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Portugal just ran on 100% renewables for six days in a row

176 replies

Meaningwhile, today 17/11/2023 the same Portugal is back to the normal and emitting 170g CO2/kwh [1][2]

- This is 6.8x the emissions of Sweden (25g) running on Nuclear and Hydro

- This is 4.1x the emissions of France (41g) running on Nuclear, Hydro and Gas

- This is 2.8x the emissions of Switzerland (59g) running on Nuclear and Hydro

But still much better than "Green" Germany that reaches 647g CO2/kwh.... with 22GW of power generated from Coal after closing its Nuclear powerplants for reasons.

Interestingly, these facts are not praised in the press as much as "Country X has been able to run renewable for X hours".

Maybe because, like the article point out, Nuclear is not entirely "privatised". Nuclear "just works" and consequently does not act as an interesting roller-coaster for speculators on the energy market and stock market ?



82 replies

`Nuclear "just works"`

No it doesn't. Nuclear power plants are nowhere near insured to risk and nuclear waste is not paid for. So nuclear operators are freeloading on society for decades making billions of profits [0].

To make nuclear "work", one would need to adjust insurance and establish a trust to pay for nuclear waste facility operation for the next hundres of years. But then, no one would operate them nuclear plants from the building costs to the operating and insurance costs.

As a car driver I need to insure my car, so the insurance company pays people I hit. Nuclear operators do not need to insure their plant to any significant risk level.

And if you think a disaster is not happening, well I also don't intend to have a car accident, so why do I need to pay insurance?

[0] Fukushima is around $80B-$200B, the US nuclear insurance coverage is $15B. Chernobyl was around $200B.

29 replies

Nuclear waste is a problem, but it is nothing compared to the waste from gas and coal, which we release to the atmosphere daily. It kills thousands every year and will kill millions in the future.

And you may think: well there you go, let's get rid of all of that and just use renewables then. But we can't, as the parent comment demonstrates. Some days you just need a stable energy source, and your only realistic choice for the next 20 years is hydro (already maxed out at most places), nuclear, gas or coal. Pick your poison.

27 replies

Agree, CO2 emissions are big problem, a life threatening one for some people. Nuclear is a problem too, just not a global obe. You know, both things can be true at the same time.

Again, what would be your alternative way forward? Coal and oil burning has to go, that much is sure. We still need electricity so, hence we need clean sources. And we need them fast, because as a species we were asleep at the wheel for way too long. Also, we need a lot of those clean sources.

So what is your proposal? A realistic one, please, not a scenarion of "we should have done X decades ago", but one that can be worked on right now, on the basis we have.

22 replies

There is none except hydro and nuclear for base load. Unless you want to burn gas (co2) or coal (co2 and radioactive emissions that cause more cancers in the us then nuclear has world wide)

Renewables outside hydro cannot, and will never, be able to provide a a stable base load for the grid, battery storage isn’t there and has all sorts of issues, pumped storage requires even more rare conditions then hydro, as does geothermal, so we are left with nuclear as the only real clean and reasonable path forward that we would have done decades ago if not for oil and gas doing everything to prevent it.

So what is YOUR proposal to provide a stable base load?

8 replies

My proposal would be to use combined cycle gas turbines to peak renewables until over-installation and storage make that no longer necessary.

Gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. Modern gas turbines are by far the most efficient way of generating electricity from fossil fuels. Replacing fossil fuels burnt in ICEs and for heating with electricity generated using gas will drastically reduce emissions quickly. There is plenty of gas. Much of it is cheap to extract.

The strategic reasons for doing this are that gas turbines will be able to handle the extreme 'duck curves' and other demand volatility we will see when both renewables and electric vehicles are ramped up hard. Those are the two levers which are currently easiest to push on - because individuals can replace vehicles and heating systems, and will do so given smallish financial incentives. And because solar, wind and storage, can be scaled easily without excessive top-down planning or insane capital needs.

If nuclear is to be the solution, we have to quickly commit to it hard as a society. Compared to gas, nuclear will both make electricity more expensive and make swings and volatility in demand or in renewable supply more costly to deal with. It will on the margin discourage EV and electric heating, and discourage other renewables.

Nuclear is good at 'base load', but not much else. This is fine(-ish) if we rapidly switch to almost all nuclear. It works well in a 'Star Trek economy' where governments can act quickly and cheaply and impose choices by offering abundance. If this was the case, it would make sense to call a 50 year decision that nuclear with a modest amount of over-provision will replace almost all generation. (This has succeeded historically only in France, a very centralized economy for a Western democracy, with a high degree of regulation, and where the government has abundant access to capital.)

The real climate/energy economy is not like this. If you want to see an example of rapid change in action, look at the fracking revolution in the United States. Small players who saw opportunities created a whole new set of technologies, techniques and practices. They did this because they could react to incremental incentives. They didn't have to win everywhere at once. They could win field by field, installation by installation. We need the situation for new renewable generation and power storage to work like this. We need it to be the case that someone who provides storage in the right place at the right time can make money from it. We need it to be the case that someone who makes batteries (or gas storage or gravity storage or turbines or EVs) slightly cheaper or more efficient can make money from that. There is no reason why this type of progress can work for environmentally damaging tech like fracking and not for environmentally beneficial tech.

Gas isn't a 50 year decision, more like a 20 year decision. It reduces emissions a lot in the short term but leaves the playing field wide open for further rapid and drastic reductions in the longer term.

(A subsidiary concern but still a real one: if you could press a button and replace all fossil fuels with reliable and safe nuclear, you would instantly have catastrophic political breakdown in places where societal cohesion depends on money from fossil fuels. Moving from oil to gas and then ramping down gas progressively allows these places to gradually develop other incomes, and allows the rest of the world time to deal with them and political problems which they are likely to export.)_

6 replies

Gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. Modern gas turbines are by far the most efficient way of generating electricity from fossil fuels.

The "Cleanest" is around 400g/kwh which is still very far from clean. It is around 20x more emissive that what Nuclear would give you.

But congratulations, you just described what was the German strategy for the previous 20 years. With a lot of pipelines connected directly to Russia (Because Germany does not have Gas) and with a very happy Vladimir.

And then the Ukrain-Russia war came. And the rest is history.

5 replies

Oh dear... Germany, and Europe, got gas from the USSR since the 70s (go on wikipedia and read about the state of affaires between NATO and the Warsaw Pact back then). Besides having a reliable, save, and cheap source for gas, this agreement kept incentives aligned and communications open. That startegy worked, until Putin decided to say "fuck it, I want Ukraine".

Since the war in Ukraine happened a year ago, and isn't over yet, the rest cannot be history. The problems with green houses gas emissions and enegry are souch older so, with the first measures being taken 20 odd years ago (too little, but better than nothing).

As always, people cry over spilled milk, what happened happened. Now we have a ton of options to deploy, nuclear power is not a feasible one (cost, time...). Organizations active in nuclear power agree, new projects aren't launched anymore. And the last one to be launched are delayed, and come in above cost, when planned cost already wasn't competitive.

Funny so, it took quite a while to reach the point of "Germany bad because gas financed Putin, nuclear power would have prevented that".

4 replies

Organizations active in nuclear power agree, new projects aren't launched anymore

Nuclear power plants projects are ongoing everywhere around the world [1].

Do note generalize Germany fanatical behaviour to the entire world, this is not representative.


2 replies

I explicity said elswhere that the devloping world is different, didn't I?

In the developed world, read western industrial nations, nuclear is launched anymore. Those legacy projects, Hinkley C or in Finland, run late and cost more than planned. And they a certainly more expensive than solar and wind. Nuclear is good for base load, the old inflexible kind, only. It is didficult to ramp up and down on short notice, making a grid less flexible the more nuclear is deployed. Hence all serious new capacity being either wind or solar. No idea why facta can be so ignored.

By the way, my opinion about the solar industry, makers and sellers of panels, is rather low, so I deffinitely don't cheer those guys up.

1 replies

In the developed world, read western industrial nations, nuclear is launched anymore

There is Korea, USA, France, UK, Slovakia and the UAE in the list.

In longer term, you can add Japan, Czeck Republic, Poland (under investigation) and even Italy is considering it right now.

You should certainly said to them that they are not part of your definition of the developed world.

Nuclear is good for base load, the old inflexible kind, only. It is didficult to ramp up and down on short notice, making a grid less flexible the more nuclear is deployed

Good. The grid worked on good old inflexible based load for a century now and it prooved it works. Lets continue on that and make it low Carbon at the same time.

0 replies

Technically France is on that list here:

With one reactor. Wow.

That being said, the majority are in Asia. The UAE have one under construction, they did install more solar capacity already.

Two Japanese ones are suspended. Which leaves China as the leader.

Just as a reminder: these are the capacities

Under Construction (grid connection, as of Nov. 2023, between 2023 and 2030): 68 GW

Planned: 109 GW

Proposed: 353 GW

Total: 630 GW

Solar capacity installed between 2018 and 2021: 500 GW

Solar capacity estimated to be installed until 2025: 1.3 TW

I hope that puts it into perspective with regards to where the money goes. Nuclear proponents are at risk of becoming a serious road block when it comes to a fast energy transition, even more so if they continue to ignore raw market numbers.

0 replies

In the UK, planning started on Hinkley Point in 2010. It was supposed to run at 3 TW by 2020, costing £24 per MWh. It's now 13 years into a process that is projected to complete in another 5 years, eventually producing energy for £90 per MWh.

In roughly the same period of time 30 TW of wind capacity have been installed. Even if you discount windfarm capacity at an aggressive 4:1, wind has already succeeded in producing 2.5 times what nuclear said it would be able to and failed at.

Onshore wind is being delivered at a per MWh cost below that of the new nuke, if it ever runs. The offshore cost is much lower still.

0 replies

Moreover modern gas turbo-alternators can burn hydrogen instead of methane, and electricity generated thanks to renewable units' (wind turbines, solar panels...) overproduction can be used to obtain hydrogen (dubbed 'green hydrogen', thanks to water electrolysis).

7 replies

There is none except hydro and nuclear for base load.

I'm not the person you're replying to, and I mostly agree with your points, but I think its necessary to point out that nuclear and hydro have long lead times to build the infrastructure. And we basically don't have enough time left to build it.

I don't have good answers. Solar + interconnectors, maybe? So that areas in daylight can power areas that aren't? But this obvs requires cooperative behaviour.

5 replies

The second best time to build nuclear is today.

3 replies

The third best time to build nuclear is in about 20 years, when we develop fusion.

0 replies

Add a zero digit to your estimate.

0 replies

There is no reason to believe that fusion will be cost competitive.

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If fusion is nuclear than solar is too ;-)

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Not if you get the equivalent of multiple NPPs in renewables installed every month it isn't. The best time to build nuclear was before Chernobyl, and since Fukushima new nuclear plants are dead basically.

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There's a company working to build a 3600km long cable between solar + wind farms in Morocco, and the UK. 3.6GW cable, 10GW of generation, 20GW of battery storage, and the cable should run at full load for 20h a day.

2 replies

Fission is too expensive. The good real reasons from a cost perspective for reactors are weapons, medical and industrial applications as well as research.

Why would you want to use battery storage instead of pressure or gravity, for example? You can do gravity by moving stuff around underground, not just classical pumped storage. Digging big and deep holes is something people know how to do quite well, same goes for moving weights/mass up and down.

Could also do some chemical storage as another avenue.

For heat you can have certain thermal storage, too.

1 replies

A major piece here (electricity storage) is V2G ( ).

Reducing emissions related to transportation leads to electrical vehicles, and therefore to a vast amount of batteries, most not used at any given moment and therefore ready to store overproduction or release needed electricity.

Batteries' performance are quickly progressing, and their prices history is clear:

0 replies

car batteries aren't great for storing and retrieving energy for grid usage. to expensive for too few cycles.

0 replies

Base load, for starters, is an overblown problem, multiple days with close to 100% renewables showed us that. Now that this is out of the way:

Massive build out of renewables, mainly solar and wind. Build the grid for that as well. Use gas peaker plants, if needed. Keep nuclear plants running as long as safely possible. Invest in a green hydrogen network for storage. Make industrial demand more flexible. Reinterate, rinse and repeat.

I work from memory here, based on what I learned during my masters and a couple of stints in energy hungry industries a couple of yeaes ago. Besides gas peaker plants and green hydrogen, all of that is already happening in Europe.

Especially solar and wind build out is progressing massively across the world, even without a concentrated effort behind it.

Regarding industrial demand flexibility, that is also happening for a decade now (I personally know it does in the chemical industry, paper industry and graphite industry, surprising how much flexibility companies can squeeze out of production tech that was historically seen as being not flexible at all when there is loads of money to be made). Domestic demand is different, convenience beats saving most of the time, also households don't have professional energy management (hint: there isba massive, hard, start-up idea here: provide automated consumption control of electricity for households beyond smart thermostats ansball the other "smart" home crap).

