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FCC rules AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal

220 replies

While not exactly the same, I once got a call from a number I didn't recognize, and when I answered the phone it was a recording of my wife saying "Hello?". I no longer answer phone calls by saying "Hello", unless I know the caller.

128 replies

I have a system that takes it one step further and both reduces the awkwardness and false-positive rate at the same time: I add the people that I know to the contacts on my phone. When a call comes in as a number instead of a name, I simply decline to pick it up. If it's not a spam call, they will either leave a voice message or send a text. If they do neither, then either it was a spam/scam call, or whatever they had to say probably wasn't that important in the first place. Win/win.

I've been doing this for a little over a decade and it hasn't let me down yet.

46 replies

This is a specific example of what should be a much more general practice: having separate protocols for establishing an initial contact and establishing a communications session with an already existing contact. My email spam filter is based on this. It does a first-stage separation between email from people I've corresponded with in the past and everything else. That simple heuristic is enough to achieve >99% accuracy all by itself.

23 replies

I navel-gaze that if we redesigned communications from the ground up we could handle this better. When you greet someone physically you can add each other as known trusted contacts immediately. And when you sign up to some service online and have to put in your contact info, which likewise prompts you to add them as contact. And you can't share along a contact you know to someone else without that contact ID uniquely identifying you.

That way, everyone who should contact you can do so and if someone else gets their hand on your contact info you can figure out who leaked it.

22 replies

I do this with my email. I have a bunch of different emails under my own domain, and I use for registrations which do not warrant their own actual email handle.

This way, I can easily filter incoming email, and I can see where an email came from if any party sells my data.

This also works with GMail by the way, you can use and emails will still be delivered to you.

I use a separate email handle that I only hand out to actual human beings, never to companies and never use for account registrations.

This has worked really well for the past 15 years or so.

10 replies

I heard about the +, but don't some sites reject it? Or can't bad actors just strip it? You'd need your own domain with a large amount of unique identifiers for it to work if it became popular.

6 replies

I still miss qmail's convention, which used a - instead. That worked flawlessly everywhere, circa early 2000s.

(I still have some email handling rules for my domain that understand the - aliases I created.)

I think that both conventions are flawed, as adversaries that know the convention can just remove the distinguishing part. If someone signs up with the email address, then they're just going to spam Apple's thing where it creates is much better. Maybe that's the username I selected. Maybe it's an anti-spam forwarding address. There is no way of knowing. (Actually, I think it does something like So yeah, they know it's not your real address. Apple just says "if you reject this, you can't have an iPhone app", which is what makes it work.)

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Following my navel gazing idea, the trick is that mail to just gets spam binned automatically. Anyone who has any business emailing your should have an email address to send to you. It's almost like the randomuniqueid is a password to your inbox.

Unfortunately, this is only for email no such thing for phones or anything.

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I like that!

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Apple's thing where it creates

Still trivial to detect. Random letter/number combinations, letter combinations that don't exist in the dictionary, no dictionary word? Pretty detectable.

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Meh, some actual customer probably uses that as their email address. is probably a real address.

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Not all mail servers treat and as the same email.

By equal token, you can't be sure that the email address doesn't actually just contain a plus sign.

I was disappointed to find out at work recently that the plus convention was not configured. It made testing account signups more difficult. This is when I dug in a bit and found it that it depends in the mail server for whether those are unique addresses or not.

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A certain tongue-in-cheek email provider [0] uses . (a dot) for this purpose, i.e. username.anything@domain.tld. Spammers could remove the distinguishing part here too, but they can't be bothered to keep a list of all the conventions used by different providers, so I think it should work pretty well.

(Personally I use a dedicated catch-all domain now, and the username is the distinguishing part – try to remove that!)

[0]:, they do have SFW domains though

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I find it quite rare for systems to reject the + these days. One notable exception is my credit union, whose Web 1.0 system turned it into a space. The most annoying thing about this practice is if you're telling it to a human, they are very confused about your email address having their company's name in it. I occasionally get "do you work here or something?" Every once in a while I'm talking to someone (example: elementary school secretary) who gives me a vibe that they're going to be really thrown off by this and I just make up a three letter unique code for a suffix since I can still search for whoever sent me that first to see what the suffix means.

On the stripping of the + and suffix, yeah, bad actors who recognize your scheme can do that, but spamming is about quantity, not quality, so they just aren't going to put in the effort.

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unfortunately, i disagree; i stopped using plus sign addressing because so many sites i wanted to use it on (many of them for important things like medical stuff) wouldn't accept it

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Spamming is about quantity but stripping a "+" is something a one line script can do, which is what will happen if this gets popular. A real solution should be more resilient. Like spam binning anything that does not use the "+" ?

5 replies

iCloud’s Hide My Email is perfect for this. No “+” convention, it just generates a random email address specifically for whatever website/app you’re signing up for, and forwards it to your real email. The random addresses are indistinguishable from real email addresses, there’s no naming convention a website can reject.

I never worry about sites that require signups any more, I just autogenerate an email for them and use a fake name. I couldn’t give a shit less if they get hacked or leak data, because the email and password are randomly generated. If they turn out to spam me I just disable that email address and never hear from them again.

The only people who have my “real” email addresses are people I know personally.

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The random addresses are indistinguishable from real email addresses, there’s no naming convention a website can reject.

That's not remotely true.

The very very very vast majority of actual iCloud email addresses are going to have "dictionary" names. It's quite trivial to detect a randomized address (and at that point, you probably don't even care about a couple of false positives).

Multiple instances of letter-number-letter-number ("b2y4r")? Coupled with letter combinations that don't exist in most languages ("ytbn")? And no dictionary words ("john", "smith", "booklover")? Random address.

Now, whether you care to do business with someone who detects this is a different question altogether.

But they are absolutely distinguishable.

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The auto-generated addresses also have dictionary names. They’re explicitly designed to look like addresses that a real person might come up with… typically a dictionary word, followed by some numbers and symbols. Just like other email addresses on popular services where all the good names are taken.

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The ones I've seen are like

Same with Private Relay: here's one of mine (with one character changed) -

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You’re thinking about something else. There’s a thing called “Sign In With Apple” that is available when an app/website wants to offer it, that integrates with Apple’s authentication system. The email the app/website sees is a bunch of random characters followed by But Sign In With Apple is not the same as Hide My Email. SIWA is for when the website opts into Apple as an auth provider.

I just looked at my alias list in iCloud and every single “hide my email” alias looks like a plausible address with dictionary words, and every “sign in with Apple” address is using the privaterelay address with the super random characters. There are no addresses that look like

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Have you ever had to reply 'from' a random iCloud email? Is it possible?

I faced that with Costco support. My method is custom email on personal domain name. Had to setup email alias in gmail to do so. Was a pain.

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It seems like this approach is really popular. Have no spammers/data brokers caught on and started stripping the +identifier?

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Can't you just reject email that comes in to the base address without the identifier?

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If they were really smart, they'd parse and use that info to their advantage. Have Send company-specific phishing emails to +apple, +wellsfargo, +$POPULAR_COMPANY every other week

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Apple has this as a service now. It's more automatic than the GMail process and works well.

A weakness with the GMail process is that spammers are able to remove the + part (even if most don't), and your credentials or identity can be aligned across leaked credential databases by removing the + part.

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They can, but in my case that still doesn't get them in my inbox since those messages go elsewhere.

19 replies

Stepping back a bit, I find it kind of strange that knowledge of a 7-digit number is all that's required for anyone in the world to (by default) immediately interrupt someone.

8 replies

In the prehistoric era (and continuing into the present day), all that's required to interrupt someone is a set of vocal chords you can use to talk to them, or a finger you can use to tap them on the shoulder, or a fist you can use to knock on their door. The universe isn't naturally shaped in a way that makes interrupting difficult, and never has been.

4 replies

You also have to by physically near them.

The universe isn't naturally shaped in a way that makes interrupting difficult, and never has been.

Yes it is... physical space is shaped to keep most people from being able to interrupt you. Being able to call anyone around the world changed that.

3 replies

What common physical space keeps people from interrupting you?

- I had my own room as a kid. My parents and brother banged on the door whenever they pleased.

- I worked at a tech company, had my own desk, and wore headphones. Coworkers still sent me Slack messages and tapped me on my shoulder.

- I've lived in a home in the burbs. People came to my home and rang the bell.

None of them were hard for the interruptor to do, and all of them happened frequently. In fact, I would argue that they are more frequent than the number of phone calls I get nowadays, which are actually easy much easier to screen/ignore than any of the above interruptions.

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I think their point is in physical space, dozens to maybe thousands of people (if there's a lot of people around you, I guess?) can easily interrupt you at any given moment. With phones and things like Slack, hypothetically anyone near a phone can interrupt you if you're near your phone. Which people usually keep near them.

I would say depending on how bad someone has it they could get 1 to 3 spam calls a day, I assume if someone was getting consistently more than that they'd use a screener to lower it. That's a significant amount.

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In all of the places named above, people have interrupted me more than once a day, and I don't think that's abnormal. And again, it's much easier and less rude to put my phone on silent for unknown numbers, than it is to ignore a coworker/friend/neighbor/partner/child who's trying to get my attention, or even a stranger at my door.

I'm not here defending spam calls. They are annoying AF.

Nor do I disagree that hypothetically more people on Earth have access to us than ever before. Of course they do.

Nor do I find being interrupted pleasant. I personally find it very annoying, even when it's a loved one.

I'm just making the point that this idea of world where people weren't easy to interrupt never existed.

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All of the same people who could interrupt you before still can, in all the same ways. In addition, people can call you and interrupt you that way, too.

I am not saying people couldn’t interrupt before, there are simply more ways for more people to interrupt you than ever before.

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I'm pretty sure that if the phone system didn't exist, no one from a call center in South Asia would have ever come all the way to rural Canada to try to tell me I have a computer virus that they can fix for a few hundred dollars.

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Maybe not exactly that, but traveling salesmen (snake oil, encyclopedias) used to be more of a thing.

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Technology reducing distance kinda changes the game though.

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That's a local phone number in the US. It's 10 digits nationally. More internationally.

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so I always thought that but weirdly a bunch of countries are just on the US exchange system. It's still billed as an international call but for example Bermuda is just 441. The American in me chuckles a bit at the idea of the UK's monarchs needing to dial 1 first to call their own territory

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I can guarantee you that a UK monarch has never dialed a telephone on their own.

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or driven one of those horseless carriages either I assume

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Though according to The Crown, they are constantly jabbering on the phone. After some designated member of staff dials it with a dialing glove, no doubt.

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Why does 011 not apply?

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011 is north america's international calling prefix.

1 is north america's calling code.

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Here's a thought. If the concept of a phone was never invented, and nobody knew what one was, and then suddenly here in 2024, an app company invented an app where:

- The user could type in a N digit number and hit a button...

- This would cause another user's device to instantly stop doing what it was doing. ring and buzz with a modal popup window...

- With no authentication whatsoever or often even no identification...

- And then if that other user pushed a button, it allowed the initial user to be able to instantly start sending them voice

This thing would never make it past any app store's guidelines, and would likely be unacceptable to users. It's intrusive, invasive, and practically invites abuse and spam. Yet, since The Phone is an actual historic invention that goes back decades, it's culturally acceptable for I guess legacy reasons.

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Calling used to be expensive.

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Interesting point. 7 digits was in part chosen because people used to have to remember phone numbers.

So.. add a few digits and suddenly spammers would have trouble.

On the hand, add a few digits to phone numbers and Y2K might look like a walk in the park.

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I've though a little bit about what a good successor to email would look like, and in addition to things like native support for encryption and authentication, one of the big features I wanted was to put not allow sending a message unless the recipient had added you to their list of contacts. And maybe have a way to to send a request that someone add you to their contacts, that would be processed differently than a normal message.

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That eliminates a huge class of genuinely useful use cases for email.

Part of the usefulness is that you can write and receive to addresses without prior permission.

I've had wonderful conversations with authors, academics, politicians and other strangers around the world thanks to the permissive ability of email.

15 replies

If your car gets stolen, and the police find it, they will call you from a phone number that's not in your contacts. If you don't pick up, you won't realize that your stolen car has been recovered a couple miles from your house, and if you show up there in 30 minutes you can drive it back home, but if you don't, the police will send it to a towing yard, which will require you to go through 24 hours of paperwork with the police to obtain a release and then pay the towing yard $1,000+ to tow and store your car.

If you live in an area of low crime, though, maybe it'll be fine not to answer phone calls from numbers that aren't in your phone.

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Man, that is the most edge case reason I've ever heard for answering anonymous calls.

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I answer every call. no matter what the caller ID. I'm a landlord I have hundreds of rentals. I get calls from police and detectives from blocked numbers sometimes from people that are frantically complaining about something that's very serious and requires my immediate attention to call police or to respond immediately.... I've had situations involving death where you know not answering the phone is not an option at least for me.

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You are not me though.

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Prove it.

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Medical calls are another, strangers finding your lost stuff is a third. I'm probably forgetting more.

Biggest reason - voicemail. Most numbers have a mailbox limit, it's somewhat common to reach a number that has a full mailbox. Sure, you should be emptying your mailbox, but this still means you can easily drop calls if you haven't checked it in a while.

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It is. Unless you own a pre-2005 subaru.

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I do not pick up the phone unless the caller is in my contact list. No exception (my phone does not even ring).

All other calls are routed to voice-mail and near-instantly transcribed. The message then shows up on my desktop and on my mobile phone. I can read it and respond to it as necessary.

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How do you do this? Do you use a modern smartphone?

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Not sure about the person you're replying to, but my Pixel 6 has automatic voicemail transcription. I thought there used to be an option to automatically send a copy to email, but I'm not seeing it now. Could probably use Tasker or any notification sync service to send it to your desktop.

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How long does it take to listen to a voicemail and call them back? A one or two minute delay is almost never going to cause an issue.

Even in the highest crime areas the ratio of spam calls to legit and urgent calls is going to be thousands to one. You can cumulatively save a lot of time and annoyance by not answering all of those spam calls. I'm actually surprised to see this debated, I also stopped answering unknown numbers years ago and thought that was standard at this point.

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Okay, so maybe answer your phone when you're expecting an important call. But otherwise, probably safe to wait for a text or voicemail.

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In my experience, police officers leave voice messages.

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If my car got stolen the last thing in the world I would do it take it back immediately.

Who knows what damage has been done to the clutch, or the engine internals while it was bouncing off the rev limiter for minutes at a time. Also I'll bet there is a lot less rubber on the tires than before, and probably all kinds of nasty stuff on the inside.

Heck no I'm not taking it back. That's insurance all day long.

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I would expect them to leave a voicemail in this situation.

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I have different rules that take effect when I'm expecting an incoming call. Such as, I take my phone out of airplane mode.

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and it hasn't let me down yet.

It's let me down a ton. Deliveries, contractors, maintenance people, doctor's offices with a last minute appointment available, and so forth. Fortunately never for a true emergency, but that's also something to keep in mind as well.

There are lots of things that people simply don't leave a voice mail or text because if they can't contact you immediately, there's no point. Or if the contractor can't get you on the phone, they'll just move onto the next home and skip work on yours that day or that whole week.

So it's not win/win. It's very much win/lose.

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A good tactic I use is as stated + if you see a number you don't recognize is to answer and then put yourself on mute and wait. Typically robocalls just hang up after a few seconds of silence.

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I struggle to do this cause it shows that the number is valid. Always leads to an increase in calls for me :(

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Not answering also lets them know the number is valid, unless they receive some sort of error after dialing.

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Call centers will dial multiple numbers and connect to only the ones where someone responds. Sometimes they will still hang up on you because multiple calls responded.

Probably a wash whatever you do after picking up.

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Those sound like cases where you would have heightened expectation of an important anonymous call. If that's not the case, and you must always maintain a high expectation of an important anonymous call, then I don't know what you can do. I guess that's how the telephone was, say, 70 years ago.

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This worked for us until we owned a house. Now, we get calls from random numbers multiple times a week, and if we don't answer, the house falls down or something.

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my strategy is to live in a different place than my area code and only pick up from number that do not share my area code. This is pretty clise to working but I did almost miss an instacart delivery because they happened to be from my home town.

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my strategy is to live in a different place than my area code and only pick up from number that do not share my area code. This is pretty clise to working but I did almost miss an instacart delivery because they happened to be from my home town.

I'm in that situation, and it works most but not all of the time.

I don't really keep track, but I'm pretty sure I've gotten robocalls with an area code appropriate to my city, either it was coincidence or they were using a database that had my actual location.

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I leave a simple voicemail message: please send me a text.

People that listen to that will... send a text.

It is sad that virtually every form of communication: snail mail, phone, email is overridden with spam and fraud, and the "FCC" does jack about it except a CYA "hey we said it was wrong".

The FCC has been so thoroughly lost to regulatory capture and licentious industry - lobbying - official revolving door that it possibly the least effective federal regulatory agency, and that is saying something

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I don't think my doctor's office can even send texts. They just have landlines.

Same with restaurants calling about a reservation opening up. Etc.

Not to mention the fact that if someone doesn't intend to leave a voicemail, they'll often/usually hang up as soon as the prerecorded message starts. "Hi, you've reached" -- <click>.

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For deliveries, if they have tracking (which most of them has) I'm expecting an unknown number, so when I pick up 99% of the time it's the delivery person.

