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Ask HN: Who is hiring? (January 2024)

15 replies
21h49m | Remote - Anywhere Continental US | Full-Time | SDE III, SDE IV, SDE V, SDM-III | No Visa Sponsorship simplifies how people securely prove and share their identity online. The company empowers people to control their data through a portable and trusted login, which means they don’t need to create a new password when visiting sites that have the button.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital migration for many critical services. Those services require a trusted identity to safeguard against fraud and help ensure people are who they claim to be. With, login and identity credentials move with people, which can reduce the time and frustration of having to verify at multiple sites and set up multiple passwords. is a credential service provider compliant with federal standards for digital identity verification.

We're hiring for SDE III/IV/V (tech lead) and SDMs. We're looking for dedicated, experienced engineers passionate about scalable system architecture, able to lead initiatives in areas like monitoring, automated testing, experimentation, and infrastructure as code. Ideal candidates will champion innovative solutions and exhibit leadership in these critical domains.

Our Stack: Ruby on Rails, Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, Redis, React, Terraform. We'll be introducing GoLang soon.

Check out all our roles at:

I'm an engineering manager on the team, if you have any questions you can reach me directly at sergey.cherman+hn AT Please no staffing or recruiting firms, individuals only.

14 replies

Just to confirm, does Continental US include Canada?

7 replies

Continental US (United States) refers to the 48 United States excluding Alaska and Hawaii.

6 replies

(Southern) Ontario is geographically located within said 48 States, so whatever geographic need they have may still be fulfilled by someone within certain parts of Canada. It does not seem to be a legal need, else why exclude other US states?

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It's due to time zones, and Ontario is most definitely not within the Continental United States, geographically or otherwise.

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> It's due to time zones

And Canada mostly shares the same timezones and works hard to keep them in sync (e.g. daylight savings time) with US timezones exactly to allow these kinds of business dealings to happen comfortably. There are exceptions, but few Canadians live there. It is unlikely that the one asking is among the exceptional.

> Ontario is most definitely not within the Continental United States, geographically or otherwise.

Better look at a map again... Position yourself in the north end of Windsor. Pick a direction, any direction. Start travelling in that direction. No matter which direction you choose, you will end up in the continental US. The geography of the United States has it surrounded.

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I know you understand that the continental United States ends at the borders of the United States, so why are you pretending otherwise?

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What am I pretending? If the continental United States did not end at the border of the continental United States, this discussion wouldn't work. The latter half of the question does not logically follow the first, so it is not clear what the pretending is in reference to.

Perhaps you are questioning why I am pretending to be engaged with your trolling? Mostly because I enjoy your sense of humour. Some of the stuff you come up with is downright hilarious. Well done!

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It does not seem to be a legal need

It almost certainly is a legal need. I don't know why you're dismissing this so quickly. Their product is the #1 access management platform for citizens to log into US government websites, I think that a lot of their employees will need basic security clearances from the US government because of their proximity to personal data.

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Can you name any of the 48 states that you claim some part of Ontario lies within?


That's because it doesn't. No part of Canada is within the United States.

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Canada is not within the country of the United States the last time I checked.

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I only asked because a google search tells me it includes Canada and Mexico.

At least you got to be snarky, good job.

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That's just evidence of Google's decay.

In no world does "Continental US" mean Canada.

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No, that's "America".

The term "American" being applicable to anyone from Canada, the US, and Mexico is a usage of the word that is found almost exclusively outside the US and Canada.

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You'd be surprised how often "US-only" includes Canada.

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This is used for citizens to log into USA government websites, so it's probably tricky to have employees outside of the USA.

7 replies

All Iron Ventures | Tech Lead/Senior Full-Stack Engineer | REMOTE (Europe / Middle East / Africa) with 2 days each month in Spain | Full-Time

All Iron is a European early stage venture capital firm based in Bilbao. With ~€300M under management, we invest in Seed and Series A startups across Europe. So far, we have invested in 50+ companies including success stories like JobandTalent, Seedtag, TuLotero or Preply amongst others and our graduation rates place us in the industry’s top quartile.

Venture investing is no longer a domestic and (only) relationship-based business. Modernising how venture firms work is a key competitive advantage, that here at All Iron sits at the core of how we do things. We are building our very own tool, Pareto, which is becoming the most relevant platform for the investment team’s day to day. In the last twelve months, Pareto has allowed us to gain a competitive advantage in a very competitive market by both saving time and identifying interesting companies ahead of our peers.

If you are passionate about building product to significantly improve how we run our day to day, using large amounts of data (to identify interesting companies to potentially invest in) and want to join an entrepreneurial firm, you will not be disappointed!

What are we looking for:

* 3+ years experience as a Data Engineer or Full-stack Engineer

* Someone who is a self-starter, scrappy, and pragmatic

* Experience in Google cloud, Django, JavaScript / TypeScript with React, SQL and Spark

* Experience as a tech lead or an Engineering manager is a plus: we have an external team of engineers whom you’ll be working closely with

* Experience working at a small startup and/or as a solo engineer is a plus

* Ability to travel to Bilbao (Spain) ~2 days each month is a must

If you are interested and would like to join us, please send your CV to, and include a short essay (1 page max) stating why you are interested in this position, how it relates to your previous experience, and why you think you can contribute great value. Please mention you saw this through Hacker News.

6 replies

Sounds like a good opportunity but with 2 days mandatory in Bilbao every month you might as well limit it to Spain and Portugal only.

Or do you have teammates who are flying in every month from Africa/Middle east/Central Europe?

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2 days a month isn't a big deal at all. I'm in the UK, and regularly travel anything from 2 to 8 days a month to a role in Germany and the Netherlands.

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Fair enough. Would be a hard sell to spend 1/4 of my time away from family though.

If I may ask do you pay for the travel or do you get reimbursed by your employer?

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I can't imagine any scenario where a company is requiring monthly travel and not reimbursing for it.

And even assuming 1 full travel day on either side, 4 days a month is a LOT less than 1/4.

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I think you missed the point, it's about distances, and logistics, not days. Flying from UK to NL/DE doesn't sound particularly impressive: relatively short, non-hostile checks, accessible airports, wide selection of flights. Actually, it's more or less equivalent to getting to Bilbao from Iberian peninsula area.

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Seconded. They should at least specify North Africa. It's a big continent, you won't catch me dead flying from South Africa 12 hours up once a month for only two days.

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Why should they specify anything? That you are not willing, it's ok. However, I know of people from California doing this on a monthly basis (traveling over Europe). For some people it's ok.

6 replies

Carl Zeiss SMT/SMS | Jena/Oberkochen/Rossdorf & remote, Germany | Multiple Roles | Full-Time | Hybrid (some onsite required) | English, some German very helpful |

Zeiss SMT is the leader in extreme engineering optics for semiconductor manufacturing. We come up every so often on HN as leaders in EUV optics manufacturing for ASML scanners. SMS is a branch of SMT concerned with standalone tooling for quality assurance and defect inspection in semiconductor fabs (tools like the AIMS EUV or PROVE systems, for example). We bring complete solutions to the hypercompetitive market that is the semiconductor industry. The scale is vast – the work you can be involved in ranges from simulations at the nanometer to how to ship tools via using Boeing 747(s).

Software (and extremely diligent/precise engineering… honestly it blows my mind regularly) underpins everything we do and spans the same vastness of scale. We (Zeiss SMT, but also SMS where I work) are hiring in pretty much every IT field as we modernize systems, upgrade legacy code, and build cutting-edge new tools and platforms to remain at the front of the field. Specifically interesting to HN (I think) is my team, which works on developing extremely fast physics simulation and data processing code utilizing classical algorithms, machine learning, and _AI_, all on premise. We also build and maintain the hardware (HPC clusters) to enable these developments.

Desirable skills Python (scientific, HPC, ML, physics simulation), image analysis (big, big data processing, very fast), CUDA, C++, HPC architecture design/on premise rack configuration, HPC admin, DevOps infrastructure (physical as well as CI/CD), GPGPU programming, FPGA programming, QA engineering, Kubernetes

I can post some job links tomorrow, but if you have questions please either comment or reach out to me at thomas dot pekin at zeiss dot com. I’ve been working here for a year and it’s a lot of fun.

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Are you guys trying out Julia at all or is that just certain ASML internal teams?

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I don't speak for the whole company, but in our project we are heavily Python based, Julia might be used by the central research team or something though.

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All right, thanks I was just asking off of a JuliaCon blog post that I saw - I’ll still put in an application because it looks interesting.

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Feel free to reach out to the email above, I think it's one of the most interesting jobs I could have gotten coming out of a postdoc due to the mix of physics and real world, technically interesting problem solving.

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emailed you subject "Hacker News ping"

5 replies

Skyways (YC 2017 batch) | Austin, TX or Pittsburgh, PA | Onsite | Full Time |

At Skyways we believe fully autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles represent a unique opportunity to move things today but also people tomorrow in new, more efficient ways. With our very pragmatic approach to the problem we now signed national and international customers, institutional and soon commercial ones this year. We do release early, release often and we fly our own aircraft almost every day.

We are looking for a senior software engineer to lead the software and autonomy effort at Skyways. This role involves at least 50% coding, the other 50% being design, reviews, and leading the team from a technical standpoint. If you're interested in a super high impact and hands on position at the intersection of backend, frontend, traditional software engineering, ML, robotics, embedded, cloud, apply or DM us on linked in.

Directly apply here SW Tech lead: Or DM us on LinkedIn at:

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a BSc. or MSc. degree in Computer Science / Software engineering is required

How stringent are you on this requirement if someone meets the rest of the criteria (including the 10+ years of experience requirement)?

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We love autodidacts and passionate people! Apply away!

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Yet, in bold, it's stated as required. *rolls eyes*

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Fortune favors the bold.

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Just DMed you on LinkedIn. I'm interested in the flight test enginnering role.

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Canny | Software Engineer | REMOTE | Full-time |

Canny helps software companies keep track of feature requests to build better products.

* Early-stage startup, 16 person team, $3m+ annual recurring revenue

* 100% remote, distributed across US, Canada, Spain, Turkey

* Bootstrapped and profitable

Why work at Canny:

4 replies

Note to those applying, they require a 2-ish hour technical take-home and do not provide feedback.

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Does that come before or after any reasonable human contact through the course of a respectful process?

A 2 hour take-home as 1 step of a fair hiring process isn't too bad.

But you applying and then automatically getting a homework assignment would feel pretty crappy.

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Before speaking to anyone, unfortunately.

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Thanks for the heads up.

Seems pretty.... uncanny for them to do that :D

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Hey, Andrew here, thanks for the feedback!

Our take home assessment isn’t always required, but it is assigned to candidates whose applications would benefit from additional demonstration of skills. Most candidates say they can complete it within an hour, and due to the volume, we’re unable to provide individual feedback to each applicant at the assessment stage.

4 replies

Sanctuary Computer | NYC OR REMOTE, VISA | Technical Studio Lead

As a Studio Lead at Sanctuary Computer (, you’ll partner with two other Studio Leads to support our project teams, define the strategy of the studio, and lead internal projects to help us achieve our vision. You’ll help cultivate a culture of intellectual curiosity and continuous improvement that empowers us to push the boundary of our technical projects year-over-year.

Based on the responsibilities of this role, we think the right candidate will be a decade or so into their career and will have prior experience in an Engineering Manager role. Maybe they'll be a little burned out by Big Tech and intrigued by a worker-first company with profit share and an optional 4-day workweek.

If this sounds like you, check out the full job posting with detailed information on the role, the studio, and the compensation program:

0 replies

Our org structure is less-hierarchical than traditional studios: we don’t have Engineering Managers, and instead, we rely on team members to be self-directed and to reinforce a high-performing culture of accountability. We’re building a studio that empowers creatives to do the best work of their careers.

I'm intrigued, how does a "lead" position fit with a low/no hierarchical structure?

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I'm not in the market but this seems like an amazing place to work.

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Thumbs-up for offering the 4 day workweek

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I love SC's "skill tree" document. Looks like a great place to work. Alas, I'm not studio lead material yet (managerial experience is nascent).

4 replies
20h29m | 100% Remote, anywhere | Founding engineers sought

Veritably is, as yet, a bunch of prototyping looking to become a company. The grand scheme is to become a general document validation/verification automation pipeline. Think, ISO standards compliance.

We are currently a two person team working with VisionEncoder/Decoder Models and traditional algorithms (mostly python) to assess the completeness and correctness of documents like ISO 26262 Hazard and Risk assessments.

We are looking for engineers with an interest in document processing, standards compliance, Functional Safety and the like to join us in solving some ugly real world problems. Let's face it, modern companies tend to produce documentation in a fairly random mix of 'looks about right' PDFs and excel (tm) spreadsheets. This is time consuming, tedious work that really could use the application of some intelligent machine processing.

We're looking for partners, not employees. If your curious, mail:

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We're looking for partners, not employees<

So you're not hiring then. You're in the wrong place then

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Not necessarily. Since we're still small and early stage I'm canvasing interest. I'm also busy looking for / generating cash flow. But, it could be 3 - 6 months before we're in proper Salary range.

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question: is there a base salary, asking because of "partners, not employees", or just equity? thanks!

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Depending on qualifications (for instance Certified for ISO 26262 confirmation reviews), salaries should be in the 90,000 - 120,000 Euro range.

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Aha! ( | Rails / React / Devops | REMOTE

Aha! is the #1 tool for product managers to plan strategy and roadmaps. We serve more than 700,000 users worldwide. We are looking for:

* Javascript and geometry expert? Help us build our HTML canvas based whiteboard & mockup tool.

* Experienced full-stack, front end and platform engineers to work on the Aha! product. Our application is built in Ruby on Rails, with React on the frontend for rich client-side experiences.

* Devops engineers with Ruby experience. We focus on the "dev" and all of our operations driven by code.

Aha! is profitable, you can work from anywhere in North or South America, and we offer excellent benefits. We use our own product to manage our work (which is especially rewarding) and we deploy continuously.

Our entire team has always been 100% remote - in North American timezones so we can collaborate during the work day.

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I applied a couple months back, and got a generic rejection email without really any information. My resume and skills match what y'all are looking for very closely. Any chance I could get a non-HR eyes on it and get another chance? I can email you a resume!

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its really funny to see the same companies for the same roles not filled

"we're looking for someone that can hit the ground running!" has job open for 6 months, when they could have just trained an already skilled new hire

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Who is the best person to email about the full-stack position?

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Looks great! Should we just use the "Apply" button on the listing, or...?

4 replies

Apple | AIML Senior Full Stack Software Engineer | Full-time | Seattle ONSITE hybrid (3 days/week in office)

Our team builds iOS apps, back-end cloud infrastructure, data pipelines, and does AI/ML model training and inference to support Apple's AI efforts. Native iOS (Swift or Objective C) and cloud infrastructure experience are both required. Apply at the link above and include a cover letter. It will come to me.

2 replies


Fixed twitter perms. FC farcaster

I also emailed you

1 replies

Twitter says "@maceip can't be messaged." I don't know what you mean by fc. What's another way to reach you?

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Any HR/Recruiter remote positions available?

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I acknowledge that I may not meet all the prerequisites for this position. Nonetheless, I am confident that I possess some of the essential skills necessary for the role. Would you be interested in discussing further how I could utilize the skills highlighted in my resume to excel in a similar capacity?

My Resume:(with email id)

My Portfolio:

Many thanks for considering my request.

4 replies

Supabase || Platform Engineer (Postgres team) || Fully remote || Full-time ||

Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative, built by developers for developers. Supabase adds auth, realtime, storage, restful APIs and edge functions to Postgres. We are a YC'20 alum with 60K+ stars on GitHub.

We’re looking for a platform engineer to build out nix-centric tooling for our Postgres offerings.

Please, find the details and apply here, we manually check and respond to all the applications.

More about us and other positions:

2 replies

Nice to see nix in a job posting…

1 replies

I think they mean *nix?

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Refactoring our supabase/postgres repo to improve components and utilize nix for building, packaging, and conducting high-level infrastructure tests.

Looks like they do mean nix!

0 replies

what's the pay like?

3 replies

MixRank (YC S11) | Software Engineers | 100% REMOTE (Global) | Full-Time

MixRank processes petabytes of data every month from web crawling. We have hundreds of customers using our data products including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Intel, and Adobe, across industries Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Security.

Team is 41 full-time, full-remote from 20+ countries. We're growing, profitable, employee-owned, no dependence on outside funding. Applicants from all geographies and backgrounds are welcome.

We are looking for passionate individuals for whom programming is not just a job but it’s something they love to do. We're obsessed with computers, programming, big data, databases, compilers, hardware, math, data science, and the internet. Does this sound like you? Please apply to join our team.

Our code base is very friendly to new contributors. You'll have a fully-functional development environment within hours (fully automated) and be pushing commits on your first day. Deployments to production happen multiple times per day and finish in less than 2 minutes. Effectively all of our codebase is written in Python, Rust, SQL, Javascript/TypeScript, and Nix. The core technologies you'll need familiarity with to be productive are Python, PostgreSQL, Linux, and Git.

We operate at a larger scale than typical startups. We operate two datacenters with high performance servers we've built that are capable of dealing with the volumes of data we process. We've implemented our own distributed file system. We do full-scale web crawls. We download and perform static analysis on the entire universe of Android APKs and iOS IPAs that are published. Unlike a typical startup where you'll spend half of your time in meetings, and the other half fixing bugs from Jira tickets— at MixRank you'll get to challenge yourself with difficult technical problems that will help you to grow as an individual.


Junior Software Engineer - Remote (Global), Full-Time

We're looking for remote junior engineers that have 0-3 years of professional experience in software, and 5+ years of curiosity exploring computers, programming, and technical hobby projects. This is an open-ended entry role with mentorship and diverse opportunities to work on all areas of our product: databases, distributed systems, infrastructure and tooling, data analysis, machine learning, frontend/backend web development, APIs, data mining, data modeling, and more. To stand out, please highlight what makes you unique: passion for computing, curiosity and side projects, work ethic, niche research, etc.

Ideally you've already graduated, but if you still have one or more years left of school, please feel free to apply anyway, and if you're the right fit for the team we'll figure out a way to accommodate your schedule.


Software Engineer - Remote (Global), Full-Time

We're hiring generalist software engineers to work on web applications, data mining, machine learning/data science, data transformation/ETL, data modeling, database scaling, infrastructure, devops, and more. We'll cater the role to whatever subset of these areas match your interests.

Beneficial experience includes PostgreSQL, Python, Rust, Linux, TypeScript, Nix, frontend/backend web development, and data mining.


I'm Scott, Founder/CEO/CTO. Please apply here:

0 replies

We're looking for remote engineers that have finished school within the last 2 years or will finish in the next 6 months

My heart sank when I read this. I'd like to apply for one of these roles, but this makes it sound like I'm way too old, even though I've kept up with new technologies and frameworks.

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We need to setup a whole new profile on YC to apply to this?

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MixRank gave me an overnight insta-rejection and I even included an open source repo I built for web scraping and I have 15 years experience. The market right now is brutal.

3 replies

Full Sail University,, Orlando FL, 100% Remote 120k full stack dev java/spring/aws/rds/react/es6. React native also nice to have.

FSU is a technical/creative private university that teaches students about the science, art and business of professional music, movies, gaming and live performance. There are about 20k students at any one time. There is a (rather large) campus in Winter Park but everyone on this team works remotely.

You will work on teacher/student tools on a team of 7. Our engineering posture is minimalist. We have not taken the microservices kool-aid. Our back-end only needs to support max 50k simultaneous users so we run on one server with a hot backup - no Docker or k8s or other runtime complexity. You will get to focus on building out features in a solid SPA over a reasonable API, not jumping through hoops of incidental complexity.

If interested, apply directly via workday:

2 replies

From your posting:

"Environmental Factors/Physical Demands:

Work is performed in an office environment. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to have the ability to maintain active customer and employee communication; access, input and retrieve information from the computer system; enter alpha-numeric data into a computerized system often while listening on the telephone. May be subject to bending, reaching, kneeling, stooping, and lifting up to thirty (30) pounds. Operation of company vehicle and current valid drivers license also required."

I suppose this is a mistake? Curious to understand this kind of requirement for Full Stack Developer! Would you care to elaborate the nature of this role?

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That is a bit odd, I agree, especially regarding the vehicle and DL requirement. It may actually be a mistake - I'll contact HR about it. Thanks for the feedback!

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Pretty much every office job, tech or otherwise, that I've taken has this. I think it's probably there in case you might have to move your monitor or chair or something similar. Maybe someone uses a case of printer paper to prop a meeting room door open and you need to shut the door. Incidental office workplace stuff. Maybe to inform an applicant who couldn't perform these actions that they should inquire further.

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Omnigres | Founding Engineer | SF Bay Area HQ | REMOTE

At Omnigres, our north star is to enable developers to laser-focus on business needs instead of fighting technological challenges. We're fighting the complexity and inefficiencies of contemporary stacks by removing them instead of hiding them.

At the core, we are turning Postgres into an Application Runtime. Why? Because we believe that code and data are inseparable in pretty much all of the line-of-business application systems. Turns out, when done this way, applications work a lot faster, require a lot less maintenance, and are simply easier to write.

Our foundation is open source and is available at

We're backed by some great early-stage VCs and looking to onboard people who can move quickly, learn on the go, and maintain the focus on the goals. Another way to look at it is that we want to meet other pragmatic idealists.


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As a first step, I am going to implement a very simplistic container manager. What does this mean? This means if you've got a server with PostgreSQL, and you have Docker (just Docker for the time being) installed on it, you can let your database manage the containers.

from the initial commit. I'm fond of the concept[0] but I thought application logic was the better use case, IDK if we really need another container manager.


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Container manager (omni_containers[0]) is a bridge (aka migration solution) for existing applications or services. There are already a lot of applications running using containers and with omni_containers one can lift and shift. Hopefully, once they migrate fully to Omnigres, they will no longer need (at least, that's the hope)


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Tesla | Various Roles | Palo Alto | ONSITE | Tesla is hiring for software positions across a variety of disciplines. If you're interested in helping us transition to sustainable energy production/storage/consumption, we'd love to hear from you! Please apply online at and send us a email highlighting some exceptional things you've done in the past so we can pull your resume from the stack. You can reach us at vehiclesoftwarerecruiting at tesla. Make sure to reference the url for the job(s) you've applied to!

