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U.S. National Park Service API

81 replies

BigQuery public datasets would be a better hosting platform for this kind of data. I worry they are not anticipating the security & budgeting issues of hosting a real-time API.

With PUblic Datasets, the account making queries pays for the queries. NPS only pays for the storage (which is minimal).

With this API, NPS has to pay for every call to the API. That’s not cheap.

31 replies

Requiring use of a private party to access public data is usually something we discourage.

21 replies

Private parties that the customer needs to pay access this NPS public data:


* Comcast for their internet service

* Apple for their laptop

* A number of software providers for their development tools.

But asking the customer to pay google to query the data is crossing the line?

5 replies

Why would someone who just wants to access the data need to pay for AWS? And the rest can be avoided by using a library PC & open source software. Or more likely, are already things almost everyone has on hand anyway.

4 replies

Every request to EC2 costs money. TANSTAAFL

3 replies



2 replies

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. It's an old saying meaning nothing is really free. If you aren't paying money, you're paying some other way.

0 replies

Who exactly am I paying for the software on my laptop?

0 replies

If you aren't paying money, you're paying some other way.

Taxes are, generally, money.

3 replies

Majority of your bullet points would be circumvented by running your own server and developing on a linux OS.

1 replies

Where do you host this hypothetical server? How does it get internet access?

0 replies

FYI, you can edit your posts for an hour. Instead of reposting, just add your new thoughts onto your previous comment?

0 replies

Who makes servers?

3 replies

What's stopping me from accessing this without an AWS account, over Frontier, on a Thinkpad?

That's the difference.

2 replies

You’re thinking small. I’m thinking big. That’s the difference.

0 replies

You're arguing in favor of making consumers require an account at a company that's already centralized too much of the web.

That's fundamentally a lot worse than the government paying hosting costs to one particular vendor for a commodity service.

0 replies

You really aren’t. You’re talking like someone who is willfully ignorant of the decades of internet history that have preceded this conversation.

People have quite literally died over the issue of public access to public data. It’s quite an important belay point to arrest the deterioration of the spirit of open networks.

3 replies

Well, no, a customer has choices for most of those, because the government isn't hosting the data exclusively with a private vendor that charges the customer for access, providing an exclusive franchise to that vendor.

That was what was suggested upthread.

Requiring the user to have certain capacities to access data, where those capacities are provided by a number of competing vendors (and some by free, gratis and/or libre sources) is a very different thing.

2 replies

NPS is hosting this data on AWS , a private vendor. And NPS (ultimately taxpayers) pay for every query.

So are you ok with some chinese APP company making 50 crappy NPS themed apps and having taxpayers pay for the backend?

0 replies

So are you ok with some chinese APP company making 50 crappy NPS themed apps and having taxpayers pay for the backend?

Addressed in a comment in another subthread, which I know you are aware of since you responded to it, too:

0 replies

So are you ok with some chinese APP company making 50 crappy NPS themed apps and having taxpayers pay for the backend?

I will make that trade every day of the week if it means access continues to be through a standard protocol (HTTP) and not beholden to any particular vendor.

0 replies

My second hand laptop isn't apple, my host is a raspberry pi, not AWS. I don't use comcast - I have a wide choice of providers including free ones (at my local library), and I've never paid for a development tool

0 replies

The federal government pays Comcast to provide internet to low income households. And you can actually access this data on any old brand of laptop, or the desktop computers provided for use in most jurisdictions, and do not have to pay for any development tools to do so.

0 replies

This argument is nonsensical.

Site hosting is not a customer cost.

The rest you list are costs orthogonal to this service.

But asking the customer to pay google to query the data is crossing the line?


Why are you arguing for a US government agency to require its citizens to pay for access to data which they have already paid for by funding said agency?

3 replies

Tell that to US government agencies publishing their announcement and other news on

2 replies

Do you need anything other than a web browser to access it? Medium is just the server that it’s hosted on.

1 replies

you have to accept TOS and in some cases pay for a subscription

0 replies

Paying for subscription is only when the publisher has opted into monetization. Which isn’t the case for US government agencies.

That said, I hate Medium with a passion and that things like the Netflix tech blog are hosted there.

2 replies

They’re hosting on AWS . So either taxpayer pays for hosting, or the customer pays .