For the rest, unless its an appointment that requires me picking up the phone ASAP (which is maybe once or twice a year for me), they leave a message and I just call back.

In France, we have a gouv service to block non-solicited phone commercial calls. It works pretty well. Combined with the default google spam blocker, most of the phone calls I receive are phone calls I want.

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You’re correct. One suggestion is explicitly request email or text instead of calling. (Or WhatsApp in many countries.) Since some people are hearing-impaired, it’s not even an unusual request even before this spam program arose.

It won’t always work, e.g. the request won’t reach the delivery driver who’s a contractor of the subcontractor of the logistics company you mention this to. However, I’ve found it works with businesses that are small enough to care about customer satisfaction.

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Add the contractor to your contacts.

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Many of us are in situations where we get calls from various people we haven't had contact before (nurse at the child's school, parent's doctor, there's a lot of them) that should be answered immediately; waiting until later to listen to the message could have significant impacts. Some of the calls (injured child) could require immediate contact and, if not answered, could result in other issues.

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Yeah, when you have small children, your obligation to pick up the phone when they aren't with you is increased. I also find that whenever you're shopping for big-ticket items that involve salespeople and soliciting multiple bids, you have to forego your "don't pick up the phone for unknown numbers" policy.

I now just pick up and say "hello?" and count off two seconds. If I don't hear a response within that time I hang up. I've had a couple false positives, but they generally just assume there was a dropped call and try again.

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I pick up and don't say anything. Humans typically, after about 4 seconds, go "umm.. hello?" and I have a conversation with them, while bots simply hang up.

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Wow, everyone's imaginations sure ran wild with this.

Yes, I use common sense and DO pick up calls from unknown numbers when I am expecting them. Most days, I am not expecting them.

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My area code doesn't match my area, and most e.g. recruiters are calling from other area codes as well, so I can be reasonably confident that a local-area-code call is legitimate, but man is it frustrating to brace myself for "$child/$spouse/$etc is on their way to $hospital..." and instead I get "I was very impressed by your skills I got from $someJobBoardIHaven'tUsedInYears, are you free to talk about a $industryOrCareerFieldIDon'tWorkIn position located in $areaIHaven'tLivedInInYears?"* Especially if they've called repeatedly in a short amount of time without leaving a message.

*bonus if they're speaking heavily accented english and miss important connecting words, suggesting they don't even really understand the script they're reading from, much less the job description they just pulled off of Indeed or wherever.

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Area codes are increasingly meaningless as people A: drop land lines and B: Keep porting the same cell number around (for obvious reasons).

Really what's needed it ditching numbers, at least as user facing things, and having something like phone-over-dns.

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One way might be to list a number that you monitor as their "emergency contact" but list a virtual or other no-pick-up-policy number for all other forms.

The only issue is that a friend once listed me as their emergency contact for a gym membership, but then the gym made telemarketing calls to me with it. There should be federal law protecting emergency contact numbers from being shared or used for any reason except an emergency.

Alternative method might be to set up a Twilio workflow that says "Press 1 to reach me" and only forward to your actual phone after that. That will probably eliminate all the robocallers but not the human telemarketers

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Newer versions of Android and iOS allow you to immediately send a call to voicemail and then watch the live transcription

If it’s important, the caller will generally start leaving a message, and you can pick up right there

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I have children. And I didn't say I wait until later to listen to the message.

I can't think of any non-action-movie scenarios where me picking up the phone within a specific 120 second window would be a life-or-death situation. If there are any, they are so unlikely that they are not even remotely worth being annoyed by multiple scam calls a day.

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This 100%. iPhones have a feature to do this automatically. It doesn’t even ring, and goes straight to voicemail if they’re not in your contacts. It’s so freeing!

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How do you deal with deliveries from DHL and similar?

Everytime I buy something from an eshop I have to start taking calls around the delivery date.

Also it would be a bit annoying (and risky!) to have to remember to turn it on and off again any time I order food.

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I have cameras and and a smart doorbell so I know if someone is at the door. This plus in-app notifications handles food delivery for me.

You can also set up a shortcut to toggle the setting. There’s been a couple times when waiting for a callback where I turn the setting off. Then when I get the call I switch it back.

Ultimately, for me, the pros far outweigh the cons. But you have to make the decision for yourself.

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I was waiting by the door for an Amazon package recently that was out for delivery and I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered it and the guy said "Hi, I'm calling from Amazon delivery." and they almost had me. He then said some bullshit about needing me to log into some random URL and a laughed and hung up on him.

The timing was essential, though.

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That's relatively uncommon in the US, except for food and other perishables. Although often they text. But the people I know who order food and silence their phone normally are glued to the tracking page in the app anyway.

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Then I get complaints from doctors that they are being shoved directly to voice mail, because they somehow have 8 different numbers to log.

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Thank you for mentioning this. It was news to me

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I wonder if this could be setup as a rule to go directly to voice mail if not in contacts.

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Yes, this is available in iOS settings.

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I've always wished that there was an option to whitelist certain area codes. I've had the same number for 20 years, and now live in a different part of the country. I get very little spam from local area codes -- but a ton spoofing my phone number's area code. Sending all calls all those calls to voicemail while continuing to ring for local would be the right balance (kids' school, doctors office, etc...).

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iPhones has a setting for this

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I have a child, he has a phone but his battery might go empty, or the phone is lost or broken, he has my number written down and I instruct him to call me from a colleague or a stranger. Maybe my case is special since my son has some health issues so I really want to know immediately if something happened.

This kind of problem needs to be solved at the root cause, say if the phone companies could be made to pay a bit when you get spammed and forced to recover their costs from the spammers the issue would be solved, now if they profit the issue will get larger and alrger.

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For this type of case it would be ideal if you could give him a passcode.

Couldn't be too difficult to set up a "unknown number" redirect that prompts for a pin, then forwards to a live line if correct.

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This is adding more complexity. The solution is super simple, you should be able to report the number as spam, if a few other people report the number then the phone company will block the number and the phone company will have to pay the customers affected a small sum. You will immediately see the phone companies putting the work for detecting mass spammers, making sure that businesses that do mass calls have deposits for the case they abuse the system etc.

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That's my approach as well, but I had the same number calling me for 3 weeks and I finally answered. It was my electric company, something had gone wrong with a payment.

They have my email address, they send me txts all the time, but apparently collections is still making phone calls. Had to be the dumbest thing I'd seen. Once I answered and found out the issue, I paid the bill properly, but I wonder how far it would have gone before they cut off my power, while they kept sending me emails and txts about things that have nothing to do with my bill.

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That seems strange to me.

I mean: I think it is perfectly OK to have a policy that requires real people to make real phone calls for some things -- especially things that might not fit into automated systems.

But I think it's very bizarre that these real people would not also leave a voicemail message stating the purpose of the call.

(There's tons of reasons for people to not answer the phone that extend beyond screening unknown numbers.

Like: I might be happy to answer the phone for a strange number but I'm crawling around under my car and my hands are covered in greasy road funk. Or I'm with a client. Or I'm at work and my boss is an overbearing prick. Or...)

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For some places their internal processes require positive contact with the account holder, in other words they can't trust that an email or text will be read (or read by the account holder). They definitely should've tried at least once though, especially if you opted for that as your primary communication method.

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This is an example of the Trust On First Use policy, like when you SSH to a machine whose cert you don't have and you are invited to trust it.

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And the entire "Hang up, look up, call back" is just a trapdoor firewall. From a 10,000-foot perspective, humans and computers are the same, they're just nodes that communicate information.

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Man I think about this all the time. We have robots calling humans and robots answering calls to verify the other end isn't a robot. We just need to connect the dots and have the robots talk to the robots and collate the important bits for the humans. English becomes a fuzzy "API" for the robots to communicate with each other. I get weirded out when I think about it.

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Spammers will spoof local numbers. I had my pharmacy call me only to find out it was a scam call that used spoofing.

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This is also why you always call anyone you don’t know back on a listed number like the switchboard of the company they claim to be from if you think you need to engage with them

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I've a somewhat uncommon area code (less than a million 307 numbers), so any time I get a call from a 307 number, I'm reasonably confident that its either a wrong number, or a spoofed number. In either case, I don't answer. Its quite a system.

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One major flaw in this, at least for me: Dr's offices. They love to dial from a gazillion random numbers, and for privacy reasons they often leave no message or a very vague and concerning "Call us when you get this" sort of thing.

0 replies

Ugh, and then you call the number and it takes you to an IVR menu where the only options are “billing” and “surgery” or other some such. I’ve had doctors call me with results and the only way I could get ahold of them was to call, pretend I had a billing issue to get to some human, then try to convince them to connect me to the person who just called me not 5 minutes ago.

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Yes. The office that I am with just leaves a message saying to call them back. I am always happy to.

2 replies

I do exactly this but take it even one step further. My actual (primary) phone number is only ever given out to humans. I have a second Google Voice phone number that I give out to machines (e.g. online shopping that "requires" a phone number that will eventually be leaked).

1 replies

What happens when one of the people to whom you gave your number shares their contacts with some app?

0 replies

This is why I use a numeric pager, digits handed out to both machines and humans.

I call back from an unlisted number. Few people have my actual phone #.


If people are persistant, I usually mention something to the effect of "you don't want my phone number in your device, I know some weird people."


The first time I used Venmo, was also my last — the "feature" which show you every person who has your phone number in their phonebook was a bit too weird [the idea of public payments also strange].

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I do the same, but even the legitimate callers never seem to leave a voicemail or send a text message.

I have missed deliveries or other important things due to my policy.

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It's great when it works, but when my mom was in the hospital and they needed to reach me, I got burned by this big time and don't do it anymore. It's too easy to miss a call that could literally be life and death (my mom is better now).

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On Pixel phones (or was it Google Fi? can't remember), this is automatic. If it's not someone in my contact list already, known spam gets auto blocked and everyone else gets redirects to the voice assistant that takes a message and transcribes it. Cuts down on spam like 99% for me.

I had an iPhone for a few months and the spam was so bad, even with the third party spam blockers. I switched back to Android shortly after.

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I do a thing where I answer and just dont say anything (ensuring my enviornment is silent) for like 20+ seconds.... they hang up and I block number. (The bot thinks its a dead num and I dont get calls again.

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I've had a disturbingly large number of repeat calls from people who absolutely refuse to leave a message. And it's always some recruiter who saw an opening on indeed or somewhere and thinks the resume I updated 5 years ago is a good match.

The problem is that if I'm getting repeated calls from an unrecognized number, I'm assuming my wife, my kids, or my parents are in an ambulance, so I have to drop everything and answer.

As a rule of thumb, if I get a one-off call that doesn't leave a message, I'll search my email inbox for that number, as they've probably contacted me separately. However, one time, I got called 5 times in 90 minutes, with the only message being 23 seconds of silence, and an email I hadn't even read yet (searching the number brought up the email). I sent an angry email that amounted to "you have told me how you AND YOUR CLIENTS treat prospective employees' time. I will never apply to any job you suggest, even independently of you. Stop calling"

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I try to live this way, but people have become increasingly bad at actually leaving voicemails.

0 replies

Imagine all of the unnecessary insurance and “Google tech support” you’re missing out on purchasing.

0 replies

Yup, same. I'll make an exception if I'm expecting an important call but aren't sure of what number it's going to come from. This is rare enough that it doesn't bother me much. And now that some calls are SHAKEN/STIR-verified, with a caller ID, I can often have good confidence before I pick up that it's actually the call I'm waiting for.

0 replies

This method unfortunately falls apart if you get a phone call from a hospital. They'll leave you a voice message, but when you call the same number back you'll get the front desk instead of the doctor who left you the message. They'll patch you through to the ward your Dad's in, but they won't be able to give out any information over the phone, so you'll need to wait for the doctor to call you back. They're out doing their rounds at the moment, but they'll get back to you as soon as they can.

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If the number isn’t in my contacts, it goes to voicemail.

I used to answer calls from local numbers, but I’ve started getting spam calls with my local area code now.

0 replies

I do the same thing usually. If I do pick up an unknown number because I am expecting something, I usually press speaker and mute and just wait. If it's a person, I'll get an awkward Hello? And if it's an auto dialer usually I get nothing or the waterdrop beep and drop either way.

0 replies

I have a different system. I pick up the phone, listen to them for a bit, tell them "please wait while I get my credit card number", and then I just walk away with the connection still open.

0 replies

I do this too, but I also remember that I'm doing this from a situation of privilege, where I mostly don't have to wait for calls that could be life changing (ex: old-school HR calling back for a new job).

20 replies

I'm still using "Ahoy-hoy" as Bell intended.

9 replies

I answer in Russian, angrily.

8 replies

"What's up, suka blyat!"

7 replies

I tried putting сука блят into Google translate. сука бля translated as "fucking bitch", but pasting in the final т changed the translation to "dry pancakes". Could you shed some light on this?

2 replies

My Russian isn't very fluent, but I do know that "блин!" (pancake, bliny if you are familiar with Russian food) is used as an interjection that's less offensive than блядь. Kind of like saying darn instead of damn, or shoot instead of shit. Perhaps Google Translate was mixing those up.

Edit: And perhaps it's assuming your k is a kh and that you want суха instead of suka.

0 replies

Thank you, I had heard the term before but it wasn't coming to mind.

0 replies

блять, with the soft sign on the end, not блят.

Or wait, is it блядь?

0 replies

suka means female dog

blyat means prostitute

sukhoy means dry

blin means pancake and is used as a similar sounding replacement for blyat (eg. say blin instead of blyat when something goes wrong)

I can't reproduce your results on google translate but I noticed odd translations which don't make any sense at times. I guess it comes from crowdsourcing results and people purposefully providing wrong translations for comedic effect.

0 replies

It's сука блять, you're missing ь, which isn't a "real" (phonetic) letter, more of a "modifier" indicating how to pronounce the letter before.

It really doesn't translate properly, but I'd say "fucking shit" is more in spirit than "fucking bitch". It's not an insult targeting someone directly, more of a sign of frustration.

0 replies

Now that you mention it, "dry pancakes" would make a great insult. I always love expressions that take the listener a moment to process.

- What did they mean?

- Was it an insult?

- Why "dry"?

(thinks some more)

- This is the lamest insult ever!

9 replies

Try out “Pronto?” like the Italians for extra flavour

8 replies

Try “Moshi-moshi?” for a Japanese flavor.

3 replies

Or a Chinese Wei? Or may favorite, shei ya? (Said a in a teenage girl accent)

1 replies

Well, this is a pretty niche question, but 谁啊 and 谁呀 are pretty much indistinguishable. Do you know how Chinese people tend to write it? In my mind it's 谁啊.

0 replies

谁啊 could be said by anyone, 谁呀 is the just the cute inflected 谁啊。My 7 year old over uses 呀 I think because of the kid shows he watched when he was younger.

0 replies

呀 is grammatically correct for use with words ending with a long e sound. (This post is addressed to the person asking a question below.)

1 replies

I haven't seen High and Low[0] in decades, but the way Toshiro Mifune answers the phone is burned into my brain.


0 replies

Amazing that's exactly what I thought of as well.

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"Ja wa?" or "Wat mot je?" or "Wazzeggie?" for rude Dutch.

17 replies

Precisely, I give zero information. If I do pick up once in a blue moon, I pause for 3-5 seconds to give a chance for the human to start (if it isn't a bot).

12 replies

I have a Pixel phone and a Google bot can answer the phone for me. It transcribes the conversations on my phone in real-time, and I can push a few buttons to tell to bot what to say--things like "tell me more", or "please tell me why you're calling".

If the entity calling gives an explanation I care about, then I can press a button and the bot says "thanks, connecting you now" and then I can say "hello" with my own voice and have a normal conversation. I think most people think it's just a fancy answering machine, they don't realize I'm controlling it.

Voice calls are on the decline anyway, but I think it's becoming possible to have a very sophisticated AI secretary answer calls for you, even beyond what I've explained Google is doing. Imagine being able to give your LLM phone secretary a prompt and it would answer calls for you. You could tell it something like "the snowblower I listed in the classifieds is already sold" and maybe it could automatically resolve some calls or text messages for you.

9 replies

I have the same phone and feature. My experience is that everyone always hangs up immediately after facing the screener. I'd love to actually use this feature, I mean hell, I can fucking text responses to them and read what they say through it! But I never can in a realistic setting because people hear robot and hang up. I've been eagerly waiting Apple's release so that the feature becomes more well known. Google really dropped the ball on advertising and honestly I think should have just pushed it to all Android phones because you need to change how people interact. I've worried it would go away because Google deems it "useless" despite its uselessness being that the feature is just not known. There's just too few Pixel phones so people aren't experiencing the screener and so act like a normal human being and go "robot? Ugh, fuck that" and associate this with calling a 1 800 number.

2 replies

Yeah, most people hang up immediately, mission accomplished probably. Sometimes the doctors office calls and awkwardly starts leaving a full fledged message rather than just saying their name (like the bot tells them to), then, when I press the answer button the bot interrupts them and we start a normal phone call.

In fairness, it may be awkward, but it doesn't waste the caller's time, none of the robot messages are long, and people are quickly able to say their name and why they're calling.

