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OpenBSD 7.5

16 replies

For anybody wondering about the new pinsyscalls(2) suggest having a look at . To be clear: I use OpenBSD on all my external-facing systems. I trust it infinitely more than any GNU/Linux distribution (esp with the recent xz.. "issue"), but I think it's important to do your own research and see what the contrarians say from time to time.

5 replies

This site is often fairly balanced, but I think the author often jumps to conclusions. The pinsyscall feature is one place where many security researchers have jumped to conclusions, because they only see it from their narrow x86 oriented view.

Yeah, on x86, I can craft a ROP attack that allows me to discover relocations for functions fairly trivially, especially for coarse ASLR, because I can read the text segment. But, ARM64 has execute-only support so that it's possible for code to execute, but not read, a text segment. In this situation, pinsyscall does add a valid defense in depth layer. It's still imperfect, but this does in fact raise the bar necessary to carry out a ROP attack when combined with randomized re-linking on boot ASLR. Further, once dynamic linking has occurred, the text segment for a binary is made immutable so that no mapping changes can occur, including mmap.

I think that OpenBSD still has a long way to go before all of these defenses align, but they are far less trivial than the author makes them out to be, because none of them are meant to be used alone. OpenBSD developer decisions like these can sometimes appear to be casting about randomly, because they are making small improvements instead of building toward a particular goal. Sometimes, they hit gold as with W^X, which was widely adopted. Sometimes, their ideas stink, like systrace. But, I don't think it's wise to just dismiss these ideas out of hand.

Instead, I recommend that people look to the history of OpenBSD, which has been more of an evolutionary approach to security instead of a revolutionary approach (i.e. Fuchsia). From an evolutionary perspective, pinsyscall makes sense as it is low-hanging fruit that can buy some security and can force applications to use a standard interface (libc) instead of making raw system calls. From a revolutionary perspective, pinsyscall just seems like a dead end. Revolutionary design has convergent effects -- all of the pieces come together in a perfectly engineered defensive shell. Evolutionary design has emergent effects -- fixes and features build on each other until they co-evolve into strong defenses.

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Would the evolutionary approach be an advantage in allowing existing code bases to run with minimal modifications? So not perfect but safer than linux with minimal effort?

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I think that it's difficult to quantify whether X is safer than Y. Instead, we should look at what safety measures X or Y have in place, and whether these can be reasonably improved. Certainly, a single comment on a forum would do this topic a disservice.

OpenBSD has clearly been in the business of making small improvements with each release. This model has worked for them, but it has also been part of what makes them controversial. I trust OpenBSD for my personal servers and my travel laptop. I use it as a build target for my projects.

That being said, do I think that people should switch from Linux to OpenBSD? I wouldn't do this purely for security, because Linux has not been sitting still either. But, I think it's definitely a good idea to take lessons that OpenBSD has taught when configuring a Linux server: disable things you don't need, use the most aggressively secure options for services you provide, and add as much isolation between pieces that you can. Regardless of which OS you choose, you should spend time familiarizing yourself with what is required to harden the security for servers you make available with a public IP address.

OpenBSD's "secure by default" idea is great until you need to enable a service, which widens its attack surface. Doing this safely requires research and knowledge. In this way, I don't think that OpenBSD is much different than the average Linux distribution. I openly admit that I like OpenBSD, but I don't want to steer people the wrong way by claiming that they would be safer using it. In fact, blindly switching operating systems could make folks less safe, because they will probably use the new operating system incorrectly. Instead, study and experiment.

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Since you're clearly knowledgable ...

What's your take on (and CHERI as a concept overall)?

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I've been following CHERI for years. I'm a fan of runtime mitigations in hardware, better process isolation, and capability models. This couples nicely with an obsession of mine, which is the integration of formal methods into system and firmware development.

That being said, CHERI has a long way to go before it makes it to any production system. ARM Morello has certainly breathed new life into it, as has its current push toward a RISC-V ISA. Going from R&D to synthesis on production hardware is a significant leap.

