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Considerations for a long-running Raspberry Pi

39 replies

I am urging everyone who wants to do this to see if they can't first do what they need with a small board like an ESP32. Their energy usage is a small fraction, they cost ones of dollars, and they're sufficient for a whole lot. If you're of the Python persuasion, many boards support both MicroPython and CircuitPython.

It's worth looking into for the cost savings on initial purchase and ongoing power draw.

15 replies

Can I run a media server on an ESP32? No.

Can I run my password manager server on an ESP32? No

PiHole? No. Unifi controller? No

I think people making this comment are envisioning people use Pis as garage door controllers etc., but reflexively suggesting ESP32s as Pi replacements isn't helpful.

5 replies

Why would you buy an expensive raspi for these scenarios? Wasn't it meant to be a computer learning platform for people with no access to powerful computers? Your applications don't need GPIO pins, so you could just use any small PC.

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This is a fair point with how Pi prices have gone, and I don't think I'll be buying a pi5.

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Good! You don’t need a Pi 5. You can still buy Pi 3b, which I use for many things successfully.

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It’s unclear whether the usages are with Pi or Pi Zero, although advice applies to both. I have found more use with the Pi Zero W versus the full Pi. Some stuff certainly could be done using ESP, but faster to get done on Pi for me.

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Why would you buy an expensive raspi for these scenarios?

I know, right? I had to mortgage my family's ancestral home for the $35 to buy a raspberry pi 4 at microcenter. Luckily they had SD cards on sale, so I was able to buy the power supply and storage for the cost of a kidney. And now I can manage my home automation devices!

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What small PCs would be suitable RPi alternatives? For many/most use cases they'd have to fit the same category -- so similar power consumption, similar physical size, passive cooling.

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Even for the garage door opener use case, one nice thing about Pi is you can run Cloudflare tunnel on it – you can then access it from the internet without messing with port forwarding or TLS certificates.

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Your point about the PI is spot on: a full linux stack means you can get up to "shenanigans" with all sorts of tooling!

A PI with MQTT server and ESP32 as clients is a match made in heaven! For 30 bucks you go from nothing to PI zero, and a hand full (literal) of esp32 devices. Its a fun stack to play with!

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Not an exact substitute but mentioning it because people might be interested: esphome added support for wireguard some what recently.

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For one device it works well, but when you get a bunch, I find it simpler to use one Pi (actually now a Lenovo m920q, it could be a Pi, I just needed a bit more power for other stuff) with the tunnels and make it talk to all the iot stuff. Has a few advantages: - Updating the more security sensitive parts is a lot easier (only one machine can talk to the internet). - Lets me use ultra-low-power 1-coincell a year stuff. - Integrates everything in a single point so coordinating stuff is very easy (like, single action to close the blinds, turn on projector and set AC a bit cooler).

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How about a camera server?

Why yes a ESP32 can do that, and you get to play with a another cheap stack.

How about Blinking leds or a Display, or led strip... WLED and artwix have you covered!

A project like ESPresense is evolved from a PIzero project.

Let's not forget that some of the pi's appeal is that it has those GPIO headers!

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So the straightforward answer is no, an ESP doesnt work for your situation.

They only asked that people consider it; no need to get snooty because it doesn't work for you, despite being very obviously inappropriate for your use case

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How about PhotoPrism? ;-)

No, honestly I am impressed at the performance with which my RaspPi 4 is running a PhotoPrism instance with about 120.000 photos. This might also be thanks to the application software, but still quite a feat.

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A useful deciding factor is whether your application benefits from an operating system and its utilities, or not.

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I don't disagree with what you're saying at all, but in my defense, the blog entry posted literally starts with the sentence:

I use Raspberry Pis around my home as everything from low-power FM transmitters to UPS energy monitors.
12 replies

ESP32 and related are pretty cool, but it's a whole different mindset; if something doesn't work, you can't just connect an HDMI/keyboard to debug live with all the regular utilities one might know and that come for free with any mainiline Linux.

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There are definitely limitations, but if it's a thing that you're going to leave untouched for years, it's worth looking at a device that will use 1/10th (or less) the power.

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My time is worth more than the increased power draw

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They are more stable in the long run since there is no OS. Honestly people make their lives harder using a Pi when using a microcontroller would be much easier and stable in the long run.

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I ran a rpi for 2 years with no reboot.

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Sure they are capable of running for years but they can fail at inopportune times. Every time one has died on me, it always seemed to be the microSD card that died. And that's with using reputable industrial cards and log2ram.

Also there's more complexity and overhead on a pi for simple tasks. And you potentially have to worry about updating the system and packages and other maintenance.

Not saying microcontrollers like the ESP32 are completely invulnerable to failure but it certainly is less likely.

And for another anecdote on uptime, I have a few Arduino-powered devices operating 24/7 for well over a decade now.

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One of my RPis died somewhere in the mobo. I can turn it on and mount it over USB and read the SD card but it doesn't boot.

Another one lost the ethernet card. It was before they had Wi-Fi, or I didn't care to use Wi-Fi, I don't remember.

A Pi zero died, full stop.

A number of SD cards eventually died.

Not a very reliable platform compared to my laptop. On the other side my laptop costs almost a couple of orders of magnitude more.

I still use one RPi 3B+ with a TV hat and it has been on for about two years. It doesn't do anything else.

I switched to Odroid for everything else that could run on a small server, because it was impossible to find Raspberries. They work well, I'm happy with them. The only problem: I have to pin the kernel to their own version with their own drivers. The distro is Raspbian and I upgraded it a couple of weeks ago.

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I never had an sd card in an rpi die, in years of continuous uptime, except for reboots.

I had one rpi become useless when its network stopped working.

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or let alone a well designed or industrial sbc (of which rpi are neither)

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Maybe, but if it is going to take you drastically longer to write the software because there's a smaller ecosystem / the stuff you need doesn't have a readymade library / you've never done C/MicroPython / there aren't the Linux tools that will help you debug or do a simple crontab to run your script on a schedule... The ROI might not be there even with the lower power consumption.

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That's true, and an important consideration. I'm not an ESP fanboy, but I really do appreciate it as an engineer for how simple and cheap the development boards are, especially considering things like ESPhome exist. It's kind of ridiculous how many projects can be built by just writing a yaml file and a little soldering -

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Just took a look at the power consumption of Pi Zero. It will use $0.70 worth of electricity on my local grid, in a YEAR.

I bet me writing this comment used more while keeping my laptop alive.

I love ESP32s, built a long running device for my car, where the power draw is important because I don't want to deplete car battery. It uses almost no power. However if it was running connected to a power grid, I'd not care about the electricity cost.

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If something goes wrong I just plug USB into my regular computer with all my normal tooling and can see the serial console, edit the filesystem, etc.

Or if I'm using something like Circuit python I'll just connect the web console.

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A Pi Zero will spend about a dollar a year in electricity.

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I've recently taken an interest in embedded programming and this is something I can't look past. Unless you're producing something at scale, I don't think there is much of a difference economically between writing code in a low level language and running it on a bare metal ESP32, vs running a Python script on a lightweight Linux on a Pi Zero. The cost difference is going to be a few dollars over the life of the product.

