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Northvolt develops state-of-the-art sodium-ion battery validated at 160 Wh/kg

93 replies

According to, 160 Wh/kg is about the same density as Li-po and Li-ion. This battery chemistry is attractive in that it's made from common materials & is more stable/safer than Lithium. The press release doesn't say, so I assume it's not competitive in energy density per litre so I assume not.

Wikipedia has a comparison table at but no idea how accurate/up to date it is.

51 replies

It's made of sodium and iron, which together make up about 8% of the earth's crust, so yes, they chemistry is made of really common materials. By contrast lithium makes up about 0.002%.

18 replies

the chemistry is made of really common materials

I don't want to sound like a conspiray theorist, but something tells me the really big actors (like states) only want materials that they can control the suply of.

7 replies

As always, whoever has the biggest guns will control this resource as well.

If someome resists, they will end up just like anyone who opposed the US's quest to take other nations oil.

As Donald used to say:

"Take the oil, then get out". They took the oil and stayed.

6 replies

Which countries did the US take oil from? Any data around number of barrels ect?

4 replies

They're probably referencing Iraq and I'm not sure it was raw resource extraction as it was so much removal of a competitor (whatever the name of the Iraqi state oil company was) and more than that, enabling sales of equipment, consulting, etc. It wasn't as simple as some 1800s colonialism, it was advanced wealth extraction worthy of the 21st century.

3 replies

Ok. So the US spent $3 trillion[0] on a war in Iraq to get some consulting contracts from a country with a GDP of $36 billion[1]? And didn't invade Saudi Arabia, which actually has oil? How much wealth do you estimate the US extacted from the war?



1 replies

The Europeans were starting to loosen Iraqi oil sanctions and develop the fields before the second war.

The US often does stuff that costs taxpayers trillions so that the people bribing congress can make billions.

PFAS, Canadian lumber sanctions and oxycontin are three recent examples.

0 replies

The Europeans were starting to loosen Iraqi oil sanctions

Any links I can read about this? I'm open to the idea that suppressing Iraq's oil industry was the main objective of the war. I don't like claims about "the US's quest to take other nations oil" being that it never happened either in Iraq or even Iran. At least when I ask for a source I can never get one. To me the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were mainly about projecting power, not oil. Certainly not Afghanistan because there is little to no oil there in the first place. Even regarding Iraq it is OPEC that sets the price and I doubt they would let Iraq greatly reduce the market price. It would have to be as you say: people with connections using the US's power to suppress competition. Many people online, however, seem to have the idea that US foriegn policy dictates collecting oil and that the US is stealing trillions of dollars of oil from various third world countries. I think the US gains a lot more from war to project power. Iraq for the most part today is a US ally. And if we are looking for people who would gain from the war it would more likely be Lockheed than Exxon. Lastly, there is no reason to say that US oil companies staged the war exclusively. It is possible that eg. SA were also involved or the main initiators.

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While I don't lend credence to it being that simple, it's worth noting that the people making that profit aren't the ones paying for it, and the ones paying for it aren't using their own money.

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Iraq, Syria comes to mind. Yes, the US is still in Syria. They would have tried that shit with Venezuela, but Ruskies got there first.

3 replies

sound like a conspiray theorist

Well you do?

It won't work as long as there's a roughly equal alternative that's cheaper/easier to produce. Free market will win here.

There's no way one state can force another state (aside from war) to manufacture something a particular way. It's like if I controlled the world's timber supply and said Canada must produce houses out of timber and not, say, concrete. Canada's gonna go produce using concrete unless I somehow make my timber price competitive.

2 replies

It's like if I controlled the world's timber supply and said Canada must produce houses out of timber

This is quite naive - in fact we do this all the time

* IMF provides loans to developing countries on the condition that they dont have 'socialist' policies

* EU bailouts for Greece/aspain/etc. was given on the condition of sale of state assets and doing other things

* The worlds ship insurance industry is run in London. Nuclear powered contsiner ships are faster, cheaper, and better in every way. Good luck insuring them. Running them without insurance is. illegal

*'non-tariff barriers' - i.e. free trade negotiations - are all about aligning countries on how they manufacture/insure/regulate things like cars. Guess which econony gets the bigger say.

Russia was forced to adopt Eu standards for petrol quality and engine emissions standards in 2,000's and they still follow

0 replies

IMF provides loans to developing countries on the condition that they dont have 'socialist' policies

Because these 'socialist' policies are usually the reason why these countries need IMF loans.

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You're right I was too flippant with my language. I was only thinking about the US and its strategic desires.

1 replies

That's actually the official policy in many cases. For instance, the EU is funding research in li-ion recycling so that it could create a "circular economy" with imports only there to make up for material lost during processing, as e.g. the car market is largely saturated, so the expectation is that demand won't grow.

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Yeah, but that's not a conspiracy or even something negative. It's just common sense for a country/group of countries.

OP made it sound like the Evil Corporate Overlords are conspiring to hold us back from achieving battery freedumb.

0 replies

China already has GWH scale sodium battery plants. So if THEY have been trying to suppress it THEY aren't doing very well.

This announcement is about an improvement in energy density made possible by $Bs being invested to allow sodium batteries to become more competitive with lithium.

There are also other battery chemistries being rolled out. Iron based ones seem particularly promising for stationary storage.

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I don’t think control goes that far. China definitely thinks that way, but I doubt the western governments do.

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If they can; abundant is the next best thing.

Any country without an expeditionary military force (about 187 of them) likes the resources they have. Ab abundant is great unless you have a known military adversary with extra-territorial ambition (that’s three countries).

0 replies

Transistors are the most valuable thing we can produce per kilogram and sell easily. We had many processes over the years, but we settled on making them from sillicon. I.e. sand.

Think about it :)

13 replies

Lithium is element #3 on the periodic table so it's very simple and should be universally abundant. Literally in the universe, unfortunately not on earth.

5 replies

Lithium is not very universally abundant.

You cannot estimate abundance by atomic number like that. The big bang produced mostly hydrogen and helium, with traces of lithium and beryllium. The elements heavier than that are mostly produced by stars, and the physics of fusion have a massive impact on what elements, specifically, get made. Free protons join together to become helium-4 much more readily than any other fusion process, meaning that by the time heavier things start forming, the raw material is entirely ⁴He.

