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Almost every infrastructure decision I endorse or regret

141 replies

The markup cost of using RDS (or any managed database) is worth it.

Every so often I price out RDS to replace our colocated SQL Server cluster and it's so unrealistically expensive that I just have to laugh. It's absurdly far beyond what I'd be willing to pay. The markup is enough to pay for the colocation rack, the AWS Direct Connects, the servers, the SAN, the SQL Server licenses, the maintenance contracts, and a full-time in-house DBA.

Total 12 months cost: 547,441.85 USD

Once you get past the point where the markup can pay for one or more full-time employees, I think you should consider doing that instead of blindly paying more and more to scale RDS up. You're REALLY paying for it with RDS. At least re-evaluate the choices you made as a fledgling startup once you reach the scale where you're paying AWS "full time engineer" amounts of money.

58 replies

Some orgs are looking at moving back to on prem because they're figuring this out. For a while it was vogue to go from capex to opex costs, and C suite people were incentivized to do that via comp structures, hence "digital transformation" ie: migration to public cloud infrastructure. Now, those same orgs are realizing that renting computers actually costs more than owning them, when you're utilizing them to a significant degree.

Just like any other asset.

24 replies

Funny story time.

I was once part of an acquisition from a much larger corporate entity. The new parent company was in the middle of a huge cloud migration, and as part of our integration into their org, we were required to migrate our services to the cloud.

Our calculations said it would cost 3x as much to run our infra on the cloud.

We pushed back, and were greenlit on creating a hybrid architecture that allowed us to launch machines both on-prem and in the cloud (via a direct link to the cloud datacenter). This gave us the benefit of autoscaling our volatile services, while maintaining our predictable services on the cheap.

After I left, apparently my former team was strong-armed into migrating everything to the cloud.

A few years go by, and guess who reaches out on LinkedIn?

The parent org was curious how we built the hybrid infra, and wanted us to come back to do it again.

I didn't go back.

16 replies

My funny story is built on the idea that AWS is Hotel California for your data.

A customer had an interest in merging the data from an older account into a new one, just to simplify matters. Enterprise data. Going back years. Not even leaving the region.

The AWS rep in the meeting kinda pauses, says: "We'll get back to you on the cost to do that."

The sticker shock was enough that the customer simply inherited the old account, rather than making things tidy.

13 replies

Eh? I've never had a problem moving data out of AWS.

Have people lost the ability to write export and backup scripts?

4 replies

My (peripheral) experience is that it is much cheaper to get data in than to get data out. When you have the amount of data being discussed — "Enterprise data. Going back years." — that can get very costly.

It's the amount of data where it makes more sense to put hard drives on a truck and drive across the country rather than send it over a network, where this becomes an issue (actually, probably a bit before then).

3 replies

AWS actually has a service for this - Snowmobile, a storage datacenter inside of a shipping container, which is driven to you on a semi truck.

1 replies

They do not!

Q: Can I export data from AWS with Snowmobile? > > Snowmobile does not support data export. It is designed to let you quickly, easily, and more securely migrate exabytes of data to AWS. When you need to export data from AWS, you can use AWS Snowball Edge to quickly export up to 100TB per appliance and run multiple export jobs in parallel as necessary. Visit the Snowball Edge FAQs to learn more.

Why would they make it convenient to leave?

0 replies

Oh, TIL! Thanks for correcting me.

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That's only for data into AWS though, not data out

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It’s the cost of data egress, which isn’t free.

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But there is no paid egress when we are moving data between account within one region, rigth?

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There is. You pay a price for any cross-VPC traffic.

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This isn't true, at least not anymore.

You can peer two vpc's and as long as you are transferring within the same (real) AZ, it's free:

Even peered VPC's only pay "normal" prices:

"Data transferred "in" to and "out" from Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), and Amazon ElastiCache instances, Elastic Network Interfaces or VPC Peering connections across Availability Zones in the same AWS Region is charged at $0.01/GB in each direction."

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The ingress/egress cost is ridiculously high. Some companies don't care, but it is there and I've seen it catch people off guard multiple times.

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Oh come on from the description both accounts could be sitting on the same datacenter LAN.

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There's a cost for data egress (but not ingress)

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Just in network costs, there's a huge asymmetry. Uploading data to AWS is free. Downloading data from them, you have to pay.

When you have enough data, that cost is quite significant.

1 replies

Is R2 a sensible option for hosting data? I understand egress is chesp.

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R2 is great. Our GCS bill (almost all egress) jumped from a few hundred dollars a month to a couple thousand dollars a month last year due to a usage spike. We rush-migrated to R2 and now that part of the bill is $0.

I've heard some people here on HN say that it's slow, but I haven't noticed a difference. We're mainly dealing with multi-megabyte image files, so YMMV if you have a different workload.

5 replies

There are two possible scenarios here. Firstly, they can't find the talent to support what you implemented...or more likely, your docs suck!

I've made a career out of inheriting other peoples whacky setups and supporting them (as well as fixing them) and almost always its documentation that has prevented the client getting anywhere.

I personally dont care if the docs are crap because usually the first thing I do is update / actually write the docs to make them usable.

For a lot of techs though crap documentation is a deal breaker.

Crap docs aren't always the fault of the guys implementing though, sometimes there are time constraints that prevent proper docs being written. Quite frequently though its outsourced development agencies that refuse to write it because its "out of scope" and a "billable extra". Which I think is an egregious stance...doxs Should be part and parcel of the project. Mandatory.

0 replies

the first thing I do is update / actually write the docs to make them usable.

OK so the docs are in sync for a single point of time when you finish. Plus you get to have the context in your head (bus factor of 1, job security for you, bad for the org.)

How about if we just write clean infra configs/code, stick to well known systems like docker, ansible, k8s, etc.

Then we can make this infra code available to an on prem LLM and ask it questions as needed without it drifting out of sync overtime as your docs surely will.

Wrong documentation is worse than no documentation.

0 replies

I agree that bad documentation is a serious problem in many cases. So much so that your suggestion to write the documentation after the fact can become quite impossible.

If there is only one thing that juniors should learn about writing documentation (be it comments or design documents), it is this: document why something is there. If resources are limited, you can safely skip comments that describe how something works, because that information is also available in code.

(It might help to describe what is available, especially if code is spread out over multiple repositories, libraries, teams, etc.)

(Also, I suppose the comment I'm responding to could've been slightly more forgiving to GP, but that's another story.)

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"Crap docs aren't always the fault of the guys implementing though, sometimes there are time constraints that prevent proper docs being written."

I can always guarantee a stream of consciousness one note that should have most of the important data, and a few docs about the most important parts. It's up to management if they want me to spend time turning that one note into actual robust documentation that is easily read.

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Unfortunately it’s also possible that e.g the company switched from share point to confluence and lost half the entire knowledge base because it wasn’t labeled the way they thought it was. Or that the docs were all purged because they were part of an abandoned project.

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Quite frequently though its outsourced development agencies that refuse to write it

It's also completely against their interest to write docs as it makes their replacement easier.

That's why you need someone competent on the buying side to insist on the docs.

A lot of companies outsource because they don't have this competency themselves. So it's inevitable that this sort of thing happens and companies get locked in and can't replace their contractors, because they don't have any docs.

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Yes, I do believe autoscaling is actually a good use case for public cloud. If you have bursty load that requires a lot of resources at peak which would sit idle most of the time, probably doesn't make sense to own what you need for those peaks.

11 replies

Keep in mind, there is an in between..

I would have a hard time doing servers as cheap as hetzner for example including the routing and everything

10 replies

I do that. In fact I've been doing it for years, because every time I do the math, AWS is unreasonably expensive and my solo-founder SaaS would much rather keep the extra money.

I think there is an unreasonable fear of "doing the routing and everything". I run vpncloud, my server clusters are managed using ansible, and can be set up from either a list of static IPs or from a terraform-prepared configuration. The same code can be used to set up a cluster on bare-metal hetzner servers or on cloud VMs from DigitalOcean (for example).

I regularly compare this to AWS costs and it's not even close. Don't forget that the performance of those bare-metal machines is way higher than of overbooked VMs.

6 replies

I was more talking about physical backbone connection which hetzner does for you.

We are using hetzner cloud.. but we are also scaling up and down a lot right now

3 replies

Could you please explain what you mean by "physical backbone connection", as I can't think of a meaning that fits the context.

If you mean dealing with the physical dedicated servers that can be rented from Hetzner, that's what the person you replied to was talking about being not so difficult.

If you mean everything else at the data centre that makes having a server there worthwhile (networking, power, cooling, etc.) I don't think people were suggesting doing that themselves (unless you're a big enough company to actually be in the data centre business), but were talking about having direct control of physical servers in a data centre managed by someone like Hetzner.

(edit: and oops sorry I just realised I accidentally downvoted your comment instead of up, undone and rectified now)

2 replies

With "routing" I meant the backbone connection, which is included in the hetzner price.

Aka if I add up power (including backup) + backbone connection rental + server deprication I can not do it for the hetzner price..

That was quite imprecise, sorry about that.

0 replies

No worries, easy to not foresee every possible way in which strangers could interpret a comment!

But I think that people (at least jwr, and probably even nyc_data_geek saying "on prem") are talking about cloud (like AWS) vs. renting (or buying) servers that live in a data centre run by a company like Hetzner, which can be considered "on prem" if you're the kind of data centre client who has building access to send your own staff there to manage your servers (while still leaving everything else, possibly even legal ownership and therefore deprecation etc. to the data centre owner).

What you're thinking of - literally taking responsibility for running your own mini data centre - I think is hardly ever considered (at least in my experience), except by companies at the extremes of size. If you're as big as Facebook (not sure where the line is but obviously including some companies not AS big as Meta but still huge) then it makes sense to run your own data centres. If you're a tiny business getting less than thousands of website visits a day and where the website (or whatever is being hosted) isn't so important that a day of downtime every now and then isn't a big deal, then it's not uncommon to host from the company's office itself (just using a spare old PC or second hand cheap 1U server, maybe a cheap UPS, and just connected to the main internet connection that people in the office use, and probably managed by a single employee, or company owner, who happens to be geeky enough to think it's one or both of simple or fun to set up a basic LAMP server, or even a Windows server for its oh-so-lovely GUI).

0 replies

I think no one talked about having physical server on their own premises but colocating servers in a data center or renting servers in a data center.

1 replies

You usually just do colocation. The data center will give you a rack (or space for one), an upstream gateway to your ISP, and redundant power. You still have to manage a firewall and your internal network equipment, but its not really that bad. I've used PFsense firewalls, configured by them for like $1500, with roaming vpn, high availability, point to point vpn, and as secure as reasonably possible. After that it's the same thing as the cloud except its physical servers.

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i mean, yes.. but you pay for that, and colocation + server deprication in the case i calculated was higher then just renting the servers

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When talking about Hetzner pricing, please don’t change the subject to AWS pricing. The two have nothing in common, and intuition derived from one does not transfer to the other.

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please don’t change the subject to AWS pricing

Why? The only reason I'm using Hetzner and not AWS for several of my own projects (even though I know AWS much better since this is what I use at work) is an enormous price difference in each aspect (compute, storage, traffic).

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100% agree. People still think that maintaining infrastructure is very hard and requires lot of people. What they disregard is that using cloud infrastructure also requires people.

7 replies

i would imagine that cloud infrastructure has the ability for fast scale up, unlike self-owned infrastructure.

For example, how long does it take to rent another rack that you didnt plan for?

And not to mention that the cost of cloud management platforms that you have to deploy to manage these owned assets is not free.

I mean, how come even large consumers of electricity does not buy and own their own infrastructure to generate it?

3 replies

Ordering that amount of amount of servers takes about one hour with hetzner. If you truly want a complete rack on your own maybe a few days as they have to do it manually.

Most companies don‘t need to scale up full racks in seconds. Heck, even weeks would be ok for most of them to get new hardware delivered. The cloud planted the lie into everyone‘s head that most companies dont have predictable and stable load.

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What would be the cost/time of scaling down a rack on Hetzner?

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rental period is a month you can also use hetzner cloud, which is still roughly 10x less expensive then aws and that does not take into account the vastly cheaper traffic

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Most businesses could probably know server needs 6-12 months out. There's a small number of businesses in the world that actually need dynamic scaling.

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I mean, how come even large consumers of electricity do not buy and own their own infrastructure to generate it?

They sure do? BASF has 3 power plants in Hamburg, Disney operate Reedy Creek Energy with at least 1 power plant and I could list a fair bit more...

For example, how long does it take to rent another rack that you didnt plan for?

I mean, you can also rent hardware a lot cheaper then on AWS. There certainly are providers where you can rent out a rack for a month within minutes

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Some universities also have their own power plants. It’s also becoming more common to at least supplement power on campus with solar arrays.

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One other appealing alternative for smaller startups is to run Docker on one burstable vm. This is a simple setup and allows you to go beyond the cpu limits and also scale up the vm.

Might be other alternatives than using Docker so if anyone has tips for something simpler or easier to maintain, appreciate a comment.

5 replies

Same experience here. As a small organization, the quotes we got from cloud providers have always been prohibitively expensive compared to running things locally, even when we accounted for geographical redundancy, generous labor costs, etc. Plus, we get to keep know how and avoid lock-in, which are extremely important things in the long term.

Besides, running things locally can be refreshingly simple if you are just starting something and you don't need tons of extra stuff, which becomes accidental complexity between you, the problem, and a solution. This old post described that point quite well by comparing Unix to Taco Bell: See HN discussion:

I am sure for some use-cases cloud services might be worth it, especially if you are a large organization and you get huge discounts. But I see lots of business types blindly advocating for clouds, without understanding costs and technical tradeoffs. Fortunately, the trend seems to be plateauing. I see an increasing demand for people with HPC, DB administration, and sysadmin skills.

2 replies

Plus, we get to keep know how and avoid lock-in, which are extremely important things in the long term.

So much this. The "keep know how" has been so greatly avoided over the past 10 years, I hope people with these skills start getting paid more as more companies realize the cost difference.

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Even without owning the infrastructure, running in the cloud without know-how is very dangerous.

I hear tell of a shop that was running on ephemeral instance based compute fleets (EC2 spot instances, iirc), with all their prod data in-memory. Guess what happened to their data when spot instance availability cratered due to an unusual demand spike? No more data, no more shop.

Don't even get me started on the number of privacy breaches because people don't know not to put customer information in public cloud storage buckets.

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When I started working in the 1980s (as a teenager but getting paid) there was a sort of battle between the (genuinely cool and impressive) closed technology of IBM and the open world of open standards/interop like TCP/IP and Unix, SMTP, PCs, even Novell sort of, etc. There was a species of expert that knew the whole product offering of IBM, all the model numbers and recommended solution packages and so on. And the technology was good - I had an opportunity to program a 3093K(?) CM/VMS monster with APL and rexx and so on. Later on I had a job working with AS/400 and SNADS and token ring and all that, and it was interesting; thing is they couldn't keep up and the more open, less greedy, hobbyists and experts working on Linux and NFS and DNS etc. completely won the field. For decades, open source, open standards, and interoperability dominated and one could pick the best thing for each part of the technology stack, and be pretty sure that the resultant systems would be good. Now however, the Amazon cloud stacks are like IBM in the 1980s - amazingly high quality, but not open; the cloud architects master the arcane set of product offerings and can design a bespoke AWS "solution" to any problems. But where is the openness? Is this a pendulum that goes back and forth (and many IBM folks left IBM in the 1990s and built great open technologies on the internet) or was it a brief dawn of freedom that will be put down by the capital requirements of modern compute and networking stacks?

My money is on openness continuing to grow and more and more pieces of the stack being completely owned by openness (kernels anyone?) but one doesn't know.

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Is there a bit of risk involved since the know-how has a will of its own and sometimes gets sick?

If I had a small business with very clever people I'd be very afraid of what happens if they're not available for a while.

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I was part of a relatively small org that wanted us to move to cloud dev machines. As soon as they saw the size of our existing development docker images that were 99.9% vendor tools in terms of disk space, they ran the numbers and told us that we were staying on-prem. I'm fairly sure just loading the dev images daily or weekly would be more expensive than just buying a server per employee.

3 replies

Context: I build internal tools and platforms. Traffic on them varies, but some of them are quite active.

My nasty little secret is for single server databases I have zero fear of over provisioning disk iops and running it on SQLite or making a single RDBMS server in a container. I've never actually run into an issue with this. It surprises me the number of internal tools I see that depend on large RDS installations that have piddly requirements.

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making a single RDBMS server in a container

On what disk is the actual data written? How do you do backups, if you do?

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In most setups like this, it’s going to be spinning rust with mdadm, and MySQL dumps that get created via cron and sent to another location.

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The problem with single instance is that while performance-wise it's best (at least on bare metal), there comes a moment when you simply have too much data and one machine can't handle. Your your scenario, it may never come up, but many organizations face this problem sooner or later.

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That’s made possible because of all the orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes being standardized, and as such you can get pretty close to a cloud experience while having all your infrastructure on-premise.

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Yes, virtualization, overprovisioning and containerization have all played a role in allowing for efficient enough utilization of owned assets that the economics of cloud are perhaps no longer as attractive as they once were.

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It's not an either/or. Many business both own and rent things.

If price is the only factor, your business model (or executives' decision-making) is questionable. Buy only the cheapest shit, spend your time building your own office chair rather than talking to a customer, you aren't making a premium product, and that means you're not differentiated.

40 replies

RDS pricing is deranged at the scales I've seen too. $60k/year for something I could run on just a slice of one of my on-prem $20k servers. This is something we would have run 10s of. $600k/year operational against sub-$100k capital cost pays DBAs, backups, etc with money to spare.

Sure, maybe if you are some sort of SaaS with a need for a small single DB, that also needs to be resilient, backed up, rock solid bulletproof.. it makes sense? But how many cases are there of this? If its so fundamental to your product and needs such uptime & redundancy, what are the odds its also reasonably small?