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battery powered devices is a whole segment rpi cant even put a foot in the door

do hobbyists care? usually not

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Just to clarify, does RP2040 count as rpi in this context?

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N100 costs about $1.50 a year in electricity yet is like 30x faster.

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I assume you are referring to an Intel N100 and not the OnePlus N100 smartphone...

Still a whole system is not just the CPU so suggesting a CPU as a RPi replacement seems a little odd

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Electricity cost is not a problem, lack of ability to run of batteries (because if large amount of power consumption) is in some applications.

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I run ssh, https server (with some dynamic pages written in python), there is a 3T disk attached to get files, I download torrent.

The other ones have touchscreens and speaker attached, I use them to listen to internet radio, watch cartoons and control relays.

Your cheaper solution doesn't allow for any of this to happen.

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They simply asked people to consider it as an option, clearly your use wouldn't run on an esp very well

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I hear the nay-sayers regarding the time cost and complexity of embedded programming, but as a hobbyist I think this is a great recommendation to at least consider.

The projects that I've been able to accomplish on a microcontroller have been more reliable (over decades) than my Pi-based projects, and I don't have to worry as much about them being part of some botnet because I forgot to change the default ssh configuration (wasn't it `pi:raspberry`?).

Beyond micropython, the no_std rust support for ESP32C3 is getting better every month. For people doing little home automation projects because they are fun, the additional constraints can make things a lot of fun and very rewarding.

But yes, for those that are already handy with Linux, a Pi is generally going to be much easier, though IME will be at least 10x as expensive, and the additional setup to get it in the same ballpark for reliability (SSD booting vs network booting vs ro-rootfs, watchdog setup, etc) and the increased power usage (esp for a Pi5) should at least be small part of the decision making.

30 replies

First advice is to enable journaling mode on FS.

First advice must be to mount FS in read only mode, mount /var in memory and forward al logs to one nide, which may be not RPi but something with proper UPS and nut running. Power loss becomes absolutely bening if your FSes RO or temporary.

It is overkill if you have one RPi but author claims that he uses multiple RPis all around a house.

Also, good idea to have A/B system partitions and upgrade system with full partition rewrite and changing active one. Thus way your system will have one good system partition in any case, even if new version has fatal bugs, and recovery become trivial.

I'm using several small/single board PCs im different roles in such way for 20+ years with great success.

17 replies

In addition to /var, tmpfs should also be used for /tmp and similar. That should lengthen the SD card's lifetime immensely.

15 replies

Isn't this (tmpfs for /tmp) the default setup for most OSes, and surely raspberry's homegrown OS too?

7 replies

I think all the usual desktop distros don't use tmpfs for either by default. I don't see the benefit in this with modern hardware.

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Arch uses tmpfs for /tmp.

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Arch has you set up your own fstab so pushes the choice to the user?

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Actually the installation guide for arch asks you to use `genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab` which basically copies over whatever was mounted at the live environment (taking off the /mnt), I'm pretty sure tmpfs for /tmp was there by default last time I installed.

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During installation the guide tells you to run a program, which generates an fstab based on current mounts. So by default it will configure /tmp the same way it’s configured in the live cd.

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I ran out of space on NixOS with tmpfs, they run all builds in /tmp so my swap ran out.

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They should use /var/tmp instead.

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Fedora uses tmpfs for /tmp. I think it still makes a lot of sense to use tmpfs for a heavily written-to transient file system.

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It seems it is not the default for Raspbian.

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TIL! One would think if any distribution had it by default, it would have been Raspbian.

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Maybe left off since some of the models have very little memory to spare for a ramdisk?

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A long time ago, it used to be. It doesn't seem to be now, and I don't have any idea why the distros changed. (Maybe it's due to the mv semantics? But I though people considered the idea of creating a file in /tmp and then renaming it to be bad instead.)

In fact, I didn't notice the change until now.

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Copying or moving through tmpfs loses silently some file metadata, e.g. extended attributes or high-resolution filestamps.

Copying through /tmp is a frequently used method for transferring files between users on a multi-user computer.

It is said that the Linux kernel will include soon an improved version of tmpfs, which will allow user extended attributes, within certain limitations.

When this will happen, one of the most annoying misfeatures of tmpfs that has persisted for much too many years will finally be gone away.

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If I had to guess, I would assume they chose not to use tmpfs because the earlier Pis had very limited RAM. With a 4GB or 8GB pi 4 or 5 this should not be a problem.

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Not the default in debian, because of low memory devices such as rpi.

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Anything transient writable must be in memfs/tmpfs/how it is mamre im your OS, of course.

Logs to log server, if system needs non-volatile writable storage — NFS or second storage device, depending on requirements.

Of course, it is too much hassle for single such system (but I started to use it from very beginning out of curiosity) but uf you have many single-task small devices it is very convenient.

4 replies

First advice must be to mount FS in read only mode

How then do you update the system or install new software?

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There is no need to mount read only if you forward the logs somewhere else.

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Maybe. Maybe not. Years and years ago I was getting corrupt file systems even if the system was always shutdown correctly.

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Remount in read-write mode when you specifically want to make changes.

  sudo mount -o remount,rw .....

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As you update any embedded device: preparing new system image («firmware») and «re-flash» it.

Of course, devices don't build their own systems.

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have A/B system partitions and upgrade system with full partition rewrite and changing active one

Are there any solutions available for this?

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I'm using FreeBSD, not Linux for all my headless systems, and FreeBSD has NanoBSD script for such installations like forever.

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Abroot and OSTree

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have A/B system partitions and upgrade system with full partition rewrite and changing active one

What’s your upgrade process like? How do you make the new disk image? Do you log into each device to upgrade it, or do you have automation?

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I have one «beefy» server/NAS (now it is EPYC2 on SuperMicro platform becuse they are cheap used on AliExpress, before it was Intel E3 12xx-badsed systems, two ir three generation old, always bought used). It is not my router, but NAS for all my data, NFS and build server.

I'm using FreeBSD, and here is script for preparing such installations named NanoBSD. To be honest, it is nothing special — build system with provided config (to strip it down, for example full FreeBSD installation includes toolchain and it is waste of space on «embedded» systems), mount file as loop device, create FS, install system to this FS by standard system means, add needed packages.

I'm building system once, make several images (as each device needs its own set of packages, of course), login to each device via ssh and run simple sh script which detects current active partition (by simply looking at output of mount command — from whic root is mounted) and then «dd if=/net/images/$hostname.img of=/dev/da0p$otherpart bs=128k», set this updated partition as «bootonce» in bootmanager and reboots. Last startup script in boot sequence check availability of network and liveleness of sshd, and if these simple checks are Ok, set this partition as alwaysboot (it is all UEFI features, mostly). If something goes wrong — one power cycle and device will boot from previous partition.

I don't have enough devices to automate «login and call script» part :-)

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The author links to read only advice a couple of lines down.

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Might be worth considering a different journaling fs, like nilfs2 for filesystems you need r/w.

