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Company forgets why they exist after 11-week migration to Kubernetes (2020)

14 replies

So the article is satire and the company non-existant, but what is it alluring to exactly. What is it trying to say?

5 replies

For my experience, this article is one of the scenes in my personal version of This is Spinal Tap.

Three times I’ve been involved in a Kubernetes (or competitor) migration where the plot gets lost along the way. At my current company we have canceled the product roadmap to focus on year three of the migration and we likely have at least another year to go.

No one can tell me why our current ECS based deployments are a problem. No one bothered to train people on appropriate uses of Kafka before double abstracting it into a framework.

But hey, the board was promised a cost savings and globally available product from this effort so at least the executive that promised it all has two more years to figure out how to make good on it.

Best of all is we have a new CTO and he has openly questioned why we don’t just use Kubernetes itself instead of the couple of Hashicorp products we’ve settled on. Maybe I’ll get to do this a fourth time once we finish the current migration.

1 replies

It sounds to me like you're an engineer who is out of the loop.

Because suggesting Hashicorp over Kubernetes makes a lot of sense so long as you are ignorant about budgets and costs. Because from experience they are one of the worst vendors around at squeezing money out of their customers.

I imagine if you were the CTO you would likely agree with them.

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The problem is not about the vendor at all. It’s not even about Kubernetes. It’s about the problem being solved. I’m not an IC so I get to see all the behind the scenes.

We’re just cosplaying a large tech org when this company, like the others I’ve been at, is a sales company with an IT team. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that. It’s a good business to be in. We just don’t need a complex runtime with software defined networking to deploy a series of three server blue/green deployments for relatively low traffic use cases.

The problem itself has been the same for the past three companies I’ve worked at.

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No one can tell me why our current ECS based deployments are a problem.

The problem is it's not Kubernetes.

I am in the exact same situation. New manager arrives and wants to move to Kubernetes, just because.

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Correct. It’s not Kubernetes. They just chose that (and similar software) because it’s “what you’re supposed to use.”

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we have canceled the product roadmap to focus on year three of the migration

This is the most surreal thing I've read on here. You went from a company that delivers some product, to a company that delivers a migration.

You sure your company is not the one in the OP? ;)

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It’s not alluring at all, but it’s eluding to a recurring shitty theme with such ‘upgrades’.

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Ahem, you mean alluding, not eluding.

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Exactly. It was my mistake.

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Or alluding to…

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So the article is satire and the company non-existant, but what is it alluring to exactly. What is it trying to say?

Of course these companies exist and there is a core of truth in what the article says. Otherwise, it wouldn't be satire.

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adhesive knitting > baroque scaffolding

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People are too obsessed with tech stacks and chasing the best framework they forget the thing they're actually trying to build.

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I think it's a bit like a rorschach test, maybe. I would attribute the 11-week time period to a dysfunctional organization, but someone who doesn't like K8S and prefer to run everything themselves may interpret it as implying K8S is overcomplicated.

In reality, though, a migration to K8S in most organizations won't take only 11 weeks because most organizations are completely dysfunctional.

13 replies

I know it’s a joke but if you did a post-mortem the reason for failure would probably be:

Many at the company thought it's a good chance to upgrade software dependencies and libraries as well. A large part of a PostgreSQL database running on a single machine could as well be transformed into a distributed KV storage, leveraging the tremendous power of flexibility of AWS.

Stick to the scope.

11 replies

Stick to the company’s scope too. If your business isn’t selling cloud infrastructure, use an off the shelf cloud provider. Especially don’t use k8s if you’re already paying for a cloud provider.

9 replies

This is bad advice.

1) Be clear about your requirements, understand your target platform and take the time to estimate costs. Blindly picking an off the shelf cloud provider can ruin you if you suddenly get hit with unexpected costs e.g. ingress/egress.

2) Kubernetes is often the sensible way to go so long as you're using a managed platform e.g EKS. As it allows you to build out your platform in a scalable, highly-available and geo-distributed way without needlessly tying yourself to any one cloud.

5 replies

needlessly tying yourself to any one cloud.

Because aaaany day now, AWS is going to turn around and jack up prices on EC2 instances because they can. Humans are terrible at risk analysis. There are good reasons to arbitrage between clouds, but business continuity isn't one of them.

4 replies

Only fools jump into using cloud providers without proper cost estimation.

EC2 instance prices are nothing compared to the many hidden costs e.g. ingress, VPC, NAT.

