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You cannot simply publicly access private secure links, can you?

89 replies

The fundamental issue is that links without any form of access control are presumed private, simply because there is no public index of the available identifiers.

Just last month, a story with a premise of discovering AWS account ids via buckets[0] did quite well on HN. The consensus established in the comments is that if you are relying on your account identifier being private as some form of security by obscurity, you are doing it wrong. The same concept applies here. This isn’t a novel security issue, this is just another method of dorking.


63 replies

The problem is links leak.

In theory a 256 hex-character link (so 1024 bits) is near infinitely more secure than a 32 character username and 32 character password, as to guess it[256chars]

As there's 2^1024 combinations. You'd never brute force it


https://site,com/[32chars] with a password of [32chars]

As there's 2^256 combinations. Again you can't brute force it, but it's more likely than the 2^1024 combinations.

Imagine it's

https://site,com/[32chars][32chars] instead.

But while guessing the former is harder than the latter, URLs leak a lot, far more than passwords.

41 replies

Dorking is the technique of using public search engine indexes to uncover information that is presumed to be private. It has been used to uncover webcams, credit card numbers, confidential documents, and even spies.

The problem is the website administers who are encoding authentication tokens into URL state, not the naive crawlers that find them.

22 replies

I wonder if there would be a way to tag such URLs in a machine-recognizable, but not text-searchable way. (E.g. take every fifth byte in the URL from after the authority part, and have those bytes be a particular form of hash of the remaining bytes.) Meaning that crawlers and tools in TFA would have a standardized way to recognize when a URL is meant to be private, and thus could filter them out from public searches. Of course, being recognizable in that way may add new risks.

18 replies

We already have a solution to this. It’s called not including authentication information within URLs

Even if search engines knew to include it, would every insecure place a user put a link know it? Bad actors with their own indexes certainly wouldn’t care

9 replies

How do you implement password-reset links otherwise? I mean, those should be short-lived, but still.

6 replies

You could send the user a code that they must copy paste onto the page rather than sending them a link.

5 replies

Hopefully using POST not GET. The GET links get logged in the HTTP server most of time. Just another great way to store your 'security credential' in plain text. Logs gets zipped and archive. Good luck with any security measure.

4 replies

I mean of course the idea was to put it in a form that is sent using POST, but even then, it's a single-use reset code so once it shows in the log it's worthless.

3 replies

This makes a large assumption about application logic that is often incorrect.

t. security auditor/researcher.

2 replies

It certainly does. Security usually comes at the cost of convenience and can incur confusion.

In this example, where best practice may be to use one time tokens, you will end up with users who click on the secure link again (from their email) in the future to access the secure site and they’ll be frustrated when they have to go through the secure link generation dance again.

Of course you can mitigate this with sessions / cookies, but that is also a security compromise and not device portable.

It’s easy to say that these are minor uxp concerns, but enforcing a high level of security may have a significant user cost depending on your demographic. I have a demographic that skews older and non technical and they are pretty loud when they complain about this stuff… meanwhile they are also more likely to reuse passwords and forward emails with secure links in them!

1 replies

Some people will always find something to complain about. I feel like it’s completely reasonable to give a “sorry this link was only valid for 5 minutes and is now expired, request a new code here” message. State it in the email that originally contained the link and state it again on the page when they click it afterwards. This is incredibly common practice and very unlikely to be the first time someone has seen this workflow. If they want to complain further, direct them to a password manager and remind them there’s probably one built into their browser already

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State it in the email that originally contained the link and state it again on the page when they click it afterwards.

No one reads this stuff. I’m not saying this to be argumentative. I have a large user base and I know from experience.

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As you said, short lived codes. And the codes don’t contain any PII. So even if the link does get indexed, it’s meaningless and useless.

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A short-lived link that's locked down to their user agent/IP would work as well.

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Actually, there are cases where this is more or less unavoidable.

For example, if you want a web socket server that is accessible from a browser, you need authentication, and can't rely on cookies, the only option is to encode the Auth information in the URL (since browsers don't allow custom headers in the initial HTTP request for negotiating a web socket).

1 replies

Authentication: Identify yourself

Authorization: Can you use this service.

Access Control/Tokenization: How long can this service be used for.

I swipe my badge on the card reader. The lock unlocks.

Should we leave a handy door stopper or 2x4 there, so you can just leave it propped open? Or should we have tokens that expire in a reasonable time frame.. say a block of ice (in our door metaphor) so it disappears at some point in future? Nonce tokens have been a well understood pattern for a long time...

Its not that these things are unavoidable its that security isnt first principal, or easy to embed due to issues of design.

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Or should we have tokens that expire in a reasonable time frame.

And that are single-use.

(Your password reset "magic link" should expire quickly, but needs a long enough window to allow for slow mail transport. But once it's used the first time, it should be revoked so it cannot be used again even inside that timeout window.)

0 replies

the only option is to encode the Auth information in the URL (since browsers don't allow custom headers in the initial HTTP request for negotiating a web socket).

Put a timestamp in the token and sign it with a private key, so that the token expires after a defined time period.

If the URL is only valid for the next five minutes, the odds that the URL will leak and be exploited in that five minute window is very low

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Also, it would allow bad actors to just opt out of malware scans - the main vector whereby these insecure URLs were leaked.

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So there was an interesting vector a while back where some email firewalls would reliably click on any link sent to them that was abused by spammers.

Spammers would sign up for services that required a click on a link using blabla@domainusingsuchservice

The services bots to check phishing would reliably click on the link, rendering the account creation valid.

One particularly exploitable vendor for getting such links clicked was one that shares the name with a predatory fish that also has a song about it :)

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Why coy about naming them?

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Barracuda. And for plausible deniability so they don’t have as much of a chance of catching a libel suit. Not sure how necessary or effective that is, but I do understand the motivation.

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We already have robots.txt in theory.

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I didn’t think robots.txt would be applicable to URLs being copied around, but actually it might be, good point. Though again, collecting that robots.txt information could make it easier to search for such URLs.

