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27 years ago, Steve Jobs said the best employees focus on content, not process

138 replies

Corporations, at their root, are an arbitrage on the fact that other corporations follow the bell curve.

The entire goal of salaries and “teams” in my experience, is to ENSURE that high performers get diluted and averaged in with mediocre performers so the company can pretend the high performers don’t exist.

This was my experience in (large co).

I have seen situations where a single IC is dragging a division of 30 people yet still being compensated for doing the work of one IC.

Management of that group took the approach “it’s a team effort!” And get the credit for that output.

Their boss looks down and sees Director managing 30 people and getting amazing result X, where X is 90% the effort of the one super star.

Eventually super star gets fed up and leaves, and gets paid what everyone else gets somewhere else “hoping to be valued.”

Management still win. They get the credit for the super stars work. Frustrated super star leaves. Mediocre management is still there.

A decade later nothing but the WORST and LEAST talented garbage are left. No one remotely talented would ever join that company because it’s a trap - you just get averaged in with mediocrity.

The “averaging the great in with the spectacular” to reduce the relative power of the spectacular is the entire point of “management.”

You have a team of six, pretend the work of the super star is “everyone working together” and attempt to grow your headcount off that super star.

That has been my entire career. Never seen it go differently.

34 replies

Actually, that's how the world works most of the time. Superstars also know it and are used to it from early childhood. They are expected to carry the load and equally importantly, the team is expected to listen to them. It works like this in all walks of life, because simply put, human beings are not equal in ability.

Things break down when the team and management stop listening. That's when the superstar actually gets frustrated and leaves.

Truth is, when it comes to a competition between two groups, it's almost always two bunches of mediocres sprinkled with one or two superstars. The group that wins is the one that listens to their superstars. This applies in war, in sports and in the corporate world.

14 replies

Superstars are why I don’t try harder and am less engaged. They take all of the interesting ownership and inject themselves into every process and space for communication. I wait for these people to burn out and want to actually be a team member instead of a productivity bully hoarding opportunity for themselves. They want to be the first on everything so they can influence it to be more how they like, the rest of team be damned. They don’t care if the rest of the team feels unmotivated from a lack of ownership, at least they got theirs? I don’t understand the mentality.

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They take all of the interesting ownership

How do they get to "take" as an IC.

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Every team and individual have their own norms, but some people just take the agency to get shit done. In other words, when there’s work to be done they don’t feel the need to ask permission.

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Can't OP do the same then instead of waiting on a team member to burn out . I think OP is barking up the wrong tree because the problem seems that their manager doesn't believe in them or maybe OP doesn't believe in themselves to step up and take responsibility .

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I want them to do less and let the team fail instead of personally holding the team up. Our team needs to fail and learn lessons but this individual is so astoundingly good that they can carry us.

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"Superstars are why I don’t try harder and am less engaged. They take all of the interesting ownership and inject themselves into every process and space for communication. I wait for these people to burn out and want to actually be a team member instead of a productivity bully hoarding opportunity for themselves."

Are you sure you've got a "superstar" there?

I think the term ought to be reserved for people who truly do a lot of good work, and not the many varieties of people who manage to make it look like they're doing lots of good work. Which absolutely exist, and need terminology to talk about them, and sharing strategies to deal with them is a good thing to do. But while I'm sure there's a non-zero set of people who are both superstars and very good at giving the appearance of doing a lot of work and being very political about it, I doubt there are many. That's a very particular order off the metaphorical menu of attributes.

I would expect a real superstar to be happy to find that you can carry a meaningful portion of the load. There is always more work to do than can be done. Being able to not do some of it allows them to focus somewhere else.

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I agree, if they are interjecting themselves into everything and taking all the “cool projects”, they aren’t superstars - they’re supera$$høles.

A real superstar would empower the team with that extra sprinkle of confidence so they can tackle the cool projects and succeed. They should be SWAT, not Mayor.

I’m sorry you feel this way and you should bring this up with your manager.

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They truly do a lot of good (great!) work and for quite a few years straight, so much so that the rest of the team atrophies as they continue to fill larger and larger gaps.

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Actually, a superstar will welcome and mentor other capable "superstars". She or he will not have patience for one that expects to be taught everything. One thing they understand very well is while everyone won't be at the same level as them, helping other people skill up leaves them space to go do other interesting things as well

So what you have isn't a superstar. That's a jerk who will burn out fast and your management isn't responsive enough.

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They are really good at what they do and they've been going strong for years, so I think there will be more waiting necessary. I like to rise to the challenge and this person covers all gaps so there is no pressure which builds.

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What happens when rest of the team does not rise to the occasion? You now have a happy but very mediocre team for the task on hand. Decision making is very democratic but seldom happens in time.

I feel you need pace setters but not excessively reward individual heroics.

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A very mediocre team that does not rise to the occasion (aka fails at delivering) probably will look bad for management and will be sidesteps (aka outsourced) if not fully replaced.

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They don’t care if the rest of the team feels unmotivated from a lack of ownership, at least they got theirs? I don’t understand the mentality.

Because when the "team" undoubtedly fails, it falls on shoulders of the superstar to fix it.

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Lowest common denominator. If you happen to work with people who are slower / have less ability than you.. you'd be the "superstar".. Now everybody is just picking their nose... welcome to Shitco. inc.

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The type of person you are describing is not what others are talking about.

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That makes sense until you consider that the world (and any team) is "sprinkled" with a lot more narcissists and know-it-alls than geniuses!

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I personally have known several people. They are not narcissists. They are literally 100x talent. One of them built out a half dozen hit games, doing all the art and programming for one employer which represented half the companies profit.

Then he left, started a 30 person company, got frustrated, quit and built another game entirely from scratch doing all the art direction and sold millions then retired.

One person.

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I personally have known several people. They are not narcissists. They are literally 100x talent.

I guess this can varies per company. It’s not difficult to be a super star in a dinosaur company. After all, “In The Land of The Blind, The One Eyed Man is King.”

This is really common in many European companies. Most developers are doing the bare minimum and it’s common for the department to be carryover by a single guy that is passionate by software development.

My understanding is that people don’t put any effort because of a mix of factors: no technical career; low salaries; no financial reward for putting extra effort; management is mostly non technical and don’t value developers; companies can’t increase salary for a single individual in the same role because of unions or country laws; people can’t be easily fired; etc.

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My understanding is that people don’t put any effort because of a mix of factors: no technical career; low salaries; no financial reward for putting extra effort; management is mostly non technical and don’t value developers; companies can’t increase salary for a single individual in the same role because of unions or country laws; people can’t be easily fired; etc.

Or they just plain don't care about software engineering and just do bare minimum for salary.

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It’s not difficult to be a super star in a dinosaur company.

It is extremely hard to be a superstar in a dinosaur company, if we are talking about software development.

The thing to consider is called "technical debt." You will not believe what can be accumulated through years if technical debt is not addressed. And usually it is not properly addressed, of course.

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Care to share this person's personal website?

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What a rollercoaster of a life.

[Edit: I was trying to make a joke reference but after reviewing the facts, no it doesn't look like the person referenced was Chris Sawyer of Rollercoaster Tycoon fame. He could fit the description though]

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I met a small number of exceptional people. Most were very good people, smart and very passioned and that made them very productive. Unfortunately not all of them were positive additions to the team, one was counterproductive as he was creating a lot of tension and conflict.

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It still makes sense. The group that listens to these people instead of real superstars (assuming it has any) is at disadvantage.

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If I mentioned the company, and you would recognize it, you would understand the catastrophic non performance of this company for a decade.

All the old management are still in place despite several ceo changes and it has become the poster child for failed big company.

you can even read the glass door reviews. Thousands of posts say the same thing I am saying: The bad people gang up on the good people and that’s why I left.

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You misunderstood me - I agree with GP, I'm just pointing out that the GGP's comment still holds. The company is at a disadvantage because of that. But yes, it is difficult to change company culture.

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Here in Germany, we had a bad experience listening to our superstar Adolf and decided we should try democracy next time. Some parts of.the political party AFD is trying to change that, unsuccessfully, so far.

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What the heck are you talking about?

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It's been a while since I've seen Godwin's law, and this time by a real German!

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If management is listening to the superstar and translating it to the team to support them it is great.

If management expect people to just listen to the superstar directly it’s terrible, as the superstar has no time to do the actual work and is expected to lead instead.

That is the easiest way to kill talent, and strange enough most people are encouraged to go this way to grow within the company.

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A long time ago I was the superstar in 3 teams, 2 different companies. In the first one, 25 years ago, the management made me the team lead, it worked well. The second case, 10 years ago, the company was a huge corporation but not yet rotten, my manager put me in charge of the rest of the team went well for time time I was there, when I was moved to another team unexpectedly everything crashed and burned (most of the team left the company). In the last case the management did nothing, it was pretty bad, after a while most people were listening to me because they trusted me, but some (career driven) were constantly sabotaging everyone else and it got worse. It was the same corporation going DIE and the E rule was that everybody is equal at all cost, the dumbest idea was the same value as the best idea and everyone was paid the same. We had no above average people since.

The best thing management can do is to listen to Steve Jobs: "the best managers are the great IC who never, ever want to be a manager but decide they have to be a manager because nobody else is going to be able to do as good as jobs as them". [Youtube ID QplyFXgIx7Q].

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Actually, that's how the world works most of the time. Superstars also know it and are used to it from early childhood. They are expected to carry the load and equally importantly, the team is expected to listen to them. It works like this in all walks of life, because simply put, human beings are not equal in ability.

Yeah this is spot on. My time in engineering has taught me that the world is falling apart, always and forever. There is a relentless decay eating everything around you and it's often only the heroic acts of surprisingly few high-quality people that keep it going to tomorrow.

Those people are rare, perhaps around 0.5-5% of the population or less depending on where you draw the boundaries. But they can be found in all different walks of life. I know one that was a UPS driver for 30 years. Not a remarkable profession, but he is a remarkable guy. School was about the only thing he wasn't a high-performer in with the exception of high-school sports. But he can solve basically any problem. Even those out of his depth, because he knows when something is out of his depth and he also knows who to pull in to consult. He knows EVERYONE and everyone that knows him owes him a favor because he uses his undying energy and hard work to help them all. At work, they begged him to become a manager but he refused the position over and over. But they would screen every new hire through him to see if they were worth keeping. When something would go wrong, they called him. I remember one instance when there was an interruption to the entire local area fuel AND power supply and the warehouse was therefore out of operation because their backup generators didn't have enough fuel. So... they just called him in the middle of the night and by God, he had the problem solved by 4 am that day and still showed up for work. His breadth of skill and knowledge is also incredible, but I'll save the reader some time and omit those stories.