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I somewhat agree with you, but an important detail is wrong: ingress is almost always free, egress is where you get hit.

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“You can check in, but you can't check out.” talking about the roach motel

ROBERT ENGLUND - Freddy Krueger

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I guess “Hotel Ashburn” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

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You say that, but I can look at actual costs spent by my company over the last two years and it’s mostly in ECS/EC2 and RDS.

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I think your number 2 is exactly what he means

Don't use (self-managed) k8s when you can use the managed k8s provided by your cloud provider.

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Yes, you read my post correctly - using an off the shelf cloud provider for their managed Kubernetes service counts as using an off the shelf cloud provider. But besides EKS, also consider ECS, EC2, etc. and whatever Microsoft has going.

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Kubernetes is often the sensible way to go

Oh god the mid level infrastructure engineers are on HN now.

No, running your own Kubernetes installation is absolutely not often the sensible way to go.

Yes you should measure costs, well done, but be realistic and include at additional annual salaries for the people whose full time jobs are now managing Kubernetes and productivity loss due to failures of your unnecessary installation of massively complex software.

If you haven’t noticed from posts like this, Kubernetes is an industry meme for wasted engineering effort and has a reputation of being something added to companies by young engineers practicing resume-driven development.

Why not make your own monitors? Computer displays have enormous markups and monitor providers could increase prices at any moment.

Finally: EKS also falls under the definition of using an off the shelf cloud provider as the other commenter has already pointed out.

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This sounds so trivial and common sense but is more often violated than not.

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Well, that's kinda the point of the point of the joke. There are many people out there more focused on the technology they are using rather than being focused the product they are making. Being focused on the product implies that yes you know your scope, and don't over-engineer it too soon.

The joke concentrates on Kubernetes (if I wanted to be kind, it's probably because a joke is better with an actual examples, but I actually think it's because the author is in that engineering world, and doesn't know the other places where the same applies), but you could do the same with server-side rendering, with AI, with $modernFrontendLib, $modernLanguage

13 replies

At $dayjob we are in the middle of such a migration, started 2 years ago and still less than 30% complete. Now, the guys that were most vocals about "we must go Kubernetes, kill the Monolith" etc are already playing with LLMs, and forgot about Kubernetes.

Some people just love proves of concept and the shiny next thing. I guess that role is useful, in its own way.

4 replies

Job satisfaction through new shiny tech things.

It's why many brilliant minds appear to be quite content working for unethical tech giants, advertising or surveillance companies.

The reason why the company exists doesn't matter to them.

What the company actually does outside of their computer doesn't matter to them.

The technology and their freedom to pursue the New does. Companies love the production and enthusiasm they provide and pay well for it.

(Usually these types of developers do have a conscience and it's often taken up, used and displayed in worthwhile and benevolent corporate friendly style social activism)

3 replies

What you say is true, and I read it as a positive not a negative. The "unethical" part is subjective so the manipulation doesn't get to me.

I see this as positive because computer nerds (I'm one) get to be paid very well to figure out the new and shiny. It's what I'd be doing at home anyway.

Most of the time nothing of value is created (Except my amusement), but every once in a while something brilliant is, and due to scale, it can have big impact.

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The "unethical" part is subjective so the manipulation doesn't get to me.

Good specialist engineers designed gas chambers in Nazi Germany

1 replies

Apparently you're not supposed to make comparisons to Nazi Germany (Godwin's law if you want to be too-online about it); it's considered gauche I suppose. What's funny is that that strikes me as a really good rule to follow if you do in fact want to sleepwalk your society into an analogue of Nazi Germany.

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Seeing as the closer in ideology you seem to have to be to make such claims, I don’t believe what you’re saying is true for a second.

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Scope creep will kill any project, Kubernetes or not.

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No. This (and many others) are just cases of "if you can't walk, don't try to run".

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You could say most people can run if they master walking first.

The problem is that companies take a Java 5 monolith without any CI/CD and want to take rewriting AND re-platforming AND business changes all at once in a giant project. Then they pick the technology that is anyone might be blaming and run with that excuse so it's nobody's fault.

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In FAANG adjacent companies it is very difficult to get promos. And promos are the only way to get increase in pay due to leveling.

Promos require promo packs, and promo packs require large beefy projects. (Good luck jack of all trades).

Thus, you end up with these situations where large beefy projects are solutions looking for a problem as the core problem being solved is a promo, not a business need.

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This is really it. You get what is incentivized.

