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The return of the frame pointers

28 replies

I was at Google in 2005 on the other side of the argument. My view back then was simple:

Even if $BIG_COMPANY makes a decision to compile everything with frame pointers, the rest of the community is not. So we'll be stuck fighting an unwinnable argument with a much larger community. Turns out that it was a ~20 year argument.

I ended up writing some patches to make libunwind work for gperftools and maintained libunwind for some number of years as a consequence of that work.

Having moved on to other areas of computing, I'm now a passive observer. But it's fascinating to read history from the other perspective.

13 replies

So we'll be stuck fighting an unwinnable argument with a much larger community.

In what way would you be stuck? What functional problems does adding frame pointers introduce?

6 replies

It “wastes” a register when you’re not actively using them. On x86 that can make a big difference, though with the added registers of x86_64 it much less significant.

1 replies

Wasting a register on comparatively more modern ISA's (PA-RISC 2.0, MIPS64, POWER, aarch64 etc – they are all more modern and have an abundance of general purpose registers) is not a concern.

The actual «wastage» is in having to generate a prologue and an epilogue for each function – 2x instructions to preserve the old frame pointer and set a new one up, and 2x instruction at the point of return – to restore the previous frame pointer.

Generally, it is not a big deal with an exception of a pathological case of a very large number of very small functions calling each other frequently where the extra 4x instructions per each such a function will be filling up the L1 instruction cache «unnessarily».

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Those pathological cases are really what inlining is for, with the exception of any tiny recursive functions that can't be tail call optimised.

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It's not just the loss of an architectural register, it's also the added cost to the prologue/epilogue. Even on x86_64, it can make a difference, in particular for small functions, which might not be inlined for a variety of reasons.

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If your small function is not getting inlined, you should investigate why that is instead of globally breaking performance analysis of your code.

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Right, but I was asking about functional problems (being "stuck"), which sounded like a big issue for the choice.

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It caused a problem when building inline assembly heavy code that tried to use all the registers, frame pointer register included.

4 replies

I wasn't talking about functional problems. It was a simple observation that big companies were not going to convince Linux distributors to add frame pointers anytime soon and that what those distributors do is relevant.

All of the companies involved believed that they were special and decided to build their own (poorly managed) distribution called "third party code" and having to deal with it was not my best experience working at these companies.

3 replies

Oh, I just assumed you were talking about Google's Linux distribution and applications it runs on its fleet. I must have mis-assumed. Re-reading... maybe you weren't talking about any builds but just whether or not to oppose kernel and toolchain defaulting to omit frame pointers?

2 replies

Google didn't have a Linux distribution for a long time (the one everyone used on the desktop was an outdated rpm based distro, we mostly ignored it for development purposes).

What existed was a x86 to x86 cross compilation environment and the libraries involved were manually imported by developers who needed that particular library.

My argument was about the cost of ensuring that those libraries were compiled with frame pointers when much of the open source community was defaulting to omit-fp.

1 replies

Would it not be easier to patch compilers to always assume the equivalent of -fno-omit-frame-pointer

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That was done in 2005. But the task of auditing the supply chain to ensure that every single shared library you ever linked with was compiled a certain way was still hard. Nothing prevented an intern or a new employee from checking in a library without frame pointers into the third-party repo.

In 2024, you'd probably create a "build container" that all developers are required to use to build binaries or pay a linux distributor to build that container.

But cross compilation was the preferred approach back then. So all binaries had a rpath (run time search path to look for shared library) that ignored the distributor supplied libraries.

Having come from a open source background, I found this system hard to digest. But there was a lot of social pressure to work as a bee in a system that thousands of other very competent engineers are using (quite successfully).

I remember briefly talking to a chrome OS related group who were using the "build your own custom distro" approach, before deciding to move to another faang.

12 replies

Please name the individuals who are blocking progress on frame pointers. It's such a clear and obvious win that the rest of us should have the opportunity to persuade them.

10 replies

The clear and obvious win would have been adoption of a universal userspace generic unwind facility, like Windows has --- one that works with multiple languages. Turning on frame pointers is throwing in the towel on the performance tooling ecosystem coordination problem: we can't get people to fix unwind information, so we do this instead? Ugh.

9 replies

Yes, although the universal mechanisms that have been proposed so far have been quite ridiculous - for example having every program handle a "frame pointer signal" in userspace, which doesn't account for the reality that we need to do frame unwinding thousands of times a second with the least possible overhead. Frame pointers work for most things, and where they don't work (interpreted code) you're often not that interested in performance.

7 replies

every program handle a "frame pointer signal" in userspace

Yep. That's my proposal.

which doesn't account for the reality that we need to do frame unwinding thousands of times a second with the least possible overhead

Yes, it does. The kernel has to return to userspace anyway at some point, and pushing a signal frame during that return is cheap. The cost of signal delivery is the entry into the kernel, and after a perf counter overflow, you've already paid that cost. Why would the actual unwinding be any faster in the kernel than in userspace?

Also, so what if a thread enters the kernel and samples the stack multiple times before returning to userspace? While in the kernel, the userspace stack cannot change --- therefore, it's sufficient to delay userspace stack collection until the kernel returns to userspace anyway.

You might ask "Don't we have to restore the signal mask after handling the profiling signal?"

Not if you don't define the signal to change the signal mask. sigreturn(2) is optional.

6 replies

This sounds vastly more complex already than following a linked list. You've also ignored the other cost which is getting the stack trace data out of the program. Anyway I'm keen to see your implementation and test how it works in reality.