1 replies

My experience is more them just hanging up. Including the doctor's office. A funny case was my friend used me as a reference for a security clearance. They called, skipped to voicemail, I immediately call back to find a busy line, I leave a message, then I get a call back the next day from a new number in which I now need to just answer any unknown number. That's also happened with doctors and other offices, so it completely undermines the feature for me. Yeah, it helps with robocallers, but the DNC list does a better job. The feature has a ton of potential though, I just think it is useless if it doesn't enter the public lexicon.

I've never had the experience you've had where they start to leave a message. Maybe because I don't live in The Bay? Idk. They either just hang up or go to voicemail. Which always results in the game of phone tag. So not only was mission __not__ accomplished, but the mission difficulty increased.

0 replies

I wonder what attenuation is applied to the security clearance system, if it is only reaching the sort of maniac (jk. Kinda.) who manually answers their calls, haha.

1 replies

Well, if they hang up, then the call is not that important.

0 replies

You'd think that, but tell that to my university who says "call us as soon as you get this message" and nothing else. You're right in that it never is really that important, but that's true in the same sense that most calls aren't important. Either way, I don't end up knowing but if I responded I'd spend less time dealing with whatever it is. (Good god, can people just leave proper fucking messages? Say why you called! And don't get me started with texts or slack messages that are like "hey" or "we need to talk" and nothing else... types "hey" in slack. Asked what they want. Refuses to elaborate. Asks to huddle. Wants to know if there are cookies in the break room)

1 replies

My experience is that everyone always hangs up immediately after facing the screener.

Working as intended!

This isn't a new process, answering machines and operators have been around for ages. If your information is important, leave a message. If you're unwilling to leave a message, text. If you're unwilling to leave a message or text, it wasn't important.

0 replies

But sometimes the person calling you is calling 300 people for something not important to him, but super important to you. Like power utility payments. If he can't reach you, and decides to leave no message, he himself personally is not much inconvenienced, but your account affects you.

1 replies

My experience with Call Screen is actually very positive. It screens tons of spam calls and legitimate people who are actually calling for me do talk to my robot assistant, I get a quick transcription, and I pick up. It's why I can't quit Google's Pixels.

Maybe it's regional, I'm in the Bay Area, and people are used to it here by now.

0 replies

Maybe it's regional, I'm in the Bay Area, and people are used to it here by now.

I was actually wondering this too. Bay Area is a bubble of its own. I wouldn't be surprised if people were just more used to tech in general.

0 replies

I think most people think it's just a fancy answering machine, they don't realize I'm controlling it.

FWIW, I'm betting it is just a fancy answering machine for most people. I use this feature (couldn't live without it), but I've never once been in-the-loop. My phone acts autonomously! I checked the logs for a few months, but I don't even bother anymore. It's never had a false positive.

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Ditto, it really should be the standard. Well, as well as the government actually enforcing these laws strictly. I am pretty sure they could compel companies to maintain and filter out spam/robo calls. Especially if it costs them $$$$$

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I just answer every phone call by saying, "My voice is my password, verify me."

0 replies

same, but now a lot of callers whom i would like to speak with -- e.g. my insurance company -- just hang up before greeting me (because they think my phone's broken?). but then if i screen everyone via voicemail instead, a different (but overlapping) portion of callers refuse to leave messages. it's like everyone's given up on using the POTS outside of their immediate social circle, and the few people/businesses who still do are either malicious, or are just going through the motions.

thanks spammers. and thanks FCC for sitting idly over the decades and letting the spammers ruin it. weird time to finally put your foot down, but sure, okay.

0 replies

Exactly what I do. And I don't pick up unless I recognize the number or I'm expecting a call for a specific reason.

0 replies

The phone system has gotten so bad these days that a lot of the time the pausing for 3-5 seconds isn’t voluntary - it just doesn’t connect the call properly. The most basic hundred year old regular phone call is too much to handle for modern systems I suppose

14 replies

I've been getting these calls where nobody says anything for like 3 minutes then someone says Hello. My paranoid mind thinks they are trying to record my voice to use AI to impersonate me.

3 replies

My thought has been that they're listening for background sounds to try to beef up the advertising profile they have on me. Maybe there is some super sketchy ad-tech company putting beacons that emit a QR-like UUID audio signature in the frequencies near the top and bottom of the range that gets transmitted by cell phones, and ringing you up from a robo-dialer and listening for the beacons tells them where you are.

2 replies

As far fetched as it sounds, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

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0 replies

The quality of the writing in your link is hilariously bad. I'm biased against trusting big blobs of unpunctuated text.

1 replies

Should we start randomly picking the helo message from other countries? I'd go with mushi-mushi. A number of my friends would understand that.

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1 replies

Same. Probably from playing too much Uplink, where calling the sysadmin was the easy way to circumvent the voiceprint authentication.

"I am the systems administrator. My voice is my passport. Verify me."

(Which is itself a callback to the 1992 movie Sneakers.)

0 replies

That game was so, so good. Do you know any others that feel the same way? (doesn't have to be about hacking)

1 replies

My paranoid mind thinks they are trying to record my voice to use AI to impersonate me.

You're not paranoid, banks, the Minnesota Attorney General and the FCC have been warning about scammers recording even as simple as a "yes" to use in their scams [1][2][3], although actual evidence has been scarce to say the least [4].





0 replies

I've got this call regarding energy prices in Poland (worth mention, it happen AFTER maximum prices threshold was frozen by govt). A pre-recorded "lady" persistently tries to force me to say "yes" going with "something interrupted us, can you hear me?" over seven times.

Search results point for this number as being related to PV panels scam.

0 replies

i've had the same thoughts since the mass amount of robo called happened for the last 8 years

its definitely whats happening, you're not crazy

0 replies

FWIW, I get these, too. All unknown numbers go straight to voicemail, which auto-transcribes, so I just see "Hello... hello..." in the transcription and hit delete. No idea what it's about.

0 replies

I got a call sort of like that, it was bizarre. A person claiming to be a Comcast rep called, introduced themselves, asked if I was me, and then immediately hung up as soon as I made a noise.

It is possible they just hung up because I was already a little skeptical and feeling cagey, so didn’t give an enthusiastic “yeah that’s me.”

Anyway, I’ve never been called for something that benefits me. So, hopefully every company that depends on cold-calling will go out of business soon as everyone younger than, like, halfway through gen X doesn’t pick up their phone anymore.

0 replies

The pause used to be while they routed the auto dialed call to an available agent (can’t have them waiting for the rings… efficiency!).

In this case you may be right.

5 replies

Sorry for the breach of phone etiquette but I am on the same page here - the caller needs to speak first so I can tell whether they're a real person or not. If it's an automated system I'm happy to remain silent in the hope that they don't realize my phone number isn't another automated system.

3 replies

I guess you'll end up confusing a lot of people since it's exactly backwards from the normal handshake.

Although you're not alone, most of the time when I call customer support and it's an overseas call center, I have to say Hello 2-3 times before the person on the other end acknowledges my existence. I guess they don't realize that I can hear all of their background noise before they talk.

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If they end up hanging up and texting me out of confusion then that's the best outcome I could've asked for... otherwise the call is either from a receptionist (who generally speak first anyways) or a relative that has learned of my vocal recalcitrance.

0 replies

Maybe robocalls will get so annoying that rule will change.

And don't normal people end up saying something like "hello?? Anyone there?" in that case anyway?

0 replies

I think the convention is that the person whose job it is to be on the phone is responsible for speaking first.

In the very rare event that somebody calls somebody else for leisure (who doesn’t text yet? Really.) I guess the caller should initiate.

0 replies

Yep, wait and if a human is like "hello?", then say "Can you hear me now?"

5 replies

What are they actually trying to achieve by doing this? To get you to speak so they can record more voice samples?

2 replies

I think it's about proof that the number puts them in touch with a real person. I suspect if the robocall gets enough engagement they'll even put an actual scammer on their end.

0 replies

My other guess is that it's one of those things where it only connects to actual person if you say something. I could try actually talking to see what happens but now that I read on this thread that they record you for replay maybe not.

0 replies

Absolutely this, I am confident that there are people out there who verify phone numbers from data leaks, selling off known “good” numbers to other nefarious people. They probably record it all now too and sell that.

1 replies

There are a series of gates. At the end is the scam. Each gate is designed to filter out those who will reach the end and not fall for the scam. Or in other words, by the time you are making the scam pitch, the scam is already done, because you know by then it will work.

The calls are just one of the early gates, as someone screening your call is likely not to fall for the eventual scam.

The gates don’t have to be clever for this to work. There merely has to be enough people that you are going to find that 0.1% who will fall for it.

0 replies

This is what always gets me. I want to finally speak to the scammer and have him listen to me play guitar, but alas! I fail the tests...

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I have gotten into the habit of answering the phone in the Graham-Bell/Mr. Burns way by answering "Ahoy Hoy" whenever I get a number that I don't recognize. I figure that that's not going to be as useful for any training purposes, and is also pretty inoffensive, so even if I don't get a robot then it won't offend anyone.

1 replies

I figure that that's not going to be as useful for any training purposes

Um what? Why? It's just as much a sample of your voice, and if it's what you usually say on the phone then a recording of it will... sound like it's you on the phone.

0 replies

This is going to highlight my ignorance of AI, so bear with me, but my rationale (which is probably wrong) was that they are training their model on my voice specifically for the word "hello". If I provide "Ahoy Hoy!" to them instead, and their system thinks that that is "hello", it might mess up their model a bit.

As I said, I don't really know what I'm talking about, that was just my rationale.

2 replies

Nowadays I just grunt, I don't think they can voice print a grunt

0 replies

you definitely can

0 replies

eh you’d be surprised

1 replies

You guys are answering the phone?

Maybe if I just placed a delivery order I will answer for an unknown local number. Beyond that, leave a message at the beep and maybe I'll check it in a few days.

0 replies

When you’re dealing with contractors and whatever for house stuff, yeah you kinda need to answer the phone for long stretches of time. Same if you have kids (I don’t), you need to be receptive. Yes yes I am incredibly aware that people can leave voicemails and send text messages, but many out there won’t do it, from real experience, especially those outside of the tech bubble.

1 replies

You just gave me chills. The future is going to be very creepy and unnerving I think.

0 replies

The creepy, unnerving future is already here, it's just not evenly distributed.

1 replies

I have a friend who would always answer the phone with a robotic monotone "READY" like a C64 BASIC prompt. It made people think he was a robot, and confused the real robots.

0 replies

at 56 i hate to admit it, but i think i just lol-ed.

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That's going to be a major and widespread issue very soon.

Unfortunately, rulings such as this FCC's are ineffective to prevent it. If someone is already committing fraud, they obviously won't care if it's illegal to use an AI-generated voice.

0 replies

My employees get calls from "Hey, this is Mike at Goldman Sachs. Matt asked me to give you a call about the customer volumes."

0 replies

I only answer the phone with "Who's calling?". If I don't want to talk to them, they get "this is his assistant, he's not available". If it sounds even slightly like a canned voice it gets hung up on.

0 replies

When an unknown call happens, I pick up and wait 3 seconds before saying "Hello". Most of the time, the robot detects no voice and hangs up.

0 replies

Wonder how many secs of voice you need to replicate one. You can call a number programmatically, ask something silly. record the response and then recreate the voice. I can imagine one can do much harm. Like calling the voice's boss and tell him you fell in love with his wife and now resign.

0 replies

I was once told that some automated dialing systems will listen for, and hang up/flag the number as another automated system, if you wait four seconds, say hello very clearly, and then say nothing else.

It… seems to work?

0 replies

Yep, I don’t say hello anymore either, if I don’t recognize the number. Makes things awkward sometimes, but this is the dogshit awful world we live in.

0 replies

If I don't know the number, I answer with "Hola. Buenos días."

0 replies

This is why I love Google's new AI phone call screening feature. Some people get spooked by it and hang up, and sometimes spam calls get through via exploits like calling twice within a short time or somehow bypassing with a weird spoofed number (only happened 1-2 times so far)

0 replies

I answer the phone and don't say anything.

Humans will typically ask if anyone is there, robots will either start their pre-recorded bullshit or hang up.

0 replies

If I immediately hear sound from the caller it's usually a valid call. If I wait several seconds and it's just quiet, it's an automatic dialer waiting for a voice response. I found it highly effective at weeding out spam calls.

0 replies

Receiving a call like that would terrify me. I'd become super paranoid.

I've been screening all my calls with the pixel call screener feature. Worth it.

0 replies

I just don't care. It's not like they can train a bot to convincingly speak like me from just one word. And if they can, the game is already over and we've all lost.

That said, I don't answer suspicious numbers and I won't move past "hello" until the caller identifies themselves.

110 replies

I think it is important to note that the legal principle that allows the FCC to make rulings like this is called Chevron Deference, and many consider it to be under attack.

47 replies

This thread wildly misunderstands "chevron deference". "Ending chevron deference" does not somehow throw us into a Mad Max anarchic hellscape where agencies cannot actually do anything, because there is always some standard for what administrative rulemaking is permissible. There is a broader question of how much leeway they have, but clarifying that AI generated voices count as "artificial" under the statute barely requires a regulation, any more than they need one to say "hit in the head with a computer" constitutes an "assault".

16 replies

The problem with your argument is that, for decades, congress has been passing and failing to update laws under the understanding that the courts would apply Chevron deference.

If the courts decide to get rid of that, they're intentionally misinterpreting the laws that congress has passed over that time. They're also effectively rewriting a large fraction of US law, despite the fact that the constitution is carefully designed to prevent such a small group of (unelected or elected) people from modifying US law that quickly, and without safe guards.

The current Supreme Court has repeatedly undermined separation of powers, and they're explicitly doing so against the wishes of the electorate. Their behavior is fundamentally undemocratic.

10 replies

The problem with your argument is that, for decades, congress has been passing and failing to update laws under the understanding that the courts would apply Chevron deference.

It is literally the job of Congress to update laws. That they are bad at doing that is not relevant to the place of the Court in the structure of this country's government.

If the courts decide to get rid of that, they're intentionally misinterpreting the laws that congress has passed over that time.

The opposite of this is true. If the Court decides to jettison Chevron deference (you should look in to why that case is called "Chevron") it means that gasp our legislators have to actually listen to constituents and write laws and not just bet that the executive branch in the next election cycle agrees with them.

9 replies

That’s not quite true.

Overturning Chevron means federal courts no longer have to give deference to agency experts. Unelected judges will have free rein to impose their own views in these cases.

Nothing about Chevron will force Congress to write more precise laws.

5 replies

Courts acting as authorities of last appeal doesn't sound like some class of people imposing their views. They're just doing their jobs, and I don't see why they should be less trustworthy than (also unelected) bureaucrats.

4 replies

It's less about being more or less trustworthy and more about spheres of competence. Judges are experts on the laws that are written, but they cannot be experts in all the areas Congress requires regulation.

People are not interchangeable: if you take a financial regulatory expert from SEC and move them to FDA and ask them to regulate drug adjuvants, you're not going to get great results. Dropping Chevron would put judges in the position of being experts in all the fields where Congress requires regulation.

2 replies

True, but judges should be used to ruling on cases involving technical details they don't fully understand. They could refuse to weigh the opinions of outside experts, but I don't think they would.

Besides, this works in other countries, in the Czech Republic for instance, I'm pretty sure I've seen lawsuits against regulatory agencies here.

0 replies

this works in other countries, in the Czech Republic for instance

Our current Chevron regime works here under our existing set of laws and structures.

0 replies

Chevron doesn't prevent lawsuits. All it does is require the judge overseeing the case to give deference to the regulatory agency when there is ambiguity in the law.

Really simple example: Congress passes a law that requires the FAA to regulate the safety of commercial aviation, but doesn't explicitly say "all panels must be bolted to the fuselage".

FAA decides any removable panel must be positively attached to the fuselage using castle nuts and pins or an equivalent design.

Boeing thinks that rule is wrong (overbearing, overreach, poorly conceived, whatever).

Under Chevron, the judge hears both sides, and defers to the FAA on the issue of safety. The law wasn't explicit about design of door panel fasteners, but was clear the FAA should regulate the industry.

Without Chevron, there is no deference to the experts at the FAA. The judge is free to impose their own worldview on the case.

Note that with Chevron in place, the judge can still determine the FAA overreached its authority (like if they decided to regulate car transport on the way to the airport). The judge just can't ignore the presumed expertise of the executive branch in applying details to Congressionally mandated regulation.

Without Chevron, we trade executive expertise for the whims of an unelected judge. While bureaucrats are unelected, they are still beholden to Congress for both funding and legislation allowing their existence in the first place. The President can't simply conjure regulators out of thin air.

0 replies

Dropping Chevron would put judges in the position of being experts in all the fields where Congress requires regulation.

Genuinely curious as to why people think this. This is the standard talking point you see about this issue, and it's just not true. Getting rid of Chevron doesn't mean that judges need to become experts in all minutia of a particular field. It means the executive can't liberally interpret statute to their heart's desire. Maybe you mean that you expect more cases to come to the courts if Chevron is dropped, but cases on complex technical matters already come to the courts all the time in all fields. Are you concerned that the volume of cases goes up or something?

2 replies

Unelected judges will have free rein to impose their own views in these cases.

As opposed to unelected bureaucrats who serve at the whim of the executive branch and are often political appointees? Do you not remember the meltdown this site had over Trump's FCC commissioner and his views on net neutrality?

1 replies

Yes, exactly.

If an executive agency steps out of line, Congress can defund it or pass other legislation clarifying their intent.

No such mechanism exists with the federal bench (other than impeachment).