Despite being rare gems of people, you paradoxically seem to run into these people everywhere because they tend to be so prolific and well connected. Effective managers learn to just funnel their problems through these people with enough lead time to keep the whole team operational.

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Speaking of the world falling apart and there’s decay all around you, you should try sailing.

The corrosive forces of the ocean combined with what-ever-that-is growing on your bottom hull reminds you it’s a constant battle between human nature and Mother Nature.

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It is interesting to see this dynamic playing in music bands, in situations where one person writes the songs, and the others just follow along.

Then the talent gets fed up and leave, leaving a mere "cover band" behind, unable to replicate the magic beyond what an average amateur band could do.

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That's why I incorporated a tiny company.

Sometimes, companies will interview me and then when I tell them my salary expectations, they usually pretend to be offended and refuse by arguing that it would destroy the salary structure inside their company. But that doesn't really mean anything because many of them are happy to book my consulting company at 1.5x that salary afterwards.

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I wonder if you ask them about this discrepancy and how they view it. Personally, I find it weird, but wonder how they'd justify the 1.5x expense.

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Guess it's different over in the states, but my boss said the cost to the company is roughly 2x the salary. This includes taxes (not income tax), pension and such.

So 1.5x would be a steal in comparison.

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2x sounds like it includes non-billable employees like assistants, HR, accounting etc. A 100% overhead is probably quite common.

Pure employee costs are more in the 1.2 - 1.3x range (Europe). That is 30% on top of the gross salary for employer taxes, health insurances etc.

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I am in Portugal. Here your real wages are tiny compared to the company expenses.

To start: everyone pays 34.75% of mandatory social contribution, even if you are on minimum wage. Government tricks people saying the contribution is "only" 11% but charges the other 23.75% from the employer.

So if a company pays 1000 eur to "you" (remember a chunk goes straight to government and skips you, but they are still spending that to pay you) you get 652.5 euro. Or 65% roughly. And that is only the social contribution part.

The average income tax for a tech worker is around 20%. Thus you get instead 500 euro flat.

Thus a Portuguese company to hire a tech worker would literally spend the double of your taxless wages just to hire you and pay the income taxes and social contribution. Then if you factor all other potential expenses things get even sillier.

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So, Portugal is pretty much in my 1.2-1.3 range?

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Contractors can be billed to a project, it’s much easier to pass with the finance dept than justifying why one new hire should get 4x what someone else with the same job title gets.

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It's justifying why the new hire gets more than their manager that is really hard.

It's also easier to book a high fixed cost than a high ongoing cost.

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get 4x what someone else with the same job title gets.

some enterprising manager realizes this, makes up a new job title (that sound important) to justify the 4x salary, and thus lead to job title inflation as other people sees such a title earning high.

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Contractors are easier to hire and much easier to fire than permanent employees. I've had both good and absolutely terrible experience with QoR of contractors, but IMO the biggest problem is the loss of institutional knowledge when the contract ends. No amount of reports makes up for the warm body in the room that can say, "actually, the reason for this is ...".

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I show up differently in their accounting ledger, and because investors scrutinise that, management will optimise for it. Instead of employee cost (which is usually tightly controlled) I now show up as an external service next to extortionate cloud bills (where nobody knows or cares what they pay for anyway) somewhere 2 levels deep in COGS. Being the cheapest service provider looks a lot better on paper than being the most expensive employee.

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Also depending on country there is tax and social security payments which companies dont have pay when they are buying consulting.

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And in Europe consultants are much, much easier to fire (especially if the minimum standard of performance is "more capable than our existing staff" or the problem is for an indeterminate amount of time)

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Companies are full of weird cargo cult like that.

Having a ssalary cap on certain positions, but paying top dollar for external consultants doing the same is very very common.

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Most companies are status-based, not value-based. The primary goal is to maintain status differentials. Pay is one of many tools used to enforce status hierarchies.

As an external consultant you are - to some extent - outside the hierarchy, so the usual rules don't apply.

When companies get really big and dysunctional they start to treat their customers as if they're the bottom of the hierarchy. Which is how you get all finds of corporate outrages.

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how they'd justify the 1.5x expense.

Because of lack of benefits, don't have to go through unions to fire ect.

Same reason you pay higher on a short term apartmentlease.

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Because it's temporary.

That is, if the company hires you, they hire you (in theory) forever. But if they contract with you, that's usually for the duration of the contract - a few months. A higher rate but for a short time is easier to justify than a slightly lower, but still high, rate forever.

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If you don’t mind me asking, what specific area do you specialize in with your consulting work?

I’d like to do what you do in the future and I’m just curious.

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I do any kind of research and software development. But the most profitable tasks tend to be finding a new angle for how you can automate something.

In Germany, there's still an almost endless supply of companies who urgently need to digitise their customer interactions so that they can react quickly to customer orders. A 2 week lead time for PCBs, for example, just doesn't work anymore if the Chinese competition is not only cheaper, but can DHL Express to anywhere within 7 days. Or imagine you want to book catering for an event next week but the local bakery insists that you should have faxed an order form to their central management 10 days in advance. You'd be surprised how much revenue boost some companies see just from a rudimentary Shopify order form with Stripe+PayPal online payment.

Or another classic is automating document inflow. You put all forms of type X into an automated scanner and that'll send the files to a network share and then a cronjob will name the files and sort them for you. Not only do you save one employee (e.g. $4k monthly fully loaded) but you also never have things delayed by vacations or sick days, thus making the entire company more reactive to customer demands.

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Nice. Your work eliminates jobs and transfers their salary to the business owner! Seems more like bean counting than tech.

Would be nice if there was more focus from software tech on making more opportunities for people rather than the trend of eliminating more humans from the workforce.

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That's a good point, but I would argue that lack of digitalisation is a real bottleneck for industries.

Allowing companies to do more work and hire more people in their field of expertise (be it a bakery or a PCB factory) is better than having them hire low-paid employees to operate the fax and fill multiple forms by hand.

Since we're talking Germany, the main complaint here is that there's not enough people available to work. "Well just bring in immigrants", you might say, but funny enough the lack of people in the immigration service is always cited as a bottleneck... and this bottleneck is mostly because of lack of digitalisation.

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There are only so many PCBs and cupcakes that the world needs. Consolidation displaces competitors and their employees/jobs.

My argument is not about the value of what digitalization can provide for a specific company. It is about the value to the average citizen in an economy, who are the people the economy should truly be serving.

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This is not about consolidation.

The real value is in letting average citizens work in the things they want, highly-paid, highly-satisfying professions, rather than working like computers answering to faxes.

I come from a country that suffered massive premature deindustrialization. My original profession, Electrical Engineering, is jokingly referred as a synonym for "Uber Driver". About 80% of my classmates aren't working as Engineers anymore. The rest left the country. I did both. Nobody is happy about it.

Here's another: the people doing those bureaucratic things by hand also hate it. It's not a choice. It's just something they're stuck with.

Since you talked about consolidation, there is much more consolidation going on when a consumer chooses to go with industrial products rather than the local bakery due to communication difficulties. Or with China PCBs instead of a local PCB producer.

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You are correct and I have considered this because in general I, too, dislike the trend of profits being focused on ever fewer owners.

However, what is the better option here?

A. I digitise their primitive tasks like paper forms and a few low-paid employees get fired but the company overall remains competitive and most employees retain their jobs.

B. They get crushed by foreign competition because they are too slow and too inflexible to justify the higher prices. The company goes belly up and everyone loses their job. And/or parts of the company get outsourced to China to reduce costs.

My conclusion is that sacrificing a few office workers to keep the technology research and manufacturing in the west is, yes, cruel, but still better than the alternative.

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Or another classic is automating document inflow. You put all forms of type X into an automated scanner and that'll send the files to a network share and then a cronjob will name the files and sort them for you. Not only do you save one employee (e.g. $4k monthly fully loaded) but you also never have things delayed by vacations or sick days, thus making the entire company more reactive to customer demands.

Funny enough I actually was assisting with doing just this for a western US state when they adopted Obamacare. We used Activebatch to process incoming applications. It was such a great "drag and drop" workflow with additional provisions for handling failed steps, handling cases where the server doing the works starts to fall out of normal parameters (gets overloaded or some resource goes missing) and so much more.

Despite all this and us over-provisioning the servers, the avalanche of applications coming in were so much that we totally managed to overload our servers anyway and had to rush to add so much more capacity.

I wish there was something as easy to use as Activebatch available as an open source option. It is such a hidden gem that is hidden away because the company that sells it are idiots that wall it behind "enterprise sales". The best I can find is Apache Airflow but it does not stand a candle to Activebatch for ease of use.

God there is SO MUCH I want to automate in the world but the biggest hurdle that stands in the way is that actually manually coding all this crap is a massive hurdle and that drag and drop with intelligence and the ability to customize when running workloads is a much better option.

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I wish you a ton of success, we need a lot of streamlining and digitalisation here! I hope you’ll do some good work for the government next as there’s so much red tape and antiquated methods.

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So in essence you apply for regular employment and when you get turned down you pitch your consulting service?

On last few teams I have been pulling most of the project while being unpaid (southern Europe devs rejoice) so I m thinking about incorporating as well, but with kid on the way I am worried I won't be able to find clients...

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> On last few teams I have been pulling most of the project while being unpaid (southern Europe devs rejoice) so I m thinking about incorporating as well...

Not getting paid? Are you trying to break into an industry with an unpaid internship or is this a hack-a-thon side project?

I don't understand how structuring an independent contractor offering will get you paid by the same folks who aren't paying you at the moment.

Doesn't sound like it would solve your issue.

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Underpaid, it was unfortunate autocorrect that slipped, sorry. I am dev with 10y of working experience. I considered freelancing before, got onto toptal and similar pages but got no good offers (net money would be better but with incorporation/sole prop. I would lose health and retirement benefits) - the moment they hear where I am from the offer is cut down or passed to someone else...

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@fxtentacle - I'm currently planning on starting a consulting company for my area of expertise (data engineering), can I reach out to you and learn the 101 of doing something like this?