Full-time (firmware, low voltage, integration) Location: Palo Alto, CA (firmware, electronic park brake (EPB), integration) Location: Palo Alto, CA (embedded, systems architecture, C, Python) Location: Palo Alto, CA (controls engineer, C/C++, battery management systems) Location: Palo Alto, CA; San Diego, CA; Austin, TX (system validation, thermal, HVAC, software on hardware testing) Location: Palo Alto, CA (test automation, python) Location: Palo Alto, CA (embedded, C, localization) Location: Palo Alto, CA (embedded, motor controls, C) Location: Palo Alto, CA (embedded, test development, C, VHDL hardware simulation) Location: Palo Alto, CA

=================================== Summer 2024 Internships: (internship, integration) Location: Palo Alto, CA, validation) Location: Palo Alto, CA (internship, firmware/embedded development) Location: Palo Alto, CA

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What tech do you use for the infotainment system?

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hopefully the type that no longer wears out the onboard SSD write endurance with logging to /var/log , requiring total motherboard replacement, as with what happened to many early tesla model S.

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Ouster Inc. is looking for someone in the US or Canada with C++, Python, and Linux experience for our SDK team. We develop a lib to help folks integrate Ouster LiDAR devices and data into their robot/application.

Happy to answer any questions about it. The job description is here:

1 replies

Looks interesting!

Is mostly remote (i.e., periodically fly into SF) an option? Or does the position require frequent visits to the office?

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We're generally pretty flexible. We have a lot of folks who are remote.

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Koddi | Currently seeking FT employees in the following locations: Ann Arbor, MI | Fort Worth, TX | Austin, TX | New York, NY or remote in the US Open roles: Senior Software Engineers (Go, Java, C, C++); Integration Engineer; Product Manager (adtech experience preferred); Jr Data Scientist. Must be US Citizen or Green Card holder and physically located in the US.

Passionate about development in leading technologies? Looking to become a major player on a diverse team? Want to make a big impact on an engineer-driven roadmap in your next career adventure? Koddi Engineers drive innovation by embracing challenges and deploying emerging technologies to solve complex problems in software development.

Koddi is a technology company that was born in 2013 from an opportunity to innovate in the adtech space. Our award-winning SaaS platform provides a robust network for brands to connect with consumers and drive revenue through native sponsored placements, metasearch, and programmatic media campaigns.

Based in Fort Worth, Texas, we’ve grown to become a diverse global team. Ranked by Forbes, Deloitte, and Inc. magazine as one of the fastest-growing companies in the nation, we’re growing rapidly and looking for innovative problem solvers to join our team.

Review all open roles at and apply directly, or send your resume to

1 replies

Are you actually hiring? You've posted for these positions every single month for the past couple years, see:

Your senior engineering position was posted six months ago:

Yet your headcount growth is down 3% according to linkedin:

Only asking because I'm very interested but I'd hate to waste anyone's time.

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I as well am waiting for the next Y Combinator startup for using A.I. to automate whether or not you should apply for a job. Should we start on a Series-A pitch deck?

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University of California, Davis | Davis, California, USA | Software Engineer, Product Manager, Site Reliability Engineer, Project Manager, Recruiter, Chemist, Biologist, Physicist, Machine Learning Scientist, Artificial Intelligence Scientist, Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Chemical Engineer, Materials Science Engineer, Bioengineer, Electrical Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Civil Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Aerospace Engineer, Petroleum Engineer| Full-time | Remote (You must live in the USA for this job) and or Onsite| Salary: $30k-$200k depending on job, experience, interview performance, and location (if working remotely)

The University of California, Davis is an R1 research university in Davis, California, USA. It is part of the University of California system. It is a top 50 USA university.

Tech stack: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Vue.js, MongoDB, Express.js, D3.js, Node.js, Python, Java, TypeScript, HTML 5, CSS 3, C, C++, TensorFlow, PyTorch, MATLAB (You do not need to know all of these prior to applying to this job).

Email resume to evo [at] ucdavis [dot] edu

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This is not a useful post. There is no information a specific job or role, no link to the jobs page, and a meaningless salary range.

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Sent you an email. Could you provide context what that email is associated with? It's unclear whether this is for the athletic program, the evolution and ecology group, a recruiter, or a rogue undergrad.

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Railway | Full-stack Engineering (Product), Platform Engineering (Infra) | REMOTE |

Tired of trying to beat kube into shape? Does writing YAML to ship code fill you with utter dread? Dream of a future where deploying software is simple, and you don't need an army of infrastructure engineers to build that perfect janky bash script™ to make life easy?

We're Railway, and we think infrastructure can be better. So far we've built out a platform loved by hundreds of thousands of users who simply tell us "Give me Postgres", "Deploy this repo", and we make it happen

Fair warning! The problems are complex: home-rolled hypervisors, cut-above container orchestration, over/under/whateverlay networks, virtio device drivers, edge proxies, IAM that doesn't suck, kitchen sinks - we need to build it and we're looking for likeminded individuals who think this stuff is fun.

If that sounds like you, please apply at We have a number of roles, but are prioritizing the following two roles:

+Full-stack Engineer

+Infrastructure Engineer

See you soon, and happy shipping.

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I am unaffiliated but a fan. Railway is part of a new wave of infrastructure and a breath of fresh air.

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Hey! I feel like I would be a good fit but unfortunately did not pass the CV filter a few months ago, send me an email if you are interested in chatting.

2 replies

Sudowrite | REMOTE | Full-Time | Competitive Salary + Equity | Hiring: AI Engineer

- We believe the future of writing is AI & human collaboration. Sudowrite is the best AI for creative writers.

- We are profitable with a rapidly growing paying user base.

- We've been featured in The New York Times, New Yorker, Verge, etc.

- We believe new tools will enable a renaissance in art & creativity and we want to help the next generation of storytellers tell better stories.

- We’re 100% remote and support work-life balance. We meet up in person a few times of year, last time in Portland. We encourage diverse candidates from all over the world to apply.

- Details:

1 replies

Global remote or US remote? :D

0 replies

We encourage diverse candidates from all over the world to apply.
2 replies

Job Description: Chief Technology Officer Location: Singapore or Dubai

We’re looking for an energetic CTO who’s not afraid to roll up their sleeves

As CTO for our Security and Privacy Division, you’ll shape the technology vision, development, and product operations for four several major security products and help drive us into the next phase of rapid growth to provide more value to over 6 million customers worldwide.

You’ll own software development, quality assurance, and product operations, leading more than 200 people worldwide (including hubs in London, Germany, Singapore, and Hong Kong).

You’ll take over a team of strong senior leaders and engineers, and it will be your job to empower them, make them more effective, and equip them with the skills and authority to make the best decisions for our products.

We believe in simple solutions for complex problems, and we strive to achieve that not only in our architectures, but also in our processes and organizational structures.

Location ● Full-time based in Dubai or Singapore ● Must be able to travel to Europe and Asia offices several times per year

If interested, please send your resume to m <> - asking for a friend.

1 replies

Hi, I'm interested however I don't understand what you mean with "m <>" to submit my profile. Can you please clarify ? Thanks!

0 replies

"m <>" likely means "m@getzoneapp dot com"

2 replies

Oso | Product Engineer | New York City (NYC) | Onsite or Hybrid

*Old problem, new $25B+ market*

Companies like AWS, Stripe, and Twilio have shown that if a technology isn't core to your value proposition, you should offload it. Still, every engineering team builds and rebuilds one piece: authorization, how you control who has access to what in your app. We intend to change that.

We see a world where developers never roll their own authorization again, and instead say, "Just use Oso" – the same way you might say, "Oh, you should just use Postgres for that." In doing so, we're creating the $25B+ authorization market.

*Why Oso?*

We have the lead – in traction, capital, and team.

- Traction: Oso is used by thousands of companies from startups to the Fortune 500, like Wayfair, Arc, Intercom, Visa, Oxide, and Codecademy.

- Capital: We're the best-capitalized, with 4+ years of runway from the world’s best investors, including Sequoia, Felicis, and infrastructure entrepreneurs like Olivier Pomel (Founder, Datadog), Dev Ittycheria (CEO, MongoDB), Arman Dadgar (Founder, Hashicorp), Edith Harbaugh (Founder, LaunchDarkly), Guy Podjarny (Founder, Snyk), Paul Copplestone, (Founder, Supabase), Christina Cacioppo (Founder, Vanta), and Calvin French-Owen (Founder, Segment).

- Team: We've spent 3+ years going deep on the domain. We've met with thousands of engineering teams and know more about this problem than anyone. And we have two of the best developer go-to-market leaders on earth who have done it before at MongoDB at Snyk.

*Why now?*

We're at an inflection point. What it takes to get from where we are today to a world where developers say “Just use Oso” is going to be different. And we see that. The opportunity is for you to join at this inflection point, in a role that’s bigger and different than usual.

To apply, please visit:

For more info, visit:

1 replies

That application link is broken

0 replies

Sorry about that -- fixed!

2 replies

Avy ( | Multiple Roles | Salt Lake City, UT | REMOTE (USA) or ONSITE

We are an early-stage, well-funded, stealth startup making humans and computers work together more efficiently. Experienced team from Apple AIML, Bose, Amazon, and other great companies.

We're hiring for:

- Generalist AI/ML engineer (writing agent code, RAG, prompt engineering, etc)

- Senior Applied AI/ML engineer (including LLM fine-tuning, search/retrieval systems, and various vision and NLP tasks)

- Marketing (in the "growth hacker" spirit) -- if your dream is to launch the fastest-growing B2B SaaS product ever, we want to talk with you.

- MacOS (Swift, Objective-C, C/C++, etc) at the Senior and Staff levels. iOS experience is OK.

We're distributed but expect travel for regularly scheduled on-site, in-person work in SLC, with future presence in New York City.

Email or visit (not all positions posted there yet)

1 replies

FYI your mailing list subscription requests get blocked by Firefox tracking protection.

0 replies

Weird! Thanks for letting us know. It's just sending to MailChimp but we'll take a look

2 replies

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Staff Software Engineer, Rust Genomics Infrastructure | Memphis, TN | ONSITE or REMOTE |

The St. Jude Cloud ( project is hiring Rust software engineers to rebuild the genomics ecosystem in Rust. We work on the forefront of computational genomics by applying advanced computational techniques to analyzing genomics data then sharing that data with the world. Come work with the individuals that wrote the Rust-based bioinformatics library, noodles (, as well as many other projects (

NOTE that prior experience in bioinformatics or biology is NOT required for any of the positions below. We're just looking for amazing engineers, but rest assured, we teach biology/genomics/bioinformatics from scratch routinely. You must be interested in learning though! If you'd like to get a sense of what you'd be learning, check out the guide we wrote to teach software engineers about genomics here:

If you have questions, you can reach out to me (the project lead) with questions at Clay.McLeod AT stjude DOT org.

0 replies

Is this role open to remote workers from the UK?

0 replies

I want to do this but I must ask the salary range.

2 replies

Homebase Automation | Full-time or part-time | Remote (UTC-8 to UTC+2)

- Staff frontend developer (React, Typescript, XState, PixiJS)

Approximately $450b is spent annually on home improvement in the U.S. We’re tapping into this market by building tools that empower homeowners to manage the complexity of the renovation lifecycle. This market is vastly underserved, with existing offerings targeting industry professionals as opposed to homeowners. Our tools put everyday people back in charge of what is happening under their roof.

Our interview process aims to respect your time: async technical discussion with our CTO about past experiences and engineering philosophy, paid take-home coding exercise representative of our work, final conversation with CEO and offer.

Interested? Reach out to

0 replies

That email doesn't seem to work :(

0 replies

email does not resolve, neither does the most intuitive next door neighbor of but its not clear if that's the same company, is there any more information about your company?

2 replies

Grafana Labs | Backend / Systems Engineers | Security Director | Eng Director | REMOTE only

Grafana, we make Grafana (visualisation), Loki (for logs), Mimir (for metrics), Tempo (for traces), Pyroscope (for profiles), OnCall, Application Observability and a lot more. Most of our work is open source as AGPL or Apache2. Most work is Go, JavaScript, but there's also eBPF, C, Python, and Java in some areas.

We are looking for backend engineers to work on the distributed databases Mimir and Loki. The Mimir role is within the Americas time zone as the on-call hours align to daylight hours, so we are global remote but hire to make on-call healthy and balanced. The Loki role is within EMEA timezones. Those are the roles in my area, and I'm writing the post :D but there are more roles open.

The Eng Director role is within EMEA timezones.

The Security Director role is US timezones, and for this specific role you must be a US citizen.

You can find more information about these and other roles on our website

1 replies

Thanks for sharing! Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see the Security Director role listed on the careers page? I do see an Eng Director role listed under the R&D: Security section, however. Uncertain which is which. Thanks again!

0 replies

Checked internally, the Eng Director within Security _is_ the Security, Director role. If you're looking to chat to someone about it in advance, then Thomas Owen is the CISO

2 replies

TriumphPay | | Senior Engineers | REMOTE (USA only) | Full Time | $170-$218K

At TriumphPay, we are building the transportation payments network for the future. With our payments and audit products, we touch approximately $47 billion in unique brokered freight transactions across the United States. Our customers use our products to solve real world problems and operate in our software all day every day. This is both exciting and also an incredible responsibility.

We are looking for experienced full-stack engineers to join our team of 40+ engineers. You will work closely in a team of 3-5 people on a specific project. Inside this team, you will manage your own backlog and schedule. We rotate teams and work areas quarterly to give you a breadth of experience. We are a fully remote engineering organization that believes strongly in work life balance and strong boundaries. We care about our environment because we know that we do our best work when we are happy and feel valued.

We have two stacks we're looking to fill positions in. One made up of .NET/React, and another utilizing Rails (with Sorbet) and Elm.

Engineering Role ($170-$218K):

1 replies

We rotate teams and work areas quarterly to give you a breadth of experience.

I've never heard of that before, it sounds pretty interesting! There must be some challenges that come with this, like what happens if a person is a poor fit for one team/area but excels in others, or what if they don't want to switch because they are in the middle of a project?

0 replies

We definitely take an individual’s desire into account. If an engineer wants to stick with a particular project we can usually keep them there. Likewise, if they’d prefer to stick to projects primarily in Rails (versus C#) we accommodate that too.

1 replies

Better Stack | | /^(Full-?stack|Frontend) Engineer$/i | EU or remote in UTC ± 3h

We are software builders at :heart:

CEO is a software engineer, COO is a software engineer and you guessed it; CTO is an engineer, too.

We're helping developers in building a better internet. If you love building amazing software, you're at the right address.

How we operate:

email us at

0 replies

Sounds great! Could you provide the broadest salary range, coming from US, there's always a big difference in European teams. Thanks!

1 replies

SpruceID (YC W21) | Full REMOTE | Multiple Roles | Full-Time |

Spruce lets users control their data across the web. We are creating the world’s best open source software for user-centric digital identity. Instead of users logging into platforms, we think platforms should request to access data vaults controlled by users.

We hire programmers who love technology and are committed to intellectual honesty, user privacy, and innovation. Our products are composed from a combination of industry-trusted frameworks, applied cryptography, new interoperable identity standards (W3C, ISO/IEC, IETF, and OpenID), and custom backend libraries.

Select roles:

Senior Product Manager: Help drive the growth of a new product family which empowers government agencies and enterprises to manage the entire lifecycle of digital credentials for a wide range of use cases. This role will be responsible for developing product vision, roadmap, user stories, timelines, and implementation strategy.

Software Engineer, Android: Build software prototypes and product features from start to finish for Android and iOS, embedding our Rust core.

See all roles here:

0 replies

Care to share the salary range?

1 replies

CodeWeavers | St Paul, MN, USA | Full Time | REMOTE | Wine and General Open Source Developers | C-language systems programming

CodeWeavers needs new, full-time developers to improve Wine's ability to run games and other types of software and integrate well with the native operating system and other system components. Positions are available to work on a variety of Wine-based software, including CodeWeavers's own CrossOver product; the Proton project for Valve Software; and projects for other clients and software internal to CodeWeavers.

We are hiring remote programmers, US or international, as well as workers local to Saint Paul, Minnesota. We will consider relocation, if desired, on a case-by-case basis. Please see link above for information, benefits, requirements, and how to apply.

Please direct any questions to the email address on our Jobs page.

0 replies

This would be really cool!!!

1 replies

Ingram Technologies | Remote

Ingram ( is an AI lab based in Europe. We have a hybrid team with cells in Paris & Brussels, and individuals scattered across 3 continents.

We pride ourselves in getting large companies to transition to AI in ethical, privacy-respecting ways.

We're growing rapidly and looking to expand our team in early 2024. - Your emails are read by humans.

PS - We're also starting an AI startup incubator in Brussels ( If you're BE-based and want to join the incubator's team, mention it in your email!

0 replies

I don't really see any job offers on your website/linkedin profile.

1 replies

Metabase | | REMOTE | Full-time | Backend, Frontend, Full Stack, and DevOps engineers

Metabase is open source analytics software that lets anyone in your company rummage around in the databases you have. It connects to a number of databases / data warehouses (BigQuery, Redshift, Snowflake, Postgres, MySQL, etc).

People rather like the product ( We're a remote team full of people who care about user experience, making complicated things as simple as possible and building things. We have a deeply pragmatic engineering culture and value building things that people actually use vs whatever closes a deal or makes for a good press release.

Tech stack: Clojure, Typescript, React, Redux, AWS

Roles: Engineering Managers, Data Analysts, Frontend/DevOps/Backend Engineering, Success Engineers, and more.


0 replies

Hey, I applied in March but never heard back besides the automatic "thanks for applying" email. I have the skills you're looking for (mentioned in this post) -- is there a way to have someone manually look at my application? Thanks!

1 replies
1d1h | Software Engineer | Full-time | Remote (SF Based) |

Vertical SaaS is a trillion dollar market, and SaaS businesses see their revenue increase on average 40% (sometimes >200%) when adding financial services products. Unfortunately, because of the high complexity of launching financial products, only the largest companies can put in the investment needed to reap those rewards. We're offering pre-built, white-labeled financial applications that enable SaaS platforms to integrate financial services products easily, without having to invest material development or operations resources.

As we look toward launching with our first customers in the second half of 2024, we’re building out a founding team to work with us as we reach each milestone along the way.

We're hiring founding Software Engineers (entry-level to senior+) to join our team. To apply, send an email to introducing yourself, and learn more at

0 replies

Are you willing to hire from the EU for the right candidate?

1 replies

SingleStoreDB (formerly MemSQL) ( | India, Portugal | Full Time | Remote SingleStoreDB is a database focused on high performance and hybrid workloads (HTAP). Our customers include half of the top 10 US banks, 2 of the top 3 US telcos, and 12% of the Fortune 100.

Our product is a distributed, relational database that handles both transactions and real-time analytics at scale. Querying is done through standard SQL drivers and syntax, leveraging a broad ecosystem of drivers and applications.

We have been building SingleStore since 2011, and building a database-as-a-service product involves a bunch of interesting technical challenges such as: * Compilers and code generation

* Distributed computing and fault tolerance

* UI and User Experience

* Integrations with connectors and third-party tools (e.g., Business Intelligence tools like Tableau)

* Infrastructure that scales to dozens of thousands of database clusters across GCP, Azure and AWS

We have the following positions open:

* Senior Platform Engineer (India)

* Partner Integration Engineer (Portugal, India)

Careers page with individual links for each open position:

If you want to learn more about the engineering work we do, check out

Feel free to email me directly via david at singlestore dot com.

0 replies

I applied back in August and have not received an update yet. Found the position on LinkedIn. Should I even try now?

1 replies

Mindy | LLM SW Engineer, Product Engineer | SF | Onsite | Full-time

New Startup in the AI Space Looking for LLM Experts!

Our new AI startup is a novel take on making AI useful and usable for everyone, and is funded by top VCs. It was founded by some of the earliest engineers at YouTube who recently connected again. We are currently looking to hire an LLM expert to help develop our product.

Interested? If so, go to to learn more and apply!

0 replies

Hey, LLM SW Engineer is not listed on your website.

1 replies

Tulip | | Boston, MA, Munich, Germany, and Budapest, Hungary | Full time | Onsite

Do you want to help transform manufacturing? We are building the best team in the industry to bring consumer-grade user experiences to a space dominated by ancient enterprise technology. Our platform enables our customers to create apps without code and to connect their apps to machines, sensors and smart tools. These augmented production lines would otherwise rely on paper to share information.

We have offices in Somerville, MA, Munich, Germany and Budapest, Hungary. We just closed a $100m series C and are using that capital to grow dramatically. Our customers include some of the largest manufacturers in the world across numerous verticals of the manufacturing industry.

We'd love to talk to anyone interested, but in particular we are looking to bring folks on in:

- SRE/DevOps: Kubernetes-admin, scalable monitoring across the firewall, hybrid cloud/on-prem deployment

- Web Development: React+Redux frontend, NodeJS+Mongo+Postgres+Redis backend, syncing data with Meteor, delivering useful, real-time experiences in the browser and on Electron

- Data & Pipeline Engineering: planning, implementing, and finding insights with our next generation of process & sensor analytics

- IoT/Embedded Software: delivering a reliable, extensible HW platform across arm and x86, all manner of bus/IO tech

- Machine Learning & Computer Vision: build end-to-end ML and CV products to track and extract valuable insights from raw data, interact with clients to solve real-world problems with data.

Apply at or email us at

0 replies

FYI: I've heard of multiple qualified people being rejected early in the process with Tulip for roles that have been posted a long time. Invest your time wisely with this company.

1 replies

Sourcetable is hiring a Staff level engineer (Python + React) to build a spreadsheet-based data platform.

We are an 8-person hybrid-remote team. Half the team is SF-bay-area, the other half are remote. Remote applicants must be US-based.

We have an Excel/Sheets competitor coming to market, have raised a seed round, are an experienced team with prior success, plenty of hard engineering problems to solve, as well as some fun AI stuff cooking under the hood that we're not ready to announce.

Culturally, we really like working with experienced people who are ex-founders and/or early stage employees. It just seems to work better that way.

More info here: You can also email me (Eoin, founder) at

Have a great day!

0 replies

I definitely understand the vision, but I’m curious why your chosen path is to rebuild the spreadsheet front end, as opposed to building like a two-way sync connector from Excel/Sheets to various data sources. Asking because I have an in-house tool that kind of accomplishes the latter, and it’s super useful.

1 replies

Citymapper by Via | London, UK | Onsite or Hybrid (UK based) | VISA We have built a best in class B2C app for public transportation since 2010 in over 400 cities around the world - and have joined Via Transportation in March 2023, continuing our mission to making cities usable.

We are expanding our team and product offering and are looking for engineers to join:

At the moment we are looking for an experienced software / platform engineer to join the mostly London based team to help us scale the platform to even more users and places around the world.

Any questions you can also send to me directly: marius at ridewithvia .com

0 replies

Citymapper really helped when i went to Europe

1 replies

Charge Robotics | Senior Robotics Software Engineer | Full-time | Onsite | SF Bay Area

Hi HN! We’re a YC-backed startup building robots that build large-scale solar farms. We just got back from the first commercial deployment of our system on a real-world solar construction site (video + more details coming soon!).

