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50 replies

Pretty cool, especially the potential for using python as a scripting language embedded in rust programs. That said, python makes me wince.

17 replies

Why does it make you wince?

12 replies

From a non-python dev perspective: I always struggle with dependencies and versions. I have a script in front of me that I want to run, and am often just frustratingly brute-forcing commands to make it work.

Do I:

python? python3? pip install? pip3 install? python pip install? python pip3 install? python3 pip install? python3 pip3 install?

And then everyone mentions "oh just use venv" or "conda" or docker or... It just never ends or it never clearly explains what to do. And all I want to do is run a relatively simple script. Or course I would use a docker image to run a more complex app. But it's frustratingly hard to manage for people who don't use it often.

I'm from a java/Kotlin world where things aren't perfect either. But at least dependencies are clearly defined, and the only thing you need is Gradle that updates itself through a wrapper script if needed and pulls all dependencies. And a JVM/JDK which is also configured/installed quite clearly in a specific location.

2 replies

Part of the problem is that this used to require third-party tools, which gave rise to lots of different tools, but nowadays everything you need is included in Python itself.

The simplest way (in the sense of having the fewest components required) is this, using only built-in tools:

  $ python3 -m venv --upgrade-deps my-virtual-environment
  $ my-virtual-environment/bin/pip install whatever-third-party-package
  $ my-virtual-environment/bin/python3
This creates an isolated virtual environment in "my-virtual-environment". Use the pip and python3 binaries inside that directory to install packages and run scripts. Done. (The "activate" step suggested in other comments is just a convenience for setting your PATH to refer to the virtual environment implicitly, so that's completely optional.)

Note that Debian's python3 package leaves out some parts of the standard Python distribution, but you can install the python3-full package for a complete installation.

1 replies

This is a fairly good answer but on windows, there’s no python3, so that’s your first command being broken.

0 replies

Right, on Windows the recipe needs a few alterations but is essentially the same. This should work:

  > py -3 -m venv --upgrade-deps my-virtual-environment
  > my-virtual-environment\Scripts\pip install whatever-third-party-package
  > my-virtual-environment\Scripts\python
This assumes that the Python launcher (py.exe) was installed when installing Python, which it is by default.

2 replies

for simple scripts, this is the easiest and works.

  python3 -m venv venv
  source venv/bin/activate
  pip install whatever
  echo "source path/to/venv/bin/activate && python3 path/to/" > myscript
  mv myscript /usr/local/bin
and just use myscript. I use this for a lot of little scripts

0 replies

I haven't tried this myself, but you could probably save yourself the wrapper script and execute your script directly by adding a shebang pointing to the Python executable from your virtual environment.

printf '%s\n%s\n' "#!path/to/venv/bin/python3" "$(cat path/to/" > /usr/local/bin/myscript

0 replies

Why not just

Path/to/venv/bin/python path/to/

Neat trick though, gonna adopt it!

1 replies

I feel you. python itself has its warts but its mostly minor. The dependancy hell though.. god damn it confuses me every time. I don't understand why they can't get it together with one consistent dependency system with good ergonomics. ruby does it with gem. elixir handles things reasonably well with mix. rust does it REALLY well with cargo. hell even ocaml has opam.

but python? it between conda, pip, pip3, virtualenv and who knows what else. its hard to make something that I knwo will just work on everything.

0 replies

To highlight another dynamically typed, interpreted language ecosystem, npm has been providing a remarkably smooth and uniformly adopted service for the JavaScript community.

0 replies

Thankfully, most distros/OSs don't ship with Python 2 anymore, so `python` will just link to `python3`.

0 replies

You seriously consider Gradle - a kitchen sink and a monstrosity scripted in obscure, extremely dynamic language - a better solution just because it has a... wrapper script?!

With Gradle, where do you define dependencies? All with version numbers in the `dependencies` block? In a separate file, declaring a hash map of versions and then a hash map of dependencies, and then putting the latter into `ext`, which magically propagates to just about everywhere in the build silently? In a separate file using some plugin that tries to replicate the lockfile functionality baked into most other dependency systems? In a separate TOML file, using the Catalog?

...and that's just about dependencies, I could go on for days about other Gradle features...

It's not any better than Python. You're just used to it. The same complexity is there in both Python and Kotlin, you just learned to cope with one better than the other.

(Gradle with Kotlin DSL and good IDE support is a little better, mostly because Kotlin devs are not as afraid of touching the build as when it's done in Groovy. It's still 2 orders of magnitude more complex than whatever you use for Python - unless you use zc.buildout or something like that.)

0 replies

Yeah, it's definitely painful. Over the years, I've probably spent in excess of 100 hours on understanding pip, venv, PYTHONPATH, poetry/pdm, pipfile, pyenv, ... still barely understand how it all works together. might make life much simpler for single-script applications.

0 replies

Rye[1] is an all in one manager for python projects. Including the python versions and virtualenv, pip etc etc... It separates tool deps from app deps. Its all configured through a pyproject.toml config file.

Its still new but works well. I'm transitioning to it from an unholy mess of pyenv, pip installs and other manual hacks.

If you're starting a new python project that is more than just a straightforward script I'd use Rye from the get go.


1 replies

Installing python software is hard. Golang is much easier for and end user.

0 replies

Go is what I reach for when I might otherwise write Python but need to actually, like, distribute my program.