1 replies

Parent thread said:

to access public data

Keyword is access. Hosting on AWS is an implementation detail that doesn't block the end consumer from accessing the data.

0 replies

There are 4-5 other assets the customer needs in order to access it. So one more wouldn’t be a big deal.

0 replies

At what cost?

0 replies

I agree with this in theory but in practice it would be unrealistic and honestly a misuse of government funds for them to reinvent and maintain a fully in-housed stack for all of its digital services.

9 replies

Are you suggesting the government put their public access API behind a paywall?

5 replies

I’m saying they need to be more careful about taking on the hosting costs from this data . They should choose a solution that makes the customers pay for accessing the data.

You’re going to see a ton of NPS knockoff apps use this API as their backend and the devs are just going to let the AWS autoscaler keep going up and up as the taxpayers pay for it.

4 replies

They should choose a solution that makes the customers pay for accessing the data.

They are.

The NPS's customers are the American public, and they are paying for the data via taxes (approximately; government finance is more complex than that, and taxes don't really pay for spending that's a model that really is only true when working with commodity and not fiat currency, but, its reasonable enough for this purpose.)

What you want isn't for the current customers to pay for the data, but for the consumers of data to be viewed as customers and then charged for the data. but that potentially makes things more expensive for the NPS's customers, for instance, if one of the significant consumers turns out to be other public agencies, who then are paying a direct cost which pays for both the access to the data and the additional costs of billing and account management that a consumer-pays model imposes, and paying the overhead for the payer-side costs associated with payments, as well as the actual amount of the payments, then you end up ultimately with largely the same customers paying, but paying a whole lot of additional overhead.

3 replies

The taxpayers are the patrons not the customers.

2 replies

We are both.

1 replies

The taxpayers are the patrons. The API consumers are the customers. When the customers make a lot of API calls or cause security issues, the patrons have to pay.

0 replies

I'd argue that this is an overly restrictive framing of the situation for a few reasons.

First, patron is just another word for customer. I understand that you're using it to distinguish between two customer types:

1. The end user (presumably a future park visitor)

2. The intermediary providing an experience to the same end users (who are presumably using the intermediary to plan a future park visit)

But this is not a formal distinction, and I think it's necessary to zoom out and look at the players involved and the nature of their relationship with the NPS.

Is it not true that "Patrons" are still likely to be the initiators of those API calls?

Is it not also true that the "Customers" exist within the same tax system as the "Patrons"? If I go to as a "Patron", I'm directly consuming NPS resources. If I access NPS information via a site that provides an alternative experience, I (the future park goer) am still the primary beneficiary of the API call.

Let's say I build a project that calls these APIs and my goal is to help people who have accessibility needs find the parks that are most amenable to their situation. Let's say this is a passion project and I'm not doing this to make money. What you're proposing would make such a project non-viable.

And I think there's a strong case to be made that the experience described in the last paragraph will consume fewer NPS resources than navigating through NPS page after page to find what I'm looking for.

And in the end, if the information helped a park goer find a place to spend their money, this is a net positive for the NPS.

2 replies

This data domain doesn’t need a realtime api. They could host CSVs online with some mirrors and save millions of dollars hosting this stuff.

1 replies

Ah yes, I see now. Yeah makes no sense to offer a REST response for each request.

On that note, what would the processing entail? Processing the get request and packaging the entire dataset into a REST object right? Or is it a more complex API that lets you run queries against the dataset? For that matter wouldn’t downloading a CSV also have to be packaged into a REST object?

0 replies

the rest API provides parameters for filtering & pagination. all of that is unnecessary. it's a few hundred MB tops . CSV , Bigquery , anything is better than running REST on EC2

7 replies

BigQuery public datasets would be a better hosting platform for this kind of data. I worry they are not anticipating the security & budgeting issues of hosting a real-time API.

Then use their API to populate a BigQuery public dataset and make available to all.

Otherwise, perhaps we, as outside observers, need to consider the possibility that those whom made the decisions to provide this service as such did so for reasons which we may not be aware.

3 replies

You’re not wrong, but it’s still perfectly relevant to discuss design decisions on hackernews. Are you new here?

2 replies

Are you new here?

Yes, I am new here. So why don't you tell me why you haven't answered this question I posited earlier:

  Why are you arguing for a US government agency to
  require its citizens to pay for access to data which
  they have already paid for by funding said agency?

