Hey, I'm Lluis Vinent, co-founder of the Z-Anatomy association and creator of the Z-Anatomy app. Indeed, the page is down due to the dissolution of the association, but the project is not abandoned, just inactive. If someone wants to collaborate on its development, there is the GitHub repository where anyone can collaborate. https://github.com/LluisV/Z-Anatomy
I'm currently working on a VR version of Z-Anatomy. Maybe in the future I'll open a new website. This project deserves visibility.
Hi Lluis! I was wondering if the Discord is still up because I like to see the other projects people make with it.
I'd also be interested in potentially collaborating with people this Summer on further, similar projects. I'd love to have access to a collaborative space to find folks interested in it, however, I'm a little reluctant to discuss as I've yet to secure permissions explicitly.
No, but since there are several people willing to collaborate, I'll surely open a new server soon. I'll send you the link right here!
Hi, Lluis!. Would it be easy to contribute a translation? We are interested in adding Catalan.
Hi! Yes, it would be a great contribution! The translations are defined in an Excel file, accessible through Google Drive. It consists of 7300 elements. For more information please contact me through email lluisvinentdev@gmail.com
Is there data on how the parts move and deform due to human actions such as walking?
Incredible work, thanks for your contributions.
To garner more interest for anyone coming in cold to the Github repo, linking to or embedding the original post might be worthwhile as it does a great job of talking through the project's value.
This project could be profoundly relevant to all of humankind, be it learning anatomy, or liaising with healthcare workers to talk through issues visually or in the commercial sector (e.g. producing photorealistic animated films/virtual try-on).
Edit: remove repetitive use of project