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WebKit switching to Skia for 2d graphics rendering

69 replies

Skia is a great library, but as all things Google it's a pain to build. They don't use CMake and building it from source takes 20-30 minutes on a modern laptop. Furthermore, it's constantly changing its APIs and much of it is undocumented and unclear on how to use optimally. Most of the decisions taken by development team aren't discussed in the open and this makes it hard to understand the codebase.

I wish there was a nice and small vector graphics library with GPU acceleration. So far Skia is the only real option, despite its downsides.

26 replies

I wish there was a nice and small vector graphics library with GPU acceleration.

I'm personally skeptical about GPU acceleration being the answer to 2D rendering for various reasons.

I'm looking forward to Blend2D < > which is JIT based maturing and being the preferred solution.

21 replies

What happened to Cairo the 2d graphics tool?

10 replies

Cairo is in a maintenance-only mode. Nobody develops this library anymore and it only has a maintainer or two. Since nobody really worked on Cairo in the past 15 years it's not optimized for modern hardware.

You can see some existing benchmarks here:

Both the benchmarking tool and Blend2D are open-source projects so anyone can verify the numbers presented are indeed correct, and anyone can review/improve the backend-specific code that is used by the benchmarking tool.

8 replies

Cairo is in a maintenance-only mode.

That's too bad. Is their a successor planned or is Skia the recommended alternative?

7 replies

I think that when it comes to 2D rendering libraries there is in general not too many options if you want to target CPU or both CPU+GPU. Targeting GPU-only is bad for users that run on a hardware where GPU doesn't perform well or is not available at all due to driver issues or just not present (like servers).

If you consider libraries that offer CPU rendering there are basically:

  - AGG (CPU only)

  - Blend2D (CPU only, GPU planned, but not now)

  - Cairo (CPU only)

  - Qt's QPainter (CPU only, GPU without anti-aliasing / deprecated)

  - Skia (CPU + GPU)

  - Tiny Skia (CPU only, not focused on performance)

  - GPU only libs (there is many in C++ and Rust)
Nobody develops AGG and Cairo anymore and Qt's QPainter hasn't really improved in the past decade (Qt Company's focus is QtQuick, which doesn't use QPainter, so they don't really care about improving the performance of QPainter). So, only 2 libraries from this list have active development - Blend2D and Skia.

As an author of Blend2D I hope that it will be a go-to replacement for both AGG and Cairo users. Architecturally, Blend2D should be fine after a 1.0 release as the plan is to offer a stable ABI with 1.0 - And since Blend2D only exports C-API it should be a great choice for users who want to use every cycle and who want their code to work instead of making changes every time the dependency is updated (hello Skia).

At the moment Blend2D focuses on AGG users though, because AGG is much more widespread in commercial applications due to its licensing model and extensibility. However, AGG is really slow especially when rendering to large images (like 4K) so switching from AGG to Blend2D can offer a great performance benefits while avoiding other architectural changes of the application itself.

BTW Blend2D is still under active development. It started as an experiment and historically it only offered great performance on X86 platforms, but that is changing with a new JIT backend, which provides both X86 and AArch64 support and is almost ready for merge. This is good news as it will enable great performance on Apple hardware and also other AArch64 devices, basically covering 99% of the market.

1 replies

Do not forget: (I'm one of the authors, 20+ years of active development). Full OpenVG 1.1 API, CPU only, cross-platform and analytical coverage antialiasing (rendering quality) as main feature. The rasterizer is really fast. I swear ;) At Mazatech we are working to a new GPU backend just these days.

AmanithVG is the library on which our SVG renderer: is based. All closed source as now, but things may change in future.

I will do some benchmarks of the current (and next, when the new GPU backend will be ready) version of our libraries against other libraries. Do you know if there are any standard tests (besides the classic post script Tiger)? Maybe we can all agree on a common test set for all vector graphics libs bechmarks?

0 replies

That's right! I didn't consider closed source libraries when writing the list. There would be more options in that case like Direct2D and CoreGraphics. However, my opinion is that nobody should be using closed source libraries to render 2D graphics in 2024 :)

Regarding benchmarks - I think Tiger is not enough. Tiger is a great benchmark to exercise the rasterizer and stroker, but it doesn't provide enough metrics about anything else. Tt's very important how fast a 2D renderer renders small geometries, be it rectangles or paths. Because when you look at screen most stuff is actually small. That's the main reason why Blend2D benchmarking tool scales the size of geometries from 8x8 to 256x256 pixels to make sure small geometries are rendered fast and covered by benchmarks. When you explore the results you will notice how inefficient other libraries actually are when it comes to this.

