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Inside the Super Nintendo cartridges

19 replies

I do really like how cartridges on the old systems were essentially equivalent to a PCI Expansion Card in a PC. It was directly connected to the Bus and could do essentially anything. Sadly, that practice ended after the GameBoy Advance, and everything since the Nintendo DS has been purely data storage.

This leads to crazy modern enhancements like a Raytracing chip[1], or the MSU1 enhancement chip that is AFAIK not available as an actual physical chip, but only in software emulators. But it would be theoretically possible to manufacture, so you could have an actual physical SNES Cartridge of Road Blaster[2].

On the article itself, I noticed that his list has "Street Fighter Zero 2" as a USA ROM - that should be incorrect, since Street Fighter Zero is what Street Fighter Alpha was called in Japan. So Zero 2 should just be the Japanese version of Alpha 2. (Also, thanks for linking to the MVG video that debunks the myth that the delay before each round is caused by decompression)



5 replies

That's not entirely true. A few DS carts at least had IR receivers (e.g. Pokemon HeartGold). I think Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure adds Bluetooth through the card as well. So there was some limited capability to add features, not quite as exciting as extra CPUs but it's not like any GBA did anything super exciting there either.

1 replies

There are some that use the GBA slot for expansion too. The DS browser uses it for a memory expansion, and there's a Guitar Hero game that uses it for some extra buttons. When you boot the console with one inserted in Manual Mode it calls it a "DS Option Pak", and there's a lot more than i thought

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not quite as exciting as extra CPUs

Not that it was an official licensed product, but for what it's worth, there was a DS flashcart that bundled a significantly faster CPU than the DS's own - the SuperCard DSTWO [1]. The extra CPU (Ingenic Jz4740, MIPS) was primarily used for GBA emulation on DS/DSi systems without the need for a GBA slot passthrough flashcart, as was otherwise required - though there was a quite successful homebrew scene around it at the time as well, up to and including stuff like a (proof of concept) port of a PS1 emulator [2].

It was a surprisingly impressive device! The only downsides, as I recall, were the increased battery drain and the fact that the DS Slot-1 bus was only fast enough to allow streaming video output from the cartridge to the system's displays at ~45FPS, irrespective of the rate that the emulator was actually running at internally.

[1] [2]

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Still have my DSTWO. Heat was an annoying issue too. But for the longest time it was the only way to play SNES/GBA even on the 3DS.

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It's like the difference between slotting ROM into DDR5 slot[1] vs SATA port. You can still add features by means of fake disk I/O, but that isn't the same as directly interfacing with the CPU bus.

1: perhaps more perfect analogy will be socketing ROM as its own chiplet if that ever made sense

4 replies

Now I am curious to know how some games could have an IR transmsmitter inside the cartridge like Pokemon Soulsilver, did they plan this specific usecase or a whole channel for limited cartridge expansion components ?

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That's actually a pretty good question. The NTR-031 IR cartridges were used for a few games, and there was also one for Motion Sensors and a TV Antenna.

From what I can see, it looks like even though they can't extend the functionality directly, they do still interface with the system in some way. Perhaps they are more like a device connected to a serial port would be? So far less capable than the full extension cart, but still possible to communicate with through a standardized protocol? (The DS Cartridge slot has 8 data pins rather than the full address/data bus, but seems to have a protocol:

So, I need to correct myself, they nerfed it first with the DS, before then switching to being pure flash chips with the 3DS when they switched to XtraROM (which has potential lifespan issues: - and that seems to not allow much custom functionality:

(Though if someone with more knowledge can correct me, please do so. I thought that DS/3DS/Switch are pure flash chips, but was wrong at least about the DS)

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Hmm. Crazy thought, but there must be some sort of save data function. I wonder if one could exude a ram chip(as opposed to short life flash or eeprom back then) as a storage device, with some fake filesystem, then have the software write updates to that.

As ram, you could read the data on the cartridge, modify it, and thus fake bidirectional comms?

