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Popular Git config options

24 replies

I think a critical one would be: init.defaultBranch master

Especially since places like GitHub are making main the default unwittingly

14 replies

Wait are you saying to keep the default branch as master explicitly?

12 replies

Yes, I do it too. 'master' is too ingrained to change and has nothing to do with slavery or anything sinister IMO. If I ever work with someone on a project we're in control of who feels otherwise and affected personally then it won't be much effort to change it. Until then I don't need to pointlessly spend effort rewriting it when I get it wrong on my own projects. (It only affects what git init does.)

3 replies

I was used to typing "master", too. I also think a bit much was made of using "master" (although using it together with "slave" in other contexts does kinda highlight the problem people have with it).

But you know, some people around me strongly dislike calling it "master". I don't have strong feelings about it. They do. Their desire to call it something else is far greater than any desire I might have to not to. Switching to "main" cost me nothing, saves a couple keystrokes, and makes other people happy. Fine, let's do it.

If you want to use "master" on your own internal projects, go for it. No one's stopping you. I definitely wouldn't use it on a shared project because the potential cost of irritating someone isn't worth it. And because I don't want to have one set of muscle memory for my own projects and another for shared projects, I just use "main" everywhere.

1 replies

Are the people around you who strongly dislike "master" genuinely offended by it, or are they more akin to the virtue signaling busybodies mentioned by a comment above?

0 replies

I’m sure there’s at least some of the latter, and I haven’t heard anyone in the same physical room as me saying they were personally deeply offended by it. I heard some online people who seemed genuine say that this was something that bothered them a little bit each day at work, and they asked if we could collectively use another word. It didn’t seem like an unreasonable position that someone would have to go out of their way to be offended by.

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I might feel that way if work had felt the need to switch (or started after the default changed), but as it is I spend most of my time with master, so using that for projects that I init only increases that majority.

2 replies

Indeed "master" comes from "master copy" which is the version of the "teacher" (magister) from which students copy a work

1 replies

Yes, and as it happens, “master” was a bad metaphor for what that branch actually is and does. It would have been a better metaphor for what is usually called “origin.”

0 replies

It's not a bad metaphor at all. I've never met anyone confused by it. People want to change it because of the political grifters, not for want of clarity.

2 replies

'master' is too ingrained to change

This typifies why the US still runs on imperial units, not metric. Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the 16mm pliers.

1 replies

Well sure, except metric has big advantages over imperial, whereas `main` is very very slightly easier to type than `master`...

0 replies

Feels like QWERTY users will save a useful amount of wear and tear on their left hand. I don't want their life to be any worse than it already is.

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I found that `main` was actually easier to type and say than `master`. You should keep doing what you're doing of course. But now that the change is becoming popular, I'm happy to keep using it, even in the absence of any particular moral reasoning.

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It has nothing to do with slavery yes, but main is shorter to type. It didn't take much effort to switch when I started working in a project that used it.

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IIRC if you don't do that, it will spam you with "the default branch is master, it may change" every time you make a new repo, so you have to set it explicitly to get rid of the nagging.

3 replies

I switched to trunk back when the witch hunt started raging. Fossil uses it, it's the original[0] term, and it completes the metaphor. What do the branches branch off? Why the trunk, of course.

As a matter of policy, I refuse to be swayed by the opinions of busybodies as to what is or isn't offensive. I will continue to use blacklists, for example, but am happy to retire the master/slave pairing: it's not a great metaphor to begin with, and a reasonable person can see where those of recent descent from the enslaved might take exception to it.

There's nothing at all wrong with having a master branch, either, the metaphor is entirely anodyne and no honest person takes umbrage at it. But that whole absurd episode got me thinking about the nomenclature, I had been working with Fossil on a hobby project shortly before, and figured that if there's another word which I prefer, I may as well take the opportunity to switch.


2 replies

I switched to trunk back when the witch hunt started raging.

As a matter of policy, I refuse to be swayed by the opinions of busybodies as to what is or isn't offensive.

Well, you have said multiple ways that you have been swayed. I agree with you about all of this whining and word-policing coming from people who have dubious intentions. Nobody sane is offended by these terms. It's just a way for "victims" to seek clout and bully everyone else.