1 replies

I'm the author of another CPU-only 2D vector graphics library that might be of interest:

- Canvas Ity (

It's a tiny single-header C++ library in the style of the STB libraries. My aim was to make it dirt simple to be able to drop into almost any project and get high-quality rendering while providing an API comfortable to those used to <canvas>.

I've been checking out Blend2D every now and then. It seems like a very nice option for the bigger, but faster and more fully-featured end of the spectrum.

(Though for what it's worth, while raw performance isn't my priority, my little library still can hit about 70fps rendering the Postscript Tiger to 733x757 res with a single thread on my 7950x. :-)

0 replies

Nice project, thanks for sharing!

BTW for comparison - Blend2D can render SVG tiger in 1.68ms on the same machine (I also have 7950X) so it can provide almost an order of magnitude better performance in this case, which is great I think. But I understand the purpose of your library, sometimes it's nice to have something small :)

0 replies

Qt Quick should support non-GPU rendering[1]. I don't know how good it is, tho.


0 replies

There is also thorvg by Samsung (or the authors work in there and they are also using it, not 100% sure but it's production ready)

AFAIK they have experimental GPU backend but I'm not sure how far they are with it.

0 replies

If I am not mistaken, NanoVG actually can render as by CPU (need external path rasterizer) as by GPU (OpenGL and other options).

NanoVG provided Canvas.Context kind of API in plain C.

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That’s crazy. I once lurked in the IRC of the project. I knew the creator. He was a family friend. I was a silly teen kid toying with Linux he was a dev who worked at redhat and lived in the same town as me.

I wonder what he’s up to these days?


Ahh he moved on to Ampere:

Also I was a bad fan: the library had a co-founder too I thought it was a bespoke creation of Carl’s own making.

I remember building a bunch of stuff from source back in the day and a lot of Linux applications had Cairo as a dependency.

4 replies

Can it be GPU accelerated? (Is that even a dumb question to ask?)

3 replies

Cairo has only limited support for GPU acceleration and hasn't seen much development this decade. So users who care about performance have either switched away from Cairo entirely or are at least reducing its usage and are taking it out of the fast path.

2 replies

GPU support was removed from Cairo, because it was slower than CPU rendering and nobody wanted to maintain it.

1 replies

Cairo's OpenGL support was removed, but I thought Cairo's X11 backend still has GPU acceleration for a few operations through XRender (depending on your video driver).

0 replies

That's true, Cairo still provides XRender backend. Not sure it's that usable though as I think nobody really focuses on improving XRender, so it's probably in the same state as Cairo itself.

3 replies

Nothing happened to it. It’s just slow.

2 replies

It's not that slow, I was amazed by performance when I first used it, but maybe other libs are even faster.

1 replies

It's perfectly decent for a CPU renderer, CPU rendering is just slow.

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I had to make a map module for python desktop application , options were either embed full browser inside and use google maps, or do it myself. C module using cairo was MUCH faster and easier to achieve in 2013. So much faster I didn't have to implement some optimizations I planned because it was already running at about 50fps on average computers with ~1000 individually drawn markers on a map. Requiring any gpu for this was not possible anyway.

0 replies

Some details in the article:

There was an attempt at making Cairo support GPU rendering, which did not work particularly well due to the library being designed around stateful operation based upon the PostScript model—resulting in a convenient and familiar API, great output quality, but hard to retarget and with some particularly slow corner cases. Meanwhile, other web engines have moved more work to the GPU, including 2D rendering, where many operations are considerably faster.
1 replies

According to their benchmark, multi-threaded rendering on a Ryzen 7950X will take about 1.7ms with 4 cores for drawing 1000x polygons with 40 vertices each on a 32x32 px area, which seems like a reasonable approximation for a text character on a high-DPI display. The default font size in JetBrains fits about 2500 characters onto my screen, so I'd expect a 4.25ms frame time, meaning I am capped at 235 FPS with 4 CPU cores running at full speed.

I believe the best way is probably to use Blend2D for rendering glyph bitmaps and then compositing them into the full text on GPU.

Sadly, CPU memory is still plenty slow compared to GPU memory and when you need to copy around 100 MB images (4K RGB float), then that quickly becomes the limiting factor.

0 replies

Text rendering is something that will get improved in the future.

At the moment when you render text Blend2D queries each character from the font and then rasterizes all the edges and runs a pipeline to composite them. All these steps are super optimized (there is even a SIMD accelerated TrueType decoder, which I have successfully ported to AArch64 recently), so when you compare this approach against other libraries you still get like 4-5x performance difference in favor of Blend2D, but if you compare this method against cached glyphs Blend2D loses as it has to do much more work per glyph.