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Even if the bus/protocol is limited to "only" disk I/O, you could still have the controller interpret reads/writes to certain addresses as requests for other actions, including interaction with other hardware on the card

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The interface to the gaming system might be strictly data, but you've got power supplied to the cartridge; you can put whatever hardware you can fit inside that cartridge still

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Street fighter localization is wacky. Why would they swap the same names for different characters?

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Widely believed to be because Mike Bison was a little too on-the-nose for a heavyweight boxer and the shuffle was the easiest way to make a last minute change.

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I also read that Capcom USA felt the name “Vega” was too “weak” for the dictator.

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There is also this entirely crazy "NES reverse emulation"[1] Here someone replaces the cartridge with a modern computer and then... weird things start happening. Such as using a NES to present effectively a powerpoint presentation about humor.


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I did that with PalmOS - a card that you insert into the original Pilot (16MHz 68k) and it takes over, runs PalmOS5 on a 200MHz ARM chip, using the pilot as a display and touch panel. Also did it using memory stick IO protocol too (Ctrl+F for "MSIO")

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I'm also glad the article mentioned Street Fighter Alpha 2 and linked a video about the delay fix. The patched version is super fun.

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Somebody also just recently discovered that Shin Akuma is playable on the SNES version:

Between this and the SA-1 fixes for Gradius III and Super R-Type, we live in a golden age of improving SNES games :)

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I'm pretty sure modern SNES flashcarts can do MSU1. The MiSTer FPGA can also support the MSU1.

15 replies

I hope developers still love to blog details with article mode like this, rather than vlogging it on YouTube. A lot of detail packed into a few kilobytes only.

"Super Mario World" is still the masterpiece game ever. It has amazing characters, sprites, and stages packed into only 360 KB.

10 replies

The file sizes given by the site are wrong. Super Mario World is 512KB, or 508KB if you discard the padding at the end. Only compressing it to ZIP format gives you a file size around 360KB.

4 replies

Yea, after writing this I regretted using zip to estimate usage.

Probably would get better number by extracting each zip and look how much zero padding is at the end of the file. WDYT?

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Just query each archive for the total uncompressed data. While the 'real' code+data is less than the size of the banks, the banks are always ^2.

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The goal here isn't to tell the real file sizes, the goal here is to estimate the "effective" file size without any padding. Padding can be at places other than the end of the file.

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hexdump will automatically does "squeezing" of repeated lines. Follow this with a line count and multiply by the bytes/line and you'll get a rough number of non-repetitive bytes.

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I think applying RLE to the file might give a better estimate, because files have blank space throughout, not just at the end. Just tried it on Super Mario World and the estimated size was 479,154 (468K) bytes.

If you don't have an RLE tool handy, you can force Pucrunch to act as an RLE-only compressor by using the -r 0 switch which disables the LZ compression feature.

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It's still quite impressive to fit such a lengthy and fun game into 508KB without any procedural generation, just tight assembly and clever use of bitmaps. This is programming art.

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This is largely a lost art because of several bad paradigms that have become very popular in recent years, making software exponentially worse in the process. In the old days, it was common and NES games were even smaller than SNES games because the graphics were much less complex. I believe Super Mario Bros 3, which many people still insist was better than Super Mario World, actually fit into 32KB.

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SMB3 is 3 Megabits in size, aka 384 KiB. You're likely thinking of the original Super Mario Bros which is just 40 KiB.

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As the linked article notes, some of the special on-cart chips were mainly used for data decompression, like the SPC7110. So on those games, definitely compressed assets!

But... I'd love to know how often assets were compressed on "normal" carts without special chips.

Decompressing assets on the fly during gameplay action seems like it would be quite a challenge for the SNES' CPU.

My understanding is that images on title screens and cinematics were often compressed. Anime/comic art styles lend themselves really well to RLE compression because you have lots of consecutive pixels of the same color. And, obviously, these can be fairly static images that don't need to be updated 60 times a second.