5 replies

This sounds vastly more complex already than following a linked list.

Efficient things often end up being more complex and supporting more features that brute force approaches. Frame pointers have a hard time letting us interpret managed stack frames, for example, and a simplistic atomic-context in-kernel FP walker will stop traversing the stack if it hits a page that happens not to be resident.

You've also ignored the other cost which is getting the stack trace data out of the program

io_uring would be a good candidate --- no-privilege-transmission data flows. Even if you don't want to use it, you can have userspace batch up a few dozen userspace stack collections and flush them to the perf or ftrace event buffer all at once, at regular intervals. Doing so would amortize whatever reporting overhead you have in mind.

Anyway I'm keen to see your implementation and test how it works in reality

Ah, that word "reality", which is the last retort of people who've exhausted their technical arguments.

2 replies

I propose that a frame pointer daemon be introduced too, for managing the frame pointer signals. We shall modify _start() to open up an io_uring connection to SystemD so that a program may share its .eh_frame data. That way the kernel can still unwind its stack in case apt upgrade changes the elf inode.

1 replies

Neither of you has identified anything technically wrong with unwinding via signal and neither of you has proposed a mechanism through which we might support semantically informative unwinding through paged-out code or interpreted languages.

Sarcasm is not a technical argument.

0 replies

I don't need to. Fedora and Ubuntu have already changed their policies to restore frame pointers. As far as I can tell, your proposal is no longer on the table. If you aren't willing to accept the decision, then you should at least understand that the onus is on you now to justify why things need to change.

0 replies

We have to deal with reality if we want to measure and improve software performance today. The current reality is that frame pointers are the best choice. Brendan's article outlines a couple of possible future scenarios where we turn frame pointers off again, but they require work that is not done yet (in one case, advances in CPUs).

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Your argument would be more compelling without the swipe in the final sentence.

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Cosmopolitan Libc does frame pointer unwinding once per function call, when the --ftrace flag is passed.

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I think this came off somewhat aggressive. I vouched for the comment because flagging it is an absurd overreaction, but I also don't think pointing out isolated individuals would be of much help.

Barriers to progress here are best identified on a community level, wouldn't you say?

But people, please calm down. Filing an issue or posting to the mailing list to make a case isn't sending a SWAT team to people's home. It's a technical issue, one well within the envelope of topics which can be resolved politely and on the merits.

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What area?

21 replies

I'm glad he mentioned Fedora because it's been a tiresome battle to keep frame pointers enabled in the whole distribution (eg

There's a persistent myth that frame pointers have a huge overhead, because there was a single Python case that had a +10% slow down (now fixed). The actual measured overhead is under 1%, which is far outweighed by the benefits we've been able to make in certain applications.

10 replies

I believe it's a misrepresentation to say that "actual measured overhead is under 1%". I don't think such a claim can be universally applied because this depends on the very workload you're measuring the overhead with.

FWIW your results don't quite match the measurements from Linux kernel folks who claim that the overhead is anywhere between 5-10%. Source:

   I didn't preserve the data involved but in a variety of workloads including netperf, page allocator microbenchmark, pgbench and sqlite, enabling framepointer introduced overhead of around the 5-10% mark.
Significance in their results IMO is in the fact that they measured the impact by using PostgreSQL and SQLite. If anything, DBMS are one of the best ways to really stress out the system.

4 replies

Those are microbenchmarks.

3 replies

pgbench is not a microbenchmark.

2 replies

From the docs: "pgbench is a simple program for running benchmark tests on PostgreSQL. It runs the same sequence of SQL commands over and over"

While it might call itself a benchmark, it behaves very microbenchmark-y.

The other numbers I and others have shared have been from actual production workloads. Not a simple program that tests same sequence of commands over and over.

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Anything running a full database server is not micro.

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While pgbench might be "simple" program, as in a test-runner, workloads that are run by it are far from it. It runs TPC-B by default but can also run your own arbitrary script that defines whatever the workload is? It also allows to run queries concurrently so I fail to understand the reasoning of it "being simple" or "microbenchmarkey". It's far from the truth I think.

2 replies

Those are numbers from 7 years ago, so they're beginning to get a bit stale as people start to put more weight behind having frame pointers and make upstream contributions to their compilers to improve their output. People put it at <1% from much more recent testing by the very R.W.M. Jones you're replying to [0] and separate testing by others like Brendan Gregg [1b], whose post this is commenting on (and included [1b] in the Appendix as well), with similar accounts by others in the last couple years. Oh, and if you use flamegraph, you might want to check the repo for a familiar name.

Some programs, like Python, have reported worse, 2-7% [2], but there is traction on tackling that [1a] (see both rwmj's and brendangregg's replies to sibling comments, they've both done a lot of upstreamed work wrt. frame pointers, performance, and profiling).

As has been frequently pointed out, the benefits from improved profiling cannot be understated, even a 10% cost to having frame pointers can be well worth it when you leverage that information to target the actual bottlenecks that are eating up your cycles. Plus, you can always disable it in specific hotspots later when needed, which is much easier than the reverse.

Something, something, premature optimisation -- though in seriousness, this information benefits actual optimisation, exactly because we don't have the information and understanding that would allow truly universal claims, precisely because things like this haven't been available, and so haven't been widely used. We know frame pointers, from additional register pressure and extended function prologue/epilogue, can be a detriment in certain hotspots; that's why we have granular control. But without them, we often don't know which hotspots are actually affected, so I'm sure even the databases would benefit... though the "my database is the fastest database" problem has always been the result of endless micro-benchmarking, rather than actual end-to-end program performance and latency, so even a claimed "10%" drop there probably doesn't impact actual real-world usage, but that's a reason why some of the most interesting profiling work lately has been from ideas like causal profilers and continuous profilers, which answer exactly that.