It has inspired innovation in hardware much as seL4 and similar projects have inspired innovation in the formal methods field. For that, I'm grateful.

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ARM64 has execute-only support so that it's possible for code to execute, but not read, a text segment.

OpenBSD does xonly by default on multiple architectures (arm64, risc-v, ... g5 powerpc), including even amd64 on recent Intel/AMD CPUs supporting MPK/PKU:

On machines that lack hardware-enforcement, at least on CPUs that can differentiate between traps for instruction-fetch and data-fetch, there is still benefit: (msyscall(2) part is now handled by pinsyscalls in -current)

4 replies

Would it be correct to say that OpenBSD is far more of a unified approach to kernel and userland development than GNU/Linux? As in, both ship as one unit, end-to-end, instead of interchangeable modules that make up GNU's ecosystem?

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That's correct for all BSD's, not just OpenBSD.

BSD = kernel + userland

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I might throw it on a VM soon.

Maybe it'll finally scratch the ultimate nerdy OS itch.

Probably not though.

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Having had some experience with FreeBSD, I'd pick BSD over Linux any day, the primary reason being its unique consistency, which is after a few days a breeze of fresh air even to a newbie. The vast majority of software that runs on Linux is available for BSD as well. Sadly, hardware support is not that great.

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Yep you can pick from any distro you want.. freebsd openbsd netbsd pcbsd dragonflybsd etc etc etc each special petals like lisp languages or something

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Do you think there's more value in combining 2 heterogenous systems (like openbsd up front, linux behind) than using one 'more secure' system throughout? I feel like the number of critical issues that have faced two systems at once is far fewer than a single system.

Also I think it shows value in having independent implementations of standards. If you have 5x different xz tools or C compilers or Javascript engines, the threat is chopped in half, plus you can easily compare reference outputs between them (RE: on trusting trust)

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It's common practice for the ultra paranoid to use two firewalls, from different vendors, back to back, for this reason.

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For sure! An argument in OpenBSD circles is that contrary to popular belief one can have security through depth. This means that even though you'll never be 100% secure you can definitely make an attacker's job harder and their life more miserable. Of course, if the NSA wants to attack you then they'll probably succeed, but for your average script kiddy / botnet scanner / worm exploiting some vulnerability having multiple layers might be enough of a deterrent.

I'm not a security person but I also think a lot of malware damage comes from companies / users using misconfigured or outdated software. As such, if you were a sysadmin, knew what you were doing and had the time, then running GNU/Linux is probably fine, but I'm not super knowledgeable. I just want to host a website or run a tor-relay on a VPS and not have to worry about updating my system as soon as some 0-day is announced in glibc or systemd; even if it's in the service itself, my hope is that by using a non-mainstream OS the exploit might not initially target it, hence giving sufficient time to see the news somewhere and patch / update.

14 replies

The removal of generic syscall(), and introduction of pinsyscalls() which registers the precise entry location of every system call used by a program, makes me think of some kernel-level ABI issues that Linux has.

In particular, kernel ABI is the main stable interface that Linux exposes - and all applications can just use syscalls directly without having to interface with the libc at all. However, that means that kernel must not change its ABI lest it risks breaking compatibility, and each functionality that isn't implemented inside of the kernel (e.g. GUI stuff) cannot be implemented completely portably.

However, using pinsyscalls(), a kernel can make sure that syscalls can only be called from the libc - therefore, making the libc de-facto ABI! Which allows for much more freedom in changing kernel ABI, as long as the libc follows through. Perhaps this way the system can go away from the syscall-level ABI and move over to the libc ABI / shared library ABI?

12 replies

Honestly, I think that making libc THE system interface is a mistake. Ok, I understand issues with the Linux approach of exposing raw syscalls (though it works well enough in practice and ossification could be amended by some kind of syscall versioning scheme), but why in the world can't you introduce libsystem/libsyscall/libopenbsd which would contain only "syscall" functions? Why do you need all the C junk in a library for talking with OS?