So the plan is to use the existing pipeline for glyphs that are larger (let's say 30px+ vertically) and to use caching for glyphs that are smaller, but how it's gonna be cached is currently in research as I don't consider simple glyph caching in a mask a great solution (it cannot be sub-pixel positioned and it cannot be rotated - and if you want that subpixel positioned the cache would have to store each glyph several times).

There is a demo application in blend2d-apps repository that can be used to compare Blend2D text rendering vs Qt, and the caching Qt does is clearly visible in this demo - when the text is smaller Qt renders it differently and characters can "jump" from one pixel to another when the font size is slightly scaled up and down, so Qt glyph caching has its limits and it's not nice when you render animated text, for example. This is a property that I consider very important so that's why I want to design something better than glyph masks that would be simple to calculate on CPU. One additional interesting property of Qt glyph caching is that once you want to render text having a size that was not cached previously, something in Qt takes 5ms to setup, which is insane...

BTW one nice property of Blend2D text rendering is that when you use the multithreaded rendering context the whole text pipeline would run multithreaded as well (all the outline decoding, GSUB/GPOS processing, rasterization, etc...).

0 replies

Have you heard about Vello (written in Rust) ?

0 replies

Thanks! I'm doing what I can to make Blend2D even faster. It's been really exciting project to work on and I have big plans with this library.

9 replies

Out of interest what's difficult about it to build? In my experience CMake isn't exactly a great developer experience, and many projects of this size take similar times to build. Is the problem specific to Skia or Google open source projects, or is it more based on the (necessary) size of the project?

5 replies

The difficult parts change all the time and usually boil down to some sort of undocumented or poorly-documented dependency, especially if you're trying to enable the GPU backends. Every time someone I know tries to get it building it takes them a week to figure out how to do it.

1 replies

Does Skia have a continuous build somewhere? Is there any way to piggyback off the config for that?

I found this:

Assuming that the Skia maintainers keep that working, it might be easier to build the buildbot and use that to build Skia, than to build Skia directly!

0 replies

Yes, it's built as part of Chrome IIRC.

1 replies

I used to do that when I started out with C/C++...15 years ago. Now my patience is running out after 10 minutes. Tooling has become so much better, but it seems not that much with some C/C++ projects. At least the build times are better, I remember big libs would could take hours to build.

0 replies

Meson and ninja improved a lot in this area for C/C++.

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Took me less than an hour to figure out how to build it just reading the instructions they have on their website for building.

Skia really isn't that hard to use IMO even for GPU accelerated stuff.

2 replies

In my experience CMake isn't exactly a great developer experience

o_O unlike GN?

Have you used it much?

0 replies

Yes GN IMO is a much better experience than CMake. Its fully self-contained in a single binary that you can easily just distribute with your code. I have a small python script I use with it to regen files, and then to run Ninja to do the actual builds.

I've been using it for years and have no complaints.

0 replies

I haven't used GN, I'm mostly thinking of Bazel, but was also just interested in the specifics.

6 replies

I was skeptical of your claims about building it so I went ahead and downloaded skia and built it myself. It was simple and on my 4 year old desktop (8 cores) it took under a minute to compile skia after it had downloaded its dependencies. All I did was run 2 commands ./tools/git-sync-deps and bazel build //:skia_public. This was not painful at all.

1 replies

How long did downloading dependencies take? That's part of the build process.

As a maintainer of a project that includes another popular library from Google, here's why it's difficult to build:

- building requires downloading Googles custom toolchain and build system

- dependencies are huge, so you have lenghty download times even on fast connections

- it usually works if you are using a recent versions of OS and Python, but if you try running the same command in a year or two it might fail because they changed the requirements

- if anything fails you have to dig through multiple levels of abstractions to figure out where it failed and why

- if you want to maintain software for a few years, you'll have to keep fixing the build process because the build will suddenly stop working for unknown reasons once a year or so

0 replies

How long did downloading dependencies take?

Around 5 minutes.

That's part of the build process.

It's dependent on one's internet speed so I didn't think it made much sense to time it. If it took 20 to 30 minutes to download I would have mentioned it.

1 replies

This doesn't reflect my experiences at all. I've never built it with bazel, are you sure it's not using some prebuilt binary?

The official instructions are

0 replies

It looks like they are several years into a migration to bazel and support both a bazel and gn based build. Bazel is usually faster. It's possible the gn based build builds everything in the repo including all tests, but the bazel one is more targeted, building less things

0 replies

Using the official instructions, it took 4 minutes to scratch download skia and all its deps and build it with ninja. It only had 1235 build actions ... that's like zero.