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I'd say just ask the questions because 1. I don't have all the answers and 2. if it's a group discussion we have a higher chance of learning something new

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I am interested also. Would love to tune in and learn. I am desperate.

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That’s part of the reason behind hiring consultants - both strategy consultants who are brought in for their subject matter expertise and staff augmentation “consultants”.

On the other hand, I’m more than willing to accept my 35% lower compensation to have a full time job than I know I could make if I went independent.

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"Their boss looks down and sees Director managing 30 people and getting amazing result X, where X is 90% the effort of the one super star."

This is interesting because it was my experience in school as well. In most group projects, 1 or 2 people would carry the rest of the group.

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I admit I was sometimes carried. In creative work this is bound to happen. All people firing on all cylinders and coordinating well is a rarity in creative work. It might work in a kitchen or sailing boat though.

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There's several types of "carrying".

You have the type where one person is the visionary, is capable, but doesn't have the patience to do the grunt work and only wants to do the most prestigous or "important" shit. They do it well, but expect the rest of the team to do the thankless stuff.

This is the type i hate, and i rather not have them.

The other type is someone who is self-less, and just does the work regardless of self-interest or agenda. They will do both prestigious work, and will also do thankless work, as long as it contributes to the success of the project. They will stay late, fix up other's mistakes, etc, without complaints or expectation that others do the same.

This is the type i admire and want to work with.

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The other type is someone who is self-less, and just does the work regardless of self-interest or agenda. They will do both prestigious work, and will also do thankless work, as long as it contributes to the success of the project. They will stay late, fix up other's mistakes, etc, without complaints or expectation that others do the same.

Been there, done that, it's a career dead-end.

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I used to be that person, but the problem is that you’re creating an incentive structure that doesn’t enable the management chain to identify and correct problems. A company should not be standing on the shoulders of a single engineer doing thankless work to prevent catastrophe.

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Ye. "Super stars" are often just people that stampede the other devs. Like, working together is so inefficient in bigger teams that someone let loose will appear very productive, but he is slowing down everyone else.

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I know several who are in the second category. The problem with constantly fixing other's mistakes is the other people never learn to take responsibility. They know the people carrying the project are not going to let it fail. No matter what, whatever they did is going to get fixed.

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That's a very succint description of the arrogant person and the one whom everyone mislabels as arrogant.

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At my university marks and course content was divided up between exams and group projects. Individuals would optimize their own scores by focusing on exam tested content and hoping someone else in the group would carry them. People who wanted top marks always had to carry the entire group as the other members knew they could get away with not contributing and holding the grade hostage. It was a fucking nightmare, and if you complained then you were not a team player. Instead of dealing with a stressful discovery process where people promise to deliver work but fail to at the last minute I would just let the group know upfront that I’ll be carrying them. A lot of people graduated that probably shouldn’t have and I’ve been resentful of group work ever since. This was a top tier university so I’d hate to think that other universities are somehow even less rigerous.

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Whenever I taught a course with group work, I would have the students give all the other students in the group a score each week. All the scores had to add up to 100. They had no problem giving any student not participating a zero. There was a formula we would run the scores through to give each student a final score that was a percentage of the total score for the project and their group participation scores. It worked quite well to give those who worked the hardest the most points and those who didn’t do any work zero points.

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They tried that, it turned into this metagame with reprisals where others would work together and gang up on you so it would end up being many against one. Basically step one was to find the sucker, step two is make it stick. If you had a rep for good grades then you were de facto the sucker. You could tank the group and hope to fair better in a reshuffle but it was a lemon market and the replacements would be just as bad and now everyone knows you have given your previous team members poor scores. People quickly learned to never do that. So part of the optimization was to present lecturers with what they want to see with only minor deviations between individual rankings, effectively a voting ring. Presenting a false projection of reality in order to metagame politics was accidentally good training for real world work - but it really sucks having to do the work of 4 people.

I’m sure if the lecturers cared they could have managed it properly but they didn’t I don’t know of any who did.

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I should point out that I only taught online course. The students lived all over the world and never met in person.

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This whole discussion is about that you should expect and embrace this experience because while it’s possible to not end up in an organization like that, it… doesn’t happen often. This is the rare case where uni grading and real life are actually in sync.

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I think the idea that almost everything is a “group project” in life and that the things learned from school group projects carry over beyond to the rest of life holds true. It’s a simplification but has more than an ounce of truth.

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Definitely! I had several university group projects where several of the team members did little-to-nothing. If you want to succeed you gotta drag people along. It's actually better if they're honest about it, telling you they're not going to be able to do the work either on time or to the expected standards. Instead, I find people pretend things are "going well", then produce crap other people, superstars or not, have to fix anyway. The top 20% is supporting the bottom 80%.

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It took me a while to figure out the underlying problem with "group projects" in school, but I think what I eventually settled on is that there's no way for the grader to have any insight into the group dynamics. Or at least, after some non-trivial thought on the topic, I haven't come up with any. This creates certain inevitable pathologies; why shouldn't the whole group just sort of bet on one of their members doing all the work? Many of these people wouldn't even care if they only get a C out of it, really.

But that doesn't match the real world. In the real world managers dig into that all the time. They develop understandings of the performance of individual team members. If they don't, we call that a pathology and it's their fault because they have all the tools and time they need to do it. Certainly many fail at that and there are plenty of complaints about that in this discussion, but it isn't inevitable the way it is for a school grader.

I see no way to resolve this gap, and as a result, my recommendation, for all the zero good it will do, is that schools need to just accept they can't really simulate a group project and stop assigning them.

For those stuck in them in school, I have no particular advice. I'm not sure what I would do myself if I were placed in such a scenario again. Probably just grumble and be the guy doing the project again.

But for those in a work situation, you have a reasonably good chance of having an option you may not realize: Document, document, document! Document that your current task is blocked on $SLACKER's work. Document that you added unit tests to $SLACKER's work around your needs and they failed and you sent it back. Document that they broke the unit tests to make them pass and it still doesn't meet your needs. Document, document, document.

There's two reasons for this: One, it covers your own bum. You will find that even if at first you may be pushed into being a "team player" there does generally come a point where SLACKER needs to contribute something meaningful themselves to be of any value. Second, to get an employee fired nowadays, you need a solid documentation trail. If your manager does not or can not make one, well, they don't really have to. You can go a long ways towards providing HR with one yourself.

I don't guarantee that will work in every situation, but I would suggest that you not let your cynicism block you from at least trying here. And to be honest, if that just completely doesn't work and you are in a situation where HR is just perfectly OK with a paper trail of documented lack of performance over a period of time, well, maybe that's a signal it's time to leave. Even a cynic can see that paper makes the world go round and you can often turn that to your own advantage with just a bit of effort.

0 replies

In my experience, it often does match the real world. Many dev managers are out-of-touch with day-to-day work. They often don't have the time to get into the details. Example: It's been 10 years since I last had one that helped with code reviews, or even looked at PRs. Direct complaints are often ignored because they don't want to rock the boat or deal with the additional work.

0 replies

Great points about how managers can help, as it is their job. At a company, there are the incentives but the desired output by any means necessary (e.g. relying on the “superstar”) can supersede creating a solid team.

Regarding improving group projects in schools: This is not a good idea, but a thought: school groups have rotating “managers” that are made to mainly coordinate and communicate with the professor. This mirrors the dynamic in industry, but I can see it becoming a nightmare, far worse than the current paradigm.

Also, documentation is a great idea, and I think pull requests are useful way to track this and improve the situation - by taking action to fix a problem and create an artifact of the action (with comments on the why).

(the $SLACKER env var is a nice touch. The goal is to have never get defined, but alas.)

2 replies

Most people see this, and yet the reaction of many is to be deeply, passionately outraged that two people could ever be recognized or compensated differently.

1 replies

The problem here is that once you have a metric for outsized compensation you make it 10x easier for a cheater to snatch it up merely by turning it into a target. (Lines of code, commits, etc.)

What's worse is that your metric is as likely to be out of sync as code comments. If you're lucky you can notice that a) a new "10x" is actually adding value in a way you never thought to measure, and b) you already spent that 10x money on the employees whose "10x" is hacking your metrics as targets. More likely, you just notice "a" and not "b."

I think the outrage over this goes all the way back to the Greeks. IIRC Plato had a Socratic dialogue about the politician generally beating the expert in debate because the politician is an expert in persuasion. "Being an engineer" isn't a solution because, as you imply, at some point the engineer has to pay the bills. And it's at that point they are out of their element and subject to the politician who specializes in persuading engineers to do things.

If I were wrong, engineers would have long used a web-of-trust to publicly post their salaries (or perhaps anonymized statistics derived from them) to ensure companies aren't taking advantage of anyone at scale.

Edit: clarification

0 replies

Sure, it’s difficult for people outside the group to reliably ascertain who actually contributed what and how it relates to the final output’s quality. Collective grading in group projects is a sacrifice of a small bit of justice for a great deal of administrative convenience - not the last time that will happen in a student’s life.

But when a system does bother with individual differences in contribution, inequality is seen as necessarily unjust. I don’t see how you can live through a group project and believe that. Some people contributing much more than others or being much more competent than others is eminently plausible! That’s how most things go!

0 replies

You have encountered Price’s Law.

Price’s law says that 50% of the work is done by the square root of the total number of people who participate in the work.
8 replies

This all makes sense for knowledge workers, but what about the rest of the world?

In a supermarket chain you need 1000 people following the exact process developed by a small team of superstars at head office.

Sometimes you will get someone who is good at convincing the others to stay on process, they get to be managers. IE the smarter staff rise up.

This is quite different to your example. Perhaps the corporation is not so stupid, its just not good at writing software?

7 replies

This hero worshippong always puzzles me. All real world examples, from certified sport super stars to actual rock stars, show us that the proverbial employee rockstar is a myth.

No Messi, Ronaldo or Mbappé can win a Championship or the Champions League on their own. Nor can Brady win the Super Bowl without a team. Every rockstar has a team of song writers (there are exceptions to that so), producers, marketing and tour people behind them.

A "rockstar" that is unable to follow rules or work in a team is nothing but a loose cannon.

Caveat is so, you can be a great fit in team / corporation A and a terrible one in team / corporation B. And what people like Sinsek have to say about all of this, is horse crap.

3 replies

Nor can Brady win the Super Bowl without a team.

I'm pretty sure you can run whatever analytics you'd like and they'd all say that (prime) Brady is more than worth 100x the salary of the JAG qb3 on the practice squad.

