that way.

0 replies

By requiring the passkey to be managed by a password manager, you get some anti-phishing protection. A passkey includes metadata, including the website domain that created it, and the password managers simply won't provide the passkey to the wrong domain.

There are so many apps that don't get this right. Make a login on the website, store it in 1password, and then try to login in their mobile app and it doesn't show up as a password because the associated URL is mismatched on the mobile app. Like and

0 replies

Passkeys can make it harder to switch password managers because the password managers are designed not to let you copy-and-paste a passkey, including from Google's Password Manager to Apple's Password Manager.

This part right here is what I fear the most about Passkeys. I've read too many horror stories of people getting banned from Google (often for no valid reason) and losing access to all of their data. It is absolutely insane to hand over all your passwords to a company like this.

0 replies

Passkeys are signing a challenge using a captive secret, right? The relying party doesn't get the secret.

3 replies

Yeah I’m not sure what’s going on either. Is this just a rebranding of mutual-auth SSL client certs?

1 replies

Kind of. With the sharp edges filed off. There's no CA though. The web site provisions and authorizes the client's key at onboarding.

0 replies

ohh, I see. that's clearer than any other explanation I've seen, thanks.

0 replies

It is a different technology with some different edge cases so I wouldn't call it a rebranding but in the broad scope yes. The problem with this stuff was always the integration, not the tech.

1 replies

Nice to hear I'm not the only one. Part of the problem is that it's always presented post-login when I'm already in the middle of doing something. And my password manager works well, so I don't see a clear benefit and I'm not really motivated to investigate vague claims.

0 replies

I agree, plus the added abrasion from passkeys being implemented inconsistently and seemingly in a way that promotes vendor lock-in. Do I need a different passkey for my iPhone and an android tablet? Do I need a different passkey between iOS devices? Why does this service allow me to use a passkey in Bitwarden, but that service doesn't? These are all questions I've never had to ask about a complex password in a password manager.

1 replies

I’m in the same place.

I feel like most of the replies to your comment talk about the technical aspect of it.

What’s stopping me is that I don’t have a mental model of the management of the passkeys for the whole lifecycle of my account. Can I use it cross platform? Can I allow someone else to use the same account? What happens if I lose or don’t have access to my phone or laptop? What if I die, can my spouse log in my accounts?

With username/password, it’s very clear what I need. I could write it on paper and give it to someone and it’d work. I feel more at risk of losing access to my accounts if I were to switch to passkeys, because I don’t fully grasp their long term lifecycle.

0 replies

I feel more at risk of losing access to my accounts if I were to switch to passkeys, because I don’t fully grasp their long term lifecycle.

It's my understanding that you can't switch password managers without generating a new passkey for each individual service you use (I'm not an expert here, so someone feel free to correct me). That's already enough for me to not switch.

0 replies

Having a mental model of encryption has never improved security

29 replies

Is the author suggesting he’s not traveling to the US out of security concerns? Is that really a thing?

12 replies

Apparently... of course, the threat of "mass casualty violence and terrorist attacks" is real, but you're probably still more likely to die in a plane crash while getting to the US (or in a car accident while there) than in a shooting or terrorist attack. And if you insist on only travelling to countries that have a lower level of violent crime than Australia, you probably won't get around much (

10 replies

Oops, you forgot the other 2 travel advisories the author quoted in that part:

- "Violent crime is more common in the US than in Australia"

- "Medical costs in the US are extremely high. You may need to pay up-front for medical assistance"

I think some Americans don't realize that, outside of America, many people don't ever consider the risk of gun violence in their day-to-day lives, or owing thousands of dollars for visiting a hospital.

4 replies

Actually, I specifically addressed the violent crime thing...

As for the medical costs - if you want to be on the safe side, you can (actually you should) get travel health insurance.

1 replies

I've heard horror stories about hospitals not accepting insurance. Wouldn't want to be in a situation of being ill and having to pay more than I can earn in a lifetime.

0 replies

They will accept it. The cover has to be specifically for US hospitals otherwise the insurer won't pay out and they know that and won't accept it. You have to avoid insurers who only cover certain providers as well.

You have to read your insurance contract and info sheet properly rather than go for the lowest price.

0 replies

Every medical travel insurance I ever bought had a clause that it doesn't work in the US.

0 replies

As for the medical costs - if you want to be on the safe side, you can (actually you should) get travel health insurance.

Though you might need to get a US specific one. Mine contains a clause that specifically excludes the USA from coverage, and that’s not uncommon.

2 replies

To be fair I've been to the US a few times and I've never been shot and I did end up in hospital and it was smooth as butter. Because I didn't hang around where I was likely to get shot and actually checked my insurance cover and had the cert on me.

Note I live in London and everyone tells me I'm going to get stabbed too and die from the pollution...

1 replies

London's homicide rate is (roughly, depending on which source you use and year you take) about one-fifth of the average US homicide rate; you are safer in London than in almost anywhere in the US.

0 replies

13 per million per year in London. 60 per million per year in New York.

That's an 0.006% chance of getting murdered killed in NY every year.

And that doesn't account for (a) putting yourself in a good position to get killed like being a gang member and (b) the aggregate reduction in risk by only travelling there.

0 replies

That second one needs to be pointed out in particular - the US healthcare system is so expensive that if you have healthcare insurance as a foreigner, they're typically excluded from the international plan. You have to specifically go out of your way (and pay more) to make your local health insurance cover the US.

Quite a few people don't want to deal with that.

0 replies

We don’t actually consider that in the US either, you probably shouldn’t get your views of the US from Reddit or the Guardian.

0 replies

The homicide rate in Australia is particularly low. But in terms of overall homicide rate the United States is higher than the vast majority of other developed countries, and indeed most developing countries.

Most of the world sees the United States as a dangerous country.

For example, using the source you've just given, the US homicide rate is over 5 times the homicide rate of the United Kingdom, France and Germany, and over 10 times that of Norway.

Granted, you're more likely to die in a car accident than to be murdered in the US, but that's no reassurance; this is partly because the vehicle accident mortality rate is so high in the US, at over four times the rate in the UK. And your comment about dying in a plane crash is completely wrong: the air travel mortality rate is very close to zero, with under 200 deaths for over 800 annual million air travellers; a rate of less than 0.025 per 100,000 per annum.

9 replies

Yes, there are plenty of people who avoid travelling to the US

7 replies

I know that, but I didn’t think it was because of security. I don’t think of the US as particularly dangerous, but maybe my perception is wrong…

0 replies

Sure, but those rates are also really low. That’s a bit like saying you’re scared of using your car because a plane is much safer. The chance of getting hurt while visiting a meeting in Silicon Valley is still one in a million.

1 replies

I know that US is vast, and there are millions of good places where one could feel safe, but I assure you, from the outside sometimes is seems you live in a mad max alternate universe

0 replies

I’m from Europe, but I would have no problem going to a tech meeting with some google engineers in Silicon Valley.

1 replies

It's the guns and the police.