15 replies

Sure, maybe if you are some sort of SaaS with a need for a small single DB, that also needs to be resilient, backed up, rock solid bulletproof.. it makes sense? But how many cases are there of this?

Most software startups these days? The blog post is about work done at a startup after all. By the time your db is big enough to cost an unreasonable amount on RDS, you’re likely a big enough team to have options. If you’re a small startup, saving a couple hundred bucks a month by self managing your database is rarely a good choice. There’re more valuable things to work on.

14 replies

By the time your db is big enough to cost an unreasonable amount on RDS, you’re likely a big enough team to have options.

By the time your db is big enough to cost an unreasonable amount on RDS, you've likely got so much momentum that getting off is nearly impossible as you bleed cash.

You can buy a used server and find colocation space and still be pennies on the dollar for even the smallest database. If you're doing more than prototyping, you're probably wasting money.

6 replies

That’s just another way of saying the opportunity cost isn’t worth paying to do the migration.

Optionality and flexibility are extremely valuable, and that is why cloud compute continues to be popular, especially for rapidly/burstily growing businesses like startups.

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I don't mean to pick on your specific comments, but I find these analysis almost always lack a crucial perspective: level of knowledge. This is the single biggest factor, and it's the hardest one to be honest about. No one wants to say "RDS is a good choice . . . because I don't know how nor have I ever self managed a database."

If you want a different opportunity cost, get people with different experience. If RDS is objectively expensive, objectively slow, but subjectively easy, change the subject.

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> No one wants to say "RDS is a good choice . . . because I don't know how nor have I ever self managed a database."

I don't think that's accurate. I've self-managed databases, and I still think that RDS is compelling for small engineering teams.

There's a lot to get right when managing a database, and it's easy to screw something up. Perhaps none of the individual parts are super-complicated, but the cost of failure is high. Outsourcing that cost to AWS is pretty compelling.

At a certain team size, you'll end up with a section of the team that's dedicated to these sorts of careful processes. But the first place these issues come up is with the database, and if you can put off that bit of organizational scaling until later, then that's a great path to choose.

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I disagree here. This falls apart when you zoom out one step. I'm perfectly capable of managing a database. I'm also capable of maintaining load balancers, redis, container orchestrators, Jenkins, perforce, grafana, Loki, Oncall, individually. But each of those has the high chance of being a distraction from what our software actually does.

Its about tradeoffs, and some tradeoffs are often more applicable than others - getting a ping at 7am on a Sunday because your ec2 instance filled it's drive up with logs and your log rotation script failed because it didn't have a long enough retey is a problem I'm happy to outsource when I should be focusing on the actual app.

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People do not really understand the value of the former. Even dealing with financial options (buy/sell and underlying) which are a pure form of it, people either do not understand the value, or do so in a very abstract way they do not intuit.

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Good point. And, since you brought up financials, you also see this when people use a majority of their savings to lump sum pay off a mortgage. They take an overweighted view of saving on interest and, IMO, underweight the flexibility of liquidity.

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On the other hand cloud platforms can be hard to migrate off, which is very much taking away options.

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In the small SaaS startup case, I’d say the production database is typically the most critical single piece of infra, so self hosting is just not a compelling proposition unless you have a strong technical reason where having super powerful database hardware is important, or a team with multiple people who have sysadmin or DBA experience. I think both of those cases are unusual.

I’ve been the guy managing a critical self-hosted database in a small team, and it’s such a distraction from focusing on the actual core product.

To me, the cost of RDS covers tons of risks and time sinks: having to document the db server setup so I’m not the only one on the team who actually knows how to operate it, setting up monitoring, foolproof backups so I don’t need to worry that they’re silently failing because a volume is full and I misconfigured the monitoring, PITR for when someone ships a bad migration, one click HA so the database itself is very unlikely to wake me at 3am, blue/green deploys to make major version upgrades totally painless, never having to think about hardware failures or borked dist-upgrades, and so on.

Each of those is ultimately either undifferentiated work to develop in-house RDS features that could have been better spent on product, or a risk of significant data loss, downtime, or firefighting. RDS looks like a pretty good deal, up to a point.

2 replies

I am good at databases (have been a DBA in the past), and 100% agree with this. RDS is easy to standup and get all the things you mentioned, and not have to think about again. If we grow to the point where the overhead is more than a FT DBA, awesome. It means we are successful, and are fortunate to have options.

1 replies

Unfortunately there are so many people and teams who thinks that simply running their databases on RDS means that they're backed up, highly-available and can be easily load balanced, upgraded, partitioned, migrated and so on which is simply not the case with the basic configuration.

RDS is a great choice, for prototyping and only for production if you know what you're doing when setting it up.

FWIW, this is common in all cloud deployments, people assume that running something "severless" is a magical silver bullet.

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Well…just using the defaults when creating an RDS Postgres in the console give you an HA cluster with two read replicas, 7 days of backups restorable to any point in time, automatic minor version upgrades, and very easy major upgrades. So unless you start actively unchecking stuff those are not entirely invalid assumptions.

1 replies

I agree, but I also classify some of these as "learn them once and you're all set".

Maybe it takes you a month the first time around and a week the 10th time around. First product suffers, the other products not so much. Now it just takes a week of your time and does not require you to pay large AWS fees, which means you are not bleeding money

I like to set up scrappy products that do not rack up large monthly fees. This means I can let them run unprofitable for longer and I don't have to seek an investor early, which would light up a large fire under everyone's butts and start influencing timelines because now they have the money and want a return asap.

I'll launch a week later - no biggie usually. I could have come up with the idea a month later, so I'm still 3 weeks early ;)

It doesn't work for all projects, obviously, but I've seen plenty of SaaS start out with a shopping spree, then pay monthly fees and purchase licenses for stuff that they could have set up for free if they put some (usually not a lot) effort into it. When times get rough, the shorter runway becomes a hard fact of life. Maybe they wouldn't have needed a VC and could have bootstrapped and also survived for longer.

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Learning it all is what gave me an appreciation for RDS! I’ve self managed a number of Postgres and MySQL databases, including a 10TB Postgres cluster with all of the HA and backup niceties.

While I generally agree as far as initial setup time goes, I favor RDS because I can forget about it, whereas the hand rolled version demands ongoing maintenance, and incurs a nonzero chance of simple mistakes that, if made, could result in a 100% dataloss unrecoverable scenario.

I’m also mostly talking about typical, funded startups here, as opposed to indie/solo devs. If you’re flying solo launching a tiny proof of concept that may only ever have a few users, by all means run it yourself if you’d like, but if you’ve raised money to grow faster and are paying employees to iterate rapidly searching for PMF…just pay for RDS and make sure as much time as possible is spent on product features that provide actual business value. It starts at like $15/month. The cost of simply not being laser-focused on product is far greater.

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I like fiddling with databases, but I totally agree with this. Unless you really need a big database and are going to save 100k+ per year by going self managed then RDS or similar just saves you so much stress. We've been using it for the best part of 10 years and uptime and latency have consistently been excellent, and functionality is all rock solid. I never have to think about it, which is just what I want from something so core to the business.

13 replies

Lots of cases. It doesn't even have to be a tiny database. Within <1TB range there's a huge number of online companies that don't need to do more than hundreds of queries per second, but need the reliability and quick failover that RDS gives them. The $600k cost is absurd indeed, but it's not the range of what those companies spend.

Also, Aurora gives you the block level cluster that you can't deploy on your own - it's way easier to work with than the usual replication.

12 replies

Once you commit to more deeply Amazon flavored parts of AWS like Aurora, aren't you now fairly committed to hoping your scale never exceeds the cost-benefit tradeoff?

3 replies

If my scale exceeds the cost benefit tradeoff, then I will thank God/Allah/Buddah/Spaghetti Monster.

These questions always sound flawed to me. It's like asking won't I regret moving to California and paying high taxes once I start making millions of dollars? Maybe? But that's an amazing problem to have and one that I may be much better equipped to solve.

If you are small, RDS is much cheaper, and many company killing events, such as not testing your backups are solved. If you are big and you can afford a 60K/yr RDS bill than you can make changes to move on-prem. Or you can open up excel and do the math if your margins are meaningfully affected by moving on-prem.

1 replies

I assume that you do that math on all your new features too, right? The calculation of how much extra money they will bring in?

On some level, AWS/GCP/California relies on you doing this calculation for the things that you can do it on easily (the savings of moving away), while not doing this calculation on things where it's hard to do (new development). That way, you can pretend that your new features are a lot more valuable than the $Xk/year you will save by moving your infra.

0 replies

The calculation of how much extra money they will bring in?

Yes, I've done the math. The piece you are missing is, saving money on infra will bring in $0 new dollars. There is a floor to how much money I can save. There is no ceiling to how much money the right feature can bring in. Penny pinching on infra, especially when the amount of money is saved is less than the cost of an engineer is almost always a waste of time while you are growing a company. If you are at the point where you are wasting 1x,2x,3x of an engineers salary of superflous infrastructure - then congratulations you have survived the great filter for 99% of startups.

That way, you can pretend that your new features are a lot more valuable than the $Xk/year you will save by moving your infra.

Finding product market fit is 1000x harder than moving from RDS to On-prem. If you haven't solved PMF, then no amount of $Xk/year in savings will save you from having to shut down your company.

0 replies

Agree. "What if you're wildly successful and get huge?" Awesome, we'll solve the problem then. The other part is what if AWS was a part of becoming successful? IE, it freed my small team from having to worry all that much about a database and instead focused on features.

3 replies

If you’re paying list price at scale you are doing it very wrong.

1 replies

Interesting how cloud services are sold like used cars.

0 replies

It's more interesting how cloud services are sold like any other consumables or corporate services.

No one runs their own electricity supply (well until recently with renewables/storage), they buy it as a service, up to a pretty high scale before it becomes more economic to invest the capex and opex to run your own.

0 replies

Sure, but if you're paying anywhere near list price for your on-prem hardware at scale you're also doing it wrong. I've never seen a scenario where Amazon discounts exceed what you would get from a hardware or software vendor at the same scale.

1 replies

Aurora supports standard Postgres clients.

So moving to/from Aurora/RDS/own EC2/on-prem should be a matter of networking and changing connection strings in the clients.

Your operational requirements and processes (backup/restore, failover, DR etc) will change, but that's because you're making a deliberate decision weighing up those costs vs benefits.

0 replies

Pro tip side note:

You can use DNS to mitigate the pain of changing those connection strings, decoupling client change management from backend change process, or if you had foresight, not having to change client connection strings at all.

0 replies


There’s still a defined cost to swapping your DB code over to a different backend. At the point where it becomes uneconomical, you’re also at a scale you can afford rewriting a module.

That’s why we have things like “hexagonal architecture”, which focus on isolating the storage protocol from the code. There’s an art to designing such that your prototype can scale with only minor rework — but that’s why we have senior engineers.

0 replies

Or you're realistic about what you're doing. Will you ever need to scale more than 10x? And on the timescales where you do grow over 10x, would it be better to reconsider/re-architect everything anyway?

I mean, I'm looking after a 4 instance Aurora cluster which is great feature wise, is slightly overprovisioned for special events, and is more likely to shrink than grow 2x in the next decade. If we start experiencing any issues, there's lots of optimisations that can be still gained from better caching and that work will be cheaper than the instance size upgrade.

2 replies

$600k/year operational against sub-$100k capital cost pays DBAs, backups, etc with money to spare.

One of these is not like the others (DBAs are not capex.)

Have you ever considered that if a company can get the same result for the same price ($100K opex for RDS vs same for human DBA), it actually makes much more sense to go the route that takes the human out of the loop?

The human shows up hungover, goes crazy, gropes Stacy from HR, etc.

RDS just hums along without all the liabilities.

0 replies

And when you have performance issues you still need a DBA. Because RDS only runs your database. It is up to you to make it fast.

0 replies

Not only that, you can't just have one DBA. You need a team a them, otherwise that person is going to be on call 24/7, can never take a vacation, etc. Your probably looking at a minimum of 3.

1 replies

Sure, maybe if you are some sort of SaaS with a need for a small single DB, that also needs to be resilient, backed up, rock solid bulletproof.. it makes sense? But how many cases are there of this?

Very small businesses with phone apps or web apps are often using it. There are cheaper options of course, but when there is no "prem" and there are 1-5 employees then it doesn't make much sense to hire for infra. You outsource all digital work to an agency who sets you up a cloud account so you have ownership, but they do all software dev and infra work.

If its so fundamental to your product and needs such uptime & redundancy, what are the odds its also reasonably small?

Small businesses again, some of my clients could probably run off a Pentium 4 from 2008, but due to nature of the org and agency engagement it often needs to live in the cloud somewhere.

I am constantly beating the drum to reduce costs and use as little infra as needed though, so in a sense I agree, but the engagement is what it is.

Additionally, everyone wants to believe they will need to hyperscale, so even medium scale businesses over-provision and some agencies are happen to do that for them as they profit off the margin.

0 replies

A lot of my clients are small businesses in that range or bigger.

AWS and the like are rarely a cost effective option, but it is something a lot of agencies like, largely because they are not paying the bills. The clients do not usually care because they are comfortable with a known brand and the costs are a small proportion of the overall costs.

A real small business will be fine just using a VPS provider or a rented server. This solves the problem of not having on premise hardware. They can then run everything on a single server, which is a lot simpler to set up, and a lot simpler to secure. That means the cost of paying someone to run it is a lot lower too as they are needed only occasionally.

They rarely need very resilient systems as they amount of money lost to downtime is relatively small - so even on AWS they are not going to be running in multiple availability zones etc.

1 replies

I have a small MySQL database that’s rather important, and RDS was a complete failure.

It would have cost a negligible amount. But the sheer amount of time I wasted before I gave up was honestly quite surprising. Let’s see:

- I wanted one simple extension. I could have compromised on this, but getting it to work on RDS was a nonstarter.

- I wanted RDS to _import the data_. Nope, RDS isn’t “SUPER,” so it rejects a bunch of stuff that mysqldump emits. Hacking around it with sed was not confidence-inspiring.

- The database uses GTIDs and needed to maintain replication to a non-AWS system. RDS nominally supports GTID, but the documented way to enable it at import time strongly suggests that whoever wrote the docs doesn’t actually understand the purpose of GTID, and it wasn’t clear that RDS could do it right. At least Azure’s docs suggested that I could have written code to target some strange APIs to program the thing correctly.

Time wasted: a surprising number of hours. I’d rather give someone a bit of money to manage the thing, but it’s still on a combination of plain cloud servers and bare metal. Oh well.

0 replies

replication to non-AWS systems. "simple" extension problems importing data into RDS because of your custom stuff lurking in a mysqldump

Sounds like you are walking massive edge

0 replies

Out of curiosity, who is your onprem provider?

0 replies

RDS is not so bulletproof as advertised, and the support is first arrogant then (maybe) helpful.

People pay for RDS because they want to believe in a fairy tale that it will keep potential problems away and that it worked well for other customers. But those mythical other customers also paid based on such belief. Plus, no one wants to admit that they pay money in such irrational way. It's a bubble

0 replies

The US DoD for sure.

9 replies

You don't get the higher end machines on AWS unless you're a big guy. We have Epyc 9684X on-prem. Cannot match that at the price on AWS. That's just about making the choices. Most companies are not DB-primary.

8 replies

I think most people who’ve never experienced native NVMe for a DB are also unaware of just how blindingly fast it is. Even io2 Block Express isn’t the same.

3 replies

Yes. We have it 4x striped on those same machines. Burns like lightning.

0 replies

The only problem is it hides all of the horrible queries. Ah well, can’t have it all.

0 replies

Ha, I did just the same thing - and also optimized for an extremely fast per-thread CPU (which you never get from managed service providers).

The query times are incredible.

0 replies

I have one of those. It’s so fast I don’t even know what to do with it.

2 replies

Most databases expressly say don’t run storage over a network.

1 replies

To be fair, most networked filesystems are nowhere near as good as EBS. That’s one AWS service that takes real work to replicate on-prem.

OTOH, as noted, EBS does not perform as well as native NVMe and is hilariously expensive if you try. And quite a few use cases are just fine on plain old NVMe.

0 replies

Thats because EBS is a network block device and not a network filesystem - that would be EFS. And with network block devices you get the same perf and better compared to EBS.

0 replies

Funny enough, the easiest way to experience this is probably to do some performance experimentation on the machine you code on. If it's a laptop made in the last few years, the performance you can get out of it knowing that it's sipping on a 45W power brick with probably not great cooling will make you very skeptical of when people talk about "scale".

8 replies

That's a huge instance with an enterprise license on top. Most large SaaS companies can run off of $5k / m or cheaper RDS deployments which isn't enough to pay someone. The amount of people running half a million a year RDS bills might not be that large. For most people RDS is worth it as soon as you have backup requirements and would have to implement them yourself.

3 replies

Definitely--I recommend this after you've reached the point where you're writing huge checks to AWS. Maybe this is just assumed but I've never seen anyone else add that nuance to the "just use RDS" advice. It's always just "RDS is worth it" full stop, as in this article.

1 replies

To some extend that is probably true, because when you’ve built a business that needs a 500k/year database fully on RDS it’s already priced into your profits, and switching to a self-hosted database will seem unacceptably risky for something that works just fine.

0 replies

it’s already priced into your profits

Assuming you have any. You might not, because of AWS.

0 replies

I mean, just use supabase instead. So much easier than RDS. Why even deal with AWS directly? Might as well have a Colo if you need AWS.

2 replies

Most large SaaS companies can run off of $5k / m or cheaper RDS

Hard disagree. An r6i.12xl Multi-AZ with 7500 IOPS / 500 GiB io1 books at $10K/month on its own. Add a read replica, even Single-AZ at a smaller size, and you’re half that again. And this is without the infra required to run a load balancer / connection pooler.

I don’t know what your definition of “large” is, but the described would be adequate at best at the ~100K QPS level.

RDS is expensive as hell, because they know most people don’t want to take the time to read docs and understand how to implement a solid backup strategy. That, and they’ve somehow convinced everyone that you don’t have to tune RDS.

