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Tesla Recalls All Cybertrucks for Faulty Accelerator Pedals

103 replies

. After performing a series of tests, it decided on April 12 to issue a recall after determining that an “[a]n unapproved change introduced lubricant (soap) to aid in the component assembly of the pad onto the accelerator pedal,” and that “[r]esidual lubricant reduced the retention of the pad to the pedal.”

How do you have so little quality control and insight into your manufacturing process that someone on your own production line can introduce a new step to your truck manufacturing process that no one noticed?

I guess when analysts said the incumbent auto manufacturers would have a large advantage over Tesla in manufacturing, this is what they meant?

Because this looks like a very unprofessional error to have made for a company that has done well up until now.

32 replies

I work in manufacturing and sometimes stuff like this happens despite controls in place. You can get technicians/assemblers who just take it upon themselves to fix a problem rather than notifying anyone. To them it is no big deal (i.e. doesn't warrant mentioning to engineering), so it must be "no big deal".

11 replies

Human nature. I run into this all the time. I've lost count of the number of times I've asked a user "Why did you not just mention this was not working right and you are working around it? We could have fixed this, but if you do not say anything it might be a while before someone on the dev team notices."

3 replies

There's something difficult about notifying problems. You might make people angry, you might feel like a moron because you misunderstood, or guilty because you worry how they feel.

1 replies

Wait, don’t car assembly lines have a big red button you can push if you find a defect? Haven’t they for many years? Does pushing that button really make everyone angry?

That’s not how I had envisioned car manufacture at all.

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You're right, in some settings there's everything in place to ease communicating issues. But what if it's not something clear enough to trigger it ?

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Agreed. For me it's often the time it takes to find the contact to notify, start a conversation, update the conversation, wait for the issue to be picked up, wait for the software to be updated. Now repeat for everything you notice.

If I did it for everything I encountered I wouldn't be doing my core work duty. It's more pragmatic the majority of the time to work around the issue and immediately get back to work.

3 replies

I think that devs often underestimate just how difficult it is for users to report problems. The most common problems are that the users feel ignored, like they're being a burden on the devs, or scolded (for not reporting it correctly, for "not holding it right", etc.). It's even common for there not to be an easy way to report such problems ("use Discord", "sign up for an account on this website and report there", etc.)

Even as a dev, I resist doing it because of how unpleasant it can be. If I can come up with a workaround without having to report the issue, that's what I'll tend to do. And if I have to talk to tech support rather than the devs? That's simply not going to happen unless I'm trapped into using the product.

We still haven't cracked this problem as an industry.

1 replies

To make things worse the largest consumer tech companies, like Google and Apple, have a well deserved reputation for caring very little about customer feedback. It's a normal thing to lookup how to fix an annoyance or regression, finding hundreds of people posting about the same complaint, without ever getting any sort of response or reaction from the company.

Heck the only support Google offers for many products is a community forum that their own employees never post on, and I assume few even look at. People have largely been conditioned to think that tech companies don't care about their feedback.

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Very true, but funny enough, AWS has some of the best support of any product I have ever used.

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Why are users reporting issues directly to Dev?

This is a Support task, not a Dev task. Support should be working the tickets and reporting unsolvable issues with the code, so the Devs can address. You've been dealing with bad support teams, because your experience is not how support is supposed to work.

Also, we Ops folks truly appreciate undocumented work arounds by the Devs. We love spending hours pouring over a given system, trying 107 different versions of some framework, causing lots of downtime, and working nights/weekends, just to learn that some UNDOCUMENTED cludge fucking bullshit is what's actually causing the issue.

Do better man. You're shitting on more than just the users.

1 replies

Yeah our support people at my company do the same thing. Then you'll get a report 6 months later that "[big critically important feature] is not working" and you'll look into it and support has adopted a process that essentially disables that feature or they have a workaround for a bug that was fixed 4 years ago and because they never entered the conversation at that time they still do the workaround.

We had a big kerfluffle around our OTA update system at one point because they did a big round of updates and "none of them worked." And then I dug into the system logs for each of those components and 95% of what they claimed didn't work actually did. But meanwhile you've got product managers and other people wading into the conversation to try to tell you to fix something that isn't actually the problem.

We're never truly going to get away from this until we stop excluding people from the conversation about product problems. I'm just sitting here hoping we adopt a quality management system of some sort before the company's product implodes.

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There was a poorly implemented customer support system that I worked with once that due to the way the app worked, support could run a query that would essentially scan the entire database, predictably it'd hit a proxy timeout. So what happened instead was they would open 10+ tabs doing the exact same query hoping one would get lucky and succeed, and we had to figure out why our database was getting ddos'd. Trying to explain that they were actually making the issue worse with the workaround was very painful, saying stuff like "well what did you change, it was working fine for months."

0 replies

Have you tried thinking of the reasons? I can think of several:

* There's probably a small chance it actually would get fixed, and therefore a decent probability that reporting it would be a waste of their time.

* They needed a solution sooner than reporting it and waiting for fix to maybe eventually appear. Once the workaround was in place there was no need for a fix.

* Sometimes the people running projects you use can be hostile, which makes reporting stuff very unappealing and even stressful. Much better to avoid interacting with them if at all possible.

* They didn't know who to report it to, or how to report it.

* They simply didn't have time to report it.

9 replies

Pressure to perform?

3 replies

No... I've been a maintenance worker. If you needed "Engineering" to help you fix every problem you faced everyday in a production line, the Engineer would need to come to work with you every day. If you stopped the production line until "someone higher up" came down to approve your changes, you'd better make sure you have a strong reason to do so as the company will be losing millions while you wait :).

You just solve problems all the time, every day, and it's really up to the technician to know when something requires notifying Engineering or not. Notify too much and they'll get rid of you for being annoying... notify too little and shit like this can happen, but in the very large majority of cases, it doesn't.

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I don't have a problem with technicians solving problems. But as an engineer I would like to codify the solution so that A) we're implementing a controlled process and B) if there's a better solution out there I can make that recommendation or fix the system. When you take it upon yourself then problems only happen if you don't communicate.

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I haven't been a maintenance worker, but I've worked as an SWE in a company with a large IT dept. Sometimes it's faster to work around them to find solutions to doing your job. Both sides have good intentions but the IT dept. cannot move nimbly.

Same story everywhere.

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If you stopped the production line until "someone higher up" came down to approve your changes, you'd better make sure you have a strong reason to do so as the company will be losing millions while you wait

Then what was the whole point of the Andon cable lesson that American manufacturers had to learn from Toyota?

3 replies

At least in the instances I have encountered, it came from a place of well meaning combined with overconfidence.

2 replies

Is "Irresponsibility" I feel -- without any true blame / shame though.

Complex work is hard.

Self-management is a big, under-appreciated part of that.

So Irresponsibility maybe not on the individual Worker's shoulders, but on all of us for under-appreciating the risky challenges of being a motivated worker in a complex job.


EDIT: here is the flaw

yeah IDK if the Worker is to blame, seems like an obvious design flaw, e.g. they should not rely on 'soap' to keep a flat pedal cover attached to another flat pedal.

0 replies

I actually blame the engineering/design department for this one.

The soap revealed the issue, but why aren't the peddles a single piece? Why do they have a sticker on them?

Even without the soap step, what happens if the cabin gets too hot or the factory has too much dust in it?

If you look at your car's peddles (and I'm including mine, a Tesla model 3) you'll notice they are basically a single piece mechanically fit together. Not some sticker glued for style.

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Right, it's always dependant on circumstances. I try to stress as much as possible that you always need to design things in such a way that even the dumbest, newest assembler will still be able to build it correctly. And often times we review drawings/instructions and find lots of poorly outlined procedures.

But sometimes you get something like "The blue wire ran out, but I still had a bunch of light blue, so I just used that instead". It can be a killer.

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I would suspect more "get'r'dun".

2 replies

It's a design error from the start. The workaround shouldn't have happened, but is only one of countless ways this would have inevitably happened anyway. Glue has a lot of failure modes. Correct application can't be reliably tested non-destructively. Product variances are often very hard to detect. Degradation with age and physical use can't be reliably forecast.

Three pins on the back of that appearance plate that push into starlock style fasteners in the pedal are cheaper than the appropriate glue, faster to install than glue, more reliable, trivially verified, impossible to misalign, and that's why it's a common solution that auto manufacturers use in this exact application. This was a confoundingly stupid place to rely on glue.

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This is an underrated point. A lot of focus has been put on manufacturing procedures when this could've been avoided entirely in design.

IDK anything about manufacturing so I wonder if this was due to incompetence, to save costs, ignorance or something else?

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Why not all of the above?

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An unapproved in-production change of a safety-critical article is "no big deal" to them? That bespeaks a Boeing-like safety culture.

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Tesla desperately wishes it could have the safety culture of Boeing.

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It seems typical Elon Musk to me.

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Same, I work in manufacturing(not automotive but heavy construction equipment) and see things like this all the time. Workers think they understand/ don't think engineers understand or want to do it faster/easier than what they were shown.

I have no knowledge of Tesla but here would be my guess:

Assembly worker found pad hard to put on pedal in sub-assembly area and used a spray bottle with soapy water on the pad to slip it on.

Story time: Called out to final assembly, machine starts and runs but not moving. Troubleshoot and find brakes not releasing. further troubleshoot and find it is due to pressure not getting to brakes(configuration is such that brakes come on if there is loss of hydraulic pressure). Replace hydraulic line, machine is working. Remove contaminate from line, no one know what it is. Assembly pointing fingers and saying sabotage. I walk around the assembly area, I find that paint decided to use packing peanuts to mask holes that the hydraulic fitting go in instead of masking tape as directed. The packing peanut tore while being removed and the assembly working inserting the fittings did not notice.

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I speculate in a Musk company, this "I will fix it" attitude would be promoted.

"I sleep on the floor" .. "You're fired for not proactively fixing a problem I just thought of a solution to". Is my speculation off-base?