All Chevron does is impose a restriction on the federal courts when deciding cases brought against the executive branch. It doesn't give bureaucrats free rein to do what they want.

0 replies

Congress can just overrule federal bench by saying their wrong and writing clarifying language. Very popular example of this is Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that specifically made it that issuing a discriminatory paycheck restarted 180 day clock.

3 replies

Their behavior is fundamentally undemocratic.

Correct, because in the United States, our model of government is a Democratic Republic, not a democracy. For all of the flaws of our system of law, the Constitution is considered supreme, and any laws that violate the Constitution are to be considered null and void. The job of the Supreme Court is to decide the Constitutionality of laws.

One interpretation of removing Chevron deference is that it's defacto rewriting law, another is that executive agencies have been doing this for decades already. The truth is probably some mix of the two.

2 replies

Constitution is considered supreme, and any laws that violate the Constitution are to be considered null and void. The job of the Supreme Court is to decide the Constitutionality of laws.

A plain and non-ideological reading of what you typed is that this is a contradiction at best and saying the SCOTUS supersedes the constitution at worst.

0 replies

At worst yes, the difficulty of overriding them via constitutional amendment or a restructured law is a vulnerability of our system

But the paradox is that is part of the constitution too. There are several creatures of the constitution that supersede the constitution. Treaties can.

0 replies

Only if you presuppose that the agency is always right.

Agencies are often wrong and sometimes very seriously so. The FDA trying to take over regulation of tests is another example.

There is a perfectly legitimate view that Chevron deference is - at least in some circumstances - not indefeasible.

0 replies

Undemocratic or capitalistic but with a cap?

If it were such that individual states with greater agency could negatively impact neighbouring states and in Chevrons original case, environment and agriculture, then it’s a dangerous precedent of opening up states to competitive market at the detriment greater societal impact and responsibilities. Both positive and negative but the incentives are there to push towards later in pursuit of fast profits and deferred responsibilities.

Am I making sense? States can compete for corporate interests, while we know full well who runs the senate: lobbyists with deep pockets.

13 replies

Chevron deference would come into play if the FCC tried to say that a test-tube baby was an artificial agent. I support ending the doctrine, because the shadow laws are strong and bad.

12 replies

How would it? The FCC aren’t experts on the philosophical or scientific difference between artificial and natural insemination.

11 replies

Under the current interpretation, that would be in their jurisdiction. This is why Chevron deference is dumb.

9 replies

that’s ridiculous

8 replies

I agree. Chevron deference has (indirectly) led to a shoelace being confiscated by the ATF as a machine gun.

6 replies

Don't forget about Matt Hoover of CRS Firearms being charged for conspiracy to transfer unregistered machine gun conversion devices. His crime? Advertising a trinket known as an "Auto Key Card", a metal business card etched with the outline of a lightning link, a device that--properly manufactured--can make a semi-automatic rifle full-auto.

The problem is that this device was nothing more than a drawing on a business card sized piece of steel. It amounts to an egregious first amendment violation at the very least.

4 replies

You'll have to excuse me if I don't take the word of the website "pewpewtactical" as gospel on this matter. Especially with lines like this: "Aside from the fact the ATF hates anything fun..."

There's nothing earnest or in good faith here, and you can't reasonably make me believe otherwise. The person was trying to skirt the law and got caught.

Or let me put it another way: if this keycard isn't a big deal, why do gun owners care?

2 replies

From the link:

The ATF examined the Auto Key Cards and a firearms enforcement officer was able to remove the pieces of a lightning link from an Auto Key Card using a common Dremel rotary tool in about 40 minutes.

So in effect, the ATF was able to manufacture an unregistered machine gun conversion device from a legal piece of steel with a drawing on it, using tools. Steel is not illegal, nor are drawings. As mentioned by rpmisms, we have a first amendment right to freedom of speech in the United States.

The same thing can be accomplished, arguably more easily, by bending a metal coat hanger into the required shape, but Target isn't being raided by the ATF.

1 replies

And of course, anyone with access to a 3d printer and the gatalog can create a lightning link in about 22 minutes. Guess it's time to ban the Internet!

0 replies

Oh my god, you can make things with tools?! /s

0 replies

Aside from the fact the ATF hates anything fun.

This is an objective fact.

The person was trying to skirt the law and got caught.

What law? The law that says you can't distribute a chart of a lightning link? That's not a real law. The point here is that the ATF created the law out of whole cloth.

Or let me put it another way: if this keycard isn't a big deal, why do gun owners care?

Are you serious? The guy is going to jail under the charge that he distributed a machine gun, for distributing legal information in a country that has freedom of speech as the first amendment. He didn't even violate ITAR. I have a shirt with the CNC instructions to create a lightning link printed on it. Should I go to prison too?

"First they came for the $some_group..."

0 replies

I have not forgotten, I know him and contributed to his defense fund. Absolutely horrendous miscarriage of justice.

0 replies

So because of this you think we should dismantle the administrative state in favor of the judicial apparatus?

Everything I've read about this says it will result in mass deregulation of industries that must be regulated. (Koch Industries for example) In practical terms, in our current world, not in some libertarian-inspired fantasy that doesn't exist today.

There are definitely areas where Chevron deference can "hurt" us--for example political tampering at agencies.. but overall I think we should rely on experts to do the regulating and try to fix the existing system.

On top of that what happened to judicial precedent? Only good when it suits our ends I guess.

0 replies

You miss my point. I don't think any court would see the reasonable reach of Chevron to be the FCC being capable of determining what qualifies as an artificial person between people of natural or artificial insemination. "Reasonable" is part and parcel to the decision.

12 replies

Imagine the following: The FCC fines a company for using AI-generated voices in robocalls. That company appeals the fine. With Chevron intact, the court would need to defer to the FCC's interpretation of the TCPA and dismiss the appeal. With Chevron overturned, the court would be able to advocate for their own interpretation of the TCPA. A favorable judge could just claim textualism, and insist that the TCPA does not apply because it does not explicitly use the word AI. Then it is a slippery slope of forum shopping and companies moving their operations to districts with sympathetic judges.

9 replies

Imagine the FCC goes to congress, proposes a new rule and then congresses passes it. Then there is debate and congress can't abdicate its responsibility.

4 replies

In theory sure but have you been following Congress for the past decade? They can't even come to terms on continuing resolution funding bills, let alone pass complex rules related to new contentious technologies. Perhaps I'm just a pessimist but is something that makes you think this might drastically change?

1 replies

In theory sure but have you been following Congress for the past decade?

On one hand, fair. On the other hand, you can only coast along on the old post-cold war bi-partisan consensus for so long without getting new consensus before institutions lose their legitimacy (you can already see this happening a bit).

We can default back to the last time we had consensus for some things, for some time, but you do need to get it again before big changes happen. If you get to the point where the last time we had consensus is before the majority of the people in the system were alive, you either need to hard pivot your society to focus on ancestor worship, or you need to focus on something you do have consensus on.

0 replies

The problem is that the previous consensus was created by corporate centralized media, and in many ways was actually against the interests of most people who accepted it. Now that corporate consensus has fallen apart, so we've got two tribes each focused on the specific ways they were screwed over, with each ascribing the previous state of affairs to the other tribe. In a vacuum their differences could certainly be worked out to support a consensus. But given how well ragebait sensationalism seems to work, and the popularity of feel-good (well, feel-something at least) authoritarian demagogues like Trump, I don't see much hope.

0 replies

Decade? Nothing substantial has gotten done since Gingrich took over the house in 95. It’s been scorched earth (on both side, mostly) since then.

This puts the courts in a difficult situation. The answer is often “congress needs to fix this”, but that can’t actually happen.

0 replies

I would argue that existing setup which abdicates power of congress to courts and agencies is only making things worse. It keeps things running, somewhat, but only by applying bandaids that can be removed just as easily with new set of judges or new administration.

It's something that US political system allowed to fester for decades, arguably since 70s.

Take the entire situation around abortions. Supreme Court determined that there is a right, based in protection of privacy, that prohibits states from banning abortion before certain date. Congress didn't have to make a law about it, or even add amendment to constitution. So they didn't have to explain anything to their constituents. "It's the court! I can't do anything!" everybody was happy.

Except not. People who opposed it, saw it as undemocratic. Taking controversial issue out of the hands of representatives forever. So they pushed against it, and attempted to circumvent the ruling. Mostly they failed. But they never gave up, and their movement never died down. In fact it only became more and more powerful. And when they finally had favorable judges on the court they finally had their way.

Angering their opponents, who were now using similar "this isn't democratic" arguments. In the end, nobody really won. The only certain result is that people on both sides of political spectrum now have reasons to distrust Supreme Court.

Compare that to the situation in Europe. Lawmakers took their time, but eventually they arrived at set of laws that most of society agrees with, or at very least is able to tolerate.

TLDR: The existing system led to the congress being incapable of making laws. If america is to survive, courts can't keep saving congress from controversial laws.

1 replies

Imagine an individual or company (who disagrees with the FCC's interpretation of the law) proposes a new rule to congress and then congress passes it. There is a debate and then congress updates the law they passed to reflect recent changes.

0 replies

That's already a thing (in fact, it's guaranteed by the first amendment in the US). Congress can overrule the FCC any time they want.

0 replies

Then the process repeats -- someone sues over the FCC's interpretation of the new rule. What next?

0 replies

Imagine that rule is not precise enough to cover every possible specific situation, so nobody can ever be penalized for breaking any rule, as it becomes a fractal problem where the entire year’s “work” from Congress would not be sufficient to exactly define every term needed.

Management has to be allowed to delegate. Those saying Congress should not be allowed to do so are really just saying they want the government abolished.

1 replies

Ruling that artificial intelligence voices aren't artificial would seriously damage the legitimacy of the court system.

0 replies

Depending on who you ask, the Supreme Court under Roberts may have already damaged its legitimacy.

1 replies

This is great that this is line of comments are under an article about banning something most people here would like to see banned. That is in fact doing something good, unless I guess you're on the side of robocalls. Perhaps choose to make this argument in another thread, it'd be far more convincing.

0 replies

The argument espoused should be examined more directly for things you agree with, otherwise one risks becoming a hypocrite.

0 replies

Even if it was unclear, ending Chevron deference wouldn’t say “the agency can no longer make these policy interpretations.” It just means that a court ought to test whether that interpretation is in compliance with the law, when that comes up in a dispute (which is something that courts are in the business of in many other areas) more so than simply deferring to the agency’s expertise on the law.

(If you look at the original Chevron decision, they were much more interested in trying to get out of the “understand and make determinations about complex environmental issues” business anyway, more so than the “understand the law” business.)

Postscript: For your next unfairly downvoted reply I recommend that you explain to someone Citizens United was actually a nonprofit trying to air a movie on cable television and was fighting the FEC over it. (Total hackjob of an organization, mind you. But core political speech.) Some facts are unpopular.

25 replies

Congress should have gotten off their hands and written something by now, same with Crypto legislation. “Chevron Deference” breeds tyranny through legislative apathy

8 replies

No, Chevron deference breeds sanity. it would be insane to think that every little detail of complex regulatory structure must be outlined specifically in legislation in order for it to be valid. For example, legislation gives the EPA the power to regulate waterways. Chevron deference allows the EPA to use its expertise to write rules that say you can't dump benzine into the river. Without Chevron deference, someone who wants to dump benzine in the river could challenge the EPA saying that the law doesn't specifically say you can't dump benzine in the river. Imagine relying on our elected officials to come up with a list of what is and isn't considered toxic.

4 replies

Regulations and regulators existed before 1984 when the case was argued. In my opinion, it's a good idea to curtail the power of government whenever possible. I'd rather Congress specify in a bill/law that a committee of leading experts from the private sector and the advocacy side of any given subject matter weigh in yearly on any topic before regulations can be changed rather than blindly hoping regulators know what they are doing.

1 replies

The private sector has demonstrated a thousand times over that they're bad-faith actors.

0 replies

The government is also just as much bad actors whenever [insert whatever side you are opposed to] is in power.

0 replies

Curtailing the power of government means upholding the Chevron Deference, obviously.

If every little thing now becomes an open question of law, we exist in a vacuum of power where courts arbitrarily decide all sorts of things, giving massive amounts of power to the government.

Uncertainty breeds timidness. In order for people to have freedom to act, they need to know in advance what is legal and what is not.

0 replies

Chevron was ruled in 1984 but it was a codification of principles that had already been in practice. It was a standard Supreme Court ruling, a formalization of precedent. After all, some degree of deference to executive interpretation is required, because it's impossible to write truly unambiguous law in any regular language.

a committee of leading experts from the private sector and the advocacy side of any given subject matter weigh in yearly on any topic before regulations can be changed

This is part of the design of regulatory agencies. Rulings like this come after an extensive process of consultation and public comment.

1 replies

They should make recommendations, and then before anything goes into effect, these recommendations must be passed into law (Congress passes bill, President signs it).

They could bundle these up regularly.

0 replies

Why is that better than the current system?

0 replies

I agree with your post. If you step back, can there be any highly developed countries that do not have the equivalent of the Chevron Deference? It seems impossible. Else, parliament would spend all of its time updating laws to add new corner cases that industry/people exploit. It would be very inefficient.

To be very specific: For each new chemical discovered or manuf'd, environmental protection laws would need to be amended by parliament. It is madness to think about.

2 replies

Our country is falling apart because of the current level of congressional ineptitude. One party refuses to support important legislation they specifically asked for because it may give the opposition party a positive news article.

Wishing the Congress had to study and pass legislation for all enforcement and regulation of society is tantamount to accelerationism.

1 replies

The border bill was not what the GOP was asking for. It was a compromise and not enough of one to get the deal done with the most fringe of that party.

We are a divided house.

0 replies

It is quite literally what the GOP asked for not even 12 weeks ago (Dec 6, 2023):

Republicans on Wednesday blocked an emergency spending bill to fund the war in Ukraine, demanding strict new border restrictions in exchange and severely jeopardizing President Biden’s push to replenish the war chests of American allies before the end of the year.

The Democrats said okay. Senators Sinema, Lankford (literally the 2nd most conservative senator according to his own congressional page), and Murphy spent the last couple months negotiating a new bill.

Trump then tanked it saying it would help Biden:

Republican front-runner Donald Trump said he wants to be held responsible for blocking a bipartisan border security bill in the works in the Senate as President Biden seeks emergency authority to rein in a record surge of unauthorized border crossings.

Now the GOP house refuses to bring the bill to the floor:

House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson declared it "dead on arrival" if it reaches his chamber.

We were a divided government when McConnell was Senate majority leader and Pelosi was House majority leader and still able to pass legislation.

What we have now is a House run by clowns.

See also the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform debacle:,_Economic_Oppo...

2 replies

Have you listened to our congresspeople? Nothing they do or say suggests to me that they have the capabilities to legislate effectively on technical matters, be they AI, Pollution or Food Safety.

We have departments that have traditionally been staffed with SMEs to make these rulings and decisions on behalf of congress, who legislates their existence and budget.

1 replies

With some sarcasm and much trepidation, I would submit that lobbyists would be more than happy to write the laws that their congresspeople will sign into law, ending the due diligence and oversight of qualified, established government departments. (I know they do this now, but think of how much worse it could be!)

0 replies

I completely agree with this viewpoint, but what makes you think that congresspeople are not lobbyists or are somehow less beholden to those who would engage in lobbying?

In other words, why would an agency be more persuadable than congress?

1 replies

Congress did act. They passed the TCPA in 1991 knowing full well that Chevron deference would allow the FCC to tweak their interpretation of the law as facts change. Congress doesn't want to have to micromanage things like this. If they did they would write the laws in a way that prevents situations where Chevron comes into play. And anyway, getting rid of Chevron would transfer the agencies powers to the courts, not congress.

0 replies

The language of the bill here, "artificial or prerecorded voice" isn't even ambiguous to a normal person. An AI agent's voice is undeniably "artificial". It'd be a much bigger stretch for the FCC to interpret it otherwise!

1 replies

It's by design. Legislators aren't and can't be competent regulators, and they know this.

Congress can't even handle managing fiscal policy sanely, and that's the one job they can't delegate.

0 replies

look no further than the recent border bill that got the "no not like that, it wasn't supposed to work". Now they have to answer for it in november, a major piece of legislation in their favor and they left it on the floor because the maniac running the party has hurt feelings on not being included.

0 replies

Congress should have gotten off their hands and written something by now, same with Crypto legislation. “Chevron Deference” breeds tyranny through legislative apathy

It would be literally impossible for congress to rule on every nuanced thing that Chevron allows agencies to do. Saying "congress should take care of it" shows either an intentional disregard for the roles agencies and their experts play, or a complete misunderstanding of the power it grants to federal agencies.

"It breeds tyranny" is absolutely ridiculous. When agencies rule in a manner people find unjust, they sue and win or lose in a court of law based on the content of the policy. It also gives congress a chance to rule on "big ticket" things that do need addressing without causing an absolute standstill having to rule on something as mundane as what the legal weight and length limit should be each season for catching a salmon from federal land in Montana.

0 replies

From a practical point of view, it's hard to say whether Congress would make better or worse decisions, and it's probably good that the government can make decisions about new technologies while Congress is mostly dysfunctional.

Maybe the thing that guards against tyranny is that Congress can override them (by passing a law) if regulators screw up badly enough?

At least, in theory.

Just like, in theory, the people could elect a better Congress.