1 replies

Personally, I wince at Python because, while I view it as a quick-and-dirty scripting language, some people write production code in Python. And here we are ten years later, stuck with code that reads a few metrics from the system, packages them into JSON, and sends them to an API for monitoring. The code takes 7 seconds at 100% CPU to resolve the imports, every time it runs.

0 replies

You can write bad code in any language, I fail to see how that's Python's problem.

15 replies

I think it's very naive for a programming language to make you "wince", tools are tools.

8 replies

Python is a great language to Just Get Things Done™.

Rust is great if you like puzzles and want to spend your precious time solving the same memory management riddle over and over again. You do get faster and often more robust code though, although in practice the difference is often not meaningful and the extra time invested doesn't pay off.

7 replies

Sometimes, Things just can't be Done with Python. E.g., you're parsing dozens terabytes of data, or need response time within a microsecond.

So, you're left with a choice of C++, Rust (what else, C#, possibly Zig and a few other).

Rust stops being a "puzzle" once you've written enough of it and you just know how to do things. It has one major disadvantage though - returning back to write in languages like C++/Python makes you cringe because they don't have basic language tools like proper sum types or traits that get things done.

3 replies

Turns out 99% of the time you don't need to parse terabytes or have μs-response times. Meaning you should be programming just about 99% of your time in Python.

The Rust memory management puzzles are not really complicated. They just get in the way.

they don't have basic language tools like proper sum types or traits that get things done

Sum types and traits are not getting things done.

1 replies

99% of the time

99% of whose time? Where does this estimate come from?

Definitely not my case, and definitely not the case for lots of programmers I know and/or work with. Python has its own place (for example, in DS/ML) and while I use it myself on daily basis for what's it's best at, statements like "you should be programming just about 99% of your time in Python" make no sense at best.

And, note, it's not only about speed/performance; after writing lots of Rust (or even F#), it's hard to get back to Python because of missing expressiveness and basic language tooling.

Finally, speaking of Python (CPython in particular), part of why it's so attractive is all the fast binary extensions libraries written for it... in C++/Rust, not Python.

Sum types and traits are not getting things done.

Disagreed, sum types are exactly what gets things done, regardless of language performance and other features. This kind of logic exists everywhere. That's why languages with proper (or even semi-proper) sum types like Rust, F# are a lot easier to express 'business logic' in. And e.g. that's exactly why serialization/deserialization can get so weird in Python where values can be of multiple types and you have to invent crutches to work around that, to simulate sum types in this way or another.

0 replies

Since 3.10 python has a „semi proper sum type tool belt“ with PEP 634s pattern matching, typing.Union and the | operator. It requires a different approach and it’s still not as seamless or enforce type safety as strictly at compile time compared to languages like Rust or F# but it’s doable and usable.

0 replies

Meaning you should be programming just about 99% of your time in Python.

No, not me, because I’m less productive in Python than in Rust, assuming the same level of final product quality, even excluding runtime performance.

Turns out 99% of the time you don't need to parse terabytes or have μs-response times.

Performance is not the primary reason to use Rust. It has way more to offer than performance.

2 replies

I really, really get interested in rust sometimes and then I read comments like yours and remember the warnings about premature optimization and put it off again.

0 replies

Don't let catchy maxims discourage you from following your curiosity.

0 replies

Well, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that there's many use cases out there where you just have no other choice but to use a lower-level language (where, unfortunately or not, the common tool of choice these days is still C/C++) since the application/library is either dealing with too much data or has to be very responsive, or both. Since this thread is about Python, some good well-known examples would be libraries like numpy/pandas; but there's also some like polars that are written in Rust.

Re: your point, I'd still recommend learning Rust even if it's just solving last year's AoC, to see how various data structures, enums, traits, iterators etc work. Even if you don't end up using Rust on daily basis, it will probably affect the way you structure non-Rust code and provide you with a few neat design ideas.

1 replies

Agree, would like to know more context

0 replies

Because you have all the power to change the tool or invent a new one.

1 replies

I've used all kinds of hand tools and cooking utensils that were terrible and made me wince or experience other discomfort as I used them

0 replies

It's completely fair enough to argue that a language/tools is a bad at what it is made to do, but this needs to be pared out from tool choice.

A baking spatula makes a bad cooking spatula. It's pliable and can easily scrape the curved surface of a bowl, but for flipping a fried egg it is hopeless - in a pinch it will work - but it would be nice to have something rigid.

Further, describing it as making you "wince" is a recipe for a flame war bordering on deliberate bating. Just describe your issues with the language in more than a single charged word. You don't have to write an essay, just "I don't like the package management environment". That way people can have a constructive discussion.

0 replies

Have you ever used pip?

0 replies

Tools are tools

Are you trying to say that all tools are the same? There are no bad tools?

Why is it naive for a painful tool to make you wince?

7 replies

I was recently looking for some ways to make a rust project dynamically configurable. Yaml/toml/etc are too static or are terrible to describe logic in (yet we do it all the time for CI, infra etc, ugh).

WASM would be an option, but overengineered for my case. Ruby (through Artichoke), or Python (through RustPython); but they come with the downside of introducing Ruby or Python. I haven't decided yet, but would prefer Lua for it's simplicity. Or JavaScript (a subset) for how easy it can be limited in scope.

Are there any (example) rust programs out there that have embedded scripting, or runtime plugins or addons in a scripting language?