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Yeah - that's just red-flagging "interesting" urls to people running greyhat and blackhat crawlers.

7 replies

It can be OK to put authentication tokens in urls, but those tokens need to (at a bare minimum) have short expirations.

6 replies

It can be OK to put authentication tokens in urls

When would this ever be necessary? URL session tokens have been a bad idea ever since they first appeared.

The only things even near to auth tokens I can reasonably see stuffed into a URL are password reset and email confirmation tokens sent to email for one time short expiration use.

Outside of that, I don't see any reason for it.

4 replies

"presigned" URLs[1] are a pretty standard and recommended way of providing users access to upload/download content to Amazon S3 buckets without needing other forms of authentication like IAM credential pair, or STS token, etc

Web Applications do utilize this pattern very frequently

But as noted i previous comment these do have short expiry times (configurable) so that there is no permanent or long-term risk on the lines of the OP article


2 replies

You are right about short expiry times but another catch here is that if pre-signed URLs are being leaked in an automated fashion, these services also keep the downloaded content from these URLs around. I found various such examples where links no longer work, but PDFs downloaded from pre-signed URLs were still stored by scanning services.


In the process of scanning websites, will sometimes encounter file downloads triggered by the website. If we are able to successfully download the file, we will store it, hash it and make it available for downloading by our customers.
1 replies

Indeed, the only valid operation with the magic URL is exchanging the URL-based token with something else (your PDF, a session token, etc.) and then expiring the URL, so by the time the scanner gets around to it the original URL is invalid.

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That seems ripe for race condition class problems.

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Interesting. I haven't built on s3, and if I did my first instinct would probably have been to gate things through a website.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge in that area.

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They're useful for images when you can't use cookies and want the client to easily be able to embed them.

6 replies

"public search engine indexes"

Then it should be the search engine at fault.

If you leave your house unlocked is one thing.

If there is a company trying everyone's doors, then posting a sign in the yard "this house is unlocked", has to account for something.

3 replies

A plain URL is an open door not a closed one. Most websites are public and expected to be public.

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Isn't that the point of the post?

There are URL's that are out there 'as-if' public, but really should be private.

And some people argue they should be treated as private, even if it is just a plain URL and public.

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You can't blame the search engine for indexing plain URLs. Listing a closed-but-unlocked door is a bad analogy.

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Well. You also can't charge joe blow with a crime for browsing URL's, that happen to be private but accidentally made public.

Just by looking, you are guilty. That is wrong.

1 replies

You've been appropriately downvoted for a terrible take.

Imagine if you left your house unlocked it would be broken into seconds later. Even worse, the people that broke into it live in a different country with no extradition law and you'd never figure out who they are anyway.

In this case your insurance company would tell you lock your damned doors and the police may even charge you under public nuisance laws.

0 replies

Yeah, it is a terrible take. It's a bad situation.

Just like charging people for a crime for accessing private material, simply by browsing a public URL.

Maybe Better take:

It is like someone being charged for breaking and entering, simply by looking at a house from the street, when the door was left open. Your guilty by simply looking, and seeing inside. But you were just walking by, you saw inside before realizing it was a crime, now your guilty.

If you are going to charge people for accessing private sites, potentially by accident, by simply being provided a public URL from a search engine. Then shouldn't the search engine have some culpability?

Or. Better. Change the law so the onus is on the site to protect itself.

2 replies

That isn't an inherent problem with having a secret in the url. The problem is the url was leaked somewhere where it could get indexed.

And sometimes it isn't practical to require a POST request or a cookie.

And the risk of a url leaking can be greatly mitigated if the url is only valid for a short period of time.

1 replies

That isn't an inherent problem with having a secret in the url. The problem is the url was leaked somewhere where it could get indexed.

Technically you're right -- after all sending an authentication as a separate header doesn't make any difference.

    GET /endpoint/?Auth=token

    GET /endpoint
    Auth: token
Sends the same data over the wire.

However software treats URLs differently to headers. They sit in browser histories, server logs, get parsed by MITM firewalls, mined by browser extensions, etc

using or

Would be better than or

As the former is less likely to be stored, either on the client or on the server. I don't do front end (or backend authentication -- I just rely on x509 client certs or oidc and the web server passes the validated username)

0 replies

For better or worse, basic auth in the URL isn't really an option any more, (e.g. see I think the issue was that it reveals the secret to anyone who can see the URL bar, but the alternative we got still has that problem and also has the problem that the secret is no longer separable from the resource identifier.

11 replies

You won't find a specific link, but at some point if you generate millions of urls the 1024 bits will start to return values pretty quick through bruteforce.

The one link won't be found quickly, but a bunch of links will. You just need to fetch all possibilities and you'll get data.

4 replies

1024 bits seems a bit too much for the birthday problem to be a thing.

I looked at [1] to do the calculation but (2^1024)! is a number too large for any of my tools. If someone has a math shortcut to test this idea properly...


1 replies

This isn't the birthday problem. That would be the chance of two random links overlapping. The birthday problem scales with n^2, while trying to guess links scales with m * n, number of guesses multiplied by number of links.

(Well, before you apply the logistic taper to it. So you wanted an approximation? There you go. Until you get the chance of a hit to be quite high, it's basically equal to guesses * valid links / 2^1024.)

0 replies

The chance is less than guessing a random 128 bit username and random 128 bit password. And then guessing a completely different username and password on the very next go.

You'd get far more return on investment breaking bitcoin wallets.

2^1024 is 10^308

Lets say there are 12 billion links per person, and 8 billion people. That's 100 billion billion, or 10^20 links.

10^20 / 10^308 is zero.

Lets say you can test 10 trillion links a second, and started when the big bang happened, you'll have tested 10^30 links so far.

The number of links you'll have found so far is zero.

0 replies

Stirling’s approximation?

0 replies

2^1024 ≈ 10^300. There's only ≈10^80 atoms in the whole known universe. And we haven't even done the factorial.

