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Mistral: Mixtral of Experts

109 replies

Honest question: if they're only beating GPT 3.5 with their latest model (not GPT 4) and OpenAI/Google have infrastructure on tap and a huge distribution advantage via existing products - what chance do they stand?

How do people see things going in the future?

28 replies

1. This is an open source model that can run on people's hardware at a fraction of the cost of GPT. No cloud services in the middle.

2. This model is not censored as GPT.

3. This model has a lot less latency than GPT.

4. In their endpoint this model is called mistral-small. Probably they are training something much larger than can compete with GPT4.

5. This model can be fine tuned.

16 replies

how does this work in their favor as a business? Don't get me wrong I love how all of it's free, but that doesn't seem to be helpful towards a $2b valuation. At least WeWork charged for access

7 replies

To Europe and France this is a most important strategic area of research, defense, and industry—-on par with aviation and electronics. The EU recognizes its relatively slow pace compared to what is happening in the US and China.

Consider Mistral like a proto-Airbus.

5 replies

Aren't they mostly funded by private American funds? what is EU involvement in this projet?

3 replies

Mistral is funded in part by Lightspeed Venture Partners a US VP. But there are a lot of local French and European VPs involved.

The most famous one is Xavier Niel, who started Free/Iliad a French ISP/cloud provider and later cellphone provider that literally decimated the pricing structure of the incumbent some 20 years ago in France and still managed to make money. He’s a bit of a tech folk hero, kind of like Elon Musk was before Twitter. His company Iliad is also involved in providing access to NVIDIA compute clusters to local AI startups, playing the role Microsoft Azure plays for OpenAI.

France and the EU at large has missed the boat on tech, but they have a card to play here since they have for once both the expertise and the money rolled up. My main worry is that the EU legislation that’s in the works will be so dumb that only big US corporations will be able to work it out, and basically the legislation will scare investment away from the EU. But since the French government is involved and the guy who is writing the awful AI law is a French nominee, there’s a bit of hope.

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They also have the EU protectionism card which is pretty safe to assume they will play for Mistral and the Germans (Aleph Alpha) - and thus also for Meta (for the most part). Iirc the current legislation basically makes large scale exceptions for open source models.

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Nobody is better at innovating in protectionism than the EU. EU MEPs work hard to come up with new ways of picking winners.

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Given how much consumer protectionism Americans and others have thanks to the EU's domestic protectionism, it is certainly a mixed bag at worst.

In a strange way it's almost akin to how soviet propaganda in the cold war played a role in spurring on the civil rights movement in the states.

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european engineers, french vc money.... etc :/

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Exactly. EU's VC situation is dire compared to SV, which maybe isn't that bad if you think about what the VCs are actually after, but in this particular case it's a matter of national security of all EU countries. The capability must be there.

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Many VC funded businesses do not have an initial business model involving direct monetization.

The first step is probably gaining mindshare with free, open source models, and then they can extend into model training services, consultation for ML model construction, and paid access to proprietary models, similar to OpenAI.

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Even in the public markets this happens all the time, eg. Biotech, new battery chemistries, etc.

In trends people pay for a seat at the table with a good team and worry about the details later. The 2B headline number is a distraction.

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They could charge for tuning/support, just like every other Open Source company.

Most business will want their models trained in their own, internal data, instead of risking uploading their Intellectual Property into SaaS solutions. These Open Source models could fill that gap.

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Maybe they will charge for accessing the future Mixtral 8x70B ...

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Because their larger models are super powerful. This makes sure their models start becoming the norm from the bottom up.

It also solidifies their name as the best, above all others. That's extremely important mindshare. You need mindshare at the foundation to build a billion dollar revenue startup.

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They launched an inference API

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* Open source models: give you all the attention (pun intended) you can get, away from OpenAI. At the same time do a great service to the world.

* Maybe in the future, bigger closed models? Make money with the state-of-art of what you can provide.

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They are withholding a bigger model which at this point is "Mistral Medium" and that'll be available only behind their API end point. Makes sense for them to make money from it!

10 replies

Notes poster ID

That seems a fairly authoritative response.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this does. The "unencumbered by a network connection" thing is pretty important.

9 replies

I agree with what antirez said, but I want to address the fallacy: The fact that he's an authority in C doesn't make him a priori more likely to know a lot about ML.

5 replies

Not just C. He's obviously damn good at architecture and systems design, as well as long-term planning.

You don't get that from a box of Cracker Jacks.

4 replies

Right, but the fact remains that none of those things is ML.

3 replies

Fair 'nuff. Not worth arguing over.

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To be clear, I'm not saying antirez is or isn't good at ML, I'm saying C/systems design/etc experience doesn't automatically make someone good at ML. I'm not trying to argue, I'm just discussing.

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Oh, it's not a big deal. I just hate talking about the chap in front of him. I like to give compliments specifically, and be vague about less-than-complimentary things.

The thing is, even the ML people are not exactly sure what's going on, under the hood. It's a very new field, with a ton of "Here, there be dragonnes" stuff. I feel that folks with a good grasp of long-term architectural experience, are a good bet; even if their experience is not precisely on topic.

I don't know how to do almost every project I start. I write about that, here:

0 replies

That's true, but I see my friend who's an ML researcher, and his grasp of LLMs is an order of magnitude better than mine. Granted, when it comes to making a product out of it, I'm in a much better position, but for specific knowledge about how they work, their capabilities, etc, there's no contest.

1 replies

I agree with you, stavros. There is no transfer between C coding and ML topics. However the original question is a bit more in the business side IMHO. Anyway: I've some experience with machine learning: 20 years ago I wrote (my first neural network)[] and since then I always stayed in the loop. Not for work, as I specialized in system programming, but for personal research I played with NN images compression, NLP tasks and convnets. In more recent times I use pytorch for my stuff, LLM fine-tuning and I'm a "local LLMs" enthusiast. I speculated a lot about AI, and wrote a novel about this topic. So while the question was more in the business side, I have some competence in the general field of ML. More than anything else I believe that all this is so new and fast-moving that there are many unknown unknowns, so indeed what I, you or others are saying are mere speculations. However to speculate is useful in this time, even more than before, because LLMs are a bit of a black box for the most part, so using only "known" things we can't go much far in our reasoning. We can understand embeddings, attention, how this networks are trained and fine tuned, and yet the inner workings are a bit of a magic thing.

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I agree, and I want to reiterate that I wasn't talking about you specifically, just that people should be careful of the halo effect.

I also do agree that to speculate is useful when it's so early on. , and I agree with your original answer as well.

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This is not a fallacy, we are engaging in informal reasoning, and contra your claim the fact that he is an authority in C does make it more likely he knows a lot about ML than the typical person.

20 replies

Mistral and its hybrids are a lot better than GPT3.5, and while not as good as GPT4 in general tasks - they’re extremely fast and powerful with specific tasks. In the time it takes GPT4 to apologise that it’s not allowed to do something I can be three iterations deep getting highly targeted responses from mistral - and best yet - I can run it 100% offline, locally and on my laptop.

10 replies

There is an attempt to quantify subjective evaluation of models here[1] - the "Arena Elo rating". According to popular vote, Mistral chat is nowhere near GPT 3.5


7 replies

Starling-7B, OpenChat, OpenHermes in that table are Mistral-7B finetunes, and are all above the current GPT-3.5-Turbo (1106). Note how these tiny 7B models are surrounded by much larger ones.

Mixtral 8x7B is not in there yet.