Definitely an outlier, but: the title screen of Secret of Mana was actually a JPG that took around a minute (!!) to decompress. The music and scrolling text are cleverly designed to mask this:

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"Pitfall!" on Atari VCS held 255 entirely different game screens in a 4k cartridge :)

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Isn't it more of "Pitfall!" has a set of 255 levels that are procedurally generated and the author spent a ton of time searching for the best seed that would generate the levels we know today.

It isn't as if you could have a map editor and adjust the levels or the order of the levels, though you could run the generation procedure to find new levels to your liking.

Still an amazing game. In 4k it is astonishing.

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Super Mario World is great, but I stand by Donkey Kong Country 2 being the best game on the system. To me, it just nails every single aspect of platforming, with awesome music, tight controls, and appealing graphics.

Terranigma is right up there as well for me; Super Mario World is probably number 3 in my book.

0 replies

hope developers still love to blog details with article mode like this, rather than vlogging it on YouTube.

I think the driving force behind this for many is it's much harder to steal video content. With text bits can scrape it change a few words and reuse it on an SEO ad site.

15 replies

Another detail not mentioned here is that even carts which didn't contain enhancement chips had different levels of performance - the SNES CPU nominally ran at 3.58mhz, but it would only actually run at that speed with a "FastROM" cart inserted. Nintendo also offered publishers a "SlowROM" cart format, which was cheaper, but would downclock the CPU to just 2.68mhz.

There is a community of modders developing patches to turn SlowROM games into FastROM games to alleviate slowdown. I read somewhere that some SlowROM games appear to have been developed for FastROM in the first place, but were converted to SlowROM at the last minute due to penny-pinching demands by the publisher.

3 replies

Was there any hardware reason for this, or was this just nintendo making gamers' lifes worse by gouging their customers?

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The ROM chips were literally lower specced / worse tolerances, and thus cheaper. FastROM chips were guaranteed (by the manufacturers) to yield stable results in under 120ns, versus 200 for SlowROM.

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Interesting. Having not looked at all yet. Wonder if the emulators out there take this fact into account.

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Ostensibly the reason is that the ROM chips have to run in lockstep with the CPU clock, so the CPU may need to be downclocked if cheaper ROM chips can't keep up with it, but I don't know what the actual cost difference would have been at the time, if any. Maybe all of the chips were capable of 3.58mhz and Nintendo was just gouging.

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Out Of This World is a case of SlowROM/FastROM where the dev was not allowed to use FastROM. Iirc they claimed it saved a whopping 50 cents a cartridge to use slowrom in that case.

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I don't know how much the publisher made in revenue from each cartridge. $0.50 might have been 5% of revenue?

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Probably. For a game selling at 60$ assuming Nintendo took half and publisher took other half in profit, its 1.6%. Still significant as the publisher has other costs.

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The thing that blows my mind about the SNES is that even its onboard RAM can't be accessed at the nominal 3.58MHz clock; the system slows down for that.

Always confused me why the SNES was so paltry with its speed when the competitor TurboGrafx-16 usually ran at 7MHz, and also had a 6502-family CPU that required similar memory timing. But the TurboGrafx flopped (in the west) and the SNES was a hit world-wide, so I guess they did something right.

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But the TurboGrafx flopped (in the west) and the SNES was a hit world-wide, so I guess they did something right.

Still have all my old consoles including the Turbo Graphics 16 and SNES. It was all about the software. Mind you this was during a time when games were $50 each which today is something like $100. If you wanted to sample a game you hoped a friend had it so you could borrow or the local video store had it to rent. If not it was a crap shoot and game review magazines were a staple.

TG16 had nothing to compete. I only remember the popular side-scrollers like Bonks Adventure or Splatter House. The rest were "weird" games no one was interested in. We had about 7 or 8 games before we gave up on it. I had I think one other friend who had one who also gave up on it with just a few titles.