3 replies

I'm not sure your math checks out. With 1024 bits of entropy and, say, 1 trillion valid links, your chances of any one link being valid are 1/2^984

So test a million links - your probability of finding a real one is (1-1/2^984)^1000000. That's around 1/10^291 chance of hitting a valid URL with a million tries. Even if you avoid ever checking the same URL twice it will still take you an impractical amount of time.

2 replies

All this is fine and dandy until your link shows up in a log at /logs.

1 replies

The same can almost as easily happen with user-submitted passwords.

0 replies

Passwords usually don't show up in server logs if submitted correctly.

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We call 128 bit random data “universally” unique ids. 1024 bits won’t ever get close to returning any random hits.

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You won't find a specific link, but at some point if you generate millions of urls the 1024 bits will start to return values pretty quick through bruteforce.

Not even close. 1024 bits is a really, really big address space.

For the sake of argument and round numbers, let's say that there are 4.2 billion (2^32) valid URLs. That means that one out of every 2^992 randomly generated URLs is valid. Even if you guessed billions of URLs every second, the expected time to come up with a valid one (~2^960 seconds) is still many orders of magnitude greater than the age of the universe (~2^59 seconds).

2 replies

Passwords are always private. Links are only sometimes private.

0 replies

Well-chosen passwords stored properly are always private. Passwords also tend to have much longer lifetimes than links.

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Yup. There’s a reason putting credentials into url parameters is considered dangerous.

1 replies

You can easily rate-limit an authentication attempt, to make brute-forcing account access practically impossible, even for a relatively insecure passwords.

How would you do that for the URLs? 5 requests to[256chars] which all 404 block your IP because you don't have a real link? I guess the security is relying on the fact that only a very a small percentage of the total possible links would be used? Though the likelihood of randomly guessing a link is the same as the % of addressable links used.

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I don’t think you realize how exponentially large the possible combinations of 256 characters would be. In fact it doesn’t need to be anywhere near 256 characters. 64 hexadecimal characters would suffice.

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Which alphabet did you take as a basis to reach 2^256 combinations?

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No. In theory they are both totally insecure.

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Did you do that just to upset me?

8 replies

There's probably details I'm missing, but I think the fundamental issue is that "private" messages between people are presumed private, but actually the platforms we use to send messages do read those messages and access links in them. (I mean messages in a very broad sense, including emails, DMs, pasted links in docs, etc.)

7 replies

URL scanners are not scanning links contained within platforms that require access control. They haven't guessed your password, and to my knowledge no communications platform is feeding all links behind authentication into one of these public URL scanning databases. As the article acknowledged in the beginning, these links are either exposed as the result of deliberate user action, or misconfigured extensions (that, I might add, are suffering from this exact same misconception).

If the actual websites are configured to not use the URL as the authentication state, all this would be avoided

5 replies

The suggestion (in both the article and the parent) is that the platforms themselves are submitting URLs. For example, if I send a link in Discord[0] DM, it might show the recipient a message like “warning: this link is malicious”. How does it know that? It submitted the url to one of these services without your explicit consent.

[0] Discord is a hypothetical example. I don’t know if they have this feature. But an increasing number of platforms do.

4 replies

Where in the article does it suggest this? The two bullet points at the very top of TFA is what I cited to discredit this notion, I read it again and still haven't found anything suggesting the communication platforms are submitting this themselves.

1 replies

Do you know if safe links is guilty of the issue in the OP?

0 replies

I suspect not because Microsoft is using their own internal system.

However, it likely exposes the content internally to Microsoft.

They do 100% break Salesforce password reset links, which is a major PITA.

0 replies

I thought I read it in the article but I may have unconsciously extrapolated from and/or misread this part:

“I came across this wonderful analysis by Positive Security[0] who focused on and used canary tokens to detect potential automated sources (security tools scanning emails for potentially malicious [links])”

I don’t see any mention of messaging platforms generally. It only mentions email and does not suggest who might be operating the tooling (vendor or end users). So I seem to have miscredited that idea.


0 replies

The article says "Misconfigured scanners". Many, many enterprise communication tools have such a scanner, and if your IT team is using the free plan of whatever url scan tool they signed up for, it's a good bet that these links may end up being public.

6 replies

Bit of a tangent, but I was recently advised by a consultant that pushing private Nix closures to a publicly-accessible S3 bucket was fine since each NAR file has a giant hash in the name. I didn't feel comfortable with it so we ended up going a different route, but I've continued to think about that since how different is it really to have the "secret" be in the URL vs in a token you submit as part of the request for the URL?

And I think for me it comes down to the fact that the tokens can be issued on a per-customer basis, and access logs can be monitored to watch for suspicious behaviour and revoke accordingly.

Also, as others have mentioned, there's just a different mindset around how much it matters that the list of names of files be kept a secret. On the scale of things Amazon might randomly screw up, accidentally listing the filenames sitting in your public bucket sounds pretty low on the priority list since 99% of their users wouldn't care.

1 replies

Question in the Waterken-Key flow with token in the URL fragment the URL looks like HTTPS – but in the diagram its hitting Is this a type-o OR are we mapping APP to API with the proxy so the user thinks they are going to the APP with their Key. Or does the browser do us for us automatically when it sees app in the URL and then stores the key in window.location.hash. I am confused and might just find the answer on Google but since you appear to be the author maybe you can answer the question here.

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Oops, that’s a typo.

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how different is it really to have the "secret" be in the URL vs in a token you submit as part of the request for the URL?

I'm not sure I grok this. Do you mean, for example, sending a token in the POST body, or as a cookie / other header?

One disadvantage to having a secret in the URL, versus in a header or body, is that it can appear in web service logs, unless you use a URI fragment. Even then, the URL is visible to the user, and will live in their history and URL bar - from which they may copy and paste it elsewhere.

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In this case it's package archives, so they're never accessed from a browser, only from the Nix daemon for binary substitution [1]:

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I've continued to think about that since how different is it really to have the "secret" be in the URL vs in a token you submit as part of the request for the URL

Extremely different. The former depends on the existence of a contract about URL privacy (not to mention third parties actually adhering to it) when no such contract exists. Any design for an auth/auth mechanism that depends on private links is inherently broken. The very phrase "private link" is an oxymoron.

