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Wasm3 entering a minimal maintenance phase

29 replies

The explanation:

I regret to inform the community that since my house was destroyed by russians who invaded my country, Wasm3 will enter a minimal maintenance phase. At this time, I am unable to continue the development of new features. However, I am committed to keeping the project alive and will actively review and merge incoming Pull Requests. I deeply appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult period. Your contributions to Wasm3 are now more valuable than ever.

The linked tweet (edit: from September 2022) shows a video of the destroyed house and invites people who want to help to donate.

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I really hoped someone will help get rid of Putin from inside RU by this moment (I believe there are plenty of who may not necessary love him). EU should really put more cash on table to help UA.

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really hoped someone will help get rid of Putin from inside RU by this moment

For normal citizens it means to risk own death. The people who think this way would rather leave the country.

For oligarchs and elites, yes only putting complete economic lockdown could work. No way to travel and buy yourself or your kids comfy western way of life.

Unfortunately sanctions are lax. Eg. Putin's wife lives in EU just fine I think. The people hurt mainly are regular citizens, I have a buddy who cannot open a bank acc in EU because of some evil namesake on top. Whereas oligarchs are fine, if you have money the banks are open to you worldwide. And even if sanctions were stricter crypto laundering now undermines all of them. Quite depressing this all

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Russians had zero problem with storming an airport to try to kill jews. The reason they arent doing anything isnt because russians are scared. The reason is most russians dont want russia to loose the war and surrender to Ukraine and give up Crimea. Even Navalny said he would continue the occupation of crimea if he replaced Putin.

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Those weren't "ethnic Russians", but rather their Dagestan colony which is quite Islamic and well, they obviously follow the same outrage news cycles hating on jews.

Russia is a giant patchwork of colonies being held together by strongmen and the "ethnic Russians" more or less drain and extract the resources of every minority and send the money all to themselves in Moscow and St Petersburg.

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You're completely right here, but I need to add: "ethnic Russians" are too a colony of Moscow, as the federal power puts all Russian regions in the position economic depression with how the mechanism of taxes and internal debt are implemented. Almost all regions are "dotational", which means that the federal government gives them money to cover their budget deficits, but this was not always the case.

This isn't about ethnicity, this is about strongmen in Moscow draining the country to fuel the ambitions and comfort of muscovites.

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Don't forget the regions that supply natural resources for this gas station of a country. They feed Moscow with oil, diamonds, etc. Some of them I think used to require a visa for russians to enter until Putin.

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They are the same Russians as others, thousands of them are killing Ukrainians right now, for money mostly.

Promise to get paid 2000$ per month is enough motivation to go to the other country thousands of kilometers away from their home and kill everyone there and probably die.

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For oligarchs and elites, yes only putting complete economic lockdown could work. No way to travel and buy yourself or your kids comfy western way of life.

I don't think that can work. Russian elites absolutely value power over Western way of life. Sanctions are only needed to starve Russian economy to a point where it cannot finance war - and it has been a mixed success so far, but in principle can work.

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Russian elites absolutely value power over Western way of life

some elites maybe, but their kids will only be after a couple of generations. It's one thing if you yourself cannot spend time in London but if your kids and relatives also cannot leave and buy a new iphone suddenly you have people to answer to.

7 replies

Nationalism is one hell of a drug.

And perhaps naive of us to assume that the war in Ukraine is a product only of this one man and his ideas and/or party. Unfortunately Russia seems unusually united in this "operation."

EDIT: don't usually complain about downvotes, but WTH people, what did I say that's controversial? Seems some people think this is somehow pro-Russian? It's not.

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Nationalism is one hell of a drug.

I completely agree. Slava Ukraini!

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> Nationalism is one hell of a drug.

I completely agree. Slava Ukraini!

Do you see the contradiction? ;-)

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He's implying that ukrainians got into this predicament by being nationalistic and not because they were invaded

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I hope you're not referring to my comment, that was not my intent at all.

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don't usually complain about downvotes, but WTH people, what did I say that's controversial?

Sorry, I incorrectly read your statement as blaming "both sides" - I assume I might have been not the only one.

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Huh, ok, odd, I didn't think I was ambiguous at all.

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The Russian sociopolitical culture is very imperialist, which is no surprise given that the country is one of the few remaining colonial empires in the most traditional sense (i.e. the metropole milking vast occupied territories), and it cannot really exist as a single entity without this kind of politics.

That said, leadership does matter. These kinds of ideas find support in Russian society when they are put front and center, but without someone to actively do that, people just grumble about "them not respecting us as they used to" etc.

At the same time, Putin does not represent the most radical manifestation of this ideology, either. Someone like e.g. Strelkov could truly go all in on "gathering the lands", as Russian historiography usually describes re-occupation.

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There is an epidemic of people dying inside RU after criticizing Putin, the closer the circle of "business" the more notorious the fall through a window. The rest goes to prison under false accusations when they are public figures; this is the problem of not to have separated the political power from judicial power, among other things.

Those business also makes me to think that the next one is not going to be better. Anyway, the hope should never lost, life is full of twists and turns.

PS: I don't have Russian friends so my opinion is just based on what I see externally.

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Ouch. That house needs a new roof ASAP to halt the rain and snow.

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Well the tweet is from Sept 2022, so hopefully the roof has been patched for a while now.

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It wasnt

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I hope you have a different roof in a safer location now.

It's a good reminder for everybody outside Ukraine that the war isn't just the news or the maps from the mil-vloggers; it's also lots of people who are homeless because their house has been bombed or demolished, their town occupied, and their lives disrupted in a myriad of ways.

I really hope we can start rebuilding soon.

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For folks who don't make the connection, this is the repo owner speaking authoritatively about the state of the house.

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Probably needs walls and windows too.

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Undoubtedly. The building itself needs to be deconstructed (as we found out later)

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This is awful. Slava Ukraini.

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Heroyam Slava.

Agree awful!

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OP here, ready to answer questions

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Not a question, only my best wishes as an early NAFO member.

You are in my thoughts, and not only: I have also been donating, flagging trolls, countering misinformation, encouraged politicians and done what I can but I still owe your people.

I feel I can admit this here without feeling I am bragging since this account is anonymous and will stay so. My goal by saying it is to say you are bit alone and also hopefully to encourage others to take small steps to help, like asking a politician, supporting civilians (or frontline heroes) by donating, flagging misinformation etc.

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I admire what you're doing! Ukraine still stands because of you and people like you.

Be sure, that despite having a destroyed house and maintaining Wasm3 I'm still resourceful enough to:

- donate money

- donate skills

- coordinate multiple mil-tech research groups

- run own business

- raise 2 kids

- ...


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Are you safe?

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Well, who knows! It's war anyway. At the moment we're in a safe place, for quite some time already.

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Do you ever have time to relax or do something fun, or are you simply stressed all the time?

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Yeah, for sure - I still do a lot of fun/tech things.

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I don't have any involvement with wasm projects, but I hope you and your friends and family can stay safe. Слава Україні, і до біса з окупантами.

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I'm sad to hear this to be honest. Wasm3 is (was?) an awesome Wasm interpreter that was ahead of the rest in terms of performance (about 3-5x slower than native, and about 3x faster than the typical Wasm interpreters).

I hope Volodymyr the best as he tries he keep things afloat with the Russia invasion in Ukraine. Hope the war will be soon behind us.

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Agree, it is one of the best WASM interpreter! Even better than some of the runtimes we can get here and then Performance is very good and architecture and beauty of the code is definitely impressive.

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twitter post from Wasm3 with more context