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It's easy to portray it as arrogance, but in manufacturing, you run into small problems and ambiguities all the time.

By analogy to software engineering, do your bosses or clients give you water-tight, formal specs for the software you need to build? If they could do that, they wouldn't be needing you in the first place.

We zero in on situations like that and pretend that it's the worker's fault for making the wrong call, but we ignore that if they didn't make the right calls a thousand times before, nothing would ever get done.

In this case, if pedal cover is a friction fit and can slide off and get jammed in between panels, this doesn't sound like an assembly mistake but a pretty major design error, right? Your designs should be resilient. What if the owner sprays WD-40 on a squeaky pedal and the cover slides off?

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Definitely not the Total Quality Management model. If management and engineers can't be bothered, this shit happens.

28 replies

I am generally mildly negative on many Tesla decisions, but this has happened to the big manufacturers as well. Stock floor mats that caused stuck accelerator. Toyotas infamous stuck accelerator code that actually hurt people. Their code was reputedly a giant mess.

15 replies

If Telsa and the article are telling the truth then these aren't anywhere near the same.

The mat was a design flaw from the beginning that missed QA, that happens in any large scale manufacturing as you can't just get everything right from the start.

If the article is telling the truth, this was a change made on the build line that wasnt' approved, that's a huge f$ck up if true and an incredible show of incompetence if someone can just start making design changes without approval on the build line.

14 replies

It’s better that a mat was designed in a dangerous way vs a production line mistake? That is similar to saying a simple bug is worse than an architectural flaw that no one caught at design time. Far more eyes are on the design flaw vs a production bug.

10 replies

vs a production line mistake?

I think the point they are getting at, if I understand the commenter correctly (and assuming the wording of the article is accurate), is that someone on the line had the ability to make a change to the production process without authorization.

That would not just be a "production line mistake", instead it is indicative of a serious policy and procedure failure. No single person on the production line should have the ability to make unauthorized changes to the procedures being used in production.

I hate analogies, but to use yours, it is a rogue employee that was able to change critical code with no approval process -- and no one else noticed that code was being changed and went ahead with shipping it out.

6 replies

This is basically how all construction and manufacturing jobs work out, though? It isn't an isolated "single person" that can make arbitrary changes. They can propose something and it should be reviewed.

So, I don't think it is quite as simple as an isolated bug, per se. But it is very common for changes to get introduced at build time of physical things. Depending on where and what the change is, the level of review for it will be very different.

5 replies

This is basically how all construction and manufacturing jobs work out, though?

Not really. Any place with a decent QA department would sample a part, compare it to the specification, and raise an alarm because the part differs from the specification. There also should be occasional audits on the build process itself, which should have identified this, as it would differ from the specified process.

This type of issue (again, assuming the articles wording is true -- I have no idea) can only occur if there is either bad/missing QA, or bad/missing specifications.

But it is very common for changes to get introduced at build time of physical things

Even in construction you need to have changes approved (i.e. a "change order" approved by the architect, engineer, and owner). Even extremely minor changes (which this would not be) must be documented on the "as-built" drawings.

4 replies

Even in construction you need to have changes approved (i.e. a "change order" approved by the architect, engineer, and owner). Even extremely minor changes (which this would not be) must be documented on the "as-built" drawings.

Do you really think this is what happens on job sites? Does this match your personal experience? Because my initial reaction was to laugh to myself at how rarely contractors, subcontractors, and crewmembers would actually engage a process like the one you are describing here. Non-spec stuff happens all the time without record, even in firms with solid QA.

0 replies

Do you really think this is what happens on job sites? Does this match your personal experience?

I worked in ICI (Industrial, Commercial, Institutional) construction for ~10 years. Yes, this matches my experience. Perhaps it is different where you are from.

I also experienced this while doing utility locating for oil & gas pipelines (~2 years). As-built drawings were very accurate, and detailed any deviation from the initial drawings.

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Absolutely! Why? Because it's your ass that's on the line should any of your "self-motivated" deviations cause financial harm, injury, or death, and you are going to be held responsible for those damages.

No one with any brains wants to be "that" guy.

That's why we have "cookie cutter" houses and even office buildings. All the kinks have been legitimately worked out and they can just crank them out. Bespoke construction? Cost overrun city. Now you know why.

0 replies

Do you really think this is what happens on job sites? Does this match your personal experience?

Yes, it does. I’m a construction project manager, I’m not having my crew do any work that isn’t represented in the current revision of the plans and specs without approval because that’s the only way you get paid for the extras. Also if it’s an unapproved and unwanted change, you have to pay to remove it. Anyone managing a project who cares about managing their risk is going to submit RFIs and RFCs for every change.

It’s possible that the (tiny and insignificant) residential market is different, but that’s how commercial and industrial construction works.

It’s possible some tiny and insignificant changes like moving a receptacle or data opening a couple inches aren’t properly documented on the as-builts, but major changes almost always are.

Because my initial reaction was to laugh to myself at how rarely contractors, subcontractors, and crewmembers would actually engage a process like the one you are describing here.

The firms you hire to work on your house aren’t representative of the firms who manage or work on commercial and industrial projects.

0 replies

I am involved with software that moves data between construction ERP systems and financial systems. Typically used in mid market commercial companies.

The single most commonly synced entity is Commitment Change Order items.

2 replies

This sounds like standard corporate ass covering to me. "Oh, that was just an unauthorised rogue employee, they've been fired" sounds a lot better than "someone suggested lubing up the accelerator to speed up production, and no one thought to check it won't cause problems".

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For sure, I have no idea if the wording is truthful or just standard corporate blame dilution. But if the wording is truthful, this would be a significant process & policy failure.

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If you ask me the lube just accelerated the problem. The root cause remains that you have a part secured with only a friction fit, in a setting where if that friction fit fails you have a a critical failure of the system. Friction fits can be very strong when properly established between appropriate materials, but this was not that. This was a cheap plastic cover made to be a bit too small over the metal lever. Over time with heat, sand/dirt, cold, pressure, vibration, etc. cycles, this was going to fall off regardless.

1 replies

It’s better that a mat was designed in a dangerous way vs a production line mistake? That is similar to saying a simple bug is worse than an architectural flaw that no one caught at design time. Far more eyes are on the design flaw vs a production bug.

:) I think you're missing my point, or I 've failed to explain it clearly.

A design flaw is bad, but we can't eliminate those. According to this article an assembly line employee went rouge and introduced a change without telling anyone.

If the article is correct then clearly these two things aren't even near comparable. We expect design flaws and adapt, we don't expect employees to go rouge and change the design without telling anyone.

Now the article or Tesla could be lying here but this is the facts as we know them.

Does that help clear things up for you?

I also dont' think you deserved the downvotes I saw you got for just misunderstanding. Sorry that happend to you!

0 replies

I don't believe I misunderstand anything. This would be an interesting case study. It is very convenient to blame an employee "going rogue" for a dangerous issue like this. The design wasn't even changed. They just used a lubricant (soap?) to slide it on.

This overall points out the immaturity in Tesla's manufacturing process if changes like this can happen and then occur or affect every vehicle of a particular type produced, does it not? Overall, it still seems like a "below the line" change. These can still be quite impactful (see: memory corruption bugs leading to compromise and functional exploits). But it is still more akin to a bug or production flaw than a design flaw.

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A design error leaves a papertrail for future study and redress.

An unapproved/undocumented production change may leave only the misproduced items. Mistakes happen, but this sounds more like changing the process without review.

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Except this has nothing to do with those things.

This is just the f'n rubber pad on the accelerator can come off which isn't great, but harms nothing.

What is wrong with the people here?

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The pad can get wedged under a sill in front of the pedal, making the car accelerate even when you release the pedal. This could kill people.

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That's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to those vehicles.

You can void your warranty by driving them through car washes. What exactly is the point of a bulletproof truck that can't get wet?

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wrt to the code: Although NASA found many aesthetic issues with the Toyota code, it did not find a smoking gun. [1] Presumably many other of their other products are running successfully with similar code. To put the comparison bt Toyota and Tesla in perspective: Toyota is an 85 year old company which ships about 10 million vehicles per year. Tesla has shipped almost 5 million vehicles total as of July 2023.[2]

[1] "In conducting their report, NASA engineers evaluated the electronic circuitry in Toyota vehicles and analyzed more than 280,000 lines of software code for any potential flaws that could initiate an unintended acceleration incident. "

"NASA engineers found no electronic flaws in Toyota vehicles capable of producing the large throttle openings required to create dangerous high-speed unintended acceleration incidents."

"The two mechanical safety defects identified by NHTSA more than a year ago – “sticking” accelerator pedals and a design flaw that enabled accelerator pedals to become trapped by floor mats – remain the only known causes for these kinds of unsafe unintended acceleration incidents."


0 replies

Correct, but, to bring it back to the original point, there's a difference between "sloppy code" and "sloppy code that cascades into unintended acceleration". The fact that it didn't actually cascade isn't a reason to keep writing sloppy code, of course. But such sloppiness also remains a red herring until they can actually find a concrete way that code could have contributed.

1 replies

My Corolla was also recalled - code was a mess as with most embedded projects but no obvious bugs related to unintended acceleration - think the cases reported were less than a 300.

Never encountered the issue.

They replaced my floor mats and installed a new pedal assembly and updated to the ECU with "brake override" ability - meaning if I pressed the brake pedal it would ignore input from the throttle.

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Yea many things point to it having been mass hysteria and people too stupid to shift their cars in neutral if the throttle really did fail.

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Or the Takata airbag scandal [1]. A decade worth of airbags that were compromised, over 100 million vehicles that had to have all airbags replaced, likely 100+ injured and dozens of deaths. The sheer scale of that is absolutely mind-blowing, there is virtually no car manufacturer (except Tesla, ironically - I think they manufacture in-house?) that did not get hit.