Fossil is cool but alas it will never be mainstream. It does have some nice features, but there are technical downsides such as storing files in a single binary sqlite database (which is a benefit for small projects, but a bad solution for large projects). If nothing else, backing up Fossil repos will take an ever-increasing amount of space compared to an equivalent git repo, as git repos can be backed up incrementally.

1 replies

Well, you have said multiple ways that you have been swayed.

I tried to address this in my first post, but don't mind elaborating.

I think trunk is the better term. I felt that way before all the absurdity surrounding master branches, but not so strongly that it had even occurred to me to set it as a git default and migrate my projects to use it. The sick power games of moral busybodies were causal in the sense that it started "a conversation" (ugh) about branch naming, with the result that I now use trunk on my own projects.

If I had stuck with master despite preferring trunk, just to show them what's what, that is also being swayed by the opinions of busybodies, just in the other direction. The busybodies of the world also want me to wear a seatbelt, after all. We have a confluence of wants there.

Similar deal with referring to various software components as slaves. I find that distasteful. I didn't need the language police to raise that topic to have that opinion. It's not even a good metaphor! Should I insist on using it just because the people who throw a hissyfit about blacklists share my dislike for that terminology? That is also being swayed by their opinions.


Fossil is cool but alas it will never be mainstream.

Indeed, a nice bit of software, pleasure to work with. Rather too narrowly tuned to D. Richard Hipp's needs to be mainstream. I proposed on the Fossil mailiing list (right before they shipped a built-in forum) to separate the core features into a libfossil so people could use it as a component of other systems, but for a few reasons (which I found persuasive fwiw) they don't plan to do so.

I would still like to see pijul displace git, but as the years pass the odds of that steadily decrease. Ah well.

0 replies

I used to find git slightly confusing as well, but it just takes a bit of patience to learn. The last thing we need is a dozen roughly-equivalent VCS tools to worry about, so I'm sticking with git. People can come up with aliases or something for people who don't get it.

If I had stuck with master despite preferring trunk, just to show them what's what, that is also being swayed by the opinions of busybodies, just in the other direction.

This is pretty subtle. I would discourage the use of unconventional names for your branches, just because it creates more confusion. Were you influenced if you kept things the same because you didn't like the idea of change or the messengers asking you to do it? I guess technically, you could be psychologically influenced and not make any actual change. But to other people, your state of mind is not the object of interest, especially if it produces no outcome. They only care if you made the change or not. Thus, if you were not persuaded to change anything, then you weren't influenced.

Similar deal with referring to various software components as slaves. [...] It's not even a good metaphor!

It is a good metaphor in fact. Slaves are workers that take assignments from their owner (and not others), among other things. At least in some contexts, you could list several things that a master/supervisor does that directly mirror how human slaves operate. If it was a bad metaphor, semantically speaking, then people would be legitimately confused when it was used. Nobody ever said they found it confusing before the language police rolled up.

I will admit that having "slave" stuff is perhaps in poor taste. You could make a far better case for that than the use of the word "master".

The trouble with all of this is, language policing is not primarily about the words. We won't be rid of the language police after making the suggested changes. They want power. Language and preferences are coming full circle to where "colored people" is bad but "person of color" is good, segregation and discrimination are ok again (especially to the exclusion of whites), etc. Martin Luther King would be appalled at the modern left.

1 replies

Funny how nobody talks about the aftermath of switching to “main” - did it achieve its original goal? No papers written on it, no researches. Like nobody wants to admit how stupid it was to push for it and insult those who resist it (which ironically achieved the opposite goal of making things more toxic instead of “inclusive”).

0 replies

DEI is proven to divide people. That's why it's embraced with both arms. Switching the branch names has probably wasted tens of thousands of hours of maintenance work in the world. I doubt if there are even a dozen people in the world who were actually offended by the term master in that context or even the master-slave pairing in others. But there are probably hundreds of people at least (out of millions of developers) pretending to be offended for clout.

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Agreed I have this in my gitconfig. The changing of this setting caused more damage than "master" ever did

0 replies

Yes. GitHub really overstepped the mark by pushing main onto unwitting newbie devs. Really not cool. Almost like they want to control people or something.