19 replies

Half of the post is about SD cards, wear, data loss and reliability. Just use SSD?

6 replies

I was expecting that to be tip #1 indeed. And it’s why I went to a Nuc eventually. Choose a nice ssd and it will really run for years and years.

4 replies

Nucs also tend to win on performance, software compatibility/upkeep (yay commodity x86), price per performance, and often price outright (pis aren't really $35 if you get a newer/better model and once you buy storage/power/case). AFAICT pis only consistently win on power consumption, and that only just (x86 can get well under 10W, you just have to get the right model)

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Do you have recommendations for a NUC to replace a raspberry pi that draws around 10W when idle?

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And possibly one as silent as a fanless pi4 ?

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Have a look at the Beelink SER5, idle around 5W and its quite affordable

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The Intel N95 and N100 NUCs are amazingly efficient.

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Thin clients are also an option.

Similar power consumption but power and case/cooling/storage is included.

Depending on what you choose you get eMMC or SATA or M.2 SATA or M.2 NVMe for storage.

For anyone that is interested:

4 replies

You can also use a Raspberry Pi compute module in an appropriate carrier. I use the CM4 for work and consequently it’s all I use at home too. Lovely versatile device that fits in whatever carrier you want (including one that mocks a regular pi) and it has industrial grade flash.

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Do you have any recommendations for a carrier?

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What's a carrier in that context ?

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An IO board that adds the IO ports that the e.g. CM4 lacks. There's a decent range of them from different suppliers, but Raspberry Pi have one themselves called "Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board".

0 replies

Thanks !

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Before I opened the article I was thinking "Don't use an SD card. Don't use an SD card. Don't use an SD card."

People don't understand that 90% of the SD card problems are power related (only relevant if you don't use the official power supply) and 10% are simply because of poor SD card quality.

People haven't gotten the message that a charger has lower QC standards since an interruption of the charging process does not shut the device down. A bug that leads to a few milliseconds of power loss will pass QC, but also corrupt your SD card.

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Penny drops. Yes this jives much better with the observed data -- that Rpi break SD cards orders of magnitude more than anything else that uses SD cards no matter how crappy said cards are.

Problem could have been solved by adding a decent sized capacitor on the 5v supply rail.

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that Rpi break SD cards orders of magnitude more than anything else that uses SD cards

I think if you take into account how often they're powered on you'd find cameras destroy flash memory cards comparably to Raspberry Pis.

Problem could have been solved by adding a decent sized capacitor on the 5v supply rail.

Or you could just buy the Raspberry Pi branded power supply.

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Are SSDs less prone to corruption than SD cards when power drops for those milliseconds?

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Maybe professional bias but I prefer to follow a cattle vs pets approach here and treat them as disposable, meaning: let the sd card break and optimize for quick replacement.

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NVMe SSDs cost the same as SD cards nowadays. You can treat the SSDs as disposable if you want, but you are going to quickly realize that this mindset isn't exactly actionable, because there is nothing that needs disposing of.

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Current Pi 4s & 5s support booting from USB out of the box with no configuration (took them long enough), so I don't think it's worth the downtime and wasted SD cards.

11 replies

I started buying Lenovo mini PCs instead, 18cm x 18cm x 3cm so it's still really small.

And you can get them dirt cheap nowadays, has proper casing and cooling etc

I have one right next to me, i5-8500T, 32GB RAM, 2x SSDs and currently 5W at idle with powertop auto-tune

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Is ssd and ram replaceable on these?

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Not OP but I am in the process of upgrading my M93P Lenovo Thinkcenter. Uses laptop ram and simple to replace hard drive and RAM. I am far from a hardware guy.

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Yes to both

2x DDR4 SO-DIMM RAM (notebook) slots. No ECC though (at least on this model)

And you can have 2 storage drives. One 2.5" and one M2.NVME

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Similarly, I saw some youtube videos just the other day talking about intel's (newish?) N100 chip. You can pick up a small mini pc for under $150 new, runs windows or linux, and is on-par speed-wise with the 8500 iirc. Plenty fast for small server use cases, although you do give up the raw GPIO pins.

Also of note, it's x86, which has me interested as a field-portable ham radio computer. Most software runs on rpi (my current setup), but x86 is universally supported by stuff. Just need to figure out the monitor situation.... maybe vnc from an ipad? :)

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you can get a usb powered hdmi portable 10 inch monitor on aliexpress for less than $100

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Same. Bought a Dell refurb and I’ve had so many fewer hassles. The SD card was perhaps the biggest source of issues and after factoring the cost of outfitting a RPi with something like an SSD, it just wasn’t cost effective anymore.

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Last year I've migrated my Kodi media player from a RasPi 4 to a N3350 mini PC and didn't look back, then recently also moved my NAS (N5105) and services (3215U) machine to mini PCs and unlocked Chromebooks I got used on either Ebay or flea markets. They're cheap and the computing power is on another planet compared to the PI while still maintaining a low power consumption.

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Great advice. I also use Lenovo Mini PCs in place of SBC's on some projects and they can be very capable.

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There's a wonderful world of Mini-PCs and homelabs out there. The new N100 based ones are amazing for under $200.

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Mini PC (or laptop motherboards) also have normal SSD storage, and are thus much more reliable than micro sdcard MLC flash cards.

There are ways to make Pi's more reliable, but it usually requires a lot of extra parts.

The ARM SoC do not have an IME though... ;)

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Does anyone know of a low power, mini PC that supports 2 or even 4 SATA SSDs (both connector and physical space wise)?

Most, incl. the Lenovo above, seem to support at best 1x M.2 + 1x SATA.

The best choice I have found is using a N100DC-ITX mainboard with a generic ITX case, and those are huge.

I am looking to replace my Raspi / USB SSDs combination.

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I did exactly zero of any of those things and have had some Pis run for multiple years without any issues until being replaces by a newer model (my HomeKit/Zigbee gateway and data logger is now a Pi 4). I guess it all boils down to good SD cards and stable power supplies.

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My Raspberry Pi 2 ran for a while, used as a pihole, a VLC-hacked media center, and a weather stations for simple sensors, until it didn’t :(

In ~2022 I started to get random errors, then found out the SD card was failing. I never took the time to fix it, it had lots of little things locally I don’t feel like doing again.

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It may seem like overkill, but I learnt how to use ansible to manage the software on my pi. I've actually just upgraded my rpi4 to use an ssd so am choosing to start from scratch. I'm hoping my ansible playbooks are written well.

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Haha, yeah, that’s a good point. I may still have some ansible playbook from a while ago but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be up to date. I guess it would be nice to have a system like CoreOS was, where you just provide a setup script, systemd unit files, and at runtime most of the file system is expected to be read-only. That way you’re confident you keep all your setup in a git repo and on reboot the whole thing is reset (outside of data stores).

It’s just so tempting to quickly ssh into the machine to hack something around, then you forget about it b cause it ~works.

But a rpi4 can run containers, so that may also be an alternative.

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I've been trying (and failing) to get my ansible playbooks to work for about 2 hours - so definitely not a perfect solution by any stretch. This reminds me why I don't daily drive a linux machine! I don't know why I'm encountering so many errors around installing docker-compose, pip, apt packages etc.