This means that things that are easily made of ⁴He are dramatically more common than anything else, making the most common isotopes after ⁴He oxygen-16 (4 alphas), carbon-12 (3 alphas, less common than oxygen because it's less stable and easily picks up another alpha), neon-20 (5 alphas), and iron-56 (14 alphas to nickel-56 which immediately decays twice through β+ to produce ⁵⁶Fe). Iron is so high up above all the other intermediate steps, because it's the last stop: In heavy enough stars, the entire core converts to iron, and reactions past that are energy-consuming, not energy-producing, so after that the star collapses.

Lithium is not on any of the major stellar nucleosynthesis pathways, which means it's only produced by exceptional processes, making it roughly as universally abundant as the other stuff that is made by exceptional processes, like scandium or gallium or zirconium. But none of that matters, because:

Lithium is abundant and easy to extract in the earth's crust.

While there's not that much of it up there, there's plenty easy to extract down here, because it's so light and likes forming light compounds, meaning that a huge proportion of all the lithium of all the rocks that came together to form the earth is reachable to us. Lithium is not rare. Any statement about lithium batteries that bemoans the scarcity of lithium is doubly confused: Firstly, because lithium is simply not scarce. Secondly, because lithium is such a tiny portion of the battery, that despite being in the name, only a small fraction of the materials cost is lithium.

Lithium price has had a few big spikes because mining is a very high-capital industry where spinning up projects is measured in years, if not decades, and we suddenly started using a lot more lithium in ~2010. Accordingly, the price has spiked from the ~$5k per ton (which is roughly in the same ballpark typical cost of extraction, where any abundant mineral prices end up at), to the heights of $37k per ton last year. Even at this high price, lithium was not even the most expensive material component in most lithium batteries, because typically only 1-3% of the battery's weight is lithium.

But these prices won't last, because having the price of a commodity so high above the cost of extraction means that new mining projects are spinning up.

2 replies

Re: Lithium as a resource:

USGS (2021):

    Five mineral operations in Australia, two brine operations each in Argentina and Chile, and two brine and one mineral operation in China accounted for the majority of world lithium production.

    Owing to overproduction and decreased prices, several established lithium operations postponed capacity expansion plans. Junior mining operations in Australia and Canada ceased production altogether.
USGS (2023):

    Six mineral operations in Australia, one mineral tailings operation in Brazil, two brine operations each in Argentina and Chile, and three mineral and two brine operations in China accounted for the majority of world lithium production.

    Additionally, smaller operations in Brazil, Canada, China, Portugal, the United States, and Zimbabwe also contributed to world lithium production.

    Owing to the rapid increase in demand and prices of lithium in 2022, established lithium operations worldwide increased or were in the process of increasing production capacity.     



Bonus British Geo. Soc. Global Li Map:

1 replies

Also from the 2023 USGS periodical:

    Lithium supply security has become a top priority for technology companies in Asia, Europe, and North America. Strategic alliances and joint ventures among technology companies and exploration companies continued to be established to ensure a reliable, diversified supply of lithium for battery suppliers and vehicle manufacturers. Brine-based lithium sources were in various stages of development or exploration in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, China, and the United States; mineral-based lithium sources were in various stages of development or exploration in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Congo (Kinshasa), Czechia, Ethiopia, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Kazakhstan, Mali, Namibia, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Thailand, the United States, and Zimbabwe; lithium-clay sources were in various stages of development or exploration in Mexico and the United States.

0 replies

Sure, there's two or three pages there IIRC.

If you want to go in depth, though, you can always hit:

0 replies

Thank you for this explanation.

because lithium is such a tiny portion of the battery

Is this why recycling it is so difficult?

0 replies

Thank you for a fascinating comment. I learned new stuff from it; I appreciate you and your expertise!

1 replies

There is a lot less Lithium in the universe than you might expect being element #3

There is also a lot less Lithium in the universe than our models predict:

0 replies

This stinks of bad science. All of the observations come from stars. "Older stars seem to have less lithium than they should, and some younger stars have much more."

"BBC Science Focus wrote in 2023 that "recent research seems to completely discount" such theories; the magazine held that mainstream lithium nucleosynthesis calculations are probably correct."

I am unconvinced.

1 replies

That’s not how it works! Lithium is a fuel that gets used up by stars immediately whenever it might be produced in trace amounts. Unlike hydrogen, lithium wasn’t produced in the Big Bang. So most of the lithium that remains in the universe is produced outside of the cores of stars through the interaction of cosmic rays with other matter. Needless to say, that’s not a very common interaction (relatively speaking).

Now if you look at how larger stars operate (the CNO cycle [1]) you’ll see that it matches up with the higher relative abundance of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in the universe. Lithium, beryllium, and boron get “skipped over” in a sense.

Furthermore, if you look at a graph of the relative abundance of all elements, you’ll note that odd-numbered elements are less abundant than even (with the exceptions of hydrogen and beryllium). This is called the Oddo-Harkins rule [2] and it may also be playing a role.

Edit: I should also add that the third major process in stars, triple-α [3], involves the fusion of three helium-4 nuclei into one carbon-12 nucleus. This occurs in older stars that have exhausted most of their hydrogen fuel and so have built up a large core of “inert” helium. When their outward pressure from hydrogen fusion is no longer high enough to withstand gravity, they reach the much higher pressures and temperatures needed for triple-α fusion. Unfortunately for the lithium industry, there’s no chance of producing lithium this way since it is skipped over on the way to carbon.




0 replies

Nitpick: Lithium was produced in the Big Bang, though in a ratio of something like one per billion compared to H production.

0 replies

Lithium is extremely abundant on earth. Unless we start launching it into space, or start building up after covering the surface with buildings and roads, we’re not going to run out.

Lithium production capacity is scarce however, since it’s a mostly useless element unless you’re building batteries out of it.

Anyway, once cities realize that they need to stop taking water from rivers, we should be able to skim quite a bit of lithium from desalination plant waste water.

0 replies

Helium is no 2 , and that too is pretty scarce on earth , but again helium is a very light gas and simply shoots out of the atmosphere eventually, Why is lithium rare

0 replies

I mean in that case Hydrogen fuel cells are clearly the future, just as soon as we manage to make our gravity well irrelevant.

11 replies

Iron is on top. Lithium is one up from the bottom left.