If this seems like a big lift, people are going to hate building Chromium.

0 replies

It depends on what features you have enabled, how slow your internet connection is and obviously hardware/software config. On my 10th gen Intel i5 laptop 8gb ram (on Windows), it takes 15 minutes to build if I don't do anything else, but if I start using Firefox and IDEs, the build times are easily in the 20-25 minutes ballpark.

5 replies

I have an open source project that uses Skia, and I just keep static libraries for all target platforms because the Skia build process is so painful.

Maybe once a year I bite the bullet, do a new Skia build on all the platforms, and then I have to figure out how the C++ API has changed. At least that’s just rote work of fixing compiler errors by looking at the new header files.

Even though it’s a pain in the ass, I still use Skia because it’s got the best combination of performance and features. Sadly Cairo doesn’t quite compete. Skia gives my project a pretty good guarantee that 2D graphics render like in Chrome, and that’s important for this use case.

2 replies

Out of curiosity, why do you rebuild? What kinds of new features would get you to want to upgrade?

0 replies

The Skia C++ API changes quite a lot. If I didn't sync up regularly, the tech debt could become a problem down the line, for example if I want to add a platform that does need a new build of the library.

0 replies

CVE-2023-2136 and friends are good reasons to upgrade.

1 replies

Have you considered Blend2D? It's much easier to build, and performance is on par with Skia.

0 replies

I thought Blend2D was a CPU-only library. Skia offers hardware acceleration via the GPU.

4 replies

Not an expert on graphics libs - but I did notice that the Google project Flutter is moving away from Skia to something new called Impeller.

3 replies

I believe Impeller is even worse with regards to all the issues mentioned in the parent comment. In particular since it is so tight to Flutter.

2 replies

I get the point about it being developed with one primary objective - but perhaps a naive question here - in the end isn't that primary objective a shared one - to render text, lines, curves and images as fast as possible, via some sort of higher level API?

And to do so onto multiple OS & hardware backends?

0 replies

Skia relies heavily on runtime shader compilation, which is slow and causes frame jank but improves peak performance. Skia also supports much older devices than Flutter does.

There’s no free lunch, Impeller has a different set of trade offs that are a better fit for Flutter.

0 replies

It's the old coupling versus cohesion problem, isn't it? The tighter the coupling the more likely that abstractions leak across API boundaries. The tighter the monorepo the less likely there's a concerted effort to avoid breaking changes and consider long term API stability.

2 replies

I wish there was a nice and small vector graphics library with GPU acceleration. is written in Rust and already used as the backend for Xilem, a reactive framework for native UI.

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0 replies

Disclaimer: I work on Vello[0], but not on the Skia integration directly

My understanding, having not dug into it too much, is that the Skia integration does exist, but isn't enabled by default/any clients at the moment. That is, I don't know that this integration is shipping anywhere.

Vello still has some definite rough edges at the moment, so I'm not sure I'd recommend using it in a production application at the moment. We also don't have a C API, which might rule it out for some cases where you'd be considering Skia.


2 replies

it's a pain to build

Yes. So in Sciter I've replaced its build system with relatively simple premake5 script. That replacement took couple of days but was worth it. Premake5 generates human-readable IDE solutions and make files. So you need just a compiler to build the whole thing.

building it from source takes 20-30 minutes on a modern laptop.

It is not that bad actually. Just tried full rebuild of x64/Windows version:

Whole sciter.dll (HTML/CSS/JS/Graphics) with Skia backend:

   sciter.dll build completed at 9:11 AM and took 07:03.415 minutes
Same sciter.dll but with Direct2D backend:

   sciter.dll build completed at 9:22 AM and took 02:34.412 minutes
So Skia takes ~4 minutes to build on pretty average development desktop machine.

it's constantly changing its APIs

That's very true and is a pain indeed if to change its version frequently. Yet there is no such concept as "Skia version" - just revisions/milestones. It used to be an attempt to make stable plain C API but AFAIR it was removed recently.

Same thing about Google ANGLE that I started to use recently in Sciter.GLX:

1 replies

About premake5 in general.

premake5 is a monolithic/portable executable that contains Lua + specific runtime.

Thus it does not rely on installed Python as in GN case as other tools.

Having standard and well known and documented Lua on board benefits the maker a lot. In my opinion any modern build system must include generic and known PL.

And that above is the problem of modern CMake. It started as simple static declarative thing but life forced it to evolve into dynamic programming language with very strange notation and runtime model.

0 replies

it does not rely on installed Python as in GN case as other tools.