People get angry or frightened. It's better for everyone else if they're not carrying a firearms at that point.

Policing a nation where everyone is armed means the police are heavily armed and the non-insane ones very frightened all the time. See above.

0 replies

Worse than that, having a gun doesn't make you safer; it increases the risk to everyone in your household. But I can absolutely understand why fear drives people to own guns -- it's a vicious circle as increased gun ownership drives fear, which in turn drives even more gun purchases...

0 replies

The homicide rate is 8x Australia's, so yeah it is by comparison.

0 replies

Likely out of ignorance of actual violent crime statistics.

0 replies

Indeed, the author is not alone. It may be subjective but there are worries one needs to reconcile when planning a trip to the US (both for work as well as private trips). It’s often that we choose another destination or “can we find a way to make this remotely”.

0 replies

The last time I was in the US, specifically in Seattle, there were two separate shootings within blocks of where I was at the time, and one at a bar an hour after I left it.

As an Australian, seeing it on the news the next mornings made me very, very uncomfortable.

I understand that these shootings are unlikely to ever involve me, and I’m not discomforted to the point that I won’t go back to the US, but it is worth understanding that gun crime in the US is seen as uncomfortable and concerning to many. That my US friends who were at the same venues with me were completely blasé about it left me a little nonplussed.

0 replies

From :

"I'm Australian so I wont be attending either (I am not comfortable to enter the US due to a preexisting medical issue)."

That's the "Medical costs in the US are extremely high. You may need to pay up-front for medical assistance" part of the text.

I do not know if travel health insurance generally covers complications from a pre-existing condition, and as other mentioned, getting travel insurance which covers the US is already a special case.

0 replies

I think it's a hefty chunk of paranoia. The US is absolutely a non-issue unless you have previously pissed them off. This is the same for every country.

What is not is walking 30km in the middle of nowhere in Central Asia because you didn't have enough cash to pay the driver's bribe. Stuff like that is a far more realistic concern than the security border paranoia stuff that goes on. Know where you are going, plan ahead and stay out of obvious trouble. That applies everywhere. The US is not special.

(Incidentally when I got to the first town, the guy in the shop laughed at me and invited me in for tea and dinner on him and his wife and I got to learn all about their history under Russia - it's not all bad)

0 replies

Yes, this is a thing.

0 replies

well... yes. I, for one, am slightly worried to go to the US.

21 replies

I think I'm a tech guy and know my fields. I still have no real clue how passkeys work, how it is better, what it really is.

When your security feature is not as simple as - remember a name and a password and store it somewhere safe - it doesn't work.

Something about keys that are on devices. But what happens when I use a phone and a pc? How to get access then? Do I need a User/PW for the first time? Or do I need one of those keys I have to plug into the device first?

20 replies

Passkeys are exactly like SSH keys. You should use them exactly like you use SSH keys.

8 replies

What about storing/backupping/managing passkeys versus SSH keys?

7 replies

It's the same, you should not store or backup SSH Keys.

3 replies

So I should get locked out of all services when my device breaks?

2 replies

You should produce a key per device, and produce a backup key that is safely stored & not used anywhere.

You can recover if you lose all devices via your break-glass backup key, and you limit the blast radius of "my key got stolen" from rotating all your keys to just a single device (or maybe the more likely "I screwed up and pushed my key somewhere public")

1 replies

... which is completely nonviable if you connect to more than a single service.

I agree that you should use a different key per device, but when you connect to over a dozen different services/machines it quickly starts to become a serious chore to add another key. Have fun spending an hour enrolling your new device - provided you can even remember every single usage it should be enrolled with.

0 replies

SSH certificates solve this issue.

AFAIK there is no equivalent for Passkeys.

0 replies

and then the real world comes knocking

0 replies

I have to store them on my disc, in order to use them tomorrow.

0 replies

Can you elaborate on this? Why not?

5 replies

"Exactly" is under a lot of strain here.

SSH is nice because you don't have to think about it. Your private key sits in your .ssh folder, and then everything is transparent. You _can_ put an SSH key in a smartcard if you want, but you have to opt-in to this kind of pain. And even if you do, almost all SSH servers will support that login method without issue.

Passkeys don't sit in your .passkey folder. Your browser doesn't look for passkeys in a standard folder at all. You don't just do passkey-keygen like you would ssh-keygen and forget about it.

Websites might support various combinations of FIDO/U2F/TOTP security keys, your USB security key might support various combination of FIDO2/CTAP/WebAuthn, and the user will be left confused what any of this mess means, why there are so many competing standards, and why they're asked to scan a QR code when they plug in their dongle, and it doesn't just work at all.

4 replies

Passkeys ought to be exactly like SSH keys. Unfortunately, they are not.

The attempts to restrict when and how they are stored, and how you can access them - those are going to cause a lot of pain and confusion.

I have all of my SSH keys stored in KeepassXC, which (imho) is a lot more secure than having them hang around in my .ssh directory. Open KeepassXC, and the keys are available. Close it, and they're gone. Synchronizing the KeepassXC-file across devices means that I have access to the keys on all of my devices.

The big companies pushing passkeys are trying very hard to prevent this kind of convenience.

3 replies

They shouldn't be exactly like SSH keys. With SSH keys, you can go and copy/paste your private keys on a scammer's website because they asked you nicely. People will totally do it as they don't understand what they're doing. The main thing with passkeys, and key dongles in general, is that you simply can't do that as the keys are inaccessible and you can only prove possession of a key when asked by a domain you've explicitly registered with (the proof-of-possession is never sent to any other domain than that which you registered with). What OP says is that opens the possibility for key providers to lock-in users, as that seems like an unavoidable side-effect of the legitimate goal of preventing phishing (phishing is the biggest security issue today, to increase security means making phishing impossible, so I still support passkeys as the best solution for that).

2 replies

There's a big difference between "can't just hit the copy button and paste in the key" and "can't export the key as part of a backup." Physically preventing users from ever accessing their own keys is an absurd user-hostile proposition. Even more absurd when the they're software keys stored in a database the user can decrypt. The FIDO alliance is just ensuring that password managers will require 3rd party backup tools to be useful.

Password managers have prevented phishing just fine by binding passwords to particular domains, ssh keys prevent phishing with IdentitiesOnly and passkeys are bound in the same way as regular password managers.

0 replies

ssh keys prevent phishing with IdentitiesOnly

There has been a pretty insane number of times I've asked someone for their SSH public key and I get a response of ---- BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ----. From people employed in tech jobs. Now imagine someone who barely understands how to use a computer, they're an easy target to get their identity phished.

0 replies

Any security solution that involves lay people having access to keys is NOT secure. What you call "absurd user-hostile" is actually basic security in the real world with non-technical people.

Technical people can already be secure using appropriate protections, but even for them it's very difficult to do it properly.

Lay people will, without understanding what they're doing, ask the password manager to give them their password to enter manually on any phishing website as they'll think that it's not working because it's "broken". So , absolutely no, password managers do NOT prevent phishing.