[0]: [1a]: [1b]: [2]:

0 replies

As has been frequently pointed out, the benefits from improved profiling cannot be understated, even a 10% cost to having frame pointers can be well worth it when you leverage that information to target the actual bottlenecks that are eating up your cycles.

Few can leverage that information because the open source software you are talking about lacks telemetry in the self hosted case.

The profiling issue really comes down to the cultural opposition in these communities to collecting telemetry and opening it for anyone to see and use. The average user struggles to ally with a trustworthy actor who will share the information like profiling freely and anonymize it at a per-user level, the level that is actually useful. Such things exist, like the Linux hardware site, but only because they have not attracted the attention of agitators.

Basically users are okay with profiling, so long as it is quietly done by Amazon or Microsoft or Google, and not by the guy actually writing the code and giving it out for everyone to use for free. It’s one of the most moronic cultural trends, and blame can be put squarely on product growth grifters who equivocate telemetry with privacy violations; open source maintainers, who have enough responsibilities as is, besides educating their users; and Apple, who have made their essentially vaporous claims about privacy a central part of their brand.

Of course people know the answer to your question. Why doesn’t Google publish every profile of every piece of open source software? What exactly is sensitive about their workloads? Meta publishes a whole library about every single one of its customers, for anyone to freely read. I don’t buy into the holiness of the backend developer’s “cleverness” or whatever is deemed sensitive, and it’s so hypocritical.

0 replies

While improved profiling is useful, achieving it by wasting a register is annoying, because it is just a very dumb solution.

The choice made by Intel when they have designed 8086 to use 2 separate registers for the stack pointer and for the frame pointer was a big mistake.

It is very easy to use a single register as both the stack pointer and the frame pointer, as it is standard for instance in IBM POWER.

Unfortunately in the Intel/AMD CPUs using a single register is difficult, because the simplest implementation is unreliable since interrupts may occur between 2 instructions that must form an atomic sequence (and they may clobber the stack before new space is allocated after writing the old frame pointer value in the stack).

It would have been very easy to correct this in new CPUs by detecting that instruction sequence and blocking the interrupts between them.

Intel had already done this once early in the history of the x86 CPUs, when they have discovered a mistake in the design of the ISA, that interrupts could occur between updating the stack segment and the stack pointer. Then they had corrected this by detecting such an instruction sequence and blocking the interrupts at the boundary between those instructions.

The same could have been done now, to enable the use of the stack pointer as also the frame pointer. (This would be done by always saving the stack pointer in the top of the stack whenever stack space is allocated, so that the stack pointer always points to the previous frame pointer, i.e. to the start of the linked list containing all stack frames.)

1 replies

This isn't an argument for a default.

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I was not even trying to make one. I was questioning the validity of "1% overhead" claim by providing the counter-example from respectable source.

4 replies

Frame pointers are still a no-go on 32bit so anything that is IoT today.

The reason we removed them was not a myth but comes from the pre-64 bit days. Not that long ago actually.

Even today if you want to repurpose older 64 bit systems with a new life then this of optimization still makes sense.

Ideally it should be the default also for security critical systems because not everything needs to be optimized for "observability"

3 replies

Frame pointers are still a no-go on 32bit so anything that is IoT today.

Isn't that just 32-bit x86, which isn't used in IoT? The other 32-bit ISAs aren't register-starved like x86.

2 replies

It would be, yes. x86 had very few registers, so anything you could do to free them up was vital. Arm 32bit has 32 general purpose registers I think, and RISC V certainly does. In fact there's no difference between 32 and 64 bit in that respect. If anything, 64-bit frame pointers make it marginally worse.

1 replies

Sadly, no. 32-bit ARM only has 16 GPR’s (two of which are zero and link), mostly because of the stupid predication bits in the instruction encoding.

That said, I don’t know how valuable getting rid of FP on ARM is - I once benchmarked ffmpeg on 32-bit x86 before and after enabling FP and PIC (basically removing 2 GPRs) and the difference was huge (>10%) but that’s an extreme example.

0 replies

Arm32 doesn’t have a zero-value register. Its non-general-purpose registers are PC, LR, SP, FP – tho the link register can be used for temporary values.

2 replies

Thanks; what was the Python fix?

1 replies

This was the investigation:

Initially we just turned off frame pointers for the Python 3.9 interpreter in Fedora. They are back on in Python 3.12 where it seems the upstream bug has been fixed, although I can't find the actual fix right now.

Fedora tracking bug:

Fedora change in Python 3.9 to disable frame pointers:

1 replies

You probably already know, but with OCaml 5 the only way to get flamegraphs working is to either:

* use framepointers [1]

* use LBR (but LBR has a limited depth, and may not work on on all CPUs, I'm assuming due to bugs in perf)

* implement some deep changes in how perf works to handle the 2 stacks in OCaml (I don't even know if this would be possible), or write/adapt some eBPF code to do it

OCaml 5 has a separate stack for OCaml code and C code, and although GDB can link them based on DWARF info, perf DWARF call-graphs cannot (

If you need more evidence to keep it enabled in future releases, you can use OCaml 5 as an example (unfortunately there aren't many OCaml applications, so that may not carry too much weight on its own).