I suspect ansible may be a better solution for when you're using it to build machines from scratch very frequently, and you'd have more of a chance to maintain and ensure they're working over time vs once every couple of years.

The other annoying thing with ansible is that while it may install the software, it can't log me in. So still having to manually sign in to syncthing/tailscale etc even after the software is installed.

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Get a new SD card and replace it?

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  > I guess it all boils down to good SD cards and stable power supplies.
I would say your sample size has a stronger effect on your experiences. With a large enough pool of devices everything will go wrong, what can go wrong. And there will be also new failure modes that you have never even dreamed of.

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6 years of the same Orange Pi PCs/PC2s often on the same cheap Sandisk SD cards, some with postgresql databases on them logging environment data every 5 seconds (though batched to 15 minutes), frequent large system updates (Arch Linux ARM is a bit more churny). And not much issues, to be concerned about doing something annoying like other people suggest here with A/B updates and readonly stuff, that prevents comfy normal use of a general purpose Linux OS.

I don't run a completely storage oblivious setup, I use f2fs, which has much better write patterns than ext4, and I disable stats collection in postgresql, which causes constant churn, but logging, and other stuff has negligible effects and I don't care doing anything special about it, and I leave it default OS configuration.

I have probably 4-5 uSD card failures over 60 year total runtime of my 15 SBCs that I run 24/7. So that's 1 failure per 12 years. Nothing that can't be dealt with using backups. (I didn't even need them that much, yet, because all uSD cards so far failed by turning read only, which for f2fs means you'll get the last consistent snapshot on the card, that you can just copy to a new card and continue. 10-15 minutes of recovery time.

All that complexity and limitations that people talk about seem way overkill for a home setup.

And I think other reason why I don't get many uSD card failures is because I run most cards in HS25 mode. Not in SDR104 or whatnot. 3-4x the frequency really causes the cards to heat up a LOT during activity. Can't be great for the flash chips. 2 of those failures were in SDR104 enabled hosts. Copying data to uSD card using SDR104 capable USB3.0 adapter really makes the card scarry hot in just a few seconds.

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Older Raspbian OS around year 2016 and below had access time enabled, with any file read there was a write, which is probably why there were many reports of corrupted cards ever since.

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I guess it all boils down to good SD cards and stable power supplies.

Agree, I've also been running a number of PIs and when they broke, it was because of failing SD cards.

I found pibenchmark to be a good source of info -->

Definitely compare SD cards before buying.

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Same here - I've been running a couple of Pi3 as Cups servers for years of uptime (the only time that uptime gets reset is when there's a power outage - and that's very rare indeed). Did nothing more than install Raspbian on a micro SD card, set up Cups, connect USB to printer (for one of them - the other manages a networked printer). And left them alone after that.

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We’ve been running thousands of Pis in production for about a decade now. We’re beginning to shift to x86. The price/performance isn’t what it once was for the Pi. I gave a talk about our experience recently at State of Open Con here (

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You need to factor in usage, if you are idling a lot ARM > X86.

And you need to look at longevity, there I suspect ARM will outlive X86 too.

For modularity ARM > X86 too, because they are cheaper to have many small of.

But for scalability (= business in the current economy) X86 > ARM.

Also all graphs should be per watt, that 2 -> 4 is more performant is not news, that it is more performant per watt is!

And if you did that you would see that Raspberry 5 is not getting as much per watt performance increase as it should.

We have peaked permanently for the eternity of mankind.

Let that sink in.

Last but not least, the ONLY hope for any progress (openness not performance) at this point is the JH7110, but they are lagging behind in 3D support.

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I think maybe you’re overestimating the idle power consumption of modernish x86 (especially the last 5-6 gens of intel)? I’ve a i5 9600T system that’s drawing less than a Pi at idle. And cost me the same to buy.

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Our customer don’t really care about power usage much as they are all connected to a TV which draws order of magnitude more power. For some use cases power usage is key, but not for our use case.

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if you are idling a lot ARM > X86.

Don't take this for a given. RPis are notoriously bad at idle power consumption. The x86 replacement I bought for my home server ended up having about half the idle power consumption of the RPi it was replacing.

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What do you mean shift to x86?

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Maybe Alder Lake-N? Those cores are very fast (Skylake-level) and <10W full load. RPi5 is at 8.5W full load and much slower.

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is this for running displays or is this being used for production assembly machines? (eg gpio usage)

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Currently for displays, but with Edge Apps you will be able to run workloads that interfaces with sensors etc over GPIO (and USB/Serial).

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Fellow Raspberry Pi digital signage CEO here :). Surprised you didn’t mention the secure boot support, available since the Pi4, in your talk. While our service doesn’t use it (yet?) it sounds quite solid on paper and allows you to protect the data on disk/SD.

We’re still pretty happy with the Pi and the move to more open source APIs (Mesa/DRM/KMS/FFmpeg) is, now that they are finally in a state they feel usable, really promising. As our main use case is still digital signage, the raw processes power isn’t really that relevant as the expensive part (video decoding) is obviously accelerated and the backwards compatibility that’s possible with the Pi is awesome. We still have customers running Pi1B+ devices continuously for almost 10 years with the latest OS release we provide.

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I have 2 Pis running basically non-stop (2-3 power outages) with the same SD card since 2017 (DNS/print server and Kodi, media is on external NFS). The only thing I did was to disable all logs. Never had a single problem.

They both have SanDisk 2 GB cards in them. I vaguely remember naively thinking along the lines of "less space => less bit density => better reliability".

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I have a RPi that has been running non-stop continuously since 2014 on the same SD card, serving up a weather website.

I basically mounted all logging and webpages on tmpfs, and the DB resides on the SD card being written to every 5 minutes.

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Are there instructions on how to upgrade my pihole to this?

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Start here.

Just understand that anything that is written to tmpfs will be lost if you have a reboot. It might make troubleshooting difficult if you need to preserve them for whatever reason.

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I'm still running Kodi on a pi1 approaching 10 years of runtime on the original SD card. It's powered on most of the time but sometimes I accidentally power of the USB power supply it's connected to. It's a little 5-port one that's about just as old with a power button that's easy to press accidentally in my specific setup.

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I've been using log2ram (github/azlux/log2ram) and been happy with the results.

It mounts a ramdisk on /var and only occasionally copies the logs from ramdisk to SD card. That way I can still see all the logging without hammering the SD card quite some badly.

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I didn't do anything special at all. My two pis have been running 24/7/365 for 5 years with no problems. I often completely forget about them. One is a pi hole and the other our print server.

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I still have my very first Pi, it's a 1b I think.

It has seen many installs over the years but it's now a backup DNS server. Looking at the filesystem this one has been a PiHole since 2018, it has essentially ran 24/7 bar some reboots and me moving between places.

I don't write anything to the SD, it all goes to RAM at /dev/shm and the PiHole will simply have to redownload the lists the few times it goes down. It would download them anyway daily.

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Exact same kodi-setup and sandisk cards, and has been happily running for years without problems. Disable all logs, media on smb/nfs, and off you go.