Nuclear is a dead end in the developed world: too expensive (Hinkley C was already more expensive than wind like 7 years ago), takes too long install (just google year per kWh for the last NPPs installed) and has additional, unsolved, long term issues (waste storage only being one of those). Heck, even investors are quiting NPPs across the Western world. Nuclear has a future so: existing plants need be run as long as safely possible (the main reason German plants were shit down, they reached the end of their service live), for countries with nuclear arsenals, for the production of medical radionucleoids, for research... New ones are a waste of time, energy and money right now so.

And yet again, you said why something doesn't work, because just building dozens of plants and go fully nuclear is not feasible or realistic for the developed world.

For developing countries it is different, and they should build nuclear plants instead of coal ones, but then those have a lot of catching up to do. They could also go fully renewable right away so, they should have an "easier" (nothing is easy about any of this) life doing so without a century of legacy structures and systems to worry about (grids, industry, domestic use...).

0 replies

Hydrogen and gas turbines are proven ways to store large amounts of energy and turn it back into electricity.

3 replies

So what is your proposal? A realistic one, please, not a scenarion of "we should have done X decades ago", but one that can be worked on right now, on the basis we have.

Sometimes the only realistic answer is "We should have done X, many years ago" - I think society and humans in general need to get better at admitting this. Sometimes we back ourselves into a corner and we just need to accept that as a fact.

But due to the situation we are in, the actual realistic answer I have is continue to burn coal and gas as a bridge while we do a crash program to train up the next generation of nuclear engineers and construction workforce.

Start 100 reactor sites right now and understand they are mostly going to be used as on-the-job training for construction crews for the next decade while we burn co2 and learn how to build things again.

Of course continue to install as many gigawatts of solar and wind during that time period as you can while expanding the grid. As you spin up your "nuclear batteries" you can then start spinning down coal and gas and let your renewables take up the peak loads. Load prediction and larger grids have become reliable enough now that you can spin up nuclear in a predictable fashion for load-following, with a small amount of grid battery hanging around for those few hours of surprises per year.

Hydro is interesting but effectively 100% utilized worldwide at this point. Once you get your nuclear workforce geared up and the initial surge of demand completed, perhaps start looking at modifying as much hydro capacity in the world to act in both directions as pumped storage. Imagine pumping water back into Lake Mead from downstream when there is excess power generation. Exceedingly inefficient - but starts to become interesting when you have grid-tied batteries that actually work at scale.

Edit: Nuclear is only dead in the developed world because we chose it to be so. Society can decide tomorrow to change that decision if properly motivated. We have many times in the past for much harder things than building a few hundred industrial plants we already have built before.

2 replies

There were two new nuclear reactor projects launched in Europe in the 2000s / 2010s: two new reactors in Finland and Hinkley C in the UK. Finland canceled one and got one 1600 MW reactor online this year. Hinkley C is already 3 years late and will take at least 5 more years. In the same time Hinkley C was planned until now, the UK installed 10x the capacity of Hinkley C in wind alone.

You see the maths here, right? Not to mention wind and solar are cheaper than Hinkley C, already were in 2015 or so (based on 20 year bid prices per kWh for both alternatives).

Nuclear in the developed world is dead because it is too expensive. Nuclear isn't dead in the developing world because governments there want it, and it is better than coal (which makes nuclear a better choice for me, no idea if that really factors into those decisions or not). Developing countries could as easily go for renewables straight away as well so.

It is not society that needs to change to make nuclear viable again, it is the economics behind it. And with renewables, especially solar, following Moore's law to a T so far, that wont happen ever.

1 replies

I mean, the same exact argument can be made for public transportation (e.g. subway/rail) construction in the US. It's too expensive to be realistic!

Well, sure. But why is it that expensive? It's expensive because we decided it to be so.

If it became an existential problem for society you would see the cost per mile of rail plummet 10x or more.

The same goes for nuclear. The expensive bits are almost all societal constructs. Much like all large projects in the developed world. Once the shit hits the fan so to speak, those costs tend to mysteriously evaporate and society magically gets stuff done in record time. See: historical shifts to wartime production.

If your only argument against nuclear is cost, I'm afraid it's not a very compelling one to me.

Now, renewables may surprise me and somehow we crack the storage problem. But I will continue to posit nuclear power plants are the best grid-scale battery tech we've yet to invent. I say this due to the costs. Not the monetary costs, but the return on energy invested cost which is really the only thing that will end up mattering in the end.

0 replies

Public mass transport is freaking expensive, everywhere. Just look at all the cost overruns for similar projects in Germany (which I know of off top of my head). The alternative to public transports is a car. The alternative to nuclear power are, among other things, renewables which are readily available, faster to deploy at scale and cheaper (that is happening right now for almoat a decade). So the comparison is somewhat wrong.

Edit: Cost is the compelling argument for everyone with the money, everything else is either political or ideological. And the money truely has spoken.

0 replies

There is also geothermal, where some very interesting innovations are being made by Quaise Energy among others.

Also, energy storage is emerging as an electricity grid stabilizer. The cost trend of solar+wind+storage is looking very promising when compared to nuclear.

21 replies

The nuclear waste thing is my pet peeve. Maybe this works in sparsely populated countries where you just dump it in a remote area, but in Europe producing a ton of nuclear waste means you have a ton of radiating toxic waste that you have to guarantee to store safely in a densely populated landmass for the next 10.000 years. There isn't many options to do that and all of them ain't even cheap today.

Unless you want to socialize the costs while you privatize the gains the cost for those 10.000 (in some cases 100.000) years has to be paid for in advance — unless we are just closing your our and expect future generations will happily do that.

Now I don't say there isn't a scenario (irreversible climate change?) where doing precisely that could make sense — what I say is that no fan of nuclear power managed to explain that part to me in a way that convinced me yet. I want more than a "trust me bro" or handwaving optimism.

15 replies

Pls read abt how france is reprocessing waste or how breeding reactors work

6 replies

Some of it, the French nuclear waste, goes to Germany for "storage". Not all goes to breeding reactos. Regarding treaent, feel free to move next to Sellafield or similar sites. You might want to google the environmental impact of those first.

5 replies

yes, France should build more reprocessing, but it's not like they don't know what to do with the waste. They know and they've done this for decades. Can you specify exactly about what impact you are talking about? The CO2 emissions or what?

4 replies

What kind of emissions and polution could come from a nuclear reprossesing site? Hmm... Radiation, maybe?

Sellafield is infamous for radioactive polution, reprocessingnof nuclear waste is dangerous, dirty and not always economically feasible. Or do you thonk anybody would buy new fuel rods if reprocessed ones were cheaper?

3 replies

so you say that something that is done like shit have shit consequences? Somehow La Hague is doing much better so maybe reprocessing/storage is not that a big problem and humanity should just get their sh* together?

2 replies

You know what else could be done, if we got our shit together and cooperated? A proper energy transition away from fossil fuels to clean alternatives.

One thing so: France, or rather all French goverents, are as pro-nuclear as it gets. And even they only built one reprocessing plant. Should tell you something.

0 replies

AFAIK there is no recycling (re-enrichment) in France since 2013 (costs, technical problems...). Source: It may restart in 2029.

Some is done in Russia, of all 'partners'...

0 replies

reprocessing & breeding are not that popular bc with these it's easy to make bombs. I agree with energy transition, this should imply all: hydro/solar/wind/nuclear/geo. Hydro is pretty much already exploited, maybe we could replace old generators with new ones to get more juice, solar+wind are a good combo but not reliable, so we need both more batteries for short term stabilization and hydro storage for longer term stabilization, all together are expensive, esp considering that solar&batteries should be periodically replaced. Geo is nice but not feasible in all regions, nuclear is nice but again - less feasible in earthquake areas/tsunami areas. I just hate that so many ppl want to go with solar/wind only. It's not the solution, it's a part of it, together with other technologies, including nuclear

5 replies

Please name a single model of breeder reactor ready for industrial deployment.

There is none, therefore this is not a solution.

4 replies

I fail to grasp what you want. We already have such reactors and these are functional, some are no longer functional but were built in the past. There are also plans to build more:

1 replies

They were built in the past as part of nuclear-weapons-oriented industry of the Cold War. Like many things about nuclear, taking away the need to build weapons changes a lot of the economics around them.

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This (need for military-grade plutonium) is only part of the benefits of breeder reactors.

They lift most of the dependency towards uranium providers (needing way less of it), and considerably helps tackling the nuclear waste challenge (producing way less of waste, and less hot).

The challenge is technical: obtaining a satisfying industrial (big, predictable, not too expensive...) breeder isn't a solved problem.

0 replies

This seems pretty simple to me: please name a single model of breeder reactor ready for industrial deployment.

It is not about failed attempts (there were numerous, for sure) not vague plans. This is about an existing solution, and therefore an existing model of breeder reactor ready for deployment. If you cannot name one, well, there is no solution here.

0 replies

You know what also have, a proven technology that gets cheaper every year? That is easy and fast to deploy, in massive volume? One that actually is deployed, as we speak, in GW scale month after month after month? Solar.

Instead of building new nuclear reactorsy taking decades, we couod use the same money and research better storage tech, better gris tech, make industrail demand more flexible and sponsor heat pumps for domestic heating. Just a thought.

1 replies

Please do so yourself. Reprocessing is a good thing, but it does not resolve the need for long term storage.

And btw. you also didn't answer my question who pays for the 10 to 100k years of storage. The current answer typically is "the state", all while energy companies get to keep the money earned.

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if reprocessed or used in a breeding reactor, it should be stored for just ~300 years, if solidified/vitrified - no more risks of spills, just store containers underground and forget. Sweden does already have one big storage build, so again, not a problem And yes, the state will pay for disposal, I don't see any problem with it. Even better, I would want the state to own the reactors, like in France

4 replies

Here is a visualisation of of all the high-level nuclear waste produced in France over the last 60 years, superimposed over the port of Marseille.

3 replies

What about the not so high level nuclear waste? Is that not also dangerous? How much of that is there?

1 replies

You’re the one arguing against nuclear power; where are your sources for its damage?

What about the “not so high level” waste from coal which results in trillions of dollars of health issues worldwide?

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I'm not. I'm actually French, and generally prefer nuclear over coal.

I'm simply pointing out that this graphic may be somewhat misleading, because it only focuses on a part of nuclear waste.

Obviously coal is pretty awful as well, from air pollution to mercury in the oceans.

0 replies

- Very-low activity (TFA): 30% of total volume, negligible activity, they are stored in soft containers.

- Low- and medium-activity, short-life (FMA-VC): 60% of total volume. They are compacted and poured in concrete, then stored.

- Low-actiity, long-life (FA-VL): 6% of total volume, disposal method is under study.

The two categories below represent >99% of total radioactivity:

- Medium-activity, long-life (MA-VL) 3% of total volume, they are compacted.

- High-activity, long-life (HA-VL): 0.2% of total volume, they are vitrified.

MA-VL and HA-VL are then stored in stainless steel caskets, to be disposed in deep, geologically stable repositories (Cigéo in France, Onkalo in Finland, ...).

16 replies

The pro-nuclear growd (funny how easy it is for otherwise smart people to be sold on mere talking points) has a point so: during generation a nuclear power plant doesn't emit CO2. What people willfully (?) ignore is the simple fact that a) we don't have enough nuclear capacity installed, and never did and b) you cannot just wish nuclear power plants into existence. The latter being the main blocking point.

Just how you can jump from that to opposing renewables build outs is beyond me. And honestly, nobody is lobbying for new coal plants, except the operators and owners of those plants. And boy, do they have a lobby...

14 replies

Just how you can jump from that to opposing renewables build outs is beyond me.

No you do not get it I think.

The world need Nuclear AND Renewable energy. Working hand to hand to accelerate decarbonization, as fast as you can.

We need low carbon electricity production. And try to achieve that exclusively with renewable due to (close to) religious beliefs is an extremely dangerous bet on humankind.

I am not aware of many lobbies arguing that we need a world 100% nuclear.

However, I know many old world lobbies (like Greenpeace) that would prefer to die on the hill of climate change instead of admitting that the world need nuclear energy.

12 replies

Nuclear AND Renewable energy

It cannot be done because it financially condemns new nuclear plants. "The rates at which conventional power plants are utilized will continue to decrease as competitive pressure from near-zero marginal cost solar photovoltaic and onshore wind power, and battery energy storage continue to grow exponentially worldwide."

Eye-opening video:

11 replies

It is does not. LCOE is a metric from the Lazard institute has been debunked many time alreayd because it does not take into consideration the cost of the capacity guarantee of the grid.

If you had that, Nuclear become competitive.

If you had that and tax properly coal and Gas plant proportionally to the emission they really do.

Nuclear become even incredibly cheap, specially if we consider its hydrogen co-generation capabilities.

4 replies

LCOE (cost of produced electricity: the difference between nuclear and renewables is huge, and growing. Therefore it offers financial resources to build what is needed for a renewables-based system to provide most of the time: continental grid interconnections (many already done, most already planed because they are useful even without renewables), green hydrogen backup, V2G and smartgrid (also planed whatever the type of production units)...)

hydrogen co-generation

Nuclear-generated electricity is way more expensive than renewable-generated electricity, and on the hydrogen chain all other costs are the same whatever the type of electricity-production units. Therefore choosing to produce H thanks to nuclear instead of renewables is only useful in order to bump up their capacity factor (reducing their total cost) and may prove to be a bad deal as electrolysis equipment doesn't like (breaks sooner) when using an intermittent electricity input.