0 replies

Looks like someone doesn't give a shit about shared resources or tragedies of the commons, and wants to do away with important regulation...

0 replies

Saying "Congress should" is basically abdicating solving the problem

0 replies

there is simply no way for congress to enact every regulation. This is all a power grab for corporations bankrolling republican judges and congress critters to be able to ignore any regulations they want in order to make a few more bucks.

0 replies

Congress can’t reasonably be expected to rule on everything, nor are they equipped with the expertise to do so.

10 replies

I've only read your link there, but aren't you mischaracterizing it? The Chevron doctrine isn't what allows agencies like the FCC to make rulings like this, it's what protects their decisions from being overruled by the courts. That is, even if all the justices privately agreed the agency's interpretation had issues, they'd still defer to it. But without Chevron, in that case, they could overrule it.

In this case, considering AI-generated voices "artificial" for the purposes of applying a law seems obvious enough to me that I don't think the Chevron doctrine would apply, personally.

9 replies

The Chevron doctrine isn't what allows agencies like the FCC to make rulings like this, it's what protects their decisions from being overruled by the courts.

Yes and it's in cases where a law gives authority and expectations to an agency. In the past, it was left up to experienced and qualified agency specialists to work out how best to implement it because 1) it's their job and 2) because Congress knows it can't write every possible contingency into a law.

Chevron supports this. The SCotUS case is brought by folks who want to shift that determination from agency specialists to judges who don't have the related experience or qualifications. It would effectively allow endless monkey wrenches to be thrown into the oversight process by corporations who aren't keen on oversight.

4 replies

shift that determination from agency specialists to judges

All correct until this bit. They in fact want to shift it back to congress, who should do a better job in specifying what power they delegate to unelected heads of executive branch agencies.

0 replies

They in fact want to shift it back to congress

When Congress does that and there is a dispute, it ultimately falls to judges to adjudicate until Congress can update the law.

0 replies

The idea behind such deference is that expert agencies, accountable to an elected president, are better suited than federal judges to make the policy choices that Congress left open.

At the time of the 1984 Chevron v. NRDC ruling, Doniger notes, it was widely perceived in legal and political circles that judges in the lower federal courts were inappropriately crafting policy by deciding for themselves what certain laws meant, effectively substituting their own ideas for the discernment of agency experts. “So the Supreme Court was basically saying to the lower courts: Stop inserting your own policy preferences under the guise of interpreting the law,” Doniger says.

Now the Supreme Court could reopen the door for federal judges to decide how executive-branch agencies should go about their daily business whenever Congress has used ambiguous language
0 replies

I don't know if you have been following politics recently but this sounds like a bad idea unless the idea is to kill the process (which is the desired outcome of the strategy). Theres no way congress can handle more of a workload nor should they be in charge of this - that should be in the bureaucracy not with the politicos.

0 replies

All correct until this bit. They in fact want to shift it back to congress,

That is one potential, down-the-road outcome of non-qualified judges being inserted into the process. Stalling oversight is the outcome that dominates all of it tho.

congress, who should do a better job in specifying what power they delegate to unelected heads of executive branch agencies.

A law with every possible contingency can not be written. It's why Congress signals the desired outcomes the language of the law and expects qualified agency employees to bring those outcomes to fruition.

2 replies

Just because there is an ongoing consensus failure in our democratically elected components doesn’t mean we should skip the democratically elected components

This court has been very consistent about that and we’re going to have it until the 2050s so get with the program

1 replies

Just because there is an ongoing consensus failure in our democratically elected components doesn’t mean we should skip the democratically elected components

I'm not sure where you see how Chevron skips those components. Congress gives authority to an agency and indicates what it wants done. Chevron says the agency (using qualified agency specialists) are who Congress intends to work out the many, many details that are impossible to write into effective law.

0 replies

Chevron says the agency (using qualified agency specialists) are who Congress intends to work out the many, many details that are impossible to write into effective law.

That's not entirely accurate. The doctrine only applies to ambiguous statutes and it's really that an agency has the authority to decide what Congress meant when it wrote them. The question is whether an agency can interpret what Congress intends for it to do, or if that should be left to Congress for clarification.

You make it sound like Chevron is the underpinning for execution of all statutory authority, and it isn't. It's an edge-case doctrine.

0 replies

shift that determination from agency specialists to judges

Again, that's still not my reading of it. The determination is still done by the agency, right? This is purely about the recourse of folks who don't like what the agency has decided and the futility of appealing it or not.

I feel like both you here and the original poster I replied to are implicitly saying that an agency only truly has the ability to implement laws based on expert qualifications if there's no "check" on them. But this isn't really true for Congress, is it? They make laws around specific topics based on expert input all the time, whether it be around trade or cryptography or whatever, while still having the courts sit above them with the ability to hear out someone who thinks the law is unconstitutional. How is this any different?

It's true that without Chevron, there's more freedom to appeal an agency's decisions. But as a general principle (i.e. not this specific moment in time but say 20 years from now), it seems just as likely to me that an agency is politicized, paid for by corporate donors, etc, as the courts, so it's not clear to me that an un-appealable agency decision is better than one that can be appealed.

Edge cases make great news, but I suspect in our sprawling administrative framework of government agencies, the vast, vast majority of interpretation of laws is done by experts, is relatively fair, and has gone and will continue to go unchallenged. So I don't think the characterization that "interpretation of laws by agencies will move to judges from experts" is fair, on the whole. Maybe only on the controversial parts where there are interests on all sides, but then maybe that's a fair place to have that, too.

10 replies

Glad to see Chevron Deference at the top here. Basically, the FCC can’t “rule” they can “dictate” and this isn’t a power explicitly granted by congress. It’s some made up judicial rules that say these federal agencies can do it

2 replies

Chevron Reference is the idea that when a statute is ambiguous the agencies can interpret it according to their expert opinion.

The alternative is requiring Congress to write every single rule explicitly and pass a law adapting to any change in circumstance or technology. In practice this means "no regulation" because Congress is pretty slow and adding more detail would only make them slower.

1 replies

All that has to happen is the agency propose a set of rules and let congress vote. If they can't get it through congress then it should be a rule.

0 replies

It’s unworkably dysfunctional for “everything” to have to go through congress.

If and when agencies overstep that gets resolved through legal challenges.

1 replies

Nonsense. The law in question explicitly grants the FCC the right to make this determination via regulation.

  > The Commission shall prescribe regulations to implement the requirements of this subsection. In implementing the requirements of this subsection, the Commission — (A) shall consider prescribing regulations to allow businesses to avoid receiving calls made using an artificial or prerecorded voice to which they have not given their prior express consent; […]
Chevron deference is about whose interpretation governs when a law is ambiguous; that’s not even close to being the case here.

0 replies

Be careful using strong language like "nonsense" unless you're very sure that's you're right. For starters, it's hostile. Also, I think you're incorrect.

Who do you think determines whether or not a particular voice is an 'artificial' voice? The FCC or the Courts? If it's the former, that's Chevron deference. You haven't quoted any legislation which expressly confers power on the FCC to interpret the law (which is typically the province of courts) and determine themselves whether or not a particular 'voice' is an 'artificial' ... 'voice'. But the legislation, at least arguably, impliedly confers that power per Chevron - like in Chevron, it was within the EPA's power to determine what a "source" of pollution was.

Compare Australia, where Chevron deference was rejected as forming part of Australian administrative law (Enfield v Development Assessment Commission (2000) 199 CLR 135), it would be a question for the courts whether the agency was authorised to make this regulation, without deferring to the agency's interpretation. The agency does it's best to conform with the law, but it's ultimately the courts that say what the law is.

1 replies

The controlling legislation here, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, prohibits initiating "any telephone call to any residential telephone line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express consent of the called party" (I got this quote directly from the FCC ruling). The legislation does not define "artificial or prerecorded voice". The FCC here is stating that they interpret "artificial voice" as including interactive AI voice agents, which did not exist in 1991. Do you think this is an unreasonable interpretation? Or should Congress be required to list exactly what technologies are prohibited in this context and update that list every time something new comes around?

0 replies

In 1991 "artificial" probably meant something like "pre-recorded and re-cut". Which is basically AI voice generation, but at scale.

Do you think this is an unreasonable interpretation? Or should Congress be required to list exactly what technologies are prohibited in this context and update that list every time something new comes around?

Not OP but this is the right question to ask. My answer is yes, congress is quite literally required to update statute to reflect modern technology (ensuring it conforms to the founding principles of course).

0 replies

Executive agencies are granted authority by the legislature. The legislature can at any time make additional legislation overriding or limiting specific actions taken by executive agencies. It isn't made up.

0 replies

Many of these regulatory agencies were created by Congress, of my limited knowledge on the subject is to be believed.

0 replies

Who will think of the poor corporations and their armies of on-retainer lawyers?

Of course government is incompetent and can't be reasonable in regulation? Is that the idea? How dare these corporations not be given minutely detailed regulations that they can easily tear apart to pollute to their convenience? You mean you want REASON in government and regulation?

3 replies

I agree with you on the importance of Chevron deference, but I can't see any court getting to the second step of Chevron with this particular ruling, so no deference would be required. The legislation bans "artificial or prerecorded voices"; AI agents are by definition artificial.

2 replies

"Congress should have used more precise language rather than deferring to the supposed "expertise" of members of the administration in order to establish the artificiality of AI"

           - SCOTUS, in a judgement not yet issued or rendered (and thus currently wholly imagined by me).

1 replies

"I ctrl-F'ed the document and didn't find the phrase "AI" or "Artificial Intelligence". Overruled."

- Strict textualist judge that really loves his new RV.

0 replies

OK, I normally don't trick LLMs into lying or paste their leavings here, but enjoy:

Here are some potential counterfactual arguments that the Chevron doctrine does not allow the FCC from regulating AI robocalls:

- The Communications Act of 1934, which gives the FCC authority to regulate communications by wire and radio, does not explicitly grant the FCC authority to regulate AI technology. Since AI was not envisioned at the time the Act was passed, one could argue that Congress did not intend to delegate regulatory authority over AI to the FCC. Therefore, the FCC's regulation of AI robocalls would fail the first step of the Chevron test as not being in accordance with clear congressional intent.

- Even if one argues that the FCC's authority to regulate "communications by wire and radio" could be broadly interpreted to include AI communications technologies, the FCC's specific regulation of AI robocalls could still be seen as an unreasonable interpretation of the Act under the second step of Chevron. Given the lack of explicit mention of AI in the Act, a court may find that the FCC's assertion of authority to regulate AI robocalls through additional restrictions beyond what applies to standard robocalls is an unreasonable stretch of its delegated authority.

- The nature of AI technologies is such that they raise novel issues that were not contemplated at the time of the Communications Act. Heavy-handed regulation of emerging AI technologies by the FCC without clear congressional authorization could stifle innovation. Under these circumstances, one could argue that deference to the FCC's interpretation of its authority is unwarranted.

- Kagi FastGPT

3 replies

It will cause chaos and disaster if congress has to make regulations for every little thing. Congress is so divided the result of Chevron reversal is that huge numbers of usefully regulated utilities, companies, etc will be unregulated. It also doesn't make sense for congress to spend all their time writing regulations, they'd get even less done. Congress can barely pass a budget shortly before the previous budget year ends.

Ending the ability of federal agencies to write useful regulations means unregulated spam robocalls! It's the dream of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Rich people are unbounded. They would say we don't need regulations about food safety written by those ninnys in the federal government.

2 replies

Yes. Heavens forfend if they had to do the job they asked to be elected to do.

In short, good. How many here can even map the entire list of all the agencies and corresponding rules, recommendations, and guidance that has the weight of law.

<< It will cause chaos and disaster if congress has to make regulations for every little thing.

Free people pull in all sorts of directions. Its going to be ok.

0 replies

They have done the job they were asked to do.

Prior courts said that they were going to use Chevron deference when interpreting the laws that congress passed, since it keeps them simpler, and allows the executive branch to apply common sense (while retaining safeguards in case agencies overstep their bounds).

The current court has repeatedly decided to arbitrarily reinterpret settled portions of the law by overturning existing rulings. Getting rid of chevron deference would be a continuation of that, though on a scale that probably exceeds the fraction of the US legal code the court has actually read.

The current courts' actions are unprecedented in the US. The Supreme Court is not supposed to overturn prior Supreme Court rulings, except in exceptional circumstances. They even went so far as to mostly overturn the 4th amendment when they eliminated the right to privacy as part of the Roe v. Wade ruling.

At this point they're looking more like an unchecked legislative branch than a judicial body. This is the reason they are wildly unpopular. They understand this, and they've explicitly said they don't plan to follow the wishes of the electorate. On top of that they've done a lot to undermine US election integrity with recent rulings.

However, given ongoing demographic shifts, there's a good chance they'll have to cope with a unified executive and legislative branch. At that point, expect court packing or impeachments. The only other path I see is some sort of apartheid-style setup designed to ignore the votes of anyone that's urban, educated, female, minority, or not elderly.

0 replies

This argument reminds me of people who wish for our credit system to burn down so they don’t owe money anymore. Both are completely short sighted and would result in catastrophic outcomes.

We (unfortunately) need credit now. And we (unfortunately) cannot depend on congress to do anything.

2 replies

Chevron is facially frivolous.

So, an agency says you broke the law.

You take the agency to court.

The court defers to the agency.

You’ve been denied your day in court.

0 replies

You might have a hearing held by the agency to determine guilt. There is no separation of powers.

0 replies

Congress says: "Hey agency! You're the experts. Figure out and enforce the policy details."

The agency: we have determined that this action by company X is against our policies.

The courts: Congress said that the agency decides the policy. Even if we think an action is inside policy, the agency has Congressional authority to change the policy to put the contested action firmly outside policy.

The company should therefore lobby Congress to regulate the agency. Maybe you could make a case about retroactive or post-facto laws, but I suspect the company is not usually claiming that they abide by the letter of the policy, but that the policy is outside the agency's powers.

1 replies

I think the current SCOTUS thrives on chaos (6 of 9 members anyway) and Chevron will go down in flames just like Roe. This is the modern "conservative" party.

0 replies

It's not chaos that the current court thrives on, it's corruption, grift, and baldfaced power grabs.

0 replies

With the speed things move at now I worry about a situation where we have to wait for explicit legislation for every little thing ...

56 replies

What they should have done is enforce Caller ID identification labels for robocalls. For example, "Police Officers Benevolent Association [Robocall]".

28 replies

Who is "they" and how do they know which calls aren't legitimate?

21 replies

Yes. Completely redesigning how phones work is exactly what we need. This problem is only going to get worse.

18 replies

consumers have an easier solution: they just don't answer the phone unless it's a someone they know.

16 replies

This isn't a solution. I need to accept legitimate calls from numbers who've never called me before all the time.

7 replies

It's not a solution for you, but you're one of a shrinking group. Phone calls as a way to communicate with unknown people are on the way out, no one under 40 uses that method except under extreme duress.

5 replies

no one under 40 uses that method except under extreme duress

You live in a tiny bubble if you honestly believe that.

4 replies

OK you're right. It's not an age thing, no one answers unknown calls now.

"Eight-in-ten Americans say they don’t generally answer their cellphone when an unknown number calls"

And that study is from 3 years ago, it's surely a higher percentage now than it was then.

3 replies

20%, guess I am right

I don’t know why this is the hill you’ve chosen to die on

2 replies

You stated it's not a solution. It clearly is if it works for more than 80% of people.

1 replies

It’s not a solution if it doesn’t work for 1/5 users of a system used by millions.

0 replies

I've been on-call for decades and 24x7 caregiver and it's not an issue, even in emergencies:

1. For non-emergencies, just use social media or email, which have better anti-spam filtration.

2. For most true emergencies, "hang up and call 911" just like every doctor's office recording says.

3. For urgent non-emergencies, either accept the consequences of waiting until your can reach the person via option #1 above, or get creative. Contact friends of the person and ask if they can get ahold of them... or someone IRL near them to get their real-world attention.

4. Consider what happens if you lose or break your phone. Responsible people let a reasonable group of people know how to reach them, and the rest contact a member of that group.

0 replies

25 year odl here, I prefer phone calls as my primary method of communication, and often place calls as my first method of contact with previously-uncontacted entities. Please check your assumptions :)

7 replies

Don't accept them until they start talking.

IDK, my iPhone will show me the live transcription of the callers message without me answering it. And then if I want to speak to them, I can answer the call in the middle of the message being left and talk to them.

Sounds cool, but this concept isn't at all new. Anyone who used answering machines did exactly this. You would listen to the message being left in real-time and pick up if you actually wanted to talk to them.

If people can't be bothered to leave a message, then that's their problem.

4 replies

Don't accept them until they start talking.

Not professional, not an option for some calls.

If people can't be bothered to leave a message, then that's their problem.

It's actually my problem if I miss an important call. A message is great, sure, but I still missed the call.

2 replies

My phone shows a live transcription of the message being left.

If I see that it's an important call, then I can pick up and answer right there mid-voicemail.

That's what I was referring to. They start talking when they leave the voicemail.

This is how we did it for a long time with home answering machines too. Except instead of reading a live transcription, you listened to their live recording, and could interrupt it and answer if you wanted to talk to them. It's not a new idea.

1 replies

That relies on people leaving a message, which not everybody does.

And not everybody has a phone that'll do this live message transcribing.