1 replies

There's a difference from paying for the information, and paying for the expense of delivering that information. You have to pay for official copies of documents like birth/marriage/death certificates. To get copies of public court documents costs as well even though you can read the data for free. Toner/paper isn't free, fancy paper for certs aren't free. You can have the data, but you gotta pay for the copy.

0 replies

well said

1 replies

ok good suggestion here you go


0 replies

Looks like access denied? Good work!

0 replies

the following tables are now available:




6 replies

REST APIs are extremely battle-tested, easy to integrated with, and far more mainstream than BigQuery public datasets or any other niche technology that may or may not exist at some point in the future. If cost is truly an issue, perhaps the solution is to properly fund the NPS so it can make smart technology decisions.

4 replies

at what cost?

3 replies

I’m not sure if you’re serious (given the spammy nature of your posts, I’m inclined to believe not), but given that REST is the de facto standard for exchange of information between machines across the internet, I think the onus is on you to estimate how much money you think the NPS stands to save by doing it your way. Then the rest of us can evaluate whether that’s a good tradeoff.

1 replies

CSV is also a de-facto standard and is more common than REST at 1/100 the cost

0 replies

Do you have numbers to backup the cost savings estimate? I can imagine lots of REST implementations that are really inexpensive.

0 replies

We only know based on the information we have that they are sharing CSV files via REST on AWS/EC2. That’s the most expensive way to share it, and also risky .

What’s spammy about my post? I have asked people to focus on costs when they make general statements like “all govt data should have a REST api”.

0 replies

every rest api implementation is bespoke. what does "battle tested" mean in this sense ?

Sure the concept of rest APIs is mature, the but each implementation is untested.

6 replies

With their API they have to write a bunch of boilerplate code to transform from their SQL db to REST. Authentication, throttling, threat prevention, encoding, etc etc.

With BigQuery they just copy the data in via CSV and Big Query handles the indexing & query engine.

3 replies

Who says they have a SQL DB? This looks to be almost entirely static data, occasionally updated.

1 replies

It’s Apache Solr. Most of the data is static, but alerts and events get frequent updates.

0 replies

Same concern about unnecessary code and compute stands.

0 replies

Whatever storage format they have, they are writing boilerplate to transform it into REST . Regardless, it will be cheaper to just ingest into BigQuery

1 replies

With their API they have to write a bunch of boilerplate code to transform from their SQL db to REST.

Open source tools that will present a simple, read-only REST API over an SQL db with little to no custom code exist (so do proprietary tools, often from DB vendors and sometimes as part of SQL db products.) Same with NoSQL or sorta-SQL storage solutions.

The idea that they have to write a bunch of boilerplate code to do this is false. They might choose to do that, but its defintely not necessary.

Authentication, throttling, threat prevention, encoding, etc etc.

Again, open source canned solutions that take a little bit of configuration exist for many of those, and some of them are likely shared services that they just point at whatever service needs them.

0 replies

now do compute

5 replies

NPS has to pay for every call to the API. That’s not cheap.

I am perfectly fine with it being considered part of the basic, taxpayer-supported functions of government agencies to be providing the public with relevant data.

If there is a concrete abuse or wildly disproportionate cost problem in particular areas, that may need to be addressed with charges for particular kinds or patterns of access.

3 replies

At what cost? Rest APIs are very expensive ways for the government to make CSV data available to the public.

2 replies

They are a whole lot less expensive than tracking customer usage and billing for it, and a whole lot more useful to the public than having the data nominally publicly accessible but only "on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard." [0]

[0] Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

1 replies

not in this case that's my whole point . they are choosing the most expensive (and riskiest) way to make csv files available to the public

0 replies

There's likely some truth that CSV would work well here, and would likely be cheaper to operate. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of clients are or could be doing full transfers of the data and doing their own queries.

I'd be pretty happy with sqlite dumps too.

I don't really have an issue with the REST, though. I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a standard and cheap to set up Django+REST libraries stack. Yeah, the compute costs are higher than transferring static files, but I'd be shocked if this was taking enough QPS for the difference in cost to make a meaningful difference.

I get wanting the government to be responsible, but this veers a bit too far into Brutalist architecture as an organizational principle.

0 replies

You might be fine but any taxpayer expense must be justified and cheaper alternatives explored. This is someone else's money so it is very easy to feel entitled but every penny saved here can go into other better things like conservation, infra in parks etc.