The skill curve for athletic and knowledge work is steep and tall. Measuring it outside of games is the hard part.

2 replies

I didn't say anything about salaries, did I? Which team so do you think would do better:

- Brady at his prime in a team of highschool amateurs

- the back-up team of, I have no real idea about american football so feel free to pick a better example, the Cowboys

What do you think?

0 replies

How else do you define rockstar? Does being worth 100x the next guy not qualify? This is specifically relevant because football is a salary cap sport - every dollar on Brady is money not spent on someone else and therefore is a direct reflection of his measured value on the field.[0] As opposed to euro-football or older F1, where budgets are more flexible.

To your question: You can always saddle a 'rockstar' with enough negative-value players to result in poor overall performance. You've contriving an irrelevant situation -- also one where you've put 53 rockstars,[1] against a bunch of highschoolers plus one rockstar. Just about every player on the Dallas cowboys, except maybe the kicker/punter would drag an average highschool to the state championship.

[0]And we all know how that has turned out over the last 20 odd years.

[1]Rockstar-ship is situational/relative - the backup RB on the cowboys is a scrub in the NFL. He would also be the best highdchool player in the country by a large margin (aka a rockstar).

0 replies

Backup team of the Cowboys (or any NFL team) would absolutely destroy Brady and a high school team.

2 replies

Saying "a star can't do it without a team" is very silly. That's like saying "well, sure but Shakespeare couldn't have written anything with a pen". True at some level, but I think we both know in that equation whether the pen or the man was more valuable. The point is that teams are necessary, but in many cases, are easier to come by than stars. Engineering stars do exist. Not all are loose cannons, like in popular culture. Some just do great work that others can't.

0 replies

Shakespeare's works likely wouldn't have been known without a team of performers to perform them, without an audience willing to accept them, no one gets anything done alone.

0 replies

I thought it was pretty well established that Shakespeare had a team of writers?

5 replies

That has been my entire career. Never seen it go differently.

In my "big tech company", there's a thorough (and I think overall fair) evaluation process, and a very high performer can earn a significant amount of money, e.g. 10x the salary of a junior. People are also strongly incentized to deliver through bonuses and stock refresher.

I'm not denying that what you describe exists in some (most?) companies, but there are tons of companies out there, and it's also up to employees to do their homework and find places that suits their values and ambitions. They do exist!

2 replies

A junior at BigTech averages around $170K. Are you really saying a high performer can make $1.7 million in compensation a year? I’m sure there are a very few that do.

0 replies

Look at Google [1] and Meta [2], this seems to be in the ballpark. There are people with such high salaries, but they are very few and more than just high-performers.

[1] [2]

0 replies

Sure, but there are very few high performers.

0 replies

Ok, seriously curious - how does this evaluation process look like, at least in broad strokes? I haven't yet seen one that would make incentives aligned, but you got my hopes up. :)

0 replies

My experience with those big companies and those tough but allegedly fair review processes is that management has no idea who is actually doing the work, and disproportionately compensates people they like on a personal level, unfairly. The bias reenforces itself when the "top performers" are preferentially assigned prestigious work that can look good on the next review. You can tell who the stupidest people in the organization are by the faith they have in the fairness and appropriateness of the review system.

5 replies

One strong argument (maybe the only one) for the concept of controlling superstar players is the reality that they are going to leave, eventually; maybe for a better job, maybe retirement, maybe they get hit by a bus. If your output is entirely dependent on a superstar, it inevitably won't be durable against their departure; one way to look at corporations is through the lens of efficiency maximizers, but another equally valid way of thinking about them is through the lens of durability maximizers. The day-to-day actions of most people inside a corporation is far better pattern-matched toward Survivability, not Efficiency.

Take any company, and grade it (personally!) on both "how ideologically driven is their mission" and "how productive are they"; eight times out of ten it'll correlate. New companies like OpenAI ("we're inventing machine intelligence"; strong ideology/mission); extremely productive. Musk's companies, Tesla and SpaceX, extremely strong, important mission, extremely productive. Some smaller companies like 37Signals, very ideologically/personality driven, very productive. There's even a few big tech companies left, like Cloudflare, that have strong, coherent mission drive ("Building A Better Internet") and have productivity to match it.

One counter-example (and why its, like, eight out of ten): Microsoft. No one has any clue what Microsoft's mission is. That product factory still churns out more new stuff than anyone on the west coast.

Those two paragraphs are 100% connected, because roughly the only way to mitigate (not eliminate) the risk of superstars leaving is high, coherent mission drive. "High" means "its clear, its communicated, its meaningful" and "coherent" means "its practiced, its demonstrated, its genuine". Compensation is another way, but the problems with compensation are (1) you will lose the compensation fight with competitors eventually, (2) it selects for actors that aren't interested in anything except compensation, and (3) it breeds complacency/retirement without simultaneous high+coherent mission drive (Nvidia's problem right now).

Oxide [1] is an interesting case-study in mitigating some negative impacts of high compensation; "Everyone at Oxide makes $201,227 USD, regardless of location."

It just comes down to: Poor Leadership. If the product is boring, if leadership can't coherently communicate mission, direction, value, etc; superstars aren't going to join or stay for very long. Everything else is window dressing. In the absence of that, the most effective way to maintain continuity of operations is normalization and "the bell curve".

Also: If you find yourself believing "well, some companies just don't operate in an area where high mission drive is even possible, not every company is on the bleeding edge of AI CryptoTech", just stop. I don't care what you're doing; building a high, coherent mission is always possible. Amazon's mission is to be the most customer-centric company on the planet. That's a freakin awesome mission that would resonate with a ton of superstars, and its a mission that every damn company could have, if their leadership chooses it and is high quality enough to live it.


4 replies

... they are going to leave, eventually; maybe for a better job, maybe retirement, maybe they get hit by a bus.

I must say that I have heard that "hit by a bus" argument once too many.

What I see:

1 People very rarely get hit by a bus.

2 When someone leaves, two things happen.

A) Someone else, very often previously anonymous, becomes the new rock star.

B) It turns out that super important thing that guy was expert on was not so important after all...

1 replies

I use 'hit by a bus' sometimes, it's just a metaphor for leaves abruptly without much notice.

You never know the type of employee and their motives for leaving until they do. Some are excellent and spend two weeks documenting and knowledge sharing. Some take a two week vacation. This point is orthogonal to superstar.

0 replies

Yes obviously it is a metaphor.

And I am speaking from my experience and yours is different.

Just that I have felt lately that the "hit by a bus" card has been played too often close to me and it makes progress slow down.

And I feel that when it does happen, organizations are much more resilient than the worst case that is often painted.

(Changing subject) I am actually pretty intrigued by case 2A in my post, I have seen this often and sometimes it has been me.

What causes someone to step up and more importantly what prevents them from doing so before? Because it means that many orgnanizations have this as an untapped resource.

What should they do to release that resource earlier?

1 replies

I feel its a valid concern, but the way companies generally respond to the concern is what is invalid. Teams should lift everyone up, not push superstars down.

E.g. How much active knowledge sharing on the superstar's domain of expertise, and even process, is happening? A luncheon once a month? Its not enough. How much time is the superstar allowed to spend documenting? Is the rest of the team actually reading it? Is active mentorship happening on the team?

Versus: Create a top-down process, make everyone follow the process, invent hypotheticals as to why the process matters, product factory, etc.

0 replies

Yes, as I posted further down I am really intrigued by what makes it possible to lift other people up. Because the potential is there. Not in everyone but surely someone who would step up as the new lead if someone disappears.

Documentation is good but sometimes i feel like there is a need for something more.

Maybe the previous guy needs to move out of the way. Maybe his way of doing code reviews is discouraging - how important is it really to do everything like it was wired in his brain? Or just let go of the idea of how the code is structured?

I take mentoring seriously since this is my way of adding force multiplication without having to become a manager.

4 replies

This seems like something between a conspiracy theory and your own ego going unchecked.

I observed something like this, or at least I thought I did. With many more years of reflection, and there were hints along the way as it happened in realtime, I came to realize that the contribution of those I had written off as non-performers and dead weight was actually higher than I had estimated and difficult to actually quantify. My hope for you is that you one day reach similar epiphanies. Because your attitude that some are much better than others and need to be compensated out of proportion is quite toxic. Even harmful to those you have estimated as "top performers" should they make the kind of kind of money you think they deserve. It is a false estimation of their ability and contribution, and there is seldom worse than confidently false judgements that exclude some people and favor others. Harmful to all parties involved.

2 replies

How would you suggest to reward people who strive for more?

1 replies

First with an understanding that your opinions are subjective and that you will evaluate people incorrectly. Or more simply, with humility.

Second, I think if you genuinely have a complaint about dead weight it's probably better to hire selectively, cautiously and consciously rather than evaluate staff as sub-par after that point. Yes that's difficult to do especially with the first point, and it won't be perfect either.

0 replies

I completely agree with the premise that labeling people dead weight is wrong. My question was about rewarding people who step further.

Specifically about this:

Even harmful to those you have estimated as "top performers" should they make the kind of kind of money you think they deserve. It is a false estimation of their ability and contribution, and there is seldom worse than confidently false judgements that exclude some people and favor others. Harmful to all parties involved.
0 replies

My personal theory is that the most important person at a company, the one most responsible for the company's success, isn't the president or CEO. It's not the star contributor or the one who writes the most lines of code.

It's whoever makes the coffee. Because without the coffee, a whole lot less work gets done.

Don't forget whoever replaces the toilet paper rolls in the bathroom, either.

3 replies

Another reason why today's corporations love teams and flat hierarchies is because they turn "responsibility" into a post-modern concept that fluidly adapts to mean everything or nothing. One day the boss is the boss, the next day nobody is accountable for anything, and decisions are really just the magical synergy of team dynamics.

1 replies

So called flat hierarchies also mean that the ones that have the real power can never be truly challenged. It is like climbing the hill and then cutting the rope to ensure nobody else can do it.

I've seem this a lot in companies adopting agile. That was always a cabal that had all the real power and the benefits than come with it, but suddenly because of "self-organizing", "flat hierarchy", there was no more any more or less formal path for ascending in the organization.

During the first years of the scrum frenzy, the figure of the tech lead almost disappeared in a lot of companies.