1 replies

If you're not using GP3 storage that provides 12K minimum IOPS without requiring provisioned IOPS for >400GB storage, as well as 4 volume striping, then you're overpaying.

If you don't have a reserved instance, then you're giving up potentially a 50% discount on on-demand pricing.

An r6i.12xl is a huge instance.

There are other equivalents in the range of instances available (and you can change them as required, with downtime).

0 replies

GP3... as well as 4 volume striping

For MySQL and Postgres, RDS stripes across four volumes once you hit 400 GiB. Doesn't matter the type.

The latency variation on gp3 is abysmal [0], and the average [1] isn't great either. It's probably fine if you have low demands, or if your working set fits into memory and you can risk the performance hit when you get an uncached query.

12K IOPS sounds nice until you add latency into it. If you have 2 msec latency, then (ignoring various other overheads, and kernel or EBS command merging) the maximum a single thread can accomplish in one second is (1000 msec / 1 sec / 2 msec) = 500 I/O. Depending on your needs that may be fine, of course.

If you don't have a reserved instance, then you're giving up potentially a 50% discount on on-demand pricing.

True, of course. Large customers also don't pay retail.

An r6i.12xl is a huge instance.

I mean, it goes well past that to .32xl, so I wouldn't say it's huge. I work with DBs with 1 TiB of RAM, and I'm positive there are people here who think those are toys. The original comment I replied to said, "large SaaS," and a .12xl, as I said, would be roughly adequate for ~100K QPS, assuming no absurdly bad queries.



0 replies

Most large SaaS companies can run off of $5k / m or cheaper RDS deployments which isn't enough to pay someone.

After initial setup, managing equivalent of $5k/m RDS is not full time job. If you add to this, that wages differ a lot around the world, $5k can take you very, very far in terms of paying someone.

5 replies

The problem you have here is by the time you reach the size of this DB, you are on a special discount rate within AWS.

4 replies

Discount rates are actually much better too on the bigger instances. Therefore the "sticker price" that people compare on the public site is no where close to a fair comparison.

We technically aren't supposed to talk about pricing publically, but I'm just going to say that we run a few 8XL and 12Xl RDS instances and we pay ~40% off the sticker price.

If you switch to Aurora engine the pricing is absurdly complex (its basically impossible to determine without a simulation calculator) but AWS is even more aggressive with discounting on Aurora, not to mention there are some legit amazing feature benefits by switching.

I'm still in agreeance that you could do it cheaper yourself at a Data Center. But there are some serious tradeoffs made by doing it that way. One is complexity and it certainly requires several new hiring decisions. Those have their own tangible costs, but there are a huge amount of intangible costs as well like pure inconvenience, more people management, more hiring, split expertise, complexity to network systems, reduce elasticity of decisions, longer commitments, etc.. It's harder to put a price on that.

When you account for the discounts at this scale, I think the cost gap between the two solutions is much smaller and these inconveniences and complexities by rolling it yourself are sometimes worth bridging that smaller gap in cost in order to gain those efficiencies.

2 replies

but I'm just going to say that we run a few 8XL and 12Xl RDS instances and we pay ~40% off the sticker price.

Genuinely curious, how do you that?

We pay a couple of million dollars per year and the biggest spend is RDS. The bulk of those are 8xl and 12xl as you mention and we have a lot of these. We do have savings plans, but those are nowhere near 40%.

0 replies

Yeah 40% seems like a pipedream. I was at a Fortune 500 defense firm and we couldn't get any cloud provider to even offer us anything close to that discount if we agreed to move to them for 3-4 years minimum. That org ended up not migrating because it was significantly cheaper to buy land and build datacenters from scratch than to rent in the cloud.

0 replies

At least according to:,d...

It looks like a reserved instance is 35% off sticker price? Add probably a discount and you'd be around 40% off.

0 replies

The new Aurora pricing model helps, and is honestly the only reason we're able to use it. It caps costs:

4 replies

For big companies such as banks this cost comparison is not as straight forward. They have whole data centres just sitting there for disaster recovery. They periodically do switchovers to test DR. All of this expense goes away when they migrate to cloud.

2 replies

All of this expense goes away when they migrate to cloud.

Just to pay someone else enough money to provide the same service and make a profit while do it

0 replies

That's how nearly every aspect of every business works; would you you start a bakery by learning construction and building it yourself?

0 replies

Well corporations pay printers to do their printing because they don't want to be in the business of printing. It's the same with infrastructure, a lot of corporations simply don't want to be in the data centre business.

0 replies

All of this expense goes away when they migrate to cloud.

They need to replicate everything in multiple availability zones, which is going to be more expensive than replicating data centres.

They still need to test their cloud infrastracuture works.

1 replies

From what I’ve read, a common model for mmorpg companies is to use on-prem or colocated as their primary and then provision a cloud service for backup or overage.

Seems like a solid cost effective approach for when a company reaches a certain scale.

0 replies

Lots of companies, like Grinding Gear Games and Square Enix, just rent whole servers for a tiny fraction of the price compared to what the price gouging cloud providers would charge for the same resources. They get the best of both worlds. They can scale up their infrastructure in hours or even minutes and they can move to any other commodity hardware in any other datacenter at the drop of a hat if they get screwed on pricing. Migrating from one server provider (such as IBM) to another (such as Hetzner) can take an experienced team 1-2 weeks at most. Given that pricing updates are usually given 1-3 quarters ahead at a minimum, they have massive leverage over their providers because they an so easily switch. Meanwhile, if AWS decides to jack up their prices, well you're pretty much screwed in the short-term if you designed around their cloud services.

1 replies

Elsewhere today I recommended RDS, but was thinking of small startup cases that may lack infrastructure chops.

But you are totally right it can be expensive. I worked with a startup that had some inefficient queries, normally it would matter, but with RDS it cost $3,000 a month for a tiny user base and not that much data (millions of rows at most).

0 replies

That sounds like the app needs some serious surgery.

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Even for small workloads it's a difficult choice. I ran a small but vital db, and RDS was costing us like 60 bucks a month per env. That's 240/month/app.

DynamoDB as a replacement, pay per request, was essentially free.

I found Dynamo foreign and rather ugly to code for initially, but am happy with the performance and especially price at the end.

0 replies

Cloud was supposed to be a commodity. Instead it is priced like at burger at the ski hill.

0 replies

In another section , they mentioned they don't have DBA, no app team own the database and the infra team is overwhelmed.

RDS make perfect sense for them

0 replies

I'd add another criticism to the whole quote:

Data is the most critical part of your infrastructure. You lose your network: that’s downtime. You lose your data: that’s a company ending event. The markup cost of using RDS (or any managed database) is worth it.

You need well-run, regularly tested, air gapped or otherwise immutable backups of your DB (and other critical biz data). Even if RDS was perfect, it still doesn't protect you from the things that backups protect you from.

After you have backups, the idea of paying enormous amounts for RDS in order to keep your company from ending is more far fetched.

0 replies

That's the cost of two people.

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Data isn't cheap never was. Paying the licensing fees on top make it more expensive. It really depends on the circunstance a managed database usually has exended support from the compaany providing it. You have to weigh a team's expertise to manage a solution on your own and ensure you spent ample time making it resilient. Other half is the cost of upgrading hardware sometimes it is better to just outright pay a cloud provider if you business does not have enough income to outright buy hardware.There is always an upfront cost.

Small databases or test environment databases you can also leverage kubernetes to host an operator for that tiny DB. When it comes to serious data and it needs a beeline recovery strategy RDS.

Really it should be a mix self hosted for things you aren't afraid to break. Hosted for the things you put at high risk.

0 replies

In your case it sounds more viable to move to VMs instead of RDS, which some cloud providers also recommend.

53 replies

Picking AWS over Google Cloud

I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think google cloud is amazing compared to AWS. I use google cloud run and it works like a dream. I have never found an easier way to get a docker container running in the cloud. The services all have sensible names, there are fewer more important services compared to the mess of AWS services, and the UI is more intuitive. The only downside I have found is the lack of community resulting in fewer tutorials, difficulty finding experienced hires, and fewer third party tools. I recommend trying it. I'd love to get the user base to an even dozen.

The reasoning the author cites is that AWS has more responsive customer service and maybe I am missing out but it would never even occur to me to speak to someone from a cloud provider. They mention having "regular cadence meetings with our AWS account manager" and I am not sure what could be discussed. I must be doing simper stuff.

15 replies

Totally agree, GCP is far easier to work with and get things up and running for how my brain works compared to AWS. Also, GCP name stuff in a way that tells me what it does, AWS name things like a teenage boy trying to be cool.

14 replies

That's completely opposite to my experience. Do you have any examples of AWS naming that you think is "teenage boy trying to be cool"? I am genuinely curious.

13 replies

BigQuery - Athena

Pub/Sub - Kinesis

Cloud CDN - CloudFront

Cloud Domains - Route 53


6 replies

I thought you meant API and parameters. Blaming them for product names is weird to me.

1 replies

It's nice when things do what they say on the tin. That being said, it's hard to build a "brand" when you start out with a generic name.

0 replies

How many popular products have you named and launched? Naming products is hard to meet both usability and marketing objectives. This has never been as big of a problem for me, as GCPs APIs for example. Those are the true evil. Product names I care little for.

1 replies

why is that?

0 replies

Why it's weird to blame them for product names? Because their purpose slightly different. I can see where negativity comes from and understand, but product name is a lot less important as consistent API experience. AWS is the best among big players by far, hats off and well-done to their teams and leadership. I hope the others will finally learn and follow.

1 replies

aws api and param names are stupidly long CamelCased and not even consistent half the time like a leaky abstraction over their underlying implementation

0 replies

You remember any example? I don't call API directly and usually use CLI/SDK/CDK that work a lot better than gcloud. I did see some inconsistencies between services (e.g. updating params for SQS and SNS) and that could definitely be improved. But honestly, comparing to GCP mess, AWS is ten times better.

4 replies

Perfect list, also:

Google Cloud Run - Lambda

Sure I get the reference to the underlying algebraic representation of coding but come on, Lambda tells us nothing of what it does.

Products (not brands, products) should be named in a way that means something to the customer afaic.

1 replies

Have you named any successful product?

0 replies

Yes, named a product and sold over 100,000 units of them. Naming products is hard but not that hard.

1 replies

Perfect list, also:

Google Cloud Run - Lambda

ECS is the AWS equivalent of Cloud Run. GCP Cloud Functions are the equivalent of AWS Lambda.

ECS / Cloud Run = managed container service that autoscales

Lambda / Cloud Functions = serverless functions as a service

0 replies

Thanks for the clarification hadn’t appreciated the difference. Also somewhat reiterates my point which is nice as well

0 replies

Pub/sub is more like SNS or EventBridge Bus to me

7 replies

I have never found an easier way to get a docker container running in the cloud

I don't have a ton of Azure or cloud experience but I run an Unraid server locally which has a decent Docker gui.

Getting a docker container running in Azure is so complicated. I gave up after an hour of poking around.

3 replies

Azure is a complete disaster, deserves its own garbage-category, and gives people PTSD. I don't think AWS/CGP should ever be compared to it at all.

2 replies

Funnily enough, I have the opposite opinion.

AWS has "fun" features like the ability to just lose track of some resource and still be billed for it. It's in here... somewhere. Not sure which region or account. I'll find it one day.

GCP is made by Google, also known as children that forgot to take their ADHD medication. Any minute now they'll just casually announce that they're cancelling the cloud because they're bored of it.

Azure is the only one I've seen with a sane management interface, where you can actually see everything everywhere all at once. Search, filter, query-across-resources, etc... all work reasonably well.

0 replies

you're lucky if azure works without errors half the time...

0 replies

I am yet to meet an IRL person who believes Azure has "sane management interface". In my experience it was horribly inconvenient, filled with weird anti-UX solutions that were completely unnecessary. It maybe shows you all at once, or at least tries to, but it's such a horrible idea for a complex system. Non-surprisingly it never worked properly with various widgets hanging or erroring-out. It was impossible to see wtf is going on, what state it is in, or how to do anything about it. Azure will always be an example of a web UI done horribly wrong. This does actually not surprise me at all since Microsoft products are known for this. Every time I need to extend my kids Xbox subscriptions I have to pull my hair out to figure out how to do it in their web mess.

How can you even compare it to AWS is a mystery to me. There are pages showing all your resources, not sure why you think it's a problem. Could be a problem from long time ago?

2 replies

Oh I disagree - we migrated from azure to AWS, and running a container on Fargate is significantly more work than Azure Container Apps [0]. Container Apps was basically "here's a container, now go".


1 replies

Heh, your comment almost echos the positive thing I was going to say, as well as highlighting half of why I loathe Azure with every fiber of my being is the one I was going to plug, because coming from a kubernetes background it seems to damn near be the PodSpec and thus both expresses a lot of my needs and also is very familiar

Your link does seem to be a lot more "container, plus all the surrounding stuff" in line with the "apps" part, whereas mine more closely matches my actual experience of what you said: container, go

The "what the fucking hell is wrong with you people?" part is that their naming is just all over the place, and changes constantly, and is almost designed to be misleading in any sane conversation. I quite literally couldn't have guessed whether Container Apps was a prior name of Container Instances, a super set of it, subset, other? And one will observe that while I said Container Instances, and the URL says Container Instances, the ARM is Container Groups. Are they the same? different? old? who fucking knows. It's horrific

0 replies

Oh yeah. This and resource groups are the only two things that azure did well. Everything else is a disaster.

4 replies

We are a reasonably large AWS customer and our account manager sends out regular emails with NDA information on what's coming up, we have regular meetings with them about things as wide ranging as database tuning and code development/deployment governance.

They often provide that consulting for free, and we know their biases. There's nothing hidden about the fact that they will push us to use AWS services.

On the other hand, they will also help us optimize those services and save money that is directly measurable.

GCP might have a better API and better "naming" of their services, but the breadth of AWS services, the incorporation of IAM across their services, governance and automation all makes it worth while.

Cloud has come a long way from "it's so easy to spin up a VM/container/lambda".

2 replies

There's nothing hidden about the fact that they will push us to use AWS services.

Our account team don't even do that. We use a lot of AWS anyway and they know it, so they're happy to help with competitor offerings and integrating with our existing stack. Their main push on us has been to not waste money.

1 replies

When I was at AWS, I watched SAs get promoted for saving customers money all the time.

AWS wants happy customers to stick around for a long time, not one month of goosed income

0 replies

Yep. Pay us less every month and stick around for a long time. Getting low prices makes it really difficult to move away.

If you still decided to move away, and want to take data with you, yeah... there is a cost. Heck there is a cost to delete the data you have with them (like S3 content).

Its a good way to do business.

0 replies

In a previous role I got all of these things from GCP – they ran training for us, gave us early access to some alpha/beta stage products (under NDA), we got direct onboarding from engineers on those, they gave us consulting level support on some things and offered much more of it than we took up.

3 replies

Heartily seconded. Also don't forget the docs: Google Cloud docs are generally fairly sane and often even useful, whereas my stomach churns whenever I have to dive into AWS's labyrinth of semi-outdated, nigh-unreadable crap.

2 replies

To be fair there are lots of GCP docs, but I cannot say they are as good as AWS. Everything is CLI-based, some things are broken or hello-world-useless. Takes time to go through multiple duplicate articles to find anything decent. I have never had this issue with AWS.

GCP SDK docs must be mentioned separately as it's a bizarre auto-generated nonsense. Have you seen them? How can you even say that GCP docs are good after that?

1 replies

very few things are cli only, most have multiple ways to do things. and they have separate guide reference sections that can easily be found. compared to aws where your best bet is to hope google indexed the right page for them.

0 replies

few things are cli only

wdym? As far as I see, it's either CLI or Terraform. GCP SDK is complete garbage, at least for Python compared to AWS boto3. I have personally made web UI for AWS CLI man pages as a fun project and can index everything myself if needed. Googling works fine. If you are not happy with it then ChatGPT is to the rescue. I honestly do not see any problem at all.

2 replies

"regular cadence meetings with our AWS account manager" and I am not sure what could be discusse.

As being on a number of those calls, its just a bunch of crap where they talk like a scripted bot reading from corporate buzzword bingo card over a slideshow. Their real intention is two fold. To sell you even more AWS complexity/services, and to provide "value" to their person of contact (which is person working in your company).

We're paying north of 500K per year in AWS support (which is a highway robbery), and in return you get a "team" of people supposedly dedicated to you, which sounds good in theory but you get a labirinth of irresponsiblity, stalling and frustration in reality.

So even when you want to reach out to that team you have to first to through L1 support which I'm sure will be replaced by bots soon (and no value will be lost) which is useful in 1 out of 10 cases. Then if you're not satisfied with L1's answer(s), then you try to escalate to your "dedicated" support team, then they schedule a call in three days time, or if that is around Friday, that means Monday etc.

Their goal is to stall so you figure and fix stuff on your own so they shield their own better quality teams. No wonder our top engineers just left all AWS communication and in cases where unavoidable they delegate this to junior people who still think they are getting something in return.

0 replies

We're paying north of 500K per year in AWS support (which is a highway robbery), and in return you get a "team" of people supposedly dedicated to you, which sounds good in theory but you get a labirinth of irresponsiblity, stalling and frustration in reality.

I’ve found a lot of the time the issues we run into are self-inflicted. When we call support for these, they have to reverse-engineer everything which takes time.

However when we can pinpoint the issue to AWS services, it has been really helpful to have them on the horn to confirm & help us come up with a fix/workaround. These issues come up more rarely, but are extremely frustrating. Support is almost mandated in these cases.

It’s worth mentioning that we operate at a scale where the support cost is a non-issue compared to overall engineering costs. There’s a balance, and we have an internal structure that catches most of the first type of issue nowadays.

0 replies

This rings so true from experience it hurts.