10 replies

strange how calcium and sodium are omitted

9 replies

Sodium is not "mined" per se, as, you know, just get some sea water

Calcium is, but maybe because it's not processed as most metals it is not included in the graph

7 replies

At least half of all NaCl that's used world wide is mined from salt mines. For many places in the world it's not feasible to rely on solar evaporation of sea water. Using other energy sources to evaporate sea salt is not cost effective and many places have large salt deposits.

5 replies

Would it be feasible to use the sodium from desalination wastewater?

4 replies

desalination wastewater contains a number of other chemicals used in the desalination process (e.g. pH adjusters, coagulants and flocculants, antiscalants, dispersants, biocides, and reducing chemicals)

3 replies

So the next question: would those contaminants significantly degrade the performance of the battery?

2 replies

I mean... pH adjusters would definitely significantly alter things. The other major problem (I'd guess) is just the health implications of working with toxic wastewater. Is it safe?

For context, as of 2019, we produced enough of this "brine" to cover Florida with 30 centimeters of brine every year. That means, as a whole, desalination plants actually produce even more toxic wastewater than they do clean drinking water.

As a result figuring out ways we could utilize this _product_ ("byproduct" feels like the wrong term here considering it's the primary thing produced) is a major area of interest

1 replies

Didn't gasoline start out as a byproduct of kerosene production?

0 replies

Sure but it's alternative uses were already known. It just so happened that a world-altering invention (the consumer automobile) came along to dramatically raise already existing demand for it. There is currently no demand/use for desalination brine. For every "this byproduct is actually useful" story there's likely 10 byproducts that simply stay byproducts. Still, it's urgent we figure out something to do with it since it's damaging our ocean ecosystems

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I am aware of this, but mining (or salt water processing) for the specific extraction of sodium metal from NaCl or others is really small

Mined salt is probably more valuable as table salt (and cattle feed) than as source of metallic Na

0 replies

Sodium is also mined for sure. There's a reason there are many expressions about salt mines :-)

2 replies

Misleading way of looking at it. Lithium and sodium are not the major cost (or weight, or volume) inputs to making batteries, and crustal occurrence is very distantly related to cost. We mine things from places with 100x-1mx higher concentrations than natural. Water concentrates lithium into brines and clays for us. Sodium's low density causes it to create massive domes underground that are extremely recoverable. In contrast many metals aren't naturally concentrated.

Lithium batteries aren't made of lithium. They're made of nickel- or iron, or manganese, or cobalt. In iron and manganese batteries the #1 price factor is the manufacturing- the energy, solvents, and machinery used to deposit materials onto film.

Likewise sodium batteries are not made of sodium. There's 13x more iron in them than sodium. There may also be large amounts of manganese or vanadium. The cost of manufacturing is also higher per kWh.

1 replies

This sort of misses the point of sodium ion batteries though, no? One of the main objections to lithium ion batteries is the need for cobalt because of how it's sourced through "artisanal mining" in Africa.

0 replies

LFP has no cobalt.

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Northvolt’s original factory in Skellefteå is near (well, ‘Arctic near’: 460 km along an existing rail line) Kiruna, one of the largest Iron mines in the world, so that’s one of the two material supply safe.

Industrial Sodium is made with electrolysis of sea salt; the factory is next to the Gulf of Bothany and has abundant (wind and hydro) power, so the other material supply is safe.

It wasn’t hard anywhere, but it’s straightforward in that particular case.

0 replies

This got me thinking - the salinity of the water in the bothnian bay is very low (seems to be about 1/10th of ocean water). Wouldn't that effect electrolysis?

0 replies

I was editing after doing some basic research so sorry for making it look like you're repeating my comment :)

20 replies

Sodium is extremely plentiful, while lithium is not.

17 replies

I had thought that this was not a huge win, as lithium is fairly cheap, and not a large portion of the overall cost of a battery. However, my research taught me I was incorrect.

Lithium is worth about $40k per tonne, or $40 per kg. A Tesla power wall 2 is about 150kg, if half of that is lithium, then the lithium alone is worth $2.3k. Powerball costs about $9.5k, so the lithium is a fair portion of the cost.

Note, I know raw lithium carbonate is not stuck directly into a battery, just spitballing with the little bit of learning I just did.

5 replies

Lithium is cheap because the externalities of the environmental damage it causes is not accounted for in the pricing. It's a highly exploitative resource which has destructive impacts on local bacterial ecosystems, human communities, and water availability.

Some articles, if you are interested:

It's not even comparable to sodium, which is abundant practically everywhere.

4 replies

Lithium is cheap because the externalities of the environmental damage it causes is not accounted for in the pricing.

Like every other raw resource we use.

3 replies

Let's not flatten it. Different materials have different externalities. And are available in different places with different levels of human rights and environmental protections

1 replies

Lithium and sodium are both easily mined from sea water.

0 replies

Seawater contains less than 1ppm of lithium (compared to 300-7k ppm in brine). There are zero commercial facilities to produce lithium from sea salt. It's not even a notable byproduct from other seawater-based processing facilities

0 replies

Sodium is better than lithium in that respect. But both are MUCH better than hydrocarbons.

The amount you need for driving a car for 3 years is several kg vs tonnes. And you can recycle the battery but you can't recycle the oil you burned.

That's why I'm not particularly harsh on lithium externalities. Let's get the low-hanging fruits first before we focus on nuances.

4 replies

Also right now about 70% of all lithium comes from only two places (Chile, Australia). Iron and sodium are pretty much everywhere so this potentially eliminates at least one supply bottleneck

3 replies

eliminates at least one supply bottleneck

The CIA wants to know your location /s . I know this kind of joke is not appreciated on HN (for good reason), but one has to ponder of the implication of cheap/dense energy/storage and what big actors like governments, big corporations would think about not being able to effectively control energy production/storage/distribution.

1 replies

If you are the Chilean or Australien government you would maybe be unhappy about moving away from Lithium. Most other governments would love it e.g. Europe doesn't have much Lithium (or at least not a lot that is easy enough to extract to make it profitable). The EU and european governments already try to rely less on foreign supply chains, especially since they relied so heavily on Russia for gas and now have to scramble to find other sources.

0 replies

Maybe the corporations of those countries. But Australian and Chilean citizens both loathe the environmental and health impacts of these industries. Especially those that live in or around the "sacrifice zones" of these industries

0 replies

At least in Europe, governments are going to great efforts and expense to decentralise and decarbonise the production, storage and distribution of energy. The implication is that as well as producing energy through renewables close to where it is used, it can be cheaply and sustainably stored there as well.