3 replies

Not my intent to argue about data at any point in time but note that as of today gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 (June 13th 2023) scores 1112, above OpenChat (1075) and OpenHermes(1077).

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That's not much relative difference. How much does 1% difference make?

I am tempted to call it equivalent.

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nah that is sizeable

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I guess one thing people have learned is that these small differences whatever benchmark turn out to be huge differences qualitatively.

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ELO takes a while to establish. It does not sound likely that the newer GPT3.5 is that much worse than the old one that has a clear gap to all the non proprietary models. In the immediate test, GPT-3.5 clearly outshines these models.

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I disagree - lmsys score for new chatgpt has been relatively constant, and OAI is probably trying to distill the model even further.

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> ELO takes a while to establish.

Well, Starling-7B was published two weeks ago; GPT-3.5-turbo-0613 is more than a month old snapshot, which should probably be enough time. OpenChat and OpenHermes are about a month old as well.

>It does not sound likely that the newer GPT3.5 is that much worse than the old one

In fact, this version received complaints almost immediately.

>In the immediate test, GPT-3.5 clearly outshines these models.

It might be so, but it's not clear to me at all. I tested Starling for a bit and was really surprised that it's a 7B model, not a 70B+ one or GPT-3.5.

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Doesn't seem like that's the mixture of experts model in the list? Or am I blind

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Indeed, that is a previous Mistral model.

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Are they a lot better than 3.5? I see wildly varying opinions.

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They could be.

It is an open question whether the driving force will be OSS improving or OAI continuing to try to distill their model.

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Mistral-Medium, the one announced here which beats GPT-3.5 on every benchmark, isn't even available yet. Those opinions are referencing Mistral-Tiny (aka Mistral-7B).

However, Mistral-Tiny beats the latest GPT-3.5 in human ratings on the chatbot-arena-leaderboard, in the form of OpenHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B.

Mixtral 8x7B aka (Mistral-Small) was released a couple of days ago and will likely come close to GPT-4, and well above GPT-3.5, on the leaderboards once it has gone through some finetuning.

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What laptop are you using to run which model, and what are you using for that?

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M2 MacBook Pro, I run man different models but mistral, zephyr, deepseek. I use Ollama and LM Studio.

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The easiest way is to use ollama - mistral 7b, zephyr 7b, openhermes 2 are all decent models, I guess in fact openhermes 2 can do function calling.

If you further want a smaller one, stablelm-zephyr 3b is a good attempt with ollama.

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I was going to ask about this. So these open models are uncensored and unconstrained?

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They are not better than GPT 3.5 except for some of the public benchmarks. Also they are not faster than GPT 3.5. And they are not cheaper if you run finetuned model for specific task.

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Bit of a stretch to say they're a lot better when you look at evals

10 replies

Perhaps they’re hoping some enterprises will be willing to pay extra for a 3.5 grade model that can run on prem?

A niche market but I can imagine some demand there.

Biggest challenge would be Llama models.

5 replies

Niche market?? You have no idea how big that market is!

3 replies

Almost no serious user - private or company - wants to slurp their private data to cloud providers. Sometimes it is ethically or contractually impossible.

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The success of AWS and Gmail and Google docs and Azure and Github and Cloudflare make me think this... probably not an up-to-date opinion.

By and large, companies actually seem perfectly happy to hand pretty much all their private data over to cloud providers.

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yet they don't provide access to their children, there may be something in that.

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We can't use LLMs at work at all right now because of IP leakage, copyright, and regulatory concerns. Hosting locally would solve one of those issues for us.

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Yeah I would venture to say it’s closer to “the majority of the market” than “niche”

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and according to the article this model behaves like a 12B model in terms of speed and cost while matching or outperforming Llama 2 70B in output

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In terms of speed per token. What they don't say explicitly is that choosing the mix per token means you may need to reload the active model multiple times in a single sentence. If you don't have memory available for all the experts at the same time, that's a lot of memory swapping time.

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If your motivation is to be able to run the model on-prem, with parallelism for API service throughput (rather than on a single device), you don't need large memory GPUs or intensive memory swapping.

You can architect it as cheaper, low-memory GPUs, one expert submodel per GPU, transferring state over the network between the GPUs for each token. They run in parallel by overlapping API calls (and in future by other model architecture changes).

Th MoE model reduces inter-GPU communication requirements for splitting the model, in an addition to reducing GPU processing requirements, compared with a non-MoE model with the same number of weights. There are pros and cons to this splitting, but you can see the general trend.

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Tim Dettmers stated that he thinks this one could be compressed down to a 4GB memory footprint, due to the ability of MoE layers to be sparsified with almost no loss of quality.

6 replies

How do people see things going in the future?

The EU and other European governments will throw absolute boatloads of money at Mistral, even if that only keeps them at a level on par with the last generation. AI is too big of a technological leap for the bloc to ride America's coattails on.

Mistral doesn't just exist to make competitive AI products, it's an existential issue for Europe that someone on the continent is near the vanguard on this tech, and as such, they'll get enormous support.

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You are vastly overestimating both the EU's budget and the willingness of countries to throw money at other countries' companies

I doubt mistral will get any direct EU funding

3 replies

EU is good at fostering free market, but not at funding strategic efforts. Some people (Piketty, Stiglitz) say that companies like Airbus couldn't emerge today for that reason.

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EU is good at fostering free market

Uuuuuh... you could call the EU a lot of things, but "fostering free market" is a hot take. I'm sorry. When you look at the amount of regulation the EU brings to the table (EU basically is the poster child of market regulation), I would go as far as to say that your claim is objectively not true. We can debate how regulation is a good thing because this and that, but regulation - by definition - limits the free market. And there is an argument to be made, backed up literally thousands of regulations the EU has come up with, that the EU limits the free market a lot. When you factor in the regulations that are imposed on its member countries (I mean directly on the goverments) one could easily claim that it is the most harsh regulator on the planet. I could go into detail about the so called green deal, etc. but all of these things are easy to look up on the net / or official sources from the EU portal.

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but regulation - by definition - limits the free market.

Not always true.

Consumer labeling laws enable the free market, because a free market requires participates have full knowledge of the goods they are buying, or else fair competition cannot exist.

If two companies are competing to sell wool coats, and one company is actually selling a 50% wool blend but advertising it as 100% wool, that is not a free market, that is fraud. Regulation exists to ensure that companies selling real wool coats are competing with each other, and that companies selling wool blends are competing with each other, and that consumers can choose which product that they want to buy without being tricked.

Without labeling laws, consumers end up assuming a certain % of fraud will always happen, which reduces the price they are willing to pay for goods, which then distorts the market.

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one could easily claim that it is the most harsh regulator on the planet.

The argument that the EU is a more harsh regulator than Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, (or even on par with those regulatory regimes) entirely undermines the rest of your comment.

There's pretty well tested and highly respected indexes which fundamentally disagree. Of the 7 most economically free nations, three are in the EU, and a fourth is automatically party to the majority of the EU's economic regulations.

In the Index of Economic Freedom, more than a dozen EU member nations outperform the United States with regards to Economic Freedoms.

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We'll see what comes out of ALTEDIC -

4 replies

Pretty much as with OSS in general: Lagging behind the cutting edge in terms of functionality/ux/performance, in areas where and as long as big tech is feeling combative, but eventually, probably, good enough across all axis to be useable.

There could be a close-ish future where OpenAI tech will simply solve most business problems and there is no need for anything dramatically better in terms of AI tech. Think of word/google docs: It's doing what most businesses need well enough. For the most part people are not longing for anything else and happy with it just staying familiar. This is where Open Source can catch up relatively easily.