[1]: I haven't actually realised that Fedora39 has already enabled FP by default, nice! (I still do most of my day-to-day profiling on an ~CentOS 7 system with 'perf record --call-graph dwarf -F 47 -a', I was aware that there was a discussion to enable FP by default, but haven't noticed it has actually been done already)

0 replies

No, LBR is an Intel-only feature.

14 replies

As much as the return of frame pointers is a good thing, it's largely unnecessary -- it arrives at a point where multiple eBPF-based profilers are available that do fine using .eh_frame and also manually unwinding high level language runtime stacks: Both Parca from PolarSignals as well the artist formerly known as Prodfiler (now Elastic Universal Profiling) do fine.

So this is a solution for a problem, and it arrives just at the moment that people have solved the problem more generically ;)

(Prodfiler coauthor here, we had solved all of this by the time we launched in Summer 2021)

4 replies

Also I've heard that the whole .eh_frame unwinding is more fragile than a simple frame pointer. I've seen enough broken stack traces myself, but honestly I never tried if -fno-omit-frame-pointer would have helped.

3 replies

Yes and no. A simple frame pointer needs to be present in all libraries, and depending on build settings, this might not be the case. .eh_frame tends to be emitted almost everywhere...

So it's both similarly fragile, but one is almost never disabled.

The broader point is: For HLL runtimes you need to be able to switch between native and interpreted unwinds anyhow, so you'll always do some amount of lifting in eBPF land.

And yes, having frame pointers removes a lot of complexity, so it's net a very good thing. It's just that the situation wasnt nearly as dire as described, because people that care about profiling had built solutions.

2 replies

Forget eBPF even -- why do the job of userspace in the kernel? Instead of unwinding via eBPF, we should ask userspace to unwind itself using a synchronous signal delivered to userspace whenever we've requested a stack sample.

1 replies

Context switches are incredibly expensive. Given the sampling rate of eBPF profilers all the useful information would get lost in the context switch noise.

Things get even more complicated because context switches can mean CPU migrations, making many of your data useless.

0 replies

What makes you think doing unwinding in userspace would do any more context switches (by which I think you mean privilege level transitions) than we do today? See my other comment on the subject.

Things get even more complicated because context switches can mean CPU migrations, making many of your data useless.

No it doesn't. If a user space thread is blocked on doing kernel work, its stack isn't going to change, not even if that thread ends up resuming on a different thread.

2 replies

PolarSignals is specifically discussed in the linked threads, and they conclude that their approach is not good enough for perf reasons.

0 replies

Oh nice, I can't find that - can you post a link?

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Curious to hear more about this. Full disclosure: I designed and implemented .eh_frame unwinding when I worked at Polar Signals.

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You mean we don‘t need accessible profiling in free software because there are companies selling it to us. Cool.

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Parca is open-source, Prodfiler's eBPF code is GPL, and the rest of Prodfiler is currently going through OTel donation, so my point is: There's now multiple FOSS implementations of a more generic and powerful technique.

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Parca's user-space code is apache2 and the eBPF code is GPL.

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I'm under the impression that eh_frame stack traces are much slower than frame pointer stack traces, which makes always-on profiling, such as seen in tcmalloc, impractical.

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If you're sufficiently in control of your deployment details to ensure that BPF is available at all. CAP_SYS_PTRACE is available ~everywhere for everyone.

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First of all, I think the .eh_frame unwinding y'all pioneered is great.

But I think you're only thinking about CPU profiling at <= 100 Hz / core. However, Brendan's article is also talking about Off-CPU profiling, and as far as I can tell, all known techniques (scheduler tracing, wall clock sampling) require stack unwinding to occur 1-3 orders of magnitude more often than for CPU profiling.

For those use cases, I don't think .eh_frame unwinding will be good enough, at least not for continuous profiling. E.g. see [1][2] for an example of how frame pointer unwinding allowed the Go runtime to lower execution tracing overhead from 10-20% to 1-2%, even so it was already using a relatively fast lookup table approach.



13 replies

Of course, if you cede RBP to be a frame pointer, you may as well have two stacks, one which is pointed into by RBP and stores the activation frames, and the other one which is pointed into by RSP and stores the return addresses only. At this point, you don't even need to "walk the stack" because the call stack is literally just a flat array of return addresses.

Why do we normally store the return addresses near to the local variables in the first place, again? There are so many downsides.

3 replies

You may be ready for Forth [1] ;-). Strangely, the Wikipedia article apparently doesn't put forward that Forth allows access both to the parameter and the return stack, which is a major feature of the model.


1 replies

Forth has a parameter stack, return stack, vocabulary stack

STOIC, a variant of Forth, includes a file stack when loading words

0 replies

I'm not sure what you're referring to with "vocabulary stack" here, perhaps the dictionary? More of a linked list, really a distinctive data structure of its own.

0 replies

That does seem like a significant oversight. >r and r>, and cousins, are part of ANSI Forth, and I've never used a Forth which doesn't have them.

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It simplifies storage management. A stack frame is a simple bump pointer which is always in cache and only one guard page for overflow, in your proposal you need two guard pages and double the stack manipulations and doubling the chance of a cache miss.

0 replies

The reduceron had five stacks and it was faster because of it.

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Yes, two guard pages are needed. No, the stack management stays the same: it's just "CALL func" at the call site, "SUB RBP, <frame_size>" at the prologue and "ADD RBP, <frame_size>; RET" at the epilogue. As for chances of a cache miss... probably, but I guess you also double them up when you enable CFET/Shadow Stack so eh.

In exchange, it becomes very difficult for the stack smashing to corrupt the return address.