3 replies

Therefore choosing to produce H thanks to nuclear instead of renewables is only useful in order to bump up their capacity factor (reducing their total cost) and may prove to be a bad deal as electrolysis equipment doesn't like (breaks sooner) when using an intermittent electricity input.

Which is entirely ok.

There is one thing people mis-understand often about Nuclear power: The cost of fuel is close to zero. Consequently running a powerplant at full charge or half-charge is exactly the same (It can even be inverted).

So using co-generation as a load regulation is only an economical benefit from a Nuclear perspective.

may prove to be a bad deal as electrolysis equipment doesn't like (breaks sooner) when using an intermittent electricity input.

The problem is exactly the same than for electrolysis done associated with intermittent renewable. It is quite laughable to see the "full renewable church" bringing Hydrogen as the solution to every grid capacity problem and at the same time bringing that as an argument against Nuclear.

2 replies

Cost of nuclear fuel close to zero? Where I can buy that magic fuel? The little much money I have should do the trick!

1 replies

It is wise to not combine sarcasm and ignorance in the same sentence. That allows to avoid looking like a fool.

0 replies

Better not use biased opinion pieces, when there numbers from government sources (US, but eho cares):

LCOE (total, incl. CAPEX, in USD per MWh):

coal 82.6, combined cycle 39.9, advanced nuclear 81.7, geothermal 37.6, biomass 90.1, onshore wind 40, offshore wind (that one was a surprise, since offshore wind should be quite cheap, mainly driven by capital cost of 104 USD per MWh) 105, solar 33.8, solar hybrid 49 and hydro 64.

Variable cost (same as above):

coal 23.7, combined cycle 27.7, adv. nuclear 10.3, geothermal 1.2, biomass 30, onshore wind 0, offshore wind 0, solar 0, solar hybrid 0, hydro 4.1

All number from here:, page 9.

4 replies

Well, institute or not, European elextricity markets, which include grid operators and plant operators, agreed on awarding contracts based on generation cost alone (mostly fuel and certificates, I'd have to sig up the details but am literally to lazy to do for a discussion that seems to happen 50% in the land of make believe).

Nuclear is, by any metric you want, on the actual happening markets too expensivebto build new capacity. No amount of "if-only-and-then-if"s changes that.

3 replies

Well, institute or not, European elextricity markets, which include grid operators and plant operators, agreed on awarding contracts based on generation cost alone (mostly fuel and certificates, I'd have to sig up the details but am literally to lazy to do for a discussion that seems to happen 50% in the land of make believe).

It is not true anymore [1]


2 replies

I didn't find any details on the new pricing structure so in the article...

1 replies

Just dig up a bit the way the CfDs are working ....

0 replies

So, how are they working? Contract for Difference of Cumputational Fluid Dynamics, bothbof which are related to electricity generation?

0 replies

If you had that, Nuclear become competitive.

Source? There are several studies looking at what it’d take to go for 100% renewable energy that ends up with a lower total cost of energy than what we have today. Including costs for balancing the grid. This assumes no technological improvements.

Considering the cost of nuclear today, I don’t see how nuclear could ever contributing to lowering the total costs.

Yes, with technological improvements, and scaling up manufacturing, I’m sure nuclear could become much cheaper. But so could renewables and energy storage solutions. And energy storage solutions have network effects with decarbonisation of transportation that nuclear power doesn’t get to benefit from. I don’t see a way for nuclear to catch up considering how solar and battery technologies are rapidly becoming essential to every aspect of society. The amount of R&D going into these fields is absolutely staggering.

And nuclear power has this sword of Damocles hanging over it: if advanced geothermal gains significant traction, nuclear is doomed. Both nuclear and geothermal is essentially ways of getting thermal energy with near zero operating costs. But geothermal is much easier in terms of regulation and have zero concerns regarding waste management. What do you think will happen when the entire oil and gas industry is made redundant? An industry whose main competency is drilling deep. Just focus on drilling deeper, cheaper, and you get infinite free and green energy forever.

0 replies

We need nuclear, as a stop gap. New NPS are just impossible in the developed world, cost as well as time wise. Keeping existing NPPs online, sure, as long as safely possible (which is what Germany did). That is not really the argument you are making so, is it?

0 replies

So what's the CO2 free alternative? AFAIK nobody is really opposing renewables. It's just the 100% RE dream that would require massive battery, grid and space (building many, many wind turbines)

3 replies

[0] Fukushima is around $80B-$200B, the US nuclear insurance coverage is $15B. Chernobyl was around $200B.

So you speak about $400B, lets consider it upper bound and even up to $500B by adding the cost Three Miles island incident and the various minor ones around the world.

Spread over 60 years of the humanity nuclear power usage, that makes us an insurance cost of 8.3 billions dollar per year at world scale.

So the risk cost $8.3B per year at world scale for a source of energy that generate 25% of the world low-carbon electricity [1] and make us save around 470 millions tons of CO2 per year [2].

To put things into perspective: the US spend $150B in natural disaster cost coverage per year alone [3]

The EnergyWende of Germany alone cost around $40B per year.

And the cost of the death related to fossil fuel emissions in modern history is estimated at $1.7T in the OECD alone [4].

So I think it is fair to qualify $8.3B/year for a nuclear energy insurance cost to be pretty cheap deal at humanity scale.

I would even qualify it to be ridiculously cheap.

Your sentence "Nuclear power plants are nowhere near insured to risk" is pretty typical of the anti-nuclear argumentation: Mainly based on feelings not on facts.

Based on facts, it is currently plain wrong.





1 replies

I like the calculation; makes things more clear.

However, to your last point: You are saying that nuclear power plants then are insured to risk. Can you point me in your sources to the place where it is shown how nuclear power plant operators today then are insuring "to risk" the risk of nuclear disaster and all costs and risks of the disposal?

0 replies

Not OP but I do think you have a false equivalence here.

Coal plants don't cover the costs and risk associated with the disposal of their _nuclear_ waste as well as their CO2 waste. They just vent it out into the atmosphere.

0 replies

"Based on facts, it is currently plain wrong."


"Your sentence "Nuclear power plants are nowhere near insured to risk" is pretty typical of the anti-nuclear argumentation: Mainly based on feelings not on facts."

  A:   Fukushima is costing $200B
  B:   US nuclear power plants are insured for a payout of $15B 
  A+B: US power plants are underinsured by $185B 
(Germany had $0.25B insurance company payouts and $2.25B coverage by energy companies, so a nuclear plant was underinsured by $197.5B or ~99%, or 99.8% if you count insurance company payouts only).

Moving goal posts, hand waving, talking about my feelings (thanks for caring!), personal attacks and sources unrelated to nuclear power plant insurance doesn't explain the fact away, that "Nuclear power plants are nowhere near insured to risk".

PS: "EnergyWende" is not a German word. While Java is using Camelcase, German is not using Camelcase.

1 replies

So nuclear operators are freeloading on society for decades making billions of profits

Funny. I have the opposite take. Society has freeloaded off of nuclear for a generation or two by ignoring the wider social benefits and putting all the risk on the operators.

Cheap, clean, reliable power matters. That we made it expensive via some made up social construct isn't very material to me in the bigger picture.

As a car driver I need to insure my car,

As a car driver you pay a tiny fraction of your externalized costs to society. Most folks recognize this and are ok with the situation because of the wider social benefits overall.

0 replies

cheap, clean, reliable -- under current conditions you only get to pick 2

1 replies

I advise not building nuclear plants on a coast next time.

0 replies

Or near fault lines. Or near rivers if those risk running dry in summer. Or near densly populated areas.

1 replies

What's the cost of a once a generation nuclear incident v ongoing pollution from coal plants?

Maybe they are under insured, but the whole fossil fuel industry is too

0 replies

Sure, nuclear is maybe better than coal. We get it, even greenpeace and the green party in Germany does. That point has been discussed, and agreed upon.

0 replies

Nuclear power plants are nowhere near insured to risk and nuclear waste is not paid for.

Are Coal plants insured for the environmental damage they cause?

0 replies

If we start taking such arbitrary metrics then literally nothing works ever

0 replies

Nuclear is clean in that it doesn't have the same amount of CO2, but taking everything into consideration, it's expensive.

28 replies

This is a work in progress, their transition isn't done yet.

Without nuclear no risks tied to a major accident, dependancy towards uranium providers, hot waste disposal, overcentralization, overcentralization, proliferation, daunting building and decommission projects... ( )

Not a bad deal.

21 replies

Yeah no risk of a major accident ... apart from climate change you know.

If Germany could at least reach the 90s levels of France, that's why I would consider that some work in progress already

17 replies

I love that, you know? You have some good news regarding electricity and renewables, and instead of being happy, people start to look for problems.

But let's role with it for second. Renewables are, unfortunately, not at a point yet where they can cover 100% of demand. We cannot change the current mix neither. So, what would be your proposed way forward to "solve" climate change? I am really curious, because most of the time people just ignore the time schedule behind those transitions (power plants have to be built, grids to be extended...).

16 replies

I'm the kind of "I'll believe it when I see it" type of person. The transition is clearly not going well and they even wanted to build more gas pipes, the russian war lessons have not been learned. Renewables in the EU overpromissed and underdelivered for a long time.

5 replies

Too bad that doesn't materialize in reality as seen in the EU

4 replies

Those are the share of nuclear and renewables in total electricity production, therefore this is quite real. In which way 'electricity production' isn't real, or not helping to reduce greenhouse-gas effect emissions?

3 replies

In the real world, the grid got almost shut down by the Russian war and the salvation came from even dirtier gas from the US

2 replies

What are you even talking about? The electricity grid? The gas grid? If so, whoms? Germany's? The French?

The only grid that got shot up was the Ukrainian one. And even then gas still flowed through to Eastern Europe...

1 replies

The electricity grid would have been dead without dirty gas import from the US

0 replies

Again, in which country? Because Germany for sure only mostly uses gas for heating and industrial purposes, not electricity generation (hard to disguish I know, but primary and secondary energy are well explained on wiki).

0 replies

And these undersell it as they combine hydro (which has been broadly flat for decades) with solar and wind, which have been growing exponentially.

7 replies

Timeline, again... The additional gas pipes, used for heating and industrial use primarily and not electricity (no idea why people fail to understand the difference) have been built before (!) the war in Ukraine. And never been used. To the point Germany increased coal consumption. So, when those pipelines, Nordstream 2 I assume you mean, was built, there was no war in Ukriane or elsewhere involving Russia, and hence no lessons to be drwan from it! I know, social media resulted in attention spans zrending to zero, but time for us humans still moves im one direction, and things happened whek they did, and not when peiole learn about them...

6 replies

People don't make the difference because it's exactly the same thing. Neighbouring France has 40% electric heating whereas it's something like 5% in Germany.

assume you mean, was built, there was no war in Ukriane or elsewhere involving Russia, and hence no lessons to be drwan from it!

And what about the talks with Azerbaijan and the increase imports from Algeria then? (both great countries aligned with the EU I'm sure). More pipelines are planning to be built following the war.

5 replies

Yes, because any transition takes time. And since people still want heating during said transition we still need gas. And since gas is the cleanest fossil fuel we have, yes, let's built pipelines. Which can be reporposed for green hydrogen in a potential future.

Unless of course, you want to go pre-industrial that is.

4 replies

Or maybe just maybe we can say that it doesn't work and it failed?

Building more gas pipes after the Russian war is pure insanity, even if you don't care about the environment

3 replies

How exactly is importing gas from Algeria (which delivered to the yet to connected to the German gas grid in Spain for decades) related with anything Russia does?

2 replies

Algeria is just a second Russia with sunny weather. Dictatorship, most of the money is going to the military complex (and buying russian gear even), in conflict with their neighbors, most of the money comes from fossil fuel, politically opposed to the EU...

There's not many places you can get gas even if you don't care about the environment.

And yes, getting gas from Algeria was a problem before the war as well.

Realistically,the only good choice in the EU is Norway.

1 replies

I missed the part where Algeria has a nuclear arsenal and wants to invade some place (don't mention West-Sahara please, that thing is worthy of it's own series of books).

So, no fossil fuels from oppressive regimes then (I'm all for it, really, the sooner the Saudi can no longer pay the way into everything the better). Which leaves us with what exactly?

Renewables, meaning sourcing from China. And nuclear, just remind me, where does the reactor fuel come from again?

0 replies

You are getting the issue now. Energy reliance on political enemies is a big problem. I'd also be happy the day the Saudis are gone.

So yeah solar panels imports are also a big issue, I'm worried that China will close off the exports at some point.

As for nuclear, it's not as big of an issue as you think, most of the value is in the plant, there's lots of countries exporting the raw material which are not much related and storage is pretty easy. (Conditions may apply of course, some nuclear grids are much more dependent than others but it's possible to be relatively independent with it)

Fossil fuels are a diplomatic, environmental and economic issue, even if you don't care about the environment, three's lots of other downsides.