7 replies

Nothing stops you from making your own libsystem. Or still just making syscalls.

Nobody seems to understand how this feature works, even though it's quite simple. The process asks the kernel to only allow system calls from one segment. If you don't like that, don't ask for it.

6 replies

Lack of stable syscall ABI is what stops me. It can be only done by OS developers.

5 replies

A "stable" syscall ABI means that the interface between kernel and userland is ossified, potentially forever. If OpenBSD did this, then many of the security improvements it has made over the years, which has required the deletion of old (bad) system calls and the modification of other system calls to make them safer, never could happen without fundamentally breaking userland.

Calling into system calls in libc is not a hindrance at all for the use of other languages, any more than calling directly into a syscall would be. Cross-language function calls have been a time honored tradition since the first compilers were developed.

Linux's ossified syscall ABI is a quirk of Linux, and not a feature found in most, let alone many, operating systems.

4 replies

Bullshit. A stable syscall api reflects a well designed kernel interface. You can obviously extend on it and deprecate at your will. Thing is, call gates are quite more common now (they even have shortcut instructions in modern cpus) vs software interrupts (int80h), and there is quite some effort into of runtime linking vs static linking - yes, static linking can be used in libc-based ABIs but just defeats the purpose. In my opinion, libc should not be a broker for privileged operations. There are a plethora of reasons for this, but the most obvious is that languages may not use libc in their linkage.

And FFS, Ive been using OpenBSD for well over 2 decades now. I'd say any syscall changes done in the OS are minimal compared to eg. linux.

3 replies

Bullshit. A stable syscall api reflects a well designed kernel interface.

Says who? I certainly wouldn't consider Linux's syscall ABI to be well designed. You know what is well designed? A stable facade that provides minimal overhead between two components, which prevents tight coupling. Like libc.

You can obviously extend on it and deprecate at your will.

Only by breaking userland, which grinds this process to a crawl, even when it can happen at all. libc provides a better interface here.

Thing is, call gates are quite more common now

I fail to see the relevance here. The mechanism by which syscalls are made doesn't make it cheaper to ossify your syscall ABI, nor does it improve security. It can certainly reduce the performance hit of a context switch. But, even with call gates, the overhead of a context switch is so high that adding the overhead of calling a wrapped function in libc is hardly going to matter.

and there is quite some effort into of runtime linking vs static linking

What effort? Yeah, you have doing the relocation for you at runtime, but this happens once at program load time. Compared to everything else that must occur to load a program, dynamic linking adds minimal overhead.

In my opinion, libc should not be a broker for privileged operations.

That's an interesting opinion, but beyond an unlisted "plethora of reasons", I don't see any relevant reason for this blanket ban. Having a single path into and out of the system call interface provides a way in which userland protections -- such as syscall pinning, immutable pages, etc., can be added. For defense in depth, this is useful.

but the most obvious is that languages may not use libc in their linkage.

How does language runtime library linkage matter? What is the real difference to a language whether it calls read() or the read syscall? Either way, it has to marshal arguments through a FFI. Either way, it has to do the same amount of work. Languages must be ported to each operating system they run on. On OpenBSD and MacOS in particular, this porting means calling libc. On most OSes, libc is considered the preferred interface. On Linux, it's not, and because of that, folks assume that Linux's relative uniqueness here is somehow the default.

There is really no point to directly using syscalls. In nearly every case for unistd, socket, and fcntl, the libc wrapper is negligible. You can do all of the same things. There are few, if any, enforced C-isms. Even where they exist, they can be abstracted with a middling to average FFI library. Performance-wise, the significant overhead is making the syscall. Calling a library to do this has little measurable effect.

This is much ado about nothing.