It turns out that construction companies literally can't build solar fast enough, so what we're doing is a crucial part of switching the grid over to renewable generation. We're looking to bring another talented software engineer onto our small team.

You’ll be a key contributor, helping bring our next generation of mobile solar factory to life. Your work will involve architecting, developing, and maintaining high-quality code and documentation for our fleet of fully-automated factories

Come work with us if you love:

* Fast-paced prototype development with software and hardware components

* Making a positive climate impact through your work

* Hacking on massive construction equipment!

Apply here:

0 replies

We're also hiring mechanical engineers!

1 replies

Flexpa | Remote (US timezones) | Software developer |

Flexpa connects applications to health insurance data. We are looking to grow the team with a software developer who is excited to work on our mission of refactoring healthcare.

Our company handbook is open and available to get a sense for how we work [1]. For more details about our product, please review our developer documentation [2].

Our stack: TypeScript, Turborepo, NextJS, React, Tailwind, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Fastify, HL7 FHIR, Docker

What We Offer:

* A purposeful mission of refactoring healthcare

* Mentorship from experienced founders who have been through Y Combinator in S15 and W20.

* Support from world-class technologists, investors, and healthcare practitioners

* A unique culture where we "put the shopping cart back" and uphold values we take pride in

* Clear and competitive compensation targeting the 75th percentile rates

Skills & Experience:

* 2+ years of full-time experience as a software developer

* Proficiency in TypeScript and functional programming patterns

* History of shipping

To apply please submit an application at and _afterwards_ send us an email to about what makes you interested in the role!

[1] [2]

0 replies

fwiw `` seems down

1 replies

Overleaf | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Full-time | REMOTE | UK, Europe, US

Overleaf ( builds modern collaborative authoring tools for scientists — like Google Docs for Science. We have over 14 million registered users from around the world. Our primary product is an online, real-time collaborative editor for papers, theses, technical reports and other documents written in the LaTeX markup language. It’s used by around 500,000 people each day and hosts over 100 million projects.

We’re looking for Senior Full Stack Engineers who are comfortable with backend and a bit of frontend, frontend and a bit of backend, or a balance of both.

Some reasons you’d enjoy working with us:

- Most of our code is open source, so you’ll often be working on open source.

- Remote is a first class citizen; all staff work remotely. We get everyone together 2–3 times each year for valuable face to face time.

- Working hours can be flexible to your needs. Core hours are 2pm–5pm UK time.

- You’ll be working alongside a cross-functional team, including designers, product managers and developers, to help Overleaf become the go-to place for scientific writing.

Application links:




0 replies

As a person that used Overleaf extensively for my undergraduate, simply came here to say thank you.

1 replies

Rewind is a personalized AI powered by everything you’ve seen, said, or heard


0 replies

Please don't do this in Who Is Hiring threads.

We detached this comment from

1 replies

Viator | Software Engineer all levels and Managers | Full time | Remote & Hybrid On-site | Portugal, UK

Viator connects suppliers to travelers, creating the world's largest platform for travel experiences.

We are growing fast and have many positions to fill in Portugal and the UK. We are looking for managers and engineers at all levels for full-stack, backend and data teams. Roles in Portugal require you to be in the office in Lisbon part time. UK roles can be part time in an office in London or Oxford or fully remote. For the remote roles you still need to be based somewhere in the UK.

The full list of open roles is here:

0 replies

No salary listed

1 replies

The Incubator for AI ( | AI Engineers (various roles) | UK | Full-time

i.AI is a new team set up by the UK government, with the mission to help departments harness the potential of AI to improve lives and the delivery of public services.

We're looking for engineers and data scientists/devs who want to build products and infrastructure to help deliver real good with AI.

All positions do require UK residency and security clearance (sorry folks, we can't do remote)

Apply here:

Email with any questions

0 replies

No remote is seriously disappointing, though not surprising considering JRM.

London-only says everything.

1 replies

Rewind ( | Full-time | Remote |

Rewind is a personalized AI powered by everything you’ve seen, said, or heard. Our investors include Sam Altman, Alexis Ohanian, a16z, First Round, NEA, and many others. We are a well-funded, 17-person, remote-first startup.

We are hiring for:

Senior/Staff/Principal Engineer (Applied AI) -

Senior/Staff/Principal Engineer (React) -

Senior/Staff/Principal Engineer (Backend) -

Senior/Staff/Principal Engineer (Generalist) -

Senior/Staff/Principal Engineer (Firmware) -

Senior/Staff/Principal Hardware Engineer (Electrical) -

Chief of Staff -

For more information about our benefits and culture (including quarterly retreats, top of the line gear, etc), check out

0 replies

I applied to Rewind on December 5, and I never heard anything back. It sounds like you folks would benefit from some sort of AI assistant that prevents information from slipping through the cracks. :)

1 replies

Beacon AI | | Full-Time | SF Bay Area Hybrid

Do you want to join a company building R2-D2 for pilots? Beacon AI does this through a vertically integrated aviation platform. Our team has relevant industry expertise in aviation and autonomy, and we are building features that improve flight safety and efficiency by augmenting pilots.

Join a founding team of former Cruise AI engineers and two former fighter pilots, with a world-class advisor team, talented developers, and amazing investors, including Sam Altman, Zach Perret, JetBlue Technology Ventures, and Countdown Capital. Learn (a little bit) more at

We are currently prioritizing hiring for these three roles to deliver impact on ongoing and future engagements. We expect many more openings within the next 6 months:

SWE - Robotics (Advanced Pilot Assistant Software)[Staff or Senior] This role builds the pilot augmentation features (R2-D2).

SWE React Web App (Front End) This role builds critical 3D software to support live flights and flight playback.

iOS Software Engineer [Staff or Senior] This role Develops, deploys, and maintains a safety-enhancing iOS application

Apply directly at and mention that you found this post on HN!

0 replies

why is this post downrated ?

1 replies

GeoNotes | Contract work | Remote

GeoNotes ( is looking for Next.js engineers to help build the GeoNotes web application, an open-source community of GeoGuessr hints and tips. GeoGuessr is a Google Maps quiz game with 20k+ daily active users. GeoNotes is on a mission to become the primary study platform for improving your GeoGuessr game!

About the contract work:

- all code contributions remain open source (AGPLv3 license) and on Github

- compensation is per feature (listed as Github issues here

Skills/Tech stack: Next.js, React.js, Javascript, Tailwind CSS, Supabase / Postgres, Vercel

If you're interested please reach out with a note and your github to andrewheekin at gmail dot com


0 replies

How does it work? Is it like a bounty hunting?

1 replies

SHINE | Founding Engineer (Full-Stack) | US (Remote Until Summer 2024) | $150-170k | Equity No one should die from having sex. SHINE’s going to prompt people to take their HIV medication and, by doing so, zero their ability to spread HIV, effectively ending the epidemic before moving to many other diseases and extending millions, maybe billions, of lives.

This is the second company for our two Co-Founders, who have built together for the last 8 years, creating the most effective HIV testing organization in the US. One, our CEO, was recently sworn into President Biden’s HIV Council, and the other, our CMO, recently completed his medical residency at Harvard.

You’ll be our third teammate and first engineer. We’re early stage (finalizing our pre-seed round now), and you’ll have heavy impact on the technical roadmap of the product. We like to live in the intersection of helping people and having fun; love messing around, but are never messing around, and have a long track record of building industry newests and bests. We’re excited to build, learn, and grow together with a phenomenal new teammate. Here is our current technical stack:

- Frontend: React JS, Tailwind, TypeScript, Vite

- Backend: NestJS, Prisma ORM, Auth0, Docker

- Server/DevOps: Ubuntu, NGINX, CI/CD, Kubernetes (nice to have),

To apply, here’s the link:

We are glad you found us! :)

0 replies

I’m curious what “Remote until Summer 2024” will end up meaning? It might be helpful to post what comes after Summer?

I wish I could help with your mission. Best of luck, sincerely. I will be paying attention.

1 replies

Vaayu | Remote (European Timezones) | Full-Time |

At Vaayu, we are on a mission to fight climate change. E-commerce has a big climate impact so we are focusing our efforts on helping retailers measure and reduce their carbon emissions. Calculating carbon manually can take months and is very expensive. Our goal is to make carbon analytics easily accessible to every online retailer.

Our automated software is already serving sustainability leaders like Klarna, Wunderman Thompson, Armed Angels or Organic Basics, linking up with shop platforms to deliver the tools necessary for retailers to take charge of their environmental footprint.

We are a distributed company based in Berlin, with an international and diverse team throughout Europe. Last year we closed an $11.5 million seed funding round led by Atomico.

If you are an innovator, want to work at a purpose-driven startup, and would like to collaborate with us in shaping the culture of a growing team on a mission to make a positive impact on our planet, we’d love to hear from you!

Our current stack includes: Golang, JavaScript, Python, Vue.js, D3.js, PostgreSQL, Redis, Neo4j, BigQuery, Kafka, Pub/Sub, Google Cloud, Linux, Kubernetes, Docker and Terraform. We are also open to other technologies.

We're currently looking for a Golang Software Engineer, more details:

0 replies

This post says EU timezones but the job post says "Full remote from anywhere in Europe". This is a bit contradictory, can you clarify which one is true?

0 replies

Roboflow | Open Source Software Engineer, Web Designer / Developer, and more. | Full-time (Remote, SF, NYC) |

Roboflow is the fastest way to use computer vision in production. We help developers give their software the sense of sight. Our end-to-end platform[1] provides tooling for image collection, annotation, dataset exploration and curation, training, and deployment.

Over 250k engineers (including engineers from 2/3 Fortune 100 companies) build with Roboflow. We now host the largest collection of open source computer vision datasets and pre-trained models[2]. We are pushing forward the CV ecosystem with open source projects like Autodistill[3] and Supervision[4]. And we've built one of the most comprehensive resources for software engineers to learn to use computer vision with our popular blog[5] and YouTube channel[6].

We have several openings available but are primarily looking for strong technical generalists who want to help us democratize computer vision and like to wear many hats and have an outsized impact. Our engineering culture is built on a foundation of autonomy & we don't consider an engineer fully ramped until they can "choose their own loss function". At Roboflow, engineers aren't just responsible for building things but also for helping us figure out what we should build next. We're builders & problem solvers; not just coders. (For this reason we also especially love hiring past and future founders.)

We're currently hiring full-stack engineers for our ML and web platform teams, a web developer to bridge our product and marketing teams, several technical roles on the sales & field engineering teams, and our first applied machine learning researcher to help push forward the state of the art in computer vision.







0 replies

Stealth Startup | Founding Engineer | Full-time | NYC or Remote

The construction industry, with its complex projects, workforce and operations, stands as one of the last frontiers of digital revolution. For decades, construction firms have grappled with the challenges of job costing, payments, accounting and regulatory hurdles, often using disjointed systems and manual processes. These inefficiencies not only affect the bottom line but also impede the industry's evolution.

Our vision is not just to introduce another tool into this mix but to craft a holistic solution tailored specifically for construction—a unified platform driven by the unparalleled capabilities of generative AI.

As a foundational member of our technical team, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the direction of our platform, working on every layer of our technical stack.


* End-to-End Development: From ideation to deployment, be involved in every aspect of the platform's development, ensuring optimal performance, scalability, and reliability.

* AI Integration: Collaborate closely with team members to integrate generative AI functionalities and fine-tune the system's adaptive learning capabilities. Generative AI sits at the core of our platform

* Stack Management: Develop and manage our AWS/CDK infrastructure, Spring Boot/Java backend, and React/typescript frontend.

* Database Expertise: Oversee the integration and management of our Postgres databases, ensuring data integrity, security, and swift retrievals.

* Iterative Development: Adapt and evolve with our ever-changing product roadmap, implementing new features, and refining existing ones based on feedback and industry needs.

* Collaboration: Work cross-functionally with product managers, designers, and other engineers to ensure our platform remains cohesive and aligned with our overarching vision.


* Ideally 5+ years of experience in developing and deploying scalable platforms.

* An innate curiosity and passion for leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.

* Familiarity or interest in generative AI and its applications.

applicants to:

0 replies

GoGoGrandparent (YC S16) | FULLY REMOTE | Full-time | US, UK, or able to work 4+ hours overlap with mainland US | Senior/Staff Backend Engineer | $100k-$140k+

Build high-quality, robust engineering at the rarest of things - a Silicon Valley startup that is both wholesome AND profitable. We have 8-figure revenue, are YC-backed, and growing fast.

Tech stack (required): Back-end heavy (Node, Typescript, MySQL, REST*+GraphQL), deploy (AWS, Docker/K8s)

Minimum 5 years experience (with Node). If full-stack, you must be strongest on the backend.

2-stage interview process.

If you want to help older adults and people with disabilities, send your LinkedIn/CV to (keep it brief) or apply at

0 replies
23h53m | Software Engineer | Full-time or Contract | Remote

Daisychain is building a modern platform for effective organizing. Our customers include progressive political campaigns, grassroots organizations, and ambitious non-profits.

We’re seeking a software engineer who is excited about using their talents to deepen the impact of the causes we work with (we're particularly focused on impacting the 2024 US elections) while having an opportunity to shape the technical direction of our product.

Send a note to with questions or apply at:

0 replies

Valuecase | Senior Full Stack Software Engineer JavaScript (all genders) | ONSITE Hybrid Work Setup - Offices in Berlin and Hamburg, Germany, EU |

We are looking for a software engineer to work in close collaboration with our tech lead. With your dev team colleagues and product design team you will build a B2B SaaS product defining an entire new product category within the space for sales software: giving complex B2B buying processes the look & feel of simplicity.

We use TypeScript, NestJS, and React.

Interview process: initial video call, "take-home" exercise, follow up tech discussion, in-person meeting interview, and offer.

Valuecase is driven by our vision to build a software platform that redefines how millions of B2B sellers and buyers across the globe interact and close deals. We aspire to transform the B2B sales tech market as companies such as Salesforce and HubSpot have done so over the past 20 years.

Please apply at or send an email to me (see profile).

0 replies

Vannevar Labs | REMOTE-FIRST | FULL-TIME | Offices in DC and NYC

Happy New Year! Vannevar Labs builds next generation defense software for the public servants keeping our country safe. As a team, we exist because we believe in public service, and we think that our democracy and government improve only if we put serious, collective effort into improving them, including the technology our government uses. We build software to help the the US deter and deescalate conflict. We are a profitable growth startup with some of the best defense investors in the world, including General Catalyst, DFJ Growth, Point72, and enterprise tech investors Costanoa and Felicis.

We're looking for engineers + product managers across a number of specialities. Apply on our website:

0 replies

Kombo (YC S22) | €70K - €90K EUR + Equity | Full-Time | Berlin, Germany | ONSITE Kombo builds a unified API for HR, payroll and recruiting systems. We're working with companies of all sizes - from Fortune 500 companies down to early stage startups - to help them integrate dozens of software vendors within a few days instead of months.

Reasons you might want to work at Kombo - Modern, yet robust tech stack (TypeScript, Prisma, tRPC, PostgreSQL, Docker, Kubernetes)

- Extremely high bar for talent - backgrounds from Oxford, Harvard, TUM, CODE; 50% of employees are ex-founders

- Grew from 4 to 14 people within a year, and looking to 2.5x next year as well

- Early enough to make a significant contribution and have the 'early stage' startup' feeling; late enough to be significantly derisked (we are already profitable)

- Strong onsite culture in hip Berlin office

- Competitive salaries and equity compensation

We're looking for senior engineers to join us in various positions and are actively hiring! :) We are into radical candor, shipping code fast and sometimes being a bit crazy. Feel free to reach out to me at or apply at (mention Hacker News) if this sounds interesting!

0 replies

Juniper (YC W21) | Senior Software Engineer, Senior Frontend Engineer | HYBRID NYC | Full-time |

Juniper operates at the messy infrastructure layer for US Healthcare. We’ve built an end-to-end insurance billing system for recurring care, starting with Autism clinics.

Healthcare in the United States runs on private and public insurance billing, but providers spend huge amounts of time on faxes, phone calls, and error-prone legacy systems to get paid. That’s not why they got into care.

What’s worse, these systems aren’t hugely successful—clinics regularly get back 80% what they know the insurance company should pay. Those missing dollars could be used to hire more care providers to help more kids, but instead line insurance companies’ pockets.

We’re changing that.

At Juniper, we’ve built an end-to-end billing system. It starts with ingesting from a clinic’s EHR, then create, validates, and submits claims to insurance providers across the country. If claims need corrections or appeals, most of the time we can handle those automatically or our CX and Operations team use our in-house internal tools. We also handle patient invoicing for co-pays, co-insurance, and deductibles (we never send anything to collections.)

Our typical paid rate is above 95%.

We are a team of 25 with STRONG product market fit—we’ve had to push out onboardings because engineering can’t build quickly enough.

You’ll be working with an engineering leadership team from AWS and Stripe to get doctors and clinicians back to work helping kids.

Email me at

0 replies

ShareWillow | ONSITE (NYC) | Full Time

ShareWillow is building a platform for companies to easily create a distribute profits to their employees. Aligning the business and employees incentives is the best way to deliver results for your customers and we want to help companies reward their employees.

We are hiring two positions:

  1. lead product designer
  2. senior full stack engineer
Stack: Ruby on Rails

0 replies

Interactive Brokers | Senior Python Developer | Mumbai India | Hybrid You want to break into the finance industry? You want to learn about trading and investing? Are you tired of endless meetings and just want to code? If you love designing greenfield projects in Python, this is the job for you. I am the hiring manager for the team. We are a small technology team in a fast growing, multi-billion dollar company. Many of our larger clients are multi-national banks that you have heard of. We are seeking a self-starter that enjoys the craft of coding and developing innovative solutions. The ideal candidate is someone who can communicate well and design libraries and systems in Python from scratch. Experience with Object oriented design, design patterns, building systems, and SQL a plus. Positions are a hybrid model 3 days in office 2 days remote. IB has grown through tough economic times. We have continued to hire while others have cut staff. If you are looking for a great place to innovate, apply today. We have two positions open in our Mumbai India office. Apply Online here:

0 replies

Radar Labs | Software Engineers (full-stack, mobile) | ONSITE in New York City | Full Time Radar Labs is location infrastructure as a SaaS platform. Over the past year Radar has been used from 100M+ devices doing 10,000 qps. We are are a small but mighty engineering team (13 engineers!). We're based in NYC with our HQ in Union Square.

There's a ton of opportunity to make an impact and work on a variety of things, as we're a pretty fluid team:

- Mobile (e.g. open-source mobile infrastructure, building a control system that automatically configures optimizing battery-life and location accuracy for different use-cases over time)

- Full-Stack (e.g. build tools to visualize and debug location data at scale)

Check out our jobs page here:

If you have any questions, feel free to reply here or you can e-mail me at

0 replies

EnergyHub | Senior DevOps Security Engineer (DevSecOps) | Remote (US Only) | Full-time | $145-160k

Want to work on helping to decarbonize the electric grid and transportation in the US? (the two biggest sectors for impact)

Want to do it at scale? (we control over one million devices across the US making up over 1.8 gigawatts of electrical load for utilities that service 1/3rd of the entire US population)

EnergyHub’s software makes it easy for millions of smart device owners to partner with their utility and help decarbonize the grid. Our platform lets consumers turn their smart thermostats, electric cars, EV chargers, batteries, and other products into virtual power plants that keep the grid stable and enable higher penetration of solar and wind power. We work on technology that already provides energy and cost savings to millions of people through partnerships with the leading companies in the Internet of Things.

All roles are remote but if you like offices we have them in Brooklyn, NY and Burlington, VT.

Note that we can NOT sponsor visas at this time.

Apply here for DevSecOps Engineer:

See all our open roles here (software engineer, data analyst, QA manager, data engineering manager, etc):

0 replies

Balun Energy // Vienna, Austria On-Site // Cloud MLOps / DevOps Engineer // Full-Time 63-82k Euro + equity

We are a young startup developing forecasting algorithms for wind and solar power production. We’re applying bleeding-edge ML to reduce costs for green energy producers. Make a tangible impact towards sustainable energy.

* Small, ambitious, tech-driven team

* Shape the future of our company, own, architect, and implement our infra

We particularly encourage women and candidates from under-represented backgrounds to apply

Must be authorized to work in EU and willing to relocate to Austria.

Tech Stack: Python, PyTorch, AWS, Time Series Forecasting, Meteorology. (you can add things you like to this list)

Send an email to (my first name) My name is in my HN profile.

0 replies

evroc | Front-End/Developer Experience Engineer | London | Full-time| ONSITE

evroc is building Europe's first sovereign hyperscale cloud. We're building both the physical data centers (flagship on the outskirts of Stockholm in 2024) and the platform that will be running them. We're currently focused on staffing up our Software Engineering teams in Stockholm, London and Sophia Antipolis, France, and are looking for 2 x Front-End/Developer Experience Engineers in London to lay the foundations of our Developer Experience offering.

Experience/skill-set: JavaScript/TypeScript, GCP/AWS/Azure or comparable dev tooling, building UIs for a developer audience.

Apply online at:

0 replies

Close ( | Senior/Staff Backend + Senior/Staff Frontend Engineers + Senior PM | Remote - US

Close is a bootstrapped, profitable, completely remote, ~90 person team of thoughtful individuals who value autonomy and impact. Since 2013, we’ve been building a CRM for small businesses with a focus on better communication, without the hassle of manual data entry or complex UI.

We're looking for experienced Frontend (React) and Backend (Python) engineers as well as a Senior PM to join our Engineering, Product, Design org.

Senior/Staff Backend Application: Senior/Staff Frontend Application: Senior Product Manager:

0 replies

AngelList | ONSITE (San Francisco) | Full Time | Product Engineering (Full Stack, Rails, React)

AngelList is hiring full stack software engineers who want to make technical _and_ business decisions. This role will work on software products used by companies to raise capital and manage their investors (

AngelList is the nexus of venture capital and the startup community. We support over $16B in assets under administration. We’ve driven capital to over 22,000 startups. 57% of top-tier U.S. VC deals involve investors on AngelList

Learn more: Apply here: Questions: my username with no numbers [at]

0 replies

Aqora | Senior Fullstack Developer (React,Rust) | Full-time | Paris (HQ) or Remote (Europe)

About Us: We help corporations quickly get winning results by constructing, launching and managing quantum computing challenges. Think Kaggle but for quantum computing.

We have a history of orchestrating successful quantum hackathons around the globe, partnering with major industry players. These collaborations have already yielded six-figure revenues, with more such ventures in the pipeline.

With the development of our quantum competitions platform underway and our first demo MVP now live, we're seeking an additional Full-Stack Engineer to join our team.