2 replies

I have good news for you, Germany did so in 2011:

1 replies

I'm talking per capita and no it hasn't. GDP is not a license to pollute.

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3 replies

This is a work in progress, their transition isn't done yet.

When will it be done? What really is the answer to the challenge?

Germany has ~140 GW of installed renewables when it needs about ~70GW of electricity.

2 replies

Did you include the electricity needed for when all heating, transport, industry etc is electrified?

1 replies

Good question as it makes the problem even worse.

When I was writing this (before I forgot to send it on a cloudy morning) 140 GW of installed renewables in Germany are producing a grand total of 14GW of electricity.

Germany needs 61GW.

Right now it looks like all of Europe [1] is busy burning gas and coal because it's cloudy, and there's very little wind.

So what happens when everything becomes electrical? Say, Germany needs 150GW of electricity, builds 500 GW of renewables, but those only produce 50GW (10% of installed capacity, like today)?

[1] Except three countries with stable electricity generation: France (nuclear), Sweden (nuclear + hydro), Norway (hydro)

0 replies

Ah, I misunderstood you completely, I thought you were saying that Germany had more renewables than it needs.

Hopefully we build better ways for storing large amounts of energy.

1 replies

We have all the risks and none of the benefits of nuclear since Spain has a couple surrounding us.

0 replies

This is a work in progress. The growing fleet of renewable units will enable Spain to shut reactors down without building other ones.

This is heavy industry, nothing can be done in a jiffy.

26 replies

Would people that minus a post stating facts backed by sources deign to explain why ?

I am aware that reality can be harsh to accept sometimes. And that a world where renewable are our only source of energy is more seducing to our collective imagination.

But unfortunately, it is still the reality. And we have to deal with it, even if it is pretty unpleasant.

17 replies

In a different discussion a few days ago someone told me I was lying when I pointed out that Germany is burning 20GW of coal to compensate for their 140GW of renewables working at only 15% capacity.

9 replies

I am half surprised. People are often shocked when they discover the real number about the Carbon intensity of the German electricity production.

There is years of green washing to digest before accepting the truth.

3 replies

This is not because renewables cannot tackle the challenge, but because this is a work in progress (not quick enough) => not enough electricity produced => it offers a path for coal which is important for social and financial reasons. Add the Ukraine crisis (less imported methane).

From 2010 to 2020 (crisis) Germany burnt less and less fossil fuels for its electricity, and methane (gas) isn't booming (from 90 to 96), while renewables do:

it induced a decrease in its carbon intensity:

Comparing it to France implies to take every pertinent parameter into account, for example GDP/capita, climate (heating needs) and the fact that France imports more, and exports less (it lost approximately 50% of its industry since 1980) and therefore "avoids" emitting by using products built in other nations:

2 replies

This is not because renewables cannot tackle the challenge, but because this is a work in progress (not quick enough) => not enough electricity produced

What is the end of this work in progress? 1000% overprovisioning of renewables?

1 replies

Generally models of fully renewable grids aim for about a 4x overprovisioning (based on peak demand), though of course since that's based on achieving the lowest cost way to provide energy, you could debate whether the phrase "overprovisioning" really applies.

Some have taken to calling it "superpower" (terrible name) because by overbuilding to meet the peak demand, you end up with masses of cheap energy at all non-peak times.

0 replies

Generally models of fully renewable grids aim for about a 4x overprovisioning (based on peak demand)

So assuming Germany needs 60GW of power you need 240GW of renewables. Thing is, at 15% generation those renewables barely produce the required electricity. Countries don't like barely when it comes to electricity production.

3 replies

And electricity usage is only a minor part of CO2 production.

Primary energy usage in Germany is split 25% is electricity, 25% is traffic and 50% is heating and cooling.

As proven by the article the whole discussion is a huge red herring.

Amdahl's law applies [0], if I reduce CO2 from electricity production by 50%, my overall reduction is only 12.5%


1 replies

See, that is why the switch to heat pumps for heating makes sonmuch sense: you can store oversupply of renewable electricy in the form of hot water, cutting down significantly on the CO2 emissions currently produced by heating with oil and gas.

0 replies


0 replies

Obviously these aren't independent domains. Make electricity cheap and it takes over the other energy domains. Heat pumps for heating, BEV/hydrogen for transportation.

0 replies

I am not at all surprised, why would I? Looking atvtha numbwers for installed capacity by source so Germany is on a good way (despite all the head wind regarding wind mills, grid extensions and so in and so forth), even if we could, and absolutely should, move faster.

It is nowhere near the desaster people like to make it seem so.

Also, isn't this thread about Portugal?

4 replies

I wouldn't say lying, but misrepresenting decribes that claim rather well.

3 replies

Which of the following was misrepresented do you think:

- that Germany has 135 GW combined installed capacity of wind and solar?

- that wind and solar, combined, were only producing 15% of their installed capacity aka 20GW?

- that Germany needed 61 GW of electricity?

- wind and solar, combined, were producing only 30% of Germany's needs?

- that Germany needed to burn 20 GW of coal to cover this?

- that Germany needed to also burn gas, biomass, and import electricity to cover the remaining 20 GW?

1 replies

- that wind and solar, combined, were only producing 15% of their installed capacity aka 20GW?

This is a misrepresentation.

Solar for example is only ever planned for to achieve about 30% of its "capacity" (due to the whole sun going down at night thing). And even that varies with seasons.

So if you're claiming the German grid planners were expecting the solar to magically 4x overdeliver, and were suddenly let down then that's nonsense.

Onshore wind has a similar number (again, varies by season).

0 replies

Solar for example is only ever planned for to achieve about 30% of its "capacity" (due to the whole sun going down at night thing). And even that varies with seasons.

1. 30% is avaerage number which is a useless because at 10 in the morning when I was writing my text solar was even below that.

2. You're literally confirming what I was saying.

So if you're claiming the German grid planners were expecting the solar to magically 4x overdeliver

I was claiming no such thing. I said, and it is backed by reality, that at 10 o'clock in the morning on a cloudy quiet day 135GW worth of renewables were producing only 20GW.

Which is a fact. I know it's an unpleasant fact, but reality has the unfortunate tendency to be unpleasant.

Onshore wind has a similar number (again, varies by season).

So, again. What exactly was I misrepresenting? The fact that renewables are overprovisioned in Germany? Or the fact that they were producing significantly less than both their capacity and the needs of the country? Or the fact that Germany had to burn 20GW worth of coal to keep up with the demand?

Or the fact that even if you provision 400% capacity (4x times the demand), and it still produces 15%, you will still need to burn coal through the night.

So it's 18:44 when I'm writing this. Wind is at 12.69% and solar is at 3% capacity. In total 16% of Germany's eletricity demand. It's lower than when I was writing these numbers in the comment when someone called me a liar. 40% of electricity (26 GW) is coming from coal.

Reality has the unfortunate tendency to be unpleasant.

Funnily, but when I keep asking "how much more do we need to overprovision renewables" to meet the demands, I'm met with silence or wishful thinking.

0 replies

The conclsion.

1 replies

The main challenge is not production but storage - e.g. several people I know have solar panels on their roof, sometimes with 5x their electricity peak usage without a way to store that electricity for later/night usage. The slow uptick of EVs in Germany is partialy part of the problem, it would be the easiest way to increase storage.

As a tought experiment, if all cars in Germany would be EVs, those could store 2 days of electricity usage.

For flat owners solar panel usage increased a lot, but battery production is way behind, the first usable ones arrived this year, but it will take some more years to get out of BETA. Also energy providers in Germany fight this tooth and nails, e.g. there is no easy way to get to the current usage data of your flat to regulate battery usage from solar storage ("zero feed-in").

0 replies

As a tought experiment, if all cars in Germany would be EVs, those could store 2 days of electricity usage.

If you didn't need to, you know, use those cars.

Storage is a huge unsolved problem.

6 replies

Here's a harsh reality: "zero co2" nuclear emits massive amounts of CO2 during mining, during enrichment, creation of fuels, the massive motorcades that transport the fuels to their final power plant destination where they finally produce power without emitting CO2. So maybe its better for local air quality, but really the emissions are quite high.

The actual metric that reflects the total embodied energy, which is a much better proxy for CO2 intensivity, is Levelized Cost of Energy, and nuclear is typically one of the worst.

Not only does the high cost of nuclear reflect all the embedded energy, that high cost is taking money away that could be used for other energy saving and therefore CO2 reducing activities, like better insulation, upgrading equipment, smart grid, etc.

Also, lets look at the posts that are "minused" without explanation.

5 replies

Here's a harsh reality: "zero co2" nuclear emits massive amounts of CO2 during mining, during enrichment, creation of fuels, the massive motorcades that transport the fuels to their final power plant destination where they finally produce power without emitting CO2. So maybe its better for local air quality, but really the emissions are quite high.

That's complete bollocks, because all those CO₂ emissions are proportional to the amount of fuel, and the power density of nuclear fuel is such that the total amount is indeed tiny.

Solar panels and wind turbines also require emitting CO₂ for their manufacture, and it turns out that they emit more than nuclear, fuel included.

Additionally, while enrichment requires a lot of energy, to spin turbines or fuel gas separation, it's electrical energy, and in France for instance it's nuclear energy fueling enrichment.

4 replies

Solar panels and wind turbines also require emitting CO₂ for their manufacture, and it turns out that they emit more than nuclear, fuel included.

You traced every aspect of the supply chain of both technologies to come to this conclusion?

in France for instance it's nuclear energy fueling enrichment.

And tell me, where are the uranium mines in france?

1 replies

And tell me, where are the uranium mines in france?

And tell me, where are the

rare earth mines...

lithium mines...

solar panel factories...

windmills factories...

in France ?

Ah right, same as uranium mines, abroad, the only difference is one require much less transport and processing to get much more energy

0 replies

Yes, solar panels from Asia fare pretty well whem measured like that, you are absolutely right.

1 replies

And tell me, where are the uranium mines in france?

There are known uranium reserves in France, they're not mined currently because the ore is dirt cheap and much more easily mined in Australia/Kazakhstan/Canada etc ...

The amount of ore is very small, and the environmental impact is also much less compared to that of mining rare earth minerals that so-called renewables need so much of.

0 replies

Thought we're talking about fuel for operation of a power plant. How much mining and transportation does it take to get sunlight to reach a panel? Or wind to reach a turbine blade?

If you want to discuss the capital expense of nuclear, its not too great either, really most countries can't even afford a nuclear power program, where even the poorest can utilize solar panels.

0 replies

Just recently I got downvoted questioning the reason behind that logic that e-fuel is bad, because when you burn it, CO2 is produced. Climate and energy are complicated things, but even the simple stuff seems to be difficult to grasp for a lot of people.

14 replies

Well, they still consume 60% of renewable electricity long term overall, that's not counting whatever renewable electricity may be a part of imports from Spain. It's good enough and that's a big progress. With solar power due to increase more than 7x by 2030 (now generating 8% of all power consumed), and wind by almost 3x with almost all additions being offshore (now generating 18% of all power), it's easy to see that even we assume 50% curtailment rate, they will provide 100% renewable power easily.

13 replies

it's easy to see that even we assume 50% curtailment rate,

It is now 07h00 in Portugal.

- Solar production is reduced to 0% because it is night time. Like it is 30% of the time.

- Wind is not blowing much. Wind production is at 3.14% of its total capacity.

To compensate that, 29% of the production is guarantee by Gas powerplant. The rest from Hydro.

To compensate its high Hydro consumption, Portugal is also doing Hydro storage for around 500 MW by Night using electricity imported from Spain. Spanish Electricity is produced around 25% from Gas, which makes the entire operation looks pretty much like Greenwashing.

The situation is not exceptional. It can in fact happen for weeks when an heavy depression exist in northern Atlantic.

So please, tell me again: How easy will it be to achieve 100% renewable we assume 50% curtailment rate ?

Shall Portugal increase its Wind capacity again by 20x ?

Can Hydro storage powered by Gas powerplants ever be considered "Green" ?

Or Shall we maybe rely on future magical Hydrogen electrolyser that do not exist yet to solve 22 GW of coal power consumption like Germany ?

11 replies

You build something like 3x peak demand and produce hydrogen or ammonia while you have a surplus so that you can burn it while the sun doesn't shine and the wind doesn't blow or use it as feedstock for your industrial processes. Industrial scale hydrogen electrolyzers exist, we just need to build more of them once we have a steady electricity surplus that allows us to run them economically.

8 replies

And that is what you qualify "easy" ?

Replacing 30% of a country grid capacity by an unproven technology never tested at scale. Associated with an hydrogen storage capacity (which we already struggle to do in labs and in the rocket industry) large enough to substain weeks of productions never also not tested at scale is easy ?

All of that should also be cost efficient right ?

And if I follow your initial post, it should be solved in the incoming years right ?

You see, that summarize quite a lot of my problems with the "all renewable evangelism".