0 replies

It just means Tesla bought air bags from the other manufacturers for airbags. Takata just happened to be the biggest supplier. My old v6 Honda was unaffected by airbag recalls because they used airbags from Autoliv. There is also Daicel and Nippon Kayaku and ZF.

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I imagine some of the schadenfreude comes from the Tesla bulls proudly proclaiming "and unlike the other OEMs, Tesla has never had a recall" for years, when it was just a matter of time.

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That's what I thought until I saw the video. The top metal panel that covers the accelerator literally falls off, wedging itself between the accelerator and the car. It's not a fabric cover.

14 replies

I don't think it is an unprofessional error, there are many reasons that changes get introduced on the manufacturing line which benefit production speed and/or reduce errors.

What they missed was the after action surveillance and analysis. In a different organization such a change would go in, and at the same time kick off an engineering investigation to verify that it doesn't make anything worse. If that analysis comes up clean, there is no change. If it finds a problem though, then the change is reverted/changed to something else. In regular car companies you see things like "We're recalling all cars between VINxxxx and VINyyyy" which basically delineate that time between when the change was made and the time the analysis suggesting it wasn't a good thing. If its a minor thing there won't be a recall, just a bit of extra "warranty work" at the next service opportunity which the dealer does.

11 replies

Moreover, from what I've seen, this is an isolated manufacturing escape. Given the perspective of the rapid growth in capacity, with 3 factories coming online in 5 years and 2 million+ total capacity, wouldn't we expect to see more escapes, even from a top performing auto company?

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If rapid expansion is resulting in an increase in defects, whatever the cause, then the expansion itself is far too rapid and needs to be considered a fault.

8 replies

Defects are inherent to anything involving human labor. You can't expect workers on 12hr shifts to have consistent high quality of throughput. It has nothing to do with expansion and more to do with people just getting lazy or negligent throughout the day.

3 replies

Those lazy employees and their 12 hour shifts...

If long shifts impact production quality (and they do) run shorter shifts.

2 replies

YC startup founders work longer than 12 hour shifts all the time...

0 replies

YC startup founders do not work shifts.

0 replies

1. They talk about doing this a whole lot more than they actually do it

2. "I worked twelve hours today [not including unlimited bathroom breaks, social breaks, snack breaks, drink breaks, YouTube breaks, going on a walk to clear my head breaks]"

3. To the extent that anyone actually does this with any consistency, it's a laughable example of poor self-management and company leadership

4. It's an example of poor self-management and leadership for the same reason it's bad on assembly lines: it produces bad work

5. They're not building safety-critical devices they're putting out onto public roads

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Maybe not let people work 12 hour shifts? This isn't the 19th century.

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But we talk about Musk, who is absolutely clear how he views workers and at this point we know how he treats them too (and himself, which is a textbook example of unhealthy obsessive behavior among other unhealthy stuff coming from high performing broken mind). He makes it trivial to have a love/hate 'relationship' with him, for better or worse.

Fun to watch from the distance, just not grokking all those early adopters. I have small kids, there are risks I take also with them but they are always calculated and control is on our side. This is just blindly trusting some startup mentality scales well into giga factories level.

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True, but I was talking about a change in the rate of defects. If rapid expansion is causing a greater number of defects than is normal, then something about that expansion is likely the root cause.

In the big picture, of course, everything has defects.

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You can't expect workers on 12hr shifts to have consistent high quality of throughput.

Nor should we. We should expect the company to prioritize safety and hire more people to avoid such mistakes.

Or even if you want to keep that awful 12h shift practice, at the very least have good procedures and quality control to ensure failures from those "lazy" workers don't leave the factory.

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I'd agree with this. I was at Intel early on and as they expanded they were very careful about exactly replicating fabs because they didn't want an increase in defects.

For most (all?) manufacturers bringing a new factory online that didn't produce exactly the same level of quality would be red flag to re-evaluate how they brought on new capacity.

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As a followup to this, in this Techcrunch article[1] it says that all 3,878 Cybertrucks shipped to date have been recalled. That isn't a lot of cars. Apart from what it says about sales of the Cybertruck, that suggests they haven't had enough customer miles on these things yet to flesh out the more subtle issues.


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Apart from what it says about sales of the Cybertruck,

What? It says nothing about Cybertruck sales and everything about how slow they've been to ramp up production.

Tesla has a well-known history of being slow to put a new model into production. I find it odd that you would assume less than 4,000 Cybertrucks have been sold because of lack of interest.

4 replies

Work instructions are kind of like programming - at ‘runtime’ you’ll find out all the different ways the technicians can misinterpret them, or ‘fill in the blanks’ for things you overlooked.

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And yet every other major auto manufacturer on the planet seems to avoid this problem, so clearly Tesla's missing something.

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This is so far off the mark that it must be sarcasm.

1 replies

The hate is so deep that people lose their minds when it comes to a minor Tesla issue and conveniently forget the HUGE list of problems and recalls from all manufacturers over the years.

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In many cases they just don't know about them because they're not pushed so hard in the media and people don't upvote negative stories about other car manufacturers like they do with negative Tesla stories on HN and Reddit.

It's very affective, that's why the oil lobby pushes negative EV news so hard in the media, especially right wing media.

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If I may clarify: Unapproved here would typically mean engineering hasn't signed off. It does not mean engineering was asked and said "Hell no".

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And additionally, using dish soap to lubricate parts for assembly is standard procedure elsewhere in many industries. It's sometimes even recommended in the standard manuals as part of a repair procedure (I've had refrigerator gaskets that call out using a bit of soap on them before installation).

2 replies

You have written this as if this doesn't routinely happen to every auto manufacturer. Why?

1 replies

You have written this as if this doesn't routinely happen to every auto manufacturer. Why?

Does it?

Which auto manufacturer's have had recalls due to unapproved changes made on the assembly line?

I've seen design flaws force a recall but i'm not certain that unapproved change s on the assembly line is something that routinely happens.

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Do we have public post mortems for all the thousands of recalls over the years?

For example, what happened with Toyota's wheels falling off a couple a years ago.

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How do you have so little quality control and insight into your manufacturing process that someone on your own production line can introduce a new step to your truck manufacturing process that no one noticed?

That's legal covering the company.

I'd bet this was just a general design flaw.

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To me both sound plausible (that the process was added, and that it’s a fabricated story). Either way we will never know, and ultimately it’s Tesla’s responsibility to make sure the accelerator pedal doesn’t get suck in the on position due to manufacturing defects.

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We’ll find out in discovery if a lawsuit around this ever happens, I suppose

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Because this looks like a very unprofessional error to have made for a company that has done well up until now.

I can't tell if this is a serious comment, because in the past there have been many weird problems, like wood trim in Model Ys:

(and yes, I know it's not exactly the same, but it's certainly still very bad to be using home renovation materials in the face of part shortages)

1 replies

What's the problem with using trim? It doesn't seem like it'd have any impact at all, aside from being funny.

0 replies

Would you be okay with your child driving a car where critical systems were assembled with whatever ad-hoc materials were available in local home renovation stores?

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> someone on your own production line can introduce a new step to your truck manufacturing process that no one noticed?

That's actually not unusual at all.

It's perfectly common for an engineer to order that a hole be made in a given location on a given part without specifying that coolant should be used, or the spindle speed of the drill, or how the part should be held in the machine, or that the hole should be deburred.

Manufacturing is skilled work.

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Bespoke manufacturing and machining is where this kind of change would be introduced. Not in a flushed out design being produced on a line. It becomes an expensive mistake when these types of decisions are made this late in the process. Seems like they rushed the design in a number of places.

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An ‘unapproved change’ getting in to the process seems way worse to me than just the [‘approved’] production process having an unforeseen flaw that’s being corrected now it’s been found.

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What does unapproved mean in this context? That it didn't pass by Musk's desk?

0 replies

I think Tesla has tons of problems, and I think the Cybertruck is a ghastly creation, and I think there have been many worse examples of QA problems at Tesla in the past (e.g. steering wheels falling off).

But at this point, this just feels like piling on. "OMG, how can their processes be so immature that something like this happened?!?!" Nearly all new models have significant recalls, and I'm not surprised for a vehicle as soup-to-nuts different as the Cybertruck. These are incredibly complicated engineering processes, so it's always easy to point out one thing (out of potentially millions) and yell "How could this happen?!"

I'm certainly not excusing Tesla for their overall QA issues, but at the same time this pearl clutching and what seems like undue attention every time there is a Tesla recall just seems over the top at this point.

0 replies

I'm kind of uneasy about this being possible at all. Obviously this is just because of the power of hindsight, but should things that can wedge the accelerator in full throttle position be using adhesive for fixation at all?

0 replies

I’m not a Tesla-stan but I can give this one a “it could have happened to any manufacturer” explanation.

Soap is a common method for getting rubber pads onto metal pedals in the aftermarket world. Dish soap dries out and becomes less slippery, unlike lithium grease or other options. It is possible it was carried over from an appropriate and approved installation method for top hinged pedals, where pressing down will push the rubber pad’s grove deeper into the metal shoe and not cause removal. For bottom hinged pedals, preferred for performance cars, I wouldn’t recommend that at all.

One off possibility is that this is NUMI knowledge making its way to Tesla ownership.

I don’t disagree with the takeaway though. If they were trying to Toyota Method/Six Sigma this assembly line properly, they’d have reviewed and approved the change as part of a periodic process and it wouldn’t have been “unapproved” and probably would not be the process they used.

Adding to my “it could have happened to any manufacturer” my EV Porsche comes with a NEMA 14-50 plug/pigtale that was previously only approved for use in 16 Amp EVSEs. The wire says 16A only (10 or 12ga wire is in use). However, they kept using these on 40 amp capable EVSEs. Over the years many 14-50 outlets and these plugs have melted. Through that time Porsche blamed low quality outlets and recommended an industrial model, but the plugs then melted instead of the outlet. Only this year did they issue a recall. This is extremely similar to an issue that happened with Tesla’s EVSE plug adapters. Porsche managed to make the same exact mistake years later despite that being an easy situation to reference.