2 replies

I think the main concern about libc is that there are many aspects of it that aren't "minimal", so developers who want an interface for syscalls only are pressured into using libc in its entirety. I do not think libc is currently well designed either.

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For GNU libc, I would agree. But, not all libc implementations are equal.

OpenBSD has spent a lot of time sanitizing their libc implementation, and they have even split their static C runtime library to further reduce its footprint.

Developers are only really penalized for what they use. read, write, socket, bind, close, open, mmap, etc., really aren't that complex. Already, that's a significant portion of the libc footprint that any other language would use.

I personally see little reason why libc couldn't be further minimized into a libunix that just contained the syscall interface. It doesn't make much of a difference really, but perhaps it would shift the largely misplaced unease that many developers have regarding anything involving C.

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I will look into OpenBSD's implementation. Sounds interesting!

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UNIX is the C language runtime, so to speak, so naturally libc is THE system interface.

It only became something else, when C got standardised, a tiny subset of it landed into ISO C, grew beyond UNIX, and the rest of the UNIX API surface landed at Open Group's POSIX.

Obviously on the UNIX world nothing changed, until GNU/Linux came into scene and decided to act in another way, due to being GNU ecosystem + Linux kernel combo.

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I do not dispute that it made sense during early days of UNIX. But today we write system software for these operating systems in many languages other than C. Maybe it's time to reconsider the dominant libc position instead of reinforcing it further?

Linux has successfully paved the way and demonstrated its practicality. Yes, it made certain unfortunate mistakes along the way, but OpenBSD (or any other OS) can learn from those and provide a better solution.

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Every other operating system does exactly the same in regardless to abstracting syscalls, regardless of being UNIX clone or not, GNU/Linux is the exception, not the rule.

If you mean a C based OS ABI, there are many other alternatives, like on managed OSes, IBM and Unisys surviving mainframe and micro computers, OS IPC like COM/XPC/AIDL/FIDL/D-BUS.

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Do you know what Unix is or the C programming language? Your bafflement is entirely baffling. OpenBSD is never switching to Rust or Go or any of the new fad languages, so why not use libc? It’s the Unix way after all.

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libc is already de jure ABI on the BDSs though, no? Since the OS doesn't really guarantee their stability or portability.

12 replies

I'm currently switching my Go code to Rust in part because of the syscall related Go trouble:

Users of syscall(2), such as Perl and the Go programming language were converted to use the libc functions.

I think the following may still need to be converted:

  * unix.Pledge from
  * unix.Unveil from
  * terminal.ReadPassword from

7 replies

Didn't Go already realize that it can't use direct syscalls on anything other than Linux? They made some mistakes in the past but by this point I think they learned their lesson.

On Linux, using direct syscalls is a good idea, since it's the stable userspace-kernel interface. There's really no need for libc on Linux, each language should just implement it's standard library on top of syscalls.

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They knew it all along, since it's well-documented. But they don't seem to care about it until they get burned. Which first happened on macOS, so that was switched; then OpenBSD.

This was previously discussed at length here:

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Like many other decisions, and as it happens with other technologies, reaching for it is a decision that outweights my preferences, given how it has managed to become unavoidable in many CNCF and DevOps products.

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Ironically the libc itself fails to document how large of a stack you should have before you call into it. Which is why go, having goroutines, tried to avoid it in the first place.

They didn't "get burned" they were "trying to provide a nice feature that wasn't as broadly compatible as they had hoped."

2 replies

There's really no need for libc on Linux, each language should just implement it's standard library on top of syscalls.

Rustix is a great implementation of that idea

Any similar projects in other langs?

0 replies

Zig's standard library does not use libc

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There's really no need for libc on Linux, each language should just implement it's standard library on top of syscalls.

Its not always not so clearcut. For example using pthreads instead of just calling clone can be useful for interop etc. Similarly, anything involving NSS is probably best done through libc. Having libc malloc integrated makes interacting with other C libs easier. And so on.