2 replies

Note the ‘shadow stacks’ CPU feature mentioned briefly in the article, though it’s more for security reasons. It’s pretty similar to what you describe.

1 replies

Shadow stacks have been proposed as an alternative, although it's my understanding that in current CPUs they hold only a limited number of frames, like 16 or 32?

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You may be thinking of the return stack buffer. The shadow stack holds every return address.

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Why do we normally store the return addresses near to the local variables in the first place, again? There are so many downsides.

The advantage of storing them elsewhere is not quite clear (unless you have hardware support for things like shadow stacks).

You'd have to argue that the cost of moving things to this other page and managing two pointers (where one is less powerful in the ISA) is meaningfully cheaper than the other equally effective mitigation of stack cookies/protectors which are already able to provide protection only where needed. There is no real security benefit to doing this over what we currently have with stack protectors since an arbitrary read/write will still lead to a CFI bypass.

0 replies

The advantage of storing them elsewhere is not quite clear (unless you have hardware support for things like shadow stacks).

The classic buffer overflow issue should spring immediately to mind. By having a separate return address stack it's far less vulnerable to corruption through overflowing your data structures. This stops a bunch of attacks which purposely put crafted return addresses into position that will jump the program to malicious code.

It's not a panacea, but generally keeping code pointers away from data structures is a good idea.

0 replies

While here, why do we grow the stack the wrong way so misbehaved programs cause security issues? I know the reason of course, like so many things it last made sense 30 years ago, but the effects have been interesting.

7 replies

Brendan mentions DWARF unwinding, actually, and briefly mentions why he considers it insufficient.

6 replies

The biggest objection seems to be the Java/JIT case. eh_frame supports a "personality function" which is AIUI basically a callback for performing custom unwinding. If the personality function could also support custom logic for producing backtraces, then the profiling sampler could effectively read the JVM's own metadata about the JIT'ted code, which I assume it must have in order to produce backtraces for the JVM itself.

5 replies

This also seems like a big objection:

The overhead to walk DWARF is also too high, as it was designed for non-realtime use.
2 replies

Not a problem in practice. The way you solve it is to just translate DWARF into a simpler representation that doesn't require you to walk anything. (But I understand why people don't want to do it. DWARF is insanely complex and annoying to deal with.)

Source: I wrote multiple profilers.

1 replies

In this thread[1] we're discussing problems with using DWARF directly for unwinding, not possible translations of the metadata into other formats (like ORC or whatever).


0 replies

I wasn't talking about other formats. I was talking about preloading the information contained in DWARF into a more efficient in-memory representation once when your profiler starts, and then the problem of "the overhead is too high for realtime use" disappears.

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    DWARF-based unwinding can be a bottleneck for time-sensitive program analysis tools. For instance the perf profiler is forced to copy the whole stack on taking each sample and to build the backtraces offline: this solution has a memory and time overhead but also serious confidentiality and security flaws.
So if I get this correctly, the problem with DWARF is that building the backtrace online (on each sample) in comparison to frame pointers is an expensive operation which, however, can be mitigated by building the backtrace offline at the expense of copying the stack.

However, paper also mentions

    Similarly, the Linux kernel by default relies on a frame pointer to provide reliable backtraces. This incurs in a space and time overhead; for instance it has been reported ( that the kernel’s .text size increases by about 3.2%, resulting in a broad kernel-wide slowdown.

    Measurements have shown a slowdown of 5-10% for some workloads (

0 replies

But that one has at least some potential mitigation. Per his analysis, the Java/JIT case is the only one that has no mitigation:

Javier Honduvilla Coto (Polar Signals) did some interesting work using an eBPF walker to reduce the overhead, but...Java.
0 replies

There's always room for improvement, for example, Samply [0] is a wonderful profiler that uses the same APIs that `perf` uses, but unwinds the stacks as they come rather than dumping them all to disk and then having to process them in bulk.

Samply unwinds significantly faster than `perf` because it caches unwind information.

That being said, this approach still has some limitations, such as that very deep stacks won't be unwound, as the size of the process stack the kernel sends is quite limited.

- [0]:

8 replies

That's very interesting to me - I had seen the `[unknown]` mountain in my profiles but never knew why. I think it's a tough thing to justify: 2% performance is actually a pretty big difference.

It would be really nice to have fine-grained control over frame pointer inclusion: provided fine-grained profiling, we could determine whether we needed the frame pointers for a given function or compilation unit. I wouldn't be surprised if we see that only a handful of operations are dramatically slowed by frame pointer inclusion while the rest don't really care.

3 replies

2% performance is actually a pretty big difference.

No it's not, particularly when it can help you identify hotspots via profiling that can net you improvements of 10% or more.

2 replies

Sure, but how many of the people running distro compiled code do perf analysis? And how many of the people who need to do perf analysis are unable to use a with-frame-pointers version when they need to? And how many of those 10% perf improvements are in common distro code that get upstreamed to improve general user experience, as opposed to being in private application code?

If you're netflix then "enable frame pointers" is a no-brainer. But if you're a distro who's building code for millions of users, many of whom will likely never need to fire up a profiler, I think the question is at least a little trickier. The overall best tradeoff might end up being still to enable frame pointers, but I can see the other side too.

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I would say the question here is what should be the default, and that the answer is clearly "frame pointers", from my point of view.

Code eking out every possible cycle of performance can enable a no-frame-pointer optimization and see if it helps. But it's a bad default for libc, and for the kernel.