4 replies

Yes, and the flip side of that is you require people to have and use Google accounts to access public data? That’s not exactly ideal.

2 replies

And at what cost. Why are we paying for customers to query this data in realtime?

So someone can host a ripoff NPS app on the App Store and taxpayers now pay for content hosting?

1 replies

The USPS provides a free service for address validation. You have to register an account and receive an access token. If they feel your token is using too much, they can handle it as necessary. Why this same concept couldn't be done in the same way is just lack of imagination.

You can access for free, but if you abuse or break the TOS your access is revoked. Done

0 replies

USPS is a corporation with profit and loss. I still consider this irresponsible but theoretically I'm not paying for their largesse

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Fine host it as CSV as a backup for the luddites.

1 replies

I'd consider it a public transit service. We wouldn't be upset about people using shuttle busses to get to the parks, would we? I think long term footing the bill for an open platform with principle beneficiaries who use it is fine so long as it provides a net benefit.

0 replies

If you have to pay for REST API OR shuttle busses which one gets funded?

1 replies

This is a fascinating thread under this comment. Everyone is keying off of one part of the comment (querier pays) and not the more critical issue IMO - anticipating security and budgeting issues of hosting a real-time API. You suggested an alternative and everyone is pitting the status quo against that alternative instead of maybe looking for other alternatives that help address the issue.

People here clearly don’t like a querier pays model and that’s fine. But should NPS still reinvent the wheel across the SDLC to serve this data? I think there’s a compelling argument in there.

0 replies

Yes thank you for noticing that. My bigger concern is NPS paying for expensive auto-scale resources for what is basically CSV files that could be hosted cheaply and securely.

REST API compute is very expensive when you include compute costs, transfer fees and admin costs to keep it up.

Not to mention the cost to implement a bespoke API and deal with security issues.

All to make CSV available!

0 replies

Looking at the data made available by this API, I think it's safe to say this is fine.

0 replies

On the list of alarming or even questionable things our taxes pay for, this doesn't even make the top 100.

27 replies

Why is the government cargo-culting the scourge that is API keys?

The goal of this should be for everyone to have access and lower barriers to entry, not put bureaucracy in the way of access and de facto suppress use by open source projects because each user would need their own API key unless someone publishes one.

12 replies

If the provider is bearing the costs (like here) then they always need some kind of authorization, or they have no way to shut off abusers or people with misbehaving clients.

An API key is about the simplest possible way to achieve that, and appears to be perfectly adequate in this case.

What do you suggest? SAML?

11 replies

If the provider is bearing the costs (like here) then they always need some kind of authorization, or they have no way to shut off abusers or people with misbehaving clients.

HTTP is an "API" that has no API keys and all the public web servers in the world seem to manage this without any trouble.

What do you suggest? SAML?

No authentication required by default -- it's public data. Just impose a reasonable rate limit by IP address and require registration only if someone has a legitimate reason to exceed that.

7 replies

HTTP is an "API" that has no API keys and all the public web servers in the world seem to manage this without any trouble.

Um, no. That’s just not true.

6 replies

We're currently using a discussion forum that nobody signed up for an API key in order to make posts and you don't even need a user account in order to read. What allows them to sustain this without being destroyed by evil forces?

3 replies

nobody signed up for an API key in order to make posts

Yes you did. When you logged in, they gave you an API key in the form of a cookie that you include with every request.

And it's run at a loss by Y Combinator, which is very, very wealthy. And even hackernews has to pay for cloudflare and mods, on top of hardware, hosting, and traffic.

2 replies

When you logged in, they gave you an API key in the form of a cookie that you include with every request.

You can read this website (i.e. make queries against its database) without logging in. Moreover, the main thing the cookie does is not some kind of rate limiting or denial of service protection, it's assigning your username to your posts so that others can't impersonate your account. Various image boards exist that even allow you to post without logging in and they seem to be fine with it.

1 replies

There's a rate limiter that kicks in if you try to post or do other things as a logged in user too fast.

0 replies

That also applies when you're not logged in.

1 replies

Probably either the lack of evil forces currently attempting to destroy it or cloudflare.

0 replies

So we've established that it isn't API keys.

1 replies

all the public web servers in the world seem to manage this without any trouble

Incorrect. Most large web sites invest in DDOS protection e.g. Cloudflare.