2 replies

I don’t have as much experience with aws but I do hate gcp. The ui is slow and buggy. The way they want things to authenticate is half baked and only implemented in some libraries and it isn’t always clear what library supports it. The gcloud command line tool regularly just doesn’t work; it just hangs and never times out forcing you to kill it manually wondering if it did anything and you’ll mess something up running it again. The way they update client libraries by running code generation means there’s tons of commits that aren’t relevant to the library you’re actually using. Features are not available across all client libraries. Documentation contradicts itself or contradicts support recommendations. Core services like bigquery lack any emulator or Docker image to facilitate CI or testing without having to setup a separate project you have to pay for.

0 replies

Oh, friend, you have not known UI pain until you've used That piece of junk requires actual page reloads to make any changes show up. That Refresh button is just like the close-door elevator button: it's there for you to blow off steam, but it for damn sure does not DO anything. I have boundless screenshots showing when their own UI actually pops up a dialog saying "ok, I did what you asked but it's not going to show up in the console for 10 minutes so check back later". If you forget to always reload the page, and accidentally click on something that it says exists but doesn't, you get the world's ugliest error message and only by squinting at it do you realize it's just the 404 page rendered as if the world has fallen over

I suspect the team that manages it was OKR-ed into using AJAX but come from a classic ASP background, so don't understand what all this "single page app" fad is all about and hope it blows over one day

0 replies

aws is even worse yet somehow people love them, maybe because they get to talk to a support "human" to hand-hold them through all the badness

2 replies

I have never found an easier way to get a docker container running in the cloud

We started using Azure Container Apps (ACA) and it seems simple enough.

Create ACA, point to GitHub repo, it runs.

Push an update to GitHub and it redeploys.

1 replies

Azure Container Apps (ACA) and AWS AppRunner are also heavily "inspired" by Google Cloud Run.

0 replies


2 replies

I have had the experience of an AWS account manager helping me by getting something fixed (working at a big client). But more commonly, I think the account manager’s job at AWS or any cloud or SAAS is to create a reality distortion field and distract you from how much they are charging you.

0 replies

Maybe your TAM is different, but our regularly do presentations about cost breakdown, future planning and possible reservations. There's nothing distracting there.

0 replies

I think the account manager’s job at AWS or any cloud or SAAS is to create a reality distortion field and distract you from how much they are charging you.

How do they do this jedi mind trick?

1 replies

If you are big enough to have regular meetings with AWS you are big enough to have meetings with GCP.

I’ve had technicians at both GCP and Azure debug code and spend hours on developing services.

0 replies

I’ve had technicians at both GCP and Azure debug code and spend hours on developing services.

Almost every time Google pulled in a specialist engineer working on a service/product we had issues with it was very very clear the engineer had no desire to be on that call or to help us. In other words they'd get no benefit from helping us and it was taking away from things that would help their career at Google. Sometimes they didn't even show up to the first call and only did to the second after an escalation up the management chain.

0 replies

We're relatively small GCP users (low six figures) and have monthly cadence meetings with our Google account manager. They're very accommodating, and will help with contacts, events and marketing.

0 replies

GCP support is atrocious. I've worked at one of their largest clients and we literally had to get executives into the loop (on both sides) to get things done sometimes. Multiple times they broke some functionality we depended on (one time they fixed it weeks later except it was still broken) or gave us bad advice that cost a lot of money (which they at least refunded if we did all the paperwork to document it). It was so bad that my team viewed even contacting GCP as an impediment and distraction to actually solving a problem they caused.

I also worked at a smaller company using GCP. GCP refused to do a small quota increase (which AWS just does via a web form) unless I got on a call with my sales representative and listened to a 30 minute upsell pitch.

0 replies

I share your thoughts. It looks like an entire article endorsing AWS honestly

0 replies

Also much prefer GCP but gotta say their support is hot steaming **. I wasted so much time for absolutely nothing with them.

0 replies

AWS enterprise support (basically first line support that you paid for) is actually really really good. they will look at your metrics/logs and share with you solid insights. anything more you can talk to a TAM who can then reach out to relevant engineering teams

0 replies

GCP's SDK and documentation is a mess compared to AWS. And looking at the source code I don't see how it can get better any time soon. AWS seems to have proper design in mind and uses less abstractions giving you freedom to build what you need. AWS CDK is great for IAC.

The only weird part I experienced with AWS is their SNS API. Maybe due to legacy reasons, but what a bizarre mess when you try doing it cross-account. This one is odd.

I have been trying GCP for a while and DevX was horrible. The only part that more-or-less works is CLI but the naming there is inconsistent and not as well-done as in AWS. But it's relative and subjective, so I guess someone likes it. I have experienced GCP official guides that broken, untested or utterly braindead hello-world-useless. And also they are numerous and spread so it takes time to find anything decent.

No dark mode is an extra punch. Seriously. Tried to make it myself with an extension but their page is Angular hell of millions embedded divs. No thank you.

And since you mentioned Cloud Run -- it takes 3 seconds to deploy a Lambda version in AWS and a minute or more for GCP Could Function.

51 replies

The kitchen sink database used by everybody is such a common problem, yet it is repeated over and over again. If you grow it becomes significant tech debt and a performance bottleneck.

Fortunately, with managed DBs like RDS it is really easy to run individual DB clusters per major app.

29 replies

The downside is then you have many, many DBs to fight with, to monitor, to tune, etc.

This is rarely a problem when things are small, but as they grow, the bad schema decisions made by empowering DBA-less teams to run their own infra become glaringly obvious.

11 replies

Bad schema decisions are made regardless of whether you’re one database or 50. At least with many databases the problems are localized.

10 replies

But then the DB Team – if you have one – is responsible for 50 databases, each full of their own unique problems.

This will undoubtedly go over poorly, but honestly I think every data decision should be gated through the DB Team (again, if you have them). Your proposed schema isn’t normalized? Straight to jail. You don’t want to learn SQL? Also straight to jail. You want to use a UUIDv4 as a primary key? Believe it or not, jail.

The most performant and referentially sound app in the world, because of jail.

6 replies

What’s wrong with uuidv4 as PK?

4 replies

Serial integers always work better than any uuid as PKs, but the thing with uuid4 is that it disrupts any kind of index or physical ordering you decide to put on your data.

Uuids are really for external communication, not in-system organization.

2 replies

Serial index forces a synchronisation point on every entity that can create records. If this is only ever a single database that’s fine but plenty of apps can’t scale this way.

0 replies

If you have a sharded DB, each instance can get its own range of ints, which are periodically refreshed.

PlanetScale uses int PKs [0], and they seem to have scaled just fine.


0 replies

They don't. Clustered databases deal with parallel generation of them just fine.

They require periodic synchronization. What isn't a big deal at all and is required by many other database features.

0 replies

FWIW this isn’t true anymore with newer uuid schemes like v7 that are roughly time sortable.

0 replies

Anything non-k-sortable in a B[+,-]tree will cause a ton of page splits. This is a more noticeable performance impact in RDBMS with a clustered index (MySQL's InnoDB, MS SQL Server) [0], but it also impacts Postgres [1] in multiple [2] ways.




1 replies

No single team should not be responsible for all databases. If such team exists they will either become bottleneck for every other team (by auditing carefully each schema change) or become bloated and not utilized 90% of time, or (most common) they will become nearly useless or even harmful - they will not be really responsible and they will act as dumb proxy - they will introduce latency to the schema updates, but they will not bother to check them very well (why would they? they are not responsible for the whole product, just for the database), some DB refactoring/migrations will be totally abandoned because DB team will make them too painful.

DB team could act as an auditor and expert support, but they should never be fully responsible for DB layer.

0 replies

If such team exists they will either become bottleneck for every other team (by auditing carefully each schema change)

That’s the point. Would you send a backend code review to a frontend team? Why do DBs not deserve domain expertise, especially when the entire company depends on them?

they are not responsible for the whole product, just for the database

I assure you, that’s a lot to be responsible for at scale.

DB team could act as an auditor and expert support, but they should never be fully responsible for DB layer.

Again, the issue here is when the DB gets borked enough that a SME is required to fix it, they effectively do become responsible, because no CTO is going to accept, “sorry, we’ll be down for a couple of days because our team doesn’t really know how this thing works.”

And if your answer is, “AWS Premium Support,” they’ll just tell you to upsize the instance. Every time. That is not a long-term strategy.

0 replies

What's the best non serial option for PKs in your view? Or do you prefer dual PK approach?

9 replies

Not a downside to me. Each team maintains their own DB and pays for their own choices.

In the kitchen sink model all teams are tied together for performance and scalability, and some bad apple applications can ruin the party for everyone.

Seen this countless times doing due diligence on startups. The universal kitchen sink DB is almost always one of the major tech debt items.

5 replies

I’m a DBRE, which means it’s somehow always my fault until proven otherwise. And even then, it’s usually on me to work around the insane schema dreamt up by the devs.

Multi-tenant DBs can work fine as long as every app has its own users, everyone goes through a connection pooler / load balancer, and every user has rate limits. You want to write shitty queries that time out? Not my problem. Your GraphQL BFF bullshit is trying to make 10,000 QPS? Nope, sorry, try again later.

EDIT: I say “not my problem,” but as mentioned, it inevitably becomes my problem. Because “just unblock them so the site is functional” is far more attractive to the C-Suite than “slow down velocity to ensure the dev teams are doing things right.”

2 replies

Or, you just avoid doing multi tenet from the start and none of those become your problem to unblock. What’s the downside?

1 replies

Done that as well; it still becomes my problem because teams without RDBMS knowledge eventually break it, and… then I get paged.

Full Stack is a lie, and the sooner companies accept that and allow people to specialize again, and to pay for the extra headcount, the better off everyone will be.

0 replies

I disagree I guess. Multiple companies I’ve worked at have broken up their shared db into many dbs that individual teams own the operations of, and it works just fine. At significant scale in traffic and # of eng. No central dbas needed - smaller databases require much less skills to manage. The teams that own them learn enough.

0 replies

I agree. My gripe was everybody in the same schema with a global “app” user.

0 replies

You forgot the modern mantra - dev team is always right!

2 replies

Not a downside to me. Each team maintains their own DB and pays for their own choices.

This is how you end up with the infamous "jira and confluence have two different markdown flavors" issue.

1 replies

I don't think Jira and Confluence different markdown setup is due to them not sharing their databases. It is just poor product management from Attlasian.

0 replies

My point is that forcing these arbitrary decisions is poor product management.

6 replies

It's because I hate databases and programming separately. I would rather slow code then have to dig into some database procdure. Its just another level of separation thats too mentally hard to manage. Its like... my queries go into a VM and now I have to worry about how the VM is performing.

I wish and maybe there is a programming language with first class database support. I mean really first class not just let me run queries but almost like embedded into the language in a primal way where I can both deal with my database programming fancyness and my general development together.

Sincerely someone who inherited a project from a DBA.

3 replies

The closest thing to what you're describing is Prisma in Node. It generates a Typescript file from your schema so you get code completion on your data. And it exists somewhere between a query builder and a traditional ORM.

I have worked in many languages with many ORMs and this has been my personal favorite.

1 replies

Until Prisma can manage JOINs [0] there is no way I can recommend it.


0 replies

The support for JOINs is coming, currently under a feature flag [0]


0 replies

But the migration stuff is a horrible joke. No way to just rollback a broken migration.

0 replies

I mean really first class not just let me run queries but almost like embedded into the language

Not quite embedded into the OS, but Django is a damn good ORM. I say that as a DBRE, and someone obsessed with performance (inherent issues with interpreted languages aside).

0 replies

The language you’re talking about is APEX. I believe it comes from Oracle and is the backend language for Salesforce development. You’ll like the first class database support but that’s about it.

11 replies

Lots of interesting comments on this one. Anyone have any good resources for learning how not to fuck up schema/db design for those of us who will probably never have a DBA on the team?

7 replies

Good question. We don't have a DBA either. I've learned SQL as needed and while I'm not terrible, it's still daunting when making the schema for a new module that might require 10-20 tables or more.

One thing that has worked well for us is to alway include the top-most parent key in all child tables down yhe hierarchy. This way we can load all the data for say an order without joins/exists.

Oh and never use natural keys. Each time I thought finally I had a good use-case, it has bitten me in some way.

Apart from that we just try to think about the required data access and the queries needed. Main thing is that all queries should go against indexes in our case, so we make sure the schema supports that easily. Requires some educated guesses at times but mostly it's predictable IME.

Anyway would love to see a proper resource. We've made some mistakes but I'm sure there's more to learn.

6 replies

Not to pick on you, but is SQL not basic knowledge for every software engineer these days? Or have times changed?

4 replies

Times have changed. If you have C# programmers and they can't do it in Entity Framework/LINQ, then they can't do it.

3 replies

This seems like a stereotype from 2010s and disconnected from reality today.

2 replies

Nope. None of my below 30 colleagues know SQL. They use ORM in REPL or visual tools.

1 replies

LINQPad is awesome and EF Core is just this good so I can see why some would just choose not to deal with SQL.

With that said, this still sounds like a strange situation - most colleagues, acquaintances and people I consulted know they way around SQL and dropping down to 'dbset.FromSql($"SELECT {...' is very commonplace out of the need to use sprocs, views or have tighter control over the query.

0 replies

I had not updated LINQPad in a while and just saw the price this year. Eeesh. I now live in a .NET Interactive (Jupyter like) environment.

0 replies

Perhaps I undersold myself a little. By the time I got my first job I was fairly well versed in SQL querying, and these days I feel comfortable writing what I'd consider complex queries. That is with various window functions, nested queries, recursion (though I try to avoid that) etc, and I have a good handle on what the query optimizer likes and doesn't like.

But schema design is something else. I still take my time doing that.

Especially since our application is written with backwards compatibility in mind, so changing schema after it's deployed is something we try very hard to avoid.

But yeah, when hiring we require they are comfortable writing "normal" SQL queries (multiple joins, aggregation etc).

2 replies

not to fuck up schema/db design

The neat thing is, you don't. Nobody ever avoids fucking up db design.

The best you can do is decide what is really important to get right, and not fuck that part up.

1 replies

Wow, what an astute comment! Thank you!

P.S. to the original person concerned about this though… for your own sake and your successors, please keep trying.

0 replies

Assuming that was sarcastic, you are free to try, I guess everyone needs to try it once.

Just do the exercise of deciding what is really important first, so you can make sure you succeed for that stuff.

7 replies

Management problem masquerading as a tech problem.

Being shared between applications is literally what databases were invented to do. That’s why you learn a special dsl to query and update them instead of just doing it in the same language as your application.

The problem is that data is a shared resource. The database is where multiple groups in an organization come together to get something they all need. So it needs to be managed. It could be a dictator DBA or a set of rules designed in meetings and administered by ops, or whatever.

But imagine it was money. Different divisions produce and consume money just like data. Would anyone imagine suggesting either every team has their own bank account or total unfettered access to the corporate treasury? Of course not. You would make a system. Everyone would at least mildly hate it. That’s how databases should generally be managed once the company is any real size.

5 replies

Why would you make it a shared resource if you don’t have to?

Decades of experience have shown us the massive costs of doing so - the crippled velocity and soul crushing agony of dba change control teams, the overhead salary of database priests, the arcane performance nightmares, the nuclear blast radius, the fundamental organizational counter-incentives of a shared resource .

Why on earth would we choose to pay those terrible prices in this day and age, when infrastructure is code, managed databases are everywhere and every team can have their own thing. You didn’t have a choice previously, now you do.

4 replies

You wouldn’t but in any decent sized organization you will have to. If it is an organization that needs to exist there will be some common set of critical data.

2 replies

That’s just not true though, I’ve worked at decent sized companies without shared RDBMs, so you don’t have to.

You DO have to share data in other ways, usually datawarehouse or services, but that is not the same thing.

1 replies

To me this is semantics. So it’s a data warehouse rather than a database. Ok. Or we share data from a common source via “services” - ok but that’s another word for a database and a client (using http to do the talking doesn’t really change anything).

I’m not saying literally every source of data has to be shared and centrally managed. I’m also not saying “rdbms accessed via traditional client and queried via sql” when I say database. I’m just saying a shared database of some shape is inevitable.

0 replies

Ok, but the OP and the article are talking specifically about a directly shared rdbms scenario, not some nebulous concept of shared data.

Also, operationally it’s not “semantics” at all. You don’t get into (many) operational problems with analysts sharing a datawarehouse. You absolutely do with online apps sharing a rdbms, they aren’t the same thing.

0 replies

In my experience, isolated (repeated) data storage paradigm is even more common at large organizations. They share data via services, ETLs, event buses, etc.

0 replies

...I worked at a large software organization where larger teams had their own bank account, and there was a lot of internal billing, etc, mixed with plenty of funny-money to go along with it. That's not a contradiction, though, it perfectly illustrated your point for me.

0 replies

The moment you have two databases is the moment you need to deal with data consistency problems.

If you can't do something like determine if you can delete data, as the article mentions, you won't be able to produce an answer to how to deal with those problems.

44 replies

So by and large I agree with the things in this article. It's interesting that the points I disagree with the author on are all SaaS products:

Moving off JIRA onto linear

I don't get the hype. Linear is fine and all but I constantly find things I either can't or don't know how to do. How do I make different ticket types with different sets of fields? No clue.

Not using Terraform Cloud No Regrets

I generally recommend Terraform Cloud - it's easy for you to grow your own in house system that works fine for a few years and gradually ends up costing you in the long run if you don't.

GitHub actions for CI/CD Endorse-ish

Use Gitlab

Datadog Regret

Strong disagree - it's easily the best monitoring/observability tool on the market by a wide margin.

Cost is the most common complaint and it's almost always from people who don't have it configured correctly (which to be fair Datadog makes it far too easy to misconfigure things and blow up costs).

Pagerduty Endorse

Pagerduty charges like 10x what Opsgenie does and offers no better functionality.

When I had a contract renewal with Pagerduty I asked the sales rep what features they had that Opsgenie didn't.

He told me they're positioning themselves as the high end brand in the market.

Cool so I'm okay going generic brand for my incident reporting.

