Yet this country continues to throw their hands up in the air and do nothing.
It's not that. It's that most people in the USlikecar-centric culture, andlikesuburbs. They don't want to live in dense spaces and have to rely on transit.
I disagree with these people, but politicians are not going to be able to enact the things you've described without getting kicked out of office by the people who don't actually want them to do these things.
The rise in SUV and “modern truck” sales doesn’t help either. USA transportation infrastructure is fundamentally broken. We spend trillions of dollars (highway infra, street infra, parking infra, new builds and subsequent maintenance) on this inefficient transportation system and it’s slowly starving us to death.
We need to end this car centric transportation hell hole we are in. Make our infra as difficult as possible for these modern SUVs and trucks and suddenly the office workers commuting from age Styx will decrease (ie, make commute times soar, parking fines increased, decreasing available parking, narrowing roads, get rid of archaic “parking minimums” for buildings)
The suburban experiment is a tremendous failure supported by endless subsidies (federal, state, local). We need to be more efficient in urban planning. Give back the land stolen for highways, redirect them so they do not run through urban cores.
So much we can do. Yet this country continues to throw their hands up in the air and do nothing.