If you think I am exaggerating, well, I work with this and I assure you it's even worse than that.

2 replies

If they are exactly like SSH keys, then why not just keep using SSH keys. Clearly, there is something else to them.

1 replies

SSH keys are clearly not a feasible authentication method for non-technical users. Passkeys are here to replace passwords, not ssh keys.

0 replies

I understand this, but the person who responded said Passkeys are exactly the same as SSH and used the same, when asked what they are. If that was true, then we would just teach non-technical users to use SSH Keys.

0 replies

For me that means having multiple keys in `authorized_keys` for the same user and never transferring private keys between devices. From what I gathered from the discussion here, this is not a given.

0 replies

So how can i scp my passkey to another machine?

14 replies

I use iCloud's Passkeys extensively and have never had saved Passkeys "wiped out". I am not disputing that data loss bugs can happen, but three times for one user sounds pretty weird given the maturity of the ecosystem.

The most obvious explanations seem to me to be:

a) Apple loses data (presumably not just Passkeys, but also photos, passwords, and other highly noticeable stuff) all the time, and I've been lucky for the last ten years. Hundreds of millions of Apple users just learn to live with this.

b) The author is doing something weird.

c) This is hyperbole.

I'm probably picking nits, but it's like an article raising a bunch of legitimate criticisms of the internal combustion engine mentioning that the author's car has, while sitting in the parking lot, simply exploded on three separate occasions. Like, maybe?

3 replies

I use iCloud's Passkeys extensively

So what happens if you want to migrate away from iCloud for the storage of passkeys?

1 replies

I can't speak for OP, but for every service that I use passkeys with I enrolled both iCloud Passkeys (for convenience) and several YubiKeys (for portability and backup).

This is not different at all from a SSH public/private key combo. You are not supposed to duplicate SSH keys!

0 replies

Your answer is totally reasonable, but I admit I don't have time for that in most cases.

1. Most services are not Passkey-only--most people are using it as a password alternative (e.g. eBay) or a second-factor alternative. So losing it won't lock me out.

2. A very small number (e.g. Google) let you configure Passkey as your sole second factor. For those, I am indeed careful to do what you do and have duplicates.

I do think this is kind of bad? So the grandparent totally has a point here: services find it hard to do only Passkeys (and thus realize the security benefits).

But, as a user, it's not something I worry about a lot, to be honest.

0 replies

You generally enroll a passkey for a single device or connected group of devices. My icloud-syncing devices has a passkey. My windows laptop has another. My desktop has yet another. I have also enrolled my yubikey.

I could stop using my idevices tomorrow and not be negatively influenced.

2 replies

One thing that comes to mind is with the earlier WebAuthn implementations in iOS, before they were stored in iCloud and called passkeys, there was no management interface for stored passkeys and 'clear website data' (to delete cookies etc.) would actually erase all credentials permanently. It was useless this way.

1 replies

Why useless? Not an authentication scheme to and all other authentication schemes, but certainly a (much) better successor to the login cookie?

0 replies

I do not mean passkeys in general but early iOS implementation was useless since it deleted passkeys along with your cookies and other website data. The passkey iOS implementation is useful in its current form.

2 replies

Agreed. I'm not so sure that some of the iCloud data loss bugs people talk about are actual data loss bugs. I've had a few issues over the years.

Firstly I spent weeks chasing down what I thought was a data loss bug in iCloud. After much effort I managed to reproduce it. Turned out it was an issue with TeXshop rather than iCloud.

Secondly, the one time I had a photo lost, it wasn't lost. I just couldn't find it in the 12000 photos I had. It wasn't where I'd left it.

The third one was a data loss bug, was reproducible, was reported to Apple and was fixed. This was due to how Numbers handles three devices and how it decides the winner of a conflicting change and was an edge case as number 1 awkward customer.

YMMV but user testimony may be as reliable as eyewitness reports.

1 replies

To be clear, I don't work for Apple. :) And I'm not discounting that there are usage patterns that might lead to persistent bad experiences (like your example with Numbers).

But the implication that Keychain just kind of forgets saved Passkeys once in a while seems alarmist and probably unfounded.

0 replies

Yeah exactly. It is possible that some expiry or provider specific bug may lead to revocation? I am not sure how it works entirely.

I will say that there are some very well known backup and restore issues with keychain however so I keep anything critical in MacPass as the primary copy.

0 replies

b) The author is doing something weird.

The author is the main dev of an identity management platform and called kanidm, so yeah I'd wager their usage is fairly non-standard. That said, it should be almost impossible for it to happen anyway.

Also, that doesn't apply to his partner.

0 replies

It can't be hyperbole, their partner's car keeps exploding too! So often that they're switching back to a four horse carriage.

0 replies

I was about to type something similar to this as well! I use passkeys pretty heavily, with iCloud sync. Never had an issue. The only similar issue I can think of is sometimes my Macbook will loose the contents of the on device wallet, including in one case an ssh key stored there. That was somewhat annoying!

0 replies

It's not hyperbole. I recently (few weeks ago) got locked out of my GitHub account after iCloud Keychain thrashed my passkey and after analyzing the root cause it turned out to be a bug in webkit (that is now fixed in Safari technology preview after me raising it with the Webkit team)

13 replies

Passkeys can't actually replace passwords, right? I will always need a username and password with a website, then can generate a passkey as a separate auth mechanism, which if I lose, I will recover by setting up again using my username and password? I don't get how we can get to a place where passkeys are all, how do you get a passkey on a new device when you only have passkey auth on some other device enabled?

3 replies

They can, and hopefully will.

To get a new passkey on another device, the provider needs to allow you to prove you have possession of your other device first. They can do that by sending you a one-time code, for example, when you authenticate using your existing device, which you can then type in the new device, and that lets you associate your new device-generated key with your existing account.

With iCloud, you don't need event that because Apple can, and does, sync your keychain across all your Apple devices. So as long as you use the same Apple ID on different devices, all passkeys are automatically sync'd.

If you lose ALL your passkeys, you may be in trouble and for that reason, it's common that when you register your first passkey, you should also be given a long recovery code which you must keep privately in a very secure physical location (as that will allow anyone who can get it to reset your account). You could say that IS a password, and perhaps you're right, but there's a difference in my mind that's pretty big: you're never supposed to use that "password", nor keep it easily accessible or even anywhere in digital form.

Finally, a lot of people in this thread are missing that passkeys prevent phishing, and are basically the only way we know to prevent phishing. And phishing is extremely high in the ranking of security issues we currently have to try to solve.

If you know a better solution to phishing than passkeys, please let us know (Passwordd Managers are not that if they allow the clueless user to extract the password and manually enter it anywhere)!

1 replies

There’s more to phishing threat models than strictly credential theft, as you seem to imply.

If passkeys are around, phishing will certainly still exist, and shift to dropping malware on endpoints or w/e vs going after logins

0 replies

I don't think you know what phishing means. By "dropping malware on endpoints" I think you mean having a website serving malware? That's not phishing. For an attack to be "phishing", the website needs to be pretending to be some other website that the user trusts. Passkeys completely prevent the user from logging in to another website than the one they've created an account with.