6 replies

Every single energy thread in HN ends like this. Renewable fanatics get backed into a corner when they realize that it is impossible to run a grid on solar and wind alone. Then they start talking about things that currently cannot account for even 0.001% of our global energy storage needs, like hydrogen or batteries.

2 replies

Backed into a corner? This thread basically started with "Portugal ran on 100% renewables"... Sobat least for one point in time, it is possible.

There are two options now: Take it from there and figure out options to make that one point in time sustainable all the time (requires real engineering and creativity, and time and money). Or throw our hands up, blame environmentalists for shuting down nuclear plants (which wasn't always environmentalists, nor did we ever have enough nuclear plants to begin with). Guess which approach gives us a way forward?

1 replies

Backed into a corner? This thread basically started with "Portugal ran on 100% renewables"... Sobat least for one point in time, it is possible.

Sure, but that's not sustainable, as the numbers on the parent comment clearly indicate. From that perspective, what gives us a way forward is acknowledging that headlines such as these are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, and trying to design an energy strategy that is compatible with the facts at hand.

0 replies

This strategy already exists so: more renewables, heat pumps for heating, EVs, green hydrogen, flatten peak demand by making industrial demand more flexible. That strategy actually does work, it requires a ton of investment, and time, to scale so. Throw in existing nuclear as stop gap solution.

Besides being contrarian, which I get because I have the same tendencies, what would be your alternative? Not doing anything is obviously bad, new nuclear power plants take too long to build and are too expensive (all numbers prove that). So? Any other ideas?

1 replies

Well, but how much energy storage do you really need if, say, renewables account for 5x or even 10x peak demand? If prices keep going down, I don't see why that wouldn't be possible.

Then they start talking about things that currently cannot account for even 0.001% of our global energy storage needs

Not currently, but who's to say that it won't be possible to scale out manufacturing capacity for the technologies that we'll need? A couple of decades ago, EV production and EV charging networks basically did not exist, so by the same reasoning you'd be saying that it wouldn't be possible to have them.

But look where we are now.

Furthermore, the space of possibly feasible ideas/technologies is gigantic, you're just lacking in imagination. For starters, we haven't yet explored my idea:

1. Turn gym equipment into energy-generating devices.

2. Mandatory gym time by law for every able-bodied man and woman.

Solve the renewable problem and health/obesity problems at the same time. Boom.

If that's not enough:

3. Mandatory gym time also for pets and farm animals.

4. Install wind turbines on airplanes (deployed only when descending).

5. Install boat engines on floating wind turbines and remotely navigate them into hurricanes (imagine all that wind energy we're currently wasting!).

6. And if that's not enough, let's start constructing a Dyson sphere already. We already know how to build space rockets. So what's taking us so long? Less talk, more action.

And that's just the ideas that I, a layman, have come up with. So imagine what the experts could think of.

0 replies

Also, peak demand isn't a natural law. When prices change, demand will. And it does already for close to ten years now for the important consumers in the industry. Make it profitable enough for those to move their demand, and they will.

0 replies

Batteries handle considerably more than 0.001% of the grid in California, and they are buying large scale battery installations like a drunken environmentalist. And the batteries are getting cheaper.

That is from 2022. From what I could gleam from a paywalled Bloomberg article, 2023 continued the growth curve.

Solar plus batteries are just cheaper and faster than nuclear. The pro nuclear argument would have won if we had started the carbon burn shutdown 20 years ago but they snoozed while the mad environmentalists successfully pushed solar and cell phones pushed batteries into economic dominance.

0 replies

It's "easy" in the sense that we know what to do and have the technology, we just need to pay for it. It's easy in the same way going 100% nuclear would be.

Hydrogen can be stored in underground caverns, nobody stores large quantities liquefied like you would in a lab or a rocket. See for example

Large parts of our natgas infra can be refitted for hydrogen with modest investment.

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0 replies

In 20y we'll have much more solar energy produced than we could use.

0 replies

Very simply - vastly increase hydro generation capacity by adding extra turbines to existing hydro powerplants. You can't increase overall amounts of electricity produced this way because water in dams is finite, but you can increase max power output when needed. This costs a tiny amount compared to digging up dams themselves, displacing businesses and people on the lands to be flooded, buying up land etc. because the footprint of the hydro powerplant doesn't change.

In some countries that's a problem because they don't have enough water. Portugal is lucky with that. Water in dams provides seasonal storage of a sort (even if it's never literally pumped up - just used only when necessary, on a high throughput if need be).

It will also mean that at daytime and overnight when wind is strong, hydro plants will completely stop.

...In fact, that seems already done. Portugal has 7.6GW of hydro capacity, up from 5GW in 2008. This allows for peak hydro production to cover 1.37 of average and almost entirety of peak electricity consumption in the country. So the answer is very trivial: "when situations like today happen, just use hydro, and don't use hydro in other situations when either wind or solar are available".

5 replies

This source has very different numbers:

Do you perhaps neglect to average over the whole year?

4 replies

Average on the year 2022 gives similar result with a Portugal at 227g, a Sweden around 22g, France around 72g, Switzerland around 50g.[1]

Data provided by the French electrical network manager are also aligned with these estimations [2]

And other sources I am aware of also report similar numbers [3]

Are you sure your number is not also counting residential heating and not only electricity generation ?




Edit: quick edit with exact number for 2022.

1 replies

That wouldn't explain the 3x difference between what you report for Germany vs what Our World in Data reports for Germany.

0 replies

That wouldn't explain the 3x difference between what you report for Germany vs what Our World in Data reports for Germany.

The average for Germany over last year is around 486g /kwh [1]. Something similar is also reported by alternative sources [2].

I remember the estimation about Germany bumped massively when the emission about Lignite powerplant and "Green" coal powerplant were re-evaluated.

Your data is from 2021 and probably still ignore this change.

If I remember correctly: the details about how the calculation were done, and why they updated it, were described on the twitter of electricity map if you are interested.



1 replies

Are your numbers electricity or primary energy? You're sources don't say. I assume nowtricity is electricity because of the domain? But then it says "CO2 emissions per country" so one would assume it's all of primary energy (including traffic and heating?).

0 replies

Are your numbers electricity or primary energy?

The original article speaks about electricity production, not primary energy, so are my numbers.

3 replies

"Green" Germany...

Germany managed to have dirty electricity with nuclear energy, too. Why do people point at Germany and pretend it's a green energy failure, when Germany had a conservative government for 16 years that never cared about green energy? Green energy was never a policy*, what makes Germany the poster-child of a green energy failure? The conservatives said renewables drive electricity prices up and set out to stop them, and around the time they shut down nuclear power plants, they considered it an achievement to have prevented new photovoltaic installations.

* Germany had exactly one government that put their faith in renewables and that was a noble goal, considering that renewables were at the very bottom of the S-curve, which also means that one could only make babysteps towards green energy. Now we're in the middle of the S-curve and countries can add GWs of renewables to their grid, which makes Germany's early attempts look pathetic, but you simply can't move at that pace at the bottom of the curve.

2 replies

Germany closed NPPs while extending open pit coal. That's reason enough to criticize them.

0 replies

Germany decided, or rather re-decided, to close NPPs after Fukushima. Hence, operators didn't invest in maintenance, saftey upgrades, repairs or new fuel. Rather, they did thenminimum necessary to get them to the agreed (operators and the government agreed on dates, surprising, I know), closure date. The result: There was no way to keep German NPPs scheduled for closure running any lomger without massive, and financially uninteresting, investments and a lot of time (refits, repairs, maintenance, recertification, procurent and delivery of new fuel rods, testing, reactivation...).

That coal was increased instead of renewbles was a really bad devision. One driven by a strong lobby and (mostly) conservative politians with a vested interest in coal.

0 replies

They closed nuclear plants, but the decision to close them down was made ten years ago. To extend them now would be prohibitively expensive and not even the owners wanted to keep them online. You can fault Germany for not building new modern reactors, but the old ones had to be shut down.

2 replies

Shouldn't that be g/person not g/kwh? E.g. when travelling to the US I was astonished to see escalators going at night with no one around. In Germany they stop at night. Or Germany uses lots of public transport while the US doesn't. Which reflects in the numbers, the US has much higher g/person compared to Germany (Didn't look into Portugal).

1 replies

I think both metrics have their value. g/kwh gives you nice overview at how clean the energy is, and there is value in optimising that figure.

The problem with measuring CO2 per person is that it is heavily influenced by the wealth level of the country's population. Poor counties have very low CO2 emissions, but people in wealthy countries wouldn't want to trade their living standards for those of a poor country. That would arguably be worse than climate change in the first place.

So optimising for CO2 g/kwh allows us to reduce our emissions without reducing our quality of living. Which is great.

That being said, I agree that running escalators at night is a terrible waste of energy.

0 replies

"kWh per hour worked" would be an interesting comparative metric, like the Big Mac index.

1 replies

Interestingly, you don't give a source for Germany, which according to this source has much lower emissions per kWh these last days:

And even this source is a bit dubious, as there's no clear correlation between the amount of coal and gas and the emissions. Presumably they also count imported energy.

0 replies

The sources are the same [1].

You can see the instant consumption today at 653g/kwh [2] and normalized over a month here 416g/kwh [3].

Values are also aligned with what other specialized sources estimate [4]

You can also extract similar numbers on the site of European Union itself [5]

Wierdly I have more doubts about the partiality of the data of your source. Specially when tags itself as "EnergyWiende" in the title.

Presumably they also count imported energy.

It does not. These number account only for production.

Germany numbers considering consumption are generally better because most of its neighbours have cleaner electricity production than Germany (excepted Poland).






0 replies

What I find strange is that there is always someone who is arguing for nuclear and against renewable. Or other way around. That is something what fossil-fuel industry likes.

0 replies

Lies, damn lies....

All these metrics should just support a much needed trend towards renewables. For me the metric days off grid is very compelling, that is what we are trying to achieve aren't we? PT is at 6 out of 365, where is DE? It helps to motivate others in a positive manner.

And on your topic, nuclear is a pipe dream. It is a toy for politicians to evade the raw fact that very hard measurements are needed (tax flying, much higher fossil energy pricing, tax on meat, tax on children, etc). Governments cannot buy their way out of this mess, I have no confidence at all other then spending on infrastructure, that government spending will solve the climate crisis.

0 replies

Nice to see you here, and thanks for posting this.

0 replies

You seem to be making some kind of category error here as "Hydro" is also renewable.

0 replies

Interestingly, these facts are not praised in the press as much as "Country X has been able to run renewable for X hours".

No different from reporters covering "Man bites dog" rather than "Dog bites man"

0 replies

Much better than most of the world actually, certainly 2x to 4x better than most US states. Your references are outliers, making it seem that Portugal is a high emitter which is false, relatively speaking. Even without looking at your source its clear that the 3 countries you selected have access to huge amounts of hydro and/or nuclear.

Just look at the map, Portugal is still ranking pretty good globally.

0 replies

<3 Germany <3

61 replies

If you need the gas plants ready to dispatch at any moment, can you still say you are running on 100% renewables?

28 replies

As long as the gas plants aren't burning any natural gas, I would say that's fair.

Standing by to supplement power on load spikes is one of the primary roles of gas plants (together with pumped hydro), and that they didn't need to supply any electricity over those six days is noteworthy.

From a climate standpoint there also isn't much wrong with having generating capacity in fossil fuels, what matters is how many greenhouse gases and how much pollution they put out. Which isn't much if they are just standing by.

27 replies

Of course if they had a nuclear base they wouldn't even need the natural gas plants.

12 replies

How would they regulate fluctuations in demand? Nuclear can’t do that. You need storage, or a reasonably scalable generation medium. Nuclear as a base load is moot

6 replies

Nuclear can’t do that

You are repeating a myth.

Load following is used in France:

It mostly isn't used in the US due to regulations.

The reason load following is not generally used is because because the economics of nuclear (large fixed costs) favour base load.

3 replies

You can technically use nuclear power plants as load followers in much thr same way that you can technically keep warm by setting $50 bills on fire.

Load following with a nuclear plant basically means provisioning a 2GW plant and then using, say, 0.5GW of that - throwing away the rest.

(since the vast majority of the cost is capex not fuel)

Every kilowatt hour produced by that 2GW power plant is already 5x the cost of a kilowatt hour produced by a wind farm. If you assume it is used for load following that goes from 5x-20x depending on capacity utilization.

Pumping water uphill (snowy 2, coire glas, etc) is way way WAY cheaper and the geography to do that is ridiculously common.

Electrolyzing water and storing hydrogen underground is way cheaper too, and can be stored for months cheaply.

2 replies

Nuke plant -> btc mining with excess load when load is not demanded Nuke plant -> consumers when in demand

Pretty easy equation, much more reliable and much more scalable and not subject to the whims of the elements / can be done anywhere and on any planet in the solar system.

1 replies

BTC mining is the exact opposite of scalable: there's a fixed supply of BTC available to mining, so you can only pay for so many nuclear power plants with it. Even the entire bitcoin market cap is about enough for 20 nuclear power plants, optimistically (and that's ignoring the cost of the miners themselves, risk, etc, etc).