2 replies

A Tesla power wall 2 is about 150kg, if half of that is lithium

an order of magnitude less. 30KWh is just about 3kg of lithium in theory. On practice it would be about 7-10% of the weight of the battery.

1 replies

Do you have a source for that? I don't doubt what you write, but I would love to learn more.

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realistically the cobalt based Li-Ion can reach ~250Wh/kg (and they are better than the LiFePO4). So 3kg of cobalt based li-ion would be below 1kW/h

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lithium is fairly cheap

For now. But more importantly, there are sovereignty problems to considered in case things get worse in the future. And the quality and usability of the lithium substrate varies quite a bit between suppliers, with the better ones, for now, coming from the less "attractive" suppliers.

0 replies

That's a electric car battery, optimized for mobility: fast charge & low self-discharge, maximum density allowed by the projected lifetime, custom form factor, heat and cold resistant, vibration resistant and mechanically sturdy etc.

When you think of an application like grid connected energy storage, most of those performance metrics are irrelevant, and the only thing that really matters is cell cost per total energy stored and delivered during its lifetime. We will likely see something over-engineered and simplified to maximize cycle count and minimize cost, leading to a much larger raw material consumption, at the expense of density - the cell is not going anywhere.

So the ability to use dirty cheap ingredients is a game changer for the grid storage market.

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A Tesla power wall 2 is about 150kg, if half of that is lithium,

This estimate is very far off.

1% is closer.

1 replies

lithium is not the issue at all for Li-Ion.

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7 replies

If it's cheaper than lithium but not significntly smaller, at least it'll be more scalable and affordable for e.g. energy grid or home battery applications.

5 replies

It also has a vastly superior safety profile, also meaning is easier and safer to construct. It does not have the overheating problems of lithium batteries.

4 replies

I've long dreamt of being able to to have a battery buried under the cellar floor. Size and weight wouldn't matter. Lifetime and safety would be quite important.

3 replies

Is the lifespan of sodium-ion better than Li-ion?

1 replies

They claim 2'000 cycles for their current 18650s, which, I believe, is about twice that of li-ions?

0 replies

"Lithium Ion" encompasses a lot of chemistries. LFP, which is what is most competitive with sodium ion, has a cycle range of 3000-10000.

0 replies

Depends on the anode

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With the moves in places like California to curtail the value prospect of net metering for solar (particularly during peak hours), home storage is becoming more and more important. But I don't especially like the idea of big lithium batteries around the house ... particularly because I live in a flood zone.

4 replies

Keep in mind sodium ion and LFP are much safer and don't require nearly as much cooling and management systems as nickel-cobalt chemistries

So at the PACK level of energy density, which is really all that matters, sodium ion and LFP close much of the gap with nickel-cobalt.

So spitballing here, an NMC chemistry at 240 wk/kg at the CELL level will lose about 20+% ore of density per weight for cooling and safety, so that they will be effectively 160 wh/kg at the PACK level.

Most CATL literature has LFP and sodium ion at 90-95% at the pack level with "cell-to-pack" which bypasses modules and other intermediate packaging.

So if 240 wh/kg NMC chemistry is actually 160 wh/kg at PACK level, and this sodium ion is 160 wh/kg but about 150 wh/kg at PACK level, well then you see the real power of these chemistries.

If the pack level 160-180 wh/kg equates to a 400 mile car, then 140-160 wh/kg sodium ion at pack level equates to a 300+ mile car.

300 miles means a really good city car. It means you can probably do a 50-100 mile PHEV car pretty cheap. It means cheap, limit-is-number-of-factories scaling of EV battery supply.

Sodium ion is supposed to be 40$ or less bill of materials per kw-hr compared to 80-100 for NMC and about 50-70 for LFP. And it should probably drop from there in the long run.

It also means that EVs beat ICEs on drivetrain cost, possibly by a significant margin, which might translate to a 4000$ + price difference from an ICE. Combined with theoretically cheaper maintenance and "fuel" costs, this should translate to an EV cost advantage that people simply won't be able to overlook.

Personally I think there should be an overall "carbon externality charge" of $5000 on a new ICE as well, or something that scales with the carbon inefficiency of the vehicle (so a bigass suburban assault vehicle is like $10000).

Also, note that the roadmap for batteries of CATL, a lot like the roadmap for future nodes in semiconductors so take it with a grain of salt as to when they realize the goals, is for 200 wh/kg sodium ion and 240-260 wh/kg LFP. With superior cell-to-pack density, that should mean a 400 mile car for sodium ion, and a 500 mile car for LFP.

Now, hopefully in 5-10 years we get lithium-sulfur and sodium-sulfur that are AT LEAST 50% more dense with similar materials costs. Then you get to shrink the battery to make the EV even cheaper.

So the revolution is coming, in my opinion. And this isn't just a gee-whiz a faster pc for my Overwatch. This is "future survival of humanity in the balance". We NEED to decarbonize transportation, and we NEED cheap batteries for alternative energy grid storage. The development of these technologies is preservation-of-humanity level of importance, and high density sodium ion chemistries are a major major step towards that because of all the economic and practical levels/needs/requirements they meet/exceed.

3 replies

"carbon externality charge" of $5000 on a new ICE as well, or something that scales with the carbon inefficiency of the vehicle

Your whole writeup was inspiring and gives me more hope for the future. This part, though, I'm angry about. I'm angry that we don't already have this legislation in some form. I'm sure it will be fought tooth & nail by the big auto manufacturers, but we should do it anyway. Maybe we could tack on higher penalties for anyone caught 'rolling coal', too.

1 replies

It should be a bit more than $5000. However, prepare to be even angrier:

Burning a gallon of gas generates 20lbs of CO2 (most of the weight is the O2), so 100 gallons produces a ton. Direct air carbon capture should cost roughly $100 per ton at scale, so the fee should be $1/gallon of gasoline (either at vehicle purchase or at the pump).

That’s completely affordable and lower than current gasoline taxes in many places.

If we made that one change (and funneled the revenue into carbon capture) existing ICE cars could be carbon negative in 5-10 years, and, as we phased them out (because EVs are just better) we’d have a clear path to pre-industrial atmospheric CO2.

0 replies

With what process can you capture and permanently store carbon from the atmosphere for that price?

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The sort of obvious way is to slap on a decent carbon tax on fuels. But of course that is fought tooth and nail by a lot on entrenched interests.