Your attack only works on people who basically "trust any website" at all. For those, yeah there's no salvation.

0 replies

Long recovery code is definitely a password lol. Needs to just have email recovery and call it a day.

3 replies

They are stored in your platform's password manager. So they're available on all the devices you're logged into.

If you're enrolling a new device (say you buy a new android phone) you can scan a QR code from your previous phone go log in.

1 replies

“My platform”? So, like, the BIOS? What if I want to use both a PC and an iPhone?

0 replies

Platform as in "ecosystem". iCloud Keychain, Google Password Manager, Bitwarden, 1Password, your Yubikey. Anything that can store passkeys.

If you want to use both you simply enroll both your PC and your iPhone. There's nothing stopping you from doing this. You can register multiple passkeys from different providers to the same account.

You can also log in to your PC with your iPhone by scanning a QR code. And then afterwards enroll your PC as a secondary passkey.

0 replies

I see, so you can use one device to auth and create a passkey on another

2 replies

That's not the idea, no. The idea is that - instead of a password - you have a cryptographic key. Like an SSH key. This key is managed for you, so you never have to see it or type it. You ought to be able to either have just a few keys, or else a different key for every service you use.

Unfortunately, the big players are trying to force this (really excellent!) idea into platform dependency. They want to store the keys on physical devices, which (a) eliminated portability and (b) restricts the number of keys you can have. If your device fails, you will also be faced with account-recovery problems.

Great idea, but the implementations are looking...not great.

1 replies

Wouldn't transferring the keys around just massively increase the attack surface? There's a security reason why we want them stored on-device and never moved, right?

0 replies

The KeepassXC file is encrypted (granted, only with a password). Sure, that file is now on multiple devices, so somewhat more vulnerable.

The problem with storing on-device comes when you use multiple devices. I have three devices (PC, laptop and phone) that I use regularly and interchangeably. What am I supposed to do, if the keys are tied to a single device? Worse, what do I do if that device dies, or is stolen?

0 replies

It depends on the implementation. Some sites use it to replace both 2FA and passwords, some use it for just 2FA.

how do you get a passkey on a new device when you only have passkey auth on some other device enabled?

You'd use a sync service like a password manager.

0 replies

This is how I'm using them. Still have a username/password, with a passkey as an additional factor. I use 1Password for passkeys rather than Apple's solution, which enables me to use them wherever I have 1Password.

12 replies

I still use Keepass (well MacPass) and naively "cache" what I use regularly in Keychain because I completely distrust anyone else handling the keys to my castle. Whenever I get a Passkeys notification it's an irritation as I don't actually see what the supposed benefits of this are and I'm not really interested in changing how I work. Just feels like I'm being dragged into something complex I will never be able to escape.

9 replies

Password managers can store the passkeys just like they store passwords. 1Password has had strong support for them for quite a while now

8 replies

Yeah probably can. But why do I need Passkeys?

5 replies

If you’re asking in earnest: For the majority of users, Passkeys offer a pragmatic alternative to passwords that is far superior in terms of security.

For you, based on what I’ve read in your comments, I would say that Passkeys are the first workable alternative to passwords. They are built on WebAuthn which (roughly summarized) was the standard developed by Google and Yubico in direct response to the Operation Auora attack.

While the Apple/Microsoft/Google implementations of Passkeys likely won’t meet your personal standards, they’re built on a proven and well designed open standard. Which means you can benefit from the technology without buying into a corporate ecosystem.

4 replies

If you use a software-based password manager, passkeys are indistinguishable from passwords both from a UX perspective and a security perspective.

If you store passkeys in hardware, then yes, passkeys are more secure, but you lose portability.

1 replies

This is wrong, as a MITM or keylogger can't steal a passkey, while they can steal a password.

0 replies

Since the passkey is the private key in the private-public pair, if it’s stored on a password manager it can definitely be stolen by malware (if you could have a key logger, you could have something else too). The only solution is to have the passkey (actually private key) reside in hardware or be protected by dedicated hardware.

1 replies

If you use a software-based password manager, passkeys are indistinguishable from passwords both from a UX perspective and a security perspective.

That's not correct. Passkeys use public-key cryptography and a challenge-response authentication mechanism, so an adversary in possession of a read-only copy of the database of the service you're trying to authenticate with won't be able to authenticate as you - which is very much a security improvement over passwords, even when both are stored in a password manager.

0 replies

an adversary in possession of a read-only copy of the database of the service you're trying to authenticate with

True, but GP is referring to the private key on the (user’s) device or computer being stored in a password manager. The main protection that passkeys offer in such a case is that there’s no case of passkey reuse across services and accounts, which is something that’s possible with passwords even if one used a password manager (albeit poorly by not generating unique passwords for each account).

0 replies

Strong mitm and phishing protection.

0 replies

1: Phishing protection

2: Protection against data breaches since Passkeys are not reused

3: Ability to login to devices you don't own without entering a password (QR code scanning)

1 replies

Try Keepassium on iOS. It removed my need to “cache” anything in the keychain.

0 replies

Do you know how to turn the dratted thing off, by any chance?

8 replies

At this point I think that Passkeys will fail in the hands of the general consumer population.

Actually, I think it might be worse. The predators like Apple/Google have already pounced on passkeys as a consumer capture mechanism, so they'll ensure it doesn't fail.

6 replies

Just you wait for governments to require platforms to only accept gov-signed keys.

I was sceptical about something-you-own auth vs. something-you-know auth from the beginning and recieved backlash from my tech peers for it. I hate to be able to go "told you so" on this one. Lets hope im wrong about the government involvement, but i dont think i will.

5 replies

not to diminish your point, but since at decade or so I'm a more worried about corporate surveillance capitalism than I'm about government surveillance.

1 replies

Why? Governments can do so much harm by incarcerating, fining or even killing you.

Don't get me wrong - corporate surveillance can be very annoying, especially in insurance / credit scoring / price discrimination etc, but it seems a comparatively lesser danger.

0 replies

Probably because governments can just buy the corporate surveillance results, bypassing any shoddy protections that even exist completely. So corporate surveillance is government surveillance.

1 replies

With a bit of a change, you can mostly avoid most of those corporations... you lose out on some tech goodies, but you can still live quite normally.

You cannot avoid the government.

0 replies

You can’t avoid these corporations if you want to remain active on the internet. They keep shadow profiles. They sell and share your data from one service to another (I stoped using Facebook for example, but Netflix shared its watch data with Facebook.)

I don’t think it’s possible to avoid them. Confuse them maybe.

0 replies

I mean, same, but only because I realized a new undesirable thing was becoming a tacit reality that we'd have to accept on top of already undesirable thing

0 replies

They're a consumer capture mechanism insofar as password management tools are, and we want users to use those because they make security tolerable. The problem is that it turns out the OS vendor was in the best place to win the password management game.