I'm curious if you can expand on how you're using python, and what pain points you have there? I think python 3.9 was one for us but not too bad.

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Our joke was "the recommended way to build Skia is to become a Google employee, but there are workarounds available if for some reason that isn't practical".

There's also the question of "which parts of Skia". If there are five different conceivable ways to implement something in vector graphics, Skia will implement all five, and there will be some sort of hidden obscure configuration setting that Chrome and Android will use to determine which one actually gets used. It's a very unfriendly piece of software to use, honestly.

0 replies

In 2024 it would probably be faster to hire a xoogler.

0 replies

There are some Skia alternatives:

- NanoVG

- bgfx with vg-renderer

- Impeller

- Starling

0 replies

I'd encourage you to look into bazel. It's really a great build system, albeit super opinionated. Should be relatively easy to build Skia as part of your project if you are using Bazel yourself.

0 replies

I wish there was a nice and small vector graphics library with GPU acceleration.

Check out nanovg:

0 replies


We use it in LibreOffice, but its a right pain to update versions and debugging it is.... challenging.

The upside is that the Google Skia team is super friendly and willing to help.

0 replies

I recommend blend2d: Very well done, very fast. No GPU acceleration but it has a JIT and you can probably get further than you think without it.

0 replies

We wrote exactly that for our game-focused port of WebKit [1].

CPU renderer uses a tiny, custom fork of Skia (we only use the path rasterizer and their SSE2, AVX2, NEON backends) and our GPU renderer draws directly on GPU via tessellated paths / hardware MSAA (DX11, DX12, GL, Metal, Vulkan).


19 replies

Awesome! Glad to see skia is finding uses in places other than fuschia

8 replies

Well, it powers web rendering in Chrome

7 replies

And Android graphics...

6 replies

And Canvas in Firefox...

5 replies

And Flutter on Canvas

3 replies

And some rendering libraries in .NET

2 replies

And the new UI framework for Jetbrains Fleet. And the new UI framework for Clojure Humble UI

0 replies

And gamedev sprite editing with Aseprite

0 replies

All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

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And there was work in the Chromium PDF library, pdfium, to switch to SKIA from AGG. It was going slowly for many years and wasn't finished last time I looked about three years ago.

2 replies

VVVV uses it too!

0 replies

In case anyone is wondering:

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And VVVVV doesn't! :)

1 replies

Note that skia is only ever used on fuchsia for flutter. It shares that dependency on skia for all platforms it targets (which haven't otherwise been migrated to impeller).

0 replies

I guess it won't be used any more since, as discussed elsewhere in the comments, Flutter has moved from Skia to Impeller.

1 replies

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Flutter also uses Skia for rendering UI

0 replies

FWIW Flutter is now moving sway from Skia, they are migrating to a dedicated custom GPU renderer (Impeller).

0 replies

Skia is also used by "Compose Multiplatform" by JetBrains.

0 replies

Its the optional rendering engine in Delphi's cross platform framework (fire monkey) now to.

0 replies

It works wonderfully well for my react native app, see for details!

7 replies

Didn't Flutter ditch Skia recently due to performance reasons?

6 replies

Yes, from 2023 Jul 21 blog entry, :

"Impeller is a new Flutter rendering engine that the Flutter team claims solves the early-onset jank problem. It is designed as a replacement for Skia, with the goal of enabling better animations and addressing the jank issue, while also potentially providing support for 3D, which was not previously possible with Skia, as it exclusively supports 2D. Unlike Skia, Impeller compiles shaders during the build process instead of at runtime.

In Flutter 3.10, Impeller replaces Skia engine and becomes the primary rendering engine on iOS."

5 replies

Unlike Skia, Impeller compiles shaders during the build process instead of at runtime.

This wouldn't work on most platforms as graphic driver updates can break compatibility with previously compiled shaders.

4 replies

There's often multiple compilation steps, first compiling some application specific representation down to HLSL/GLSL/MSL source code, then compiling that down to DXIL/SPIRV/Metal bytecode, and then handing that off to the driver for compilation to native code. The first two steps at least can be done ahead of time, the bytecode is stable.

Metal and CUDA actually let you AOT compile native binaries since they have relatively few hardware targets to support, with a fallback to compiling bytecode to native at runtime for forwards compatibility.

3 replies

The bytecode compilation doesn't really matter, it's still gonna jank. Maybe not as badly, but it will. The only way to get rid of jank is to cache not the bytecode and not even the native code, but the PSOs. Realistically, that is only possible on the target machine, unless you have a ginormous farm of machines representing all the permutations of hardware and drivers. That's basically what Steam does with its mass of users.