I am not sure why you think that having an obscure URI format will somehow give you a secure call (whatever that means). Identifiers are public information.


4 replies

The fundamental issue is that links without any form of access control are presumed private, simply because there is no public index of the available identifiers.

Is there a difference between a private link containing a password and a link taking you to a site where you input the password? Bitwarden Send gives a link that you can hand out to others. It has # followed by a long random string. I'd like to know if there are security issues, because I use it regularly. At least with the link, I can kill it, and I can automatically have it die after a few days. Passwords generally don't work that way.

1 replies

There is a difference in that people intuitively know that entering passwords gives access. Also, it may be different legally as the user could reasonably be expected to know that they are not supposed to access something.

0 replies

There is a difference in that people intuitively know that entering passwords gives access.

This is a valid argument. However, I'd say that there are two standard practices with links that are a big advantage: giving them a short life, and generating extremely hard to guess URLs. I was a Lastpass customer before their security problems came out. I had many passwords that I made years ago but don't use the service any longer. I moved more into the URL camp at that time. Who knows how many passwords I made 15 or 20 years ago that today are no longer secure.

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If there’s a live redirect at least there’s the option to revoke the access if the otherwise public link is leaked. I think that’s what sites like DocuSign do with their public links. You can always regenerate it and have it resent to the intended recipients email, but it expires after some fixed period of time to prevent it from being public forever.

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Yes, the difference is in what all our tools and infrastructure presume to be more or less sensitive.

Sending a GET request to a site for the password-input screen and POST'ing the password will get very different treatement than sending the same amount of "authorization bits" in the URL; in the first case, your browser won't store the secret in the history, the webserver and reverse proxy won't include it in their logs, various tools won't consider it appropriate to cache, etc, etc.

Our software infrastructure is built on an assumption that URLs aren't really sensitive, not like form content, and so they get far more sloppy treatment in many places.

If the secret URL is short-lived or preferably single-use-only (as e.g. many password reset links) then that's not an issue, but if you want to keep something secret long-term, then using it in an URL means it's very likely to get placed in various places which don't really try to keep things secret.

2 replies

Worked for a company which ran into an S3 bucket naming collision when working with a client - turns out that both sides decided hyphenated-company-name was a good S3 bucket name (my company lost that race obviously).

One of those little informative pieces where everytime I do AWS now all the bucket names are usually named <project>-<deterministic hash from a seed value>.

If it's really meant to be private then you encrypt the project-name too and provide a script to list buckets with "friendly" names.

There's always a weird tradeoff with hosted services where technically the perfect thing (totally random identifiers) is too likely to mostly be an operational burden compared to the imperfect thing (descriptive names).

1 replies

What would encrypting the project name accomplish? Typically if you’re trying to secure a S3 bucket you’ll do that via bucket settings. Many years ago you had to jump through hoops to get things private, but these days there’s a big easy button to make a bucket inaccessible publicly.

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The point is that in some cases the name of the project might itself be considered sensitive in some way, so preventing people testing bucket names by trying to create them helps prevent it, but doesn't completely lock you out of being able to associate the bucket back to its internal name, and allows the names to be deterministic internally - i.e. someone spinning up a test environment is still getting everything marked appropriately, deterministically, and uniquely.

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25 replies

To create private shareable links, store the private part in the hash of the URL. The hash is not transmitted in DNS queries or HTTP requests.

Ex. When<secret> is visited, that link will be transmitted and potentially saved (search parameters included) by intermediaries like Cloud Flare.

Ex. When<secret> is visited, the hash portion will not leave the browser.

Note: It's often nice to work with data in the hash portion by encoding it as a URL Safe Base64 string. (aka. JS Object ↔ JSON String ↔ URL Safe Base 64 String).

5 replies

Thanks, finally some thoughts about how to solve the issue. In particular, email based login/account reset is the main important use case I can think of.

Do bots that follow links in emails (for whatever reason) execute JS? Is there a risk they activate the thing with a JS induced POST?

3 replies

To somewhat mitigate the link-loading bot issue, the link can land on a "confirm sign in" page with a button the user must click to trigger the POST request that completes authentication.

Another way to mitigate this issue is to store a secret in the browser that initiated the link-request (Ex. local storage). However, this can easily break in situations like private mode, where a new tab/window is opened without access to the same session storage.

An alternative to the in-browser-secret, is doing a browser fingerprint match. If the browser that opens the link doesn't match the fingerprint of the browser that requested the link, then fail authentication. This also has pitfalls.

Unfortunately, if your threat model requires blocking bots that click too, your likely stuck adding some semblance of a second factor (pin/password, bio metric, hardware key, etc.).

In any case, when using link-only authentication, best to at least put sensitive user operations (payments, PII, etc.) behind a second factor at the time of operation.

1 replies

a button the user must click

Makes sense. No action until the user clicks something on the page. One extra step but better than having “helpful bots” wreak havoc.

to store a secret in the browser […] is doing a browser fingerprint match

I get the idea but I really dislike this. Assuming the user will use the same device or browser is an anti-pattern that causes problems with people especially while crossing the mobile-desktop boundary. Generally any web functionality shouldn’t be browser dependent. Especially hidden state like that..

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I agree, better to use an additional factor than fingerprinting.

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Another way to mitigate this issue is to store a secret in the browser that initiated the link-request (Ex. local storage).

Or just a cookie …

But this approach breaks anyway in cases such as a user on a desktop who checks his email on his phone for the confirmation.

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Yes, I've seen this bot JS problem, it does happen.

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It's called a fragment FYI!

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However, window.location calls it "hash". (Also, the query string is "search". I wonder why Netscape named them this way...)

0 replies

Interesting, thanks for the additional info.

3 replies

Ex. When<secret> is visited, that link will be transmitted and potentially saved (search parameters included) by intermediaries like Cloud Flare.