0 replies

It's not a technical tradeoff, it's a refusal to compromise. Lack of frame pointers prevents many groups from using software built by distros altogether. If a distro decides that they'd rather make things go 1% faster for grandma, at the cost of alienating thousands of engineers at places like Netflix and Google who simply want to volunteer millions of dollars of their employers resources helping distros to find 10x performance improvements, then the distros are doing a great disservice to both grandma and themselves.

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You can turn it on/off per function by attaching one of these GCC attribute to the function declaration (although it doesn't work on LLVM):


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The measured overhead is slightly less than 1%. There have been some rare historical cases where frame pointers have caused performance to blow up but those are fixed.

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It’s usually a lot less than 2%.

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The performance cost in your case may be much smaller than 2 per cent.

Don't completely trust the benchmarks on this; they are a bit synthetic and real-world applications tend to produce very different results.

Plus, profiling is important. I was able to speed up various segments of my code by up to 20 per cent by profiling them carefully.

And, at the end of the day, if your application is so sensitive about any loss of performance, you can simply profile your code in your lab using frame pointers, then omit them in the version released to your customers.

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so what is the downside to using e.g. dwarf-based stack walking (supported by perf) for libc, which was the original stated problem?

in the discussion the issue gets conflated with jit-ted languages, but that has nothing to do with the crusade to enable frame pointer for system libraries.

and if you care that much for dwarf overhead... just cache the unwind information in your system-level profiler? no need to rebuild everything.

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The way perf does it is slow, as the entire stack is copied into user-space and is then asynchronously unwound.

This is solvable as Brendan calls out, we’ve created an eBPF-based profiler at Polar Signals, that essentially does what you said, it optimized the unwind tables, caches them in bpf maps, and then synchronously unwinds as opposed to copying the whole stack into user-space.

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This conveniently sidesteps the whole issue of getting DWARF data in the first place, which is also still a broken disjointed mess on Linux. Hell, Windows solved this many many years ago.

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You'd need a pretty special distro to have enabled -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables by default in its toolchain.

By default on most Linux distros the frame tables are built into all the binaries, and end up in the GNU_EH_FRAME segment, which is always available in any running process. Doesn't sound a broken and disjointed mess to me. Sounds more like a smoothly running solved problem.

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It should also be said that you need some sort of DWARF-like information to understand inlining. If I have a function A that inlines B that in turn inlines C, I'd often like to understand that C takes a bunch of time, and with frame pointers only, that information gets lost.

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Inlined functions can be symbolized using DWARF line information[0] while unwinding requires DWARF unwind information (CFI), which the x86_64 ABI mandates in every single ELF in the `.eh_frame` section

- [0] This line information might or might not be present in an executable but luckily there's debuginfod (

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The article explains why DWARF is not an option.

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Extremely light on the details, and also conflates it with the JIT which makes it harder to understand the point, so I was wondering about the same thing as well.

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Just as a general comment on this topic...

The fact that people complain about the performance of the mechanism that enables the system to be profiled, and so performance problems be identified, is beyond ironic. Surely the epitome of premature optimisation.

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So what are these other techniques the 2004 migration from frame pointers assumed would work for stack walking? Why don't they work today? I get that _64 has a lot more registers, so there's minimal value to +1 the register?

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In 2004, the assumption made by the GCC developers was that you would be walking stacks very infrequently, in a debugger like GDB. Not sampling stacks 1000s of times a second for profiling.

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im sure in ancient mesopotamia there was somebody arguing about you could brew beer faster if you stop measuring the hops so carefully but then someone else was saying yes but if you dont measure the hops carefully then you dont know the efficiency of your overall beer making process so you cant isolate the bottlenecks.

the funny thing is i am not sure if the world would actually work properly if we didn't have both of these kinds of people.

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I thought we'd been using /Oy (Frame-Pointer Omission) for years on Windows and that there was a pdata section on x64 that was used for stack-walking however to my great surprise I just read on MSDN that "In x64 compilers, /Oy and /Oy- are not available."

Does this mean Microsoft decided they weren't going to support breaking profilers and debuggers OR is there some magic in the pdata section that makes it work even if you omit the frame-pointer?

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Microsoft has had excellent universal unwinding support for decades now. I'm disappointed to see someone as prominent as this article's author present as infeasible what Microsoft has had working for so long.

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In x64 compilers

The default is omission. If you have a Windows machine, in all likelihood almost no 64 bit code running on it has frame pointers.

OR is there some magic in the pdata section that makes it work even if you omit the frame-pointer

You haven't ever needed frame pointers to unwind using ... unwind information. The same thing exists for linux as `.eh_frame` section.

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glibc is only 2 MB, why Chrome relies on system glibc instead of statically linking their own version with frame pointers enabled?

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At the very least Chrome needs to link to the system and friends for gpu acceleration, for video acceleration, and so on. And these are linked against glibc of course.

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having/omitting frame pointers doesn't change the ABI; it will work if you compile against glibc-nofp and link against glibc-withfp

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Overall, I am for frame pointers, but after some years working in this space, I thought I would share some thoughts:

* Many frame pointer unwinders don't account for a problem they have that DWARF unwind info doesn't have: the fact that the frame set-up is not atomic, it's done in two instructions, `push $rbp` and `mov $rsp $rbp`, and if when a snapshot is taken we are in the `push`, we'll miss the parent frame. I think this might be able to be fired by inspecting the code, but I think this might only be as good as a heuristic as there could be other `push %rbp` unrelated to the stack frame. I would love to hear if there's a better approach!