1 replies

Are you seriously claiming most oss is irrelevant? Maybe in consumer facing products such as libre office. But oss powers most of commercial products. I wouldn't be surprised if most functionality in all of current software is built from a thin layer over open source software.

0 replies

Are you seriously claiming most oss is irrelevant?


1 replies

Pretty much as with OSS in general

That's not how I feel about OSS - from Operating Systems, to Databases, to Browsers, to IDEs, to tools like Blender etc.

Of course there are certain areas where Commercial offerings are better, but can't generalize.

0 replies

Oh well, it's an evaluation, but I feel you may have glossed over the "in areas where and as long as big tech is feeling combative" part.

to tools like Blender

"Tools like" needs a little more content to not be filled massive amounts of magical OSS thinking. Blender has in recent years gained an interesting amount of pro-adoption, but, in general, as for the industries that I have good insight into, inkscape, gimp, ardour or penpot are not winning. This is mostly debated by people who are not actually mainly and professionally using these tools.

There are exceptions, of course (nextcloud might be used over google workspace when compliance is critical) but businesses will on average use the best tool, because the perceived value is still high enough and the cost is not, specificially when contrasted with labor cost and training someone to use a different tool.

4 replies

You could broadly segregate the market into three groups - general purpose, specialized-instructions, and local tasks.

For general purpose, look at the uses of GPT4. Gemini might give them competition lately, and I dont think OSS would in the near future. They are trained on open internet and are going to be excellent at various tasks like answering basic questions, coding, generating content for marketing or website. Where they do badly is when you introduce a totally new concept which is likely outside of their training data. Dont think mistral is even trying to compete with them.

local tasks is a mix of automation and machine level tasks. A small mistral like model would work superbly well because it does not require as much expertise. Usecases like locating a file by semantic search, generating answers to reply to email/text within context, summarize a webpage.

Specialized instructions though is key for OSS. From two angles. One is security and compliance. Open AI uses a huge system prompt to get their model to perform in a particular manner, and for different companies, policies and compliance requirements may result in a specific system prompt for guardrails. This is ever changing and better to have an open source model that can be customized than depending on Open AI. From the blog post.

Note: Mixtral can be gracefully prompted to ban some outputs from constructing applications that require a strong level of moderation, as exemplified here. A proper preference tuning can also serve this purpose. Bear in mind that without such a prompt, the model will just follow whatever instructions are given.

I think moderation is one such issue. Could be many and it is an evolving space as we go forward. (though this is likely to be an exposed functionality in future Open AI models). There is also the data governance bit - which is easier to do with an oss model than just depending on Open AI apis, just architectural reasons.

The second is training a model on domain knowledge of the company. We at Clio AI[1] (sorry, shameless plug) have had seven requests in the last one month about companies wanting their own private models pretrained on their own domain knowledge. These datasets are not on open internet and so no model is good at answering based them. A catalyst was Open AI dev day[2] which asked for proposals for custom models trained on enterprise domain knowledge. and their price start at $2M. Finetuning works, but on small datasets, not the bigger ones.

Large Companies are likely to approach Open AI and all these OSS models to train a custom instruction following model. Cos there are a handful of people who have done it, and that is the way they can get most out of a LLM deployment.

[1]: Sorry for the shameless plug. Still working on website so it wont be as clear. [2]:

3 replies

Are you actually fine tuning or using RAG? So far I am able to get very good results with llamaindex, but fine tuning output just looks like the right format without much of the correct information.

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Not using RAG, and using Supervised Finetuning post pre-training. It's taking all of the corporate data and pretraining a foundational model further with that extra tokens. Then SFT. Problem with usual finetuning is that it gets the format right, but struggles when the domain knowledge is not in the model's original training. Think of it as creating a vertical LLM that is unique to an organization.

1 replies

Are you using a normal training script i.e. "continued pretraining" on ALL parameters with just document fragments rather than input output pairs? And then after that you fine tune on a standard instruct dataset, or do you make a custom dataset that has qa pairs about that particular knowledgebase? When you say SFT I assume you mean SFTTrainer. So full training (continued from base checkpoint) on the document text initially and then LoRA for the fine tune?

I have a client that has had me doing LoRA with raw document text (no prepared dataset) for weeks. I keep telling him that this is not working and everyone says it doesn't work. He seems uninterested in doing the normal continued pretraining (non-PEFT, full training).

I just need to scrape by and make a living though and since I don't have a savings buffer, I just keep trying to do what I am asked. At least I am getting practice with LoRAs.

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Are you using a normal training script i.e. "continued pretraining" on ALL parameters with just document fragments rather than input output pairs?

Yes, this one.

do you make a custom dataset that has qa pairs about that particular knowledgebase?

This one. Once you have a checkpoint w knowledge, it makes sense to finetune. You can use either LORA or PEFT. We do it depending on the case. (some orgs have like millions of tokens and i am not that confident that PEFT).

LoRA with raw document text may not work, haven't tried that. Google has a good example of training scripts here: (under training. and then finetuning). I like this one. Facebook Research also has a few on their repo.

If you are just looking to scrape by, I would suggest just do what they tell you to do. You can offer suggestions, but better let them take the call. A lot of fluff, a lot of chatter online, so everyone is figuring out stuff.

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They might be willing to do things like crawl libgen which google possibly isn't, giving them an advantage. They might be more skilled at generating useful synthetic data which is a bit of an art and subject to taste, which other competitors might not be as good at.

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They might be willing to do things like crawl libgen which google possibly isn't

Are you implying big companies don't crawl libgen? Or google specifically? I would be very surprised if OpenAI (MS) didn't crawl libgen.

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OpenAI probably does. Not sure about google, possibly not

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Google has a ton of scanned books and magazines from libraries etc, on top of their own web crawls. If they don't have the equivalent of libgen tucked away something's gone wrong.

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The demand for using AI models for whatever is going through the roof. Right now it's mostly people typing things manually in chat gpt, bard, or wherever. But that's not going to stay like that. Models being queried as part of all sorts of services is going to be a thing. The problem with this is that running these models at scale is still really expensive.

So, instead of using the best possible model at any cost for absolutely everything, the game is actually good enough models that can run cheaply at scale that do a particular job. Not everything is going to require models trained on the accumulated volume of human knowledge on the internet. It's overkill for a lot of use cases.

Model runtime cost is a showstopper for a lot of use cases. I saw a nice demo of a big ecommerce company in Berlin that had built a nice integration with openai's APIs to provide a shopping assistent. Great demo. Then somebody asked them when this was launching. And the answer was that token cost was prohibitively expensive. It just doesn't make any sense until that comes down a few orders of magnitudes. Companies this size already have quite sizable budgets that they use on AI model training and inference.

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If possible, please share, how was the shopping assistant helping out a consumer in the buying process? What were the features?

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Features I saw demoed were about comparing products based on descriptions, images, and pricing. So, it was able to find products based on a question that was about something suitable for X costing less than Y where X can be some kind of situation or event. Or find me things similar to this but more like so. And so on.

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I can agree with this, I’m currently building a system that pulls data from a series of pdfs that are semi-structured. Just testing alone is taking up 10s of $ in api costs. We have 60k PDFs to do.

I can’t deliver a system to a client that costs more in api costs than it does in development costs for their expected input size.

Using the most naive approach the ai would be beaten on a cost basis by a mechanical Turk.

3 replies

Microsoft, Apple, and Google also have more resources at their disposal yet Linux is doing just fine (to put it mildly). As long as Mistral delivers something unique, they'll be fine.