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I have witnessed several outages caused by switching from master to main. Think nobody in a company with thousands of engineers could commit code for half a day.

It really isn’t worth it. I can agree with using ‘main’ when making new repos but trying to shoehorn ‘main’ into existing stuff is a giant pain for little to no gain.

14 replies

init.defaultBranch main

if you think people who use "master" are doing so because they fervently wish to reconstitute slavery, you may be beyond help

even my woke friends who are somewhat rational cringe at this

6 replies

I think most people don't even remotely care about master vs. main, but it definitely gives me pause when someone is so bothered by another persons choice not to use master.

4 replies

I care, because it introduced a ton of unnecessary pain into my workflow. Yes really. I now have a mix of repos using `master` and `main`, and I have to remember which one to use.

One repo uses `master` but a subtree uses `main`. If you make a mistake and checkout `main` you end up clobbering your whole working tree with the subtree.

I also have tooling that used to happily assume `master`, which worked fine 99% of the time. Now it works 50% of the time, and even worse the name of the main branch is just a convention, so you can't even read a setting to see which one to use.

I don't care about the specific name. `main` would definitely have made more sense from the start (classic terrible Git naming). But I do care about pointlessly changing it and breaking everything.

1 replies

You can put this in your .gitconfig and do 'git checkout-default' to always checkout the default branch of the repo you're in, no matter what it's called:

    checkout-default = "!git checkout $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD | sed 's@^origin/@@')"

0 replies

This assumes there's a remote set up called "origin" - also an arbitrary name ;)

0 replies

One repo uses `master` but a subtree uses `main`. If you make a mistake and checkout `main` you end up clobbering your whole working tree with the subtree.

If you replace checkout with switch/restore, that foot gun goes away.

0 replies

I think the fact that so many tools were setup to assume `master` and have no way to configure it differently was the real problem, and as annoying as it was to have GH switch to `main` it did force a lot of tools to be updated to make that configurable. Whether you use main, master, trunk, development, or anything else, the fact is the name is arbitrary and treating it any other way was incorrect.

0 replies

This is ironic because this whole thing started _with_ people getting very bothered by the choice of the term master.

3 replies

`git init` itself hints that you should globally configure an initial branch name in your git config, and suggests "main", "trunk", and "development" as alternatives. It will continue to make this suggestion until you make a choice. Here's the full output from `git init` with no additional config on my machine:

  hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
  hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
  hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
  hint:  git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
  hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
  hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
  hint:  git branch -m <name>
  Initialized empty Git repository in /private/tmp/test/.git/
I think people that set this actually get to that point because they don't want to keep seeing the warning, and "main" is as good a value as any. In light of this, your harsh moral ascription seems fairly silly.

2 replies

This was done precisely following the change that OP is hinting towards. Let's not pretend like this was done for a technical reason.

1 replies

I'm not sure which "this" you're referring to here, but I don't think there's anything wrong with choice. It's like being prompted to choose a browser. Some people choose the default, others prefer Firefox.

0 replies

There is a problem when the choice creates confusion and randomness. Not that projects used the main/master branch consistently... In some it is the development branch. In others, it is the stable branch. And the default branch you get upon cloning the repo is something else still (one of those, or something else entirely). With git supporting different workflow styles, it would be hard to demand consistency. But a little consistency would be nice.

When I archive repos from Github, I keep track of which branch the API says is default. Otherwise there might be no way to figure it out in the future!

0 replies

If I were that bothered by that word I probably wouldn't be able to consume anything coming from Japan.

Also, wait until people find out about what "Spanish main" is (spoiler: still slavery).

0 replies

It's not clear what you're complaining about here. The fact that many people use this option, the fact that Julia included it in the article, or the fact that it's an option to change the default branch name in the first place.

Also it's pretty sad that this is the only part of a very informative article that you deigned to comment about.

0 replies

`git init` whines (hints) if it is not set. GitHub decided to generate 500 StackOverflow answers by switching to `main`, which makes things really confusing if you init locally, create GitHub repo, and try to push to it. Setting it to `main` for me is the path of least resistance since I don’t care either way.