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SNES had 3 background layers and color math/transparency, TurboGrafx 16 was stuck with one background layer. SNES also had much better sound capabilities.

I'd say TurboGrafx's biggest advantage was that they had a full handheld version of the system available very early on. The Turbo Express crushed the Game Gear and Lynx in terms of power. (The Game Boy still beat all its more-powerful competitors rest because of far lower battery consumption)

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Always wondered if that was just an arbitrary licensing distinction made up by nintendo or there were actual differences between carts data reading speeds. At the end of the day, all SNES carts sported mask roms.

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At various points it was very hard to get ROM made due to shortages. It may have been an attempted solution to that, can’t get fast but you could have slow.

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The article does mention LoRom and HiRom, I imagine you're talking about the same thing.

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No that's something else, LoROM and HiROM differ in how the ROM data is mapped into memory, while FastROM and SlowROM differ in the bus speed. You can have Lo/Slow, Lo/Fast, Hi/Slow or Hi/Fast carts.

9 replies

I love any and all research on these systems. It completely blows my mind that something as complex and fun as Mario Kart was only 350KB in size. You can't even get a 'hello world' binary that small for most languages today.

Yeah, it's custom and tuned, but that's a lot of fun packed with at the time 'good graphics' in the size of a single low quality jpeg of today.

8 replies

Well, we have to account for the fact that modern system simply don't require that much optimization and compression. Working with stricter limits meant that dev teams had to get creative and minimize file size, while nowadays a single game update can be around 20 GB.

7 replies

nowadays a single game update can be around 20 GB

Irrespective of the abundance of storage we now enjoy, and even though I could rationally understand the reasons, this will always make me raise an eyebrow or sigh.

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You are just getting old. People used to have the same reaction to games that filled up an entire CD (or even multiple).

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Eh, not the same. All the games I remember spanning multiple discs (Emperor: Battle for Dune took four, for example) were that large due to FMV cutscenes.

I understand that 3D textures are large files, but surely there is some hideous bloat occurring to cause the explosion in size.

And outside of games, the same bloat occurs, so it’s not just textures. “Let’s ship an entire browser rendering engine with our app” hasn’t exactly helped.

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Interestingly enough, Hitman (the remakes) slimmed down their installed size by the time Hitman 3 rolled around. They said that thanks to SSDs being around, they didn't have to optimize for the slow random read speeds of HDD anymore.


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Maybe in 20 years people will be complaining about all games taking up 10 TB of space and we'll have people rationalizing the practice because people used to complain about 20 GB patches. Games coming on multiple CDs was a painful experience. Nobody likes that, and nobody liked day-one patches back when they were first introduced and now nobody likes 20 GB patches. Every generation hates pointless bloat.

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You are just getting old.

I am! But even then, imho sizes should correlate to the detail (graphics / sound), complexity & vastness of virtual worlds embodied in a game.

Not the ease with which developers can fill up the available space.

Yes these are related. But some kind of 1:1 correspondence was lost ages ago.

Optimizing for size, to squeeze out every last byte possible: who still does this in 2024?

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It's not just "getting old."

For many of us it's an engineer's mindset. We appreciate games for their art and gameplay, and we also appreciate them for their engineering.

So it's a little sad to see that one aspect of game engineering become relatively extinct, even if it's the certainly the correct tradeoff given today's constraints.

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As a millennial who has done both embedded and web it doesn't make me sigh at all and usually I find people with that line of thought are just being elitist.

The amount of technology and number and size of assets in a game now is just insane, it is in no way at all comparable to the garage projects for 8bit consoles.

Remember, games used to have to be ported - they were so locked into their particular platform/hardware that porting a game was essentially a total rewrite every single time. Nowadays we can write once, run on every single platform with just hooks into platform specific libs swapped out.

Modern day developers aren't stupid; we're just all used to our current environments, but I would bet that if we all needed to, we could just as easily jump back in to writing everything in asm and custom tailoring it for a particular CPU/hardware. But then modern games would be impossible to actually get finished.