Every CFO should use this as a litmus test to understand if their CTO is financially prudent IMO.

8 replies

We moved from Trello to Linear and it's been fantastic. I hope to never work at an organisation large enough for JIRA to be a good idea.

6 replies

Newer (aka next gen aka Team-managed) Jira projects are pretty solid.

5 replies

Do jira pages still take 30 seconds to load, and have all the interaction speed of cold molasses? Does it have nice keyboard shortcuts yet? Do I still need to perform an arcane ritual of setup to get the ticket statuses to be what I want?

Linear has been such a breath of fresh air, with such a solid desktop app (on Mac OS) that I don’t ever want to go back. Stuff happens instantly, the layout and semantics are an excellent “90% good enough” that I would happily relegate jira to only the most enterprise of enterprise projects.

1 replies

No, Jira loading is relatively OK and on par with other SPAs. It's got a CTRL+SHIFT+P style actions menu for tickets which helps cut down on point and click pain (especially for linking issues etc). Setting up statues and workflows and how they map to a board is relatively straightforward.

There are lots of things where Jira falls short, but the pain points on an under-resourced self hosted instance of ten years ago are nothing like the ones you'll find on Jira cloud today.

0 replies

Does Jira still have multiple flavours of markdown for different fields and editors? Last I used it, it used a different flavour for creating and editing a ticket. Also another flavour for bitbucket. None of these were compatible and it would convert between them in the backend but I was left confused every time when I would have to switch formatting styles

0 replies

Linear is making (fairly) good on the promises of local-first software. As opposed to "every click is a round trip to the server" software.

0 replies

At one of the bigger companies I was at we had an on-prem JIRA in the same office building and it was still so slow that I would often forget why I was loading that page

0 replies

trigger warning please on the Jira stuff

0 replies

To be fair Linear does strike me as everything everyone always hoped Trello would be.

So if that's the upgrade path you're going down I'd expect it to be fantastic.

7 replies

PagerDuty’s cheapest plan is $21 per user month

OpsGenie’s cheapest is $9 per user month but arbitrarily crippled, the plan anybody would want to use is $19 per user month

So instead of a factor of ten it’s ten percent cheaper. And i just kind of expect Atlassian to suck.

Datadog is ridiculously expensive and on several occasions I’ve run into problems where an obvious cause for an incident was hidden by bad behavior of datadog.

5 replies

Heii On-Call is $32 per month total for your team — not per user. (Full disclosure: part of the team building it)

2 replies

Looks super interesting, and that $3/month for hobbyists is just low enough to meet my budget for hobby services, but please, for on-call stuff, you gotta have alerts that make phone calls. Nothing else is going to wake me in the middle of the night. This is the #1 feature I expect from an on-call service - you're on-call because you will be called.

0 replies

We are building a great and affordable incident escalation tool as well:

With SMS, Phone Calls and Critical Alerts / DnD override.

We're 5 USD/user.

We try to build as close to our users as possible. Happy for any new try outs! :)

(I am co founder)

0 replies

Thanks for the feedback!

We use iOS “Critical Alerts” and similar on Android that breaks through any Do-Not-Disturb settings. Would you be willing to give that a shot? It wakes me every time :)

(It’s configurable too; we have vibrate-only or silenced modes. Think old-school beeper.)

In the rare case that it doesn’t wake you, we have configurable escalation strategies to alert someone else on your team after a configurable number of minutes.

1 replies

How do you pronounce that?

0 replies


0 replies

I just started building out on-call rotation scheduling to fit teams that already have an alerting solution and need simple automated scheduling. I’d love to get some feedback:

6 replies

Cost is the most common complaint and it's almost always from people who don't have it configured correctly (which to be fair Datadog makes it far too easy to misconfigure things and blow up costs).

I loved Datadog 10 years ago when I joined a company that already used it where I never once had to think about pricing. It was at the top of my list when evaluating monitoring tools for my company last year, until I got to the costs. The pricing page itself made my head swim. I just couldn’t get behind subscribing to something with pricing that felt designed to be impossible to reason about, even if the software is best in class.

3 replies

I’m a big fan of Datadog from multiple angles.

Their pricing setup is evil. Breaking out by SKUs and having 10+ SKUs is fine, trialing services with “spot” prices before committing to reserved capacity is also fine.

But (for some SKUs, at least) they make it really difficult to be confident that the reserved capacity you’re purchasing will cover your spot use cases. Then, they make you contact a sales rep to lower your reserved capacity.

It all feels designed to get you to pay the “spot” rate for as long as possible, and it’s not a good look.

I understand the pressures on their billing and sales teams that lead to these patterns, but they don’t align with their customers in the long term. I hope they clean up their act, because I agree they’re losing some set of customers over it.

2 replies

Another annoying thing is that the billing dashboards do not map clearly to what's on the pricing pages / in the contract. Good luck figuring out the extras for RUM when you have multiple orgs.

Then they have things that I wanted to try for a long time, but... support doesn't care? Repeated "would you like to use this? / very likely, can we try it out? / (silence)". I love their product, but they are so annoying to deal with at the billing level.

1 replies

Another annoying thing is that the billing dashboards do not map clearly to what's on the pricing pages / in the contract. Good luck figuring out the extras for RUM when you have multiple orgs.

I, quite literally, was griping to my Datadog CSM about this exact thing last week. They'll email me and be, "Oh, you know you're logging volume this month put you into on-demand indexing rates, right?" and my answer is always, "No, because your monitoring platform makes it nearly impossible for me to monitor it correctly."

You can't reference your contracted volume rates when building monitors out and the units for the metrics you need to watch don't match the units you contract with them on the SKU.


0 replies

And why do you continue to deal with scum like this? You're ultimately going to pay it and business will carry on as usual for them.

1 replies

Datadog makes it far too easy to misconfigure things and blow up costs

I'll give you a fun example. It's fresh in my mind because i just got reamed out about it this week.

In our last contract with DataDog, they convinced us to try out the CloudSIEM product, we put in a small $600/mo committment to it to try it out. Well, we never really set it up and it sat on autopilot for many months. We fell under our contract rate for it for almost a year.

Then last month we had some crazy stuff happen and we were spamming logs into DataDog for a variety of reasons. I knew I didn't want to pay for these billions of logs to be indexed, so I made an exclusion filter to keep them out of our log indexes so we didn't have a crazy bill for log indexing.

So our rep emailed me last week and said "Hey just a heads up you have $6,500 in on-demand costs for CloudSIEM, I hope that was expected". No, it was NOT expected. Turns out excluding logs from indexing does not exclude them from CloudSIEM. Fun fact, you will not find any documented way to exclude logs from CloudSIEM ingestion. It is technically possible, but only through their API and it isn't documented. Anyway, I didn't do or know this, so now i had $6,500 of on-demand costs plus $400-500 misc on-demand costs that I had to explain to the CTO.

I should mention my annual review/pay raise is also next week (I report to the CTO), so this will now be fresh in their mind for that experience.

0 replies

That’s just the sort of hypothetical scenario that kept running through my head as I tried to find a way for us to use Datadog. I even particularly wanted to use the CloudSIEM product. Bummer.

6 replies

I mostly agreed with OP's article, but you basically nailed all of the points of disagreement I did have.

Jira: Its overhyped and overpriced. Most HATE jira. I guess I don't care enough. I've never met a ticket system that I loved. Jira is fine. Its overly complex sure. But once you set it up, you don't need to change it very often. I don't love it, I don't hate it. No one ever got fired for choosing Jira, so it gets chosen. Welcome to the tech industry.

Terraform Cloud: The gains for Terraform Cloud are minimal. We just use Gitlab for running Terraform pipelines and have a super nice custom solution that we enjoy. It wasn't that hard to do either. We maintain state files remotely in S3 with versioning for the rare cases when we need to restore a foobar'd statefile. Honestly I like having Terraform pipelines in the same place as the code and pipelines for other things.

GitHub Actions: Yeah switch to GitLab. I used to like Github Actions until I moved to a company with Gitlab and it is best in class, full stop. I could rave about Gitlab for hours. I will evangelize for Gitlab anywhere I go that is using anything else.

DataDog: As mentioned, DataDog is the best monitoring and observability solution out there. The only reason NOT to use it is the cost. It is absurdly expensive. Yes, truly expensive. I really hate how expensive it is. But luckily I work somewhere that lets us have it and its amazing.

Pagerduty: Agree, switch to OpsGenie. Opsgenie is considerably cheaper and does all the pager stuff of Pager duty. All the stuff that PagerDuty tries to tack on top to justify its cost is stuff you don't need. OpsGenie does all the stuff you need. Its fine. Similar to Jira, its not something anyone wants anyway. No ones going to love it, no one loves being on call. So just save money with OpsGenie. If you're going to fight for the "brand name" of something, fight for DataDog instead, not a cooler pager system.

5 replies

I'm right there with you on Jira. The haters are wrong - it's a decent enough ticket system, no worse than anything else I've used. You can definitely torture Jira into something horrible, but that's not Jira's fault. Bad managers will ruin any ticket system if they have the customization tools to do so.

3 replies

Using Jira feels like using IBM enterprise web software from 2005, and I am simply not going to make my teams put up with that amount of inanity.

1 replies

Found the person who never used Lotus Notes haha.

0 replies

I was blown away when I found out a couple years ago that there were major corporations still using that as their primary communication platform.

0 replies

We switched to JIRA around 2005 away from IBM enterprise web software, because it was a breath of fresh air.

So on the standard tech hype cycle, that sounds about right.

0 replies

Yeah, usually Jira hate is really convoluted company process hate. Of course the Jira software isn't perfect, but it's fine. Jira's strength and weakness is it's flexibility.

4 replies

Interesting. Atlassian also just launched an integration with OpsGenie. I have the same opinion of JIRA. I've tried many competitors (not Linear so far) and regretted it every time.

2 replies

Atlassian also just launched an integration with OpsGenie.

Given Atlassian bought OpsGenie in 2018, this either somewhere between quite late and unsurprising.

1 replies

Two different measurements (time and Atlassian development processes) that are orthogonal.

Anything Atlassian does is mostly quite late and its integration story is so pathetic that it's unsurprising.

Try to have a bitbucket pipeline that pushes to confluence. Seems like a basic integration to have, after all, Confluence has an API (well, actually it has 3 different ones) so surely Atlassian would make a basic thing like "publish a wiki page" a thing you get out of the box.


0 replies

Oh, I am no great fan. Plus I have a nascent blog post on the subject of 'can you believe ...?' items around this subject.

I suppose it comes back to the comparative priorities (as evaluated by recurrent revenue) of ticking rfq boxes vs solving actual problems.

0 replies

I'm not sure they just launched anything. OpsGenie has been an Atlassian product for 5 or more years now. I've been using it for 3-4 myself and its been integrated with Jira the whole time.

In fact, OpsGenie has mostly been on Auto-pilot for a few years now.

1 replies

Why gitlab? GitHub actions are a mess but gitlab online's ci cd is not much better at all, and for self hosted it opens a whole different can of worms. At least with GitHub actions you have a plugin ecosystem that makes the super janky underlying platform a bit more bearable.

0 replies

I've found GitLab CI's "DAG of jobs" model has made maintenance and, crucially for us, optimisation relatively easy. Then I look into GitHub Actions and... where are the abstraction tools? How do I cache just part of my "workflow"? Plugins be damned. GitLab CI is so good that I'm willing to overlook vendor lock-in and YAML, and use it for our GitHub project even without proper integration. (Frankly the rest of GitLab seems to always be a couple features ahead, but no-one's willing to migrate.)

0 replies

DatDog is a freaking beast. NY wife works in workday (a huge employee management system) and they have a very large number of tutorials, videos, "working hours" and other tools to ensure their customers are making the best use of it.

Datadog on the other side... their "DD University" is a shame and we as paying customers are overwhelmed and with no real guidance. DD should assign some time for integration for new customers, even if it is proportional to what you pay annually. (I think I pay around 6000 usd annually.

0 replies

Agreed on PagerDuty It doesn't really do a lot, administrating it is fairly finicky, and most shops barely use half the functionality it has anyway.

To me its whole schedule interface is atrocious for its price, given from an SRE/dev perspective, that's literally its purpose - scheduled escalations.

0 replies

Cost is the most common complaint and it's almost always from people who don't have it configured correctly (which to be fair Datadog makes it far too easy to misconfigure things and blow up costs).

Datadog's cheapest pricing is $15/host/month. I believe that is based on the largest sustained peak usage you have.

We run spot instances on AWS for machine learning workflows. A lot of them if we're training and none otherwise. Usually we're using zero. Using DataDog at it's lowest price would basically double the cost of those instances.

0 replies

This may be a noob question - but why not use Github Projects instead of Linear or Jita?

You're staying within an ecosystem you know and it seems to offer almost all of the necessary functionality

0 replies

Linear has a lot going for it. It doesn't support custom fields, so if that's a critical feature for you, I can see it falling short. In my experience though, custom fields just end up being a mess anytime a manager changes and decides to do things differently, things get moved around teams, etc.

- It's fast. It's wild that this is a selling point, but it's actually a huge deal. JIRA and so many other tools like it are as slow as molasses. Speed is honestly the biggest feature.

- It looks pretty. If your team is going to spend time there, this will end up affecting productivity.

- It has a decent degree of customization and an API. We've automated tickets moving across columns whenever something gets started, a PR is up for review, when a change is merged, when it's deployed to beta, and when it's deployed to prod. We've even built our own CLI tools for being able to action on Linear without leaving your shell.

- It has a lot of keyboard shortcuts for power users.

- It's well featured. You get teams, triaging, sprints (cycles), backlog, project management, custom views that are shareable, roadmaps, etc...

0 replies

After their ridiculous outage, I wouldn’t touch OpsGenie with a 10ft pole.

28 replies

If you are startup that can can’t afford a DBA, then why why why are you using Kubernetes?

9 replies

Why wouldn't you use Kubernetes? There are basically 3 classes of deployments:

1) We don't have any software, so we don't have a prod environment.

2) We have 1 team that makes 1 thing, so we just launch it out of systemd.

3) We have between 2 and 1000 teams that make things and want to self-manage when stuff gets rolled out.

Kubernetes is case 3. Like it or not, teams that don't coordinate with each other is how startups scale, just like big companies. You will never find a director of engineering that says "nah, let's just have one giant team and one giant codebase".

4 replies

On AWS, at least, there are alternatives such as ECS and even plain old EC2 auto scaling groups. Teams can have the autonomy to run their infrastructure however they like (subject to whatever corporate policy and compliance regime requirements they might have to adhere to).

Kubernetes is appealing to many, but it is not 100% frictionless. There are upgrades to manage, control plane limits, leaky abstractions, different APIs from your cloud provider, different RBAC, and other things you might prefer to avoid. It's its own little world on top of whatever world you happen to be running your foundational infrastructure on.

Or, as someone has artistically expressed it:

1 replies

The iceberg is fine, but using ECS doesn't absolve you from needing to care about monitoring, affinity, audit logging, OS upgrades, authentication/IAM, etc. That's generally why organizations choose to have infrastructure teams, or to not have infrastructure at all.

I have seen people rewrite Kubernetes in CloudFormation. You can do it! But it certainly isn't problem-free.

0 replies

ECS Fargate does manage the security of the node up to and including the container runtime. Patches are often applied behind the scenes, without many folks even knowing, and for those that require interruption, a restart of the task will land it on a patched node.

You’re right that if you use a cloud provider, IAM is something that has to be reckoned with. But the question is, how many implementations of IAM and policy mechanisms do I want to deal with?

0 replies

K8S has a credible local development and testing story, ECS and ASGs do not. The fact that there's a generic interface for load-balancer like things, and then you can have a different implementation on your laptop, in the datacenter, and in AWS, and everything ports, is huge.

Also, you can bundle your load balancer config and application config together. No written description of the load balancer config + an RPM file to a disinterested different team.

0 replies

The alternatives aren't frictionless either; many items from that image are not specific to Kubernetes. I personally find AWS API's frustrating to use, so even if I were running a one-person shop (and was bound to AWS for some reason - maybe a warlock has cursed me?) I'd lean towards managing things from EKS to get an interface that fits my brain better. It's just preference, though - EC2 auto-scaling is perfectly viable if that's your jam.

2 replies

One giant codebase is fine. Monorepo is better than lots of scattered repos linked together with git hashes. And it doesn't really get in the way of each team managing when stuff gets rolled out.

1 replies

I'm a big monorepo fan, but you run into that ownership problem. "It's slow to clone"; which team fixes that?

0 replies
0 replies

Google has one giant codebase. I am pretty sure the aren't the only ones.

5 replies

I think a lot of startups have a set of requirements that is something like:

- I want to spin up multiple redundant instances of some set of services

- I want to load balance over those services

- I want some form of rolling deploy so that I don’t have downtime when I deploy

- I want some form of declarative infrastructure, not click-ops

Given these requirements, I can’t think of an alternative to managed k8s that isn’t more complex.

3 replies

A startup with no DBA does not need redundant anything. Too small.

0 replies

Places get pretty big with no dedicated DBA resources these days. Last place I was at was a Fintech SaaS with 50 engineers and half a million paying customers.

Running off a couple of medium ( $3k/month each range ) RDS databases with failover setup. ECS for apps.

Databases looked after themselves. The senior people probably spent 20% of a FTE on stuff like optimizing it when load crept up.

Place before that was a similar size and no DBA either. People just muddled though.

0 replies

This is a sweeping generalization to make, and I think you underestimate how easy it is to achieve redundancy with modern tools these days.

My company uses redundant services because we like to deploy frequently, and our customers notice if our API breaks while the service is restarted. Running the service redundantly allows us to do rolling deploys while continuing to serve our API. It’s also saved us from downtime when a service encounters a weird code path and crashes.

0 replies

Uh? Even some larger startups don't have DBAs anymore. For better or for worse. Hell even the place I currently work in, which is not a startup at all has basically no DBA role to speak of.