0 replies

Your requirements are very close to Starklark - an embeddable programming language intended for configuration with an available Rust implementation.

0 replies

For JavaScript, all the underlying work used for Deno is pretty much done. I'm not sure if a more complete example.

Though Lua probably has lots of good and feature rich examples as well.

Can't speak at all to Ruby or Python integrations.

In the end, I'd suggest it depends on your audience and what existing skills or biases they're likely to bring to the table.

My one warning is that I've used software that integrated JS and it hasn't aged well. From the Adobe products with ExtendScript to other, older and incompatible JS engines before ES5 even, don't get locked into something difficult to update and keep current.

0 replies

There's a bunch of scripting languages written in rust that targets "embed-in-rust", for example

You can use the above links to browse crate "dependents", that is other crates using these dependencies if you are looking for example usage.

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There's Rhai -

0 replies

why not lua?

6 replies

Working on a significant C++ code base (shipped as deb, rpm and windows binaries) and wanting to allow some means to customize busyness logic we decided to integrate Python hooks, a couple of years ago. In hindsight, I'd call that decision a mixed blessing.

The code level integration (pybind11) was nice and easy, the issues came later. We found operational problems (multithreading), performance (in particular initialization) and worst: memory leaks and crashes on python VM teardown. Another problem was that python has it's own particular ideas about package management than generally don't rhyme with packages from the OS vendor.

I'm not sure what the angle is in this project, but I don't see a happy ending for projects that rely on both pip and cargo when it comes to maintenance and long-term support except for source-level integration. That is, unless there is some well designed and well thought out strategy to combine Rust and Python worlds that doesn't conflict with the RPM or apt view of doing things.

2 replies

Rust bindings into the OS packages aren't nearly as common as in C++, so that could be a saving point. With MUSL builds there can easily be no shared dependencies at all, and with glibc builds it would just be glibc and a couple friends.

1 replies

Yes, C++ definitely tends to rely more on binary dependencies, shared objects. Rust will probably have to as well, once frameworks and libraries get to size and maturity that you want your OS vendor to take over responsibility (and compile time!). And note that even MUSL doesn't help create a package that works seamlessly on any Linux OS/release — maybe WASM will (or more accurately: WASI).

But I think, the point GP is making is more about the dependencies Python ads to your C++ (or Rust). Ie.: build RustPython project to produce artifact that works on my machine, but relies on my python interpreter, my (which may have C dependencies) as well as a rust edition and cargo. How can I bundle this into a package for a different Linux? Preferably do it following the existing packages and lore of that distro, rather some python and some rustup version?

0 replies

Preferably do it following the existing packages and lore of that distro, rather some python and some rustup version?

Exactly! I want customers to be able to install my software on stock Ubuntu 24 / Rocky 9 / .. and seamlessly integrate with existing stock Apache, libcurl, libssl without any recompilation etc.

Having a bunch of pip dependencies tag along makes this quite complicated.

1 replies

Curious why your team didn't opt for Lua instead? It's the more typical choice for the use case you're describing.

0 replies

Our pre-sales engineers, devops people were familiar with Python. It's also a popular language outside our company, though I'm sure some of our customers use Lua (e.g. in nginx tool).

Lua being designed specifically for embedding makes it a good choice.

I wonder, though whether we might have ended up with similar fights maintaining LuaRocks dependencies in rpm/apt ecosystem on various platforms as soon as those customizations start pulling in dependencies like XML parsers, crypto, etc.

Do you have thoughts on that? (Note, we target linux, but sell proprietary closed source binaries only, except for the customizations)

0 replies

As a counterpoint, Blender uses python for non-trivial tasks quite successfully. is quite easy to get blender to crash because python references to C objects become invalidated or whatever.

I've spent tons of time tracking down python crashes from C extensions -- not how a company wants their devs spending their time -- and 99% of the time its just getting the reference counts right so C and python are on the same page. Dependency management of C pointers gets tricky sometimes...

My usual workflow when I'm wrapping a C/C++ library (which I do for 'fun' quite often) is to generate a skeleton of the python module with pybindgen and then hand-tune it until it works. I could write a bunch of custom wrapper code (which I do use when it makes things easier but it gets thrown away after the skeleton is generated so doesn't have to be very robust) and just use the output from pybindgen but that takes a lot more work unless the library falls into pybindgen's happy path. Plus, as I'm doing it for fun, I don't mind spending time to prettify the generated code and add some py-sugar. And the way pybindgen generates docstrings isn't the best so those would have to get handwritten either way.

Admittedly, I just do this kind of stuff as a hobby and industry has different goals so "pinch of salt" and all that.

0 replies

That said, python makes me wince.

O lord of the compiler, lend us thine wisdom.

39 replies

I think it's really cool that Python has a healthy third-party interpreter community. PyPy, IronPython, Jython, and now RustPython expand Python's accessibility. It's very cool to see how many people are working on this, and I wonder what kind of problems with CPython this has exposed also.

36 replies

I wonder if anyone actually uses those third-party interpreters for anything serious. I've never come across anyone that did.

9 replies

PyPy is one of the most underrated python implementation. It just makes your pure python code 20x faster without needing to change anything ( if you don't have c++. Extension depends) We had used PyPy in production , especially on Real-time/ asynchronous web apis that doesn't need machine learning stack

6 replies


It is really underrated.