11 replies

At the risk of angering all the vim-heads (this tip isn’t for anyone who likes vim or even emacs):

  editor = "nano -t"
This nano option is aka --saveonexit

Things accomplished:

- avoids using an overpowered modal editor that requires several keystrokes just to save and quit when done writing my couple of sentence commit message

- avoid even having to tell it I want to save. Of course I want to save. ^x - all done

(In the unlikely event you decide you want to abort the commit, just hit ^k a few times to kill the text and then ^x)

(Edit: Updated to the default exit keybinding which is ^x)

8 replies

That's a nifty option! In (neo)vim, I like to use the ZZ keybinding to quickly save if modified and then quit. If I want to abort the commit, I'll type ZQ to discard changes and quit.

6 replies

Ya, it's somewhat surprising that ZZ isn't the binding that is burned into people's minds instead of :wq<cr>. I've even met regular vim users who don't know ZZ which, to be a bit hyperbolic, is mindboggling.

EDIT: And of course there is vim -y to make vim behave more like a "normal" editor than even nano :D (ie, you get ctrl-s and ctrl-q).

3 replies

I've been using vi variants for decades and didn't know ZZ or ZQ. This solves a major pain point for me (mis-typing :q, trying again, now I'm off in the weeds).

2 replies

ZZ is particularly nice since it sorta "does the right thing" in that if you have an unwritten empty buffer, it will silently discard it and quit. I guess I haven't really run into this as I was taught ZZ from the beginning but I imagine hitting :wq<cr> on such a buffer is pretty annoying.

1 replies

The worst part is q: is a different command. so if you are trying to :q and miss the colon and try again, you run some other damn f*cking command.

0 replies

Oh I still do that often enough, lol.

1 replies

For me, it's because when I learned BSD 4.2 vi in the mid-80s the emphasis was on learning the decomposed commands then building up. If you learned w and q , wq is obvious and non-magical.

0 replies

Certainly a fair point!

0 replies

Huh, I didn’t think of ZQ (to leave an empty commit message) to cancel the commit. I always use :cq (which exits vim with an error status)

0 replies

- avoids using an overpowered modal editor that requires several keystrokes just to save and quit when done writing my couple of sentence commit message

Funny, I find I do way less keystrokes in modal editors. I feel handicapped without. My patience runs out as soon as I have to use the arrows to fix something a few words back.

- avoid even having to tell it I want to save. Of course I want to save. ^x - all done

ZZ and ZQ isn't very difficult. And shift is usually easier on the pinky than ctrl.

You don't have to like vim, that's ok, but there's no need to exaggerate when comparing. When I was new I was so terrified of getting stuck in vim that I learned to use the `-m` option in all my commits. I still use it, but with vim keys even in my shell because it's so useful.

0 replies

No one's going to make you use vim, don't worry. But I don't find ^x vs jk:x compelling as a reason not to. Nor the difference between opening instantly (nano) vs. opening instantly (neovim). But I might :q! out of more commits than you do, who knows.

I used nano for about five years for git commits before I decided to embrace the Vim Way. No need to feel defensive about it, it's there for a reason.

8 replies

My config:

            co = checkout
            ci = commit
            st = status
            br = branch
            hist = log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short
            type = cat-file -t
            dump = cat-file -p
            dft = difftool
            sort = version:refname
    [tar "tar.xz"]
            command = xz -c
    [tar "tar.zst"]
            command = zstd -T0 -c
            date = iso-local
            ff = only
            tool = difftastic
            prompt = false
    [difftool "difftastic"]
            cmd = difft "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"
            difftool = true
            directory = *
            detachedHead = false
            defaultBranch = master

5 replies

Not a fan of the “main” branch revolution?

Pretty good config though. Personally, I use diff configs depending on oss vs personal vs work. So I combine mine with “[includeIf gitdir:~/oss…]” …

Some companies like G have some weird requirements.

2 replies

No, I'm not a fan of it. It's been master since forever and it's a perfectly good term, fits regular English convention of "master branch" too.

Personally, I use diff configs depending on oss vs personal vs work. So I combine mine with “[includeIf gitdir:~/oss…]” …

I'd stuff such things into the local repos' .git/config files instead of the global. It's rare that I do it, but sometimes I do work with projects with differing conventions.