0 replies

AWS Copilot (if you're on AWS). It's a bit like the older Elastic Beanstalk for EC2.

5 replies

Because I can go from main.go to a load balanced, autoscaling app with rolling deploys, segeregated environments, logging & monitoring in about 30 minutes, and never need to touch _any_ of that again. Plus, if I leave, the guy who comes after me can look at a helm chart, terraform module + pipeline.yml and figure out how it works. Meanwhile, our janq shell script based task scheduler craps out on something new every month. What started as 15 lines of "docker run X, sleep 30 docker kill x" is now a polyglot monster to handle all sorts of edge cases.

I have spent vanishingly close to 0 hours on maintaining our (managed) kubernetes clusters in work over the past 3 years, and if I didn't show up tomorrow my replacement would be fine.

2 replies

I spent zero hours on a MySQL server on bare hardware for seven years.

Admittedly, I was afraid of ever restarting as I wasn’t sure it would reboot. But still…

0 replies

You better invest some time in migrating away from your 5.7 (or earlier) in that case, because it's EOL already ;)

0 replies

You still need to get mysql installed and configured though. On AWS, it's 30 lines of terraform for RDS on an internal subnet with a security group only allowing access from your cluster.

For that, you get automated backups, very simple read proxies, managed updates of you ever need them. You can vertically scale down, or uo to the point of "it's cheaper to hire a DBA to fix this".

1 replies

If you can do all that in 30 minutes (or even a few hours), I would love to read an article/post about your setup, or any resources you might recommend.

0 replies

I've just done it a dozen times at this point. Hello world from gin-gonic [0], terraform file with a DO K8s cluster [1] and load balancer, and CI/CD [2] on deploy. There's even time to make a cuppa when you run terraform.

We use this for our internal services at work, and the last time I touched the infra was in 2022 according to git




1 replies

This is my case. I’m one man show ATM so no DBA. I’m still using Kubernetes. Many things can be automated as simply as helm apply. Plus you get the benefit of not having a hot mess of systemd services, ad hoc tools which you don’t remember how you configured, plethora bash scripts to do common tasks and so on.

I see Kubernetes as one time (mental and time) investment that buys me somehow smoother sailing plus some other benefits.

Of course it is not all rainbows and unicorns. Having a single nginx server for a single /static directory would be my dream instead of MinIO and such.

0 replies

I don’t push to implement Kubernetes until I had 100 engineers and a reason to use it.

0 replies

Because they are on AWS and can't use Cloud Run.

0 replies

To make up for having a better schema in Terraform than in the database.

0 replies

Helm is the only infrastructure package manager I've ever used where you could reliably get random third party things running without a ton of hassle. It's a huge advantage.

0 replies

Because it works, the infra folks you hired already know how to use it, the API is slightly less awful than working with AWS directly, and your manifests are kinda sorta portable in case you need to switch hosting providers for some reason.

23 replies

I’m imagining a developer in the 90s/00s reading this list and being baffled by the complexity/terminology

6 replies

I agree. I’m afraid I’m one of those 00s developers and can relate. Back then many startups were being launched on super simple stacks.

With all of that complexity/word salad from TFA, where’s the value delivered? Presumably there’s a product somewhere under all that infrastructure, but damn, what’s left to spend on it after all the infrastructure variable costs?

I get it’s a list of preferences, but still once you’ve got your selection that’s still a ton of crap to pay for and deal with.

Do we ever seek simplicity in software engineering products?

1 replies

That's for slower projects.

You know the old adage "fast, cheap, good: pick two"? With startups, you're forced to pick fast. You're still probably not gonna make it, but if you don't build fast, you definitely won't.

0 replies

"That's what they want you to think"

1 replies

Do we ever seek simplicity in software engineering products?

Doubtfully. Simplicity of work breakdown structure - maybe. Legibility for management layers, possibly. Structural integrity of your CYA armor? 100%.

The half-life of a software project is what now, a few years at most these days? Months, in webdev? Why build something that is robust, durable, efficient, make all the correct engineering choices, where you can instead race ahead with a series of "nobody ever got fired for using ${current hot cloud thing}" choices, not worrying at all about rapidly expanding pile of tech and organizational debt? If you push the repayment time far back enough, your project will likely be dead by then anyway (win), or acquired by a greater fool (BIG WIN) - either way, you're not cleaning up anything.

Nobody wants to stay attached to a project these days anyway.



0 replies

Don't worry, AI will wash all that away. Nothing says simplicity like an incomprehensible black box!

0 replies

Look, the thing is - most of infra decisions are made by devops/devs that have a vested interest in this.

Either because they only know how to manage AWS instances (it was the hotness and thats what all the blogs and YT videos were about) and are now terrified from losing their jobs if the companies switch stacks. Or because they needed to put the new thing on their CV so they remain employable. Also maybe because they had to get that promotion and bonus for doing hard things and migrating things. Or because they were pressured into by bean counters which were pressured by the geniuses of Wall Street to move capex to opex.

In any case, this isn't by necessity these days. This is because, for a massive amount of engineers, that's the only way they know how to do things and after the gold rush of high pay, there's not many engineers around that are in it to learn or do things better. It's for the paycheck.

It is what it is. The actual reality of engineering the products well doesn't come close to the work being done by the people carrying that fancy superstar engineer title.

0 replies

I think that far too many companies get sold on the vision of "it just works, you don't need to hire ops people to run the tools you need for your business". And that is true! And while you're starting, it may be that you can't afford to hire an ops guy and can't take the time to do it yourself. But it doesn't take that much scale before you get to the point it would be cheaper to just manage your own tools.

Cloud and SaaS tools are very seductive, but I think they're ultimately a trap. Keep your tools simple and just run them yourselves, it's not that hard.

1 replies

There's _a lot_ in the article that existed in the 00s. Now imagine a programmer from the 70s...

0 replies

I think engineers in the 20s who were putting out quality enigmas would be stunned by all the marketing lingo.

1 replies

I thought the same reading it – is it really this hard to build an app these days?

Things were more far more manual and much less secure, scalable and reliable in the past, but they were also far far simpler.

0 replies

Agreed. It’s just ridiculous. Some just love to spend money and make things more complex.

1 replies

I’ve used most of these technologies and the sum value add over a way simpler monolith on a single server setup is negligible. It’s pure insanity

0 replies

It's a hedge.

There's an easy bent towards designing everything for scale. It's optimistic. It's feels good. It's safe, defendable, and sound to argue that this complexity, cost, and deep dependency is warranted when your product is surely on the verge of changing the course of humanity.

The reality is your SaaS platform for ethically sourced, vegan dog food is below inconsequential and the few users that you do have (and may positively affect) absolutely do not not need this tower of abstraction to run.

1 replies

We had FB up to 6 figures in servers and a billion MAUs (conservatively) before even tinkering with containers.

The “control plane” was ZooKeeper. Everything had bindings to it, Thrift/Protobuf goes in a znode fine. List of servers for FooService? znode.

The packaging system was a little more complicated than a tarball, but it was spiritually a tarball.

Static link everything. Dependency hell: gone. Docker: redundant.

The deployment pipeline used hypershell to drop the packages and kick the processes over.

There were hundreds of services and dozens of clusters of them, but every single one was a service because it needed a different SKU (read: instance type), or needed to be in Java or C++, or some engineering reason. If it didn’t have a real reason, it goes in the monolith.

This was dramatically less painful than any of the two dozen server type shops I’ve consulted for using kube and shit. It’s not that I can’t use Kubernetes, I know the k9s shortcuts blindfolded. But it’s no fun. And pros built these deployments and did it well, serious Kubernetes people can do everything right and it’s complicated.

After 4 years of hundreds of elite SWEs and PEs (SRE) building a Borg-alike, we’d hit parity with the bash and ZK stuff. And it ultimately got to be a clear win.

But we had an engineering reason to use containers: we were on bare metal, containers can make a lot of sense on bare metal.

In a hyperscaler that has a zillion SKUs on-demand? Kubernetes/Docker/OCI/runc/blah is the friggin Bezos tax. You’re already virtualized!

Some of the new stuff is hot shit, I’m glad I don’t ssh into prod boxes anymore, let alone run a command on 10k at the same time. I’m glad there are good UIs for fleet management in the browser and TUI/CLI, and stuff like TailScale where mortals can do some network stuff without a guaranteed zero day. I’m glad there are layers on top of lock servers for service discovery now. There’s a lot to keep from the last ten years.

But this yo dawg I heard you like virtual containers in your virtual machines so you can virtualize while you virtualize shit is overdue for its CORBA/XML/microservice/many-many-many repos moment.

You want reproducibility. Statically link. Save Docker for a CI/CD SaaS or something.

You want pros handing the datacenter because pets are for petting: pay the EC2 markup.

You can’t take risks with customer data: RDS is a very sane place to splurge.

Half this stuff is awesome, let’s keep it. The other half is job security and AWS profits.

0 replies

We had FB up to 6 figures in servers and a billion MAUs (conservatively) before even tinkering with containers.

that would have been around the time when containers entered the public/developer consciousness, no?

1 replies

Yeah, I read the " My general infrastructure advice is “less is better”.", and was like "when did this list of stuff become the definition of 'less'"

0 replies

My reaction exactly. I don't know their footprint but this is a long list of stuff.

0 replies

Couldn’t agree more. What a huge amount of tech and complexity just to get something off the ground

0 replies

My last web development project was in the FTP upload era. Reading this, I'm kinda glad I'm not in web dev.

0 replies

The funny thing is a lot of smaller startups are seeing just how absurdly expensive these service are, and are just switching back to basic bare metal server hosting.

For 99% of businesses it's a wasteful, massive overkill expense. You dont NEED all the shiny tools they offer, they don't add anything to your business but cost. Unless you're a Netflix or an Apple who needs massive global content distribution and processing services theres a good chance you're throwing money away.

0 replies

No, not at all. Maybe baffled by the use of expensive cloud services instead of running on your own bare metal where the cost is in datacenter space and bandwidth. The loss of control coupled with the cost is baffling.

0 replies

I am in 2024.

0 replies

The more complex you make it the better your job security eh? Maybe they’ll even give you a whole team to look after it all. Absolute madness.

23 replies


My contrarian view is that EC2 + ASG is so pleasant to use. It’s just conceptually simple: I launch an image into an ASG, and configure my autoscale policies. There are very few things to worry about. On the other hand, using k8s has always been a big deal. We built a whole team to manage k8s. We introduce dozens of concepts of k8s or spend person-years on “platform engineering” to hide k8s concepts. We publish guidelines and sdks and all kinds of validators so people can use k8s “properly”. And we still write 10s of thousands lines of YAML plus 10s of thousands of code to implement an operator. Sometimes I wonder if k8s is too intrusive.

17 replies

K8S is a disastrous complexity bomb. You need millions upon millions of lines of code just to build a usable platform. Securing Kubernetes is a nightmare. And lock-in never really went away because it's all coupled with cloud specific stuff anyway.

Many of the core concepts of Kubernetes should be taken to build a new alternative without all the footguns. Security should be baked in, not an afterthought when you need ISO/PCI/whatever.

6 replies

K8S is a disastrous complexity bomb. You need millions upon millions of lines of code just to build a usable platform.

I don't know what you have been doing with Kubernetes, but I run a few web apps out of my own Kubernetes cluster and the full extent of my lines of code are the two dozen or so LoC kustomize scripts I use to run each app.

3 replies

If you're using a K8S cluster just to deploy a few web apps then it's not really a platform that you could provide to an engineering team within a medium-large company. You could probably run your stuff on ECS.

1 replies

If you're using a K8S cluster just to deploy a few web apps (...)

It's really not about what I do and do not do with Kubernetes. It's on you to justify your "millions upon millions lines of code" claim because it is so outlandish and detached from reality that it says more about your work than about Kubernetes.

I repeat: I only need a few dozen lines of kustomize scripts to release whole web apps. Simple code. Easy peasy. What mess are you doing to require "millions upon millions" lines of code?

0 replies

You are missing the point. I recommend you look into Platform Engineering and what it involves.

0 replies

While I love ECS you're not giving k8s enough credit. Nearly every COTS (common off the self) app has a helm chart, hardly any provide direct ECS support. If I want a simple kafka cluster or zookeeper cluster there's a supported helm chart for that, nothing is provided for ECS, you have to make that yourself.

0 replies

You're both using hyperboles that don't match the reality of the average-sized company using Kubernetes. It's neither "millions upon millions of lines of code" nor "just a few dozen lines of kustomize scripts".

0 replies

I run my own cluster too, it is managed by one terraform file which is maintained on GitHub [0]. Along with that I deploy everything on here with 1 shell script and a bunch of yaml manifests for my services. It's perfect for projects that are managed by one person (me). Everything is in git and reproducable. The only thing I am doing unconventional is that I didn't want to use github actions, so I use Kaniko to build my Docker containers inside my cluster.


4 replies

This isn't my experience at all. Maybe three or four years ago?

Who exactly needs millions of lines of code?

3 replies

I think they're more getting a k8s requiring a whole mess of 3rd party code to actually be useful when bringing it to prod. For EKS you end up having coredns, fluentbit, secrets store, external dns, aws ebs csi controller, aws k8s cni, etc.

And in the end it's hard to say if you've actually gained anything except now this different code manages your AWS resources like you were doing with CF or terraform.

2 replies

We have all of that neatly extracted into a Terraform module. Write it once and now EKS clusters are essentially disposable.

1 replies

You just added yet another Thing in that huge pile of things representing millions of lines of code. That's the point.

0 replies

Everything we run our workloads on is based on millions of LoCs, whether it's in the OS, in K8S, in is built-in or external kinds. If you decide to run K8S in AWS, you'll be better of using Karpenter, external-secrets and all these things as they will make your life easier in various ways.

2 replies

Millions upon millions of lines of code?! What? Can you specify what you were trying to do with it?

1 replies

Argo CD, Argo Rollouts, Vault, External Secrets, Cert Manager, Envoy, Velero, plus countless operators, plus a service mesh if you need it, the list goes on. If you're providing Kubernetes as a platform at any sort of scale you're going to need most of this stuff or some alternatives. This sums up to at least multiple million LOC. Then you have Kubernetes itself, containerd, etcd...

0 replies

that's not much different from using the cloud PaaS offerings besides who runs that million lines and who gets the freedom/control for customization.

0 replies

kinda like openshift?

0 replies

kubeadm + fabric + helm got me 99% of the way there. My direct report, a junior engineer, wrote the entire helm chart from our docker-compose. It will not entirely replace our remote environment but it is nice to have something in between our SDK and remote deployed infra. Not sure what you meant by security; could you elaborate? I just needed to expose one port to the public internet.

1 replies

I tend to agree that for most things on AWS, EC2 + ASG is superior. It's very polished. EKS is very bare bones. I would probably go so far as to just run Kubernetes on EC2 if I had to go that route.

But in general k8s provides incredibly solid abstractions for building portable, rigorously available services. Nothing quite compares. It's felt very stable over the past few years.

Sure, EC2 is incredibly stable, but I don't always do business on Amazon.

0 replies

At first I thought your "in general" statement was contradicting your preference for EC2 + ASG. I guess AWS is such a large part of my world that "in general" includes AWS instead of meaning everything but AWS.

1 replies

To me, it sounds like your company went through a complex re-architecturing exercise at the same time you moved to Kubernetes, and your problems have more to do with your (probably flawed) migration strategy than the tool.

Lifting and shifting an "EC2 + ASG" set-up to Kubernetes is a straightforward process unless your app is doing something very non-standard. It maps to a Deployment in most cases.

The fact that you even implemented an operator (a very advanced use-case in Kubernetes) strongly suggests to me that you're doing way more than just lifting and shifting your existing set-up. Is it a surprise then that you're seeing so much more complexity?

0 replies

Not familiar with the OP but this may have been the pitch for migration: "K8S will allow us better automation".

0 replies

My contrarian view is that EC2 + ASG is so pleasant to use.

Sometimes I think that managed kubernetes services like EKS are the epitome of "give the customers what they want", even when it makes absolutely no sense at all.

Kubernetes is about stitching together COTS hardware to turn it into a cluster where you can deploy applications. If you do not need to stitch together COTS hardware, you have already far better tools available to get your app running. You don't need to know or care in which node your app is suppose to run and not run, what's your ingress control, if you need to evict nodes, etc. You have container images, you want to run containers out of them, you want them to scale a certain way, etc.

18 replies

I feel like this is overkill for a startup.

Why not dump your application server and dependencies into rented data center (or EC2 if you must) and setup a coarse DR? Maybe start with a monolith in PHP or Rails.

None of that word salad sounds like startup to me, but then again everyone loves to refer to themselves as a startup (must be a recruiting tool?), so perhaps muh dude is spot on.

15 replies

I don't want to be negative, but this post reads like a list of things that I want to avoid in my career. I did a brief stint in cloud stuff at a FAANG and I don't care to go back to it.

Right now I'm engineer No. 1 at a current startup just doing DDD with a Django monolith. I'm still pretty Jr. and I'm wondering if there's a way to scale without needing to get into all of the things the author of this article mentions. Is it possible to get to a $100M valuation without needing all of this extra stuff? I realize it varies from business to business, but if anyone has examples of successes where people just used simple architecture's I'd appreciate it.

2 replies

I'm currently early in my career and "the software guy" in a non-software team and role, but I'm looking to move into a more engineering direction. You've pretty much got my dream next job at the moment — if you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to find your role, especially being "still pretty Jr."?

1 replies

What a coincidence! I've got my dream job too!

The things I did to get here are honestly kind of stupid. I started out at a defense contractor after graduating and left in the first six months because all the software devs were jumping ship. Went to a small business defense contractor (yep that's a thing) and learned to build web apps with React and Django. Then the pace of business slowed so after about 18 months I got on the Leetcode grind and got into a FAANG. Realized I hated it, so I quit after about 9 months with no job lined up.