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Linux is funded by big tech companies. IBM probably put a billion into Linux and that was 20 years ago now.

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This wasn’t status quo. In fact, it can serve as an example. Why wouldn’t google or microsoft follow the same path with mistral? Being open source, it serves their purposes well.

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I'd look at Facebook more than Google.

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Also, considering mistral is open source, what will prevent their competitor to integrate any innovation they make?

Another thing I don't understand, how a 20 people company can provide a similar system as OpenAI (1000 employees)? what do they do themselves, and what do they re-use?

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Companies move slow, especially as they get bigger. Just because a google engineer wants to yoink some open source inferencing innovation for example, doesn't mean they can just jam it into Gemini and have it rolled out immediately.

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Also, considering mistral is open source, what will prevent their competitor to integrate any innovation they make?

Their small and tiny models are open source, it seems like a marketing strategy, and bigger models will not be open source. Their medium model is not open source.

Another thing I don't understand, how a 20 people company can provide a similar system as OpenAI (1000 employees)? what do they do themselves, and what do they re-use?

They do not provide the scale of OpenAI or a model comparable to GPT-4 (yet).

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As I read it they are doing this with 8 * 7Bn parameter models. So, their model should run pretty well as fast as a 7Bn model and at the cost of a 56bn parameter model.

That a lot quicker and cheaper than GPT-4

Also this is kinda a promissory note, they've been able to do this in a few months and create a service on top of it. Does this intimate that they have the capability to create and run SoA models? Possibly. If I were a VC I could see a few ways for this bet to go well.

The big killer is moat - maybe this just demonstrates that there is no LLM moat.

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Inference should be closer to llama 13b, since it runs 2/8 experts for each token.

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Does it have to run them sequentially? I guess the cost will be 12/13bn level but latency may be faster?

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Compete on price (open-source model, cheap hosted inference) probably?

Also, they are probably well-placed to answer some proposals from European governments, who won't want to depend on US-companies too much.

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they are probably well-placed to answer some proposals from European governments

That's true but I wonder how they stack up against Aleph Alpha and Kyutai? Genuinely curious as I haven't found a lot of concrete info on their offerings.

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1) as a developer or founder looking to experiment quickly and cheaply with llm ideas, this (and llama etc) are huge gifts

2) for the research community, making this work available helps everyone (even OpenAI and Google, insofar as they've done something not yet tried at those larger orgs)

3) Mistral is well positioned to get money from investors or as consultants for large companies looking to fine tune or build models for super custom use cases

The world is big and there's plenty of room for everyone!! Google and OpenAI haven't tried all permutations of research ideas - most researchers at the cutting edge have dozens of ideas they still want to try, so having smaller orgs trying things at smaller scales is really great for pushing the frontier!

Of course it's always possible that some major tech co playing from behind (ahem, apple) might acquire some LLM expertise too

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a lot of wordy answers to this but all you need to do is read the blog post to the end and notice this line:

We’re currently using Mixtral 8x7B behind our endpoint *mistral-small*

emphasis on the name of the endpoint

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How do people see things going in the future?

A niche thing that thrives in its own niche. Just like most open source apps without big corperations behind them.

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They are focusing hard on small models. Sooner or later, you'll be able to run their product offline, even on mobile devices.

Google was criticized [0] for offloading pretty much all generative AI tasks onto the cloud - instead of running it on the Tensor G3 built into its Pixel Phones specifically for that purpose. The reason being, of course, that the Tensor G3 is much to small for almost all modern generative models.

So Mistral is focusing specifically on an area the big players are failing right now.


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Another advantage over Google or OpenAI for me would be that it is not from Google or OpenAI

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If you're purely looking for capabilities and not especially interested in running an open model, this might not be that interesting. But even so, this positions Mistral as currently the most promising company in the open models camp, having released the first thing that not only competes well with GPT-3.5 but also competes with other open models like Llama-2 on cost/performance and presents the most technological innovation in the open models space so far. Now that they raised $400MM the question to ask is - what happens if they continue innovating and scale their next model sufficiently to compete with GPT-4 / Gemini? The prospects have never seemed better than they do today after this release.

0 replies

You do understand that you cant run GPT4 on your own right?

0 replies

Google BARD/AI isn’t available in Canada or the EU, so there’s one big competitive advantage.

OpenAI is of course the big incumbent to beat and is in those markets.

They only started this year, so beating ChatGPT3.5 is I think a great milestone for 6 months of work.

Plus they will get a strategic investment as the EU’s answer to AI, which may become incredibly valuable to control and regulate.

Edit: I fact checked myself and bard is available in the EU, I was working off outdated information.

0 replies

Beyond what others said, I think this is an extremely impressive showing. Consider that their efforts started years behind Google's, and yet their relatively small model (they call is mistral-small, and also offer mistral-medium) is beating or on par with Gemini Pro on many benchmarks (Google's best currently available model).

On top of that Mixtral is truly open source (Apache 2.0), and extremely easy to self host or run on a cloud provider of your choice -- this unlocks many possibilities, and will definitely attract some business customers.

EDIT: The just announced mistral-medium (larger version of the just open sourced mixtral 8x7b) is beating GPT3.5 with significant margin, and also Gemini Pro (on available benchmarks).

0 replies

AI based on LLMs comes with several sets of inherent trade-offs, as such I don't predict that one winner will take all.

0 replies

Google started late with any serious LLM effort. It takes time to iterate on something so complex and slow to train. I expect Google will match OpenAI in next iteration or two, or at worst stay one step behind, but it takes time.

OTOH Google seem to be the Xerox Parc of our time (who were famous for state of the art research and failure to productize). Microsoft, and hence Microsoft-OpenAI, seem much better positioned to actually benefit from this type of generative AI.

21 replies
19 replies

Note that running these GGUF models currently requires a forked version of llama.cpp:

The GGUF handling for Mistral's mixture of experts hasn't been finalized yet. TheBloke and ggerganov and friends are still figuring out what works best.

The Q5_K_M gguf model is about 32GB. That's not going to fit into any consumer grade GPU, but it should be possible to run on a reasonably powerful workstation or gaming rig. Maybe not fast enough to be useful for everyday productivity, but it should run well enough to get a sense of what's possible. Sort of a glimpse into the future.

7 replies

LLMs seem to be a bit more accessible than some other ML models though, because on a good CPU, even LLaMA2 70b is borderline usable (bit under a token/second LLaMA2 70b on an AMD Ryzen 7950X3D, using ~40 GiB of RAM.) Combined with RAM being relatively cheap, seems to me like this is the most accessible option for most folks. While an AMD Ryzen 7950X3D or Intel Core i9 13900K are relatively expensive parts, they're not that bad (you could probably price out two entire rigs for less than the cost of a single RTX 4090) and as a bonus, you get pretty excellent performance for code compilation, rendering, and whatever other CPU-bound tasks you might have. If you're like me and you already have been buying expensive CPUs to speed up code compilation, the fact that you can just run llama.cpp to mess around is merely a bonus.

4 replies

LLM inference is bottlenecked by memory bandwidth. You'll probably get identical speed with cheaper CPUs.

1 replies

I'd like to see some benchmarks. For one thing, I suspect you'd at least want an X3D model for AMD, due to the better cache. But for another, at least according to top, llama.cpp does seem to manage to saturate all of the cores during inference. (Although I didn't try messing around much; I know X3D CPUs do not give all cores "3D V-Cache" so it's possible that limiting inference to just those cores would be beneficial.)