53 replies

I was curious how frequently automakers have recalls, because it seems to me that Elon linked companies tend to get treated 'differently' by the media. The answer was extremely surprising. Here is a list. [1] Just in 2022:

Ford - 67

Volkswagen - 46

Daimler Trucks North America - 42

Chrysler - 38

Mercedes Benz - 34

GM - 32

Kia - 24

Hyundai - 22

Tesla - 20

BMW - 20

Pretty wild, because these rarely if ever make the news.

[1] -

10 replies

They rarely make the tech news. There's plenty reporting on recalls in traditional media[1][2][3][4][etc]. I think a lot of Tesla fans have a persecution complex when it comes to reporting on Tesla.





5 replies

At least the fanboys seem ok with using the word ‘recall’ this time!

4 replies

I think the issue was that the headlines omitted the fact that it was a software update changing the size of some icons in the car's UI. And instead just stated that millions of Tesla cars were recalled, the default assumption being they were recalled to a service dealership instead of an OTA update at home.

The oil lobbyists and Tesla haters absolutely don't want the phrase 'software' in any of the media headlines or HN titles relating to Tesla software recalls and vehemently argued against it. The media grants their wishes.

It's hardly surprising that Tesla fans are not demanding that the word recall not be used for this car hardware issue, even they're more rational and less delusional about car recall phrasing than Tesla haters who seem to be agenda driven to create negative perception about Tesla, and the media happily accommodates them all the time.

3 replies

This spin on things is hilarious. It wasn’t the “Tesla haters” screaming “don’t mention our precious software! It’s just a recall!”, it was the Tesla fans. “How can it be a recall if it can be fixed without my car going anywhere? The media just wants to make Tesla look bad! This isn’t a recall because Tesla can update it OTA, something the dinosaurs can’t!”

(Which ignores that while Tesla can update more than most other manufacturers, my car gets regular OTA updates too.)

Meanwhile Lincoln sent me a “fix” for a recall that involved neither software or my car moving an inch.

“We identified an issue in your vehicles user guide that could lead to improper seat operation. Please place this piece of paper between pages 168 and 169 of your guide.”

That was a recall, too.

0 replies

This was the article headline from NYPost(yay oil lobby funding anti-EV right wing media posted on HN):

"Latest recall at Elon Musk’s Tesla affecting 2.2M vehicles over warning lights"

The recall over "warning lights" turned out be a font size increase in the UI on the screen. I guess it's a light because pixels glow.

This was CNN's headline:

"Tesla recalls nearly all 2 million of its vehicles on US roads"

CNN doesn't like Tesla as well.

Do you think NYPost or the CNN shouldn't have added 'software' in the headline, perhaps before the word recall?

Why or why not?

Not even saying it should be 'over-the-air software recall'.

It can't be a space issue, NYPost found the space to add "Elon Musk" to the headline to fuel extra negativity and the CNN's headline is short.

0 replies

Meanwhile Lincoln sent me a “fix” for a recall that involved neither software or my car moving an inch.

“We identified an issue in your vehicles user guide that could lead to improper seat operation. Please place this piece of paper between pages 168 and 169 of your guide.”

Great and perfect example, thanks for bringing that up.

I searched for that issue and every single news article I could find [1] had "missing owner's manual information" or the equivalent right in the headline.

Only Ford or Lincoln haters would argue that removing that information in the headline is a fair and acceptable thing to do.

Are you still going to argue that Tesla is treated the same as Lincoln by the media and on HN? Is hoping for more context in the headlines a bad and unreasonable thing?


0 replies

What kind of updates have you received? New maps? Or do you have to pay for those

3 replies

You're saying tech news and the articles that make HN's front page make a lot of tech people wrongly assume that Tesla is way worse with recalls than other car companies? Like we are seeing all over the comments here.

Looks like "a lot of Tesla fans" are right then. Now add the fact that headlines and HN post titles about Tesla software recalls omitting that it's a software update and just stating that millions of Tesla cars are being recalled. A neutral observer would agree but not Tesla haters.

1 replies

How many recalls of the other manufacturers are software updates just without the possibility, of OTA?

How many different models do the other manufacturers have, how many has Tesla?

And don't forget that Musk acts like Tesla is special and doesn't have the same problems as the old lame boring companies.

0 replies

Tf are you arguing?

The OTA is the crucial point because as a customer you just don’t care that you wake up one day and your tesla starts displaying PARK instead of an icon after a „recall”. With other vehicles you gotta schedule service and leave it there.

0 replies

For clarity, the specific recall talked about in this article is not a software update. You can’t software update a stuck accelerator pedal.

8 replies

Most of the Tesla recalls are just software updates that are done from home over the air

4 replies


2 replies

Anyone who owns a Tesla knows this

0 replies

But is the difference that it's just a software update or that it's OTA?

0 replies

A minority of people own Tesla's.

1 replies

“Most” is pulling a lot of undeserved weight there.

Some recalls have been software updates. There have been plenty (like rear camera harnesses failing, the media CPU overheating, rear seatbelts being incorrectly attached, faulty MMC modules, and the incident being talked about here) that have required hardware fixes.

0 replies

“Most” is pulling a lot of undeserved weight there.

So were most OTA updates or not? That is either objectively true or objectively false, not "pulling a lot of undeserved weight".

0 replies

How many of the others are software updates but without the possibility of OTA?

6 replies

These numbers are pretty meaningless without more context, Ford manufactures ~3x more vehicles per year than Tesla

3 replies

Also not all recalls are created equal. I have a VW that was recalled a few years ago for this:

If the build-up happens, it may be possible to remove the key from the ignition switch without the shift lever being in the “P” park position because the system is unable to recognize that the vehicle is not in “P” park

That's obviously not a good thing and I'm glad it was caught, but it's not quite as dangerous to the public as a 7000lb truck's accelerator getting stuck or a car catching on fire when it gets rear-ended.

That's not to say those other automakers haven't had recent recalls just as bad as the Cybertruck's -- I have no idea.

2 replies

I had a vehicle recalled because it was missing a single sentence in the owners manual. It was resolved my mailing me a sticker with the sentence on it, and instructions on where it should be applied in the manual.

1 replies

I'm intensely curious: what was the sentence and did you actually do it?

I would've.

0 replies

I forget what it was, some statement about a safety system or something. I put the sticker in there.

1 replies

Number of models would also be relevant.

0 replies

"Models" is a marketing distinction, which is subject to fudging. For instance Ford lumps their F-150 / F-250 / F-350 models together, calling them all "F Series."

Many other manufacturers would have classified them as separate models sharing a platform, but that decision shouldn't influence the recall performance.'s_law

6 replies

A major reason they don't make the news is that many aren't that critical.

The most serious recall I had was for an electric harness that could catch fire (or cause a fire?), one of the least serious was a light (not a headlight or taillight, a light in the door that illuminated the ground and lower part of the vehicle when you opened it) would just stop working.

The former may have made the news, I don't know, the latter had no reason to. I've even had a couple (specifics forgotten) that were entirely aesthetic (interior, not exterior like issues with paint peeling, that was on a car from the 90s).

2 replies

Right, but do you feel tesla changing icon sizes was critical?

1 replies

Information impacting safety features is critical. Either the font was complaint with the specs or it was not.

0 replies

Haha yes and the world is black and white

1 replies

My Ford truck currently has a recall with an unknown fix. Axle bolts can sheer off, leaving only the rotors and caliper mount to keep the wheels on the car.

But, you're right, most of these recalls are not "instant death machine you can't stop". While a fire can be dangerous, you will have time to react to that one.

0 replies

True, but in the case of the one I had (and I forgot to mention) it was a fire when the vehicle was off. Definitely an urgent problem since this meant it could happen when no one was around.

0 replies

A major reason they don't make the news is that many aren't that critical.

My favorite recall was the letter I got last year for 23V048000.

The instructions for how to engage the defroster in my car manual were suboptimal. You actually _don't_ want it to be on full-blast.

Please report to your nearest Nissan dealer to get a piece of paper to put in your car manual.

4 replies

It should also be noted that most of those Tesla "recalls" are over the air software updates that happen automatically. This one is noteworthy because the owners have to physically bring their vehicle to the service center.

2 replies

You are right. This makes it 9 of the 20 that were just software updates.

1 replies

Well that puts a damper on the oft-stated claim that Tesla makes superior software. Sounds like they are relying on their frequent OTA updates to allow them to half-ass the initial design and just fix it later.

0 replies

True, but that ends up comparing not so bad to traditional car makers that half-ass their software and then never update it.

2 replies

I don't think that single number by itself says very much though as it's not normalised, for example by the number of different product lines a manufacturer produces or the total number of vehicles manufactured.

1 replies

Why would you normalize by number of vehicles sold?

If a large-volume vehicle gets recalled, it should be a bigger news story than a niche car.

0 replies

It sounds like they're talking about normalizing by number of models (SKUs) not number of units.

But in the case of Tesla, I would still want to know normalized since those niche cars are being trumpeted as mroe revolutionary and better than everyone else.

1 replies

The Ford one was the worst - we had cases of people cars burning out and one person died.

It was due to the Kuga 1.4 Ecoboost 4 cylinder - there were a design defect that caused cracks that caused fuel to leak onto a hot cylinder head and then your car broke into flames.

Thanks to social media pressure think Ford bought back all models or offered generous trade in values - the resale value of the 1.4 Ecoboost tanked in our markets.

Ford discontinued the 1.4 Ecoboost completely.

0 replies

In the UK, lots of people are finding their 1.0 Ecoboost engines are catastrophically failing at 50,000 miles or less (hence the nickname Ecoboom). Ford have been useless. This has been going on for years now, and they have finally said they'll help, but only if the repair was done at the dealer, you have a FSH and the car is less than 7 years old. Outside of that you're SOL. They've refused to recall and fix the underlying issue. Obviously this tanks their resale value but Ford do not care.

