There’s so much numerology in the world, even among smart people, that I think this is worth being pedantic about:
There’s no such thing as a “four-digit number”, only a four-digit base-10 numeral. And facts about base-10 numerals aren’t facts about numbers.
A lot of numbers have representations in base-10. A fact about the base-10 digits is a fact about the base-10 representation of the number, which is also a fact about the number.
You might be able to satisfy yourself by replacing "the digits of" with "the decimal digits in the base-10 representation of".
The point is that most of the time when digits are mentioned, it’s only a coincidental fact about one inelegant representation of the number — and often people are insufficiently aware of that.
Base-10 isn’t inelegant, is it? I mean there are good arguments for 12 being better but it isn’t like 10 is prime or anything.
Happened across a neat comment yesterday that presents a defense of ten. Not 100% convinced but it is interesting to see pushback.
Rational fractions will terminate only if the denominator’s prime factors are the base’s factors.
So for example, 1/2 = 0.5 and 1/5 = 0.2, but 1/3 = 0.333… and 1/7 = 0.142857….
1/4 = 0.25 works because the prime factors of 4 are 2 and 2… but 1/6 fails because 6 is infected by 3.
Now, base 12 has 2 prime factors (2 and 3) so it much any better than 10 really. But may I introduce base 30 (235)? Or perhaps base 210 will strike your fancy?
And you can swear by that, if you know what I mean.
It's only a coincidence if you ignore the fact that "digit" first and foremost refers to the things sticking out of your hands, and so was repurposed to talk about numbers because we have 10 digits on our hands.
That's the word's origin, not its current mathematical meaning. Also, number systems that are not base IIIIIIIIII have been used historically. That humans can only compute in a base that matches the number of fingers we have is a relatively recent myth.
In some cases, the fact in base-10 has analogous facts in other bases. A trivial example that adding N-1 to any base-N number yields a value with the same digit sum. That makes it a bit more interesting. But I can't think of an example that doesn't pivot on the representation rather than something more fundamental.
Right, the digit sum of 10 is 1...perhaps I should have said "final digit sum." Same for 10000, or 1 with any number of zeroes after it.
The point of this trickery is that N-1 added to any number is really adding N (which adds 1 to the second position, by definition) and adding -1 (which subtracts 1 from the first position).
In base 10, this is the adding 9 trick. It can be extended by using any multiple of 9. That applies to the N-1 version, so that adding M*(N-1) to a base N number yields the same digit sum.
1+9 = 10 = 1
1 + 27 = 28 = 10 = 1
In hex:
1 + F = 10 = 1
1 + 2D = 2E = 10 = 1
1 = 1+0
i'm not sure what you are demonstrating?
1 sums digitwise to 1
1 + (10-1) = 10 which also sums to 1 in the same way
Eh, I don't know - it doesn't really add much value most of the time, because these days more or less everyone uses base 10 by default, so it's entirely reasonable to assume base 10 unless stated otherwise.
An argument against being overly pedantic in this case is that this is a neat and accessible example of something quirky about numbers, and so even people who don't know much about numbering systems can approach it. If you instead emphasize that it's base 10 or that there is "no such thing as a 4 digit number", the main thing you'll probably do is cause disinterest in anyone who is sometimes overwhelmed by math. :)
Randomly, one of my sons told me about 6174 just a week ago, and it turned into an interesting conversation following by a little programming to find more of these numbers. After we went down that rabbit hole for awhile, then the conversation shifted to how these numbers might look in e.g. hexadecimal, and that seemed about the right time for that topic to come up.
The point of the parent comment is that this is not a property of numbers in general. It's just a coincidence that only works in base-10.
For example, a prime number is prime in every base. An irrational number is irrational in every base. Collatz conjecture is valid in every base. This one is not.
What? Not at all. In fact, trying it in other bases, as well as with other numbers of digits (in both base 10 and other bases), is a useful way to get some insights into why it happens.
Yes at all. 6174 is specific to base-10 and 4 digits. For 4 digit numerals in base-9 there are 2 cycles. Same for 4 digit numerals in base-8. It's unlikely that there's any special meaning for 4-digit numbers in base-10 having a single cycle of length 1, but even if there is (possibility which I cannot just deny, of course) — it doesn't translate to other bases.
So, yes, the described "special" thing about 6174 is actually a special thing about the string 6174 (representing a number in base-10). And I'd say the fact so many people in this very thread don't understand it is exactly the proof that the GPs comment actually has some merit. People kinda mix up properties of numbers and properties of some other mathematical objects — like their representations in base-10. Most of numerological games are concerned with the latter. Which is why it's especially interesting, when something like that happens to hold in other bases, which sadly just isn't the case with Kaprekar's constant.
Hehe, to me these contrarian comments are strongly reinforcing my point about overzealous pedantry. :) Of course the specific string '6174' is specific to base 10, but the idea itself can be applied to other bases.
Here are some additional examples:
Whether or not things settle on a single number, the number of loops that exist, etc. are a function of the base and the number of desired digits, but in the cases where inputs do settle on a specific number, there are patterns that emerge (regardless of the base) as the number of digits go up.Finally someone noticed the irony, thank you.