7 replies

Passkeys are pretty useless for me. At first I was somewhat hyped, but it seems that everyone just ignores them. Chrome does not support them. I set it up on mac, today I tried to login to icloud using passkey, but it just didn't work. Few websites implemented them, but overwhelming majority of websites don't.

So, yeah, useless technology for now. Passwords and TOTPs are the way.

4 replies

Chrome supports passkeys

3 replies

It does not. Not for Linux, anyway.

2 replies

It is because desktop linux does not have passkey interface built into the OS. There needs to be TPM, systemd, etc need to talk altogether.

1 replies

Linux most definitely has a TPM interface, it's called /dev/tpmrm0 and plenty of libraries for accessing it (eg. full disclosure: I'm co-maintaining it). Systemd is not needed for that.

0 replies

So where are things falling down? I seem to be unable to get passkeys to work in linux; Chrome or Firefox. I’m suspecting the issue is something to do with bluetooth.

1 replies

Just logged in to iCloud using chrome on a mac. Scanned a QR with iPhone and boom that was that.

0 replies

I tried to log in using chrome on fedora. Scanned QR code with iPhone, waited like 20 seconds looking at "Connecting" and gave up. Does not work.

7 replies

As someone who happily uses Yubikeys, I really don't want to use a Passkey. I want to still use a username/password and the Yubikey. Not just username and Yubikey.

Google tries to force use of passkey now that if you enroll a Yubikey it will now be a Passkey, instead of a second factor. With no option to disable it. I have to run the Yubikey Manager tool and then disable "FIDO2", so that I can force it only be used as a 2nd factor.

3 replies

I want to still use a username/password and the Yubikey.


1 replies

Because of the whole "multi-factor" thing, and not making account recovery impossible?

Passkeys are always going to be less secure than username + password + Webauthn, why would you intentionally make your account less secure and give yourself a massive failure mode in the process?

0 replies

Password and other factors are not going anywhere. You can set password, TOTP, email, phone and passkey at the same time. And use passkey because it's convenient. But use other combination of factors, if you need to access website without passkey. At least if website owner allows it. But I think that most websites will allow it.

0 replies

Definitely not for security... so yeah, seems quite pointless.

0 replies

You can open your Firefox about:config and set security.webauthn.ctap2 to false.

This will cause a fallback to FIDO/U2F where possible and your browser will appear to not support FIDO2. I've observed this with the default Keycloak flow for Security Tokens. May be a bug, too...

I don't know if this works with Google but if you try it, let me know :)

This needs no restart of Firefox, so you can use it to quickly disable it instead of fully disabling it on your Hardwaretoken.

0 replies

Yubikey + PIN works as a very nice passkey

5 replies

Passkeys are horrible because the design encourages the need for a smartphone, which is itself a disaster.

4 replies

Passkeys only encourage the need for a password management tool, which is funny because if everyone had password management tools to begin with then we wouldn't need passkeys.

1 replies

Passkeys only encourage the need for a password management tool

The dependency on a password management tool.

Be it Yubikey or Apple secure enclave or whatever, it's a shit piece of hardware that will eventually break. Have fun replacing all your credentials at the same time when your phone dies.

0 replies

Have fun replacing all your credentials at the same time when your phone dies.

I won't have to, because I've got passkeys on my desktop, my laptop, on my security token, etc. Losing one device won't lock me out.

0 replies

True, the technical aspect of passkeys does that. But in practical Apple and others want to heavily push for the smartphone as that tool, because it locks people further into that system.

0 replies

This is not true.

Passkeys still protect you from additional things that password managers don't protect you against:

1. Your credential can't be phished as it's cryptographically bound to the domain. You could stil be tricked into entering your password and TOTP into a malicious website.

2. Your credential can't be leaked by sloppy servers as it's public key crypto. This makes your security not depend on believing the website your logging into does proper password hashing and doesn't accidentally log password in plaintext.

5 replies

Oof, the Passkeys ecosystem is incredibly complex. Even as someone that deals with it day in and day out at $CURRENT_CO, it can be a headache.

As an exercise from a developer's perspective, try creating a chart of every device type (mobile, desktop etc), browser, and Passkeys platform provider (Apple, Microsoft etc). Then fill out how each behaves across each combination, it is a nightmare!

I'm hopeful that we'll see more cooperation across Passkey providers to align both the devx and UX to increase adoption where it makes sense. Not holding my breath too much though.

1 replies

Definitely this. I think the worst aspect of Passkeys is that the noble goals (public key crypto! unphisability!) seem to somewhat unavoidably wipe out one of the--in hindsight--really valuable aspects of passwords-in-a-password-manager:

That you can always just copy them out, put them in a different password manager, or write them on a post-it.

That said, I think this is a byproduct of the design space being complex (as you suggest) and not, as the author seems to feel, "thought leaders" or malice.

0 replies

I've been using Passkeys saved in 1Password, I thought that gave me the power to transfer them, but I just looked and apparently the export feature of 1P doesn't allow exporting the Passkeys, it just tells you you need to create new ones in your new password manager, so that's pretty crappy...

1 replies

I am exploring this now, actually got 2 students doing their thesis on this. It's very complicated and unnecessarily so.

My conclusion so far is that it's a promising technology, but no way as mature as I'd like it to be. Unfortunately we are stuck with emails and passwords for the foreseeable future, at least as a back-up mechanism for credentials recovery, which, funnily, makes the whole thing pretty much pointless.

0 replies

Noone put any thought into the goals of passkeys and it shows.

You have to beat email/password with optional password manager (syncing, remembering , autofilling) and optional MFA (physical proof)

passkeys cant beat that in any area because they have no goals

0 replies

Yeah I agree. I am familiar with crypto and public key authentication and password hashing and so on, and I cannot follow all of the terms and use modes. To the average user it's going to be a complete black box. They won't have a clue what's going on.

With passwords it's fairly obvious. Even if you don't know about password hashing, semantically it is the same as how you would obviously expect. Same with password managers. It's obvious what they're doing.

So I think this would fail even if it didn't have all the problems the author mentioned - it's simply too complicated for normal people to understand and trust.

4 replies

Yeah, unfortunately passkeys are confusing and the UX is generally fucking awful. I hesitate to just blame the tech companies for being greedy, as a result of my experience with passkeys I'm starting to wonder if maybe they've legitimately just lost the skills and knowledge necessary to actually make usable software.

What's most disappointing is, password managers have already solved the problem of syncing credentials securely between multiple devices across different form factors and ecosystems, and they're perfectly usable for providing software passkey support. So of course.. there's no standard API for them to implement it. Instead, vendors are patching the WebAuthn APIs using WebExtensions.

This is sabotage.

3 replies

FWIW: MacOS and iOS allow third party password managers to ingrate directly into AuthenticationServices and list passkeys in the native passkey UI through a "Credential Provider" extension. And it's documented how:

This is the same Credential Provider API they already have to integrate with to show the password autofill in iOS so there is already _some_ code for this.