0 replies

I work in automotive and have had to handle the procedures after a recall was decided against code I owned (though had not written). The important distinction here is in how many vehicles are affected by the recall and the severity of it. Also, potentially in the party at fault (Takata vs every single OEM, for example). The thing to note here is that Tesla had to recall every single Tesla with FSD or Autopilot because NHTSA demanded it, over Tesla's express wishes. That is much worse than pretty much any other recall.

The other component to this is that many of those other recalls are probably software/calibration recalls, with no parts touched, and Tesla has been doing OTA updates for years longer than the other OEMs. In some ways that's good, since they can fix things without the need to issue a full recall and get the fix out to customers much faster. In some ways that's really really really bad because they push fixes to a range of hardware with limited customer ability to opt out, and I have zero reason to believe that they're managing the complexity/testing problem on that orders of magnitude better than the rest of the OEMs, since I sat through a lot of meetings trying to come up with a way to really thoroughly handle it to no avail. I distrust that kind of operation immensely and it's probably the primary reason I won't own a Tesla and have little interest in anything being produced today. Maybe a Mazda, maybe.

That said, I spent 5 years at Ford and I can't say I'm at all surprised that they lead this list...

0 replies

I am not knowledgeable about cars so please correct me if I'm mistaken but surely that number isn't useful unless we also have the number of models and vintages are in service? I would think Ford have way more models in play than Tesla for example, and additionally brands with a long history would have multiple years of models. I mean BMW and Ford have been building cars since before WWI and have a very wide range so there are probably at least 10 or 20 years of models that might conceivably have a recall. It's not fair to compare them directly I would think.

0 replies

The amount of attention "the media" gives a company is correlated to the number of shit posts per day the CEO makes on Twitter.

0 replies

Doesn't mean much without a breakdown of volume & model year.

0 replies

Probably because these other manufacturers have more than 4-5 models.

0 replies

A company with a good QA (that doesn't stop at the vendor's gate) and putting safety above all will have more recalls.

This is the wrong metric to compare.

0 replies

Of course Elon gets treated differently. No other car company CEO is on Twitter drawing attention to himself like Elon. Tesla itself is also the darling car company of the decade, with the highest market cap. And the Cybertruck, by design, is basically a celebrity on wheels on every road/parking lot it traverses.

I’d be blown away if a full recall of the cybertruck wasn’t top headline news.

0 replies

First, I agree it's important to put Tesla recalls in context with the greater automotive industry, so I think what you posted is great info. The only thing I'd disagree with is that the numbers compared to Tesla, and relative media coverage, is surprising. It seems expected to me.

Tesla bills itself not as an automaker, but a tech company. So, it makes sense they'd have a larger media footprint, which covers not just the automotive industry, but the tech industry media as well. This isn't unfair, considering they get the benefit of a tech-based market cap to go with it [1].

They also put themselves in headlines more often than other car companies with outlandish claims such as Musk saying, "At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on earth." [2] When Musk and the company put themselves in headlines so often, it makes sense that the media would cover them more. This is likely a direct result of their advertising strategy, to create buzz [3], so I think media coverage of failures is a direct result.

You could argue that's Musk, not the company, but they made the strategic decision that Musk is their PR function when they became the only car company to dissolve their PR department in 2020 [4].

One last thing I noticed was that the source of the recall data comes from the NHTSA [5], and they don't seem to distinguish recalls between different brands owned by the same company (for example, Ford's recalls seem like they would include both Ford and Lincoln, GM includes Chevrolet, GMC, etc.) Tesla's 20 recalls in 2022 cover I believe the four models they made in 2022, while Ford's 67 recalls are across the 39 models under the Ford brand and five models under Lincoln (I counted these by looking at the drop-down selectors on KBB's value estimator [6]).

In short, Tesla exploits the hype machine; is it surprising that their recalls are hyped as well?







0 replies

Um, all of these manufacturers make more varieties of models and have sold, cumulatively, a lot more cars than Tesla. This means more opportunity for recall.

You need to normalize by total sales over the past ten years.

Tesla also has a monopoly on the service of their cars, so they can hide recalls. Most Tesla recalls only started to occur during the Biden administration, as regulatory bodies became less impotent.

45 replies

At least they've only sold 3800 so far. But what are the odds this is the only thing that will need to be recalled?

25 replies

First year of New models from any manufacturer will have issues to iron out

23 replies

Sure but what calibre of issues should you expect? Surely not faulty pedals causing the vehicle to accelerate.

19 replies

Toyota's wheels have been literally falling off their cars.

What is their reputation on reliability on here? How many decades have they been making cars compared and how mature is their manufacturing process?

You just don't hear about other carmakers' recalls on here, so everyone makes those assumptions you just did, that Tesla is disproportionately bad with quality issues..

12 replies

Disproportionately? Does Tesla ship as many vehicles as Toyota? You have made me curious about the numbers you are using.

6 replies

Why would number of recalls be proportional to number of vehicles shipped? I think number of recalls would be more proportional to number of car models available. And number of vehicles recalled would be proportional to number of vehicles shipped. In this case 3,878 vehicles were recalled.

5 replies

To me, “disproportionately bad with quality issues” would be about total units shipped.

3 replies

Total units shipped since the inception of the company?

I think the NHTSA was only formed in 1970.

2 replies

Which metric are you using when you use the word disproportionately?

0 replies

That says 2023. I don’t see Toyota mentioned in there at all. Maybe I’m missing something.

4 replies

Tesla doesn't even register in the top 10 most recalls per car company in 2023.

What data are you using?

How many of Ford Motor's 58 recalls in 2023 made HN's front page?

Meanwhile Tesla updates the car UIs icon sizes via a software update, and there are headlines all over the media including HN stating that Tesla recalled millions of cars, omitting that it was a software update.

That makes people like the GP think Teslas have disproportionately worse issues, which appears to be the objective.

2 replies

What data are you using?

I’m not the one claiming anything about proportions. I didn’t claim to have any data. How did you arrive at your proportions?

1 replies

I had linked it in the very comment you replied to...please reread.

0 replies

I see only a link to an infographic about recalls in 2023.

0 replies

How is recalls per company a valid metric? Should it be at least normalised by number of models (e.g. if we assume design flaws)?

By that metric Fords 58 are normalised by 40 odd models (only counting current) while Teslas 20 are normalised by 6 models (counting any car/truck build).

5 replies

At least the wheels falling off slow the car down.

3 replies

At least you can steer the car with unintentional acceleration, unlike with wheels falling off.

1 replies

You're really working overtime defending Tesla in the comments here. Go take a (fast) break in your unsteerable truck :^)

0 replies

You can steer as long as you've got three wheels. Not as well as with four of course. With a modern brake system, you should have some braking power too. I know someone who lost a wheel on an 1965 truck with a single chamber brake cylinder, so there was no pressure in the system as brake parts fell off with the wheel.

1 replies

There is no calibre of expected issues. Nobody’s a prophet. Faulty pedals happened in the past with other car manufacturers.

0 replies

Toyota had the floor mat thing as well, that was big news for awhile.

0 replies

Literally anything can happen. I never liked the idea of buying a Tesla, but let's be fair.

0 replies

First year Ford Mustang Mach E: can confirm.

18 replies

Tesla is losing money on every truck sold at this point. The recall is just another multimillion dollar deficit on the books now.

Whether this product line will be sustainable (or exist) 1 year from now is unlikely.

Lackluster sales. Poor public perception. Truck would likely need another overhaul (more money burned) and another 1-2 year loss leader phase to test the market, and get their build processes updated to scale.

9 replies

Tesla could have owned the entire EV truck market currently, if they didn't choose to make a truck that required a big amount of R&D and is hard to build. Why Tesla chose such a path completely baffles me.

Tesla's mission was "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy" which they were doing by making solid and affordable EVs and electric storage solutions.

One of the biggest reasons of the success of Model S was because it had a modern but conventional design unlike the other toy-like EV cars on the market at the time. Model S proved that it is possible to build a modern conventional EV car that people can buy.

It feels like Cybertruck is coming from a completely different mission statement. Actually most of the decisions they have been taking for the last 2-3 years feel like it.

2 replies

Tesla building the Cybertruck is their attempt to get people to buy something specifically because it is "cool", and not because it is "an EV".

If the customer buys it, they switch to an EV platform, thereby accelerating Tesla's mission of "transition[ing] to sustainable energy".

Leading with "it's an EV" is the primary reason why "legacy auto" has been scaling back their EV manufacturing, because people generally don't care about "EV". They do care about something "cool" though.

0 replies

They should've gotten some second opinions on what makes something "cool" because the Cybertruck is not it.

0 replies

Model S, Model 3, Model X and Model Y are also cool cars, and they have the advantages of being EV. And this formula was working with these models, increasing EV adoption massively. Why change a winning formula?

Cybertruck tried to be over the top cool, and sacrificed some basics like time-to-market, easy production, range, safety... And it was a totally unnecessary change of strategy. Cybertruck really didn't need to be stainless steel or low-poly in order to sell. Model Y being one of the best selling cars in the world proves this.

1 replies

I've seen rumours here and there (albeit nothing particularly reliable) that the Cybertruck might be a platform used to learn about this design/manufacturing approach. It's hard because it's hard, but the Cybertruck is how they learn how to make it easier.

The thinking being, of course, that if/when they get it nailed, they've potentially got an advantage to leverage over other manufacturers for future cars such as the Model 2.

Only time will tell whether this is the case, and whether it worked.

0 replies

This is nonsensical, the Cybertruck is a terrible platform that had serious Chassis design issues that any other automaker would have killed the design over, but because Musk's ego is too big, there was never an option to say "we need to go back to the drawing board".

0 replies

I don't think your first sentence can hold true as soon as the designs were released. The way to capture EV truck market is to make something that looks like a truck. Cybertruck is ugly as all get out.