While unemployed I convinced myself I was going to get a job in robotics (I actually got pretty close, I had 3 final level interviews with robotics companies), but the job market went to shit pretty much the exact day I quit my job lol. I spent about 6 months just learning ROS, Inverse Kinematics, math for robotics, gradient descent and optimization, localization, path planning, mapping etc. I taught at a game development summer camp for a month and a half, that was awesome. Working with kids is always a blast. Also learned Rust and built a prototype for a multiplayer browser-based coding game I had been thinking about for a while. It was an excuse to make a full stack application with some fun infrastructure stuff.

The backend is no longer running, but originally users could see their territory on the galaxy grow as their code won battles for them.

For the current role, I really just got lucky. The previous engineer was on his way out for non-job related reasons. He had read a lot of the books I had (Code Complete, Domain Driven Design) and I think we just connected over shared interests and intellectual curiosity.

I think that in the modern day, so many people are really just in this space for the paycheck-- and that's okay! Everyone needs to make a living. But I think that if you have that intellectual curiosity and like making stuff, people will see that and get excited. It ends up being a blessing and a curse.

I have failed interviews because of honesty "I would Google the names of books and read up on that subject" or "I think if I was doing CSS then I would be in the wrong role" (I realize how douchey that sounds but I just was not meant to design things, I have tried). But I have also gone further in interviews than I should have because I was really engrossed in a particular problem like path planning or inverse kinematics and I was able to talk about things in plain terms.

I think it's easier to learn things quickly if they are something you're actually interested in, it becomes effortless. Basically I just try to do that so I can learn optimally, then I try to get lucky.

EDIT: Oh I just thought of more good advice. Find senior devs to learn from. They can be kind of grumpy in their online presence, but they help you avoid so many tar pits. I am in a Discord channel with a handful of senior engineers. The best way to get feedback is to naively say "I'm going to do X", they will immediately let you know why X is a bad idea. A lot of their advice boils down to KISS and use languages with strong typing.

0 replies

I did this myself for a good 15 years or so, but eventually with a family, money became a bit more of a priority, and it's hard to get a good job if all you've worked at is small shops. Any next role in a larger tech company will likely be a downgrade until you can prove yourself out, which of course you may not be able to because things are so different, and motivation will run low because you're being tasked with all the stuff that caused you to leave big tech in the first place. It can be quite miserable to be grouped with a bunch of kids with 3-5 YOE that have no idea how to build something from scratch, and they're outperforming you because they know the system.

In my case it took a good five years and a couple job hops to rebalance. But eventually you get back to a reasonable tech leadership role and back to making some of the bigger decisions to help make the junior devs' lives less miserable.

No regrets, but the five years it takes to rebalance can be pretty hard.

2 replies

I work at a startup and most of the stuff in the article covers things we use and solve real world problems.

If you're looking for successful businesses, indie hackers like levelsio show you how far you can get with very simple architectures. But that's solo dev work - once you have a team and are dealing with larger-scale data, things like infrastructure as code, orchestration, and observability become important. Kubernetes may or may not be essential depending on what you're building; it seems good for AI companies, though.

1 replies

How many people if I may ask? And how many TPS for your services? I am hoping I can get away with a simple monolith for a very long time.

0 replies

30-40 people; not much TPS but we're not primarily building a web app; we have event-driven data pipelines and microservices for ML data.

If you're primarily building a web app, a monolith is fine for quite a while, I think. But a lot of the stuff in the post is still relevant even for monoliths - RDS, Redis, ECR, terraform, pagerduty, monitoring/observability.

1 replies

You don't need this many tools, especially really early. It also depends on the particulars of your business. E.g. if you are B2B SaaS, then you need a ton of stuff automatically to get SOC2 and generally appease the security requirements of your customers.

That said, anything that's set-and-forget is great to start with. Anything that requires it's own care and feeding can wait unless it's really critical. I think we have a project each quarter to optimize our datadog costs and renegotiate our contract.

Also if you make microservices, you are going to need a ton of tools.

0 replies

Also don't make microservices if you don't have teams that will independently own them.

1 replies

I bet you can get pretty far with just ec2 and autoscaling, or comparable tech in other cloud platforms. With a managed database service.

0 replies

That I'd be comfortable with.

1 replies

I bet Craigslist runs on much simpler infrastructure. Not sure how much they’re worth though

0 replies

Stackoverflow famously grew huge for a long time on a single Windows box. I don’t recommend that but yeah KISS rule definitely. Floss version: supabase, open telemetry, etc.

0 replies

You can scale to any valuation with any architecture. Whether or not you need sophisticated scaling solutions depends on the characteristics of your product, mostly how pure of a software play it is. Pure software means you will run into scaling challenges quicker, since likely part of your value add is in fact managing the complexity of scaling.

If you are running a marketplace app and collect fees you're going to be able go much further on simpler architectures than if you're trying to generate 10,000 AI images per second.

0 replies

Don't need any of it. Start simple. Some may be useful though. The list makes good points. Keep it around and if you find yourself suffering from the lack of something, look through the list and see if anything there would be good ROI. But don't adopt something just because this list says you should.

One thing though, I'd start with go. It's no more complex than python, more efficient, and most importantly IMO since it compiles down to binary it's easier to build, deploy, share, etc. And there's less divergence in the ecosystem; generally one simple way to do things like building and packaging, etc. I've not had to deal with versions or tooling or environmental stuff nearly as much since switching.

0 replies

Currently working at a $100M valuation tech company that fundamentally is built on a Django monolith with some other fluffy stuff lying around it. You can go far with a Django monolith and some load balancing.

0 replies

Key term here: 'cloud native'. Which is supposedly the future

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I would like to know what you’re being downvoted for. It’s not bad advice, necessarily… this was the way 20 years ago. I mean isn’t hacker news running kind of like this as a monolith on a single server? People might be surprised how far you can get with a simple setup.

17 replies

Utter insanity. So much cost and complexity, and for what? Startups don’t think about costs or runway anymore, all they care about is “modern infrastructure”.

The argument for RDS seems to be “we can’t automate backups”. What on earth?

12 replies

Is spending time to make it reliable worth it vs working on your actual product? Databases are THE most critical things your company has.

10 replies

All that infra doesn’t integrate itself. Everywhere I’ve worked that had this kind of stack employed at least one if not a team of DevOps people to maintain it all, full time, the year round. Automating a database backup and testing it works takes half a day unless you’re doing something weird

4 replies

Automating a database backup and testing it works takes half a day unless you’re doing something weird

True story bro

I'm sure that's possible if you're storing the backup on the same server you're restoring on and everything is on top of the line nvme storage. Otherwise your backup just started to run and will need another few days to finish. And that's only if you're running single master.

You're massively underestimating the challenge to get that kind of automation done in a stable manner - and the maintenance required to keep it working over the years.

3 replies

I’ve implemented such a process for companies multiple times, bro. I know what I’m talking about.

1 replies

And that's the problem. "It's easy for me because I've done it a dozen times so it's easy for everyone" is a very common fallacy.

0 replies

What happened to having people trained by external trainers for what you need? That’s much cheaper than having everything externally “managed” and still having to integrate all of it. The number of services listed in TFA is just ridiculous.

0 replies

I've done it before,too. For toy project, it's easy as you said. It's not once you're at scale. It's hilarious that people are down voting my comment. I guess there are a lot of juniors suffering from the dunning Kruger syndrome around right now

3 replies

Setting up a multi-az db with automatic failover, incremental backups and PiTR, automated runbooks and monitoring all that doesn't take half a day, not even with RDS.

2 replies

No, but again, that sounds like a lot of complexity your average startup does not need. Multi-az? Why?

1 replies

Because their Enterprise client requires it on their due diligence paperwork.

0 replies

Which makes little sense anyway as in practice the real problems you have are from region/connectivity issues, not AZ failures.

0 replies

A startup sized company using this many tools? They're for sure doing something weird (and that's not a compliment :) )

Totally on your side with this one - but alas, people associate value with complexity.

0 replies

I see this argument a lot. Then most startups use that time to create rushed half-assed features instead of spending a week on their db that'll end up saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. Forever.

For me that's short-sighted.

0 replies

The argument for RDS seems to be “we can’t automate backups”. What on earth?

I can automate backups and I'm extremely happy they with some extra cost in RDS, I don't have to do that.

Also, at some size automating the database backup becomes non-trivial. I mean, I can manage a replica (which needs to be updated at specific times after the writer), then regularly stop replication for a snapshot, which is then encrypted, shipped to storage, then manage the lifecycle of that storage, then setup monitoring for all of that, then... Or I can set one parameter on the Aurora cluster and have all of that happen automatically.

0 replies

The argument for RDS (and other services along those lines) is "we can't do it as good, for less".

And, when factoring in all costs and considering all things the service takes care of, it seems like a reasonable assumption that in a free market a team that specializes in optimizing this entire operation will sell you a db service at a better net rate than you would be able to achieve on your own.

Which might still turn out to be false, but I don't think it's obvious why.

0 replies

There are other providers with better value for service within AWS or GCP, like Crunchy.

0 replies

I agree but also I'm not entirely sure how much of this is avoidable. Even the most simple web applications are full of what feels like needless complexity, but I think actually a lot of it is surprisingly essential. That said, there is definitely a huge amount of "I'm using this because I'm told that we should" over "I'm using this because we actually need it"

7 replies

Disagree on the point and reasoning about the single database.

Sounds like they experienced badly managed and badly constrained database. The described fks and relations: that's what the key constraints and other guard rails and cascades are for - so that you are able to manage a schema. That's exactly how you do it: add in new tables that reference old data.

I think the regret is actually not managing the database, and not so much about having a single database.

"database is used by everyone, it becomes cared for by no one". How about "database is used by everyone, it becomes cared for by everyone".

4 replies

Reading further

Endorse-ish: Schema migration by Diff

Well that explains it... What a terrible approach to migrations for data integrity.

2 replies

Genuinely curious (I don't have much experiences with DBs), how is schema migration done 'properly' these days?

1 replies

Incremental forward-only migrations (non-state based). Then, for the How and When, it mostly depends of your constraints and sizes. There's no silver bullet, it's hard, it require constant thinking, it's a slow and often multi step process.

I never saw a successful fully automated one-way-of-doing process.

0 replies

Are you talking about the mechanics? Like more than just run a migration script on boot?

0 replies

Can you explain? Having a tool to detect changes and create a migration doesn’t sound bad? In a nutshell thats how django migrations work as well, which works really well.

1 replies

How about "database is used by everyone, it becomes cared for by everyone".

So every one needs to know every use case of that database? Seems very unlikely if there are multiple teams using same DB.

FKs? Unique constraints? Not null colums? If not added at the creation of the table they will never be added - the moment DB is part of a public API you cannot do a lot of things safely.

The only moment when you want to share DB is when you really need to squeeze every last bit of performance - and even then, you want to have one owner and severly limited user accounts (with white list of accessible views and stored procedures).

0 replies

The database should never ever become part of a public API.

You don’t share a DB for performance reasons (rather the opposite), you do it to ensure data integrity and consistency.

And no, not everyone needs to know every use case. But every team needs to have someone who coordinates any overlapping schema concerns with the other teams. This needs to be managed, but it’s also not rocket science.

6 replies

Great post. I do wonder - what are the simplest K8s alternatives?

Many say in the database world, "use Postgres", or "use sqlite." Similarly there are those databases that are robust that no one has heard of, but are very limited like FoundationDB. Or things that are specialized and generally respected like Clickhouse.

What are the equivalents of above for Kubernetes?

2 replies

Kubernetes aren't like that.

It's just that, you should start with a handful of backed-up pet servers. Then manually automate their deployment when you need it. And only then go for a tool that abstracts the automated deployment when you need it.

But I fear the simplest option on the Kubernetes area is Kubernetes.

0 replies

This is good advice, if you haven't experienced the pain of doing it yourself, you won't know what the framework does for you. There are limits to this reasoning of course, we don't reimplement everything on the stack just for the learning experience. But starting with just docker might be a good idea.

0 replies

I don’t know that this is good advice.

I shunned k8s for a long time because of the complexity, but the managed options are so much easier to use and deploy than pet servers that I can’t justify it any more. For anything other than truly trivial cases, IMO kubernetes or (or similar, like nomad) is easier than any alternative.

The stack I use is hosted Postgres and VKS from Vultr. It’s been rock solid for me, and the entire infrastructure can be stored in code.

0 replies

You can always use old boring AWS EC2 and such. And sprinkle in some Terraform if you feel fancy. That would be my “use sqlite”

Kubernetes is probably “use postgres”

0 replies

The simplest k8s alternative (that is an actual alternative) is Nomad.

0 replies

It’s mainly running your own control plane that is complex. Managed k8s (EKS, AKS, GKE) is not difficult at all. Don’t listen to all the haters. It’s the same crowd who think they can replace systemd with self hacked init scripts written in bash, because they don’t trust abstractions and need to see everything the computer does step-by-step.

I also stayed away for a long time due to all the fear spread here, after taking the leap, I’m not looking back.

The lightweight “simpler” alternative is docker-compose. I put simpler in quotes because once you factor in all the auxiliary software needed to operate the compose files in a professional way (IaC, Ansible, monitoring, auth, VM provisioning, ...), you will accumulate the same complexity yourself, only difference is you are doing it with tools that may be more familiar to what you are used to. Kubernetes gives you a single point of control plane for all this. Does it come with a learning curve? Yes, but once you get over it there is nothing inherent about it that makes it unnecessary complex. You don’t need autoscaler, replicasets and those more advanced features just because you are on k8s.

If you want to go even simpler, the clouds have offerings to just run a container, serverless, no fuzz around. I have to warn everyone though that using ACI on Azure was the biggest mistake of my career. Conceptually it sounds like a good idea but Azures execution of it is just a joke. Updating a very small container image taking upwards of 20-30 minutes, no logs on startup crashes, randomly stops serving traffic, bad integration with storage.

5 replies

Well it's a bit unfortunate this post was published in Feb 1st, it got really outdated really fast around the "choose flux for gitops" part.

1 replies

Mind sharing bit more of the details?

0 replies

engineers at Weaveworks built the first version of Flux > Weaveworks donated Flux and Flagger to the CNCF

Weaveworks will be closing its doors and shutting down commercial operations > Alexis Richardson, 5 Feb 2024

If the project has legs, it's now under CNCF.

0 replies

So far it seems fine, and the maintainers seem to be doing OK too.

Is the project future at risk?

0 replies

What's the news there? I was just about to try it out this weekend.

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4 replies

Reading this I couldn’t help but think: yeah all of these points make sense in isolation, but if you look at the big picture, this is an absurd level of complexity.

Why do we need entire teams making 1000s of micro decisions to deploy our app?

I’m hungry for a simpler way, and I doubt I’m alone in this.

2 replies

It smells like ZIRP is not over yet. VCs are still burning money in the AWS fire pit.

1 replies

ZIRP was never the root problem.

The problem was: too much money, too few consequences for burning it.

The existence of the uber-wealthy means that markets can no longer function efficiently. Every market remains irrational longer than anyone who's not uber-wealthy can remain solvent.

Welcome to the new normal.

0 replies

Now it's "fix it with AI". (And pay lip service to green tech.)

0 replies

You’re not alone. There is a constant undercurrent of pushback against this craziness. You see it all the time here on hacker news and with people I talk to irl.

Does not mean each of these things don’t solve problems. The issue as always about complexity-utility tradeoff. Some of these things have too much complexity for too little utility. I’m not qualified to judge here, but if the suspects have Turing-complete-yaml-templates on their hands, it probably ties them to the crime scene.

4 replies

There are no great FaaS options for running GPU workloads, which is why we could never go fully FaaS.

I keep wondering when this is going to show up. We have a lot of service providers, but even more frameworks, and every vendor seems to have their own bespoke API.

1 replies

I don’t think anybody should go “fully FaaS”, it’s like saying screwdrivers are useless, all you need is a hammer.

That being said, Cloudflare is on the path to offering a great GPU FaaS system for inference.

I believe it’s still in beta, but it’s the most promising option at the moment.

0 replies

Right, I still find it faster to manually provision a specific instance type, install PyTorch on it, and deploy a little flask app for an inference server.

0 replies

Check out They’re impressing me with calling GPU runtimes as a FaaS

0 replies

I just started playing with and so far it seems good. I haven't run anything in production yet, so YMMV.

3 replies

Who's using Pulumi here and how mature is it in comparison to terraform?

0 replies

IaaC is one of the worst acronyms ever.

Infrastructure should be declared, not coded.

Say what you want. The tool then builds that, or changes whats there to match.

I've tried Pulumi and understanding the bit that runs before it tries to do stuff and the bit that runs after it tries to do stuff and working out where the bugs are is a PITA. It lulls you into a false sense of security that you can refer to your own variables in code, but that doesn't get carried over to when it is actually running the plan on the cloud service (ie actually creating the infrastructure) because you can only refer to the outputs of other infrastructure.

CFN is too far in the other direction, primarily because it's completely invisible and hard to debug.

Terraform has enough programmability (eg for_each, for-expressions etc) that you can write "here is what I want and how the things link together" and terraform will work out how to do it.

The language is... sometimes painful, but it works.

The provider support is unmatched and the modules are of reasonable quality.

0 replies

I think currently under the hood it's actually still terraform. I know they are working on their own native providers.

0 replies

I'm using Pulumi in production pretty heavily for a bunch of different app types (ECS, EKS, CloudFront, CloudFlare, Vault, Datadog monitors, Lambdas of all types, EC2s with ASGs, etc.), it's reasonably mature enough.

As mentioned in the other comment, the most commonly used providers for terraform are "bridged" to pulumi, so the maturity is nearly identical to Terraform. I don't really use Pulumi's pre-built modules (crossroads), but I don't find I've ever missed them.

I really like both Pulumi and Terraform (which I also used in production for hundreds of modules for a few years), which it seems like isn't always a popular opinion on HN, but I have and you absolutely can run either tool in production just fine.

My slight preference is for Pulumi because I get slightly more willing assistance from devs on our team to reach in and change something in infra-land if they need to while working on app code.