0 replies

That hits really close to home. Literally in a situation right now where promotion is being dangled like a carrot in front of my face without any tangible path to acquire it. Overachiever my ass.

0 replies

The notion of 'culture' does this. It's a meaningless term. No-one ever says 'we fixed the business culture but the company still isn't delivering', because the culture is always inferred from the results. So as a concept it has no explanatory power whatsoever; it only obfuscates, providing a convenient cover for incompetent managers who can say dumb things like 'culture is hard to change'.

I work in the public service where accountability has been transformed from a concrete thing (who is responsible for this?) to a 'value'. So the org chart is set-up so no-one is accountable for anything, the processes are set-up so no-one is accountable for anything, but if you point this out managers will retort that it doesn't matter, because what's really important is that everyone personally commits to the value of accountability which in turn will create a culture of accountability. They've replaced performance reviews with workers writing about how much they embrace accountability (of course the absence of genuine reviews helps ensure no-one can be held accountable for poor performance).

I'm increasingly of the opinion that any manager who talks at length about culture is a moron. It's a fuzzy catch-all that can be invoked to explain anything without understanding anything, of great value to the modern manager who typically understands nothing.

1 replies

Why are superstars seeking employment in corporations though?

0 replies

Those outsized salaries [1] are pretty hard to resist once you know you are skilled enough to scale their interview process.


0 replies

Have you ever tried freelancing or having your own company? I never worked in corporations and honestly cannot see myself ever there, considering the money I’d been making freelancing will never be paid to me by any company in the world if they’d just hire me.

0 replies

Employees can have phases of high and low productivity, tasks they struggle with and other tasks they blaze through. The article and most of the comments oversimplify things.

0 replies

Interestingly, every time I see this argument brought up the people who do so seem to count themselves as part of either the average or superstar bucket ;)

0 replies

Corporations that win tend to have bought themselves a moat and therefore profit to play with akin to a stipend to spend on staff. The people controlling that spend need more than anything else to look competent in their job of managing it, and so they need to work by numbers and follow safe trends. Whatever will keep them in their high paid jobs. Teasing out superstars and giving them free reign is probably not what they are incentivized to do.

0 replies

Corporations are legal entities to be composition of worker ants to achieve far bigger goals than single „rock star” ever can.

Idea is that they will outlive any human life or it would be possible to detach from any single person.

There is of course cost attached of not being fully efficient, but that is irrelevant in bigger scale.

0 replies

I have seen situations where a single IC is dragging a division of 30 people yet still being compensated for doing the work of one IC.

I have often wondered about this myself, and believe there's some nuance to acknowledge:

- Yes, it is absolutely the case that individuals often carry teams. It does sometimes feel like they're subsidizing others' salaries.

- There's an old adage in advertising that goes: we know 50% of our budget is wasted on ineffective ads, we just don't know which 50%. The same probably holds true for organizations allocating wages.

- People go through different phases of their lives, where they can devote more or less energy to work. This fact may lend credence to a compensation structure that's based on bonuses and equity versus salary. Flat salary bands seem to discourage meritocracy without this adjustment.

- Organizations themselves are also dynamic. Consider a small org seeded by a prolific worker. They make the org successful, so the org grows and necessarily dilutes the talent (i.e. reversion to the mean).

- Does an organization have an incentive to "slow down" it's most prolific workers so everyone else can keep up? Conversely, should they develop a culture that speeds everyone else up?

- Should / do prolific workers self-select into higher-performance organizations, e.g. after getting fed up being a big fish in a small pond?

- Team dynamics are undeniable; consider two prolific workers with different styles clashing.

I personally would love to work on a team of superstars who mesh, and can capture disproportionate value relative to large, slow, mediocre orgs. The hard part is finding one and keeping it together.

0 replies

What does it mean “dragging a division of 30 people”?

That you need to hire 29 instances of the worst and least talented garbage to push just one lonely little sad superman?

0 replies

I agree with your assessment.

The real challenge is how can organisations best leverage super stars to achieve great things. It's difficult because managers have to be smart and confident, and the super star can't be allowed to undermine others.

The high prevalence of insecure managers and arrogant super stars makes this hard to do.

0 replies

I agree that there is typically a "superstar", but it's rarely the ones that believe they are a superstar. Often times the so-called "superstar adds so much abstraction and complexity to a product that it feels only they can deal with it, because the rest of the team can't and does not want to deal with it. Work piles up and moves very slowly and it feels the "superstar" is the only one who does the job. Then superstar burns out, quits and leaves the "mediocre" team to deal with the mess.

For me a "superstar" is a friendly capable coder, who simplifies, teaches and learns in a feedback loop. They are indeed very rare.

0 replies

I think this varies by corporation, but large corporations at their root have a desire to treat their employees as cogs, because that is the simplest system for them to implement. It is on the employees to make it clear that they are not cogs, which is why politics tends to be a much bigger factor in such companies.

If your corporation is not compensating you enough to deal with the additional headache of politics, I'd try working for a smaller company.

0 replies

Amen. very true..

"Processes" are for factories. Diluting is good for factories, cogs.

For some type of 'creationary' work, it's also fine.

0 replies

I’ve seen this many times. Only exception was an early stage startup where they really only hired extremely solid folks. Larger or even small but very hierarchical companies have been full of mediocre performers.

0 replies

Customers want consistency. That’s why management turns people into a reliable system where anyone can quit without affecting the outcome of the system. Just like engineers think about software as a system, business people think about companies as a system. McDonalds is the prime example of this. If you enter one of the stores, it doesn’t matter whether John or Dave is in that day. The burger will be the same.

Some problems are innovation and misaligned incentives. A highly optimized system is efficient but inflexible, and sometimes optimized towards the wrong targets.

0 replies

Your zero sum outlook assumes that everyone does the same job, when the primary point of a convening an organization is combining different specializations and dividing labor accordingly.

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You never saw it go differently but it must be in many organisation.

I can't imagine you can sustain the technical excellence over decades in places like Nvidia, Apple, Nintendo, ... without having a very robust process of protecting high-performance deeply technical people from wider organisational politics.

0 replies

That has been my entire career. Never seen it go differently.

Wow. What market/geographic location are you in?

52 replies

Jobs talks about this in I wish more leaders understood this. I interpret his words that people who do, understand and care are more valuable than those who only focus on process and politics.

Steve Jobs has great points again. I love to hear him talk about what really matters for success of great tech companies.

20 replies

Nobody else got to fail as much as Jobs and kept getting free passes though. I feel like he eventually got smart but he got very, very lucky first.

We could all be Jobs level if we had the sandboxes he was gifted in the 1980s

Rod Canion from Compaq was always a better CEO

9 replies

but he got very, very lucky first.

Which period are you referring to? Because he got fired from a company he founded, that’s the ultimate humiliation. It’s hard press to say Jobs was given free passes.

Compaq piggybacked on IBM’s success. Not much of vision there, and ended up being swallowed by HP. Apple is the most valuable company today, in large part thanks to Jobs’s vision and execution (iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, OS X)

4 replies

Apple very nearly catered. Nobody would be quoting Job had that happened (NeXT was dying too which is why Apple could buy it). There is a crazy amount of survivor bias here.

2 replies

The quote could equally have been about Pixar, another wildly successful company of which he was the CEO.

1 replies

And yet isn’t Pixar famous for their intensive, structured process for movie development?

0 replies

Yeah, from what I've read Pixar's success seems to have had more to do with "management" getting completely out of the way.

0 replies

I'm not sure.

The first success (Apple) may have been in large part right-place/right-time (and by right place: friend of Wozniak).

But his second big success (Apple's rebirth) I kind of have to give Jobs all the credit. It looks as though none of the CEO's that came before Jobs could save the company the way Jobs seemed to single-handedly come back and do it.

To be sure though he had wandered the desert for years and learned a lot of hard truths. That no doubt made him the capable decision maker he turned out to ultimately be in the end.

2 replies

Being fired at that time was the best thing that could happen both to Apple and Jobs.

If it didn't happen, our business mythology today would full of tales about Jobs, the lose cannon that destroyed apple with his megalomanic and narcissistic ego.

The Steve from the Second Advent of Jobs was a dramatically improved version of him, seasoned in no small part by this "humilliation".

1 replies

Being fired at that time was the best thing that could happen both to Apple and Jobs.

Easy to say in hindsight. Canion, who was worshipped by the GP, also got fired by Compaq but never bounced back. Or may be that’s a testament to Jobs’s ability to learn and adapt.

the lose cannon that destroyed apple with his megalomanic and narcissistic ego.

I doubt it. Apple was Jobs’s number one priority, even to the detriment of its employees, including himself. He literally worked until his death. He has been labeled many things. Apple destroyer wouldn’t be one.

0 replies

It's true Canion got fired by the board of Compaq, but before that he ran the company such that it was the fastest to a billion in revenue in history.

Nobody wants to remember the boring business IBM compatible market but not only did Compaq make the first 386 (redefining what a PC was) they also got the other manufacturers to rally around things like the EISA bus which abruptly stopped IBM's dominance of the PC standard and made a truly open market that not only swallowed PCs, but took the minicomputer industry out at as well and everything you have on your desktop and server room is still rooted in those seminal Compaq products.

It was Eckhard Pfieffer who eventually screwed the pooch and put Compaq into HPs grasp. If Canion had been allowed to flesh out his strategy for lower cost PCs that might never have happened.

Apple was always a 10% of the market sideshow until they made the iPhone.

0 replies

Getting Woz to design something for Atari he could take credit for was the first free pass.

3 replies

Nobody else got to fail as much as Jobs and kept getting free passes though

Stephen King had his first book Carrie rejected 30 times.

The author of Dr Seuss had his first book rejected by 27 different publishers.

Walt Disney was fired from one of his first animation jobs.

Everyone fails. Not everyone gives up.

2 replies

Everyone fails. Not everyone gives up.

The flipside is that not everyone can afford to not give up.

It's very easy to dimiss successful people as lucky without acknowledging the perseverance that goes into pushing through all the failures until you get a success, but it's also easy to dismiss people who never hit that success as lacking that perseverance.

0 replies

Without a doubt people give up for a host of different reasons, but I don't actually think that is what we should focus on or is the key takeaway.

The important part to focus on is not giving up.

0 replies

It's an important point. In the broader context, most new businesses fail in relatively early stages due to running out of capital, ie time. Which is to say, most entrepreneurs fail due to running out of money. There is no doubt that there is a diminishing return factor that kicks in, but it would be interesting to see how many more success stories are produced if the runway is N longer (for each increment of capital, how many more successful outcomes are there).