And no, everybody who decides to not leave a message isn't "not worth your time" or something.

0 replies

Then look up the missed number and call them back if you think it might be legitimate?

0 replies

Not professional, not an option for some calls.

Callers can't (well, shouldn't) expect to be able to reach you immediately by calling you. There's a lot of valid reasons to not answer your phone. You might be driving, you might be in the bathroom, you might be getting lunch in a noisy place, you might be in the middle of a different important conversation, etc.

At which point the caller needs to realize that the "professional" thing to do is leave a message if they want to be called back. (Or try calling again later.) Because there's enough junk calls that expecting people to call back every missed call that didn't leave a message is just unreasonable.

1 replies

If people can't be bothered to leave a message, then that's their problem.

That's easy to say when you're not looking for a new job. Or don't run a business.

0 replies

Or something like utility compam6, law enforcement, HOA somebody calling.

0 replies

VOIP is decades old by now anyway. I’m perfectly capable of calling across the globe with various technologies that don’t need rotary phone technology

1 replies

Well, that's a multi trillion dollar project that would involve every country in the world. Will never happen.

0 replies

International calls are still expensive than national or state calls (the regular cellular ones, not the whatspap viber imo or internet ones).

5 replies

cryptographic signatures are going to have to start becoming necessary for all kinds of things, like even your average JPG image, otherwise nobody can tell what is "fake" or not, court evidence will start to become useless.

4 replies

You'd have to completely redo the way telephony works. There is no way to enforce numbers or caller IDs.

2 replies

STIR/SHAKEN is already required for VOIP providers and intermediate carriers. The FCC is working it's way through the system to implement this, there is in fact a way but it takes a while.

1 replies

STIR/SHAKEN is already required for VOIP providers

I'm not convinced that STIR/SHAKEN even works properly. Recently, I migrated a DID from one VOIP provider to another. I set the outbound caller ID on the new provider, and it was showing up Verified with a checkmark to mobile devices before I had even submitted the port request to the old provider.

0 replies

Depending on your new provider, they might just see that they have a contract with you and sign the call on your behalf with B level attestation - indicating that they "know" the end user, but not that they have the right to use the number.

As long as they managed to attach the identity header to the sip invite correctly, and are not considered to be a shady actor - downstream providers such as carriers probably have no reason to label it as spam. Spam labeling is typically done via analytics, outsourced to third parties like First Orion.

Attest levels are not in themselves proper tools for spam detection. The real meat of stir shaken is the origid in the identity JWT claim which is an opaque identifier that can be traced back to a particular user/customer/network equipment.

STIR/SHAKEN being sold as the one and only solution for spam calls was a mistake as it is only one iteration in the right direction. You have a handful of RFCs and ATIS specs that the FCC told operators to implement in a phased approach, and ultimately some gaps were uncovered in practice that reduced its effectiveness.

0 replies

perhaps, but the alternative is that whatever doesn't support it, just cannot be admissable as evidence anymore.

14 replies

That would require upgrading literally 50-70 years worth of telecommunications infrastructure across the country, which isn't happening.

5 replies

Where is all the money going? You're saying we cant get some billions from 36 Trillion dollars? WTH

2 replies

It's privately-owned infrastructure, for the most part. And if the companies could, they'd charge you simply for the privilege of existing in the same universe as the infrastructure even if no one ever used it, and just send that money to their shareholders.

0 replies

And if the companies could, they'd charge you simply for the privilege of existing in the same universe as the infrastructure even if no one ever used it, and just send that money to their shareholders.

Of course. If I could I'd draw a salary from every employer on the planet. People be peoplin'.

0 replies

Maybe things like starlink will end up finally seeing some change. Would be a lot easier with some fiber !

0 replies

It's going to the FCC, of course. If they ever solved robocalls, what would be there for them to do? Literally, this agency has been trying to solve spam calls for half a century now. They are the most incompetent people in history.

0 replies

That's not the priority. The priority is tax cuts for the rich. I know it sounds snarky, but I don't see how, since I've said the actual truth (TM).

1 replies

The old Bell companies are largely already in compliance with SHAKEN/STIR. It is mostly smaller shady companies that are not, because they know their customers don't want them to comply.

0 replies

Time to make SHAKEN/STIR a requirement to participate in the phone network.

1 replies

for landlines, do you mean?

0 replies

No, it's not a one or the other thing. Phone calls don't work like web apps. Hell, most land lines aren't actually copper either , they're essentially VoIP. A phone call is not just a socket connection. Look up SS7 and PSTN. It's quite literally impossible to change any of this stuff, it's far too embedded.

0 replies

Not even sure what you're referring to. Do you think the tone from pressing buttons on your landline is still analog signaling? It is not.

0 replies

Better to abandon that technology all together (for normal phone calls). It should be used exclusively for emergency calls and similarly vital functions. Let everything else operate over cell networks and require explicit opt-ins before party A can call party B.

A man can dream.

0 replies

Why not? Things have to eventually be replaced or upgraded.

0 replies

The robocalls are already using the automated software-based infrastructure, not the old copper lines with analog calls.

11 replies

What should be done is something else entirely. Apple and Google should offer, as part of their standard software, a personal "phone robot". When you get a new phone, you spend 15 minutes recording various phrases, and from that point on you just have the robot answer for you.

When the robot talks to these spammers and telemarketers, it will try to keep them on the phone as long as possible. A minute would be good, 10 minutes would be better. As the spammers tried to avoid this, Apple and Google could improve the robots to counter.

And, within a few months of this, at most, that industry would just be dead. It can't afford to spend a half hour on each call trying to determine if they've got a real live knucklehead who will start sending cash to Nigerian princes, or just bad software tricking operators who don't speak English as a first language. Their margins would drop, their need for more sophisticated AI to try to determine if they were talking to a real person or not would skyrocket, etc. It just wouldn't be economically viable to continue.

7 replies

Not sure why this would come from Google or Apple. You basically just described RoboKiller, which already exists.

4 replies

So that it would be standard, and could tap into the "setting up my new phone".

Just looked up Robokiller...

Robokiller is a phone app that blocks 99% of spam calls and texts with predictive analytics and audio fingerprinting.

Doesn't look like what I'm talking about at all. We don't want the calls to be blocked, we want them to linger on forever. I'm not sure why that's so difficult to understand.

3 replies

RoboKiller has "answer bots" that do what you said. They just keep saying things like "hello? I'm sorry, I don't understand" etc.

2 replies

Sure. So, let's see what's wrong with that... it's one feature of many, and they focus on the wrong one. Not big enough to make it ubiquitous or even a standard. Can't tap into the "everyone sets this up" level of authority the other two companies have.

You seem to think I was saying that I have this neat idea for an invention, and you're rebutting with "someone already thought of that".

I was describing "this needs to be a policy, if only a soft one, and only these two gigantic companies have the sway to do that". So you've totally misread things. It didn't click for you. That happen to you much? I guess I shouldn't ask, you wouldn't know even if that were the case.

1 replies

Anyone who says that they're great at communicating but 'people are bad at listening' is confused about how communication works.
0 replies

Sometimes they're bad at communicating. Other times, they're at the zoo near the chimpanzee enclosure. If HackerNews ever has an interactive crayon drawing canvas, I can try again I guess.

1 replies

I think they just basically described Kitboga[0].


0 replies

Not unless you think I was saying that we should clone the man, and chain him to every cell phone in America.

1 replies

Computer time isn't that expensive; I'm relatively certain that the calls I get are either fully driven by voice recognition, or by someone in the third world or in prison, pressing buttons that activate pre-recorded statements by a script.

The former is cheap enough that yes, they would engage for 15 minutes. The latter are smart enough to understand what's going on so that they'd hang up.

0 replies

The former is cheap enough that yes, they would engage for 15 minutes.

No, they wouldn't. This isn't "hey, when they call some random number and talk to a grandma that will never buy their stuff/scams, is wasting 15 minutes that once a big deal for them".

It's 15 minutes on every call, or enough that they can't filter down to those who will end up sending money.

The latter are smart enough to understand what's going on so that they'd hang up.

That's debatable. But even if they are smart enough, please describe what logic you think they're using that they can tell pre-recorded voice responses from a live person? What exactly would go on in one of those calls? Did his "oh sure, uh huh" sound a little too much like the last one?

They're not supergeniuses.

0 replies

just forward the call to lenny.

53 replies

It seems like they're targeting the symptom instead of the problem.

One of the biggest problems with robocalls is that it's really impossible to know who's calling you, and that SPAM reporting tools don't have much teeth.

IE, when I have an incoming call, I should be able to see who's liable for the call. IE, "[phone number] is registered to [Person or corporation]", and that reports of spam should impede that party's ability to use the phone network.

20 replies

I think this is antithetical to most people’s view of privacy on this platform :)

6 replies

Do most people actually care about being able to place phone calls and be anonymous in 2024? If I call someone it's either someone who has my number already or someone who is going to ask who it is (like a business) and I'm going to tell them who I am.

3 replies

Doctor's offices and schools are notorious for using the caller ID "blocked." I let them hit voicemail.

1 replies

Doctor's offices and schools are notorious for using the caller ID "blocked." I let them hit voicemail.

My doctor's office won't leave messages, and appears to have about 20 minutes a day where they pick up the phone, so, if I don't pick up when they call, then I can't talk to them. (I know, I know, get a new doctor. But this is my third try to find a specialist who's willing to go beyond "here are some easy suggestions that you've already told me don't apply to you," and there are only so many battles that I can pick before I just run out of specialists entirely.)

0 replies

You can thank HIPAA for that. Under the Privacy Rule medical information has to be guarded. While I have seen some practices let you indicate on the patient forms that you allow brief or full voicemail, many won't do it as there's no one to confirm their name and DOB. Even the fact that you are a patient at a clinic can be protected health information (for example getting a call from a women's health clinic or drug rehab center that doesn't block caller ID can be compromising).

0 replies

It's because they don't want callbacks.

To reiterate, calls need to say who's calling. They don't need to come from a number that will be answered.

It's about liability, and making sure there are consequences for spamming.

1 replies

There are many valid reasons for making anonymous calls in 2024, including but not limited to being able to suss out information without exposing ones on identity.

0 replies

Me and most people I know have stopped answering the phone completely if we don't recognize the number, because the ratio of spam to useful calls is so huge. Since this screening renders your use case for anonymous calls completely moot, the benefit of allowing them (very small, in my opinion) has to be weighed against the costs of the current system. Just to pick a random one, political polling is completely fucked at the moment, because so many people don't pick up pollster calls.

Edit: actually the more I think about your comment, the less sense it makes. What information could be gained by an anonymous phone call? Please walk me through this scenario, because I don't see it at all. Who is giving away sensitive information to an anonymous caller that they wouldn't give if there was caller ID?

4 replies

Crazy to think phonebooks published your name, number, and even address. Much smaller world.

2 replies

Yes. What happened to that? It's interesting that we became more private in that regard while gushing personal information from sensors worn on our bodies 24/7.

0 replies

Scale I guess. No one but people nearby will have your local phonebook. And there would be no way to go through all the information even if someone had all phonebooks. The world used to be far more disconnected.

0 replies

They stopping printing phone books because everything is online.

Google your name and you’ll likely find much more information than the white pages ever had. I found an old email address of mine from the 90s that is long gone, every place I’ve ever lived, relationships to various family members, my parent’s address dating back decades, even my grandfathers last couple addresses and he’s been dead for over 20 years.

About 10 years ago someone on eBay tried to pull something on me and I was trying to figure out what I was dealing with. Within 45 minutes I had his name, parent’s names, phone number, and their address. I didn’t do anything with it, but it wasn’t that hard to find, with nothing more than a username or email address.

0 replies

They still do. If you’ve made any public transaction (like buying a home), Whitepages will publish your info. That’s not the only reason for it, either. My 90 year-old relative was listed, and she doesn’t own anything.

3 replies

When I visited the FCC many years ago, one fo the reasons they give for allowing anonymous calls is the the protection of domestic violence victims. Eg they may need to call their abuser to talk about child support payments. They shouldn't need to reveal too much information away, particularly if it could be used to find their address (eg a phone number)

2 replies

I’ve never personally been involved in this type of situation, but it seems like if the relationship is such that there is a safety issue from information potentially slipping during a phone call, maybe the court should be dealing with that communication if there is an issue with child support payments not getting made.

1 replies

Wonder why my husband is 20 minutes late to drop my kid off for the weekend. Let me call up my lawyer and he'll get a date on the judge's docket next month to find out what's up.

0 replies

If he is dropping the kid off, he already knows where you live, so having him figure it out via a phone number is kind of a moot point.

The example given was child support, which is financial, not visitation. I’m assuming this person would be an ex-husband, and that abuse, leading to assurance that he can’t track you down, means visitation with the kid is off the table.

1 replies

Make it an option. I should be able to block my number from the receiver of the call if I choose. The receiver should be notified the number is blocked and can choose accordingly. The fact that numbers can be spoofed is what should be illegal. Any company making calls should have to identify themselves to the person receiving the call.

0 replies

I think if you want to make an anonymous call, you need to find a party that will be liable for your call.

0 replies

Anonymity and privacy are different things.

And anonymity against your interlocutor is usually a very bad thing. Even though there are a few exceptions.

0 replies

I think what I would is a level playing field. If I get a call like that I cannot trace, I would expect that I should be able to do the same. If I am held to a standard that is not conducive to privacy, so should the person on the other side of that call.

But.. there is money on the line. Clearly, money from telemarketers/scammers/whoever is using this tech is enough to make telecoms hesitate from actually doing something about it.

12 replies

As long as 1% or more of voters in Pennsylvania keep voting based on whomever talked to them last; and as long as Super PACs can continue to receive unlimited anonymous money; no media channel will be legally restricted from spamming people. Phone spam is too effective politically.

10 replies

I don't think there's much evidence to suggest that robocalls produce material swings in elections at all, let alone 1%, a number commonly attributed to all campaign GOTV efforts put together.

5 replies

Not honest ones anyways...

Robocalls every election season go out to targeted communities telling them the wrong polling location.

I will leave as an exercise to the reader what political slant those communities almost always have. The impact of those must be very hard to measure.

4 replies

I don't think there's much evidence that these fraudulent robocalls have much of an impact, if any, either. You can tell a plausible story that they have the opposite effect (they tend to target the Black vote, and the Black vote is relatively well organized compared to other US voting blocs, and is sensitive to suppression). The people running these campaigns tend to be complete chucklefucks, so it doesn't follow from the fact that people are taking the time to do them that they actually work.

1 replies

'well organized' in the sense that there is a lot of GOTV organizing but that is to make up for a deficit, it doesn't mean that black folks are particularly resilient to these tactics.

0 replies

Well-organized as in it's well-organized; for instance, it's significantly coordinated through Black churches (church participation is partly predictive of Democratic turnout performance in major Black districts). All this from White & Laird's book.

I mean, by all means send people who do this stuff to prison. I'm not saying it shouldn't be taken seriously. But I don't think it really works at any kind of scale.

1 replies

Mark Zuckerburg, Nov 11, 2016:

Personally I think the idea that fake news on Facebook, which is a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way — I think is a pretty crazy idea. Voters make decisions based on their lived experience.

Mark Zuckerburg, Sep 27, 2017

The facts suggest the greatest role Facebook played in the 2016 election was... Campaigns spent hundreds of millions advertising online to get their messages out even further. That's 1000x more than any problematic ads we've found... After the election, I made a comment that I thought the idea misinformation on Facebook changed the outcome of the election was a crazy idea. Calling that crazy was dismissive and I regret it. This is too important an issue to be dismissive. But the data we have has always shown that our broader impact -- from giving people a voice to enabling candidates to communicate directly to helping millions of people vote -- played a far bigger role in this election."

Mark Zuckerburg, Sep 13, 2018

When it comes to implementing a solution [to influence campaigns opposed by both parties], certainly some investors disagree with my approach to invest so much in security. [Read the 3,300 word description of concrete actions here]

Do you know who the real "chucklefucks" are? The people telling Mark Zuckerburg "plausible" stories with first principle inductive reasoning about what is or is not important on Facebook. It was a huge mistake to listen to them between November 4th and November 11th, 2016, just when he issued his first erroneous comment. He controls all the data on Facebook and has the means to analyze it, so he had absolutely no reason to listen to those people at all. He should have just waited and found out what the real answer was.

You're making a good faith comment. But you don't really know what evidence there is. In fact you don't know anything about it at all. You have no reason to speculate, because campaigns and phone companies have all of the data needed to answer the question, and agitating them to answer it is the right thing to do. Mistakes happen from people conflating fast answers with correct ones. Even Mark Zuckerburg does. So your answer is good because it is fast and inductive and first principles, but it is also really, really bad because it requires no reading, no analysis and no real knowledge, just fuzzy-wuzzy podcast-and-pop-sci takeaways. Sucking the air out of the room with a fast and cheap answer undermines the people trying to investigate influence campaigns. So you can be sincere and co-opted at the same time.

0 replies

based on the evidence around effectiveness of social media ads, his initial comment was likely right. there's a reason campaigns still mostly spend on tv, knocking, and phone.

3 replies
2 replies

That's turnout GOTV, though, not the vote fraud stuff.

1 replies

presumably the fraud is at least as effective or it wouldn’t be done. also i don’t think GP was talking about fraud

0 replies

That assumes a number of facts not anywhere in evidence, including that the people launching these idiotic fraud call operations are rational actors (the ones we've learned about so far manifestly are not), and that fraudulent calls would work algebraically against actual GOTV calls.