Cloudflare DDOS protection as an example is a lot more sophisticated than merely counting requests per source IP (

0 replies

Cloudflare is one of the ways they manage it.

But API keys aren't any good for that anyway because if someone is just trying to overload your service by brute force, they can send requests regardless of whether the keys are valid and still use up all your bandwidth sending error responses or your CPU/memory opening new connections prior to validating the API keys, and to avoid that you'd still need some kind of DDoS protection.

Where they actually do something is where you're doing accounting, because then if someone wants to send you a million requests, you don't block them, you just process them and send them a bill. Maybe you block them if they reach the point you don't expect them to be able to pay. But if it's a free service that anybody can sign up for as many times as they want then that doesn't do any good because the price is $0 and a rate limit per key is avoided by signing up for arbitrarily many more keys.

0 replies

Per IP limits don't do anything about the scenario where the API is integrated into a third party website that sees a sudden spike in popularity. At that point, the API is providing free capacity to the third party site. Maybe that is fine, but you seem to be ignoring the possibility.

8 replies

From the site:

  The NPS Data API is open and accessible to all developers
  who wish to use NPS data in their projects.
From their "API Guides":

  Limits are placed on the number of API requests you may
  make using your API key. Rate limits may vary by service,
  but the defaults are:

    Hourly Limit: 1,000 requests per hour

  For each API key, these limits are applied across all API requests. Exceeding these limits
  will lead to your API key being temporarily blocked from
  making further requests. The block will automatically be
  lifted by waiting an hour.
That, along with their ToS[0], hardly seems to qualify as a "cargo-culting scourge."

0 -

6 replies

API keys were invented as a tracking device. You sign up and then they associate all your use with one person and can do things like revoke your keys if you e.g. try to compete with the company's own products. Neither of these should be relevant to public data on a government service.

Rate limits are straight forward to implement per-IP address without having any other information about anyone. The sort of person willing to bypass them by using a thousand IP addresses is the same sort of person who would sign up for a thousand API keys using fake names. How are you supposed to rate limit by API key if "anyone" can get an API key? You'd need to use some means to rate limit how many API keys someone could request, which was the original problem.

2 replies

API keys were invented as a tracking device.

Yes, by definition.

Apparently, you did not review the "Disclaimer" link I provided. In it is the following:

  Not all information or content on this website has been
  created or is owned by the NPS. Some content is protected
  by third party rights, such as copyright, trademark,
  rights of publicity, privacy, and contractual restrictions.
  The NPS endeavors to provide information that it possesses
  about the copyright status of the content and to identify
  any other terms and conditions that may apply to use of the
  content (such as, trademark, rights of privacy or publicity,
  donor restrictions, etc.); however, the NPS can offer no
  guarantee or assurance that all pertinent information is
  provided or that the information is correct in each
  circumstance. It is your responsibility to determine what
  permission(s) you need in order to use the content and, if
  necessary, to obtain such permission.
Notice the first sentence; "Not all information or content on this website has been created or is owned by the NPS."

Perhaps there is a need for use to be "tracked" in order to ensure legal agreement to the Terms of Use?

1 replies

That isn't a terms of use, it's a disclaimer. It's informing you that some of the information on the website might not be in the public domain, which is a simple factual statement that doesn't require you to agree to anything in order for it to be true or applicable.

0 replies

My bad, I thought of it as a ToS. Thanks for the clarification.

1 replies

Per IPv6 address? It’s very difficult (impossible?) to even make IPv4 based rate limiting work.

0 replies

With IPv6 you use address blocks instead of individual addresses.

IP-based rate limiting is extremely effective because it bifurcates the internet into IP addresses controlled by the attacker and ones that aren't. The attacker can only issue requests at a rate of rate limit per IP address times number of IP addresses (or IPv6 blocks) they control. Then the IP addresses under their control get denied while the IP addresses not under their control, i.e. all of the other users, are unaffected.

This only becomes a problem if they control on the order of millions of IP addresses, but then you're dealing with a sophisticated criminal organization and are probably screwed anyway.

0 replies

API keys were invented as a tracking device

And that's exactly how they're used as well. They need a method to track the usage of these services because there is often a cost involved with providing them. You also need a way to block or rate limit usage that is not IP bound.