About the Role: We're looking for an open-minded Senior Full-Stack Developer. This role involves:

Developing with Rust (backend), React (frontend), and GraphQL with Relay.Iterating rapidly and integrating user feedback to enhance our platform.Contributing to a dynamic team as we explore product-market fit. What We're Looking For: Demonstrable full-stack development expertise.A keen problem-solver with meticulous attention to detail.Interest or experience in quantum computing is advantageous. This opportunity is a chance to shape the foundation of our platform and make a significant impact in the quantum computing field.

What We Offer: Competitive salary and benefits package.Equity options for candidates who share our vision.Workspace at Station F, Paris's renowned tech hub. Diversity and Inclusion: aqora values diverse perspectives and encourages applications from all backgrounds to build an inclusive and innovative future in quantum computing.

How to Apply: To join the quantum revolution at aqora, email your resume, a concise introduction, and links to your portfolio or GitHub to We're excited to learn how you can contribute to our team and mission.

Be a part of something big. Shape the trajectory towards useful quantum computing with aqora.

0 replies

Taxwire | Founding Engineer (Backend) | Remote or NYC in-person (preferred) | Full-Time | $100-$200k + equity + benefits

Taxwire is solving a frustrating problem that every business has to deal with: sales tax. If you haven’t dealt with the problem firsthand: the US alone has over 10,000 legal jurisdictions, each with their own set of rules locked up in outdated government websites and PDFs. Our job is to understand these rules, understand company data, match them together, and build services to automate all the tedious work. We’re using experts, automation, and ML to do this better than it has ever been done.

We have raised a large initial funding round from institutional investors in Ramp, Expensify, and more, and we are hiring our first two engineers. We care deeply about intentionality around remote, async, and writing-first culture, having led fully remote teams and orgs at Series B companies.

This is a great role for someone who wants to work on a seriously painful problem with massive TAM, and someone who loves reverse engineering, data-driven “expert + LLM” systems, and who wants a core role in building a team and company from the ground up.

Email me (CTO) at

0 replies

WattCarbon | Full Time | REMOTE (US) | Senior Frontend Engineer & Data Engineer (Python) | $130k-$165k + equity

WattCarbon has launched the first clean energy market aimed at rapidly scaling distributed energy technology, including rooftop solar & storage, electrification, and demand response. Our buildings are responsible for 40% of US and global emissions. By scaling distributed clean energy, we can eliminate these emissions today. We partner with climate-driven companies & organizations, directing funding towards these technologies to lower costs, accelerate deployment, and promote energy equity across the US.

We are a seed stage startup backed by some of the most respected climate investors on the planet (True Ventures, Jetstream, Village Global, Looking Glass, Keiki Capital, Greensoil PropTech Ventures, and others); you would be the fourth engineer and eighth team member. We are open to any applicant who lives in the US - you should be comfortable working in a fully distributed, remote-first company.

Senior Frontend Engineer (150-165k): We are looking for an experienced frontend engineer to develop customer-facing UX and workflows as well as improve our internal development processes. You should be fluent in the browser platform and common technologies; we use Typescript, Vue3, and Tailwind. You will need to work cross-functionally and interact with customers. As an early hire, this is an opportunity to be creative and have a big impact on the design and architecture of our web application.

Data Engineer (130-145k): We are looking for someone to help with the development of the ETL pipeline for the ingestion of electricity meter data and an array of other diverse datasets used in the measurement and verification of decarbonization programs. We are looking for help building out a pipeline that ingests and computes models using hourly meter data on the scale of millions of meters. Our ideal applicant is a python-first programmer who is also experienced in pandas. Work will also entail supporting data science related to measurement and verification. Previous experience with energy data is a plus.

We generally subscribe to the idea that Marx was correct about the alienation of labor and we organize ourselves purposefully to provide flexibility around family commitments, ensure opportunities for substantive input into business decisions, and prioritize personal growth. We are committed to a more inclusive approach to employment in tech through benefits and paid leave policies that are compatible with a diversity of personal and family situations through flexible work hours.

To apply, please submit a resume (or a link to your linkedin) and cover letter to We’re a small company, so we really value what you have to say. Tell us about yourself and how you see your career progressing, and answer at least one of the following questions: What kinds of problems interest you? What makes you a good fit for an early-stage company? How do you go about growing your tech skills?

0 replies

Obelisk AGI lab, Astera Institute | Machine Learning Research Engineer | Full-Time | On-site with VISA in Berkeley, CA

General Intelligence laboratory that draws on neuroscience and brain architecture to create new models of adaptive intelligence. The Astera Institute is a non-profit dedicated to developing high leverage technologies that can lead to massive returns for humanity.

Visa: As a non-profit research institute, we are exempt from the H1B visa cap so we are willing and able to hire qualified applicants regardless of your nationality.

Compensation: We pay less than e.g., Meta. We pay more cash than the average early VC-backed startup, but there's no equity, since we're a non-profit.

Senior Software Engineer - Reinforcement Learning Environments

Machine Learning Research Engineer

0 replies

TalkJS ( | REMOTE (Europe / Middle East / Africa)

TalkJS lets developers build a perfect chat feature in just a few minutes. We power communication in online marketplaces, community sites, multiplayer apps, trading platforms and so on. We're product driven and we care tremendously about quality.

We're headquartered in the Netherlands and our team is spread across the Central European Timezone +/- 3h.

We're particularly looking for:

    * Mobile SDK Developer (iOS/Android/React Native/Flutter)
    * Full-stack Developer (TypeScript/Elixir/Postgres)
If you enjoy crafting perfect libraries and APIs for other programmers to use, get in touch!

TalkJS touches millions of people and is growing quickly. We want to be the tool that every developer thinks of for building communication features, a bit like what Stripe is for payments. 80% of the company is product people, founders are a designer and a programmer.

Our strategy is to give great engineers the maximum amount of freedom, so they can ship fantastic SDKs, APIs and features. This means a lot of responsibility, a sane work/life balance, no meetings, no red tape. We're growing, profitable, and not dependent on venture funding. Sound good?

More info on all positions + how to apply:

0 replies

IO Digital | REMOTE (European timezones) | full-time

We're a consultancy based in Cape Town, South Africa [0] that works with businesses across a number of sectors to develop technology solutions that contribute to their growth and success. We also develop and operate our own B2B products and services to keep us busy around the clock!

Our most recent ventures are (related to) web development tooling, an Internet service provider, embedded and IoT solutions, and cryptocurrency and Web3, respectively.

At this time we have four open positions [1]. If your skills or ambitions are slightly different, however, we'd still love to hear from you!



0 replies

Sidekick Money | Full REMOTE (UK) | Multiple Roles | Full-Time | ~ £100k + Stock options |

We're an early stage fintech startup working to bring elite wealth building and management facilities to a wider audience, that have up until now only been available to the top 1%, (think portfolio line of credit, investing into alternatives). Last year we were authorised by the FCA and subsequently rolled out the initial product to a few founding members just a few weeks ago. We're now beginning to gather customer insights from this initial launch and are evolving the product rapidly. There's a ton of product to be built and we're looking for brilliant minds to build it with us.

We have multiple positions available:

  * Infrastructure Engineers (Terraform, AWS, Cloudflare)
  * Backend Engineers (Python, Temporal, DynamoDB, S3)
We're looking for people who are not afraid to jump into a very deep business domain and work in a highly regulated environment.

Send your CV over to and we'll be in touch.

0 replies

Loop | | Product/Design/Engineering | On-site at San Francisco, Chicago | H1B OK

Loop unlocks profits trapped in the supply chain. We want to make the billing and payment process as smooth as consumers paying for online goods while unlocking hundreds of billions of working capital for businesses. Loop can help trillions of dollars move more efficiently and improve millions of people’s livelihoods.

A recent WSJ piece on Loop -

1. Raised $65m from JPM GEP, Founders Fund, 8VC, Susa Ventures, Flexport, Index, and Expa.

2. 35 paying enterprise customers with multiple-year contracts; 60+ customers in the pipeline.

3. High-caliber team of engineers and operators from Google, Scale AI, Flexport, Uber, Rakuten, Square, Meta, Stanford, Brown, Princeton, and Yale.

4. 9+ years cash runway

Technical Architect Chicago/San Francisco -

Fullstack Engineer San Francisco -

0 replies

Maven ( | Senior/Staff Software Engineer (full-stack) | US, Canada Remote | $160-200k + equity

Maven is the best way to teach and learn critical career skills after college, through the largest marketplace of expert-led tech and business cohort-based courses.

We're 15 people, have raised $25 million, are earning revenue, fully remote but tight knit, very experienced, and building a new way to learn that we're very proud of.

You'll own major parts of the system, build end-to-end features, and have a voice in shaping the roadmap and company.

React (Nextjs), Python (FastAPI), Postgres (RDS). TipTap, Stream, OpenAI embeddings, dbt, Tailwind, Vercel, etc.

See more details, and apply here:

0 replies

Coder| Remote first - US/Canada/EU | Full-time Open Source Backend Senior Software Engineer and Senior Software Engineer - Networking | Tech stack is React/JS, Golang, Postgresql, Terraform | looking for active github | $140K to $ 210K DOE and location|

ABOUT CODER: Our mission is to keep developers in flow. Coder has created a platform that offloads development from local workstations to your on-prem and public cloud infrastructure. Target customers are engineering orgs at some of the world’s largest and cutting edge companies.

Check us out: , Apply online:

0 replies
  Developer tools for ML engineers. We need people who are passionate about building infrastructure that help ML teams manage data (large scale), make sane reproducible workflow, track models. We are building infrastructure to deal with datasets of the 5N LAION scale. Our flagship open source tool- (12K+ stars), SaaS product - 

  We are looking for senior (SaaS and open source) engineers:

0 replies

Frontend & Backend Developer | Boo | Fully remote | Flexible time | Full-time | | Send resume and sample works at

We are a thriving dating/social company dedicated to creating a platform that connects individuals and fosters meaningful relationships.

For Frontend Developer

We are currently seeking a skilled and experienced Next.js Developer to join our team. As a Next.js Developer, you will play a crucial role in developing and maintaining web applications using Next.js, a powerful and popular React framework. You will be responsible for the full software development life cycle, from concept and design to testing and deployment. Your role will involve both frontend and backend development, ensuring seamless integration and exceptional user experience.

Required skills and experience: - Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field. – Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including ES6+ features – Extensive experience with Next.js and React – Familiarity with CSS preprocessors such as SCSS or LESS – Experience with version control systems, such as Git – Knowledge of RESTful APIs and integrating frontend applications with backend services – Solid understanding of web performance optimization techniques

For Backend Developer

We are seeking a talented backend engineer to join our engineering team in developing and maintaining the backend systems of our dating/social platform. In this role, you will work closely with cross-functional teams, including frontend developers, product managers, and designers, to architect and implement robust and efficient solutions that power our platform's functionality.

- Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field. - Proven work experience as a backend engineer or a similar role, with a track record of developing and maintaining scalable and secure backend systems. - Strong proficiency in at least one backend programming language, such as Python, Java, or Node.js, and experience with backend frameworks. - Experience working with relational databases and knowledge of SQL, as well as familiarity with database optimization techniques. - Solid understanding of RESTful API design principles and experience in designing and building APIs for complex applications. -Familiarity with cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud) and experience with deploying and managing applications in a cloud environment. - Knowledge of version control systems (e.g., Git) and experience with collaborative development workflows. Understanding of security best practices and experience implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.

0 replies

Infrastructure Engineer (Kubernetes/GCP) - Remote | Adeptmind

Our company delivers AI products for e-commerce. We are expanding our Infrastructure team, looking for Kubernetes and GCP experts. Fully remote, global presence, Montreal-based hiring manager.

Roles & Responsibilities:

- Lead SRE model transition in fast-paced AI retail domain.

- Manage Kubernetes, GCP infrastructure.

- SOC2 compliance, security best practices.

- Champion documentation-driven culture.

- Maintain, improve B2E solutions.

Ideal Candidate:

- Experienced with Kubernetes, GCP.

- SOC2, security certification knowledge.

- Strong in SRE principles.

- Excellent documentation, communication skills.

- Independent, problem-solving, fast delivery skills.

We Offer:

- Fully remote, flexible schedule.

- Cutting-edge AI in retail search.

- Diverse, global team.

- Professional growth opportunities.


- Email resume, cover letter to seb [at] adeptmind dot ai, subject: “Infrastructure Engineer Application”.

0 replies

Scope ( | Senior Software Developer | Full-time | Python | Remote

We're hiring 1-2 Senior Software Developers:

Scope is a platform that helps brands find and manage influencers. Works with tools like Klaviyo, Mixmax, Google Sheets, HubSpot, and Shopify.

We started Scope 2018 -6 years ago, never got in to YC (a couple of tries). Been profitable for the past 4 years, grown 90% word of mouth. Team about 10, spread over multiple countries. Customers in 50+ countries. No crazy ipo plans, humble, thoughtful and curious. North star from day 1, listening to customers & building a great product.

Role: Senior Software Developer Stack: Python, Flask, GraphQL, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, AWS-services such as EC2, SQS, Lamda, RDS, Cloudwatch, S3 Frontend: React (TS & GraphQL), Tailwind CSS

Who are we looking for?

You're curious and responsible – pragmatic over idealist. You enjoy helping peers but also love to get things done yourself. You're looking for a contributor role rather than a manager role. P.S. At Scope, there's no need for BS meetings; we have one meeting per week, a product catchup on Tuesdays that has been on the same time since we started.

Apply here:

0 replies

ReMatter | Engineering | Remote | Full-time |

Our mission is to enhance the sustainability, resilience, and robustness of the global metal supply chain while minimizing its carbon footprint. ReMatter is a scrap metal recycling software company founded by Forbes 30 Under 30 Stanford grads, building modern solutions for the $100B+ scrap metal industry.

Our stack includes TypeScript, React, Node, GraphQL, AWS (Lambda, Cognito, S3, RDS), GitHub Actions, and Docker. Experience with our stack is a plus, but we believe in your ability to learn new technologies quickly.

Join us to create a meaningful impact on the lives of recyclers. We offer competitive salary, meaningful equity, flexible schedules, remote work, and engaging company events.

Apply at:

- Software Engineer:

- DevOps Engineer:

If you don't see a position on our site that fits your skillset or interests, reach out to jobs 'at'

0 replies

Yonda | Software Engineer (Python/Javascript) | Full-time | Remote CET =/- 3 hours or onsite in London

Yonda is on a mission to make Sales Tax compliance easy for ecommerce and tech businesses. We like our customers to focus on their core business while we handle their tax in an automated fashion. We recently closed our second funding round and are looking to scale up our engineering team.

We're looking for an engineer to help us design and build our third party integrations and data pipeline.

You can find more here:

Email me (Sean / CTO) with the subject line "Hacker News":

0 replies

Complete Sleep | Senior Frontend Engineer | Full-time | New York, NY | Hybrid (Onsite 3 Days a Week) | $150-170k DOE + equity/benefits |

Complete Sleep is a VC-backed, seed-stage company that is changing the way sleep apnea is tested, diagnosed, and treated so that patients can quickly get the help they need. About 1 in 4 adults has sleep apnea, and 80% of those people haven't even been diagnosed.

Our founding team is composed of early-stage veterans in each key area of our business. We care about our patients, the people we work with, and the people in our lives outside of work. Passion for our mission, having fun at work, and enjoying life outside of work are all important to us.

We're looking for a Senior Frontend Engineer with ~5+ years experience to lead our frontend stack, working closely with our technical CTO. Our stack is built with a Next.js 14 frontend and go backend. We're hosted on AWS in Dockerized container and managed via Terraform. We have a stable, well-structured technical environment that is meant to empower engineers to build with quality, performance, and security in mind.

We're not legacy healthcare, and we never plan to be. If we're going to solve this problem, we have to build things well and transform the way people are treated. Come join us in helping people while building great technology!

To apply or learn more, email rohen at mycompletesleep dot com. I'm also down to grab coffee if you're currently in NYC.

0 replies

AE Studio | LA Office | Multiple Roles | Full-Time | Remote |

We are a development, data science and design studio that works closely with founders and executives to create custom software and machine learning solutions. We are hiring top notch professionals passionate about software development, data science, design or product management to work with our amazing team creating human agency increasing software!

Full descriptions:

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Stainless | Founding Engineer and Contract Designer | NYC ONSITE | Full-time or Contract

Stainless is building the platform for high-quality, easy-to-use APIs.

Our first product is SDKs as a service. When you `npm install openai` or `pip install openai`, for example, you’re downloading code that we generated.

(I built the codegen system at Stripe for their SDKs, and am now building a better version for everyone.)

Next, we want to make it easy to build amazing REST APIs. REST is simple and ubiquitous, but right now it’s also messy, chaotic, and hard to get right. We’re going to build great open-source standards and tooling that bring the benefits of GraphQL (types, field selection/expansion, standards) and gRPC (types, speed, versioning) to REST.

We’re about 2y old, under 10 people, have strong revenue, and are selling to companies you interact with every day (OpenAI, Anthropic, and Cloudflare are all customers). We’re backed by Sequoia.

As a founding engineer, you’ll get autonomy to build great products, skilled peers, opportunity for tremendous impact, competitive salary, and a very competitive ownership stake.

As a designer, you’ll be building the future of API documentation alongside the lead engineer on Stripe’s current API docs design, and some rich, interesting devtool products.

We’re looking for exceptionally productive, thoughtful, tasteful, and kind people with a passion for making software development better for everyone.

Want to build the future of API tooling? Say hi: alex at

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OpenSanctions | Data engineer | Full-time | Remote CET +/- 3hrs or Onsite Berlin, Germany

OpenSanctions helps to keep people and companies accountable for their political and economic actions. We build a database that tracks sanctioned companies, politicians, fraudsters and criminals. Originally built to support anti-corruption journalists, OpenSanctions has also become a powerful tool used for sanctions screening, legal compliance and in-depth investigative analysis.

We're looking for a third engineer to help us add more data sources, work with our customers to integrate our data into their solutions, and improve our open source data processing framework. Python stack, simple but solid tech.

Read more:

Ping me:

0 replies

Elsewhere | Founding Software Engineer | San Francisco | Full-time | ONSITE

Ever wanted to build indie video games at a startup? Let's talk.

Elsewhere is a San Francisco-based company building a new kind of multiplayer social video game, inspired by indie roguelike games like Hades, Dead Cells, and Risk of Rain 2. We're backed by top Silicon Valley investors, and graduated from the first cohort of a16z's SPEEDRUN program, which is kind of like YC for games.

Ideally, you:

* Have worked as a software engineer before, ideally on a small team.

* Have built and shipped games before, either professionally or on your own time.

* Have experience with a major game engine, such as Unity, Godot, or Unreal.

* Love games yourself, and have always wanted to work in the games industry.

Bonus points if you have experience with backend software development, especially as it pertains to authoritative server multiplayer games.

Your colleagues would include:

* an alum of Supergiant Games who worked on such titles as Pyre, Transistor, and yes, Hades

* a self-taught immersive artist who bootstrapped built a massive creative business on her own

* a repeat entrepreneur who previously cofounded a billion-dollar YC startup

We work in-person out of an office in San Francisco. Relocation assistance is available.

If you’re interested, please apply here:

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Powertools Technologies | Junior/Senior Engineer | Lisbon, Portugal | Full-time | ONSITE

Looking for a senior engineer for work on software related to Electronic Design Automation. Candidate should have some experience with EDA software (Cadence Virtuoso, Siemens Calibre, Synopsys Design Compiler, etc), ideally including plugin development. Experienced Software Developers are more than welcome to apply.

Looking for a junior engineer for work on software related to Electronic Design Automation and/or Software Development. Candidate should at least have (or graduate shortly) a 3 year university degree in engineering. Most suitably Electronic/Computer Engineering or Informatics. Software Developers are more than welcome to apply.

Site: . Growing a small experienced team with international industrial and academic track, willing to train new hire in fairly uncommon skill set. Candidate should be capable of quality detail work, and have good communication abilities, to provide support to international design teams in fabless semiconductor companies.

Email your interest and CV to, please.

0 replies

Plotly | | Senior Software Engineers, Full Stack, App Studio, Senior Software Developer in Test, Staff Software Engineer, Data Connectors, Lead, Software Test Automation | Canada | Remote, Full-Time

As a company with roots in the open-source community, Plotly introduced web-based data visualization to Python. Today, the company offers Dash Enterprise, which provides the best software tools and platform to enable every enterprise in the world to build and scale data applications quickly and easily.

We are growing our team and hiring for the following roles:

Lead, Software Test Automation (Full-Time, Remote Canada)

Senior Software Developer in Test (Full-Time, Remote Canada)

Senior Software Engineer, Full Stack, App Studio (Full-Time, Remote Canada)

Staff Software Engineer, Data Connectors (Full-Time, Remote Canada)

If interested, apply here -

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eCellula | Remote (European Timezones) | Full-Time |

eCellula is an early-stage, remote-first Life Science services company working with biotech, pharma and related customers worldwide.

We're looking for a versatile junior (or medior) Rust / Typescript / Python full-stack developer to iterate on innovative digital products and help bring them to market, working closely with product management, designers, scientists and other programmers.

We offer a chance to work on great projects (including open source) in a fast-paced team with and caring and supportive team.

Job page:

0 replies

MUI | Remote UTC-6 to +5 | Multiple roles | Full time |

I'm a co-founder and the CEO of MUI. Our objective in the short term is to become the UI toolkit for React, unifying the fragmented ecosystem of dependencies into a single set of simple, beautiful, consistent, and accessible React components. In the longer term, our goal is to make building great web UIs quicker, simpler, and accessible to more people through a low-code platform for developers.

Some things we’re proud of:

- 25% of the downloads that React receives.

- 1M developers on our documentation every month.

- Solid financials: profitable

If this sounds interesting to you, we are hiring for: Design Engineers, Product Engineers, Developer Advocate / Content Engineer:

0 replies

Senior QA Engineer | | remote (EU-timezone) | full-time

We build games that sports fans love to play. Based in the UK, we're a top B2B provider in the gaming sector, powering fan engagement in over 50 countries with notable names in sports and entertainment. Founded four years ago, our company has seen a 100%+ revenue growth annually for three consecutive years. The 15-strong team at Splash works fully remote and values independent and self-motivated members.

We’re looking for an experienced QA Engineer with the desire to contribute to the whole product lifecycle. Your main responsibility will be to ensure the quality of our products towards the end of the development lifecycle. Over time, you’ll become a product expert and will have the opportunity to influence designs and specifications to ensure consistent and well functioning products.


- Write automated tests (UI, Integration, Smoke, Regression, ..) with the framework of your choice

- Set up a system to run your automated test cases for our web products efficiently

- Develop strong product knowledge, contribute at a design/specification level and communicate the impact of changes


- 4+ years of experience building automated software tests for web products

- Desire to work in a small, fully remote and agile company

- You’re detail-oriented and follow through

- Fluent English

Depending on your location we’ll offer a competitive market rate salary for your experience level as well as stock options.