You'll see some cynical takes such that: well if an entrepreneur had a really great thing, they'd have no terminal money problem to begin with (just show it to a VC, insta check). That's pretty blatantly false however, as the capital equation is a whole 'nother skillset and luck/chance/network factor that goes to work for or against your efforts.

2 replies

i am not a fan of jobs but i don't see how you can look at his career and see a string of failures. breakout, apple ii, lisa, macintosh, laserwriter, next, pixar, ipod, iphone, ipad. he was an asshole who cheated and abused other people to manipulate them into realizing his visions, but he manipulated them successfully. astoundingly successfully actually

1 replies

In the 80s it was an astounding success with the Apple ][ then it all went to shit funded by that machine. He didn’t invent the LaserWriter.

Jobs was great at seeing the potential of tech but he was a terrible CEO until NeXT fell to pieces and he learned some humility to go with that famous reality distortion field.

Canion is so underrated. Unlike Jobs he simply kicked IBM in the nuts and redefined the entire computer business.

0 replies

he didn't invent shit, he certainly didn't invent the apple ii, he didn't even invent the blue box he and woz sold! but he did force apple to do the adobe deal to ship the laserwriter even though it meant sinking a large chunk of cash into risky startup equity. i don't think apple's post-apple-2 jobs-driven trajectory in the 01980s (bringing guis, desktop publishing, vector graphics, and laser printers to the masses) can be fairly described as 'it all went to shit' in terms of jobs's goals. from the perspective of user freedom and empowerment, plausibly, and that improved dramatically when they kicked jobs out

next didn't fall to pieces. it birthed the world-wide web, then merged with apple, replacing apple's then ceo, and provided the software stack that currently powers the macintosh line, ipod, iphone, and ipad. i can understand why you would describe next as a failure if it was 01996 and we were having this conversation on compuserve or fidonet, but in retrospect it seems obvious that next was at least the second most important software firm of the 80s and early 90s

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Failure is the best way to learn.

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Apple in its early days nearly failed at every stage of its development. See "Return To The Little Kingdom" by Moritz.

Jobs was a very quick learner, though. For example, he soon realized he needed outside management help.

We could all be Jobs level if we had the sandboxes he was gifted in the 1980s

Jobs saw opportunity where everybody else did not (including Woz). I worked at a company in the 70s that was far better positioned to develop an Apple-like computer, but utterly failed to see the opportunity. This was hardly unique.

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We could all be Jobs level if we had the sandboxes he was gifted in the 1980s

easily disproved by John Sculley, among others.

Or you could look at all the PC companies that launched in the early 80's (Eagle Computer, looking at you).

Or Digital Research. Or Lotus. Or WordPerfect.

12 replies

Process is required to get mediocre talent to churn out reasonable content, which is Steve's references to HP/IBM/etc.

Most people think they're putting out great content. But that's obviously false. One side of Steve's point about letting elite talent do their work presupposes that the talent is elite. Mediocre talent will do much worse work if not bound to process, and Steve was very, very good at rooting out what he thought was mediocre talent.

6 replies

And even elite talent needs to be professional enough to

- accept the need guidance

- follow some standards and rules to make work reproduceable and understabdable by others

- be able to work in teams

People tend to ignore the finer points in whatever Steve Jobs said, especially after his return to Apple.

5 replies

I think this dynamic is different depending on 1. how elite that elite talent actually is (I think of elite athletes here, where one might be elite enough to be on the roster of a top level team, but not elite enough to be the de-facto best on the team - they have a whole bunch of rules to follow, but the best of the best on that team can effectively do as they please); and more importantly, 2. what stage the company is at. A small company with an elite team or elite performer has a whole different set of challenges or structure to deal with versus an elite team or performer at a large established behemoth like Apple.

3 replies

Everytime a soccer team, or any other team, is built around one individual, it is only ever as good as said individual. If that is done, no titles are won and no great accomplishments achieved.

2 replies

Barcelona's 2008-2012 and 2014-2017 teams would probably disagree - they were built around Messi being able to do whatever he wanted, wherever he wanted....including going on an unbothered stroll for as long as he wanted, whenever he wanted. His whole MO is that he has the unique ability to flip a switch from walking around aimlessly to getting the ball and tearing an entire midfield and defense to shreds in the blink of an eye.

I think they did pretty well, didn't they win a few big titles?

0 replies

FC Barcelona between 2008-12:

- had Pep Guardiola as coach

- players like Messi, Xavi, Iniesta

But sure, the only super star during that period was Messi...

The 2017/18 team had, in addition to Messi, Iniesta, Suarez and Alba

But again, of course it was only Messi who carried them. Sure.

But even if he did, which he did not, there are only two players like this in his generation, Ronaldo and Messi. That means the vast majority of "rockstar" emoloyees by definition cannot be in that league.

0 replies

Xavi, Busquets, Iniesta, and in 2014 Neymar. Messi is the GOAT, but Barca is one of the worst teams to say built to allow one player to do what he wanted. Barca built an entire system and slotted the greatest single-team field of all time players to play that system.

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There's no such thing as a one-man football team.

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What I always say is that McDonalds have laminated recipes pinned to the wall. A Michelin starred restaurant doesn't. Both of these are good processes

1 replies

but, but, but ... they are remarkably similar in execution, the difference is the trade offs they chose.

if you pay 200+ bucks per mouth you want something amazing, and that usually means you pick from a fixed menu (interestingly your choices likely be a lot more limited compared to McDonald's), and that restaurant then does the well rehearsed dance and prepares the fancy food for you, with a lot more attention to detail, than what you would find (or need) in a McDonald's fast kitchen.

both are examples of 'process'

just as coming up with a new interesting-innovative-1-2-3-star entree or coming up with a new McD menu item are examples of a creative design process.

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That was the OP’s point…

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Depends if you're a line cook or not at the Michelin starred restaurant.

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Mediocre talent will do much worse work if not bound to process

Maybe top talent also does worse work sans process, but they get away with it. That's my experience: Many take advantage of their power to disregard process (sometimes as a demonstration of power), which hurts the team, and undermines and creates extra work for others, but the top talent's contributions create a net gain.

9 replies

I feel like I'm experiencing this in a distant way at a small company I'm working at.

We're working at instituting some process, it's a good thing as we've been cowboying out code for a long time, it's not sustainable, it's hard on everyone for all the usual reasons when a small company begins to grow and there haven't been a lot of processes. Tech debt, weird code, poor code reviews (if any ... mostly none), what is testing?, what documentation?, everything is in a few people's heads, and so on.

Having said that, I'm working on a new feature with another programmer and asking questions about this new feature we're working on together. Some of the ideas behind it just don't jive, I don't believe this thing will do what the customer needs (possibly not at all)... and certainly not in the best possible way. Now we're on the same page about a few things, mostly that we don't have enough information, but the response is different.

The other programmer thinks that we just need a better and more detailed user story as per the processes we're trying to put in place. To them that's the start and end of it. However, even that won't be good enough to me. A "better" user story built out of the ideas we have so far is just as flawed, there are already issues with what we've been told. At worst this will end up re-written because it does nothing the customer needs, or it does it in a really awkward and wonky way.

The other programmers response is "well that's the fault of the person who wrote that user story" and they would seem to just rather we write it as requested and roll on.

Not entirely wrong as far as just the business process goes ... but I'd rather actually solve the problem, and talk to the customer, get the details, talk it out with all involved so we can construct something more flexible, re-usable, and ... works.

But there is that process, that "it's this group's responsibility, not ours" that is such an easy out, entirely how things could work "correctly", and also in this case a plan for failure.

Steve said the folks who care about the content are a pain in the butt to work with, and I've got a few dozen questions I need to hammer some folks with about this new feature... they're not going to like it (they thought they were done with this when they made the request), but the questions need to be asked to do it right.

1 replies

Your coworkers have a large company attitude prematurely living in a small company. “That’s not my job” is how a company loses time, customers, and money. A large company has customers, time, and money to spare. How much runway or VC money can the company afford to spend going in the wrong direction?

Hammer away with you questions. Because if they can’t convince you of their correctness, how can they convince a customer who is under no obligation to shift through their bullshit?

0 replies

large company attitude

Yup, cog in the wheel type situation. I'm sure some guys like working like that... it has to be comfortable, but I don't like it when the end result is not good.

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Maybe you can talk to your team about what/how you're feeling and how it should be better to have less process and more do-the-right-thing?

Idk, is it that hopeless? Jump ships?

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It’s all good, we’re still small and ill get the information I need to write the best solution for the customer.

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It sounds like you're caring about the process (not the content).

What's blocking you from shipping the feature (as you see it) or raising your concern up the organization?

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Need more data to be sure of what the customers needs are in order to provide the right solution.

And I’ll get it.

1 replies

I watched a small company building great tech hire experienced managers from big professional firms to put the proper process in place. We didn't have the sales yet, nor the headcount to warrant such efforts.

That was fatal. They didn't need the process and couldn't afford the overhead.

It's worth giving serious thought to whether your company is successful enough to survive this new strategy. It may be time to look for the exit.

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Yeah we haven't gone the "need managers" route yet. Right now we're sorta creeping in process like ... uh actual good testing, and so on ;)

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It sounds like you have a product manager mindset.

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Steve Jobs has great points again. I love to hear him talk about what really matters for success of great tech companies

You should read his email to Eric Schmidt, he outlined his bold, bout-of-the-box ideas on keeping great talent.

4 replies

Do you have a link?

3 replies

Maybe it is this email exchange:

second result on Kagi using “steve jobs email to eric schmidt”

2 replies

Yup, cost Apple a bucket.

1 replies

Cost the rest of us a lot more.

0 replies

Sadly, that is also true.

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Steve Jobs killed himself with his own hubris. Seeing that, at which point in his life should you stop considering his advice?

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Despite his ruthlessness (or maybe because), Jobs greatest skilks seemed to be his ability to read people and assign them to the right position. Leaving Tim Cook behind as a CEO was a phenomenal move.