I saw a Ford F-150 Lightning the other day, looks practically the same as an ICE F-150.

0 replies

I don’t see Elon as a business genius and thus the idiotic decision to go thru with production for this truck is not at all a surprise to me

0 replies

Tesla's mission was "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy" which they were doing by making solid and affordable EVs and electric storage solutions.

Since far before Tesla, selling cars at high profit margins has ultimately been about selling power/attention/sex-appeal, not to advance an objective like "accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. That's a nice side effect, but it's not ultimately what sells them. Otherwise, all of the original fan base of Tesla would have bought Nissan Leafs (which preceded Tesla).

Trendsetting companies need hero products that capture (or even set) the zeitgeist.

Teslas older models once played that role, but no longer, since they are so common at this point in their primary target markets.

To recapture customer imagination, the Cybertruck is promoting the "faux survivalism" hero narrative. It's the same narrative that is selling Rivians and F150, but taken to the aesthetic extreme.

0 replies

There was never a snowball's chance in hell that once Ford and GMC got involved in the EV truck market that Tesla would be anything but an afterthought.

4 replies

Tesla is losing money on every truck sold at this point

Is it just me or many people don't seem to understand fixed costs vs. variable costs that I learnt about in high school while growing up in the third world?

Don't people have to take Econ 101 in the USA or whatever the equivalent is in their countries? Or is it optional.

Not even going to bring up "advanced" concepts like COGS that I know about while being a CS major and never taking an economics course.

What you said doesn't many sense, because, say they sell 100 million trucks, according to your logic they would end up with a huge loss. But in reality they would make a big profit.

3 replies

Some companies will literally sell products for less than the cost of the components that go into them.

Sometimes that's a supermarket selling 'loss leaders' to get people into the store where they'll hopefully buy other things - or a games console manufacturer planning to make up the loss because they get paid for every game sold.

Other times a manufacturer wants to hit a promised launch date, and hopes to get manufacturing costs down later. Maybe they haven't had time to set up certain cost-saving automation, or a planned lower-cost component wasn't ready in time for launch. Maybe their widget supplier has promised a lower cost when they're ordering 10,000 a month but right now they're only ordering 500 a month.

Of course, without access to insider information we can only guess if this is really occurring...

1 replies

Of course, without access to insider information we can only guess if this is really occurring...

No need to guess, the GP poster confidently stated this:

Tesla is losing money on every truck sold at this point.

They must be an insider or have reliable insider information.

0 replies

Of course, this is the only explanation. No one can just make stuff up on the internet. That’s impossible.

0 replies

Some companies will literally sell products for less than the cost of the components that go into them.

But that is not what Tesla is doing, is it?

1 replies

It's literally the meme truck. That meme has sailed and died. People will still hoot and holler when they spot you driving one in the wild but that's different from people wanting to pay the steep sticker price for what the car actually is.

I don't see moms picking up their kids with these trucks. I don't see people using them for camping. The unnamed companion ATV seems to have been recalled for not being roadsafe and doesn't seem to be coming back any time soon.

It's possible there will be a revised Cybertruck eventually but this thing has so many design flaws and underdelivers on so many promises (e.g. "you could use it as a boat" when taking it to the carwash voids your warranty) that it's not mass market compatible. Heck, it's not even possible to make it street legal in Europe without massive changes.

As far as Musk's ventures go, the Cybertruck is up there with the Hyperloop in terms of what it is and what was promised. Remember the unprovoked throwaway claim that it'll let you use it as a source for compressed air to drive pneumatic tools? Or the talk about selling a version of it to the military as an APC?

0 replies

I’m definitely going to be picking up my kids in this truck and camping, but maybe I’m just a weird tech bro. In the arms race that is American roads, it’s objectively safer for my family to be driven around in a massive steel tank. I also love the look.

0 replies

How do you arrive at lackluster sales conclusion? They are obviously just production limited as they scale up a new line. Can you place an order today and buy a cybertruck? No there is still a year+ long wait list of people wanting to buy.

18 replies

One of the most frightening moments of my early life was when the accelerator peddle got stuck (actually one of the connecting rods) going into a roundabout, fairly recently after passing my driving test.

I couldn't figure out why I was speeding up even when breaking hard. But somehow I managed to maintain control and put the gear into neutral - and then sat at the edge of the roundabout with the engine screaming at full throttle before I figured out what was wrong and turned off the ignition. Wouldn't want to be in a Cybertruck with that happening.

9 replies

You would want to be in a Cybertruck, when you press the brake pedal it auto overrides the accelerator pedal. Being in a Cybertruck with a stuck accel pedal is way safer than in a traditional truck

2 replies

Except it's all fly by wire so you're relying on the software to be bug free and I'd honestly rather trust physics.

0 replies

There is no "physics", unless you're relying on falling fast without a parachute or something like that.

In this case you're relying on mechanics to be bug free as opposed to software. To imply that any car is designed and built in such a way that it can only fail if physics itself fails is rather arrogant. There are comments here in the thread pointing to the long lists of bugs with non-drive-by-wire cars.

Mechanics may well be easier to design correctly and test, sure. But get out with "physics".

0 replies

Fly by wire throttles have been commonplace in cars since the early-to-mid 00s.

1 replies

I was more referring to its power and size, you need to figure out that your still accelerating when you've released pressure on the accelerator and you need to switch pedals to break.

Where are you going to be after half a second of maximum acceleration in a 6600lb cybertruck?

0 replies

0-60 time is 2.6 seconds, or 10.32m/s^2 if it’s evenly distributed. So from zero you’d be doing 11.5mph in 0.5s (and travelled a little over four feet).

But importantly, it looks like this is more of a ratchet effect… so if your pedal is stuck at 100%, it’s because you pressed it that far (even if intending it to be momentary). That’s not something you’d normally do in a parking lot full of nuns, you’re probably on a highway with some time to react and press the brake. My guess is that’s why we haven’t seen a tragic accident out of this.

0 replies

Being in a Cybertruck with a stuck accel pedal is way safer than in a traditional truck

I'd bet there isn't a current truck on the market that doesn't cut the throttle when you hit the brake. Basically all cars now.

0 replies

Until the brake pedal falls off as well

0 replies

Traditional automakers have been programming their vehicles to work exactly the same way for a decade+, ever since the Toyota stuck accelerator debacle. My last two cars both ignored throttle input when the brake was depressed.

0 replies

Yeah except it has a 0-60mph time of 2.6 seconds. You're probably already travelling at at least 20 so you have 1-2 seconds to figure out what's going on before you crash. Good luck.

3 replies

FWIW, even if the accelerator pedal is stuck or misread in the Cybertruck, the brake pedal immediately overrides any input from it and stops accelerating.

2 replies

So I’m going to wildly speculate here:

I’m guessing most CTs have sold to big Tesla fans who already had Teslas. I’m going to assume those kind of fans also like one-pedal driving (many people do).

So if you’ve been using one-pedal for years you’re used to releasing the accelerator stopping you.

Could the driver who hit a pole have stopped themselves with the brake? Yes. If they were used to one-pedal for years, would they have thought of that? In a split-second panic scenario perhaps not.

I know millions of people love one-pedal and many (most?) electric cars have done version of it. But I wonder if stuff like this has been studied. How well to people used to it handle using the brake in a panic if they don’t often drive two pedal mode/cars?

I’d love to know the results of such a study.

0 replies

Single pedal driving still requires me to use the brake pedal often.

In reality, there might be a 3-5x reduction to brake pedal usage. That still means on any given trip, every 5th stop sign/red light will require break pedal usage.

If anything the single pedal driving causes me to let off of the accelerator earlier than I normally would in an ICE car, and therefore I have more time to react with the break pedal if needed.

I doubt I'm unique in these things.

0 replies

If one was aware what was happening, they would be able to stop/Slow but lifting the brake would immediately cause the car to accelerate . This would be instantaneous acceleration enough to cause damage before you could hit the brakes at which it would stop.

2 replies

What car was this in? I was always told that the brake of a modern car is much stronger than the engine so you can always come to a stop, even with a stuck accelerator

0 replies

While the breaks physically will be ABLE to overcome the engine in anything that isn't a dodge hellcat, if the peddle is stuck to the floor and the engine is at full throttle, you won't have much or any vacuum boosting effects! You will have to quite literally STAND on the brake peddle like the bad old days, and a lot of people driving today have never experienced unassisted braking.

0 replies

In most modern cars, there is a pressure booster in the power brake system, enabling braking force that can overcome the engine’s horsepower and quickly stop the car. But they are designed to continually maintain the braking force for a limited amount of time—30 seconds or so—after which this boosting ability is depleted. Once that happens, braking must be fully supplied by muscle power via the mechanical backup.

This is challenging if the engine is stuck in a wide open throttle (WOT) state, because the driver must overcome the cars weight in addition to the engine.

For a small car like a Toyota Corolla, this requires a few hundred pounds of downforce on the pedal. For a large 300hp SUV, this could require a thousand pounds of downforce.

As you said, the brakes can bring the car to a stop, but the car will start reaccelerating if the engine isn’t shut off.

(Sorry for mixing physical units.)

0 replies

Stuck throttles used to be quite a common problem in the pre-ECU days.

I've had two cars that had a stuck throttle in the past, both where the accelerator cable connects to the throttle body on the top of the engine. In both cases, lubing it up solved the problem and it never reoccurred. It is a bit of a shocking thing to happen, but with a manual it's instinctive to just jam the clutch down.

What worries me about modern cars, in particular electrics, is the lack of any kind of kill-switch. Motorbikes have them, cars used to just have an ignition switch, but now everything from the ignition to the accelerator pedals is electric. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have a switch that kills the car if all else fails?

15 replies

I guess the budget for QA went straight into Elon's pay package

14 replies

His salary from Tesla's bank accounts is zero. Companies don't have their market cap in their bank accounts as cash which they use to pay executives.