1Password _could_ just integrate with the native UI. But they chose not to. This however means shipping a native app which is a lot more heavy-weight than shipping a web extension.

I opened an issue in the webauthn repo about giving an API for WebExtensions to hook into the passkey autocomplete but there hasn't been any traction or appetite for it unfortunately :(

2 replies

1Password _could_ just integrate with the native UI. But they chose not to. This however means shipping a native app which is a lot more heavy-weight than shipping a web extension.

I mean, I kind of understand this; they're going to have to do the WebExtension either way, since there's no standard API across platforms.

1 replies

On the other hand. They already integrate with this API for their iOS app as it's the only way to do password autocomplete on iOS. Why not extend that use to MacOS?

0 replies

Maybe they will eventually, but the macOS app is a cross-platform Electron app, isn't it? I'm guessing none of the code is shared.

4 replies

I've never tried to use passkeys, but determined a while ago my hard, non-negotiable, a priori requirements which would have to be met for me to be willing to use them:

1. I can, if I choose, have a passkey in software (no hardware enclave, no captive key, no TPM) even if the security of that sucks:

  => Implication: I can backup and copy a passkey without restriction, e.g.
     putting the key material in an airgapped password safe, and without that
     being visible to a website.

  => Implication: Websites can't discriminate by whether I have a passkey in
     software or have any part in deciding whether I get to backup, copy or
     transfer a passkey.
2. I can disable any attestation functionality to do my part to prevent any online service from making it mandatory.

I haven't looked into this yet, so: do, or can, passkeys, or the contemporary WebAuthn implementations in Firefox or Chrome on Linux, meet my requirements?

1 replies

1Password includes Passkeys in archive/exports of the 1Password database. Safari developers have stated that it is a planned feature to support Passkey exporting (but not currently supported) including between apps.

I'm not aware of any restrictions at this time on your second point. I also haven't seen any examples of attestation and Passkeys being used in practice.

0 replies

1Password includes Passkeys in archive/exports of the 1Password database.

They explicitly do not.

0 replies

Firefox and Chrome display a permission dialog when a website requests attestation, and you can deny it. If you deny it, the website has no idea how your passkey is stored, allowing you to use a pure-software solution if you so desire. The website could discriminate against you for denying attestation, but note that Apple always denies attestation for passkeys, so websites intended for the general public are unlikely to discriminate against users who deny attestation.

So yes, I believe your requirements are met in practice.

0 replies

I can backup and copy a passkey without restriction ...

We were so very nearly there with U2F... I did extensive testing and you can have a U2F (Fido2/webauthn) device deriving it's private keys, never leaving the device's HSM, from a BIP-44/BIP-39 seed. You write 12, 18 or 24 words down (out of a dictionary of 2048 words) and with these words, you can always reinitialize another Ledger Nano (a cryptocurrency hardware wallet but I didn't care: I was after the U2F "nano app").

It just worked. It was beautiful. My seed were written on paper sheets which I'd store in a safe at the bank / at my parents' home, etc.

As a bonus the hardware device would display, on its little screen, if you were enrolling or login (a useful info) and, for known provides, it'd display the name. For example "login to google?" / "enroll to dropbox?".

Pure beauty.

Then sadly this trainwreck that passkeys are happened, greatly lowering not only the security of 2FA (someone is in control of all your keys and they can be "backed up": what a concept!) but also making you lose the ability to backup your own keys/seed.

I do really hope at some point we see a future "passkeys nano app" for hardware devices on which the user is in control of the master seed used to derive the keys. It worked for FIDO2/webauthn. I hope it'll work again at some point in the future for passkeys.

4 replies

My biggest issue with passkey is not passkey itself, which, when it works, is great, but more the implementation of it done on most websites.

Use a passkey on and it works great! On google too. But use it on PayPal, it does not anymore. Who’s to blame?

2 replies

I've added a few passkeys to 1Password. It works pretty well on, and sometimes on But apparently, bypasses 1Password and asks the OS for passkeys? So doesn't actually work for me, unless I want to store the passkey in the OS keychain. Which I don't, because I don't want to be locked into that.

How can it be that the website decides which password manager I should use to store the passkeys? That's crazy and goes against all intuition.

0 replies

My assumption is that there's no proper browser API for third-party passkeys, so this extension probably monkey-patches website JavaScript which is not reliable.

0 replies

Interesting. What OS/browser do you use?

0 replies

Paypal has a really obnoxious failed implementation of passkeys where if you have totp configured, their login flow takes you to TOTP after your passkey auth.

If you want your passkey to “just work” you have to turn off TOTP. But thats a bad idea because passkeys are an alternate method of auth with paypal, not a replacement for passwords. So then you are left with the option of a password only sign in (no TOTP) or a passkey.

3 replies

Why couldn't passkeys just be a user-friendly wrapper around assymetric key pairs tech people already using?

1 replies

They kind of are, except...

1. SSH keys, as they're normally used, let you be tracked between hosts. That's fine for SSH, because nobody's trying to SSH into their Grindr account. But for web login stuff you want a different key pair for every site.

2. Adds a bunch of 'attestation' features that corporate types think they need.

3. Tries to make it so an attacker who gets access to your machine can't make a copy of the credential. The success of this is implementation-dependent.

4. With barely any setup, Google/Microsoft/Apple will keep a backup copy, in case you lose your phone. This is useful for non-technical people.

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With barely any setup, Google/Microsoft/Apple will keep a backup copy, in case you lose your phone.

Not Microsoft. Their implementation has no synchronisation feature and provides no way to back it up or transfer to another device either. You lose the computer you lose the passkey.

Their implementation is very daft and goes counter to the point of passkeys since you will need a less secure way of authentication to remain enabled on the accounts you use a Windows Hello passkey for, for the sake of being able to recover those accounts.

Remember, the best security schemes are only as secure as the least secure scheme that is available to access the account. If you're still on an account that can be recovered by sending a 2fa code to email or SMS/texting then you have achieved nothing.

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That’s basically what they are?

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I can't help feeling this... In an adverse world software and electronic data is too ephemeral to entrust with authentication and authorization. What if we had something solid like a Yubikey, but:

- credit card sized

- completely airgapped

- standardized

- controlled by a non-profit association

- hard- and software open sourced

- built-in camera to scan data

- built-in display to show data

- configuration mode: scan human-readable configuration

- data is QR code or something like Base58 to copy by hand

- backup by supporting applications: scan and print out data

- browser integration by an extension using a webcam

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If you ignore the last 6 points about cameras and displays, then this is kinda what "Smartcards" are, I think?

In fact the Estonian Id-Card is one of these if I'm not mistaken

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Just to clarify Estonian Id-Card most certainly implements the PIV applet while Yubikeys implement both PIV and the OpenPGP Card (the latter has a benefit of natively supporting ed25519:

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The problem with smartcards is: I don't see what's on them.

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Usernameless always seemed like an optimization too far to me.