The alternative is to just not have that many shader permutations, and potentially take a performance hit from that. This seems to be the strategy that Impeller is following.

1 replies

Could you please tell me what PSOs are? I am not sure I found the proper abbreviation.

0 replies

PSO = Pipeline State Object

0 replies

I have not seen shipping prebuilt PSOs outside of game console platforms. Typically games that care do on device caching if any. Unfortunately, lots of projects just take shader hitches as given.

7 replies

I was curious how Igalia was funded and this was a surprisingly good interview on how they’re structured, how they work with the major browser companies, etc… Apparently many Apple, Google, Firefox engineers left to work for them.

2 replies

Thanks for the article, I never heard of them.

Since they are apparently "powerful" enough to decide major direction of WebKit development as evidenced by OP's article, what exactly is their relationship with Apple in this regard? Like who has the final say and who do the day-to-day decisions?

I'm always curious about the politics and power structure/dynamics of these major open source projects, especially the ones backed up by large companies.

1 replies

To be clear WebKit is made up of multiple ports. These ports are maintained by their own groups and Igalia maintains WebKitGTK/WPE where this change is happening. It does not affect the Apple ports of WebKit.

To answer your question though. WebKit is Apple's project and they do the majority of contributions. Igalia is the second largest contributor and collaborates with Apple regularly. Within the GTK/WPE ports Igalia controls them.

0 replies

Ah thanks, that clears it up.

1 replies

It's in my city. Their offices are just a small flat in in a pretty bland neighborhood. I guess most of them work remote.

0 replies

82% remote :) (Not counting those that live in the city but are still WFH)

0 replies

Igalia and Collabora seem like pretty interesting places to work if you're doing open source. I've seen nothing but good come coming from there.

0 replies

Igalia is also working on Servo.

7 replies

Couple things I've seen in this space looking around the past couple weeks...

Flutter made a different engine called Impeller[0] which is replacing Skia. Which is a bit surprising as an ignorant outsider. I hope that works out.

Rive (, is a new animation tool that targets multiple platforms including web and their CEO Guido Rosso gave a great interview on School of Motion[1] about how they are building an animation first vector engine. There is a side by side demo at 46:56[2] of Skia, Impeller and Rive.




3 replies

There's also the GTK Scene Graph Kit[0], which just added GPU-accelerated path drawing and is shaping up to be a decent Cairo replacement.


2 replies

Completely ignorant question: what's the issue with Cairo? I know it has had a hard time getting maintained but is there any article or blog talking about how it works or how it doesn't work? I've never used it directly but I'm super curious to know more !

1 replies

The op talks a bit about the limitations of Cairo.

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There was an attempt at making Cairo support GPU rendering, which did not work particularly well due to the library being designed around stateful operation based upon the PostScript model—resulting in a convenient and familiar API, great output quality, but hard to retarget and with some particularly slow corner cases. Meanwhile, other web engines have moved more work to the GPU, including 2D rendering, where many operations are considerably faster.
1 replies

I've been following Rive for a while, it's an interesting approach. I think it was a response to the fact that Lottie was tied to AdobeXD (I think?). I'm not sure if Rive's renderer is open source though.

0 replies

"I'm not sure if Rive's renderer is open source though."

I did not follow Rive yet (but will do now), but it seems the renderer is MIT licenced, here the wasm/js renderer:

Open source renderer would be the requirement for me to invest into it (not gonna fall for flash again).

0 replies

Upcoming there's also Vello[0][1] by Raph Levien, who has a bunch of experience w/ font rendering at Google. He's also working on a Rust UI library[2] and has a great talk on compute shaders[3].





6 replies

So will they maintain a stable C API to skia?

It is long-time known pain point that the skia official doesn't provide a usable C API.

2 replies

Why would they? The API they (WebKit) are providing is the Canvas API, the fact that they're using Skia behind the scenes is an implementation detail... I don't see why they would go through the trouble of maintaining a stable C API for internal use in a C++ project?

1 replies

Maybe so they could use newer versions of skia

0 replies

This assumes that maintaining a stable C interface to Skia, and then writing the WebKit rendering code against that C interface, is easier than maintaining WebKit rendering code which calls Skia's C++ interface directly. I'm not convinced that that's the case.

At the very least, the stable interface should probably be C++, mapping between C and C++ is often non-trivial...

1 replies

I think only Microsoft maintains a stable C API for their SkiaSharp. Skia only cares about google projects. I don't even know why they bother to opensource it.

0 replies

Open source doesn't mean there are any obligations. It's surprising how we don't see more of this. I imagine Google wouldn't even bother with making the source available if there was an obligation attached.

