Point #2 is correct, but there’s no good reason it _has_ to be correct. Why can’t we tell management that a question they asked is non-sensical? The answer of course is that you don’t buck the hierarchy. But this adherence to hierarchy doesn’t actually help the business. It seems like this is a value which needs to be more easily discarded.
Having been at different levels in engineering (from junior up through C) there are a few things I've learned along the way.
(1) Everyone needs to operate in good faith. I've observed leaders ask their direct reports for something off-hand, without giving it more than 5 seconds of thought. I've watched direct reports operate as a "human command line", requiring precise syntax before they'll act. Don't be either of these type of people.
(2) If you're a manager/leader, there are no "one-off" requests. Any ask carries an implicit priority over everything else. You have to work within the overall system and environment, otherwise you are forcing your team to make choices about those things. Don't be this kind of manager/leader.
(3) If you're the one receiving an ask, help your requestor understand what's involved. Eliminate implicit assumptions; that's where the dragons lie. Communicate, inform, educate. Nail down what the requestor wants and be sure you both agree.
We do these things in the name of efficiency, of not wanting to waste time if it's not necessary. I've found if we all try to help each other in these requestor-requestee situations, it generally makes life much more tolerable.