Note: When over HTTPS, the parameter string (and path) is encrypted so the intermediaries in question need to be able to decrypt your traffic to read that secret.

Everything else is right. Just wanted to provide some nuance.

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Cloudflare, Akamai, AWS Cloudfront are all legitimate intermediaries.

0 replies

Yes, see "Cloudbleed"

0 replies

Good to point out. This distinction is especially important to keep in mind when thinking about when and/or who terminates TLS/SSL for your service, and any relevant threat models the service might have for the portion of the HTTP request after terminattion.

3 replies

Is there a feature of DNS I'm unaware of, that queries more than just the domain part?<secret> should only lead to a DNS query with "".

1 replies

The problem isn't DNS in GP. DNS will happily supply the IP address for a CDN. The HTTP[S] request will thereafter be sent by the caller to the CDN (in the case of CloudFlare, Akamai, etc.) where it will be handled and potentially logged before the result is retrieved from the cache or the configured origin (i.e. backing server).

0 replies

This sounds like a big security flaw in the system that uses access links. Secrets should not be logged (in most cases).

When opening a Dropbox/GoogleDocs/OneDrive link, I expect the application not to route them through potentially unsafe CDNs.

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Correct, DNS only queries the hostname portion of the URL.

Maybe my attempt to be thorough – by making note of DNS along side HTTP since it's part of the browser ↔ network ↔ server request diagram – was too thorough.

2 replies

If it doesn't leave the browser, how would the server know to serve the private content?

1 replies

Client web app makes POST request. It leaves browser, but not in URL

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That only works if you can run JavaScript. If you want to download a file with curl for example it fails.

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Huge qualifier: Even otherwise benign Javascript running on that page can pass the fragment anywhere on the internet. Putting stuff in the fragment helps, but it's not perfect. And I don't just mean this in an ideal sense -- I've actually seen private tokens leak from the fragment this way multiple times.

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Which is yet another reason to disable Javascript by default: it can see everything on the page, and do anything with it, to include sending everything to some random server somewhere.

I am not completely opposed to scripting web pages (it’s a useful capability), but the vast majority of web pages are just styled text and images: Javascript adds nothing but vulnerability.

It would be awesome if something like HTMX were baked into browsers, and if enabling Javascript were something a user would have to do manually when visiting a page — just like Flash and Java applets back in the day.

1 replies

The secret is still stored in the browser's history DB in this case, which may be unencrypted (I believe it is for Chrome on Windows last I checked). The cookie DB on the other hand I think is always encrypted using the OS's TPM so it's harder for malicious programs to crack

0 replies

Yes, adding max-use counts and expiration dates to links can mitigate against some browser-history snooping. However, if your browser history is compromised you probably have an even bigger problem...

23 replies

I've always been a bit suspicious of infinite-use "private" links. It's just security thru obscurity. At least when you share a Google doc or something there's an option that explicitly says "anyone with the URL can access this".

Any systems I've built that need this type of thing have used Signed URLs with a short lifetime - usually only a few minutes. And the URLs are generally an implementation detail that's not directly shown to the user (although they can probably see them in the browser debug view).

20 replies

There's functionally no difference between a private link and a link protected by a username and password or an api key, as long as the key space is large enough.

7 replies

You can’t revoke an individual user’s access to a hard to guess link.

6 replies

You can if it's one link per user

4 replies

True but if you’re generating one link per user, at what point do you lift up your head and wonder if it wouldn’t be easier to just use authentication?

3 replies

The friction that semi-private links remove is that the recipient doesn't need an account for your service.

Any tradeoffs should be viewed in that context.

2 replies

I like how google docs does it. You can specify the email of a user allowed to access the link (doesn't need to be gmail). When they click it they will be told to check for a validation email containing a link to the actual document.

1 replies

Isn’t that basically a form of authentication?

I’m not sure if short lived temporary private links fit the model of private links as described above.

If that counts as a private link, what if I’m using a conventional session based app, I go into dev tools and “copy as curl”, does that qualify as a private link?

0 replies

Yes it is. My point was more that it's a relatively lightweight way to create a shareable link that does not require the consumers to create a new account on the service hosting the linked resource in order to access it. At the same time, merely having access to the link doesn't really gain you anything, and so it is immune to the kind of issues discussed in the article

0 replies

Lots of platforms I've used with these public share links don't really support multiple share links, and if they do the management of it is pretty miserable. Clicking share multiple times just gives the same link.

4 replies

There’s a big difference. The latter requires information not contained in the URL to access the information.

2 replies

Here's the URL to the thing:

This is indexable by search engines.

Here's the URL to the thing: and the password is "hunter2".

This is indexable by search engines.

Yes, the latter is marginally harder, but you're still leaning on security through obscurity, here.

The number of times I have had "we need to securely transmit this data!" end with exactly or something equivalent to emailing an encrypted ZIP with the password in the body of the email (or sometimes, some other insecure channel…) …

0 replies

Right, but you settled on the answer as well. You must communicate the password via a different medium, which is impossible with links.

0 replies

Sure if you’re comparing worst case of one to best case of the other it’s functionally similar, but if the password is strong and handled properly then they are not functionally similar at all.

0 replies

That's not a fundamental difference but a difference of convention. A lot of us have been in the convention long enough that it seems like a fundamental.

1 replies

There's one big functional difference. People don't normally have their username and password or API key directly in the URL.

Example 1:

Alice wants Bob to see CoolDocument. Alice generates a URL that has the snowflake in the URL and gives it to Bob. Eve manages to see the chat, and can now access the document.

Example 2:

Alice wants Bob to see CoolDocument. Alice clicks "Share with Bob" in the app, grabs the URL to the document with no authentication encoded within and sends it to Bob. Bob clicks the link, is prompted to login, Bob sees the document. Eve manages to see the chat, follows the link, but is unable to login and thus cannot see the document.