For me it's OK though, since I want faster compile times anyway, so it's worth the money. To me local LLMs are just a curiosity.

edit: Interesting information here.

RAM speed does not matter. The processing time is identical with DDR-6000 and DDR-4000 RAM.

You'd really expect DDR5-6000 to be advantageous. I think that AMD Ryzen 7xxx can at least take advantage to up to 5600. Does it perhaps not wind up bottlenecking on memory? Maybe quantization plays a role...

0 replies

The big cache is irrelevant for this use case. You're memory bandwidth bound, with a substantial portion of the model read for each token, so that a 128MB cache doesn't help.

1 replies

Yep, get the fastest memory you can.

I wish there were affordable platforms with quad DDR5.

0 replies

The cache size of those 3d CPUs should definitely play some sort of role.

I can only speculate that it would help mitigate latency with loose timings on a fast OC among other things.

1 replies

bit under a token/second

When you say 'token' is this a word? A character? I've never gotten a good definition for it beyond 'a unit of text the llm processes'

0 replies

More common words can be just one token, but most words will be a few tokens. A token is neither a character nor a word, it's more like a word fragment.

7 replies

According to their PR, this should only need the same resources as a 13B model. So 26GB @ f16, 13GB at f8. Edit: I may have misread it, they mention it having the same speed and cost as a 13B model, and I assumed that referred to vram footprint, too, but maybe not...

  "Mixtral is a sparse mixture-of-experts network. It is a decoder-only model where the feedforward block picks from a set of 8 distinct groups of parameters. At every layer, for every token, a router network chooses two of these groups (the “experts”) to process the token and combine their output additively.

  This technique increases the number of parameters of a model while controlling cost and latency, as the model only uses a fraction of the total set of parameters per token. Concretely, Mixtral has 46.7B total parameters but only uses 12.9B parameters per token. It, therefore, processes input and generates output at the same speed and for the same cost as a 12.9B model."

6 replies

All parameters still need to be loaded into vram, it'll dynamically select two submodels to run on each token so it would be extremely slow to swap them out.

4 replies

Then what's the advantage of this technique compared to running a +50B model in the first place?

0 replies

It's better if you're hosting inference, worse if you are using it for a dedicated purpose. Presumably in the future it might make sense to share one local MoE among the different programs that use it, especially for a demand-heavy application like programming.

0 replies

The model is quicker to evaluate. So quicker responses and more throughput.

0 replies

Speed, assuming you have the RAM to have it all loaded, it's faster than a fully connected network of the same size by 4x

0 replies

It's faster to run inference and training. Less memory bandwidth needed.

0 replies

I'm confused, though, how then do they claim it needs the same resources as 13B? Is that amortised over parallel usage or something?

2 replies

This can fit into a Macbook Pro with integrated memory. With all the recent development in the world of local llms I regret I settled for only 24Gb RAM on my laptop - but the 13b models work great.

1 replies

Recent CUDA releases let you use shared GPU memory instead of (only) dedicated vram, but the pci-e bandwidth constrains the inference speed significantly. How much faster is GPU access to the unified memory model on the new Macs/how much less of a hit do you take?

Also, given the insane cost premium apple charges per extra GB of RAM (at least when I was last shopping for a device), do you come out ahead?

0 replies

> How much faster is GPU access to the unified memory model on the new Macs/how much less of a hit do you take?

Intel Core i9-13900F memory bandwidth: 89.6 GB/s, memory size up to 192 GB

Apple M3 Pro memory bandwidth: 150GB/s, memory size up to 36GB

Apple M3 Max memory bandwidth: 300GB/s, memory size up to 128GB

GeForce RTX 4090 memory bandwidth: 1008 GB/s, memory size 24GB fixed, no more than two cards per PC.

0 replies

The GGUF variant looks promising because then I can run it on my MacBook (barely)

21 replies

Is there a non-obvious reason that models keep getting compared to GPT-3.5 instead of 4?

6 replies

Maybe because GPT-3.5 is a free model so it's basically comparing free models with each other.

5 replies

Most people I know that actually use ChatGPT, use the free (GPT3.5) version. Not a lot of people are willing to pay the extra 20 euros per month.

2 replies

Yet, if you want to go cheaper, you totally can by paying for the API access. Gpt4 is accessible there and you get to use your own app. $20 will last you way longer then a month if you're not a heavy user.

0 replies

True. Though I myself still use ChatGPT a lot more as I can quickly reach the $20 threshold via the API

0 replies

It really depends on usage. If you need to have long conversations, or are sending huge texts, the all-you-can-eat for $20 plan will almost certainly be cheaper than API access.

If you're doing lots of smaller one shot stuff without a lot of back and forth, the API will be cheaper.

1 replies

Do you think it's getting close to the point where it adds a euro of value per workday (on average) for them?

0 replies

Depends on if they know how to use it. A lot of people still think it's just a google and wikipedia replacement. It doesn't really do anything super useful in that case.

6 replies

GPT-3.5 is probably the most popular model used in applications (due to price point vs. GPT-4, and quality of results vs. open-weight models).

So I guess they're trying to say now it's a no-brainer to switch to open-weight models.

3 replies

Too bad GPT3.5 Turbo is dirt cheap. Open source models are substantially more expensive when you factor in operating costs. There is no mature ecosystem where you can just plug in a model and spin up a robust infrastructure to run a local LLM at scale, aka you need infrastructure/ML engineers to do it, aka extremely expensive unless you are using LLMs at extremely large scales.

0 replies

Mistral's endpoint for mistral-small is slightly cheaper.

0 replies

I think we'll start seeing a lot more services like soon.

Having open-weight models better than gpt-3.5 will drive a lot of competition on the LLM infra.

0 replies

The additional control/features (support for grammars, constraints, fine-tuning, etc) far o/w the cost savings.

0 replies

I second this. For some type of applications, the 4 model can quickly ramp up costs, especially with large contexts and 3.5 often does the job just fine.

So for many applications it's the real competitor.

0 replies

not only price but also speed and API limits.

I always ask myself the following pseudo-question: "for this geneneration/classification task, do I need to be more intelligent than an average highschool student?" Almost always in business tasks, the answer is a no. Therefore I go with GPT3.5. Its much quicker and good enough to accomplish the task usually.

And then I need to run this task thousands of times, so the API limits are the most limiting factor, which are much higher in GPT3.5 variants, whereas when using GPT4 I have to be more careful with limiting/queueing requests.

I patiently wait for a efficient enough model that only needs to be on a GPT3.5 level I can self-host alongside my applications with reasonably low server requirements. No need for GPT-5 for now, for business automations the lower end of "intelligence" is more than enough, but efficiency/scaling is the real deal.

4 replies

nobody can run gpt4 on their machine

3 replies

I am not sure what that means. How can they run GPT 3.5 any more or less?

0 replies

I think they mean the assumed parameter size of GPT-4 is so large you couldn't run it on commodity hardware even if you could get hold of the model.

0 replies

GPT-3.5 (unfinetuned) has been matched by many OW (open weights) models now, and with fine tuning to a specific task (coding, customer care, health advice etc) can exceed it.

It's still useful as a well known model to compare with, since it's the model the most people have experience with.

0 replies

The rumored GPT4 model size is 1.8 trillion parameters

0 replies

non-obvious? don't think so.

the obvious is GPT-4 blows them all out of the water in quality and is completely trounced on quality/inference cost.

0 replies

GPT3.5 is the most popular MoE model probably.