0 replies

Mining fees will more than cover mining costs when the block reward becomes negligible. The use case of balancing excess power generation and load profitably is real and would significantly reduce carbon emissions if understood & properly implemented. Instead of approaching with emotions, I recommend investigating ideas with an open mind.

Beyond that, bitcoin works and is here to stay. It is the first sovereign currency free from the tyranny of small minded rulers. It will always have significant and likely increasing value over time, and its pattern of value generation (bound to physics / energy) will always exist now in one form or another.

1 replies

It’s mentioned that it runs the equipment harder, and France did have to shut down a large number of plants for maintenance recently:

0 replies

Load-following runs the equipment harder, indeed.

There are safety-related limits (power modulation proportion, duration of a pause needed after each modulation, modulations frequency...) to nuclear load-following capacity, and the very combustible status is a major parameter.

Pertinent document (French ahead!):

Quote: « un réacteur peut varier de 100 % à 20 % de puissance en une demi-heure, et remonter aussi vite après un palier d’au moins deux heures, et ce deux fois par jour »

Proposed translation: "a reactor power output can vary from 100% to 20% in 30 minutes, then after 2 hours can go back to 100% at the same speed, and can cycle this way 2 times per day".

This is quite a good performance when it comes to load-following (French engineers are very good at this), however it is insufficient in the real world (save any ridiculously expensive over-provision of nuclear reactor, most idling) and very weak compared to gas turbines performances.

Even in nuclear-packed France (which exports electricity) fossil fuels are also burnt in order to produce electricity since nuclear's inception, for most of the load-following and peak (about 9% in 2021), and it would be much worse without hydro.

On the other hand green hydrogen (produced by intermittent renewables at over-electric-generation time) can be stored then used at insufficient-generation time.

3 replies

Control rods modulate the output.

1 replies

Not quickly

0 replies

Not great, not terrible

0 replies

Fuel cost is a somewhat minor cost for nuclear plants, so it's not much worth to do it

0 replies

Didn’t Germany just put its nuclear power plants on standby instead of shutting them down last year

11 replies

Nuclear is emphatically not an instant-on hot backup. Plants take time to spool up, and very importantly time to cool down. Fukushima happened because you can't just turn a reactor off, it produces energy that has to go somewhere while the intermediate fission products decay over hours-to-days.

7 replies

In this scenario you could just run the nuclear plant all the time, but just direct its electric production to heating a giant pool of water or whatever.

Then when the grid needs more power you do less of that, and instead send electricity to the grid.

4 replies

Yes, but the point is that the problem is isomorphic to wind or solar: you get power when you don't want it. So nuclear isn't backstopping any particular need, it has the same drawbacks. The reason gas plants are used as peaker plants is that they can be turned on and off more or less instantly.

3 replies

You're just assigning magical value to "turn it off".

That's only a big deal with fossil fuels due to the fuel cost, the fuel cost of nuclear is marginal.

Yes, I agree that it's stupid to build a (big) nuclear power plant only to use it to boil an Olympic sized swimming pool most of the time.

But that's stupid because we're over-relying on "green" energy that can't provide baseload power.

It's even more stupid with fossil fuels, now you also need an entirely different backup infrastructure, but the fossil one pollutes much more than nuclear.

2 replies

The problem with your logic is, that nuclear is _only_ competitive with a 100% utilization rate/capacity factor. Only with these 90+% capacity factors do you get to competitive rates per kWh produced. Otherwise the initial CapEx is just too large, especially in a non-zero rate environment, as these plants are _already_ scoped/calculated/financed to 40 years. At 90+% capacity factor! That amount of CapEx is basically impossible without either very high earning potential (that’s why TSMC works. Everyone will just pay their price) or government backing (because then you don’t have to care about financing and optionality costs and can just pay for it with taxes). Neither one will be possible, at least in western societies

(And yes this ignores a certain amount of externalities, like the tendency of requiring large scale evacuations in their surroundings every second decade, but we can set that aside, as it’s irrelevant for the economic argument above)

0 replies

At some point society will realize comparing power pricing to the lowest cost per kwh on a given day is a silly waste of time.

What matters is what is the most realistic mix of power generation and storage for 24x7 reliability. This can of course look very different depending on the situation. Many will argue for distributed storage (e.g. home batteries) - but that just means poor people don't get reliable electric service.

I really don't find that solar is "too cheap to meter" during peak sunlight very interesting. Who cares. What I find interesting is that I can turn a dial on my nuclear power plant to whatever it is I feel like at any time, and have it operating at that capacity within an hour or three.

Since we have such a dial, if you owned both the solar and the nuclear plants you would very likely combine them in a manner that maximizes profits while maintaining continuous service. Short of clouds, regional solar and wind prediction is extremely good to the point that modern nuclear plants may as well be load following. Add in a bit of battery for those minutes (hours max) that surprise you and you're good to go on that front.

You still will need some gas peaker plants for those crazy once-in-a-decade days you don't want to overbuild nuclear capacity for, but you could drastically reduce this infrastructure from what is effectively a 1:1 ratio today.

0 replies

I'm speaking in terms of what we should do. I realize this isn't workable in practice for various reasons.

The main reason is that we price pollution and radiation control into nuclear plants, but fossil fuel plants get a free pass.

0 replies

Electrolyzing water to make hydrogen for ammonia (fertilizer) and industrial chemical feed stocks, please.

0 replies

Or powering GPU compute centers. When the grid needs more power, these dynamically power down (raise LLM generation prices)

2 replies

Nuclear is emphatically not an instant-on hot backup. Plants take time to spool up, and very importantly time to cool down

All modern nuclear plants work in load following mode with ability to change ant the rate of 3-5% of their rated capacity per minute.

Graph and text on page 8:

Fukushima happened because you can't just turn a reactor off,

Fukushima happened because the plant was hit with both an earthquake and a flood significantly exceeding its operational parameters (already extremely high)

1 replies

Nobody seems to get that these operational parameters were set and approved and told to be save and then they were still exceeded, lol.

0 replies

This was literally the definition of a black swan event: "an event that comes as a surprise, has a major effect, and is often inappropriately rationalized after the fact with the benefit of hindsight"

0 replies

This guy doesn't understand nuclear

0 replies

No? Either you have enough nuclear to cover 100% of peak demand, in which case you just run them exclusively (at a terrible capacity factor) because nuclear is almost exclusively capex, or you don't, in which case you need gas peakers.

10 replies

Yes - the plants are on standby, not consuming much beyond a "pilot light" worth of natural gas and not putting energy into the national grid.

This is quite different to coal fired power generation which doesn't have low energy standby mode with rapid online to full generation ramping up in the manner of gas fired turbines.

During the six day period the national grid was supplied only with energy from renewable sources.

9 replies

At what cost?

2 replies

At the cost of building enough solar and wind farms to supply the nation I would guess, with additional costs to upgrade the distribution infrastructure for smarter load balancing, etc.

It's quite possible Portugal has put out a white paper on their transition toward renewable energy that you can find with some hunting about.

Wikipedia has a rough overview that'll provide some points to drill down further into if you're interested in the per capita comparative costings of a hybrid national power scheme.

1 replies

Is this the paper you're referencing or something else? "long-term strategy for carbon neutrality of the portuguese economy by 2050" [pdf, english]

0 replies

At a glance it looks like a paper worth reading so yes, that's the kind of paper I'd chase down (and still look for others).

Most countries have policy and costing papers, most companies file technical reports with stock exchanges, fossil fuel companies such as BHP have fat technical reports on the energy demands that they meet and project - these are all sources for hard data that can be compared (after normalising for apples V oranges).

The US is a mixed bag - Federal infomation is free and transparent, digging into details can get harder. The UK has a good civil service that puts out a lot of infomation on things that affect policy - from crime to consumption to energy use.

My comment was intended to encourage the user asking "at what cost" to form a better question and pursue their own answers.

1 replies

Good question! At what cost do the externalities of fossil fuels come? What is the cost of inaction?

What are you trying to achieve with this banal line of questioning?

0 replies

What's the cost of maintaining both green energy plants & non-green plants for Portugal? What's the cost of electricity there? Is it subsidized (perhaps heavily)?

1 replies

Around 9 eurocents per kWh

0 replies

Depends on the location, plenty of places are lower than that even.

0 replies

On one hand, solar and wind are very cheap - significantly cheaper than fossil fuels. On the other hand, you still also need either a significant amount of fossil fuel capacity or energy storage available to kick in during hours when solar and wind can't provide as much production. So instead of building enough fossil fuel production for 110% of your peak need, you might lower that to 50% and then still also build 110% of your need in renewable energy -- so you'd be over-capitalized at a total installed capacity of fossil fuels + renewables at about 160% of peak need.

So, marginal cost is lower. Total capital outlay might be higher. Portugal provides energy at an average of 9.7¢ / kWh which presumably is high enough to pay back all the capital costs in addition to the marginal costs. Mississippi only has 1% renewables and provides electricity at 11.55¢ / kWh.

So it would appear at a very rough glance that the answer to "At what cost?" is..."Negative cost".

0 replies

Wind and solar are cheap as chips. Hydro has always been cheaper than alternatives, where the geography is favorable.

8 replies

People like these small wins.

Population of Portugal is 10.5 million people.

We have such a long way to go.

Global fossil fuel will hopefully peak by the end of the decade.

7 replies

People like these small wins.

And for good reason, it proves wrong the mainstream thinking that this is impossible. Quite a few countries already run the full year over 90% renewable[1] and we still neglect it with all kind of excuses.


2 replies

a lot of data there is pre-covid, would be interesting to see what’s happening today - especially in Europe, with the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war on energy markets.

1 replies

This contains data up to Jun 2023 for the EU.

"The first half of 2023 saw a collapse in EU fossil generation, leading to the lowest output on record. Wind and solar continued their growth, with solar generation increasing by 13% and wind by 5%. Hydro and nuclear are recovering from their historic lows in 2022, though their long term outlook is uncertain."

The section "Wind and solar are leading the renewables charge" has graphs for each EU country showing H1 TWh generation by either fossil or renewables.

0 replies


2 replies

We still neglect what? There is incredible pressure to build renewables.

1 replies

Ask the countries that keep building coal and gas power plants, polluting the only planet we have.

0 replies

If only they all listened to you! I don't have all the answers but a few of the ones I researched that are being built are needed to ensure people have heating through the winter in the next 3-7 years until reliable other solutions appear.

0 replies

Sort that by percent of renewables and then check the hydro.

If you have lots of hydro you can have 90% plus renewables.

5 replies

Yes? If you’re not burning gas, there’s no issue.

4 replies

The issue is that renewables require extensive, expensive redundancies which are misleadingly excluded from the ubiquitous “renewables are cheaper” studies.

1 replies

Not really. Most real world studies take this into account.

It's still way cheaper than nuclear.

0 replies

no, they do not. The vast majority of studies that estimate the LCOE for renewable generators consider only the spot price of electricity and OPEX costs. The cost of reliability is absolutely not factored into this energy cost.

1 replies

First give me a world that runs on 90% renewables all the time. The last 10% is really not something that will have weight. Actually I consider complaining about that bad faith. Too many countries run on pretty much majority fossils, reducing that has the largest impact and setting an example will help there. A world where we run on 90% renewables is a good one.

0 replies

First of all, to avoid the 2 degrees warming threshold, we need to be at net 0 emissions in like 10 years. Which absolutely requires 0% fossil fuels in electricity and heating, all year round, all over the world. 10% fossil fuels in electricity is nowhere close to good enough.

Secondly, the current best for renewables is nowhere close to 90% year round. Those 6 days in the article are a huge record for Portugal. 90% would essentially mean 330 days of exclusive renewables use, which no one in the world is close to, except maybe Iceland.

1 replies

If I have a hybrid car and I make a trip that doesn’t use the engine, are you saying I can’t say I didn’t use the engine because I could have?

0 replies

Or that it’s misleading to say you drove an electric car?

0 replies

Don’t you have a backup for your files? Do you not have a savings account?

0 replies

For those six days they could. But even if we need fossil fuel as backup for some time, burning a lot less of it means we don't cook the planet as much.

0 replies

This is not a misleading headline.

0 replies

"If you need..." misses the point.

The point of the article was that there is sufficient renewable capacity that the standby wasn't needed, for six days. So that's a milestone of some sort. Or, if not a milestone, then at least a checkpoint that shows that seven, eight, ten, or twenty days is only a matter of continuing to scale up.

32 replies

Note that since about 2021 renewables have overtaken fossil-based sources of energy on price. New installations of utility scale wind and solar PV are now cheaper than their alternatives. Not to mention protection from price fluctuations in the cost of fuels needed to power fossil fuel plants.

11 replies

Alas only at 0% interest rates. When you factor in 5% rates they are below again

10 replies

Source for this? I would think inflation in construction and maintenance costs for traditional generation would still keep it more expensive.

6 replies

For renewables, most of the cost is up front, then they're cheap to run because they don't need fuel. (High capex, low opex.) Fossil fuel plants have more of a mix of upfront and operating costs. High interest rates make it expensive to borrow the upfront cost of renewables.