Maybe it's the extension issue, maybe it's something else or maybe it's the fact that it was born as an experimental platform more than anything

But it should have been more popular

5 replies

Python's use base is now dominated by ML and scientific in general isn't it? Both of those communities are relying on extensions completely. I am quite possibly biased as I haven't written any python that didn't use at least numpy.

0 replies

Pypy supports numpy just fine.

0 replies

If you do a job search for "Django", "flask" or "fastapi" you'll see that there are a lot of web dev jobs using it.

0 replies

I still use Python for scripting simple things and for writing web services. I use fastapi for simple things, but I will use Django for anything that needs a database because it has the best migration tooling that I have used.

0 replies

Python's use base is now dominated by ML and scientific in general isn't it?


Python may dominate those fields vs other languages, but those fields don't dominate Python use, in my experience.

0 replies

I guess I could have stated my bias up front as well: mostly a scientific user/dev here. I did enable pypy wheel builds for a pybind11 project and have things magically work, and I've had 'pypy-days' to see if there was any breaking for me (none so far, so kudos!), but other than that never actually used it/found uses for it.

0 replies

If Python community and CPython developers were more open to PyPy, many things could be changed. A group of people talks about how good having a third-party interpreter in Python community while the whole Python eco-system is heavily relying on the old (maybe good-enough) Python C API.

Whenever I meet a C API issue on RustPython project (yes, I contribute to RustPython), I think about PyPy, and check what's going on C API, and realize 15 years was not enough to change things. Now the momentum of PyPy is not that strong as before. I believe Python community lost a huge chance.

Hope HPy or something can save PyPy. Maybe RustPython also will get a chance around there.

0 replies

When I wrote asset processing script for a video game in Python, the initial run time was 14 minutes, I was not happy with it because it made the CI times long as hell, so my next step was to rewrite it in C++ and try to sprinkle it with some SIMD magic to speed it up, but out of curiosity, I ran it through PyPy - that brought down the run time from 14 minutes to just 18 seconds (!), needless to say, I was happy enough with the result that I figured these 18 seconds are good enough to not make me waste my time with rewriting the entire tool.

7 replies

No.. because the only reason to use python is the ecosystem of packages and that's painful enough on the official implementation.

5 replies

Python has been my go-to for prototyping since 2003. Maybe I’ve just adjusted to its quirks, but I keep returning to it despite picking up another dozen languages since. I’ve encountered other people who hate it, but never understood why; what issues are you experiencing?

2 replies

If you don't mind me chiming in, mostly looking for advice if you've got any. I tend to run into a lot of issues when trying to play with projects that use TensorFlow. I have an Apple Silicon laptop and I seem to always get stuck resolving circular, conflicting dependencies. The worst offender is It's such a cool project and I got it running once a few years ago but recently lost a few solid weekends trying to get it up and running again.

1 replies

I will say that the most issues I’ve encountered with Python happened on macOS machines. The default installation was always old, and success using a modern version depended highly on the techniques used to install it.

For anything that involves dependencies, I rely on venv or pyenv to create a clean environment. When on macOS, I tended to use docker/containers as well, but primarily because 99% of my Python work has been in a Linux environment and I wanted like-for-like as much as possible. But a good version manager directly on macOS should help quite a bit.

0 replies

I just want to add that using the tool "asdf" for managing python versions on your Mac is very handy. And "direnv" is also great for auto-loading your environment when going into a project directory.

1 replies

I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been able to git clone any python project (that isn’t hello world equivalent), follow the readme and have it just run first shot.

I’m always having to dive in and figure out which packages are missing, wrong version, etc.

As I do this I find myself wondering if the repo maintainers make a habit of actually trying to set up their project from scratch just by following their readmes.

I’m assuming they just get out of date and then leave it to the community to troubleshoot their own installs.

For whatever reason I don’t seem to have nearly the same difficulties trying to clone and run rust or node projects for example.

More generally, the fact that there are about 20 different ways to manage your venvs, and that you seemingly tend to accrete every version of python released in the last 20 years with no clear way of managing all those installations, makes it quite confusing for newbies.

0 replies

Do you have any examples? I've been out of the Python game for _ages_, but can't you pretty much always just:

  git clone ...
  python -m venv venv
  source ./venv/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
Then work on that repo? Everything after "venv" is too new for me, and I've ignored it and somehow not had any issues. If there are some packages that rely on C code and don't have wheels or whatever, you need to deal with the C ecosystem which is the real hell in my opinion.

All the autotools/cmake/scons, library paths, header paths, PKG_CONFIG, etc. I've had so many issues building C projects that I can't even begin to remember all the issues.

0 replies

Curious what trouble you've had? The Python package ecosystem has always "just worked" for me. That's true regardless of the interpreter implementation I use. I generally test my projects against both CPython and Pypy.

2 replies

Pypy is nice if you want more performance. From my experience it seems underused. Never seen jython and ironpython used - yet.

0 replies

I worked on a project (15+ years ago) that used Jython to put a web front end on GDS systems (airline reservation mainframes). It was in production and being used in some of the largest travel call centers at the time. The whole thing was built in Jython.

0 replies

Around 4-5 years ago, I saw a lot of IronPython used by data analysts using Spotfire[0]. I've seen Jython used to write an IDE on top of Eclipse.

I'm guessing almost nobody uses it for their SaaS, but outside of that, these runtimes do see some use.