1 replies

I liked it more once I realized it was fewer characters to type.

0 replies

Typing 'ma<Tab>' is the same in both cases. I don't like the change because the reason behind the change is political. Give an inch take a mile etc, it's getting out of hand. But I don't care enough to stand out.

1 replies

Not a fan of the “main” branch revolution?

Why not 'canon'?

0 replies

"canon" is for the central repo, the blessed source of truth.

1 replies

Did you use Mercurial before? I miss its abbreviated commands. A few more from me:

    gr = grep -I
    ch = cherry-pick
    ls = ls-files
    tip = log -1 HEAD
    zip = archive -o HEAD
    fix = commit --fixup

0 replies

Never used Mercurial in any serious capacity. The abbreviations mostly stem from CVS and Subversion experience (and really glad I haven't touched either in many years).

7 replies

Most people on HN probably disabled "usage report" in all places they can. Otherwise it is possible to produce a report on "which option is more popular".

6 replies

There was an interesting discussion about this problem on Mastodon yesterday started by Julia:

The general conclusion is that relatively few FOSS tools collect usage information the way commercial software now does. Interesting opportunity to potentially improve things.

5 replies

Interesting opportunity to potentially improve things. mean by changing commercial software to collect telemetry more like FOSS tools do, i.e. usually not at all, right?

2 replies

It's interesting how many people assume telemetry is just for spying on users and not an honest attempt to actually improve the product. Usability on most FOSS tooling is garbage. Even gems like Blender have incredibly rough edges compared to their commercial counterparts and that's one of the best examples of UX in FOSS. If users are spending a disproportionate amount of time performing operation X, I want to zoom in on operation X and find out what is holding them up and if it can be streamlined. I get that a lot of these metrics can be used more nefariously, but if you want to improve something you've first got to measure it or you have no baseline to determine if your "improvement" actually made a difference.

Telemetry and usage information is not bad in and of itself. It's a perfectly valid tool that can be used to find rough edges on your product and improve them. It's a great way to determine the most commonly used operations. Every developer who has worked on products used by real people inevitably discovers that their users approach their software in ways completely different than intended. Some of these unintended ways represent valid use cases the developer or product owner never anticipated. If you discover these things, you can improve the product by making that operation a first class operation instead of a weird workaround. If you're not collecting metrics, you're only listening to the most noisy parts of your user base who are by definition a small minority.

0 replies

People are desensitized to claims of possible product improvements because closed-source software says it's collecting telemetry for that reason too, despite the fact it is used for all kinds of nefarious purposes. While it could be possible to get useful information from telemetry, there's no way for the collector to verify anything about popularity without violating your privacy. I don't think there is anything wrong with having an opt-in system for people who want to be involved while leaving everyone else alone. I think AUR and maybe NPM have voting systems. Github also acts as kind of a voting system, with its stars. Package downloads are a good semi-anonymous metric that works without telemetry. It could be gamed, but if someone was enthusiastic enough to game it then maybe their project should be considered active.

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It doesn’t matter what it’s for: it is spying on users.

0 replies

I would probably rather nothing logged, but I must say that when working on a language inside a company (rather than open source) and being able to do telemetry is a massive win.

0 replies

No, that's not what I mean.

7 replies

Good list, definitely concur with the top ones and can't think of anything major to me that's not listed.

rebase.autosquash combined with an alias I have (called 'fixup') to make that commit and then do the rebase is probably my top one by an absolute long shot, at least in terms of frequency of use. pull.rebase is important to me, but I fixup so frequently, I really don't know how people get by without it.

(Well, I do, generally they create a snaking history by merging master or whatever into their own branch repeatedly, swapping the parents, and make lots of new commits to fix things in the old ones. But I don't know how you can put up with doing that to yourself, is I suppose the long version of what I mean.)

Oh - semi-missed - insteadOf is more useful than implied: I have 'gh:' mapped to the full thing, so I just `git remote add somefork gh:someforker/the-project`, for example.