3 replies

I did some googling about this issue. Roughly I searched: natural gas/solar/wind construction cost per MW in United States

I found: Natural gas: ~1200 USD/kW, Solar: ~1500 USD/kW, Wind: ~1500 USD/kW

Let us say that solar and wind is about 25% more expensive to build. All types have high up front costs, so interest rates will affect nearly equally. However, operations for solar and wind must be way cheaper over 10/20/30 year time frame. To be fair, I never read anything about maintenance costs for solar and wind. It certainly isn't zero, as the wind turbine will need periodic servicing, and the solar panels need to be cleaned.

1 replies

To be fair, I never read anything about maintenance costs for solar and wind.

Indeed. Those costs are never counted (e.g. how do you service and repair offshore wind farms in the middle of the North Sea). As the costs of decommissioning and replacements are never counted either. Neither are the costs of overprovisioning required for renewables.

0 replies

Of course these costs are counted. You do realise these are companies running these North Sea windfarms and selling the electricity to the grid? Do you think they suddenly go, "Oh, we forgot about maintenance costs! We're losing money now!"

They sell to the grid at a price that makes them a profit. How did you think this all worked?

0 replies

Lazard has a nice chart on this in their annual LCOE report.

This link is to one from a couple of years ago that I found on the web, but you can look up the latest one in their PDF:

Some things are affected more than others, especially nuclear, but it doesn't really swap relative positions to any great degree.

0 replies

On the other hand fossil fuel costs are risky, and if we plan to steer away from the worst climate disaster using policy tools, the cheap fuel will be gone within a plan't lifetime.

0 replies

there is another important metric that most of these cost calculations ignore - the cost of reliability. Renewable generators create this problem due the variable and uncertain nature of their fuel. The cost of dealing with this is not paid by them.

1 replies

says me. i invest heavily here and do own maths. look to capital vs op costs of renewable

0 replies

I have, what you may be missing is current interest rates are linked to high inflation rates which drive up the long term costs of fossil fuels. If inflation drops and interest rates drop you can refinance your renewables.

The calculation depends on how good the specific location is for wind/solar but outside of unusually poor areas, like the UK, solar is easily the cheapest option.

0 replies

there might be privileged financing somewhere i'm not aware of but it's a tough space rn. had breakfast with someone who's been in financing and constructing these for a long time and he's still working on it but much tougher.

if you want a public markets proxy, look at invesco's solar etf; down by around half. sedg is down 75%

existing infrastructure is more maintenance than construction

8 replies

Why did they cancel all the wind power plants in New Jersey even though they are cheaper?

3 replies

Back before the interest rate increases even barely tenable projects were doable. Cost of financing is higher now, so the risk equation changes. That company is still going ahead with a project in New York, and Jersey has another wind projected lined up from another company. Wouldn't take this single data point as indicating anything meaningful

2 replies

Yeah, start-upsnonly fail because of the interest rate hike and not because they are unsustainable businesses. But other sectors requiring serious financing are absolutely not affected... Not.

1 replies

Ørested isn't a startup, it's a decades-old energy company which built the first off-shore wind turbines. It used to be called DONG, Danish Oil and Natural Gas.

0 replies

And their projects still need outside funding. Funding which is impacted by inflation and intrest rates, expoaing the project, and hence the company behind it, to financial impacts the same way start-ups are: money all of a sudden isn't free anymore.

1 replies

Offshore wind is also the most expensive form of wind/solar.

With financing getting more expensive its almost certain that some of the more financially on the edge projects would get cancelled and since offshore wind is easily the most expensive, it’s unsurprising that in renewable energy those are the projects getting cancelled.

0 replies

It's more reliable than onshore though.

There are offshore wind farms with nearly equivalent capacity factors to some (aging) french nuclear power plants.

0 replies

Orsted backed out of the deal.

0 replies

Wealthy influential people didn't want to look at windmills.

5 replies

Does take in account oil taxes and renewable subsidies?

3 replies

You got it backwards. Fossil fuels are subsidized, 7 trillion dollars per year:

2 replies

I knew somebody was going to regurgitate this.

That's if you make up some number for fossil fuel externalities and count it as a subsidy. Pollution from fossil fuels is a very real and very big issue but it has been presented in such a way that people think governments are actually giving oil companies trillions of dollars in direct subsidies. No other business has had this kind of math applied to it. The fossil fuel industry is taxed heavily from when the oil comes out of the ground to people pumping gas into their cars, it is a huge tax revenue generator.

I really want to emphasizes the "make up a number" part. Trying to understand the physical part of climate change is already a monstrous task with big uncertainty. From there trying to to estimate economic effects is basically impossible.

1 replies

Big [citation needed]

0 replies

Citation needed for that number, I suppose, because the number is absolutely made up. There is no way to determine the cost of the externalities of fossil fuels (if they exist). Even if we were to say that CO2 is causing global warming so we need to remove it from the atmosphere, such technology does not yet exist, so we don't know how much it would cost.

0 replies

Perhaps. But let's not forget oil subsidies and renewable taxes...

3 replies

The backlog of hooking variable load sources to the US electric grid is very long, often requires retrofitting the grid, and cost is borne by the generator.

It's not as simple as having the capacity because power is used the instant it's produced.

2 replies

IIRC there are actually starting to be wind, solar and pumped hydro sited at former coal mines and plants because they already have transmission capacity. (In the case of pumped hydro, a coal mine can also act as a big hole with an elevation difference to drive a turbine.)

1 replies

There's lots of exciting progress happening with underground mechanical storage like this. It's so interesting that the U.S. DOE has been studying underground pumped hydro since at least the 1980.(

Today: - Hydrostor just signed a near $1 Billion contract to build their first underground facility in California using advanced compressed air with water to help efficiency. See also: Green Gravity, Gravitricity, Terrament, Renewell, RheEnergise, and more.

0 replies

My comment is less about storage and more about the physics of the Grid (not an expert though so fact check me) It's largely one giant multitenant pool of both capacity and consumption with Voltage being the indicator.

Variable load sources often change transmission requirements on existing lines because there can be power draw increase between A and B where previous there was less generation at A.

0 replies

what about flucation of solar radiation and wind force?

16 replies

Huge waves in Portugal, when I visited. I'm guessing it's the wind coming off the Atlantic Ocean is strong and steady. And somewhat not common.

Where I live, for most of the Winter the sky is overcast with clouds. So that somewhat limits solar panels. But I'm sure California is great place for them.

7 replies

Tidal, waves, hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass. Many options to choose from, it just takes political will.

6 replies

Did you know that tidal energy is actually not renewable? Harvesting tidal energy slightly slows the rotation of the planet over time. Here's a quote from the relevant paper by Liu:

Based on the average pace of world energy consumption over the last 50 years, if we were to extract the rotational energy just to supply 1% of the world's energy consumption, the rotation of the Earth would lock to the Moon in about 1000 years.
1 replies

That paper assumes that the worlds energy will keep increasing at the average rate from the last 50 years for 1000 years.

That’s a terrible assumption. First because the rate has been slowing (even before Covid), and second because the end result of that extrapolation is more energy than we could every hope to produce without building Dyson spheres around stars.

If you do similar calculations we’d cause severe problems harvesting that much energy from wind or geothermal as well.

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Hmm have you asked intel and nvidia about that?

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I did not. And find mind boggling that we have the ability to virtually stop earth rotation in such a small timeframe with that little effort. I'll definitely read more about it.

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There’s discussion about that piece here:

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Solution: in summer we pump the tides higher with PV, and in winter we draw them down.

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7 replies

Any story like this always summons up people eager to cry 'But where I am is an exception'.

They rarely say where they actually are.

The thing that most countries - a convenient non-geo construct only because most countries have a national grid - who claim to be exceptional have in common, is a firm commitment to the idea that they are exceptional. I am reminded of that onion headline that ends 'says only nation where this regularly happens'.

I concede that it's possible you happen to live somewhere that is out of reach of a grid that in turn has potential feeds from hydro (pumped or otherwise), solar pvc, solar thermal, geothermal, tidal, wind, and so on.

But I doubt that's likely to be the case.

(That you mention California makes me assume you're somewhere in the USA.)

6 replies

I don't want to call it delusional, because green technology is feasible in some places. But in a lot of places and applications it's not just that it doesn't work, it's not feasible to ever work. Inflation is bad enough now. To blindly push it like a communist ideology...don't be surprised when the lower classes revolt because they can't heat their homes or afford food, due to cost of energy trickling into the price of everything.

This guy explains it better than I can.

4 replies

Yup, this is what I mean about 'we're exceptional' claims.

'It can't work here, and can never work here, because ...' and then followed by some basic math mistakes wrapped up into some wild extrapolations, augmented with some demonstrably pessimistic assumptions that every piece of the stack can't ever get better, or be swapped out for something better.

That suspiciously well-prepared rando on tiktok you used as a citation - the comments attached to that thread quite rightly point out his math mistakes, around hydro generation, dam sizes, and so on.

He's also assuming that rail will never augment / replace large tracts of (currently) road transport - which is a despairingly safe claim in the USA, where rail infrastructure is just awful, but it doesn't need to be forever.

He then assumes the only way you can 'green' truck transport is to use current-tech (Lithium) batteries - this is obviously not the case, and Lithium / solid state batteries are probably NOT the answer there anyway.

He says the logging truck uses 2.5 MW (not MWh) of power per day - and then talks about '3 megawatt battery pack' - not MWh.

Essentially he's ignoring the fact that the height of technology that is transport infrastructure today is the result of a century of roads, mining/drilling, refineries, fuel distribution, engine/truck design.

He's effectively repeating that standard trope - 'green tech' at year #10 isn't as integrated as fossil tech at year #100, so it can be dismissed.

Clearly some practice has gone into reciting this rant, but it's not a compelling argument for the 'we can't get there from here' camp.

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He built his own electric logging truck:

If you think BC's mountainous forests can be logged using rail lines ... I don't know what to tell you. The rest is you projecting "exceptional claims" about green technology, that amount to wishful thinking.

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Not viewing the tiktok links so I don't know the full context, but 98% of BC's power is from "clean, renewable sources" apparently:

BTW, eventually "green" energy _has_ to work, because sooner or later, fossil fuels are going to run out. I mean, the sooner we figure this out in an effective way, the better. It's literally pointless to argue against the inevitability of needing truly renewable energy.

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fossil fuels are going to run out

Depends on what you mean by "run out".

In reality, it will never actually run out. It will just keep progressively increasing in cost, with progressively less profitable uses for it, which will progressively be replaced by other technologies (including renewables but also others like sustainable aviation fuel).

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Well, he's retrofitted batteries to a diesel, and ended up with a hybrid diesel / electric truck.

I have no idea about local terrain, and really, if the mill(s) are at the bottom of the hills, and there's no longer-haul trucking component to the transport from felling site to mill location that could be better served by rail, then I'll concede that point.

On the other hand, you used this guy's argument to explain why electric trucks can't possible work in this environment.

And then used this same guy's electric truck to demonstrate how they can.

Pick one.

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Pricing externalities correctly is the height of capitalist economic thinking.

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Meanwhile many Portuguese cars are 25+ years old and a portion of them have black exhaust fumes that stink from a 100 meters. As in: proper black smoke coming out of the exhaust as it drives. I don’t know if there are SMOG tests, and if there are, they’re clearly not enforced.

The reality in poorer countries is that pollution reduction is not as much a priority as saving money. So yeah, I mean, I always find it funny when Portugal is presented like this ecological example. Again, it’s not “their fault,” it’s poverty, but let’s not fool anyone here. There are also piles of old furniture, concrete, and other construction materials that people are just in the habit of dumping on the side of the road in most rural areas.

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I could say the same about country side France, Spain, Italy, all of the Balcans including Greece and keep going, including the USA as well. This feels like typical intra-euro "they are poor" so we must be dirty stereotypes reminiscent of the times when we got called PIGS.

For your information the EU average fleet age is 11.8 years, Portugal stands at 13.2 and France at 10.3. Perhaps not the story you're trying to tell.

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Bom dia meu vizinho.

I understand that you disliked my comment. I live in Portugal, and I have lived in France and US as well. I’m sorry to say that people trashing stuff in nature is far worse here than these other countries. You don’t see people dumping fridges or old bathtubs in nature there. I see it in Algarve, Alentejo, outside Lisbon… that + the poop everywhere on the street, I’m sorry man but people don’t have the same standard for respecting nature and keeping the streets clean. Doesn’t mean anything about the people themselves, people are very nice and considerate to each other. I think that’s alright to recognize flaws though.

I mean, 13.2 vs 10.3 is quite a big difference - and that doesn’t address the fact that a lot of these old ‘95 trucks or weird scooter-truck things have pitch dark exhaust fumes and are driving around like nothing’s going on. I’m pretty sure you’d get pulled over by cops and forced to fix your car in France or US. It’s not legal in these countries to drive cars like that. Again, I get that people don’t have the money to get a newer car, I’m not blaming them. Just noting that while the electricity is clean, a lot of progress remains needed in other parts of the economy.