7 replies

I'm shocked the SD card bit isn't first, and more surprised that the post doesn't suggest USB boot (I have one pi that's been on ~24/7 for years now, and I attribute its lack of problems to 1. using Alpine configured to barely touch disk, and 2. not having an SD card to corrupt - I don't know why USB would be more reliable, but anecdotally it is)

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I've had a bunch of Pi cards, running on SD without problems. But a single one suddenly developed a super-hot SD card, this was a brand new Pi which I was just setting up. Got the card out, and that one and the next Pi got a USB SSD and are now using those. That was a bit scary. But as mentioned I've also been running Pi with micro SD as Cups servers for years, with no problems at all.

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Would there be any reliability problems with using USB flash drives instead of USB SSDs?

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I don't really know. I assume they would be slower than SSDs though, but I have never measured USB flash. The SSBs get some 300MB/sec on my Pi 4 boards.

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My argon rasberry setup with an SSD is also stable.

Only reason why it fails is when the electricity goes out. A battery that could keep it running for 10 minutes would completely be enough.

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1. using Alpine configured to barely touch disk

I'd like to learn some tips on how to do that... do you mean something like ?

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I agree with this completely. All my rpi failures were because of SD cards. I have 2 rpis, both boot and run from usb, both for several years now.

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Same. I use an M.2 HAT to boot from SSD, and it works great.

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All the SD problems go away if you get a RPi Compute Module instead. Well worth the additional cost.

3 replies

How do the problems go away? Is the lifespan of the built in eMMC longer compared to a high quality wear leveling sd-card? I am a layman, but isn’t the problem the flash which should be basically the same?

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An SD card is using contact pins to make the connection, which is susceptible to dirt and vibration. eMMC is soldered to the board so you no-longer need to worry about environmental and mechanical disturbances.

The eMMC has a known supply chain and is guaranteed for 1 million write cycles that are then wear leveled. The SD card could be coming from anywhere, or a counterfeit with who knows how many write cycles and wear leveling.

The CMs are built for industrial use and I've shipped a few products based on them, shipping thousands of units. They have had zero flash failures.

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Thanks for elaborating, valuable advice.

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Not even NOR SLC flashes are regularly specified for 1 million erase cycles. And common MLC/TLC eMMCs certainly are not. What are you talking about? :)

4 replies

This feels like a hack, but based on hours of reading online discussions, most people seem to settle on a script that periodically checks whether the WiFi connection is good, and restarts the WiFi interface or the whole Pi if it’s not.

It's not a hack, it's best practice! Just like important servers in a data center should have some kind of out of band connectivity (IPMI, remote controllable RPDU outlets, etc), Important servers in remote difficult to reach locations should have some kind of watchdog script. The script should of course be tuned to the specific use case, considering the impact of a reboot vs downtime until reboot. At the very least it could log adverse events for later investigation.

A simple bash watchdog script was the very first thing I did when I deployed a remote RPI. Not just for wi-fi issues but for any of the dozens of things that could break and be fixed with a reboot.

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Nowadays this watchdog is init/PID1, on most distributions - systemd.

If init can't be relied on to manage services, what guarantees do you have for the system to provide them?

Sure, one could reinvent this in scripts, but we've moved past this. I mention systemd a lot, but that's not to cast favor - there are alternatives.

Most services don't make appropriate use of the environment they exist in. I assume they expect some site customization, ie: declaring your web server needs these mounts.

A commonly overlooked directive is 'PartOf='. You can tie restarts of one service/resource to another.

Heck, more simply, I think NetworkManager offers a way to customize the wifi/portal checking. You may not have to go completely heavy-handed

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Just a fyi if you're going down that path, the hardware watchdog is disabled by default in most distros.

Enable it using RuntimeWatchdogSec.

Second, if you are running an important service, see if it can support systemd notification socket and even better the software watchdog protocol with systemd. The service just has to send a heart-beat every X seconds otherwise systemd will restart it.

This ties in the hw watchdog to systemd and systemd watches your service, ensuring both the hardware and the software is running, otherwise the system will restart.

Lots of details here:

None of this is raspberry pi specific, it works on every system with a supported hardware watchdog, which includes raspberry pis.

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Nowadays this watchdog is init/PID1, on most distributions - systemd. If init can't be relied on to manage services, what guarantees do you have for the system to provide them?

Does that monitor actual (not just apparent link up) network connectivity or the ability to access remote networks? Not all failure modes are local to OS processes and sometimes rebooting fixes things like this.

process-specific monitoring can be quite useful but so is a generic "I can't reach my server I just want it to reboot now" with minimal complexity/dependencies. I can't imagine all of the failure modes where a simple bash watchdog script would be useful - and that's the point!

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Totally agree! Watchdog timers are essential for microcontroller and even computers running software “forever”. Things do happen that even perfect code and design can’t prevent and a watchdog timer will break out of an infinite loop and reset. Things such as cosmic rays flipping a bit or even brownouts…in raspberry pi you also have to worry about SD card corruption…

Edit: raspberry pi’s have built-in hardware watchdog timers I believe. I know Arduino's do!

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As someone using many, many Pi's at home and many times that at work, the preferred approach is to boot them all diskless (and for those that actually need an SD card, boot them off a read-only SD card and get everything else off the home server). This is so much easier than having lots of different SD cards/Pi versions etc, and makes them trivial to replace in the event of failure.

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I have several of them, sounds ideal. can you perhaps link me to a good/useful writeup on how to accomplish this?

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Look up diskless booting, it's a very general thing on linux (i.e. not Pi-specific, although there are plenty of Pi-specific tutorials on the 'net.

As a minimal first step, install an NFS server (which can be X86, Pi, other) on your LAN and make sure you can mount it from the pi ("mount $SERVER:/some/dir /mnt/tmp"). Then copy the contents of a Pi SD card to the server, make it exportable (see '/etc/exports') then edit '/etc/fstab' on the Pi to mount the (now remote) copy of the SD card instead of the usual root. That should get you started - beyond that, with some of the Pi's you don't even need to have an SD card installed (however you'll then need to set up things like DHCP and TFTP on your server).

0 replies

Thanks for sharing!

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A few people have mentioned achieving long uptime. What is often overlooked is that it is possible for uptime to be too long.

It is quite possible for updates to not break a running system but make it so that it will break on the next reboot. E.g., a dynamic library gets updated in a way that breaks a server process. It doesn't affect the running server because it still has the old library loaded.

Next time you boot your server process doesn't start.

These kind of problems can be annoying to deal with, especially when your system has an uptime of years and for all you know whatever change broke it could have been in any one of dozens of updates you've applied over that time.

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How do you deal with that?

Probably one should have a canary system that is rebooted every day. In a home setup we usually don't hand either the spare machine or the spare time to deal with it, or both.

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The easiest way is to reboot after updates. Most updates are not urgent so unless you are having some problem that you hope the update will address wait until a time when it is OK to reboot. Then install the update and reboot.