I think it's totally reasonable, and probably a good thing for users having to use their username at login. Especially as it reminds them what username they are using for that service.

I could totally see a situation where a user uses a Usernameless passkey for years to access a service and for some reason loses access to the Usernameless passkey, and then has also forgotten the username for the service, so cannot even start an account recovery process.

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There's no account recovery process for passkeys. I thought they are your identity?

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Usernameless always seemed like an optimization too far to me.

I think it depends on the service. But aside from the occasional forum or social site, usernames are just an extra step. I don’t want or need one for banking/administration/ordering a product. For better or worse, email is usually a better identifier, assuming you already need one for other reasons (like you say recovery is typically needed).

Especially as it reminds them what username they are using for that service.

Like passwords, forced usernames are hard to remember, if you use different ones. If you use the same, then it leaks privacy across services. (Technically usernames can be private but the expectation from decades of social sites is they are public)

[…] loses access to the Usernameless passkey, and then has also forgotten the username for the service

Correct, no identifier at all can’t be recovered. Hence, email.

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I wanted to use Passkeys from the initial spec stage. The UX seemed far more superior (the closest I think is passwordless via email).

But the more I wanted to use Passkeys are more scary it got, basically the gut feeling of losing control.

If we could use something akin of derived, reproduceable-ish (???) Passkeys maybe then.

As of right now it feels wrong.

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(derived, reproduceable-ish) sounds like a security horror O_o.

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You can set up a new Ledger (crypto wallet) and deterministically recover your keys using a sheet with 24 words written on it.

I've got my sheet in my gun safe, but you can also hide it anywhere in your house.

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Honestly, I think a big part of the problem is that passkeys have been tied to hardware devices and they don't have to be. A passkey is just a public key credential, and it can easily be provided by software as well as by hardware. You would still get many of the benefits (better UX, automatically secure, prevents phishing) and the overall customer experience could be a lot better. Imagine if passkeys could be saved, transferred, and imported as easily as a PDF. Instead, we get a bunch of walled gardens where Apple/Google/Microsoft/etc are trying to be the only provider you use.

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I have my passkeys in bitwarden.

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Does BitWarden support passkey export now?

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But of course, thought leaders exist, and Apple hadn't defined what a Passkey was. One of those thought leaders took to the FIDO conference stage and announced "Passkeys are resident keys", at the same time as the unleashed a passkeys dev website (I won't link to it out of principal).

I'm trying to follow the developments in the 2-factor-auth space and this was one thing that confused me a lot. I've read a lot of hype on Passkeys being the next big thing but it was really hard to find an actual explanation what they are and how they work. And once I found out that these are keys that are stored on the security key, I was rather disappointed, because I really like the idea of generating keys on the fly based on the domain name that I'm authenticating against. This way I can "store" an infinite number of keys. The upside of Passkeys is supposedly that you do not need to remember which username you have on a website, but I think that's a minor upside.

Related question: What is the official name for the (FIDO2-based?/WebAuthn-based?) technology that calculates and reconstructs keys on the fly based on the domain name of the service that I'm authenticating against? It is really difficult to learn the right terminology in the area.

Edit: I think I found the answer here:

A key that is reconstructed on the fly is called a "non-resident credential".

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I really like the idea of generating keys on the fly based on the domain name that I'm authenticating against.

You could do it on a USB cryptoprocessor, and securely, too.

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This is quite concerning, because I've recently started a project that uses webauthn-rs. I want to minimise spam on the project while I don't want to collect PII like emails for login.

I wonder if it means that the author will stop working on the library after their next release, and more importantly, if the UX is going to be horrible with people unable to log in and other issues they mention.

On a tangent, I share their discomforts about travelling to the US. The last time I was there, I felt uncomfortable being out on the streets alone. Maybe the portrayal of police brutality towards POC is a factor (for me).

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The problem with passkeys, beyond the painful UX that will scare any casual users away and the fact that they are being wielded as an extreme vendor lock-in mechanism is just that the design and implementation is so over complicated with second system syndrome.

If you’re going to push a replacement for passwords and want it to be universal, it should be EASY to implement. Even if the backing cryptography is complex, the actual handshake / implementation shouldn’t be. TOTP as an example is insanely easy to implement. Password auth of course is as well, despite needing to know what you are doing to get it right. Both can easily be handled entirely without JS.

I should quite frankly be able to just <input type=“passkey-public-key”> in a standard POST form for registration and be able to call it a day. It doesn’t justify how complex it is to set up.

A fitting password replacement should just be as smooth and easy as ssh. I give a website a public key, I use my private key. I manage my private keys however I see fit. I don’t need a third party involved holding my private keys hostage.

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The part I hate most about Passkeys is that it essentially killed the FIDO1/U2F ecosystem.

Just about every website which implemented Passkeys removed the option to use hardware tokens with "non-resident" credentials. This means you're stuck using your Yubikey as either an insecure TOTP token, or as a practically-useless Passkey.

We had the perfect 2FA method with U2F hardware tokens, why did they have to take that away?!

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We had the perfect 2FA method with U2F hardware tokens, why did they have to take that away?!

It deeply saddens me too.

But I think we shouldn't discard one of the obvious reason: the U2F system was too secure.

Let's not forget this: the original U2F system even had a way for the user to know if its device had been cloned, for they'd be using a counter. And they silently removed this.

When Apple+Google+MSFT team up to lower security, I'm pretty sure three-letters agencies and their backdoors aren't very far.

The whole concept of passkeys that can be copied around is honestly hilarious. FFS: we had the perfect solution...

I don't think it's only incompetence at work here: there has to be mischief or at least mischief shouldn't be discarded.

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Hm. The main criticism is you get locked into a cloud platform storing your private key(s) when using „passkeys“. This can be convenient as you can use your favorite smart phone to authenticate everywhere or even choose to rely on local TPM storage on your laptop or PC through MS Windows. This trades convenience with the risk of a vendor lock-in. But AFAIU the FIDO2 protocol you are free to use a dedicated USB key storage instead to store your private key (protected by a PIN or passphrase) on your own. This a bit less convenient but gives you peace of mind if you hate MS/ABC/Apple.

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you are free to use a dedicated USB key storage instead to store your private key

As long as the server supports the device/protocol/options you want, and doesn't enforce attestation against a small list of enterprise vendors.

For instance Microsoft Azure AD's Entra ID authentication service, the one that keeps changing name, has a hardcoded list which you can consult here:

In theory there's no vendor lock-in. As long as Azure adds your vendor to the Azure-approved list, and as long as every other provider refrains from making their own list.

For the Apple/Google ecosystems specifically, it's also important to keep the compatibility matrix for each service in mind. For instance with Azure again:

In theory any FIDO2 implementation could work with any service that accepts passkeys. In practice, compatibility matrices and allowlists are the reality.

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Here's my opposing view: I love Passkeys.

I use Firefox as my browser and 1Password as my password manager. On my iPhone, I use 1Password + Firefox.