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I too have lived different places and also have traveled a bit, I don't think travelling credentials are needed to identify someone who is living by stereotypes though.

If you want I can send you many pictures of my travels in France so we compare the number of abandoned tractors, completely trashed banlieues and so on. Or I can send you pictures of how Dutch people every week have a day where they dump trash in the sidewalk, the same fridges and old moldy furniture that you speak of, all around the city, or all the bicycles and trash in canals. Or about all the human shit in Paris homeless encanpments that are worse than dog poop in the street of Lisbon, etc.

Obviously I'm a bit defensive, and of course every country has people who don't care, and maybe there's even more in portugal than other places, which I'm glad to accept if you have any data, but you didn't present any data, just your stereotypes based on anecdata.

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Why do I need a new car if mine is working just fine?

I don't get it how common sense went so much out of the window when discussing these issues, that people are now effectively arguing that's more environmentally sound, to build an whole new car, then to use an older one.

It's just blatant propaganda.

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With most items it's blatant propaganda (env friendly clothes when you already have clothes, throwing away plastic bags to use reusable ones, etc), but with cars while there's also propaganda it heavily depends on usage.

Replacing commercial fleets that are involved in shipping, deliveries, mass transporation etc will be net positive for the environment very fast.

Buying an electric car if you have an existing car and don't drive a huge amount per year might never pay off as a private person though. Again it really depends on how much you drive and what the difference is between old and new. I'd bet for most regular people it doesn't make sense to replace a car before it's useful life is up, while for companies it probably makes sense to replace ASAP.

Probably not hard to create a calculator with car models and miles driven per year and establish which models make sense to replace and how soon.

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So you're saying renewables are so cheap now that poor countries that only care about saving money build a ton of them? That sounds like excellent news to me.

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PT used to be very energy dependent due to not having much local fossil fuel. They had to import most of it. Simultaneously, they have a lot of sun, a lot of wind, and the tide. Also turns out it’s warm so they don’t need all that much power. So yeah, renewables are optimal for them in this specific scenario. That’s definitely a positive thing.

It’s good PR but I just find it relevant to point out that it’s not necessarily an “example” beyond that. But yeah, they are getting cheaper. They’re just particularly cheap for a country with great weather and wind with low consumption.

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This is good news people. We’re just not very used to them anymore.

Scaling to 365 days and 8 billion people is harder than 10 million and 6 days. But it’s a nice step in the right direction.

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A very large percentage of the world is already on 100% renewables, they simply don't have grid power. Their footprint is a fraction of the wealthy remainder.

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Who do you think is using renewable power that is not connected to a grid? Poor off-grid communities are pretty much exclusively burning fossil fuels or biomass for primary energy, which are most certainly not carbon-neutral or good for the environment.

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Biomass is carbon neutral.

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There's nothing green about chopping down forests for energy - biomass being called carbon neutral is one of the greenwashing scams of the century.

Whether burned forests are ever regenerated at all is something that I'm incredible sceptical about - there's very little oversight into companies' claims. Even if they are being replanted, you are tearing down potentially primary forest and important habitat and replacing it with tree farms.

Finally, burning wood is incredibly polluting and awful for anyone in the region of said power plants.

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Nobody is chopping down old growth forest to burn in electrical plants.

What happens is that combustible waste and young growth (especially the bits unusable by the lumber industry) get burned. This is a cylcle, not to be compared with coal or oil.

Yes, it's still polluting.

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5 replies

This article promotes a narrative that privatization leads to more renewables. This point lacks nuance as different energy markets that employ privatization can have wildly different ways to involve private firms and vastly different outcomes.

1. The retail competition of Texas, which has the highest renewable energy production in the U.S. [1], but is also a market where consumers overpay for electricity [2].

2. The regulated competition of California where municipalities have the ability to buy electricity in bulk and pass the savings onto the consumer. This ironically leads to more local government involvement in electricity procurement, and also gives private electricity generators more customers to sell to and rate payers at least two options to choose from. This leads to lower electric rates and higher renewable adoption, with some municipalities reaching over 90% renewable adoption [3].

3. Then you have what I call the energy tyranny of Arizona where ratepayer dollars are directed into the pockets of shareholders through legal fictions of “fair and reasonable return” for private investor owned utilities. Private companies are granted monopolies and guaranteed profits. Any form of competition is suppressed, community Solar is essentially rejected by the utility board [4], and the state legislature repealed competition laws to prevent it from being used to compete with utilities [5]. Renewable generation is just 10% of the states energy supply [6] despite having the most favorable conditions for solar in the nation.







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Lower electric rates and California aren’t two words I see together.

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In absolute terms, no. In relative terms California CCAs offer their ratepayers lower rates than California utilities.

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A big CA electricity provider was bankrupted a few years ago, so low rates may not be sustainable.

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PG&E was catastrophically mismanaged. They deserved what they got and much more.

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...California where municipalities have the ability to buy electricity in bulk and pass the savings onto the consumer.

Uhh, come again? Price savings? Here in SoCal, I am paying for the most expensive electricity in my life. Almost a 4x multiple of what I was charged in the midwest.

4 replies

The lion share of renewables in Portugal is hydroelectric. The renewable statistics looks good on paper but wind power and PV is still fractional in their contribution. Base load is still assured by Methane 'Natural' gas.

The country has the geography and a long history of politicians focusing on large infrastructure projects, dams are needed for water supply since most water has origin in Spain who itself also hogs it.

The hydro turbines are a bonus on top of water supply since the country has to import most hydrocarbon based fuels.

All countries with the funds for it should continue to invest in Wind and PV but unless we as a collective of nations seriously invest in renewable 'storage' there will never be a renewable assured base load.

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The lion share of renewables in Portugal is hydroelectric.

This is not true. Portugal produces more wind power than it does hydroelectric:

10 TWh versus less than 8 for hydro. Solar is also already past 3 TWh and has barely started in a country with excellent conditions for it. We also already have quite a bit of storage. Hydro already contributes over 3 TWh of storage.

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Even if it wasn't true, why would it matter? Hydroelectric power has no direct carbon emissions either.

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It matters because hydroeletric is a non-intermittent renewable source.

The available hydro does not allow to cover all base load. It needs to be supplemented and the other renewable sources available are by their nature intermittent.

So the problem of energy storage needs to be solved fast in order for gas/coal to be finally sunset.

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Fair, things have changed, I stand corrected. Wind power farms have grown a lot more than I had assumed.

My point still stands storage infrastructure for intermittent renewables (Wind, PV) is still the key problem to solve for Gas/Coal to finally stay in the ground.

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It really doesn't tell what really happened: -This was only due to hydro production... -The amount of rain that fell was consistent along those days, which is definitely not usual. -The energy produced was mainly exported to Spain, but at ZERO or even NEGATIVE euros.

Does this help? Doesn't seem to me! And besides having to pay full price to the renewables producers (while exporting the same energy at ZERO), which amounts to a significant energy deficit, they are talking about even more H2 or whatever schemes??? This is the reason why Portugal has had one of the biggest rises of electricity prices in Europe over the last 15 years...

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In addition, the title "Portugal just ran on 100% renewables" is inherently misleading because it implies the whole country operated free of fossil fuels and should really be "Portugal's electrical grid just ran on 100% renewables". Often less than half of a country's energy usage passes through the grid, with more than half of it being fuel in vehicles, fossil fuel heating, etc.

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That's a real leap to think anyone given that title would assume for six days all vehicles in the country were swapped to electric. Specific to the absurd, implied context isn't misleading.

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When/if the UK gets to this landmark it'll be because the wind was unusually strong.

I don't think that takes away from the achievement.

We also have negative prices on windy days and the interconnects tend to be exporting power to Europe at night.

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This is good news. And while there are problems with achieving 100% renewables year round, from energy storage to geographic country conditions, the world would be much better off when the fossils only are used on these days where there isn't enough renewable energy. No need to go overzealous here for the last few %, I'd be very happy if we manage to globally run the vast majority of the time clean.

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The problem that isn't mentioned in the article is: at what cost to the Portuguese people this achievement was done?

We're already a poor country, and we're kept in mediocrity because we keep getting crushed by rising prices.

So the question is: if we don't get anything positive out of it, other than a green drop in the ocean of pollution which won't change that tide of events, why are we paying a premium for it?

Shouldn't we be one of the last European countries to perform these achievements, until we got the means to do it? Or is Portugal going to collect a tax from those countries that are not performing?

With this, I'm not saying this isn't a positive achievement, of course it is, but the Portuguese people are so numbed from an economic point of view that at least I, and my circle of family and friends, don't rejoice.

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Every country has these problems currently. But people’s money is tacked away in the pockets of the riches and shareholders, something that can and should be solved in different ways than burning dinosaurs. We can not destroy our environment AND distribute wealth more equally, it’s not an „OR“.

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Then that's solving the problem from the top down.

It's like the EU giving tax benefits to those who buy electric vehicles, and slapping taxes on those who burn dinosaurs -> when a lot of those have no choice but to burn dinosaurs, and they have to drive old cars because they can't afford new electric vehicles.

How do you expect "regular people" to be onboard, when they are getting squeezed and penalized for being poor/middle class? It's not like they have a choice.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but the " something that can and should be solved in different ways" should have come first, before anything else, and it's not happening any time soon.

Guess who is paying in the meantime?

The sentiment that fuels extremism and movements that oppose these measures don't pop out in the vacuum.

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For most economies, assuming positive real interest rates, the choice is between natural gas and nuclear. Solar + wind will be the cheapest, and will make up the bulk of primary production. But they won’t replace coal, natural gas, oil and nukes—not in the near term, and certainly not if we’re tooling up for EVs.

Portugal has gone gas. America will, too, in all likelihood. Both will be subsidised by countries without natural gas reserves who have decided to shun nuclear.

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What you say is not true in most places.

EV charging won't raise overall power consumption that much, and the majority of tthe EU will stop burning coal around the 2030's. Nuclear isn't much on the table in Europe, especially since new wind developments produce cheaper power than nuclear plants.

Solar works quite well at lower latitudes, but at higher latitudes in Europe it can work as a supplement to hydro in the summer (as there's less water around then), but it won't play any significant role in power production (some 10s of percentage points perhaps).

Biggest challenge for the next few decades is inertia as well as base load when there's low wind over large geographic areas. We need cheaper (and better) grid scale energy storage. A lot of people forget about the cheaper part.

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EV charging won't raise overall power consumption that much

It does create a better use for batteries. Both for raw materials and talent.

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Solar + wind will be the cheapest, and will make up the bulk of primary production. But they won’t replace coal, natural gas, oil and nukes

Replacement isn't binary, though. What I want is to go like 80-90% solar+wind immediately by following Denmark model but with addition of solar & overbuilding & inter-country sharing. The last-mile is made up of natural gas until cheaper storage tech is invented.

Nuclear can get you to 100% but you have to look at AUC of emissions from now until the future, which is potentially worse for nuclear because it takes longer to build, not to mention the higher financial cost of getting there.

If you really want to make a purely climate argument, you could even say that with the money you save by not going nuclear, you can subsidize renewables in poor countries. Two countries with ~60%+ renewables can be better than one country with 100% nuclear. Notwithstanding the AUC emissions benefit of renewables that I describe above.

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- Portugal electricity prices: ranks top 30% of EU

- Portugal per capita GDP: ranks bottom 30% of the EU

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So if a relatively poor country like Portugal can do it, what excuse do the rich countries have?

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Powerful entrenched interests.

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And how much worse off will a (relatively) low income nation like Portugal be when the serious impact of climate change hit?

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As always, this is the electrical grid only, not all the other stuff a nation will need various type of energy for. Still it's a major stepping stone.

Back in 2006/2007 I had a job as a consultant for an energy trading company and it was huge the first day when the entire country ran solely on wind power. If was during the Christmas holidays, so less power was used overall, but still it was absolutely a huge deal for us. After that if has just been more and more days on renewable energy powering the majority of grid and more and more frequently 100% renewable.

I get the problem that it's only for a short time and then Portugal is back at emitting CO2, but it also does mean that they are moving in the right direction and it's only going to get better.

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not all the other stuff a nation will need various type of energy for

like what?

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Heating (and hot water), transportation, industry (which to be fair is also often heating). You can't make cement for instance with electricity, you can't produce enough heat, you need gas (or coal). You can use the electricity to make hydrogen and use that for heat, but then your electricity needs to be really cheap/free, because gas isn't actually that expensive.

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Wait until you learn how many days did Uruguay run on renewables.

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Did you mean Paraguay? They are 100% hydro. So is Albania.

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Hydro generation works great if the climate plays along - Zimbabwe and Keyna is struggling at the moment due to low water levels which has put some plants out of commission.

They now switching to geothermal.

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Green power is working like a business of child of rich parent. The child may do the business, but in case of problem, then can alway ask his daddy(fossil fuel) to help. There is no sence to analize portugail or sweden seprarately, because they are a part of EU energy system and can infinitely get energy in case of lack of wind or solar.

For e.g. in germany 60% of energy is produced from renewable source, but there are weeks when it is only 10%. So you have to have coal or gas station to compensate it