9 replies

The author of DOOM for SNES, Randy Linden, did not have access to any documentation about the GSU chip or even DOOM source code. He reverse engineered all of it

Technically this is impressive, but why was it necessary?

6 replies

Some Details on the Doom Wiki (

Randy Linden, the port's sole programmer, initiated the port of Doom for the Super NES on his own initially, as he was fascinated by the game.

Since Doom's source code was not yet released at the time, Linden referred to the Unofficial Doom Specs as a means of understanding the game's lump layout in detail. The resources were extracted from the IWAD, with some (notably sprites such as the player's sprites and the original status bar face sprites) unused due to technical limitations.

According to an interview, due to lack of development systems for the Super FX, Linden wrote a set of tools consisting of an assembler, linker, debugger, dubbed the ACCESS, on his own Amiga before beginning development of the port proper. For the hardware kit, he utilized a hacked Star Fox cartridge and a pair of modified Super NES controllers plugged into the console and connected to the Amiga's parallel port. A serial protocol was used to further link the two devices.

After developing a full prototype, he later showcased it to his employer, Sculptured Software, which helped him finish the development. In the interview, Linden expressed a wish that he could have added the missing levels; however, the game, already the largest possible size for a Super FX 2 game at 16 megabits (approximately 2 megabytes), only has roughly 16 bytes of free space. Linden also added support for the Super Scope light gun device, the Super NES mouse, and the XBAND modem for multiplayer. Fellow programmer John Coffey, himself a fan of the Doom series, made modifications to the levels, but some of those modifications were rejected by id Software.

4 replies

Also it was recently figured out that using the SNES's mosaic feature in an unconventional way could have nearly doubled the game's framerate.

2 replies

Interesting, please do tell more!

I know that Wolf3D on the SNES uses Mode 7. Not for the walls or sprites, but for the entire screen. The graphics are rendered into a background tiles with a resolution of like 175x100 or something, then scaled up with Mode7 to fill the 224x192 screen. (those aren't the exact numbers, but you get the idea)

1 replies

The "mosaic trick" is a way to perform horizontal pixel doubling in hardware rather than software. And to do this trick, you turn on the SNES's Mosaic feature, scroll 1 pixel to the left every other scanline, and scroll upward one pixel after each two scanlines have been drawn.

Normally the SNES mosaic feature just the top-left pixel of a 2x2 square into that entire square. But the trick makes a different set of pixels get doubled horizontally on the next scanline.

It requires a different arrangement of pixels than the normal way of drawing tiles. A tile containing these pixels:


becomes this when viewed on two scanlines:



Actually performing these scroll writes does not require any CPU intervention because you use the SNES's HDMA feature to do those scroll writes.

User "93143" on Nesdev describes the Mosaic trick in this post:, other discussion here:


So now that you've done this, you need half as much video memory as before, which effectively doubles your bandwidth for rendering and transfers.

0 replies

WOW! That is so cool! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this reply.

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Do you have more information on that?

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I was lucky enough to work with Randy for quite a few years at Microsoft.

Incredible developer. He also made the Bleem! PlayStation emulator.

Funny enough none of his coworkers ever bothered to look him up online until after we all stopped working together at which point we all learned we'd been working with programming royalty.

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A similar thing happened with the Wolfenstein 3D port as well, where John Carmack gave Rebecca Heineman kudos for learning Japanese to read the patents to get the technical documentation, always cool history around these things, some more in my post about it here:

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I can't speak to this case, but dev kits and SDK/documentation are often two separate SKUs and the latter has a higher price. If I remember the Crash Bandicoot guys found a hardware bug with memory card saving because they rolled their own code rather than using the SDK they didn't have.

6 replies

I'm wondering why the console CPU wasn't running at 4x the clock rate to begin with, if the cartridges could easily and cheaply include one so much better. I guess that's just how fast CPUs were improving back then. A CPU from just a few years prior was that obsolete. Crazy!