Contact: Oliver Renner, CTO -

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Count | Senior Software Engineer | REMOTE within UK/Europe | Full-time |

Count is like Jupyter, Tableau and Miro combined in one tool. Data teams at some of the world's leading scale-ups use it for everything from iterating data models to performing deep dive analyses and telling impactful stories backed by data.

We're a small team looking for experienced software engineers who are interested in tackling deep technical challenges in the data analytics space.

For the best possible user experience, we have developed various technologies in-house, including a custom WebGL rendering engine, our own data visualization library, and a reactive SQL/Python notebook and database query framework.

Example projects: accelerating rendering using quadtree tiling, extending interactivity and customizability of visualizations, leveraging LLMs in data exploration, serverless framework for executing database queries at high concurrency.

Our tech stack: TypeScript, Python, Node, WebAssembly, WebGL, Apache Arrow, DuckDB, Kubernetes, React.

If you're interested in learning more about Count or what we're working on, please email our CTO at oli [at]

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Notable | San Mateo, CA (HQ) | Hybrid | Full-time |

We use intelligent automation to eliminate the massive administrative burden that threatens the future of healthcare.

Hiring for Engineering Managers, Sr/Staff Software Engineers, Security, and Product Manager

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Nooks ( | Software Engineers (full-stack & backend/applied ML) | Full-time | Onsite in SF (hybrid)

Hi, I’m one of the founders of Nooks — we’re trying to re-invent how sales teams work with real-time collaboration and AI.

Nooks is: - A virtual office: you can work from anywhere in the world, but still work with your team and get feedback and coaching like you’re sitting side-by-side. - and an AI co-pilot. We learn how your team works, identify “winning” strategies behaviors, then share them with the whole team during and after calls!

We’re working on fun engineering challenges including complex distributed systems, low-latency algorithms & infrastructure, and modeling sales calls with large language models. You'll also have the chance to make a huge impact on our customers (sales reps who spend 80% of their work day on Nooks.)

Right now we’re a small team (~25 ppl) growing super quickly - doubling revenue every quarter, and recently hit $2.5M ARR!

Looking for experienced engineers who love tackling difficult product questions and working closely with customers. Excitement about language models, few-shot learning and other recent AI advances is also a plus :)

I’d love to chat: reach me at nikhil [at] or apply at the link below:

0 replies
15h16m ONSITE (Sofia/Dubai). Remote for truly exceptional candidates. We are a next generation quant trading firm, automating further up the chain than the competition. We are well capitalised, successful and looking for developers, traders and quants.

This is a real chance to join a top tier HFT firm and have a huge impact. More details: Feel free to drop me a line with any informal questions: nicholas dot nash at

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QuestDB | Core Database Engineer (Java, C++, Rust) | full time | Remote |

About QuestDB We are building an open source time series database focused on performance and simplicity.

QuestDB is used to store, process and analyze time series data in real-time across a wide range of industries, such as Financial Services, Energy, Manufacturing, Web3 and Space Exploration. Fortune 500 companies such as Airbus and Yahoo deploy QuestDB for large-scale, data-intensive production systems, some of which serve close to a billion users.

Our open source repository has gathered 13k+ stars in three years, and is the fastest-growing in our category. We are a product-first company with a large community of developers. We are a globally distributed remote-first team backed by leading venture capital firms and Y Combinator.

The role As a Core Database Engineer, you will bring your experience in design, development, and testing to improve our open source time series SQL database. You will continuously improve the system's performance, ensuring that QuestDB remains scalable and easy to use as we roll out new features built with C++ and Java (zero-GC). You will have the opportunity to interact with and gather feedback from QuestDB's growing community of users and contributors. You'll have the chance to work in an open and collaborative environment to improve user experience and the system's consistency.


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Syncari| Senior PMM |Fully Remote (USA)

We are a customer data automation company, with a no code platform to ingest, sync, unify, process and report on data from go-to-market systems. Think of it as a data hub and a set of cohesive tools to manage/control the data in that hub.

We are a well-funded series A company

Apply at with HackerNews in the subject.

0 replies

Stream | Multiple Positions | Amsterdam, NL and Boulder, US | Remote possible | Full Time | Visa Sponsorship

Stream powers APIs for Chat Messaging, Activity Feeds, Auto Moderation, Video & Audio that are used by over a billion end-users, and are powered by Go, RocksDB, and Raft - with response times typically measured in single-digit milliseconds.

We reached a new industry benchmark for scaling real-time chat as-a-service, with 5 million concurrent connections supported in a single chat channel. We’re currently one of the fastest growing startups in Europe and Colorado on our Series B round of $38 mln:

We’re hiring for the following positions:

* React Native SDK Team Lead (Netherlands/EU Remote) * Staff Backend Developer (Go) (Netherlands/EU Remote)

* Backend Developer (Python/Django) (Netherlands)

* Sales Engineer (APAC)

As a part of Stream, you'll have a chance to make a huge impact on the product within a team of the strongest engineers all over the world (over 35 countries aboard).

If you are interested in becoming a part of what we do, apply now!

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Y Combinator (yes, the people who run this site) | Infrastructure Software Engineer | Bay Area | Full-time

I currently run YC’s infrastructure and I need some help! Over the last 7 years I’ve been at YC, our software team has grown considerably both in engineers and in products. We need to invest more in our infrastructure so we can keep shipping our products quickly.

The main thing you’ll need in this job is curiosity; I work at every layer of a very large stack. One day you might dig into AWS apis, another it’s a 3rd party Ruby gem or our git history. Or maybe you get paged that all the SSDs for Hacker News (primary and standby!) died on the same day :)

The first few months will be heavier on infrastructure work but in the future the job will hopefully be equal parts developer experience, infrastructure work, and product engineering that impacts all of our products (think SSO, sending email, security, etc).

The main products we support are all Ruby on Rails apps running in AWS (mostly in ECS); ideally you’ve already worked on apps like that. You have at least 5 years of experience. Part of that was shipping code to customers but you’ve also got cloud experience (we try to mostly use Terraform). You’re probably the person people turn to when there’s a fire to put out.

YC has excellent compensation and benefits (see more in the formal job description: The team and the work life balance are great. About half of us are former founders and many of us are parents. And if you’re curious about startups (and possibly starting one someday), this job gives you amazing access to interact with YC’s programs, partners, and founders.

If you’re interested, I’d love to chat! I’m

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Mechanic Advisor | Remote | Latin America | Full-time | Senior Platform Engineer - Kubernetes, AWS - LATAM

Mechanic Advisor offers a market-leading CRM ( ) suite for automotive repair shops, complete with text messaging, email automation, direct mail integration, reputation management, appointment reminders, declined/recommended services, and many other features.

We have a large, modern infrastructure but there's a lot of growth, scaling, automating, new solutions and improvements to do.

You must have extensive, senior-level experience with:

- Kubernetes (EKS preferred) - you have, as primary contributor, created and operated multiple 24/7, production, high-traffic, non-trivial k8s-based infrastructures


- Terraform

- CI/CD (Github Actions preferred)

- a modern programming language (Go preferred)

- working fully remotely in a startup environment

You must be located in Latin America and be a confident communicator.

The successful candidate will join our small Platform Engineering Team and get to work with a diverse suite of technologies, wear many hats or other job post cliches. It's a very busy environment and you need to be comfortable with autonomous work, changing priorities, ad-hoc requests and owning the delivery.

This is a fully remote, no travel required position. We have very few meetings, we're light on process, with mostly flat hierarchy.

If you're a truly senior Platform Engineer please email your resume to

Keywords: Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, GitHub Actions, Go

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Equall | Product Designer | Full-time | NYC, Lisbon, Paris, or Remote

Equall is on a mission to transform legal work and expand access to law through Artificial Legal Intelligence. We are developing advanced AI systems for use in legal practice and aim to shape the future of law.

If you're interested, reach out to

0 replies

Hypertune ( | ONSITE (London) | Senior Product Engineer

We're building the most flexible and developer-friendly platform for feature flags, A/B testing and "application configuration". See for more details.

At the core of Hypertune is a visual, functional, statically-typed programming language with first-class citizens for analytics, A/B testing and machine learning.

Our UI lets users define their configuration logic in this language and our SDKs act as interpreters, evaluating the logic locally on clients with zero network latency.

As a senior product engineer, you'll work mainly in React and TypeScript to craft a beautiful product that delights our users.

If you're interested, please email miraan at hypertune dot com with your LinkedIn, CV or a link to a project you've built.

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Near Earth Autonomy| Senior DevOps Engineer | Contract w/ Contract to Hire Potential | Remote w/ Travel Required | Pittsburgh, PA

What: -Complete a GitLab Migration

-Maintain and improve DevOps systems and pipelines, such as CI/CD

-Assist in conceptualizing and rolling out new systems and designs

-Collaborate with engineering teams to promote a development workflow that combines stability and agility

-Ensure that DevOps systems meet business requirements and systems goals

How: -Experience with CI/CD pipeline tools such as Git, GitLab, Atlassian Tools (Jira, Confluence, BitBucket, Bamboo), Artifactory, Ansible, Puppet, etc.

-Experience with containerization technologies, such as Docker, Kubernetes, or EKS

-Experience with Ubuntu packaging processes (Debian, apt, etc)

-Fluent in Linux

-Familiar with ROS

Near Earth Autonomy develops autonomous flight systems, where our integrated hardware and software system allows an existing aerial vehicle to fly autonomously. This impactful technology works on anything from a small sub-meter drone to a full scale military helicopter. Our dedicated and enthusiastic team has developed technology that allows these vehicles to take off, follow a flight plan, identify a safe landing space and land all safely and autonomously.

Email Resume to megan.zimmerman [at] nearearth [dot] aero

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Materialize | New York, New York (HQ) |

Materialize is an Operational Data Warehouse: A cloud data warehouse with streaming internals, built for work that needs action on what’s happening right now. Keep the familiar SQL, keep the proven architecture of cloud warehouses but swap the decades-old batch computation model for an efficient incremental engine to get complex queries that are always up-to-date.

Materialize is the operational data warehouse built from the ground up to meet the needs of modern data products: Fresh, Correct, Scalable — all in a familiar SQL UI.

Staff Product Manager -

Engineering Manager, Storage -

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Graphistry | Viz engineer | Security engineer | Contract | REMOTE - GLOBAL | +

Graphistry is a Gartner-awarded startup used by fraud/cyber/BI/supplychain/misinfo/... analysts to see and correlate using our visual graph AI platform. With (generative AI), they can now talk with their many databases in natural language while having L.O.U.I.E. generate the queries, GPU visualizations, & analyses for them.

We partner with companies like Nvidia & AWS to enable end-to-end GPU compute so operational teams can do all this at previously impossible scales and interactivity. Some projects folks may know us for include having donated the web tier of Apache Arrow used by performance-oriented data visualization frameworks, incubating what became Nvidia RAPIDS.AI, and our own server<>client GPU accelerated data visualization engine.

We are looking for multiple candidates:

- Visualization engineer - Scaling server/client GPU infoviz

  We are looking for a visualization engineer excited about enabling analysts to dig into bigger and trickier data. The near-term projects are around initiatives like increasing our visual scale another 100X (client GLSL <> server GPU) and improving how analysts understand and collaborate (React, node, RAPIDS GPU). You’ll be working with our full-stack team, partners like Nvidia, and as we are a user-focused team, you’ll also have the chance to chat directly with analysts in our community channels and engage with their data teams. Over time, you’ll take ownership of increasing parts of the full stack GPU visualization pipeline and its direction. Global remote friendly, long-term (1yr+), and option of contract vs full-time (equity etc).
- Security engineer - AI code sandbox hardening

  We’re looking for a security engineer (any time zone) to design, implement, test, and harden the AI code sandbox uses to secure untrusted code execution . You will collaborate with our architects and developers as we prepare the surrounding application for third-party security auditing and pen testing. You should have some familiarity with Linux and container security practices and tools such as libseccomp policies, strace, iptables, and container networking. Ideally you have worked on sandbox and jail breaking technology before from a attacker/defender side, and OS/network/container/VM isolation mechanisms in general. You must be _very_ comfortable with Python + Docker. This is a 2-4w initial project. Global/remote fine, with key meetings on PDT (US) time zones.

More info on these and other roles here:

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IT Specialist in Boston, MA, Onsite. To learn more about Lumafield, see the JD, and apply: (or reach out to me directly-

About Lumafield:

Founded in 2019, Lumafield has developed the world's first accessible X-Ray CT scanner for engineers. Our easy-to-use scanner and cloud-based software give engineers the ability to see their work clearly, inside and out, at an extremely affordable price.

Engineers make million-dollar decisions every day, and they need tools that give them the greatest possible insight into their products. By offering unprecedented visibility into products, as well as AI-driven tools that highlight problems and generate quantitative data, Lumafield promises to revolutionize the way complex products are created, manufactured, and used across industries.

We are an impact driven company obsessed with providing the best value to our customers keeping their needs at the center of our evolution. Our team today includes world-class researchers and industrial designers, PhDs, creators, founders of successful startups, and zero egos. We are backed by top venture capital funds like Kleiner Perkins, Lux Capital, DCVC, Spark Capital, and others.

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ShelfCycle | Founding Engineer | Remote US (Eastern Time +/- an hour or two) | Full Time | $120k-180k + up to 1% equity Apply:

We want to make the chemical supply chain faster, safer, and more efficient.

We're looking for entrepreneurial engineers who like to move fast and enjoy building from the ground up.

Our tech stack includes PostgreSQL, TypeScript, React, Next.js, and Prisma.

0 replies

Cambly | San Francisco, Ca, USA | Hybrid/Onsite | Full Time

About Cambly: Our mission is to bring high-quality English education to every English learner in the world at the touch of a button. We help students find their perfect tutors to help unlock their potential. Every day we do more than a year of tutoring on our platform. Come help us build the world’s largest English language school.

We are hiring: Engineering Manager - Staff Platform Engineer - Staff Backend Engineer

Life @Cambly includes: -Cash Flow Positive for the greater part of 6 years -Hybrid First Company (M, T, Th) -Catered Lunches -100% of Medical, Dental, and Vision paid along with matching 401k -Maternity and Paternity Paid Leave -20 days of true, unbothered PTO -End-of-year shutdown -Family-friendly environment with amazing WLB and Culture -Helping others around the world unlock economic opportunities by learning English

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It looks useful Thanks <3

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ML6 | Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer | Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, GCP, AWS, Azure | Full-time | Amsterdam, Berlin, Ghent (EU) On-site/hybrid

We are a Machine Learning consulting company that builds end-to-end Machine Learning solutions. By applying the latest AI research, we keep our clients at the forefront of innovation.

If you are interested check out: and

Work on innovative projects for the biggest clients across Europe such as Randstad, ASML, FUNKE, and many more! Whether it’s about leveraging LLMs to improve customer support, building data lakes on cloud platforms to improve storage or implementing models using sensor data for quality control. You can find it all at ML6.

You will mostly work with Python and a range of ML frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, or HuggingFace Transformers to solve hard Machine Learning tasks and help bring these application into production by building data pipelines and cloud infrastructure on all of the major cloud providers (GCP, AWS, Azure).

We are looking for:

• (Senior) Data Engineer

• (Senior) Software Engineer

• (Senior) Machine Learning Engineer

• Alliance Manager – Azure

• AI Client Executive

• AI Client Partner

• AI Project Manager

• Talent Partner

Apply at:

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Founding Engineer for AI-Based Dual-Use Startup | REMOTE | Full-Time

About Us:

We are an AI-based startup operating in the dual-use technology space. Incubated by a startup studio. Our product is expected to leverage LLMs for enterprises that need to gain clear visibility of their brand's positioning in media as well as understanding and influencing the information environment.

Where We Are:

We have invested several months in customer discovery, mock-up designs, and a technical proof-of-concept. We have conviction that the envisioned product is highly differentiated and category defining. We have a detailed Figma prototype & a functional Python scripts for the primary use case.

Position Overview:

We are seeking a highly experienced, entrepreneurial, and passionate Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to co-found and lead our technical team. The CTO will work closely with the CEO and other stakeholders to create a technology roadmap and implement the strategic vision of the company.

To apply for this role, please send your resume to

0 replies

OpenPipe | ONSITE (San Francisco or Seattle) | Full Time

Hi HN! I'm Kyle, the founder of OpenPipe, which you might recognize from some of our recent HN threads:

- Mistral 7B Fine-Tune Optimized

- Is AI the next crypto?

- Fine-tune your own Llama 2 to replace GPT-3.5/5

This is a unique opportunity to be hire #1 at a fast-growing startup that already has significant revenue and exploding demand. If you're interested please email me at You don't need to have any experience developing AI systems to apply, although this is a fantastic role for someone who wants to develop those skills. You do need experience with full-stack development (NextJS experience is a plus).

Our ideal candidate is a self-starter who's excited to own big pieces of the product vision and comfortable operating with uncertainty.

Our stack:

- Typescript+NextJS for the user-facing app

- Python+Ray for model training and inference code

- Postgres for the DB

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Handl Health | | Onsite in Los Angeles, CA | Full-time | Tech leads in data engineering, backend, frontend

Handl Health is a venture backed startup building the next generation of health insurance for employers by making healthcare costs transparent.

You'd be joining a small, but rapidly growing small team, including veterans of Google, Meta, EY, and more.

We're looking for tech leads to build out our core data infrastructure, and build 0-1 products for new markets.

See all open roles here, and mention HN in your application!

0 replies

Medbill AI | Founding Senior Engineer + Founding Designer | Full Time | Remote - US timezones

We are building an AI assistant that helps people with medical billing and health insurance issues. Thanks to AI and new healthcare regulations around patient data access and price transparency, it is now possible for everyone, including you, to have their own assistant who works around the clock to save them time and money on medical bills and health insurance issues.

Reach out if you’re interested in the role or want to learn more about what we’re up to!

0 replies

Trestle | Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack | Full-time | HYBRID NYC | $160k - $180k + equity

At Trestle we are on a mission to transform the construction industry. We're seeking a highly skilled Senior Software Engineer with a strong background in SaaS product development, preferably with experience in or adjacent to the United States construction and building industry.

Location: New York City (3 days in the office per week)


- Lead development of user-centric components and backend processes.

- Optimize database queries (MySQL, MongoDB).

- Full lifecycle product development.

Seeking a Senior Software Engineering with:

- Strong communication skills.

- Proficiency with Typescript, React, RPC, REST, MYSQL, and MONGODB.

- Experience with microservice or serverless architecture.

Join us in revolutionizing how the world is built.

Apply now at!

Or email me at

0 replies

Hightouch |Remote (North America)|Full-time | Frontend & Backend Engineers

Some background on Hightouch - our mission is to help companies leverage their customer data to grow. We started with the problem of “Reverse ETL” or helping companies sync data from their data warehouse (e.g. Snowflake, Databricks, etc.) to 200+ SaaS tools (Salesforce, Marketo, Facebook Ads, etc.) without coding. Since then, we’ve evolved into a suite of tools around the warehouse (identity resolution, data enrichment, event streaming, etc.). We’ve raised a Series B and scaled to $15m+ ARR in 3 years with 500+ customers including Fortune 500 co’s like Spotify, the NBA, PetSmart, etc.

We are hiring for:

Software Engineer, Frontend:

Software Engineer, Backend (Customer Studio):

Software Engineer, Backend (Distributed Systems):

0 replies

Building Swell | Customer Success Manager | Remote | Full-time

Fast-track your career by joining our growing team, where you will have the autonomy to drive the company to new heights and leave an impact on an industry at the cusp of incredible change.

You are: someone deeply curious, constantly looking to learn the "why" behind customer actions. You care about helping customers unlock their own potential and leverage best CSM practices to leave a real impact. You’ll be driving the direction of customer implementation, support, and user research; shaping the future of the company and the construction industry.

At Building Swell, we know construction is ushering in a new wave of industrialization. Join us in arming these modern builders with mission-critical technology to manufacture smarter buildings and address the housing shortage.

Position: Customer Success Manager

Location: USA or Canada

If interested, please reach out at careers at buildingswell dot com

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Shippabo ( | REMOTE (US & Canada) | Full-time

We're a small team working on digitizing international freight logistics. I'm looking to hire an ML engineer to inherit the data engineering and ML side of our operations. We have models running in production right now for various tasks including some really interesting prediction models that we use to help our customers plan their logistics timelines.

I'm looking to hire a senior ML/full stack engineer. Please email Joe [at] if you're interested with a resume/linkedin/link to a project you've built

0 replies

Glydways || || Software Engineering || Remote, US

Glydways is redefining public transit by offering a unique solution: a network of standardized autonomous vehicles operating on a closed roadway, ensuring high capacity, exceptional user experience, minimal cost, and the lowest carbon footprint.

A recent article from The Information article on Glydways -

1. Raised a $56m Series B from New Science Ventures, ACS, Gates Frontier, and Khosla Ventures.

2. Two public projects under development the San Jose airport connector, and another in East Contra Costa County, with more on the way.

3. A team filled with top engineers from Google, Amazon, Uber, Cruise, and Nio.

Apply below or email me directly at joseph (at)

Fullstack Engineer, Remote -

Developer Platform Engineer, Remote -

Embedded Software Engineer, Remote -

0 replies

Uncountable | SF, NYC, Munich (In-Person) | Full-Stack Engineering

Uncountable accelerates R&D for industrial scientists across leading materials, chemicals, and life sciences organizations. With our SaaS solution, our customers get better products to the market in half the time. Uncountable was founded by MIT and Stanford engineers and has been profitable since 2016. Our team has grown from 20 to 50 over the last two years.

Full-Stack Engineers | $120k - $220k + Equity

---> Uncountable is looking for engineers who can spearhead the development of the Uncountable Web Platform. The position is heavily product-driven and comes with challenges across the stack.

--> Senior and principal positions are available.

--> Summer internships and working student positions are also available.

Learn more:

Uncountable has offices in San Francisco, New York City or Munich.

Contact our CTO directly at

0 replies

Voltage Park ( | US REMOTE | Full-Time | SRE, Backend Engineer

Voltage Park is building a machine learning infrastructure company from the ground up. We purchased 24,000 H100 GPU's and are currently deploying them across the US. We're looking for friendly, highly motivated, execution focused folks to join our small but growing team!