Also, not like other automakers don't have recalls like this. You just don't hear about it here because... reasons. The legendary name for quality, Toyota had its wheels literally falling off.

8 replies

Aye, Tesla pays him nothing, that's why his compensation package was struck down in court?

3 replies

His compensation was in stock options.

2 replies

Those are still something of value that the company is giving to him. They’re just not cash.

1 replies

The point is that you cannot pay for car quality with stock options that are worth zero if the stock doesn't double and car sale increases don't meet really high metrics. So the OP in this thread is wrong.

What they said would be true of all the other car companies that directly pay the CEO, and they all have safety recalls. Lets take Toyota. Toyota could've used some of the CEOs pay to stop wheels from falling off their cars recently.

0 replies

Okay, that’s a good point. It’s not liquid. In theory, though, surely the company could sell stock (or options, even) instead of granting it to Elon?

[Edit: this is all a bit academic though. I don’t think Tesla’s process problems, of whatever magnitude you think they are, are as simply solved as “if they just spent a bit more this would be fine!”, or that the ‘solution’ to the Elon problem, of whatever magnitude you think that is, is “if they just paid him less!”]

2 replies

As of now he is actually paid 0 for last 4 years when Tesla stock has gone up by 900% (even after the recent stock slide).

People forget that if the stock price didn’t at least double and Tesla meet some manufacturing and sales quotas, Elon’s pay package would be 0. The only reason he’s getting paid 44B or whatever number is because the stock price has gone through the roof and the Model Y has become the best selling car in the US. On top of that, he is required to hold the stock for at least 5 years, so even if the judge didn’t invalidate his pay, he wouldn’t see any liquidity for at least 5 years.

You don’t need to like Elon to see that his pay package was completely fine. I doubt many CEO’s would accept a pay package where they don’t get paid a dime unless the stock price at least doubles, a very large number of CEO’s would also be paid 0 under such a pay package.

1 replies

How does this not create perverse incentives? I have noticed that Musk has repeatedly made fraudulent claims about Tesla. I can't help but wonder how many of his fantastical claims are precisely in service of boosting the stock price. Also what exactly are the material consequences for him if he didn't get paid by Tesla? Essentially zero.

0 replies

I can't help but wonder how many of his fantastical claims are precisely in service of boosting the stock price

Like these ones where he said the stock price was too high and it then crashed a a full 10%?

Or when he said Tesla is worth approximately zero without FSD fully functional?

Stock price based compensation is extremely common for top exectives.

0 replies


Tesla noted that since 2018, Musk hasn't drawn any compensation, including salary or cash bonuses

His stock compensation was performance based/

Shareholders approved Musk’s pay package back in 2018. However, according to an Axios report, very few investors at the time believed that they would have to pay out on it. That’s because the compensation plan was tied to extreme performance goals that seemed improbable Therefore, at the time, the expected value of the Tesla pay package was “closer to zero than it was to $56 billion”

You cannot pay for auto parts quality with stock options that pay out only when 'extreme peformance goals' are hit. So Musk's salary had pretty much zero impact on this recall, unlike, say, other company car recalls which they could have presumably used the company CEO's salary to prevent the recalls, going by the assumption that the OP was making.

1 replies

tesla booked musk's much-discussed options package as a $2.5 billion expense. opportunity cost aside, it's silly to imply that a public company isn't going to act differently after it's stuck a significant fraction of its revenue on the wrong side of its balance sheet: analysts definitely will be.

0 replies

tesla booked musk's much-discussed options package as a $2.5 billion expense

As stated elsewhere the point is that you cannot pay for car quality with stock options that are worth zero if the stock doesn't double and car sale increases don't meet really high metrics

Unlike the other car companies that pay CEOs directly, like Toyota could've used their CEO's pay to instead maybe stop their wheels from falling off recently.

it's silly to imply that a public company isn't going to act differently after it's stuck a significant fraction of its revenue on the wrong side of its balance sheet

What? The $2.5B isn't coming from revenue.

1 replies

If Elons pay package from 2018 gets revoked and they issue a new one (supposedly after moving from Delaware to Texas law), then it’s estimated Tesla will have $20bn+ accounting charge

0 replies

But did he provide value to shareholders ?

11 replies

Worrisome, but good that it got caught before anyone got into an accident. The issue shouldn't be present in all trucks, but better to recall all of them to be safe.

BTW: What happens if you fully press both the acceleration and brake pedals? I would hope for the brakes to be more powerful and stop the car, is that the case?

3 replies

Since the accelerator is drive by wire, pushing both pedals disables the accelerator, and produces a warning chime and alert message on the screen.

The brakes do not have to be stronger, it’s handled in software.

If the accelerator is pinned down, letting up on the brake will cause the car to start accelerating again. So you have to keep on the brake and then put the car in park. Pressing the accelerator while in park does nothing.

2 replies

pushing both pedals disables the accelerator

Much to the frustration of those of us who occasionally engage in some left-foot braking. (Though TBH in my experience it's usually more effective in FWD cars.)

1 replies

What is the point of heel-toe or left foot braking if there is no gearbox to rev match?

0 replies

I like the left-foot jab jab jab to induce a slide while still on the power. I've read about other mixed input strategies, but that was the only one I was ever able to pull off to my satisfaction.

2 replies

The issue shouldn't be present in all trucks, but better to recall all of them to be safe.

There is a video floating around of this issue, and based on that I'd call it an issue in all shipped trucks. While only a couple had it loose from the factory, the fact the two plates are only press fitted and when it slides up there is a perfect nook for it to get stuck in is a huge problem.

If I was a Cybertruck owner I'd inspect it at least every week and schedule the recall work ASAP.

1 replies

They aren't only press fitted, they are glued together, but a change on assembly line lead to chance that some soap got on pedal and prevented the glue from bonding the two parts

0 replies

Sounds like a screw would be better.

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Not related to your comment itself, but that’s a really bad paper/document. When analyzing the case “sudden full throttle when the car is stopped”, it is assumed that breaking only begins after 1.5s. Does a normal driver not keep the brake held while stopped at a traffic light. Also, he later assumes that data from a drag race can be compared to the case of sudden acceleration when at a stop because drag race drivers should floor the throttle, too. As far as I know, flooring is often not the fastest way to accelerate (just like fully braking compared to ABS), so the drag race data does not necessarily represent full throttle from a stop.

0 replies

I don't know about the Cybertruck specifically, but yes, brakes are virtually always capable of providing more stopping force than the engine can oppose.

0 replies

What happens if you fully press both the acceleration and brake pedals? I would hope for the brakes to be more powerful and stop the car, is that the case?

You get a “both pedals pressed” alert and the accelerator is ignored, so the brakes don’t even need to overcome the engines. The behaviour is logical at least since tesla added blended braking (though I’d assume it also did that before then).

However as soon as you release the brakes the car starts accelerating as whatever the throttle is at again.

8 replies

Apparently the brake overrides the accelerator, so if you keep your calm, you can come to a stop.

5 replies

Yes, this is the case on every production vehicle. People don't always realize it, though, and fail to push the brake all the way and hold it.

4 replies

That's not quite the same. In Tesla hitting the brakes kills power to the motor. In an ICE car this is not the case, and if the engine is running away it can bleed off vacuum and you lose your brake assist. So if someone panics and starts pumping the brake pedal they end up in a runaway acceleration scenario until they remember that neutral exists.

In the real world runaway acceleration cases are extremely rare and always involve a degree of operator error, but they make for exciting headlines so people get the wrong idea about how common they are.

1 replies

"until they remember that neutral exists." Or they can just turn the ignition off. When I was 16 and took driving school, we did this as an exercise. The instructor just simply reached over and turned the key and I had to walk through starting it again (I can't remember if we pulled over or not). I wonder what would happen to a push button start car if you just pushed it while in motion?

0 replies

I think you may have to hold it down to force it to stop, but this isn't something that I've tried.

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In an ICE car this is not the case

That hasn't been true for a number of years. Almost all ICE cars on sale today will cut the throttle if you hit the brake.

0 replies

In an ICE car this is not the case, and if the engine is running away it can bleed off vacuum and you lose your brake assist

In an older car, yes. Current cars in the US are all fly-by-wire throttle, and programmed to close the throttle if you apply the brake. And when the throttle is closed, vacuum is restored, and you will have full brake power. All major automakers started doing this did this after the 2009 Toyota "sudden acceleration" debacle.

0 replies

Tesla Cybertruck: "if you keep your calm, you can stop"

0 replies

Very few people can keep their calm in an unexpected situation. Even people who are trained and supposedly prepared for stressful situations often panic.

8 replies

Can you put cybertruck in neutral? That's the SOP for ICE cars if accelerator is stuck.

2 replies

That's the SOP for ICE cars if accelerator is stuck.

That is totally wrong. Most/all cars won't even go into neutral if the throttle is pinned. Your best option, always, is to mash the brake pedal as hard as you possibly can. It will win every time, even if the car doesn't have throttle cutoff.

0 replies

Shifting into reverse on most modern automatic transmissions requires the brake pedal to be depressed at least a tiny bit. Neutral has no pin.

In fact this is a somewhat little advertised boon to three point turns, in that you can go from reverse to drive without depressing the release button on floor mounted shifters or pulling the stalk in on steering wheel mounted units. You can just slap the car into D from R.

0 replies

Car and Driver disagrees with you regarding shifting to neutral. Can you provide additional info?

1 replies

No but the brake pedal overrides the accelerator. Of course, EV’s accelerate fast so you likely don’t have much time to react

0 replies

The video in thread says park also overrides the accelerator.

1 replies

Yes; there's no gearstalk but you can set p/r/n/d via the buttons on the overhead console, or on the touchscreen.

0 replies

Granted, this isn't a usual occurence so maybe not a reasonable use case for the design.