0 replies

One way to keep a stable API is to pin the version used...

And let's be honest, the external API doesn't change awfully fast anyway. A totally dead project would fall behind, but even a tiny amount of work would be able to keep up.

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I wish WebKit GTK was more performant in general (and also in the MDN compatibility list but its another topic). It is getting better but it really is a blocker on shipping quality application with Tauri on Linux. There is a reason most apps using native webviews only target macos and windows, WebKit GfK is mostly undocumented for frontend engineers and often very much outdated / not installed on end user machines.

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I wish WebKit was [...] in the MDN compatibility list

Are the capabilities substantially different from Apple webkit?

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The majority of web features are the same, though some do require some platform specific work.

There are a few big differences like WebRTC support isn't in WebKitGTK releases.

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There are a few big differences like WebRTC support isn't in WebKitGTK releases.

Ah, thanks—I can see how that's the kind of thing you would want to see in a compatibility table!

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Adding to this wishlist, if it were available on Windows then it would be an option for a cross-platform webview widget, but it hasn’t supported it for a while now.

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The performance improvements of WebKitGTK aren't small, in my personal benchmarks on like MotionMark, performance has doubled in recent years and that is before Skia.

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"WebKit Switching to Skia for 2D Graphics Rendering"

... for the GTK and WPE ports. Not on Apple platforms.

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Oh. I thought all web browsers were on Skia now.

I guess the Apple platform is CoreGraphics and GTK was Cairo?

(Edit: Read the article. Yes)

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WebKit on Apple platforms uses Core Graphics and Core Animation, yes.

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oh, title buried the lede there

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but none of them met all our requirements, so we decided to try writing our own library.

Question requirements.

You can always find a reason to build rather than buy, but can you reframe your requirements in such a way that you can get away with something off the shelf and then rather spend your resources on the things that you can do uniquely different for your application.

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I mean I really don't know what library they could've tried other than Skia that's suitable to build a GPU renderer for Canvas's API, and they explain why they were hesitant to try Skia. Do you have any suggestions?

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Mozilla's WebRender. It's actually a better option by their own criteria because it's developed as a standalone reusable library.

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Oh I read the article with the assumption that this was 2D canvas rendering, but upon re-reading it I see that it's probably about normal web content. WebRender would've been a terrible fit for Canvas, but it would certainly make sense if this is about rendering normal web content.

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Maybe try to build your own Browser and try to keep up with upstream that has daily changes in the hundreds of commits...and then realize how elitarian that answer was?

They are a software product fork used by billions, with a team that doesn't get paid to develop on it, with not enough funding to just "buy" a battle tested library which has zero problems; because any bug would literally potentially break the web for years.

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The title should probably be "WebKit *on non-Apple platforms* switching to Skia..."

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Wait there is still any WebKit on non-Apple platform?

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WebKit is probably the most common embedded engine. From game consoles to kitchen appliances.

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yep. I used to develop web applications for smart televisions and we just targeted webkit

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Hi guys, I have a question. What is the 3D equivalent to Skia?

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I guess there's no such thing. It's probably going to be raw opengl or something; 3D graphics is A LOT more complex than 2d graphics

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Qt3D from Qt.

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Somewhat connected question, what is WPE? It’s something that got abstracted out of WebkitGTK, right? Is it a standalone port itself, or is it more like the framework to build a highly specialized one? I’ve seen at least in past versions that libwpe is an optional dependency of WebkitGTK, so they didn’t like abstract and then rebase it on the new component. Or is libwpe separate from WPE?

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You could describe WPE as WebKitGTK but you bring your own GTK.

GTK is sometimes inappropriate for embedded devices that have a unique display stack. Using WPE brings in minimal dependencies and can render to anything you desire.

libwpe is just used for some basic code sharing between the two, GTK is not based on WPE.

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It's been a few years since I was looking into it, so this might be out of date. But WPE is targeted at kiosks and places you might want to display web content but not have a full web browser. Igalia can sell consulting services to these companies, as opposed to webkitgtk which has a small number of non-paying users. So WPE serves as a place for more active development of webkit-on-linux while not breaking webkitgtk which powers the web browser "Web" on gnome. Things from WPE tend to slowly make it into the webkitgtk build eventually. It's all maintained by the same people.

Looking at, the first design goal is the one that justifies WPE vs other webkit ports: "To provide a no-frills, straight to the point, web runtime for embedded devices."

The other goals, like standards compliant and hardware acceleration, are there to differentiate WPE from non-webkit and ancient-webkit browser engines that people might use on embedded devices.

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Safari adopts Google library

And so it begins...

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Nothing to do with Safari.