Some other minor ones: advice.statusHints=false; include.path (if you need it you need it - I use it to set my signing key according to which Yubikey is plugged in, plugging can write the whole file because it's all that's in there, no parsing required); remote "origin".fetch set to get PRs; oh and interactive.singleKey = true if that was missed - not a minor one at all! Makes staging changes so much faster and easier. Obviously not as fast as `add .` or `commit -a`, but don't do that.

6 replies

Another way to get that instead of behavior is with SSH configuration. I have something like this in my ssh config:

    Host github
        User git
Then you can do a "git clone github:microsoft/windows" and you're good to go.

3 replies

This fuckin' guy.

If you've evolved an SSO solution from brownfield, or just merged with another company you can easily end up in a spot where you have 2 user names across the systems, and that's before you get into doing things like pushing bug fixes to Github straight from your work machine.

Make yourself an .ssh/config file. Set your user, and your ssh key for where it matters (I don't use the same key for ssh to servers and for talking to github or bitbucket)

1 replies

Ay usually "this fucking guy" has a pejorative tone... I think you were agreeing with me but yeah not sure everyone understood the same.

0 replies

The show where everything is made up, and the points don’t count.

0 replies

Make yourself an .ssh/config file. Set your user, and your ssh key for where it matters (I don't use the same key for ssh to servers and for talking to github or bitbucket)

Another good setting for your ssh config if you use different keys for different servers is to require passing a key for all hosts rather than it trying each of your keys to see which one works:

Host * IdentitiesOnly yes

0 replies


0 replies

True. If I'm only using it for git though makes sense to keep the config there IMO. But certainly that's handy when you're sshing interactively or doing other things with that host.

6 replies

For the "I want to use different emails for different repos" issue, I've seen the `includeIf` technique but it felt fiddly. What I've done is set `user.useConfigOnly = true` and commented out `` in ~/.gitconfig.

Now the first time I commit in a new repo, it errors out with "Author identity unknown" and I punch in "git config ADDR" for the email I want to use and re-run the commit.

3 replies

Huh. How many repos do you have? And how many emails? I have... A lot of repos. And two emails.

2 replies

Two is still more than one, and it seems reasonable to, for example, keep work separate from personal stuff.

1 replies

Yeah, but the includeIf solution has me typing my emails once each, rather than once each for something like 100+ repos.

0 replies

I occasionally clone repos into /tmp for some small tweaks without switching branches or whatever, and that’s usually when I commit with the wrong email. Neither includeIf nor useConfigOnly are ideal in this scenario because a) it’s cloned in a generic location that can’t be differentiated using path-based includeIf, or b) manually setting it multiple times for the same repo is even more annoying.

I’ve tried conditionally setting email based on the remote [1], but for some reason I did not manage to make it work. I didn’t try too hard, and I might try again with more patience.


0 replies

I also don't like the `includeIf`, but I ended up with a completely different way of doing things.

I just use different accounts depending on the context, usually by either SSH or by starting a Docker container with all the environment already configured.

At least for me, using different identities[1] when I want to use different identities[2], seems less brittle and less likely for my future self to accidentally forget to do something (e.g. change a config when I reinstall an OS).

[1]: OS user, directly (SSH) or indirectly (container).

[2]: Email address, username, etc.

0 replies

During my consulting time, I had to do this a lot. So I wrote a blog post for myself on how to do this effectively -

6 replies

How to get all your set git options:

    git config --global --get-regexp . | sort -u
A hack I like that makes diffing possibly minified or formatting-mangled source files easier:

    diff.css.textconv css-beautify
(Unminifies and unifies the formatting of css files before diffing them, might need to have the *.css type set in your .gitattributes though)

    core.editor nvim
(Use neovim as the editor for commit messages and other things)

4 replies

I use this to get a list of my configured aliases.

  ls-alias = config --global --includes --get-regexp 'alias\..*'

3 replies

Same here -


    alias = "!git config --get-regexp ^alias. | sed 's/^alias.//'"

2 replies

! Is for external commands. You can drop the !git from that alias.

1 replies

Not if you're piping it to sed though, right?

0 replies

Oh! Thanks for clarifying!

0 replies

You can set the EDITOR env var instead of using core.editor. or setup symlinks with your package manager.