17 replies

Can someone explain why MoE works? Is there any downside to MoE compared to a regular model?

6 replies

I'm still new to most of this (so please take this with a grain of salt/correct me), but it seems that in this specific model, there's eight separate 7B models. There is also a ~2B "model" that acts as a router, in a way, where it picks the best two 7B models for the next token. Those two models then generate the next token and somehow they are added together.

Upside: much more efficient to run versus a single larger model. The press release states 45B total parameters across the 8x7B models, but it only takes 12B parameters worth of RAM to run.

Downside: since the models are still "only" 7B, the output in theory would be not as good as a single 45B param model. However, how much less so is probably open for discussion/testing.

No one knows (outside of OpenAI) for sure the size/architecture of GPT-4, but it's rumoured to have a similar architecture, but much larger. 1.8 trillion total params, but split up into 16 experts at around 111B params each is what some are guessing/was leaked.

5 replies

You are almost right:

* The routing happens in every feedforward layer (32 of these iirc). Each of these layers has it's own 'gate' network which picks which of the 8 experts are most promising. It runs the two most promising and interpolates between them.

* In practice, all parameters still need to be in VRAM so this is a bad architecture if you are VRAM constrained. The benefit is you need less compute per token.

3 replies

I wonder what would be the most efficient tactic for offloading select layers of such a model to a GPU within a memory-constrained system

As far as I understand usually layer offloading in something like llama.cpp loads the first few consecutive layers to VRAM (the remainder being processed in the CPU) such that you don't have too much back and forth between the CPU and GPU.

I feel like such an approach would lead to too much wasted potential in terms of GPU work when applied to a SMoE model, but on the other hand offloading non-consecutive layers and bouncing between the two processing units too often may be even slower...

2 replies

As I understand things, these LLMs are mostly constrained by memory bandwidth. A respectable desktop CPU like the Intel Core i9-13900F has a memory bandwidth of 89.6 GB/s [1]

An nvidia 4090 has a memory bandwidth of 1008 GB/s [2] i.e. 11x as much.

Using these together is like a parcel delivery which goes 10 miles by formula 1 race car, then 10 miles on foot. You don't want the race car or the handoff to go wrong, but in terms of the total delivery time they're insignificant compared to the 10 miles on foot.

I'm not sure there's much potential for cleverness here, unless someone trains a model specifically targeting this use case.

[1] [2]

1 replies

Kind of exciting to think how much faster memory may soon become. Especially with Apple M series for AMD and Intel to compete with for AI workloads.

0 replies

FWIW, server parts from Intel and AMD are already pretty fast, e.g. octo-channel Sapphire Rapids does something on the order of 300GB/s:

0 replies

Yeah, now that you say it, it does make sense that all of the params would need to be loaded into VRAM (otherwise it's be really slow swapping between models all the time). I guess the tokens per second would be super fast when comparing inference on a 12B and 45B model, though.

2 replies

I haven’t worked on LLMs/transformers specifically, but I’ve “independently invented” MoE and experimented with it on simple feedforward convolutional networks for vision. The basic idea is pretty simple: The “router” outputs a categorical distribution over the “experts”, essentially mixing the experts probabilistically (e.g. 10% of expert A, 60% of expert B and 30% of expert C). Training time you compute the expected value of the loss over this “mixture” (or use the Gumbel-Softmax trick), so you need to backprop through all the “experts”. But inference time you just sample from the categorical distribution (or pick highest probability), so you pick a single “expert” that is executed. A mathematically sound way of making inference cheaper, basically.

Mixtral seems to use a much more elaborate scheme (e.g. picking two “experts” and additively combining them, at every layer), but the basic math behind it is probably the same.

1 replies

If MoE architectures still don't help you if you are VRAM constrained (which pretty much is everyone), is it safe to say it only helps inference latency?

0 replies

I think the reason OpenAI and Mistral go for this approach is that they are compute constrained when serving their API from the cloud. My guess is that they have servers with e.g. one A100 per “expert”, and then they load this up with concurrent independent requests until those A100s are all pretty busy.

EDIT: In a cloud environment with independent concurrent requests MoE also reduces VRAM requirements because you don’t need to keep as many activations in memory.

1 replies

LLM scaling laws tell us that more parameters make models better, in general.

The key intuition behind why MoE works is that as long as those parameters are available during training, they count toward this scaling effect (to some extent).

Empirically, we can see that even if the model architecture is such that you only have to consult some subset of those parameters at inference time - the optimizer finds a way.

The inductive bias in this style of MoE model is to specialize (as there is a gating effect between 'experts'), which does not seem to present much of an impediment to gradient flow.

0 replies

LLM scaling laws tell us that more parameters make models better, in general.

That depends heavily on the amount and complexity of training data you have. This is actually one of the things than OpenAI have advantage, they scraped a lot of data on the internet before now it became too hard for new players to get.

0 replies

Disclaimer: I'm a ML newbie, so this might be all incorrect.

My intuition is that there are 8 7b models trained on knowledge domains. For example, one of those 7b models might be good at coding, while another one might be good at storytelling.

And there's the router model, which is trained to select which of the 8 experts are good at completing the text in the context. So for every new token added to the context, the router selects a model and the context is forwarded to that expert which will generate the next token.

The common wisdom is that a even single 7B fine tuned model might surpass much bigger models at the specific task that they're trained on, so it is easy to see how having 8x 7B models might create a bigger model that is very good at many tasks. In the article you can see that even though this is only 45B base model, it surpassed GPT 3.5 (which is instruction fine tuned) on most benchmarks.

Another upside is that the model will be fast at inference, since only a small subset of those 45B weights are activated when doing inference, so the performance should be similar to a 12B model.

I can't think of any downsides except the bigger VRAM requirements when compared to a Non-MoE model of the same size as the experts.

0 replies

This blog post might be interesting -

MoEs are especially useful for much faster pre-training. During inference, the model will be fast but still require a very high amount of VRAM. MoEs don't do great in fine-tuning but recent work shows promising instruction-tuning results. There's also quite a bit of ongoing work around MoEs quantization.

In general, MoEs are interesting for high throughput cases with high number of machines, so this is not so so exciting for a local setup, but the recent work in quantization makes it more appealing.

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It is an application of specialization.

0 replies

MoE is all about tradeoffs. You get the "intelligence" of a 45B model but only pay the operational cost of multiplying against 12B of those params per token. The cost is that it's now up to the feedforward block to decide early which portions of those 45B params matter, whereas a non-MoE 45B model doesn't encode that decision explicitly into the architecture, it would only arise from (near) zero activations in the attention heads across layers found through gradient descent, instead of just siloing the "experts" entirely. From a quick look at the benchmark results, it looks like in particular it suffers in pronoun resolution vs larger models.

Richard Sutton's Bitter Lesson[1] has served as a guiding mantra for this generation of AI research: the less structure that the researcher explicitly imposes upon the computer in order to learn from the data the better. As humans, we're inclined to want to impose some structure based on our domain knowledge that should guide the model towards making the right choice from the data. It's unintuitive, but it turns out we're much better off imposing as little structure as possible, and the structure that we do place should only exist to effectively enable some form of computation to capture relationships in the data. Gradient descent over next token-prediction isn't very energy efficient, but it leverages compute quite well and it turns out it has scaled up to the limits of just about every research cluster we've been able to build to date. If you're trying to push the envelope and build something which advances the state of the Art in a reasoning task, you're better off leaning as heavily as you can on compute-first approaches unless the nature of the problem involves a lack of data/compute.