1 replies

Have you updated your packages with ‘pkg_add -u’?

0 replies

Yes, I run -current so I update packages frequently.

After tedu's comment here I installed 7.5 in a VM and could build and run my Go software in it successfully, so I figured there were some Go build or config files or something somewhere getting in the way. I pkg_delete'd go, removed every Go build/config file I could find, and re-added Go with pkg_add. Now I can build apps with the previously mentioned modules; everything works fine now.

Thank you for the responses. :-)

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They were converted months ago.

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Forgive my ignorance but is this something limited to go on openbsd? Or is it a general isssue with go?

11 replies

Does anyone know the story behind the artwork? Puffy does not look so good.

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Look upon my source tree, ye mighty, and despair!

0 replies

Nothing therein compiles.

1 replies

Do you know this to be the inspiration for the artwork or best guess?

0 replies

I inferred it based on the image's filename, alt text, and visual correspondence to the scene described in the poem.

0 replies

Tex is an awesome narrator. Thanks for linking!

“Comrade Stalin says there’s bread on the Finnish line”

0 replies

feels relevant looking over their list of discontinued architectures.

each was made by teams sure they were going to be the next big thing in some market space...

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I thought it was a nod to the statue of liberty at the end of Planet of the Apes (1968). I miss the days all OpenBSD releases came with a song!

11 replies

Does anyone know if there's any plan to reintroduce xattrs in FFS2? Probably the only modern UNIX without it in its main FS(s).

Or for a more standard/modern FS like XFS (I don't expect OpenBSD to go for ZFS bloat).

5 replies

They made their FFS 64-bit. That’s what you get. And FFS is THE standard.

In short no. Also they removed softupdates, code was old and slow and was holding back the quest to unlock.

2 replies

They made their FFS 64-bit.

What does this mean? 64-bit inode numbers? 64-bit timestamps? Something else?

Also they removed softupdates,

Shame in a way, I remember reading McKusick's paper and being impressed. But I guess it's the antithesis of batching, which turned out to be more important for performance than avoiding the extra I/O due to journalling. Also the implementation was AFAIU fearsomely subtle and tricky.

0 replies

Read the manual page, I’m not going to type it all in here.

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And FFS is THE standard

What's that supposed to mean? ed is the standard text editor, yet we don't actually expect anyone to use it (let alone know it...)

0 replies

It means no meme filesystems will be tolerated. There are tons of operating systems out there if you don’t like ffs.

2 replies

plan to reintroduce xattrs in FFS2?

With unveil(2) and maybe pledge(2), I do not think there is a need for Extended Attributes. To me, all it does is add complexities not really needed in OpenBSD.

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I don't see how unveil/pledge is in any way related to xattrs

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You confuse ACLs and xattrs. SAMBA uses Extended Attributes to store thinks like Hidden and System flags on files, so that Windows clients can manipulate them. NT ACLs, too.

1 replies

Or for a more standard/modern FS like XFS (I don't expect OpenBSD to go for ZFS bloat).

At some point, I think I heard that they might use HAMMER2, which would be nice.

10 replies

Copyright 1997-2024, Theo de Raadt.

Caught my eye. I'm vaguely aware that Theo de Raadt is not the paragon of modesty, but would still expect a more "communal" copyright. Or is OpenBSD largely a one-man show?

5 replies

The advantage of Theo being dictator is that big companies can’t take over like they did with Linux.

3 replies

Linus is still dictator in the Linux kernel...

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Not since his vacation-style treatment.

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I haven't heard about this. Can I read more about this somewhere?

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In what sense?

The Linux kernel development model is one that embraces forking and submitting patching in a way that totally horrifies webdevs paid to mush together data transformation pipelines.

Linus and Greg KH are both very clear that you don't have to use their "blessed" source trees. You're encouraged to fork.