3 replies

My favorite line in my .gitconfig is an alias that prints out the commit history as a tidy graph. (The default `git log --graph` uses 6 whole lines per commit!)

        lg = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=relative --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all -n 15
Which I took from this Stack Overflow post:

1 replies

Simplified version I can type from memory (I.e. on a system where I don’t have my gitconfig aliases):

  -—graph -—oneline -—color

0 replies

You just gave me a lesson "why one should not just paste things he found online into his terminal". Your parameters have Em dash instead of a hyphen... I reinstalled git from dedicated official repositories before I realized my git is not old... the param is indeed incorrect.

0 replies

I like how --all reveals forgotten refs.

2 replies

I find disturbing that don't mentions kdiff3 with diff and merge tool. Specially when kdiff3 does the smae thing that diff3 and zdiff3 output formats...

I don't understand the popularity of meld. I always felt that meld it's pretty inferior to kdiff3. And I give a few try to it...

0 replies

regular meld user here .. just do not have KDE parts when it can be avoided -- not disagreeing otherwise.

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My favorite free (though not open source) visual diff and merge tool is Perforce's P4Merge. It's available for Linux, macOS (including as a Homebrew cask), and Windows. My favorite feature is its conflict resolution listing the conflicting lines vertically in the source file (like diff3 conflict markers but a GUI) instead of side-by-side panes.

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One git option that I almost never see in other people configs is

      autocrlf = input
      safecrlf = true
It prevents commiting CRLF files and forces you to convert those to LF before commit (you can still override it with gitattributes if necessary). I hate CRLF so much that I spent lots of time digging out this combination of configuration values.

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Oh that's great. I always used the following `.gitattributes`:

    # Enforce `lf` for text files (even on Windows)
    * text=auto eol=lf
I'll try your config too.

My current position is that anywhere you can choose between CRLF and LF (git, editor, program output), it should always be LF regardless of the platform. Simple LF just works on Windows, and removing this variation point simplifies so much of code. For example, you can check reproducible outputs or hashing with a single reference value.

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Now, is there any way to set that for all remotes?

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“80% of people use this, probably take a look”

If an option is used by 80% of users, shouldn't it be the default, and have an option to turn it off for the 20%?

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Not necessarily I'd say, it could be something that's confusing to a newcomer or (or even doesn't make sense) on first use. But that doesn't exist anyway, that was a wish for it to exist. If the tool had it, it could decide to change the defaults as you say, and so the worth-looking-at number would just be 35% or whatever instead.

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pull.ff only should have been the default option, or at least pull.rebase true. I've helped so many git newbie at work and this is probably the thing that caused the most confusion to people. The merge commit resulted from the default pull behavior caused nothing but pain.

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The fundamental thing people fail to understand is the distributed nature of git. They don't understand that their master branch is not the same as your master branch, which isn't the same as GitHub's master branch etc. In fact, every time you clone you are also making a new branch!

The default behaviour of pull makes complete sense in the distributed system. It goes wrong when developers are also pushing to remotes and doing feature branches and the like. I love forges like GitHub, but I understood git first. Developers nowadays are using a decentralised version control tool to do centralised version control. No wonder it goes wrong.

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Cannot overstate the helpfulness of rerere if you work in a rebase workflow.

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Indeed, but be careful not to poison your resolution cache, having a wrong resolution and re-doing a large rebase can be a painful experience.

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IMO, git needs to change the default for merge.conflictstyle. The default "merge" style is abysmal, it does not give you enough information to correctly resolve conflicts in isolation -- you have to actually look up the changes separately to understand what each was doing. diff3 gives you sufficient information so you don't have to look up anything. I haven't tried the enhanced versions like kdiff3 or zdiff3 or whatever, it sounds like they may be marginally better, but the difference between the default and diff3 is night and day.

I've seen so many new engineers struggle for years not being able to figure out conflicts until someone tells them about diff3. The default here has likely wasted millions of dollars of productivity.

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Even better: Use a visual 3-way mergetool instead of working with the raw text.

If that’s too much for you, vscode renders the conflict similar to the raw representation but with pretty “accept mine” buttons next to it.