Professor Sutton does a much better job than I discussing this concept, so I do encourage you to read the blog post.


0 replies

Short version:

You trade off increased VRAM usage for better training/runtime speed and better splittability.

The balance of this tradeoff is an open question.

15 replies

We’re currently using Mixtral 8x7B behind our endpoint mistral-small...

So 45 billion parameters is what they consider their "small" model? I'm excited to see what/if their larger models will be.

5 replies

> So 45 billion parameters is what they consider their "small" model?

According to Wikipedia: Rumors claim that GPT-4 has 1.76 trillion parameters, which was first estimated by the speed it was running and by George Hotz. [1]


4 replies

I still need to understand how George Hotz knows about the GPT-4 architecture if it is true.

2 replies

You don't necessarily need to know the architecture, given the "only" real metric regarding speed is tokens/sec and that pretty much depends on memory bandwidth, you can infer with some certainty the size of the model.

Also, if we have been eating up posted "benchmarks" with no way to independently validate them and watching heavily edited video presentations, why can't we trust our wonder kid?

1 replies

That doesn't explain how we know that GPT-4 is a sparse MoE model with X experts of Y size and using Z of them during inference.

0 replies

IIRC it was leaked/confirmed by accident or something like that

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As someone who has worked in the field for many years now and closely follows not just the engineering side but also the academic literature and the personell movements on linkedin, I too was able to put together a lot of this. Especially with GPT-3 Turbo it was obvious what they did due to the speed difference. At least in terms of model architectures and orders of magnitude for parameters. From there you could do some back of the envelope calculations and guess how big GPT4 had to be given its speed. I wouldn't have dared to say any specific numbers with authority, but maybe Hotz has talked to someone at OpenAI. On the other hand, the updated article now claims his numbers were off by a factor of 2 (at least for the individual experts - he still got the total number of parameters right). So yeah, maybe he was just guessing like the rest of us after all.

2 replies

It's not even close to a 45B model. They trained 8 different fine-tunes on the same base model. This means the 8 models differ only by a couple of layers and share the rest of their layers.

Which also means you can fit the 8 models in a much smaller amount of memory than a 45B model. Latency will also be much smaller than a 45B model, since the next token is always only created by 2 of the 8 models (which 2 models are run is chosen by a different, even smaller/faster, model).

1 replies

It's not even close to a 45B model. They trained 8 different fine-tunes on the same base model. This means the 8 models differ only by a couple of layers and share the rest of their layers.

No, Mixture-of-Experts is not stacking finetunes of the same base model.

0 replies

Do you have any more information on the topic? I remember reading that about significant memory savings achieved by reusing most layers.

Made sense to mee on first sight to me, because you don't need to train stuff like syntax and grammar 8 times in 8 different ways.

Also would explain why interference of two 7B models has the cost of running a 12B model.

2 replies

Note that it processes tokens at speed and cost of a 12B model though.

1 replies

If it uses 2 experts, they should parallelize so closer to 7B speed?

0 replies

Memory bandwidth is still a factor, right?

1 replies

There seems to be an experimental Mistral Medium model listed among other available model endpoints on [1], the comparison table they give shows that it outmatches 8x7B by a few percent on every benchmark listed


0 replies

It apparently outperforms GPT-4 at WinoGrande as well…

0 replies

They have a description and performance evaluation of Mistral-medium on their website:

"Our highest-quality endpoint currently serves a prototype model, that is currently among the top serviced models available based on standard benchmarks. It masters English/French/Italian/German/Spanish and code and obtains a score of 8.6 on MT-Bench."

9 replies

They're only paying 80,000€ for a full stack dev and want the candidate to have a "portfolio of successful projects"

3 replies

That’s ~$86,000 not bad at all imo and probably comes with other benefits as well. Not really sure how economical that is in the EU but it can’t be worse than the U.S where this is still pretty good compensation.

1 replies

OpenAI is known to pay up to 10 times that. It's a different world.

$86k in Europe is good (about 90th percentile of earners in Germany), but not as fantastical as some salaries in the US. Plus, Paris is probably expensive.

0 replies

Current OpenAI job postings top out at $385,000 for full stack engineers which is 98th percentile in the US (and less for San Francisco).

The €80k is the start of the Mistral salary range. €100k is the top, which would put you in the top 1% of earners in France.

0 replies

I'm in Europe and imo it's bad. The position is London/Paris and it's definitely not enough to live comfortably in London. It's okay for a run of the mill full stack position but at what could be considered the hottest sector in the world right now? It's not enough.

0 replies

Welcome to Europe

0 replies

It's France, that's quite a high salary there.

0 replies

Welcome to Europe.

0 replies

80K is kinda high for Europe, I bet there are lots of people applying

0 replies

That's twice the average salary of an experienced "regular" software developer in France.

8 replies

A proper preference tuning can also serve this purpose. Bear in mind that without such a prompt, the model will just follow whatever instructions are given.

Mistral does not censor its models and is committed to a hands free approach, according to their CEO

Mixtral 8x7B masters French, German, Spanish, Italian, and English.

EU budget cut by half

4 replies

Mistral does not censor its models and is committed to a hands free approach

This will change really fast. I highly doubt AI will have free speech in France when citizens don't.

1 replies

Can you please expand on how french citizens don't have free speech ? And how ensuring minimum decency in the output of a computer program would impact free speech ?

0 replies

Am french. Absolute free speech doesn't exist in France. For instance saying Nazi slogans is illegal. This is a big difference from the USA.

0 replies

If they play the "French product" card well, La france will change her laws

0 replies

You can say anything you want in european countries. Some things might backfire in various ways, though. IE if you megaphone that some person group X should be killed right away, that usually is a criminal offense and punished according to law.

2 replies

EU budget cut by half

I realize this is a joke, but the EU being the EU, it of course does publish[0] information on its translation costs. In 2023, translation in fact is budgeted for only 0.2% of the total EU budget. All costs included, that's €349 million for EU translation services.


0 replies

Ironically those translations are some of the best datasets for AI. Those translations are very high quality.

0 replies

And the kind of translations that are the most expensive for the EU are unlikely to be replaced any time soon, at least not entirely

Not sure we'd want unsupervised translation of legally binding (at times highly technical) texts into legally binding texts in another language

Nor the real time translation enabling works in places like EP committees or plenaries

7 replies

Just tried to register, haven't received the confirmation email.

6 replies

Same here.

5 replies


2 replies


0 replies

Now works. I’m on the waitlist.

0 replies


1 replies

Same. Tip: if you put a random number it will get you through regardless

0 replies

Hah, it works, that’s hilarious

7 replies

Is anyone using this models self-hosted in production? What cloud hosting provider/plan do you use and how is it performance wise?

3 replies

Considering that this model has basically zero censorship I would say it is going to take a while before companies have fine-tuned this enough before putting it in production.

0 replies

The community will do that for them.

Btw it is unfortunate that 'censored' became the default expectation. Mistral gives the raw model because that makes it useful for all kinds of purposes, e.g. moderation. Censorship is an addon module (or a lora or sth).

0 replies

This seems like grounds for an interesting and sustainable business model.

* Offer uncensored, pure-instruction-following open source models.

* Offer censored, 'corporate-values' models commercially.

0 replies

To the contrary, I want need things locally/cheap/fast for generic internal business automation, so it will never generate content any outsider would ever see. Basically glue code between services with classification of data built-in.

1 replies

This model dropped on Friday, how would anyone be using it “in production” by Monday morning?

0 replies

Not to mention the fact that only model weights dropped without the inference code so people had to hack that together.