If there is an urgent update that you need to apply at a time when rebooting would be an issue apply the update and leave yourself a reminder that the system is running a configure that you don't know is bootable. When a reasonable time for a reboot comes around take it.

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Me personally, I always reboot after every update. I'd rather deal with the break now while I'm working on it, rather than at some random point. Then I'll know exactly what changed.

I take it a step further. I usually reboot before updates, too. Make sure I won't chase updates as an issue if something else broke.

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Just read the data sheet of the Sandisk Max Endurance and, oh boy, what a fsck’ing marketing bs language.

They state the endurance on thousands of hours of FHD video, but what assumptions do they make in bitrate etc?

Can‘t they state total TB written or drive writes per day or something sensible?

1 replies

Flash memory manufacturers are notoriously secretive about the actual endurance of their products, likely because it's now embarrassingly low.

Specifying endurance in "thousands of hours of FHD video" implies large sequential writes, or in other words the best-case for write amplification.

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They also substitute parts all the time. Even the “best” brands have been known to do this. From different controllers to swapping TLC for QLC flash.

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Better manufacturers do give you a TBW endurance rating, and document what type of flash is being used (SLC, MLC, etc.).

I used one of these Micron cards in my RPi4, it has high write endurance and also an A2 performance rating so it can support the IOPS needs of a boot drive.

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  a) Cable ethernet
  b) SSD (via USB3.0 adapter on my RPI4)
  c) Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04. 
  d) cheap UPS.
Mine runs Yggdrasil network, HAproxy, Caddy server, a couple of webservers in containers, and a TMUX instance that I log into almost daily to write code (slow computer reveals bad code much better). Since I put it (and my router) on the UPS, in the last 2 years it has literally never gone offline other than a couple of times I rebooted it for firmware upgrades.

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This is mostly what I do for “critical” Pi things. The cable Ethernet and the SSD are major. Do you have any recommendations for a cheap UPS? What are your considerations here?

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I went with a CyberPower BR1200 which was about 150 pounds (circa 200 USD) but that's overkill because it will keep my pi+router going for several hours, whereas power-downs typically last less than 15 minutes max where I live and I haven't seen > 1 hour in 10 years. It's usually "human error" related someone plugs the vacuum in or some appliance trips a circuit. Keeping the router on the UPS (and fiber box in my case) is important though because then everything is completely uninterrupted from a serving perspective. I also give the standard RPI power adapter enough headroom by not overclocking the pi, because in the past this has caused problems when SSD attached with lots of writing, and "big" (for a pi) compute load at the same time. Since turning off the overclocking, zero problems. Probably an RPI5-class power supply would be even better. No clue if this matters but on a jetson nano (which was notoriously power-spikey), crucial (micron) or samsung SSDs tended to be better than budget alternatives.

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For the life of me I don't really get it why Raspberry Pi Foundation does not include onboard eMMC or SSD storage in their non-compute modules products.

Yes with the new PCIe expansion in the latest RPi 5 you can have external SSD for example, but if you decided to use it for other purposes as well like extra Ethernet port expansion then you cannot use it for booting anymore.

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It's obviously about cost.

It's curious that there are people who need this, are aware of the compute module, and still complain about it. Is the the availability of the compute module that's a problem?

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For the life of me I don't really get it why Raspberry Pi Foundation does not include onboard eMMC or SSD storage in their non-compute modules products.

Cost. It's always cost.

If the eMMC or SSD storage is not enough to hold a general purpose OS for all users, then only some users get the value. And if it is big enough, it's put the cost of the machine up above the point at which they feel happiest, when an SD card is perfectly fine for the majority of their target users.

Eben Upton is regularly on record talking about how the cost-per-component/users-per-component tradeoff will lead them to avoid adding a component, and has motivated removing some (composite video for example)

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I run my RPi's 24/7 from initramfs. I can even remove card after boot.

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Would you send them out to customers relying on them?

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Yes. They use them like that.

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I use a USB connected SSD as boot. Been running Home Assistant and Pihole for years with zero issues.

EDIT: Also, make sure the power supply is sufficient. I was using a cheap adapter and had random errors and reboots.

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Cheap adapters are a killer. I switched to a good 50W USB charger which powers a couple of Raspberries. Zero problems since then.

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It's worth noting that SD card firmware is usually optimised for the FAT32 filesystem, which has a very predictable access (specifically write) pattern, and using filesystems that have a more "free-form" layout can lead to lower performance and higher write amplification:

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Good note, I wonder if wear leveling depends on that since it's local wear leveling compared to SSD global. SDXC probably requires exFAT and free space bitmap is considered.

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I have a few long time running Pis - and have been keeping them up for a decade now. No SD Card corruption ever and i got close to 1000 days uptime on one.

The biggest problem is loss of wifi, after a few months one will lose wifi, but keep working - it’s constantly recording data so a reboot is not a good idea. I’d prefer a solution where I could just reset the wifi, but all attempts to script that reliably so far failed.

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I've got a few in factories (doing non critical stuff) at work. They auto reboot regularly because otherwise they'll lose whatever's on usb (reading those usb metering devices being the whole point of the PIs).

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Switching to gokrazy[0] was the best thing I did for my Raspberry Pi uptimes. I think a lot of that is because it defaults to using read-only partitions so the common issue of SD cards falling over when you run apt upgrade no longer happens.

But I also think that gokrazy's simplicity and design helps it be just a solid, reliable foundation to build on top of.


0 replies

Looks interesting! but not clear to me who is behind the project? do you know if it is a commercial sponsorship, Golang team / Google, or pure community based open source ?

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Step 1 is to question why you're using a Raspberry Pi. It's almost never the correct answer.

If there's a really really good reason, step 2 is to get rid of the SD card. Personally, none of mine even have an SD card inserted (ok, one does). I use network boot/NFS for everything. Some people attach other kinds of SSDs.

The one I lied about is a reverse telnet server that has been quietly doing its thing for 4 years without a hitch, apart from the time I had to replace the (PiJuice) backup battery because it was looking a little swole. But I should take the time to at least have a backup of the card ready to swap out when it fails.

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I’m trying to make a smart speaker where you push a button to talk and when you release it sends the audio to a server for transcription and response. It also has to do some basic logic with LEDs. I also want it to be always on and available as long as it’s plugged in. Do you have any advice on what might be a better alternative to a Pi? This is basically my first foray into hardware so I’m trying to learn as much as possible!

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This is unlikely to do anything unless you’re hitting some unusual bug, but it’s worth noting that IPv6 has, in the past, led to all sorts of strange behaviors in different networking contexts.

This makes me sad. I don't doubt that there are scenarios in which having IPv6 connectivity makes things worse, but these days, the opposite is more common, so I don't think "disable IPv6 just in case" is a good blanket recommendation to make anymore.

"If disabling IPv6 fixes your issue consistently, consider disabling it" would achieve the same outcome, without potentially causing problems/inefficiencies down the road.

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I agree with this. While I’ve had various issues with IPv6 a decade or so ago, nowadays I’ve never found disabling IPv6 to be a solution.

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I don't understand what's hard about adding like 256MB of flash soldered to that thing, I'd pay $5 more if it did.