Some reasons to apply:

- Fully remote with WFH stipend to kit out your home office

- 38% of the team are YC alumni

- Comprehensive benefits including 401k w/match, health, dental and vision with premiums covered by the company


- Customer Reliability Engineer ($120k-$180k + equity)

- Site Reliability Engineer ($140k-$180k + equity)

- Backend Engineer ($150k-$200k + equity)


0 replies

Contextual AI | Onsite/Flexible Hours | Mountain View, CA | Full-time | Product Engineer & AI Solutions Engineer

At Contextual AI, we are building the next generation of LLMs, from first principles, specifically for enterprise use cases. We have a few roles we’re hiring for including:

-Product Engineer

-AI Solutions Engineer

For the Product Engineer position, we're looking for someone with strong full-stack engineering skills and who can learn quickly.

For the Solutions Engineer position, we’re looking for the same profile as the Product Engineer, but with strong communication skills and customer obsession since this will be a client-facing role.

Apply here for the Product Engineer:

Apply here for the AI Solutions Engineer:

Feel free to browse our career website for all positions:

Email any questions:

0 replies

Upnext | 100% Remote | Full Time / Contract | Software Eng / Design / ML

At Upnext, we are passionate about solving information overload. Every day we get bombarded with content from social networks, news sites, blogs, messages, etc. It’s hard to keep up and it’s even harder to find the content that really matters to you. It takes time and energy to sift through the noise and find what really matters. That's why we created Upnext, our flagship product that lets users easily organize reading, audio, and video content in one neat space. We’re not stopping there, our latest app helps you stay up to date on the topics and news that you care about by aggregating updates into a single place. Using our own AI models we’re building in deep personalization from the beginning so Upnext users will always have the most important updates about topics they care about. We've got open roles for:

- Software developers: our tech stack is TypeScript / Node / React / Python - Designers: we're creating a seamless, beautiful experience across desktop, native and web - ML research / ML engineer: help us design build and deploy our first generation of recommendation and understanding systems - Marketing / growth: help us get the word out!

If you'd like to chat, email me at joe [at] upnext [dot] in!

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Inceptive (

Biological Software is one or more synthetic molecules that execute complex functions, specified from a program, in a biological system.

We are creating tools to develop increasingly powerful biological software for the rational design of novel, broadly accessible medicines and biotechnologies previously out of reach.

We are hiring for:

* Machine Learning Engineers, Machine Learning Researchers, Scientists, and Entrepreneurs

Our team is globally remote and we also have offices in Palo Alto and Berlin.

0 replies
11h22m | Account Executive | Full-time | fully remote

We're a tech-enabled, data-driven lead generation agency that helps startups and SaaS companies through fully managed cold email campaigns + strategy. We are serious about automating all the boring stuff so our team can focus on tasks that require expertise and creativity. Cold email is lindy but at the same time the landscape is changing rapidly. We're investing heavily into making sure we're always ahead of the curve.

- As an account executive, you're responsible for managing client relationships, develop their cold email strategy with us, implement learnings week over week.

- Experience with running cold email campaigns at scale, copywriting, and managing client relationships is a plus but not required.

- No micro management.

- Plenty of room to experiment and test your own ideas.

- We're not looking for a cog in the machine but someone with an bias for action, who is able to think on their feet and work independently.

Email: jakob [at]

0 replies

76 Software Engineering Group | Oklahoma City, OK | FULL-TIME | ONSITE | U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED

76 SWEG is a civilian software engineering organization operating under the United States Air Force. We are hundreds of (civilian) scientists and engineers that provide software, hardware, and engineering support solutions to a variety of Air Force and military platforms. We are located on Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma City, OK. We often operate like a contractor to other parts of the military and federal government by providing independent engineering services without seeking a profit. We have dozens of active projects using C, C++, C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, LabVIEW, Visual Basic, Assembly, Ada, Fortran, and other more esoteric languages. We have immediate opportunities available to hire candidates with degrees in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or closely-related fields.

If you are interested in learning more, please e-mail and tell them Jake sent you.

0 replies

JP Morgan Chase & Co | Lead Software Engineer | London, UK | ONSITE (hybrid)

I'm hiring for an experienced functional Scala developer to help us with intellectually challenging projects in the areas of metadata and model driven engineering. We build bespoke code generators, numerous codecs, data model authoring and storage platforms amongst other things. We're re-engineering our platforms from on-prem cloud to AWS next year.

We use a Typelevel stack. New services are typically written using Tapir/Http4s, Cats Effect and Doobie.

Within the bank we help run a functional programming interest group, we do Scala training and/or mob programming sessions weekly, many of the team frequent Scala meet ups in London.

Whilst we do work in feature teams where we have large deliverables, you will have to complete individual projects so you'll need to be comfortable working independently.

Some of the role requirements:

- Leads the engineering of cutting-edge solutions in the areas of metadata, data model authoring and storage, and data in place/data in motion

- Collaborates with our users, product management, architecture and stakeholders in our sister teams to ensure we build the right solutions

- Applied development experience in functional style Scala

- Experience working with asynchronous runtimes like Cats Effect

- Meta-programming through libraries such Shapeless or Magnolia

- Domain Specific Language design and interpretation

- Knowledge of domain driven design

- Proficient with SQL/No-SQL databases

Full job spec and apply:

0 replies

Craftwork | Rails Full-Stack Engineer | Charlotte, NC, USA / North America Remote | Full-time | https:/

Craftwork (YC S23) is a full-service home painting company that uses software to dramatically improve the homeowner and operators experience. We’re starting with the $20B+ home painting industry as a low-risk, high margin entry point before expanding to support the broader $500B+ home services market.

Since launching in early 2023, we’ve grown revenue between 50% - 100% monthly, and have raised capital from some of the best investors in the world including Forerunner Ventures, Y Combinator, General Catalyst, Lachy Groom, Jeff Jordan, Immad Akhund, Evan Moore, Louis Beryl, and more.

We're seeking a highly experienced Ruby on Rails Full Stack Engineer to join and amplify our product team, and to rapidly build and ship software that powers our growing business as we expand into new markets.

Our engineering team is amazing, and our product has been growing _fast_ - we now support internal workflows for communication / operations, the full funnel of customer marketing, we're deploying a mobile app for our internal teams, all with AI sprinkled in.

This is a role where you'll be asked to navigate some real ambiguity and ship fast to solve meaningful problems. We land features every week that help our team and customers as we scale.

- [Ruby on Rails Full Stack Engineer](

0 replies

Continua AI | ML Engineers | NYC, SF Bay Area, Seattle |

Stack: Python | C# | GCloud | HuggingFace

Continua was founded in April 2023 by a Distinguished Engineer from Google Research to reinvent how people interact with information, with services, and with each other.

We're very early; after building several prototypes in our first few months, we’ve developed conviction about an MVP, and we’re building like mad to bring our ideas to users. This is an opportunity to join and help set the product direction of this brand-new company! As an ML engineer, you’d be working on new approaches for knowledge representation, multimodality, and personalization under computational resource constraints.

We’re backed by tier-1 VCs, and we’ve already assembled a team of six engineers with backgrounds at Google, Microsoft, Slack, SpaceX, CourseHero, and Stash. We have a limited number of additional spots available on the team for engineers who are excited about building innovative products that leverage the latest advances in Transformers / Mamba, RLHF, LoRA/QLoRA, at-edge (on-device) training and inference, privacy-first ML, and more. If that sounds like you, we would love to hear from you.

Our ideal candidate is someone who has ongoing projects or published papers in these areas. We all love what we’re working on, therefore if this is already your hobby, you’d fit right in. Are you curious how computers work, tenacious, love working in a community? Are you a competitive ML winner (e.g. Kaggle) or enthusiast? Enjoy training local LLMs? If so, please apply via and let's embark on this exciting journey together!

0 replies

Paratus Ltd | REMOTE, occasional days ONSITE in London (UK) a plus | Full-time

Paratus is a young company with a first-of-a-kind insurance product to protect businesses from price risk. Since our launch three years ago, we've demonstrated the viability of our model with a product protecting the shipping industry from changes in fuel price, and are now undergoing a large expansion into other sectors - particularly renewables and decarbonisation. Our new product for wind and solar farms protects them from falls in the price of electricity, and so makes investing in renewable power safer.

I have been Paratus's CTO / sole full-time developer at Paratus for three years (working with specialist contractors as required for UX, security etc), but we're looking to increase the team size to four to support substantially increased demand and expansion of the company. Our initial role will be to support the sales team by maintaining and enhancing our pricing model, with a natural pivot into expanding our books-and-records system as sales pick up. In the medium term, there's the prospect of interesting new development work as increased capacity allows us to automate new parts of the business flow.

Senior Developer - £100k+ (negotiable depending on experience/fit etc)

The key thing we're looking for from our second developer hire is that they should be able to stand in for me in a pinch. Specifically:

• You should be comfortable and familiar with the core of our tech stack (Java / Spring / PostgreSQL / AWS).

• You should need be able to get up to speed quickly on an unfamiliar project and, after a short period of orientation, be able to self-teach / find your way around on your own.

• A key requirement is that you should be able to cover for me if I become sick or unavailable - you should quickly reach the point where you can reliably carry out urgent development work unsupported.

• A mathematical background would be a plus - our pricing model is somewhat technical and one of the key things we need to support.

• As the team grows, you should be able to skill up quickly enough to be able to support and mentor less experienced developers who still need some help finding their way around.

• Being able to assist with interview and recruitment processes would also be a plus.

Developer - £60k-85k

• You should have experience writing software as part of a team, using Git or other version control.

• You should know how to write automated tests and understand why they are important.

• You don't need to have the depth of experience necessary to become fully autonomous on day one, but once you understand a task and the area of the codebase you're changing, you should be capable of working reliably and independently.

Please email a CV / cover letter to to apply.

0 replies

Puma Browser | Remote-first with PST overlap | Engineering & Growth | $75-120k base & 200k+ equity |

Hi all, I’m Yuriy, founder of Puma Browser. I've previously worked in developer relations at Cloudant (YC S08), Meteor (YC S11), Parse (YC S11), and explored Ai/ML (computer vision for self-driving cars) before diving deep into crypto.

Our mission is making new crypto protocols and LLMs easy to discover and use on your mobile phone. Private by design.

We started with the idea of a privacy-first browser with built-in micropayments (via the Interledger Protocol) and have since added support for identity (HNS, ENS; Unstoppable Domains in testing) and storage (IPFS; Arweave in testing).

We just soft launched OpenAI and Anthropic integrations and looking into ways of running LLaMA-like open source models on device. Come help us prototype and build it.

We recently surpassed 750k downloads and are excited to grow our team. We’ve raised Angel and Seed venture rounds from some of the best builders in crypto and Ai: Protocol Labs, Hard Yaka, Shima Capital, Fenbushi, HashKey, Don Ho (Orange DAO, Quantstamp), Sridhar Ramaswamy (Snowflake, Neeva, Greylock), Jason Warner (ex-GitHub CTO, VP Eng Heroku & Canonical), Illia Polosukhin (NEAR Protocol) and many more.

• We value Optimism, Kindness, Curiosity, Speed and Grit.

• Two recurring weekly meetings to maximize state of flow: Monday all-hands, Friday Demos.

• Careful with growth and never had to do layoffs.

• Capital efficient with 3+ years of runway.

Open Roles: Ai/ML Engineer, iOS & macOS Engineer, Browser Extension Engineer, Head of Memes & Growth; Internships: Eng, Design, Growth

How to Apply: visit or email careers+hn [at]

Thank you!

0 replies

ROCKSTAR GAMES | NYC-San Diego-New England| FULL-TIME | .NET SOFTWARE ENGINEERS | Existing Visa Transfers Welcome

A career at Rockstar Games is about being part of a team working on some of the most creatively rewarding and ambitious projects to be found in any entertainment medium. You would be welcomed to a dedicated and inclusive environment where you can learn, and collaborate with some of the most talented people in the industry.


Develop highly scalable server-side features for our online game console clients using object-oriented development in C#, ASP.NET, and SQL Server.

Develop back-end services and APIs. Actively practice Test Driven Development (TDD) while developing new features and refactoring existing code.

Work in an AWS cloud-based, event-driven microservice architecture with a high priority on web performance optimization.

Collaborate with other Rockstar technology teams across our worldwide studios.

New York:

San Diego:

New England:

You can see our other openings here:

0 replies

Chestnut | Founding Software Engineer | Remote (US only) or onsite hybrid in SF | Full-Time |

Chestnut is a well funded (a16z) close-knit seed stage insurtech - building next-gen enterprise infrastructure for the insurance industry. If you are a passionate full stack Golang Developer with a track record of building high-quality applications and want to be part of a vibrant team that embraces innovation, we'd love to hear from you!

Golang, React, k8s, AWS

If interested, you can apply above or reach out to me directly: nick [at]

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Who is hiring

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SerpApi | | Junior-to-Senior Fullstack Engineer | Illustrator and Graphic Designer | Based in Austin, TX but remote-first structure | Full-time | ONSITE or FULLY REMOTE | $150K - 180K a year 1099 for US or local avg + 20% for outside the US

SerpApi is the leading API to scrape and parse search engine results. We deeply support Google, Google Maps, Google Images, Bing, Baidu, and a lot more.

Our current stack is Ruby, Rails, MongoDB, and React.JS.

We are looking for more Senior FullStack Engineers.

We have an awesome work environment: We are a remote first company (before Covid!). We do continuous integration, continuous deployments, code reviews, code pairings, profit sharing, and most of communication is async via GitHub.

We value super strongly transparency, do open books, have a public roadmap, and contribute to the EFF.

Apply at:

0 replies

Resemble AI | San Francisco Bay Area (office in Santa Clara, CA) | Full-Time | Full-Stack Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Product Designer

Resemble AI creates high-quality synthetic voices that capture human emotion. We're a venture-backed high-growth startup that's looking to shake up an entire industry with state of the art AI. Our product changes the way that thousands of brands, media companies, creative agencies, and game studios create speech content. We believe that to build an enticing product and solid team is by encouraging innovation is by enabling continuous education. That's why every Friday is a day that you can use to work on anything you want, Resemble-related or not.

Recently, we open sourced a state of the art speech enhancement model:

We're hiring for three roles:

Full Stack Engineer - Can you break the entire stack? You're the right person for this job. Work on our Rails app, with sprinkles of React, and Python for the deep learning. Everything is dockerized, and we use Kubernetes to deploy.

Frontend Engineer - We're hiring a Frontend Engineer proficient in React, TypeScript, and Ruby on Rails to shape our user experience. Join our team to develop user-friendly interfaces and collaborate on building exceptional web experiences.

Product Designer - As a Product Designer, you will lead the end-to-end design process, from concept to implementation, ensuring a seamless and delightful user experience. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to define product vision, conduct user research, create visually compelling interfaces, and develop interactive prototypes.

If interested, reach out directly to me: zohaib [at]

0 replies

Polarsteps | Multiple positions | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Full-time (or 4 days/week) | Hybrid | VISA (with relocation package) |

We're an Amsterdam-based team of 50 (and counting) with 20+ nationalities amongst us – a varied, skilled bunch of "Citizens of The World" with hundreds of thousands of kilometers under our travel belts. We also have something important in common (other than our very well-worn passports): We want to change the way people travel.

And that's exactly what we're doing, with _the_ travel app to plan, track, and relive your journeys in a smart and beautiful way. Our product is at the core of everything that we do, and we always put our users first, so you will always have all the space you need to build things in the best possible way - there's a reason why we have a 4.8 star user rating on both Play Store and App Store ;)

We have over 8 million users and with our user base doubling roughly every 12 months we are looking to expand our engineering team to be ready for what's coming. More specifically:

- Senior Backend Engineer:

- Senior DevOps Engineer:

You can apply there or if you have any questions about the position or company, you can reach me at

0 replies
1d | FullStack Engineer | Seattle, WA (US-remote encouraged) | is an early stage startup that is building the first AI-Powered Buyer Copilot. This represents a transformative approach to buyer enablement that helps people understand complex software purchases without having to talk to salespeople. For companies, this helps scale out their sales and marketing efforts and to gain unique insights about potential customers and the market. From an engineering perspective, this means leveraging LLMs in conjunction with a unique set of content to create the closest thing to a live demo of a product without a human on the other side!

The current stack is Typescript, React, Apollo/GraphQL, and Nest.js. Everything is built on top of AWS using modern tooling and automation (e.g. pushing a commit will trigger a deployment). This is a great opportunity for a hungry engineer to learn the latest AI technologies and work alongside a team of experienced founders and engineers. Our small team is primarily based out of Seattle, WA, but we work from home 4 out of 5 days and are open to remote team members.

Email us at apply at!

0 replies

OneSignal | California, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah | Onsite or Remote (Within Supported States) | Full Time | Tech stack includes Go, Rust, Ruby on Rails, Kafka, Postgres, Redis, InfluxDB, Typescript, React

OneSignal is building the best platform for businesses to intelligently engage with customers across every channel. We provide a simple interface to push notifications, email, and in-app messages, letting content creators focus on quality user engagement instead of complex implementation.

We're hiring Senior Software Engineers across multiple teams.

More information and apply at

0 replies

Conduit Tech | Senior Software Engineer (Full Stack) | Remote (U.S.-based) | Full-Time

We're an early-stage ClimateTech startup backed by Breakthrough Energy and Emerson Collective. Roughly 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions are due to residential HVAC. We're developing software that helps contractors to design, sell, and install high-efficiency HVAC systems.

Our fully-remote team is looking for product engineers with native iOS development experience who can own projects from end-to-end.

Apply directly at or email

0 replies
9h4m | Berlin, Germany (on-site) | Full-time | Founding Engineer

We’re hiring our 2nd & 3rd founding engineer. We are looking for Fullstack JS & Backend/ML Python Engineers (on-site in Berlin) and offer real equity far above market standards.

You need to be excited about our vision to use AI to make regulatory approval for medical innovation 10x easier. We accelerate the process of bringing crucial treatments to the patients who need them the most.

You can find some more info under

If this is interesting to you or someone you know, I'd love to hear from you!!

Linkedin: E-Mail:

0 replies
1d1h | Backend, Front-End, & Data Scientist/ML Engineer | FT/Contract | OnSite | Palo Alto

Backend Engineer, $120-140K/yr:

  --  Contribute to our AI-driven personalized automation platform.
  --  Key skills: NodeJS, Python, Docker, Terraform, Serverless; GCP (Preferred); NoSQL/SQL databases.
  --  2-5+ years of experience in backend systems and cloud ecosystems.
  --  Full-time, on-site position in Palo Alto.
Front-End Engineer, $120-140K/yr:

  --  Proficiency in React, Typescript, Javascript, modern front-end development.
  --  Experience delivering reactive UIs for web pages and Chrome Extensions (Manifest V3)
  --  Skilled in transforming Figma mockups to live UIs.
  --  Full-time, on-site position in Palo Alto.
Data Scientist/Machine Learning Engineer, $125-150K/yr:

  --  Full-time contract role with potential to convert to employee.
  --  Work on predictive models for user automation and workflows.
  --  Experience with BigQuery, GCP ecosystem, and Vertex AI preferred.
  --  Remote candidates considered, Palo Alto location preferred.
What we offer:

  --  A dynamic environment for professional growth in a leading AI company
  --  Competitive compensation + equity in a seed stage startup
  --  An innovative and collaborative team culture
  --  Medical, Dental, Vision
  --  Comprehensive amenities including breakfast, lunch, dinner for on-site employees
Sorry no visa sponsorship at this time.

Interested in being a part of AI-driven innovation? Email your resume/LinkedIn and a brief introduction to frank at

0 replies

Aleph | Remote - US or LATAM |

Open positions: Software Engineer, Product Designer, Head of People, Founding Growth Marketer

Aleph is redefining the world of Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A). We operate in a well-defined software category with a multi-billion TAM yet a lack of a clear winner. We’re here to change that, and our early results speak for themselves.

We’re backed by top VCs (Bain Capital Ventures, Khosla Ventures, YC, Picus Capital), and work with customers like Turo, Notion, Zapier, and others.

What we’ve built so far is the most seamless way to centralize all of a company's financial data – think expenses from Quickbooks or Netsuite, pipeline forecasts from Salesforce – and bring it into the tools finance teams are already using. But the vision goes way beyond that. We’re building the source of truth for a business’ data, and ultimately the platform businesses use to make better decisions.

We’re way ahead of schedule due to our unique approach, with no churn and rapid growth despite no marketing spend to date.

To apply, use the application in and send me a quick email. Find me at pablo @ our domain.

0 replies

Bold Penguin | Remote (US)* | Full Time | Software Engineers Bold Penguin products help insurance agencies successfully quote and bind small business insurance policies with the click of button! We are growing fast and expanding our teams. Use Linux, macOS, or Windows along with whatever tools you enjoy using (Slack, Zoom, your choice IDE, etc.) If you don’t meet all of the qualifications please don’t worry. Apply anyway!

Current open roles:

  Software Engineer ~>
* We operate fully remote but have clusters of employees around certain hub cities to try and initiate meetups and other fun activities.

0 replies

Nuna ( | San Francisco & Remote friendly (US only)| Full-time | Visa Transfer In the US, we spend an average of over $12,500 per person each year on healthcare -- that’s almost twice what other developed countries spend. Healthcare in the US costs a staggering $4 trillion dollars per year, almost 1/5 of our Nation’s entire economy. Yet with all this resource, our healthcare outcomes are poorer than other countries, people still can’t afford their healthcare, and our healthcare providers are burnt out.

Moreover, our healthcare is systemically unequal. People of color, lower income, and LGBTQ+ have demonstrably worse healthcare outcomes, a disparity grimly highlighted by the pandemic we’re living through now where people of color are three-times more likely to die from COVID-19.

How can this be, and how can we change it?

Nuna is tackling one of the most hardest problems in healthcare underlying the negative outcomes and disparities we see: how healthcare gets paid.

Today, hospitals only get paid when they do more-- more visits, more tests, more meds, more surgeries. Hopefully this helps patients get better, but regardless, the system gets paid. In fact, doing more is the only way to stay afloat.

But -- is this really the right set of incentives? Shouldn’t everyone get rewarded not just by doing more, but by when patients actually get better? Shouldn’t everyone have access to affordable, high quality care, and shouldn’t hospitals be rewarded when they deliver this care? And shouldn’t insurance companies get rewarded when they help ALL their patients get better?

Absolutely, yes. This concept is called Value-Based Care. In fact, healthcare as a whole has been trying to move in this direction for years, but making it all reality is deeply complex -- it is after all our healthcare. Nuna’s technology platform, our software apps, our vision, and our exceptionally talented team are collectively accelerating the healthcare system’s ability to make value-based care available to everyone.

In 2022, Nuna will power over $70B of healthcare payments for over 6.5M patients. We also leverage our data science and platform to direct patients to the best, culturally-matched, and accessible care providers for them. Additionally, we make it transparent and easy for both hospitals and insurers to see how they are performing in value-based care by spotlighting the patients or areas where they need to pay extra attention so that they can provide good care to all their patients and get rewarded.