* I developed the solution Brendan mentions which allows faster, in-kernel unwinding without frame pointers using BPF [0]. This doesn't use DWARF CFI (the unwind info) as-is but converts it into a random-access format that we can use in BPF. He mentions not supporting JVM languages, and while it's true that right now it only supports JIT sections that have frame pointers, I planned to implement a full JVM interpreter unwinder. I have left Polar Signals since and shifted priorities but it's feasible to get a JVM unwinder to work in lockstep with the native unwinder.

* In an ideal world, enabling frame pointers should be done on a case-by-case. Benchmarking is key, and the tradeoffs that you make might change a lot depending on the industry you are in, and what your software is doing. In the past I have seen large projects enabling/disabling frame pointers not doing an in-depth assessment of losses/gains of performance, observability, and how they connect to business metrics. The Fedora folks have done a superb and rigorous job here.

* Related to the previous point, having a build system that enables you to change this system-wide, including libraries your software depends on can be awesome to not only test these changes but also put them in production.

* Lastly, I am quite excited about SFrame that Indu is working on. It's going to solve a lot of the problems we are facing right now while letting users decide whether they use frame pointers. I can't wait for it, but I am afraid it might take several years until all the infrastructure is in place and everybody upgrades to it.

- [0]:

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On the third point, you have to do frame pointers across the whole Linux distro in order to be able to get good flamegraphs. You have to do whole system analysis to really understand what's going on. The way that current binary Linux distros (like Fedora and Debian) works makes any alternative impossible.

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Great comments, thanks for sharing. The non-atomic frame setup is indeed problematic for CPU profilers, but it's not an issue for allocation profiling, Off-CPU profiling or other types off non-interrupt driven profiling. But as you mentioned, there might be ways to solve that problem.

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Great comment! Just want to add we are making good progress on the JVM unwinder!

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That's one thing Apple did do right on ARM:

The frame pointer register (x29) must always address a valid frame record. Some functions — such as leaf functions or tail calls — may opt not to create an entry in this list. As a result, stack traces are always meaningful, even without debug information.

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On Apple platforms, there is often an interpretability problem of another kind: Because of the prevalence of deeply nested blocks / closures, backtraces for Objective C / Swift apps are often spread across numerous threads. I don't know of a good solution for that yet.

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I'm not very familiar with Objective C and Swift, so this might not make sense. But JS used to have a similar problem with async/await. The v8 engine solved it by walking the chain of JS promises to recover the "logical stack" developers are interested in [1].


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Swift concurrency does a similar thing. For the older dispatch blocks, Xcode injects a library that records backtraces over thread hops.

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Are his books (the one about Systems Performance and eBPF) relevant for normal software engineers who want to improve performance in normal services? I don’t work for faang, and our usual performance issues are solved by adding indexes here and there, caching, and simple code analysis. Tools like Datadog help a lot already.

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Diving into flame graphs being worthwhile for optimization, assumes that your workload is CPU-bound. Most business software does not have such workloads, and rather (as you yourself have noted) spend most of their time waiting for I/O (database, network, filesystem, etc).

And so, (as you again have noted), your best bet is to just use plain old logging and tracing (like what datadog provides) to find out where the waiting is happening.

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Profiling is a pretty basic technique that is applicable to all software engineering. I'm not sure what a "normal" service is here, but I think we all have an obligation to understand what's happening in the systems we own.

Some people may believe that 100ms latency is acceptable for a CLI tool, but what if it could be 3ms? On some aesthetic level, it also feels good to be able to eliminate excess. Finally, you should learn it because you won't necessarily have that job forever.

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This doesn't detract from the content at all but the register counts are off; SI and DI count as GPRs on i686 bringing it to 6+BP (not 4+BP) meanwhile x86_64 has 14+BP (not 16+BP).

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[...] on i686 bringing it to 6+BP (not 4+BP) meanwhile x86_64 has 14+BP (not 16+BP).

That is, on i686 you have 7 GPRs without frame pointers, while on x86_64 you have 14 GPRs even with frame pointers.

Copying a comment of mine from an older related discussion (

"To emphasize this point: on 64-bit x86 with frame pointers, you have twice as many registers as on 32-bit x86 without frame pointers, and these registers are twice as wide. A 64-bit value (more common than you'd expect even when pointers are 32 bits) takes two registers on 32-bit x86, but only a single register on 64-bit x86."

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All of this information is static, there's no need to sacrifice a whole CPU register only to store data that's already known. A simple lookup data structure that maps an instruction address range to the stack offset of the return address should be enough to recover the stack layout. On Windows, you'd precompute that from PDB files, I'm sure you can do the same thing with whatever the equivalent debug data structure is on Linux.

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It isn't entirely static because of alloca().

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That was in 2012. Does it still occur on modern GCC?

There definitely have been regressions with frame pointers being enabled, although we've fixed all the ones we've found in current (2024) Fedora.

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I think so and I vaguely seem to recall -fno-schedule-insns2 being the only thing that fixes it. To get the full power of frame pointers and hackable binary, what I use is:

The only flag that's potentially problematic is -fno-optimize-sibling-calls since it breaks the optimal approach to writing interpreters and slows down code that's written in a more mathematical style.

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It said gcc. I noted the default of llvm said to default with framepounter from 2011. Is this mainly a gcc issue?

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It doesn't really matter what the default of the compiler is, but what distros chose.

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I disagree with this sentence of the article:

"I could say that times have changed and now the original 2004 reasons for omitting frame pointers are no longer valid in 2024."