We do still use some Pulumi and some Terraform, and they play really nicely together:

3 replies

The Bazel one made me chuckle - I worked at a company with an scm & build setup clearly inspired by Google’s setup. As a non-ex-Googler, I found it obviously insane, but there was just no way to get traction on that argument. I love that the rest of this list is pretty cut and dry, but Bazel is the one thing that the author can’t bring themself to say “don’t regret” even though they clearly don’t regret not using it.

1 replies

I've seen Bazel reduce competent engineers to tears. There was a famous blog post a half-decade ago called something like "Bazel is the worst build system, except for all the others" and this still seems to ring true for me today.

There are some teams I work with that we'll never bother to make use Bazel because we know in advance that it would cripple them.

0 replies

Having led a successful Bazel migration, I'd still recommend many projects to stick to the native or standard supported toolchain until there's a good reason to migrate to a build system (And I don't consider GitHub actions to be a build system).

0 replies

I’m curious, what do you find insane about Bazel? In my experience it makes plenty of sense. And after using it for some months, I find more insane how build systems like CMake depend on you having some stuff preinstalled in your system and produce a different result depending on which environment they’re run on.

3 replies

Ubuntu for dev servers

I didn't understand this section. Ubuntu servers as dev environment, what do you mean? As in an environment to deploy things onto, or a way for developers to write code like with VSCode Remote?

1 replies

seems like the latter given "Originally I tried making the dev servers the same base OS that our Kubernetes nodes ran on, thinking this would make the development environment closer to prod"

0 replies

But I thought the whole point of the container ecosystem was to abstract away the OS layer. Given that the kernel is backwards compatible to a fault, shouldn't it be enough to have a kernel that is as least as recent as the one on your k8s platform (provided that you're running with the default kernel or something close to it)?

0 replies

My take from this was more: being uniform reduced overhead of maintaining.

Being able to write a bash script that runs on ever machine is nice.

3 replies

What are startups using for a logging tool that isn’t datadog?

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3 replies

There are no great FaaS options for running GPU workloads

This hits hard. Someone please take my (client's) money and provide sane GPU FaaS. is cool but not really enterprise ready. I wish there was a AWS/GCP/Azure analogue that the penny pinchers and MBAs in charge of procurement can get behind.

2 replies

I am confused. Doesn't Modal Labs solve this?

1 replies

Definitely. But the sad reality is that in some corporate environments (incumbent finance, government) if it's not a button click in away, you can spend 6-12 months in meetings with low energy gloomboys to get your access approved.

0 replies

Ah, I see. Yeah, been victim of that bureaucracy as well.

2 replies

"Since the database is used by everyone, it becomes cared for by no one. Startups don’t have the luxury of a DBA, and everything owned by no one is owned by infrastructure eventually"

I think adding a DBA or hiring one to help you layout your database should not be considered a 'luxury'...

0 replies

Yeah I mean, hiring one person to own that for 5-10 teams is pretty cheap... Cheaper than each team constantly solving the same problems and relearning the same gotchas/operational stuff that doesn't add much value when writing your application code.

0 replies

There's even consultants you can hire out by the day instead of a full-time DBA.

Maybe you need help with setup for a few weeks/months, and then some routine billable hours per month for maintenance / change advice.

2 replies

The author leads infrastructure at Cresta. Cresta is a customer service automation company. His first point is about how happy he is to have picked AWS and their human-based customer service, versus Google's robot-based customer service.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong, and I'm oversimplifying a bit, but I still find this amusing.

1 replies

Haha very good catch. I prefer GCP but I will admit any day of the week that their support is bad. Makes sense that they would value good support highly.

0 replies

We used to use AWS and GCP at my previous company. GCP support was fine, and I never saw anything from AWS support that GCP didn't also do. I've heard horror stories about both, including some security support horror stories from AWS that are quite troubling.

2 replies

I've climbed the mountain of learning the basics of kubernetes / EKS, and I'm thinking we're going to switch to ECS. Kubernetes is way too complicated for our needs. It wants to be in control and is hard to direct with eg CloudFormation. Load balancers are provisioned from the add-on, making it hard to reference them outside kubernetes. Logging on EKS Fargate to Cloudwatch appears broken, despite following the docs. CPU/Memory metrics don't work like they do on EKS EC2, it appears to require ADOT.

I recreated the environment in ECS in 1/10th the time and everything just worked.

1 replies

I've been running ECS for about 5 years now. It has come a long way from a "lightweight" orchestration tool into something thats actually pretty impressive. The recent new changes to the GUI are also helpful for people that don't have a ton of experience with orchestration.

We have moved off of it though, you can eventually need more features than it provides. Of course that journey always ends up in Kubernetes land, so you eventually will find your way back there.

Logging to Cloudwatch from kubernetes is good for one thing... audit logs. Cloudwatch in general is a shit product compared to even open source alternatives. For logging you really need to look at Fluentd or Kibana or DataDog or something along those lines. Trying to use Cloudwatch for logs is only going to end in sadness and pain.

0 replies

GKE is a much better product to me still than EKS but at least in the last two years or so EKS has become a usable product. Back in like 2018 though? Hell no, avoid avoid avoid.

2 replies

It is a shame karpenter is AWS only. I was thinking about how our k8s autoscaler could be better and landed on the same kind of design as karpenter where you work from unschedulable pods backwards. Right now we have an autoscaler which looks at resource utilization of a node pool but that doesn’t take into account things like topology spread constraints and resource fragmentation.

1 replies
15h18m there is this in the works for karpenter on aks

0 replies

It’s actually released in preview, they called it Node Auto Provisioning. Doesn’t work with Azure Linux unfortunately.

1 replies

Not sure the fascination about Go - one can write fully scalable functional readable maintainable upgradable rest api service with Java 17 and above.

0 replies

I struggle with the type system in both, but today I was going through obscure go code and wishing interfaces were explicitly implemented. Lack of sum types is making me sad

1 replies

Props to the author for writing up the results from his exercise. But I think he should focused on a few controversial ones, and not the rotes ones.

Many of the decisions presented are not disagreeable (choosing slack) and some lack framing that clarifies the associated loss (Not adopting an identity platform early on). I think they're all good choices worth mentioned; I would have preferred a deeper look into the few that seemed easy and turned out to be hard, or the ones that were hard and got even harder.

0 replies

not the rotes ones

It helps to hear the validation, although I think almost every decision has a dissenting voice in the HN comments.

1 replies

I would love to see this type of thing from multiple sources. This reflects a lot of my own experience.

I think the format of this is great. I suppose it would take a motivated individual to go around and ask people to essentially fill out a form like this to get that.

0 replies

I also think it's a great format.

One suggestion if we're gonna standardize around this format. Avoid the double negatives. In some cases author says "avoided XYZ" and then the judgment was "no regrets". Too many layers for me to parse there. Instead, I suggest each section being the product that was used. If you regret that product, in the details is where you mention the product you should have used. Or you have another section for product ABC and you provide the context by saying "we adopted ABC after we abandoned XYZ".

I don't recommend trying to categorize into general areas like logging, postmortems, etc. Just do a top-level section for each product.

1 replies

stuff like this makes me want to experiment with going back to just one huge $100k server and running it all on one box in a server rack.

0 replies

I am doing that. I am part of a research group, and don’t have the $$ or ability to pay so much for all these services.

So we got a $90k server with 184TB of raw storage (SAS SSD), 64 cores, and 1TB of memory. Put it on a 10GB line at our university and it is rock solid. We probably have less downtime than Github, even with reboots every few months.

Have some large (multi-TB) databases on it and web APIs for accessing the data. Would be hugely expensive in the cloud with, especially with egress costs.

You have to be comfortable sys-admining though. Fortunately I am.

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Okta... after everything that's happened recently with them?

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Yeah... this stood out! Do you have any good alternatives? I wish CloudFlare would do it (IDP).

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Startups don’t have the luxury of a DBA …

I understand, but I think they don’t have the luxury of not having a DBA. Data is important; it’s arguably more important than code. Someone needs to own thinking about data, whether it is stored in a hierarchical, navigation-based database such as a filesystem, a key-value stored like S3 (which, sure, can emulate a filesystem), or in a relational database. Or, for that matter, in vendor systems such as Google Workspace email accounts or Office365 OneDrive.

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Early on, depending on what you're building, you don't need a fully fleshed DBA and can get away with at least one person that knows DB fundamentals.

But if you only want to hire React developers (or swap for the framework of the week) then you'll likely end up with zero understanding of the DB. Down the line you have a mess with inconsistent or corrupted data that'll come back with a vengeance.

It's short-sighted for serious endeavors.

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we have dotnet webapp deployed on Ubuntu and it leaves a lot to be desired. The package for .net6 from default repo didn't recognise other dotnet components installed, net8 is not even coming to 22.04 - you have to install from the ms repo. But that is not compatible with the default repo's package for net6 so you have to remove that first and faff around with exact versions to get it installed side by side...

At least I don't have to deal with rhel Why is renewing a dev subscription so clunky?!

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Using cert-manager to manage SSL certificates

Very intuitive to configure and has worked well with no issues. Highly recommend using it to create your Let’s Encrypt certificates for Kubernetes.

The only downside is we sometimes have ANCIENT (SaaS problems am I right?) tech stack customers that don’t trust Let’s Encrypt, and you need to go get a paid cert for those.

Cert-manager allows you to use any CA you like including paid ones without automation.

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This guy gets it, I agree with it all. The exception being, use Fargate without K8s and lean on Terraform and AWS services rather than the K8s alternatives. When you have no choice left and you have to use K8s, then I would pick it up. No sense going down into the mines if you don't have to.

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I've seen a lot of comments about how bad DataDog is because of cost but surprisingly I haven't seen open-source alternatives like OpenTelemetry/Prometheus/Grafana/Tempa mentioned.

Is it because most people are willing to pay someone else to manage monitoring infrastructure or other reasons?

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Ironic that the article begins with an image of server chassis with wires running around while the description is entirely about cloud infra.

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I should really learn AWS huh

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Not using Terraform Cloud

We adopted TFC at the start of 2023 and it was problematic right from the start; stability issues, unforeseen limitations, and general jankiness. I have no regrets about moving us away from local execution, but Terraform Cloud was a terrible provider.

When they announced their pricing changes, the bill for our team of 5 engineers would have been roughly 20x, and more than hiring an engineer to literally sit there all day just running it manually. No idea what they’re thinking, apart from hoping their move away from open source would lock people in?

We ended up moving to Scalr, and although it hasn’t been a long time, I can’t speak highly enough of them so far. Support was amazing throughout our evaluation and migration, and where we’ve hit limits or blockers, they’ve worked with us to clear them very quickly.

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Sounds like a whole lot of stuff for a startup. Maybe start with a simple stack until there's market fit. Even Amazon didn't start this way.

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homebrew for Linux

No, just no. I see this cropping up now and then. Homebrew is unsafe for Linux, and is only recommended by Mac users that don't want to bother to learn about existing package management.

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My general infrastructure advice is “less is better”.

I found this slightly ironic given there are ~50 headers in the article :)

I liked the format of the writeup

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Discourage private messages and encourage public channels.

I wish my current company did this. It's infuriating. The other day, I asked a question about how to set something up, and a manager linked me to a channel where they'd discussed that very topic - but it was private, and apparently I don't warrant an invite, so instead I have to go bother some other engineers (one of whom is on vacation.)

Private channels should be for sensitive topics (legal, finance, etc) or for "cozy spaces" - a team should have a private channel that feels like their own area, but for things like projects and anything that should be searchable, please keep things public.

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After working with infrastructure for 20 years, I fully endorse this post.

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Code is of course powerful, but I’ve found the restrictive nature of Terraform’s HCL to be a benefit with reduced complexity.

No way. We used Terraform before and the code just got unreadable. Simple things like looping can get so complex. Abstraction via modules is really tedious and decreases visibility. CDKTF allowed us to reduce complexity drastically while keeping all the abstracted parts really visible. Best choice we ever made!

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I see homebrew in here as a way to distribute <stuff> internally.

We have non-developers (artists, designers) on our team, and asking them to manage homebrew is a non-starter. We're also on windows.

We current just shove everything (and I mean everything) in perforce. Are there any better ways of distributing this for a small team?

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Half the stuff is K8s related... Makes me very happy to use Cloud Run.

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A fallacy of a "choice" between GCP and AWS never stops to entertain me

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What is the cost? With 1/10th of the sum one capable engineer can setup a way better infra on premise. The days of free money is over, guys. Wake up!

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Using k8s over ECS and raw-dogging Terraform instead of using the CDK? It's no wonder you end up needing to hire entire teams of people just to manage infra

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Something I’ve noticed with PaaS services like RDS or Azure SQL is that people arguing against it are assuming that the alternative is “competence”.

Even in a startup, it’s difficult to hire an expert in every platform that can maintain a robust, secure system. It’s possible, but not guaranteed, and may require a high pay to retain the right staff.

Many government agencies on the other hand are legally banned from offering a competitive wage, so they can literally never hire anyone that competent.

This cap on skill level means that if they do need reliable platforms, the only way they can get one is by paying 10x the real market rate for an over-priced cloud service.

These are the “whales” that are keeping the cloud vendors fat and happy.

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We use Okta to manage our VPN access and it’s been a great experience.

I have no first hand exerience wtih Okta, but everything I read about it makes me scared to use it. i.e. stability and security.

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After reading through this entire post, I'm pleasantly surprised that there isn't one item where I don't mirror the same endorse/regret as the author. I'm not sure if this is coincidence or popular opinion.

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Almost every time I read someone's insights who works in an environment with IaaS buy-in, my takeaway is the same: oh boy, what an alphabet soup.

The initial promise of "we'll take care of this for you, no in-house knowledge needed" has not materialized. For any non-trivial use case, all you do is replace transferrable, tailored knowledge with vendor-specific voodoo.

People who are serious about selling software-based services should do their own infrastructure.

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For people who enjoyed this post but want to see the other side of the spectrum where self hosted is the norm I'll point to the now classic series of posts on how Stack Overflow runs its infra:

If anyone has newer posts like the above, please reply with links as I would love to read them.

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I was hoping there would be a section for Search Engines. It's one of those things you tend to get locked in to, and it's hard to clearly know your requirements well enough early on.

Any references to something like this with a Search slant would be greatly appreciated.

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Without some sort of background on cost or scale it is hard to judge any of these decisions.

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"Multiple applications sharing a database" and Kubernetes sound really funny together:)

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I think kubernetes is a mistake and should have went with AWS ECS (using fargate or backed by autoscaling ec2), if single change he wouldn't need to even thing about a bunch of other topics on his list. Something to think about, AWS Lambda first then fallback to AWS ECS for everything else that needs to really be on 100% of the time.

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Noob here - all these are great... but why can't I just use Heroku to radically not have to deal with a large prt if these things?

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I would have liked some data around why these technologies were chosen and preferably based on loads from customers.

Seems like yagni to me but please prove me wrong

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Even if others disagree with your endorsements or regrets, this record shows you're actually aware of the important decisions you made over the past four years and tracked outcomes. Did you record the decisions when you made them and revisit later?

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Curious about the mention of buying IPs. Anyone else can share feedback/thoughts on this?

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Awesome writeup! Just had a couple comments/questions.

Not adopting an identity platform early on

The reason for not adopting an IDP early is because almost every vendor price gouges for SAML SSO integration. Would you say it's worth the cost even when you're a 3-5 person startup?


What would you recommend as an alternative? Cloudwatch? I love everything about Datadog, except for their pricing....

Nginx load balancer for EKS ingress

Any reason for doing this instead of an Application Load Balancer? Or even HA Proxy?

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I love this write-up and the way it's presented. I disagree with some of the decisions and recommendations, but it's great to read through the reasoning even in those cases.

It'd be amazing if more people published similar articles and there was a way to cross-compare them. At the very least, I'm inspired to write a similar article.

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Interesting enough read. But I’m not sure he’s a regretful enough boy to write a blog to merit the title.

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Zero Trust VPN

VPNs can be wonderful, and you can use use Tailscale or AWS VPN or OpenVPN or IPSEC and you can authenticate using Okta or GSuite or Auth0 or Keycloak or Authelia.

But since when is this Zero Trust? It takes a somewhat unusual firewall scheme to make a VPN do anything that I would seriously construe as Zero Trust, and getting authz on top of that is a real PITA.

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I see more 'Endorse' items than 'Regret' items.

Anyway, amazing write up.

Learning about alternatives to Jira is always good.

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As a machine learning platform engineer these sound like technology choices as opposed to infrastructure decisions. I would love to read this post but really with the infrastructure trade-offs that were made. But thanks for the post.

Side node: There is a small typo repeated twice "Kuberentes"

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Can any of your engineers run the product locally and iterate fast?

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Go is for services that are non-GPU bound.

What are they using for GPU bound services. Python?

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This is fabulous. I keep lists like this in my notebook(s). The critical thing here is that you shouldn't dwell on your "wrong" choices, instead document the choice, what you thought you were getting, what you got, and what information would have been helpful to know at the time of decision (or which information you should have given more weight at the time of the decision.) If you do this, you will consistently get better and better.

And by far "automate all the things" is probably my number one suggestion for DevOps folks. Something that saves you 10 minutes a day pays for itself in a month when you have a couple of hours available to diagnose and fix a bug that just showed up. (5 days a week X 4 weeks X 10 minutes = 200 minutes) The exponential effect of not having to do something is much larger than most people internalize (they will say, "This just takes me a couple of minutes to do." when in fact it takes 20 to 30 minutes to do and they have to do it repeatedly.)

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What’s the right way to manage npm installs and deploy it to an AWS ec2 instance from github? Kubernetes? GitOps? EKS? I roll my own solution now with cron and bash because everything seems so bloated.

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Interesting read, I agree with adopting an identity platform but this can definitely be contentious if you want to own your data.

I wonder how much one should pay attention to future problems at the start of a startup versus "move fast and break things." Some of this stuff might just put you off finishing.