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My favorite aliases (these scripts keep working and I wrote them YEARS ago so they might be optimize-able)

    fb = !                                                  # prompts the user with an fzf prompt to fuzzy search for branches
    cheese-touch = "log -n 1 --format=format:'%an' --"                   # displays who edited a file last
    destroy = "!git reset HEAD~1 && git add --all . && git reset --hard" # destroys top commit
    sc = "commit --amend --no-edit"                                      # *jackie chan's uncle voice* one more thing!
    pushf = "push --force-with-lease"                                    # *lego batman voice* first try!
    all = "!git add --all . && git status"                               # I forget that this doesn't exist on everyone's computer.
    cp = "cherry-pick"                                                   # this one feels obvious but that saves me so many letters
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    branch=$(git for-each-ref --shell --format='%(refname)' refs | cut -d/ -f3- | grep -Eo "[^']+" | fzf-tmux -d 15);
    if [[ ! -z "$branch" ]]; then
      if [[ $branch == origin/* ]]; then
        branch=$(echo $branch | cut -d/ -f2-)
      git checkout "$branch"

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I have to ask -- why cheese-touch?

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A few more:

Change the comment character. This is useful when you want to include a hash in your commit message (e.g. for automatically linking to JIRA tickets).

    commentChar = ";"
When starting a new branch/ticket you can create an empty commit where you write a detailed subject and description.

    newtask = commit --allow-empty
Create a zip archive of the current files.

    zip = archive -o HEAD
Switch between the last two active branches with:

  git checkout - 
Use short log lines:

    pretty = format:%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%>(12)%ad %Cgreen%<(7)%aN%Cred%d %Creset%s
Some delta tweaks:

    features = decorations  # line numbers
    navigate = true  # use n and N to move between diff sections
And finally:

    praise = blame

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My git config:

    lg = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --date=format-local:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) | %C(bold green)%ad%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all -n 15
    hist = log --pretty=format:\"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]\" --graph --decorate --date=short
    quick-push = "!f() { git add . && git commit -m \"$1\" && git push; }; f"
    search = lg -E -i --grep
      email = xxx
      name = sandreas
      ignorecase = false
      autocrlf = input
      excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
  [url ""]
          insteadOf =
  [url "ssh://"]
      insteadOf =
  [url "ssh://"]
      insteadOf =
The quick-push might be interesting. It calls a function `f`, which is defined before, to

  git add .
  git commmit -m "$1"
  git push
This can be used to define small git workflows as alias.

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thanks! got 9 new ones from reading this :)

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defaultBranch = slavemaster

has been getting a lot of traction; it helps us not shy away from what we did.

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I see an article by Julia, I upvote it. Always excellent. I learn something every time Julia writes something for us to read.

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I stole these from stackoverflow some time ago. Shows the branches with a bit more useful information

      # show a list of local git branches sorted by the commit date
      branches = "for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads --format='%(authordate:short) %(color:yellow)%(objectname:short) %(color:green)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) (%(color:cyan)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset)) %(authorname)'"

      # show a list of local and remote git branches sorted by the commit date
      branches-remote = "for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads refs/remotes --format='%(authordate:short) %(color:yellow)%(objectname:short) %(color:green)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) (%(color:cyan)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset)) %(authorname)'"

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branch.sort -committerdate, makes git branch sort by most recently used branches

No, it makes it sort by the committer date of the commit pointed to by the branch. Personally I find that to be of little use. To actually sort by recently used (i.e. switched-to), I wrote

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My personal favorite additions to my git config are using delta[1] as my pager for much more readable and syntax highlighted diffs. And adding the following alias, which means I no can always check out to the default branch of the repo, no matter if it's called master/main/develop/whatever

    checkout-default = "!git checkout $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref origin/HEAD | sed 's@^origin/@@')"

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core.editor emacs: to use emacs (or another editor) to edit commit messages

I set EDITOR in my bashrc ages ago, so everything uses my chosen editor, including git. This git setting then overrides it if you use it.

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Some commands are used so often that it makes sense to further shorten them by placing them in `.bash_aliases` or a similar file for your favorite shell:


alias gs='git status'

alias gl='git log'

alias gd='git diff --color-words'

alias ga='git add'

alias gc='git commit'