I look at every so often and switch my logins from passwords to passkeys. This has included a lot of my common logins like GitHub, Google, and Microsoft.

There is a lot of confusing terminology. For some reason sites will say "login with Touch ID" or "login with Windows Hello" instead of "login with Passkey".

Aside from that quirk, I love it. 1Password syncs my passkeys between devices. I can use them both on my laptop and my phone. It would be inconvenient if I needed to login to a shared computer e.g. at a library or friend's house, but I don't do that often enough to care (though of course some people do, which is totally valid).

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Likewise frustrated by the passkey implementation but like the idea. I’ve been experimenting with passkeys leveraging SSH tunnels. You can read more about it with a demo here:

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Translation: the solution is overcomplex and has so many failure points that it has already proven to be worse than passwords.

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The main thing that hurts Passkeys was how the implementation was so deeply tied to letting the browser do stuff rather than making it something like TOTP where any password manager can implement it and it's usable, agnostic from the browser. Everything about Passkeys is defined around using your browser as the agent that authenticates.

The problem is that browsers are infamous for randomly losing things like localstorage, settings and saved passwords. It's way too volatile software to do authentication with besides a "stay logged in" checkmark. In both of the main desktop browsers, a corrupt profile is often only "fixable" by just nuking it and having the browser recreate it.

That's what killed Passkeys; people you want as early adopters (technical folks) don't use it because browsers aren't a trustworthy storage and the implementations all severely stalled in providing alternative methods that are tied to more reliable storage mechanisms. The hyper aggressive vendor lock-in is also not helping much (to the point where KeePassXC got yelled at for providing an export mechanism).

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Apple Keychain has personally wiped out all my Passkeys on three separate occasions. There are external reports we have recieved of other users who's Keychain Passkeys have been wiped just like mine.

i have been using passkeys on apple since they launched it. i have also converted all of my 2fa’s to passkeys (where supported) or enabled them as password alternatives. a lot of website support passkeys nowadays. i never encountered what the author encountered and it seems like something seriously wrong happened.

did anyone encounter this issue? is it logged somewhere?

i seriously considered dropping passwords completely for future projects, but it looks like there are still issues…

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Question for the author regarding:

within a business where we have policy around what devices may be acceptable the ability to filter devices does matter.

Is a solution to this on desktop to use GPO policy to add a mandatory "attesting" extension (that you build yourself which just verifies the device is what it says it is), and on mobile to use a webview inside an app with similar attesting info injected into the page context??

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Did you know that you can turn every $2 Raspberry Pi Pico clone board into a FIDO2 stick, and even make it Yubikey compatible?

Well, not as secure as a commercial key, because the Pico doesn't have encrypted storage, but still much more secure than login/password.

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I suppose this means OTP's would continue gaining traction as an alternative to password managers, a convenient approach but a risky single point of failure

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I've had Apple silently delete music from Music when I had iTunes Match, and I've stayed paying for Dropbox despite wanting to use iCloud, which would be no extra cost for me, because their mechanisms for dealing with conflicts are different - Dropbox saves a version with "Name's conflicted version 2024-04-26" in the filename, whereas AFAIK iCloud silently decides what to keep and drop so you can't manually decide how to merge a conflict.

I too find it hard to imagine how someone can lose all their passkeys three times, and I guess they may be doing something funky given their profession, but I think many of these events just happen too easily in the Apple ecosystem and my trust in them managing things like that is relatively low - hence my use of 1Password instead of iCloud keychain. The Music thing in particular really stung as I never got a good handle on what was missing - I'd just occasionally come across a "this file is missing" error when I tried to play a song, and I'm left with this kind of cloud of unknowing when it comes to my Music library.

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Within enterprise there still is a place for attested security keys where you can control the whole experience to avoid the vendor lockin parts. It still has rough edges though.

Just use PKI / X.509 with hybrid smartcards for enterprise use cases. Sure, it’s “legacy” and you need an PKI expert to set it up, but it actually works and is genuinely platform-, vendor- and protocol-agnostic. FIDO is smelly poo poo in comparison.

Also, smartcards had usernameless for 30 years.

Edit: actually we’ve been here before. Remember the <keygen> tag? Platforms (browsers) could generate a key pair for you, store the private key in their key store (I think <keygen> actually supported smartcards as well), and forward the public key to the server for enrollment. The server then sent the signed certificate back. That’s pretty much exactly passkeys. This was somewhat widely used for “high security” applications at its peak, circa 2007.

Similar problems like passkeys caused issues, it was difficult for users to get their keys and back them up, most people were just one hard drive crash away from loosing access.

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At TableCheck we rolled our own passkeys SP implementation primarily for our internal users, so they can access admin-level accounts without passwords.

Personally I love the convenience of passkeys (coupled with 1Password pw manager), however, for whatever reason it doesn’t “feel” like Passkeys replace passwords but rather they complement them. I treat Passkeys as ephemeral—it is lovely when they work, but sometimes I still need to fallback to trusty ol’ password login.

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Somewhat related: last New Year the company I work for gave us, the employees, presents. Something I assumed to be a USB disk. Couple weeks ago I had to migrate from my old personal laptop to the desktop I finally put together and needed a USB key to put an OS on the new computer.

I recalled I had what I thought was a spare USB key... plugged it in only to discover it wasn't a USB disk. Wasted some time trying to figure out what it was only to discover it was some form of electronic key. Not sure how exactly it works... but, of course, Linux had no drivers for it, so it couldn't even recognize the device.

I tried to think about any possible uses I could want from it and whether it's worth the effort of trying to find an out-of-kernel driver for it... and after some time pondering this idea, I realized I have no use for this thing. There's no scenario in which I would like to have a device to perform this function. So, bundled it with the broken pieces of my old laptop and together they went to the garbage dump.

Passkey would be virtually the same thing. I cannot imagine what problem does it solve, no matter how it works. Everything about this idea seems like a bad idea. So, I'm kind of happy it's a shattered dream now. Better late then never, I guess.

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Johnny Hates Jazz.

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This was so obvious from the start. Whenever big tech creates "standards" now you already know it's going to be total horse shit. Look back at the old threads when passkeys launched. HN was full of fanboys thinking it's the best since sliced bread and passwords are so yesterday. Managing your passwords takes a bit of effort like everything in life where you don't want do give away control completeley to some corporate aholes. Whenever you let someone else manage your stuff you set yourself up to getting ducked.

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Passkeys always had a bad smell to me.

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I've noticed a few websites I frequent have quietly started using passkeys (or something very similar) outside of the normal channels. My bank now asks me to go through a second factor on my phone app that seems very similar to how passkeys work and Outlook has a similar login flow but with an additional 2 digit challenge code for some reason.

With both of these I have little sense of what is going to happen if I lose my phone or switch to a new one. So typical passkey problems.

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I gave up on passkeys after running Google's passkey demo and getting started example. They impement session expiration client side only. I reported it, but they said it had been reported already and they didn't intend to fix it. Seems a little careless for a tool promising improved security.