(On the other hand, at least some people also criticize my tone rather than the point I'm making, which I guess is fair as well.)
Is there no similar phenomenon for four-digit numerals in, say, base 8, or base 13?
If you follow the link in the second paragraph to, there are some statements on how this routine plays out in different bases. For base 8, there is no fixed point with 4 digits (i.e. any number that immediately loops back to itself), but apparently there are some cycles (e.g. 3065 → 6152 → 5243 → 3065).
So that means it pretty meaningless, right? The procedure has to yield cycles, and in some bases with some numbers of digit lengths you always get the same cycle of length one, and in others you don't.
Yep, seems to be so. I mean, it shouldn't be very surprising that among all possible lengths and bases there are some of length 1, would be more astonishing if there wasn't any.
But it's not like it's somehow less worthy than other mathematical games. After all, there could have been some meaningful property hidden in there. Doesn't appear so in this case, but you'd never know beforehand.
Being further pedantic - aren't all digits base ten? I thought that was part of the definition of digit.
Other bases would have different words for their numbers - bit in binary, for example (which, yeah, I know, it a combination of the words "binary" and "digit").
Do we have another example? I don't think there are special terms for "octal digits" or "hexadecimal digits".
We call computer circuits "digital" even though they work in base 2.
Regardless of the word's origin, digits are simply the symbols in a positional number system:
If you really want to be pedantic, you say that every base is base 10 :) (in its own representation)
It's not really numerology though. Yes it's a dumb trick with base-10 math but that doesn't make it numerology. It's not trying to draw any connections between otherwise unrelated things. I think of numerology as trying to use stupid-glue to connect things that aren't connected. Like, I was born on the 8th day of the 2nd month, 8 - 2 is 6, the sixth planet is Saturn which also has 6 letters, and Jeffrey Epstein's first pet fish was named Saturn! OMG! That's numerology.
Numerology is far stupider than this admittedly useless arithmetic game.
no that's highly opinionated compressionn in the domain of crazy
Since HN doesn't let you edit after votes have been applied, let me clarify that 'crazy' does not refer to the person/comment I'm replying to.
It's not votes, it's two hours passing.
The word "digit" is defined as 0-9, and specifically refers to base-10. This meaning of the word comes from one of its other definitions, referring to fingers and thumbs. We have 10 of those (usually), hence its use as as a reference to the symbols used in base-10 numbers.
("Binary digit" and "hexadecimal digit" are weird terms that abuse the language a bit.)
I see what you did here
Lots of people seem to think that, hence the -2 rating of my comment, but that's not the modern definition:
True. However, this problem can be formulated in other bases, and yield results of similar (in)significance. For example, for 4-digit numbers in base-9 there are apparently just 2 cycles: 7252 → 5254 → 3076 → 7252 and 7072 → 7432 → 5074 → 7072.
I think you're pointing out something true and worth mentioning, but - I'm not sure why you're comparing this to numerology. People can be interested in fun facts about numbers, whether about their digital representation or not, without any wrong or mystic beliefs.
Comparing this to numerology is just combative and doesn't help get your point across (as you can see by the downvotes).
Besides, going to a place where people are discussing something fun and explaining to them why it isn't really fun is just not a good way to get points across to people, no matter how valid you think they are.
A much better way to approach this IMO - don't say this is wrong, give something analogous that would work for all bases, which by the way would teach people this concept. E.g. extending "do all digits appear infinitely and evenly in the decimal representation of pi" to talking about "normal numbers".
Yes, but
Similar numbers (I presume) exist for other number bases, and it's an interesting question of whether they constitute some sort of strange attractor. istm quite a few mathematical discoveries have emerged from just farting around with inconsequential-seeming numerical oddities.
I do feel your frustration though. I'm into electronic music and math, but I regularly run into people who insist that tuning to 432hz instead of 440hz (the common default for western tonality) is better because 432 is numerologically interesting. I've wasted a lot of time trying to persuade people that yes, 432 is a very cool number, but the interval of a second (from which we derive tuning frequencies) is fundamentally arbitrary. I suppose it's true that if you tune everything slightly flat people will subconsciously feel like time is expanding, man.
While I do personally find tricks involving numbers only in a specific representation to be worth a bit less, often the underlying pattern of the trick generalizes into a more interesting problem.
For example, per another's link in these comments, this 'trick' works for 3 digits, but hits 1 of 3 possible loops for 5 digits. From this, interesting but likely useless questions can arise, such as finding an easy way to test for these loops, seeing if there is a way to calculate the loop without brute forcing it, and understanding the problem enough to know how much of this holds true when swapping to a new base.
In general, most of this is just for fun and doesn't lead to anything serious. But sometimes a fun problem can be hard to solve, possibly leading to discovering something new, which ends up being applicable to more serious mathematics. Other times it can become a trap that just seems to waste time without ever leading anywhere, like the 3n+1 problem.
I don't think this should be considered numerology, though I do think sometimes people treat tricks as if they have some more serious meaning that they don't deserve, at least not based on how they are presented. 3 Blue 1 Brown goes into the spiral pattern of the primes as something that appears to be deep, but ends up being an unique way to present an otherwise boring tidbit about prime numbers.