Even here in ostensibly progressive Europe, populist parties are riding on "Cheap gas!!!".

2 replies

And how strange to rate a storage battery 'per kilogram'. It's just sitting there, on the grid, storing. The weight is entirely irrelevant.

The interesting number for stationary storage is, Wh per $. I wonder where how they compare on that (relevant) measure?

1 replies

CATL's Sodium Ion is claimed to be 1/3 the price of Li-ion. It is a lot cheaper per KWH but also a little bigger than LiPho which itself is quite a bit bigger than Li-ion.

I haven't seen it that cheap yet, its got new tech prices at the moment for cells on aliexpress.

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LiPho? Are you thinking of LiFePO4, aka LFP?

1 replies

While I am very pleased to see these developments away from Lithium I do think your estimates for Li-po and Li-ion are off by a few generations of batteries.

Lipo can be 200+ /kg density and Li Ion can be 250+ in current, commercially produced, generations of battery cells.

I'm not a pro so anyone feel free to correct me.

0 replies

Not sure about the exact numbers, but your sentiment is basically accurate.

This is an article about the Northvolt news by a German journalist specialized on battery technology (in German):

He says that 160 Wh/kg is in the ballpark of LFP batteries from five years ago. It is, however, about the same as the sodium batteries announced by CATL in 2021.

0 replies

Yes and: Their anode uses "hard carbon", not graphite. Apparently without sacrificing energy density.

This is huge. HUGE.

China dominates the graphite market and now has export controls.

IIRC, most current Li and Sodium batteries use graphite anodes of some kind. Northvote's use of hard carbon may prove to be an amazing cost and derisking advantage.

I know nothing about their novel Prussian White cathode.

I eagerly await the expert analysis of Northvote's anode and cathode.

0 replies

so I assume it's not competitive in energy density per litre so I assume not.

Their competitive argument is a fast charging time with a low impact on the life the battery pack, with a full charge under 10 minutes and about 2'000 cycles. They also have a good available power and capacity at 20C discharge rates.

24 replies

Shin, this is 7th week in the row you've shown new battery invention to the class


but honestly, what's the deal with same-y headlines about batteries? can we have articles that actually keep observing these technologies as they progress after being invented?

16 replies

Exactly. Where can I actually BUY these batteries that would fit to AA, AAA etc..

7 replies

Retrofitting is =dumb=, like very dumb. The nominal voltages are different to begin with. However not that only - retrofitting in general is not a bright idea: case in point LEDs into E27/E17 incandescent fixtures.

5 replies

Why not?

In the case of bulbs you could get a better form factor, but no one's doing that, they're just using non replaceable bulbs.

Batteries. Are you going to get rid of your TV just so you can use a different battery chemistry? There have been various chemistries available in AA. Would you rather we have even more battery sizes to keep track of?

4 replies

Why not?

B/c the LEDs require a driver which runs on DC [the better case is constant driven], the space constraints are too high and there is not enough room for heat dissipation which in the US kills the driver (as running on 110/120AC is less efficient), and in Europe it tends to kill the LEDs because they get to be overdriven, but the driver dissipates less heat. The power factor on all them tends to be atrocious, usually 0.5phi. They tend to quite noisy, esp. when it comes to EMF. In short there is not enough space to have a decent LED driver along with enough space for heat dissipation for the LEDs (usually only 15%, being generous, of the energy will be emitted as light. The rest is heat, so if you see 8W of LED, more than 6.5W is just heat)

Pretty much almost all LEDs you can buy in a retrofit case are almost guaranteed to be overdirven to show better numbers and be 'brighter'. Near ceiling larger fixtures can be designed for LEDs. They tend to have an actual 15-30k hours lifespan.

Dimming the LEDs is the next atrocity, esp. when it comes to chopping the sine wave. The LED dirvers have to work with the chopped sine wave and detect how much it has been chopped to reduce the current or the PWM.

About the AA(A) and the TV. I can control the TV w/ bluetooth and an app but I find that incovenient. However NiMH nominal voltage is 1.2V which fits the 1.5 of the alkaline batteries. It's good enough already. So yes, it takes different chemistry unless the remote controls provide built-in step-up/step-down converters, effectively variable operational voltage.

1 replies

Most of this problem becomes a non-issue with the advent of LED filament bulbs. That's pretty close to the holy grail IMO.

And besides, making everyone change every fixture in their house in order to take advantage of LED would just have meant it never happened. E26/E27 bulbs are going to be around for a while.

0 replies

LED filament bulbs.

Just lots of LEDs in series with higher target forward voltage. Still, LEDs are current driven devices and quite temperature sensitive, and still need a driver. The issues are not that different.

That's pretty close to the holy grail IMO.

I guess we have a very different idea about the grail, then.

1 replies

I think it's more a case of enshitification.

The first LEDs I got were metal bodied.

One of them has gone in the past 10 years. So they must be around that lower bound by now.

Tbf I don't think subsequent ones have been too bad.

Re your TV. Ok your TV might be, my TV isn't, and I have plenty of other remotes, and then there's clocks and weighing scales and kids toys and all the other things that use aa batteries.

0 replies

I think it's more a case of enshitification.The first LEDs I got were metal bodied.

The heavier the better when it comes to such LEDs. Yes, it's possible to make them work okayish, and control the temps (LEDs should not go over 60C) but that would show poor lumens (and watts) on the box, and be expensive.

0 replies

Dumb is a feature. If less things are there to defeat, we can change or fix the thing so it works and lasts much longer. Smart is an anti-feature.

5 replies

Modern chemistries don’t really do 1.5V (nominals are usually above 3V), so you need to package a buck and a boost converter alongside your cell(s). There are li-ion and LFP batteries in alkaline formats but they’re hardly going to be ideal, you’re probably better off going with 18650.

4 replies

On the other hand, it's quite rare that a tool takes a single 1.5V cell. Many of them will take 2 or 4, and then you can make a double form factor 3V cell that will fit in most double AA holders.

I've also seen manufacturers who make 3V or 3.2V cells in AA format, and then supply a dummy AA-shaped link with it, which is just a straight-through connection like a wire. Put one cell and one link in your tool, or two cells and two links.

3 replies

dummy AA-shaped link with it

Can't find on Amazon. Care to share or make a photo please?

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If you're using these, be 100% sure your device connects the batteries in series, not in parallel, or you'll have a mess on your hands.

