Lovely writeup. Making that webpage must have taken quite some time also?
A question out of curiosity. What are your thoughts on re-writing in Swift?
If it were me, I am sure my tech-fingers would itch for a rewrite, but my business hands would slap those thoughts away.
Be real: Apple is not going to rewrite MacOs/iOs in Swift. Objective-C will always be there, offering faster and more robust features.
Just look at the Microsoft equivalent: yes, C# is good and all, but the hardcore Windows apps are still using (lightly-skinned) VC++ APIs - after almost 25 years since they started flogging .NET.
Swift is for the new rubes, bootcamp graduates and so on.
They're literally rewriting in Swift right now. Foundation is being rewritten entirely in Swift. All new code is in Swift. All new frameworks are Swift-only. They're using Swift from low level firmware on the Secure Enclave to apps. This is already real.
That's a mult-year project in its very early stages, yet we're already almost 10 years into Swift (more than 10 years of Swift internally to Apple).
It has already shipped, replacing parts of Foundation in the 2023 OS versions. It continues to grow, and it's a rewrite, so it certainly proves your assertion wrong.
My other points were a bit hyperbolic. Feel free the replace "all" with "the vast majority of". Apple obviously still writes Obj-C in their existing Obj-C frameworks, and doesn't arbitrarily rewrite into Swift, but their internal barriers to use Swift are now almost entirely gone. And I can't think of an entirely new framework that wasn't Swift-only recently.
Which assertion was wrong? I was paraphrasing from the project page itself:
"It is in its early stages with many features still to be implemented."
Your original assertion that Apple wasn't rewriting anything.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I made no such assertion.
Perhaps you're confusing me and "toyg"?
Ah true. Not sure why you replied then. Your point about Foundation was meaningless and the others just nits. Do you have an actual point to make?
My point, as always, is the truth. You said two false things, which you subsequently admitted were hyperbole. Truth is valuable in itself, and more important than "points", i.e., arguments or motives.
If I were to make a point, though, it's that Objective-C still has a very long life ahead of it, and its complete replacement, if that ever occurs, will be an arduous process, given the amount of extant Objective-C code in the operating systems and first-party apps (not to mention third-party apps). It's not just Objective-C either: C++ is also used quite a bit in the OS. Think of WebKit, for example.
Yup, exactly. Swift was specifically designed to replace Objective-C and C++ throughout Apple codebases (see
C# is a totally different story.
Interesting. Can you share more details?
Disclaimer: I work for Microsoft, though I wasn't there during the early days of .NET or Windows Longhorn.
C# was created as a Java competitor. Although it had great C interoperability, the underlying .NET Framework was still a VM-based runtime with a garbage collector and all the disadvantages that brings. You can probably find various articles ( is one) discussing attempts to adopt C#/.NET code for Windows Longhorn, which ultimately had to be walked back completely. .NET wasn't purpose-built for writing OS components or working deep inside existing Windows code.
Apple learned from this and other examples. The Swift team actively works with teams at Apple deep in native code to make sure they can handle their use cases without performance penalties, and with minimal ergonomic issues.
The difference is really about what the stated goals of the language were/are.
This is turning into a silly argument… but anyway there's a blogger who has been tracking the number of binaries written in the various languages (and appkit vs catalyst vs swiftui etc.) for years.
Sonoma is 13% Swift (up from 11% in Ventura), 53% Obj-C (down from 55% in Ventura). The priority actually appears to be eating away from the C/C++ parts of the codebase (currently 33%, down from 42% just two releases ago).
At this point you can't separate Swift from the rest of the system so cleanly. Since it's now included with the OS directly and linked to from many system libraries, including parts of Foundation which have been directly rewritten in Swift while maintaining ABI compatibility with Obj-C callers, virtually everything on the system that uses Apple's frameworks uses Swift to some degree.
That's what MS said as well, when they were pushing C#. All Windows will be using safe code! Still waiting... Another example is Mozilla and Rust - hell, I wouldn't be surprised if there was still Netscape code somewhere in the bowels of FF/TB!
Sure, Apple cares less about backward compatibility, but still, it's unlikely Objective-C is going anywhere, under the hood.
One of the most complex apps that Microsoft produces is Visual Studio. It is currently a hybrid of C++ and C#. I suppose that almost all new features are written in C# where possible. Why won't Apply follow the same path? The developer productivity in Swift must be 10x compared to Objective C. To be clear: I write this post as someone who has infinite love for optimization of native code. However, in many situtations, it is simply more "dev efficient" to write code in a managed (VM) langauge. Thoughts?
Why do you say that? Do you have experience backing up that estimate?
That was a bit rude and unnecessary.
Thank you!
I probably would have to do it at some point if Apple decides to completely deprioritize it.
For now, Objective-C even has some benefits. It's more low-level and more hackable. And I think some older APIs are not even available in Swift.
Out of curiosity is that a hand crafted page? It is a nice flow with the animations and the graphic call-outs, etc. I'm personally not interested in the Obj-C code snippets but that overall layout of the page, the sidebar ToC, the minimalist design is just really stunning.
Also - how did you do the visuals in the "Gnarly Bits" section that split the page/components out into verticals? That is such an amazing way to display the internals of a thing like a page.
If these elements could be packaged into a blog theme for whatever blog hosting platforms are popular these days I bet you'd get a bunch of people to purchase. Nice work!
It's hand-crafted with TailwindCSS, vanilla HTML, and JS. I've worked on it for 2 months part-time. I was hoping it would get people's attention, and so it did. :)
The component split is done by hand in Figma with regular screenshots and cropping. I also used a plugin for skewing.
One nitpick: I dislike the tiny custom scroller.
IMO customizing scrollers is almost always a disservice to users.
It's a single form-over-function thing that I could not resist not to add. :)