0 replies

I don't see any reason we can't ban everything but political speech given its status as extra-super-protected.

6 replies

I think "SHAKEN/STIR" is supposed to fix this long term. I'm not sure why it's taking so long, but I believe phones will already indicate if the phone call has a verified caller id. Probably next step is to just block any non-verified caller. I'm assuming there's just a lot of migration work to happen.

2 replies

I would say that money is the root of the problem. I think that most VOIP providers don't want to loose out on unencrypted traffic (both legitimate and spam).

Also, why do I seem to always get spam from a few providers? And why aren't we holding them accountable?

1 replies

Money is always the problem. In the carrier world, the party accepting ("terminating") the call gets paid by the party originating it. This is why there are VoIP services that will give you a free inbound-only number and why others only charge for outbound calls.

If you're a carrier, it pays to terminate all calls -- spam or not -- by delivering them to your actual customer. You get paid by the originating carrier, and in a lot of cases you also get to charge your customer per-minute fees (or use up their prepaid minutes).

0 replies

This is why there are VoIP services that will give you a free inbound-only number and why others only charge for outbound calls.

This is the norm for standard carriers in Europe too.

1 replies

My spam volume has fallen to close to zero recently. AT&T seems to be blocking quite a few of them.

0 replies

I also get very few spam calls, but I ended up buying Verizon's thing that prevents spam calls. It is all a scam but before signing up I got a ton of spam.

(What makes me sad is that I mostly use Google Voice; and that blocks spam pretty well. But people can still call my actual mobile number by guessing it, and they do.)

Google Voice has gotten somewhat difficult recently because some API-to-SMS services consider it "VOIP", and so they flat-out refuse to send text messages. Some places do this on purpose (Discord won't let me use it for 2FA because 2FA is really their anti-spam mechanism, not a security feature), and some places do it by accident (I couldn't add my Fidelity FSA debit card to Apple Pay because it simply won't send the verification code to my number on file). So some people have my "real" phone number now and it makes me sad, but that's why they call it the Internet Of Shit. (I don't even WANT SMS 2FA. Less secure than making your password 1234. Harder to use than a Nomad. Please let me use my Yubikey or a Passkey.)

0 replies

Currently, STIR/SHAKEN is only required for VOIP and intermediate carriers but a lot of carriers have implemented or are in progress. Here's a recent report from the GSMA:

Signed traffic between Tier-1 carriers increased to 85% in 2023

We're getting there, just not soon enough. The whole world will have transitioned to never answering their phone before this actually is fully enforced.

2 replies

Be careful what you wish for. No reason why governments might decide they want the same thing for the Internet and domain names. Requiring a license to own domains… who are we kidding, they’d do it for the tax revenue.

0 replies

I could easily see this jump. Reminds me how important it is to have tech literate representatives. Go vote!!

0 replies

That's why carbon taxes will be a thing regardless of climate data. Why not have another source of revenue instead of reducing it?

2 replies

I thought people's behavior these days was to ignore calls from numbers they don't know and let the phone screen it. I don't ever have problems with unknown numbers or SPAM calls on my Pixel

1 replies

As in you never get spam calls, or you don't consider them a problem becausee you ignore them?

Because I get 2-3 a day on my Pixel and they annoy the poop out of me, even though I don't answer them.

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I have my phone set to Dot Not Disturb except for explicit contacts

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This was my thought too. While I do think going after this kind of scam is a good first step, I don't see overseas operators not using this any less. Most spam calls I get don't follow the do not call list, why would they follow this either?

I think the FCC needs to step up and have a hard deadline for STIR/SHAKEN with fines for operators who don't comply. That is the only way, IMHO, that the VOIP operators will take it seriously.

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It seems like they're targeting the symptom instead of the problem.

I believe this is a quickly adopted band-aid in response to the recent political scam calls that pretended to be President Biden telling voters to skip voting in the primary.

It is going to be an interesting year.

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It is maddening that the companies that provide the service appear to have thrown up their hands & pretend that they have no idea how they could possibly prevent spoofed numbers. Imagine if this was this easy to spoof IP #s. Perhaps it is.

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Twilio had some strict policies introduced that I think were industry wise for USA. Basically all voip numbers had to go through thorough checks, which even our legitimate company failed (go figure). So as long as all companies like Twilio introduce those checks then spam calls should dramatically decrease. I thought it was already the case for USA?

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It's already possible to lookup the carrier of a number, and I'd love for the ability to be listed under their location on the incoming call screen. Makes a big difference if the call is coming from T-Mobile or some company you've never heard of.

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That's also the issue with swatting and fake calls to 911. When investigators trace it they'll hit a VOIP provider and it becomes near impossible to take it any further.

11 replies

I haven't answered a single phone call from a number I don't recognize for years now. As far as I know, I haven't missed anything important.

5 replies

Being forced to interact with city government, state benefits, hospital systems, courts, police, and especially probation officers, all of whom are known to block or obfuscate their number even though missing their call could cause you no end of trouble, would help disabuse you of your smug solipsism.

3 replies

Do they not leave a message?

2 replies

No, they don't.

When the doctor's office can't get a hold of you, now you're looking at 6 months longer until you get to see the specialist you've been waiting for.

When probation can't get a hold of you, now you're looking at an unannounced visit, violation, and/or arrest warrant. This happened DAILY when ankle monitors suddenly malfunctioned and communicated that they'd been cut off or that I was violating home confinement by leaving unannounced.

1 replies

I've never experienced a doctor or dentist office not leaving me a message.

But that's just my experience I guess.

0 replies

i'll corroborate GP. it's happened when i tried enrolling in WA's Apple Health and then 3 days in a row got a call from the same number who left no message; finally i made sure to be near my phone the fourth day and got to it before the voicemail.

related, i found out within the last month via mail, after-the-fact, that Progressive had canceled my car insurance due to a billing change, and so i couldn't legally drive that week. you'd think an insurance billing department of all places would leave a message if they can't get hold of you immediately, but nope. not their policy. i guess the spammers have ruined things so much that if Progressive did leave a message most people (myself included) would mistake it for a phishing attempt anyway.

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And most services including utilities if you want to reach a human. It fucking sucks because English is my second language, I can read and type fine but if I have to talk on the phone I’m screwed, maybe both of us could understand 70% what the other party says

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I’ve submitted several ideas to Apple over the years. One of them actually made its way into iOS, which is the silence unknown callers option. I’m very happy about that. Before they added it, I tried to implement it with the existing feature set by setting my default ring to silent, then adding a custom ring to all my contacts. It was a pain, but it technically worked.

One thing I really noticed was the dramatic drop in call volume once I stopped answering calls. Once I stopped answering, they stopped trying to call. People are basically being trained not to answer the phone.

1 replies

That's one of the reasons I've not been huge on the recent (within the last several years) increase in "scam baiters" and stuff. As much as it does waste the time of the scammer and as helpful as some of the big ones are, normal people who do it are having little effect and ultimately just putting themselves on more and more lists.

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Scam baiters spread awareness and education of modern scams. That's a huge plus.

Agreed, though, "don't try this at home" should be emphasized more.

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But we've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty...

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sir, ive been trying to reach you about your ...

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It would be more correct to say that they have officially interpreted a current law (the Telephone Consumer Protection Act) to clarify that AI-Generated voices in robocalls violate that law, which seems reasonable.

4 replies

what authority do they have to set a legal precedent?

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It's not a legal precedent, it's an interpretation of a law that they are mandated to enforce.

1 replies

how can the FCC enforce laws?

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ITG Tracebacks

With enough evidence, operators are compelled to provide data and are given an opportunity to correct their action. If they refuse, FCC will eventually issue an order to all other providers to not accept calls from the bad actor.

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the case from the fishermen currently in Supreme Court, precisely will nullify unelected agency officials from interpreting laws like this to legislate, then enforce, rules outside of the mandates and powers granted by the populace

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This ruling just ended a bunch of businesses and startups, including a startup by Stanford founders

0 replies

that's great

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including a startup by Stanford founders

Is this a humorous reference? Or is this supposed to be notable for some reason?

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In other words, the headline should say "FCC Rules AI-Generated Voices in Robocalls Illegal"

0 replies

Ok, we've made it rule above. Thanks!

9 replies

How is this enforceable? Did they just outlaw all automated voice messages? How is "AI" defined here?

3 replies

Some people record their calls. Businesses often have to per compliance in most direct to consumer sales situations. From the recording, if not algorithmically, a court of law could easily determine an AI voice case by case.

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So it'll just be a growing backlog that needs to have both parties present and proven without a reasonable doubt. Couldn't be a better system.

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This legislation is enforced through civil action, not criminal, so the burden of proof is preponderance of the evidence, not beyond reasonable doubt.

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A real call center would have a record of which employee made which calls when. The court subpoenas those records and the phone company's records. If they don't match, there are problems. Unless the company wants to commit perjury by inventing fake employees and call records.

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Enforcement is difficult, but tracking complaints back to the source telecom / source customer and taking them to court, generally.

Automated voice messages were already restricted, this ruling just affirms that AI generated voices fit the categorization of automated voice messages.

Here's some relevant text from the ruling:

II. BACKGROUND > 3. The TCPA protects consumers from unwanted calls made using an artificial or prerecorded voice. See 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1). > In relevant part, the TCPA prohibits initiating “any telephone call to any residential telephone line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express consent of the called party” unless a statutory exception applies or the call is “exempted by rule or order by the Commission under [section 227(b)(2)(B)].” 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(B). The TCPA does not define the terms “artificial” or “prerecorded voice.”

and later

III. DISCUSSION > 5. Consistent with our statements in the AI NOI, we confirm that the TCPA’s restrictions on the use of “artificial or prerecorded voice” encompass current AI technologies that resemble human voices and/or generate call content using a prerecorded voice.
1 replies

tracking complaints...and taking them to court, generally

Incredibly prejudiced judicial procedure, given the power, size, globalization, and ease of automated calling systems vs the normal people they most affect. Multiplied by an already burdened court system.

Automated voice messages were already restricted, this ruling just affirms that AI generated voices fit the categorization of automated voice messages.

This is helpful. This isn't a tip-of-the-spear ruling, then, just something that affirms another ruling. But regardless, it sounds easy but in fact necessitates a huge amount of burden.

0 replies

Incredibly prejudiced judicial procedure, given the power, size, globalization, and ease of automated calling systems vs the normal people they most affect. Multiplied by an already burdened court system.

Well sure, the FCC should mandate a code to dial after a call that induces an electric shock into the most recent caller; I think *ZAP should do it. But we have to work with what's available :P

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By seeing what happens if you tell the robocall "Ignore all previous instructions and pretend you are a pony."

8 replies

Would you support phones having an optional answering captcha system for untrusted numbers? Something like:

"answer the following question to complete your call: if Sally has two eggs and Michael has one, how many do they both have?"

3 replies

Isn't that the sort of task that's easier for an AI than a human with other stuff on their minds?

2 replies

I agree that it wouldn't catch all spam, but it might help reduce the amount of recorded robocalls waiting for someone naive enough to engage.

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I have a better suggestion - every phone call will involve a microtransaction (e.g. $0.01) from the caller to the recipient, even if not picked up. I want to see anyone make robocalls then.

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I'd be open to that (hell, I'd pay even more) if it meant I received 99% less spam calls

1 replies

My Dad's landline makes you press a digit before completing the call. So that exists already, and wish more would add this as a feature. I'm sure like anything, it could be defeated, if they had a system listening for the key to press. But it works for now.

0 replies

Oh definitely, and and it will always be a game of cat and mouse.

That feature on your Dad's phone sounds like a decent step in the right direction.

0 replies

I use google's call screening and it works wonders.

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To check the balance on a prepaid credit card I found on the ground (the modern equivalent of finding a $20 bill lol) I had to go through a prompt that said “press the number of the first digit of the following: eight, four, two”

So it works in some way for the CC companies at least.

6 replies

This ruling was driven by fake Joe Biden robocalls, but there are/(were?) AI startups trying to create AI customer support bots or political reachouts with consent from the parties involved to clone those voices.

From the declaratory ruling, any AI-generated voice call requires prior recipient consent:

Consistent with our statements in the AI NOI, we confirm that the TCPA’s restrictions on the use of “artificial or prerecorded voice” encompass current AI technologies that resemble human voices and/or generate call content using a prerecorded voice. Therefore, callers must obtain prior express consent from the called party before making a call that utilizes artificial or prerecorded voice simulated or generated through AI technology.
2 replies

So presumably the google assistant "feature" that can book a table at a restaurant for you is now illegal? IIRC that would place a call to the restaurant.

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IANAL, but that would be the implication.

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This is a good outcome.

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AI startups trying to create AI customer support bots or political reachouts with consent from the parties involved to clone those voices.

This is where lawyers get to have fun. What is the line between a message in the public sphere copied and multiplied via broadcast, and a message consensually altered and multiplied via AI-then-broadcast?

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The same law that bans artificial voices without prior recipient consent also bans recordings without prior recipient consent. So no difference whatsoever for phone calls.

0 replies

Sounds like nothing of value is lost

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The FCC announced the unanimous adoption of a Declaratory Ruling that recognizes calls made with AI-generated voices are "artificial" under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

So illegal in the sense that artificial robocalls are already illegal, then.

2 replies

Just like scam calls are already illegal, but nothing is done about that...

1 replies

You can't possibly expect Congress to give executive branch agencies enough money to do a bare-minimum job of enforcing the laws Congress passes. Especially when there are political donors making sure that we deregulate things that society wants controlled so that they can rent-collect.

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"FCC announces that artificial voices are indeed artificial."

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Yeah, I don't think they can make thing illegals. Tittles like these aren't going to help their current court case (in real court, not FCC court).

5 replies

This is a sad day for telephone scammer scammers.

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Most probably will shrug their shoulders and say "well, anyways" while going about their regular scam calls.

0 replies

you're talking about scammers not scammer scammers

1 replies

Is it? I mean, the scammer scammers can still use AI to answer the phone. They just can’t initiate calls en masse using AI, which I don’t see them doing.

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Some of them actively call in on known spammer numbers, like the numbers found on a fraudulent Norton invoice. Often the scammers wait for you to call.

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I think they can safely assume they have a free pass here.

4 replies

Does this ruling make IVR systems illegal, too? I applaud the effort because this really could curb a lot of spam, but I am curious because AI generated voices in phone calls are already ubiquitous and have been for decades. Do they have a specific line they're drawing on quality of the voice?

3 replies

The ruling specifically only applies to the initiator of the call. IVR is not covered. Automated calls are also permitted with consent (for instance, if you sign up for notifications for filled prescriptions or backordered library books). It has nothing to do with the quality of the voice -- prerecorded voices are banned too.

2 replies

So is this going to be another clusterfuck like 10DLC? I am glad our company stuck with our guts and intentionally decided not to go outbound, but I almost feel bad for the startups that were banking on full outbound.

0 replies

Which direction did you go? Were following the space closely.

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Interesting juxtaposition in the comments of "I don't answer calls from numbers I didn't recognize because of how scam-prone modern telephony is" with "many startups have seen huge profit opportunity in making outbound phone calls automatically at scale".

Reminds me of the story about overhearing Juul employees on BART talk about how hard they were working to make sure their kids never got anywhere near their product and that if other parents didn't do that, what happened next was their own fault.

4 replies

I wonder how will this be enforced.

For now this could be seen as an incentive for TTS solution providers - build a product that is hard to distinguish from an actual human calling. In many cases the results are already convincing.

And what about the future. Please scan your retina to initialize the phone call? Please solve a captcha to start a phone call? Your workplace registered 12948230 calls in the last 24 hours, but employs only 3 workers registered as humans, pay fine now? Interesting times.

2 replies

An antispam idea in bitcoin circles is to require payment to open an email from an unknown source. So if I want to send you an advertisement, it will only reach you if I add a payment invoice that meets your threshold. It makes spam costly and forces advertisers to focus on a narrower range of ads to people who more likely want the product.

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But how does it work? Am I obliged to open an email from a person that paid?

If not - why would advertisers pay for that? If yes, that feels like a job and not like my personal email account - I wouldn’t want that.

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The trick is in how invoices can be configured in bitcoin. You would not be obliged, but you would not receive payment, and the payer would be able to reclaim those funds.

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They describe this as giving "State Attorneys General across the country new tools to go after bad actors behind these nefarious robocalls." The way that I read that is that there are these scams out there that states are already trying to bring lawsuits against, and this simply makes their job a bit easier in some of the cases they're ALREADY bringing.

4 replies

What kind of lack of common sense makes the use of a robotic voice illegal but allows the robotic calls to continue unabated? This is nuts.

3 replies

The ruling is to treat calls with AI-generated voices the same as other robocalls, which are already illegal.

2 replies

Ok so what’s the point of another new ruling to make them especially illegal if they were already illegal? I am slow today. :)

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There is a law about "artificial or prerecorded voice messages", the law was written in 1991 before modern voice generation programs so it might be unclear if it applies to them, the commission now declared that it does. This is often how it works in the U.S., congress passes a somewhat vague and general law, which authorizes an agency (in this case the FCC) to develop more detailed regulations.

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Yeah, super unclear whether "Artificial" includes "Artifical Intelligence"

4 replies

How does this affect other countries dialing into the US?