0 replies

Yes, the page does mention this.

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I don't think anyone is intending to or wants to develop new batteries for consumer applications like that. The point here is large scale energy storage and maybe EVs which could be the closest thing to consumer tech. Lithium vaee batteries started development in the 1970s so that gives you an idea of the order of magnitude of the timeline. Hopefully that cycle is shorter now due to greater upfront interest and better tech

0 replies

China sells them on Alibaba, not packed in AA/AAA but 18650.

Review here

2 replies

Can we have a webpage with (1) all basic battery tech information and (2) updated progress for each new battery type?

0 replies

can that webpage have an RSS feed, and a subscribable .ics file?

0 replies

what metrics could you use for "progress"? Maybe a crowd-sourced thing where users can update the highest achieved density for each? Still there's other measures that are probably even more important and harder to measure. Like adoption

EDIT: actually I just realized I'm describing Wikipedia

2 replies

Sodium-ion is real. Here's more news from China:

It's not widely touted since the density is not as good, the Northvolt announcement notwithstanding. But the costs apparently are much lower.

1 replies

the density is not as good

This can of course mean that this is a game changer for stationary storage, because density is not as much a concern.

0 replies

Yup, looking forward to using this as backup storage at home.

0 replies

Dear battery technology claimant,

Thank you for your submission of proposed new revolutionary battery technology. Your new technology claims to be superior to existing lithium-ion technology and is just around the corner from taking over the world. Unfortunately your technology will likely fail, because:

[ ] it is impractical to manufacture at scale.

[ ] it will be too expensive for users.

[ ] it suffers from too few recharge cycles.

[ ] it is incapable of delivering current at sufficient levels.

[ ] it lacks thermal stability at low or high temperatures.

[ ] it lacks the energy density to make it sufficiently portable.

[ ] it has too short of a lifetime.

[ ] its charge rate is too slow.

[ ] its materials are too toxic.

[ ] it is too likely to catch fire or explode.

[ ] it is too minimal of a step forward for anybody to care.

[ ] this was already done 20 years ago and didn't work then.

[ ] by the time it ships li-ion advances will match it.

18 replies

This summer a French company started to sell sodium ion battery power tool in a major hardware store.

National French research agency announcement:

The power tool :

Unfortunately, all I could found about the Wh/kg efficiency was an article about the same company saying they were currently able to build cells at 90Wh/Kg in 2017.

Nevertheless, it's not a promise, it's a product currently on sale.

8 replies

The entire product weighs 0.5 kg, and it is 0.7A at 3.6V. I assume the amp rating is really amp-hours, which would give it 2.52Wh. Figure the battery is half the weight of the tool, which would give it roughly 10Wh/kg.

5 replies

According to the batteries Tiamat produces are 18650 format, 3.7V, 0.61Ah. The latter more or less matches the specs of the product. This would mean the product might have a single 34g battery with a specific energy of 68Wh/kg, and 135Wh/L. So low end of nimh. Which sounds somewhat reasonable, 10 (and around 20Wh/L) I don’t think you’d bother even going forwards with.

Sadly I can’t find any teardown of the product, it’s all just press reprints.

There’s a split view PDF (in the documents section), it doesn’t seem to show the battery but does not show a huge amount of space for it.

3 replies

Low end of Nimh doesn't sound very great, but - what if you could get 18650 cells for (making up a small number) $0.50 each? I think I would end up with a box full and just swap them as I use them. Even better if they retain charge well.

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It has other great advantages over NiMH: fast charging, no memory effect, no self-discharge

0 replies

NiMH doesn't have noticable memory effect. NiCd does.

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Absolutely! However my baseline are my Li-ion 18650 cells which have those advantages as well, in addition to larger capacity. But I think I would be willing to give up the capacity if the price was much lower.

0 replies

I got the same 68 Wh/kg from this report:

0 replies

The spec sheet on the store is confusing. It says :

Intensity(Ah) Less than 1.5

Tension (V) 3.6

Amperage (Ah) 0.7

Edit : the box indicate 0.33 Kg, the 0.5 weight probably include the charger and other parts.

0 replies

How much of that weight is the essential weight of the battery, and how much is consumer-friendly outer shell, electronics, other one-offs etc.? I.e. if you wanted to take the same tech, put it in a non-consumer-facing context (say a grid-scale battery) and wanted to make it 100x the capacity, would it be 100x the weight?

I can imagine a lot of the weight of the battery unit itself isn't necessarily the battery, if that makes sense.

5 replies

It's the first time a captcha tool flagged me as robot and banned from their site.

2 replies

Same here

0 replies

00100011 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101111 01101111

0 replies

They're French. They don't care about your suffering <puffs on cigarette>

1 replies

I didn't even get to a captcha

0 replies

There is a robot on the same network [...] as you.
0 replies

company saying they were currently able to build cells at 90Wh/Kg in 2017.

I found an article from 2021 where they were claiming 90Wh/kg to 120Wh/kg, and that they would not go beyond that. They argue that their strength is fast charging, not high energy density, with charges to full capacity in less than 10 minutes.

0 replies

Banned for using a VPN.

15 replies

What are the advantages of sodium batteries?

Since batteries involve the migration of ions between electrodes, the much larger size of sodium ions means that the resulting batteries will be both less dense and have less charge cycles than their lithium counterparts, due to the higher volumetric electrode deformation during charging.

This makes them suboptimal for both grid and mobile applications, and the only use case I can see for them is making very cheap disposable stuff, which does not bode well for the environment.

8 replies

Sodium is easier to find

7 replies

Yeah, but lithium isn't exactly rare either.

1 replies

Here's how much of everything we mined in 2022. Lithium is bottom left corner just above Gold.

0 replies

Since Li kg price is not anywhere near to that of gold, the production is likely demand-constrained.

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But cobalt is (which is the basis of the 'classic' Li-Ion). Of course, LiFePO4 doesn't require it.

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Compared to what? Sodium?

0 replies

Actually not at the rates we're predicted to use it, no

And yes Sodium is fine for most applications where it can be a little heavier (grid uses, maybe cars) which is where most of it is projected to be needed.

0 replies

Lithium is abundant, as are other "rare earths" (they are not rare), but the problem is that they are quite scattered and to extract them nowadays requires to process very large areas of land through chemical reactions (additives and evaporation).