0 replies

Very interested to hear a similar answer, but if anyone has tried running it locally on high-end consumer grade hardware, eg an Nvidia 4090?

4 replies

This is very exciting and I think this is the future of AI until we get another, next-gen architecture beyond transformers. I don't think we will get a lot better until that happens and the effort will go into making the models a lot cheaper to run without sacrificing too much accuracy. MoD is a viable solution.

3 replies

Mamba has shown SSMs are highly likely to be contenders for the replacement to transformers in a really similar fashion to when transformers were first introduced as enc-dec models. I’m personally very excited for those models as they’re also built for even faster inference (a major feature of transformers being wildly faster inference than with LSTMs)

2 replies

a major feature of transformers being wildly faster inference than with LSTM

Wasn't the main issue with RNNs the fact that inference during training can't be efficiently parallelized?

The inference itself normally should be faster for an RNN than for a transformer since the former works in linear time in terms of input size while the latter is quadratic

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Mamba has dual view - you can use it both as CNN and RNN. The first is used for pre-training and for preloading the prompt because it can process all tokens at once. The second is used for token generation because it is O(1) per token. Basically two models in one, inheriting both advantages. This is possible because the Structured State Space layer is linear, so you can reshape some sums and unroll recursion into a convolution the size of the input, which can be further sped up with FFT.

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and which is why the speed up is proportional to context length so starting near parity then, theoretically, see 100x at 100k tokens

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Sorry if this is a dumb question. Can someone explain why it’s called 8x7B(56B) but it has only 46.7B params? and it uses 12.9B params per token generation but there are 2 experts(2x7B) chosen by a 2B model? I’m finding it difficult to wrap my head around this.

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I haven’t looked at the structure carefully, but It’s hard to guess there are shared layers between models. Likely the input layers for sure, since there is no need to tokenize separately for each model (unless different models have specialized vocabulary).

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This is my understanding as well. Also includes the parameters of the expert-routing gating network.

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mixture of experts gates on the feed forward network only. the shared weights are the KQV projections for the attention mechanism of each layer.

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Also here graphs are confusing as they don't show the full y axis (please don't do that!)

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Disagree, at least when stated this generally. This article is explaining it thorougly:

(The article you linked is not accessible to non-medium users, by the way. Apologies if it covers caveats.)

For bar charts it's a good rule of thumb. For line charts, not necessarily.

Scroll down to the cases where it makes sense to zoom in. Imagine you plot the global average temperature of the last 200 years including the zero. You could barely see the changes, but they've been dramatic. Use Kelvin to make this effect even stronger.

Which brings up another point: The zero is sometimes arbitrary. If instead of a quantity you only plot its difference to some baseline, all that is changing is the numbers of the y-axis, but the actual plot stays the same. Is it now less misleading? I say no, because the reader must look at the axes and the title either way.

So please do zoom in to frame the data neatly if it makes sense to do so.

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For headline news that's probably a good rule of thumb. But in an academic context, especially data science, anyone who is data literate should know to check the axes.

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It is the strongest open-weight model with a permissive license and the best model overall regarding cost/performance trade-offs.

Is there any link to the model and weights? I don't see it if so.

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They released the weights as a torrent [0] but you can easily find it on Huggingface [1][2].




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I think comparisons to base LLaMA are not so interesting, as almost no one is using those models. The most informative comparison is between Mistral 7B and 8x7B, provided in this picture:

The key takeway for me is that there is a decent improvement in all categories - about 10% on average with a few outliers. However, the footprint of this model is much larger so the performance bump ends up being underwhelming in my opinion. I would expect about the same performance improvement if they released a 13B version without the MoE. May be too early to definitely say that MoE is not the whole secret sauce behind GPT4, but at least with this implementation it does not seem to lift performance dramatically.

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How does it compare to existing 13b models on benchmarks?

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Good question. If you believe the results on the HuggingFace leaderboard (, which I find very hard to navigate, we find that Mistral was not even the best 7B model in there, and there is a huge variance as well. I prefer to rely on benchmarks done by the same group of known individuals over time for comparisons, as I think it's still too easy to game benchmark results - especially you are just releasing something anonymously.

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What kind of training data did they use? Are the training data and replies censored in any way?

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From the link:

Mixtral is pre-trained on data extracted from the open Web – we train experts and routers simultaneously.

Note: Mixtral can be gracefully prompted to ban some outputs from constructing applications that require a strong level of moderation, as exemplified here. A proper preference tuning can also serve this purpose. Bear in mind that without such a prompt, the model will just follow whatever instructions are given.
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Are the training data and replies censored in any way?

It doesn't seem so.

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The claim that it is better than GPT3.5, in practice, should be taken with a grain of salt, since the benchmarks themselves aren't... ideal.

Despite the questionable marketing claim, it is a great LLM for other reasons.

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Plus benchmarks are typically ran from the API, using a tagged version of 3.5-turbo and not the whatever extra tuning and prompt magic ChatGPT as a frontend has to actually get the better results that people see in practice.

On the other hand, if the base instruct model is good enough to roughly match it then the fine tunes will be interesting for sure.

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I wonder if the brain uses a mixture of experts?

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We have regions that specialize in specific tasks. Information gets routed there for recognition and understanding.

Eg: Faces are processed in the fusiform area. And if you play pokemon obsessively as a kid, you’ll even create an expert pokemon region:

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Can mixtral be fine tuned in any way?

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yes, they dropped instruct model already and i think people are churning the variety as we speak

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I’m surprised no one has commented on the context size limitations of these offerings when comparing to the other models. The sliding window technique really does effectively cripple its recall to approximately just 8k tokens which is just plain insufficient for a lot of tasks.

All these llama2 derivatives are only effective if you fine tune them, not just because of the parameter count as people keep harping but perhaps even more so because of the tiny context available.

A lot of my GPT3.5/4 usage involves “one offs” where it would be faster to do the thing by hand than to train/fine-tune first, made possible because of the generous context window and some amount of modest context stuffing (drives up input token costs but still a big win).

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A lot of attention window stuff is fluff IMPE, just gotta look at the benchmarks regardless of what the raw numbers sat.

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the model says 8x7B model, so its a 56B model. what is the GPU memory requirements to run this model for a 512 context size? are there any feasible quantization models of this available? I want to know if my 16GB VRAM GPU can run this model? Thanks

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Are there any scores on Dutch support? Is it totally not supported or not benchmarked?

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It sounds like the same requirements as a 70b+ model, but if someone manages to get inference running locally on a single rtx4090 (AMD 7950x3D w/ 64GB ddr5) reasonably well, please let me know.

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Interesting to see Mistral in the news raising EUR 450M at a EUR 2B valuation. tbh I'd not even heard of them before this Mixtral release. Amazing how fast this field is developing!

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Andrej Karpathy's Take:

Official post on Mixtral 8x7B:

Official PR into vLLM shows the inference code:

New HuggingFace explainer on MoE very nice:

In naive decoding, performance of a bit above 70B (Llama 2), at inference speed of ~12.9B dense model (out of total 46.7B params).

Notes: - Glad they refer to it as "open weights" release instead of "open source", which would imo require the training code, dataset and docs. - "8x7B" name is a bit misleading because it is not all 7B params that are being 8x'd, only the FeedForward blocks in the Transformer are 8x'd, everything else stays the same. Hence also why total number of params is not 56B but only 46.7B. - More confusion I see is around expert choice, note that each token and also each layer selects 2 different experts (out of 8). - Mistral-medium
