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A clickjacking vulnerability in WhatsApp that enables phishing attacks

22 replies

It's disappointing that Meta chose not to fix this and chose not to reward this researcher with a bug bounty.

14 replies

I expect they probably didn't make clear exactly what they wanted fixed (blacklisting the RTL character) and Meta thought they wanted all misleading URLs fixed which is not really possible.

7 replies

How can they blacklist this character while still supporting URLs in right-to-left languages?

4 replies

The client should probably be aware of whether the user might be expecting RTL text and maybe display a warning if not? Arabic users receiving a URL containing the character shouldn't raise any eyebrows, but if a random Anglo user clicks on one it might be worth displaying a warning that it's backwards text? At least the first time.

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It wouldn't really solve the problem, sadly. The percentage of people who'd bother to read that warning is likely quite low.

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I don't think that's a good reason for not including such a warning.

"quite low" for a service with billions of users, can still allow for million of users who would benefit from seeing the warning.

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This does not solve the issue for arabic users. Sounds not good for me declaring the problem solved just because it was solved for people speaking certain languages. Or attacking the problem excluding certain languages.

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That's a good point, but the algorithm for detection/flagging doesn't have to be what the grandparent post proposed.

Maybe something like: strip all tags (leaving only the unstyled text) and check:

- there shouldn't be any RLM within the URL

- RLM marks are accepted before/after the URL only if the URL uses only characters for a language that is RTL and the surrounding text uses characters for a language that is LTR (or viceversa, LTR and surrounding text is for RTL text)... Otherwise the text is flagged

- flag URLs that contain both characters for RTL and LTR languages (with possible exceptions for ccTLD/TLDs? )

Of course, this leaves some open problems (how big should the sample of the "surrounding text"?)

And also, Meta could roll out this logic/algorithm in public Facebook/Instagram posts, where it has more control of it... Rolling it out in WhatsApp first could be more problematic, since due to e2e, Meta wouldn't be able to easily spot false positives (messages with URLs that are flagged as potentially malicious, but which are actually fine)

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You don't need RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE to support URLs in right-to-left languages. It's an extremely rare codepoint that's used to force left-to-right characters to be displayed as if they were right-to-left characters. The only use case I can think of off the top of my head is some kind of interlinear phonetic transcription where you want Latin characters to flow the same direction as the corresponding Arabic for ease of cross-referencing.

For ordinary bidirectional texts, RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE, its sibling LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE and POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING are plenty:

⁧عنوان URL لهذا التعليق هو:‬

Where I used RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE in the beginning to make sure the Arabic text in front of the colon is to the right of it, and then POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING in the end to restore the original directionality. (Amusingly, HN's URL parser treats the POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING as part of the URL, which breaks the link.)

Otherwise it would show up like below, where "in front of the colon" means "left of it" (as is customary in English text):

عنوان URL لهذا التعليق هو:

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You can only apply the fix to the URL field in the payload described, not to normal message text.

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That’s still a Meta problem. Simply confirming the PoC should have made it clear that they need to fix something.

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Proof of Concept

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Proof of concept.

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There's nothing to fix, this is intended, just often "re-discovered" behavior.

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TFA mentions that Twitter, TikTok, and Pinterest all sanitize U+202E. Sanitizing it in WhatsApp would be a nice fix.

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I reported a similar issue to Google early this year and they declined the submission because it "can only result from social engineering" and "we think that addressing it would not make our users significantly less vulnerable".

I won't mention the details here but Google Search sometimes rewrite URLs in such way that an attacker can spoof the actual URL.

My advice is to never trust URLs displayed by websites and apps.

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I won't mention the details here but Google Search sometimes rewrite URLs in such way that an attacker can spoof the actual URL.

I think I saw something like this a while ago, with some fake KeePass website maybe.

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This is an actual feature for AdWords (which show up in search results). But at least there's some moderation of the rendered domain in that case.

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I know you are referring to those fake KeePass malware ads, but just to clarify: the issue I reported was not related to AdWords - it was for normal search results

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They’ll fix it. They just won’t reward the bounty hunter.

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And therefore, future bounty hunters will make sure to offer their next 0day to the highest bidder instead.

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They're to busy sending legal threats to OSS projects

8 replies

Nice hack. The real problem is not WhatsApp or the Unicode reverse character, though, it’s that URLs are hard.