Everytime there's a RPI I cry about it.

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Judging from a sampling of your comment history, every time someone points out that there's a Raspberry Pi compute module option that comes with flash memory.

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Back in 2011 I made a commercial product that ran on the earliest plug computers from global scale technologies. I only sold 20 of 'em and every single one of them was being returned with SD card corruption problems. I had to quickly pivot to keeping the rootfs read-only. I've been a fan ever since.

Incidentally, that early commercial product was a home security product with a very small amount of home automation. I released this into open source with a new name in 2021 and now runs on the Jetson series SBCs ( Except then including high end YOLO models as triggers.

Because it was intended to be a standalone product it supported https with a GUI wrapper around all of the certificate operations. This still exists in my open source version, making it easy to use self signed certificates for intra-device rest calls.

But I've kept and expanded upon the multi-partition memory overlayFS approach and the installation of this system first asks you to install the sbts-base system, which installs the multi-partition memory overlayFS so that other's can use this as their own base systems.

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I had a similar experience when I hacked a $5 Pentium 2 PC into a fanless (whether it liked it or not) and noiseless workstation. Replaced the HDD with a CF card. After a while, the system started stalling for 1-2s on disk writes, and that was a pain.

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No mentioning of flashybrid? I'd thought that's the obvious solution to SD wear (or rather the danger of SD corruption on sudden power loss).

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Too late to edit, but I meant to refer to the Debian package of that name, not an actual flash/spinning rust hybrid storage device.

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Also no mentioning of the power connector? I have too little experience with USB-C, but the micro USB connector used on early Raspberry Pi's is just asking for trouble. That might be (barely) good enough for charging, but a computing device w/o battery-backup won't take lightly the power interruptions when jiggling the cable a little. I finally got around to replace it with an old-fashioned (time tested!) barrel connector. Easy way to improve the robustness significantly.

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As with my DSLRs/mirrorless cameras (particularly the ones that use the wretched USB mini) when tethering I have ended up with a right-angle adapter cable secured with a cable tie (or the super-strong Tethertools Jerkstopper), and a USB micro cord into that.

USB micro is designed to snap at the connector, not the board. And the connectors will indeed snap.

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I'm still using a Sandisk 8GB microSD from 2008 running 24/7: smartphone expansion 6 years -> Orange Pi as a router for 3 years, Pi 4 running Frigate for 3 years.

I'm guessing it's SLC/MLC.

Had a Transcend 32GB in 2016 die after a year.

The biggest issues with set-and-forget setups is software upgrade for security or other reasons, jumping major versions ends up breaking things. Compared to cloud which is (usually) regularly updated.

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All my SD cards are Sandisk in all my Pis. (2x B+ and a 4, and a Zero). Never a single issue in over 10 years of running at least 1 Pi 24/7.

Only buy Sandisk I guess!

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Also: consider using overlayfs to make root fs read-only

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They mentioned making the root fs read-only which (if they are using the config tools) does use overlayfs:

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i very much so enjoyed these articles even if i don’t use raspberry pi anymore. it has a very much so research notes cleaned up for sharing feel and reminds me of some of my teams internal articles, particularly on research the author wasn’t sure on but wanted to put out there regardless. it was very easy to get their decisions and the limit of their research and knowledge so i had pretty clear idea what i need to still check on my own and what i might adopt if i were to use rpi devices.

i don’t really get what to use a rpi for but i guess not important, it was just a nice series of articles

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I can't do without my RPI.

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I've been running a Pi 4 as a home server for a few years. When boot-from-USB became available, I moved to that, with a good-quality USB thumb drive for boot/root (I've had had SD card issues in the past) (and also speed, though I doubt it makes much practical difference). A couple of weeks ago I started getting intermittent disk errors. I thought it was the USB drive, so I cloned it (still worked well enough on my laptop) to another drive. Same thing happened. So everything points to the USB controller glitching out. Have gone back to an SD card, and everything seems fine.

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Have a look at your power supply. I had intermittent file system errors with cheap ones. I threw them all out if only for the fire hazard.

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I have a cluster of 7 SBCs, 1 pi 3b and 6 Tinkerboards of various models. The Pi I got in 2016/17 and ran Gitlab without issue until 2022, something in the SD card got corrupt and linux was no longer able to boot, I was able to salvage all of the data and continued with a new SD card. The tinkerboards, which have various tasks as VPN, Nextcloud, staging servers using docker have never corrupted an SD card.

I think the tinkerboards are better than Pi’s especially the ones that come with 16gb of onboard flash storage. However you don’t get all the niceness of PiOS but have to use TinkerOS (which was less than barebones when it came out) or Armbian which is nice but not built specifically for the tinkerboard.

I have a few friends who complained about Pi’s corrupting SD cards and it also happened to my only long running Pi so there is something going on.

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I had an older rpi model without wifi where the network adapter got broken.

Other than that, I've been running 3 rpi at home for home automation they have been working with no issue. But it turns out that they are a bit underpowered to be used as a minetest server.

I never had a corrupted sd card on those. But I had an android nokia phone that corrupted like 3 sd cards before i gave up and stopped putting new ones.

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I've been plagued with the wifi problem since changing routers. Devices on the local network will randomly lose the ability to connect to it, but everything else is fine.

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I added a cron job to one Pi that checks if wifi is up and tries to restart it if not.

I also had an LG monitor that had so much feedback it would disable the WiFi interface completely. So I would check your monitor, if the pi is connected to one.

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Anything long running shouldn't happen over that piece of crap that WiFi is. Data centers aren't build over WiFi. My network at home neither.

I've been running RPi for years (including a VoIP server on a RPi 1!). The two tricks if you want a really long running Pi are: SD cards mounted read-only and ethernet.

FWIW I ve got a Pi running the unbound DNS resolver and it just works. It is not an art. There s a reason businesses are scooping up millions of Pi: they just work.

P.S: I ve got an army of NUCs too.

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The ethernet card of my 1st rpi broke :D

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Anything long running should have ECC RAM, which the Pi doesn't have.

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This is only a concern for workloads where the loss of contents of memory is a significant problem beyond the need to reboot, no?

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I'd consider enabling the hardware watchdog as well.

While one could argue that you should figure out the source of your device freezing in the first place;

Nothing is better than having to ask someone to power cycle your Raspberry Pi while you're away.

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Yes. And I monitor my network link and automatically power-cycle the modem, if the worst happens. (Which is rare, but the network link has been the source of most of the few problems I've had.)

And use a wired network connection for anything important!

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All my home Pis network boot, so there is no card to fail. You can also change what OS they boot into by just renaming a symlink on the server and rebooting them. Very convenient.

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I'm curious what you're using all these Pis for when you've got a server on the network to provide network boot. Can you not just use the device that's providing network boot to provide whatever you're running on the Pis?

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I've been running a bunch of Pi's for years now, and the biggest problem I've had is the Pi itself dying: 24/7 usage is hard on a small device. I've also found that stable power is essential, and to that end I've always used 5v 3a branded power cubes, plugged into a pure sine wave UPS. Choice of micro-SDHC cards is important and I ended up getting ATP industrial cards ( - expensive but really long-lived. Finally, using RPi-clone ( on a regular basis has been a life-saver. I clone to Sandisk Extreme micro-SDHCs and can recover from an outage in minutes.