Nuna is unique - we have brought together an exceptional team of over 200 people. We are the industry’s best in healthcare data, analytics, engineering, clinicians, and value based healthcare experts. We have joined forces to create a more equitable health system for everyone.

Our dreams and ambitions to change healthcare as we know it are big. If yours are too, we want to work with you.

Open positions include:

* Staff and Senior Health Data Engineer

* Senior Software Engineer - Program Development Kit Engine

* Staff Software Engineer, Data Serving

* Staff Software Engineer, Production Applications

Jobs Board:

Frontend: React, Typescript

Backend: Django, Python, Scala

Cloud: AWS

Questions? Email:

0 replies

BRINC Drones | | Onsite in Seattle | Full-time | $150-225k + equity

BRINC Drones helps first responders with products that quickly and effectively respond to emergencies. Our technology lets first responders get eyes and ears on what's happening in indoor structures when it's too dangerous for people to enter - whether it be a fire, medical emergency, violence, or search and rescue. In March 2023, we released the Lemur 2, our latest and most advanced drone, and we started shipping it to customers the same year.

In addition to launching more advanced drones, we're also expanding our software ecosystem into realtime monitoring and fleet management, and we recently shipped the first version of our first web app: LiveOps. This app gives drone operators and first response teams access to real-time live-streaming drone data such as visual and thermal video feeds, 3D map data via point clouds, and a myriad of drone telemetry – it’s essentially a web-based drone fleet management software. But our vision isn’t just fleet management; LiveOps represents a critical part of BRINC’s transition from a company that just sells drones to a company that sells entire drone programs: we want to build out the entire drone ecosystem (both hardware and software) for our customers.

It’s an ambitious goal, but it’s one that we feel confident about – we’ve got a lot of interest from customers in what we’ve built so far, and we are seeking both a full-stack and a backend/platform engineer to join our engineering team and own the development of this web app and cloud ecosystem.

Job Postings:

- Senior/Principal Full-stack Engineer:

- Senior/Principal Backend & Platform Engineer:

Some recent press:



I'm the founding engineer for the cloud services engineering team at BRINC, so feel free to relay any questions about the role to me (dylan at brinc drones dot com, parse it yourself), but please apply through the job posting if you're interested in the role so that we can keep track of you!

0 replies

Stealth Startup | ONSITE NYC | Full-time

This startup is building the AI platform for corporate finance. Its mission is to automate key finance and accounting workflows. Corporate finance is one of the top 10 most common professions in the U.S. and plagued with error prone manual work. They believe that LLMs are going to transform professional services as we know it and corporate finance will be among the first professions to feel it. Raised a seed round earlier this year and are currently live with multiple large firms. Progressing rapidly and plan to raise a Series A in 2024. All positions are 5 days in office in NYC.

To apply, send your resume to

Staff / Principal Engineer - $170k - $200k + meaningful equity

Seeking Staff+ level engineers to help them design and lead implementation of new modules. The abstractions for these new modules will form the foundation for the product’s future as they expand beyond their current core functionality.

- You’re an expert in designing powerful, extensible business logic

- You believe that LLMs are a leap forward in what’s possible with software and want to work with ML researchers on cutting edge applications of them

- You want to work at an ambitious, fast paced startup with high standards

- You enjoy building products from 0 to 1

Head of Engineering - $190k - $220k + meaningful equity

Seeking an engineering leader who can become an expert in the product by contributing as an individual contributor while taking on managerial duties and eventually scaling the team during the next funding round.

- You’re strong as a high level IC or very experienced in leading development of complex data-powered products

- You have experience managing engineering teams and want to build out a team from an early-stage

- You crave working with a high-caliber team and enjoy helping each person achieve their full potential

- You want to work on cutting-edge ML products (ML experience not required)

0 replies

Parexel AI Labs | Senior Software Engineer | REMOTE (must be located in UK)

Parexel is in the business of improving the world’s health. We do this by providing a suite of biopharmaceutical services that help clients across the globe transform scientific discoveries into new treatments.

As the Senior Software Engineer, you will be responsible for the development of AI Labs’ software applications. In this role, you will work closely with other application engineers to architect, build, and optimize scalable and resilient data systems, to meet the growing needs of end users. You will also write, test, and release backend and/or frontend code according to the product roadmap and release plans. Finally, you will work collaboratively with the Product Owner and Software Quality Assurance to set the overall goals and sprint plans.

At AI Labs, we are a small ~20 person group within the larger company that operates as a start up focused on using AI to build solutions to internal company problems. We work with AWS tech, Kubernetes, Nodejs, React, and Python. Apply at

0 replies

SmarterDx | 180 - 230K + equity + benefits | Remote first (but U.S. only due to data confidentiality) | Full time

We are an early stage health tech company using AI to improve hospital revenue cycle (making healthcare costs lower and allowing doctors to focus on patient care). The team is small but high functioning (MD + data scientist combos, former ASF board member, Google and Amazon engineers, Stanford LLM researchers, etc.) and initially scaled the company to $1MM+ in contracted revenue without raising capital.

We have been backed by top investors including Floodgate (Lyft, Twitch, Twitter), Bessemer, and are currently on pace to 30X in revenue over a two-year time period.

Who we are looking for:

- Data scientists

- ML Ops

- FS Eng (Senior and Staff)

- Product designer

- Technical PM

Be part of the journey as we hone our PMF and build to scale! For more, see:

If interested email us at hiring at smarterdx dot com

0 replies

Digital Harbor Foundation | Machine Learning Engineer | REMOTE (US Only)

Digital Harbor Foundation ( is a not-for-profit grant-funded organization dedicated to increasing access to empowering technologies in under-served communities. As part of that work, our Learning Engineering team provides technical support to the Learning Engineering Virtual Institute ( LEVI's goal is to build software and systems that will double students' rate of progress in middle school math. This means that LEVI teams both build products and do research to determine product efficacy - and we help with both.

We're seeking a Machine Learning Engineer to join our team. This person would serve as on-call support, helping university and ed-tech teams implement, scale, and test their digital learning products. We're looking for someone who is a quick learner, is very collaborative, is familiar (or can quickly become familiar) with GCP/AWS/Azure, and who has some experience with machine learning, MLOps, and data science generally. We are also looking for someone who understands the needs of both engineers and researchers, and can translate between the two groups.

This is a great role for someone interested in working with the top organizations and funders in the ed-tech space. It's also a great position if you'd like to use and evaluate LLMs in educational settings. The position is fully remote, but we have an in-person convening once a year. We also support travel to 1-2 conferences a year, with bonus points if you are presenting.

Apply here:

0 replies

Intuitive Surgical // Sr. Software Engineer // Hybrid: Sunnyvale, CA // Full-time |

At Intuitive we design, develop, and manufacture robotic products designed to improve clinical outcomes of patients through minimally invasive surgery, most notably the da Vinci Surgical System.

I lead the software team in the Advanced Product Development group at Intuitive, where we use the cutting-edge technology of today to build the surgical robotics systems of the future. This role is ideal if love working close to the hardware on a technically interesting/challenging embedded systems architecture project, and you value making the best possible product that will enhance clinical outcomes for millions of patients.

What to expect:

- Requirements gathering and collaborative embedded system architecture definition

- FPGA-based board bring up and debug

- RTOS virtualization configuration and performance tuning

- HAL-level driver design & updates (e.g. QNX, Linux, FPGA interfaces, PCIe switch)

- Software toolchain integration

- Design and implementation of an instrumented velocity controller, integrated with FMU model

- Develop detailed architecture documentation with performance data

Please reach out directly to discuss the role, dan.miller AT Please include HN in the subject and your resume.

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Security Risk Advisors | Senior Software Development Engineer (SDE III) | REMOTE (USA) Full time |

We're looking for a Senior Java Engineer experienced with Java web app frameworks such as Spring Boot, and Postgres including data modeling and query optimization. You will be supporting the development of VECTR, a Purple Team analysis, reporting and attack automation platform. Our tech stack is: AWS, Docker, Java, Postgres, Vue.

Security Risk Advisors is a fast-growing cybersecurity consulting company. Our clients are concentrated in the Fortune 1000 and Global 1000. We have a fast-paced, agile, and fun culture that focuses exclusively on cutting edge cybersecurity engagements that solve the emerging needs of our clients. Our engineering team has a remote-first culture and supports product development and our consulting teams.

Interview process: (1) Recruiter, (2) tech screen with a manager, (3) experience discussion, (4) system design.

For more information and to apply:

Learn more about VECTR here:

0 replies

Olo | Remote (US) (HQ in NYC) | Full-Time |

Olo is a leading on-demand commerce platform powering the restaurant industry’s digital transformation. Our customers include many of the largest restaurant brands in the US, and we have a lot of exciting projects in the works.

We’re hiring a Security Engineer:

We are seeking a passionate Security Engineer with experience in a Blue Team role to help us identify risks, analyze data, and collaborate on the right strategic risk mitigation measures. Our top priority is reducing risk, fortifying defenses, and protecting systems while supporting innovation.

Reporting to the Engineering Manager of Security, you will assess and respond to adversarial attacks while still maintaining the up-time of our systems and protecting the data of our clients and their customers.

You can work remotely from anywhere in the U.S. or at Olo’s headquarters in NYC.

We offer great benefits, such as 20 days of paid time off, 10 separate sick days, 11 holidays plus year-end closure, health, dental and vision care premiums, a 401k match, remote-office stipend, company equity, a generous parental leave plan, volunteer time off, gift matching policy, and more!

0 replies

LunarG, Inc. ( | 3D Graphics Software Engineer | Fort Collins, CO, USA (Onsite/Hybrid/Remote)

LunarG is an independent software consultancy offering the opportunity to work on diverse technologies. Our projects span open source and proprietary work, collaborating with clients in game development, AR/VR, medical, and GPU markets. We take pride in supporting open standards from Khronos, providing the satisfaction of contributing to and supporting Khronos open standards.

Why Choose LunarG? • Competitive pay with robust bonuses • Team-oriented and collaborative company culture • Efficient and transparent decision-making processes • Choice - 100% remote, on-site, or hybrid work arrangements

Interested? Send Cover/Resume to:

+ 3D Graphics Software Engineer :

0 replies

Sourcegraph | REMOTE | Full-Time | Machine Learning Engineer, Engineering Manager, Software Engineer, Developer Advocate, Technical Program Manager, Director of Customer Engineering, Enterprise Technical Advisor |

Sourcegraph is a code AI platform that makes it easy to read, write, and fix code–even in big, complex codebases.

We are building Cody, an AI coding assistant that uses code search and code intelligence to help devs quickly understand what's happening in code and generate new code that matches the best practices in your codebase. Cody supports AI-enabled autocompletion, fixing bugs, refactoring, test generation, code explanation, and answering high-level questions. You can read Steve Yegge's (our Head of Eng - Cody) post on why Cody's code context engine differentiates it from the fast-moving field of AI dev tools:

Apply here:

0 replies

Datadog | Software Engineers | ONSITE (Boston, Lisbon, Madrid, NYC, Paris, Tel Aviv) and REMOTE | Full-time

Datadog is a monitoring, tracing, logs system, and more, for your infrastructure and services. We build our own tsdb, event store [1][2], distributed tracing tools, cutting edge visualizations, and more. We love shipping great experiences for customers just like us and are growing fast! We write a lot of Go, Java, Python, Typescript (with React), and a bit of other languages. We run on k8s, and are multi-region and multi-cloud.

We're looking for people who can build systems at scale as we process trillions of events per day. Let us know if that's you!



0 replies

OpenRent | London, UK | Full-Time | ONSITE+PART REMOTE |

What sucked the last time you rented a house or flat? Come and fix it.

OpenRent is a force for good in an industry tarnished by rip-off agencies. Enabled by an unrelenting focus on technology, we now let more properties than any agency in the UK. In the last 12m we let over £50 billion worth of property, to over 6 million registered users, without ever charging any admin fees.

You'll be working on solving every aspect of the rental journey, from machine learning models to predict the right price of a property, to building the future of property management, all to help tenants find their dream home, and landlords their ideal tenant.

We're VC backed, profitable, and have plenty of ambition to maintain our fast growth in this absolutely massive market.

Roles currently available:

- Senior DevOps Engineer | Equity | £100k+ (based on experience) + Quarterly Bonus

All roles visible here:

0 replies

Sarama | Fully Remote | San Francisco, CA | Full-time | ML Solutions Engineer, Senior Swift Engineer, & Senior ML Engineer

Sarama is the simplest way to implement multi-modal ML models in mobile apps, we're working with companies from pre-launch to unicorn businesses.

Apply here for Senior Swift Engineer: Apply here for Senior ML Engineer: Apply here for ML Solutions Engineer:

Email any questions:

0 replies

Gauntlet - Financial modeling for DeFi

Gauntlet’s mission is to drive adoption and understanding of the financial systems of the future. Gauntlet is the platform for off-chain intelligence that drives on-chain efficiency in Decentralized Finance (DeFi). We work with protocols to manage risk, improve capital efficiency, and manage incentive spend. We also publish cutting-edge research and aim to take a leading role in defining market risk standards across the industry.

Remote US & CAN / NYC / SFO / LA

Visa holders are welcome!

We are looking for - Data Scientists - Machine Learning professionals - Software Engineering folks - Data and quant-inclined professionals

How to get in touch! Our website - Twitter - LinkedIn -

Ping us on our Twitter handle @gauntlet_xyz to find out more!

0 replies

Our World In Data (YC W19) | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Full-Time | Remote

At Our World In Data (, our mission is to make the world's biggest problems understandable, so that we can take effective action on them. We publish research and data on crucial topics like poverty, disease, hunger, inequality, war and climate change.

We want to improve several aspects of our site in the coming years, with a particular focus this year on making it easier to author and share smaller formats than our long articles, and creating a more unified way to explore our most complex data sources. Our tech stack is a Jamstack site built using Typescript, React, MySQL and Cloudflare services with a Python based data pipeline on the data side.

We are a remote-first team that operates on EU timezones. As a team, we're also passionate, talented, and driven to do work that makes a difference.

Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the role. You can also learn more apply here:

0 replies

Layer | San Francisco Bay Area | Full-Time | Founding engineer

We’re building SMB accounting software API-first so that it can be integrated directly into software platforms where business owners already work. Our customers are vertical software platforms in the vein of Toast, MindBody or Housecall Pro that help small business owners start, run and scale their business with workflows and financial products. We help them serve their customers who are stuck exporting all their data out of these systems into CSVs and importing it back into other accounting software.

Integrating with our accounting APIs gives business owners automation & accounting workflows directly within their core software while the software platforms get to solve one their customers’ biggest pain points: worrying about bookkeeping & finances.

We’re looking for a founding engineer who is excited about building a company and team as well as building a fresh take on accounting software. We are well funded by top tier investors and are live with hundreds of small businesses.

Tech: Kotlin (KTor) / Docker / Postgres / AWS (ECS, RDS, ALB)

If you’re passionate about building software that real small businesses use every day, get in touch with me at daniel [at]

More about the role and team here:

0 replies

Spacelift | Remote | Europe | Full-time | Senior Software Engineer

We're a VC-funded startup building an automation platform for Infrastructure-as-Code, adding a Policy-as-Code layer above it, in order to make IaC usable in bigger companies, where you have to take care of state consistency, selective permissions, a usable git flow, etc.

On the backend we're using 100% Go with AWS primitives. We're looking for backend developers who like doing DevOps'y stuff sometimes (because in a way it's the spirit of our company), or have experience with the cloud native ecosystem. Ideally you'd have experience working with an IaC tool, i.e. Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible, CloudFormation, Kubernetes, or SaltStack.

Overall we have a deeply technical product, trying to build something customers love to use, and already have a lot of happy and satisfied customers. We promise interesting work, the ability to open source parts of the project which don't give us a business advantage, as well as healthy working hours. We've also got investment days on Fridays, when you can work on anything you want, as long as it could possibly benefit Spacelift in some way.

If that sounds like fun to you, please apply at

You can find out more about the product we're building at and also see our engineering blog for a few technical blog posts of ours:

0 replies

a.i. solutions | FreeFlyer Space Systems Engineer (Frontend) | Remote

a.i. solutions is looking to increase the size of our FreeFlyer support team by bringing on a well-spoken engineer passionate about space. Unlike most support teams, the selected engineer will not just be answering questions from our NASA, US Air Force, and commercial customers, they will be on the front lines of helping with every exciting and challenging aerospace design problem involving the FreeFlyer flight dynamics software inside the company.

The chosen candidate will be tasked with mastering the FreeFlyer software, representing the user experience in design meetings, and will be called upon to expertly address challenges posed by customers and our sales team using the tool. Additionally, they will need savvy customer-facing communication skills when traveling to customer sites in the post-pandemic world to instruct them in the optimal usage of the software. The FreeFlyer support team offers a dynamic experience with significant growth potential that may be the ideal fit for a diversely skilled engineer excited to contribute to the future of space. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to embrace the a.i. solutions mission and work to continually exceed the expectations of our customers.

We're looking for someone with React or Svelte experience.

The only requirements are a Bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, or related field and U.S. citizenship.

You can apply on LinkedIn ( or through our job portal (

0 replies
1h28m | Multiple roles | Germany (Remote/Hybrid) | Full-time |

Cobalt helps secure leading companies (e.g. Dropbox, PagerDuty) by connecting them with on-demand pentesting experts. Our application brings both sides together to identify, triage and fix vulnerabilities. Ten years in and over 30K commits later, our technology has been battle tested by thousands of users and we’re still having fun. We’re a team of can-do people who care about craft, collaboration, and our customers.

If you enjoy making an impact, the Cobalt Engineering team is excited to hear from you. We are hiring for multiple Fullstack roles (any combination or interest to work across the stack works for us) and a Data role. All applicants will need to be permitted to work in Germany. >>

+ Senior Fullstack Engineer (Ruby and/or React and/or Kotlin) :

+ Senior Data Engineer (Germany) :

0 replies

Navix | Senior Software Engineer (Backend or Full Stack) | Remote (U.S.-based), Full-Time

Navix is an early stage logistics startup using ML and automation to streamline freight invoice processing. We accelerate our customers' cash conversion cycle by working across the full spectrum of shippers, carriers, and intermediaries.

We're looking for developers who can help us solve complex problems and take ownership of projects from end-to-end. As we grow, we're increasingly focused on resiliency and observability, and are interested in candidates with distributed systems experience. We're also working to build out developer-friendly public-facing APIs, and are building integrations to bridge our customers' data into our system. Our development team moves quickly - we've embraced a short CI/CD cycle, and sometimes break (and fix!) things in production.

Our stack is primarily Microsoft-based (C#, .NET, SQL Server, Azure, Angular), but we're more focused on finding the right person than a particular skillset. We're building an asynchronous and writing-focused culture, and are looking for someone who can be a technical and cultural leader to the engineering team.

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National Journal | Django/Python Web Developer | Washington, DC | Full-time | FULLY REMOTE or HYBRID OPTION (3 days/week onsite) | $100K+ |

National Journal helps government affairs professionals stay informed about key movements in people, politics, and policy using journalism, tools, and in­tel­li­gence. Our digital platform is built around a rich set of election and campaign finance data, demographic information, profiles of policymakers, editable slides, government directories, and our decades of non-partisan journalism. Election years are huge for our members (and for us) and 2024 is going to be busy and exciting.

Tech Stack: We use a Python 3/Django back-end with a Vue.js/TypeScript front-end (for our newest tools) and traditional Django views for our more established resources. Our devs are full-stack or front-end specialists and our projects are most often back-end focused (Python/Django). Other technologies in our world include Elasticsearch, Docker, Azure, Postgres, Jenkins, Pandas, and Less. We follow a frequent release cycle that lets us bring enhancements to our users in a matter of days.

We're a small team with good people, solid work-life balance, and interesting problems to solve. Apply or read more at:

0 replies

Felt | Engineering Manager, App and Data | Oakland, CA or REMOTE (US timezones) | Full Time |

Felt is the best way to make maps on the internet. It's surprisingly hard to make a map today, and people in 15+ industries rely on them to do their jobs. Climate change and the resulting natural disasters are forcing even more people to become map-makers, and Felt is here to meet that need. It's the first easy-to-use collaborative mapping software, founded by a team of technologists with a proven track-record. My co-founder and CEO, Sam, is a former YC founder who sold his previous company [1] and I'm an early Uber engineer.

We are on the lookout for a hands-on engineering manager for our application and data teams. Our application team builds what our end-users experience; a lightning fast and easy-to-use mapping tool that works in the browser. We are primarily using Elixir / Phoenix on the server side and have a spatially focused React on the frontend side. As an engineering manager, you'll be working with folks who are experts in their field [2], release more than 15+ a day [3], and aren't afraid to break new ground when necessary [4].

Our data team makes geospatial datasets a breeze to work with and we are currently building our next-generation of our data stack on AWS. The team you'll be managing is full of expert engineers from Facebook, Carto, Mapbox, and Uber. You might have used their work in mapping already; such as Tippecanoe. We also recently announced our sponsorship of QGIS [5] and have some amazing stuff planned in the next couple of quarters.

We are well-funded and just raised our $15M Series A. You can read more about it our funding here [6], and our announcement here [6]. Our terms are employee-friendly terms such as early exercise, a 10-year exercise window and even a matching 401(k).[7]

If you are an experienced manager, please reach out via and mention HN.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

0 replies

Spill ( | Senior Frontend Engineer (£80-100k) Mid-Level Fullstack Engineer (£65-75k) Mid-Level Devops/SRE (£65-75k) | London, UK (HQ) | ONSITE | Full-time Our aim is to make counselling and therapy free at the point of use for as many people as possible. We do this by selling a mental health support product to businesses.

We're hiring a Senior Frontend Engineer and a Mid-Level Fullstack Engineer and an SRE/Devops engineer into our small product and engineering team of 10.

We're a small product-focused company, we don't employ any salespeople, and we are almost (£10k away) cashflow positive.

email calvin[at]spill[dot]chat for a more thorough job spec

0 replies

IVPN | Full-stack Web Developer | Remote (UTC-1 to UTC+3) | Full-time |

IVPN is a privacy-focused VPN service in operation since 2010. We have high ethical standards, regular security audits and a stellar reputation among security and privacy analysts.

We are looking for a Full-stack Web Developer to work on a new project for a privacy-friendly DNS solution (B2C).

Ideally you possess the following knowledge: - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and modern JS frameworks (React, Angular, Vue.js) - Experience with back-end development, including server, network, and hosting environments, using Node.js / Python or Golang. - Knowledge of DNS protocols, privacy tools, and ad-blocking technology. - Fluent in SQL and able to create complex database schemas. - Understanding of security best practices to safeguard user data.

We are looking for mid-level/senior candidates who can own the project from planning to release (with internal help, of course).