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I hope this doesn't come off as combatative, but I don't know why people keep repeating this fun fact from their highschool chemistry class as if it's relevant to the discussion.

Per a 2023 Nature article:

The locations of suitable continental brines are also geographically restricted, with an estimated 50–85% of lithium-rich continental brine deposits located in the Lithium Triangle and with China as the next richest source. Hard-rock ores are also geographically concentrated in Australia and China

Lithium in a form that is economical to mine/process is indeed quite rare. Which is why 3 countries produce 90% of it.

And it is extremely environmentally costly which is treated as an economic externality. It takes 1.9m litres to mine one ton of lithium and solvent chemicals like hydrochloric acid contaminates groundwater, making the entire site toxic and unlivable.

Entire governments have been overthrown for access to this resource.

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From reading the comments, seems like it would be useful for battery power storage in the home (since it's cheaper and safer, and weight doesn't matter), but not great for a car yet (since it weighs more)

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Not that good for storage either, because of lower cycles than Lithium (which is already low anyway)

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sodium batteries are safer as well when it comes to fire and explosion etc

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Price, number of cycles, weight, and temperature are the advantages as far as I remember.

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Upsides: Cheap, safe, no hard to source materials. Relatively high amount of cycles (> 5000).

Downsides: somewhat low energy density, somewhat less efficient.

CATL has been producing sodium ion batteries for some time. I think most of those so far end up in cheap Chinese EVs. Relatively few of those have found their way to the European or North American markets yet. Part of the reason is probably the lack of sodium ion battery factories outside of China (so far). It looks like Northvolt is looking to change that.

It's competing with LFP and other battery chemistries. You'd use these mainly for cheap cars and possibly for grid storage.

0 replies

In the majority of applications outside consumer electronics, the bottleneck problem with Li-Ion batteries is their cost and manufacturing resource intensity. We're lacking cheaper and easier to mfg options compromising on some qualities.

7 replies

finally some battery innovation from europe. Makes one hopeful that we will continue to play a role in the battery energy/automotive space in the future.

3 replies

No. Because there is no difference who makes an interior or motors or battery anymore. There is no real difference in BYD dolphin, Kia eNiro and VW ID.3. Except price maybe. Internal combustion engine was once the differentiator. And it’s gone.

0 replies

There may be little difference in the finished device. But there is a big difference in the logistics, securing a steady supply, political complications that may interfere with that, etc. On the supply side, there is a difference in expertise and jobs.

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The engine hasn’t been a differentiator for a long time.

The rest of the power train, suspension, frame, etc matter more these days.

0 replies

i think battery tech can be a real differentiator

2 replies

The Li-Ion and 2019 Chemistry Nobel prize went jointly to a British, American and Japan citizens. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 was awarded jointly to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino "for the development of lithium-ion batteries" [0]


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but nobel prizes are usually for basic research a long time ago and the battery-electric automotive revolution is relatively recent development, where applied research and bringing new batteries to market is more important

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Fun fact, China’s battery lead comes from developing the A123 technology that was a direct descendent of their work.

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I believe it when i see it at volume.

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1 replies

I don't mean sodium batteries. I mean anything at all from Northvolt. So far it seems to be more of "give us a lot of taxpayer money and we will say a lot of bs that will give you a lot of votes" kind of business.

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Northvolt builds and ships lots of batteries.

0 replies

it's actually shipping !

Leroy Merlin (the French "big box" home improvement chain) is selling a electric screwdriver that use sodium-ion battery, seems to be working well: (French)

doesn't seem to be many in stock - it's only available at some stores - but seems to be victim of its success

0 replies

Honestly depends on cycle life is the thing. I believe anything can be made at volume: whether it is depends on whether it's actually genuinely useful enough when you do - hence a lot of the quiet "revolutionary" things which go away (because actually, all the other trade offs eliminate the revolutionary bit).

5 replies

So where is the catch? Because there is always a catch. It's either that it needs a tiny amount of extremely expensive ingredients (palladium?), or it requires extremely advanced manufacturing techniques? Or its both cheap and easy to make but the mass production makes way too many failures...

There is always something... Therefore I'll believe it when I'm able to but such battery and fly my drone with it.

1 replies

This. You need to take any battery-related news with a rather heavy grain of salt, especially when it comes to "solid state" or "sodium" headlines.

0 replies

heavy grain of salt > "solid state" or "sodium"

This made me chuckle a little. Thanks!

0 replies

The catch is lower gravimetric energy density (Wh/kg). But sodium-ion is great for stationary energy storage, where gravimetric energy density doesn’t matter that much (unlike automotive, aviation, or handheld tools).

Disclaimer: I’m a former Northvolter, but not involved in that program.

0 replies

160Wh/kg is not super impressive in the first place, that’s the low end of li-ion although it is the high end of nimh. The energy density (energy per volume) is also unlisted so might not be great.

For reference northvolt also lists lithium-metal batteries at 395Wh/kg, and they do list the density on that one, 797Wh/L. When they acquired the designer (cubert) back in 2021 they listed the possibility of exceeding 1000Wh/L by 2025 though I don’t know if that’s still in the plans (at the times the cells were only listed at 369Wh/kg as well).

0 replies

This is just another announcement. The catch remains unchanged. Engineering all the details of anode, cathode, electrolyte packaging, and manufacturing scale still needs to meet and also prove itself in the real world.

3 replies

This is about 0.5 MJ/kg compared to fuel which is closer to 50 MJ/kg ( or closer to 10 when normalizing to efficiency). ie this is why ev batteries need 20x the weight of gasoline at least to store similar amounts of on board energy.

1 replies

Yet modern EV cars and ICE cars have similar range autonomy without carrying batteries worth 20x the weight of gasoline, due to the abyssal efficiency of combustion engines which produce mostly heat.

0 replies

It is pretty close to a 20x difference, but they make up most of that on the lack of gas tank and engine, and lower range. (EV’s tended to weigh 600lbs more the last time I checked).

0 replies

except fuels burns only once and can't be recharged

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I'm interested in $/kWh, that is the most limiting factor for cars.

2 replies

volume/kWh also matters for car use-cases (but especially for less high end cars not as much as kg/kWh)

$/kWh is mainly affected by: material cost, manufacturing cost, cost of safely using it (e.g. shielding but also e.g. fire insurances), replacement cost (lifetime, frequency of repairs, needs full replacement for repairs?, refurbish-ability etc.)