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Useful for burning company's money, perhaps?

PS. What you describe seems to be not even about PoC (the rule about PoC is that it should work at all), but about following the herd and inventing a setup to appear busy. But that'd be also not very good environment to stay at, as an employee..

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Bet the guys are also the ones most promoted. This is so screwed up.

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I wouldn’t say this is scope creep. This is intentional resume driven development. Someone is ticking through checkboxes so they can say they’ve done X. I can say with experience that on small teams this can really grind productivity to halt really quickly. It’s often masked by a desire to solve all the problems. Well the problem with that is that no problems are solved, although certainly more are created.

8 replies

In real life, an 11-week migration to K8s would have been recognized as a great success...

6 replies

Pretty lame.

If you already use docker, it shouldn't take nearly that long. If you don't, then kube isn't the problem for any migration similar

3 replies

"Should" is perhaps disguising the fact that these projects normally do take a lot longer than 11 weeks. I know of multiple tech companies that are years into an unfinished k8s migration. Everyone on the project will have a ton of good reasons why that project was uniquely challenged and therefore took so long.

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Yeah, when you have inept people.

Hackernews however is a frounder, frontend scene first site. So I'd imagine that is what normal feels like to most of you.

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How long do the k8s migration projects take you and your team?

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Either the entire IT sector is inept in general or your bar is way too high. I've not seen a single K8s migration project in an actual, business running company going in under 11 weeks

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> Pretty lame. If you already use docker, it shouldn't take nearly that long.

Sounds like someone has only worked with trivial, low-complexity systems and limited themselves to operating within their own capabilities.

Where's the 40 year old IBM mainframe the business depends on, and which limits customers to 8-character alphanumeric passwords? Where's the critical business system which won't run on anything higher than Java 7 and which nobody maintains? Where's the corporate policy insisting such obsolete software isn't allowed on the new system, but providing no budget or headcount to upgrade it? Where's the software that needs to connect to external services, but the team doesn't know all the hostnames or IP addresses? Where's the guy blocking DHCP and DNS because they weren't on the list of approved external services? Where's the crucial software with its license locked to a server with a certain MAC address and CPU ID?

Do you even have a sworn statement from the creators of Kubernetes that no slave labour was used? No, I thought not. Unlike you, some of us are opposed to slavery.

Google released GCP 15 years ago and they still haven't moved their internal services to use it. That proves they're web-scale and you're not.


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You'd be surprised. I still see a lot of companies using something like Heroku or other custom solutions.

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Would be 11-months where they would be now "cloud native" or something

Of course running their DB was a bit challenging as they forgot to set proper K8S storage configs and saw their data disappear after their pod was suddenly migrated

6 replies

The CEO now seeks help from Phutar Afrayughum, a psychic and extrasensory perception specialist who allegedly helped Google increase their marketshare in the messaging app market, and was also involved in developing the Material Design framework.

Almost lost my coffee.

3 replies

Denpok? I swear it reads like a skit from the Silicon Valley satire TV show. I thought Mike Judge was exaggerating but now I see he's just imitating the SV reality.

I think execs and managers at Google are just high on their own farts at this point.

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“Very perceptive, Chala!”

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Denpok was exactly my inspiration and a kind of an easter egg, kudos for noticing it!

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I was also thinking of the show.. it was a great one.. need to rewatch in a few months. Also I always remember the Hotdog classification app when some CEO says AI these days :)

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Must be at least better than the guy that helped them succeed in the social network market...

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Vic Gundotra?

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It's never been easier or cheaper to run systems.

And yet, engineers would rather deliver a pizza by organizing an expedition team, climbing Mount Everest, taking a picture of the pizza at the summit, then fly the pizza back home, rent a Lamborghini and drive the Mongolian rally race, then 18 months later deliver said pizza.

While they do that, just get on a cheap scooter and drive it down the street. Win.

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I have never worked anywhere where engineers injected complexity comparable to that injected by management.

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I have. There are multiple types of engineer which insist on migrating "legacy" (stable) systems to "state of the art" (cooler, modern, en vogue) tech.

You'd be surprised how many companies that maintained <20 vms migrated to k8s. The motivations include ordering a chaotic status quo, premature optimisation, young blood wanting to prove themselves, boredom, "its new so it must be better", "i want to try this" [...], you get the idea.

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I hear loud-mouthed people at work talking about introducing "durable execution" when there's so many other fish to fry and the company can't achieve those well already.