2 replies

We used Jython very extensively at a former employer, a high frequency trading firm. Originally it was to be used as a configuration language, to allow traders to easily write scripts that configured trading strategies written in Java. The scripts grew into a monstrous ecosystem of applications and analytics.

Jython stuck on Python 2 and doesn't have great interop with the rest of the world Python ecosystem, so I wouldn't recommend it for a new project, but it was a big force multiplier in that use case.

1 replies

there are JEP, JPype and PyJNIus these days...

0 replies

Those are bridges to native CPython. There is also GraalPy (, which is a standalone implementation more similar to Jython. It seems already quite compatible with Python 3.

I have tested the latest version graalpy-community-23.1.2 as a regular Python interpreter from the command line (i.e., not through a Java program). It was able to run my standard library-only Python scripts, as well as a script that made async HTTP requests with the external library HTTPX. It couldn't run a TUI program that used the Python Prompt Toolkit (`AttributeError: module 'signal' has no attribute 'siginterrupt'`).

I am curious about your experience if you have used GraalPy more than I have.

2 replies

The infamous MMO game EVE uses Stackless Python.. and the players certainly seem to take it very seriously.

1 replies

why infamous?

0 replies

I think it might be in reference to the semi-frequent heists that happen, that have real monetary value behind them. EVE players seem to be a special breed. Some of the stories are pretty incredible.




0 replies

I have seen them used extensively, especially pypy & jython by big companies. I have seen ironpython twice, but I rarely venture into windows/.NET land.

0 replies

The release manager for PyPy posted "Ask HN: Is anyone using PyPy for real work?" last year and got many responses:

0 replies

Oh yes! We use pypy for many batch jobs deployed in production.

We switched to pypy several years back and that allowed us to push a great deal more batch jobs through per window with zero code changes.

0 replies

It’s been quite a few years since I worked on this, but spent some time implementing and administering an enterprise infrastructure auto-discovery tool (trying to remember the name - it was a very expensive product from HP, who acquired it from Mercury I think) that was built in Java and exposed a scripting layer to admins via Jython.

I haven’t seen much Jython since, but encountered a few enterprise tools doing this. It was an effective way of enabling advanced use cases and extensions of the existing Java stack without requiring the admin/developer to touch Java.

0 replies

At least PyPy sees real production use.

0 replies

I've used pypy in anger a few times. I haven't needed to do reasonably performant webdev in python for awhile, but there was a time when PyPy and the cffi-based database drivers could not be beat by CPython interpreters for non-trivial code. This still might be the case, but I haven't profiled it at all (recently). This was back in python 2.7 days in the mid 2010s.

0 replies

I think eve online famously uses a third party interpreter. Stackpython maybe?

0 replies

I think RustPython gets used in ruff (the linter), or at least I saw they were experimenting with that idea. Which is mainly what its built for - running python code in rust, since its still a fair bit slower than cpython.

Otherwise, for normal job running, cloud infrastructure makes this pretty tricky unless you're a big company. I work for a small company and we run python code on things like azure functions, until they support other python interpreters, we'd need a massive expected benefit to justify that sort of self-building of architecture.

0 replies

Ghidra uses Jython not sure if that counts as serious.

0 replies

I tried the latest django with pypy recently and couldn't get it working, which sucked.

0 replies

I wish IronPython ever gets over the Python 3.x hump. It's been "dead" for a while. Every now and then rumors that some developer has started up on it again, but never seems to get to a release state.

To be fair, F# filled most of its niche after it "died" so it's not a need in any way, just a wish for nice things because there were a few years where IronPython was a very nice thing to have.

24 replies

"it can be compiled to WebAssembly in order to run Python in the browser."

I have seen this approach with C-python and NodeJS already and I think it simply not viable, what they are suggesting is compiling the runtime (the same one you use in non-wasm projects) to wasm and then run your python code on top of it.

This is a double-whammy of performance degradation, you basically have two JIT-compilation steps happening (once by the wasm runtime to compile the rust-python wasm and again by the rust-python code compiling your python code). And this is on top of normal performance degradation from using a dynamically typed language compared to a statically typed language

To make dynamic languages (even JS) viable to run in a wasm runtime, the language must be compiled directly to wasm.

Project still looks pretty cool and useful though, there is plenty of python code that could be useful to use in the browser no matter how badly it runs. Just don't try to build a web framework on top of this kind of approach.

Edit: Let me reframe this a bit, this is what I think, I haven't really benchmarked anything and rust python might be doing some tricks I am not aware of.

16 replies

The reality is that the "dark" majority of preexisting code has essentially no performance requirements/concerns; they're business scripts that could literally run on a toaster with no problem if you could get the code onto it.

So really most business logic can easily be satisfied by "compile the interpreter to wasm and then run the dynamic language on that", and doing it this way can move existing "learned the hard way special cases" byzantine business code to something that can run on a web server and be accessed by the companies employees rather than passing around scripts for them to run, with a lot of benefits including instant upgrades for everyone for bug fixes.

That said, this specific impl claims to only support half of the standard library so I kinda doubt its ready for any 'serious' business usecases yet anyway.

10 replies

I don't think you grasp quite the implications of what I was saying, this kind of approach could take _seconds_ to even start running your python application. Large python codebases could take like a minute to start if loaded that way.

Once it does start then your arguments can make sense, but even so it would still make it impractical for most things.