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And how frequent you write to SD card too. My Pi 3B+ have been running for 3 years. Haven't considered to upgrade since my need is small.

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I’ve got 2 rPI’s thats been running for 4+ years each. Only thing I do is update them once in a while. Both have workloads running 24/7. no issues. I have however experienced issues in the past but those were due to a faulty power adapter not keeping voltage within spec.

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As far a I know (and my knowledge inly goes to version 4) the RasPi does not support different power states or sleep modes. It would be interesting how it compares in power consumption to other solutions.

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I wonder if Raspberry OS comes configured not to swap on the SD by default …

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And here is me, who is running a Pi1 in my cellar for 10 years straight, which logs all my temperature sensors over 433Mhz + triggers my door openers via physical relay over WIFI, without doing anything special. After some years I only connected it to a UPS, after the sdcard filesystem died after some power outages....

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I don't think I took many special precautions and a Pi I had running as a VPN server survived for about 10 years, aside from a power supply failure or two.

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I have been running a Raspberry 2 cluster for 10 years.

A few weeks back the first SD card to fail got so corrupted it failed to reboot!

My key learning is use oversized cards, because then the bitcycling will wear slower!

I'm going from 32GB to 256/512/1024!

That said "High Endurance" cards are a scam, they fail way quicker than regular cards!

All SD cards except SanDisk have latency problems. There is no competition.

If you can get SLC SD cards use them for workload instances = no db or file storage.

0 replies

This covers the readonly filesystem, but doesn't cover the write protect flag that you can set on the microSD card itself[1]. The flag will configure the card's controller to drop any writes, and is thought to resist the corruption issues that can still occur even when the filesystem is readonly.

Also, creating a readonly root out of an existing disto is a bit of a pain, my preference is to use a distro (like TinyCore) that's already a readonly root.

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Buy a decent SD card and overprovision the space and wear leveling will take care of the rest. I have a Pi with a 128GB SD card and a 32GB filesystem on it running for 6 years straight without problems now. No need to disable logs, just disable debug logging so you won‘t generate gigabytes a day.

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I can appreciate the effort and time put into this, but seems completely overkill. I’ve been running 4x Pi 4B’s in a Kubernetes cluster for over 3 years 24/7/365. Only thing I did is disable swap (which you should do for Kubernetes anyway) and used SanDisk Extreme 128GB cards[1].


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Admittedly, I only have one long-running Raspberry Pi, but it's currently sitting at a few months uptime. And that was an intentional reboot. I've never had to take any measures like these in the four or so years I've had it up.

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My sound localizing Raspberry Pi installs a resilient base system as part of its install.

With one command it for all Pi’s for both Raspbian and bookworm it:

* Shrinks the file system (Gee, how does it do that with just one disk ? ;-) )

* Creates new partitions

* Installs a memory overlayFS

* Installs and configures the system as an audio recorder with micro second time accuracy

* updates /etc/rc to do a forced repair of the data and config portions, in case they were damaged. This avoids system hangs waiting for human interaction with fsck

For the partitioning scheme it creates a swap partition, not as a wow but as an enabler if you really need it to install some large software.

It creates a small config partition. The idea here is that you keep it read only and remount it read write if you need to change config then remount it read only again.

And finally a data partition, which in this projects case is where the audio files are written.

I maintain a version of an overlayFS boot for the Pi but it needs revisiting for bookworm. The easiest way to use do this is to install the sbts-aru and then just don’t use it. Then everything is done for you in one command. And that version works for all Pi’s.

I also do this for the Jetson SBCs. But I need to revisit this for the Orin series. I have it working here for myself and friends but need to update the installer. Note, due to kernel behavior changes with Orin the older Pi like overlayFS code will not work. But I solved this and will release it when I release the Orin release of sbts-install soon.

I’ve been using memory overlayFS like installs for years for long running Pi systems.

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Another nice thing you can do if you use the multi-partitioned memory overlayFS approach I mentioned earlier is you can make /var/docker be a symlink to your read-write data partition. Obviously you are going to have problems using docker with the standard memory overlayFS approach.

Also nice, is you can make your data or other partitions be encrypted. I've done this before. On the Pi 5 you can use the standard encryption as there's hardware support. On earlier Pi's you can use the encryption used for android. This does means there's a manual step in the startup for you to enter your encryption password.

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eventually you'll think about power outages. i had a pihat battery nearly explode on me. beware!

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My experience with long-running raspberry pi's is that there are USB problems. One sometimes loses the connection to these devices.

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I have an original Pi 2012 running buildroot. It's a perfect fit. Need just enough to run a Linux kernel and ser2net for doing RS485 stuff with solar inverters. I think the image size was around 100MB and no volatile filesystem whatsoever.

Buildroot was surprisingly easy to use. Use a menuconfig to pick what you need and a burnable image for your SD card comes out the other side. Think I only spent an hour on the whole project.

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Their suggestion for log2ram does help for the most part but depending on what the pi is running, even that doesn't completely solve it. I've burnt out a number of microSD cards running a Pi-hole instance. I finally gave up and moved it to a tiny x86 with a SSD.

Yet I've been feeding ADSB-Exchange and FlightAware from a Pi Zero for years and never had SD card problems.

I really like Alpine Linux for the Pi, running in it's own read-only mode where changes must be committed to disk. But unfortunately, Pi-hole isn't compatible with Alpine (at least last time I checked)

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Do people really have such a neurotic aversion to the sight of cables that they'd rather struggle with workarounds to an always-inferior wifi than just using an ethernet cable? It seems unhealthy to get that stressed out over the sight of a 3cm wide cable.

I've had an RPi4 running continually for close to a year and never had a single network connectivity issue between the RPi4 and my router, connected via a 30m cat5 cable in my 75m² condo.

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I got one of those super low profile USB thumb drives and then set the Pi to boot from that. It ran automation here in my house for 2.5 years without a blip.

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I use some Pis for various things in my house including Zeroes through CM4s and 4Bs.

The Zeroes run Raspbian configured with the read-only filesystem option. I have found it necessary to uninstall `unattended-upgrades` because the overlayfs employed for read-only root caches disk writes in RAM and the update/upgrade process exhausts RAM. For the same reason I disable swap. It makes no sense to swap to RAM on a 512GB system.

Upgrades are tedious since they require disabling overlayfs, rebooting, upgrading, rebooting, and enabling overlayfs. I wrote Ansible playbooks to perform these tasks. (

I have a Pi 4B performing as a file server and running Debian (not Raspbian) It boots from an SD card so that the entire HDDs can be used for a ZFS pool. To reduce wear and tear on the SD card I have mounted `/var` to a ZFS filesystem. I should probably use `tmpfs` for `/tmp`.

I use a Pi CM4 to run HomeAssistant and that boots and runs from an NVME SSD where durability is less an issue.

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Haven’t followed any of these tips, yet I have barely stumbled upon any issued with my long running pi