But man, when accelerating at max power due to a glitch, you need to look at the touchscreen to find the right place to slide your finger to switch to neutral... I thougt having touch controls for climate was bad.

0 replies

Electric cars don't have a gearbox that you can put into neutral

6 replies

If this problem is real and serious, meaning the damage is expensive to repair, this could destroy Tesla’s reputation and valuation.

2 replies

Jesus... "Do not wash in direct sunlight"

0 replies

That’s pretty standard advice for washing any car. A lot of the chemicals in the soaps and polishes and waxes you use you don’t want drying on the surface of your paint, or at least not in the quantities you apply it in. But if you’re washing in direct sunlight, there’s a high chance the water will evaporate and leave dried residues before you get to rinsing / buffing it away.

0 replies

Didn’t listen to the blind old Chinese man that sold it to him I guess.

0 replies

I love how they prioritized gimmicks like bullet proof doors and "bioweapon defense mode" but simply driving through a carwash can fuck your car.

0 replies

I am glad I canceled my Cybertruck reservation. Getting margin called and a bricked $100k tin can at the same time would probably be too much. Now about that margin call, I have to deal with…

7 replies

It feels like web community’s reponse to Elon Inc businesses, including Tesla and SpaceX, is frequently a double standard. By that I mean that Tesla gets a hall pass on crucial QC detail work because they’re iterating or ironing out the detail as if it’s a web app.

Meanwhile I’m not so sure the same leniency applies to Chevy or Toyota or whatever.

I don’t deny that iteration is a crucial process. Also I’m not advocating for a hall pass for big auto. I just think this is a really big oversight and mistake. When you’re dealing with software that doesn’t directly impact lives, go ahead: break stuff. But when we’re talking about big ass trucks on roads, there should be a harsh response to a recall like this.

1 replies

We heard a lot about Toyota bz4x lug nuts and that recall was smaller than this cybertruck recall.

0 replies

How long did it take Toyota to troubleshoot the issue, fix it and restart the problem? How does that compare?

0 replies

Not sure that's true. I have a Chevy Bolt and when those were exploding (lol), it was all over the news. So much so that there are still parking garages that won't let you park a Bolt in the garage.

1 replies

It's just the halo/horns effect. If you think (Tesla|SpaceX) is an innovative company doing some great envelope-pushing stuff then you probably empathise with their engineers more than usual and you're willing to give them a pass. If you think Elon is a (bigoted man-child|burgeoning danger to western democracy) then you probably think negatively about his companies and you're more likely to do the opposite.

At the risk of sounding trite, it's incredibly difficult to form a balanced opinion on any situation because the little lizard brain inside always wants to steer you one way or another.

0 replies

The best bit is that both is true, as Tesla / SpaceX aren’t the same thing as Elon.

0 replies

There's not any universal treatment.

There does seem to be a borderline cult of personality around the guy, composed of people that more or less seem motivated to come up with a reason to excuse anything. But that isn't that big a group of people, they are just loud.

There's also plenty of people that are loud because they don't like his politics/attitude.

6 replies

This is why having a dealer network is important, if annoying. Tesla has been a leader in having a "software defined car" so lots of problems can be fixed via over the air updates. They should be glad this issue was found early and not after 5 years and 2 million vehicles on the road.

4 replies

Tesla has service centers to deal with these do they not? Not sure how dealers makes it any easier to manage the recall

3 replies

Traditional automakers have more dealers than Tesla has service centers. Tesla service is known for long wait times. Ford, for example, has 15x as many locations to get your vehicle serviced.

2 replies

A bit unfair to compare Tesla to a company that's built a dealer network over 100+ years.

0 replies

Fairness has nothing to do with anything here. First of all, it's the reality of having a Tesla worked on, regardless of blame. Second, Tesla's lack of a US dealer network is very intentional and they've fought very hard against the legal status quo to avoid having one at all.

0 replies

They're competing in the same market, people expect the same quality.

0 replies

but it wouldn't be a big issue if it went 5 years unnoticed.

6 replies

Tesla is recalling all 3,878

So one of the smallest recalls in recent history? I understand that this company, its CEO, and this vehicle in question are all controversial, however the levels of attention coming from media are getting to be a bit too much. If you look at NHTSA's data and take a data-driven approach (just sort by potentially affected), you will find this to be quite normal.

3 replies

So they shouldn't have published a story on this? Shouldn't have used the word "all?" What exactly are you complaining about? Just that the "lol Musk" media clickbait factory is lame? Cause this seems newsworthy to me and I don't find fault with the story published here.

2 replies

Yeah, it's the clickbait. Every step and mis-step Tesla has is criticized beyond what I think is reasonable amounts. It's just sloppy journalism and clickbait.

0 replies

I have absolutely no skin in the game, but to my understanding Tesla’s entire valuation heavily depends on being constant news cycles. It has positive impacts (like gigantic growth rate with limited marketing in the past 10 years) and negatives (any mistake gets chewed by the media).

0 replies

There's a ton of that crap no doubt, and I'm sure this recall will produce more of it, but this news story and headline seems totally fine to me.

0 replies

Suzuki recalled a single 21 year old car because it was missing a single stamp on the engine block and replaced the entire engine.

4 replies

Nothing bad happened here and they caught an issue without any incident or injury. I wonder if there will ever be a day where Hackernews isn't actively rooting for the downfall of innovative technology companies

2 replies

Tesla is no longer a leader in innovation, their vehicles couldn’t even do V2L/V2G until the CyberTruck.

0 replies

Don't even know how to respond to this lol. Their EV's are head and shoulders above the competition

0 replies

48v is a pretty big leap forward that I bet other automakers will replicate. So is assembling the interior (seats, console, etc.) onto the battery and lifting it into the vehicle. Also, the rigid wire harness that can be snapped in by robotic arms. The list goes on. I recommend watching some of the teardown videos.

0 replies

It's schadenfreude. I think the Edison Truck guy is also a little bit of a jerk but I prefer how they're planning to do things - just make a hybrid version of a regular truck. You don't have to re invent every little bit of metal and computerize everything and make it into a privacy nightmare just to stick a battery into a vehicle

In fact the Toyota hybrids are quite similar to regular cars. Ground-up rewrites are great resume filler but there are other ways to innovate

3 replies

Friction fit handlebar grips for mountain bikes, cruisers and kids bikes have a similar installation problem. Bike mechanics use hairspray to solve it.

Slick when initially sprayed, tacky when dry. Also the solvent in more hairspray can be used to subsequently remove them.

1 replies

I've always prefered spit and yelling... so this is a good tip

0 replies

Mountain bikes tend to be ridden wet, so soap is a big no no.

But yes, saliva if you can’t figure out where the can of AquaNet went.

2 replies

The most interesting part of this news is that it gives is the exact number of Cybertrucks sold so far. It is under 4000.

0 replies

Are all 4000 of those even delivered?

Last I checked they were basically bespoke at this point.

0 replies

Are these all 100k$ above

2 replies

See also

To repeat what I wrote on that post, this is all 100% explainable by Tesla's sacred five-step algorithm for manufacturing[a]:

1. Make the requirements less dumb: "All designs are wrong, it’s just a matter of how wrong." - Musk

2. Try and delete parts (that seem unnecessary): "If parts are not being added back into the design at least 10% of the time, not enough parts are being deleted." - Musk

3. Simplify or optimize: "The most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize something that should not exist." - Musk

4. Accelerate cycle time: "You're moving too slowly, go faster! But don’t go faster until you’ve worked on the other three things first." - Musk

5. Finally, as a last step, automate. "I've made the mistake of going backwards on all five steps." - Musk

Evidently the accelerator pedal issue was caused by step #2: At some point, the Cybertruck team at Tesla questioned the requirement to securely tighten the metal plate covering the accelerator pedal, and somehow concluded it seemed unnecessary. Now they have to add it back!



1 replies

And from somewhere far above or below us, 'Mad Man' Muntz, wire cutters still in his hand, smiles at Elon.

0 replies

Thanks for that. I laughed out loud at "far above or below us".

1 replies

A guy posted a video of his accelerator pedal getting stuck in the fully down position to all of the relevant subreddits (r/tesla, etc) and was banned from posting in all of them.

These forums are all moderated by Tesla, or is it Elon fanboys who refuse to accept any criticism?

0 replies

It's a cult, worst than peak Steve Jobs distortion field era for those that lived through both. I say this as an Apple user and former Tesla driver..

1 replies

interesting that this hasn't caused a significant stock slide. Does that mean that the expectation for failures and mishaps is already priced in?

0 replies

Car manufacturers have quite a few recalls like this. Some of Tesla's are even OTA fixes but require a "recall" to be announced. I think given the small volume of Cybertrucks in circulation AND the low volume being produced this has negligible effect on their bottom line of deliveries and revenues.

1 replies

"Recall all Cybertrucks" isn't a huge deal. How many have they sold? 3000? 4000?

0 replies

Huge, no. But "all" is where it becomes halfway newsworthy.

Other manufacturers have made the news for smaller recalls, so this is pretty normal. Toyota, for example, when they recalled the bz4x.

1 replies

Ironically, they could’ve used glue instead of soap with no delay in assembly time

0 replies

Or designed it with simple snaps.

1 replies

Good thing this shit isn't street legal in the EU. They at least have some amount of will to enforce basic car design safety.

0 replies

My dad lives by using dish soap to lube up hoses and other connectors. This has that vibe.

0 replies

This would not have been a serious problem had the lower back of the pedal footwell section been flush with the upper back section. How this design was able to pass QA is baffling.

0 replies

Relax , it is just an OTA .

not this time

0 replies

Is it surprising that a company that thought a vehicle this absurd was a good idea to build would also suffer from quality control issues?

0 replies

It's truly wild to me that people will pay upwards of $100k to be beta-testers for a several thousand pound machine easily capable of killing them or others

0 replies

The videos of this issue are telling.

Extremely poor design. With something as simple as a peddle, its almost unfathomable.