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True, but how does this draw any concern away from Google having a major control in browser usershare?

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Blink, Chromiums rendering engine, based on WebKit, already uses skia right?

Why not just import all that code?

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Blink split from WebKit a decade ago, I doubt they still have enough in common for it to be worth merging features.

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Particularly with Blink being entirely reliant on Chromium for multiprocess, whereas WebKit handles multiprocess itself. This was actually one of the issues that spurred Blink’s forking and entails significantly different architectures.

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I think this are good news for WebKitGtk.

I wondered about the license because they had already problems with LibWebTRC which uses BoringSSL (BSD-License). Skia seems to use the new BSD-License without the advertising clause and is therefore compatible with the GPL.

PS: As valleyer mentions - this affects WebKitGtk not all WebKit ports? At least Skia is usable on MacOS/iOS.

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I think they try to unify their rendering workflow, just like chromium did when they forked off blink and switched to skia.

In WebKit, however, that implies that they refactor the Bridge API that is used in between contexts and processes which was an internal API before and broke away often.

So I'd guess they start to do incremental changes on the Web API implementations first before they break too much anywhere else (e.g. sidebars, UIs, widgets, devtools are rendered differently but rely on the very same Bridge API)

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For others that didn't know about this advertising clause:

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FFS why are the fonts so small?

Why do I have to increase the font size 150% to read it comfortably?

How can we trust a browser created by developers who seem incapable of creating readable web pages?

They should be capable of dogfooding their own output on the most basic level.

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you know what website you're writing this on?

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Who simplified the title here? This is only for the GTK and WPE ports of WebKit. Not for other platforms that WebKit supports.

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The title was changed I think after I submitted it. I don’t have the karma to update it though.

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I thought always that Safari was the fastest to render web pages on Mac/iOS. But sounds like I was wrong?

In December 2023 we made the decision of giving Skia a try internally and see if it would be worth the effort of maintaining the project as a third party module inside WebKit. In just one month we had implemented enough features to be able to run all MotionMark tests. The results in the desktop were quite impressive, getting double the score of MotionMark global result. We still had to do more tests in embedded devices which are the actual target of WPE, but it was clear that, at least in the desktop, with this very initial implementation that was not even optimized (we kept our current architecture that is optimized for CPU rendering) we got much better results.
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This post seems to be just about the GTK port of WebKit. So they’re comparing Skia vs Cairo on Linux. There’s no mention of Skia vs CoreGraphics for macOS. It doesn’t sound like that is something that is being considered.

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Could someone who knows Skia internals describe, if possible, the tradeoffs that Skia has made between performance, rendering quality and API DX?

Presumably this is partly why it has become so popular, but as someone who's been writing mostly 2D GL/WebGPU apps for a decade I've only briefly considered a Skia as an alternative, but this is mostly out of ignorance.

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I've only briefly looked at skia internals.... And it's awfully complex!

But the external API is fairly simple. Basically you queue up various drawing commands and at the last minute tell it to execute the queued commands somewhere.

The queue is 'optimized' - for example if you tell it to draw some text and later crop the text out of the image, then no CPU/GPU time will be spent drawing text that won't be visible in the output. You can also draw text small and scale it up later without getting jagged edges as you would if you'd scaled up a raster image.

That ability lets you make tile based renderers, where you queue up all the commands for say a whole webpage, but then draw only a small square of the page like a map tile, and as the user scrolls/pans, you can draw more tiles as needed.

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I really like how much utility we've all managed to get from Cairo. It is everywhere.

I don't know the full story behind it, but from an outsider's point of view, any open library that pulls that kind of weight for so long should be considered a major feat of engineering.

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If Apple adopts Skia in its own versions of WebKit, then Quickdraw GX's grandchild will have come home:



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I had to build Skia once in order to build Aseprite from source... I gave up and bought Aseprite instead.

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The title of the article has changed to make it clearer than it only concerns the GTK and WPE ports.

"WebKitGTK and WPEWebKit Switching to Skia for 2D Graphics Rendering"

Can we update the title here also?

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Please have a look at this one: ThorVG is portable and super lightweight, and it's currently undergoing development with WebGPU.

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would this be for just linux, or for MacOS too? I assume Safari uses Apple's own built in stack

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Uhm, I am a bit sad that bringing Cairo up to speed isn't easier, as Cairo is an easier to use dependency than Skia.

I always find building these complex stuff from Google a huge pain - and now they have the additional idea of living on the head and not providing actual releases too...

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Is this for all of WebKit or the non-Cocoa/Apple builds? It reads like WebKit on Mac (Safari) will not be impacted by this change