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I have.

4 replies

I was a young trial lawyer back in 1977 working for a firm that billed by the hour. We kept track of what work we did on cases on sheets of paper with pull-off strips that clerks would take from completed sheets and paste onto a board inside each paper folder for a case.

In 1979 I bought a radio-shack Tandy I. Soon I was deep into playing at home with Foxbase, a DOS based database program (later known as FoxPro and bought by MSft in the early 1990s). In 1981 I opened my own firm. Back then the newest advance in office production was the fax machine and electric typewriters that had one line screens; memory; and tiny disks that could hold forms. Businesses still did not use personal computers.

My law firm soon had ~10 attorneys and another 12 support staff. I bought Compaq computers fir every secretary. I spent much of my time writing a time and billing program to replace the manual paste-strips. Then I learned how - and installed - a network. No other firm I knew of had a computer. We had 10+ for the support staff plus 4-5 "portable" Compaqs for attorneys to review the bills before they were sent to clients.

Meanwhile I was running the business into the ground. We had world-class tech before anyone else had even one computer, but I wasn't focused on lawyering or smoozing the business clients. Instead I was locked up behind closed doors programming. I finally closed the firm in 1994.

But they sure were exciting times - soon every from had computers for word processing but commercial billing programs didn't exist. For a period of maybe 24 months, every lawyer from other firms I worked with wanted my billing program. But I was too focused on having fun programming while drowning trying to keep up with my case load. My law practice was the perfect lab from my programs. Too bad my programming ruined my business.

Edit: corrected horrible number of typos.

3 replies

That pull-off system sounds extremely interesting, was it a common way of time tracking back then? Do you have any pictures by accident?

2 replies

Sadly, I do not have pictures. I only worked for that one firm before the age of computers, and therefore I can't say for sure what other firms did for timekeeping. But the fact the pull-off adhesive strips were sold commercially by office supply companies back then tells me they were widely used. If I get a chance (and remember), I'll see if I can find pictures online.

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So they were basically removable “Post it” stickies representing units of time spent on the customer’s case represented by the specific sheet, which were collected in the customer’s file in the end? Do you remember how you kept track of who did the specific unit of work? I.e. did each employee have their own sheet for each customer to collect their stickies on? Was there any color coding, any information written on the stickies?

I’m interested in those paper based techniques because I learned over the years that physical representation of abstract things helps a lot of people keeping a general overview in projects.

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Yes, that is exactly right. There was no color coding (they were all white). There were probably 25 strips per page. I don't remember the details of the information collected - only that my later computerization of the same concept included fields for attorney; date; description of what was done; time spent; and associated out of pocket costs (e.g court filing fees etc).

4 replies

I could replace "Kubernetes" with GraphQL/React/Next in my world.

All, of course, to migrate a perfectly functioning app (mostly CRUD) and doesn't need any of the tradeoffs given by GraphQL or an interactive frontend.

The longer I am in this industry the more I see people in charge have no idea of what they're doing.

3 replies

People are never rewarded for keeping things running. They are rewarded for change, as long as they can at least pretend it is (or will be) paying off.

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Definitely agree. But it's not only about keeping things running though. People want to fix issues by rewriting everything because it's gonna look good on their resumé and it's "easier". You don't have to deal with the old stuff.

It saddens me because improving code (especially one that changes often) is absolutely crucial, but we seem to never bite the bullet and improve the existing code, instead opting to rewrite the entire world in never-ending projects.

After a company gets burned by one of these rewrites, they often become averse to any refactoring and the few legitimate rewrites that need to happen.

We spend all our influence capital on useless projects and then wonder why our industry is so often viewed as unprofessional and amateurish.

1 replies

It saddens me because improving code (especially one that changes often) is absolutely crucial

It has burned me and it has burned others. Just doing cosmetic refactorings alone me and others I have observed caused new bugs. Let alone doing architectural or other "deeper" refactorings.

At this point I pretty much refuse touching anything not related to my ticket, everything else is a risk to my reputation.

When I see junior developers take on unrelated refactorings, I let them fly too close to the sun, they will learn through the pain.

Last thing I did a few years ago was changing a weird boolean field that could be null. I thought it would be smarter to default it to false, client team told me it was fine. We then found out in production that very old clients actually had different logic based on true, false AND null. I got pinged in my free time, it ruined the date I was on and thus at least the whole day.

In a perfect world you have CDC and all the testing in the world, but in reality you just don‘t.