Trust me, when the Javascript dev tells you something will be slow, it WILL be very slow

4 replies

I don't think you grasp quite the implications of what I was saying, this kind of approach could take _seconds_ to even start running your python application.

Indeed, the web demo takes about 5 seconds to cold-start on my beefy PC, between downloading the 22MB WASM blob and compiling it. It also grows the WASM heap to 160MB after running the simple Fibonacci example, and WASM heaps can't (yet) be shrunk, so the only way to reclaim any of that memory is to discard the whole instance and start over.

It's cool that it works, but not very practical.

1 replies

Depends a little on if you're going to a website to use an app, or running something on a always on PC on say a production floor where the app never gets exited, I'd think.

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If you're not targeting the web, what would be the point of running a Python runtime on top of a WASM runtime?

You could just run RustPython as a native binary, or use ol' reliable CPython.

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As far as I'm aware, even discarding the instance isn't good enough, since v8 doesn't seem to reclaim the Wasm Linear Memory ever. I think the only thing you can do is start it in a worker and then terminate the entire worker.

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I guess parts of this can be cached, so if you use the app more than once it will be faster (or at least it has the potential for it).

3 replies

Pyodide (standard cPython in WebAssembly) loads surprisingly quickly.

My application usually starts up in less than 10s - most of that is downloading about 10MB of WASM blobs, and 10MB isn't actually that big these days (many sites serve more than that in image headers).

When I built Datasette Lite I did it as a research project, assuming it would be far too slow loading to be useful. I've since changed my mind on that.

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Your project seems very cool, and good on you for it.

10 seconds is absurdly slow, though. That's like time to install Mathematica from a disk image level slow.

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I thought it was too slow as well, but apparently it's not - plenty of people are using it now, and I myself use it way more than I thought I would.

0 replies

10 seconds is absurdly slow, though.

I hate to say this, but have you used any $ModenWebApp with $HotJSFramework recently? I thank the gods when those pages load without a 5-10 second of fancy spinning animation. Really thought we would be in a better place by 2024 but nope.

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What do you envision these scripts to be doing that it would matter if it takes minutes, hours even, to start? Fire and forget.

Granted, the environmental cost to all that extra energy consumption may not be palpable. Then again, you're exactly choosing Python in the first place if you care about the environment.

1 replies

> The reality is that the "dark" majority of preexisting code has essentially no performance requirements/concerns; they're business scripts that could literally run on a toaster with no problem if you could get the code onto it.

Which means this whole thing is pointless from an end user point of view. The technology stack is getting very deep - Python, Rust interpreter, WASM, in a browser. I'd love to get back to running things on a toaster with no dependencies.

0 replies

Use go for that :)

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can move existing "learned the hard way special cases" byzantine business code to something that can run on a web server and be accessed by the companies employees rather than passing around scripts for them to run

Or… you could just use Django. The framework built for running python on a web server.

0 replies

That's totally different, at least out of the box. The use-case seems to be running user-generated scripts that aren't known in advance and can be added/edited/ran in a self-service manner.

The usual way to do this is get a Python interpreter, sandbox the hell out of it on your server, and then run the untrusted code but this obviates the need for security paranoia quite a bit since it's running in the user's environment.

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Sounds like a use case for simple Python rather than RustPython?

If you go full RustPython, surely looking to eek out performance must be a major reason to even go there rather than just script with CPython like it was 1999?

1 replies

You are right for the most part. I attended a talk about pyscript[1] (runs python in the browser using wasm which is similar) and there is a 2x performance hit.


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PyScript has actually been massively refactored in the last few months and is much faster now. You can check the performance of PyScript running MicroPython here:

If you need/choose Pyodide load time will of course by much more but that's mostly because of the size of full core Python and the dependencies you might have.

1 replies

I can't speak for rustpython, but you can partially evaluate dynamic languages in wasm with something like wizer So you can let the runtime do all the parsing and compiling ahead of time. We do this with javascript (quickjs). It does have a few downsides regarding memory size but it is pretty fast.

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Ok wow, wizer is really really cool. I was thinking a few months back it would be great if you could dump out the jitted version of a wasm program so you could load it faster and... here it is, someone has built it.

That's wonderful.

Next up, wasm supercompiler...

0 replies

And this is on top of normal performance degradation from using a dynamically typed language

You already counted that, that's the Python interpreter (in this case RustPython) overhead.


The steps are (1) RustPython interpreter (2) Rust compiled to WASM (3) WASM runtime.

"Normally" you'd have (1) CPython interpreter (2) C compiled to machine code.

I'm not sure how much overhead WASM runtime really is...I'm curious, but I doubt this is awful compared to CPython.


FYI, for CPython as WASM,

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once by the wasm runtime to compile the rust-python wasm

I'm not sure what you mean by that. The runtime doesn't compile WASM, it simply executes it.

There are tools for dealing with interpreter runtime overhead this by pre-initalizing the environment like Wizer[0]. ComponentizeJS[1] uses it to pre-initialize the Spidermoney engine it packages to gain fast startup times (and you can then prune the initialization only code with wasm-opt). As techniques like ComponentizeJS are also being applied for a specific set of interpreted files, you can even prune parts of the interpreter that would never be used for that specific program. If you want to go even further you could record specific execution profiles and optimize based on those.



0 replies

> "it can be compiled to WebAssembly in order to run [..] in the browser."

and NodeJS

Wait... what? Why?