Later, Alice wants to revoke Bob's access to the document. Lots of platforms don't offer great tools to revoke individual generated share URLs, so it can be challenging to revoke Bob's access without potentially cutting off other people's access in Example 1, as that link might have been shared with multiple people. In example 2, Alice just removes Bob's access to the doucment and now his login doesn't have permissions to see it. Granted, better link management tools could sovle this, but it often seems like these snowflake systems don't really expose a lot of control over multiple share links.

0 replies

Example 2 sounds like a pretty big pain if I can't go directly from Bob's chat account to his document account. Which is the case the vast majority of the time.

0 replies

Most of developers are aware that username or password are PII and if they log it they are likely to get fired.

Meanwhile our HTTP servers happily log every URI it received in access logs. Oh, and if you ever send a link in non E2EE messenger it's likely their server generated the link preview for you.

0 replies

There is a big difference in how the browser treats the information, depending on how you provide it. Secrets in URLs leak more easily.

0 replies

There's functionally no difference between a private link and a link protected by a username and password or an api key

You mean mathematically there is no difference. Functionally there is a very, very big difference.

0 replies

There's at least one critical functional difference: The URL stays in the browser's history after it's been visited.

0 replies

I mean, there's a functional difference if your email client will try to protect you by submitting the URL to a public database. Which is incredible and mind-boggling, but also apparently the world we live in.

1 replies

At least when you share a Google doc or something there's an option that explicitly says "anyone with the URL can access this".

Unfortunately, it's based on the document ID, so you can't re-enable access with a new URL.

13 replies

Can someone smarter explain to me what is different between?

1) user: John password: 5 char random password

2) char random url

If we assume both either have the same bruteforce/rate limiting protection (or none at all). Why is 1 more safe than 2?

3 replies

Two things:

1. "Password" is a magic word that makes people less likely to just paste it into anything.

2. Username + passwords are two separate pieces of information that are not normally copy-pasted at the same time or have a canonical way of being stored next to each other.

2 replies

1) Make sense. 2) Not sure about that. If someone shares their password with someone else they probably share both the username/email and the password

1 replies

Yes, people share usernames and passwords, but there's no single canonical string, like "username=amanda99&password=hithere". For example most of the time when I share user/pass combos, they are in separate messages on Signal. You type them into two different boxes, so you normally copy the username, then the password in separate actions.

0 replies

I mean, for HTTP Basic there literally is a single canonical string, and it's not uncommon to see people send you links like

I think the arguments other commenters have made about logging, browser history storage, etc are more convincing

1 replies

I researched this a while ago when I was curious if you could put auth tokens as query params.

One of the major issues is that many logging applications will log the full url somewhere, so now your logging 'passwords'.

0 replies

You can definitely pass JWT as a query param (and often are in embedded scenarios) and no its not the same as logging passwords unless you literally place the password in the payload (which would be stupid).

0 replies

In the context of this article, it is that security scanning software that companies/users are using seem to be indexing some of the 12-char links out of emails which ends up in some cases on public scan. Additionally, if is requested without https, even if there is a redirect, that initial request went over the wire unencrypted and therefore could be MITM, whereas with a login page, there are more ways to guarantee that the password submit would only ever happen over https.

0 replies

This article is the exact reason why.

(1) Requires some out-of-band information to authenticate. Information that people are used to keeping safe.

On the other hand the URLs in (2) are handled as URLs. URLs are often logged, recorded, shared, passed around. E.g. your work firewall logging the username and password you used to log into a service would obviously be bad, but logging URLs you've accessed would probably seems fine.

[the latter case is just an example - the E2E guarantees of TLS mean that neither should be accessible]

0 replies

Assuming that 5 char password is done in a reasonable way then that data is not part of the publicly visible portion of the request that anyone along the chain of the communication can trivially eavesdrop. In a lot of cases that password even existing (even if there's no significant data there) will transform a request from a cacheable request into an uncacheable request so intermediate servers won't keep a copy of the response in case anyone else wants the document (there are other ways to do this but this will also force it to be the case).

0 replies

The difference is that people (and software that people write) often treat URLs differently than a password field. 12 characters might take X amount of time to brute force, but if you already have the 12 characters, that time drops to zero.

0 replies

From the information theory angle, there is no difference.

In practice, there is.

There is a difference between something-you-have secrets and something-you-know secrets.

A UrL is something you have. It can be taken from you if you leave it somewhere accessible. Passwords are something-you-know and if managed well can not be taken (except for the lead pipe attack).

There is also something-you-are, which includes retina and fingerprint scans.

0 replies

As well as what the others have said, various bits of software make the assumption that 1) may be private and to be careful with it and 2) isn't.

eg Your web browser will automatically save any URLs to it's history for any user of the computer to see but will ask first before saving passwords.

eg Any web proxies your traffic goes through or other software that's looking like virus scanners will probably log URLs but probably won't log form contents (yes HTTPS makes this one more complicated but still).

0 replies

You can easily make a regex to filter out URLs. There is no universal regex (other than maybe costly LLM) to match the URL, the username and the password.

7 replies

Breaking news: Security by obscurity isn't actually security

5 replies

Well, I like my password/ssh private key to be kept in obscurity.

3 replies

Yeah, I’ve always hated this saying because all security involves something that is kept secret, or “obscure”. Also, obscurity is a valid element of a defense in depth strategy

1 replies

The idea behind "security thorough obscurity" is that even if the adversary knows everything about your setup *except the secret keys*, you should be secure. Security through obscurity is any method of protection other than the secret key, like for example: * serving ssh on a random high port * using a custom secret encryption algorithm * hosting an unauthenticated service on a secret subdomain in hope nobody will find out * or with a long directory name

Some security thorough obscurity is OK (for example high ports or port knocking help buy time when protecting from a zeroday on the service). It's just that relying only on the security thorough obscurity is bad.

In this case, I wouldn't call URLs with embedded key security through obscurity, just a poor key management.

0 replies

But, this is just relying on the obscurity of the key: all security comes down to some form of secret knowledge. It’s just better to use a space that’s hard to enumerate than a low-cardinality space: if we had 1024 bits of port numbers, picking a random port would be as hard to crack as a 1024 bit encryption key.