11 replies

Why would we see a 80/20 distribution when most human abilities are distributed on a bell curve? I don’t think we really have the tools to reliably measure performance, because performance can mean so many things in so many different contexts. And yes, this can include “process.” The referred McKinsey study talks about politics. Is success in democratic politics really defined by content or by your ability to build a majority around certain ideas that may or may not be your own? Or: should we really dismiss the success of Toyota’s Lean Mgmt at its time which was all about process? My experience is that having “process top performers” sprinkled into a typical team can make all the difference. They ensure that the team can apply its abilities to the right topics in the right sequence avoiding costly detours or entire failures. Or how often do teams deliver output but somewhere along the lines forgot to ask what the initial objectives were actually all about? Once more: process

I’m not downplaying the relevance of content, but I’m simply arguing that performance is much more nuanced and diverse than just being good at content

5 replies

I hesitate to write this, but I think a counterbalance is needed. In software development, there are things you can measure. For example, you can put a new starter on a big pile of bugs and say “get through these”. You can measure throughput of work tasks, or story points, or lines of code. Can people game this stuff? Yes, but managers can be the check on such things (and have managers of their own).

I know someone that works in a sales oriented profession and who manages a large number of people. Their company is ruthless, you get only a couple of weeks to demonstrate you can hit the targets, and after that maybe a couple of weeks of grace after the hard talking to. Less than 50% of new hires make it through probation. Staff that survive all have the same attributes: excellent sales ability and focused determination. It also allows in a high percentage of narcissistic bastards though.

I don’t like the idea, but I wonder if a similar metric based probation would achieve the same in this industry. If you want people who can pump out quality content at a higher than average rate, set the bar high and cull ruthlessly during probation.

2 replies

It has always amazed me how differently sales people are treated compared to tech.

One of the historical reasons has been that it’s very hard to find and hire tech people - I wonder if that is changing?

It’s also been fairly easy for tech teams to obfuscate performance and bamboozle managers who don’t understand tech.

With sales the performance criteria tends to be very simple and there aren’t really any good excuses for failure (at least none that seem to be accepted).

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I think this is because sales tends to be a one-person job in most settings (except the very highest value deals). One sales person manages a number of accounts. Measuring the results of that person is then quite straightforward. Tech tends to be a collaborative job even in quite simple settings, which makes it immediately more difficult to measure. Add to that that the true results are often only visible after months if not years of work and you have a real challenge at hand. But I agree: there are also simple settings where you can measure a programmer’s productivity. Those are probably just not the settings in which people are that concerned about attracting top talents, though

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It’s also been fairly easy for tech teams to obfuscate performance and bamboozle managers who don’t understand tech.

Just as much a problem for sales oriented roles. Most “line managers” are experts in the field, so I don’t know if this is a valid point. In the anecdotal case, the managers still have sales targets and got to be managers by being the most effective sellers.

With sales the performance criteria tends to be very simple and there aren’t really any good excuses for failure (at least none that seem to be accepted).

Here we are talking about producing, which by its nature is the measurable stuff. I think we don’t have it because we (some we) don’t want it, not because it wouldn’t work.

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"Less than 50% of new hires make it through probation. Staff that survive all have the same attributes: excellent sales ability and focused determination."

Sales is cut throat. They take in new people to extract all their first rate contacts (friends family). Once those are sucked out, they don't need you.

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In some areas like hft it was effectively achieved with engineering. For a time… I hear it’s changed now.

The problem is in most software businesses it can be hard to objectively measure who is providing business value and who is just lots of busywork

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> Why would we see a 80/20 distribution...?

You're mis-quoting. Here's the quote:

> Organizational researchers have shown, similar to the 80/20 rule, the majority of your company's output comes from a minority of "superstar" performers: What's known as a power-law distribution.

The cutoff is arbitrary, e.g. one of the cited studies uses a 5/95 cutoff. [0]


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But doesn’t change that it isn’t a bell distribution

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Because ability does not mean desire to work :P

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Because we don’t know how to measure output properly and corporations often misattribute success. I’ve seen it happen a few times where someone delivering crap quickly is praised (oh, look how productive he is, so many tickets closed) or someone who has good autopromotion skills (does little but talks a lot about it) or someone who simply led the project, and not the guys who did the high quality work. Then there is often a group of people fixing stuff after a super star moves to another sexy project.

There is a saying „if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, you need a team”.

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Why would we see a 80/20 distribution when most human abilities are distributed on a bell curve?

Generally you get normal distributions (bell curves) when you add together random variables. For example, if you roll 10 dices and add their numbers, the probability distribution will look somewhat like a bell curve. And if overall employee performance was the sum of their normally distributed human abilities, you would get another bell curve.

But it only works when add numbers. If you multiplied numbers instead of added them, you would get a log-normal distribution instead. Other processes can get you Pareto distributions (80/20).

Employee performance is a not just a sum of their individual abilities, there are some synergies happening, giving a multiplicative effect.

In other words, seeing a 80/20 type distribution shows that people are more than the sum of their parts, literally.

8 replies

I like the comparison of content over process. In my experience a small team full of highly skilled engineers that are motivated to get stuff done don't need much process because they will do the right thing. But once the team gets to a size where that isn't possible, you have to implement and enforce process in order to make sure that those who don't have that skill can be effective at their jobs.

Nothing drives me crazier than working with people that are solely focused on process (and reporting), than considering the process in the context of getting the job done properly and efficiently.

7 replies

But once the team gets to a size where that isn't possible, you have to implement and enforce process in order to make sure that those who don't have that skill can be effective at their jobs.

But why did the team need to grow to that size if they were highly effective before that? Doesn't the growth and the adoption of those that don't have the skill handicap everyone else?

I've seen quite a few teams kneecap themselves this way by essentially hiring and growing: the team would've been, net-output-wise, more effective staying as a small team and not hiring.

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Sometimes there is just more work to be done than that small team can handle. It’s often extremely effective to have a small highly skilled team explore an area and chart out a path, and then expand that team so the core won’t be working on the problem for the next ten years.

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I think an underrated skill is the ability to say no to work that "has to be done." You're maybe taking it as a given that there is this list of -stuff- that simply has to be done, and therefore we need a bigger team to do it. Often that -stuff- are features nobody wants, UI re-designs for their own sake, and adding metrics nobody is going to look at. Many companies lack this ability to curate so we get the software we have today.

A good eng manager or product owner says NO to a lot of crap. Bad ones triple their team size, hire managers of other managers to deal with the huge org, implement process to keep things sane, all to cram stuff into the product that should not even be written in the first place.

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My lens on this is colored through my own big company experience, but I've found it is the bad manager in this scenario who would be promoted. After all, they're managing such a large org - they have to be promoted.

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But why did the team need to grow to that size if they were highly effective before that?

Having seen this firsthand, (in my experience) it's been that executives or higher-ups decide that this team is working, and because they want to increase the company's bottom line, they will grow that team come hell or high water because in their minds, that team is correlated with results.

Doesn't the growth and the adoption of those that don't have the skill handicap everyone else?


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The question naturally becomes: how do you find a small, high performing team in the first place? I think maintaining a good network (previous colleagues, involvement in a broader community) will lead to opportunities, but then you have to distill the best ones.

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I would think that would be industry specific, but maybe a decent standardized way of doing so would be finding the people who made it to industry titans (elite tech firms or trading firms) and left for whatever reason who then went off and did their own thing but still managed to reach a specific level of success.

And example of this is (in finance) if some team at a bank or whatever all left as a group founded a small hedge fund or prop trading fund, yet were still able to make a great return.

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Capitalism assumes a company will always be growing. If you are stagnant or shrinking your company is "failing". If your company is growing, you either need to hire more people to produce more product (lest your competitor jump in and meet your customers needs), or your high performing team will get burnt out trying to do more and more. If your company is stagnant or shrinking, the high performers will have options to do something that has a better future or is more exciting.

The small high-performing team is a fleeting state that will eventually be infiltrated by the average performer. Ideally you recognize when this is happening, implement the required processes and push through it to come out the other side as a slightly less efficient team that still gets more done because there is enough personnel to make up for the efficiency loss.

8 replies

Except Tim Cook's Apple focuses much more on process and forget about the content.

It is also strange this being brought up now in 2024. Because from 2014 to 2021 or 2022, the only sentiment allowed was every employees are roughly equal. There are no high performer. No such thing as 10x programmers etc.

5 replies

Except Tim Cook's Apple focuses much more on process and forget about the content.

I have a feeling that's partially due to how much money a lot of those people (and Apple shareholders) have made under Cook's leadership. The growth has been nothing short of incredible. IIRC Apple shares have grown like 8x or 9x under him (when accounting for inflation).

That said, Apple products no longer really have that magic that they had under Jobs (IMO). That could be because they focus now on processes and operations much more than creative technologies. Besides the watch (which was a natural continuation/evolution after the creation of the iPhone), I can't really think of projects created and developed under Cook that are game-changers or come from left field.

Process people are great in times where you need to focus on doing the same thing, day in day out...or improve on those same things. In other words, operational execution. However, don't ever trust a process person to do any creative or abstract thinking - it's impossible for them. They have tremendous value for certain types of companies at certain key phases of growth. They are "how" people, not "why" people...and certainly not "what if" people.

3 replies

The counterpoint is that we don't need a new gimmick every year, and the companies that do chase new gimmicks (like Samsung and Xiaomi) do so at the expense of overall fit and finish.

However the magic really isn't gone. The Apple Pencil is a nice invention whose whole purpose is for creative endeavors.

Gradual refinement isn't a bad thing either. While this isn't a new invention, it definitely feels like magic to wake up, take my M1 Air everywhere I go, and not have to charge it again until I go to bed (even in 2024, I doubt I could do the same with a Dell XPS). The extra benefit is I have no gimmicky touch screen or never used 2in1 hinges to deal with as well.

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And IBM is still around too. I don't know how many machines they make now, but it's far from bankrupt.

0 replies

The extra benefit is I have no gimmicky touch screen or never used 2in1 hinges to deal with as well.

Its insane that Microsoft, who also produces the XBox, just couldn't be bothered to produce a quality HTPC interface for Windows, when they already had all the elements for such as early as their fantastic Zune interface. To this day, there is no proper UI for hooking my PC to a TV and using it as a strict entertainment center. You gotta download Playnite/Emby , etc

0 replies

The counterpoint is that we don't need a new gimmick every year, and the companies that do chase new gimmicks (like Samsung and Xiaomi) do so at the expense of overall fit and finish

I think you're sort of making my point for me in a roundabout way. We don't need our consumer computing devices to come out with new iterations every year. That's more down to the process people who listen to Wall Street's wanton cries of "QoQ growth for all of time must happen or else we will riot". They look at Cook and say "we have to copy that". Instead of following the gaming console trend (a new device every 4-5 years that was clearly several technological steps up from the previous console), they become addicted to releasing nearly identical products with a few marginal changes because that gets them nice quarterly numbers.