7 replies

I'm not convinced that projects like this can really have broad application. The value of Python is interfacing to native libraries, but as soon as you use something like PyPy, you lose access to all of that. It's the same story with the performance orientated forks of cPython.

4 replies

Pretty much. Ecosystem brings most of the value than any programming language.

3 replies

It's particular acute with Python. The language itself is poor - the value is in the massive ecosystem (particularly around ML).

Compare this to say, Rust, where the safety guarantees are useful in their own right.

There would be value in Rust even with zero packages, but I couldn't say the same for Python.

2 replies

The language itself is poor

The language is a joy and one of the main reasons it became popular. How do you think it got its ecosystem?

0 replies

It become popular in the era of Java, Perl and object orientated C++

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"worse is better", the fact that a great ecosystem has grown does not necessarily mean the language and its tools are great.

Personally, I find the lack of static types makes maintenance a nightmare, and think the build and deployment situation is miserable.

1 replies

As some popular libraries begin being authored in Rust (e.g. Polars), I'm wondering whether that could actually be exploited in this approach, by e.g. shipping the "native" libraries as WASM components that can then be called instead of the actual native libraries.

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Given how the Python community has failed to converge on a good set of packaging and bundling tools that I highly doubt this will happen.

Perhaps this kind of thing needs to be baked into a language offering from the start?

6 replies

Last blog entry being from "Dec 1, 2021" doesn't make it sound like there's much action.

1 replies

Our team tends to drilling on code more than writing. I know it is not a strategic good way though. Any idea what do you expect to see on the blog?

0 replies

talk about fun technical challenges and "things you wish you had known". endless appetite for that stuff

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0 replies

Does seem to have died down since June of last year.

0 replies

Last release (0.3.0) was on 2023-09 and last commit was 2 weeks ago

0 replies

The GitHub repo is more relevant for “action”, no?

5 replies

How do extensions work with interpreters written other languages? Does the interpreter still expose a C API?

2 replies


…and this one is no exception ->

Packages that rely on c dependencies like numpy, etc. only work if you write a custom implementation by hand; the “normal” package flat out doesn’t (and cannot) work.

So basically you get no packages that use native extensions, unless the project explicitly implements support for them.

Pypy is the only implementation I’m aware of that has implemented a c api that is mostly compatible (see

For eg. Python running in a .net host or a Java host… I think this kind of compatibility would just be flat out impossible.

For rust… hm… probably possible. For wasm? Definitely not.

1 replies

Would there be a way to write a bridge between the Rust interpreters and C API where calls to existing extension API could work to/from the Rust interpreter?

0 replies

IIRC, PyPy does this and the translation between the native and C API is the main reason it is slow.

1 replies

PyPy exposes a subset of the CPython C API, which is good enough for many C extensions, and some others can be ported with little effort.

Most other Python implementations don't provide any way to use CPython C extensions.

There is also the HPy API and ABI, which some C extensions target and multiple Python implementations can compile or load.

0 replies

There is a merge request up to add autogen rust bindings to hpy

5 replies

Just putting my hand up to say that MicroPython is awesome (and runs on the RP2040).

3 replies

I agree. Incredible development environment for a huge number of MCUs. Super fast.

1 replies

Your examples in particular have been excellent lately.

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0 replies

Being able to run REPL session directly on MCUs and interact with the hardware live with short development loop is such a great idea.

0 replies

At a previous job I was checking out MicroPython due to its support on LEON4 RAD-hardened CPUs like GR740. It was appealing as a possible design path from proof-of-concept implementations with desktop python/numpy (etc) to space-certified platforms, ideally reducing the quantity of code to reimplement in C.

3 replies

Does it allow sandboxing, or is Lua still the only good option for that?

There are so many cases where you'd rather not give extension scripts unlimited access to the OS and file system, you'd think this option would be more common...

1 replies

Depending on if it supports the various CPython APIs, it'd be non-trivial to sandbox it. On the other hand, if it doesn't expose a CPython API, is it really python?

0 replies

The CPython API is the main source of overhead in FFI. It is why using numpy to multiply lots of small matricies is so much slower than one large one. This has prompted people to support the simpler and faster HPy API.

0 replies

Note that Lua is not sandboxed by default. You need to thinker a bit with it or use Luau to actually make it sandboxed.

3 replies

That's cool, but now for REAL bare-metal performance someone should rewrite Python in an even lower-level language. That's right, Python written in C is gonna be hella fast! Oh, wait…

1 replies

Rust can be even faster that C on some cases, so not self-explanatory.

Rust compiler can sometimes make better performance optimizations because there are more guarantees that code works as it is supposed to.

You can bypass these with C of course, but you need more manual (and less secure) operations.

0 replies

Also as with C++ having a more expressive language means that while you could have done it in C in practice you won't because it sucks to do all this extra labour, whereas in Rust it's fine because the machine did all the hard work.

Monomorphization is an example where that happens, in C if we're sorting and de-duplicating Geese, Customers and BugReports, we're either writing three separate functions dedup_geese, dedup_customers and dedup_bug_reports, or we're using function pointers and we incur the function call overhead when our functions get called. Ouch.

In Rust (or C++) the monomorphization step is going to turn sort & dedup for Geese, Customers and BugReports into separate functions†, and yet we only wrote the code once.