The original 2004 reason for omitting frame pointers is still valid in 2024: it's still a big performance win on the register-starved 32-bit x86 architecture. What has changed is that the 32-bit x86 architecture is much less relevant nowadays (other than legacy software, for most people it's only used for a small instant while starting up the firmware), and other common 32-bit architectures (like embedded 32-bit ARM) are not as register-starved as the 32-bit x86.

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That's exactly what they were saying. You're not disagreeing at all.

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NiX (and I assume Guix) are very convenient for this as it is fairly easy to turn frame pointers on or off for parts or whole of the system.

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I am not sure, but I believe -fomit-frame-pointer in x86-64 allows the compiler to use a _thirteenth_ register, not a _seventeenth_ .

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Virgil doesn't use frame pointers. If you don't have dynamic stack allocation, the frame of a given function has a fixed size can be found with a simple (binary-search) table lookup. Virgil's technique uses an additional page-indexed range that further restricts the lookup to be a few comparisons on average (O(log(# retpoints per page)). It combines the unwind info with stackmaps for GC. It takes very little space.

The main driver is in ( the rest of the code in the directory implements the decoding of metadata.

I think frame pointers only make sense if frames are dynamically-sized (i.e. have stack allocation of data). Otherwise it seems weird to me that a dynamic mechanism is used when a static mechanism would suffice; mostly because no one agreed on an ABI for the metadata encoding, or an unwind routine.

I believe the 1-2% measurement number. That's in the same ballpark as pervasive checks for array bounds checks. It's weird that the odd debugging and profiling task gets special pleading for a 1% cost but adding a layer of security gets the finger. Very bizarre priorities.

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Can they not be disabled on a per-function basis?

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I started programming in 1979, and I can't believe I've managed to avoid learning about stack frames all those EBP register tricks until now. I always had parameters to functions in registers, not on the stack, for the most part. The compiler hid a lot of things from me.

Is it because I avoided Linux and C most of my life? Perhaps it's because I used debug, and Periscope before that... and never gdb?

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You don't need frame pointers, all the relevant info is stored in dwarf debug data.

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I remember when the omission of stack frame pointers started spreading at the beginning of the 2000s. I was in college at the time, studying computer sciences in a very poor third-world country. Our computers were old and far from powerful. So, for most course projects, we would eschew interprets and use compilers. Mind you, what my college lacked in money it compensated by having interesting course work. We studied and implemented low level data-structures, compilers, assembly-code numerical routines and even a device driver for Minix.

During my first two years in college, if one of our programs did something funny, I would attach gdb and see what was happening at assembly level. I got used to "walking the stack" manually, though the debugger often helped a lot. Happy times, until all of the sudden, "-fomit-frame-pointer" was all the rage, and stack traces stopped making sense. Just like that, debugging that segfault or illegal instruction became exponentially harder. A short time later, I started using Python for almost everything to avoid broken debugging sessions. So, I lost an order of magnitude or two with "-fomit-frame-pointer". But learning Python served me well for other adventures.

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Good post!

Profiling has been broken for 20 years and we've only now just fixed it.

It was a shame when they went away. Lots of people, certainly on other systems and probably Linux too, have found the absence of frame pointers painful this whole time and tried to keep them available in as many environments as possible. It’s validating (if also kind of frustrating) to see mainstream Linux bring them back.

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JIT'ed code is sadly poorly supported, but LLVM has had great hooks for noting each method that is produced and its address. So you can build a simple mixed-mode unwinder, pretty easily, but mostly in process.

I think Intel's DNN things dump their info out to some common file that perf can read instead, but because the *kernels* themselves reuse rbp throughout oneDNN, it's totally useless.

Finally, can any JVM folks explain this claim about DWARF info from the article:

Doesn't exist for JIT'd runtimes like the Java JVM

that just sounds surprising to me. Is it off by default or literally not available? (Google searches have mostly pointed to people wanting to include the JNI/C side of a JVM stack, like

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Brendan is such a treasure to the community (buy his book it’s great).

I wasn’t doing extreme performance stuff when -fomit-frame-pointer became the norm, so maybe it was a big win for enough people to be a sane default, but even that seems dubious: “just works” profiling is how you figure out when you’re in an extreme performance scenario (if you’re an SG14 WG type, you know it and are used to all the defaults being wrong for you).

I’m deeply grateful for all the legends who have worked on libunwind, gperf stuff, perftool, DTrace, eBPF: these are the too-often-unsung heroes of software that is still fast after decades of Moore’s law free-riding.

But they’ve been fighting an uphill battle against a weird alliance of people trying to game compiler benchmarks and the really irresponsible posture that “developer time is more expensive” which is only sometimes true and never true if you care about people on low-spec gear, which is the community of users who that is already the least-resourced part of the global community.

I’m fortunate enough to have a fairly modern desktop, laptop, and phone: for me it’s merely annoying that chat applications and music players and windowing systems offer nothing new except enshittification in terms of features while needing 10-100x the resources they did a decade ago.

But for half of my career and 2/3rds of my time coding, I was on low-spec gear most of the time, and I would have been largely excluded if people didn’t care a lot about old computers back then.

I’m trying to help a couple of aspiring hackers get started right now it’s a real struggle to get their environments set up with limitations like Intel Macs and WSL2 as the Linux option (WSL2 is very cool but it’s not loved up enough by e.g. yarn projects).

If you want new hackers, you need to make things work well on older computers.

Thanks again Brendan et al!

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Guess I'll add it back in to the DMD code generator!

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Not interesting. Enter/leave also does the same thing as your save/restore rbp.

Far more interesting I recall there might be an instruction where rbp isn't allowed.