As far as I can tell the material and safety cost should be much and somewhat cheaper, the manufacturing cost is hard to say but initially is likely more expensive as it's a new process and the durability and refurbish-ability are probably major points which will decide weather it's competitive in the vehicle market or not.

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Will Volume/kWh really matter if they use the battery also as a major structural component? Doesn't skateboard chassis require structural reinforcement even at the cell level?

0 replies

It can because even "skateboard chassis" have limited volume.

For high end e-cars the maximal reach tends to matter a lot, even if for some buyers it only matters in advertisements.

For less high end cars they often anyway compromise on range so it might not matter as much but then in many places (which are not in the US) having small cars matters a lot to a point that sometimes e.g. typical SUVs might not be usable _at all_, and I mean EU style SUVs not US style SUVs (through most times its just very inconvenient). And small cars mean little space for batteries (potential only 50% of the space).

Lastly there are some aspects of different styles of "skateboard chassis" having different usable volumes for battery cells. And some especially save and refurbishable chassis designs come with the penalty of having a bit less volume to use.

So the answer is very dependent on the context.

2 replies

China is going to bring into production from this year a lot of sodium ion batteries. For me the weight and density of the batteries is not as important as recharge cycles and cost as that would price out more carbon producing electricity generation

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LFPs do more cycles and are still cheaper. Sodium ion isn't going to make much of a dent in that market until the price can get below LFP.

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There are sodium ion batteries available at aliexpress. The claimed advantges (written in an unintentially comical way) are:

- better safety

- same number of cycles as LiFePo

- much better capacity at low temperatures

- protects environment (?)

I would take that with a truckload of salt. Also, price is roughly 50% higher than LiFePo.

On many product images there is an outdoor winter scenery. So performance at very low temperatures seems to be the main selling point.

2 replies

Full of adjectives. More cost efficient, more this and more that but no mention how much more and more to what exactly.

Now the articles "This could be in your next EV sooner than you think." would be already being composed and YouTube videos being edited.

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I share your frustration. Nothing about charge cycles, and "safety at high temperatures" is less interesting than an actual operating range specification.

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Here's an article from June with more details about the current status of sodium-ion batteries (in China):

Note that CATL also claimed 160Wh/kg two years ago, but what they will actually be making will probably be closer to 120.

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This is a good development, but it falls really short of the almost 3.5 kWh that would be possible to achieve with sodium metal fuel cell. Such device is described in the expired patent US3730776A (copy available here: A similar device producing electrical current can be constructed in a garage.

0 replies

The point is not energy density, or momentary power. The point is low price and immediate availability.

There is a lot of solar and wind electricity wasted in the world because there's no economical way to store it. LiFePO4 batteries are > $100 / kWh, last time I checked; a practical powerwall costs like a small car, and is also a major fire hazard.

We badly need cheap, non-toxic, non-flammable batteries we could deploy massively outside of cars, drones, and phones. The announced battery looks like something that may fit the bill.

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Northvolt also acquired Cuberg who are researching lithium-metal chemistries

sodium-ion is about low cost for stationary applications (grid scale ESS) where weight and size don't matter as much

2 replies

Have anyone noticed that most technological breakthroughs in fields that require hard physical sciences seem to come from foreign countries?

1 replies

I don't know which country you don't consider "foreign", but even if you're in the largest one by population, 82% of the world is foreign.

0 replies

in the context of most of HN, unless noted otherwise, I think it is safe to parse foreign country as 'national entities other than the US'.

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Why is 'Prussian white' a nice blue? (as shown in Northvolt's pic at the bottom)

0 replies

Because that's not Prussian white, it's Prussian blue. The white version is derived from the blue.

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There's another thread going on HN right now about limiting the charge of Li-ion batteries to 20%-80% of thier capacity. Do batteries based on Na-ion chemistry have this limitation/recommendation?

0 replies

Thats fairly good and typical i think. Lead acid and AGM batteries are not recommended to be below 50% of their capacity.

1 replies

Beware of battery technology announcements that only give a single parameter! They have usually made drastic tradeoffs in other areas in order to get the headline number.

And we are left to only speculate. But, if the other numbers were great, they would have also stated them.

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It's still less than half Lion and not quite as good as current LiFePo or NMC.

Hope springs eternal.

0 replies

For stationary batteries, density (Wh/kg) and volume (Wh/liter) are not a concern, only Wh/$. These sodium-ion batteries can be deployed for grid connected storage (or home batteries like powerwall), freeing up Lithium for EVs.

0 replies

Are any of these developing battery chemistries likely to become very affordable to the point that future houses are built with cellar-sized batteries stored underneath them?

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Original research article this development appears to be based on was published in 2015 is available on sci-hub, just paste the title in:

Rhombohedral Prussian White as Cathode for Rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries

It's notable that it was an ARPA-E funded project and some of the research was done at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs. It's more applied research than basic research as they were specifically looking for a setup that would work with existing battery manufacturing technology.

"Compared with previous work, the high Na concentration in the new material overcomes the sodium-deficiency problem. We show that it could be directly assembled into a full cell with a hard carbon anode. This is critical for the scalable sodium-ion battery manufacture that is compatible with the current lithium-ion battery infrastructures."

Interesting timeline: from publication of research result to commercial development to deliverable product, ~8 years. Now, would a VC fund think that was a decent turnaround time - I really don't know, any opinions?

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It is probably good to have a sodium battery industry to hedge against high lithium prices. For our current and projected needs there is probably enough lithium on earth. Here is a chart of what we mine

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Even if it performs worse, the abundance of minerals required to construct this type of cell is a good news for sustainability, given we figure out how to recycle them. I imagine it should be easier, or at least less dirty than lithium.

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Northvolts PR department seems to historically be very sharp. In addition they seem to want to announce many things, like a co-operation to create batteries from wood (the wooden industry is large in Sweden so probably many very important people working at the top of those companies):

In that light, I wonder how this press release should be interpreted.

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Headline number (160Wh/kg) is the same as CATL achieved in mid-2021 with Na-Ion chemistry [1]


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Whats the ramp up ramp down time? How much energy throughput before degradation? Can we improve that density furthermore? Cost?

If those are all good answers ostensibly some viable alternative.

0 replies

After all the OpenAI stuff I've just started reading drama into all these head lines. Like I read this as: 'North Korea develops state-of-the-art sodium-ion...' I am expecting something to happen now... OpenAI literally broke my brain...