To some extent you can try to mimic this in C via the "X macro" strategy, but now you're not even just writing C any more, you're writing the macros and maybe running them through pre-processing and trying to understand if the result does what you meant, it's a pretty horrible way to work, so again you're discouraged from doing it.

† However the compiler may spot that actually the machine code implementation for say, BugReport and Goose is identical and so it only emits one in the eventual binary with the other just aliased - which may confuse a debugger and thus a human trying to debug it.

0 replies

Yeah, how crazy is it that a python interpreter written in python is so much faster than the one written in C? My guess is that it is constrained by not breaking the api, where pypy did break it, and that is probably why pypy hasn't gotten more use. That makes me think any python interpreter that fully supports the cpython api will be slow.

2 replies

I thought RustPython is what Ironpython become after being abandoned for a while.

0 replies

Ha ha.

For those interested, Iron* is .NET.




0 replies

I feel smart because I got your very funny joke.

Silliness aside, I actually had almost the same thought when I was reading the post lol. Great minds think for themselves so I guess maybe we're only really good minds then. Ahh well....

2 replies

We've been using RustPython as the Python interpreter for our project Kybra, which is a Python environment for the Internet Computer Protocol (decentralized cloud, where all programs are automatically replicated across 13-40 nodes). Wasm is the runtime environment on ICP.

It's been working quite well, though lack of C extensions is a problem. We're hoping to move to CPython once the wasi and C extension support is there.

But the project works, compiles to wasm32-wasi, and can execute on the live ICP network:

0 replies

Thank you for working with RustPython. I believe kybra made RustPython wasi support a lot more stable.

0 replies

What has your experience been with Pyodide? Why did you opt for RustPython instead?

2 replies

RustyPython is more memorable and has a catchy flair; my $0.02

0 replies

Rust y Python is what a Spanish speaker calls a project that uses both (:

0 replies


2 replies

RustPython can be embedded into Rust programs to use Python as a scripting language for your application

How big are my binaries going to be if I embed a whole Python interpreter in it?

1 replies

Hello world in pure Rust: 400832 bytes

Hello world w/ rustpython interpreting Python[1]: 15459264 bytes

(Rust 1.75.0; rustpython 0.3.0; MacOS / Apple Silicon)


0 replies

Huh, that seems extremely reasonable even if it's not a finished product yet.

1 replies

I'm curious how large the WASM target is.

One of the things that turned me off of C#'s Blazor WASM was the payload size. I've found some of Rust's offerings like yew and leptos more interesting.

0 replies

It's okay-ish in size, ~10 MB, I made a small playground with an older version a while back:

1 replies

Happy to see RustPython making awesome progress!

Note: I just realized that they mention wapm in their homepage. We phased out the WAPM CLI in favor of Wasmer (, so you can simply run in your shell:

  wasmer run rustpython
Or, if you want to try it using the Wasmer JS SDK:

  import { Wasmer } from "@wasmer/sdk";

  let rustpython = Wasmer.fromRegistry("rustpython");
  let instance = await{
    args: "-c \"print(1)\""
  let output = await instance.wait();

Will send a PR soon it can be updated!

0 replies

Probably worth a mention this is the creator of wasmer, for anyone interested. (I was curious who 'We' was to see what companies have experience with multiple wasm runtimes and their learnings)

1 replies

For a dum dum like me who only dabbles in programming:

What would be a use case for this?

0 replies

A big use case is Rust's web assembly support. There are lots of people who'd probably want to run python in the browser, but doing that at the moment is a little shaky. RustPython is maybe a good route for doing this (they give this in "reasons to use" but I can't say I've tried it)

0 replies

How does their garbage collection work? Especially in Rust it would be cool to see a concurrent collector.

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python is already written in plain and simple C, it is sad to make it depends on such complex language which is rust (no less worse than c++).

Actually, I would not mind a python interpreter in rv64 assembly (near 0 SDK) instead.

0 replies

please, just stop with Python already

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How is it about safety then? All the Rust program parts scripted using python are unsafe?

0 replies

I've been using RustPython for my side project (scripting purpose) and its been amazing ride so far! (albeit with minimal docs which is understandable at this stage). AFAIK, the parser also been used in the awesome ruff project

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Each of these implementations offer some benefits: Jython, for example, compiles Python 2 source code to Java byte code... IronPython is well-integrated with .NET, which means IronPython can use the .NET framework and Python 2 libraries or vice versa.

Python 2 is dead and that's why Jython and IronPython, who have failed to catch up with Python 3, are dead as well and are not worth mentioning, are they?

0 replies

RustPython is in a development phase and should not be used in production or a fault intolerant setting. Our current build supports only about half of the Python standard library.
0 replies

Wonder how difficult it would be to write something akin to PyO3 but with python syntax for writing rust programs, just like a subset

0 replies


RustPython – A Python-3 (CPython >= 3.11.0) Interpreter written in Rust - - March 2023 (136 comments)

A full Python interpreter written in Rust - - April 2022 (7 comments)

Python interpreter written in rust reaches 10000 commits - - Nov 2021 (93 comments)

RustPython: A Python interpreter written in Rust - - Aug 2021 (49 comments)

RustPython – Python Written in Rust - - May 2021 (2 comments)

A Python interpreter rewritten in Rust, that can run pip - - Feb 2021 (48 comments)

A Python Interpreter Written in Rust - - Feb 2019 (194 comments)

0 replies

Cool. Can I use NumPy, SciPy, PyTorch, Shapely, ...?