Just this simple fools a lot of people. And I don’t see a good solution in the near future.

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This specific example is poor sanitization because it actively misleads the users who try to understand what they’re clicking on.

Your example of the generic confusion around host names and domains is a harder problem but people have tried to mitigate it somewhat by doing things like highlighting the domain name portion. Like most phishing techniques, passkeys will end it eventually.

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Like most phishing techniques, passkeys will end it eventually.

This assumes passkeys will be widely adopted. And that users will know to stop wherever the passkey doesn't work. I have doubts about both.

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So Google and Amazon have support, and it seems depening on which AB group you are in Apple does too?

I think it is a significant benefit and likely to be implemented specially concidering client support is already there and there are good libraries available to do it.

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Large providers have supported other standards and not seen uptake. I'll believe it if/when it happens.

Lack of understandably is the primary downside of passkeys, and I doubt it will be overcome in this decade. Authentication is like investing, one must understand the options for it to be effective.

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Understating isn't too though for me.

I click a button, my phone/computer asks for biometrics etc and the passkey is loaded.

When more poviders make it a default it will be even better. This isn't like enrolling 2fa, its more akin to hardware tokens without th hassel of carrying around a hardware token...

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There’s plenty of inertia but if you haven’t tried it, the experience on Apple devices is pretty easy to understand and fast: “Do you want to sign in with Face ID for the web?” takes less time than weakening your password to suit some site’s policy, and it’s much faster and easier than dealing with any other form of MFA. At least for sites required to have MFA, that inertia is going to win out faster than we think because ordinary people hate things like TOTP codes and stuff like SMS/email codes will trigger accessibility complaints.

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Passkeys work, password managers with autofill should also work. You can override password managers, but "why can't I find my credentials" makes you look at the URL again at least once.

For Bitwarden, this will be the hostname, and as such, will tell you that you don't have any passwords for

There are design issues at play here, but mitigations for most types of phishing are already available. Websites need to implement Passkey support, but any username+password website should work perfectly fine with password managers.

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Your first assumption is dubious: Apple, Microsoft, and Google all have well-integrated support and usage is increasing on mainstream sites. It seems unlikely that there will be strong popular backlash against something which is easier to use in addition to being safer.

The second is flat out wrong. Passkeys and U3/F/FIDO2 do not depend on the user at all. Even if I completely fool you, the credential you get for cannot be used on because the protocol incorporates the host name. That’s why the security community is pushing them since phishing is so common and this shuts that down entirely. The attacks now tend to involve getting people to downgrade to password + SMS/TOTP so the more those fade from common usage the better everyone will be.

6 replies

I remember this already existed on Windows Explorer 2 decades ago, it's funny to see it "rediscovered".

5 replies

The attack still works and it is less obvious than you might expect. For context, an SCR file is a regular executable, treated the same as a .EXE or .COM.


RTLO is a non-printing Unicode character that causes the text that follows it to be displayed in reverse. For example, a Windows screensaver executable named `March 25 \u202Excod.scr` will display as `March 25 rcs.docx`. A JavaScript file named `photo_high_re\u202Egnp.js` will be displayed as `photo_high_resj.png`

I think the examples are pretty scary if you ask me, but most anti-virus software do warn you when they come across those types of files.

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Unicode is hell really.

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The RTL override is necessary for embedding right-to-left content inside left-to-right text. If you ever want to combine Arabic and English in one sentence, you'll probably want an override in there.

You could use HTML and other formatting tricks to do the same, but this control character is a very valid and useful part of Unicode.

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Yes, hell is other people (pun not meant in a culturally divisive way).

Unicode is extremely useful and a great engineering success. My comment was a bit tongue-in-cheek, sorry.

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I guess I misunderstood you, apologies!

0 replies

No need to apologize, my comment really wasn't very clear. Have a nice weekend!

6 replies

Everyone fixing on the UTF RTL character but Meta should have at least acknowledged the issue with the preview URL that can be different from the message URL. I understand that this is probably to unfurl shortened URLs, but there has to be some clever workaround that Meta & Whatsapp can implement

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No. End-to-end encryption means that the preview has to be generated either by the sender or the receiver. Having the receiver generate the preview would leak his IP. They have to remove the preview feature.