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Yeah, I've been there too. But the problem is that avoiding those completely and then only resorting to rewrites, costs magnitudes more and it's just as buggy. Many times it introduces new issues.

Doing small incremental improvements is, most of the time, the best way to improve. But because in general there's no incentive to have even a base level of quality in software, the incentive is towards rewriting and dealing with all the issues after the fact.

It really makes me sad.

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Thanks, that motivated me to add their rss ( so people can have 2 clicks less to do)

0 replies

Wow. since when browsers quit rendering RSS?!?!

also, their homepage does not work well. i can read all the articles but i can't dismiss their "gimme your email" homepage popup. So i guess i'm not adding this site to my list of blogs i read often.

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Some of these hit very close to home...

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Our devops/prod team is constantly migrating, upgrading and changing stuff.

At this point I am convinced devops is a job security scam, all the way up to the director in charge, with many of the engineers in between actually believing they are doing something useful and happy to be learning $in_demand_skill.

Just like "cloud" and "cloud native" altogether. Costs more, requires more engineers to be kept running and is just as incomprehensible, customized and brittle as good old sh scripts on bare metal.

2 replies

Eh, programming is also following the same cycle with cool new programming languages and frameworks introduced every 5-10 years.

1 replies

You can airdrop a spring developer from 15 years ago into any modern Java shop using spring boot with instant startup thanks to aoc and all he has to do is to learn the basics of docker, some nosql crap and aws services like SNS/SQS, which should be easily possible within a week and some help from ChatGPT.

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Backend stuff (especially java/enterprisy stuff) moves slower. Frontend stuff however... Drop a jquery dev from 15 years ago into modern react/typescript shop and watch their blood pressure steadily rise every day.

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That's not even satire!

0 replies

It looks like you haven't read the text on the link:

"The Board of Directors plans to hire several Agile Analyticistis, Working Culture Ambassador Researchers, Import-Export-Integrator-Optimizer Masters and Kanban Disruptors in order to help them investigate the unexpected outcome."

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One thing I like about AI is that at least we don't hear about Kubernetes and blockchain that much anymore. AI has now its NFT moment so hopefully will be over soon.

0 replies

I hear paperclips are new great thing to follow. Have you considered creating paperclips? Just order some metal wire then Cut an 8-10″ piece. Use pliers to bend in desired shape.

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They are all from :) Source: I'm the author of The Olognion

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When the process was seemingly complete, nobody at the company could remember the purpose of their product anymore.

This is nonsense! Such migration could not be even "seemingly" completed in 11 weeks, rather 11 years. /s

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They still have one "legacy" resource through which all data flows.

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You can tell this one is satire because the Kubernetes migration only took 11 weeks.

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0. Learn technologies first, if they are complex. Try on small not significant services first.

1. Do one thing at a time.

2. Start simple.

I migrated our services to Kubernetes without any issues. But it took two years of learning and trying, migrating small services. I tried several approaches before coming to the most suitable and that’s not something you would find in the Internet. I’m using gitops without automation, I just kubectl apply -k what I need, because I decided back at a time, that flux was unnecessarily complex to start with. Now I have few dozens of services and good understanding of things, I’m thinking about introducing flux.

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You guys are making progress with Kubes?

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One of Brook's essays (the guy who gave us '9 women can't make a baby in one month') has the moral of 'given the choice, software developers would rather build the tool to build the tool to solve the problem rather than just solving the problem'

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Meaning restored: selling yak jumpers from finely shaved and gathered yak wool.

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By the time my team finishes the Kubernetes migration, it will be time to migrate to the next tool. This industry sucks.

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I have been fighting day and night for four months to move 500000 blobs to managed blob storage from self-hosted MinIO, and of that actual productive work that was not about politics or bureaucracy is less than 1 week, so an 11-week migration to K8S sounds like a great success.

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Only 11 weeks? Are these guys available for an acqui-hire? At my $dayjob, we have been working 22 months in a similar project.

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This reminds me of real job post, I saw once for a Startup. No details on the actual product or company purpose. They were looking for a Kubernetes administrator. The main requirement, besides experience with Linux, was to write a long technical report on why Kubernetes was the right solution.

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April Fools joke accidentally released a month early?

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Thanks, it took me sometime to get that it is a parody/joke :D

I liked this one - Dev realizes he is still in the interview stage after 2 years of work []

Especially the conclusion:

Pawri's hope is that the offer will come before his retirement date.