0 replies

To play devil's advocate, people discourage "security by obscurity" but not "security with obscurity". That is to say, secrets or "obscurity" as part of a layer in your overall security model isn't what gets contested, it's solely relying on obscure information staying obscure that gets contested.

e.g. configuring an sshd accepting password auth and unlimited retries to listen on a non-22 port is "security by obscurity". configuring an sshd to disallow root logins, disallow password authentication, only accept connections from a subset of "trustworthy" IP addresses, and listen on a non-22 port, is "security with obscurity"

0 replies

If you use an HSM you wouldn’t have to worry about that either

0 replies

“Security by obscurity” means using custom, unvetted cryptographic algorithms that you believe others won’t be able to attack because they’re custom (and therefore obscure). Having a key you are supposed to keep hidden isn’t security by obscurity.

5 replies

There's a clear UX problem here. If you submit a scan it doesn't tell you it is public.

There can be a helpful fix: make clear that the scan is public! When submitting a scan it isn't clear, as the article shows. But you have the opportunity to also tell the user that it is public during the scan, which takes time. You also have the opportunity to tell them AFTER the scan is done. There should be a clear button to delist. does a bit better but the language is not quite clear that it means the scan is visible to the public. And the colors just blend in. If something isn't catching to your eye, it might as well be treated as invisible. If there is a way to easily misinterpret language, it will always be misinterpreted. if you have to scroll to find something, it'll never be found.

4 replies

Thanks for your feedback. We show the Submit button on our front page as "Public Scan" to indicate that the scan results will be public. Once the scan has finished it will also contain the same colored banner that says "Public Scan". On each scan result page there is a "Report" button which will immediately de-list the scan result without any interaction from our side. If you have any ideas on how to make the experience more explicit I would be happy to hear it!

3 replies

I understand, but that is not clear enough. "Public scan" can easily be misinterpreted. Honestly, when I looked at it, I didn't know what it meant. Just looked like idk maybe a mistranslation or something? Is it a scan for the public? Is the scanning done in public? Are the results public? Who knows. Remember that I'm not tech literate and didn't make the project.

I'd suggest having two buttons, "public scan" "private scan". That would contextualize the public scan to clarify and when you are scanning is publicly __listed__. And different colors. I think red for "public" would actually be the better choice.

Some information could be displayed while scanning. Idk put something like "did you know, using the public scan makes the link visible to others? This helps security researchers. You can delist it by clicking ____" or something like that and do the inverse. It should stand out. There's plenty of time while the scan happens.

On each scan result page there is a "Report" button which will immediately de-list the scan result without any interaction from our side.

"Report" is not clear. That makes me think I want to report a problem. Also I think there is a problem with the color scheme. The pallet is nice but at least for myself, it all kinda blends in. Nothing pops. Which can be nice at times, but we want to draw the user to certain things, right? I actually didn't see the report button at first. I actually looked around, scrolled, and then even felt embarrassed when I did find it because it is in an "obvious" spot. One that I even looked at! (so extra embarrassing lol)

I think this is exactly one of those problems where when you build a tool everything seems obvious and taken care of. You clearly thought about these issues (far better than most!) but when we put things out into public, we need to see how they get used and where our assumptions miss the mark.

I do want to say thank you for making this. I am criticizing not to put you down or dismiss any of the work you've done. You've made a great tool that helps a lot of people. You should feel proud for that! I am criticizing because I want to help make the tool the best tool it can be. Of course these are my opinions. My suggestion would be to look at other opinions as well and see if there are common themes. Godelski isn't right, they're just one of many voices that you have to parse. Keep up the good work :)

1 replies

Thanks, that is great feedback and we'll try to improve how the scan visibility is shown and what it actually means. The suggestion of adding a text to the loading page is a great idea, and the feedback about the colors on the result page is totally valid.

I'm the last person who wants to see private data accidentally leak into the public domain. However experience has shown that combating the massive amounts of fraud and malicious activity on the web nowadays requires many eyes that are able to access that data and actually do something about it. That is the reason we have these public scans in the first place.

0 replies

And thank you for being receptive and listening! I hope my thoughts and others can help make your tools better.

I really appreciate that people like you are out there trying to defend our data and privacy. I know it is such a difficult problem to solve and you got a lot of work ahead of you. But appreciation is often not said enough and left implied. So I want to make it explicit: Thank you.

(and I'll say this interaction is the best advertisement you could make, at least to me haha)

0 replies

This is a very well formulated suggestion. Nicely written!

4 replies

All media/photos you upload to a private app are public links. No authentication required if you know the url.

2 replies

This is actually fairly common for apps using CDNs – not just airtable. I agree it's potentially problematic

1 replies

Yes, this is the case for images uploaded through GitHub comments, I think.

0 replies

That's not true. There is a JWT token in the url with about 5 minute expiration window.

0 replies

There is a dilemma for web developers with images loaded from CDNs or APIs. Regular <img> tags can't set an Authorization header with a token for the request, like you can do with fetch() for API requests. The only possibility is adding a token to the URL or by using cookie authentication.

Cookie auth only works if the CDN is on the same domain, even a subdomain can be problematic in many cases.

4 replies

Off topic: but that links to cloudflare radar which apparently mines data from I was under the impression that did not use user data for any purposes?

3 replies

CF doesn't sell it or use it for marketing, but the entire way they even got the addresses was because APNIC wanted to study the garbage traffic to

2 replies

CF doesn't sell it or use it for marketing

Any source for this? Do you work there? I checked their docs and they say they don't "mine user data", so I wouldn't trust anything they say, at least outside legal documents.

0 replies

We will never sell your data or use it to target ads.

Cloudflare will not sell or share Public Resolver users’ personal data with third parties or use personal data from the Public Resolver to target any user with advertisements.

There's a lot of transparency on that page in particular, down to the lists of the fields in the logs.

0 replies

so I wouldn't trust anything they say, at least outside legal documents

I wouldn't trust them even if it were in legal docs. Companies have a long history of being perfectly fine with breaking the law when doing so is profitable, especially when they're likely to get little more than a slap on the wrist when caught, and the odds of being caught in the first place are slim.