As an example, when Yr[0] opened up their APIs for free world-wide weather forecast it quickly spiralled out of control. I don't recall the specifics of it, but in short a major phone manufacturer started using their APIs on their phones and it took down the service because of the increased load. They could have solved it by just adding more hardware, things like this is highly cacheable, but when you're dealing with tax payers money you generally don't want to subsidise for-profit companies. So you implement a token and tell them to implement their own caching layer on top of it, and everyone is happy.

I don't see how you'd solve something like that with anything other than a token. The methods you've mentioned in other posts simply don't work when a couple of hundred million phones ping your API every time they unlock their phone and it refreshes the weather widget. It also create no incentive for the developers to do things right, like not checking for updates every time the user does something, even though the initial request also came with a TTL and cache-control header that clearly states when this would be updated again.


0 replies

Yep. Very likely they are using API Gateway with Usage Plans, which is a very simple and effective way to do rate limiting and quotas.

0 replies

API keys provide a straightforward mechanism for limiting use, and for allowing clients that get lots of traction to pay for higher limits. That’s not a cargo cult, that’s just design.

0 replies

Could you show us an example of a service API that you maintain that doesn’t uses API keys?

0 replies

API keys are important for effective rate limiting/abuse prevention.

0 replies

What makes API keys a scourge?

0 replies

I don't really understand your complaints about API keys, but if you did want to make an issue of something perhaps it should be that you get your API key sent to you by email, in plaintext. Not amazing, but I guess for their threat model it's generally ok.

25 replies

It's a super cool API, but last I chatted with the team who maintains this (~2020?) it was already understaffed and they only had capacity for bug fixes. The roadmap hasn't been updated since 2017 so YMMV.

14 replies

this isn't out of 18F -- the really cool tech team at the whitehouse(?)? what happened to all that digital govt funding?

7 replies

There are two. THe USDS which works under the office of the President and 18f. Both are subject to the whims of the current president and congress. They can easily be seen as a cost center and while doing great work, are still unable to cover the entire spectrum of federal agency requirements. I am not as familiar with 18F but if the workflow is similar to the USDS, they more like sophisticated consultants to help get government work done.

6 replies

I’m curious how many HNers would like to add their skills and join an USDS or 18f considering you can make hundreds of thousands more in private practice

4 replies

"at a senior level at FAANG-level companies" is the last bit of that sentence you left off.

The median software engineer salary in the US is something on the order of $120k/yr. The GS pay scale tops out at just under $160k before locality is taken into account and that's only a small single-digit percentage increase at best, but nobody is getting hired as a GS15 to do development work.

You will make more in the private sector for sure but "hundreds of thousands" is going to be the minority by far.

1 replies

Agreed - I'm a state-level government employee with 2 YOE and I'm making $100k, projected to make $120k over the next three years and project managers top out at ~$240k. While that's nowhere near a senior-level FAANG engineer, the job security is nice and there's a guaranteed pension if I'm patient enough.

0 replies

One thing I don't understand is why at the federal there are plenty of employees in the $300k salary range, and several employees (single or low double digits in absolute numbers) make more than POTUS but for some reason 18F pops everyone into the GS pay schedule and it seems puts them at level 12 or 13. So clearly there's no law requiring employees not made something roughly comparable to what they could get in the private sector so it's hard to understand why the 18F folks aren't getting $150-200k/yr.

Edit: After a bit more research there's a separate executive pay schedule (not that different than the private sector after all) but it's not super clear to this outsider what determines which schedule you get on other than probably just defaulting to GS.

1 replies

I know several people who are GS 15's and in IT - it's not uncommon at all.

Also 18F has special hiring authorities with 2 year appointments that are not restricted to the GS pay scales for the very issues you bring up.

0 replies

The 2024 salary cap for all GS employees is $191,900 per year. You cannot be offered more than this under any circumstance.

That is the page where you find jobs for 18F, nothing there indicates anyone at 18F is not on the GS scale.

It's important to note that that is GS15, step 10, with the maximum locality adjustment (which I think is just Alaska but California is not far behind). GS15 step 1 is going to be $123k before any locality adjustment so still very likely under $150k/yr unless you're in one of the highest cost areas. Alaska is 32%; most midwest states are 17%.

0 replies

There are a decent number of people here in academia, which pays the same/worse.

Money is important, obviously, but it's not always the only thing that motivates people.