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Yes, preview is generated by the sender to avoid receiver's address leak to a sender-controlled host, but what I'm saying is that WA should enforce on the receiver side that both point to the same URL. As said initially, they are most certainly doing it this way to unfurl URL shorteners, which would other be the easiest way to phish people. At the same time it's also noteworthy that the preview can fail to be generated on the sender side and the message will be send out anyway, so yeah, I agree with you that they could just remove the preview feature. Probably in their opinion the trade-offs are worth, I guess.

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Yes, preview is generated by the sender to avoid receiver's address leak to a sender-controlled host, but what I'm saying is that WA should enforce on the receiver side that both point to the same URL.

How do you do that without having the receiver make an HTTP request to that address, in order to follow all redirects?

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The receiver can do the verification while clicking (which would make the request anyway).

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Exactly, that's why I say that they chose the trade-off of easy-to-send shortener over more complicated/manually crafted attacks like the one in the article.

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They have to remove the preview feature.

They can just disable it for contacts that you don't have on your contact list.

5 replies

Very cool attack, and easy to read write up.

I have one basic question: It was mentioned that attacking the encryption was skipped in favor of using a debugger.

Was this debugger applied to the WhatsApp Web app? Or was the debugger deployed on the phone? Was it an emulator?

For some reason I didn't think WhatsApp had a web app (I don't use it).

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The article says "I decided to intercept a message via WA web".

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That was the initial idea, but it failed because Whatsapp traffic is end to end encrytped. The second idea, which actually worked, was to put a breakpoint in Whatsapp while running in an emulator.

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No, not an emulator. Just using your browser's JavaScript debugger.

You can do that on any website.

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Yeah, the article also says "WA web’s javascript was uglified and minified, however after a while of searching I found the right place."

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The article doesn't make it 100% unambiguous, IMO, but the debugger screenshot looks like a desktop browser's debugger. You could also potentially do the same thing in the mobile app using Frida.

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RTL has been a huge source of security vulnerabilities for its entire existence. Why don't operating systems have a setting to disable all RTL, so that people who don't know any such languages aren't unnecessarily exposed to the dangers with zero benefit?

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Operating systems notwithstanding, there should definitely be such option for every OS widget, that displays text (including Android TextView). And it should default to disabling all BiDi backdoors unless developer explicitly vetted specific text span to enable them.

Making entire text rendering stack vulnerable by default under pretext of catering to less than 1% of world population is ridiculous.

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Exactly, somethings should've just been left ASCII. The push to use Unicode in many components for "inclusiveness" are simply political.

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Or perhaps KOI-7 N1, another 7-bit text encoding [0]. The Cyrillic alphabet should be good enough for anyone. As you say, no need to let Americans use their native alphabet just to feel included.


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Exactly as I suspected, the link and the preview were sent separately!

This is an even bigger issue with the UI design, why should poor users compare links and previews to be safe?

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It's a security tradeoff. Given that you want to provide a link preview (which is a nice feature) you have a few options:

1. Generate on the sender side. Downside: Can be spoofed.

2. Generate on the receiver side: Downside: Leaks receiver IP.

3. Generate via third party: Downside: Leaks information to the third party.

Overall I think that 1 is the best option. The sender can "spoof" all of their messages anyways, including the preview as part of the message is really no different. The problem here is that it isn't obvious that this content comes from the sender, it is displayed as a separate bubble and I would bet that 99% of users don't realize that the content is from the sender.

Plus the URL is all that really matters anyways. If you are clicking on an attacker-controlled URL they can make the preview display anything they want. So you gain very little by forcing the preview to be "authentic".

Option 3 can be good as well. Especially if implemented with something like double-blinding. So you connect to one party which forwards you to a second party. This way the first sees your IP and the second sees the destination IP but neither sees both (unless they collude). However that is a lot of infrastructure to set up and maintain for relatively little benefits.

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Another comment picked what I think is the best option: the sender generates it, and receiver verifies it, but only on click. That way the receiver's already going to leak their IP, so WhatsApp can verify before opening up the web page.

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Verifies what? That the preview matches? What if it changed between the send and the click legitimately? Also what is the threat model here? If the sender controls the URL they can generate any preview that they want.

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What's up with the font?

web’ s

All 's have a space after them.

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Not on my machine, not on Firefox or Chrome.

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yeah looks fine on firefox/mac

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I see it too, because I block web fonts. Enabling web fonts resolves the issue.