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Unlike modern chips with cache hierarchies and the like, the 65816 is designed to run in lock step with the memory it’s accessing. A faster CPU would have necessitated faster RAM in the system and faster ROMs on the carts too. Games were expensive enough as it was, then.

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N64 would be the first Nintendo home console to use a cache.

Then Nintendo DS was the first Nintendo handheld to use a cache.

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I also wonder why they couldn't provide a second cartridge slot for the enhancements. Sell enhancement carts separately or bundled with some of the games that require it (mostly the first game to feature such enhancement) and then all other developers could consider using them too, without worrying about the cost of their own cart.

I imagine this would add to much cost or complexity to the console, making it simpler to just bundle the chips in a single cart anyway.

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It would result in a situation where nobody could depend on the expansion module, if they wanted their game to have the largest possible market.

It would also cause a lot of confusion, where clueless older relatives would buy games for kids, not realize that an accessory was required (or have no idea if the kid actually had that accessory), and then the game wouldn't run.

We see this sort of problem happen a lot with computers of the 8-bit era as well, where add-on modules would fix a lot of the issues with the base system... then be supported by almost no software for these exact reasons.

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Nintendo likes to sell its consoles at a profit, so they might have just decided that even an extra $10 per console wasn't worth it.

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sort of yea, it seems originally they wanted to use a 68000 but late 1980s chip shortages and other costs made it difficult so they went with a 6502 derivative [1]


* there nay be others but this is the best link i could find (my info came from elsewhere but i cant find it now)

5 replies

One of the exceptional characteristics of the Super Nintendo was the ability for game cartridges (cart) to pack more than instructions and assets into ROM chips

Wasn't this true even on other Nintendo consoles? Gameboy and Gameboy Color cartridges did similar if not even more outlandish things, like the GameBoy Camera

2 replies

It was basically true for all 16 and 8bit era consoles

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It would probably be more precise to say that it was true for cart-based consoles: likely due to backwards compatibility with the GB port Nintendo supported enhancement carts until the DS (though by then it’d become very uncommon).

And the N64 technically supported cart enhancements though only a small handful of japanese games used it (Morita Shogi 64 had a modem and rj11 adapter in the cart… and RCEs so you can use it as a homebrew vector).

Once cart were replaced with optical drives there was no way to have anything but data shipped with the game, so enhancements was limited to whatever the console designer had specced expansion slots or even just controller ports for.

Then again, as hardware became more complex an expensive, the ROI on bespoke chips got lower and lower. SETA released 3 single-game chips, there’s no way that’s justifiable nowadays.

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Indeed. And well put too

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Gameboy Advance could do it too. Yoshi Topsy-Turvey and WarioWare: Twisted had gyro sensors. Boktai had a light sensor. Also the Nintendo e-Reader for scanning cards.

Even the Nintendo DS could do it, though I'm not sure it was used outside of flashcarts like the SuperCard that included an additional CPU.

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I got boktai 1 & 2,kirby t&t etc. I love the weird carts from that era, you don't get it these days at all.

Still need to pick up warioware and a few others tho.

There's this rad video on using the ereader with custom made cards to add events/"dlc" to pokemon:

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I wonder what you could do with modern tech, exploiting that ability of having "enhancement chips" in the cartridge.

The SuperFX is mentioned to have it's own framebuffer and copy the whole thing over to VRAM.

Does that mean, it would technically be possible to put some ridiculously overpowered SoC into an cartridge, and use that to render modern graphics (at SNES resolutions), copying the resulting frames back into the SNES VRAM?

What are the limitations there?

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but apparently the NES is a lot more limited, in that it wasn't really designed to accept enhancement chips. still absolutely amazing that he can run emulated SNES games on real NES hardware!

but the SNES actually had that ability to accept enhancement chips - as seen in the SuperFX and others... I feel that should allow for doing drastically more!

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Different set of challenges on the SNES.