5 replies

Well, the president who launched all of that left office in 2017; and we had a new president with a bias against national parks… meaning the funding NPS did receive had to be spent on critical work in the parks themselves.

4 replies

The President does not decide funding for the NPS, Congress does.

2 replies

have you met congress? they can barely agree on anything so getting more funding for National Parks is an uphill battle.

1 replies

It’s not like Congress needs to separately pass funding for the NPS. In 2023, the NPS was given a 6% budget increase, even!

0 replies

Let's say the NSF wanted to give everyone in NSF raises in 2023 to offset inflation from 2022. I believe that would require a 6.5% increase right? I personally believe that the people there deserve more salary than just meeting inflation, though imo.

0 replies

Pretending there's no cross-talk or influence across those boundaries is intellectually dishonest.

3 replies

A healthy diet of steady underfunding leads to humble, stable systems. We should start worrying when a team is temporarily overfunded, building out complexity in excess of their long term maintenance capability.

0 replies

Emphasis on healthy.

0 replies

This is a really interesting point and I see a lot of truth in it. But the language is imprecise- underfunding would lead to a decaying system.

0 replies

Is it healthy? At one point the team was funded enough to create the api, and now it can only maintain it. What if it was never funded enough to create the api in the first place? I realize there's a risk of building complexity, but don't mistake "healthiness" for "inability".

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do you still have the contact? I have a proof of concept i'd like to share with them.

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Do you have contact info for that team? The NPS app is one of the best I've ever used and I'd love to know who built it.

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Disclaimer at bottom of page:

All information provided as part of the NPS API roadmap is provided for informational purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended to and should not be relied upon or construed as a binding commitment. Please do not rely on this information in making decisions, as the development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality are subject to change.

Maintenance mode since 2017 is fine. I'm planning to write the interface with Jquery UI.

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Good to know! Thanks for sharing.

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That sounds about right tbh... funding is not great for these kinds of things :(

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The alerts is nice, though most of the rest (visitor centers, lesson plans) is static data and doesn't need to be an API, it can just be a static json file.

Campgrounds is also only providing static data. An "API" should show campsite availability and provide endpoints to book campsites to be useful as an API.

I was hoping to have API access to live bear collar tracking or some such. I'd love to create a system that auto-alerts me if a bear's motion path is intersecting my hike.

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I copied this data into Bigquery -- it's much more accessible this way for Jupiter notebooks and doing SQL queries


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Thank you for creating this. How do you access/find it from within BigQuery Studio?

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Couldn't get it to show up in search but the link works, thanks again.

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Is it not showing up in the search bar ? You can search by name . Let me see how to generate a link

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fyi, there are some undocumented but public apis if anybody needs more data. you can see them if you visit certain nps websites.

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I think this is a funny joke about how HTTP is technically an API. However, with more and more website fighting back against scraping (in part due to LLMs), I suspect explicit APIs are going to become increasingly important and useful.

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This made me wonder why websites would be against scraping, at least as long as the content has DoS protection behind an edge cache. Aside from the copyright/etc issues.

Then it made me wonder, since AWS/cloudflare already have ML products and have data stored in edge caches already, if they don’t/couldn’t train directly from the caches?

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Might be a good use-case to use something like this extension to auto-build an API spec whilst browsing a website:

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whoa that's sick, thanks for sharing

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Love that this exists. I found that they also have a Github(1) with a public data archive. Any existing projects using this API in an interesting way?


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The GitHub is mostly outdated repos, although Symbol Library is still active. The developer API is great though.

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I migrated this data to BigQuery. Test it out and if it works well

If you like it I’ll update the batch job to keep it fresh

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Does anyone know any APIs to get BLM land?

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I think it's the ACH API, you need a routing number, account number, and a price tag for your local republican.

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I remember when I used to think only one party destroyed public lands for a paycheck....

^^ Change republican to politician

Biden granted more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump in his first 2 years in office

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This sounds incredibly fun. I wish morr government programs like this received more funding.

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Their Twitter has been consistently funny. Whoever is making these decisions over there, I'd like to thank them.

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Oh good. I was literally wishing for this on Saturday when trying to parse the table of which mileposts were closed on the blue ridge parkway.

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I don't think I see visitor stats? Oh well. Historical visitor data is here:

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Interesting API