For me, this is some kind of Linux + Firefox + certain fonts issue with the ’ character (right single quotation mark, not '). We're not the first to run into it: but reproducing seems quite hard.

According to, this happens when you have Chinese (I'm guessing Asian) fonts installed.

The reason, as far as I can tell:

- font-family is "Source Sans Pro","Microsoft Yahei",sans-serif

- Source Sans Pro has no fallback font

- the fallback font for Microsoft Yahei is Noto Sans CJK SC (result of ~ $ fc-match 'Microsoft Yahei') because YaHei is a CJK optimised font. This is configured in /etc/font/conf.d/30-cjk-aliases.conf

- Noto Sans CJK SC is a wide font (common for CJK fonts)

I think the solution to this problem is altering config files in /etc/fonts/conf.d somehow but I haven't figure out what I need to change exactly. Commenting out lines 466-473 (the alias containg <family>Microsoft YaHei</family>) to kill the association works, but I'm pretty sure that breaks any attempt to render MS YaHei.

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Amazing article! In case the author sees this, it'd be great if the author can deep dive into how he "found the right place" in finding the correct breakpoint to produce the decrypted message. It seems to me that if you're able to do this there's a lot of interesting things one could do.

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Probably just painfully stepping through the debugger.

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What’s happening with the Whatsapp osx app. It’s so bad to use nowadays, slow, buggy.

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It's an Electron app, they also have a native one in beta you can download

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This is a pretty clever combination of feature misuse, although I think I'd rate the overall security impact fairly low, because the best-case scenario is that you cause the recipient to open a link in their browser. That can be useful in some cases, but unless the attacker is a police force, intelligence agency, or similar, there would usually need to be some kind of follow-up attack, e.g. exploiting unpatched software on the device.

In the interest of technical accuracy, I don't think I'd label this one "clickjacking" specifically. "Clickjacking" usually refers to a very specific technique that involves invisible HTML frames overlaid on top of other content.[1][2]

[1] [2]

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Yeah, I wouldn't call this clickjacking, because real clickjacking is a technique the makes a victim perform some account action without knowing it. Simply opening an unintended link isn't as bad as that.

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Preview and message are sent separately. My intuition tells me the preview is used to track user activity. I wish I could contact the author to know more about how WhatsApp tracks activity

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They cache the preview for subsequent messages containing the same link. For example, if a link is making the rounds and gets sent 200k times in an hour, they don't call the URL 200k times to build the preview, as that's a huge waste of resources on both sides, with a huge chance that the servers containing the link gets DDOSed

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Using a unicode character to reverse order of characters and create links that have “trusted” value like: Neat and indeed something that could be well exploited.

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Really interesting approach to use right to left override in that way, that's very clever.

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Interesting attack and a nice write up. I see Google services are also mentioned. Are they taking any action on this unlike Meta?

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This isn't clickjacking. Clickjacking is when an attacker hijacks a click go actually click on something else that the user was not intending to or was aware of clicking. The existing of the RTL codepoint to make text go from right to left is an i18n feature and using it confuse people is not a novel vulnerability.

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I love that this is categorized as "reverse engineering" at the bottom of the post.

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Interesting ideas and vulnerability! With a nice and concise summary. Thanks for sharing

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Clickjacking is where you perform a click on some element, but actually the click event is caught by a different element, typically laid transparently above the thing you think you're clicking on. The click can be detected by the attacker, despite you not getting the event, by making your visible underlying layer have focus and look for the onblur event to fire.

What OP found is cool. I've also used RTL characters to make screensaver files (so just normal executables with a different extension in Windows) that looked like Word documents, I forgot why, maybe to prank a friend or teacher or so. OP has gone one step further and found a way to alter the displaying on another system. I'm not sure what this is called, though it's not clickjacking (the Wikipedia page OP links to in the article lede confirms that) because the user doesn't mistake which element they're clicking on, they mistake where a link will lead. I've also never seen a clickjacking being abused in practice, but what OP found I can imagine will be abused!

Honestly I've long given up on users being able to tell which domain they'll end up on when clicking a link. A majority doesn't understand the concept anyway, and the remainder can't tell. Those who think they can tell (such as yours truly) end up getting frustrated when all links go to sendgrid.tld/j3ovi3bfogobbledypoop93jnri2o. We're training people to click random tracking obfuscated fishy looking garbage every day and nobody bats an eye at it