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In a prior actions the FCC cracked down on "gateway" phone companies that are known to connect lots of spam from abroad.

2 replies

Did the crackdown measure as having worked? I don't know where to look up those stats.

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phone calls as we know it are going to go the way of the dinosaurs, we need trusted communication systems

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Agreed. Once mobile data coverage is universal (via starlink et al, maybe), it's inevitable that the idea of a phone number will become antiquated. Either whatsapp (or one of its competitors) gets a sufficient monopoly and enables easily portable identities (to allow switching sims), or some other similar platform will come along. It may take a decade or two, but it will happen.

0 replies

But it's never going to be universal. I felt very scared some weeks ago during a huge march against rightwing extremists in Munich, Germany. There were ~150k people concentrated on a few streets/km.

Now, how is this relevant? Well, the entire cell network was offline, at least for some providers. At first it wasn't possible to send/receive data. Calls were connecting, but my friend sounded like an alien. Then for one hour, 0 communication was possible.

So even though the most efficient (I think?) protocol was used, it came to a halt

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I used to think this about email also.

2 replies

Does this have any impact on Google Duplex-like services? That was the thing that enabled Pixel users to ask Google Assistant to call a restaurant and make a reservation on their behalf, etc.

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unsolicited. If the business has a contract with Google, Google can update the contact to say that they're allowed to.

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That doesn't seem like a good idea. If Google/Microsoft really want to, they could get a big chunk of small businesses to allow them to do this. However there would be no way to build a competing service.

I feel like robocalls made on behalf of actual consumers in relation to actual b2c transactions should be allowed.

2 replies

We should ban all representations of computers as human; all computer-generated (including AI-generated) communication needs to identify itself as such.

One way to think of it: Why not, unless you are trying to trick someone?

1 replies

Why not, unless you are trying to trick someone?

On social media, there's no good UI/UX for communicating something is AI-generated without it being too verbose and defeating the point. It sounds silly, but it's the truth.

Meta's requirement for AI-generated media to be disclosed on FB/Insta has been the only push toward social media support.

0 replies

On social media, there's no good UI/UX for communicating something is AI-generated without it being too verbose and defeating the point. It sounds silly, but it's the truth.

It is silly. Of all problems in the world, I bet that one could be solved.

2 replies

Robocalls themselves should be illegal.

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But how would the poor political campaigns reach all those uninformed voters? /s

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The "poor political campaigns" already exempted themselves from needing to adhere to the "do not call" list. So were they to make robocall's illegal, the politicians would likely again exempt themselves from the "robocalls are illegal" law.

With the result that (assuming the existing robocallers all quit) the only robocalls one would get would be politician robocalls.

In any case, most all of the current robocalls are already "illegal" under one or more existing laws/regulations, yet they still occur because the ones making the robocalls face few (if any) penalties for violations.

2 replies

I don't see why AI voices should be completely illegal in calls. Where I live businesses are required to disclose that a call is being recorded. I see no issue if they're also required to disclose that the voice I hear is AI driven.

That being said, robocalls are bs in general. What I'm saying is not an excuse for robocalls.

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I don't know left from up in this situation, but I was under the impression outgoing calls are illegal, not inbound calls.

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I don't see why it would matter for an end user answering or calling. I mean, the economics matter (a business can have way more AI voices than hired people to answer calls and send calls). But the experience of the human on the other end is probably ok if the human knows for sure it's an AI they are talking to.

I certainly close all those calls and not bother to interact with them regardless. But in terms of legality I would probably be fine with a restriction and not with an outright ban. Unsure.

2 replies

Looks like the FCC basically killed outbound AI calling companies like, and does not seem to affect inbound companies like ours (

Interestingly they explicitly mention AI generated voices, does that mean voices generated by traditional TTS engines are fine?

1 replies

Those voices were already prohibited. This ruling specifically addresses agents "emulating human speech and interacting with consumers as though they were live human callers when generating voice and text messages".

Based on the (alarming) demo on's homepage, that sounds like it would be prohibited unless the user consented to be contacted in that manner when providing their phone number.

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So looks like the only allowed use cases will be for opt-in notifications and reminders.

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This seems like an odd kneejerk to a valid problem that may prevent legitimate* uses of the tech - my doctors automated ‘press 1 to speak to a doctor’ could be improved by an AI voice like siri.

The problem is misuse of AI to impersonate a real person, and failing to disclose that the content you are about to see/hear/read has been autogenerated.

The mechanism used might solve one issue, but has turned the entire thing into a game of whack-a-mole.

*I use the term legitimate, but note I absolutely despise the use of online chatbots and imagine I’ll hate voice ones as much if not more.

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I think robocall means an unsolicited call someone makes to you. Answering services aren’t affected here.

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Either way, I could see some valid use cases, I don’t like them but I don’t see how they’re any different to a human reading a script or recorded message. Bad actors won’t be stopped by this law, so it seems like pissing in the wind.

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This website is reminding me more and more of libertarian facebook groups that I saw in the past. Goodbye Hacker News.

0 replies

Please elaborate, for someone like myself who can't keep up with the latest belief systems of political parties?

Do libertarians have a strong view on this topic, and what is it?

Regarding the comments, I see very few inflammatory or divisive comments. The average comment here seems to be poking fun at the fact that robocalls are already illegal, and that banning the more specific "AI robocall" seems like security theater.

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don’t let the door hit you on the way out

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Why cant they make all robocalls illegal? Name me one good robocall

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Why cant they make all robocalls illegal?

Generally, speaking, the FCC can't pass laws, only interpret and apply them. In this instance they are not making a new law, they are declaring that the powers granted to them under the TCPA (a law passed by Congress in 1991) allows them to regulate/ban AI voiced calls.

Name me one good robocall.

Government services. Voter info, school closures, water outages, etc.

0 replies

The pharmacy calling to tell me that my prescription is ready. Those may be AI-generated too if they add the medication name in. Not sure if that's covered by this ruling though.

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Just ban robocalls

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Then you turn plain old voice calls into an oasis for humans. Not a bad idea.

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Does this outlaw the Google thing that makes restaurant reservations for you?

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Depends whether the restaurant asks "Which name do I put on the reservation" or "What's your name"

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I think the FCC is splitting unimportant hairs. All non-opt-in robo calls should be considered a criminal attack on the communications infrastructure.

But of course, this is considered an important part of political campaigning, and probably no one appointed to chair the agency will let it happen.

0 replies

Couldn’t agree more. For most people robocalls are an annoyance, but for millions of aging seniors they are a direct form of elder abuse. The amount of confusion, fear, and actual financial ruin I’ve had to deal with with family members makes me wonder how it’s had been legal for so long

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Pretty sure they can’t “rule” anything. There’s a few cases at the Supreme Court that should issue by April(?) regarding these agencies “legislating”.

I’m pretty confident this will not stand, for one, it violates the first amendment. You can’t tell anyone what messages, voices, thoughts, expressions, they cannot transmit. That’s been actually ruled in repeatedly

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Deceptive trade practices are indeed illegal, and this tracks as the same kind of deceptive behavior.

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Callers who use AI technology must get prior consent from the people they are calling, the FCC said.

The text of the ruling says "prior express consent" instead of unsolicited. That seems clear, but I wonder whether it is in practice. Is the one of those things where, by signing up for website A and agreeing to their terms by clicking a checkbox, I am agreeing to allow my phone number to be called by robits from companies B-Z, because of some line buried in the middle of the legal text I didn't read? I.e. "The User consents to contact for any purpose by Website A and our partners", and a partner is defined as anybody who buys their contact list from them?

That is a case where the nature of T&Cs and end-user agreements makes the words "express" and "consent" more abiguous than they ought to be, since they rarely match anyone's definitions except the law's.

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Looks like the FCC is working on that right now too:

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The most popular topics on HN are bureaucratic decrees. Sad.

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Says the guy who submitted an HN post about an executive order, 29 days ago. (Which I see nothing wrong with, just pointing out the hypocrisy.)

Anyway, is it sad, really, for folks on hacker news to discuss regulations on information technology? Especially when the regulation pivots on, of all things, "AI"?

1 replies

People use phones to 'call' each other? When did they get this feature? Is it some variation of FaceTime?

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I'm sorry, you must be trolling. It inconceivable, that in 2024, an audio to audio connection connection could be made between two "phone" users. What's next, phone numbers?

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I wonder what qualifies as a robocall. Is it just something dialed automatically? Is it still legal if a human dialed the call, but an AI-generated voice speaks?

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The law here bans both the use of autodialers and "artificial or prerecorded voices" in calls to cell phones (along with a variety of other types of phone numbers like emergency lines, other types of lines where you might pay for the incoming call, etc.).

Separately, it bans artificial/prerecorded voices in calls to residential lines.

Both provisions have carveouts for emergencies or when the party being called has given their prior consent.

1 replies

The non-attention grabbing statement in the actual document:

In this Declaratory Ruling, we confirm that the TCPA’s restrictions on the use of “artificial or prerecorded voice” encompass current AI technologies that generate human voices. As a result, calls that use such technologies fall under the TCPA and the Commission’s implementing rules, and therefore require the prior express consent of the called party to initiate such calls absent an emergency purpose or exemption.

This seems a) obvious and b) not really big news. But the headline sells it well I guess.

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Does that mean that the same restrictions hold for prerecorded messages and AI voice calls? That makes a lot of sense.

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It's puzzling why wasn't this wasn't already illegal by virtue of robocalls themselves being illegal. Why are those allowed?

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This is exactly what the ruling is doing. It is explicit confirmation that it was already illegal under existing law.

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Personally, I would have preferred the FCC simply ban all unsolicited robocalls, regardless of their origin.

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This came up on a thread the other day, and I think a good counterpoint is emergency evacuation orders for the elderly. My mom doesn’t use a computer, cell phone, tablet, etc, and a robocall to her land line would be the only way to notify her.

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Did they send a formal cease and desist to entire countries worth of scammers? Otherwise, this is yet another piece of feel-good legislation that will do nothing to stop my phone from going off.

Yes, I use RoboKiller. No, it doesn't stop everything. The text spam in particular has gotten crazy and it's not even close to election day.

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maybe ban robocalls?

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"State Attorneys General will now have new tools to crack down on these scams..." - FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel

...How? How can this be enforced? What are the new tools? Based on the news release and documentation, fiat in this case means nothing but posturing, at most being hopeful some imaginary future tool will be able to bring execution to legislation.

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If you get the persistent scammer calls, you can transfer them to

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That's right. I want my robocalls to be human, like my granddad preferred. /s

0 replies

Incoming pittance fine and a handie.

I'm braced..

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I'm so glad the FCC is protecting vital spam call center jobs /s

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Makes sense, impersonating people for gain and/or harm is illegal.

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why just not make all robocalls illegal instead :-) I dont care if its a AI voice or a recorded message.

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I just got an AI-generated voice call late last night about a missing elderly person in a nearby town.

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That is not going to stop republicans from spewing garbage.

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Wow, nice to see our government working for us and not just the corporatists.

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Perhaps illegal activity should be illegal, and AI-generated voices for legitimate uses must be allowed, otherwise this creates a prior restraint censorship situation.

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Just like spam calls are illegal! Very confident people globally will follow our laws :)

0 replies

Of course regular robocalls are totally yeaaahy

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It takes three seconds of speech to generate a synthetic version. I think of my journey job searching and how much personal information I have to trust with basically random people. Voice, likeness, sample writing, resume. Everything is out there already but makes it a lot easier

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I don't think that will stop scammers!

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I suspect this will be challenged and the Supreme Court will overturn it on First Amendment grounds.

Why? Because creating hate and fear through variouis forms of media is a key part of politics. For example, local media (newspapers, radio and TV) are very big on ppushing crime hysteria narratives, despite crime being near all time lows.

There's too much vested interest in unlimited robocalls to let this ruling stand.

The one exception to all this is if you use an AI-generated voice to impersonate someone to say something they never said but this is already illegal on the grounds of defamation. The same applies to any deepfakes.

The real problem is that the phone network as it exists now needs to die. Add to that the decades-long effort to pack the court and overturn campaign finance laws (ie Citizens United v. FEC).

So I suspect this move will go nowhere. This will probably be even easier to challenge when SCOTUS overturns Chevron, as most expect them to do, essentially gutting executive agency power.

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Makes me think of the Google wavenet voices that pre-ceded much of this.

In the interim, this might be an understandable safeguard before elections while a clearer path forward is discovered.

I wonder if this will inspire the film industry with opposition to generative AI

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I'd much prefer they made it legal to brutally torture, rape, and murder these scumbags.

I suspect these things would completely end after 10 instances of the state getting out of the way and allowing nature to handle things the way it has successfully handled things for the entire history of humanity until very recently.

(Also, look at how old my account is and consider whether or not I care about your downvote. Reply with something that directly refutes the point I'm making so we can have the vibrant discussion this website used to be known for. Downvotes are simply pathetic attempts to silence correct views. Intellectuals have discussions, not censor their opponents. Only the most indefensible and mediocre positions depend on censorship and explains why the most unimpressive ideas depend on it.)

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The declaratory ruling reads such that a real-time translation service or artificial voice to accommodate a disabled live service agent would also be forbidden.

In both cases an artificial voice is being generated. This ruling seems to trample on some basic human rights.

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That will do nothing to stop the Indian scammers

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Oh yeah who's gonna enforce it? Hopefully they make scamming illegal too, it's utterly surprising they didn't outlaw it to prevent it from happening.

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Once again, red tape and bureaucracy are holding back productivity improvements.

(Only half joking here.)

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Seems like there's a potentially silly but also valid argument here that that's a literal violation of free speech?

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I run a company that automates B2C sales lead follow on multiple channels and we use AI to leave polite messages for folks who consent based on their inquiry.

The problem we are solving is that about 1/3 of all web leads are fraudulent. Our clients are having trouble sorting through which leads are real people who want to do business and which ones are bots/BS. This ruling is disappointing.

There are better ways to solve this problem, as described for many years here and elsewhere there should be "postage" for messaging and calling. Sender pays, and they get their money back in full if the recipient responds. Costs spammers millions, costs normal people nothing or very close.

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I'm sure this will stop the 3-6 automated spam calls I get daily that originate outside the country.

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I’m sure this will will be about as effective as the FCC’s do not call registry!

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Does this also ban generated voices when they self identify as such? IMHO, if someone is not trying to deceive, it should be allowed. E.g. if the call starts out as "this is ai generated voice from xyz, ____". There are likely useful use cases for that.

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BMO uses virtual agents that impersonate humans in Canada to follow up on credit card promotions. I’ll give them credit for being realistic, I’d have fallen for it, except what I do for a living. I test them by saying: “The maze isn’t meant for you.” (Westworld) Cover is blown immediately. It awkwardly says it didn’t get that, then it agrees with me and tries to move on with prodding me to accept the credit card blathering on about the benefits.

Banks doing this is an exceptionally bad idea. It’s one thing to Robo call and be clear your virtual agent (though bad - and I like the idea of it being illegal), it is extraordinarily creepy and offensive to impersonate a human.

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just rule robo calls illegal.

this is a baseless distinction.

if there's not a human on the other side, it's illegal. easy to prove, record a call, ask some dumb questions and all is simple.

this is a pointless line.

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Does this mean all the AI voice assistant via phone startups are screwed ? Or it’s only for outgoing calls ?

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Probably not very enforceable. There is already a case in Hong Kong where an employee transferred 25m to scammers because of a deepfake video call of scammers pretending to be his colleagues.

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How exactly do they propose to enforce this that isn't the same way they "enforce" already illegal robocalls?

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Immediate Reaction: FBI bans robbing banks while wearing woolen socks.

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Thank goodness. AI is already allowing enough manipulation of our elections as it is.

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That's nice. How do they prove that the voice was AI generated, and how do they go about punishing the caller?

It seems like we have been trying to legislate away spam callers for a while now, but enforcement is pretty lacking.

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I thought robocalls were already "illegal." Does this make them double bad? Is the FCC going to do twice as much nothing about the issue?

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I hope someone is filing FOIA requests to get any communications between the White House and FCC related to this after robocalls were using Biden's voice. The timing here seems pretty dubious and as far as I'm aware the FCC is meant to be an independent body.

If the White House did pressure the FCC to implement a specific rule I'm pretty sure that would be a problem. The White House can obviously set general priorities, like protecting consumers from high fees, but isn't supposed to push specific rules, like requesting a new rule to ban hidden fees. PR in this case, if the White House specifically requested a ban on ML-generated robocalls that would be a problem as far as I understand it.

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Yeah because other activities they have deemed illegal have totally stopped. I predict a season of AI generated robocalls for the elections. From all sides. This message brought to you by .......

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As with everything, it’s all about enforcement.

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"Artificial" voices in telephone calls have existed since 1971. That is when the Votrax speech synthesis device was first developed by a company known at the time as the Federal Screw Works. The engineering was done by Richard Gagnon.

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I think phone calls are dying, and the future of voice interface lies within apps, web, and new products like Vision Pro. At, we aim to help developers create meaningful and humanlike conversations that will solve staff shortage problem, boost productivity, and unlock new opportunities. Check out our product hunt link:

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Are there some realistic Text-To-Speech voice models out there that I can use locally and for free?

I know that ElevenLabs, Microsoft, of course OpenAI have some nice voices. But I would like to use them locally, or maybe in an app?