All of the genuinely moronic rhetorical arguments about "maintainer responsibility" are downstream from the GPLv2, which very clearly states in all capital letters there's no warranty implied or otherwise. The amount of time wasted on moot debates over that is mind boggling.

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The problem with having a benvolent dictator is that the system is set up for a dictator to control things, and the chances of the next dictator being quite as benevolent are low.

perhaps Theo has a plan for an eventual succession, perhaps not. Sometimes dictators can't really conceive of somebody else running the show so they don't plan for it.

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I believe that copyright notice is for organizing the layout of the actual distribution images (ISO, etc) and for the music and artwork (though work-for-hire), not that Theo de Raadt is claiming copyright over all of the code in the distribution.

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One would probably have to define "one-man show". But, no, Theo does not write most of OpenBSD's code. Although he certainly is the leader of the project. If the copyright statement bothers you, I can recommend the announcement e-mail (see "THANKS" in particular):

You will also find separate copyright statements in a lot of the source files and many carry the name of their authors.

0 replies

Are you referring to the text in the WEB Page ?

I think that is because Theo de Raadt maintains the Site. As someone said the source files have their own copyright comments.

5 replies

Can anyone comment on the OpenBSD security model in 2024? Is it more secure than a minimal linux distro (or one configured to be so) such as Ubuntu Minimal or Debian Stable?

I'm finding it quite difficult to compare OS "security" these days, whatever that means. Everyone seems to have their own crackpot opinions. If anyone with a security background could chime in, I'd be forever grateful.

3 replies

OpenBSD has no Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system like AppArmor or SELinux which prevents you from fully locking down user space.

Isn't that pledge?

And in general, I observe that lots of people are happy to say that OpenBSD's protections are no good, but somehow they can't be bothered to actually show a working exploit.

1 replies

> OpenBSD has no Mandatory Access Control (MAC) system like AppArmor or SELinux which prevents you from fully locking down user space.

Would this have mattered/stopped/mitigated the `xz` problem if systemd spawns opensshd and transiently loads infected .so shared objects?

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I'm not really super confident, but I think the problem is that sshd has to be able to spawn user sessions and those users are generally not supposed to be (meaningfully) confined by selinux or whatever. So I suspect that it wouldn't have helped, because a compromised sshd is necessarily in the prefect place to MitM or forge a session regardless of extra constraints. But take with a grain of salt.

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AppArmor/SELinux require separate policy files to be written, to describe what an app can/can't do.

Pledge/unveil are APIs that developers use to directly restrict what an app can do/can't do.

3 replies

Is OpenBSD used in industry, in critical systems, etc.? If so, what are some examples of its use? Truly interested to know.

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There was this interesting talk [1] about how this ISP uses OpenBSD as BGP control plane.

I used to heard that OpenBSD was often used as Internet facing middlebox (like firewalls/proxy/network load balancer) because of how good pf and relayd are.

But it would surprise me if it would still be the case nowadays, OpenBSD seems to perform poorly [2] in terms of network throughput compared to the competition (VyOS/VPP). And I don't think this 7.5 upgrade helped a lot regarding this topic.

[1]: [2]:

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m:tier ( claims to have customers in the oil and gas industry.

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Is the artwork a reference to the poem, Ozymandias?

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it is

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No song this time.

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Sometimes the song release comes after the software release.

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what i enjoy the most when openbsd has a new release is their new song. my favourite is the legend of puffy hood.

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“Pond-erosa Puff” lives in my head.

I think we’ve been using this a while, huh?

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Does anybody know what are the major companies employing OpenBSD developers these days? To what level are they invested?

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I think this will be difficult to know, because IIRC, to commit to OpenBSD you must use an account.

So it's not like you can just look at the commit log and search for private company @names

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Always interesting to see the amount of work going into LibreSSL, but I'm not sure how much use it gets outside of OpenBSD which seems a bit of a shame.

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apple ships it

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Just upgraded my small homeserver

   sysupgrade; sysmerge; pkg_add -u;

Done! What a delight!