The NES was a little unusual in that it basically had no video ram. The PPU (the graphics chip) rendered sprites and background tiles straight off of the cartridge at 60fps as if the cartridge was an extension of the CPU's address space.

So there are almost no limits to what you could do with expansion hardware, other than the fact that everything would have to ultimately be rendered thru the NES' limited color palette. You could make a cart that provides an interface to let a monster PC with multiple 4090s treating the cartridges' tile data as a "dumb" framebuffer and run Cyberpunk 2077 through an NES... although, again, in 4-bit color hahaha.

In contrast, for the Genesis and SNES, you need to copy graphics data from cartidge to VRAM. Then it gets rendered. This was presumably done because ROM of the area was not fast enough to feed the graphics chips of the 16-bit systems, thus the need for local VRAM as sort of a cache.

So on a SNES you'd have to do some more work, you'd have to DMA a whole screen's worth of data from the custom cart into VRAM 60 times per second, which I think exceeds the data rates the SNES can achieve.

My understanding may be wrong, somebody correct me

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Ha, exactly the same video I had in mind when I read that question. It's a good one.

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Someone should hook up an RTX 4090, just for a laugh.

4 replies

It’s impressive that developers could afford to make custom ICs for only one or two games. I wouldn’t have thought the revenue would be enough to justify that.

3 replies

Games on cartridge were quite expensive, I think.

1 replies

They were around $60 or your regional equivalent. This means $140+ today assuming 1990 dollar.

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$60 doesn't justify the expense of custom ICs.

It's that some consoles like the (S)NES were extremely popular, sold in the millions. And some games sold in similar numbers. Or were expected to. Or custom IC was (expected to be) used in a # of games. Or some of these publishers were just awash with cash + crazy high expectations for their products. Or some combination of the above.

Iirc for custom ICs, you're usually talking about production runs in the many-thousands. Say, 10k+.

But in the above example: if $60 provides a $10/sale budget, 10k sales gives you a $100k budget to work with. 100k sales -> a cool 1M budget.

Numbers add up quickly if it's mass-produced and 'everyone' buys one.

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Yes for reference Street Fighter 2 was sold for AUD $120 then which works out to be about AUD $270 when adjusted for inflation. It was priced more than the other games but you get the idea.

For reference a typical Nintendo Switch game will sell for AUD $79 on release.

3 replies

Where do the byte counts for the various games come from? The games came on ROM chips that were, as ROM chip are wont to, sized to powers-of-two. For instance, Super Mario World was shipped on a 512kb ROM - where does 346,330 bytes come from? Are these compressed sizes?

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The numbers are estimates based on zipped size. But it is a bad idea. I should write a program to extract each zip, and count zero bytes padding at the end of the file.

Too late for today, I will write that tomorrow and update the article.

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Data padding.

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It looks like they're compressed sizes. If I gzip SMW.SMC, I get a 347 KB file. It's very misleading.

There are other issues in there. The writer makes it sound like MVG was the one who discovered that the pause in SFA2 was from loading audio data, when it was already known LONG before his video.

He also seems very confused about the RTC. It's obviously so that the clock keeps going even when the console is off and the cartridge is unplugged, like in the GBC/GBA Pokemon games, but he says something about how it might be because of the NTSC clock drifting? ??? What?

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Something I've never been able to wrap my head around is how ROMs are dumped for emulators from cartridges? Dumping instructions and assets makes total sense to me, and packaging that up in a data file that can be interpreted by an emulator too, but how does an emulator model the hardware of every 'expansion' chip in a cartridge? How is that dumped from an original cartridge?

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They're not dumped. The emulator implementation recreates the expansion chip functionality in software. There are only so many expansion chips, so its not intractable.

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Expansion chips aren't ROMs; they need to be emulated as well.

The situation was IMHO a bit worse with the SNESs precedessor, the NES.