3 replies

When it comes to the internet if something like this is not protected by anything more than a random string in a URL then they aren't really private. Same story with all the internet connected web cams you can find if you go looking. I thought we knew this already. Why doesn't the "Who is responsible" section even mention this?

2 replies

Such links are very useful in an 'it's OK to have security match the use case' type of way. You don't need maximum security for everything. You just want a barrier to widespread sharing in some cases.

As an example i hit 'create link share' on a photo in my photo gallery and send someone the link to that photo. I don't want them to have to enter a password. I want the link to show the photo. It's ok for the link to do this. One of the examples they have here is exactly that and it's fine for that use case. In terms of privacy fears the end user could re-share a screenshot at that point anyway even if there was a login. The security matches the use case. The user now has a link to a photo, they could reshare but i trust they won't intentionally do this.

The big issue here isn't the links imho. It's the security analysis tools scanning all links a user received via email and making them available to other users in that community. That's more re-sharing than i intended when i sent someone a photo.

0 replies

Such links are very useful in an 'it's OK to have security match the use case'

I think you give the most sensible summary. It's about "appropriate and proportional" security for the ease of use trade-off.

the user now has a link to a photo, they could reshare but i trust they won't intentionally do this.

Time limits are something missing from most applications to create ephemeral links. Ideally you'd want to choose from something like 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours... Just resend if they miss the message and it expires.

A good trick is to set a cron job on your VPS to clear /www/tmp/ at midnight every other day.

The big issue here isn't the links imho. It's the security analysis tools scanning all links a user received via email

You have to consider anything sent to a recipient of Gmail, Microsoft, Apple - any of the commercial providers - to be immediately compromised. If sending between private domains on unencrypted email then it's immediately compromised by your friendly local intelligence agency. If using PGP or am E2E chat app, assume it _will_ be compromised at the end point eventually, so use an ephemeral link.

2 replies

Zoom meeting links often have the password appended as a query parameter. Is this link a "private secure" link? Is the link without the password "private secure"?

1 replies

If the password is randomized for each meeting, the URL link is not so bad, as the meeting will be dead and gone by the time the URL appears elsewhere.

But in reality, nobody actually cares and just wants a "click to join" that doesn't require fumbling around - but the previous "just use the meeting ID" was too easily guessed.

0 replies

Unless its a recurring meeting

1 replies

"private secure links" are indistinguishable from any other link.

With HTTP auth links you know the password is a password, so these tools would know which part to hide from public display:
0 replies

I think it's quite funny that the URL spec has a section dedicated to authentication, only for web devs to invent ways to pass authentication data in any way but using the built-in security mechanism.

I know there are valid reasons (the "are you sure you want to log in as usernam on" prompt for example) but this is just one of the many ways web dev has built hacks upon hacks where implementing standards would've sufficed. See also: S3 vs WebDAV.

0 replies

You can if you use E2EE and not CAs

0 replies

Reminds me how some would search for bitcoin wallets via google and kazaa.

On a side note, can someome remind me what was the name of the file, I think I have some tiny fraction of a bicoin on an old computer

0 replies

Links that are not part of a fast redirect loop will be copied and pasted to be shared because that's what URLs are for, they're universal, they facilitate access to a resource available on a protocol.

Access control on anything that is not short-lived must be done outside of the url.

When you share links on any channel that is not e2ee, the first agent to access that url is not the person you're sending it to, it is the channel's service, it can be legitimate like Bitwarden looking for favicons to enhance UX, or malicious like FB Messenger crawler that wants to know more about what you are sharing in private messages.

Tools like these scanners won't get better UX, because if you explicitly tell users that the scans are public, some of them will think twice about using the service, and this is bad for business, wether they're using it for free or paying a pro license.

0 replies

Over at we are experimenting with an entirely new type of private link by leveraging ssh local forward tunnels:

We are just getting started but so far we are loving the ergonomics.

0 replies

Tried it with the local alternative to Google Disk. Oh my... Immediately found lots of private data, including photos of credit cars (with security codes), scans of IDs, passports... How do you report a site?

0 replies

What’s wrong with using signed urls and encrypting the object with a unique per user key. It’s adds some cpu time but if it’s encrypted it’s encrypted.

* this obviously assumes the objects have a 1-1 mapping with users

0 replies

We have done one time use query string codes at the end of a URL sent to a user email address or as a text message to allow for this...

0 replies

Sure, you can!

This is the part where IP filtering by country and subnet can keep your ports hidden.

Also stateful firewall can be crafted to only let certain IP thru after sending a specially-crafted TOTP into a ICMP packet just to get into opening the firewall for your IP.

0 replies

A classic one that has a business built on this is pidgeonhole - literally private links for events with people hosting internal company events and users posing private sometimes confidential information. And even banks sign on to these platforms!

0 replies
1d leaks links to bing. At work it's a constant attack surface that I have to block by looking at the user agent string. Thankfully they are honest in the user agent!

0 replies

A while ago I started to only send password protected links via email. Just with the plaintext password inside the email. This might seem absurd and unsafe on the first glance, but those kind of attacks it can safely prevent. Adding an expiration time is also a good idea, even if it is as long as a few months.

0 replies

A workaround for this "email-based authentication" problem (without going to a full "make an account with a password" step) is to use temporary one-time codes, so that it doesn't matter if the URL gets accidentally shared.

1. User visits "private" link (Or even a public link where they re-enter their e-mail.)

2. Site e-mails user again with time-limited single-use code.

3. User enters temporary code to confirm ownership of e-mail.

4. Flow proceeds (e.g. with HTTP cookies/session data) with reasonable certainty that the e-mail account owner is involved.

0 replies

What happened to REST design principles?

A GET isn’t supposed to modify server state. That is reserved for POST, PUT, PATCH…

0 replies

Well this is interesting. Even quickly searching "" on gets me some spreadsheets with lists of people's names, emails, telephone numbers, and other personal information.