You can email me directly to discuss the role: if you are ready, it's better to apply here: Don't forget to mention you found the role on HN.

0 replies

Renaissance Learning | eduCLIMBER | | Full-Time | US Remote

We have open roles on the eduCLIMBER team at Renaissance Learning. Renaissance Learning is a leader in the K-12 education space with number of products focusing on learning, practice and assessment. The eduCLIMBER product is part of our portfolio.

eduCLIMBER and is an interactive system that integrates a wide variety of student data into a single platform and provides tools for intervention tracking, collaboration, effectiveness reporting and early warning.

eduCLIMBER is a tool that helps schools implement a robust Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) practice to ensure that all students are provided with the resources they need to succeed.


FE Engineer:

API Engineer:

0 replies

Molin AI ( | Full-time | Remote | UK & Europe | Salary + equity

Startup = growth -> we are growing 7%+ every week.

Today, Molin is a conversational AI chatbot designed specifically for ecommerce businesses. Molin cuts shops’ customer support volume by 70% and also increases their sales.

In the last few months, we built an app that can create high-quality AI chatbots instantly from just the shop’s URL. The chatbots are powered by LLMs and can also take actions on demand, such as collecting emails from leads or canceling orders.

Our short-term goal is to build the best AI that can manage the entire sales and support system of ecommerce businesses using multiple mediums and channels.

We just closed our pre-seed round and well-funded for the next 16 months. We are 7 people today and remote first.

We are looking to grow the team with a senior software engineer who has extensive web experience and knows a thing or two about LLMs.

If you are interested or just want to chat, contact me at ben at molin dot ai. I'm also down to grab a coffee if you're currently in London.

0 replies
3h48m | Full-Time | Remote in US & CAN | Series B SaaS B2B Presentation Software | 16M Funding | AI Industry

Senior Software Engineer - Full Stack Highly Preferred - 150k - 250k USD Base Salary + Equity

Staff Systems Engineer - 200k - 250k USD Base Salary + Equity

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QAware | REMOTE/HYBRID (Offices in Mainz and Munich, Germany) |


* Community Marketing Manager

* IT Project Manager with technical focus

* Partner Manager

* Senior Cloud Platform Engineer

* Senior IT Consultant

We are a german service provider helping our customers to solve their hard problems. We focus on high quality software engineering and are typically not doing the operations. The company is voted as Top Company by Kununu and Great Place to Work. The company really cares about their employees.

We are mainly a german company with german communication throughout. Therefore, speaking german at an advances level is required.

If you apply, please paste this thread to the referrer field.

0 replies

** Trunk Tools | ML Engineers | Full-Time | US REMOTE or ONSITE NYC **

Trunk Tools creates software to make construction more efficient and cost effective, we have significant revenue and are growing extremely quickly! We're a team with prior experience at SpaceX, PlanGrid, Carta, LinkedIn, Uber, etc.

We're looking for:

  * Lead AI/ML Engineer  [1]
  * Machine Learning Engineer [2]
Examples of relevant experience would include semantic and lexical search, RAG, knowledge graphs, fine-tuning models, prompt engineering, MLOps, parsing unstructured data, enterprise search. A great candidate would have experience with many of these, not just one.

Feel free to email your resume and a note over to



0 replies

Magic Circle | Full-Stack Engineer | Full-time | ONSITE San Francisco / Oakland, CA Magic Circle ( is hiring a full-time, full-stack web engineer to build web-based party games! Think Jackbox/HeadsUp vibes, but no app to download, just scan the QR to play in your phone's browser. We're a team of 3, from CMU, MIT, and Google, backed by some of the best consumer gaming investors in the world.

More about the role:

You can email me directly at (rot13): niv@zntvppvepyr.fghqvb

0 replies

Hozana | Full Stack Dev / Symfony Dev / Lead Front Dev | Lyon, France | ONSITE or REMOTE | FRENCH speakers with EU VISA

We are a non-profit with a mission to unite the world in prayer through technology. We currently edit two prayer apps (Hozana and Rosario), with already more that a million users.

We have a Symfony / React + React Native stack, and are looking for a backend or full stack engineer, ideally with a few years experience, as well as for a lead Frontend engineer.

Apply at

0 replies

Senior Engineer | Ardaria | REMOTE ONLY | Full-time | Submit google form

Ardaria is a game development studio. We are innovators. We craft a collaborative game.

Survival / Creative, minecraft spiritual child.

We are hiring 3 senior software engineers, remotely, world wide. Must have experience with Unreal Engine. We released our Prototype on Steam. Get in touch on the google form →

JB Briant

0 replies

Wattro | Django/Python Web Developer | Full-time | On-Site/Hybrid Heidelberg, Germany | €65-75k |

Join us as we pioneer the fastest and easiest system for managing equipment. We use the latest technologies to give small and medium-sized companies back control of their inventory.

We are looking for a skilled developer with experience in modern web applications. We are using Hotwire for front-end and Django for back-end, proficient in CI/CD with Docker deployments on Digital Ocean.

We're a small team, solving real business problems for our B2B customers. Write me if you want to learn more: anton [at] wattro [dot] de

0 replies

Surge AI ( | Software Engineers (full-stack or applied ML) | Full-time | SF or Remote

Our mission at Surge is to build the human infrastructure powering the next wave of AI and LLMs. We’re building a data platform that powers AI teams at OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta, Google, and more. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback is the critical technique behind the new generation of AI assistants, and that human feedback comes from us. Our product has been a game-changer for the top AI teams in the world. Here are some examples of our past work:

- Creating the GSM8K dataset:

- Collecting data for Anthropic's Claude:

You’d be joining a small, rapidly growing team of former engineering and ML leaders from Google, Meta, Twitter, and Airbnb. We ship quickly, deeply care about the problems we are trying to solve, and value autonomy and ownership. No previous AI experience is required, if you have the engineering skills you can learn what you need on the job.

We're looking for engineers with a few years of experience and you can work out of our office in SF or remotely. Please reach out to us at with a resume and 2-3 sentences describing your interest. Excited to hear from you!

0 replies

Foxglove | Remote (US time zones only) | Full Time |

Foxglove is the leading observability platform for robotics developers. We help robotics and autonomous vehicle companies log, ingest, organize, and visualize multimodal data. We're well funded (series A), ~20 people, with an experienced, fast-moving team. Seeking like-minded people to join us!

- Senior / Staff Frontend Product Engineer (TypeScript, React, visualization, bonus if you have experience with web workers, webgl/webgpu, and/or wasm)

- Senior / Staff Full Stack Product Engineer (TypeScript, Node.js, Rust)

Email in my profile if you have questions (no recruiters please).

0 replies

Minerva Project | Senior Full Stack Engineer | Full time | REMOTE (global, EU or Middle East preferred) | 120-205k USD + Equity

Minerva prepares students for leadership and innovation across all disciplines. We integrate advanced classroom technology with research-backed pedagogy and curriculum to help institutions of all types and sizes to improve learning outcomes for their students, including Minerva University, our accredited four-year undergraduate institution which has been ranked Ranked #1 Most Innovative University in the World.

We have a full-time, fully remote team of 12 engineers, with a few planned hours of overlap in the AM for the US west coast time zone. Salaries are based on role, not location, providing a great amount of flexibility for employees wishing to move/travel. We believe in work life balance, flexible work arrangements, close collaboration, and start-to-finish ownership. Everyone is included in our planning process and gets a voice. Our stack is Django, React, and NodeJS on Kubernetes.

You’d be joining as a full-stack engineer helping to build the next generation of Minerva Forum, our online & in-person classroom learning solution. While every engineer works on every part of the stack, there is ample opportunity for specialization, or to broaden your skill in areas new to you. For all roles, we value empathy, candor, substantive feedback, fast iteration loops, and openness to experimentation over a specific software development process.

We do our best to reach out to every applicant. Visit to learn more and apply.

0 replies

ClimateAligned | Engineering (multiple roles) | Full-Time | HYBRID (London, UK) |


We're a small team of repeat founders and seasoned operators on a big mission to simplify planet-positive investing and put power in the hands of impact investors at a scale never seen before. The next generation of tools we are building use AI to interact with the world of sustainability data (large language models like ChatGPT). This is a highly specialist crew with a decade or more of relevant experience in the domains of machine learning and climate finance.

Some of the companies we started, (e.g. Secondmind), scaled to 100+ people and millions in revenue, published extensively in key academic journals in machine learning, and won national awards. We also have extensive industry networks, published works, and numerous advisory and working group seats in climate and sustainable finance.

We're looking for people to play a foundational role on this big mission:

- Mid-Senior Backend Engineer (Python)

- (Research) ML Engineer (LLMs)

- Others (opportunistic, including internships)

We have raised our pre-seed round from top European climate-focused investors (Pale Blue Dot & Frontline Ventures) and we just did a private product launch at COP28 in December. We've always built high-performing teams where everyone is excited to come to work for the team and to make an impact on the mission. Further details are available on our Notion job page (link at the start) and our website!

I'm the CEO and co-founder — if interested, drop me an email (aleksi@) or email our jobs email (jobs@). It'll come to me either way! :)

0 replies

Replo | Designer, Senior Fullstack Engineers, Chief of Staff | San Francisco/Remote | fulltime |

Replo (YC S21) Replo helps companies build websites with less code. Today, hundreds of e-commerce companies (e.g. Hexclad, Studs) use Replo to build everything from their latest products to giveaways. Our goal is to create a single platform for businesses to design, develop, and market content on the internet.

Why join? We have Series A++ metrics with over 1700+ new customers onboarded this year. We have over 2+ years of runway and our metrics continue to improve every month.

Positions + Founding Product Designer: + Software Engineers: + Chief of Staff:

0 replies

CentML ([]( | VP of Engineering | Full-time | US (San Francisco / Bay Area), Canada (Toronto)

We believe AI will fundamentally transform how people live and work. CentML's mission is to massively reduce the cost of developing and deploying ML models so we can enable anyone to harness the power of AI and everyone to benefit from its potential.

I am one of the co-founders and I am currently focused on recruiting an experienced VP of Engineering to our leadership team. You can read more about the role at

0 replies

Aerodome ( | Senior Systems Engineer (Rust) | Remote (US) | Full-time | $140k - $220k + equity

Aerodome is revolutionizing public safety air support with cutting-edge drone technology. Our AI-driven operating system offers unparalleled, 24/7 drone-as-first-response capabilities to public safety agencies worldwide.

We're looking for Rust engineers to solve the interesting problems involved in aerial automation. You'll work on real-time communication, video streaming (WebRTC), computer vision, distributed systems, aerial traffic awareness, and more, including state-of-the-art hardware like radars, docking stations, and new airframes.

We are well capitalized (repeat founders, top-tier investors) and are looking for engineers who want to join us on the ground floor (<20 people in product engineering).

Our team is fully remote, but we're looking for candidates in the US only. We're also open to contract-to-hire arrangements. No visa sponsorship at this time.

If interested, please apply at

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Tecton | | Various roles | Remote (Americas), or Hybrid (San Francisco/New York City) | Full-time

* About us *

Tecton builds a data management platform (a Feature Platform) to help enterprise customers create the best AI products by solving the most difficult problem in ML: the data. We provide developer tools and infra to accelerate up the production of models for batch and real-time ML.

With our platform, teams can refine contextual data for AI products, obtain scalable cloud infrastructure to ingest and serve it at scale, and have a centralized knowledge management and data governance system.

Learn more at

* Careers *

Tecton is currently hiring remotely all over the Americas (North, Central and South), and with a hybrid model in SF and NYC (come to the office as much as you want).

Some of the challenges our Software Engineering team is tackling now include:

- Building the Rift compute engine to allow users to make ML applications WITHOUT Spark:

- Creating cloud abstractions to allow our product to be used agnostically across many environments:

- Tackling the unexplored challenges of enabling real-time ML at scale:

* Find our open roles at: *

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Column ( | Product Software Engineer, Infrastructure Software Engineer, Techops Engineer | San Francisco, CA | Full Time

Column is the first nationally chartered bank built from the ground up for developers. We provide an API first, modern banking experience for our customers, replacing the bloated middleware and legacy software that currently powers most financial companies.

Started by the co-founder of Plaid, we are a team of 8 experienced engineers building the Column platform. We are currently hiring our first full-stack product engineer (React, Go) to build delightful banking UX. We are also hiring an experienced infra engineer (Go, Kubernetes, AWS) to help scale our systems. We all work on high impact, independently driven projects and support some of the largest and most sophisticated fintech customers.

Apply here: or read more about our hiring philosophy here:

Feel free to email me with any questions: praful@

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Location : Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. Remote : Yes Willing to relocate : I am willing to relocate Technologies : Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, PyTorch, Github, HTML, Cloud Computing (AWS), DevOps Resume/CV : Email :

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Stellar Science | Hybrid USA Washington DC, Albuquerque NM | Full time, INTERNS/co-ops | U.S. citizenship required |

Company: We're a small scientific software development company that develops custom scientific and engineering analysis applications in domains including: computer vision and image processing, space situational awareness (monitoring the locations, health and status of on-orbit satellites), metamaterials design, image simulation, high power microwave systems, modeling and simulation, machine learning, physics informed neural networks (PINN), human body thermoregulation, laser systems modeling, high performance computing (HPC), computer aided design (CAD), and more. All exciting applications and no CRUD. We emphasize high quality code and lightweight processes that free software engineers to be productive.

Experience: We typically look for Bachelors degrees in computer science, physics, engineering, math, or a related field, and also hire Masters and PhDs (roughly 30% of our staff have PhDs.)

Technologies: Mostly C++20/23 with coroutines and generators, Qt 6, CMake, Boost, Jenkins, git, OpenGL, CUDA. Windows and Linux, msvc/gcc/clang/clangcl, Visual Studio 2022 or any productive IDE. Some projects use Python, Java, or Javascript.

Apply online at

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Temporal Technologies | Multiple positions in United States - WORK FROM HOME | FULL-TIME |

Temporal offers an entirely new way to build scalable and reliable applications. Temporal enables developers to focus on writing important business logic, and not on managing state or worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Sequoia Capital led our last round of funding and our team has experience from start-ups and larger companies like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Uber, and more. Temporal Investors Expand Funding:

Temporal in 7 minutes:

We're looking for senior level engineers for multiple roles - see here -


Developer Success Engineer →

Senior Staff Software Design Engineer (IAM, AUTH) →

Senior Staff Distributed Systems Software Engineer →

Senior Software Design Engineer →

Staff Software Design Engineer →

Solutions Architect →

US benefits include: Unlimited PTO, 12 Holidays + 2 Floating Holidays, 100% Premiums Coverage for Medical, Dental, and Vision, AD&D, LT & ST Disability and Life Insurance , Empower 401K Plan, Additional Perks for Learning & Development, Lifestyle Spending, In-Home Office Setup, Professional Memberships, WFH Meals, Internet Stipend and more! Benefits outside the United States vary by country.

Apply here

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PlantingSpace | Full-time | Remote (EU time zone) with quarterly gatherings |

We are building a system that can accurately represent knowledge and handle uncertainty, to enable the discovery of insights and solve problems based on explainable reasoning. We envision applications to automate analysis and speed up research in domains such as Finance, Strategy Consulting, Engineering, Material Sciences, and more.

We are continuously looking for strong software engineers who are up for a challenge and a steep learning curve. You’ll be exposed to cutting edge research in Bayesian statistics, dynamical systems, information theory, category theory, and more.

Specific skillsets we will be looking for throughout 2024:

- Backend production grade software engineers with experience in developing algorithms

- Bayesian software engineers and researchers

- NLP Engineers with state of the art LLM and up to date transformer model experience

- Infrastructure specialists to build a robust scalable system with machine learning deployments

If you think this could be a great fit, apply to us through our Join Us page: (if one of the skillsets above is not explicitly listed, apply to our ‘General Opening’)..

You can find more about our tech, organisation, and ways of work on our website:

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Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) | Software developer | Copenhagen, Denmark | ONSITE, VISA

Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) | Senior data engineer | Copenhagen, Denmark | REMOTE

GBIF is an international organization and open-data research infrastructure, whose purpose is to make scientific biodiversity data available to all on the Internet. Multiple research papers are published every day citing this data.

See for our public biodiversity data platform, including its open-data API built using a Hadoop cluster and Elasticsearch. All our code is open source and on GitHub [].

We have two positions:

- a software developer (onsite) for the backend systems (Java, Elasticsearch)

- a data engineer (remote) focused more on the Hadoop-based data pipeline and biodiversity data

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TelescopeAI | Remote - European timezones | Full-time - AI Engineer (NLP, LangChain, Weaviate)

At TelescopeAI (, we are building a product that is going to revolutionise (and we mean it) the sales industry forever, positively impacting millions of people, companies and products.

Our platform uses advanced machine learning to perform prospecting on autopilot, and can identify the right customer for the right company at the right time.

We have incredible backers in Sequoia Capital and Entrepreneur First who are partnering with us on our ambitious mission.

We are building a team of superstars to undertake this legendary journey with us. You can drop us your application at contact [at] gotelescope [dot] ai.

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Vocode || Engineering (multiple roles) || SF/Remote || Full-time/Contract ||

We (Vocode) empower developers to connect the world with magical conversational AI experiences. Our hosted APIs and open source repo are used by thousands of engineers to create transformative experiences for customers around the world.

Backed by YC (W23), Google Ventures, Base10, and Gradient Ventures and some fantastic angels!

Details on openings here:

If interested, please reach out to!

0 replies

Defense MicroElectronics Activity (DMEA) | RF, Hardware Design, Embedded Software Engineers Wanted | Full-time | Sacramento, CA | Hybrid | $114 - $148k (GS-13)

Who: A Department of Defense (DoD) field activity that has been operating since 1997. Small and engineer-centric. ~90% are engineer/scientist.

What: Provide solutions to other US Government agencies and allies. Some tasks are engineering brand-new products and some tasks are re-engineering devices to keep legacy systems running. We do not compete with private industry but regularly work side-by-side with industry to get stuff done. We also have the only semiconductor foundry still operational within the federal government.

Why: US Government agencies sometimes want products built that are so technologically risky or low-volume that private industry does not want to do them. We fill the gap.

Where: Sacramento, CA -- California's fourth largest metro area. Home to two major state universities (CSU-Sacramento and UC-Davis). The farm-to-fork, and regular, capital of California.

Benefits: We are federal employees and receive federal benefits (google "opm benefits" for more info). Time off starts at 36 days/year (13 vacation + 13 sick + 10 federal holidays) and grows to 49 days/year over time (26 + 13 + 10). We have flexible schedules and most of us work a "9-to-5.” Hiring is for GS-13 engineers (google “gs pay scale 2024” and look at the Sacramento locality).

Interview: Must be a US citizen. Must be able to achieve and maintain a security clearance.

2 x Phone call [1 hr] >> Onsite w/team [full day]

Apply: Send your resume to (please DO NOT contact if you are a recruiter)

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KIKI | Lead Full-Stack Engineer | Full-time | Remote PST +/- 3hrs or Onsite Los Angeles, California

KIKI is a venture-backed community commerce platform dedicated to empowering creators, brands, and their communities with tools that drive engagement, loyalty, and conversion. Our platform focuses on putting the power of first-party data back in customers' hands through customizable co-creation, engagement, and reward campaigns that create a natural flywheel of loyalty and purchase. Our mission is to drive the future of community-driven commerce on and off-chain, and we are passionate about combining leading-edge technology with innovative customer experiences. We’re looking for a lead engineer to expand our platform ecosystem through core development of our Campaign, Reward, and Profile feature sets. React/Next/MySQL, with integrations into on-chain tools (blockchain experience optional).

Ready more: Ping me:

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19h59m | Remote | Full-Time | Devops/MLOps, Backend Engineer (FastAPI), Frontend Engineer (React)

Convert your AI workbooks into a reliable backend with one line of code. NUX contains everything you need to prototype, experiment and productionize AI applications.

We're VC-backed and NYC based but remote first. We're looking to solve the issue of engineers building cool projects in AI but not knowing how to productionize them. You must be passionate about building production AI systems.

We're former AWS, Mongo and Invision engineers.

Email the founder if interested:

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GOLF+ | Remote & VISA | Open positions: Senior Producer, Senior Product Designer

At GOLF+, we’re obsessed with bringing the joy of golf to as many people as possible, using immersive technology. We are the leading VR golf app that blends visually stunning golf courses with true-to-life physics, creating a hyper-realistic virtual golfing experience. Since our launch in 2020, we’ve had over 1.2 million downloads and 1.6 billion shots hit in the game. In 2022, we became the official VR partner of the PGA Tour, following investment from strategic partners including Ben Crenshaw, Rory McIlroy, Jordan Spieth, Tom Brady, Steph Curry, and Mike Trout.

To apply, please go to

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Deque Systems | Full-time | Remote (US) |

Deque is the leader in accessibility tools, services and training. We enable businesses and organizations to make their sites and apps accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. Our experts help define web standards, and with over 475,000 deployments worldwide, our tools are the de facto standard for automated accessibility testing.

We're hiring for several senior and lead engineering roles, including:

- Technical Team Lead, axe DevTools Extension: Integrate accessibility testing into the browser

- Senior Accessibility Tool Developer: Design the next generation of accessibility testing rules with us

- Senior Ruby and Python Developer: Enable automated accessibility testing in a wide range of languages and test frameworks

- Shared Services Team Lead: Build the backend services that power all of our accessibility tools and services

- Senior Full Stack Developer: Develop axe Developer Hub, a new service for low-friction accessibility testing in CI builds

We're looking for remote candidates permanently based in the US.

If you share our passion for making the web accessible for all, we'd love to hear from you! Apply at and mention that you saw this HN post.

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Opvia (YC S20) | DevOps/DevEx engineer + Sales development representatives + Enterprise AE | London (UK based)|

Opvia wants to be the software layer for regulated manufacturing companies. Regulated industries (Pharma, biotech, F&B) need better software to go to market faster, get insights from their data, and comply with the regulations. Opvia makes it easier to build exactly the procedures and workflows companies need with its no-code platform.

If you are a backend developer familiar with GCP and Terraform and want to have an impact reach out.

If you are a sales professional (outbound SDR or enterpise AE) and want to have an impact on a small sales team with a huge market, reach out.

Drop me a line ( if you need further info or are looking for a different position

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June | Remote (CET preferred) | Full time | €80-130k - 0.50% - 1.50% equity |

We're a small team of 6 from Intercom, CircleCI and Grofers.

We're hiring a third engineer to join us to keep up with our growth.

We're building the Linear of product analytics. If you're up for a challenge and want to build business software that is as delightful as consumer software then you should consider reaching out.

Tech stack includes Rails, React, Clickhouse and follows one principle: Keeping things simple (

If you want to learn more reach out at ferruccio[at]june[dot]so