I'd rather own a device, use it a few years, and then upgrade when the product utility and usecase demands I need to.

0 replies

Very well said. Tim Cook definitely lost the "Why". The "Why" in PR, ever since Kattie Cotton retired. The "Why" in marketing, how many agency did they try and now they are doing it in house. The "Why" in product range. The "Why" in Apple Store Retail. Or literally every single "Why" that Apple had but are lost as executive leaves.

And you can tell even if you dont know much about supply chain. Their whole product market segmentation and how every iteration is a price / component reuse for maximum profits.

It isn't about new product or magic as many claims. It is having the gut feeling, or taste, to say this feature will be in the new mid range, and this will be flagship only. At the expense of maximising profits. Right now the whole Apple just feels it is all about operating efficiency.

In the old days it was the exact opposite, as long as Steve Jobs thinks it is not Apple's core competency or others could do it better he is very much willing to pay for it. Keeping everything as slim and as tight as possible. Even when he knew it could save some money.

And a lot of designs and user experience just feels much more complex. It feels more Android or Windows with every update. The urge to ship features after features.

It is unfortunate. Apple used to be the The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. Now they feels very much the same as Google or Microsoft. With slightly better taste, fits and finish in their products.

0 replies

Because from 2014 to 2021 or 2022, the only sentiment allowed was every employees are roughly equal. There are no high performer. No such thing as 10x programmers etc.

What a strange straw man that I can't connect to reality

What I've seen (on this site, on twitter, and on reddit) over those years was a reckoning that 10x employees aren't often worth the bullshit - their toxicity, that they may make others around them more than 10x UN-productive, and that our industry may have had a habit of treating these 10xers with kid gloves not caring the path of destruction they left of (and especially) female engineers.

Yes, I did see the occasional blog or tweet thread from some claiming that they didn't exist at all, but it was always immediately challenged because the concept is ridiculous. We've all worked with at least one 10xer (and by the way most of them WEREN'T toxic, but actually incredible, helpful, and generous).

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Except Tim Cook's Apple focuses much more on process and forget about the content.

This seems not true. I suspect one of many things Jobs and Cook have in common many tech leaders lack is "taste", a refined ability to curate well.

6 replies

If you yourself feel like an under appreciated superstar this kind of article will surely resonate with you (it is HN after all). I personally find the premise unlikely, without good process you cannot get a larger group of people to do anything consistently.

2 replies

I think the idea here is folks get too enamored with / focused on the process and not the content or product result. Not that you don’t need process.

1 replies

Ok but who is actually saying the content/product result isn’t important? Seems like a strawman.

0 replies

I’ve definitely worked with companies that as Steve described where the process(es) get most of the focus and not the content.

If the content is not good, the only tool some managers seem to have is process.

2 replies

Yes. Can't really scale well without good process. And it's flat out unrealistic for a large org to hire only superstars. You're gonna have a ton of open positions for years.

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"Can't really scale well without good process"

Tell that to almost all Y Combinator unicorns. They're all famous for internal chaos.

0 replies

This seems like a very specific subset of possible companies though. Having a digital product is a cheat mode for scaling with a small team. You can have a 20 person global messaging service. You can’t have a 20 person state post office.

3 replies

According to the Apple co-founder, the best employees are also a pain in the butt to manage.

Said to me by every single manager, for the reasons of not following a faulty process (a one that I even suggested to fix) or attending the usual silly and useless meetings and always thought it’s a “me-problem” for being “anti-authority” despite over delivering every requirement with a very happy clients we had in a very short period of time, I’m glad someone somewhere agreed with me for once, nice article. The question is, how do you communicate that in the hiring process to eliminate any potential management style that will cause a headache for both of you later, do you just say I’m pain to manage?

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You probably don't (yet) have the power to fix the process, so it's better to learn the game of getting promoted first.

Also you wrote that you suggested a change in the process, not that it was accepted.

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Instead of being a 10x engineer, dial down your performance to match the rest of the team. Then, use the extra time/energy to work on side projects that make you happy.

0 replies

I guess you say you’re focused on product / driven by delivering value to customers. And in interviews you would want some realistic examples of scenarios where you would want to go one way and you think the kind of manager you dislike would prefer the other way. You can hopefully pose those as questions to better understand how processes work at the company. The problem is the questions need to not have an obvious right answer (you want to avoid ‘used car salesman mentality’ of telling you what they think you want to hear). Or you can just ask about working style/process in general.

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For example, I once rated all my employees as "superior," and for good reason: They were the most productive team in the plant. HR kicked my evaluations back and said I needed to distribute my evaluations more "fairly." "Fairly," of course, meant "bell curve." That caused a few outstanding employees to be undervalued and, as a result, under-rewarded. Since pay was tied to evaluation ratings, they didn't get the raises they deserved. Or the opportunities.

If you're ever in this management situation, you can try working the problem up the chain. (At least your own immediate manager, or possibly up and sideways, if you're empowered to do that.)

One of the times I did something like that, for a peer who was undervalued, and who'd confided how upset they were at the runaround they were getting. The person who could fix the situation was an exec 2-3 levels up. Since I was allowed to interface throughout the company on some things, I went and explained the situation to the exec, and something about the impact of this person. The exec agreed, and quickly unblocked HR and management to fix it.

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you can try working the problem up the chain

Not just can, but must. That's the whole point of the team having a manager, to have someone defend them up there. When shit starts raining from above, you don't garnish it with platitudes to "weaken the impact" and pass it to your subordinates, you do your damn best to fight it.

1 replies

Jobs can be completely right about the importance of what he calls “content”, but his aversion to “process” strikes me as short sighted.

Where his philosophy usually seems to break down (when others try to apply it) is positioning those two things at odds with each other. You absolutely need both once you reach a certain scale. You also need to ensure they don’t conflict with one another.

0 replies

Jobs can be completely right about the importance of what he calls “content”, but his aversion to “process” strikes me as short sighted.

Imagine if he wasn't so short sighted the value of the firm he could have created over the long term.

PS. I think you're also right, in that I don't see any aversion to process in Jobs, I see an aversion to contentless process people. Jobs loved a quality process.

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Unfortunately those employees are the minority. So yeah in an ideal world this is correct, in the real world that’s not possible as the avg dev needs direction and be guided hand in hand.

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Ive found that I work this way often enough in the professional world, the problem for me is when management/leadership decides to average the devs' treatment and i get micromanaged despite delivering early and at or beyond scope/requirements.

In recent times, this has gotten to the point that I stop delivering early, and end up spending more time 'validating' scope/requirements than actually doing the work... simply due to the overhead of having my time minced by someone else's "best practice" beliefs.

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I tend to think that large corporation are optimized to run things as usual, not make new ones, unlike a startup.

Hence the obsession with process, and why it somehow works.

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Your comment prompted me to consider the ratio between two kinds of information: (a) that which already exists and (b) has yet to be created.

By "information" I'm hand-waving around concepts such as code, organizational hierarchy, processes, lessons learned, sales pipelines, industry connections, brand awareness, etc.

I will toss out some claims: the human mind, operating in the context of an organization with more stuff that already exists, will largely "anchor" on what is known. In an organization, people share common knowledge -- and people know this about each other. It shapes how they interact and what they think is worth doing and trying.

So, to put a finer point on it: To what degree will existing information provide a productive jumping off point for what needs to be done?

To the extent my simplifications above capture the core dynamic -- it would perhaps explain a lot: (a) why some pivots feel incredibly hard, while others feel easy; (b) why some teams evolve fluently while others struggle to modernize; (c) why some cash cows transition to adjacent profitable opportunities while others languish; (d) why the idea of "skunk works" is so compelling when rapid innovation is needed

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The best employees focus on both.

You know what makes a great chef? Mise en place, technique, and taste. Organization, preparation, skills, and that indelible knowledge of what looks and tastes good and why. The best chefs don't focus "on process" or "on content", they have to do both, or the dishes will either be inconsistent or mediocre.

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It takes processes to deliver content. It takes content to have a reason to have something to deliver. One employee type isn't better than the other. Jobs was arrogant and the sole reason why I've never bought an Apple product.

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How to professionally say, I only like peons who get s#it done. Don't care how.

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Yet again, Steve was right.

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For example, I once rated all my employees as “superior,” and for good reason: They were the most productive team in the plant.

HR kicked my evaluations back and said I needed to distribute my evaluations more “fairly.”

“Fairly,” of course, meant “bell curve.”

That caused a few outstanding employees to be undervalued and, as a result, under-rewarded.

So instead of bell curve, they should be using power law distribution.

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This discussion brings again that polemic statement about those 10x engineers

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A lot of words, but not much substance. Sure we should surround ourselves with superstars and reward them appropriately, but very few people can consistently hire superstars.

Absent reliable way to surround ourselves with superstars we rely on process to lift the average for everyone.

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But one could argue that the person he chose to be his successor was more of a process person, rather than content, no?

Just thinking out loud, not trying to be smarty pants, but on the other hand people that pontificate every musing from Steve Jobs feel a bit… uneducated to me. Publications such as inc feel geared towards people that consider themselves to understand technology because they are Apple power users. Bit like claiming to be specialist in slaughterhouses just because you eat 3 burgers per day.

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I guess you can't win them all even focusing on content... coughs Apple Maps coughs.

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Sounds very similar to what Linus Torvalds once said:

"Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships."

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Ostensibly (2006)

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"Don't Trust Anyone Over Thirty" is of course dumb in the grand scheme of things, but the fusion reactor of progress really is in the youth.

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In fact, I remember folks screaming at me that it would take five years to engineer a mouse, and it would cost $300 to build. I finally got fed up and went outside and found David Kelly Design... and in 90 days we had a mouse we could build for $15 that was phenomenally reliable.

That was a fib. I recall that first Mac mouse had two little (maybe 3mm diameter?) tabs underneath to support it, and they quickly wore away resulting in the mouse largely being unusable without gluing something to the bottom to stabilize it.

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I just got very nostalgic reading/watching this and i usually dont. Great „content“ seems to be getting rarer as companies grow bigger. Last decade was especially bad in this regard.