There were quite a few expansion chips--called mappers--even though their general function was expanding the NES's memory space instead of adding additional processors or capabiliies - and they were in most games because without them the NES is limited to 32KB of PRG ROM and I think 4KB or 8KB of CHR (graphic) ROM. Most games after the year the NES came out had them.

These all had to be reverse engineered along with the console itself - fortunately much simpler than reverse engineering an add-on CPU or accelerator though. Some are common and in many games (MMC1, MMC3) and others are pretty much for a specific game only (MMC2 is for Punch-Out only).

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Really specific question, but can anybody explain what looks like a bodge resistor on the Star Fox cart (on the missing 74HCT04 chip in the bottom right)? Everything else is SMD, so it looks to me like they realized some mistake after production and had to manually fix every cart. Or maybe this is just a scan of a hacked/prototype cart.

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I just opened my Japanese Starfox cart. It must be a later revision because it's a half height board with the 4 chips covered in black epoxy. It still has that resistor, although I'm not sure if it's connecting the same traces because the board is completely different.

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Even Super Mario World[10] got the treatment (I can't remember slowdowns but I was only twelve can then).

Yoshi’s Island 4 has a slowdown in some circumstances (have Yoshi, get Starman and hit P-Switch), as does another level I can’t recall, exactly… it has a bunch of Monty Moles that explode all at once. I think it’s on Chocolate Island. I think there might be a third with two Sumo Bros. and an Amazing Flying Hammer Bro. onscreen.

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I remember a ton of lag in Outrageous

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The SNES cartridge enhancement chips were fascinating and really pushed the capabilities of the console far beyond what the base hardware could do. Games like Star Fox that used the Super FX chip felt like a generational leap compared to standard SNES titles. It would be interesting to see an analysis comparing SNES games with and without enhancement chips in terms of graphics, gameplay features, etc.

The SA-1 chip was especially impressive, featuring a 65C816 CPU running at 10.74 MHz (4x faster than the main SNES CPU), 2KB of SRAM, and an integrated CIC. 34 games used it, including Super Mario RPG. I'd be curious to know more about how developers took advantage of that extra horsepower. Were there certain game genres or features it enabled?

It's wild that the Super 3D Noah's Ark unlicensed game didn't have its own CIC chip and required plugging an official cartridge on top to pass the copy protection check. Goes to show the lengths publishers had to go to bypass Nintendo's strict licensing. I wonder how many other unlicensed carts used similar CIC workarounds.

The list of SNES games by ROM size is a great resource. Would be fascinating to analyze that data and look for correlations between ROM size and other factors like review scores, sales, use of enhancement chips, etc. Could provide some interesting insights into SNES game development.

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The lengths manufacturers of unlicensed cartridges would go to circumvent the CIC were pretty interesting. These carts and early Famicom adapters (which didn't have a CIC) would 'zap' the CIC to keep it resetting. Then Tengen made their own CIC knockoff for their games (they made unique plastic cases for their cartidges too)

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There's not a lot of physical space for it, but I have wondered aloud before if the Switch cartridge slot could be used for enhancements?

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Is there even anything that would make sense? A lot of the older enhancements were because of the limited compute ability of older consoles, or adding sensors like the already mentioned gyro sensors and light sensors in GBA games. The Switch is already more powerful than anything you could reasonably add in a cart, and probably already has any sensors you'd reasonably add too. If there's anything else that could be done, that'd be interesting to find out.

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Coin cell powered SRAM as an alternative to proper non volatile memory. I find it funny but probably any other solutions were plenty more expensive.

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There were three versions of the DSP-1 named DSP-1, DSP-1a, and DSP-1b. While introducing bug fixing and improving the process, the chip behavior was slightly altered which resulted in planes in Pilot Wings demo crashing into the ground

OK, I will use that excuse if someone asks me why I am so bad at it.

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Since these carts pull out the CPU bus I would like to know if anyone ever did anything unusual with a classic gaming console. Like controlling motors for a robot or wiring in an FPGA to add functionality like Ethernet/USB, running a terminal emulator, trying to write an OS, etc.